A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

29 October 2011

29 OCT



Coast To Coast AM - 28.10.2011 - 1/4 - Satanism & Black Magic/Open Lines

Coast To Coast AM - 28.10.2011 - 2/4 - Satanism & Black Magic/Open Lines

Coast To Coast AM - 28.10.2011 - 3/4 - Satanism & Black Magic/Open Lines

Coast To Coast AM - 28.10.2011 - 4/4 - Satanism & Black Magic/Open Lines

Coast To Coast AM - 23.9.2011 - 1/4 - America's Debt Crisis & Open Lines

Coast To Coast AM - 23.9.2011 - 2/4 - America's Debt Crisis & Open Lines

Coast To Coast AM - 23.9.2011 - 3/4 - America's Debt Crisis & Open Lines

Coast To Coast AM - 23.9.2011 - 4/4 - America's Debt Crisis & Open Lines

Coast To Coast AM - 27.10.2011 - 1/4 - Occult & Predictions/ Internet - YouTube

Coast To Coast AM - 27.10.2011 - 2/4 - Occult & Predictions/ Internet - YouTube

Coast To Coast AM - 27.10.2011 - 3/4 - Occult & Predictions/ Internet - YouTube

Coast To Coast AM - 27.10.2011 - 4/4 - Occult & Predictions/ Internet - YouTube

Did Oakland Police Intentionally Shoot Marine Vet Scott Olsen In the Head? | ZeroHedge

The Holocaust As Convenient UnHistory | Real Zionist News

Patricia McAllister - Fired LAUSD School Teacher - Update

Patricia McAllister Fired From Second L.A. Teaching Job!

Anti-Semitic Protester at Occupy Wall Street - LA - YouTube

Controversies Surround LAUSD's New Hire John Deasy - Los Angeles News - The Informer

Deasy's Resume Shows Questions, Doctorate Remains Under Investigation - Southern Maryland Headline News

Penn & Teller In Ron Paul Ad ( New Commercial) - YouTube

Posse certificatus: Sheriff probes Obama birth document

Sheriff Joe predicts Obama investigation to be a 'shock'

Go For It, Joe!!! | Fellowship of the Minds

Why Barack Obama is the decline and despair president – Telegraph Blogs

Paul Drockton: The Holy Rothschild Catholic Church

Paul Drockton: The US is the Rothschild Enforcer

Video Rebel's Blog | Just another site

Bob Chapman - A Marine Disquisition - 27 Oct 2011 - YouTube

Greeks abandon cash resort to bartering - YouTube

Video: Hillary Clinton: Greek economic sacrifices are painful but necessary - Telegraph - Circumcision: Genital Mutilation of Males?

FDA ties newer birth control drugs to blood clots - Yahoo! News

Rick Perry: Best Little Whore in Texas

Israeli concern at Hamas arms grab - Middle East, World - The Independent

Roy Tov: Israeli Defense Ministry Acknowledges Defeat

Anti-Defamation League National Pledge For Unity On Israel

Chinese Military Suspected in Hacker Attacks on U.S. Satellites - Businessweek

'One In A Million' Beagle Survives Alabama Pound's Gas Chamber | Fox News

Want To Defeat The Banks? Stop Participating In The System!

Posse certificatus: Sheriff probes Obama birth document

PressTV - US govt. ups request for Google user data

November 9th communications shutdown: A system reboot needed to activate new code? « The PPJ Gazette

Flu Vaccine Shown to be Dangerous and Ineffective | Natural Society

U.S. Senate: Content Responsibility > Requested File Not Found

Today’s Military Getting Socially Networked For The Greater Good | Milpages – Military Blogs, Military News and Military Forum

Bottom Line - Some big banks back down from debit-card fee

Righthaven ordered to pay nearly $120,000 in attorney fees, court costs - Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2011 | 6:44 p.m. - Las Vegas Sun

Palmer to discontinue adding fluoride in water

Theodent: New "Fluoride Free" Chocolate Toothpaste - YouTube

Bill Daley Gives Candid Interview to Poltico: ‘Push the Envelope!’ |

Support for Health Care Law at New Low - Yahoo! News

Nevada Makes Illegal Foreclosures Felony

Rep. Lofgren: Copyright bill is the 'end of the Internet' | Privacy Inc. - CNET News

++++ - John F. Kennedy vs The Federal Reserve

The Kennedy Assassination(


*1:18:03 / Aliens From the Lost Tomb of Alexander the Great @ Vimeo


Killing Gaddafi - Longstanding US Policy

Saif al-Islam Gaddafi is in Niger says NTC as talks to bring him to trial at The Hague begin | Mail Online

The EyeOpener- Nuclear Ambiguity: Israel’s “Secret” Arsenal


BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- October 28, 2011

BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- October 27, 2011

BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- October 26, 2011

BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- October 25, 2011

BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- October 24, 2011


Chicago: The City That Works Part I- The Evolution of Machine Politics


*Podcast Show #63;The Boiling Frogs Presents Stephen Soldz


Break up the Family by Replacing Love with Lust - YouTube


* Kay Griggs Interviews: Our Satanic High Military Leadership

Mrs. Kay Griggs on How the Government Works -- Little Movies at American Buddha Online Library

2)Mrs. Kay Griggs on How the Government Works -- Little Movies at American Buddha Online Library

+Mrs. Kay Griggs on How the Government Works -- Little Movies at American Buddha Online Library

The Evil Lurking Within -- Kay Griggs, Former Marine Colone's Wife, Talks Again, by Greg Szymanski,, at American Buddha Online Library


**Painful Deceptions -- An Analysis of the September 11th Attack, by Eric Hufschmid -- Screencap Gallery at American Buddha Online Library


Fritz Springmeir: 13 Illuminati Bloodlines: Fritz Springmeier: 13 Illuminati Bloodlines Part 1

Fritz Springmeir: 13 Illuminati Bloodlines: Fritz Springmeier: 13 Illuminati Bloodlines Part 2

Fritz Springmeir: 13 Illuminati Bloodlines: Fritz Springmeier: 13 Illuminati Bloodlines Part 3

Fritz Springmeir: 13 Illuminati Bloodlines: Fritz Springmeier: 13 Illuminati Bloodlines Part 4

Fritz Springmeir: 13 Illuminati Bloodlines: Fritz Springmeier: 13 Illuminati Bloodlines Part 5

