A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

03 October 2011

3 OCT.

Fascism is capitalism in decay.



Bill Cunningham 1

Bill Cunningham 2


American Spring? 'Occupy Wall Street just the beginning' - YouTube

US Protests: 'People aware Wall Street is real enemy' - YouTube

Brooklyn Bridge shut down: RT's Occupy Wall Street footage - YouTube

When The President Can Kill Whoever He Wants - YouTube

Nader, Ron Paul, Kucinich Speak to Occupy Wall Street - Original - YouTube

Buffett’s Plan Doesn’t Vibe With ‘Buffett Rule’

* The Weekend Wrap Up – October 3, 2011


Auto World 10-02-11 Hr 1

Auto World 10-02-11 Hr 2

Auto World 10-02-11 Hr 3

Dead Doctors Don't Lie 09-30-11

The Doc Love Show 10-01-11

10/01/11 Dr Daliah Show Podcast

09-30-11 Hr 1 Dr Daliah Show Podcast

09-30-11 Hr 2 Dr Daliah Show Podcast

09-30-11 Hr 3 Dr Daliah Show Podcast

The Easy Organic Gardener 10-02-11

The Easy Organic Gardener 09-25-11

Herb Talk 09-24-11

Herb Talk 10-01-11

Home Talk 10-01-11 Hr 1

Home Talk 10-01-11 Hr 2

Home Talk 10-01-11 Hr 3

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-01-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-01-11 Hr 2

Korelin Economics Report 10-01-11 Hr 1

Korelin Economics Report 10-01-11 Hr 2

You The Owner's Manual 10-01-11 Hr 1

You The Owner's Manual 10-01-11 Hr 2

World Crisis Radio 10-01-11 Hr 1

World Crisis Radio 10-01-11 Hr 2

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 10-02-11 Hr 1

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 10-02-11 Hr 2

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 10-02-11 Hr 3

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 10-02-11 Hr 4

Nutrimedical Report 09-30-11 Hr 1

Nutrimedical Report 09-30-11 Hr 2

Nutrimedical Report 09-30-11 Hr 3

The Magic Garden 10-01-11 Hr 1

The Magic Garden 10-01-11 Hr 2


*1:08:09/Ron Paul Campaign Speech in New Hampshire (Leap for Liberty Event) - YouTube

45 min./Ron Paul's Full Speech at LPAC: "Don't Steal - the Government Hates Competition!" - YouTube


‘Suspended Election Revolution’ by Barry & the Obamunists; Does it Play?

Rush: 'Barry Soetoro' elected with 'no identity documents'

The American Spectator : Debit Durbin

Senate Hopeful Elizabeth Warren to Share AFL-CIO ‘Teach-In’ With Socialist Frances Fox Piven

Poverty-stricken families join a lengthening queue for food handouts | Society | The Observer

f**k the poor - YouTube

Featured Post: “The Truth About Expiration Dates” by Dr. Bones of Doom & Bloom | The Berkey Guy's Blog


The Doom and Bloom ; Website (


We are the 99 per cent | Mark Ruffalo | Comment is free | The Guardian

Revolutionary Politics : Why Do Cops Need To Shoot 50 Bullets To "Take Out" A Crackhead With An BB Gun?

‘IOU/USA’ makes a monumental statement -

IOU/USA by John Salvest - YouTube

Mosque torched, Israeli Jewish radicals suspected -

Prison » Occupy Wall Street Protesters Call For Totalitarian Government, Re-Election Of Obama

Occupy Wall Street protests spread to LA, Boston, Chicago, Denver and Seattle | Mail Online

Ron Paul Message to Occupy Wall Street- LETS END THE FED! - YouTube

Seattle's Occupy Wall Street Protest Goes Late Into The Night - YouTube

"Occupy" protest movement takes over LA - YouTube

George Carlin: how does our economic system work? - YouTube

Charlie Rose - Benjamin Netanyahu - YouTube

+ The Revolution Has Begun

- The Occupy Wall Street Movement – The Biggest NEWS Story In The World – All The Latest NEWS For Occupy Wall Street – (TCP)CHICAGO

Secretary Of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s Speech Plus Q&A At Clinton Presidential Center Little Rock, Arkansas for The Kumpuris Distinguished Lecture Series About Jobs And Economy – Friday 30 September 2011 – Transcript Text – (TCP)CHICAGO

President Obama’s Speech At The Human Rights Campaign’s Annual National Dinner Held At Washington Convention Center, Washington, D.C. – Saturday 1 October 2011 – Transcript Text – (TCP)CHICAGO

President Obama’s Speech At Private Reception And DNC Event Fund Raiser In Washington DC – Friday 30 September 2011 – Transcript Text – (TCP)CHICAGO

Newt Gingrich’s New Contract With America – (TCP)CHICAGO

African American Group Files Class Action Discrimination Suit Against Democrats | Rolling Out - Black News, Celebrity Videos, Entertainment, Business & Politics

Americans Are Protesting for the Same Reasons Arabs Are Protesting


'Revolts (Wall Street Protests) to spread to 40 US cities' - YouTube


+Photos from Occupy Wall Street

*Occupy Wall Street(Images & Movies)


Mayor Bloomberg Says Occupy Wall Street Poses "Societal Concerns," We Should "Help the Banks" | AlterNet

Obama Admin Refuses To Offer ANY Proof Anwar Al Awlaki Was Involved In Terrorist Activity - YouTube

Naked Shorting and Gold Suppression - Ellen Brown on GRTV - YouTube

NATO is worse than the Nazis - Allain Jules - YouTube

An unconstitutional killing: Obama's killing of Awlaki violates American principles

Figures. White House Tipped Off AP Reporter Ahead of Michelle Obama’s Target Photo-Op | The Gateway Pundit

Al-Awlaki sibling claims Anwar is still alive | GroundReport

Latest News From Libya - YouTube

Canadian version of Wall Street occupation planned - Occupy America Social Network

'Occupy Wall Street' - Young man brutally knocked down and arrested for talking to an officer. - YouTube

Brooklyn Bridge shut down: RT's Occupy Wall Street footage - YouTube

Secret US-Israeli Nuke Weapons Transfers Led To Fukushima Blasts

TEPCO a lesson in deception and criminality but unlike in America they get punished - YouTube

#OccupyWallStreet to RT: Revolution at any cost! - YouTube

NYPD Gone Wild: Drones vs Occupy Wall Street? - YouTube

Brutal crackdown on Brooklyn Bridge, 700 protesters arrested - YouTube

Brooklyn Bridge video: Police arrest Occupy Wall Street protesters - YouTube

+The "War on Terror" is a Fraud Anwar Al-Awlaki Has Been Killed Before

'Occupy Wall Street' Gets Huge Boost From Labor Unions | Care2 Causes

Cracks in MSM ?!?! - YouTube

America’s modern barbarism > Americas > Redress Information & Analysis

POLICE STATE 2011: Man Fined For Killing Grizzly Bear To Protect His Family : Federal Jack

Al Qaeda lab lingers in anthrax story - ABC News

Activist Post: Grants Issued for Next-Generation Anthrax Vaccine -- False Flag to Come, Or More Wasted Money?

How Rich is Too Rich For Democracy?

