A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

05 October 2011




By becoming attached to names and forms, not realising that they have no more basis than the activities of the mind itself, error rises…and the way to emancipation is blocked.

The Michael Savage Show 10/04/2011

The Right Perspective Podcast Blog(


No Regrets - YouTube

AUDIO: Is this the next Solyndra scandal? « Klein Online

AUDIO: Was there a ’9-11 revenge’ attack in U.S. last month? « Klein Online

How I Sent Mark Levin Home Crying « Blog

The Mark Levin / Tom Woods Debate on Presidential War Powers | Tom Woods

The Phony Arguments for Presidential War Powers | Tom Woods

Dick Durbin Calls for Run on Bank - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Marine F-35B Stealth Fighter’s First Vertical Carrier Landing | Video |

Sharia Law: Battlefield London | Fighting Radical Islam

10 Things You Need to Know about…Islamic Law (Shariah) | Fighting Radical Islam

Archived-Articles: Sharia Law in Canada and Britain

Islamic Law Conquering the West | Fighting Radical Islam

Is Harry Reid-Backed Nevada Geothermal the Next Solyndra?

Teen Killed While Walking to School | Local News

Panetta trying to unseat Israeli leader? Signs Democrat strategists behind Jewish state’s social protests. « Klein Online

BLOG: ‘The New Bottom Line’ Alinskyites and Assorted Progressive Groups Poised to Hijack #OccupyWallStreet « Klein Online

2 dead, 6 wounded in N. California quarry shooting - AM 560 WIND

New technology helps Hispanics trace their roots - AM 560 WIND

Somalis get life in prison for US yacht hijacking - AM 560 WIND

Cook County defies government on immigration - AM 560 WIND

Tommy Thompson files paperwork for Senate race - AM 560 WIND

Obama, Congress divided over terror suspects - AM 560 WIND

Self-styled lord, cronies convicted of fraud in UK - AM 560 WIND

The 'Hunger' Hoax

Messiah Complex: The Sequel?


DRUDGE REPORT / Drudge Report


AmericanCrisis:Communist Party USA Defends Climate Change Propaganda

3 GOP Reps Propose Replacing Dollar Bill With Coin

Rep. Burgess: Solyndra Needs Independent Probe

Update: SolarCity and SolarStrong Lose to a Congress With Solyndra Fever : Greentech Media

The Daily Bell - The Police State Abolishes the Trial

The Federal Reserve Plans To Identify “Key Bloggers” And Monitor Billions Of Conversations About The Fed On Facebook, Twitter... | ZeroHedge




Newsvine - That TV commercial with sounds only your dog can hear




Dylan Ratigan on #Occupy Wallstreet and 2012 - YouTube

MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan soapbox @ #occupywallstreet It's Time to GET MONEY OUT of politics - YouTube

ANONYMOUS Issues Threat - On October 10 The NYSE Will Be Erased From The Internet - Operation #InvadeWallStreet - Home - The Daily Bail

The Intercept: CIA Killer Raymond Davis Sends Man To The Hospital Over Starbucks Parking Spot

Activist Post: Montana Voters Force Medical Marijuana Onto the Ballot

Why Environmentalists Should Occupy Wall Street | Common Dreams

Rising atheism in America puts 'religious right on the defensive' | World news | The Observer

#OccupyWallStreet: Interview with protester about SOLUTIONS, Ron Paul. plus Dylan Ratigan - YouTube

Stunning Pictures of Al Gore’s New $9 Million Mansion Media Totally Ignored | Wake Up From Your Slumber

Occupy Wall Street Protests Full Of Useful Idiot Communists And Socialists -

Mika Brzezinski: 'I Think Retirement is Going to Become a Thing of the Past for a Lot of People' | Video Cafe

Obama admits America is worse off under his presidency | Capitol Hill Blue

Libya News Updates Oct 4 - YouTube

5 Sci-Fi Ad Techniques That Are About to Make Life Creepier |

China says ‘firmly opposes’ U.S. Senate currency bill | The Raw Story

U.S. Defense Secretary arrives in Egypt in bid to free accused Israeli spy - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Fox News Launches An All Out Assault Against Occupy Wall Street

APNewsBreak: Obama seeks debt collector proposal

Revolutionary Politics : "Bank Of America Customers Get The Heck Out Of That Bank!" Senator Dick Durbin

Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington Post

China and South Africa Sign deals on geology and mineral resources and financial cooperation |

Activist Post: Ineffective Flu Shots Backed by Faulty Science and Corporate Marketing

VIDEO - Bernanke Tells Congress: "Operation Twist Is NOT A Game Changer For The Economy" - Home - The Daily Bail

The War of the Words « 99 Percent Space

Michael ‘Climategate’ Mann Suffers Three Legal Blows in Court Escapade | Co2 Insanity

Dinosaur-era Feathers Sealed In Amber - Science News

The Lost Children of Babylon - The Great Depression Cosmic Crusader, Atun Sen Geb & Rasul Allah - YouTube

Who Do They Think We Are, Oxymorons? A Look At “Humanitarian” War |

Most Americans Don't Think Nation is Economically Divided: Do You?

Obama UN speech so pro-Israeli it shocked even the Israelis: BBC Report |

JP Morgan Gives $4.6 Million To NYPD, Forclosed Homes For Veterans, Greece Enters The Death Zone, Lobbyist Free-For-All Over Tax Holiday, Green Energy Glut (15 LINKS) - Home - The Daily Bail

Ralph Nader, Ron Paul, Kucinich & Chomsky: "End The Left-Right Delusion, Corporatism Is The TRUE Enemy" - Home - The Daily Bail

Communications Workers of America backs ‘Occupy Wall Street’ protest | The Raw Story

No, There Is NOT a List of Official Demands from the Protesters - Washington's Blog

Huge NYC Union March Set to Spotlight Occupy Wall Street Protest | AFL-CIO NOW BLOG

Did you know that by law the US guarantees israel's oil supply - no matter what? | Wake Up From Your Slumber

American's Journey: The New American Revolution: Curse or gift?

Logbuch al-Qaida: Clan zweifelt am Tod des Terrorpredigers - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Politik

War Veterans To Join Wall Street Protesters - Home - The Daily Bail

The Intercept: Holder’s Hollywood manqué: About Death

Activist Post: Top US senator urges release of Awlaqi memo

Shanghai, China - the world's new center of business, finance, pollution, and power. - YouTube

Former 'Anti-Piracy Investigator' Explains How He Fed Police Cases, Inflated 'Piracy' Stats | Techdirt

Obama's PROMISE To End The Iraq War - Oct. 27, 2007 - "You Can Take That To The Bank" - YouTube

Ratigan With Denninger: How To Get Money Out Of Politics - Home - The Daily Bail

Corporate Media Reports Some Bullshit List As The Demands Of #OccupyWallStreet Then Attacks Them

People around the world predict America's #occupywallstreet protests could spur a nationwide revolution - 12160

US Government Accused of Seeking to Conceal Deal Cut With Sinaloa “Cartel” | the narcosphere

CONGRESSIONAL VIDEO - Bernanke Discusses Occupy Wall Street: "I Don't Blame Them for Protesting" - Home - The Daily Bail

Activist Post: Panetta Reinforces Threat of "Lone Operators" in Latest Interview With CNN (Video)

Occupation USA! - YouTube

» Why Are Rick Perry And Mitt Romney Getting About Twice As Much Talking Time? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

There is No Plan to Fix the Economy! | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Activist Post: Putin wants Eurasian Union to compete with EU and US

Activist Post: Russia and China block UN resolution on Syria amidst fears it could mean another Libya-style intervention

Rumsfeld in heated conversation with Al Jazeera - YouTube


What is Dominionism? God, Guns and Greed

Following the Dominionist Thread Through the GOP's 2012 Candidates

The Antecedents of American Fundamentalism 1606-1925

The Rising Tide of American Fundamentalism in the 1940s and 50s

The Cresting Tide of American Fundamentalism in the 1960s

American Fundamentalism in the 70s - The Rise of the Moral Majority

The Rise of American Fundamentalism - The Year 1980

Walk Away Homeowners Shouldn't be Suprised by Court Judgment - Page 1 - Mike Shedlock - Townhall Finance

Revolutionary Politics : "What Happened To Freedom In America?" Judge Napolitano

Revolutionary Politics : "The Celente Predictions Coming To Reality Again" - Gerald Celente - Gary Nolan - 27 September 2011


+ The Jefferson Bible

pdf;The Jefferson Bible The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth Extracted From The Four Gospels