Fritz Springmeir: 13 Illuminati Bloodlines: Fritz Springmeier: 13 Illuminati Bloodlines Part 6

Fritz Springmeir: 13 Illuminati Bloodlines: Fritz Springmeier: 13 Illuminati Bloodlines Part 7

Fritz Springmeir: 13 Illuminati Bloodlines: Fritz Springmeier: 13 Illuminati Bloodlines Part 8

Fritz Springmeir: 13 Illuminati Bloodlines: Fritz Springmeier: 13 Illuminati Bloodlines Part 9

Fritz Springmeir: 13 Illuminati Bloodlines: Fritz Springmeier: 13 Illuminati Bloodlines Part 10

Fritz Springmeir: 13 Illuminati Bloodlines: Fritz Springmeier: 13 Illuminati Bloodlines Part 11

Fritz Springmeir: 13 Illuminati Bloodlines: Fritz Springmeier: 13 Illuminati Bloodlines Part 12

Fritz Springmeir: 13 Illuminati Bloodlines: Fritz Springmeier: 13 Illuminati Bloodlines Part 13

Fritz Springmeir: 13 Illuminati Bloodlines: Fritz Springmeier: 13 Illuminati Bloodlines Part 14

Fritz Springmeir: 13 Illuminati Bloodlines: Fritz Springmeier: 13 Illuminati Bloodlines Part 15

Fritz Springmeir: 13 Illuminati Bloodlines: Fritz Springmeier: 13 Illuminati Bloodlines Part 16


Illuminati Mind Control: Ex-Illuminati Explains Global Agenda


Franklin Cover-up(


*Site Map:The American Buddha Online Library(



** THE AGE OF REASON by Thomas Paine, 1794

+THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION translated from the Russian of Sergyei A. Nilus by Victor E. Marsden



The Ralph Nader Library(


The CIA, Born Full-Blown From Truman's Brow -- The Central Intelligence Agency Table of Contents at American Buddha Online Library


GEORGE BUSH: THE UNAUTHORIZED BIOGRAPHY by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin

Toward a Real Cosmology in the 21st Century |

Q Drum Tri Film Productions, Inc. - YouTube

NRA's LaPierre: 'Fast and Furious' Was Plot Against Second Amendment

Suicide Of A Superpower - Importing Endless Poverty

Trade Agreements: CRAPitalism at its best! « The PPJ Gazette - "Magick" is Illuminati's Most Potent Weapon

Obama man: 'Global internet surveillance skyrocketing' • The Register

CDC Director Arrested for Child Molestation and Bestiality

Kellogg's adds vitamin D to cereal to fight rickets - Telegraph - Videos > Peter Schiff vs. Cornell West on CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 - Videos > Former MTV VJ and Radio Host Kennedy on Medical Marijuana, The Politics of Alt Rock, and How She Went From Conservative to Libertarian


Singularity Project -(


Sally Morgan challenged to prove her psychic powers on Halloween | Science | The Guardian

Found - the missing arm of the Milky Way (but it's not a great location for life) | Mail Online

Astronomers discover complex organic matter in the universe

Mass alien abduction experiment conducted - Unexplained Mysteries

Life on Earth may have started in Greenland volcano - Telegraph

Huge Asteroid to Creep Near Earth on Nov. 8 | Asteroids & Comets, Near-Earth Objects | Asteroid 2005 YU55, Potentially Dangerous Asteroids |

Stay in a UFO in Sweden |

Brain Scans Offer Peek Into People's Dreams | Lucid Dreaming, Controlled Dreams & Dream-Reading | Brain & Sleep | LiveScience

Cryptomundo » “What Kind Of Cryptid Are You?”

The Caravaca Files: Jules Verne´s UFOs

BBC News - Strange tales from the Royal Society

Giant "Amoebas" Found in Deepest Place on Earth

Code of Mysterious Secret Society Cracked Centuries Later | Encryption, Cryptograms & Code-Breaking | Oculist Order & Copiale Cipher | Secret Societies & Initiation Rites | LiveScience

Alien abductions may be vivid dreams: study - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience -

Skeptical 'Zombies' Attack Alleged Psychic James Van Praagh (VIDEO)

New hat features built-in beard | Orange UK

Why Are So Many Bee-Carrying Trucks Crashing? | LiveScience

Earth-scraper: Architects design 65-storey building 300 metres below ground | Mail Online

Neutrinos Find a Place in Debate and in Pop Culture -

AUDIO:MEDIAROOTS – Reporting From Outside Party Lines

US eyes blackout of 'rogue websites' — RT

Protect IP Act Breaks the Internet - YouTube

+Ron Paul on Fox News Center Seat Special Report Online 10/26/2011 - YouTube


1:02:47/College Conspiracy - YouTube


Revolutionary Politics : rof. James Fetzer speaks of Ron Paul media blackout

Activist Post: Has Capitalism Ever Existed in America?

BBC News - Population control: Is it a tool of the rich?

The Intercept: Student loans? "Don't worry, be happy."

poorrichards blog: Quantum Note: Under the Shadow of a Deadly State

Police Brutality - Handled the Way It Should Be.mp4 - YouTube

Napolitano Aware of Fast and Furious in 2009 - YouTube

War with Iran? A Warning to Patriots and Globalists :

Lone Star Watchdog: Is Obama Trying to Unhinge Occupy Wall Street With Agitators

Hillary Clinton:‘No Evidence’ DOJ Sought Required License to Send Guns to Mexico in ‘Fast and Furious’ |

The Elite Plan for a New World Social Order

A 51st State for Armed Robotic Drones

Air conditioning for troops costs more than NASA — RT

Gaddafi’s son – new nightmare for Western leaders — RT

Goldman Sachs Rips Off Libya, Donald Trump Admits Screwing Gaddafi - YouTube

US Congress for Black Ops against Iran « Aletho News

EU debt deal: China 'buys Europe's silence on human rights' | Mail Online

Occupy Oakland attack on Scott Olsen not first against US veterans - YouTube

Mets Ruling Would Give Madoff Family $82 Million, Trustee Says - Bloomberg

HPV vaccine cocktail targets not only HPV

Oath Keepers » Blog Archive » Brandon Smith: Want To Defeat The Banks? Stop Participating In The System!