Richard Nixons Secret Tapes: Nixon on Who Controls the Media : Federal Jack

The Day America Died: The only Future for Americans is a Nightmare

US Congress cuts aids to Palestinians - YouTube

Lone Star Watchdog: The Phony Religous Right Has No Interest in Restoring Real Morality Back Into America

Rick Perry & immigration--Rich Lowry -

No SMART METERS: Demand your analog meter be reinstalled! « The PPJ Gazette

The War On Drugs: Ron Paul versus Barack Obama - YouTube

* Gold Star States – 18 and Counting. « The PPJ Gazette

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star – DHS Knows Who You Are! « The PPJ Gazette

Praying for Gary Harvey

Celebrate Life Magazine:The Truth About Death Panels

* Time Travel in the Bible

Coast To Coast AM - 2.10.2011 - 1/4 - Time Travel, Prophecy, & the Bible - YouTube

Coast To Coast AM - 2.10.2011 - 2/4 - Time Travel, Prophecy, & the Bible - YouTube

Coast To Coast AM - 2.10.2011 - 3/4 - Time Travel, Prophecy, & the Bible - YouTube

Coast To Coast AM - 2.10.2011 - 4/4 - Time Travel, Prophecy, & the Bible - YouTube

NEWS - Challenge to Masonic Control of Canadian Justice - Trader Says Central Bankers Want Depression

Draft Guidance for Industry; Availability: Dietary Supplements; New Dietary Ingredient Notifications and Related Issues




California Right To Know/Genetically Engineered Food Labeling Initiative

13 Myths About Genetic Engineering

Why Genetically Engineered Food Should Be Labeled

Millions of bees mysteriously die in Florida | The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond

Monsanto buys bee-friendly pesticide researcher -

Monsanto buys bee health solutions co Beeologics - Globes


* Beeologics(


Ex-model who killed, ate husband seeks parole


* Soylent Green 1:36:43


futurefeedforward: Human Jerky: Taboo-Busting Snack Defines Breakthrough Market


Mr Hirose reports: Teacher orders kids to eat potentially contaminated food. | Australian Cannonball Nuclear News – Debunking nuclear energy one post at a time…

The Associated Press: Los Alamos under renewed environmental scrutiny

Anonymous The Bankers Are The Problem - YouTube

JP Morgan Funded NYPD Mass Arrests Over 700 Peaceful Occupy Wall Street Protesters :

“J.P. Morgan Chase “donates” $4.6 Million to NYPD” #OccupyWallStreet - 12160

Video: Occupy Wall Street protests spread across U.S - Telegraph

Meet the McShames....CoverUp Specialists - YouTube

Cloud-Powered Facial Recognition Is Terrifying - Jared Keller - Technology - The Atlantic

Why 9/11 Truth Remains A Buried Story | Before It's News

Congressional Anti-Internet Freedom Bills

The FreedomSite Blog: Bill C-304 - An Act to amend the Canadian Human Rights Act (protecting freedom)

The FreedomSite Blog: [VIDEO] Charles Adler & Anthony Furey slam the "Human Rights" Commissions

Verizon challenges new US rules on net neutrality | Technology |

Supreme Court Turns to Criminal and First Amendment Cases -

Long Road From Farm to Fork Worsens Food Outbreaks -

Flu Vaccine Pushed Despite Nerve Disease Link | GreenMedInfo | Blog entry | Natural Medicine | Alternative Medicine | Integrative Medicine

3 Reasons to Reconsider Flu Shots | GreenMedInfo | Blog entry | Natural Medicine | Alternative Medicine | Integrative Medicine

Rense & Devvy - Elections 2012 - YouTube

THEY WANT US DEAD! – Red Level Alert America :

Expose the Traitors of Our Nations « Blowing Our Tax Dollars

Glenn Greenwald: With al-Awlaki, US Launches New Era of Killing US Citizens Without Charge - YouTube

Activist Post: John McCain Claims Al Qaeda Thugs Have "Inspired the World"

Many Government Retirees Simultaneously Collect Paychecks And Pensions: Report

United States Air Force Avian Hazard Advisory System

Denmark levies world's first fat tax - Yahoo! News

If it doesn't do something about its underwater mortgages, America could sink without trace | Business | The Observer

Eurozone teeters on the verge of a 'euroquake' if Greek default is bungled - Telegraph

Caught Red Handed: Pesticides in Organic Strawberry Plants | Care2 Causes

Drones weapon of choice for Obama war on al-Qaida - Yahoo! News

Christine Lagarde’s IMF Action Plan: Reassure The Idiots

Hispanic students quit Alabama schools over deportation fears | Mail Online

An Oathkeeper’s question: Are you with me? « The PPJ Gazette

Nazi Expert: 'I Have Proof Hitler Died In 1960s' | Before It's News

A Scramble for Solutions as a Hip Device Fails -

Injury From Metal Debris in Artificial Hips - Graphic -

How Fukushima Impacted The Massive Arctic Ozone Loss

Rick Perry says U.S. could send in military to 'kill' Mexican drug cartels as brutality rises | Mail Online

KEISER: Democrats killing Obama's jobs agenda - Washington Times

Banking crisis set to trigger new credit crunch - Telegraph

Reuters Propagandist: US State Department Cables = Truth -

Uh Oh: 90 Percent Of Americans Rate Economic Conditions In The U.S. As “Poor” -

Leaked document reveals plans to ‘eliminate’ Russia’s enemies overseas | StratRisks

Occupy Wall Street: Mass Economic Riots Are Now Here And America Will Never Be The Same -

Millions of Bees Mysteriously Die in Florida « - Flash Player Installation

Denmark Introduces ‘Fat Tax’ on Foods High in Saturated Fat - ABC News

CIA contractor charged in Pakistan deaths arrested in Colorado -

Mayor Bloomberg Says Occupy Wall Street Poses "Societal Concerns," We Should "Help the Banks" -

+ Articles: Weekly Southern African Report

*5 Part: Prison » Occupy Wall Street Hijacked by Special Interests – Alex Jones Emergency Broadcast

Prison » Democrats and Establishment Unions Plan to Hijack OWS This Week

Prison » Protesters Target Fed, As Well As Wall Street

Prison » Spiegel Editorial Slams Obama For Telling Europeans ‘To Emulate His Failed Strategy’

Prison » Zero Bonuses At Goldman?

Mood at Occupy Wall Street Increasingly Anti-Police | The Measure

Prison » Obama Machine Prepares To Hijack ‘Occupy Wall Street’

Prison » The Day America Died: The only Future for Americans is a Nightmare

Prison » Blaming Wall Street Is Wrong

Prison » Europe Must Fight Back Against US-UK Speculative Attacks

Prison » An unconstitutional killing: Obama’s killing of Awlaki violates American principles

Prison » Daily Bell Helps Blow Up Wall Street Protest Via Drudge, Prison Planet and Google

Prison » Al-Awlaki sibling claims Anwar is still alive

AFP: Newspapers to disappear by 2040: UN agency chief

Protectionism beckons as leaders push world into Depression - Telegraph

Prison » Food Freedom with Mike Adams: Nightly News Report

Prison » Obama Admin Refuses To Offer ANY Proof Anwar Al Awlaki Was Involved In Terrorist Activity

School bans children from putting up their hands in class - and tells pupils to do a 'Fonz' thumbs up instead | Mail Online

Koch Brothers Flout Law With Secret Iran Sales - Bloomberg

Prison » MSNBC Panelist: Chris Christie ‘Less Obviously Racist’ Than Rest Of GOP Candidates

Prison » TSA Pats Down Breast Cancer Survivor Even After Getting Scanned

Europe, Canada and Russia at risk as 'second hole' in ozone layer opens over the Arctic | Mail Online

Prison » CIA’s Global Warming Center A National Security Secret

» Educating #OccupyWallStreet Protesters: The 5 Essential Facts Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Daily Bell - Breathing Life Into Phony Wall Street Meme

» Icelandic MPs Pelted with Eggs by Protestors Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Shell oil paid Nigerian military to put down protests, court documents show | World news | The Guardian

U.S. met with Egypt Islamists: U.S. diplomat | Reuters

PressTV - US says Israel increasingly isolated

» Confused ‘Occupy’ DC Protesters Want to Reward Obama with Re-election Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

PressTV - Panetta to take Israel spy to US

Kyle Bass: Meet the Texan investor who made millions from the credit crunch | Mail Online

» Utah Monetary Declaration: States Can Financially Break Away From Federal Government Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Activist Post: US drone kills three Taliban in Pakistan: officials

Denmark imposes 'fat tax' on food to curb obesity - Europe, World - The Independent

» USDA threatens $60,000 fine, federal raid against woman in legal possession of indoor lemon tree Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Occupy Wall Street protest: NYPD accused of heavy-handed tactics | World news | The Guardian

