A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

10 October 2011

10 OCT.

We participate in a tragedy; at a comedy we only look.


Dylan Radio Player



1_Bill Cunningham

2_Bill Cunningham

3_Bill Cunningham


Alex Jones - 2011-Oct-09, Sunday


Rense & Dr Farrel - Babylon's Banksters Here and Now - YouTube

Armed Chinese Troops in Texas! - YouTube

Herman Cain Continues His Stupid Remark Campaign | Political Crush

Arizona Sheriff Explains Fast And Furious - YouTube

4um: Jews Killed Millions

Paulson loses more in September, fund now off 47 percent - Yahoo! News

CAFR School: What Is A Commingled Fund? - YouTube

Activist Post: The Shift

Bed Bug Insecticides Causing Sickness | Natural Society

FBI Director Vows More Use of ‘Lone Wolf’ Provision of Patriot Act -- News from

BOATLIFT (HD Version) - An Untold Tale of 9/11 Resilience - YouTube

Blackwater: This Time Its Your House


*Forum: (


* Reality Check - Alan Watt / 1:27:55

$ITE$ -(

Order Annual * Reports(

* - Free Guides and Packages


Mere Protest is for Wimps; Revolutionaries Are Into Taking Power — How Occupy Wall Street Can Create a General Strike to Dump Obama «

Ron Paul finds GOP ideals shifting in his direction - The Washington Post

Values Voter straw poll organizers suggest a fix in Ron Paul's win - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Solyndra emails: Obama fundraiser 'pressured officials to approve loan guarantee' | Mail Online


+ Audio:60 min./After Words: Jim Lehrer, "Tension City: Inside the Presidential Debates from Kennedy-Nixon to McCain-Obama," hosted by Gloria Borger, CNN

+ Audio:60 min./After Words: Dana Priest, "Top Secret America: The Rise of the New American Security State," hosted by Douglas Feith, Hudson Institute


C-SPAN Video Library(


* Ron Paul - Bio - C-SPAN Video Library(


Steve Jobs Had LSD. We Have the iPhone – TIME Healthland

Prophetic Pillars on St. John the Divine Cathedral? | The Vigilant Citizen

Scientists at Cern's Large Hadron Collider near end of the search for the Higgs boson | Science | The Observer

Time Capsule Found At Former Bellevue Hospital Medical College « CBS New York

Activist Post: The invisible surveillance state: DHS and the end of America as we know it - Occupy Wall Street is COINTELPRO (Phony Opposition)

Overlapping ParallaHas 'Occupy America' Already Been Controlled?

Occupy Atlanta Silences Civil Rights Hero John Lewis! - YouTube

Overlapping Parallax Views

'Rush' for new nuclear power plants condemned - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

Tony Blair's charity staff discover gold in Africa - Telegraph

Libya S.O.S.: Libya rebels: Human Trafficing mafia in Benghazi


Obama - Sacrificing Palestine For Zionist Campaign Funds

As many as 3700 post offices to be closed… « Sfaw News

Venus Ozone Layer Found: Possibility of Alien Life? - International Business Times

Video: Space rover prepares for Mars in Tenerife tests - Telegraph

Citizens doubt radiation decontamination mission of IAEA | Australian Cannonball Nuclear News – Debunking nuclear energy one post at a time…

Comet Elenin—the Debate that Never Happened |


ArchivePage:The Intelligence Report(




Fast and Furious Bombshell: Has Eric Holder Been Caught Lying to Congress? - HUMAN EVENTS

Buying Counterfeit Chips from China

Does Fast and Furious Put Impeachment on The Table? |

U.S. Government Used Taxpayer Funds To Buy, Sell Weapons During 'Fast And Furious,' Documents Show | Fox News

Secret Fast and Furious Tapes Spring a Watergate-Sized Leak - HUMAN EVENTS

Pajamas Media » Gunwalker and the Foundation of Liberty

"Fast and Furious" Goes All the Way to the White House - HUMAN EVENTS

White House 'strategy' on Project Gunrunner documented

The Top 100 Statistics About The Collapse Of The Economy That Every American Voter Should Know

** G. Edward Griffin

Activist Post: The Journey to Jekyll Island

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Name of the Game is Bailout

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Protectors of the Public

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Home, Sweet Loan

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Nearer to the Heart's Desire

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Building the New World Order

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Barbaric Metal

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Fool's Gold

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Secret Science

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Mandrake Mechanism and Debt Cancellation

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Rothschild Formula

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Sink the Lusitania

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Masquerade in Moscow

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Best Enemy Money Can Buy

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Lost Treasure Map

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Creature Comes to America


*Articles:Weekly Southern African Report


Elizabeth Eckford and Hazel Bryan: the story behind the photograph that shamed America - Telegraph

DuPont Offers Compensation for Dead Trees -


Jihad Is Not Just Murder, Motive Matters | Fox News

Victor Davis Hanson: Obama’s Racial Crisis - Our post-racial president has set race relations...

An unconstitutional killing: Obama's killing of Awlaki violates American principles

Pajamas Media » Gunwalker: Under White House Control?

Roseanne Barr: Behead Bankers, Rich Who Won't Give Up Wealth | RealClearPolitics

Mitt and Rick’s Secret Donor Deal - Yahoo! News

White House sends Hill Fast & Furious docs, but withholds some - Josh Gerstein -

Big Time Scandals by Obama Administration Too Small for Investigation by Mainstream Media?

GSA press release - Giant Kraken Lair Discovered

Rev. Al Sharpton Questions Herman Cain's "Black Authencity" & Slams His Comments About Unemployment & Poverty by Saying "Start with Your Mama" | The Moderate Voice

Hussman Funds - Weekly Market Comment: Talking Points for the "Occupy Wall Street" Protesters - October 10, 2011

Herman Cain Gets Defensive Over 999 Tax Plan, Christian News

Inside the Beltway - Washington Times

Rick Perry's New Ad against Romneycare - Forbes

The Catholic and Ortodox Churches are finally on the right track - Vatican Insider

Michele Bachmann, dropping in polls, vows to fight on - Yahoo! News

Debate: Has President Obama lived up to his Nobel Peace Prize? – Global Public Square - Blogs

Sultan Knish a blog by Daniel Greenfield

Obama: America the Weakling - Page 1 - Jack Bouroudjian - Townhall Finance

51% Don't Want Second Term For President Obama -

Van Jones Praises ‘Non-Violent’ Arab Spring: ‘We Should Have An American Autumn’ |

Local radio host scores Fast & Furious interview with Sharyl Attkisson - Philadelphia Conservative |

Government Targets Online Retailers; I Target New Trade - Page 1 - Crista Huff - Townhall Finance

» Congressman Issa Announces New Subpoenas for Holder, and 100 Fast and Furious Guns Show up in El Paso - Big Government

Chicago Anti-war Protester: “We Don’t Know What We are Doing” | rebelpundit

Romney a Flip-Flop? Used to Be More Liberal Than Ted Kennedy - The Daily Beast

Shocking AP Headline: 'Obama Disconnects Rhetoric, Reality' |

WikiLeaks data is sought secretly | POLITICO 44

Navy eyes dozen new stealth destroyers — RT

Squatters and drug addicts invade Zuccotti Park and Occupy Wall Street protests -

Articles: A History Lesson for Lawrence O'Donnell

Klavan On The Culture » Why Left-Wing Artists Should Not All be Put to Death

RealClearMarkets - The Rising Backlash Against the Rich

Mormonism, Cults, and Christianity, Christian News

Destroying the Republic “for the Children”

Andrew Jackson: TEA party President? Not even close! « Coach is Right

Obama Raises $2.4 Million from Wall Street in One Evening | FDL News Desk

Debating the Cost of Parents' Picking Schools [Michigan Capitol Confidential]