Is Hang a Banker Day coming to a Theater near You? Smoking Mirrors


*Forum/The Information Underground(




$ - Money - $ (


The Money Masters

* The Money Masters - Full - YouTube


Former Mossad chief: Iran far from achieving nuclear bomb - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

RealClear Politics responds |

Sir! No Sir! - The Gi Revolt - 49:00


"For The Love Of Money" by The O'Jays - Grooveshark

"First I Look At the Purse" by The J. Geils Band - Grooveshark

"Money" by The Doors - Grooveshark


Class-Action Lawsuit Filed Against Mayor Bloomberg For Arrests Made On Brooklyn Bridge - YouTube

"Bank Of America Customers Get The Heck Out Of That Bank!" Senator Dick Durbin - YouTube

Ron Paul "If We Don't Correct This I Believe We Just Transitioned From A Republic To A Dictatorship" - YouTube

Ron Paul with Megyn Kelly - 10/4 - YouTube

Veterans Say War In Iraq & Afghanistan NOT Worth The Cost! - YouTube

Obama Machine Prepares To Hijack ‘Occupy Wall Street’

‘Occupy Wall Street’ Tax Proposal Is Backed By Wall Street Itself

Fed Plans to Identify “Key Bloggers” and Monitor Billions of Conversations


* Infowars Nightly News 2011-10-04 - YouTube


* Prison » Fast And Furious: 22 Shocking Facts About The Scandal That Could Bring Down The Obama Administration

Americans Want Smaller Government: Alex Jones Report 1/3 - YouTube

Americans Want Smaller Government: Alex Jones Report 2/3 - YouTube

Americans Want Smaller Government: Alex Jones Report 3/3 - YouTube


* The Alex Jones Show - Oct 04, 2011 - YouTube


+ Prison » Occupy Wall Street Hijacked by Special Interests – Alex Jones Emergency Broadcast

Prison » Occupy Wall Street ‘Stands In Solidarity’ With Obama Front Group

Euro Zone: 'Depression' Makes Return to Mainstream Lexicon - CNBC

Opposition to Obama grows — strongly - The Washington Post

Prison » Why Are OWS Protesters Repeating White House Talking Points?

Prison » Obama to Axe Small Business Programs: Lloyd Chapman Reports

Prison » Celente: Obama Will Win If Republicans Pick Establishment Candidate

There is No Plan to Fix the Economy! | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Prison » 27 Years: No Deaths from Vitamins, 3 Million from Prescription Drugs

Prison » Dissecting the OWS List of Demands

Prison » Bernanke Discusses Occupy Wall Street I Don’t Blame Them For Protesting

Prison » Investors In Asia Are Clearly Freaking Out About Something

Prison » US Starts New Fiscal Year With $14.837 Trillion In Debt, $142 Billion Increase In Two Days

Prison » Occupy The Fed Movement Launched: Nightly News Report

Prison » OWS Protester Gets It – It’s The Fed, Stupid

Michelle Obama's 'goodwill tour' of Africa cost US taxpayers at least $425k | Mail Online

Perry Plummets, Cain Surges in Positive Intensity

Romney: Wall Street Protests ‘Class Warfare’ - Sarah B. Boxer -

Prison » Monster asteroid has a mountain taller than Mount Everest, scientists say

Prison » Many ‘natural’ foods are loaded with GMOs

Prison » Scientific studies conclude GMO feed causes organ disruption in animals

Prison » Panetta Reinforces Threat of “Lone Operators” in Latest Interview With CNN (Video)

Prison » NJ Police Kill A Man Then Stifle First Amendment – Unleash Riot Police On Crowd Including Children

Prison » Shy children now candidates for dangerous psychiatric drugs

Obama May Cancel 2012 Elections!! - Dr. Jerome Corsi Reports 1/2 - YouTube

Obama May Cancel 2012 Elections!! - Dr. Jerome Corsi Reports 2/2 - YouTube

Don't Let Soros Hijack Occupy Wall Street: Webster Tarpley Reports 1/2 - YouTube

Don't Let Soros Hijack Occupy Wall Street: Webster Tarpley Reports 2/2 - YouTube

» Celente: Obama Will Win If Republicans Pick Establishment Candidate Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Economist Stiglitz: Federal Reserve failures ‘almost unforgivable’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

* Introducing Siri: DARPA’s Ghost in Apple’s Machine Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Police Brutality, Mass Arrests Draw Attention to “Occupy Wall Street”

» Tens of millions of Florida bees mysteriously drop dead in one day, beekeepers blame pesticides Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Bank Fees? Let’s Tell The Banksters That We Don’t Want Their Stinking Bank Fees And That We Are Switching Banks Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» ‘Anonymous threat’ plot to undermine Wall Street protest? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Russia and China veto UN resolution against Syrian regime | World news |

Afghanistan and Iraq wars not worth fighting, say a third of US veterans | World news | The Guardian

Israel’s Window to Bomb Iran | Consortiumnews

» Russia and China block UN resolution on Syria amidst fearing another Libya-style intervention Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Announced Job Cuts in U.S. More Than Triple From Year Ago, Challenger Says - Bloomberg

Afghan yuppies get rich on ten years of war

» NJ police kill a man then stifle First Amendment, then unleash riot police on crowd Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Manchester, New Hampshire Police Officer Uses Excessive Force on High School Student Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Police Brutality, Mass Arrests Draw Attention to “Occupy Wall Street”

BBC News - London 2012: Cleaners set to spy on dopers

Ameren power plant closures: Fewer jobs, cleaner air - Springfield, IL - The State Journal-Register

NHS pays millions of pounds more than it needs to for drugs - Health News, Health & Families - The Independent

Facebook's privacy lie: Aussie exposes 'tracking' as new patent uncovered

Super bus takes 23 passengers and travels at 155mph | Mail Online

Cell Phone Industry to Sue SF on Radiation Law | NBC Bay Area

Yeti hunt: Russian and American scientists pool 'Cold War' evidence | Mail Online

» ATF Fast and Furious: Attorney General Eric Holder was briefed in July 2010 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

NY State Senators Say We've Got Too Much Free Speech; Introduce Bill To Fix That | Techdirt

The Federal Government: A Threat to Liberty – Tenth Amendment Center

Supreme Court won't review drug case text message search | Reuters

No 9/11 trial this year at Guantánamo war court - Guantánamo -

Registration Begins for 9/11 Health Compensation Fund -

Anwar Awlaqi Most Likely Alive- Yemen Post English Newspaper Online

Yemen: Top Al Qaeda bomb maker Ibrahim al-Asiri did not die in drone strike | Mail Online

» Assassinations of al Qaeda Leaders Designed To Keep Americans In The Dark Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» BBC News: Think tank moves in on thought crime in schools, calls for re-education Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Video: Bernanke Says He Understands OWS Protests Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» CNN Defends TARP, Paints Wall Street Protesters as a Joke Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

UK could introduce 'fat tax', says David Cameron | Politics |

The Cronyism Behind a Pipeline for Crude - - Satanic Debt Racket Exposed in Banker's Novel

Awlaki Killing Ends Obama Campaign Promises for Openness in Government

Herman Cain Flip Flops on Killing of Awlaki

Rep. Dennis Kucinich: Replace the Fed with a New Monetary Authority

Military Commissions Throughout U.S. History

PressTV - US drone strike kills six in Somalia

Saudi police open fire on civilians as protests gain momentum - Middle East, World - The Independent

Bank Recapitalization - Up to $266 Billion Needed for Europe Banks: IMF - CNBC

Prison » Alex Reviews His Checkpoint Video

Prison » Global Debt Crisis: Investing in “Toxic Waste Treasuries” or Gold and Silver?

+ Prison » The #OccupyWallStreet Guide

Prison » The Myth of Vaccine Safety and Effectiveness

CIA’s Global Warming Center A National Security Secret | Judicial Watch

CIA Opens Center on Climate Change and National Security — Central Intelligence Agency

Facebook’s new Timeline set to 'lock in' users - Times Of India

» Now History Asks: Who really won the Cold War? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» John Perkins: The Global Elite’s Crime Syndicate Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Who’s Behind The ‘Occupy Everywhere’ Faux-tests? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Verizon challenges new US rules on net neutrality | Technology |

» The EPA Gets Caught in a Big Fat Lie Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» FACEBOOK: “Within 1-2 Years, We’re Going To Be A Mobile Company” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 3 Reasons to Reconsider Flu Shots Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Rule of law Has Been Abolished Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

CIA, Pentagon fight to keep Osama bin Laden death photos secret - Josh Gerstein -

» WTC Buildings 1, 2 & 7 Plans Exempt From Disclosure, Deemed “Sensitive Buildings” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 9/11 Came From Above, Not From Below Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Were Twin Towers felled by chemical blasts? (Update)

» BBC News: Think tank moves in on thought crime in schools, calls for re-education Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Ron Paul Causes Michael Savage To Rethink Murder By Obama - YouTube


Streaming on the Internet(


Obama, the Hitman: Killing Due Process

Rick Perry's 'N-Head' Problem and the Fourth Estate's Hypocrisy

Free-Market Green Jobs for $2.63 a Day

How Conservative Candidates Can Give Us a RINO Nominee

Who Will Be the First Victims of Obama's Decision to Lead from Behind?

