A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

04 October 2011

4 OCT.

The wise ones fashioned speech with their thought, sifting it as grain is sifted through a sieve.


Michael Savage


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The Michael Savage Show 10/03/2011


Top 25 Streaming Talk Radio Shows « Talk Stream Live


TalkStreamLive -


ATF Fast and Furious: New documents show Attorney General Eric Holder was briefed in July 2010 - CBS News Investigates - CBS News

Walker's World: War in South China Sea? -

Ohio Muslim Inmates Sue Over Meal Preparation | Fox News

Flood of food imported, just 2 percent inspected - Health - Food safety -

Victim forgotten during Knox appeal, family says - TODAY News -

Amanda Knox Prepares For Trip Home To U.S. After Being Freed By Italian Court | Fox News

Hate preacher wins human rights payout... even though he shouldn't be here at all | Mail Online

Fast, furious scandal needs answers--Michael A. Walsh -

Supreme Court prepares for much-anticipated term -

EDITORIAL: Obamacare showdown - Washington Times

Occupy Wall Street Organizer to ‘Excited’ Al Sharpton: We Are Anarchists and Revolutionaries,‘This Is the Beginning of a Revolution in This Country’ | Video |

Who Is the New Black Panther Party? What Media Matters and the Obama DOJ Don’t Want You to Know - Big Journalism

The Return of Van Jones and Marxist Street Protests | US Opinion and Editorial Right Side News

Ace of Spades HQ

Pajamas Media » Gunwalker: Under White House Control?

The Secret Memo That Explains Why Obama Can Kill Americans - Conor Friedersdorf - Politics - The Atlantic

The Rule of law Has Been Abolished - YouTube

Steve Daley, Chicago Tribune journalist, dies - Chicago Sun-Times

Hotmail Reborn? Microsoft Overhauls World's Most Popular Email Service | Fox News

Facebook: Are you sure you want to click on that? -

Facebook tracking cookie returns, according to hacker | ZDNet

Can Facebook predict problem drinking? What study says - HealthPop - CBS News

Russian And US Scientists Gather To Hunt Down Yeti | Fox News

Weird Microbe Turns Pee into Rocket Fuel : Discovery News

Astronauts Wanted: NASA to Recruit More Space Travelers | NASA Space Missions & Astronaut Candidates | Human Spaceflight & Training |

Particle may travel faster than the speed of light : The Kentucky Kernel

NASA Supercomputer Tackles Secrets Of Galaxies - Government - Enterprise Architecture - Informationweek

Toys R Us expands layaway program –

IBM to Buy Security Analytics Firm -

Jury selection begins in Christmas Day bombing trial | Reuters

Hank Williams Jr. in hot water for comparing Obama to Hitler -

Chris Christie will forgo presidential run - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

President Obama won't win reelection, says poll -

Appeals court weighs extension of Loughner treatment | Reuters

Accused Pentagon plotter pleads not guilty | Reuters

Overturning of Amanda Knox verdict won't quell debate -

Karzai visits rival India amid tensions with Pakistan -

China lashes out against U.S. bill aimed at currency manipulators -

BBC News - Putin calls for 'Eurasian Union' of ex-Soviet republics

Dalai Lama Cancels Visit to South Africa over Visa Troubles | News | Tibetan-English

Angelina Jolie considers new role with UN agency - CBS News

2 Severed Heads Found In Mexico City With Message | Fox News

Jackson's doctor was juggling job, personal life - Entertainment - Celebrities -

Sesame Street unveils new poverty stricken muppet -- PHOTO | Inside TV |

'George Harrison: Living in the Material World' -

Spock attends his last ‘Star Trek’ convention - Chicago Sun-Times

Yahoo revamps its online video site | Digital Media - CNET News


Rense & Dr. Ken Johnston - NASA Moon Photo Fixes- Pt 1

Rense & Dr. Ken Johnston - NASA Moon Photo Fixes - Pt 2


Operation-Invade-Wall-Street-A-Message-To-The-Media - YouTube


Nuclear Oversight Lacking Worldwide @ Vimeo


Devvy Kidd -- 'Anchor Babies' 10-03-11

Obama Supporters "Occupy" DC - YouTube - Satanic Debt Racket Exposed in Banker's Novel


The one and only Andy Rooney - 60 Minutes - CBS News


Food & Water Watch(


Gilad Atzmon's The Wandering Who? - YouTube

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - The Wandering Who is Out This Week

Australia sets new bikini parade world record - YouTube

'Occupy Wall Street': Obama's term is four more years of Bush — RT

We are the 99 per cent | Mark Ruffalo | Comment is free | The Guardian

Beyond The Masks

Wall Street protesters dress as zombies in NYC | World news | The Guardian

» Shock Photos: Candidate Obama Appeared And Marched With New Black Panther Party in 2007 - Big Government

Can White America Survive? | Real Zionist News

CPUC and PG&E: Misinformation, misrepresentation and attempted extortion « The PPJ Gazette

11 Reasons Why Occupy Wall Street Protesters Are Hypocrites If They Do Not Call For Barack Obama To Resign

Don't be a Pawn, be a Knight - NY Protests: "Shut Down Wall Street"

Parents Distrust, Delay Vaccines, Survey Finds - Yahoo! News

Yeti hunt: Russian and American scientists pool 'Cold War' evidence | Mail Online

The escalation of BP's liability - Features - Al Jazeera English

Bombshell: DOJ Considering Elimination of ATF - Katie Pavlich - Townhall Conservative

Activist Post: How to Avoid ‘Mandatory’ Vaccinations Through Exemption -- Vaccination is Your Legal Choice

How The Jews Mock Jesus Christ | Real Zionist News


Yemen: Top Al Qaeda bomb maker Ibrahim al-Asiri did not die in drone strike | Mail Online

Europa & Palestine News « Kawther Salam

Ten Little Muslims | Mantiq al-Tayr

Feds to Gibson: Hand over more wood - Nashville Business Journal

Incarcerated TV Pitchman Don Lapre Found Dead

Many parents opt for "alternative" vaccination schedule -

Secret US-Israeli Nuke Weapons Transfers Led To Fukushima Blasts

Police State Justice Under Obama

Where There Is A Will, There's A Way!

The Secret Memo That Explains Why Obama Can Kill Americans - Conor Friedersdorf - Politics - The Atlantic

Herman Cain is the Uncle Tom of the Federal Reserve

News from Libya Oct 3 2011 - YouTube

Teacher beats children in Egyptian Islamic school | The Right Scoop

Facebook Sued for Tracking Users’ Information | Business | Epoch Times

No SMART METERS: Demand your analog meter be reinstalled! « The PPJ Gazette

Google Maps 3D allows you to view a route in a virtual helicopter | Mail Online

The mysterious suicide that has rocked the Vatican - Europe, World - The Independent

Paedophile Mitchell Harrison disembowelled in Frankland Prison attack | Mail Online

Hollywood star Marilu Henner's memory is changing our understanding of the brain | Mail Online

Ron Paul Message to Occupy Wall Street- LETS END THE FED! - YouTube

The War On Drugs: Ron Paul versus Barack Obama - YouTube

Brazil's stand-up comics lead social revolution against powerful elites | World news | The Observer

PC passport: Goodbye, mother and father! Now Parent 1 and 2 appear on form | Mail Online

Gadgets send energy bills soaring as average home has 3.5 times more than 20 yrs ago | Mail Online

Modern Barbarism | Opinion Maker

Adult entertainment company plans to build 2012 apocalypse 'porn bunker' | Mail Online

Rick Perry says U.S. could send in military to 'kill' Mexican drug cartels as brutality rises | Mail Online

KEISER: Democrats killing Obama's jobs agenda - Washington Times

Gold Star States – 18 and Counting. « The PPJ Gazette

Hispanic students quit Alabama schools over deportation fears | Mail Online

An Oathkeeper’s question: Are you with me? « The PPJ Gazette

Nazi Expert: 'I Have Proof Hitler Died In 1960s' | Before It's News - Challenge to Masonic Control of Canadian Justice

The Only Future For Americans Is A Nightmare

Dirty Little Secrets Of WWII

To boost flagging economy, U.S. wants to import more shoppers - The Washington Post

BRAND NEW NUMBERS: Here's Who Will Get Slammed If Greece Goes Bust

Gonzalo Lira: Germany Will NEVER Leave the Eurozone—Because It Can’t

Protectionism beckons as leaders push world into Depression - Telegraph

Something about Precessions and so on. Visible Origami

China suspends railways projects - Telegraph

China becomes an urban nation at breakneck speed | World news | The Guardian

Kirlian Photography of raw foods - YouTube



Activist Post: 7 Core Demands from the Occupy Wall Street Movement

Fox News Launches An All Out Assault Against Occupy Wall Street

Chomsky on “Occupy Wall Street” and Israel Imminent Collapse | Intifada Palestine

Occupy Wall Street Protester End the Fed - Best Rant! - YouTube

Marines Heading To Wall Street To Protect Protesters | My Catbird Seat

Occupy DC shuts down Bank of America branch - 12160

Best #OccupyWallStreet End The Fed Speech Yet! Spread This Far And Wide!!