U.S. State Dept. contacts Khan family | & The Charlotte Observer Newspaper

CIS and the Texas Immigrant-Job Myth - Chuck DeVore - National Review Online

The Pre-Trib Rapture In Acts 15:13-18 | GraceThruFaith

How America Fell - Page 1 - Mike Adams - Townhall Conservative

Are You Overpaying For Vitamins? - The Consumerist

Shoe bomber Richard Reid pictured inside US 'Supermax' jail | Mail Online

Occupy Wall Street Faces Reckoning; America Not Paying Attention? - October 10 11 2:03 EDT -

Women have stronger immune systems than men -- and it's all down to X-chromosome related microRNA

Another drug shortage?? (VANITY)

Politico's Top Stories Suggest Site's Liberal Tilt |

Misplaced Rage of Occupy Wall Street - Page 1 - Jeff Carter - Townhall Finance

Jesse Lee Peterson Radio Show Rick Perry and The N***** Head Controversy - YouTube

Jesse Lee Peterson Radio Show--A Closer Look at Herman Cain - YouTube


2012 Senate Outlook is Promising for Republicans (part I) |

2012 Senate Outlook is Promising for Republicans (part II) |


Volcker Rule draft still leaves many gray areas | Reuters Breakingviews

The new, ugly debate about Mitt Romney's Mormon faith will only push him closer to the nomination – Telegraph Blogs

Polygamists Want Equal Marriage Rights - Fox News Video - Fox News

Supreme Court Hears Arguments in Foreign-Copyright Case -

The Bill Cunningham Show

The Bill Cunningham Show -(


Why #OccupyWallStreet? Four Reasons from DC Douglas - YouTube

Geraldo and Fox run away from Wall Street - YouTube

Busking at the Corner of Shit and Go Blind. Reflections in a Petri Dish

EUROZONE UPDATE - Think Tank Says Bailout Fund Will Need $6 Trillion And France Will Lose AAA Rating - Home - The Daily Bail

CEPS Board of Directors(

Meet the PC oligarchy that now rules Britain | Brendan O’Neill | spiked

CNN's Jack Cafferty On Wall Street Protests: "This Isn't A Joke! Media Would Be Well Advised To Take This Seriously" - Home - The Daily Bail

VIDEO - Occupy The Federal Reserve In Dallas - Home - The Daily Bail


Ron Paul at the National Press Club (1/4) - YouTube

Ron Paul at the National Press Club (2/4) - YouTube

Ron Paul at the National Press Club (3/4) - YouTube

Ron Paul at the National Press Club (4/4) - YouTube


Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul has Won Several Straw Polls Including California & South Carolina (& Tied In Iowa!)


Scientists Dispute F.B.I. Closing of Anthrax Case -


Activist Post: Court documents reveal LA County used infiltration agents, hidden cameras, extreme surveillance to target Rawesome Foods

Gov Jerry Brown Sign into Law Kidsl

Activist Post: Court documents reveal LA County used infiltration agents, hidden cameras, extreme surveillance to target Rawesome Foods

Keylogger Virus Hits U.S.Military Drones

Ahmadinejad Nuclear Offer Obama

Herman Cain Tax Food

Occupy Forms Alliance with Obama Lobby Group.

Conversations With Revolutionaries


*Occupy USA Directory - 12160


US jobless epidemic masked by govt statistical shenanigans - YouTube

US, UK will never halt Israeli Violations - YouTube

Quantitative easing - YouTube

VIDEO - Kudlow & Coulter Call Protesters 'Criminals' While Avoiding Discussion Of Wall Street Crimes - Home - The Daily Bail

Delusional NYC Mayor Bloomberg Goes On The Offensive Against Occupy Wall Street :

Occupy The FED Dallas -Theshowmebby - YouTube

Pepe Escobar: Gaddafi gold to boost Libya resistance - YouTube

NYT's Louise Story On How Tim Geithner Convinced NY AG Andrew Cuomo To Back Off Wall Street Prosecutions - Home - The Daily Bail

Memo To The Media: It’s Not 'Anti-Capitalist' To Protest An Industry That Was Saved By Trillions Of Taxpayer Dollars - Home - The Daily Bail

Dead Men Tell No Tales: The CIA, 9/11 and the Awlaki Assassination |

CBC's Kevin O'Leary gets schooled on #Occupy Wall Street movement by Chris Hedges |

Activist Post: Turkey Accused of Killing Kurd Leader – Trying to Trigger Civil War in Syria

PressTV - N. Korea warns of action against South

PressTV - 'US govt. not representing US people'

Documents reveal high school’s policies for fixing students’ failing grades -

FOX NEWS LIES! FOX NEWS LIES! Geraldo Driven Out Of Occupy Wall Street Protest! - YouTube

Jon Stewart, Wars, Cons, & Freedom - YouTube

Anti-Neocons • ATTENTION OWS: Obama and Congress ARE Wall Street

Activist Post: Obama and Congress ARE Wall Street, Geithner IS the Federal Reserve - Now What?

+Image:Screw Us and We Multiply | Flickr

Activist Post: Top Republican: anti Wall Street protests are 'mobs'

Obama at the General Assembly: Sacrificing Palestine for Zionist Campaign Funds | Veterans Today

Occupy Wall St. to a Bank in the Public Interest - YouTube

Egypt May Be Forced to Seek $3 Billion IMF Loan It Rejected: Arab Credit - Bloomberg

Activist Post: Now Law: Vaccines Can be Given to 12-year-olds in CA Without Parental Consent (Video)

Assassinating the Constitution

Suppressing the truth: US and Israeli cover-ups > Global > Redress Information & Analysis

Lone Star Watchdog: Technology Changes the Game. The Leftist Radical Tactics Are Failing OWS Thanks to the Internet and Portable Video Cameras

So-Called Changes in Afghan War Strategy Denote More of the Same -- News from

Former Mossad Chief: Iran Far From Achieving Nuclear Bomb |

Possible Governmental Backdoor found ("case R2D2") - F-Secure Weblog : News from the Lab

Ralph Nader "The Tea Party Now Is Basically The Corporatist Wing Of The Republican Party" - YouTube

Capitalism Collapse? 'Cash grab system cannot survive storm' - YouTube

US jobless epidemic masked by govt statistical shenanigans - YouTube

Occupation movement does not represent the 99% - YouTube

Vets call for resignations, impeachments in Washington

Occupy This: US History exposes the 1%’s crimes then and now. 1 of 6

Who in US “leadership” today will declare the “emperor has no clothes” facts?

3-minute video: US policy causes poverty, terrorism, war to enrich US oligarchs

Gandhi on ending injustice: Speak the truth because Truth is God

If government created money instead of debt: Thomas Edison

*6 Parts/Prison » Break Your Left-Right Conditioning: Alex Jones Sunday Edition

*Infowars Nightly News

Infowars Nightly News for Monday, October 3,2011 (Full) - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News for Tuesday, October 4,2011 (Full) - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News for Wednesday, October 5, 2011 (Full) - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News for Thursday, October 6, 2011 (Full) - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News for Friday, October 7, 2011 (Full) - YouTube


Obama is Political "Dead Meat" - Lyndon Larouche Reports 1/2 - YouTube

Obama is Political "Dead Meat" - Lyndon Larouche Reports 2/2 - YouTube

+ Prison » A Revolution Beyond Left And Right: Remaking The Political Spectrum in The West

Prison » Organizer Labels Own Poll Irrelevant After Ron Paul Wins

U.S. Government Obtains Secret Court Order For Email Data Of WikiLeaks Volunteer | Fox News

Prison » ‘Occupy’ Forms Alliance With Obama Lobby Group

Prison » Armored Vehicles Plow Into Protesting Christians In Cairo

Rep. Issa says Fast and Furious subpoenas will be issued soon -

Prison » Protests: Both Conservatives and Liberals Are Right

Egypt May Be Forced to Seek $3 Billion IMF Loan It Rejected: Arab Credit - Bloomberg

Prison » Schizophrenia? #OccupyWallStreet and love pro-free market, billionaire CEO

Prison » The invisible surveillance state: DHS and the end of America as we know it

Iran Calls Wall Street Protests 'American Spring' | Fox News

Prison » Police Know The Federal Reserve is Private!