» US State Dept bans free speech Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Internet firms co-opted for surveillance: experts | Reuters

Ministers plan big rise in use of electronic tags on offenders | Society | The Guardian

» Flu Shots Contain More than 250 Times the EPA’s Safety Limit for Mercury Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Fly London to Sydney in 2 hours? By 2030 travellers will jet on a 13,750 mph spaceship | Mail Online

Verizon challenges new US rules on net neutrality | Technology |

Warning Signs: The EPA Gets Caught in a Big Fat Lie

Perry suggests U.S. military role in Mexico drug war | Reuters

New Fast and Furious docs released by White House - CBS News Investigates - CBS News

U.S. officials 'considered building fence on northern Canada border to keep out criminals' | Mail Online

Cheney seeks Obama retraction on terrorism policy

» Al Qaeda versus Iran ‘War of Words”: 9/11 Truth Wielded as a Political Trump Card Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Al-Qaeda magazine marks 10th anniversary of 9/11 | Herald Sun

» Assassinations of al Qaeda Leaders Designed To Keep Americans In The Dark Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Anderson Cooper show: Teenager falls into a coma after 'risky skateboard stunt' | Mail Online

Survive plane crash course: Give British airways £125 and you'll be given the secret | Mail Online

The Federal Reserve Is Playing Defense by Gary North

Traveling through time on the V&T Railroad | Davis Enterprise


Four Biggest Banks in America have Huge Leverage | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog


JPMorgan Chase


Bank of America

Goldman Sachs


Prison » Pentagon Developing Spy Drones to Spot “Adversarial Intent”

Prison » U.S. Invented Soviet Threat

Mind-reading car could drive you round the bend | Technology | The Guardian

Prison » Eating TVP? Textured Vegetable Protein may contain trace levels of toxic chemical solvent

Infowars Hidden Camera - Fluoride Treatment Facility: Nightly News Report - YouTube

Proof Vaccines Killing People - YouTube


* Infowars Nightly News for Friday, September 30, 2011 (Full) - YouTube


CIA’s Global Warming Center A National Security Secret | Judicial Watch

CIA Opens Center on Climate Change and National Security — Central Intelligence Agency

Chu takes responsibility for a loan deal that put more taxpayer money at risk in Solyndra - The Washington Post

PressTV - Panetta to take Israel spy to US

10 myths about Afghanistan | World news | The Guardian

» Gerald Celente: The System Is Rigged Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

OpEdNews - Article: Ah, Who Won The Cold War?

» 12 Signs That Americans Who Love Liberty And Freedom Should Watch Their Backs Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Hang Up on the CDC if they Ask About Your Children Being Vaccinated Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Warning Signs: The EPA Gets Caught in a Big Fat Lie

» Chemtrail article in Project Censored’s Top 10 most censored stories Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Bubble car self-service scheme launches in Paris | Environment | The Guardian

Inside Scientology's Super Power Building... where worshippers of the controversial religion will be told they can become superhuman | Mail Online

Facebook To Form Its Own Political Action Committee | TechCrunch

BBC News - Could a robot be conscious?

» Flu Shots Contain More than 250 Times the EPA’s Safety Limit for Mercury Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Infowars Hidden Camera – Fluoride Treatment Facility: Nightly News Report Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Ecstasy trial planned to test benefits for trauma victims | Science | The Guardian

» The ‘Lemon Tree Lady’ Speaks Out About USDA Threats Over TREE (this is NOT satire) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Homeland's screening policy of illegal immigrants flawed, report says –

PressTV - Pakistan: Haqqani network, CIA agents

CIA, Pentagon fight to keep Osama bin Laden death photos secret - Josh Gerstein -

» 9/11 Came From Above, Not From Below Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Were Twin Towers felled by chemical blasts? (Update)

» 9/11 News report -”something ignited …tremendous explosion…could have been a bomb” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 9/11: Explosive Evidence — Experts Speak Out Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» “The Truth Has No Expiration Date” Richard Gage and Luke Rudkowski Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Federal Reserve Is Playing Defense by Gary North

Rules for a new world order|Comment|

Will robots steal your job? If you're highly educated, you should still be afraid. - Slate Magazine

» Judge Napolitano: The Difference Between Free Markets and Capitalism Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Every Presidential Candidate Should Read This | Judicial Watch

Only Lawsuits can Bring Transparency to the Obama Administration | Politics and Economics Right Side News

Breitbart At Tea Con: Tea Party ‘N-Word’ Lie ‘Orchestrated By A Bitch By The Name Of Nancy Pelosi’

Breitbart Nails Garofalo… Ewww Sorry. Breitbart At Tea Con: Janeane Garofalo ‘Hollywood’s Sympathy F**k’

RUSH: “First Lady Gaga” WH Sends Moochelle Obama On A Phony Baloney Plastic Banana Good Time Rock n Roll Photo Op At Target

Amanda Knox: "I am innocent" - CBS News

The best of Andy Rooney - 60 Minutes Overtime - CBS News

New ordinance would force banks to guard vacant homes or face fines - Chicago Tribune

The most influential Illinoisan you don't know: Bill Cellini | WBEZ

Gaddafi son Mutassim hiding in Sirte hospital: NTC | Reuters

Report: Al Qaeda's Yemen Chiefs Still A Menace To U.S. | Fox News

Panetta hints US opposed to unilateral action ... JPost - Defense

Key Haqqani Leader: US Asked Us to Quit Violence, Join Afghan Govt | News | English

BBC News - Q&A: Syrian oppostion alliance

BBC News - Lockerbie bomber Megrahi says 'truth will emerge'

Dalai Lama Waits to Hear About South African Visa | News | Tibetan-English

Why Erhard was willing to pay for reunification - Telegraph

Rick Perry's ranch keeps Texas governor backpedalling - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

As Chris Christie mulls bid, rivals ready attacks -

Obama wants jobs bill vote this month

Elizabeth Warren in dead heat for Mass. Senate seat, poll shows -

Rappelling team resumes check of Washington Monument | Reuters

Michele Bachmann's campaign is sputtering in Iowa -

Only immediate survivor of slain Ind. family plans funerals –

New State Laws Are Limiting Access for Voters -

Health care looms over Supreme Court's new term - CBS News

Man to face judge in D.C. drone attack case - CBS News

Herman Cain as Mike Huckabee - Maggie Haberman -

SFPD: Man Shot By Police In Richmond District "Had Serious Intent To Hurt The People Inside The House": News: SFAppeal

The Associated Press: NYC mayor takes stand in ex-operative's trial

Video of the Day: McCain vs. Cheney on Interrogations - Chris Good - Politics - The Atlantic

Arbitrator rules against Illinois lay-offs, closures | Reuters

Obama: announcement on trade deals in days | Reuters

Debit Fees: Bank Of America Made The Right Decision - Forbes

Yahoo, ABC Unveil News Partnership -

Yahoo gains lead techs as buyout speculation grows - Tech Stocks - MarketWatch

Carlyle, Hellman & Friedman to Acquire PPD for $3.9 Billion - Businessweek

At some point, maybe growth, growth, growth can't sustainAt some point, maybe growth, growth, growth can't sustain

Kodak shares rise after bankruptcy denial | Reuters

AppleInsider | Apple seen selling iPhone 3GS free with subsidy, $399 without contract

Retailers bank on Kindle Fire for holidays –

Report points to Chrome overtaking Firefox soon | TG Daily

Facebook Turns to Websense for Malicious URL Detection | PCWorld Business Center

Technolog - HTC flaw gives hackers easy access to your info

Microsoft ‘Accidentally’ Deleting Google Chrome from Windows - Techland -

Google's Schmidt: Motorola buy won't 'screw up' Android | The Digital Home - CNET News

LightSquared and Sharp team up for smartphone and tablet development - SlashGear

Facebook hit with lawsuit over new Timeline feature -

Tablet Fire Sale: 5 Cheap Tablets | PCWorld

Prosecutors Continue Questioning ER Doctor In Conrad Murray Trial | Fox News

Dr. Conrad Murray Manslaughter Trial -- THREE Girlfriends to Spill It In Court [Livestream] |

‘Arrested Development’: The wait is over - The Washington Post

Rooney signs off on 60 Minutes but not retiring | Reuters

Tupac Manages To Release A Sex Tape 15 Years After His Death

The Scoop - Madonna to perform at Super Bowl halftime show?

