A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

30 October 2011

30 OCT.

"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."



Palestinians' terror-rocket nightmare originated in Libya

Mommies heading for face-off with Washington bureaucracy

Congressman tells Holder to explain prosecution of agent

Little 'distractions' like the Constitution

CAIR's got al-Qaida's back – literally


+The big list: Female teachers with students


Katherine Goldberg faces jail for grabbing Virgin Atlantic air steward's crotch while drunk | Mail Online

Roman Catholic church's paedophile investigator jailed for possessing thousnds of child porn images | Mail Online

Want to live to 100? How seven simple lifestyle steps could help you get there - free from disease | Mail Online

How aromatherapy oils 'can poison you': Tiny particles from oils 'may damage liver and kidneys' | Mail Online

Ohio Gym Teacher Jailed for Sex With Students - ABC News

Restaurant nudity to be debated in San Francisco -

Europe at war 2018: As Angela Merkel says euro meltdown could spark battle | Mail Online - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | Health :: Eat yourself better

Plane dreaming? Welcome to air travel in 2075 | - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Men are faster to fall in love

Sights and Insights: A notewort... JPost - Travel - Around Israel

Dracula creator Bram Stoker journal found on bookshelf on the Isle of Wight | Mail Online

Wrecks that promise to unlock the mystery of Francis Drake's final resting place - Telegraph

Israeli researchers: Jerusalem's trendiest street built over biblical site - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Education Ministry hosts virt... JPost - Environment & Technology

Christian church teams up with high priestess of Isis

Ron Paul targets terrorists ... inside U.S. government

Santorum smacks rivals for their records

Congressman: Muslim Obama adviser leaked secret reports to media

Report: Top Muslim adviser blocks Obama meeting with Christian leader

Hindu challenges rule stipulating compulsory Islamic studies

BBC News - MP Mike Freer 'threatened at mosque surgery'

Jack Abramoff, In New Book, Decries Endemic Corruption In Washington

Occupy London could be protected by Christian ring of prayer | UK news | The Observer

Halloween? The real demon is government!

Saif Gaddafi 'hires South African mercenaries to spirit him away to friendly nation' | Mail Online

*30 Oct.

American Minute for October 30th

Today in History: October 30

October 30th in History

October 30 Events in History

October 30th This Day in History

This Day in History for 30th October

Today in History: October 30

Today in History for October 30th - YouTube


*ARTICLE LINKS: Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

+THE BIG LIST of eligibility 'proofers'


INFOWARS.COM - Lifting The Veil of Evil!! Nightly News Special Report. - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News for Friday, October 28, 2011 (Full) - YouTube

Attempted Murder Of 'Lee and Me' Author In Toronto

Tim Wise - The Pathology of White Privilege - YouTube

Tomgram: Barbara Ehrenreich, Homeless in America | TomDispatch

Scott Olsen 'Cannot Talk' After Injury at Occupy Oakland Protest

Occupy Oakland Rubber Bullet Bruise [Raw Vid] - YouTube


Ocean Absorbed 79 Percent Of Fukushima Fallout - Forbes

America’s Death Pornography Culture: Celebrating brutal deaths of Qaddafi and Saddam > - Strategic Culture Foundation

Early snow pelts East Coast, cuts power to 1.7M - Yahoo! News

Brrr… New York City Expecting Earliest Significant Snowfall Since Civil War | The Gateway Pundit

Daylight Reveals Damage Statewide | NBC Connecticut

Geologists closely monitoring surge in central Arkansas quakes

Occupy Oakland protester Scott Olsen awake ahead of brain surgery | World news |

Sgt. Shamar Thomas on attack of Scott Olsen at Occupy Oakland - YouTube

Glenn Beck Attacks David Duke and David Duke Responds! 10/26/11 - YouTube

Do Zionists Control Wall Street? The Shocking Facts! - YouTube

November 9th communications shutdown: A system reboot needed to activate new code? « The PPJ Gazette

Why is Explosive 9/11 Evidence so Hard to Accept? Psychology Experts Explain. -

Gun Ownership Soars To 18 Year High: 47% Of Americans Admit To Owning A Gun | ZeroHedge

US scales back northern border checks - US news - Security -

Apple's Form 10-K Reveals Over $80 Billion In Cash

Top U.S. Tax Writer Releases Overhaul Exempting Overseas Profits - Bloomberg

Productivity Future Vision (2011) - YouTube

The Elite Plan for a New World Social Order

Anti-Imperial Voices

Ad for gun training bars Muslims and Obama voters | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

Prince Charles joins campaign to save Transylvania's forests - inspired by family connections to 'Count Dracula' | Mail Online

Fukushima Beef Officially Banned » Australian Cannonball Nuclear News

“High concentrations” of radiation hit US and Canada — Plume was rich in Cesium-137 and “close to the surface” from Vancouver southward — See also Hawaii, Florida (MAPS) « ENENEWS.COM

Bill Daley Gives Candid Interview to Poltico: ‘Push the Envelope!’ |

Support for Health Care Law at New Low - Yahoo! News

Rep. Lofgren: Copyright bill is the 'end of the Internet' | Privacy Inc. - CNET News

PressTV - US govt. ups request for Google user data

JFK Versus The 'Federal' Reserve - Circumcision: Genital Mutilation of Males?

Penn & Teller In Ron Paul Ad ( New Commercial) - YouTube

Why Barack Obama is the decline and despair president – Telegraph Blogs

Swedish King braced for further allegations about sex parties - Telegraph

Vincent Tabak 'developed sexual fetish after watching violent porn films' - Telegraph

Did Oakland Police Intentionally Shoot Marine Vet Scott Olsen In the Head? | ZeroHedge

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Gilad Atzmon: The Greatest Threat To World Peace

Israeli government policy is 'both stupid and dangerous', says top negotiator - Telegraph

Breaking: Iran and Israel Caught – Partnering in Nuclear Attack Ploy | Veterans Today

In trimming school budgets, more officials turn to a four-day week - The Washington Post

Police chiefs 'authorised undercover police officers to give false evidence in court' - Telegraph

Apocalypse Redux? U.S. Natural Gas Find off Vietnam Could Raise Tensions with China at Oil Price

Maryland Considering Flush Fee Hike | NBC Washington

1999 A.D. (Kitchen of the Future)

Meet the Guy Who Snitched on Occupy Wall Street to the FBI and NYPD

TSA Thugs Now Searching For Silver And Gold | Vision to America - Men Prefer Career Women, says Homemaker

It is Past Time to Stop Using the Rest of the World as Our Penal Colonies

The world is at the mercy of irrelevant pygmies like Silvio Berlusconi and Nicolas Sarkozy - Telegraph

Sidi Bouzid under curfew as violence erupts following Tunisian election | World news | The Guardian

Egyptian anger grows after latest case of death by torture | World news |

Protest march on Downing Street to highlight deaths of black detainees | UK news | The Guardian

Afghanistan Jigsaw | Opinion Maker

Palestinian negotiators 'avoided shaking Tony Blair's hand' - Telegraph

Physicists check whether neutrinos really can travel faster than light | Science | The Guardian

Study: 1 in 6 Cell Phones Contaminated With Fecal Matter – TIME Healthland

Panel endorses anthrax vaccine test on children

China’s new pension rules hit foreign firms in the wallet - The Globe and Mail

Japan's leaders must face country's 'latent' possession of nuclear weapons - The Mainichi Daily News