Prison » Fed is The Engine of Our Destruction: Stewart Rhodes Reports

Van Rompuy Delays Planned EU Summit by a Week to Oct. 23 - Bloomberg

Prison » Economist: The Financial System Is Broken And Corrupt

US incomes 'fell more after than during recession' - Yahoo! News

Prison » Anti-war demonstrators attacked with pepper spray for protesting at tax payer-funded Air and Space Museum (Video)

Occupy Wall Street Backs a Nationwide Boycott Against Banks-US Business Day-CNBC - CNBC

Cain: 'Why Don't You Move the Demonstrations to the White House?' |

Police 'threatened' me for taking pictures of daughter in shopping centre, dad claims - The Daily Record

NY State Senators Say We've Got Too Much Free Speech; Introduce Bill To Fix That | Techdirt

ROSAT satellite: Out-of-control 3 ton telescope hurtling towards Earth at high speed | Mail Online

Prison » BPA levels in humans far higher than previously thought

David Bismark: E-voting without fraud - YouTube

Egypt Revolt 2.0? 'Militant Islamists feel free to destroy Cairo' - YouTube

Big Brother Coming Soon To A Neighborhood Near YOU! Atlanta's New City-Wide Surveillance System - YouTube

CNN: Anonymous Says They Will Crash Wall Street Website Today! - YouTube

* Video Player: Jesse Ventura

* States (Rights) Get It Right-Utah Leads «

Investors Have Lost Faith In The Markets

AP: Obama Proposes New Rules for Phone Debt Collectors

+ The Weekend Wrap Up – October 10, 2011 «




Federal Reserve audit exposes major securities fraud and the embezzlement of $16 trillion. «


*Text of H.R. 459: Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2011

*Text of S. 202: Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2011


The Revolution Against the Federal Reserve Starts Now


FRB: Addresses and Phone Numbers of Federal Reserve Board and FR Banks(


Federal Reserve (


Fed Plans to Identify “Key Bloggers” and Monitor Billions of Conversations


Central bank websites(

ECB: European Central Bank(

Bank for International Settlements(

U.S. Department of the Treasury(

Financial and Banking Information Infrastructure Committee(

FFIEC:Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council(

FDIC: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation(

The National Information Center[NIC] /


» FOX’s Geraldo Rivera humiliated by OWS crowds Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Thousands plan protest camp in London's financial centre inspired by 'Occupy Wall Street' campaign | Mail Online

» The Uncredible Dog and Pony Show: Merkel and Sarkozy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Financial Polarization and Corruption: Obama’s Politics of Deception

» Non Violent Strategies for Nationalizing Federal Reserve System Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Ron Paul: Wars Are Biggest Threat to Families - ABC News

Children to be banned from blowing up balloons, under EU safety rules - Telegraph

NYT: Did FBI get wrong man for anthrax killings? - US news - The New York Times -

Occupy Wall Street Protests Sprout 928 Offshoots On Overnight

AFP: Finland vows care for narcolepsy kids who had swine flu shot

» BPA exposure before birth linked to breast cancer Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The long shadow line: History and the war on drugs - History, Life & Style - The Independent

Fast and Furious weapons found in Mexico cartel enforcer's home -

» Rep. King: “We Can’t Allow More Coverage Of Occupy Wall Street, Or They Will Win” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The ‘getting’ of Assange and the smearing of a revolution Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Cognitive Dissonance Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

US public broadcaster bids for slice of BBC's market - TV & Radio, Media - The Independent

Doubts over EU green reforms - Green Living, Environment - The Independent

» Sausage The Riot Dog Coming To America? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Federal Reserve is a Cache of Stolen Assets Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» ‘Occupy’ Forms Alliance With Obama Lobby Group Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Prison » Donald Trump accepts gold bullion (real money) as lease payment from commercial tenant

Prison » Think An American Economic Resurgence Is Imminent? Don’t Be Stupid, Warns Goldman

Prison » Did Foreigners Bail Out The US Stock Market… By Dumping $56 Billion In Treasurys?

Barb Adams: ABC News and Yahoo! Link – Another Giant Conglomerate

Here come the New Climate Crazies – hoping to geoengineer our planet



Prison » Assange: Superpower takeover of Libya a lesson to world

Prison » Welcome to the #OWS 99% Movement “We Will NOT Be Co-Opted”

Conclusion of Universal Serfdom with G. Edward Griffin - YouTube

Fed is The Engine of Our Destruction: Stewart Rhodes Reports - YouTube

Ron Paul warns journalists: You could be next on Obama’s ‘kill list’

» Father of Reaganomics to American Youth: Leave the Country Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Right to private life 'at risk’ in plan to store DNA of innocent people - Telegraph

» The Database: Why Criminal Governments Spy On Citizens Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Urban Operating System revealed to run PlanIT Valley super city in Portugal | Mail Online

WLS 890AM:4 dead, nearly 30 wounded in weekend violence

Photo finish: Woman gives birth after running (and walking) marathon -

Suicide by train: What can community do? - Naperville Sun

Letters document Cellini’s clout with presidents dating to Ford - Chicago Sun-Times

Carjacking suspect fires at cops during 11-mile chase -

Rahm's revelation: Wanted Obama to do "quick political thing" - Lynn Sweet

North Carolina firefighter William Caviness collapses at Chicago Marathon and dies - Chicago Tribune

European Union hails Syria opposition group - Telegraph

Polish PM eyes coalition after historic poll win | Reuters

Taiwan's Ma Sends Message to China -

BBC News - Defence Secretary Liam Fox outlines Werritty meetings

BBC News - Can Liberia's leading lady fight off election challenge?


Ex-president shows face

PM urges public to 'shop' illegal immigrants - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

Cross-Border Raid Sparks Deadly Clash in NW Pakistan | South Asia | English

UN veto ‘last call’ for Syrian government, opposition | News | RIA Novosti

Sharpton to broadcast from Occupy Wall Street protests -

Herman Cain, Michele Bachmann dodge Mormon question -

Police continue search for missing Mo. baby - TODAY News -

The Associated Press: 7 boaters survive 20 hours in US waters; 1 dead

Michele Bachmann speaks to college students in N.H.