Obama's Turkey Policy Is Proving to Be a Turkey

Dems Say No Thanks to Walmart Offer to Eliminate Food Desert

Euro-economies creaking to a halt

Assad's friends at the UN ride to his rescue

Somali truck bomb kills 70 as terrorists promise more of the same

More guns, fewer murders

'The Black US Attorney Has Common Cause with the Black Criminal'

The Best of Dirty Dick Durbin

Fast and Furious: Let It Bleed

White House very nervous about coverage of Fast and Furious

'Occupy Wall Street' a nearly all white endeavor

Moroccan Muslim 'Apostate' to Christianity Survives Stabbing and Gets US Asylum

Occupy Wall Street's Anti-capitalist Crusade

All Politics Is Resentment

The Jihad Lawyer

'Arab Spring' Part of Iranian Plot to Dominate

Waiting for a Wise Man

Christie Too Fat to Be President?

Herman Cain and the Perfect Storm of 2012

Why Other GOP Candidates Cannot Speak Up about Perry-Gate

Diversity of America tested in GOP Primary!

Debbie Schlussel:How Bad is Obamaconomy? Parents Cut Back on Diapers

Debbie Schlussel:Supreme Ct Declines Muslim Headscarf Jail Case; Prison Women Don’t Have to Remove Hijab


* 10 pg./The Globally Integrated Enterprise Samuel J. Palmisano

IBM Governmental Programs

IBM - Responsibility at IBM

A Smarter Planet Blog(

Bridget van Kralingen: The Future of Leadership: Leading Through Systemic Change

IBM100 - THINK Forum(

IBM THINK Forum | IBM CEO, Sam Palmisano, Discusses Thoughts on the Future of Leadership - YouTube

IBM THINK Forum | A Conversation on the Future of Leadership - YouTube



58 pg./Gender-Responsive Strategies on Climate Change: Recent Progress and Ways Forward for Donors


New World Trade Center Tower To Be Made With Glass From China And Steel From Germany


"Fear, Inc." Exposes the So-Called Experts and Donors Behind Islamophobia in the United States

FEAR INC! Millions Being Spent To Spread Islamophobia Fear & Hate Of Muslims - YouTube

Fear, Inc.: The Roots of the Islamophobia Network in America

*138 pg./Fear, Inc. The Roots of the Islamophobia Network in America


Shh! Obama gets anti-secrecy award | POLITICO 44

Jay Bryan: Austerity obsession kneecaps Europe

Minimum wage harming job opportunities for young - Telegraph

Sources In Washington Say IMF’s Pot Of Cash Could Be Expanded From $350 Billion To $3.5 Trillion -

Survey: Parents Waking Up to Vaccine Dangers -

Internet firms co-opted for surveillance: experts | Reuters

Documents Show AG Holder Knew About ‘Fast & Furious’; Contradict Testimony -


* IBM's Channel - YouTube(

* IBMSocialMedia's Channel - YouTube(


Alinsky Rules Return For Obama -

Holder backpedals on Fast & Furious | Campaign 2012

The Left’s “Tea Party”--Rich Lowry -

House Republicans Request Special Counsel To Probe Holder On 'Fast And Furious' | Fox News

ATF Fast and Furious: New documents show Attorney General Eric Holder was briefed in July 2010 - CBS News Investigates - CBS News

Walker's World: War in South China Sea? -

Kercher family perplexed by verdict freeing Knox

Call Her Fort Knox -- Amanda's Story Could Net Her Tens Of Millions Of Dollars, Experts Say | Fox News


Federal Reserve (

Bank for International Settlements(

International Monetary Fund (

World Bank Group (


Infrastructure Investment and U.S. Competitiveness - Council on Foreign Relations

China's Bold New Plan for Economic Domination - Council on Foreign Relations

Rules for a new world order|Comment|

Facebook Keeps A History Of Everyone Who Has Ever Poked You, Along With A Lot Of Other Data - Forbes


Customer Service Blog(



Dial A Human!(







Exceptions for Religious Organizations Targeted by Obama Justice Dept. |

Did Bachmann ‘Agree’ That Obama Should be Impeached? | Video |

Water Tower Cross to Be Removed in Whiteville After Atheists’ Complaints |

Cheering Economic Terrorism – SEIU Getting Ready to ‘Terrify’ DC: Stephen Lerner at SEIU Meeting Outlines Rules for Creating a Crisis — We Want Their Kids to Hate Them, Name Enemies Like Glenn Beck, Shut Down Bridges, Long Occupations, Recruit Tea Party | Video |

Occupy Wall Street Gathering Perfect Storm of Protestors For Biggest March Yet |

Congressman John Larson Responds to Wall Street Protesters and Hints at ‘American Fall’ |

Separations of Powers Not: ‘Take Away His Vote’ — Dem Congresswoman Wants to Nullify Justice Thomas‘ Rulings With ’Retroactive Recusal’ | Video |

Supreme Court Declines to Hear World Vision Religious Discrimination Case |

Obama Compares Himself to Reagan in Dallas | Video |

Geithner Warns Banks: We Will ‘Prevail’ |

Jon Stewart Defends Hank Williams Jr. | Video |

Sean Penn is Now in Tripoli, Libya & He’s Praising the Arab Spring |

Animal Cruelty Charges Dropped Against Man Who Ate Live Baby Rat | Video |

Radical Islamic Website Asks: ‘Is the Assassination of Obama Legal?’ |

Muslim Death Row Inmate Sues Over Lack of Halal Meals in Prison |

Amanda Knox, Family Speak Out Upon Return to United States | Video |

Donald Rumsfeld Gives Explosive Interview to Al Jazeera: ‘This is Worthless’ | Video |

CBS Reporter Sharyl Attkisson Says Justice Department and White House ‘Yelled’ and ‘Screamed’ at Her |

Fed Chairman Bernanke To Sen. Sanders (I-Vt.): The Wealth Gap Is a ‘Real Concern’ |

Joe Biden Doesn’t Know Who Van Jones Is |

Try a Tiny Home … or Five to Bypass Building Codes, Need for Loan | Video |

Major Democratic Fundraiser at Van Jones ‘Take Back the American Dream Conference’: The American Dream Is Totally About Sharing and Redistributing the Wealth Because Free Houses and HealthCare Are a Right | Video |

New Report Outlines Possible Options For Eurozone And None Of Them Desirable | European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) |

Judicial Watch Uncovers Cost of Michelle Obama’s Africa Trip |

Van Jones Slams Tea Party, Praises Occupy Wall Street at ‘American Dream’ Conference | Video |

Roman Catholics in Poland Believe Spot on Wafer is Part of Jesus’ Heart |

Emanuel Casino Tax Break Costs Schools in Illinois |

Russia & China veto draft UNSC resolution on Syria

Panetta says Libya Mission Should Continue

Karzai Seeks Stronger Ties With India

DOD Identifies Unit for Upcoming Afghanistan Rotation

DARPA's PAL Project - YouTube

Agent Jack Meets Serengeti (General Magic) - YouTube

Sesame Street unveils new poverty stricken muppet -- PHOTO | Inside TV |

Apple Futureshock - YouTube

DNC chair: ‘LGBT equality is not an aspiration, it’s a destination’

Sanders skewers ‘economic royalists’

Many vets say Afghan, Iraq wars not worth it

Approval of Congress hits record low: poll

Mark Ruffalo: ‘Occupy Wall St.’ is ‘a beautiful celebration'

Federal agency blocks FDA-approved marijuana research for veterans

Yahoo readies finances for potential buyers: sources

NATO Refuses to Investigate Libyan Civilian Deaths

Iraqi Leaders: No US Troop Immunity After Dec.

Ahmadinejad Offers Halt to 20% Enrichment

Awlaki and American Exceptionalism

Who's Pulling Strings in Syria?

