A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

06 October 2011

6 OCT.



This is what a mob looks like

*58 min./Run From The Cure The Rick Simpson Story (Full Version) - YouTube

Cannabis oil is a highly efficient natural cancer cure

Who owns America? Hint: It's not China – Global Public Square - Blogs

10 Things You Didn't Know About the Brain | Human Brain & Neuroscience | Brain Facts | LiveScience

Mind-Controlled Machine That 'Feels' May Usher In 'Jedi' Prosthetics | Fox News

When Did Obama Learn of ‘Fast and Furious’? WH Isn’t Saying |

Roadmap to Impeachment: Obama's Endless List of Impeachable Offenses | RSN Pick of the Day Right Side News

Lockerbie bomber, no longer in "coma," says his role was exaggerated - Jihad Watch

Did Bachmann ‘Agree’ That Obama Should be Impeached? | Video |

The Party of Jefferson and Jackson without Mr. Jackson | RedState

» Chicago’s Violent Crime Rates Plummet After SCOTUS Removes Handgun Ban - Big Government

» Did Obama Hope to Benefit from ‘Fast and Furious’? - Big Government

» Back to the Future for Meaningful Healthcare Reform - Big Government

Supremes deciding how close government can watch you

Try a Tiny Home … or Five to Bypass Building Codes, Need for Loan | Video |

Dr. Devra Davis ;'If Cell Phones Were Drugs They'd Be Banned'

Dr. Helen Caldicott joins Arnie Gundersen & Christopher Busby Against Nuclear Power Reactors | Australian Cannonball Nuclear News – Debunking nuclear energy one post at a time…

'Blair covering up paedophile scandal?' |

Dick Cheney’s Fluffernutter | The Solari Report Blog

Derry Brownfield -- Our Land - Collateral For The National Debt

Occupation USA! - YouTube

Romney creates shadow National Security Council | The Cable

Congress strikes back against Obama’s child soldiers' waivers | The Cable

'We The People' Petition Seeks Truth Of Alien Visits From Obama Administration

Why NATO is Attacking Tribes - Libya to Pakistan - YouTube

Rense & Dr Mohammed Miraki - Eyewitness Account Of US Slaughter In Afghanistan - YouTube

IAEA to help decontaminate Japan nuke plant area | World news | The Guardian

Steve Jobs dies; obituary; Apple's co-founder transformed computers, culture -

Unadulterated, Unfiltered, Uncensored, 100 Octane | Lew Rockwell's Political Theatre

First Read - Ron Paul suggests media could be targeted by government

Is the Anonymous Threat to 'Erase' the NYSE Legit? | News & Opinion |

Occupy WallStreet EXPOSED. - YouTube

Steve Jobs Earned His Place in the American Business Pantheon | Daniel Gross - Yahoo! Finance

Police Beat Protestors Last Night at Occupy Wall Street | The Measure

Occupy Wall Street: Police bully and beats up protesters - YouTube - The Folly of Long Term Investing

Activist Post: Blurring the technological lines between good and evil

ALIPAC - Trail of Guns, Death, and Invasion Leads To Barack Obama

Rense & Dr Deagle - SmartMeters and Electropollution - YouTube

UN Ambush: India vs. Monsanto

Alzheimer's may be transmissible, study says - Health - Alzheimer's Disease - - "Illuminati Pawn" - America's Secret Destiny

Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post | Home of the Irate Minority

CDC Vaccine Secrets Revealed « The PPJ Gazette

Bottom Line - IRS ruling strikes fear in medical marijuana industry

OpEdNews - Article: Obama Double Crosses The Environmentalists

Flood of food imported, just 2 percent inspected - Health - Food safety -

Herman Cain On Occupy Wall Street: 'If You Don't Have A Job And You're Not Rich, Blame Yourself' (VIDEO)

When Winning Becomes Losing | Nullify Now!

The New York Times: Distorting and Suppressing Truth for Power

Can White America Survive? | Real Zionist News

Government's Secret Doomsday Bunker?: Jesse Ventura investigates the massive, on-going construction at Denver International Airport

French supercop suspended for drug connections - Telegraph

Obama Admin Refuses To Offer ANY Proof Anwar Al Awlaki Was Involved In Terrorist Activity - YouTube

CIA And Pentagon Asset Anwar Al Awlaki Dined At Pentagon Months After 9/11 - YouTube

Who Is Imam Anwar al-Awlaki? - YouTube

Webster Tarpley: Anwar Al-Awlaki, The CIA Lacky - Alex Jones Tv 1/2 - YouTube

*24 min./Inside Story - The death of Anwar al-Awlaki - YouTube

Corporate elite determine the food we eat? - YouTube

Activist Post: New Government Regulations Signify Crackdown on Natural Health

Asthma inhalers to be banned by year's end for allegedly disrupting ozone layer

+ The Free Market: The Problem of Corruption

‘Occupy Dallas’ Plans March To Federal Reserve « CBS Dallas / Fort Worth

Luke Rudkowski, #OccupyWallStreet Protestors Beat With Batons As NYPD Pepper Sprays Crowd

Keith Olbermann Reads The Statement Released By The Wall Street Protesters - 2011-10-05 - YouTube

MUST SEE VIDEO: Dennis Kucinich Calls For Congress To Take Back The Power Of The Purse, Demands The Abolition Of The Federal Reserve - Home - The Daily Bail

Rep. Kucinich Wants Constitutional Money | American Free Press

The Problem With Kucinich's Plan To End The FED - Home - The Daily Bail

VIDEO - CBS Evening News Covers 'Occupy Wall Street' - Home - The Daily Bail

+ Photos from New York, 10-5-11

+ Photos from Occupy Los Angeles

US Government is Watching you on Facebook, Myspace and Twitter ! - YouTube

Herman Cain To #OccupyWallStreet 'If You Don't Have A Job And You're Not Rich, Blame Yourself'

police beating at wall street #ows by We are Change - YouTube

Police Turn Violent At Occupy Seattle Protest! - YouTube

Occupy Wall Street Freedom of expression - YouTube

Occupy Boise: March on the Capitol October 5, 2011 - YouTube

Wall Street Crackdown: Police beat back protesters, dozens arrested - YouTube

Activist Post: Clinton calls UNESCO vote on Palestine 'inexplicable'

Return to real money: China to install more than 2,000 gold ATMs

Steve Jobs dead at 56, his life ended prematurely by chemotherapy and radiotherapy for cancer

Battle for Greece: 'Politicians to loose control over Europe' - YouTube

NYPD Officer on Wall Street bragging "My little nightstick's going to get a workout tonight" - YouTube

» The Deutsche Mark is coming, and Germany will still lead the European super-state Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Ron Paul on the Dylan Ratigan Show - YouTube


The men who crashed the world - Meltdown - Al Jazeera English

A global financial tsunami - Meltdown - Al Jazeera English

Paying the price - Meltdown - Al Jazeera English

After the fall - Meltdown - Al Jazeera English

45 min./pt 1/4 Meltdown - The Secret History of the Global Financial Collapse.2010. - YouTube

45 min./pt 2/4 Meltdown - The Secret History of the Global Financial Collapse.2010. - YouTube

45 min./pt 3/4 Meltdown - The Secret History of the Global Financial Collapse.2010. - YouTube

45 min./pt 4/4 Meltdown - The Secret History of the Global Financial Collapse.2010. - YouTube

Inside the Meltdown | FRONTLINE | PBS Video


» Why Are OWS Protesters Repeating White House Talking Points? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Bernanke Admits Wall Street Raped Middle Class When Questioned About #OccupyWallStreet

Top 5 Reasons Why The #OccupyWallStreet Protests Embody Values Of The Real Boston Tea Party

» Occupy Wall Street ‘Stands In Solidarity’ With Obama Front Group Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Message From The Elite 003 - YouTube

+ Lower court’s ruling stands: Downloading music is not a crime | The Raw Story

* Report: Bush let guns 'walk,' too - Tim Mak -

DETAILED LIST OF DEMANDS & OVERVIEW OF TACTICS FOR DC PROTEST (compiled from suggestions made in this forum) -- Please suggest additions or edits so I can propose this list to those keeping the official one. | Forum

‘Anonymous threat’ plot to undermine Wall Street protest? — RT

The Intercept: CBS Reporter: White House Official ‘Screamed’ & ‘Cussed’ at Me for Coverage of ‘Fast and Furious’

Economists Say We're In a Depression

Occupy Wall Street mixed messages | The Economic Voice

For Many Young Adults, Debt Enhances Self-Esteem | Psych Central News

Did A Reporter Just Solve A Bitcoin Mystery? : Planet Money : NPR

Celebrate the Death of 'An Enemy of the State' — or Be Considered One Yourself « Blog

Activist Post: Is Bank of America Instituting a No Opt-Out Policy to Avoid Bank Run? (Video)

8-12/Bank of America refuses to let customers close accounts - YouTube

Hundreds in Vancouver Protest and Demand Arrest of Dick Cheney !! : Parental Advisory - YouTube

'Anyone' Can See Economy's Improving, DNC Chair Insists |

Against the Institution: A Warning for ‘Occupy Wall Street’ :

3/22/11 : 4 Wall St. Banks Still Dominate Derivatives Trade - » ‘Unprecedented’ Problems with Bank of America’s Web Site

Update: BofA site outages called 'unprecedented' - Computerworld

What Henry Kissenger and the FBI knew about Cubana Flight 455 Bombing | Barbados Free Press

Revolutionary Politics : "The Chaplain Told Her It Must Have Been God's Will For Her To Be Raped" Jackie Speier

+ Nasa Engineer found Dead in D.C. - YouTube

Why NATO is Attacking Tribes - Libya to Pakistan - YouTube




NASA Goes Full Stupid About Sea Level | Real Science

The Big Bank Bailout Payback Bamboozle | Mother Jones

1-in-3 vets: Iraq, Afghan wars were not worth it - US news - Life -

Former Mossad chief: Iran far from achieving nuclear bomb - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

The Intercept: 2012 election: Disenfranchised voters, hacked machines?