Rep. Issa says Fast and Furious subpoenas will be issued soon -

Huntsman outlines foreign policy views -

Al-Qaida confirms killing of US-born cleric -

Alabama illegal immigrants make emergency plans for kids - MJ Lee -

Defense Lawyer Will Not Help Edwards at Trial - ABC News

'Occupy Atlanta' Silences Civil Rights Hero John Lewis - Occupy Wall Street - Fox Nation

Opinion: No Adults Among the 'Occupy Wall Street' Protesters - Occupy Wall Street - Fox Nation

Trump: None of the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Crowd Know What They’re Protesting - Occupy Wall Street - Fox Nation

'fast and furious' - Fox Nation

Issa: People at the Top of the Justice Department Were ‘Well-Briefed’ on ‘Fast and Furious’ - Darrell Issa - Fox Nation

Issa: Holder Being 'Disingenuous' on Fast and Furious Program - 'Fast And Furious' - Fox Nation

'Fast and Furious' Weapons Were Found in Mexico Cartel Enforcer's Home - 'Fast And Furious' - Fox Nation

Are More Damaging Findings from 'Fast and Furious' About to Surface? - 'Fast And Furious' - Fox Nation

Obama: Holder and I Weren't Aware of 'Fast and Furious' - 'Fast And Furious' - Fox Nation

Read Demands of 'Occupy Wall Street' ... and Try Not to Laugh - Occupy Wall Street - Fox Nation

Pig Maher: If We 'Fire Every Southern Hillbilly Who Thinks Obama Is Like Hitler, Who Will Be Our Republican Congressmen?' - Bill Maher - Fox Nation

Sununu's advice to Perry - Alexander Burns -

Meet The Press In Chicago: Rahm Emanuel Defends Obama (VIDEO)

Texas rain storm just a drop in deep bucket; drought continues - Capital Weather Gang - The Washington Post

U.S. prosecutors declare medical marijuana crackdown |

Medical News: Big Tobacco Out Billions, but Still Kicking After Settlement - in Primary Care, Smoking & Tobacco from MedPage Today

Recurring Drop in Solar Radiation Possible Reason for Cold Weather - International Business Times

BBC News - Brain 'rejects negative thoughts'

Universe Is Expanding, but Where Do I Park? -

Lunar Delight: Bright Moon Dazzles Weekend Skywatchers | Moon Observing, Moon Phases & Skywatching | Draconid Meteor Shower & Amateur Astronomy |

Titanium treasure trove found on the Moon - Vision Systems Design

GOP and Global Warming : New University

Europeans more worried about climate change than economic crisis | TG Daily

New field of dino tracks found in Arkansas - Technology & science - Science -

*Underwater volancic eruption near Spanish Canary island < Spanish news | Expatica Spain

Wall Street Journal op-ed debates neutrinos and climate change | MNN - Mother Nature Network

Venus has an ozone layer too

Impact statement for proposed Tucson mine expected -

Netflix Abandons Qwikster Plans -

Free texting apps hurt carriers’ bottom line

Atari founder on the end of consoles - News at GameSpot

Facebook wants a bigger role in media we consume –

Sorry, Netflix: Many other movie options exist - Entertainment - Movies -

Paul McCartney and Nancy Shevell's wedding details - Celebrity Circuit - CBS News

Michael Jackson's Children Appear At Tribute Concert - Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV

Rosie O'Donnell, Michelle Rounds in Love :

Michael Jackson's legacy survives odd trial revelations | Reuters

DARPA Harnessing “Crowd Wisdom” to Develop New “Perch and Stare” Robot Spy Drones -


+ U.S. Drug Policy Would Be Imposed Globally By New House Bill

*Text of H.R. 313: Drug Trafficking Safe Harbor Elimination Act of 2011


* Issues - OpenCongress


Leaders of Sudan and South Sudan Agree to End Disputes

Lavrov, Russia & missile defense odds with NATO

Iran's 15th fleet warships back home

Who is Behind the Wall Street Protests?

Panic of the Plutocrats

Panetta to Netanyahu: Israel May Not Survive the Current Arab/Islamic Awakening

Pakistan is the Real Victim of Bush's Great 9/11 Folly

US Murders Own Citizen : Contacts Grieving Family To Offer Condolence

Why The Drone Wars Threaten Us All

Stop The Machine Occupies Washington

Israel and Those “Real Democratic Rights”

Jewish People Are Just That, People, And Far From Chosen

Occupy Wall Street: Newcomers bring their worries and hopes to New York protest - The Washington Post

Anti-Wall Street protests spur political debate | Reuters

Occupy Wall Street protests have a spiritual side

Occupy Wall Street protesters make love as well as class war with sex and drugs on tap | Mail Online

Masoud Jazayeri, Iran General, Calls Wall Street Protest American Spring

Beyond The Battlefield: From A Decade Of War, An Endless Struggle For The Severely Wounded

Exclusive: Iraq's Maliki says U.S. military trainers might stay | Reuters

Saddam Hussein Predicted That The American Economy Would Struggle Due To Foreign Wars, According To New Book

Darrell Issa: Eric Holder 'Fast And Furious' Claims 'Disingenuous'

Limits on supplemental Medicare plans eyed | Reuters

Homeland Security uses Minority Report-style system that uses algorithms to predict behaviour | Mail Online

Why Ron Paul did well among social conservatives at the Values Voter Summit -

Immigrants fearing deportation make plans for kids - Yahoo! News

BBC News - UK doctors advised gonorrhoea has turned drug resistant

Body found in SUV tied to white supremacist couple suspected of killing two others | Mail Online

Top 5 Misconceptions About Columbus - Yahoo! News

Bachmann Vows to Shut Down Federal Department of Education and EPA

Iran Says U.S. Protests Will End in Downfall of Western Capitalism

Liberal Radio Host to Protestors: ‘One Answer to These Corporate Thugs: Go F--- Yourselves’

Ron Paul Wins Values Voter Summit Straw Poll; Bachmann Near Top of VP List

Pagans Join Pelosi In Embracing 'Occupy Wall Street' Protests

Limbaugh: 'Didn’t Know The Left Had Such Jealousy Of The Tea Party'

Levin: 'These Early States Are Destroying The Primary System'

Gregory Asks Emanuel About Obama: Will Demonizing Wall Street Create Jobs - 'Is This Not a Reverse Tea Party Tactic?' |

Liberal Talk Radio Host: Bush Officials ‘Murderers,’ War Criminals and Obama Continuing the Wars |

Diverted by Terror Concerns, U.S. Let Destructive Insects, Plant Infections Slip Into Country |

Pastor Who Backs Perry Says Romney Is 'Not a Christian' |

Jobs? Obama 'Should Be Working Overtime' to Get Pipeline Approved |

Libya's Transitional Government Faces Human Rights Challenges

Iraqi Officials Consider Extension Options for US Troops

China Urges Reunification at 100th Anniversary of Demise of Last Dynasty

Report: Secret US Government Order Targets WikiLeaks Volunteer

The World of Mind Control Through the Eyes of an Artist with 13 Alter Personas

Want a RFID Chip In Your Pants? No? Well They’re Coming Anyway

MTV’s “Paramore: Vitals Statistics” Mentions Mind Control Symbolism in Music Videos

UK Think Tank Wants School Teachers to Address “Conspiracy Theories”

From Tunisia to “Occupy Wall Street”: Who is the AFL-CIO’s Stuart Appelbaum?

VIDEO: The Greek People Never Agreed to the Debt or Austerity

Occupy Wall Street and Occupy the Fed Are Two Sides of the Same Coin

Why the Occupied Wall Street Movement Scares the Democratic Party

VIDEO: The Geo-Political Strategy Behind America's Invasion of Afghanistan

As the COP Blames Obama For Wall Street “Mobs’ The Occupy Movement Spreads Nationwide And Is No Friend of The President

New 9/11 Investigation may be in the Offing

Dead Men Tell No Tales: The CIA, 9/11 and the Awlaki Assassination

Barack Obama: Where’s the Peace?

#Occupy Wall Street: Change will not come until we Understand and Rewrite the Entire Balance of Power in America

NATO's War in Libya: Protecting to Kill, Killing to Protect...

Corporate-financier dominated Western media attempts to Wish-away "Occupy the Fed" Movement

US Military Base in South Korea Threatens China: The Threat of Warships on an "Island of World Peace"

Afghanistan: Thirty-two Years of War. Ten Years of Illegal Occupation

Obama’s Very Real Death Panel: The CIA's Assassination Program

The Assassination of Anwar Al-Awlaki serves to justify Obama’s Arbitrary Use of Death Squads

General: Britain Won't Leave Afghanistan in 2015

US to Google: Hand Over WikiLeaks Supporters' Email

Are Questions of War and Peace Merely One Issue Among Many for Libertarians?