Presidents Murder Americans Now

Why One of Afghanistan's Most Feared Men Is a US Ally

Awlaki Would Have Been 'Difficult' to Try as a Civilian

Spy Games Come to New York for UN General Assembly

Panetta: 'Gaps' in NATO's Libya Mission

Turkish PM: Israel Threat Because of Nuclear Weapons

Afghan Authorities Foil Alleged Karzai Assassination Plot

New Corn Variety Boosts Food Security Across Africa

VIDEO:Egyptian Workers Denounce Military Regime

Where Is The #OWS Demand To End The Fed? :

Herman Cain is the Uncle Tom of the Federal Reserve :

The World of Mind Control Through the Eyes of an Artist with 13 Alter Personas

UK Think Tank Wants School Teachers to Address “Conspiracy Theories”

Media collusion with Bilderberg Group confirms hidden agenda (video)

Boehner to Newsmax: We Can Work With Obama on 'Common Ground'

Boehner: Congress Will Review SEC Probe of S&P

Obama's Relationship With Reid, Senate Sours

Senate Democrats Rewrite Obama Jobs Bill

Drug Dependence Increases Among Baby Boomers

Santorum: I Can Answer 3 a.m. Phone Call

IMF Seeks Radical Change in Euro Crisis Strategy

Personalizing Your Diet is Key to Weight-Loss Success, Says Top Expert

5 GOP Candidates Join Boycott of Univision Debate

McCain: We're 'Leaning' To Special Prosecutor for Holder

CBS Reporter: WH Aide 'Yelled' About Fast-Furious

Boehner: We'll 'Get to Bottom' of Fast and Furious

Rush: 'The Obama Jobs Bill Is Dead'

New York’s Wrongheaded Approach to Illegal Immigrants

Al-Awlaki Killing Will Not Stop the Jihad

Fewer Rules Would Bring More Prosperity

Electoral College Change Is a 'Naked Political Ploy'

US Is Negotiating With Muslim Brotherhood

How the GOP Flip-Flopped in the Right Direction

‘Green jobs’ farm in Colorado sheds jobs after receiving $200M in stimulus funds

Election 2012: Generic Presidential Ballot - Rasmussen Reports™

Solyndra e-mails: Dept. of Energy was poised to approve $469 million for firm - The Washington Post

Sesame Street unveils new poverty stricken muppet -- PHOTO | Inside TV |

Obama Campaign Says GOP Blocking Jobs Bill--After Reid Blocks Jobs Bill | The Weekly Standard

Police: Delaware Mom Agreed To Sell Newborn To - Flash Player Installation

WRAPUP 2-China warns of trade war if U.S. bill passes | Reuters

China currency sanctions hit snag on Hill - Washington Times

Congressman lambastes Chinese cyber-espionage - Checkpoint Washington - The Washington Post

Giant Asteroid Vesta Has Mountain Taller Than Anything on Earth | Asteroid Vesta & Vesta Images | NASA's Dawn Spacecraft |

Johnny Depp admits he’s overpaid? - Yahoo! Movies

Opposition to Obama grows — strongly - The Washington Post

Dem unity, minus Obama -

Nearly $500K to send Michelle, family to Africa | Campaign 2012

Michelle Obama's Africa Trip Cost More Than $424,142 - Washington Whispers (

Michelle Obama’s taxpayer-funded spending is an embarrassment for the White House – Telegraph Blogs

Emanuel to City Employees: Pay Tickets or Lose Job | NBC Chicago

Armed Services Subcommittee Chair: DOD Instructing Military 'To Do Things Which Are in Fact Illegal to Do' |


Is Our Universe a Hologram? In 1982 a Litttle Known but Epic Event Occured at the University of Paris (Today's Most Popular)

World's most complex telescope takes first pictures of deepest space in quest for more knowledge of outer universe | Mail Online

Activist Post: More Anthrax Vaccine Contracts Issued: 44.75 Million Doses of BioThrax Over 5 Years

» Ron Paul Leads Hearing On First Ever Audit Of Fed Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Activist Post: Deepak Chopra interviewed by We Are Change @ #occupywallstreet (Video)

Activist Post: Is Bank of America Instituting a No Opt-Out Policy to Avoid Bank Run? (Video)

Activist Post: Police State? Affirmative. Wake Up before you Wake Up in a Cell

Cannabis oil is a highly efficient natural cancer cure

Activist Post: Run From the Cure (MUST SEE Documentary)

Activist Post: 'Outraged' US leads Security Council walkout

There is No Plan to Fix the Economy! | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Activist Post: Putin wants Eurasian Union to compete with EU and US

Activist Post: OWS Update Oct. 5th: The Right to Assemble

Activist Post: If SHTF, Could You and Would You Shoot Someone?

Activist Post: Blurring the technological lines between good and evil

When Did Obama Learn of ‘Fast and Furious’? WH Isn’t Saying

Environmentalists Sue to Block TransCanada Pipeline – Before It’s Approved

Reid Blocks Vote On Obama Jobs Bill: 'We Have Two More Weeks'

Hoyer Says He Backs Obama’s Jobs Bill, But It Has No House Co-Sponsors – Not Even Hoyer

Obama Attacks Cantor Over Jobs Bill

Freshman Congressmen: ‘Reid and Senate Holding Americans Hostage’ by Failing to Pass Budget

Republicans Want U.N. Agency to Lose U.S. Funding If ‘Palestine’ Is Admitted

McConnell: Vote On Jobs Bill Right Away, Reid: 'Right Away Is A Relative Term'

Obama: Banks Don't Have A Right To A Certain Amount Of Profit

Sen. Durbin Urges A Withdrawl From Bank Of America

'Anyone' Can See Economy's Improving, DNC Chair Insists |

Rick's Rock vs. Rev. Wright |

Hasselbeck Smacks Down Behar Claim GOP 'Hasn't Been Black Friendly': 'Should We Begin With Lincoln?' |

NBC 'Today' Panelists Literally Applaud 'Fat Tax' on Food |

Stopping Obama's 'Pay Their Fair Share' Shenanigans |

Armed Services Subcommittee Chair: DOD Instructing Military 'To Do Things Which Are in Fact Illegal to Do' |

DOJ: ‘Ethnic Asian’ Gangs Dominate Drug Smuggling From Canada, Increasingly Active Inside US |

Herman Cain's Memoir Hits Top 10 on |

George Washington Would Not Approve of Obama’s Call to Embrace Homosexuals in the Military |

NATO: Haqqani Network Leader Killed in Afghanistan |

GOP worries they’ll have to accept massive spending measure

Geithner blasts banks over fees: 'We are going to push back harder'

Elizabeth Warren debate: 'Wall St. broke this country’

Liberals seek to muster Tea Party-style fervor

Terrorist takes U.S. to court over his confinement conditions at Supermax

White House targets lawmaker for criticizing solar energy loans

Sources Say Sen. Reid Wants Millionaire Surtax to Pay for Jobs Bill

More parents financing their kids' mortgages

Knox family hired PR company specializing in crisis management soon after Amanda was arrested

Warren Buffett says he will release his tax return if Rupert Murdoch does

GOP elite still not sold on Romney

State Department fiscal 2012 spending bill warrants a closer look

Poll: 1 in 3 U.S. Veterans Believe Iraq and Afghan Wars Not Worth Fighting

Rep. Michael McCaul presses efforts to designate Mexican drug cartels “foreign terrorist organizations”

Russia and China veto U.N. resolution threatening sanctions against Syria

CBS poll: Cain tied for first

Poll shows a new low in Americans’ approval of Congress -- 14%

Hacker Group Anonymous Threatens to Attack Stock Exchange

Israeli scientist wins Nobel chemistry prize

Memo: Holder told of ‘Fast and Furious’ as early as July 2010

TSA tests 'pre-screening' of select passengers at 4 airports

Obama waives penalties on countries that employ child soldiers – again!

Rep. Steve King Pines for the Days When Only Male Property Owners Voted

C&L's #OccupyWallStreet Solidarity Pizza Fundaiser Is Rocking!

Sign of the Times: Sesame Street Creates Muppet To Discuss Food Insecurity

NBA Lockout Cancels Preseason, Threatens Season

Why Occupy Wall Street Embodies The Real Values Of The Boston Tea Party

Congressional Priorities! Triple DOMA Defense Funds While Defunding NPR, Again

Obama Sends Bush Trade Agreements to the Do-Less-Than-Nothing Congress

Documentary: CAFTA Hurting Workers in Honduras, Too

Tea Partiers in Arizona Prop Up Fake Latina Candidate in Hopes of Saving Russell Pearce from Recall

Chris Christie: No, Really, I am Not Running for President

Bill O'Reilly on Occupy Wall Street: They're Jobless Because They Don't Want to Work

TWU Goes to Court in Order to Not Have to Transport Arrested Protesters They Support

Michelle Rhee Hires Republican Lobbyist To Push 'Reforms' Over The Top In Pennsylvania

The American Autumn: The Children of the Lost Decade Revolt

NJDC Demands Perry, Others Return 'Iran-Tainted' Koch Donations

Van Jones: Marines to Stand with Wall Street Protesters

Marvel Comics' X-Factor Heroes Become Union Busters

Speculation in Agricultural Commodities: Driving up the Price of Food Worldwide and plunging Millions into Hunger

Medicare: The Privatization of Healthcare in Canada

Libya and Syria. Western-led military operations


* List of Politicians, Military and Intelligence Experts who Question the "Official" 9/11 Narrative


Obama Machine Prepares To Hijack ‘Occupy Wall Street’

The Crime of Making Americans Aware of their Own History

*Audio:Lew Rockwell w/ Doug and David Galland ;Will Lew Rockwell Be Doug Casey’s FEMA Cellmate?