TV pitchman Don Lapre found dead in cell after apparent suicide - Celebrity Circuit - CBS News

NPR Turns To Public Television's Gary Knell For New Leader : NPR

Nobel winner died days before award announced -

More parents think it's safer to delay vaccines - Health - Children's health -

Denmark 'Fat Tax' Needs To Curb Unhealthy Eating Habits

Salads are nice, but burgers are what really sell -

Long Road From Farm to Fork Worsens Food Outbreaks - ABC News

BBC News - Beta blockers 'may stop breast cancer spreading'

Dr. Dustin Ballard: The good, bad and ugly about vaccine news - Marin Independent Journal

Large Ozone Layer Hole Over Arctic Shows 'Unprecedented' Loss [VIDEO] | IBTimes TV

Giant Radio Telescope Sees Inside Galactic Smash-Up | Wired Science |

Some Climatologists Worry That Texas' Mega-Drought Could Endure for Years -

10 misrepresentations about climate change « Southern Fried Science

Tevatron shutdown: Fermilab's Tevatron shuts down Friday - Chicago Tribune

Simulating the Evolution of the Universe on a Supercomputer - Forbes

With deaths of forests, a loss of key climate protectors - Tehran Times

Manta ray inspires Princeton researcher to create 'magic carpet' | MNN - Mother Nature Network

Environment group warns of E Europe toxic spills -

Sex in space: The survival of the human race might depend on it | Mail Online

Messenger findings may 'revolutionize' views of Mercury - Los Angeles Times


Doppler radar to increase storm reporting accuracy on North Coast - Cannon Beach Gazette: News

Plans to Build Museum Opposite Intrepid, to House Enterprise -

USGBC’s Update to LEED Rating Could Be Built on Stronger Foundations | Sustainable Business Forum

Dead bee mystery has state officials buzzing

Suicide by Roller Coaster : Discovery News

Firearms Defendant Kills Himself - Mountain News : News


PROMO@ Recording and Duplication Package Deal


The World of Mind Control Through the Eyes of an Artist with 13 Alter Personas

Egypt's military & power transfer to civilian govt

Syrian Opposition Groups Create National Council

USS Spruance Commissioned as Navy's Newest Destroyer

Dick Armey: Obama’s ‘Lost’ Policies Could Foment Civil Unrest

Jesse Jackson: America 'On Edge of An Explosion'

Anti-Wall Street Protests Reach ‘Prime Time’

Ron Paul Emerges as Force in GOP Race

Barbour: Christie Surge No Reflection on GOP Field

McCain, Barbour, GOP, Democrats Brace for Christie 2012 Decision

Cain Wins National GOP Women's Straw Poll

Fran Tarkenton: Teacher Unions Penalize Education

Graham Decries Iranian Pastor's Death Sentence

Perry Camp Blasts Post Story on Racist Sign

Bachmann's Exit Strategy: Congress

Cain: I Should Have Defended Gay Soldier

Candidate Christie Could Upend GOP Race

Panetta Warns Israel Getting More Isolated

Cain Defends Black 'Brainwashing' Comments

Court Rejects Cases on Obama Eligibility, Gun Rights

Supercommittee Includes Lobbyists but Not Public

Yahoo, ABC Joining Forces in News Partnership

Aides: Supercommittee Not Expected to Go Big

Gingrich to Christie: Harder to Run Than Govern

Rasmussen: Republicans Slightly Outnumber Democrats

Obama: Still on Track to Remove Afghanistan Troops

Zuckerman: Why Obama Makes Business Weep

Daily Aspirin Tied to Risk of Vision Loss

'Moneyball' Based on Faulty Notion

Hollywood Celebrities Voice Support for Wall Street Protest

Al-Awlaki Killing Won’t Stop the Jihad

Thanks to Obamacare, Health Coverage Costs Same as a Car

Pakistan Rebukes Afghan Accusation on Peace Envoy Killing

US Tries Women Accused of Funding Somali Terror Group

Panetta: Al-Qaida Deaths Hurt Group's Ability to Attack

Wall Street Protesters Say This Is Their ‘Arab Spring’

Obama's 'Green' Gov't Playing 'Casino Night' With $12 Million Of Our Money

Tea Party Opposing More 'Establishment' Republicans In 2012

Cain Says Christie Is Too Liberal for Conservatives

Biden: New Stimulus Needed ‘Even if We’re Growing at 8%’ and Have ‘3% Unemployment Rate’

Autumn of Discontent: Wall Street Protests Spread to Other Cities

Starbucks Seeks Customer Donations for Its New Job-Creation Program

Three Scientists Share Nobel Prize for Medicine

Calif. Governor Signs Bill Barring Bans on Circumcision

Stocks Tank As Greece Admits It Won't Hit Deficit-Reduction Targets

Steve Martin Gets Bluegrass Award; Thanks Other Nominees for Losing

Former Car Czar: Suskind Book 'Drive-by Shooting' Of Obama |

Obama Announces 'Bilateral Talks' With Lady Gaga on Gays |

Pathetic Post Office Commercial Urges Americans To Go Low-Tech |

'Niggerhead': Washington Post Publishes Racially Charged Front Page Hit Piece on Rick Perry |

David Gregory: Republicans Have 'Harsh Stance' On Immigration Reform |

Assassins of Liberty

How US Taxpayers Got Plucked in Iraq

US: Most IEDs Traced to Pakistan

Af-Pak War a Lost Cause

Anti-Gadhafi Tribes Clash in Two Libyan Locales

NATO: At Least 10,000 'Lost Missiles' in Libya

Obama Wrong to Rub Out Al-Awlaki

Obama Searches for Monsters to Destroy; Ron Paul Rejects Assassinating Americans

Guantánamo: Military Commissions and the Illusion of Justice

Is Iran Ready to Compromise?

Al-Awlaki Strike Did Not Kill Bomb Maker

The Occupy Wall Street Movement. Analysis of the Protest Movement

The Execution and Murder of Troy Anthony Davis

Assassination of Al Qaeda Leaders Designed to Keep Americans in the Dark

Latin America: Growth, Stability and Inequalities: Lessons for the US and EU

Unions Promise Support As #OccupyWallStreet Enters Third Week

Sex, race, and the Republican presidential campaign -

Walmart loses $1 for sausages costing 98 cents lawsuit | Mail Online

Nicole Lindsay discovers boyfriend is actually lesbian sex offender Samantha Brooks | Mail Online

Noah's Ark replica being built in Kentucky -

Mental toll of extended unemployment looms large - The Washington Post

USA Plots Operation Against Pakistan

A Terrifying Precedent Anwar al-Awlaki's Extrajudicial Murder

A Nation of "Suspects"

Koch brothers’ tied to global criminal misdeeds

Andy Rooney’s ’60 Minutes’ farewell

Roseanne Barr: Behead bankers who don’t give up wealth

Activist Post: US yuan bill risks trade war: Chinese state media

Activist Post: No Evidence Provided for American Assassinated without Due Process (Video)

Death blow to GMOs? California ballot initiative calls for mandatory labeling of all genetically engineered foods

In Iowa, Paul's Presidential Ground Game Only One Not in Ditch - Urbandale, IA Patch

Activist Post: Infowars Fluoride Special Exposes Poison in the Water (Video)

Prison » The Day America Died: The only Future for Americans is a Nightmare

WORD VIRUS: First ‘official’ statement from the Occupy Wall Street movement

Activist Post: What to do Before and After Receiving a Vaccine to Help Block the Immune Response