*1:18:03/Aliens From the Lost Tomb of Alexander the Great @ Vimeo


Ron Paul at Hampstead New Hampshire Town Hall Forum (Part 1 of 2) - YouTube

Ron Paul at Hampstead New Hampshire Town Hall Forum (Part 2 of 2) - YouTube


Ron Paul Wins NFRA Straw Poll With A Landslide 82%! - YouTube


Herman Cain Heckled by Ron Paul Supporters: "Just be Respectful" - YouTube


* Barack Obama’s Allegiance Is Not To America And God, But To The New World Order And Satan Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Trick of the Psychopath's Trade: Make Us Believe that Evil Comes from Others -- Science of the Spirit --

Ponerology 101: The Political Psychopath -- Science of the Spirit --

Truth to Power: Psychopaths Rule Our World -- Science of the Spirit --

Ponerology 101: Psychopathy at Nuremburg -- Science of the Spirit --

The Psychopath: A New Subspecies of Homo Sapiens -- Science of the Spirit --

Funkmasterfive calls the Ed Shulz Show - YouTube

Funkmasterfive calls the Neal Boortz show - YouTube


**Ron Paul in New Hampshire – Highlights Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

2OCT./Ron Paul Campaign Speech in New Hampshire (Leap for Liberty Event) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

1:08:09/Ron Paul Campaign Speech in New Hampshire (Leap for Liberty Event) - YouTube

flashback: Ron Paul Highlights - GOP Debate at the Reagan Library - YouTube

flashback:Ron Paul Highlights - CNN Las Vegas Debate 10/18/11 - YouTube

flashback:Ron Paul Highlights - Fox News/Google Republican Debate - YouTube


TRENDING: Ron Paul wins both tallies at GOP straw poll in Iowa( !!)– CNN Political Ticker


» Armed Citizen Militia Shows Up At Occupy Phoenix Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Peter Schiff: In Defense Of The 1% Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Peter Schiff Speaks for 1 Percent at Occupy Wall Street - YouTube

Peter Schiff at OWS: "Walmart Doesn't Hold a Gun to Your Head!" - YouTube

U.S. Plans Post-Iraq Troop Increase in Persian Gulf -

» Denver Police Use Tear Gas, Rubber Bullets, Batons and Pepper Spray On Protesters Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Occupy Denver - Excessive force by police? - YouTube

» Photo Finish: More Evidence of Strong al-Qaeda Presence in Post-Gaddafi Libya Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Al Qaeda Plants Its Flag in Libya | VICE

Israeli prisoner swap may be prelude to attack on Iran - Washington Times

» Drones : Killing For Sport? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Western Companies See Libya as Ripe at Last for Business -

What the Costumes Reveal -

Obama Has Even Lost The 'Occupy Wall Street' Crowd

Occupy Protesters Down on Obama, Survey Finds -

» Americans increasingly comparing Afghan war to Vietnam Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Wall Street Firms Spy on Protesters In Tax-Funded Center » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

» Does Anyone Still Doubt We Languish in a Police-State? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» How Anonymous is threatening a Mexican drug cartel Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Obama to the world: ‘Do as we say, not as we do’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


» 9/11 Consensus Panel: “Best Evidence” Indicates Flaws in Official 9/11 Narrative Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Russ Baker on 9/11 Commission Report, Usama Bin Laden Death Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Prison » The nationwide crackdown on Occupy Wall Street has begun

Footage of Scott Olsen being shot by Police at Occupy Oakland - YouTube

Prison » Google Censors War Crimes Video



+Prison » Things That Make You Go Hmmm…. Such As An Empty Box Filled With Promises Of Money, And Europe’s Soup Nazi


*26 pg./Hmmm - October 30 2011


Prison » Americans: Awash In Spin

Prison » 10 Signs That The American People Are Angrier Than Ever

U.S. Plans Post-Iraq Troop Increase in Persian Gulf -

Prison » The Misuse of The Power of Television In Wartime Is Itself A War Crime

Prison » Active National Guardsman Supports Protesters … In His Uniform

AFP: Iran scoffs at US 'contradictions' in dialogue offer

Prison » Washington’s Black Ops against Iran

Prison » “We Are All Greeks” – SocGen Presents The New World Order

TSA Test 'Pre-Screening' - Nightly News Report - YouTube

Flu Vaccine Propagandist Charged with Child Molestation! - YouTube

Scientists who said climate change sceptics had been proved wrong accused of hiding truth by colleague | Mail Online

Prison » How the medical monopoly hides inconvenient vaccine truths

'Passive' TV watching can harm babies' speech | Mail Online


100% Psychological Warfare Aimed at The Species 1/3 - YouTube

100% Psychological Warfare Aimed at The Species 2/3 - YouTube

100% Psychological Warfare Aimed at The Species 3/3 - YouTube

Alex Takes Calls on The Coming War in America 1/3 - YouTube

Alex Takes Calls on The Coming War in America 2/3 - YouTube

Alex Takes Calls on The Coming War in America 3/3 - YouTube


PROTECT IP Act Breaks The Internet @Vimeo

E-PARASITE Bill: 'The End Of The Internet As We Know It' | Techdirt

AFP: 'Rogue websites' bill introduced in US House


Saudi prince offers $900,000 to soldier abductors - Israel News, Ynetnews

Why the latest eurozone bail-out is destined to fail within weeks - Telegraph

Japan's Fukushima plant dismantling needs over 30 yrs | Energy & Oil | Reuters

War profiteering: a cancer upon America | End the Lie - Independent News

Goldman Sachs and Occupy Wall Street’s bank: the real story -

Goldman Sachs and Occupy Wall Street's bank: the real story | Greg Palast | Comment is free |

Goldman Sachs v. Occupy Wall Street: A Greg Palast Investigation - YouTube

Syria Using U.S. Made Web Surveillance and Censorship Systems -

Be Honest – The European Debt Deal Was Really A Greek Debt Default -

Code of Mysterious Secret Society Cracked Centuries Later | Encryption, Cryptograms & Code-Breaking | Oculist Order & Copiale Cipher | Secret Societies & Initiation Rites | LiveScience

USC Scientist Cracks Mysterious "Copiale Cipher" - YouTube

Goldman Sachs Rips Off Libya, Donald Trump Admits Screwing Gaddafi - YouTube

Preparing For Regime Change?: Turkey Shelters Anti-Assad Fighters | StratRisks

Activist Post: Hacked From Above: A DIY Spy Plane Takes Flight

Saudi prince offers $900,000 to soldier abductors - Israel News, Ynetnews

Somalia: Commandos storm war zone to snatch tribal leader | Mail Online

Historiographic Anarchy: The NRO's WikiLeaks Record Drop: Was WikiLeaks Duped?

Facebook sees 600,000 compromised logins per day—0.06% of all logins

EU considers smart biometric borders | | Planet

The Amish Don't Get Autism but They Do Get Bio-Terrorism

AppleInsider | Steve Jobs stayed tag-less by leasing a new car every six months

Bloggers Under Fire | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Wounded Libyans flying to U.S., Germany for aid - Army News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Army Times

Hamas boosting anti-aircraft arsenal with looted Libyan missiles - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

US man jailed for exporting military parts to Iran

BBC News - Directors' pay rose 50% in past year, says IDS report

Patriot Act Turns 10, With No Signs of Retirement | Threat Level |

Chinese Military Suspected in Hacker Attacks on U.S. Satellites - Businessweek

Military homosexuals suing for marriage rights (

Blood money, silent Blackberries - time to regulate mobiles?