The #1 Historical Question Is Unanswered by Gary North

Audit Bernanke by Ron Paul

Social Security Disaster by Walter E. Williams

Patient Privacy Rights and Private Hospitals by Bill Rounds

Assassins of Liberty by Justin Raimondo --

The 'Hunger' Hoax by Thomas Sowell

Bad Financial News Keeps Pouring In: 14 Facts That Just Might Scare the Living Daylights Out of You

Obama Repeals the 5th Amendment by Bob Bauman

Lessons in Manliness from Charles Atlas | The Art of Manliness

Celebrate the Death of 'An Enemy of the State' — or Be Considered One Yourself - informationliberation

The Awlaki Sanction: Who's Next on the List? - informationliberation

Jake Tapper vs. Jay Carney on President Killing U.S. Citizens. - YouTube

Top Republican: bill on China yuan "dangerous" - Yahoo! News

California: Appeals Court Approves Cell Phone Search During Traffic Stop - informationliberation

IRS Hits Oakland Pot Shop With $2.4M Tax Bill

U.S. close to faltering, Fed ready to act: Bernanke | Reuters

Obama Supporters "Occupy" DC - YouTube

Update on Excessive Force in Manchester NH - YouTube

Manchester Police Officer Uses Excessive Force on High School Student - YouTube

Former 'Anti-Piracy Investigator' Explains How He Fed Police Cases, Inflated 'Piracy' Stats - informationliberation

Dissecting the OWS List of Demands - informationliberation

Jim Rogers on US-China trade war - YouTube

Police & Feds Seek To Steal $1,000,000 Family Run Motel From Innocent Owners - informationliberation

Federal & Local Law Enforcement Agencies Try to Take Family Motel from Innocent Owners - YouTube

Rep. Kucinich Wants Constitutional Money | American Free Press

Ron Paul Campaign Suggests Military Tired of Endless Wars | American Free Press

Ahmadinejad: Missile shields won't prevent collapse of Zionist regime - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Former employee admits stealing recordings from National Archives - The Washington Post

Fraud in Corps of Engineers contracting charged - The Washington Post

Scientists debate benefits of memory-dampening drugs –

Netanyahu: Master of Deception

Jose Padilla, Tortured and Denied Justice

Class Warfare Accelerating, Democracy Losing Grip

Occupation: Coming to a City Near You?

New York Observer: Exclusive "Occupy Wall Street" Unaired Fox Footage - YouTube


* 50 min./Torture in American prisons - YouTube


+Audio Page:Obama and Bush Administrations Are Complicit in Bankers’ Massive Foreclosure Scheme | Before It's News


Economic Doomsday: World's Experts Predict 'Total Disaster' | Before It's News

Benjamin Fulford: The Pole Shift In Global Financial Power Is Almost Complete | Before It's News

Roadmap To Impeachment: Obama's Endless List of Impeachable Offenses | Before It's News

Marijuana As A Treatment For Cancer | Before It's News

Two Suns Filmed Over Hungary | Before It's News

Fed's Block FDA-Approved Marijuana Research For Veterans | Before It's News

Federal agency blocks FDA-approved marijuana research for veterans | The Raw Story

Satanic Debt Racket Exposed in Banker's Novel | Before It's News

Invisibility Cloak Hides Objects With Mirage-Like Effect | Before It's News

OpEdNews - Article: Why the New Security Zone along the Canadian Border?

CIA Covert Wars in the Islamic World


Satan and the New World Order: Part I « End Times Revelations

Satan and the New World Order: Part II « End Times Revelations


* Videos « End Times Revelations


US support for nuclear power remains high

Earthquake Swarm Continues On El Hierro, Canary Islands - Irish Weather Online

Government's Secret Doomsday Bunker?: Jesse Ventura investigates the massive, on-going construction at Denver International Airport

Chesapeake Bay Journal: White-nose syndrome taking bite out of bat populations - October 2011

Can White America Survive? | Real Zionist News

Alzheimer's may be transmissible, study says - Health - Alzheimer's Disease -

UN Ambush: India vs. Monsanto

Dr_Devra_Davis_If_the_cellphone_were_a_drug_it_would_be_banned_26_08_2011.pdf (application/pdf Object)

Flood of food imported, just 2 percent inspected - Health - Food safety -

Activist Post: 27 Years: No Deaths from Vitamins, 3 Million from Prescription Drugs

The CDC Has Known All Along How Dangerous Vaccines Are - And Has Covered It Up... (Part One) - "Illuminati Pawn" - America's Secret Destiny

Could they have stopped the credit crunch? Fannie Mae knew about dodgy mortgages in 2003, says report | Mail Online

America At A Loss For Transportation Funds - Forbes

Colleges could 'trawl Facebook to find pictures and posts of drunk students with alcohol problems' | Mail Online

Wall Street protest movement spreads to cities across US, Canada and Europe | World news | The Guardian

Breaking News: The measurement of plutonium was abandoned in Japan | Fukushima Diary

Your Soaring Health Insurance Premiums -

How The Jews Mock Jesus Christ | Real Zionist News

NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory Provides X-Ray And Ultraviolet Images Of the Sun (PHOTOS)

World's Most Complex Radio Telescope Snaps Stunning 1st Photo of the Cosmos | ALMA & Radio Telescopes | Galaxy Formation & The Early Universe |

Evolution of New Human Contagion trH3N2

An open letter and warning from a former tea party movement adherent to the Occupy Wall Street movement. : occupywallstreet

Supreme Court legalizes downloading music — RT

ATF Fast and Furious: New documents show Attorney General Eric Holder was briefed in July 2010 - CBS News Investigates - CBS News

Supreme Court won't review gun rights outside of home - Yahoo! News

Mississippi wildlife officers want bigger guns | Homeland Security News Wire

Hitler and the Banksters: The Abolition of Interest-Servitude | Veterans Today

Senate hits China for 'cheating' to steal US jobs -

End the Fed, not Capitalism

Maritime Law Deception

Dr. Helen Caldicott joins Arnie Gundersen & Christopher Busby Against Nuclear Power Reactors | Australian Cannonball Nuclear News – Debunking nuclear energy one post at a time…

Astronomy will dominate the world

Devvy Kidd -- 'Anchor Babies' 10-03-11

+ The one and only Andy Rooney - 60 Minutes - CBS News

CPUC and PG&E: Misinformation, misrepresentation and attempted extortion « The PPJ Gazette

Pakistan's blasphemy laws have left even judges in fear of their lives | Declan Walsh | Comment is free | The Guardian

How long must we wait before something is done about BBC Scotland?

Premier League fans can buy cheap foreign TV coverage, EU rules | Media |

Cancer-fighting 'superbroccoli' goes on sale in UK | Society | The Guardian

Regular aspirin users at higher risk of sight problems, research suggests - Telegraph

Fair skinned people 'need vitamin D supplements' - Telegraph

Raccoon dogs skinned alive to make cheap copies of Ugg boots | Mail Online

Operation-Invade-Wall-Street-A-Message-To-The-Media - YouTube

Nuclear Oversight Lacking Worldwide on Vimeo


Click and Clone(

Learn.Genetics (


Coming Soon: Kagangate -


*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – October 4th, 2011

*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – October 4th, 2011

*The Alex Jones Show – October 3rd, 2011

*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix; – October 3rd, 2011


*1:08:09/Ron Paul "Leap for Liberty" Full Speech in New Hampshire - 9/29/2011 - YouTube

50 min./Ron Paul Town Hall Meeting at Nashua Community College - 10/3/2011 - YouTube

Paul Speaks to the Hearts of NH Voters - Bedford, NH Patch


China Fires Back At US Senate Which May Have Just Started The Sino-US Currency Wars |

House Republicans Request Special Counsel To Probe Holder On 'Fast And Furious' | Fox News

Documents Show AG Holder Knew About ‘Fast & Furious’; Contradict Testimony |

The Al Qaeda Legend : Wither The “Global War on Terrorism”? Part I – Prof. Michel Chossudovsky |

» Americans Want Smaller Government Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Fed Twists, The Market Shouts – Dr. Ron Paul |

Occupy Dallas Federal Reserve on 10/07/11 - YouTube

Compensation Fund for 9/11 Victims Does not Extend to First Responders who Died of Cancer |

Media Cover Up: U.S. Government Invokes National Security to Conceal Deal Cut with Mexican Drug Cartel |

Rise of the Drones – UAVs After 9/11 | Armed with Science

Why Are They Telling Us This Now? Are They Preparing Us For Something? - YouTube

Exposing Internal Checkpoints: Nightly News Report - YouTube


*ARTICLES: Occupy Wall Street News 10-4-11

* ARTICLES : Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post;BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials – October 4, 2011


The EyeOpener- Exposing ‘In-Q –Tel’: The CIA’s Own Venture Capital Firm

Media Cover Up: U.S. Government Invokes National Security to Conceal Deal Cut with Mexican Drug Cartel

State’s Civilians Sponsored Terrorism- Terrorists ‘R’ Us?