Anonymous - The Bankers Are The Problem - YouTube

Federal & Local Law Enforcement Agencies Try to Take Family Motel from Innocent Owners - YouTube

PressTV - US plotted to change world political map

Debt - the very essence of the banking industry (clip from "The International") - YouTube

» Targeting the Real Enemy: Occupy the Fed Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Intercept: Are "Democracy Now" Correspondents in Libya Feeding Us the State Department and Pentagon Line?

Southwest Airlines Incidents | People Kicked Off Southwest Airlines

U.S. alleges $9 million biofuel scheme paid for exotic cars | Reuters

Deportees: CIA behind torture interrogations - The Local

Will Uncle Sam Go Postal in South Asia? by Eric Margolis

CNN Reporter Says Purpose Of #OccupyWallStreet Is to Bang On The Bongos And Smoke Weed

U.S. anti-corporate movement expands | The Stream - Al Jazeera English

VIDEO - Ron Paul Speaks On The Wall Street Protests - Home - The Daily Bail

Lone Star Watchdog: Ron Paul on Freedom Watch Oct 4, 2011

Tim Geithner's Magical Mystery Tour Of TARP Propaganda Has Little Use For Truth - Home - The Daily Bail


** **


"Mystery Train" by The Doors - Grooveshark

"City of New Orleans" by Johnny Cash - Grooveshark

"Desperados Waiting For A Train" by Jerry Jeff Walker - Grooveshark

"Peace Train" by Cat Stevens - Grooveshark

"People Get Ready" by Al Green - Grooveshark


Against the Institution: A Warning for ‘Occupy Wall Street’ -

And So It Begins – The First Major European Bank Has Been Bailed Out And More Bailouts Are Coming -

Secret panel can put Americans on ‘kill list’ | StratRisks

Things Are So Bad In America That Now Even Sesame Street Muppets Are Poverty-Stricken And Hungry -

IMF Considers Buying Distressed Bonds Of Italy, Spain -

Sources In Washington Say IMF’s Pot Of Cash Could Be Expanded From $350 Billion To $3.5 Trillion -

Survey: Parents Waking Up to Vaccine Dangers - » Introducing Siri: DARPA’s Ghost in Apple’s Machine

APNewsBreak: Obama seeks debt collector proposal

Fed Audit Hearing Oct 4 2011 - YouTube

Ron Paul On Freedom Watch: Discusses Hearing On Auditing The Fed (Oct 5th 2011) - YouTube

Keiser Report: Debts & Slavery (E193) - YouTube

"This War Is No Longer About Going After Al Qaeda!" Congressman Jim McGovern - YouTube

"This War Has Got To End!" Congressman Sam Farr - YouTube

AP: Obama Proposes New Rules for Phone Debt Collectors «

Hedge Fund Action Doesn’t Change Fundamentals «


* 2011-10-04 Infowars Nightly News with Alex Jones - YouTube


» Alex Jones on Steve Jobs Death Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

* Roseanne Barr: Put Bankers In Re-Education Camps Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

iPhone City: The 'smart' metropolis of the future will have an app for everything ;Urban Operating System revealed to run PlanIT Valley super city in Portugal | Mail Online

» Don’t Let Obama Campaign Fronts Infiltrate OWS – Occupy The Fed Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Here come the New Climate Crazies – hoping to geoengineer our planet Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Revolution Against the Federal Reserve Starts Now Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Deutsche Mark is coming, and Germany will still lead the European super-state Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Obama Has Now Increased Debt More than All Presidents from George Washington Through George H.W. Bush Combined |

» Zainab al-Hosni alive: West still waging their bitter propaganda war on Syria Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Sarah Palin will not run for president in 2012 | World news | The Guardian

Syria sanctions: 'outraged' US seeks fresh resolution after double veto blow | World news |

CBS News Reporter Says White House Screamed, Swore at Her Over Fast and Furious | The Weekly Standard

» Alexander’s Curse Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Economist Stiglitz: Federal Reserve failures ‘almost unforgivable’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Announced Job Cuts Rise 212% From Year Ago - Bloomberg

Auto Owners Beware -- D.C. Cops Throw Drivers In Jail For Expired Tags, AAA Cries Foul | Fox News

BBC News - London 2012: Cleaners set to spy on dopers

Heroin and crack addict numbers dip - Home News, UK - The Independent

» Scientific studies conclude GMO feed causes organ disruption in animals Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

NHS pays millions of pounds more than it needs to for drugs - Health News, Health & Families - The Independent

Scientists 'clone' human stem cells in scientific first reducing miracle of life to a few scientific steps | Mail Online

» More Anthrax Vaccine Contracts Issued: 44.75 Million Doses of BioThrax Over 5 Years Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Former US marine smuggled up to 80 guns for UK criminals, court told | World news | The Guardian

Official foolishness - fencing the U.S.-Canada border -

Congressman: Obama admin may be accessory to murder with ‘Fast and Furious’ | The Daily Caller

NY State Senators Say We've Got Too Much Free Speech; Introduce Bill To Fix That | Techdirt

The Federal Government: A Threat to Liberty – Tenth Amendment Center

Oxford University PhD student Goudarz Karimi mistaken for suicide bomber | Mail Online

» Panetta Reinforces Threat of “Lone Operators” in Latest Interview With CNN Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» WTC Buildings 1, 2 & 7 Plans Exempt From Disclosure, Deemed “Sensitive Buildings” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

No 9/11 trial this year at Guantánamo war court - Guantánamo -

'Lord' Edward Davenport jailed for 8 years after ripping off rich and famous in £500m con | Mail Online

» Russia introduces chemical castration for pedophiles Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

There is No Plan to Fix the Economy! | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Federalizing Society Via Terrorism 1/2 - YouTube

Federalizing Society Via Terrorism 2/2 - YouTube

Caller is Frantic Over CPS Visit 1/2 - YouTube

Caller is Frantic Over CPS Visit 2/2 - YouTube

» A New Alliance: End the Left vs. Right Paradigm and End the Fed Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

HTC admits smartphone data vulnerability | Kevin Rawlinson | Independent Editor's choice Blogs

US Fed Agencies Insist Cyber Security Code of Conduct against Botnet - SPAMfighter

OpEdNews - Article: Ah, Who Won The Cold War?

Cell Phone Industry to Sue SF on Radiation Law | NBC Bay Area

The Federal Government: A Threat to Liberty – Tenth Amendment Center

Napolitano: U.S. will set record for deportations - Washington Times

ATF Fast and Furious: New documents show Attorney General Eric Holder was briefed in July 2010 - CBS News Investigates - CBS News

Oxford University PhD student Goudarz Karimi mistaken for suicide bomber | Mail Online

Anwar Awlaqi Most Likely Alive- Yemen Post English Newspaper Online

» 9/11 Came From Above, Not From Below Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Were Twin Towers felled by chemical blasts? (Update)

'Lord' Edward Davenport jailed for 8 years after ripping off rich and famous in £500m con | Mail Online

» BBC News: Think tank moves in on thought crime in schools, calls for re-education Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Cronyism Behind a Pipeline for Crude -

Americans Want Smaller Government: Alex Jones Report 1/3 - YouTube

Americans Want Smaller Government: Alex Jones Report 2/3 - YouTube

Americans Want Smaller Government: Alex Jones Report 3/3 - YouTube

Prison » Dissecting the OWS List of Demands

Michelle Obama's 'goodwill tour' of Africa cost US taxpayers at least $425k | Mail Online

Prison » RealClear Politics Skews Ron Paul’s Poll Numbers

Prison » Shy children now candidates for dangerous psychiatric drugs

Prison » Exposing Internal Checkpoints: Nightly News Report

School bans children from putting up their hands in class - and tells pupils to do a 'Fonz' thumbs up instead | Mail Online

Prison » Many ‘natural’ foods are loaded with GMOs

Prison » Scientific studies conclude GMO feed causes organ disruption in animals

Prison » Tens of millions of Florida bees mysteriously drop dead in one day, beekeepers blame pesticides

Pill that can ease bad memories after scientists discover lipocalin-2 stress link | Mail Online

Prison » Most Popular Contraceptive Used in Parts of Africa May Double Risk of HIV

Prison » The Myth of Vaccine Safety and Effectiveness

AFP: Rare flu-like virus on the rise: US

Facebook’s new Timeline set to 'lock in' users - Times Of India

Mind-reading car could drive you round the bend | Technology | The Guardian

Human skin embedded with spider silk can stop a bullet | Raw Replay

Prison » The invasion of chemicals in vitamins and supplements

Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth, Civil Rights Activist, Dies

Univision Scandal Prompts GOP Boycott

Secret U.S. panel can put Americans on kill list' | Reuters

Calif. Appeals Court Approves Cell Phone Searches Without Warrant |

Video: The Navy’s New Robo-Copter Heads to Afghanistan | Danger Room |

Are Aliens Part of God's Plan, Too? Finding E.T. Could Change Religion Forever | Aliens & Religion, 100-Year Starship Symposium, Interstellar Travel | Christian Implications of Extraterrestrial Intelligence |

It’s Man vs. Machine and Man Is Losing - Real Time Economics - WSJ

Something Big Is Happening: Occupy Together

Bush Torturer, Obama Just Kills

Rumsfeld in Heated Conversation with Al Jazeera - Video

US Foreign Policy Hypocrisy at its Most Naked

Why The UN Must Abolish The 'Quartet'

The Murder Of Anwar Al-Awlaki ‘;Mowing the Grass’ in Yemen

The Billionaires Who Would Pick Our President

Reagan Called For An End To ‘Crazy’ Tax Loopholes

Congressman: Obama Admin May be Accessory to Murder

Bush-era Probe Involved Guns 'Walking'

US Did Immunity Deal With Mexican Drug “Cartel”

Ron Paul Campaign Suggests Military Tired of Endless Wars | American Free Press

And The First 2012 Candidate To Endorse Occupy Wall Street Is...