Activist Post: Palestinians must be willing to negotiate: Clinton

Activist Post: How to Avoid ‘Mandatory’ Vaccinations Through Exemption -- Vaccination is Your Legal Choice

Activist Post: US must send medical aid to Libya: Senator McCain

Activist Post: Occupy Protesters Know Private Banking System Must Be Reformed (Video)

Activist Post: The Myth of Vaccine Safety and Effectiveness

Activist Post: Occupy Wall Street Update Oct. 2nd: Military on the Ground to Show Support For Protesters? (Video)


+ 3 PGS./Zombification


The Meaning of the CDC “Zombie Apocalypse”

The Meaning of the CDC “Zombie Apocalypse”


WikiLeaks Dead Sea Scrolls | Before It's News


* SITE PAGE:Dead Sea Scrolls - WikiLeaksSatan


Donald Rumsfeld warns of religious extremist threat |

Coming soon: Robots in the sky that recognize and track you | SmartPlanet

Navy Vet #OccupyWallStreet Climbed Brooklyn Bridge To Flee Brutal NYPD Assaulting Macing Crowd

+Wall Street – The whole World is Watching as Hundreds Are Arrested + Photo Essay |


*ARTICLES: Occupy Wall Street News 10-3-11 |


Secret U.S. memo sanctioned killing of Aulaqi - The Washington Post

5 PART/Wall Street Has Hijacked The Republic: On The Road with Alex Jones |

Ron Paul: I Will Preserve Medicare - ABC News

Corporate Media Broadcasts Fed Plan to Surveil Opposition |

American Spring?: Political theatre vs. transformative protest - YouTube

Jeff Conaway's Cause of Death Confirmed

Supreme Court Investigation Urged Into Clarence Thomas Record

Yemen Terror Killing Causes Fear of Retaliation

Amanda Knox Appeal Hears Her Plea for Freedom


Amanda Knox: A Look Back - Video


The Day America Died by Paul Craig Roberts

The Hit List by Eric Peters

Do Not Allow President Obama To Impose Martial Law by Scott Lazarowitz

David Stockman: Blame the Fed! by Chris Martenson

Proof Banksters Running Scared by Robert Wenzel

Ron Paul, Upping the Ante in His Campaign for Liberty, Hoists the Flag of Hayek - September 29, 2011 - The New York Sun

Celebrity reincarnations: The Hollywood stars and their amazing Civil War doubles | Mail Online

The FBI again thwarts its own Terror plot -

Occupy Wall Street protesters arrested on Brooklyn Bridge | World news |

Bugging Out With the Joneses | Ready Nutrition

REAL ALIEN CONTACT! - Hard Evidence - YouTube

Giant Whale Falls Out Of Sky In UK? | Before It's News

An Angel Arrives - YouTube


What To Do Before And After Receiving A Vaccine To Help Block The Immune Response | Before It's News

The Annunaki are not the Nephilim or the Fallen Angels - YouTube

- Documents Recived Through The Freedom Of Information Act From Cook County Treasurer’s Office Prove Fraud In Obama “Buffer Zone” | Before It's News


Agenda 21 - YouTube

Agenda 21 Part 2 By Bernie DeCastro - YouTube


Be Aware Of UN Agenda 21: Video- Agenda 21 For Dummies, The Best I've Seen | Before It's News

Magnacoaster Free Energy Delays Continue | Before It's News

What A Hypocrite...all The Bitching About Waterboarding And Then This... | Before It's News

+ Breaking: Photo Evidence that Obama Marched in Black Panther Rally in 2007 | Before It's News

» Shock Photos: Candidate Obama Appeared And Marched With New Black Panther Party in 2007 - Big Government

White House In Black and White | Before It's News

Site Page: bin Laden, Osama - WikiLeaksSatan


**The Secret Cabal of The United States | Before It's News


New guide urges computer users to install virus-resistant operating system | Before It's News

Long Cooked Vegetables [Casaubon's Book] | Before It's News

Shoots In The Dark: Farming Without Sunlight | Before It's News

New Anode Could Improve Lithium-Ion Battery Performance : Brookhaven Bits & Bytes

USS Jimmie Carter: “Conspiracy Theory” Cover Up – Stealth Sub Causes Tsunami | Veterans Today


* Carbohydrates Can Kill(


Podcast @ Carbohydrates Can Kill(


McCain: 'Hard to React' to GOP Audience Booing Gay Soldier

As Many As 5 Million Voters Disenfranchised By Voter ID Laws

Media Struggles To Make Sense Of OccupyWallStreet

Michael Moore Discusses Receiving Death Threats After Speaking out Against Iraq Invasion at Academy Awards in 2003

The Biggest Occupy Protest You Never Saw Was This Year In Tel Aviv

Liz Cheney Says She May Take a Look at Running for Office Down the Road

Business Mag Expose Says Koch Brothers Were Supplying Iran In Possible Violation of U.S. Trade Embargo

Herman Cain Reiterates That Blacks Are Brainwashed, Warns About Sharia Law

Playing the 'Can't They All Just Get Along Game' in the Wake of GOP Obstruction

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz: Is He Positioning Himself For A 3rd Party Run?

Cain Calls Perry ‘Insensitive’ for ‘N*ggerhead’ Ranch Sign

Bloomberg: Leave Wall Street Aloooone!!!

Andrew Breitbart's Profanity Laced Tirades at TeaCon Convention

Cain Wants To Add Gospel Vibe To 'Hail to the Chief'

Doctors Sentenced in Bahrain to Harsh Sentences

Over 500 Protesters Arrested After Being Kettled On Brooklyn Bridge

Tearful Amanda Knox pleads for freedom | Reuters

Amanda Knox latest news: Court hears her last plea for freedom | Mail Online

Oakland officer videotapes his killing of suspect

Internet firms co-opted for surveillance: experts | Reuters

Italian Worshiper Tears Both Eyes Out at Mass | NBC New York

Protectionism beckons as leaders push world into Depression - Telegraph

Hairy, crazy ants invade from Texas to Miss. - Yahoo! News

Is the Chevy Volt a sales flop?

The Secret Memo That Explains Why Obama Can Kill Americans - Conor Friedersdorf - Politics - The Atlantic

Behind Obama’s Populist Makeover - The Daily Beast

Figures. White House Tipped Off AP Reporter Ahead of Michelle Obama’s Target Photo-Op | The Gateway Pundit

Queen obsessive Robert Moore's body lay 100 yards of Buckingham Palace for 3 YEARS | Mail Online

Kings Mountain Search Locates Lost Child | NBC Bay Area

Pinckney's Brianna Amat Kicks Winning Field Goal after being Named Homecoming Queen

Man uses bow and arrow in road rage incident |

Mental hospital wants to release failed Reagan assassin John Hinckley Jr. -

Slash Top Federal Salaries

Capital Due Process, R.I.P!

Obama Ignores Info About US Oil for 90 Years

Obama's Contempt Bordering on Treachery

Electability and the Republican Field

Fundraising Falsehoods Should End Obama's Presidential Aspirations

Reflecting on Obama's Israel Policy for Yom Kippur

He's Back! Putin Gearing Up for His Hundredth Term as President

Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani

Hillary should look to Italy's Foreign Minister for some guts

Top Democrat wants to gut Government Watchdog that has uncovered vast waste of taxpayer dollars

Univision makes Sen. Rubio an offer he can't refuse - but did

'Why Business Despairs of Obama'

The Obama Media Helps Launch Van Jones Revolution

Harry Reid's Solyndra

The Tweet Revolution, Coming to a Square Near You?

Glass house resident Obama throws stones at G.O.P. presidential field

Comparing 2011 Polls to 2007 Polls is Wrong

Borderpalooza Tour 2011

The Minority Myth

Why Voter Photo Identification Is Crucial to Our Republic

Will Hillary Clinton Challenge Obama Next Year?

Science, Lies, and Videotape

Grievance-Mongering Leaders Demand Slave Reparations at the United Nations

Islam in Depth: The Genesis of the Ismailis

The Hybrid Tax Reform Plan

The Sphinx Decoded?