COINTELPRO:The Black Panther Coloring Book

Caravan To Midnight - John B. Wells(

Code of Mysterious Secret Society Cracked Centuries Later | Encryption, Cryptograms & Code-Breaking | Oculist Order & Copiale Cipher | Secret Societies & Initiation Rites | LiveScience

USC Scientist Cracks Mysterious "Copiale Cipher" - YouTube

E-PARASITE Bill: 'The End Of The Internet As We Know It' | Techdirt

Goldman Sachs Rips Off Libya, Donald Trump Admits Screwing Gaddafi -

Police chiefs 'authorised undercover police officers to give false evidence in court' - Telegraph

Maher: ‘Acid will be the healthiest thing’ your kids eat all day | The Raw Story

Huntsman’s daughters spoof Cain’s ‘smoking man’ ad | The Raw Story

Cigarette-smoking Cain aide dogged by voter suppression claims | The Raw Story

Elderly poet Higgins wins Irish presidency | The Raw Story

Google takes another shot at the TV market | The Raw Story

Credit union flap may reveal Goldman Sachs is bullying community banks | The Raw Story

DOJ officially retracts ‘$16 dollar a muffin’ story | The Raw Story

Turkey Shelters Anti-Assad Fighters

*VIDEOS: Joint Subcommittee Hearing: Iranian Terror Operations on American Soil

The Plan is for the United States to Rule the World.

US Military Increases Focus on "Militant Threats" From Africa

Americans: Awash In Spin

The 1% Loves Socialism

400% Rise in Anti-Depressant Pill Use: Americans Are Disempowered -- Can the OWS Uprising Shake Us Out of Our Depression?

4 Ways the Feds Are Attacking the Perfectly Legal Medical Marijuana Industry

What Do Republicans Have Against Biking and Walking?

10.4 Million American Families Slide Toward Losing Their Homes -- Is It Time for Debt Forgiveness?

Meet the 0.01 Percent: War Profiteers

USA PATRIOT Act Turns 10

13 Americans Killed in Afghan Bombing

US Support for Afghan War at All-Time Low

24 Pakistanis Killed in Multiple US Drone Strikes

After Gadhafi, Unease Rules in Libya

The Bankers' Blockade of WikiLeaks Must End

Herman Cain: Obama's Weakness Emboldens 'So-Called Palestinian People'

Google Refuses Law Enforcement Request to Remove Videos of Police Brutality From YouTube

VIDEO:Bank of America's Death Rattle

VIDEO:Low-ranking policemen demand sacking of Interior Minister

VIDEO:"Occupy Movement" Could Focus on Speculation and Food Prices

Fugitive Son of Libya's Gadhafi Discusses Possible Surrender

Kenya to Stay in Somalia Until Safe From Al-Shabab Menace

President Obama Urges Congress to Act on Jobs Bill

Forced Marriage Continues in Many Countries

Witnesses Testify Alleged Arms Trafficker Was Eager to Deal

Brown Eyed Girls’ Video “Sixth Sense” or How the Elite Controls Opposition

The 2011 VMAs: A Celebration of Today’s Illuminati Music Industry

Street Lights that Spy On You

Mikhail Gorbachev Says Occupy Wall Street Signals an Emerging New World Order

No TV for Children Under 2, Doctors’ Group Urges

The Order of the Illuminati: Its Origins, Its Methods and Its Influence on the World Events

Vatican Calls for a Central World Bank

Snoop Dogg on Conspiracy Theories (video)

Who Was Muammar Qaddafi? Libya's Wealth Redistribution Project

America's War in the Horn of Africa: “Drone Alley” – a Harbinger of Western Power across the African Continent

The Lynching of Muammar Gaddafi

Cuba's “Silent Transition”: Towards A Mixed Market Economy?

Building a Pretext to Wage War on Syria: Hidden Agenda Behind UN Security Council Resolution

NATO Sponsored Atrocities: "Responsibility to Protect" the "Liberation" of Sirte

Truth is the First Casualty of War. No Justice, No Peace, No Truth...

The Elite Plan for a New World Social Order

NATO, Al Qaeda Militia Killed Gaddafi

The New Libya: Assassination, Ruination, Broken Promises and Body Snatching...

American Crisis Politics: Barack Obama versus Mitt Romney

The 9/11 Consensus Panel: The “Best Evidence” Indicates Flaws in the Official 9/11 Narrative

VIDEO: Banks Put Americans on the Hook for Trillions

The 9/11 Consensus Points: The Factual Evidence Contradicts the 9/11 Story

Report Cites Security Progress in Afghanistan

US, S Korea to Increase Defense Posture Against N Korea

Pakistan successfully test-fires cruise missile

Russian submarine test-fires Bulava missile

ICC Prosecutor in contact with Qadhafi's son

Combined Forces Kill 11 Insurgents, Detain 15 Suspects

F-35C Completes Initial Catapult Testing

The "War on Drugs" is Really a War on You - informationliberation

Does Anyone Still Doubt We Languish in a Police-State? - informationliberation

The Occupiers and the State - informationliberation

A Tool in the Government's War on Privacy? Absolutely. But in Its War on Terror? Not So Much... - informationliberation

Rick Santorum: Full-Spectrum State Terrorist - informationliberation

Checkpoint Soulwinning Demonstration Video - YouTube

ISP Boss Brands Copyright Trolls “Scum”, Vows To Stop Them | TorrentFreak

Flat-Tax Fever Grips GOP Field as Cain Rides '9-9-9' to Top of Polls

Cain Campaign to Slow Pace to Counter Gaffes

AG Holder to Face Lawmakers on Gun Sting

Europe Resolution Critical to Obama Re-Election

Obama Skirts Own Fundraising Rules

White House Orders Review of Energy Loans

Huckabee: Perry's Debate Plan 'Disastrous'

Kim Jong-Il Won’t Let N Koreans in Libya Come Home

Navy Cmdr Gets Prison in Rape of 2 Female Officers

Obama: Most Millionaires Willing to Pay Higher Taxes

Ill. Cracks Down on Union Pension Double-Dipping

Super PACs Eclipse Parties' Own Committees

Tricks To Avoid Eating Too Many Halloween Treats

How to Keep Kids Safe on Halloween

Obama’s Reckless, Regressive Refinancing Plan

New Student Loan Program Is Yet More Wealth Redistribution

World Struggles Between Slave States and Democracy

After Gadhafi, Is Libya the Next Iraq?

Fear The Food? Or The Food Police?