Whiny Neocons Want Hearings on Iraq Withdrawal | FDL News Desk

From 7 Billion People To 500 Million People – The Sick Population Control Agenda Of The Global Elite

Wisconsin animal shelters filling up due to lagging economy - Yahoo! News

Col. Sellin: Like Obama, Karl Rove Seems Willing to Subvert the Constitution to Win in 2012 | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

Hackers Likely Have Japanese Warplane, Nuclear Data - Security - Attacks/breaches - Informationweek

Lockheed, Pentagon at odds over F-35 costs: sources | Reuters

Inside the DIY Weapons Workshop of the Libyan Rebels | Popular Science

US Congress Hears Calls For Black Ops Against Iran

The 1% Loves Socialism

National debt nears size of U.S. economy

U.S. tracks 'millions' of dollars stolen by Iraqi officials –

Saudi royal offers $900,000 reward for capture of Israeli soldiers - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

American Cities With The Most Underwater Mortgages: 24/7 Wall St.

Census: The new U.S. neighborhood defined by diversity as all-white enclaves vanish - The Washington Post

Lesbian student Rebeca Arellano crowned homecoming KING! | Mail Online

New World Order: Implantable RFID chips capable of remotely killing non-compliant 'slaves' are here

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-FOUR: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

Mass Alien Abduction Experiment In Los Angeles | Before It's News

OOBE Research Center » Архив блога » UFO Experiment

20 Reasons Why 11-9-11 Could Be The Real 911 | Before It's News

20 Reasons 11-9-11 Could be the REAL 911 - YouTube

Alien Base Found At Chinese Pyramid | Before It's News

Ex Member of The Global Elite Tells All - YouTube

7 Of The Dirtiest Surfaces In North America

Wake Up America - Jon McNaughton - YouTube

Signs that the "PEOPLE" Are Taking Over The OWS Movement | Before It's News

'war of the worlds: the remix project' on 73rd anniversary of broadcast | Before It's News

Koran-burning pastor Terry Jones wants to be president | Before It's News

Facebook Faces Down Google for Title of Most Energy Efficient | Before It's News

A Saturday Documentary: Just Who are the 1 Percent? | Before It's News


Guru Om's Songs & Poetry (1).wmv - YouTube

Guru Om's Poetry & Songs (2).wmv - YouTube

Guru Om Chants Om Shanti Mantra - YouTube

Guru Om - The Catalyst - YouTube

Guru Om Plays Tamboura - YouTube


The Mercurial World:(


13 Facebook Parodies That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

US Plans Post-Iraq Troop Surge in Persian Gulf

Afghan Suicide Blast Targeting US Kills 17

Romney: US Shouldn't Lead in Mideast, Follow Israel Instead

Defense Whiz to Pentagon: Your Predictions Are Destined to Fail

Every Day Is 'Day of the Dead' in Mexico Drug War

Some California sex offenders’ addresses same as foster homes | The Raw Story

Somalia suicide bomber was ‘U.S. citizen’: rebels | The Raw Story

Roberts: Cain is just the latest ‘Not Romney’ | The Raw Story

White House responds to marijuana legalization petition | The Raw Story

Chris Wallace to Rick Perry: Your jobs plan is ‘terrible’ | The Raw Story

Credit union flap may reveal Goldman Sachs is bullying community banks | The Raw Story

Congresswoman to attempt to live on $4.50/day food budget | The Raw Story

Preparations for U.S. Iraq withdrawal in full swing | The Raw Story

Libya militias accused of ‘revenge attacks’ | The Raw Story

Iraqi ‘resistance’ forced U.S. pull-out: Khamenei | The Raw Story

Yemen’s Al-Qaeda denies death of its media chief | The Raw Story

Central Park in NYC Sets October Record for Snow

Hillary Clinton:‘No Evidence’ DOJ Sought Required License to Send Guns to Mexico in ‘Fast and Furious’

Afghan Ambassador on Freedom for Christians: ‘Nothing Will Be Contradictory to Sharia Law’

Hollywood Studio Slammed for Filming in Chinese City Where Human Rights Activist Is Under House Arrest

Scaremongering? Engagement Advocates Falsely Claim US Will be Forced to Withdraw from UN Agencies

Only 1 Naked Person at a Time: NYC Museum Ordered to Limit Admission to Giant Bathtub 'Art' Installation

Chuck Baldwin -- Tennessee Joins TSA In Creating Random Check Points

Jonathan Emord -- Ron Paul’s Realism


Egyptians Protest Against Torture and Murder of Prisoner

Bank of America's Death Rattle


5 Oct/UN Ambush: India vs. Monsanto

Suspected US Drone Strike Kills 4 in Pakistan

Arab League to Press Syrian FM to End Crackdown

Voters in Kyrgyzstan Cast Presidential Ballots

Report: US Plans Post-Iraq Buildup in Gulf

California Foundation Announces $10 Million Genetics Prize

Brown Eyed Girls’ Video “Sixth Sense” or How the Elite Controls Opposition

The World of Mind Control Through the Eyes of an Artist with 13 Alter Personas

The 2011 VMAs: A Celebration of Today’s Illuminati Music Industry

18th Century Secret Society Code Cracked

Mikhail Gorbachev Says Occupy Wall Street Signals an Emerging New World Order

Vatican Calls for a Central World Bank

Street Lights that Spy On You

Snoop Dogg on Conspiracy Theories (video)

No TV for Children Under 2, Doctors’ Group Urges

The Order of the Illuminati: Its Origins, Its Methods and Its Influence on the World Events

16 Coalition Personnel Killed in Afghanistan Attacks

Chris Wallace to Rick Perry: Your Jobs Plan Is 'Terrible'

A Look Into The Mind Of The Villagers On Social Security

Bloomberg To Host Sunday Dinner To Urge Super Committee To Cut $4 Trillion, Let The 99% Eat Cake

Washington's Black Ops against Iran

Building a Pretext to Wage War on Syria: Hidden Agenda Behind UN Security Council Resolution

America's War in the Horn of Africa: “Drone Alley” – a Harbinger of Western Power across the African Continent

Who Was Muammar Qaddafi? Libya's Wealth Redistribution Project

CIA History of DCI William Colby Finally Qualifies as "Non-Secret"

The Lynching of Muammar Gaddafi

Cuba's “Silent Transition”: Towards A Mixed Market Economy?

A 51st State for Armed Robotic Drones

Truth is the First Casualty of War. No Justice, No Peace, No Truth...

The Elite Plan for a New World Social Order

Defining "Terrorism" and the "State Sponsors" of Terrorism

The 9/11 Consensus Panel: The “Best Evidence” Indicates Flaws in the Official 9/11 Narrative

The 9/11 Consensus Points: The Factual Evidence Contradicts the 9/11 Story

VIDEO: Banks Put Americans on the Hook for Trillions

Gingrich: Obama's 'Grotesque Failure' in Mideast Propels 'Anti-Christian Spring'

Christians Flee as Radical Islam Spreads in 'New Middle East'

Gilad Sharon: 'Arab Spring' Brings More Danger to Israel

Group Warns of Cover-up in Egypt Christian Deaths

US Group: Retrial for Iran Christian Pastor Is Bogus

Dick Armey: Tea Party Likes Cain

Bachmann: US Must Fight Iranian Aggression

Cain: Polls Show I'm Connecting With Voters

Perry: Obama Economy Is 'Frankenstein Experiment'

Plouffe: Romney Has 'No Core'

Gingrich: Obama Propels 'Anti-Christian Spring'