Depending on the Government

An Unemployment Sympathy Card for Barack!

The Right to Keep and Bear Cameras

Drones save American lives

Clinton’s Africa vision is out of focus, say critics

What Really Happened In Ludlow And That The Unions Won’t Tell You

Which 2012 GOP Presidential Candidate will come clean & break from the pack?

Former SEIU Boss Andy Stern Becomes Albatross

The difference between Planning 101 and Planning 102 is…

In Defense of Barack Obama—Sort of

Operation Fast and Furious: The Scandal that Can No Longer be Denied

New antibiotics—or needless deaths

Knowing the Enemy

Smart Meters and your Health

Another Imam Bites the Dust

Hate preacher wins human rights payout... even though he shouldn't be here at all | Mail Online

Iran Supreme Leader: Palestinian UN statehood bid doomed to fail - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Flood of food imported, just 2 percent inspected - Health - Food safety -

Biden: Charging Corporate Jets $100 Take-Off and Landing Fee ‘Not Class Warfare’ |

'Brink of civil war': Syrian opposition pleads for help - World news - Mideast/N. Africa -

Supreme Court prepares for much-anticipated term -

$737 Million Green Loan to Pelosi Kin Fuels Outrage

U.S. met with Egypt Islamists: U.S. diplomat | Reuters

Chu: Solyndra's collapse doesn’t dent solar investment case - The Hill's E2-Wire

Dems plot Gregory Meeks’ replacement -

California Border Patrol Seizes Record Amount Of Pot At Checkpoint | Fox News

US sells $3bn worth of F-16 jets to Iraq to give nation 'its air sovereignty' | Mail Online

Ohio Muslim Inmates Sue Over Meal Preparation | Fox News

** G. Edward Griffin

Activist Post: The Journey to Jekyll Island

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Name of the Game is Bailout

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Protectors of the Public

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Home, Sweet Loan

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Nearer to the Heart's Desire

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Building the New World Order

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Barbaric Metal

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Fool's Gold

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Secret Science

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Mandrake Mechanism and Debt Cancellation

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Rothschild Formula

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Sink the Lusitania

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Masquerade in Moscow

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Best Enemy Money Can Buy

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Lost Treasure Map


Hell-Skeptic Ex-Pastor Rob Bell Headed for Hollywood |

Avid Collector Looks to Bring Classic Jewish Media Into the 21st Century |

Bible Fight |

BET Founder Robert Johnson to Obama: ‘You Don’t Get People to Like You By Attacking Them or Demeaning Their Success’ | Video |

Top Al-Qaida Bomb Maker Not Killed in Drone Strike |

Reed Berry Accused of Terror Ties, Trying to Ram FBI |

Is the Arab Headscarf a Leftist Political Statement? |

New Video Shows Protesters Were Warned by NYPD | Video |

‘Vast Majority’ of Improvised Explosives in Afghanistan Come From Pakistan |

General Electric Unveils New Button on Microwaves |

Prolonged Market Volatility Driving Investors Away From Stocks |

Andy Rooney‘s Final ’60 Minutes’ Essay | Video |

HTC Flaw Leaking Personal Information Just by Connecting to Internet | Video |

Frances Fox Piven’s Awkward Occupy Wall Street Speech | Video |

Did Country Star Hank Williams Jr. Compare Obama to Adolf Hitler? | Video |

Muslims Against Crusades Hold Moment of Silence For Awlaki |

Palestinians Wiping Israel Off the Map in Words and on Paper | Video |

Massive Uncontrolled Fire Consuming Texas’ Magnablend Chemical Plant |

The Top 10 Songs About Money by Diane Bullock

EMI's future

Panetta hints US opposed to unilateral action against Iran

Court rejects petition against clearing Rothschild camp

Hitler letter offers first glimpse of anti-Semitic passions

Police reportedly arrest suspects in mosque arson attack

'Israel is the West's creation for Mideast dominance'

Bipolar disorder the roller-coaster disease

Rothschild protesters ask court to delay tent evacuation

Supreme Court begins new term Monday

Large fire at chemical plant south of Dallas

Lawyers seek docs on NYPD unit that eyed Muslims

ER doc: Jackson physician never mentioned propofol

Court to let woman sue over headscarf removal

Analysis: New plans may not save public pensions

Paraplegic skipper credited with saving crew lives

NYC Mayor Bloomberg takes stand in larceny trial

U.S. sees missile defense deal with Russia by May

American Airlines shares tumble 18 percent on outlook

Obama says expects jobs bill vote by end of October

Four Loko drink cans to show true alcohol content

Italy-NOT The United States- Comes To Iranian Pastor’s Defense

Thousands Of Libya Missiles On The Loose; Civilian Aviation Threatened

Al Qaeda Claims Awlaki Is Not Dead

The War On Warriors

Clueless Joe Biden ‘Reassures’ Jewish Voters: I Told Obama He’ll Release Pollard ‘Over My Dead Body’

Chinese Leader Is ‘The New Mao’

Chomsky: Bush Just Tortured; Obama Kills, And Is A Creature Of Wall Street!

The Mexican Peso Short Term Volatility

Will Mainstream American Islam Condemn Pastor Nadarkhani’s ‘Apostasy’ Death Sentence?

James Jesus Angleton Was Right: The CIA Was Compromised

Did Media Matters Collude With DOJ On Black Panther Story?

+ Monday Crib Sheet

Looking Back At TeaCon 2011

Rick Perry is not a Racist Despite WaPo Smear

Comrades! Bloomberg Markets Has Ruined Our Precious, Perfect Koch Brothers Conspiracy Theory!

Media Hilariously Promotes Obama As A “Uniter”

Really?: AP White House Photographer Refuses to Discuss FLOTUS Target Run

Excerpt From ‘Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department’ by J. Christian Adams

+ The Cheat Sheet, October 3: Surprise! Greece Breaks Deficit Promises

The Left’s Assault on (Teacher) Standards

Decision Week for Chris Christie

*Special Report: ‘The Rebranding of ACORN’

Lies, More Lies, and Worse Lies: Watergate, the Lewisnky Scandal, and Fast and Furious

Time for Some Truth: Bill Clinton NEVER Balanced A Budget And NEVER Ran A Surplus

Meet #OccupyWallSt’s @JeffRae: Professional Rabble Rouser, Agitator, Organizer & Labor Activist

The Devil’s Delusion with David Berlinski

ObamaCare Tops Upcoming Supreme Court Agenda

Who’s Behind The ‘Occupy Everywhere’ Faux-tests?

- Morning Call Sheet: Box Office Analysis, ‘Twilight Zone’, and Bogie

Please Welcome Christian Toto to ‘Big Hollywood’!

CBS’ ‘The Good Wife’: ‘Breitbart Owned the Weiner Scandal’

‘Starlette’ Review: Hollywood Apocalypse By Way of Wit and Gorgeous Prose

‘50/50′ Review: Perfect Mix of Hilarity and Tears

‘Drive’ Review: Ryan Gosling Delivers in This Critical Favorite

Introducing: ‘The Prophecy of Atlas Shrugged’

Mayan film documentary claims proof of aliens - Yahoo! News

Millions of Bees Mysteriously Die in Florida « - Flash Player Installation

Taking science to the search for the paranormal - ABC Wide Bay Qld - Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Hairy, crazy ants invade from Texas to Miss. - CBS News

The Aliens Underneath: Will “Extraterrestrial” Disclosure Ever Really Happen? | Mysterious Universe

ROSAT: ANOTHER satellite to crash land in a few weeks' time | Mail Online

Mystery figure appears in photo taken by vacationing family | KHON2 Hawaii's News Leader

Mercury's Mysterious Hollowed Ground : Discovery News

Cosmic Log - How to build a virtual cosmos

BBC News - Prehistoric cave etchings 'created by three-year-olds'

Fighting the cancer 'parasite' - Telegraph

Obama Edges out Huntsman at Tea Party Straw Poll, Cain Trounces with 77% | rebelpundit