ROSEANNE BARR : Behead Criminal Bankers : KEISER REPORT - Occupy America Social Network

VIDEO - Nobel Prize Winning Economist Joseph Stiglitz Addresses Wall Street Protesters - #OccupyWallStreet - Home - The Daily Bail

Protesters Target Fed, As Well As Wall Street - #OccupyWallStreet

Obama Admin Has No Proof Anwar Al Awlaki Was Involved In Terrorist Activity : Video

Abolish the DHS? - 12160

Corporate Elitist Tells #OccupyWallStreet Do Something Besides Block Traffic

VIDEO - Angry Union Man Addresses Crowd At Wall Street Protests - #OccupyWallStreet - Home - The Daily Bail

Occupying Wall Street, demanding accountability -

Activist Post: 6 Reasons the 'Occupy' Revolution Will Be Difficult to Co-Opt or Defeat

Occupy Wall Street - SHARE the SIGNS Police Took from OCCUPY WALL STREET PROTESTORS - YouTube

James Turk - This Collapse is Bigger than Governments or CB’s

Where Is The #OWS Demand To End The Fed? :

Anti-Wall Street Protests Spreading to Cities Large and Small -

Herman Cain leaving the campaign trail: Why now? -

Meet the McShames....CoverUp Specialists - YouTube

Abby Martin of Media Roots at SFSU - YouTube

Herman Cain Is Not For Freedom - YouTube

7-18/Herman Cain backs mosque bans | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

No Need To Audit The Federal Reserve According To GOP Flavor Of The Month, Idiot Herman Cain - Home - The Daily Bail

7-20/Presidential Hopeful Cain: “I would attack Iran to protect Israel” « The Ugly Truth

Rolling Stone contributing editor Matt Taibbi appeared on Current TV's Countdown with Keith Olbermann to discuss the "Occupy Wall Street" protests - 12160

VIDEO - Step By Step Account Of The #OccupyWallStreet Brooklyn Bridge Arrests: "We Were Led To The Slaughter" - Home - The Daily Bail

Occupy Wall Street movement has grown quickly -

Occupy Everything: 'US protests have explosive potential' - YouTube

Ralph Nader, Ron Paul, Kucinich & Chomsky: "End The Left-Right Delusion, Corporatism Is The TRUE Enemy" - Home - The Daily Bail


Facebook: Brutal Dishonesty « UNCRUNCHED

Facebook denies cookie tracking allegations | ZDNet

Nik Cubrilovic Blog - Logging out of Facebook is not enough


Communicating Information in a Social Network System about Activities from Another Domain(




Flu Vaccine Pushed Despite Nerve Disease Link | GreenMedInfo | Blog entry | Natural Medicine | Alternative Medicine | Integrative Medicine

Why 9/11 Truth Remains A Buried Story | Before It's News

Ron Paul and the occupy Wall Street protest - 12160

The American Conservative » Suicide of a Superpower

Rep. Kucinich Wants Constitutional Money | American Free Press

Congressional Anti-Internet Freedom Bills |

Police State Justice Under Obama |

Uh Oh: 90 Percent Of Americans Rate Economic Conditions In The U.S. As “Poor” -

Activist Post: Obama: 9/11 style strike 'very difficult'

Change GDP, change the world | Grist

Herman Cain is the Uncle Tom of the Federal Reserve :

Activist Post: Fall of Syrian regime a 'matter of time': US

The Intercept: BBC News: Demos report on thought crime in schools, calls for re-education!

FBI to be honored by Anti-Defamation League for work in DC subway bomb plot |

Neocon Mastermind Richard Perle Denies His Own Existence

5 Sci-Fi Ad Techniques That Are About to Make Life Creepier |

U.S. Defense Secretary arrives in Egypt in bid to free accused Israeli spy - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Activist Post: The New Economy – Local Food And Energy Will Fix The Economy In 1 Year Or Less

If You Do Not Learn Real History, You Will Be Dead Really Soon. | Video Rebel's Blog


Talk Stream Live (


58 MIN./Innocents Betrayed - The History of Gun Control - FULL LENGTH - YouTube


As Americans Suffer House Republicans Investigate Planned Parenthood

Occupy Takes on Fox News: The Revolution Will Not Be Editorialized

Rush Limbaugh’s Occupy Wall St. Rant Proves The Protesters Are Winning

Fox News Launches An All Out Assault Against Occupy Wall Street

Profits from the Koch Brothers' Iranian Treason Pay Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck

49% Of Republicans Don’t Know What The Abbreviation GOP Means

Abby Johnson Lies about Planned Parenthood Serving the Father of Lies

AWESOME FLASHBACK: Herman Cain Destroys Bill Clinton in Hillarycare Debate

Rush Agrees: Breitbart Report On Obama Marching With Black Panthers Shows Hypocrisy Of Media, President

LIMBAUGH: WaPo ‘N*ggerhead Rock’ Story Is Such An Obvious Smear on Rick Perry

Breitbart At Tea Con: Tea Party ‘N-Word’ Lie ‘Orchestrated By A Bitch By The Name Of Nancy Pelosi’

Breitbart Nails Garofalo… Ewww Sorry. Breitbart At Tea Con: Janeane Garofalo ‘Hollywood’s Sympathy F**k’

Obama May Cancel 2012 Elections!! - Dr. Jerome Corsi Reports 1/2 - YouTube

Obama May Cancel 2012 Elections!! - Dr. Jerome Corsi Reports 2/2 - YouTube

Don't Let Soros Hijack Occupy Wall Street: Webster Tarpley Reports 1/2 - YouTube

Don't Let Soros Hijack Occupy Wall Street: Webster Tarpley Reports 2/2 - YouTube

» Alex Jones At Internal Checkpoint Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Rick Perry Calls for Sending U.S. Troops to Fight Mexico’s Drug Cartels Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» NATO’s Grand Plan of Destabilization in Libya Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Honduran Farmers Slaughtered In Name Of Global Warming Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Occupy The Fed Movement Launched: Nightly News Report Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Exposing Internal Checkpoints: Nightly News Report Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Bad Financial News Keeps Pouring In: 14 Facts That Just Might Scare The Living Daylights Out Of You Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Billionaire Koch brothers in the dock over trades with Iran - Americas, World - The Independent

Ralph Nader Hearts Ron Paul, Hails Potential Left-Libertarian Alliance - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Nader, Ron Paul, Kucinich Speak to Occupy Wall Street - Original - YouTube

» First ‘official’ statement from the Occupy Wall Street movement Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Afghan yuppies get rich on ten years of war

Jewish settlers suspected of mosque blaze - Middle East, World - The Independent

Kyle Bass: Meet the Texan investor who made millions from the credit crunch | Mail Online

» Utah Monetary Declaration: States Can Financially Break Away From Federal Government Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Who’s Behind The ‘Occupy Everywhere’ Faux-tests? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Facebook's privacy lie: Aussie exposes 'tracking' as new patent uncovered

» Death blow to GMOs? California ballot initiative calls for mandatory labeling Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Flu Shots Contain More than 250 Times the EPA’s Safety Limit for Mercury Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Rule of law Has Been Abolished Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Perry suggests U.S. military role in Mexico drug war | Reuters

New Fast and Furious docs released by White House - CBS News Investigates - CBS News

U.S. officials 'considered building fence on northern Canada border to keep out criminals' | Mail Online

Cheney seeks Obama retraction on terrorism policy

» Al Qaeda versus Iran ‘War of Words”: 9/11 Truth Wielded as a Political Trump Card Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Yemen: Top Al Qaeda bomb maker Ibrahim al-Asiri did not die in drone strike | Mail Online