Levin: Boehner Has ‘Poisoned’ Two-Thirds Of Tea Party-Elected Congressmen

Debunking Elizabeth Warren

Flaming Anti-Semitism at OWS But ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN Mum

Sec. Clinton Can't Recollect Justice Waiver To Export Guns For Operation Fast And Furious

Boy Wants To Join Girl Scouts

Afghan Ambassador: Afghanistan Has Religious Freedom But ‘Nothing Will Be Contradictory to Sharia Law’

Girl Scouts of USA Says It Will Accept ‘Transgender Youth’ on a ‘Case-by-Case Basis'

Girl Scouts Allow 7-Year-Old Boy to Join Because He is ‘Living Life as a Girl’

Boehner Won't Rule Out 'Balanced Budget Amendment' That Permits Unlimited Federal Spending

Obama Cites Income Gap to Push Stalled Jobs Bill

Hillary Clinton: 'I'm Trying to Increase the Number of Visas’ for Iranian Students

Pelosi: ‘Not Fair’ If Super Committee Won't 'Touch a Hair on the Head of the...

After Lying About His Wealth on National TV, Michael Moore Admits He's A One Percenter |

Qadaffi Was Nationalist Hero, Not Villain | American Free Press

Bernd Debusmann | Analysis & Opinion |

How Google has decided that Mitt Romney can't win | Mail Online

FINRA brokerage oversight group misled regulators, SEC charges - The Washington Post

Larry King invested $700k with Bernie Madoff, but got it all back | Mail Online

Hi-tech new sat-nav ditches the box on your dash - and projects where to go on the windscreen | Mail Online

'Suspicious events' with satellite confirmed

New World Order: Implantable RFID chips capable of remotely killing non-compliant 'slaves' are here

Does Anyone Still Doubt We Languish in a Police-State? by Becky Akers

The 9 Skills Needed to Become a Super Connector Altucher Confidential

The Conquest of the West by Patrick J. Buchanan

Why Governments Make War by Justin Raimondo --

Society's Greatest Paradox Is Your Greatest Risk by David Morris

SHTF Survival: 7 Vitamins That Help Prevent Dental Emergencies | Ready Nutrition

The Doctor Told Me He Could Not Believe It | Mark's Daily Apple


+Statement by the Press Secretary on the Iraqi National Security Advisor al-Fayyadh visit with National Security Advisory Donilon | Before It's News

+WEEKLY ADDRESS: "We Can't Wait" to Strengthen the Economy and Create Jobs


Mass Alien Abduction Experiment In Los Angeles | Before It's News

OOBE Research Center » Архив блога » UFO Experiment

Alien Base Found At Chinese Pyramid | Before It's News

The Real Men In Black: Government Agents Or Visitors From Beyond? | Before It's News

Government 'withholding information about law on places of worship' | Before It's News


Many Survive With No Bank Account | Before It's News

More Power To The Cranberry: Study Shows Juice Better Than Extracts At Fighting Infections | Before It's News

Obama birth certificate, Natural born citizen debate, Justia Supreme Court decisions altered, Conspiracies Lies and Justiagate | Before It's News

How much sugar in a can of cola? - YouTube

The Reptilian Pact .... know the mind behind the sinister government | Before It's News

Sky Noise Phenomena Continues Into October - Latest Examples (Videos) | Before It's News

Wierd, strange Sky Noise, Beaverlodge,Alberta,Canada - YouTube

TV broadcasters resist FCC proposal to surrender more airwaves | Before It's News

Blue Coat confirms Syria used its Web filtering devices | InSecurity Complex - CNET News

Why Economic Models Are Always Wrong: Scientific American

The Associated Press: NYPD keeps files on Muslims who change their names

Courthouse News Service:Class Action Suit Claims Weather App Spies for Profit

Truth is the First Casualty of War. No Justice, No Peace, No Truth...

Activist Post: US energy secretary to face grilling over failed firm

Headlines - David Icke Website

Activist Post: David Icke: Essential Knowledge For Wall Street Protesters (Video)

Nassim Haramein - Science behind the Unified Field & Its applications - YouTube

Activist Post: New Study Challenges Official Fukushima Explanation -- Radiation Released Exceeds Twice what Experts Claimed

Activist Post: Economy tests limits of US presidents' power

Activist Post: US says has no military operation outside Kenya borders

Activist Post: US admits flying drones out of Ethiopia

Activist Post: Obama congratulates Saudis on new crown prince

Activist Post: Has Capitalism Ever Existed in America?

Submachine Guns Drawn, Seattle Police Break Down Door of Medical Marijuana Patient, Push Him to the Floor, and Raid His Home—for Two Tiny Pot Plants | Slog

The last generation of combat veterans the world will ever know? - YouTube

Ron Paul "What Other Candidate Will Say, I Will Pardon ALL People Convicted Of Nonviolent Drug Acts" - YouTube

Activist Post: 5 Memory-Boosting Foods

Activist Post: Drones : Killing For Sport?

Activist Post: Obama to host North American summit in Hawaii

Activist Post: Iran scoffs at US 'contradictions' in dialogue offer

Goldman Sachs v. Occupy Wall Street: A Greg Palast Investigation - YouTube

Rick's Rant: It's Time to Make it Better Now

Daily Show Takes on Mitt Romney's Flip-Flops on Ohio's Collective Bargaining Assault

Marco Rubio: Immigrant, Not Exile

What the Frack?! Julianna Forlano Explains...