BBC News - Europe to lead daring Sun mission

Study shows humans still evolving

Lair of the Beasts: Monster Hot-Spots -

Strange Propeller-Like Object Discovered in the Outer Reaches of the Kuiper Belt

The Pitfalls of Making Time Travel Work | The KoldCast TV Blog

Inside the Russian Short Wave Radio Enigma | Magazine

Slime Molds - Ancient, Alien and Sophisticated -

Giant ozone hole opens up over the Arctic for the first time

Mayan film documentary claims proof of aliens - Yahoo! News

Dark energy discovery wins physics Nobel

Amanda Knox Arrives Back Home

NYC Helicopter Crash Kills Woman, Injures Family

iPhone Sprint Deal Almost Sealed

Vitamin D Lacking in Cancer Patients

Man in the Mirror -

President Obama goes on the attack, to Democrats’ delight - The Washington Post

Obama's Strategy at Odds with His Message - Josh Kraushaar -

US elections 2012: why Barack Obama could be heading for a heavy defeat – Telegraph Blogs

Chris Christie announces he's not running: Republicans may continue their search for a Mitt Romney alternative, but time is short. - Slate Magazine

Herman Cain's Surge in the 2012 Presidential Race - The Daily Beast

Cogan and Taylor: Stimulus Has Been a Washington Job Killer -

Dan Pfeiffer: Now Is Not the Time to Wave the White Flag on Clean Energy Jobs

Holder’s Dubious History - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online

Fast, Furious and false -

Obama could lose, but who could win? -

Jobless moment: Now there really is a card for every occasion

Opinion: Obama’s fatal missteps -

The iPhone 4S: Apple grows its walled garden | Dan Gillmor | Comment is free |

Alibaba's Jack Ma is no double agent - Fortune Tech

Silicon Valley Reborn as Smartphone Valley - CNBC

Four Netflix Alternatives Tested | PCWorld

Apple iPhone 4S and Siri: Another nail in the coffin for in-dash car navigation? | ExtremeTech

Hotmail Gets Retooled : Discovery News

NASA Tests a Versatile Habitat for Long-Term Missions - Technology Review

Who Killed the Great American Toaster? - Edward Tenner - Technology - The Atlantic

Artificial Intelligence Is Coming to the iPhone, And It's Going to Change Everything

iCloud: What we already know | Web | Macworld

Google has Chrome OS, so where is Facebook’s Face OS? | ExtremeTech

Napster: A brand buried by free music? -

Here's Myspace's New Pitch: Music, Youth Culture and "Steadied" Traffi - Liz Gannes - Social - AllThingsD

Should you rely on Kinect to keep your children safe? | ExtremeTech

Quebec terrorists FLQ kidnapped 2 & began the Oct crisis -- — The Blanc Panthers — Crime Library on

Allatoona Pass Battlefield, The Official Website

Dalai Lama Wins the Nobel Peace Prize - New York Times

First World - The War in the Air - Air Aces of World War One

Table of Contents and Excerpt, Horne, Class Struggle in Hollywood, 1930-1950

Rick Perry’s hunting camp: How many places have racial slurs in their names? - Slate Magazine

A Return To Waco | The New Republic

Columbus' forgotten voyages - American History -

The truth about Garfield's assassination - American History -

'Case Closed' doesn't close the Oswald file - Baltimore Sun

It All Started with Sputnik | Space Exploration | Air & Space Magazine

Tevatron shutdown: How do you turn off a particle accelerator? - Slate Magazine

Are Republicans or Democrats More Anti-Science? - Reason Magazine

Increased Science Literacy Correlated To Less Worry About Climate Change

New Report Urges U.S. to Fund Research on Geoengineering - ScienceInsider

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2011 - Press Release

A Whole New World at the Edge of the Solar System : Starts With A Bang

Bizarre solar system crams three giant planets into fraction of Mercury's orbit

Depressed brains may hate differently -

Secrets of the human genome disclosed : Nature News

Biological fingerprints improve diagnosis of dementia - University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Extremophiles Survive Simulated Conditions on Europa - Technology Review

October 4, 2011 – Herbivore populations will go down as temperatures go up, U of T study says — Faculty of Arts & Science

BBC News - Nobel physics prize honours accelerating Universe find

CERN and colliding theories -

Are Aliens Part of God's Plan, Too? Finding E.T. Could Change Religion Forever | Aliens & Religion, 100-Year Starship Symposium, Interstellar Travel | Christian Implications of Extraterrestrial Intelligence | LiveScience

Al Qaeda lab lingers in anthrax story –

Quantum life: The weirdness inside us - life - 03 October 2011 - New Scientist

Part of placebo effect ascribed to cannabinoids

RealClearScience - How Organic Activists Spread Misinformation

America's Modern Oil Boom Offers Incredible Opportunity - Blog

DNA doubts help clear Amanda Knox of murder - health - 03 October 2011 - New Scientist

Pipeline to disaster | The Christian Century

Don’t Confuse the Common Good with Statism - Institute on Religion & Democracy (IRD)

The Invention of Homosexuality . . . and Heterosexuality

Ministry Matters™ | Articles | Comparing Bell and Chan on Hell

Rev. Pat Robertson drops endorsements, says politics 'can't change our world'

Twilight of the Goths » GetReligion

Reasons for Reason -

Anwar al-Awlaki’s many faces » GetReligion

Rob Bell, Hollywood Celebrity? | Philosophical Fragments

Bishops’ Group: Religious Freedom Under Siege : Roll Call Lobbying & Influence

WORLD Magazine | Firing lines | Emily Belz | Oct 08, 11

A Brief Economic Explanation of Peak Oil

Sen. Lamar Alexander on making bipartisan energy progress | Grist

Greener oil? Solar power used to boost wells - US news - Environment -

Ameren power plant closures: Fewer jobs, cleaner air - Cambridge, IL - Cambridge Chronicle

Energy subsidies are as old as the republic - The Washington Post

Newt Gingrich Calls For Steven Chu To Be Fired Over Solyndra Scandal

The Marietta Daily Journal - Michelle Malkin Solar Energy School Propaganda 101

Solyndracracy | The Weekly Standard

The Blythe Shift: Photovoltaics Over Concentrated Solar - Renewable Energy

Obama on Solyndra: 'Hindsight Is Always 20/20' - ABC News

The Hitchikers Guide to Cleantech: Building A Global Resource for Entrepreneurs | The Energy Collective

Rep. Stearns: US ‘can’t compete with China’ on green energy programs - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Loan Guarantees Reconsidered

What Are the Risks of the Keystone XL Pipeline Project? - Room for Debate -

PJ Lifestyle » A Case, of Identity Thieving

America Magazine - In the Beginning

Nobel Prize in Literature: Winners from the past 10 years - Mario Vargas Llosa -

BOOK REVIEW: 'Force of Nature' - Washington Times

Interactive: Inside Iran

On the world stage, Obama the idealist has taken fright | Simon Tisdall | Comment is free | The Guardian

RealClearPolitics - Drone War Strategies

THE DAILY STAR :: Opinion :: Columnist :: Iran is losing from the Arab uprisings

India-Afghanistan Troop-Training Pact May Increase Tensions With Pakistan - Bloomberg

South Africa's Cowardly Lion - By Eve Fairbanks | Foreign Policy

China's selective respect for treaties | The Japan Times Online

Militias grow more assertive in increasingly divided Libya - The China Post

The Puppet President: Medvedev's Betrayal of Russian Democracy - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Kim Jong Il Is Ready to Charm His Neighbors | Mother Jones