FBI to Launch Nationwide Facial Recognition Service

Why Oppose Interventionism? by Justin Raimondo --

What 2016 Might Look Like

The Government’s Illusory Terrorist Threat by Ivan Eland --


Millennium Ark: Hot News:Who's Covering Up El Hierro's Quakes?


Foreign insects, diseases got into US post 9/11 - US news - Security -

HANNA: Lies, failure and wasted money - Washington Times

Obama’s excuses are wearing thin - Chicago Sun-Times

*Financial Meltdown: The men who crashed the world – video | The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond

NWV News - Eric Holder has habit of lying under oath, claim critics - Occupy Wall Street is COINTELPRO (Phony Opposition)

the invisible surveillance state dhs and the end of america as we know it

» Conclusive link now admitted: swine flu vaccine causes chronic nervous system disorders Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Rise of the Machines: Why We Keep Coming Back to H.G. Wells’ Visions of a Dystopian Future | Underwire |


*Activist Post: The Week In Alternative News #13 (Video)


Department Of Homeland Security Research Grant Aims to New Find Ways to Get the Public to Accept a Police State :

Activist Post: Chicago Board of Trade Taunts Occupy Protestors - Max Keiser (Video)

Activist Post: 43,381 Viruses Found in Sewage, Many Unknown to Scientists

Chris Hedges: Why the Elites Are in Trouble - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

C.I.A. could begin assassinating journalists claims Republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul | Mail Online

Activist Post: Psychological Food Advertisements Influence Children more than Parents

Activist Post: The invisible surveillance state: DHS and the end of America as we know it

Cain Leads Conservative Charge Against Wall Street Protests

GOP: Obama, Biden Pushing Wall Street Protests

Tea Party: We're Not Occupy Wall Street

Tweeters Rip Obama's Promotion of Jobs Bill

Obama Blames GOP for Failures With Democrats

Poll: Cain Leads GOP Pack by 20 Points

Trump: Wall Street Protesters Should Picket WH

Army Secretary McHugh: Cuts Could Be ‘Catastrophic’

Fast-Furious Guns Found in Cartel Enforcer's Lair

Rep. Gardner: Many Solyndra Questions Remain

Rep. Lewis Prevented From Speaking at Protest

New Perry Ad Jabs at Romney's Wealth

Feldstein: Recovery Is Worst I've Ever Seen

Americans Losing Weight — But Still Fat

Stem Cells Cure Diabetes in Rats

Study Reveals Why Diets Fail

Vitamins C and E Stop Breast Cancer Recurrence

Study: Exercise Beats Migraines

Drones Weapon of Choice for Obama War on al-Qaida

Los Alamos Under Environmental Scrutiny

Facebook Targeted in Group Privacy Suit Over Tracking

Rep. Gosar: Holder Should Quit Over Fast-Furious

Gunwalking Scandal at Last to Get Senate Review

Issa: We'll Subpoena Justice Officials in Gun Scam

Holder Fires Back at 'Fast and Furious' Charges

Rep. Ryan: Obama Stirs Unrest With Jobs Bill

Scott Brown Joke Enrages Pelosi

Chris Hitchens Writes From Cancer Hospital

Issa Seeks Docs on $4.75B in Solar Guarantees

Ron Paul Scores With Born-Again Christians

After Ron Paul win, Values Voters organizer calls poll ‘irrelevant’

Porn gang kidnaps Hussein body double

Right-wing editor admits to ‘infiltrating’ protest

Future electronic devices may run on nose power

Yang eyes Yahoo buyout with private equity

Removing copyright restrictions can decrease piracy: study

President Obama growing isolated from his own administration -

Squatters and drug addicts invade Zuccotti Park and Occupy Wall Street protests -

700-pound pelican statue pilfered in California - Yahoo! News

Iran actress sentenced to one year in jail: report

Egypt’s generals ban religious slogans in vote, Muslim Brotherhood mulls its motto | Reuters

'Joe the Plumber' files for a congressional run | Capital New York

House Committee To Subpoena Holder In 'Fast And Furious' Probe | Fox News

Cow Palace Hosts First Ever Medical Marijuana J - Flash Player Installation

ROSAT satellite: Out-of-control 3 ton telescope hurtling towards Earth at high speed | Mail Online

Argentine president poised for re-election: polls | Reuters

Man dies in horrific yachting accident as he falls off back and churned up by propellers | Mail Online

+Anarcho-Capitalism: Jeff Bewick interviews Lew Rockwell

Did Steve Jobs Hate the State? by Robert Wenzel

*Top 10 Food For Long Time Storage

The way you hold your drink reveals key personality traits, claim psychologists - Telegraph

How to Give an Effective Sales Pitch | The Art of Manliness

Kyle Bass: Meet the Texan investor who made millions from the credit crunch | Mail Online

How Stress Affects Your Health | Natural Health & Organic Living Blog

Smashing the Illusion of Consent… Peacefully by Eric Peters

Herbal Teas For Immune System Health | Before It's News

Pagan Sun Worship and Catholicism ... Baal the sun god | Before It's News


The Local Cook(


California's Gov. Brown Signs Dream Act Into Law

One of the Many Things Pundits Don't Get About Occupy Wall Street

Prosecutors and Internal Affairs To Investigate Tony Baloney's Use Of Pepper Spray

Van Jones: OWS May Not Have Message Clarity--But They Have Moral Clarity

Paul Ryan Claims House Republicans Have Passed Over a Dozen Pieces of 'Jobs Legislation'

Fox Panel Attacks Sesame Street for Wanting to Educate Children About Poverty

Cain, Bachmann Refuse to Say Romney Is Christian

Pastor Jeffress: Mormonism is a Cult

GOP House Committee Pursues Draconian Drug Law That Will Apply In Other Countries

Santorum: Homosexuality 'Is a Behavioral Issue'

Then There Were Two: Occupy Wall Street Splits Off Into Another Site

Jesse LaGreca Calls Out the Corporate Media for Ignoring the Working Class on This Week

Pelosi on This Week: I Didn't Hear Cantor Say Anything When Tea Party Was Spitting On Congress Members

Rep. Peter King Attacks OWS: We Must Stop Those Ragtag Mobs and Anarchists

Obama's job-creation panel includes job-cutting executives

MSNBC’s O’Donnell suggests Herman Cain was a bystander on civil rights

L.A. County expands no-cost healthcare

Calif. gov. enacts ban on open handgun carrying

Holder denies charges that he misled Congress about his knowledge of Operation Fast and Furious

Cain: 'I'm not running for theologian-in-chief'

Marijuana-shaped candy alarms parents, officials

Activists pushing to form labor union for daycare, preschool workers

Health care reform's fate could be determined by 2012 races

Pelosi: Sen. Scott Brown disrespects women

Firefighter, running Chicago marathon for charity, dies near finish line

+Audio Page: Aldous Huxley: The Ultimate Revolution : Information Clearing House - ICH

Audio:Peter B. Collins & Sibel Edmonds Unplugged & on Fire – Boiling Frogs Podcast Show #60

New 9/11 Timeline Entries: Training Exercises, False Hijack Reports, Bush on 9/11, and More |

Obama's "Millionaire Tax" Collected Over Next Ten Years Will Plug 4 Months Worth Of Deficit | ZeroHedge

Media Working to Tell Us Who We Want for President | Godfather Politics

Is Obama Stupid and Clueless or What?