George Will: Romney is the Republicans' Michael Dukakis

#OWS, Class Warfare and a History Lesson on the Bonus Army of the 1930's

Looks Like Oakland PD Violated Its Own Crowd Control Policy Manual

Other Major Banks Refuse to Raise Debit Card Fees...Nothing to Do with #OWS

Antonin Scalia's Selective Catholicism On Death Penalty

Amy Goodman and Chris Hedges Discuss #OWS on the Charlie Rose Show

Corporate Groups Spent 13 Times More Than Labor to Influence Judicial Elections

Wanna See a Real Ass Kicking (Itself)? Read the Dems' 'Super Committee' Proposal

Pastor Who Helped Organize Rick Perry's Prayer Event: Hitler Was Sent By God

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka Visits #OWS and Condemns Harsh Measures Used Against Protesters

Scott Olsen Is Awake And Waiting For Brain Surgery

Bank of America CEO 'Incensed' by Critics

Herman Cain Doesn't Want to Talk to the Little People

No More Mister Nice Blog

Donklephant » Blog Archive » Poll: 68% of Millionaires Support Raising Taxes

Calculated Risk: GDP slightly above pre-recession peak, Investment Contributions

VIDEO: Jon Huntsman thinks Mitt Romney is “perfectly lubricated.” | The Political Carnival

Off the Charts Blog | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities | Blog Archive | Democratic Offer Stands Well to the Right of Bowles-Simpson and Gang of 6

Dancing Statue of Liberty w/music - YouTube

6.9-magnitude quake hits coast of Peru | The Raw Story

Rachel Maddow: That’s enough of Paul Wolfowitz | The Raw Story

Maher: ‘Acid will be the healthiest thing’ your kids eat all day | The Raw Story


**Ram Dass-Be Here Now

The Music of the Spheres

Music and Music o fthe Spheres


100% Psychological Warfare Aimed at The Species 1/3 - YouTube

100% Psychological Warfare Aimed at The Species 2/3 - YouTube

100% Psychological Warfare Aimed at The Species 3/3 - YouTube

Alex Takes Calls on The Coming War in America 1/3 - YouTube

Alex Takes Calls on The Coming War in America 2/3 - YouTube

Alex Takes Calls on The Coming War in America 3/3 - YouTube

*Europe Wallows In Insolvable Problems with Bob Chapman Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

* Infowarrior Infiltrates Ed Schultz & Neal Boortz Shows Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

* Caller Takes Infowars to the Corporate Media Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!



Ron Paul Highlights - GOP Debate at the Reagan Library - YouTube

Ron Paul Highlights - Fox News/Google Republican Debate - YouTube

Ron Paul Highlights - CNN Las Vegas Debate 10/18/11 - YouTube

» Photo Finish: More Evidence of Strong al-Qaeda Presence in Post-Gaddafi Libya Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Al Qaeda Plants Its Flag in Libya | VICE

» 10 Signs That The American People Are Angrier Than Ever Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

TSA Test 'Pre-Screening' - Nightly News Report - YouTube

Flu Vaccine Propagandist Charged with Child Molestation! - YouTube

Washington ready to negotiate with Mullah Omar - Telegraph

» Barack Obama’s Allegiance Is Not To America And God, But To The New World Order And Satan Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Protesters in Egypt call on military to leave power

Libya: Gaddafi son Saif al-Islam says he is innocent | World news |

» UN Security Council Vote Challenges Hidden Agenda on Syria Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Obama Has Even Lost The ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Crowd Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Does Anyone Still Doubt We Languish in a Police-State? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

'Passive' TV watching can harm babies' speech | Mail Online

Mind's eye: Experts use magnetic scanner to see videos 'playing' inside people's brains | Mail Online

Eric Holder to testify on Fast and Furious - Tim Mak -

Darrell Issa: Janet Napolitano slow on Fast & Furious - Josh Gerstein -

Questioning Sec. Napolitano on Fast and Furious - YouTube

» Obama to the world: ‘Do as we say, not as we do’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 9/11 Consensus Panel: “Best Evidence” Indicates Flaws in Official 9/11 Narrative Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Russ Baker on 9/11 Commission Report, Usama Bin Laden Death Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

India firm launches gold, diamond 'cash machine'

Prince Charles joins campaign to save Transylvania's forests - inspired by family connections to 'Count Dracula' | Mail Online

Ron Paul vs. foreign policy partisanship

Pelosi Defends Obamacare Waivers To 1,800 Firms: "They're Small Companies"

Ten Ways You Can Screw Up Your Life | Pakalert Press

PJ Media » Book Excerpt: How Civilizations Die (and Why Islam Is Dying Too)

Obama Announces Public New Measures to Bypass Congress and Use Dictator-like Decrees

“Thousands to Encircle the White House”

On the Rally to Restore the Constitution, 11/11/11 Washington DC

While the Troops were Away

Constitutional crisis looming in the United States-will it be Dictator Obama or President Obama?

The Battles on the UN Agenda 21 Front

New technology for recovering valuable minerals from waste rock

Will Those Who Took an Oath Save our Republic?

November 9th’s USA Nationwide Communication Blackout

‘Super Committee’ to Deliver Thanksgiving Miracle—Or Just Another Turkey?

Black Pro-Life Leaders Affirm Herman Cain’s Pro-Life Position

The White Aborigines of the Post-Racial Left

Prison » Goldman Sachs and Occupy Wall Street’s bank: the real story

Prison » Max Keiser: Debt slash = debt hike, collapse guaranteed!

Prison » SDS Founder Coaches Ann Arbor OWS

Prison » Clueless Boobeoisie Want Hillary Clinton to Run

How Much Time Does Your Kid Spend Watching TV? - The Juggle - WSJ

Ron Paul: The truth about my student loan plan –

Ron Paul on Fox News Center Seat Special Report Online 10/26/2011 - YouTube

Prison » VIDEO: US Embassy In Sarajevo Attacked By Lone Gunman

Prison » Barack Obama’s Allegiance Is Not To America And God, But To The New World Order And Satan

The Judge Deciphers the Contemporary Tax Debate - YouTube

A Brief History of Tyranny in America - YouTube

Max Keiser: Debt slash = debt hike, collapse guaranteed! - YouTube

Hopefully Police Will Conclude They CANNOT Just Go Around Using Tear Gas & Projectiles On A Whim - YouTube

Washington’s agenda revealed: US-backed rebels ask NATO to ‘stay in Libya’

The National Popular Vote Compact

Loads of Codes: GOP Tax Plans

Money for Everyone – Except Americans

Random Highway Checkpoint Searches, Just Another Infringement on U.S. Freedoms

TSA Thugs on the Loose! - YouTube

Carville "Worried" About Election: "Nobody's Gotten Elected With These Numbers" | RealClearPolitics

Carville Worried About 2012

James Carville on whether Obama should still fire staff and the GOP field - YouTube

Washington ready to negotiate with Mullah Omar - Telegraph

Occupy London: St Paul's protest is a rabble without a cause | Mail Online

Ad for gun training bars Muslims and Obama voters | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

ACLU sues Sheriff's Department, alleges photographers were harassed -

Why President Obama And His Advisers Are Absolutely Convinced He Will Be Re-elected In 2012 | Fox News