Bill Gates: Tax on Wealthy Isn’t Enough to Cut Deficit

Iowa Poll: Cain, Romney Statistically Tied

Analyst: White GOP Base Feels Good About Cain

Solyndra Watchdog Critical Of WH Loan Review

AFL-CIO Blasts Supercommittee Democrats

Cain Not Running on Empty; South Could be Pivotal

Biden: Obama Can't Win Without Florida

1 Billion Catholics to See New Mass Translation

Issa Works to Become Policy Leader

Saudi Royal Raises Bounty to Catch Israeli Soldier

Syria's Assad Warns West of Mideast 'Earthquake'

Saudi Arabia Jails Woman for Funding al-Qaida

Govt Reports: Prosecutions Rise on War Zone Crimes

Nielsen: 60% of Global Consumers Downbeat

Somali Militants Post Tape of 'US Suicide Bomber'

Former Israeli Soldier Sentenced for Leaks

Many Cities Leaving Wall Street Protesters Alone

Perry Defends Tuition For Illegals

Tricks To Avoid Eating Too Many Halloween Treats

How to Keep Kids Safe on Halloween

Drinking Boosts Heart Attack Survival

Obama’s Reckless, Regressive Refinancing Plan

ICC Hunt for Gadhafi Son Poses Dilemma for Niger

White House to Review Energy Department Loans

New Student Loan Program Is Yet More Wealth Redistribution

World Struggles Between Slave States and Democracy

Does Anyone Still Doubt We Languish in a Police-State? by Becky Akers

Why Governments Make War by Justin Raimondo --

Society's Greatest Paradox Is Your Greatest Risk by David Morris

SHTF Survival: 7 Vitamins That Help Prevent Dental Emergencies | Ready Nutrition

The Doctor Told Me He Could Not Believe It | Mark's Daily Apple

Yemen: Death of a U.S.-Born Teen by a Drone Stokes Anger - TIME

Success for Andrea Rossi's E-Cat cold fusion system, but mysteries remain (Wired UK)

Blue Coat confirms Syria used its Web filtering devices | InSecurity Complex - CNET News

Why Economic Models Are Always Wrong: Scientific American

The Associated Press: NYPD keeps files on Muslims who change their names

Activist Post: Exposed: Media Fabricated 'Empty Tents' Story at Occupy London (Video)

Activist Post: Nashville Judge Tells Cops "You Have NO Lawful Basis To Arrest Occupy Protesters!" (Video)

SOPA: Hollywood Finally Gets A Chance to Break the Internet | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Activist Post: The Revolution will not be Politicized

Activist Post: 10 Strategies to Cope with Absurd Housing Costs

Activist Post: Occupy The World: The Values of Revolution

Activist Post: A Raging State Of Paranoia

The Shocking Lack of Evidence Supporting Flu Vaccines | GreenMedInfo | Blog entry | Natural Medicine | Alternative Medicine | Integrative Medicine

Activist Post: Meditation is Not What You Think

White House Rebuffs Marijuana Legalization Petitions |

Activist Post: 5 Memory-Boosting Foods

Activist Post: Drones : Killing For Sport?

Goldman Sachs v. Occupy Wall Street: A Greg Palast Investigation - YouTube


* 32 min./David Icke - Essential Knowledge For A Wall Street Protestor - YouTube


Occupy What? A Short Guide to Real Change - YouTube

Stir Fried Radish Cake @ Chai Tou Kueh | Before It's News


My Little Space(


The "War on Drugs" is Really a War on You - informationliberation

A Tool in the Government's War on Privacy? Absolutely. But in Its War on Terror? Not So Much... - informationliberation

Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – October 27th, 2011

Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – October 28th, 2011

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – October 28th, 2011

+Occupy Wall Street and The Fed – 10-30-11 |

Lone Star Watchdog: Coming FEMA Exercise November 9th and 10th 2011. BE ON ALERT!

Anti-Neocons - Halloween Hidden history


Occupy Wall Street, Wisconsin would like a word with you.

The 10 years of 'no, no and hell, no' you've been waiting for (Paging Mr. Wolfowitz and friends)

The Maddow Blog - John Boehner, brought to you by...

The Maddow Blog - Politics goes to the movies: 'Margin Call' The Dead Celebrity Cookbook: A Resurrection of Recipes from More Than 145 Stars of Stage and Screen (9780757315961): Frank DeCaro: Books

Star Wars Made In France - YouTube

Vincent (Short Film) By Tim Burton/ Narrated:Vincent Price - YouTube

The next front in the abortion wars: Birth control - Abortion -

Jon2012girls Smokin' Ad - YouTube


33 pg./The Green Book ; Muammar Al Qaddafi


Libya Truth (DnB Soundtrack) - YouTube


*Video:The European Bailout Explained @ Xtranormal


Movie Maker ; Xtranormal(


Cain, Romney Finish At Top Of Des Moines Register Poll (?)| Fox News


Protecting You From Reality: Government Targets “Rogue” Web Sites and Alternative Media |

Are British Mercenaries in Athens Beating And Killing Demonstrators? | Video Rebel's Blog

U.S. secretly flying drones out of Ethiopia: WaPo | The Raw Story

"We Were Peaceful" Occupy Denver Protesters Explain What Happened On Oct 29, 2011 - YouTube

Violent Weekend: Air strikes kill 10 Palestinians, 1 Israeli - YouTube

US doesn't have permission for drone strikes: Yuosuf Raza Gilani - The Times of India

Student loan debt, joblessness could create 'nation of debtors' - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Hopefully Police Will Conclude They CANNOT Just Go Around Using Tear Gas & Projectiles On A Whim - YouTube

The Intercept: Defense Lobby in Full Tilt as Corporate Welfare Receives Public Scrutiny

Global economy-Double Standards-10-29-2011 - YouTube

British Scandal Linked to Pro-Israel Groups –

Obama and Holder taking on Arizona's SB1070 - YouTube

poorrichards blog: November 9th communications shutdown: A system reboot needed to activate new code?

Scott Olson, the spark that lights a fire in the USA? - Defense Technology & Military Forum

US government wants to legally lie — RT

Tried & Tested: OWS snowed on & shouted at - YouTube

Alice poster girl could be sacked for Qaddafi comments - The Local

Elliott Abrams’ Wife Calls Palestinian Children “Devil’s Spawn” | Veterans Today

Scientists who said climate change sceptics had been proved wrong accused of hiding truth by colleague | Mail Online

Climategate II? 'Science-Settling' Study 'Proving' Global Warming Allegedly Shows None |


Mark Passio: The Dark Occult, Satanism & More : Federal Jack

Outrageous Foreclosure Mill Halloween Party Photos Show Contempt of Homeowners : Federal Jack

Apollo Astronaut Forced To Surrender Old Moon Camera in Lawsuit Settlement : Federal Jack

Revolutionary Politics : Occupy Vatican!!!

Revolutionary Politics : "We've Accepted The Militarization In Our Cops For A Longtime Now"

Revolutionary Politics : Judge Napolitano: "A nation of sheep breeds a govt. of wolves"

The Second Gilded Age: Has America Become an Oligarchy? - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Ron Paul Wins NFRA Straw Poll With A Landslide 82%! - YouTube

Anonymous - A Storm Is Coming - YouTube

Herman Cain: Obama's weakness emboldens 'so-called Palestinian people' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

U.S. moves to sell attack helicopters to Turkey | Reuters

Drones, Cash, and Advisers: US Escalates Role in Africa -- News from

Lone Star Watchdog: Freemen vs Tyrants: The Battle of Who Wants It More

Obama Has Declared Record-Breaking 89 Disasters So Far in 2011 : Federal Jack

Global economic crisis: New wave of authors trying to boast the mood | Mail Online

Videos:Joint Subcommittee Hearing: Iranian Terror Operations on American Soil




"Colder than a..."