Kagan, Thomas Targeted In Hopes Of Swaying Supreme Court's Health Care Ruling | Fox News

» Shock Photos: Candidate Obama Appeared And Marched With New Black Panther Party in 2007 - Big Government

Happy 60th Birthday, Color TV! - TVNewser

NPR names new president and CEO

SNL Exposes The Internet ‘Comments Section’ | Mediaite

PBS Star Ken Burns Insists Prohibition Era Just Like Today with Racist Immigration Demonizers |

U.S. met with Egypt Islamists: U.S. diplomat | Reuters

Yemeni jet bombs army post, killing 30 soldiers

How the US messed up the al-Awlaki case and let him preach hate -


3-Oct-11 World View

2-Oct-11 World View

1-Oct-11 World View


Glenn Beck at TeaCon Midwest 1 of 5

Glenn Beck at TeaCon Midwest 2 of 5

Glenn Beck at TeaCon Midwest 3 of 5

Glenn Beck at TeaCon Midwest 4 of 5

Glenn Beck at TeaCon Midwest 5 of 5

Rep. Joe Walsh TeaCon 2011 - Illinois

Herman Cain at TeaCon 2011

TeaCon Constitution

M Bachmann to TeaCon 2011

Steven Crowder at TeaCon Midwest, Pt 1

Steven Crowder at TeaCon Midwest, Pt 2


Ron Seman Ministries(


Germany's Unlikely Diplomatic Triumph: An Inside Look at the Reunification Negotiations - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

The Reunification of Germany and Its Aftermath

Multimedia - DW-WORLD.DE

The Trial of Orenthal James Simpson Page 2 : O.J., 10 years later

Articles: The Sphinx Decoded?

Stories That Don't Suck: The Shot Heard 'Round The World And The Greatest Lede Ever Written

Kindle Fire and the Future of E-reading

‘Prophet’ With Honor | The Weekly Standard

Sacred or sublime, the King James Bible is a timeless source - Washington Times

Goodbye letter from Borders employee(s) (?) spills secrets of bookselling trade – Boing Boing

Warren Adler: How Will It End?

The amusing mayor who wants more -

A Brief Economic Explanation of Peak Oil

Long-Term Trend in Global CO2 Emissions

The Science Needed to Become Artctic-Drill-Ready

Natural gas pains -

ZCommunications | Nuclear Electricity: A Fallen Dream? by Pervez Hoodbhoy | ZNet Article

Let Canada's oil flow

Our Panarchic Future | Worldwatch Institute

Turn in US-Saudi ties - Hindustan Times

The Weekend Interview with Harold Hamm: How North Dakota Became Saudi Arabia -

Solargate Opens Wide -

Nobel winner died days before award announced -

Neutrinos and relativity: Faster than the speed of light | The Economist

Neutrino fun facts! : Starts With A Bang

Do cosmic rays set the earth's thermostat?

Local News | Why autumn shines a golden light | Seattle Times Newspaper

Artificial leaf converts water into fuel | COSMOS magazine

Study: Why some people don't learn from mistakes

Can the clock really be ticking for GMT? - Telegraph

Goats could increase the risk of a rare lung cancer, researchers find

Scientists eye 'windows of opportunity' for adapting food crops to climate change – How to make transistors ‘body compatible’

First Use of Atom Interferometer to Measure Aircraft Acceleration - Technology Review

Has Obama Lost the Jews? Don’t Ask the Polls –

Pentagon: Military chaplains may wed gay couples

Pat Robertson: Mitt Romney an 'Outstanding Christian', Christian News

Will Obama Destroy Franciscan University of Steubenville? - Page 1 - Ken Blackwell - Townhall Conservative

Flouting the Law, Pastors Will Take On Politics -

Report: Iranian pastor to be put to death for rape, not apostasy – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

RealClearReligion - Why Punish the Wealthy?

Our Lives, Our Fortunes, Our Sacred Honor « Monday Morning Music Ministry by Rick Marschall

Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog: Parables and Vineyards

China-Russian Relations Crumbling

Libya Not a Model Intervention

Syrians Overwhelmingly Support Regime Change (PDF)

World on Wi-Fire: Technology Feeds Mind-Boggling Volatility - The Daily Beast

Holding China to Account -

Why China won't conquer the world - Telegraph

How can Asia help fix the global economy? | East Asia Forum

Frenemies in Pakistan | The Weekly Standard

The US wanted a puppet, but made an enemy instead - The National

War drums and identity | Opinion | DAWN.COM

Israel and Palestinians must accept the other's legitimacy - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Yemen Drone Strike Shows Careful Balance of U.S. Policy: View - Bloomberg

Winds of change hit the North-INSIDE Korea JoongAng Daily

Editorial: Al-Awlaki was a uniquely American threat –

Pakistan holds the key to Afghanistan war - Telegraph

Why the Obama Administration Invested in Solyndra : The New Yorker

Investors Sing a New Tune—'Won't Get Fooled Again' -

Tom Stevenson: Buying shares at their current prices stacks the odds in your favour - Telegraph

Finding growth far off the grid - 1 - global investing - MSN Money

RealClearMarkets - Rising China: The Seen and Unseen

Holding China to Account -

Ann Lee: Imagining a World Without Banks

RealClearMarkets - Thank Dodd-Frank For Your Debit Card Fees

Koch Brothers Flout Law With Secret Iran Sales - Bloomberg

No One Owns A Techno Crystal Ball - Forbes

The Trouble With A Bubble | ThinkProgress

It's the Debt, Stupid (BAC, C, WFC)

A Trade-In for the Corporate-Income Tax: Echoes - Bloomberg

DECKER: The GOP establishment trap - Washington Times

California and Bust | Business | Vanity Fair

If the Wall Street protesters really want to reform capitalism, they should join the Tea Party – Telegraph Blogs

Obama Campaign Borrows From Bush '04 Playbook -

RealClearPolitics - Is Herman Cain a Contender?

Morning Jay: Christie Should Follow Woodrow Wilson—And Run | The Weekly Standard

Behind Obama’s Populist Makeover - The Daily Beast

RealClearPolitics - How the Left Can Show Obama Is a Centrist

Economic Growth, Not Income Redistribution, Is What Helps Us All - Forbes

Opinion: Free trade agreements hurt the middle class - Richard Trumka -

CURL: The jobs plan that couldn't - Washington Times

Eric Cantor’s Political Force -- New York Magazine

Fast, furious scandal needs answers--Michael A. Walsh -

Supreme Court prepares for much-anticipated term -

Solyndracracy | The Weekly Standard

Obama crony company got special help on loan | Examiner Editorial | Opinion | Washington Examiner

No quick fix for No Child Left Behind: editorial |

WOLF: Bending Obamacare's honesty curve downward - Washington Times

Biden: Bush broke it, but we own it - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

Nobody who'll say 'no' - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Rick Perry family’s hunting camp still known to many by old racially charged name - The Washington Post

Requiem for a Governor Before He’s in the Ring: Michael Kinsley - Bloomberg

Pajamas Media » Gingrich Offers New ‘Contract with America’

What we learned from Prohibition -

Green Energy Industry Staggers | Via Meadia

The race card president - Opinion -

Critics slammed Ron Suskind’s ‘Confidence Men.’ But how closely did did they read it? - The Washington Post

Obama, don't run from class warfare -


**Markets Video:Greece Needs To Bite Austerity Bullet


**World Video:U.S. Trade And Investment Policy

What's The Status Of Al-Qaeda?

Saudi-Yemen Ties In Limelight

Greece Says Will Miss Deficit Targets?

Calls Continue In Yemen For Saleh To Quit

Police Shootout In Ukraine

Al-Qaeda Chief Bomb Maker Alive?

Libyan Interim Forces Destroy SAM-7 Rockets And Launchers

Three Share Nobel Prize In Medicine

West Bank Settlers: Fear Of Palestinian State

Is The U.S. Right To Veto Palestinian Membership To The UN?