Lax Law Gives U.S. Subsidiaries an Opening to Sell to Iran: View - Bloomberg

War and Sacrifice in the Post-9/11 Era - Pew Research Center

Putin’s Return to the Russian Presidency and U.S.-Russian Arms Control - Brookings Institution

THE DAILY STAR :: Opinion :: Commentary :: A sinister trio is behind Yemen’s misery

Yes, There Is Such Thing As A Free Lunch: It's Called Immigration - Forbes

We need to stop America’s brain drain - The Washington Post

Rescuing America from Wall Street - The Washington Post

Wall Street protesters should march on Washington--Stephen B. Meister -

GHEI: Reliving the Great Depression - Washington Times

Lessons From Lemmings: The EU's Green Power Folly - Forbes

High Anxiety - TheStreet

2011 financial storm: Where do we go from here - Todd Harrison - MarketWatch

Why Smart Presidents Do Stupid Things - Reason Magazine

House panel advances 3 free trade agreements

Gunman at large after deadly Calif quarry shooting

Saturday's Draconid meteors may be no-see-ums

U.S. trade pacts begin trek to congressional approval

Obama picks Shakira for education role

New hacking victims emerge to sue News Corp

U.S. government joins probe of mysterious seal deaths

First lady delivers thank-you to Secret Service

Oracle trial v. Google likely to be postponed: judge

Civil rights leader the Rev. Shuttlesworth dies

Investigator testifying about Jackson doc's phone

Microsoft brings on-demand TV to Xbox

Labor Court freezes doctors' resignations for one day

Tantawi: Sinai's security situation is 100% secure

Global gloom places Latin America on alert

Joanna Yeates murder jurors warned off social network sites

Nobel Prize in Chemistry for dogged work on 'impossible' quasicrystals

Syria sanctions: 'outraged' US seeks fresh resolution after double veto blow

Bernard Madoff victims get first compensation cheques

Italy's downgrade raises pressure on Berlusconi

Karzai picks partnership with India over Pakistan

Merkel willing to recapitalise banks

Guantnamo film shows plight of Canadian national detained at 15

Von Trier Clams Up After Visit from New Zealand’s Thought Police

Jon Stewart Defends Hank Williams Jr.

- HomeVideodrome: ‘Dead Alive,’ ‘Lion King,’ ‘The Undefeated’ Highlight a Great Week of Releases

Parker’s ‘I Don’t Know How She Does It’ Salutes Business, Working Moms

DVD Review: ‘The Silent House’

Nick Swardson: ‘Born’ to Smite Film Critics

Will Mainstream Media Grill Jackson, Freeman on Tea Party Racism Claims?

‘- The Lion King’ Blu-ray Review: Perfect Film Beautifully Presented

BREAKING: Wisconsin University Reverses Decision to Remove ‘Firefly’ Poster

Craig’s Post-Bond Career? Flat. Very Flat.

+Morning Call Sheet: ‘The Wonder Years’ Returns, Nimoy Retires, and ‘Prohibition’

Supreme Court To Decide Who Owns Classic Films - Wilshire & Washington on

Hollywood Wiretap - Entertainment news, celebrity news, tv news, movie news, and entertainment industry news

In Which We Inform Samuel L. Jackson About N-ggerhead -- Daily Intel

Iraq: We Want US Military Trainers, But We Reserve The Right To Prosecute Them

Senate Moves To ‘Punish’ China On Currency Policies

US Had Secret Negotiations With Terrorist Group

Arab Spring: Open Season On Christians

AUDIO:Lt. Col. Bob Lawler: Helicopter Safety

Left Can’t Decide: Is Occupation Good Or Bad?

Cut The Defense Budget….And Get Others To Do More

Al-Awlaki Exterminated And Ron Paul Mourns!

Is China’s Green Energy A Myth?

The Middle East: America Retreating, Islam Rising?

Panetta Visits Egypt As U.S.-Born Man Held For Spying

Awlaki Trained Suspected Christmas Jet Bomber How To Detonate Underwear, Document Reveals | Fox News

Occupy Wall Street: Grassroots or Astroturf? Ask Al Gore!

New Spin: Media Claims “Occupy Wall Street” A Left-Wing Tea Party

Obama Supporters Cuss At Tea Partiers, Their Kids, Call Black Congressional Candidate “Uncle Tom” *UPDATED

‘NBC Nightly News’ Uses ‘N—erHead’ as Excuse to Bury Herman Cain’s Message

Wapo’s Shameful Follow-Up on Perry and Race

CBS Fast & Furious Reporter: White House, DOJ ‘Yelled’ and ‘Screamed’ At Me

Would MMFA Give A GOP Candidate The Same Benefit Of The Doubt?

Media Pulled Kicking and Screaming Into SolyndraGate

The Village Voice Maxes Out the Race Card

MSNBC’s Dylan Ratigan Leads Protest During Broadcast, Shouts At Protesters: “I Love What You’re Doing”

Hank Williams’s ESPN Appearance Canceled Over Obama Remark (He Should’ve Kept to Palin Rape Jokes)

Bozell Column: Rick's Rock vs. Reverend Wright |

» Shock Photos: Candidate Obama Appeared And Marched With New Black Panther Party in 2007 - Big Government

BREAKING NEWS on Fast and Furious: Slide Show Indicates Holder May Have Known in March 2010

AUDIO:The Roots of a Conservative Republican Party

- The Cheat Sheet, October 5: Perry’s Texas-sized Money Haul

Senate Dems Block Vote on Obama’s Jobs Bill

Lovely People…Obama Supporters Chant Against StL Tea Party: “F**k All Y’All… F**k All Y’All” (Video)

The New Black Panther Party Case, the Racial Double Standard, And the Rule of Law

Planned Job Cuts Highest in Two Years

Back to the Future for Meaningful Healthcare Reform

Did Obama Hope to Benefit from ‘Fast and Furious’?

Unions: Boosting Teacher Morale One Reheated Casserole at a Time

‘Simple Math’: Obama’s Economic Strategy Has Failed

Chicago’s Violent Crime Rates Plummet After SCOTUS Removes Handgun Ban

Obama’s Energy Sec Responds to Solyndra Critics: ‘There Are All Sorts of People Who Have Wonderful 20/20 Hindsight’

Couple Heading to Court after Hosting Home Bible Study! (Nanny of the Month, Sept 2011)

Bernanke: Economy ‘Is Close to Faltering’

Christie’s Out, Is Palin In?

Collective Bargaining Reform Already Saving Schools Money and Jobs in Ohio

We’re Still on the Front End of a Recession

House GOP Calls for Special Counsel to Investigate Holder on ‘Fast and Furious’

Newly Released Documents Prove: Holder Lied, and Hundreds Died via Fast and Furious

Cordray Nomination: Ominous Signs in the Senate?

AUDIO:Obama Doubles Down on Solyndra

AP sources: Reid wants millionaire surtax


* 4th/ Transcripts: Bernanke's Testimony to the Joint Economic Committee

3rd/Interview with Presidential Candidate Herman Cain

Guest: Senator Bernie Sanders

Analysts Discuss the Coming Supreme Court Term

Panel on Economic Protests Across America

2nd/Guests: Herman Cain, Rob Johnson and Fred Smith

Guests: Sen. McCain; Govs. Barbour and O'Malley

Interview with Presidential Candidate Herman Cain

Guests: Governors Deval Patrick and Robert McDonnell

Interview with Dick and Liz Cheney


Currency spat: China threatens trade war with US - World news - Asia-Pacific - China -

Vets call for resignations, impeachments in Washington

President daughters now designated 'senior staff'

Supremes deciding how close government can watch you

Federal judge won't restore 2nd Amendment rights

Supremes keep record of rejecting eligibility cases perfect

NATO preps for new war

Panetta trying to unseat Israeli leader?

Syria threatens to set Middle East on fire

Wall Street protesters accuse feds, biz of infecting food supply

Photos: Obama marched with New Black Panthers

Who's really behind Wall Street protests?

CAIR: Media darling, 1st Amendment enemy

The FEC's extraordinary eligibility ruling

Muslim thugs and liberal hypocrisy

Ron Paul and Islam

Fighting Shariah in Dearborn

A strike against government tracking you

Taking pot shots at big shots

New Homestead Act to save Social Security?

'O' to unemployed: Sue the capitalists!

Needed: Free city-states – in America

Wedding of the century: Occupy Wall Street and tea party

Michael B. Keegan: Mitt Romney, the Quiet Extremist

'Stop whining'?