» Assassinations of al Qaeda Leaders Designed To Keep Americans In The Dark Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! - Satanic Debt Racket Exposed in Banker's Novel

» Dems Co-opting Occupy Wall St. Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Anwar Awlaqi Most Likely Alive- Yemen Post English Newspaper Online

Collectivism Running America: Alex Jones Report - YouTube

It's The Federal Reserve Stupid! - Alex Jones & Paul Watson Report 1/3 - YouTube

It's The Federal Reserve Stupid! - Alex Jones & Paul Watson Report 2/3 - YouTube

It's The Federal Reserve Stupid! - Alex Jones & Paul Watson Report 3/3 - YouTube

* Prison » Don’t Let Soros Hijack Occupy Wall Street: Webster Tarpley Reports

* Prison » The #OccupyWallStreet Guide

5 Part/Prison » Occupy Wall Street Hijacked by Special Interests – Alex Jones Emergency Broadcast

+ Prison » Food Freedom with Mike Adams: Nightly News Report

Paul Speaks to the Hearts of NH Voters - Bedford, NH Patch

Recovery "close to faltering", Fed could act - Yahoo! News

Prison » Honduran Farmers Slaughtered In Name Of Global Warming

Prison » The Fed Twists, The Market Shouts

The PJ Tatler » The Billionaires Club and Occupy Wall Street: Strange Bedfellows

Prison » Occupy The Fed Movement Launched: Nightly News Report

Prison » Bad Financial News Keeps Pouring In: 14 Facts That Just Might Scare The Living Daylights Out Of You

Prison » 11 Reasons Why Occupy Wall Street Protesters Are Hypocrites If They Do Not Call For Obama To Resign

No in-or-out EU referendum, says David Cameron - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

Prison » MSNBC’s Dylan Ratigan on The Federal Reserve, Media Censorship, Bilderberg @ #occupywallstreet

Prison » Alex Jones Calls For Nationwide Protests Against The Fed

Prison » OWS Protester Gets It – It’s The Fed, Stupid

Economy: More Fed Easing Could Do Harm, Hawks Say - CNBC

TSA vows to learn from breast cancer survivor's pat-down - The Hill's Transportation Report

AFP: Mexico envoy rejects Perry idea of sending US troops

Prison » CHINA: It’s Outrageous That The US Media Is Censoring The Wall Street Protests

Prison » Manchester, New Hampshire Police Officer Uses Excessive Force on High School Student (Video)

Prison » Documents Show AG Holder Knew About ‘Fast & Furious’; Contradict Testimony

Prison » Exposing Internal Checkpoints: Nightly News Report

Kyiv Post. Independence. Community. Trust - Russia and former Soviet Union - Putin says wants to build 'Eurasian Union'

Pill that can ease bad memories after scientists discover lipocalin-2 stress link | Mail Online

Prison » Most Popular Contraceptive Used in Parts of Africa May Double Risk of HIV

Europe, Canada and Russia at risk as 'second hole' in ozone layer opens over the Arctic | Mail Online

Keiser Report: Deutschmark & Drachma Revival? (E192) - YouTube

What's the Message from OccupyWallStreet? - YouTube

Was Al-Awlaki Killing Against American Values? - YouTube

The Plain Truth about Executive Assassination - YouTube

Scahill "The President Is Now Judge Jury & Executioner! That's What We Should Be Talking About!" - YouTube

Occupy Wall Street: Mass Economic Riots Are Now Here And America Will Never Be The Same

Obama Machine Prepares To Hijack ‘Occupy Wall Street’

Buffett’s Plan Doesn’t Vibe With ‘Buffett Rule’

Democrats and Establishment Unions Plan to Hijack OWS This Week

Protesters Target Fed, As Well As Wall Street

‘Occupy Wall Street’ Tax Proposal Is Backed By Wall Street Itself

Prison » Pentagon Developing Spy Drones to Spot “Adversarial Intent”

Prison » U.S. Invented Soviet Threat

Mind-reading car could drive you round the bend | Technology | The Guardian

+Prison » Obama May Cancel 2012 Elections: Dr. Jerome Corsi Reports

» Utah Monetary Declaration: States Can Financially Break Away From Federal Government Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Internet firms co-opted for surveillance: experts | Reuters

Cell Phone Industry to Sue SF on Radiation Law | NBC Bay Area

Facebook's privacy lie: Aussie exposes 'tracking' as new patent uncovered

Super bus takes 23 passengers and travels at 155mph | Mail Online

Yeti hunt: Russian and American scientists pool 'Cold War' evidence | Mail Online

Wall Street warned about possible hacking attack by 'Anonymous' | The Australian

The mysterious honeybee apocalypse: Up to 12 million bees found dead and dying in Florida and no one knows why | Mail Online

Warning Signs: The EPA Gets Caught in a Big Fat Lie

» Why is CIA’s Global Warming Center A National Security Secret? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Judicial Watch | Fighting corruption & promoting transparency in government through public education and use of the Freedom of Information Act.

» The Rule of law Has Been Abolished Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Dems Co-opting Occupy Wall St. Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Protectionism beckons as leaders push world into Depression - Telegraph

Anwar Awlaqi Most Likely Alive- Yemen Post English Newspaper Online

G. Edward Griffin'

Activist Post: The Journey to Jekyll Island

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Name of the Game is Bailout

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Protectors of the Public

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Home, Sweet Loan

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Nearer to the Heart's Desire

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Building the New World Order

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Barbaric Metal

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Fool's Gold

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Secret Science

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Mandrake Mechanism and Debt Cancellation

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Rothschild Formula

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Sink the Lusitania

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Masquerade in Moscow

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Best Enemy Money Can Buy

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Lost Treasure Map


Apple to showcase new iPhone after 15-month hiatus

Libyan Jew demands new regime tackle anti-Semitism

Palestinians say Israel using Schalit as a distraction

US banks: a classic financial slump

Dalai Lama cancels visit to South Africa

Three Americans awarded Nobel Prize in physics

A look at economic developments around the globe

Casey Anthony tells authorities she's unemployed

Senate approves US ambassador to Syria

Lawmaker says China engages in cyber spying

Knox lawyer says team is ready for highest appeal

CDC: Self-reported drunk driving is down

September likely solid, not stellar, for U.S. chains

Panetta: NATO mission can't end before fighting

Obama calls on Congress to vote on jobs bill

Ford to pay workers $6,000 bonus in new contract

Republican star Christie not running in 2012: reports

Bank of America website still having problems

4 arrested in alleged government bribery case

Cassette tapes see new life after MP3s –

Audio Cassette Tapes | Best Buy

Cassette Tapes: Blank Audio Cassette Tapes at Office Depot

Racial-Enforcer George Lopez Uses ‘Oreo’ Argument Against Herman Cain

Interview: Producer Don Hahn of ‘The Lion King’

Hank Williams’s ESPN Appearance Canceled Over Obama Remark (He Should’ve Kept to Palin Rape Jokes)

University Professor Censored Over… ‘Firefly’ Poster?

ABC’s ‘Castle’ Recovers From Shaky Season 4 Premiere

Ken Burns: Prohibition Movement Akin to Today’s ‘Demonization of Immigrants’

‘Pan Am’ Review: From Sexy Stewardesses to Safety Officers

- Morning Call Sheet: Box Office Analysis, ‘Twilight Zone’, and Bogie

Please Welcome Christian Toto to ‘Big Hollywood’!

CBS’ ‘The Good Wife’: ‘Breitbart Owned the Weiner Scandal’

‘Starlette’ Review: Hollywood Apocalypse By Way of Wit and Gorgeous Prose

‘50/50′ Review: Perfect Mix of Hilarity and Tears

Polanski Opens Up About His '33 Years Of Regret'

Cassette tapes see new life after MP3s –

Hank Williams Jr. Compares Obama to Hitler on Fox News (Video) - The Hollywood Reporter

Jolie mulling new role with UN refugee agency

Is China’s Green Energy A Myth?

The Middle East: America Retreating, Islam Rising?

Panetta Visits Egypt As U.S.-Born Man Held For Spying

Courts: Is It Okay For Service Members To Wear Partial Uniforms To Make Porn?

Obama Has No Strategic Vision

AUDIO:Gordon Chang: The Fall of China?