Solyndra: House seeks more Obama White House e-mails, as revelations continue - The Washington Post

‘Calm down’ about Fast and Furious gun sting, ATF acting director says - The Washington Post

IRS Drops Nuke on Small Business Forces Black Market Clash | Veterans Today

China may open up markets to allow US to export its rice | Mail Online

More Drugs Mean More Disease as China Fails to Control Use of Antibiotics - Bloomberg

BBC News - Human 'cloning' makes embryonic stem cells

'King of Infomercials' Don Lapre 'slit his own throat with a razor' | Mail Online

Vatican attacks 'foolish' BBC for ditching BC and AD to be PC | Mail Online

Elementary Economics: Is Obama smarter than a 2nd Grader? - YouTube

* 30 min./The Case for Free Trade, Not Imperialism | Walter Block - YouTube

The Daily Bell - The Myth of Constitutional Money

Epic Steve Jobs Quote - informationliberation

Steve Jobs, RIP - informationliberation

The business of Apple wasn't politics | Campaign 2012

Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address - YouTube

Activist Post: Is No Agenda the Best Agenda for the Occupy Movement?

The Database: Why Criminal Governments Spy On Citizens

Activist Post: New Government Regulations Signify Crackdown on Natural Health

Occupy Yourself |

UN Ambush: India vs. Monsanto

Activist Post: A Victory of Non-Fluoride Proportions

Activist Post: Violence Metaphor: The Language of Financial Occupation

Why the eurozone needs a ‘knife to its throat’ - Citywire Money

8 Big Changes A Comet Brings | Before It's News

Activist Post: US urges no vote on Palestine UNESCO membership

Catalyst Magazine - The Only Question Worth Answering: Did You Become Yourself?

Activist Post: A New Start For Humanity: Our Current Crisis - John Perkins (Video)

Activist Post: US tells EU air passenger data foiled terror plots

Activist Post: After Libya, US cannot bail out NATO shortfalls: Panetta

Activist Post: Deepak Chopra at OWS: Obama is Surrounded by Mafia (Video)

European Union: Protecting The "Rights of Investors" at the Expense of Democracy

Lucrative Weapons Market: Europe Competing with US in Selling Arms to Developing Countries

VIDEO: Proper Regulation of Nuclear Power has been Coopted Worldwide

Are "Democracy Now" Correspondents in Libya Feeding Us the State Department and Pentagon Line?

Environmental Disaster in the Gulf of Mexico: The Escalation of BP's Liability

Political Change and The Funding of Education in Nigeria

The Iran Al Qaeda Relationship: Friends or Foes?

Speculation in Agricultural Commodities: Driving up the Price of Food Worldwide and plunging Millions into Hunger

Global Debt Crisis: Investing in "Toxic Waste Treasuries" or Gold and Silver?

Medicare: The Privatization of Healthcare in Canada

Libya and Syria: Western-led military operations

** List of Politicians, Military and Intelligence Experts who Question the "Official" 9/11 Narrative

Obama Machine Prepares To Hijack ‘Occupy Wall Street’

The Crime of Making Americans Aware of their Own History

One Third of Americans One Paycheck Away From Homelessness

Total Information Awareness - Using Social Networking Sites To Compile Info On Everyone - YouTube

Obama’s New Mantra: Senators Must 'Explain to Me' Why They Would Against My Jobs Bill

‘Darn Tooting!’ Obama Brags About HHS Reg Catholic Bishops Call Attack on Liberty

More than 2,000 Evangelical, Orthodox Chaplains Join Catholics in Opposing Pentagon Directive on Same-Sex Marriage

Republicans Advance a Bill Defunding U.N. Population Control Agency

Van Jones Says ‘Watch Out’: Occupy Wall Street and Leftists Will Eclipse Tea Party in 2012

McConnell: Vote On Jobs Bill Right Away, Reid: 'Right Away Is A Relative Term'

WH: President Found Out About 'Fast And Furious' When He Read About It This Year

Obama: Banks Don't Have A Right To A Certain Amount Of Profit

Martin Bashir Worries Puppet Will Starve Thanks to Evil Republicans

House Judiciary Chair Calls for Special Counsel to Probe Holder’s Sworn Statements

Obama Letting 10-Year Anniversary of Afghan War Pass Without Comment

DNC Chair Interprets Obama’s Assertion that U.S. ‘Not Better Off’ Than 4 Years Ago

Friends: California Quarry Shooting Suspect Was 'Such a Peaceful Man'

Herman Cain: Wall Street Protesters 'Should Go Figure Out What America Is All About...

NATO Says Airstrikes Will Continue in Libya

'The Playboy Club' Is First Cancellation of New TV Season

'I Am Asleep' Jackson Heard in Slurring Audio

New 'Sesame Street' Muppet for Special on Hunger

Levin: Obama’s Jobs Bill ‘A Kidney Stone' for the Economy |

City Gov't Must Pay $6.5 Million For 'Abuse Of Power,' Federal Jury Orders |

CBS: Attkisson 'Unavailable' For Further Interviews on 'Fast & Furious' |

10 Years In: Will Afghan War Ever End?

'Al-Qaeda' Terror Cell in Kabul Broken Up, Afghan Officials Say

Panetta: Libya Shows Need for More Military Money

Obama OKs Aid to Militaries Using Child Soldiers

The Dangerous Allure of Washington Hero Worship

Empire and the Destruction of America

Did Ahmadinejad Really Say Israel Should Be 'Wiped Off the Map'? No.

Arab Art as an Early Indicator of Revolution

Judge OKs Secret Evidence for CIA Leak Trial

Judge: Terrorist Can Sue Over Prison Restrictions

FBI Training Document Links Muslims to Nazism

Sen. Cornyn: Holder Leading DOJ 'Cover-up' of Fast and Furious

Boehner: We'll 'Get to Bottom' of Fast and Furious

McCain: 'Leaning' to Special Prosecutor for Holder

Lamar Smith: Investigate Holder on 'Fast, Furious'

Boehner: Congress Will Review SEC Probe of S&P

Boehner: We Can Work With Obama on 'Common Ground'

Romney, Perry Outscore Obama on Economy, Quinnipiac Poll Finds

Rove: Election Will Be Government vs. People

Palin Lauds Cain but Undecided on Endorsing

Cain Blasts Wall Street Protesters

Rubio Says 'Probably' Not GOP VP Candidate

Scalia: Judges 'Ain't What They Used to Be'

West Rips Samuel Jackson for Tea Party 'Racist' Jab

Daley: White House Fears Double Dip Recession

Obama: GOP 'Run Out of Town' if Jobs Bill Fails

Panetta: No Clear Plan on End to Libya Mission

Jobs 'Told Us What We Needed Before We Knew'

Clinton Says U.N. Security Council Failed Syria

Obama Tries to Fix Mexico Ties After Fast and Furious

GOP Task Force Urges Cybersecurity Incentives

Texting and Driving Peril: Reaction Time Doubles

Infant Anesthesia Tied to Learning Disabilities

Without Jobs, Apple's Gap with Rivals May Narrow

Apple Fans Mourn Jobs, Hold iPhone-Lit Vigils

Giffords Returning to DC for Husband's Retirement

Obama, Gates, Zuckerberg React to Jobs' Death

Stars Take to Twitter to Talk about Steve Jobs

Top GOP 'Bundler' Joins Romney Camp

What's Next for Sarah Palin?