Fox's Liz Trotta Sneers at Amy Goodman and Democracy Now for Supporting #OWS Movement

+ The Professional Left Weekly Podcast: Ep 99 [Percenter] Can the Revolution Be Advertised?

30 Arrests at #OccupyNashville - Judge Lets Them Go

David Gregory: McConnell's Claim That 'Obama Got Everything He Wanted and it Didn't Work' Resonated With Public

#OccupyDenver Surrounded By Cops, They're 'Tightening Their Masks'

A Bad Lip Reading Soundbite: Herman Cain

AFL-CIO Opposes Cuts to Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare, Calls on Congress to Follow Suit

GOP Debt Panel: Tax Cuts Magically Increase Revenue

Bachmann: End the Dept. of Education to Solve Teen Bullying

Rick's Rant: It's Time to Make it Better Now

Daily Show Takes on Mitt Romney's Flip-Flops on Ohio's Collective Bargaining Assault

Marco Rubio: Immigrant, Not Exile

The Myth of Income Equality, Courtesy of AEI : CJR

ECHIDNE of the snakes

Off the Charts Blog | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities | Blog Archive | Democratic Offer Stands Well to the Right of Bowles-Simpson and Gang of 6

Redistricting updates – Off the Kuff

VIDEO: Jon Huntsman thinks Mitt Romney is “perfectly lubricated.” | The Political Carnival

**G. Edward Griffin

Activist Post: The Journey to Jekyll Island

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Name of the Game is Bailout

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Protectors of the Public

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Home, Sweet Loan

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Nearer to the Heart's Desire

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Building the New World Order

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Barbaric Metal

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Fool's Gold

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Secret Science

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Mandrake Mechanism and Debt Cancellation

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Rothschild Formula

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Sink the Lusitania

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Masquerade in Moscow

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Best Enemy Money Can Buy

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Lost Treasure Map

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Creature Comes to America

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: A Den of Vipers

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Loaves and Fishes and Civil War

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Greenbacks and Other Crimes


» Quantum Note: Under the Shadow of a Deadly State Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» A Dysfunctional System That Bankrupts A Generation Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Does Anyone Still Doubt We Languish in a Police-State? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Wall Street Firms Spy on Protesters In Tax-Funded Center » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Revealed – the capitalist network that runs the world - physics-math - 19 October 2011 - New Scientist

» Cellphone Towers EMR Damaging Biological Systems of Birds, Insects, Humans Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Loads of Codes: GOP Tax Plans

The Judge Deciphers the Contemporary Tax Debate - YouTube

Asteroid could be fledgling planet that never formed - Telegraph

Drug hallucinations look real in the brain - life - 28 October 2011 - New Scientist

A new idea in search for alien 'footprints' - Technology & science - Space - -

mental_floss Blog » The Hidden Haunted History of 7 American Landmarks

Travel & Outdoors | Pilot error causes airliner to flip, fly upside down | Seattle Times Newspaper

Sally Morgan challenged to prove her psychic powers on Halloween | Science | The Guardian

Found - the missing arm of the Milky Way (but it's not a great location for life) | Mail Online

Astronomers discover complex organic matter in the universe

Mass alien abduction experiment conducted - Unexplained Mysteries

Life on Earth may have started in Greenland volcano - Telegraph

Brain Scans Offer Peek Into People's Dreams | Lucid Dreaming, Controlled Dreams & Dream-Reading | Brain & Sleep | LiveScience

Cryptomundo » “What Kind Of Cryptid Are You?”

The Caravaca Files: Jules Verne´s UFOs

BBC News - Strange tales from the Royal Society

Code of Mysterious Secret Society Cracked Centuries Later | Encryption, Cryptograms & Code-Breaking | Oculist Order & Copiale Cipher | Secret Societies & Initiation Rites | LiveScience

Alien abductions may be vivid dreams: study - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience -

Why Are So Many Bee-Carrying Trucks Crashing? | LiveScience

Earth-scraper: Architects design 65-storey building 300 metres below ground | Mail Online


Paleo-Future: 1999 A.D. (1967)


3 Part Film:1999AD


The Internet in 1969 - YouTube


Police Busted for Alleged Gun Smuggling - Local News - New York, NY -

Crossing Into U.S. Will Ease in One Spot -

PressTV - Quick News: Two Florida police officers to be charged

Wartime Contracting Commission Classifies Findings for Next 20 Years -- News from

Prince Charles joins campaign to save Transylvania's forests - inspired by family connections to 'Count Dracula' | Mail Online


Rewriting The Past At The Ministry Of Truth | Real Science

Culling the Herd – How Women are Being Targeted in Eugenics Abortion Fraud! | Sovereign Independent

PROTECT IP Renamed E-PARASITES Act; Would Create The Great Firewall Of America | Techdirt

Is Corporate Greed the Problem?


Crossing Up the Ungodly

Big Government Over All

Killing Energy, Killing Jobs, Killing America

The Materialism of Environmentalism

The Circle of Life

In a strong America Republic Socialists Need Not Apply

Hey America, What’s Going On? Why No Outcry of Indignation or Action?

Moderate/Conservative Response to Occupy Wall Street: March on Main Street

Video: Communist Party U.S.A. Spokesman Gets Overwhelming Applause from Occupy Chicago

Obama Announces Public New Measures to Bypass Congress and Use Dictator-like Decrees

New Halloween videos from the American Chemical Society

Scientist Who Said Climate Sceptics Had Been Proved Wrong Accused Of Hiding Truth By Colleague

The Mormon Myth- fishing for a red herring

Whither the IDF?

Media Coverage of China is Overlooking Significant Stories

WMD: Terrorists join organized crime in trafficking of nuclear, biological materials

Organic farmers to get premium welfare?

Regional planning brings regional governance

Occupy Wall Street Kitchen Staff Tired of ‘Freeloaders’?

Success By Failure – The Way Forward For President Obama

Occupy Chicago Wants to ‘Collapse American Government’

Union bemoans 'tradition of bias' in prosecution of Border Patrol agent - Washington Times

Ad for gun training bars Muslims and Obama voters | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

Madoff dysfunction on display in new book -

Was autistic man really a Marine? Military court to decide - Politics Wires -

Manhattan art collector leaves son forged paintings -

Rock Center with Brian Williams - Born in the U.S.A.: Birth tourists get instant U.S. citizenship for their newborns

Self-Reliance for Dunces

Could We See World War Three in Our Lifetimes?

How Can Holder Keep Holding On?

The Powerbait Generation(s)

Aboriginal Rights of the Jewish People

Iran, Syria Plotting to Blunt Turkey

Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Christianity?

Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Judaism

Pro-Union Is Not Pro-Worker

OWS 'organization' features 79 working groups

Another rape at Occupy Wall Street goes unreported

Pelosi to donors: 'All is well!'

Assad threatens regional war if Syria attacked by west

Occupy DC to 'secede?'

Occupy Denver protestors riot; 20 arrested

George Will on Romney: Has conservatism come so far for this?