'Radical Islamist' gunman open fires outside U.S Embassy in Sarajevo | Mail Online

2 Miccosukees won’t pay $3.2M judgment, but their lawyers earned millions - Miami-Dade -

Kent State professor comes under fire for shouting 'Death to Israel' during diplomat's speech |

NYT: Obama 'bundlers' sport close ties to lobbies - politics - The New York Times -

Kadhafi family to file NATO war crimes complaint - Yahoo! News

Congressional Investigators Want 9/11 Suspects Questioned About Awlaki | Fox News

Libya: New Video Shows More Unguarded Surface-to-Air Missiles - ABC News

Rock Center with Brian Williams - Born in the U.S.A.: Birth tourists get instant U.S. citizenship for their newborns

Statins Are NOT a "Wonder Drug"

» The Declaration of Independence is Legal. Any Questions? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

iRobot becomes a reality as patient gets smartphone built into his artificial arm | Mail Online

Prison » Support for Second Amendment at Record High

» A Dysfunctional System That Bankrupts A Generation Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Prison » Multimillionaire Michael Moore Denies He’s Part Of ‘1%’

Why Is Support For Gun Control At Record Lows? - YouTube

Michael Maloney: "We Pay Tax for the Privilege to Have Currency" - YouTube

Matt Cardle: '9/11 attacks were a conspiracy' - Celebrity News - Digital Spy

Ron Paul Will Not Rule Out A Third-Party Run | RealClearPolitics

+Prison » How to Strengthen Our Epigenetic Health with Daniel Vitalis

» Obamas ‘occupy’ the White House

Revealed – the capitalist network that runs the world - physics-math - 19 October 2011 - New Scientist

Fukushima Update - 2011/10/28 (Video) - YouTube


Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – October 27th, 2011

Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – October 28th, 2011


What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – October 28th, 2011


Extended Interview of Nolan Watson, Economic, Commodity, & Silver Outlook - YouTube

Audio Page:White House Hypocrisy, Spin, Democrats’ Wars, Fake Terror |

Audio Page: 95.1 FM The Bridge: Ongoing 9/11 Discussions |

DHS Boss Napolitano Caught in Perjury - YouTube

Genetic Manipulation: The Global Elite’s “Thing” |

Occupy DC to secede from the United States?

Durbin: If 2012 is a ‘referendum,’ Democrats are ‘in trouble’

White House orders independent review of Solyndra scandal

Experts begin to doubt Obama’s re-electability

Holder’s days as attorney general may be numbered as resignation calls double overnight

Tea party groups disagree with American Majority’s call for Bachmann to drop out of race

Drew Carey on Cain’s 9-9-9: ‘I don’t think it will ever go anywhere’

Sarah Silverman on dismissive Rick Perry coverage: ‘I miss the Jew-run banks and media’

Maher: Gadhafi sodomy video suggests homosexuality has become sexuality in Islamic culture


*Articles:Occupy Wall Street – 10-28-11 |


Why I Am Not Running for President

+News From the Front Lines - Oct 24-28

The Republican Tax Carrot

Time for the Tea Party and conservatives to move to mainstream!

Debbie Schlussel:VIDEO – Attack on US Embassy in Bosnia: That’s What We Get for Risking US Soldiers’ Lives for Islam

Now Is A Bad Time To Take Cues From Netflix: Redbox to Raise Rates |

Terry Jones is Running for President |

American Gun Ownership at Highest Level in Almost 20 Years |

When Is It OK To Shoot A Cop? – From A Document Found At Occupy Phoenix |

New Video Claims to Prove London Thermal Images are Faulty | Video |

0.06% of Every 1 Billion Facebook Logins Per Day Compromised |

Does Belief in God Decrease the Motivation to Pursue Personal Goals? |

White House Orders a Review of Energy Department Loans | Video |

Anthrax Vaccine Not Tested on Children Yet |

Mitt Romney Reverses Course: Now Says ‘We Don’t Know What‘s Causing Climate Change’ | Video |

Three-Eyed Fish Caught in Argentina |

Major Banks Shying Away From Adding Debit Card Fee |

Bill Gates Apparently Unimpressed With Being a Billionaire |

Documenting Abandoned Buildings from Industrial Era | Video |

Not Just for Thrills: The Real Meaning of ‘The Exorcist’ |

Snake Blood Plasma Enlarges Hearts in Mice | Potential to Treat Damaged Human Hearts |

Omar Sharif Accused of Slapping a Woman at the Doha Tribeca Film Festival | Video |

Meet the guy who wrote ‘When Should You Shoot A Cop’ |

Michael Moore Calls Obama Presidency ‘Heartbreaking’ Disappointment on BBC | Video |

TSA Says it Will Fire Agent Who Left Get Your Freak On Girl Sex Toy Note in Woman’s Luggage |

Occupy Wall Street Supporter Michael Moore Admits He Made Millions of Dollars and is Part of the 1& | Video |

MSNBC Karen Finney on Martin Bashir: GOP Sees Herman Cain as a ‘Black Man Who Knows His Place’ | Video |

Jon Huntsman’s Daughters Parody Herman Cain Smoking Ad in Video | Video |

Man Cuts Off Arm With Homemade Guillotine | Video |

Herman Cain’s Strange Smoking Ad With Mark Block Is Paying Off With $5 Million in Donations | Video |

When Police Come to Arrest Child Porn Suspect, Man Answers the Door Naked |

Mother in Burning Building Drops Baby from Window to Stranger | Video |

Politico Reporter Says Cain Smoking Ad Seems Postcoital |

French Christians Protest Blasphemous Play | | Video |

Author Michael Ellsburg Discusses Educational System and Value of College Dropouts |