North Korean Dictator’s Family Exposed Via Facebook And Twitter

Burma (Myanmar) Suspends Dam Project In Major Break With China

Obama Balks At Offshore Oil Drilling-But Not Castro’s Cuba

Chinese World Domination: Forming International Alliances

Europe Fires Back On Economy: Obama Like ‘A Doctor Caught Prescribing Performance-Enhancing Drugs’

Obama’s Relapse

Taiwan’s F-16 Upgrade: Obama’s Triple Mistake

Italy-NOT The United States- Comes To Iranian Pastor’s Defense

Thousands Of Libya Missiles On The Loose; Civilian Aviation Threatened

Al Qaeda Claims Awlaki Is Not Dead

Russia's Putin says wants to build Eurasian Union | Reuters

Rep. Ron Paul sees Awlaki killing as 'possible' impeachable offense - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

US House leader Cantor expects trade deal passage | Reuters

Media Being Pulled Kicking and Screaming Into SolyndraGate

The Village Voice Maxes Out the Race Card

MSNBC’s Dylan Ratigan Leads Protest During Broadcast, Shouts At Protesters: “I Love What You’re Doing”

MSM More Concerned with Perry’s Relationship with Rock than Obama’s Racially-Charged Past

Who Is the New Black Panther Party? What Media Matters and the Obama DOJ Don’t Want You to Know

Did Media Matters Collude With DOJ On Black Panther Story?

Looking Back At TeaCon 2011

Rick Perry is not a Racist Despite WaPo Smear

Comrades! Bloomberg Markets Has Ruined Our Precious, Perfect Koch Brothers Conspiracy Theory!

Perry Camp Disputes WaPo Story About Rock with Racial Slur - By Katrina Trinko - The Corner - National Review Online

Yahoo, ABC joining forces in news partnership

CBS Plays Up Perry 'N' Word Controversy; ABC, NBC Punt |

PolitiFact syndicates its fact-checking to newspapers with PolitiFact News Service | Poynter.

» Shock Photos: Candidate Obama Appeared And Marched With New Black Panther Party in 2007 - Big Government

Audio:Obama Doubles Down on Solyndra

+ The Cheat Sheet, October 4: Are You Ready for Some Politics?

Reports: Christie Not Running for President

Romney and Cain Leading in Florida

New Docs Show Eric Holder, DOJ Aware of ‘Fast and Furious’ in 2010

Protests Against Wall Street Spreading Across the Country

Conservative Judo: How to Fight the Smears and Take the Offensive

New Video Shows the War on Poverty Is a Failure

Revolt: The Meaning of ‘Occupy Wall St’

NEA Launches Self-Serving Ad Campaign for Obama Jobs Bill


Investor and Obama Donor Warned President Not to Visit Solyndra

New Black Panther Malik Shabazz: Obama Evoked Tenets of Black Liberation Theology in Selma

Only 37% of Americans Think Obama Will Be Reelected

Obama Marched With a Despicable, Anti-American Racist

Obama: Americans Not Better Off than 4 Years Ago

Knox Out: Amanda Knox Cleared in Murder Case

Big, Deadly Government: Mass Murder Committed to Game Kyoto ‘Credits’ Scheme

Michelle Obama’s Expensive Family Trip to Africa

The Return of Van Jones and Marxist Street Protests

Audio:Trade Agreements, China and the Impact of the Presidential Election

Excerpt From ‘Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department’ by J. Christian Adams

Who Is the New Black Panther Party? What Media Matters and the Obama DOJ Don’t Want You to Know - Big Journalism

» Which Malik Shabazz Visited White House in July 2009, Mr. President? - Big Government

» A Different Malik Shabazz and Jeremiah Wright? What Are the Odds? - Big Government

new_black_panther_party_barack_obama.jpg (JPEG Image, 500x366 pixels)

» New Black Panther Party President Admits to Philadelphia Voter Intimidation; Holder’s Justice Department Still Silent - Big Government

Obama says he is 'underdog' in 2012

Obama: No regrets about Solyndra loan

Officials warned White House about Obama visit to Solyndra plant - The Hill's E2-Wire

Obama bets on 50-state strategy to eke out '12 win | Reuters

Obama sends three trade deals to Congress: speaker

Republicans expect to win in 2012 - Behind the Numbers - The Washington Post

The American Autumn: The Children of the Lost Decade Revolt

NJDC Demands Perry, Others Return 'Iran-Tainted' Koch Donations

Van Jones: Marines to Stand with Wall Street Protesters

Marvel Comics' X-Factor Heroes Become Union Busters

The Biggest Occupy Protest You Never Saw Was This Year In Tel Aviv

Michael Moore Discusses Receiving Death Threats After Speaking out Against Iraq Invasion at Academy Awards in 2003

Media Struggles To Make Sense Of OccupyWallStreet

As Many As 5 Million Voters Disenfranchised By Voter ID Laws

McCain: 'Hard to React' to GOP Audience Booing Gay Soldier

Did Jamie Dimon Make A Thoughtful Gift -- Or Did His Bank Just Turn The NYPD Into Rent-A-Cops?

#OccupyWallStreet Protester Lets Fox News Have It

It's Not Republican Obstruction, It's Leadership! Peggy Noonan Sez Obama Needs To Reach Out More

Fox News Watch Panel Continues to Flog Discredited Obama Bullied Ford Story

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher Calls His Own Vote 'Chickensh**'

Koch Brothers Join Cheney and Romney Among GOP's Iran Sanctions Busters

Obama is Hitler: Hank Williams Jr. Impersonates a Tea Party Sign on Fox & Friends

Pastor, Deacons Accused of Assaulting Gay Couple

#OccupyWallStreet: Media Makeover Tips

4-Oct-11 World View

3-Oct-11 World View

More reasons Christie shouldn't run

Petty Obama and his 'smallness' theme

Dem drumbeat calls for 1-term Obama

Was Awlaki kill legal?

There's gold here if you want it

'Stop whining'?

The media are so hoplophobic

13 obstacles to becoming a better person

What about online trading?

'Christian' as the magic word of politics -

Pack it up, Obama. Move it on out

Mark Steyn: Due diligence never done on Obama - Orange County Register

History of made-up lyrics: 26 songs over 49 years - The Feed - CBS News

Roger Daltrey says “contemporary music lacks lead singers” | Celebrity Buzz | a blog

Reinhard Heydrich Biography: The First In-depth Look at a Nazi 'God of Death' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Footprints of First Inhabitants of Americas Discovered in Mexico | Fox News Latino

Giant Asteroid Vesta Has Mountain Taller Than Anything on Earth | Asteroid Vesta & Vesta Images | NASA's Dawn Spacecraft |

Inside the Russian Short Wave Radio Enigma | Magazine

Where Do Alien Civilizations Hang Out? : Discovery News

Slime Molds - Ancient, Alien and Sophisticated -

Giant ozone hole opens up over the Arctic for the first time

Mayan film documentary claims proof of aliens - Yahoo! News

Millions of Bees Mysteriously Die in Florida « - Flash Player Installation

Taking science to the search for the paranormal - ABC Wide Bay Qld - Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Rich text editor, edit-comment, press ALT 0 for help.

The Aliens Underneath: Will “Extraterrestrial” Disclosure Ever Really Happen? | Mysterious Universe

Woman wants late parents to travel | Orange UK

Supremes keep record of rejecting eligibility cases perfect

Millions of Americans give thumbs down to Congress

Syria threatens to set Middle East on fire

Wall Street protesters accuse feds, biz of infecting food supply

Photos: Obama marched with New Black Panthers

More reasons Christie shouldn't run

World's Earliest Christian Engraving Shows Surprising Pagan Elements | Fox News

Supreme Court throws out judgment on electronic voting machines in Texas - The Washington Post

San Francisco dog owners hope to sway mayoral race

Information & News from (Stuart, FL)

You never write any more; well, hardly anyone does - Yahoo! News

Scientist wins Nobel for medicine days after death -

Falling Wages Threatening U.S. as Consumers May Cut Spending - Bloomberg

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Obama jobs bill a campaign gimmick' ;Rep. Louie Gohmert rips GOP for 'gambling away national security' in supercommittee

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Oct. 3, 1951: 'The shot heard 'round the world';Dodgers' pitcher Ralph Branca recalls most famous home run in baseball history


+THE BIG LIST of eligibility 'proofers'

*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Photos: Obama marched with New Black Panthers

Obama impeachment a possibility, says Ron Paul - Dan Hirschhorn -

Stop Obama's 'pay-their-fair-share' shenanigans

Cain willing to consider vice presidency

President Obama Calls Himself 'Underdog' in 2012 Race for White House. - ABC News

Meet HuffPost's annoying, but relentless conservative

ESPN pulls Hank Williams Jr.'s 'Are You Ready' opening from MNF - ESPN

Prosecutors Fight Bid To Let Reagan Shooter Hinckley Go On Weeks-Long Leave | Fox News

Ring: Prosecutors Asked Me To Lie About Rep. Doolittle | Main Justice

New Fast and Furious docs released by White House - CBS News Investigates - CBS News

Supremes keep record of rejecting eligibility cases perfect

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Herman Cain and the Perfect Storm of 2012

'Arab Spring' Part of Iranian Plot to Dominate

The Jihad Lawyer

All Politics Is Resentment

Back in the USSR (You Don't Know How Lucky You Are)

R.I.P. - Obama jobs bill

Ohio the next boom state?