Democrats Raise Bar for Rich From $250,000 to Million

2012 GOP Race May Break New Ground - in 2011

Perry Speaks on Racial Slur Controversy

IMF Official Retracts Statement on Bond Purchases

Other Apple Co-Founder: Jobs 'Brought Life to World'

World-Changer: Steve Jobs Knew What We Wanted

Geithner: Wall Street’s Anger at Obama Baffles Me

Supplements for Manliness

Steve Jobs' Death Follows 8-Year Battle With Rare Pancreatic Cancer

How the GOP Flip-Flopped in the Right Direction

Grover Norquist — a Man of Principle

Elizabeth Warren Symbolizes Liberalism's Collectivist Agenda

The World of Mind Control Through the Eyes of an Artist with 13 Alter Personas

UK Think Tank Wants School Teachers to Address “Conspiracy Theories”

Media collusion with Bilderberg Group confirms hidden agenda (video)

Fast And Furious: 22 Shocking Facts About The Scandal That Could Bring Down The Obama Administration - informationliberation

The Fascist Threat - informationliberation


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The Fascist Threat by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

Five Lies of the Religious Right About Ron Paul by Laurence M. Vance

The Fallacy of the 'Public Sector' by Murray N. Rothbard

Government Money Masters: Anti-Gold Videos that Thousands of Tea Party Voters Think Are Conservative

The Fed Twists, the Market Shouts by Ron Paul

Roman Disaster Redux: Private Sector Collects Debts

Bank Fees? Let’s Tell the Banksters That We Don’t Want Their Stinking Bank Fees and That We Are Switching Banks

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – October 5th, 2011

*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – October 5th, 2011


*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – October 4th, 2011

*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – October 4th, 2011

VIDEOS:OWS: Fighting Corporate Greed Not Equivalent with Taxing Rich |

VIDEOS:Roseanne Barr: Put Bankers In Re-Education Camps |

*ARTICLES:Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post; BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials – October 5, 2011

ARTICLES:Occupy Wall Street 10-6-11 |

How to Improve US Economy? | The Coming Depression

How to survive Unemployment? | The Coming Depression

Make Revolution, Not Reform: A Warning to the 'Occupy' Movement - YouTube

Insiders Reveal Fukushima Secrets - YouTube

Steve Jobs dead at 56, his life ended prematurely by chemotherapy and radiotherapy for cancer – Mike Adams |

Ron Paul Leads Hearing On First Ever Audit Of Fed |

Across Asia, Apple Users Mourn Jobs Death

Pakistan to Afghanistan: Stop 'Playing Politics'

Egypt's Military Rulers Express 'No Interest' in Long-Term Power

Obama Urges US Congress to Pass Jobs Bill

Two taxpayer-backed geothermal companies face deep financial difficulties

Romneycare repeal effort percolating in Massachusetts

President embraces ObamaCare label

CBO estimates Obama jobs bill would add $175B in new spending

Justice official financed romantic travel with taxpayer money

Former Denver school official sees loss of free meals if nutrition rules take effect

As Scott Brown fights for re-election, tea party groups vow to sit this one out

French gov't bans schools and colleges nationwide from offering ketchup

Dozens Arrested as Union Groups Join Protests Near Wall Street

Obama admininstration fast-tracks power line projects, upsetting environmentalists

Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan: ‘A right to make a profit’

‘Calm down’ about Fast and Furious gun sting, ATF acting director says

White House defends Holder amid Fast and Furious accusations

Embattled ATF shakes up staff

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher: China undermining economic recovery and U.S. security

Obama trails Mitt Romney in new Quinnipiac poll

Conservative group seeks to derail Mitt Romney's run

House Dems call for Clarence Thomas ethics probe

GOP Lawmakers Expand Investigation Into White House Role in Solyndra Controversy

After Gibson Raid, Other Guitar Makers at Risk of Breaking Law

India unveils world's cheapest tablet computer

American 'burying beetle' becomes an issue in Keystone pipeline drama

Navy SEAL widow searches for husband's ring on Facebook

Sen. Marco Rubio talks about Univision, immigration with National Journal

Michelle Obama tells Secret Service: 'Just tell me when-where to run'

Ron Paul: U.S. could kill journalists like terrorists

Tobacco-rolling business fears it may be snuffed by Colorado law

Muslim Woman Suing Southwest for Kicking Her Off San Jose-Bound Flight

Friendly Ice Cream files bankruptcy, closes 63 stores, lays off 1,200

Group ranks America's best neighborhoods

Woman tried to sell baby for trip to Disney, cops say

Women’s groups, union attack Wal-Mart over pay for women

State Rep. Daniel Gordon was demoted twice during his tenure in U.S. Marine Corps

Jackson Lee fires back at Hank Williams Jr. and Herman Cain


ASU project seeks to solve world's woes


10,000 Solutions (


Debbie Schlussel:Steve Jobs, Genius, RIP; Enough of the “Jobs Was Muslim” BS

Debbie Schlussel:California Gunman Tight w/ Jesse Jackson; YouTube Removes Vid to Protect Jesse; Is “Shareef” a Muslim?

Debbie Schlussel:Dearbornistan Muslims Used Muslim Headscarf to Rob $200,000 From Store

Debbie Schlussel:In Dig to Israeli Scientist, Nobel Prize Cites “Arabs,” “Islam”

Debbie Schlussel:How Bad is Obamaconomy? Parents Cut Back on Diapers

Debbie Schlussel:Supreme Ct Declines Muslim Headscarf Jail Case; Prison Women Don’t Have to Remove Hijab

The Ignorant American Label

Why Other GOP Candidates Cannot Speak Up about Perry-Gate

Pitch-Perfect Palin

Questions for the Co-Chairmen of the Joint Coast Guard - Minerals Management Service Investigation Team

Oprah, Entitled America, and the Coming Reclamation of Our Nation

Warren Buffett, the Keystone Pipeline, and Crony Capitalism

Fed Punishing the Prudent

Old Energy, New Applications

School District Shenanigans: Seeking a Better Education Means Jail Time for Parents

The wages of Obama's - and Occupy Wall Street's - class warfare rhetoric

Al Azhar's (Endless) Spring Time for Jihad and Jew-Hatred

The extremist nut jobs of Occupy Wall Street

About those 5 million 'green jobs' that were supposed to be created...

Hopelessness and change from President Obama

Allstate using racist nursery rhyme in ad campaign

When will the GOP contenders wake up?

Obama, the Hitman: Killing Due Process

Rick Perry's 'N-Head' Problem and the Fourth Estate's Hypocrisy

Free-Market Green Jobs for $2.63 a Day

How Conservative Candidates Can Give Us a RINO Nominee

Who Will Be the First Victims of Obama's Decision to Lead from Behind?

Obama's Turkey Policy Is Proving to Be a Turkey

Dems Say No Thanks to Walmart Offer to Eliminate Food Desert

Herman Cain and the Perfect Storm of 2012

The Jihad Lawyer

All Politics Is Resentment

Hype; not Hope

Military dogs help sniff out IEDs, saving hundreds of innocent lives

Supreme Court Preparing to Review Use of F-word on TV

The “Wills” Versus the “Will Nots”

Obama the Marxist “underdog”

Buying Counterfeit Chips from China

ABC’s Joy Behar: Historical Illiterate

Can You ‘Catch’ Alzheimer’s Disease?

Dick Durbin LOVES $60 fees!

The Many Crimes of Erick Holder

Fast becoming Furious

Inhofe calls for reopening carbon finding in light of IG report

Awlaki’s Killing Was Legally Justified

“The Black US Attorney Has Common Cause with the Black Criminal”

AG Holder suspected of perjury; GOP demands special counsel

Obama “fake” green jobs program slammed in Congressional report

Britain May Veto Green Plans To Ban Tar Sands, Shale Gas

World’s Most Complex Radio Telescope Snaps Stunning 1st Photo of the Cosmos

Michelle Obama, the Target Shopper

The Power of Weakness

Call to Action: A Declaration to Restore the Constitutional Republic

Occupy Wall Street Jumps the Shark

The Canadian “Mental Environmentalists” Face behind Occupy Wall Street

Alone in the Muslim World

Jay Carney’s Message To Reporters ‘Screamed At’ By Sources: Toughen Up | Mediaite

Libya revolutionaries burn, loot village homes -

Steve Jobs, Apple Co-Founder, Is Dead -

The Administration’s Expanding Scandals « Commentary Magazine

Alinsky Rules Return For Obama -

For Amanda Knox, Reputation Was a Major Issue -

Holder backpedals on Fast & Furious | Campaign 2012

When Did Obama Learn of ‘Fast and Furious’? WH Isn’t Saying |

Photo Essay of #OccupyLA in the Rain

Reflections on Steve Jobs: Apple is All of Our History Now

Sarah Palin Refuses the 'Title' of President

Elizabeth Warren on 'Wall Street's Favorite Senator' Scott Brown

NY Fox 5 Crew Pepper Sprayed And Assaulted By NYPD

Democrat Tomblin Wins WV Special Election Governor's Race

Wall Streeter to Occupiers: Go Back to Work!

After Prankster Call Rush Limbaugh Completely Loses Cool on Air

Chris Christie Will Not Run And Will Further Depress GOP Base

PA Gov. Tom Corbett Proposes To Charge One-Time Fee On Fracking Shale Wells

Warren Buffett to Rupert Murdoch: Let's Both Have Our Tax Returns Published!