Bigots Infiltrating Wall Street Protest

Reid Sets Off Nuke on Senate Floor

Democrats and the New Slavery

Brace for Impact! Feds Designing Health Insurance for Everyone


*Articles: Occupy Wall Street 10-9-11 |



Republicans don't support all the troops

Mitt Running against McCain's Ghost

Why America Needs Herman Cain

President Obey-Me Is Not Being Obeyed

The Left's Love of Rights-Stripping

Stealth Jihad Invades Columbia University (Again)

Save Western Civilization: Defend Christopher Columbus

Samuelson on our 'one sided trade war' with China

What does Cain's 9-9-9 Plan Do, and Will the Plan Work?

Property Rights Equals The Right to Life

Occupier Bigotry

Christians aren't going to take it any more in Egypt

Shoulder-fired missiles stolen from Libya now out of the country

Syrian dead: Who's counting?

Obama's job creation panel features job cutting execs

Fast and Furious subpoenas coming: Issa

Boston Globe outs Whitey Bulger's FBI tipster

Steve Jobs and the Adullamites Who Occupy Wall Street

The Killing of al-Awlaki and the Death of the Fifth Amendment

The American Revolution of 2012

Defeating Islamism at Home

Natural and Artificial Camaraderie

We Need Jobs, Not Another Jobs Speech by the President

Obama Ethics: Safer to Be a Golden-Winged Warbler than a Baby Human

Land of the Oppressed, Home of the Handout

Parents bring youngsters to Occupy Wall Street protests -

Governor Jerry Brown Signs Second Half of California Dream Act | Fox News Latino

AG Holder Issues Fiery Response to Critics on ATF Gun Operation - ABC News

Democrats aim to tax the rich – but who are they? -

+Week in photos gallery -

Debbie Schlussel:UK Finally Restricts (Muslim) Immigration, Too Little, Too Late (US Should Take the Hint)

Top 5 Misconceptions About Columbus | Christopher Columbus & Intrepid Explorers | Columbus Day | Flat-Earth Myth & Who Discovered the Americas | LiveScience

Bong! Big Ben becoming leaning tower of London, say engineers - Telegraph

Agony at the Dentists « Beachcombing's Bizarre History Blog

Strange lights over Phoenix really UFO? - Technology & science -

Could Blasts from Cosmic Collisions Destroy Life on Earth? | Gamma-Ray Bursts, Space Radiation & Earth Extinctions | Neutron Stars & Space Explosions | LiveScience

Kaydon and Layton Wood: The science behind our one black, one white twins | Mail Online

Lair of the Beasts: A Creature in the Yard -

New Climate Scare: Europe May be Facing Return Of ‘Little Ice Age’

Is Barack a Petrified Political Fetus?

Will Warmists Face Justice for their Deceptions?

Annual Search Begins for Longest Married Couples in United States

Leapfrogging the Constitution

Obama Has Adoring Media, Bully Pulpit, & One Billion Dollars: Some ‘Underdog’!

Soak the Rich

Americans Get Stronger When The Odds Are Against Them!

The Mob, We the People, and Arrogant Aristocrats

Occupation of Wall Street—What Would Che Guevara Do?

Life in the Village after Communism

Iowa police arrest 30 at protests, pepper spray used

Rail workers foil arson attack on Berlin station

Skydiver who died was in 'Honeymoon in Vegas'

Thousands expected at Chicago financial conferences protests

IAEA expected to give details on Iran atom bomb fears

Yemen-based al-Qaida wing confirms death of Awlaki

Herman Cain, Michele Bachmann dodge Mormon question

Alternatively Speaking: What the 4 species can do for you

Liam Fox meeting in Dubai 'was to be denied, on Adam Werritty's advice'

Shockingly Hypocritical Russell Simmons Refuses to Raise His Own Taxes

+Morning Call Sheet: Netflix Blinks, Clooney Disappoints, And My Moonshine Business

Oscar-Winner Charlie Kaufman Rips Hollywood, Moviegoers, and Bloggers

Hollywood Continues To Make Friends, Influence People With Anti-Christian Bigotry

+Top 20 Horror Films You Absolutely Must See Before You Die

‘Kidnapped’ Review: Survival Instincts MIA

-‘Red And Buried’ Excerpt: Enjoy Some Old-Fashioned Anti-Commie Pulp Fiction

Larry the Cable Guy visits the Palins - CLICK -

So Who Do You Root For? Hugo Chavez Fights ‘Worldwide Peace Project’ Over A….Rock

Romney Is Right: We Do Need To Increase Defense Spending

Arab Spring Christians Massacred In Cairo

German General: We’ve Failed In Afghanistan

Special Ops: First Into Afghanistan…And Last Out

The Grand Coronation of Death: A Civil War Sesquicentennial Tribute

Iran: Wall Street Protests Evidence ‘American Spring’ Revolution Is Coming

Fast & Furious For Dummies

Correction Request: Nancy Pelosi Revisits Deconstructed “Tea Party Spitting” Lie On ABC

OWS Defecates On Cop Cars, Vandalizes Property, Pelosi Says “Bless Them”

Herman Cain Schools Yet Another White Journalist Trying to Tell Him What Black People Think

NewsBusted: Who Still Lives with Their Parents?

Tomorrow on This Week : Does Christiane Amanpour Challenge Nancy Pelosi’s Thoroughly Discredited Tea Party Smear?

Candy Crowley Bachmann | Michele Bachmann GOP Polls | Video | Mediaite

Amanpour Touts Wall Street Protests as ‘Revolution,’ Pleased Politicians ‘Finally’ Recognize It |

The Return of Van Jones and Marxist Street Protests

New Video Suggests Media Matters Ignored Facts In Attempt to Smear Breitbart, Cover Up Pigford Fraud - Big Journalism

» Pigford and New Black Panthers: Friends at DOJ - Big Government

Did Media Matters Collude With DOJ On Black Panther Story? - Big Journalism

Convicted Bank Fraudster Robert Creamer Leads Democrats, #OccupyWallStreet Against Bank of America

AUDIO:Are We Witnessing the Death of America’s Middle Class?

+ The Cheat Sheet, October 10: #Occupy the News Cycle

Luxury Ice-Cream Retailer, Unit of Multi-national Corporation, Endorses #OccupyWallSt

As Perry Picks An Energy-Environment Fight with Romney, We All Win

China: Senate Dem Legislation Would Spark a Trade War

Durbin’s Amendment: Handout to Retailers Is Why Banks Are Charging You More

The 2012 Race, the Origins of Modern Partisanship, and the Resurgence of Local Governance

Cartoon:Ostracize Wall Street [OWS]

#OccupySanFran Protester Bares All for the ‘Cause’ (NSFW)

The Fight Against Obamacare Continues

#OccupyWallSt’s Neo-Communist System of ‘Collaboratism’ Revealed

Don’t Wait for the Supreme Court; Freeze ObamaCare Now

#OccupyAtlanta Protesters Object to Speech from Rep. John Lewis

‘Fast and Furious’ Guns Turn Up at Home of Drug Cartel Enforcer

Forecast: Another Recession Is Imminent

Cain's '9-9-9' tax reform plan under fire from both left and right - The Hill's On The Money

Review & Outlook: The Solyndra Economy -

» Thank You Steve Jobs - Big Government


10-Oct-11 World View

9-Oct-11 World View

8-Oct-11 World View


» Project Mayhem, Part I: SEIU, Lies and Videotape - Big Government

Project Mayhem, Part II: Ed Schultz, Lies and Videotape - Big Journalism

Project Mayhem, Part III: Ed Schultz Lies, Attacks Andrew Breitbart And Myself - Big Journalism

FLASHBACK:How John Lennon Killed Sharon Tate (and Other Ideas For MSM Narratives) - Big Journalism