Global warming promoter rakes in outside income while working for NASA

Durbin fee will cost debit card customers

Roseanne channels Robespierre

Voters expect Obama to be one term president

Obama's campaign theme in three, uh, FIVE words

Why Obama reminds me of Evita

Holder lied to Congress about Fast and Furious

Herman Cain pulls race card on Rick Perry

Debbie Schlussel:Cute Star Wars Video, But Is It Fake?

Debbie Schlussel:Don’t Forget: Herman Cain’t Resist the Al-Qaeda Mosque

Debbie Schlussel:Muslima on Trial for Terrorism Refuses to Stand for Judge; Govt’s Disturbing “Terrorism” Expert

Why Other GOP Candidates Cannot Speak Up about Perry-Gate

Diversity of America tested in GOP Primary!

Slash Top Federal Salaries

Capital Due Process, R.I.P!

America’s Slow Turning From Freedomphobia

Knowing the Enemy

Unemployed Imbeciles Gather to Protest

The Power of Weakness

Is Congress Refusing to Stop the Obama Syndicate Crimes?

Smart Meters and your Health

The strange case of Anwar al Awlaki

Open letter to tax-the-rich, wealth re-distributing, liberal/regressives

Britain Will No Longer Go It Alone On Green Targets

Amanda Knox acquittal: Sloppy crime scene analysis created injustice

“Drill, Castro, Drill!” says Obama and the Environmental Defense Fund

The IAEA 2011 General Conference

Is China’s Green Energy a Myth?

Cuba Not Afraid of Offshore Oil

HTC Flaw Leaking Personal Information Just by Connecting to Internet | Video |

Columbia University Faces Civil Rights Investigation | Jewish student steered away from course with Joseph Massad |

Joe Biden Doesn’t Know Who Van Jones Is |


Van Jones Slams Tea Party, Praises Occupy Wall Street at ‘American Dream’ Conference | Video |

Anonymous Threatens to Erase New York Stock Exchange From Internet | Video |

Exceptions for Religious Organizations Targeted by Obama Justice Dept. |

Ann Coulter Calls Wall St. Protest ‘Beginning of Totalitarianism’ | Video |

Dustin Farrell Time-Lapse Video of Arizona and Utah Skies | Video |

Major Democratic Fundraiser at Van Jones ‘Take Back the American Dream Conference’: The American Dream Is Totally About Sharing and Redistributing the Wealth Because Free Houses and HealthCare Are a Right | Video |

AP: UN General Assembly a ‘Hotbed of Spying and Clandestine Operations’ |

Taxpayers Paying for Drug Users Abusing Medicare |

North Korean Air Koryo Given One Star from Airtax |

Market Rumor? Sprint Allegedly Agrees to Purchase 30.5 Million iPhones in Return for Exclusive iPhone 5 Deal |

Occupy Wall Street Organizer to ‘Excited’ Al Sharpton: We Are Anarchists and Revolutionaries,‘This Is the Beginning of a Revolution in This Country’ | Video |

Obama: People Aren’t Better Off Than 4 Years Ago | Video |

Liberal Professor Frances Fox Piven to Speak at Messiah College |

Rosary-Like Necklace Banned in Fremont, Nebraska | Video |

Continental Resources CEO Recounts Conversation With Obama |

Parkcrest Christian Church Offers Cohabiting Couples a Free Wedding |

Did Country Star Hank Williams Jr. Compare Obama to Adolf Hitler? | Video |

More Aides Leave Bachmann Presidential Campaign |

9 ‘Ethical’ Small Brands That Are Actually Owned By Major Companies |

E-Mails Reveal Obama Warned About Solyndra Visit |

Frances Fox Piven’s Awkward Occupy Wall Street Speech | Video |

Van Jones Conference With Campaign for America’s Future Starts Monday | Video |

Muslims Against Crusades Hold Moment of Silence For Awlaki | Video |

Amazon, the Company That Ate the World - BusinessWeek

King shares work-in-progress: Sequel to 'The Shining' -

BOOK REVIEW: 'Force of Nature' - Washington Times

Political Animal - The story the Koch Brothers’ were afraid of

Transparency and Its Discontents | Cato @ Liberty

The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : Michele Bachmann's Efforts to Defund ACORN

It All Started with Sputnik | Space Exploration | Air & Space Magazine

Sputnik's Designers Didn't Fathom Its Impact : NPR

The Crimean War: immediate causes

Taiwan Review - Standing the Test of Time

A Brief History of the Orient Express | History & Archaeology | Smithsonian Magazine

Boy, Don't You Know I'm On Camera? | The New Republic

Interactive: Inside Iran

Could Iranian Ships Really Reach the U.S.?

China-Russian Relations Crumbling

Opinion: Is Venezuela a Narco-State? | Fox News Latino

BusinessDay - GIDEON RACHMAN: China or the US? It’s time to make your choice

Jonah Goldberg: Obama's terrorist dilemma -

With Afghanistan, India marks its rise in Central Asia | Firstpost

Boston Review — Alexander B. Downes: Regime Change Doesn’t Work

Zambia King Cobra stings Chinese dragon | The Australian

Asia Times Online :: China News, China Business News, Taiwan and Hong Kong News and Business.

Saudi Arabia's balancing act | The Japan Times Online

China’s Fall, Not Its Rise, Is the Real Global Threat: View - Bloomberg

U.S. confirms attacks by Pakistani military units | Sara A. Carter | Politics | Washington Examiner

Will Egypt Have A Revolution? | Via Meadia

Anwar al-Awlaki: When is it acceptable to kill a U.S. citizen suspected of acts of terrorism? - Slate Magazine

Syrian Civil War: The Opposition Position - Ausama Monajed | Foreign Policy

Commentary: What's Next for Medvedev? | The National Interest

The End of the Future - Peter Thiel - National Review Online

Karl Marx’s Long Shadow in Eastern Europe — The American Magazine

On Wall Street, a Protest Matures -

A new Lost Decade is leading to revolution - Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch

Will Twitter Become Profitable? -- New York Magazine

Given an Opportunity to Cut Spending, the President Sings of the Buffett Rule - Forbes

How to end the global recession: more public spending and financial reform. - Slate Magazine

How Obama’s tax hikes would really impact the rich, in three easy charts - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

Cogan and Taylor: Stimulus Has Been a Washington Job Killer -

10 Questions for the Bulls - TheStreet

TheMoneyIllusion » Krugman’s peculiar views on American nationalism and the Chinese yuan

A Brief Economic Explanation of Peak Oil

EPA's Mission Leap -

Solyndra Scandal: E-mails Show White House Questioned Solyndra's Viability Early On - International Business Times

Solyndra, and Obama's broken promise to workers | The Examiner | Op Eds | Washington Examiner

Five Reasons You Should Care About the New Ozone Hole Over the Arctic | Popular Science

Short-circuiting U.S. energy conservation | |

Tough Oil - Features - Johns Hopkins Public Health Magazine

Pipeline to disaster | The Christian Century

“Ethical Oil”? Why stop there? | The Vancouver Observer

Crisscrossing the Rubicon of peak oil | Energy Bulletin

CERN and colliding theories -

BBC News - Nobel physics prize honours accelerating Universe find

Saturn's moon has never-ending winter : Nature News

Are Aliens Part of God's Plan, Too? Finding E.T. Could Change Religion Forever | Aliens & Religion, 100-Year Starship Symposium, Interstellar Travel | Christian Implications of Extraterrestrial Intelligence | LiveScience