Over 1000 People Turn Out To Plan Occupy Philly for Oct. 6th

Rick Scott's Underhanded Effort To Privatize Prisons Thwarted By Court

Rep. Slaughter Calls for 'Retroactive Recusal' of Justice Thomas to Overturn Citizens United

Rep. Steve King Pines for the Days When Only Male Property Owners Voted

Sign of the Times: Sesame Street Creates Muppet To Discuss Food Insecurity

Why Occupy Wall Street Embodies The Real Values Of The Boston Tea Party


* 1:15:36/The Howard Stern Show - The Artie Lange Roast (6/09/2006) - YouTube


JokeLand : Jackie "The Joke Man" Martling(


Jackie "The Joke Man" Martling - Fool's Gold - YouTube

Jackie "The Joke Man" Martling The Salesman Song - YouTube


Obama, Democrats Plan to Tie GOP to Wall Street - Ken Walsh's Washington (

Obama news conference: Obama: Occupy Wall Street protests show Americans' frustration -

Naked Scott Brown or naked Elizabeth Warren? - Washington Times

Herman Cain to Occupy Wall Street protesters: If you're not rich 'blame yourself'

Bold thieves steal bridge in North Beaver - Ellwood City Ledger: Local News:

Solyndra: House seeks more Obama White House e-mails, as revelations continue - The Washington Post

Republicans Say Holder Received At Least 5 Fast And Furious Memos | Fox News

Obama: I Have "Complete Confidence" in Eric Holder | The Weekly Standard

ATF officials reassigned in latest Fast and Furious fallout -

Is CBS News Silencing Fast and Furious Reporter? | The Weekly Standard

Michelle Obama tells Secret Service: 'Just tell me when — where to run' - Amie Parnes -

The Associated Press: First lady delivers thank-you to Secret Service

‘Darn Tooting!’ Obama Brags About HHS Reg Catholic Bishops Call Attack on Liberty |

Nearly Half of U.S. Lives in Household Receiving Government Benefit - Real Time Economics - WSJ

Obama Has Now Increased Debt More than All Presidents from George Washington Through George H.W. Bush Combined |

ESPN -- Hank Williams Jr. theme song won't return to Monday Night Football - ESPN

Mystery of break-ins in Amish community as robbers cut hair and beards off victims | Mail Online

Retired Doctors Tied Up, Robbed In Yuba City Ho - Flash Player Installation

Bodies Doubled Up Again At Cook County Morgue « CBS Chicago

A Changed Russia Arches an Eyebrow at Putin’s Staged Antics -

Daley: The White House's Women Problem Was Rahm's Fault | The Weekly Standard

"Chick," 71, And Man, 54, Busted In Naked Car Romp | The Smoking Gun

Obama Responds to Wall Street Protests | Video |

Boehner On Obama: He‘s ’Given Up On Governing And Leading’ |

Wall Street Protester Explains Why They are There | Video |

Obama Blames GOP for Economy | Video |

ESPN and Hank Williams Jr. Part Ways |

Philadelphia Daily News reporter Will Bunch Is a Fellow at Media Matters | Video |

Ohio Planned Parenthood Hosts ‘Condom Couture’ Fashion Show |

Military Chaplains Strike Back at the Pentagon’s New Gay Marriage Rules |

Government Panel Can Reportedly Put Americans on a ‘Kill List’ |

Georgia Court Considers Lifting Ban on Guns in Places of Worship |

In His Own Words: An Examination Of Some Of Soros’ Socioeconomic Philosophies |

Google Earth Reaches 1 Billion Downloads | Video |

Iranian Warship Route to U.S. Coast Leaked Online: Report |

Did Bachmann ‘Agree’ That Obama Should be Impeached? | Video |

Shock Report: Administration Was Prepared To Give Solyndra Another Loan Despite Known Financial Issues |

Cheering Economic Terrorism – SEIU Getting Ready to ‘Terrify’ DC: Stephen Lerner at SEIU Meeting Outlines Rules for Creating a Crisis — We Want Their Kids to Hate Them, Name Enemies Like Glenn Beck, Shut Down Bridges, Long Occupations, Recruit Tea Party | Video |

Israeli Chemist Previously Ridiculed for Discovery Wins Nobel Prize |

Scientists Create Embryos With Three Sets of Chromosomes Using Cloning Techniques |

A Melodramatic Bashir Suggests Sesame Street Muppet Would Starve at Hands of Republicans |

The Next Round of Companies That Could Go Bankrupt |

Delaware Mother Denies Trying to Sell Her Baby for $15,000 | Video |

A Melodramatic Bashir Suggests Sesame Street Muppet Would Starve at Hands of Republicans |

Meet Lily Sesame Street’s New Character About Food Insecure Childhood Hunger | Video |

Scientists Turn Smartphone Into Microscope, Spectrometer |

Louisville, Kentucky Residents Celebrate Pagan Pride Day |

Separations of Powers Not: ‘Take Away His Vote’ — Dem Congresswoman Wants to Nullify Justice Thomas‘ Rulings With ’Retroactive Recusal’ | Video |

Scientists Research Production of Hydrazine From Urine Using Catalyzing Bacterium |

Joel Osteen Tells Piers Morgan that Homosexuality Is a Sin | Video |

Animal Cruelty Charges Dropped Against Man Who Ate Live Baby Rat | Video |

Muslims Against Crusades(

Radical Islamic Website Asks: ‘Is the Assassination of Obama Legal?’ |

Americans now disapprove of Barack Obama as much as they do Russia's Putin -

Steve Jobs Dead at 56: Apple Visionary Resigns in August Following Health Concerns (1955-2011) - YouTube

Picture of Health: Steve Jobs had pancreatic cancer -- here are the facts - Health care, wellness, food nutrition, exercise, medical research news from reporters who know the halls of the world's top hospital -

Cyber criminal scams prey on Jobs' death - Technology & science - Security -

Steve Jobs dead: A life in breakthroughs from genius who saw the future | Mail Online

Global sounds at Chicago Guitar Festival -

Chicago Police, Fire Department moving in together to save money -

Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s surprise: Cuts ‘job killer’ head tax in half - Chicago Sun-Times

Emanuel won't say whether city workers will stay at Maggie Daley charity - Chicago Tribune

Ray Hanania: City Casinos Is Drain Game for Suburbs

CPS puts hold on ‘Principal for a Day’ program - Chicago Sun-Times

How Fast Is Your Alderman? | NBC Chicago

Bill Daley Blames Rahm Emanuel For Creating ‘Hostile’ Workplace For Women | Fox News

Sept./Missing file in Koschman case says Daley nephew was aggressive - Chicago Sun-Times

Sept./Vanecko lawyer says there’s no clout in David Koschman case - Chicago Sun-Times

Obama: Jobs bill must pass to protect U.S. economy -

Herman Cain Definitely Never Expected to Be Popular | Story | POWERWALL

The Associated Press: Judge upholds firing of Ohio teacher in Bible case

Scalia: Our Political System Is 'Designed for' Gridlock - Bob Cohn - National - The Atlantic

Obama on Solyndra: I won't "surrender" to China on green tech - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Biden: The "middle class has been screwed" - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

DC streets reopen after bomb squad takes object - CBS News

Arab Spring galvanizers, WikiLeaks among Nobel contenders -

Gadhafi urges Libyans to rally against new leaders - CBS News

The Associated Press: Pakistan warns Afghanistan after pact with India

The Associated Press: Abbas tells Europeans: Time to recognize Palestine

The Associated Press: Officials: EU moving toward more Syria sanctions

Afghans Rally in Kabul -

Egypt's ruling generals accused of buying time to stay in power | World news | The Guardian


Forget secular education: Somali militant's message before suicide attack | World news | The Guardian

Pakistan must be mindful of U.S. interests: Obama | Reuters

Desmond Tutu greets his 80th birthday with a dance amid Dalai Lama row - Telegraph

Obama hits China on trade as currency bill advances | Reuters

Knox trial judge says she may be guilty but no proof | Reuters

Saudi Arabia May Tap Reserves for Spending Plans: Arab Credit - Businessweek

SEPT./Canary Islands Government Puzzled By El Hierro Earthquake Swarm - Irish Weather Online

New And Ongoing World Volcanic Activity - Irish Weather Online

Canary Island volcanic eruption may be imminent - International - Catholic Online

Earthquake Swarm Continues On El Hierro, Canary Islands - Irish Weather Online

Increasing seismic activity in Canary Islands. Potential Eruption at El Hierro ?

Obama chides banks, taps anger over Wall St | Reuters

England bank chief: World facing worst crisis ever -

Stem cell advance has scientists buzzing: What does it mean? - HealthPop - CBS News

Body suit may soon enable the paralyzed to walk -

Space Rocks Like This One Probably Helped Deliver Earth's Oceans | Popular Science

A Tribute to Steve Jobs -- From Beyond Earth : Discovery News

Researchers Move a Step Closer to Quantum Computers - International Business Times

Melting Arctic ice clears the way for supertanker voyages | Environment |

New field of dino tracks found in Arkansas - Technology & science - Science -

Universe's super-old supernovas revealed - Technology & science - Space - -

Watch: ‘Invisibility Cloak’ Uses Mirages to Make Objects Vanish | Danger Room |

Meteor Shower to Streak Across Sky Saturday - International Business Times

ESA to Send Probe Closer to the Sun Than Ever Before | Geekosystem

Clearing the waters: Report warns of imminent threats to Great Lakes | The Enquirer |

Largest Telescope of its Kind Built in Chile | Fox News Latino

Did Comet Cause Solar Explosion? Hardly, Experts Say | Sungrazing Comets & Solar Storms | Solar Flares & Coronal Mass Ejections |


Coast to Coast AM 10.05.2011 Part 1 of 2 - YouTube

Coast to Coast AM 10.05.2011 Part 2 of 2 - YouTube


BBC News - Comet's water 'like that of Earth's oceans'