Barack Obama The Magic Negro - YouTube

The Magic Negro, Part II: Republican edition

Occupy Wall Street: Blame yourself

The Magic Negro, Part II: Republican edition

Herman Cain is for real

What 2012 could mean to America's Muslim Brotherhood

The camel in the tent

Guns, guitars and government raids

What Eric Holder knew …

A simple misunderstanding

Our open door to diseases

Message from a slave

Printable version: Poor bear brunt of GOP's morally bankrupt plans

RealClearPolitics - GOP Race Begins on Tuesday

'Forest boy' Ray has 'never lived in the wild': German police doubt teen's story | Mail Online

Demi Moore seeks Ashton Kutcher divorce after last bid to save marriage fails | Mail Online

Secret of cooking the perfect boiled egg cracked - Telegraph

Connecticut prisoners express anger over porn ban -

Wear make-up and look more competent - but too much and you'll seem dishonest | Mail Online

Airlines Weigh the Advantages of Using More Biofuel -

Facebook's power should worry us all

Maine couple wins wife carrying championship in Newry | Sun Journal

Imagine John Lennon really was a born-again conservative - Washington Times

Video - ALMA peers into the universe - The Age

Urbee: The world's first 'printed' car rolling off the 3D printing presses... | Mail Online

Ancient Greek city digitally recreated - Archaeology, Science - The Independent

Ancient Maya Road Let Villagers Flee Volcanic Death - Yahoo! News

Steve Jobs had dark side, colleagues say - The West Australian

Dems want door slammed on more of Obama's records

Birth-certificate fracas hits popular TV show

Wait 'til al-Qaida gets hold of some bugs!

Holder may have had fingers in 'Fast and Furious' for years

Obama pastor: Occupiers on Wall Street 'stand with Jesus'

Boy Scouts infiltrated by Muslim Brotherhood?

Meet the Obama link to Wall Street terror

What 2012 could mean to America's Muslim Brotherhood


+THE BIG LIST of eligibility 'proofers'

* ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Birth-certificate fracas hits popular TV show

Obama pastor: Occupiers on Wall Street like Jesus

Oops! Occupy Wall Street slums step on big toes

Palin to run as independent? 'Not out of the realm of possibility'

Real-life "Minority Report" program gets a try-out - CBS News

Video facts and logic becoming abortionists' nightmare

House Committee To Subpoena Holder In 'Fast And Furious' Probe | Fox News

AP IMPACT: Foreign insects, diseases got into US - Wire Health & Science -

Richard Dawkins attacks 'alien rubbish' taught in Muslim faith schools | Mail Online

*10 Oct.

American Minute for October 10th

Today in History: October 10

October 10 Events in History

Today in History: October 10

This Day in History for 10th October

October 10th in History

October 10th This Day in History

Today in History for October 10th - YouTube


Coming Soon - The Drone Arms Race -

Apple Has 1,000 Engineers Working On Chips For The Post-PC Era | TechCrunch

Cutting the cord: how the world's engineers built Wi-Fi

Can Facebook Persuade Advertisers to Forget About Clicks? - Businessweek

Why Fixers Will Save Our Planet - Fixers - Technology - The Atlantic

The Internet of Things and the cloud — Cloud Computing News

TSA's De Facto Phase-Out of 'Naked' Scanners - Forbes

War On The EPA: Republican Bills Would Erase Decades Of Protection

Clean Energy's Accounting Gimmick: "Free" Taxpayer Subsidies | e21 - Economic Policies for the 21st Century

Harry Reid’s nuclear blunder - The Washington Post

Green SuperPACs Struggle Just Like Regular Enviro-Groups - Chris Good - Politics - The Atlantic

Shocking Costs Of Environmentalism -

U.S. energy independence is emerging as an option - Houston Chronicle

Romney, his Mormonism a campaign issue again, condemns religious bigotry - The Washington Post

Presbyterians ordain first gay minister - Washington Times

In Yoga Classes at Schools, Teachers Avoid the Spiritual -

How to Read the Bible | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

A drinker's guide to Islam | Khaled Diab | Comment is free |

Catholic New World - Cardinal's Column - The month of the Holy Rosary: awards for our schools, religious freedom, respect for life

Pundits puzzled by physics – Tweets show global trend: Mood swings

Supersaturated water vapor in Martian atmosphere

Preventing Baseball Bats from Breaking Badly - Blog

Scientists Dispute F.B.I. Closing of Anthrax Case -

The Geography of Same-Sex Couples - Arts & Lifestyle - The Atlantic Cities

Island colony proves humans still evolving | COSMOS magazine

Ancient Greek city digitally recreated - Archaeology, Science - The Independent

Marine ecology: What a gas! | The Economist

BBC News - Ultraviolet light shone on cold winter conundrum

Dark energy, science's biggest mystery -

Tea Party: Strong on Israel, Tough on China

How to disarm a nuclear North Korea - The Washington Post

Why Pakistan And The United States Are On A Collision Course | The New Republic

The Geniuses We'll Never Know - The Daily Beast

China's "Red" Revival: Implications for Business - Forbes

The eternal Putin

War of 1812 battles a nation’s collective amnesia - The Globe and Mail

Obama piles pressure - The Times of India

Devil’s Bookmark: How Not to Defend God | (A)theologies | Religion Dispatches

Lennon — By Tim Riley — Book Review -

Imagine John Lennon really was a born-again conservative - Washington Times

Age of Fracture | Books and Culture

For Columbus Day, a pair of books about Columbus -

King James: The Harold Bloom Version > Jewish Review of Books

The Marriage Plot -

Unassuming Absurdity | Digital |

Dr Seuss | New collection out |

Two sides ponder end of a dynasty | The Australian

The Battle of Tours « History of Islam

AFP: China grapples with revolutionary past, 100 years on

Founding father of modern China

Megan Buskey Reviews Margaret Leech's "Reveille In Washington" | The New Republic

Columbus' forgotten voyages - American History -

The Need-to-Know Presidency

The Tea Party of the Left? Sort Of. | FrumForum

Getting the economic policy right - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : TNR, Elizabeth Warren, and the Rich

The Taliban Mark Ten Years of War with the U.S. - By Ahmad Majidyar - The Corner - National Review Online

The outsized returns from lobbying - The Washington Post

Thinking About "Occupy Wall Street" Protests

The Depression - If Only Things Were That Good -

Review & Outlook: The Solyndra Economy -

RealClearMarkets - The Rising Backlash Against the Rich

Too Big to Fail Not Fixed, Despite Dodd-Frank: Simon Johnson - Bloomberg

TARP After Three Years: It Made Things Worse, Not Better - Forbes

Panic of the Plutocrats -

RealClearMarkets - Occupy Wall Street: America's Road to Greece

Can The Nantucket Project Change Who We Are? - Forbes

Brian Calle: ‘Occupy’ a bitter tea party for the Left - Orange County Register

This is Why They Hate You and Want You to Die | The Reformed Broker

Poor Sales

More Bogus Solyndra Defenses | The Daily Caller

Is the Tea Party Over? -

RealClearPolitics - Obama Team Split on How to Rally Unruly Coalition

Obama’s New Populism Isn’t Alienating Moderates | The New Republic

President Obama growing isolated from his own administration -

Panic of the Plutocrats -

Eyewitness to History! | The Weekly Standard

Obradovich: 'Walmart moms' may be pivotal | The Des Moines Register |

Obama’s Stealthy Payroll Tax Plan: Raise Rich People’s Taxes - The Daily Beast

RealClearPolitics - Warren Makes the Proper Case for Liberalism

The Liberal Misappropriation of a Conservative President « Commentary Magazine

The Myth of Voter Fraud -

A GOP assault on environmental regulations -

RealClearPolitics - GOP Race Begins on Tuesday

Read His Lips: New Taxes | The Weekly Standard

Solyndra shows folly of Obama trying to be a venture capitalist -

Financial crisis and stimulus: Could this time be different? - The Washington Post

Obama the Divider « Commentary Magazine

Healthcare reform law: What's the big deal? -


Keynes and Hayek, the Great Debate (Part 1): Nicholas Wapshott - Businessweek

Keynes and Hayek, the Great Debate (Part 2): Nicholas Wapshott - Businessweek

Keynes and Hayek, the Great Debate (Part 3): Nicholas Wapshott - Businessweek


**Politics Video:Perry Ad Slams Romney On Health Care

9th/Emanuel: "Understandable Sense Of Frustration" From American People

Paul Ryan: "I Worry About Getting People To Become Successful"

Sen. Durbin: Republicans Will "Pay A Price" For Opposing Jobs Plan

Pelosi On "Occupy" Protests: Cantor Wasn't Mad When Tea Party Was "Spitting" On Congressmen

"This Week" Roundtable On Occupy Wall Street Protests

"Meet The Press" Roundtable: Is Republican Field Set?