Obama Chooses American Defeat

Liberated Libya: Al Qaeda Flag Aloft Benghazi's Courthouse

Conspiracies, Lies, and Justiagate

The National Mall's Monumental Mess

The Contract with Conservatives

A Cain Presidency: Creative Destruction Loosed

The United States Can't Afford Four More Years of President Obama

Constitutionalists, not Ideologues, for President

Revelations of Time

Tax Rates for Limiting the Leviathan

Arab Spring/Islamist Fall

The American Devolution: Some Perspective on Present Discontent

Syria's Assad warns of earthquake if West intervenes: report | Reuters

Iran scoffs at US 'contradictions' in dialogue offer

Brazil ex-president Lula diagnosed with throat cancer

TRENDING: Ron Paul wins both tallies at GOP straw poll in Iowa – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Asian Americans most bullied in US schools: study

Pelosi Defends Obamacare Waivers To 1,800 Firms: "They're Small Companies" | RealClearPolitics

Europe bailout fund chief courts China | Reuters

Things get seasonal at the White House; Obamas hand out Halloween treats - The Washington Post

Filmmaker Michael Moore rallies Occupy Oakland crowd | Local: In Oakland | an blog

Occupy Madison loses permit - News - The Daily Cardinal - University of Wisconsin-Madison

Woman charged with pimping teen recruited at Occupy NH rally | New Hampshire NEWS03

Fox To Reboot ‘In Living Color’ With Keenen Ivory Wayans; 2 Specials Set For Midseason –

Kevorkian suicide machine withdrawn from NYC sale

Naked and drunk Moscow motorist crashes into 17 cars - Yahoo! News

Creepyworld girl, 17, caught in noose at Halloween haunted house in St Louis | Mail Online

The Obama Miracle, a White House Free of Scandal: Jonathan Alter - Bloomberg

Obama: Nancy Pelosi ‘One of the Best Speakers of the House This Country Ever Had,’ Will be Back in 2013 | Video |

‘We Handle it Internally’: Another Possible Sexual Assault at Occupy Wall Street |

Now Rick Perry Says He’ll Attend at Least Five More Debates | Video |

Domino’s vs. Papa John’s: Pizza Workers Burned Down Rival Store, Police Say |

Lesbian Student Crowned Homecoming King at Calif. High School | Video |

Herman Cain Heckled by Ron Paul Supporters During Campaign Speech | Video |

Dramatic Brooklyn Gun Battle Caught on Security Camera | Video |

Iranian Parliament Set to Haul Ahmadinejad Up for Questioning — Over Fraud Case |

Take Our Test: Here’s a 7:58 Video Collection of Occupy Wall Street Chants & Songs — When Will You Tap Out? | Video |

Member of Saudi Royal Family Offers $900,000 to Kidnap an Israeli Soldier |Prince Khaled bin Talal bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud |

Herman Cain Will ‘Dial Back’ Campaign Appearances to Prevent Further Slip-Ups |

Update: Kabul Strike Deadliest in Afghan Capital Since War Began | Video |

Heartless? Law Firm Mocked Foreclosure Victims with Homeless-Themed Halloween Party |

Atheist Billboard Misquotes Thomas Jefferson | Video |

Mormon Halloween Party Controversy | Video |

French Christians Protest Blasphemous Play | | Video |

Halloween at the White House Includes M&Ms, Sugar Cookies and Yes — Dried Fruit | Video |

RealClearPolitics - Obama Looks to Clinton Model in Latest Policy Push

Did You Hear the One About the Bankers? -

Newt Gingrich: GOP’s consummate survivor is back on his feet - The Washington Post

Rick Perry campaign: Why he won’t attack Mitt Romney or Herman Cain yet. - Slate Magazine

Printable version: Flat tax a flat-out fraud

The Reactionary Left | The Weekly Standard

For Young Women, A Horrifying Consequence Of Mubarak’s Overthrow | The New Republic

Hidden Persuaders | The Weekly Standard

Nancy Pelosi, Christie Vilsack, Other Democratic Women Vow 2012 Comeback - The Daily Beast

RealClearPolitics - Moderate House Dems a Vanishing Breed

Occupy Wall Street’s descent from utopia to “Lord of the Flies” -

President Obama and Democrats repeatedly referring to “Republican” Congress -- EDITORIAL -

Romney, GOP fail to see Americans’ need for help in foreclosure crisis - Sunday, Oct. 30, 2011 | 2 a.m. - Las Vegas Sun

Time for Boehner and House GOP to bring Obama to heel | Examiner Editorial | Editorials | Washington Examiner

Dem Strategist: Cain "A Black Man Who Knows His Place" | RealClearPolitics

Why does Bill Daley still have a job? - bill daley -

This was the week that European democracy died - Telegraph

World population: A lot of people? Yes. Apocalypse? No. -

Danger of another civil war as Syria's isolation deepens - The National

Libya: The End of the Beginning - Adam Garfinkle - The American Interest Magazine

Europe takes an inspiring leap but Britain has a lesson to learn | Will Hutton | Comment is free | The Observer

China’s Underground Great Wall | The Diplomat

A harbinger of change for 2012

A China–US trade war: closer than ever? | East Asia Forum

RealClearMarkets - Occupy Wall Street Shrugged

How Emerging Economies are Altering the World's Flow of Goods - TIME

PJ Media » Brazil Rises as Venezuela Declines

If Rajat Gupta Is An Inside Trader Maybe You Are, Too - The Curious Capitalist -

Tom Stevenson: Why the population boom is significant to the world's investors - Telegraph

US changes tack towards Taliban By Amir Mir



Paleofuture - Paleofuture Blog(


Still no solution for illegal immigrants' long-term care costs - Houston Chronicle

“Last Days” Warned Here After England Gives “Gods Throne” To Catholics

Jesus' name ruled 'unconstitutional'

“We are Wall Street” – Wall Street Strikes Back – Job Mouse

Student loan debt, joblessness could create 'nation of debtors' - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

ICE Agent During Search: "The Warrant is Coming Out of My Balls" | AlterNet

Obama’s Health Care Law Penalizes Marriage, Analysts Say | Fox News

Richest 1 pct in U.S. saw incomes triple | Fox News Latino


World Clock:(


U.S. & World Population Clocks(


*Today's Date: ( )


Video @ Conscious Media Network(

**Politics Video:Perry: Obama Has "Lost His Standing" As Commander In Chief

Axelrod: Obama "Not Perfect" On Lobbyists, Better Than Everyone Else

Plouffe: Obama "Absolutely" Not A One-Term President, Romney Has "No Core"

"This Week" Roundtable On Herman Cain Staying On Top, Perry

Perry: Obama's Handling Of Economy An "Absolute Frankenstein Experience"

"Meet The Press" Roundtable On Cain, Tea Party & Distrust Of Gov't

Obama: Pelosi "One Of The Best Speakers This Country Ever Had"

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Rick Perry

Politico's Roger Simon: Perry Being Racist Helps Him In A GOP Primary

Tom Brokaw "Stunned" By Herman Cain's Smoking Ad

Brit Hume: Republicans Do Not Trust Romney

Ron Paul Would End Federal Student Loans

CNN's John King: Obama Is Business As Usual In Washington

29th/Moore: Occupy Movement Has "Shut Down Bullshit Discussion" On Debt

"Real Time" Panel On Occupy Protests, Obama's New Stimulus

Bill Maher And Grover Norquist Spar Over Tax Reform

Bill Clinton: No Country On Earth Believes Government Is The Problem

Pelosi: "Yes" The Obama NLRB Should Shut Down Boeing's Plant In SC

Toure: Rick Perry Joking About Obama's Birth Certificate Is Racist

Maher's Halloween Suggestion: "Put Drugs In Your Kid's Candy"

Stossel Examines "Buy American" Myth

Obama Uses Occupy Lingo In Weekly Address To Nation

Comedian Sarah Silverman: "I Miss The Jew-Run Banks And Media"

Rep. Schilling Gives GOP Weekly On "Plan For America's Job Creators"