Kim Noble: The woman with 100 personalities | Life and style | The Guardian

UFOs get mixed up with the Maya in 2012 hype - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience -

BBC News - Europe to lead daring Sun mission

Study shows humans still evolving

Strange Propeller-Like Object Discovered in the Outer Reaches of the Kuiper Belt

The Pitfalls of Making Time Travel Work | The KoldCast TV Blog

Love would 'kill' Cobain for killing himself - Entertainment - Celebrities -

Frances Bean Cobain buys $1.825 million L.A. home of her own | Best Places To Live In NY - New York Daily News

Johnny Depp apologizes for Vanity Fair "rape" comment - Celebrity Circuit - CBS News

Hank Williams Jr. Dropped Permanently From ‘Monday Night Football’ -

Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore: More mystery, allegations, silence -

Late Night: Conan O'Brien pays surprise visit to Jimmy Fallon -

Jackson tribute show goes on despite setbacks | Reuters

Ricki Lake Dishes About 'Derek Hough Diet' | Gather

Can't wait for Siri? Try Vlingo | iPhone Atlas - CNET Reviews

Technolog - Google Earth hits 1 billion downloads

FCC Chairman: End Telephone Subsidies, Build Broadband | PCWorld Business Center

MediaPost Publications Media Partners Sing Facebook's Praises 10/06/2011

Steve Jobs of Apple Dies at 56 -

Top NASA Shuttle Astronaut: Aliens Are Real...I Guarantee It! | Before It's News

'Earthscraper' concept hides a 1,000-foot skyscraper underground | DVICE

UFO: Too Good To Be True? In HD | Before It's News

'Mystery Image' In Pearl Harbor Photo | Before It's News

Alex Jones Goes Apesh*t, Sweating And Panting: Globalist Banking Cartel Hijack Occupy Wall Street | Before It's News

8 Big Changes A Comet Brings | Before It's News

Democrats Introduce Legislation To Seal Obama's Presidential Records After He Leaves Office | Before It's News

Benjamin Fulford: The Pole Shift In Global Financial Power Is Almost Complete | Before It's News

Former CIA Workers Discuss And Dimiss Saucer Work At Area 51 | Before It's News

Self-Tracking: Take Control Of Your Phone's Sensors With Funf | Before It's News

The UFO Phenomenon Is Real! - You Want The Truth, You Can't Handle The Truth! | Before It's News

2012 Signs - Planet Nibiru's Arrival Dec. 21, 2012 - Video | Before It's News

Self-Funding Shooting Ranges | Before It's News

Building the Future of Spaceflight | Before It's News

Obama's Class Warfare Rhetoric Led To The Death Threats Against The Wealthy? | Before It's News

Is Access to Healthy Food a Basic Human Right? | Before It's News

Decolonialize Your Diet | Before It's News

An Eyeball Camera - Zooming Into The Future | Before It's News

Obama Presidency by the Numbers - Video | Before It's News

Is 'Two and A Half Men' Cursed? | Before It's News


+ The Story :: Ron Seman Ministries(


Harvard Loses Top World University Ranking for First Time - Businessweek

- Great Alternative for Google Adsense | Daily Latest News


* Inadda - Best Adsense Alternative


Russia reveals arrest of Chinese national on spy charges «

Germany releases Mongolian spy master wanted for abduction, torture «

Biden stopped Obama from granting clemency to Israel spy «

Congressman: Obama admin may be accessory to murder with ‘Fast and Furious’ h

Saudi reinforcements rushed to oil regions to quell machine-gun toting Shiites

Activist Post: 27 Years: No Deaths from Vitamins, 3 Million from Prescription Drugs

» Targeting the Real Enemy: Occupy the Fed Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! Winter 2011-2012 Forecast: Another Brutal One

US says new 'connected' power grid equipment is at risk - and 'there have been intrusions' | Mail Online

Van Jones Says ‘Watch Out’: Occupy Wall Street and Leftists Will Eclipse Tea Party in 2012 |

The seven suns of Rome : Nature News

God's Judgment, Heaven and Hell - Part 1 by Derek Prince - YouTube

God's Judgment, Heaven and Hell - Part 2 by Derek Prince - YouTube

Putin shrugs off emigration mood

First SlutWalk in Romania against sexual violence

"Dirty Girl" Juno Temple charms Hollywood

House votes to delay controls on toxic pollution

Sheriff: Man matching CA quarry shooter is dead

NYC officials want more oversight over NYPD spying

Obama 'comfortable' with tax on millionaires

European crisis forces health check for US banks

Obama acknowledges Wall Street protests as a sign

Pakistan must be mindful of U.S. interests: Obama

Mo. parents describe panic after baby disappeared

German prosecutors to prosecute dozens of former Nazis

Israeli tech uses lasers to protect civilian aircraft

Gag order on mosque torching suspect partially lifted

Shareef Allman, suspect in Cupertino shootings, captured

'Surgeries before age 2 could lead to learning problems'

- Morning Call Sheet: Loss of a Legend, ‘Tower Heist’ for $59.99, and Some Really Cool Links

Trailer Talk: Spielberg’s ‘War Horse,’ Williams as Marilyn

ESPN Fires Hank Williams Jr., Who Claims He Quit

This Week on ‘Glee’: Respecting Faith (!) and Chasing Dreams

Flashback: Steve Jobs and Pixar — How It Started

Sayles’ ‘Amigo’ – The Real History Behind the Film

Meet the New Guy: Christian Toto’s Top Ten Movie List

Col. Allen West Smacks Down Samuel L. Jackson’s Tea Party Smear

- Morning Call Sheet: Perry Mason Lives, Stupid Lawsuits, And Why We Love TV

Von Trier Clams Up After Visit from New Zealand’s Thought Police

Jon Stewart Defends Hank Williams Jr.

Slander of Tea Party Continues: Why Blacks Must Be Critical of Race-Baiting

Doctors to EPA: Extraneous Air Regulations Will Increase Health Care Costs

AUDIO:How Will Sarah Palin’s Decision Not to Run Impact the Republican Field?

*Holder Received at least 5 Memos on ‘Fast and Furious’

+The Cheat Sheet, October 6: Solyndra Doesn’t Seem So Funny

Offshore Energy Leases Fall from $10 Billion to Zero Under Team Obama

Poll: 55% Disapprove of Obama, 77% Believe We Are in a Recession

Steve Jobs, Capitalist, R.I.P.

Media Rubes Fall for Union Push Poll Ruse

Video: At National Press Club, Pigford Attorney Publicly Reveals Conspiracy to Defraud Federal Government

Economics: Keynes Was Not A Keynesian

Westboro Church Announces Protest of Steve Jobs’ Funeral…on an iPhone

R.I.P. Steve Jobs (2/24/1955 – 10/5/2011)

Apple Founder Steve Jobs Dead at 56

+Inspector General: Green Jobs Training Program a Failure, Money Should Be Returned

E-Mails: OMB Staffers Joked About Solyndra Bilking Tax Payers

Palin Says She’s Not Running for President in 2012

Obama’s St. Louis Fundraiser Reveals Diminished Star Power

Obama Refuses to Release bin Laden Death Photos

Obama Tax Plan Hides 2nd GM Bailout As ‘Responsibility Fee’

‘Black Sperm’ Power: Pigford Presser Features Bizarre Racist Rant With New Black Panthers, Nation Of Islam

‘You’re A Bum, Jew’: Man Berated by ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Protester

NFL Hall of Famer Fran Tarkenton Talks School Reform

AIM Video: Dick Durbin LOVES $60 fees!

BREAKING NEWS on Fast and Furious: Slide Show Indicates Holder May Have Known in March 2010

AUDIO:The Roots of a Conservative Republican Party

+The Cheat Sheet, October 5: Perry’s Texas-sized Money Haul

New Video Suggests Media Matters Ignored Facts In Attempt to Smear Breitbart, Cover Up Pigford Fraud

Hank Williams Jr. Drops ESPN Over “Free Speech”

The New York Times Can’t Abstain From Bias Even In An Obituary

Following New Black Panthers Story, Media Matters Circles Wagons for Obama

Pigford Press Conference: New Black Panthers Bring Racism, Antisemitism, and Homophobia to the Mainstream Media’s Clubhouse

The Latest Episode of “Keepin’ It Klassy” With Andrew Sullivan

Shock: NPR Plans Future Without Federal Ca$h

NewsBusted: Are Herman Cain Supporters Racist?

More MSM Hypocrisy Concerning Fast and Furious

Occupy Wall Street: Grassroots or Astroturf? Ask Al Gore!

New Spin: Media Claims “Occupy Wall Street” A Left-Wing Tea Party

Does Northeastern University Have a Problem? Yet Another Radicalized Muslim Student Arrested in New England

What’s The Use Talking?