Atheist Billboard Misquotes Thomas Jefferson | Video |

Oakland Police Chief Defends Officers |

Mormon Halloween Party Controversy | Video |

Muffin Did Not Cost Taxpayer $16 each |

+Cardinals Win ‘Remarkable’ World Series! | Video |

A Scary Guide to the GOP Tax Plans

Romney So Far: No Core Beliefs, Many Flip-Flops - Latest Headlines -

Can Newt Be the First Openly Mean President? | Mother Jones

Life Among the 1% |

Michael Moore, Hypocrite and Liar « Commentary Magazine

The Divider vs. the Thinker -

RealClearPolitics - GOP Wants to Deprive Poor & Middle Class

Allan H. Meltzer: Four Reasons Keynesians Keep Getting It Wrong -

Exclusive: Bill Daley, unplugged - Roger Simon -

WOLF: CLASS-less Democrats - Washington Times

The Supreme Court and the Next President -

EDITORIAL: Obama's spooky economy - Washington Times

Why does Bill Daley still have a job? - bill daley -

Elizabeth Warren’s winning formula - The Washington Post

The GOP Jobs Plan Vs. Obama's - Forbes

PRUDEN: The awful sin of Herman Cain - Washington Times

RealClearPolitics - "Occupy" Is No Tea Party

RealClearPolitics - Obama Looks to Clinton Model in Latest Policy Push

Can Rick Perry rebound? His history - and money - suggest yes | McClatchy

Steven Greenhut: Rural rebellion brewing | county, rural, state - Opinion - The Orange County Register

GOP Insiders Near-Unanimous in Predicting Romney Nomination - Hotline On Call

Self-Reliance To Self-Pity: Road Now Most Traveled - Latest Headlines -

Can America survive without its backbone, the middle class? - Telegraph

28th/Dem Strategist: Cain "A Black Man Who Knows His Place" | RealClearPolitics

Supercommittee Debt Deal? Forget It—Let’s Get Real About the GOP - The Daily Beast

Banks Surrender on Debit Card Fees — For Now | Mother Jones

AEI Blog Symposium: Can the flat tax (or anything else) revive Rick Perry’s presidential campaign? « The Enterprise Blog

Report: Democrats' Super Committee Proposal Is Far To The Right Of All Other 'Bipartisan' Compromises | ThinkProgress

Obama Administration 'Can't Wait' to Further Inflate Student Loans | The Weekly Standard

Energy Department-Backed Company Under SEC Investigation

Obama Administration Approves Medi-Cal Cuts That Could Restrict Access to Care | FDL News Desk

House Republican Report On Obamacare Makes Misleading Claims About Tax Credits And Liabilities, Some Familiar And Some New. | The New Republic

Seven Billion Strong, and Counting « Public Discourse

Supercommittee Puts GOP on Spot | Progressive Policy Institute

Political Animal - RNC discovers the safety net

Should more Republicans skip the debates? « Hot Air

US Politics | AMERICAblog News: Obama fundraising 2012: Truth versus accuracy

The CBO Has Been Occupied by OWS’s Intellectual Inequality | RedState

AEI Debate Prep: After the retreat from Iraq « The Enterprise Blog

*Transcripts :27th/Panel on Who's Gaining In The GOP Race

October 27 White House Press Briefing

Representative Issa on "Fast and Furious"

Obama's Remarks with the Czech Prime Minister

Mexico's Narco Refugees Threaten U.S.

Economic crisis fatigue: Are we tired of feeling bad? -

The Weekend Interview With Barry Silbert: So Who Needs Wall Street? -

RealClearMarkets - The Supercommittee Isn't Making Super Cuts

10 Most In-Demand Gadgets This Holiday Season - Yahoo! Finance

Will consumer-level cold fusion be proven this weekend? | DVICE

Why Siri Is a Google Killer - Forbes

YouTube Plans to Create New Online Channels -

Music for Nothing and the Fans for Free - Hany Nada - Voices - AllThingsD

Bathtime... in 2021: Technology on tap, every time we shower | Mail Online

Multiple Intelligences: What Makes a Smart TV Smart? | Epicenter |

Internet standards: Difference Engine: Re-inventing the web | The Economist

Google Tries Again With Google TV -

A voice-controlled future is finally upon us — Tech News and Analysis

War of words breaks out over Silicon Valley diversity debate - Oct. 27, 2011

Eight Hot Startups That Aren't Household Names-- Yet - Forbes

These Are the Greatest Geek Books of All Time, Readers Say | Underwire |

David vs. Goliath: 15 Potential Tech Shake-Ups | PCWorld

Cold Fusion: Future of physics or phoney? (Wired UK)

Wanted: Good green energy jobs

A Solar Industry Smackdown - Technology Review

Recognizing Nuclear Energy’s Value

Is anti-competitive behaviour always a bad thing? - 28 Oct 2011 - James' Blog: a blog from BusinessGreen.

Future of Technology - Energy from hot rocks abounds

Wave Energy: The Latest Battleground in the Conservation vs. Innovation Debate - Forbes

The Suez crisis: An affair to remember | The Economist

History of Islam

Book review: 'Eisenhower 1956: The President's Year of Crisis — Suez and the Brink of War' by David A. Nichols - Los Angeles Times

John Glenn Interview: The Right Stuff - AskMen

Biographies of Great Men & Women of England, Wales and Scotland

‘War of the Worlds’ radio panic was overstated « Media Myth Alert » Yes, We Have No Bananas

The Bridge

All through his training Ali had promised the fancy - 11.11.74 - SI Vault

Review: Somewhere, beyond the Sea | The National Interest

My Accidental Masterpiece: The Phantom Tollbooth : NPR

American Emperor: Aaron Burr’s Challenge to Jefferson’s America -

Lawrence Solomon: Divide Libya into its tribal parts | FP Comment | Financial Post

After the Arab Spring: Islam, democracy, bikinis and polygamy -

Libya’s Sexual Revolution - By Ellen Knickmeyer | Foreign Policy

Commentary: Tehran's Anti-MeK Propaganda Machine | The National Interest

Why Uganda’s Anti-Gay Legislation Is the World’s Business: View - Bloomberg

Building on WikiLeaks

RealClearWorld - Will G-20 Counter Power of Uncertainty?

Greece's minor role in tragedy | The Australian

‘The Dead Sea Scrolls’ at Discovery Times Square - Review -

A Christian debate over Halloween: Counter, co-opt, or embrace it? – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Thomas David DuBois: Why Doesn't Asia Have Religion?