Scientist in a Strange Land | Popular Science

Al Qaeda lab lingers in anthrax story –

Quantum life: The weirdness inside us - life - 03 October 2011 - New Scientist

RealClearScience - How Organic Activists Spread Misinformation

America's Modern Oil Boom Offers Incredible Opportunity - Blog

UCSB Press Release: "UCSB Scientists Reveal How Natural Gas and Temperature Controlled Bacterial Response to Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill "

Making Dinitroge | Latest News | Chemical & Engineering News

Cannibalism Confirmed Among Ancient Mexican Group

Single magic mushroom 'can change personality' - Science, News - The Independent

Why Do News Anchors Always Talk the Same? | 'Broadcasting Voice' Helps Audience Focus On and Understand the News | Radio Voice Explained | Life's Little Mysteries

Drug shortage slows clinical trials : Nature News

Chinese Launch: Why was it set to 'America the Beautiful'? - Blog

Artificial leaf converts water into fuel | COSMOS magazine

Neutrino fun facts! : Starts With A Bang

Neutrinos and relativity: Faster than the speed of light | The Economist

My Take: Muslims should lay off the victim card – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

MN Catholic Conference Calls Out Fake “Catholics for Equality” Group |

Ministry Matters™ | Articles | Comparing Bell and Chan on Hell

Rev. Pat Robertson drops endorsements, says politics 'can't change our world'

My Take: Call him crazy – Huntsman for president in 2024 – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Twilight of the Goths » GetReligion

Ministry Matters™ | Articles | Real-Time Worship

Does evil exist? Neuroscientists say no. - Slate Magazine

Does God exist? -

Genetics, faith and responsibility | Behind the Zion Curtain

Column: In Hosanna-Tabor, government should butt out –

Obama bets on 50-state strategy to eke out '12 win | Reuters

Stephens: The President of Contempt -

Overrated | The Weekly Standard

Obama administration kept Democratic senators hanging on the phone -

It's Gonna Be Romney

Herman Cain Piggybacks on WaPo's Perry Smear and Obama's Debate Lie - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Perry built complicated record on matters of race - The Washington Post

MSM More Concerned with Perry’s Relationship with Rock than Obama’s Racially-Charged Past - Big Journalism

Political Animal - Cheneys should be giving, not getting, an apology

Supremely Consequential - Jonathan H. Adler - National Review Online

Hooray for Federal Loans! -

RealClearPolitics - Still Front End of Recession

Greek Debt, Angela Merkel, and the European Central Bank : The New Yorker

Jobless moment: Now there really is a card for every occasion

Works and Days » The Coming Post-Obama Renaissance

Opinion: Ron Suskind’s inaccurate revisionism - Steven Rattner -

Solyndra Expands into Energygate | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

Holding China to Account -

Perry Gets Smeared - By Henry Payne - The Corner - National Review Online

Rick Perry’s Racism—and Other Artifacts of Slavery | The Progressive

Obama campaign team memo blasts 2012 Republican candidates -

Political Animal - Quantifying the War on Voting

Thank Wal-Mart for your new bank card fee | Campaign 2012

Solyndracracy | The Weekly Standard

Supreme Court prepares for much-anticipated term -

Morning Examiner: Cain’s Bachmann moment | Campaign 2012

Why the Obama Administration Invested in Solyndra : The New Yorker

Obama Campaign Borrows From Bush '04 Playbook -

Behind Obama’s Populist Makeover - The Daily Beast

RealClearPolitics - How the Left Can Show Obama Is a Centrist

Economic Growth, Not Income Redistribution, Is What Helps Us All - Forbes

CURL: The jobs plan that couldn't - Washington Times

Fast, furious scandal needs answers--Michael A. Walsh -


*2nd/Transcripts:Guests: Herman Cain, Rob Johnson and Fred Smith

Guests: Sen. McCain; Govs. Barbour and O'Malley

Interview with Presidential Candidate Herman Cain

Guests: Governors Deval Patrick and Robert McDonnell

Interview with Dick and Liz Cheney


Union says NYPD can’t force bus drivers to assist in Occupy Wall Street arrests | End the Lie - Independent News

Activist Post: 27 Years: No Deaths from Vitamins, 3 Million from Prescription Drugs

China says ‘firmly opposes’ U.S. Senate currency bill | The Raw Story

Internet firms co-opted for surveillance: experts | Reuters

Documents Show AG Holder Knew About ‘Fast & Furious’; Contradict Testimony -

Bad Financial News Keeps Pouring In: 14 Facts That Just Might Scare The Living Daylights Out Of You -

11 Reasons Why Occupy Wall Street Protesters Are Hypocrites If They Do Not Call For Barack Obama To Resign -

Kyiv Post. Independence. Community. Trust - Russia and former Soviet Union - Putin says wants to build 'Eurasian Union'

First ‘official’ statement from the Occupy Wall Street movement? -

The Secret Memo That Explains Why Obama Can Kill Americans -

Libya's NTC Launches 'Final Assault' on Gadhafi Stronghold

Yemen's Opposition Binds Young Activists, Armed Fighters

SSL Was Broken by Design

Contraceptive Used in Africa May Double Risk of H.I.V. - » Neem Oil: An Effective, Non Toxic and Extremely Inexpensive Contraceptive

GOP Mega-Donor Koch Brothers' Company Tied To Global Criminal Misdeeds In Bombshell Article

US Going to Stay in Afghanistan 'For a Long Time'

62% of Americans Want Immediate Troop Cuts in Afghanistan

Karzai Blames Afghan Taliban, Pakistan for End of Talks

Awlaki Drone Launched From New Base

Bahraini Princess Accused of Torturing Detainees

Obama Backs Occupation of Palestine

Lawyers Seek Docs on NYPD Unit That Spied on Muslims

Koch Industries Made Secret Sale to Iran, Report Says

Obama: Very Difficult for al-Qaeda to Attack US

» Obama Machine Prepares To Hijack ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

President Obama has been a disaster for civil liberties -

Obama administration filled with activists for globalism

Human Experimentation the Real Issue in Stopping “Transsexual” Boy’s Puberty » Secondhand Smoke | A First Things Blog

Celebrate the Death of 'An Enemy of the State' — or Be Considered One Yourself - informationliberation

EPA Boosts Water Policing as Worst Fears Realized - Bloomberg

TSA Force Breast Cancer Patient To Submit To Patdown, Refuse To Let Her Show ID Card About Implants - informationliberation

Terror suspect accused of trying to hit FBI agent - Yahoo! News

The Awlaki Sanction: Who's Next on the List? - informationliberation

Jake Tapper vs. Jay Carney on President Killing U.S. Citizens. - YouTube

Obama impeachment a possibility, says Ron Paul - Dan Hirschhorn -

Rescue official: Truck bomb in Somalia kills 70 - Yahoo! News

U.S. sees missile defense deal with Russia by May | Reuters

Supreme Court refuses potentially landmark gun-control case -

Not-guilty plea for Pentagon plane plot suspect - Military News | News From Afghanistan, Iraq And Around The World - Military Times

Minimum Wage Raised In Four States, Washington First To Top $9

A Vaccine Against Smoking or Cocaine? It’s in the Works. -

Oral Sex May Cause More Throat Cancer Than Smoking in Men, Researchers Say - Bloomberg

House Majority Leader Cantor: Obama’s Jobs Package is Dead

Michelle: Bank Sex-Discriminated Against Barack’s Grandmom; Tax Returns: Barack Inherited $480,908 in Bank's Stock from Bank's VP (His Grandmom)

No Same-Sex Weddings at West Point's Catholic Chapel, Says Military Archdiocese

Armed Services Subcommittee Chair: DOD Instructing Military 'To Do Things Which Are in Fact Illegal to Do'

Obama: Banks Don't Have 'Inherent Right' to 'Certain Amount of Profit'

Durbin on the Senate Floor: 'Get the Heck Out of That Bank'

DOJ: ‘Ethnic Asian’ Gangs Dominate Drug Smuggling From Canada, Increasingly Active Inside US

Obama Sides with Debt Collectors, Making Democrats Uncomfortable

Congressional Investigation Finds Drug Abusers Exploiting Medicare Benefit

GAO: ‘FDA Needs to Act Quickly’ to Assure Safety of Foreign Drug Makers

Obamacare Looms Over New Supreme Court Term

NPR's New President and CEO Wants to 'Depoliticize' Public Radio

Romney Tells Pakistan, 'You Can't Play Both Sides'