Allen West: Keeping The Flame Burning

Operation Fast And Furious And The Lone Wolf Landmark

Congress Places Hold On Palestinian Aid

‘Occupy Wall Street’ Protesters Encourage People To ‘Kill Your Parents’

The Arab Spring: Change In Small Doses Is Promising; Swift And Radical Change Is Deadly

The 80 Year Old Bomber: B-52s Upgraded To Fly ANOTHER 30 Years

Moroccan Muslim ‘Apostate’ To Christianity Survives Stabbing And Gets US Asylum

New Jihad Book: Why It’s Fine To Kill The Women And Children Of Infidels

Iraq: We Want US Military Trainers, But We Reserve The Right To Prosecute Them

Senate Moves To ‘Punish’ China On Currency Policies

US Had Secret Negotiations With Terrorist Group

Maker of Palin Film: GOP Primary "Will Be A Lot Less Interesting" - Wilshire & Washington on

Hollywood Wiretap - Entertainment news, celebrity news, tv news, movie news, and entertainment industry news

James Bond 23: Will the Film's Title Be 'Skyfall'? - The Hollywood Reporter

Marilyn Monroe Movie an Oscar Lock? - Marilyn Monroe - Fox Nation

First Fall TV Series Cancellation Announced—Why ‘The Playboy Club’ Flopped | The American Culture

Allen Eyes Obama For Movie Role

Obama reads children book about himself

While WaPo Notes Obama's Sinking Approval Numbers, GMA Touts His Lead Over GOP |

Napolitano: U.S. will set record for deportations - Washington Times

Lives altered by 10 years of war in Afghanistan

Cubans look to private sector to make ends meet | Reuters


6-Oct-11 World View

5-Oct-11 World View


Kathleen Rogers: What the Environmental Movement Can Learn From the Wall Street Zombies

The Fastest Way to Stop Oil and Gas Drilling, Part 2 (APC, BHI, CHK, CVX, DOW, HAL, XOM)

GE Gambles on Whopper Wind Turbines - Forbes

A peak oil Technocrat ignored the power of technology - The Globe and Mail

Natural Gas Profit Opportunities

Is China’s Green Energy a Myth? | Institute for Energy Research

“Germany's Nuclear Phase-out Will Be Successful and Without Serious Risks” | The Energy Collective

Environmental Returns on Wind: Location, Location, Location | Reuters

'The idea that people can't afford to pay for energy is a myth' - Times Of India

The Plan to Bring an Asteroid to Earth | Wired Science |

Obituary: Steve Jobs | The Economist

Top 5 Nobel Prize Goof-Ups | Worst Nobel Laureates | Most Controversial Nobel Prize Decisions | Life's Little Mysteries

How to spot a multiverse -

BBC News - Monkeys' brain waves offer paraplegics hope

Mixed-race people are mildly complicated | Gene Expression | Discover Magazine

Pitt Biologists Find ‘Surprising’ Number of Unknown Viruses in Sewage | University of Pittsburgh News

Last Universal Common Ancestor had a complex cellular structure | News Bureau | University of Illinois – Teams compete to forecast quakes

Scientist of the Year: Dr. Steven Chu | R&D Mag

Keystone XL - A clash of ideologies | Ethical Corporation

Mother Jones Smears Susan G. Komen For The Cure - Forbes

An Egg-Citing Recipe for Human Stem Cells - ScienceNOW


+Anwar al-Sadat


Columbus' forgotten voyages - American History -

How Golda Meir won the Yom Kippur war - Times Online

Sadat’s assassination plotter remains unrepentant - World news - Mideast/N. Africa -

Jobs Rose From Computers in Parents’ Garage to Technology Icon: Timeline - Bloomberg

Steve Jobs, 1955-2011: Mourning Technology's Great Reinventor - TIME

Steve Jobs legacy: Apple's CEO was more than a turnaround artist -

Steve Jobs in his own words | Apple - CNET News

Remembering Steve Jobs - Forbes

Exclusive: Microsoft considers bidding for Yahoo | Reuters

BBC News - Viewpoint: Should we do away with privacy?

Microsoft Just Made Google TV Look Even Sillier

Apple--Not Piracy--Is the Real Problem for the Movie Industry, Says Exec | PCWorld

Should Disney just buy Yahoo? - Oct. 5, 2011

Google and the antitrust inquiry: Fighting shadows — Tech News and Analysis

If Google's Management Doesn't Use Google+, Then Why Should You?

The Smart Set: Mean Girl - October 5, 2011

Steven J. Ross: Hollywood Left And Right: How Movie Stars Shaped American Politics | Books | Book Review | The A.V. Club

Religion in Human Evolution — By Robert N. Bellah — Book Review -

Charles Dickens: A Life | Claire Tomalin | Review by The Spectator

"Shatner Rules": William Shatner's new book tells readers how to live as he does -

Mormon Reformation included the highs, and lows, of religious fervor | The Political Surf

Obama's Jewish Team Lays Out Reelection Path –

Good investments | The Christian Century

Go to Jail and Get a Seminary Education? « Public Discourse

Steve Jobs (1955-2011): Death of a Human Tech God? | Religion Dispatches

Andrew Himes: Emerging from Fundamentalism

Neue Magazine - The Most Misused Biblical Term

Ministry Matters™ | Articles | Change from the Edge

UnLocke the Church

Suhag A. Shukla, Esq.: Fix the U.S. International Religious Freedom Commission or Fuggedaboutit

Managing Your Church: Endorsing Candidates from the Pulpit

BBC News - How foreign doctors save lives in rural America

Bailout country | The Spectator

South China Sea Is No Black Sea | The Diplomat

THE DAILY STAR :: Opinion :: Columnist :: A U.N. veto buys Bashar time to kill

RealClearWorld - Europe's 'Articles of Confederation' Moment

Afghanistan: Ten years of war | The Economist

Adrian Hamilton: We can't control Syria – and we shouldn't try - Adrian Hamilton, Commentators - The Independent

RealClearWorld - The Three Laws of Chinese Politics

Wrong signals in Indian-Afghan deal | The Australian

Syria veto - The Irish Times - Thu, Oct 06, 2011

George Jonas: The kinder form of war | Full Comment | National Post

James Jones, Ex-Obama Adviser: U.S. ‘Paid a Price’ on Egypt - The Daily Beast

The Strange Power of Qatar by Hugh Eakin | The New York Review of Books

WPR Article | Over the Horizon: The Transformative Capabilities of the F-35B

The Free Trade Agreement Could Spoil South Korea's State Visit | Foreign Affairs

Cain vs. Perry - Right Turn - The Washington Post

Should We Tax Financial Transactions? - Megan McArdle - Business - The Atlantic

Senate Republicans introduce bill to eliminate budget gimmicks « Hot Air

Conservatives Hope To Repeal Obamacare Using A Tactic They Once Decried | TPMDC

Greg Mankiw's Blog: Obama versus Clinton on Tax Policy

Ever more obvious: Opposition to Obama grows and solidifies « Hot Air

RealClearMarkets - To Create Jobs, We Must Destroy Them First

Occupy Wall Streete: The new Populists? -

What ‘Occupy Wall Street’ seems to want--David Harsanyi -

Making The Next Financial Crisis Worse, One Regulation At A Time - Forbes

Willie Walsh is right - we're talking ourselves into a crisis - Telegraph

10 Market Myths Debunked -

Free Trade’s Rude Awakening — The American Magazine

RealClearMarkets - The DOE Hasn't Learned Its Solyndra Lessons

Advice From Steve Jobs on Living and Dying - The Daily Beast

10 ways Steve Jobs changed the world - Steve Jobs (1955-2011) (1) - CNNMoney

China And The Truth About The Senate's Exchange Rate Oversight Act - Forbes

Is Warren Buffett Right About The Economy? | Moneyland |

Don't Bet Against the Euro Surviving Debt Crisis - Bloomberg

Is Morgan Stanley the next Lehman?-- The Buzz - Oct. 3, 2011

Why geezers give the best investment advice - Jonathan Burton's Life Savings - MarketWatch

Stimulus No Longer Stimulates a Brave New World | Via Meadia

U.S. Can Rent Its Way Toward a Housing Recovery: Peter Orszag - Bloomberg

The American Spectator : Nine Reasons Why Republicans Ought to Nominate Herman Cain

The Tea Party vs. The Establishment - Ben Shapiro - Townhall Conservative

New Confederacy Rising -- In These Times

Obama's Jobs Bill Vote Blocked by Reid Over Lack of Democratic Support - The Daily Beast John Tierney - Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Is U.S. Duplicating EU's Debt Mistakes? -

Where’s the Jobs Bill? -

Palin was right to forgo 2012 presidential run | Examiner Editorial | Opinion | Washington Examiner

Elizabeth Warren and liberalism, twisting the ‘social contract’ - The Washington Post

The art of winning by losing - Barack Obama -

Policy Uncertainty Is Choking Recovery: Baker, Bloom and Davis - Bloomberg

The American Spectator : The Book on Obama

RealClearPolitics - Perry's "Racism" vs. Rev. Wright

The legacy of the Clarence Thomas-Anita Hill hearings - The Washington Post

Is CBS News Silencing Fast and Furious Reporter? | The Weekly Standard

Major Unions Join Occupy Wall Street Protest -

*Transcripts:Interview with 2012 Candidate Newt Gingrich

Interview with Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack

Reporter Discusses Democrats' Millionaire Surtax Plan

Interview with Senator Jim DeMint

Secretary Panetta's Remarks in Belgium

Judge: Americans do not have right to choose food

Obama blasts sheriff investigating eligibility

Pastor facing death slammed with accusation about this!