Herman Cain: Occupy Wall Street Protests Are "Anti-American" And "Coordinated"

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Developments In 2012 Race

Rep. Issa Issues New Subpoena On Fast And Furious On "FOX News Sunday"

Pelosi: Scott Brown "Clueless" About His Contempt For Women

Dem Congressman Keith Ellison: Regulations Create Jobs

"Saturday Night Live" Satirizes Hank Williams Jr.'s Nazi Remark

**Markets Video: Feldstein: 'Nontrivial' Chance of Another Downturn

**World Video:Sebastián Piñera, President Of Chile

China Will Not Suffer A Hard Landing

U.S. Skeptical Of Recent Pakistani Cooperation

Anti-Gaddafi Forces Claim Breakthrough In Sirte

Security Forces Kill Militant In India's Kashmir

NTC Forces Take Sirte University

Romney: U.S. Must Dominate Next Century

Tusk Wins Second Term As Polish PM

Raw Video: Violent Clashes In Egypt

Egypt's Democratic Quest: From Nasser To Tahrir Square

10 Questions For Felipe Calderon

Ten Years In Afghanistan Is Enough

Counter-Jihad In The Islamic World

The Curious Case Of Wikileaks

Syrian Unrest Grows Worse

**News Videos:Peace Activist To Woman Supporting Marines: ‘You Should Hang!’

Dan Rather: Driving Force Behind Wall Street Protests ‘Is a Woman Operating Out of Her Apartment in New York’

AP Political Editor: Cain A Second-Tier Candidate

Anti-War Protester: ‘We Don’t Know What We’re Doing’

Armored Vehicles Plow Into Protesting Christians In Cairo

LaRouche Supporter Admits Liberal Media Falsely Connected Tea Party to Their Obama/Hitler Sign

UK Cracks Down On Forced Marriage

Sharks Infest Lake of Golf Course

France, Germany Vow To Fix Euro Debt Crisis By End Of Month

Pelosi Pushes Tea Party ‘Spitting’ Lie; Amanpour Silent

Issa: New Subpoenas Heading To Holder

Behind The Scenes Of The High-Tech ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Organization

Danny Glover Speaks To ‘Occupy LA’ Mob: You’ve Got To Be ‘24/7 Warriors’

Syria Threatens To Retaliate Against Countries Who Recognize Opposition

Hundreds Of Hot Air Balloons Rise At New Mexico Balloon Fiesta

9th/Dozens Killed In Cairo Riots After Destruction Of Christian Church

Sharpton Mocks Cain: ‘Old Man River’, ‘Singing And Saying What Right Wing Wants To Hear’

CNN’s Crowley Challenges Cain For Not Being Angry At America’s Inherent Racism

Sarah Palin Wows Attendees At ‘Defending The Republic’ Event

Rahm On ‘Meet The Press’: No Questions About Solyndra

‘Anna Rexia’ Halloween Costume Stirs Controversy

Maher: GOP ‘Denying Racism Is The New Racism’

Obama’s Weekly Address: GOP Needs To ‘Prove’ My Plan Won’t Work

Libya’s Rebel Fighters Battle To Take Control Of Sirte

8th/Feds Announce Calif. Pot Dispensary Crackdown

Girl Goes Six Years Without Keeping Food Down

7th/Taxi Driver: Passenger Choked Me, Bit My Ear

Obamanomics: Unemployment Stays At 9.1%

Jon Stewart’s Feud With Seth MacFarlane Exposed

Sharpton Falsely Labels Herman Cain A Birther

Sick Of Media Comparing ‘Occupy Wall Street’ To Tea Party? Watch This

6th/DOE Bureaucrat In Charge Of Solyndra Loan Resigns

Obama: Solyndra Was ‘Bet’ Program Set Up By Congress

Obama: Holder ‘Was Not Aware Of What Was Happening In Fast & Furious’

NBC News’ Bashir Viciously Bashes Palin While Praising Steve Jobs

MSNBC’s Schultz Ends Interview; Ratigan Not Supporting Obama Enough

5th/How The EPA’s Green Tyranny Is Stifling America

Steve Jobs Dead

Cain To ‘Occupy Wall St’ Protesters: ‘If You Don’t Have A Job And You’re Not Rich, Blame Yourself!’

Apple Unveils Faster, More Powerful iPhone

Rep. West To Samuel L. Jackson: The Racism Is Coming From White House

National Cathedral To Reopen Nov. 12 After Repairs

4th/Energy Sec Chu Responds To Solyndra Critics: ‘There Are All Sorts Of People Who Have Wonderful 20/20 Hindsight’

Biden Doesn’t Know Van Jones; ‘Whoever He Is’

Socialist Senator Braces Bernanke On ‘Wealth Gap’

F-35B First Vertical Landing At Sea

‘You’re a Bum, Jew’; Man Berated By ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Protester

Man Charged in Terror Plot Pleads Not Guilty

3rd/President Obama Claims Steve Jobs Gave Him An iPad ‘Early’

2nd/How a Great War with Dana Perino Was Averted

29th/Crony Capitalism: A Concise History of Obama’s Solyndra Scandal


Auto World 10-09-11 Hr 1

Auto World 10-09-11 Hr 2

Auto World 10-09-11 Hr 3

Dead Doctors Don't Lie 10-07-11

The Doc Love Show 10-08-11

The Dr Daliah Show 8th

The Easy Organic Gardener 10-09-11

Herb Talk 10-08-11

Home Talk 10-08-11 Hr 1

Home Talk 10-08-11 Hr 2

Home Talk 10-08-11 Hr 3

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-08-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-08-11 Hr 2

Korelin Economics Report 10-08-11 Hr 1

Korelin Economics Report 10-08-11 Hr 2

The Magic Garden 10-08-11 Hr 1

The Magic Garden 10-08-11 Hr 2

Nutrimedical Report 10-07-11 Hr 1

Nutrimedical Report 10-07-11 Hr 2

Nutrimedical Report 10-07-11 Hr 3

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 10-09-11 Hr 1

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 10-09-11 Hr 2

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 10-09-11 Hr 3

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 10-09-11 Hr 4

The Tech Night Owl Live 10-08-11 Hr 1

The Tech Night Owl Live 10-08-11 Hr 2

The Tech Night Owl Live 10-08-11 Hr 3

Travelers 411 10-08-11 Hr 1

Travelers 411 10-08-11 Hr 2

Travelers 411 10-08-11 Hr 3

World Crisis Radio 10-08-11 Hr 1

World Crisis Radio 10-08-11 Hr 2

You The Owner's Manual 10-08-11 Hr 1

You The Owner's Manual 10-08-11 Hr 2

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