Spock Attends His Final 'Star Trek' Convention

Rush: Obama Could Buy American Airlines, Make It Fly 'Airplane Equivalent of the Volt' |

Term Limits for Marriage? Maybe |

Was Awlaki an American? |

Occupy Wall Street: Not Just Another Smelly Liberal Protest |

‘Occupy’ Protester: Wall Street Money 'Needs To Be Put In Better Places Than Their Pockets’ |

Rat Island Purchased for $160,000

The World of Mind Control Through the Eyes of an Artist with 13 Alter Personas

UK Think Tank Wants School Teachers to Address “Conspiracy Theories”

Media collusion with Bilderberg Group confirms hidden agenda (video)

Pundits: Christie’s 'No' to 2012 Run Helps Cain and Romney

Cain Surges, 9-9-9 Tax Plan Lifts Him to 'Contender'

WashPost/ABC Poll: Cain Benefits Most From Perry Slide

Obama's Relationship With Reid, Senate Sours

Obama Puts $10M Bounty on al-Qaida Leader

Soros Sympathizes with Wall Street Protesters

Amanda Knox Freed After Four Years in Prison

HPV Fuels Rise in Oral Cancer, Especially Among Men

Holder Informed of Fast and Furious in 2010

GOP Lobbyist Feehery: Where Obama Went Wrong

El-Erian: Poor Growth, Bad Policy Is a Lethal Mix

Despite Healthy Diet Talk, Americans Go For High Fat

Study: For Weight Loss, Behavioral Changes Work

Birth Control Injections Double AIDS Risk

We Must Always Be on Guard to Protect Liberty

Obama Shows His 'Smallness' by Attacking GOP Field

New Jihadi Book Permits Murdering Civilians

Al-Awlaki Killing Won’t Stop the Jihad

Montana Medical Marijuana Initiative Makes Ballot |

Activist Post: Could the Euro die?

Activist Post: Ineffective Flu Shots Backed by Faulty Science and Corporate Marketing

Activist Post: CNN Defends TARP, Paints Wall Street Protesters as a Joke (Video)

Activist Post: Asia leads world in child-labor products: report

Activist Post: Thinking outside of the box with the intention of helping others (Video)

Activist Post: Manchester, New Hampshire Police Officer Uses Excessive Force on High School Student (Video)

Watch out for the Short Sellers! | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

The New Economy – Local Food And Energy Will Fix The Economy In 1 Year Or Less | Before It's News

Activist Post: Top court rejects bid to disqualify Obama as president

Activist Post: Mexico envoy rejects Perry idea of sending US troops

Activist Post: 6 Reasons the 'Occupy' Revolution Will Be Difficult to Co-Opt or Defeat

Activist Post: Everything Will Remain the Same Until We End The Wars

End the Fed, not Capitalism

Activist Post: The Government Housing Market – Upside Down (Video)

» Occupy the Federal Reserve Movement Launched Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Ron Paul and the occupy Wall Street protest « Doug Wead The Blog

Suicide of a Superpower

‘Occupy Wall Street’ Harassed While Bankers Go Free

America’s New Radicals Attack a System That Ignores Them

Against the Institution: A Warning for ‘Occupy Wall Street’

Economic Doomsday: World's Experts Predict 'Total Disaster' | Before It's News

Possible Extinction Level Event Looming? | Before It's News

NASA: It Rained So Hard the Oceans Fell | Before It's News

Top NASA Shuttle Astronaut: Aliens Are Real...I Guarantee It! | Before It's News

Moon's Shadow Makes Waves in Earth's Atmosphere | Earth & The Moon, Moon Phases | Solar & Lunar Eclipses | LiveScience

Tips You Should Know About Your Cell Phone ,GPS | Before It's News

Conflict, consensus and a decade of 9/11 truth: an interview with David Ray Griffin « Truth and Shadows

Free Energy For The Downcast -- "One Man's Trash..." Revolution Commencing | Before It's News

UFO: Too Good To Be True? In HD | Before It's News

Earthquake-Magnifying Pocket Beneath Seattle Seen in New Detail | Seattle Earthquake Risk, Pacific Northwest Earthquake Risk | Earthquake Prediction, Earthquake Forecasts | Our Amazing Planet

White House Announces New Chief Usher, Angella Reid | Before It's News

Is The Government Stockpiling Food For An Upcoming Crisis? | Before It's News

A Religious Deception? | Before It's News

Satanic Debt Racket Exposed In Banker's Novel | Before It's News

The Many Bad Effects Of Drinking Sodas | Before It's News

Judicial Watch Obtains Documents Detailing The Cost To Taxpayers or Michelle Obamas Family Trip to Africa | Before It's News

CBS Highlights 'Fast & Furious'; ABC, NBC Place Heads in the Sand

Will Uncle Sam Go Postal in South Asia? by Eric Margolis

The Awlaki Sanction: Who’s Next on the List? by William Norman Grigg

How to Deal With Crappy Bosses Altucher Confidential

Government's Secret Doomsday Bunker?: Jesse Ventura investigates the massive, on-going construction at Denver International Airport

Bernanke’s Plot To Overthrow the US Dollar by Bill Bonner

The due-process-free assassination of U.S. citizens is now reality -

12 Signs That Americans Who Love Liberty and Freedom Should Watch Their Backs

Gold Market Update by Clive Maund

Man-cave masculinity: Men crave their own spaces. - Slate Magazine

Go West, Young Man (To North Dakota)


+List of Politicians, Military and Intelligence Experts who Question the "Official" 9/11 Narrative


VIDEO: End the Fed: Occupy Wall Street Protestor Speaks Out

The American People Are Damned: The US government has been selling out its Citizens in Pursuit of Money and Power

Occupy Wall Street: A Globalist Op?

Occupy Wall Street Protesters suckered into a trap

Occupy Wall Street: "Revolution and "Counter-Revolution"

Military-Paramilitary Nexus: Political Assassination in Colombia

The Al Qaeda Legend : Wither The "Global War on Terrorism"?

Americans Are Protesting: Corruption, Soaring Food Prices and Unemployment

The Occupy Wall Street Movement. Analysis of the Protest Movement

VIDEO: Finance Capital vs. Public Banking

Assassination of Al Qaeda Leaders Designed to Keep Americans in the Dark

VIDEO: Manchester March: Over 30,000 Protest Austerity Cuts

‘Occupy Wall Street’ Tax Proposal Is Backed By Wall Street Itself

VIDEO: "Shoot to Kill": Live Ammunition Assaults on Peaceful Serbian Demonstrators in Kosovo

Nobel-winning economist supports ‘Occupy Wall Street’

Court upholds D.C. assault weapons ban

Rove group buys ads to haunt Obama’s jobs tour

Barney Frank: Reduce the deficit by slashing military spending

Van Jones: ‘I am mad at us for being so quiet’

Bernanke pledges action if economy falters

Boehner deals blow to ‘dangerous’ China bill

Japan to continue Antarctic whaling: farm minister

Cain: Romney is just too ‘Wall Street’ to win


Abby Martin of Media Roots Speaks at SFSU


The Alex Jones Show – October 3rd, 2011

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – October 3rd, 2011


ARTICLE LINKS:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials – October 3, 2011

ARTICLES:Occupy Wall Street News 10-3-11

*ARTICLES:Occupy Wall Street News 10-4-11


VIDEOS:President Barack Obama Is The Epitome of The 21st Century Schizoid Man |

Do Not Allow President Obama To Impose Martial Law by Scott Lazarowitz

Boston protesters: 'We’re working on our message and demands'

D.C. police get ready for large-scale protests

Dick Durbin: Bank of America customers should 'vote with their feet'

EEOC lawsuit accuses hotel of discriminating against white workers

Can’t pay for burial? Cook County morgue to donate bodies to science

Emails show top Justice Department officials knew of ATF gun program

White House staffer was informed about gun probe

College students trying to ban leaf blowers in Palm Beach County

Van Jones Urges Progressives to 'Steal' Tea Party Strategy

Mexico City Considers Two-Year Marriages

Louisiana Hospital to Ban Odor of Smoke on Workers' Clothes

Obama blasts Bank of America debit card fee

Energy official praised Solyndra before FBI bust

Obama was advised against visiting Solyndra after financial warnings

Perry slips, Cain rises in bid for nomination

Cozy relationships and ‘peer benchmarking’ send CEOs’ pay soaring

‘Underdog’ Obama on attack against GOP

Casino bill's tax breaks may cost Illinois schools over $100 million

Perry finds allies in unlikely places as he tries to tamp racism furor

Group seeks labels on genetically altered food

Food-stamp use triples as local despair grow

White House proclamation names October as National Arts and Humanities Month

Suspect pleads not guilty to terrorism charges

*4 Oct.