The Death Of Anwar Al-Awlaki

Make Defense Cuts Carefully

Central American Security Integration

Tribal Skepticism Stalls Libyan Politics


**Politics Video:Hume: If Christie Passes, Opportunity May Never Come Again

Van Jones On Obama: "We Made A Mistake, We Thought It Was Just About One Person"

Matthews: Obama Being Too "Debonaire" For The Mood Of The Country

Dem Congressman At Protest: Let's Develop Bills Around "Anger"

Andy Rooney Retires From "60 Minutes": I'm A Democrat, But Open-Minded

Herman Cain: Rock With Racial Epithet At Perry Lodge "Insensitive"

Mark Penn: Christie Candidacy Would Be "Romney's Worst Nightmare"

2nd/Cheney: Obama Needs To Apologize

Gov. Deval Patrick: I Hope Obama Is Nervous

"Meet The Press" Roundtable: Is Christie In Or Out?

George Will: Nancy Reagan Told Me She Is Not Pushing Christie To Run

Cain Stands By "Brainwashed" Claim, Says Christie Too Liberal

BET's Robert Johnson To Obama: Stop Attacking The Wealthy

Obama At Gay Fundraiser: Republicans Represent "Small America"

"This Week" Roundtable On Turmoil In GOP Field

MSNBC Guest: Christie "Less Obviously Racist" Than Rest Of GOP Field

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On 2012 Field In Past Week

"This Week" Roundtable: Sizing Up The GOP Candidates


History of made-up lyrics: 26 songs over 49 years - The Feed - CBS News

Who can have a gun in Phila.? Often, Florida decides -

Libyan Jew returns home after 44-year exile | Reuters

Internet firms co-opted for surveillance: experts | Reuters

Gay adoption ban being lifted makes way for new parents to adopt - South Florida

Al Qaeda drone attacks on US? Soon it won't be so far-fetched. -

20 From 20/20: Key Moments From the Amanda Knox Appeal - ABC News

Man Ambushed By Facebook 'Friend' - Jacksonville News Story - WJXT Jacksonville

The Local - Swiss Post blocks 'porn' booklet for 4-year-olds

The Local - Banon confronts DSK over alleged rape attempt

Human skin strengthened with spider silk can stop a bullet | Video |

Court ruling has communities overhauling Megan’s Laws -

Pack it up, Obama. Move it on out

Rachel Maddow – investigative news hound

Debate is over! He's not natural born

Stop Obama's 'pay-their-fair-share' shenanigans

Obama, don't run from class warfare -

Da victim hood

Hikers' heart of darkness

Do gods exist?

Chris Christie's accomplishments

I have no love for al ...

An unconstitutional killing: Obama's killing of Awlaki violates American principles

Cheating? That's affirmative

DECKER: The GOP establishment trap - Washington Times

NYT: Economy to be a challenge for new military chief - politics - The New York Times -

Exclusive: Democrats push tax hikes first in deficit talks | Reuters

Chinese company interested in buying Yahoo - Business - World business -

Officials Tour Areas Crawling with Giant Snails | NBC Miami

Brain gyms work out mind and body, target baby boomers - South Florida

Wal-Mart empress gifts America new cultural Mecca

One Per Cent: Twitter mood map reveals the world's emotions

msnbc video: Paleontologist to attempt hatching a dinosaur

Millions of Americans give thumbs down to Congress

Gardasil controversy soars, as Bachmann, Perry drop

Who's really behind Wall Street protests?

Obama administration filled with activists for globalism

Rachel Maddow – investigative news hound


+THE BIG LIST of eligibility 'proofers'

*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Cain takes aim at Perry, Christie and Obama - Washington Times

Obama Grassroots Challenge Fails to Meet Goal - ABC News

Rick Perry disputes Washington Post story on slur - Mike Allen -

Who's really behind Wall Street protests?

Fed Plan To Consolidate Power Over Nation's Power Highway Has States Nervous | Fox News

Obama administration filled with activists for globalism

Meet HuffPost's annoying, but relentless conservative

The inside story: Univision’s war with Rubio over immigration, drug report - Florida -

Dangerous metal thefts spur demand for tighter laws across South Florida - South Florida

New Fast and Furious docs released by White House - CBS News Investigates - CBS News

'I have not killed,' tearful Amanda Knox tells jury - World news - Europe -

Department Of Justice Cuts, Reassigns 81 Immigration Prosecutors | Fox News

City Council crafts bill to protect immigrants from deportation at Rikers Island

Palestine application takes hit in Security Council

Iran totally rejects Palestine U.N. statehood bid | Top News | Reuters

Report: Iranian pastor to be put to death for rape, not apostasy – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Archbishop Warns Obama: You’ll Cause 'Conflict Between Church and State of Enormous Proportions’ |

Sheriff Joe 'knows what he's doing' in Obama probe

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

NYT: Economy to be a challenge for new military chief - politics - The New York Times -

American Minute for October 3rd

October 3rd in History

Today in History: October 3

October 3rd This Day in History

October 3 Events in History

Today in History: October 3

This Day in History for 3rd October

Today in History for October 3rd - YouTube


**NEWS VIDEOS:‘The View’ Panelist Scolds Barbara Walters For Using N-Word; Different When Whoopi Says It

Anderson Cooper’s Daytime Talk Show Struck by Teen Coma Tragedy

MSNBC Panelist: Chris Christie ‘Less Obviously Racist’ Than Rest Of GOP Candidates

Panetta Warns Israel Getting More Isolated

Fox & Friends Asks: Why Is Media Matters Still Tax Exempt?

TV Pitchman Don Lapre Found Dead

PAC of Dogs: San Francisco Forms Canine Political Action Committee

Australia Bikini Parade Breaks Record

International Action Center: Brooklyn Bridge Was ‘Police Attack’; Protestors Were ‘Walking Home’

2nd/CBS’ ‘The Good Wife’: ‘Breitbart Owned The Weiner Scandal’

How a Great War with Dana Perino Was Averted

Occupy DC Protesters Endorse Obama For 2012

Occupy Wall Street Group Protests Through Meditation

Cain: I Should Have Spoken Out For Gay Soldier

David Gregory: Republicans Have ‘Harsh Stance’ On Immigration

Cain Calls Perry Hunting Camp Former Name ‘Racially Insensitive’

Cheney On Awlaki Killing: Obama Should Apologize For Criticizing Bush Era Terror Policies

BET Founder To Obama: Stop Demagoguing The Rich

Obama To Gay Rights Group: Republicans Believe In ‘Small America’

Romney Links Perry With Former Mexican President Vicente Fox

700 Arrested As ‘Occupy Wall St’ Occupies Brooklyn Bridge

Cop-Killer Davis Mourned As Martyr During Funeral

SNL’s Presents An HPV Doll Commercial

1st/Roseanne: Rich Should Be Beheaded If They Don’t Give Up Wealth

Cain Unplugged: ‘I Still Worship In The Hood’

Cain On Romney: 'Great Hair'

Herman Cain Explains His '9-9-9' Plan

Cain At TeaCon: 'I Have No Idea Why Other Candidates Aren't Here'

Obama To Congress: Get Your Act Together And Pass My Bill

Karzai: Talks With Taliban Useless

Fox News’ Jesse Watters Uncovers The Brains Behind The Wall St Protests

Maher: Rick Perry ‘So Dumb’ Republicans Are ‘Even Considering Voting For Black Guy’

Sharpton’s Atlanta HQ Admits Handing Out Fishy Stimulus Check Forms

30th/Flashback: Before ‘Fast & Furious’ Obama Blamed U. S. Guns For Mexican Violence

ABC’s Jake Tapper Challenges Carney On Legality of Awlaki Killing

29th/Crony Capitalism: A Concise History of Obama’s Solyndra Scandal

Barely Informed Protestors Gather To Demonstrate Against Pipeline

Flashback: Biden Praises Solyndra As Symbol of Obamanomics Working

27th/OMB Director Runs From Questions On Solyndra

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