Bachmann: Perry Supporters Launching "Stealth" Attacks On Me

Libya after Gaddafi: freed journalist tracks down his jailer

Chinese carmakers target developed markets

Kyrgyzstan polls pit reformers against nationalists

Netanyahu on escalation: 'There is no cease fire in South'

Long list of dangers ahead for global economy

Investors should avoid Groupon IPO - report

Waivers spell likely end for tutoring program

Republican Cain says ad not promoting smoking

Police: Man broke into Oregon home to watch TV

Rampling: old age can be 'extraordinary'

Sudan hands out 50 more gold exploration licenses

Air France cancels flights on second day of strike

Seven-billionth human marks demographic change: expert

Nebraska "Carhenge," car replica of Stonehenge, up for sale

Three dead, 3 missing in Kanasas grain elevator blast

Grapes for Halloween season? Witch Fingers

EU leaders call on G-20 for more joint action

Perry to GOP: I could handle Obama in debate

JetBlue plane stranded on tarmac for 7 hours

Bulgaria ruling party set to win presidency-exit polls

Aussie court ends Qantas strike, fleet grounding

Madrid makes way for herds of cattle

Republicans criticize Obama on Iraq, Libya

How Do You Run An Empire On The Cheap? What We Could Learn From The Brits

The Nuts And Bolts Of Defense Cuts: We Need To Focus On Bang For The Buck

The Energy Future Is In Fossil Fuels

USAF Pilot To Test Virgin’s Private Spaceship

Playing Chicken With The Defense Budget?

Energy Production On Federal Lands Way Down Under Obama

Between War And Here: Mologne House At Walter Reed Provides Comfort For Healing Soldiers

A Less Kind Canada? Senator Wants To Change National Emblem From ‘Vegetarian Rodent’ To ‘Walking Carnivore’

In the Islamic World Nature Fills A Vacuum With Islam

+Sunday Crib Sheet: Newt Gingrich Vs Meghan McCain, Slate And OWS Signs

Maddow Episode On Gun Control Ignores Operation Fast And Furious

CARTOON:Takeout Media

The Media’s #RDF, Or ‘Reality Distortion Field’

NewsBusted: Obama’s First Thousand Days

Media Matters Launches Pre-Hearing Defense of Eric Holder

#OccupyWallStreet: The Rap Sheet, So Far

Police Arrest 30 at #OccupyPortland

Civil Liberties Group Sues City over Property Rights of Minnesotan Serving In Afghanistan

CBO’s Witch-Doctor Economics and Gypsy Forecasting

CARTOON:Outside the Box.

The Nutty and Dangerous Ideology Behind the #Occupy Movement

#Occupy Oakland Damages, Taunts Shopkeepers; 1%-er Michael Moore Cheered by Radicals Returning to Camp

CARTOON:Obama Nation: Place, Win or Show?

Facing Downgrade to Junk, California Tries Pension Reform

Gingrich’s Campaign Performance Transcends His ‘Personal Baggage’

The Occupiers Are Part of Obama’s Plan

President Obama’s Other Labor Board Is Forcing Workers to Unionize

When Government Knows No Limitation: New DOJ Rules Allow More Intrusive Searches

#Occupy Movement Is Unsafe for Women: Attacks and Threats Show Dangers of Anarchist Organizing

Fallout From ‘Glee’s’ Adoption Story Line Continues

Movies to Watch This Halloween

Mel Gibson’s Death of a Dissident: ‘Edge of Darkness’

‘From the Sky Down’ Review: U2 at the Crossroads

Critics Rave for ‘Davi Sings Sinatra’

Jim Rockford Tells #OccupyWallStreet Off

‘In Time’ Review: Worth a Few Minutes of Your Day

‘Anonymous’ Review: Unfocused but Engaging Look at Shakespeare Conspiracy Theory

‘Puss in Boots’ Review: One Cool Cat

Box Office Predictions: ‘Boots’ Will Walk All Over Justin Timberlake


29-Oct-11 World View

28-Oct-11 World View

27-Oct-11 World View


Kennedy Center's Mark Twain Prize: Conservative humorists need not apply - Washington Times

Actor Robert Davi Sells Screenplay to Producer Mark Canton (Exclusive) - The Hollywood Reporter

Halloween Gone Wrong: The 10 Least Scary Movies of All Time (Photos) - The Hollywood Reporter

Hilary Swank Fires Manager Jason Weinberg –

BD Horror News - 'Hills Have Eyes' Becomes Witch Hunter in 'Lords of Salem'

After Lying About His Wealth on National TV, Michael Moore Admits He's A One Percenter |

Obama's team banks on his `regular guy' appeal

White House Now Stresses Feeding the Press - FishbowlDC

Newt disses Meghan McCain - CLICK -

PBS's Mark Shields: Income Inequality Is a 'National Security Issue' |

ACLU sues Sheriff's Department, alleges photographers were harassed -

Cycle of revenge hangs over Libya's fragile peace | Reuters

Gaddafi: How he died matters

Ex-New Zealand soldiers protecting Gaddafi's son |

Sri Lanka and the death of Muammar Gaddafi - Groundviews

JURIST - Hotline: Gaddafi's Death a Missed Opportunity for the Rule of Law

Does Kim Need to Keep His Nukes to Avoid Gaddafi’s Fate? « Nukes and Other WMD

Gaddafi’s terrible end was not necessarily ‘inhuman’ - Allan Tacca |

New Data on Asteroid Lutetia Puzzle Researchers | The State Column

New NASA Earth Watching Satellite Launched | Industry Leaders Magazine

See Venus in west and turn around for Jupiter - Hawaii News -

CERN repeats its neutrino light-speed experiment | Mail Online

Seaweed Moves South As Ocean Warms : Discovery News

Black holes surrounded by `dust clouds`

Google TV Tries Again, Adds Android App Suppport - Development - Open Source - Informationweek

Steve Jobs Biography Never Reaches Apple Founder's Core - Mobile and Wireless - News & Reviews -

Report: Yahoo and Google Launching Digital Newsstands Next Week | News & Opinion |

BBC News - Google's Maps Street View service pilots indoor photos

Will the New Features at Google+ Lead to More Engagement And Why Do We Even Care? - Forbes

Facebook hackers attempting to crack 600,000 accounts every day | Mail Online

Medical Marijuana Crackdown Should Stop, House Reps Say

TV’s Montel Williams says Israel at forefront of medical marijuana - The Washington Post

Medical pot backers' suit seeks end of U.S. raids, threats - Los Angeles Times

Medical marijuana complicating arrests | The Morning Sentinel, Waterville, ME

A Leftover Halloween Candy Recipe That's Sure to Please - Upper Moreland-Willow Grove, PA Patch

Does diet really matter in breast cancer? -

Ex-Brazilian Leader Diagnosed With Cancer -

World population not only grows, but grows old - The Washington Post

Medical pot backers' suit seeks end of U.S. raids, threats - Los Angeles Times

Python Digestion Study Holds Promise for Human Heart Health -

'Puss in Boots' claws its way to No. 1 - Entertainment - Movies -

Heidi Klum Dresses as a Dead Body for Halloween :

Fox to bring back 'In Living Color'

Iranian actress released from jail | World news |

Lou Reed collaborates with heavy metal band Metallica on ‘Lulu’ - NY Daily News

Reformed skinhead endures agony to remove tattoos -

The Associated Press: Former Mr. Jelly Belly looking for sweet comeback

Worcester Telegram & Gazette - - Gold not always a good investment

'Field of Dreams' property in eastern Iowa sold - Houston Chronicle

Cain to young people: Don't smoke - CBS News

Independent groups pump funds to GOP - Times Union

Study: corporations placing own limits on political spending -

Waivers Spell Likely End for Tutoring Program - ABC News

Cain: I'm "pro-life from conception, period" - CBS News

Trick or Treat? A Mitt Romney/Herman Cain ticket? (Video) | Washington Times Communities