2,000 chaplains nix idea of same-sex ceremonies

NATO preps for new war

Impeachment? Yes! But not for this

World's hottest chilli contest leaves two in hospital - Telegraph

Research Reveals Oral Sex May Be Leading Cause of Mouth, Throat Cancers - Yahoo! News

Textbook Images of Ancient Flying Reptiles Are Wrong | Pterosaurs, Wing Shape & Ancient Flying Lizards | LiveScience

Cold Water Tossed on 'Snowball Earth' Theory | Greenhouse Gas, Carbon Dioxide & Panglaciation | LiveScience

2 scuba divers left to die by Miami Beach charter boat off Key Biscayne | Mail Online

Ailes: 'I hired Sarah Palin because she was hot and got ratings' - On Media -

Obama’s Favorite Think Tank: Cut The Army, Forget Counterinsurgency | Danger Room |

Nazi Crimes: Diaries Reveal How Much Wartime Germans Knew - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Alan Sailer's high-speed pictures of the moment pellets fired from an air gun hit objects - Telegraph

Hitler charges silence Lars von Trier - News, Films - The Independent

Reagan's right about GOP race

The next presidential messiah

The end of Pax Americana?

This is what a mob looks like

Earth to 'Occupy Wall Street'

Meet the real Grover Norquist

Sarah Palin and the war for America's soul

Who dropped the ball on 9/11?

How many enemies have you made today?

Resist at any cost

Obama: The 'abusive husband' to Israel

Throwaway people

'A little soft,' Mr. President?

5 Facts You Should Know About the Wealthiest One Percent of Americans | Economy | AlterNet

Fighting Shariah in Dearborn

Holder’s Dubious History - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Fast and Furious probe: 'Justice will be done' ;Rep. Gosar: Operation 'egregious attempt to circumvent' rights of Americans


*THE BIG LIST of eligibility 'proofers'

*ARTICLE LINKS: Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Obama appoints diva Shakira to advisory panel

Spud fans rally to block school lunch rules - Washington Times

Tea party fave O'Donnell tells GOP to come together

Reagan's right about GOP race

Yahoo! News

‘Calm down’ about Fast and Furious gun sting, ATF acting director says - The Washington Post

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Dept of Labor IG: Obama’s green-jobs training program a flop « Hot Air

Photos: Obama marched with New Black Panthers

**news videos

**Markets Video: A Look Back at the Life of Steve Jobs

5th/ The Case Against Commodities

Rep. Ron Paul on GAO Audit of the Fed

Corker: China Bill "Terrible" Piece of Legislation

**World Video:Aspen Homeland Security Group Launch

End The U.S.'s Wars Now?

David Cameron: We Will Never Join The Euro

Russia, China Veto Syrian Resolution

Libyan Govt Forces Claim To Control Half Of Sirte

World Economic Dominoes Could Be Set To Fall

IMF Seeks Radical Change In Euro Crisis Strategy

Europe Stands Behind Banking System

Final Push For Sirte

Spokesman: Putin's Dive Treasure Find Was Staged

Children Pay For N Korea Food Crisis

Sympathy In Asia Pacific For Jobs

The Importance Of Maintaining A Strong Defense

The United States And India

Europe's Crumbling Economy Sinking America's?

5th/Theresa May On Counterterrorism

Fears Over European Debt Crisis

Karzai Seals Strategic Pact With India

Afghanistan: America's Longest War

Banks Under Pressure Over Greece

Poll: 1 In 3 Vets Say Afghan, Iraq Wars Mistakes

Raw Video: Greek Civil Servants Walk Off The Job

Tens Of Thousands Protest In Yemen

First Person: Why I Joined The Taliban

Grim Aftermath Of Mexico Violence

Italy Downgraded Over Debt Concerns

Rumsfeld In Heated Conversation With Al Jazeera

Retired General: U.S. Successful In Afghan War

The Arab Spring

Bernanke Eyeing European Crisis

**Politics Video:Obama: Holder "Not Aware" Of What Was Happening With Fast And Furious

Obama: "If Congress Does Something Then I Can't Run Against A Do-Nothing Congress"

Obama Threatens To Campaign Against "Do-Nothing Congress"

Moore: Rich Addicted To Greed And We Are Here To Conduct An Intervention

Sen. DeMint On Sarah Palin's Decision Not To Run

Maddow: American Express Poll Shows Rich People Want To Pay More

O'Reilly: "Groups Using Far-Left Zealots" To Gain Power

"Patriotic Millionaire" Explains Why He Wants Higher Taxes

5th/Sarah Palin Tells Mark Levin: I Am Not Running

Hayes: WH Seeking To Intimidate People They Disagree With

Krauthammer: Palin Not Running Like "Sun Rising In The East"

Palin Explains Decision: "You Don't Need A Title To Make A Difference"

Carney: Holder Has Been Consistent And Truthful About Fast & Furious

Bernie Sanders: "The Wrong Class Is Winning" The Class War

Steve Jobs' Moving Stanford Commencement Speech On Mortality

Cain: "If You Don't Have A Job And You Are Not Rich, Blame Yourself"

Michelle Obama, School Children Harvest The WH Garden

Sen. Rubio: "I Am Not Going To Be The VP Nominee"

Bachmann Says "I Agree" To Supporter Calling For Obama's Impeachment

Howard Dean: "Tea Party Not Playing With Full Deck ... Might Go Off The Rails"

GOPers Boycott Univision Debate After Network Tried To Extort Rubio

Herman Cain Breaks Down His Strategy

Coulter: Wall Street Protests Like French Revolution

Obama Supporters Call Black Republican An "Uncle Tom N*gger"

American Crossroads Ad: Democrats Anonymous

Matthews: Did Christie Take "A Veiled Shot At Palin?"

Krauthammer: Republicans Will Ultimately Settle For Romney

Schultz: Americans Ready To Put Congress On The Unemployment Line

Issa: Fast And Furious Investigation About A Cover-Up, Deception From DOJ

**NEWS VIDEOS:Video Proof: AFL-CIO Promoting Anti-Corporate Wall Street Anarchy

Obama: Holder ‘Was Not Aware Of What Was Happening In Fast & Furious’

Obama Feels Wall Street Protesters’ Pain: ‘Expresses Frustrations American People Feel’

At National Press Club, Pigford Attorney Publicly Reveals Conspiracy to Defraud Federal Government

‘Occupy Wall Street’ Protests Turn Violent

Biden Propagandizes 5th Graders: ‘Things Got Really Bad Before We Came Into Office’

Cavuto Challenges Kucinich’s Occupy Wall Street Support: ‘Why Didn’t You Celebrate The Tea Party?’

Charter Boat Leaves Scuba Divers Behind

Bernake: ‘Can’t Blame’ The Occupy Wall Street Protesters For Being Unhappy

Miller On Obama: If The Nation Is Soft ‘It’s On Him’

5TH/Al Sharpton Begins One Third of His MSNBC Programs Saying ‘Hey, Republicans’

Marco Rubio: ‘I Am Not Going To Be The VP Nominee’

NTSB Searching For Clues In NY Chopper Crash

Obama Meets With President Lobo Of Honduras At The White House

Steve Jobs Dead

‘Black Sperm’ Power: Pigford Presser Features Bizarre Racist Rant With New Black Panthers, Nation Of Islam

Palin: I’m Not Running

Unions Join Occupy Wall Street Demonstrations

Missing Dog Found 3,000 Miles From Home

Buffett Rule Inspiration? Bay Area Dems Embrace Class Warfare Weeks Before Obama’s ‘Tax The Rich’ Proposal

Rush Compares CNN’s ‘Occupy Wall St’ Coverage With Tea Party Coverage

Rep. West To Samuel L. Jackson: The Racism Is Coming From White House

Issa To AG Holder: Admit You Knew About Fast & Furious

How The EPA’s Green Tyranny Is Stifling America

O’Reilly And Stossel Debate: Is Ron Paul Hurting Libertarian Movement?

Shooting at California Quarry, Then Carjacking

Cain To ‘Occupy Wall St’ Protesters: ‘If You Don’t Have A Job And You’re Not Rich, Blame Yourself!’

Devastating Video: ‘Obama By The Numbers’

Rummy On The Offensive With Al Jazeera Interviewer

Knox: ‘Thank You for Being There for Me’

Apple Unveils Faster, More Powerful iPhone

National Cathedral To Reopen Nov. 12 After Repairs

4TH/Energy Sec Chu Responds To Solyndra Critics: ‘There Are All Sorts Of People Who Have Wonderful 20/20 Hindsight’

Biden Doesn’t Know Van Jones; ‘Whoever He Is’

Underwear Bomber Screams Out For Destruction Of America At Start Of Terror Trial

Socialist Senator Braces Bernanke On ‘Wealth Gap’

F-35B First Vertical Landing At Sea

NBC News’ Brian Williams: GOP Candidates ‘Running Far To The Right,’ Can’t Be ‘Shocking Enough’

‘You’re a Bum, Jew’; Man Berated By ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Protester

Man Charged in Terror Plot Pleads Not Guilty

*6 Oct.

American Minute for October 6th

October 6th This Day in History

October 6 Events in History

This Day in History for 6th October

Today in History: October 6

Today in History: October 6

Today in History for October 6th - YouTube


Oct. 5, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2011-Oct-05, Wednesday

.2011-10-05. Jesse Peterson Radio Show

10/05 The Mark Levin Show

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 10-6-11

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 10-5-11

The Manning Report – 4 October 2011

Live Free Or Die Radio - Wednesday, October, 05, 2011

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

Paul Drockton Show

Paul Drockton Show 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-05-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-05-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 10-05-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 10-05-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 10-05-11 Hr 3

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