Why men are in trouble -

Can’t pay for burial? Cook County morgue to donate bodies to science - Chicago Sun-Times

Raccoon dogs skinned alive to make cheap copies of Ugg boots | Mail Online

Americans drinking at home, not on the road? - Health - Health care - More health news -

World's Earliest Christian Engraving Shows Surprising Pagan Elements | Fox News

L.A.'s Museum of Tolerance to display Hitler's 'Jewish threat' letter | McClatchy

Keystone XL oil pipeline project hotly debated at hearings -

You never write any more; well, hardly anyone does - Yahoo! News

In West Texas, a parched football field spells crisis -

Louisiana Hospital To Ban Odor Of Smoke On Workers' Clothes | Fox News

Russian And US Scientists Gather To Hunt Down Yeti | Fox News

NBC cancels controversial Playboy Club | Inside TV |

Footprints of First Inhabitants of Americas Discovered in Mexico | Fox News Latino

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Adm. Mullen 'failed our troops' with DADT stance;

NATO preps for new war

Opposition to Obama grows — strongly - The Washington Post

Senate Democrats Eye Elections in Split With Obama Over Jobs

Cain willing to consider vice presidency

Political scientists slam Pa. electoral vote plan | Philly | 10/04/2011

CBS News Reporter Says White House Screamed, Swore at Her Over Fast and Furious | The Weekly Standard

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?


*THE BIG LIST of eligibility 'proofers'

*ARTICLE LINKS: Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


5-Oct-11 World View

4-Oct-11 World View

*5 Oct.

American Minute for October 5th

This Day in History for 5th October

October 5th in History

Today in History: October 5

October 5th This Day in History

October 5 Events in History

Today in History: October 5

Today in History for October 5th - YouTube


**Markets Video: Herman Cain Explains His 9-9-9 Plan

4th/ Apple iPhone 4S Reveal In 90 Seconds

Investors are Spooked!

Now a Good Time to Buy Gold?

**World Video:Theresa May On Counterterrorism

Fears Over European Debt Crisis

Karzai Seals Strategic Pact With India

Afghanistan: America's Longest War

Banks Under Pressure Over Greece

Poll: 1 In 3 Vets Say Afghan, Iraq Wars Mistakes

Raw Video: Greek Civil Servants Walk Off The Job

Tens Of Thousands Protest In Yemen

First Person: Why I Joined The Taliban

Grim Aftermath Of Mexico Violence

Italy Downgraded Over Debt Concerns

Rumsfeld In Heated Conversation With Al Jazeera

Retired General: U.S. Successful In Afghan War

The Arab Spring

Bernanke Eyeing European Crisis

4th/The Evolution Of American Intelligence And National Security

Will China Raise The Value Of The Yuan?

Is A China Trade War Brewing?

Terrorists' Unholy War Is Far From Over

Afghanistan War: Not A Success Say Half Of Americans

New General Takes On War In Afghanistan

Japan Biz Sentiment Up, Stocks Down

More Greek Troubles, World Markets Slide Again

Afghans Rock Out For The First Time In 30 Years

Bus Attacked In Quetta

Kercher Family: 'Square One' After Knox Ruling

Raw Video: Civilians Flee Sirte, Rockets Fired

Should The Pentagon Be Afraid Of Budget Cuts?

A Conversation With Hoshyar Zebari

McCain: Libyans 'Clearly Need Assistance'

**NEWS VIDEOS:Obama: Reagan Would Have Supported ‘Buffett Rule’

O’Reilly And Stossel Debate: Is Ron Paul Hurting Libertarian Movement?

Cain To ‘Occupy Wall St’ Protesters: ‘If You Don’t Have A Job And You’re Not Rich, Blame Yourself!’

Rummy On The Offensive With Al Jazeera Interviewer

Devastating Video: ‘Obama By The Numbers’

How The EPA’s Green Tyranny Is Stifling America

Shooting at California Quarry, Then Carjacking

National Cathedral To Reopen Nov. 12 After Repairs

Apple Unveils Faster, More Powerful iPhone

Krauthammer: Rick Perry Won’t Do Interviews Because ‘He Thinks He’ll Blow It’

Knox: ‘Thank You for Being There for Me’

4th/Obama Supporters Cuss At Tea Partiers, Their Kids, Call Black Congressional Candidate ‘Uncle Tom’, N-Word

DOJ Whistleblower Adams Explains Holder’s Race-Based Justice System And Obama’s NBP Connections On Hannity

Underwear Bomber Screams Out For Destruction Of America At Start Of Terror Trial

Fouled Out: NBA Cancels Remainder Of Preseason

‘You’re a Bum, Jew’; Man Berated By ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Protester

Rand Paul Tries To Explain Ron Paul’s Positions On Terrorism In Epic Radio Interview

GOP Sen: Holder Covering Up Evidence And Stonewalling Congress

Energy Sec Chu Responds To Solyndra Critics: ‘There Are All Sorts Of People Who Have Wonderful 20/20 Hindsight’

Helicopter Crashes In New York’s East River

Biden Doesn’t Know Van Jones; ‘Whoever He Is’

McConnell Calls Obama’s Bluff; Wants Vote On ‘Jobs Bill’

Socialist Senator Braces Bernanke On ‘Wealth Gap’

Christie: ‘Now Is Not My Time’

Obama Fails The ‘Couric Test’; Can’t Give Straight Answer On What Web Sites He Reads

DOJ Whistle Blower Exposes Holder’s ‘Serious Disconnect From The Truth’

Europe Delays Greek Bailout Cash

Knox Leaves Italy To Head Home To US

CBS Reporter Says WH Official ‘Yelled’ At Her Over ‘Fast & Furious’ Scandal

F-35B First Vertical Landing At Sea

NBC News’ Brian Williams: GOP Candidates ‘Running Far To The Right,’ Can’t Be ‘Shocking Enough’

Man Charged in Terror Plot Pleads Not Guilty

3rd/Rush Agrees: Breitbart Report On Obama Marching With Black Panthers Shows Hypocrisy Of Media, President

‘Fox & Friends’ Hosts Valiantly Navigate Awkward Interview With Hank Williams Jr.

Australia Bikini Parade Breaks Record

President Obama Claims Steve Jobs Gave Him An iPad ‘Early’

TV Pitchman Don Lapre Found Dead

Amanda Knox Freed

Panetta Warns Israel Getting More Isolated

2nd/How a Great War with Dana Perino Was Averted

CBS’ ‘The Good Wife’: ‘Breitbart Owned The Weiner Scandal’

**Politics Video:Krauthammer: Republicans Will Ultimately Settle For Romney

Matthews: Did Christie Take "A Veiled Shot At Palin?"

Coulter: Wall Street Protests Like French Revolution

Schultz: Americans Ready To Put Congress On The Unemployment Line

Obama Supporters Call Black Republican An "Uncle Tom N*gger"

4th/CBS Reporter Covering Fast & Furious: WH Says I'm "Not Reasonable"

CBS News Reporter: WH, DOJ Screamed At Me Over Fast And Furious

Dem Congresswoman Seeks "Retroactive Recusal" Of Justice Thomas' Rulings

Joy Behar To Herman Cain: GOP Not "Black Friendly"

Obama: Ronald Reagan Would Have Supported "Buffett Rule"

Rumsfeld Interview With Al Jazeera Gets Heated

Former DOJ Official: Holder's Justice Dept. Has A Racial Agenda

Trumka Has "Demands" For Wall Street, Warns Vote Against Jobs Bill At "Own Peril"

Chris Christie: "Now Is Not My Time"

Brit Hume: Obama Winning Another Term Would Be "Historic"

Krauthammer: Obama's "Only Argument" Is To Trash GOP Nominee

Reid Blocks Vote On Obama's Job Bill

Joe Biden: Who Is Van Jones?

McConnell To Obama, Dems: Let's Vote On Jobs Plan

Durbin Advises People To Leave Bank America On Senate Floor

Bret Baier: Christie Decision Means "Big Money Could Be On The Move"

Perry Welcomes Obama To Texas: "Jobs 101"

Maddow: Why Isn't Romney's Campaign Raising More Money?

O'Reilly: How Democrats Are Spinning the Economy

Capehart: Future Looks Good For Herman Cain

Krauthammer Knocks "Occupy Wall Street": "Should Be Protesting Obama Administration"


Alex Jones - 2011-Oct-04, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2011-Oct-02, Sunday

2011-10-05 Jesse Peterson Radio Show

2011-10-04 Jesse Peterson Radio Show

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 10-5-11

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 10-4-11

The Manning Report – 4 October 2011

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-04-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-04-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 10-04-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 10-04-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 10-04-11 Hr 3

Live Free Or Die Radio - Monday, October, 03, 2011

Oct. 4, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

Paul Drockton Show

Paul Drockton Show 2

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