Texas Police Search For Missing Girl Who May Have Wandered Away From Home In Her Sleep | Fox News

Halloween 2011: California sex offenders rounded up as trick-or-treaters hit streets | Mail Online

Hamas Caught in Bind as Gaza Violence Heats Up - ABC News

Assad Warns Against Intervention In Syria, Says Action Would 'Burn Region' | Fox News

The Associated Press: NATO convoy bomb adds urgency to protecting Kabul

AFP: Southern Somalia air raid kills civilians: witnesses

Hosni Mubarak trial postponed to December 28 - Telegraph

Turkey Earthquake Results in Insult to Affected Kurds - TIME

BBC News - President-elect Michael D Higgins welcomed home to Galway

Russian Aide Hopeful W.T.O. Issues Can Be Resolved Soon -

US drone strikes again, 6 killed in North Waziristan - Hindustan Times

Embassy Attack Highlights Balkan Islamists - ABC News

Former Libyan leader's son Saif al-Islam Khadafy may be heading for Niger: report - NY Daily News

AFP: Right-wing wins Bulgaria presidency

Hunt is on for treasures looted in Libyan uprising | Reuters

Iran Parliament To Question Ahmadinejad Over Economic Scandal | Fox News

Dolphin calf dies at Brookfield Zoo minutes after birth -

Cicero police arrest Maywood man for pirating movies -


Auto World 10-23-11 Hr 1

Auto World 10-23-11 Hr 2

Auto World 10-23-11 Hr 3

Dead Doctors Don't Lie 10-28-11

The Doc Love Show 10-22-11

The Doc Love Show 10-29-11

10-29-11Dr Daliah Show Podcast

10-22-11 Dr Daliah Show Podcast

The Easy Organic Gardener 10-23-11

The Easy Organic Gardener 10-30-11

Home Talk 10-29-11 Hr 1

Home Talk 10-29-11 Hr 2

Home Talk 10-29-11 Hr 3

Home Talk 10-22-11 Hr 1

Home Talk 10-22-11 Hr 2

Home Talk 10-22-11 Hr 3

Herb Talk 10-22-11

Herb Talk 10-29-11

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-22-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-22-11 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-29-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-29-11 Hr 2

Korelin Economics Report 10-22-11 Hr 1

Korelin Economics Report 10-22-11 Hr 2

Korelin Economics Report 10-29-11 Hr 1

Korelin Economics Report 10-29-11 Hr 2

The Magic Garden 10-22-11 Hr 1

The Magic Garden 10-22-11 Hr 2

The Magic Garden 10-29-11 Hr 1

The Magic Garden 10-29-11 Hr 2

Nutrimedical Report 10-28-11 Hr 1

Nutrimedical Report 10-28-11 Hr 2

Nutrimedical Report 10-28-11 Hr 3

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 10-23-11 Hr 1

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 10-23-11 Hr 2

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 10-23-11 Hr 3

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 10-23-11 Hr 4

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 10-30-11 Hr 1

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 10-30-11 Hr 2

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 10-30-11 Hr 3

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 10-30-11 Hr 4

The Tech Night Owl Live 10-22-11 Hr 1

The Tech Night Owl Live 10-22-11 Hr 2

The Tech Night Owl Live 10-22-11 Hr 3

The Tech Night Owl Live 10-29-11 Hr 1

The Tech Night Owl Live 10-29-11 Hr 2

The Tech Night Owl Live 10-29-11 Hr 3

World Crisis Radio 10-22-11 Hr 1

World Crisis Radio 10-22-11 Hr 2

World Crisis Radio 10-29-11 Hr 1

World Crisis Radio 10-29-11 Hr 2

You The Owner's Manual 10-22-11 Hr 1

You The Owner's Manual 10-22-11 Hr 2

You The Owner's Manual 10-29-11 Hr 1

You The Owner's Manual 10-29-11 Hr 2


**NEWS VIDEOS: #OccupyDenver Thugs Knock Motorcycle Cop To Ground

Marxist Poet Jack Hirschman At #OccupySF: Many ‘Don’t Even Know Why They’re Here’

Introducing The Orwellian Philosophy Behind The #Occupy Movement: ‘Collective Liberty’

#OccupyDC, Meet Winter

Convicted Terrorist Inspires #OccupyPhilly Crowd

Perry To Attend At Least 5 More Debates

Connecticut Governor: ‘Historic Storm’

Russia Launches New Ship To ISS

29th/Syrian Protesters Call For International Protection; Assad Warns West Of ‘Earthquake’

Police Clash With #OccupyDenver Protesters

Early Snow Pelts East Coast, Cuts Power To 1.7M

Trick Or Treat!

Maher Booed For Marcus Bachmann Gay Joke

Bill Clinton: ‘No Country On Earth Believes Government Is The Problem’

Never Ending Supply: Howard Stern Exposes More Idiots At #OccupyWallStreet

Pelosi Defends ObamaCare Waivers: ‘They’re Small Companies’

13 US Troops Killed In Kabul Suicide Attack

Citing Technicality Obama Campaign Ignores Pledge, Takes Money From Lobbyists

Dem Strategist On Cain: ‘Black Man Who Knows His Place’

28th/Grovelling, Weak Mayor Begs #OccupyOakland Protesters For Cooperation

Michael Moore Humbles Himself Before #OccupyOakland Protesters

#OccupySanDiego Protesters Force Small Businesswoman To Close Shop

California Police Probe Possible Boot Camp Abuse

Sweeping NYPD Probe Results In 16 Arrests

Jon Huntsman Daughters Parody Viral Herman Cain Ad

Dog Survives Gas Chamber, Up for Adoption

#OccupySanDiego Media to Police: ‘You’re a F***ing Joke!’

Obama Struggles To Get 2008 Donors

#OccupyDamascus? Mass Anti-Government Protests In Syria

Terrorist Attacks US Embassy In Bosnia

No Fatalities In Miraculous Small Plane Crash Near Vancouver

Energy Secretary Chu To Testify On Solyndra

White House To Review Energy Department Loans In Wake of Solyndra Scandal

Reporter Assaulted By #OccupyWallStreet Protester

NASA Launches New Satellite

John Ratzenberger: Society Has Devalued Manufacturing Skills

Joy Behar Advises Herman Cain: GOP Not ‘Black Friendly’

Chicago’s Chuck Goudie, WLS-TV, Tells Truth About #Occupy’s Radical Origins, Bigotry

NBC News’ Matthews Blames Tea Party For Congress’s Low Poll Numbers

27th/Residents Escape Bangkok Flooding

Breitbart, Miller Talk #OccupyWallStreet Protests; ‘Speaking Of Dangerous Critters’

26th/Enviros Win: Washington Dam Breached

‘I Am The 1%’: Wall Street CEO Debates #OccupyWS

#Occupy Anthem: ‘I Don’t Want To Work! I Want To Bang On The Drum All Day!’

25th/Steve Wynn Reams Obama: ‘Frightened To Death’ For Future Of U.S. Business

24th/Bible Burning Man Disrupts Mass At St. Peter’s

23rd/Tunisian Election Foreshadowed By Violence Against TV Station That Aired Image Of Allah

Tunisians Vote in First Free Election

22nd/John Bolton: WH Removing All References To Islam In Terror Training Manuals, ‘Form Of Thought Control’

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