American Minute for October 4th

October 4 Events in History

October 4th This Day in History

This Day in History for 4th October

Today in History: October 4

Today in History: October 4

October 4th in History

Today in History for October 4th - YouTube


‘Green jobs’ farm in Colorado sheds jobs after receiving $200M in stimulus funds

Boehner: 'Dangerous' for Congress to punish China over currency value - Washington Times

Congressman lambastes Chinese cyber-espionage - Checkpoint Washington - The Washington Post

Electric Plane Wows NASA | NBC Bay Area

Gov. Chris Christie will not run for president |

N.J. Gov. Christie Says No To Run For GOP Presidential Nomination | WBUR & NPR

New Space Venture Could Bring Every City On Earth Within Two Hours Travel

ATF Fast and Furious: New documents show Attorney General Eric Holder was briefed in July 2010 - CBS News Investigates - CBS News

Autistic Man’s ‘Acting Odd’ Lands Him In Jail « - Flash Player Installation

Report Warns of Prescription Drug Abuse by Medicare Beneficiaries -

Starbucks Peddles Fake Coffee-Stained T-Shirts for $85 | NBC Dallas-Fort Worth


**Markets Video:Signs Of Panic In Financial Markets

3rd/ Cautious Investors, Once Bitten Twice Shy

Can Stocks Find Support in the Fourth Quarter?

**World Video:The Evolution Of American Intelligence And National Security

Will China Raise The Value Of The Yuan?

Is A China Trade War Brewing?

Terrorists' Unholy War Is Far From Over

Afghanistan War: Not A Success Say Half Of Americans

New General Takes On War In Afghanistan

Japan Biz Sentiment Up, Stocks Down

More Greek Troubles, World Markets Slide Again

Afghans Rock Out For The First Time In 30 Years

Bus Attacked In Quetta

Kercher Family: 'Square One' After Knox Ruling

Raw Video: Civilians Flee Sirte, Rockets Fired

Should The Pentagon Be Afraid Of Budget Cuts?

A Conversation With Hoshyar Zebari

McCain: Libyans 'Clearly Need Assistance'

3rd/U.S. Trade And Investment Policy

What's The Status Of Al-Qaeda?

Saudi-Yemen Ties In Limelight

Greece Says Will Miss Deficit Targets?

Calls Continue In Yemen For Saleh To Quit

Police Shootout In Ukraine

Al-Qaeda Chief Bomb Maker Alive?

Libyan Interim Forces Destroy SAM-7 Rockets And Launchers

Three Share Nobel Prize In Medicine

West Bank Settlers: Fear Of Palestinian State

Is The U.S. Right To Veto Palestinian Membership To The UN?

The Death Of Anwar Al-Awlaki

Make Defense Cuts Carefully

Central American Security Integration

Tribal Skepticism Stalls Libyan Politics

**Politics Video:Chris Christie: "Now Is Not My Time"

O'Reily: How Democrats Are Spinning the Economy

Capehart: Future Looks Good For Herman Cain

Krauthammer Knocks "Occupy Wall Street": "Should Be Protesting Obama Administration"

Maddow: Why Isn't Romney's Campaign Raising More Money?

3rd/Obama Has No Regrets With Solyndra

Moore: The Rich Are Out Of Control, Kleptomaniacs And Sociopaths

Cain: "Insensitive" Remark Was For Creator Of Racist Rock Not Perry

Obama: Americans Not Better Off Than They Were Four Years Ago

Mark Levin On "Race-Baiting" Washington ComPost And Racist Dems

Ann Coulter On The Destructive "Mob Mentality" Of Occupy Wall Street

"View" Co-Host Approves Of Whoopi Using The N-Word, Not Walters

Krauthammer To Obama: There Is A Statute Of Limitations On Blaming Bush

Carney: We Owe No Apology To Bush Administration

Van Jones On Obama: "We Made A Mistake, We Thought It Was Just About One Person"

Limbaugh: GOP Candidates Need To Understand Media Is Against Them

Mark Penn: Christie Candidacy Would Be "Romney's Worst Nightmare"

Andy Rooney Retires From "60 Minutes": I'm A Democrat, But Open-Minded

Pelosi: Class Warfare In "Our Founding Documents"

Hank Williams Jr. Likens Obama To Hitler

Herman Cain: Rock With Racial Epithet At Perry Lodge "Insensitive"

Matthews: Obama Being Too "Debonaire" For The Mood Of The Country

Dem Congressman At Protest: Let's Develop Bills Around "Anger"

Hume: If Christie Passes, Opportunity May Never Come Again

**News Videos:DOJ Whistle Blower Exposes Holder’s ‘Serious Disconnect From The Truth’

Socialist Senator Braces Bernanke On ‘Wealth Gap’

Obama Fails The ‘Couric Test’; Can’t Give Straight Answer On What Web Sites He Reads

Investigative Reporter Says WH Official Cussed At Her Over ‘Fast & Furious’ Scandal

F-35B First Vertical Landing At Sea

Christie: ‘Now Is Not My Time’

Europe Delays Greek Bailout Cash

Knox Leaves Italy To Head Home To US

NBC News’ Brian Williams: GOP Candidates ‘Running Far To The Right,’ Can’t Be ‘Shocking Enough’

Cain: I Grew Up In The Segregated South And I’m Not Mad At America

‘Occupy Wall Street’ Organizer: We Are Anarchists And ‘This Is The Beginning Of Revolution’ In America

Ron Paul Considers Obama Impeachment Over Alwaki Killing

Ann Coulter: Wall Street Protests ‘The Beginning Of Totalitarianism’

Romney Responds To Phony Debate Controversy: Not My Practice To Scold Audience

Man Charged in Terror Plot Pleads Not Guilty

More Aides Leave Bachmann Presidential Campaign

Massive Fire at Texas Chemical Plant

3 Ohio State Players Suspended For Nebraska Game

3rd/President Obama Claims Steve Jobs Gave Him An iPad ‘Early’

Mark Levin: Obama’s Appearance With New Black Panthers Destroys Media’s ‘Perry Rock’ Story

Documents Show AG Holder Knew About ‘Fast & Furious’; Contradict Testimony

NBC News’ Ratigan To ‘Occupy Wall St’ Protesters: ‘I Love What You’re Doing’

Pelosi Cites ‘Founding Documents’ As Defense For Class Warfare

Obama: Nope, You’re Not Better Off Than We Were Four Years Ago

Rush Agrees: Breitbart Report On Obama Marching With Black Panthers Shows Hypocrisy Of Media, President

Amanda Knox Freed

‘Fox & Friends’ Hosts Valiantly Navigate Awkward Interview With Hank Williams Jr.

Obama Expects Vote on Jobs Bill Soon

Media’s Love Affair With ‘Occupy Wall St’ Protesters

Panetta Warns Israel Getting More Isolated

Australia Bikini Parade Breaks Record

Fox & Friends Asks: Why Is Media Matters Still Tax Exempt?

TV Pitchman Don Lapre Found Dead

2nd/How a Great War with Dana Perino Was Averted

CBS’ ‘The Good Wife’: ‘Breitbart Owned The Weiner Scandal’

1st/Karzai: Talks With Taliban Useless

Blacks Will Vote Black History In 2012 | ATLAH Media Network

Facebook Keeps A History Of Everyone Who Has Ever Poked You, Along With A Lot Of Other Data - Forbes


Oct. 3, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

10/03 The Mark Levin Show

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 10-4-11

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 10-3-11

2011-10-04Jesse Peterson Radio Show

2011-10-03Jesse Peterson Radio Show

Alex Jones - 2011-Oct-03, Monday

Redding News Review 10-03-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 10-03-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 10-03-11 Hr 3

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-03-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-03-11 Hr 2

Live Free Or Die Radio - Monday, October, 03, 2011

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

Paul Drockton Show 1

Paul Drockton Show 2

Infowars Nightly News

* Infowars Nightly News for Monday, October 3,2011 (Full) - YouTube

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