‘Ritual whiplash’ ahead? Catholics’ Mass liturgy changing. - The Washington Post

Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog: "No Small Matter”: Fr. Schall on what the Pope said in Germany

Debate: Is Social Justice Essential to Church's Mission?, Christian News

WORLD Magazine | Escape from acrimony | Emily Belz | Oct 28, 11

Jews as Christ Killers » GetReligion

Would you accept a robot as your priest or vicar? | Danielle Elizabeth Tumminio | Comment is free |

Praying to the Zombie Jesus: The Spirituality of Horror | Culture | Religion Dispatches

The American Spectator : Living in the Roe v. Wade World

Magical thinking is not the plan | Deseret News

Atheists' billboard quote isn't Jefferson's | jefferson, quote, - News - The Orange County Register

Sally Morgan challenged to prove her psychic powers on Halloween | Science | The Guardian

Michael Nielsen on Networked Science -

Reading the brain: Mind-goggling | The Economist

'You Are Not So Smart': Why We Can't Tell Good Wine From Bad - David McRaney - Life - The Atlantic

FYI: Why Do We Get Goosebumps and Chills When We're Scared? | Popular Science

A Ghostly Scream From the Sahara | Surprising Science

Tissue-bank shortage: Brain child : Nature News & Comment

Study helps explain why dieters tend to regain weight -

Finding Genes That Fit | Conservation Magazine


Do Bacteria Age? Biologists Discover the Answer Follows Simple Economics

Insects are scared to death of fish | University of Toronto Media Room

Speedy Homemade-Explosive Detector | Latest News | Chemical & Engineering News

Zombies: The zombie boom is inspired by the economy. - Slate Magazine

Robot Venus flytraps could eat bugs for fuel - tech - 26 October 2011 - New Scientist

Dwarf Planet Eris is 'Almost Perfect' Pluto Twin | Dwarf Planets & Solar System | Pluto, Eris & Planet Definition |

Mass Species Loss Stunts Evolution for Millions of Years | Wired Science |

Secrets of long life sought in DNA of the elderly -

Study says Generation X is balanced and happy -

Drug Legalization: What Would Steve Jobs Do? - Blog

Science on The Dos and Don'ts of Bedtime - Blog

Rise of the scientist citizen | COSMOS magazine

BBC News - Faster-than-light neutrino experiment to be run again

Mummies and Monkey Skulls: ‘Oddities’ Host Ryan Matthew Cohn on the Creepiest Antiques | Collectors Weekly

BBC News - Stars concoct complex molecules

Could this quantum computer be the real deal?

Space Junk Crisis: Time to Bring in the Lasers | Wired Science |

Do candy bars go bad? Halloween health concerns addressed - Slate Magazine

The 1930s - When Horror Movies Were Really Creepy

Cigar-chomping UK entertainer Savile dies at 84

A skinhead's journey from racism to redemption

Unilever to sell Culver Speciality Brands in US deal

US-Israeli man accused of spying returns to NYC

Brazil's Silva has cancerous tumor in larynx

Woman guilty of trying to burn husband to death during nap

AP Exclusive: Bosnia raids after US embassy attack

Suicide bomber kills 13 Americans in Afghanistan

Higgins wins Irish presidency with 57 pct of votes

More than 20 Libyan war wounded flown to US

Police raid Bosnia village after US embassy attack

3 Grad rockets explode in South; 1 person lightly injured

China names new financial regulators

Terrorist leader killed in IAF strike on Gaza training camp

Critics Rave for ‘Davi Sings Sinatra’

Jim Rockford Tells #OccupyWallStreet Off

‘In Time’ Review: Worth a Few Minutes of Your Day

‘Anonymous’ Review: Unfocused but Engaging Look at Shakespeare Conspiracy Theory

‘The Rum Diary’ Review: A Middle-Aged Depp Revisits His Gonzo Film Past

‘Puss in Boots’ Review: One Cool Cat

Box Office Predictions: ‘Boots’ Will Walk All Over Justin Timberlake

Actor John Ratzenberger: Society Devalues Manufacturing Skills

+Morning Call Sheet: Crowder Occupies Racism, Hollywood Discriminates, and a Kind Word About Sean Penn

Actor Robert Davi Sells Screenplay to Producer Mark Canton (Exclusive) - The Hollywood Reporter

Halloween Gone Wrong: The 10 Least Scary Movies of All Time (Photos) - The Hollywood Reporter

'Beavis and Butt-Head' revival a ratings hit -

Playing Chicken With The Defense Budget?

Energy Production On Federal Lands Way Down Under Obama

Between War And Here: Mologne House At Walter Reed Provides Comfort For Healing Soldiers

A Less Kind Canada? Senator Wants To Change National Emblem From ‘Vegetarian Rodent’ To ‘Walking Carnivore’

In the Islamic World Nature Fills A Vacuum With Islam

Pakistan Successfully Tests Nuclear Capable Stealth Cruise Missile

China’s Bailout Of Europe Will Come With Political Strings Attached

Is Our Military Stretched? Ranger Killed In Afghanistan Was On His FOURTEENTH Combat Deployment

NATO to formally end Libya operations Oct 31

China vows stricter controls on social media | Reuters

NewsBusted: Obama’s First Thousand Days

Media Matters Launches Pre-Hearing Defense of Eric Holder

Joy Behar Exposes Lincoln The Great Enslaver


* 10/29* #OccupyWallStreet: The Rap Sheet, So Far


Credit Where It’s Due: Chicago’s Chuck Goudie, WLS-TV, Tells the Truth About #Occupy’s Radical Origins, Bigotry

Jennifer Rubin Is Not a Conservative and Erick Erickson Is Not an Anti-Semite

Did Juan Williams Link Christians to The Oklahoma City Bombing?

President Obama’s Other Labor Board Is Forcing Workers to Unionize

When Government Knows No Limitation: New DOJ Rules Allow More Intrusive Searches

#Occupy Movement Is Unsafe for Women: Attacks and Threats Show Dangers of Anarchist Organizing

What I Wrote and Why: Some Occupy Activists Are in The Wrong Movement

The Cleveland Metropolitan School District Needs Reform, Not Union Chanting

Jesus Would NOT #OccupyWallStreet

#Occupy Says: “We Are All Scott Olsen.” Agreed!

11 Transit Workers Charged in $1 Billion Pension Scam

#OccupyMiami Hangs Banker in Effigy

UFCW Bosses Busted For Racketeering, Extortion, Money Laundering & Witness Tampering

Holder, Vilsack Release Statements on Pigford II Court Settlement

We Are Losing Our Economic Freedom

#OccupyWallSt to March on Banks

‘We Are Ohio’ Uses $30 Million to Kill Union Reform

#OccupyNH: Activist Charged With Pimping Out Teen Girl

AUDIO:China Comes to the Rescue of the Eurozone

Karl Rove Says Cain’s Finished, Zogby Says He ‘Trounces’ Romney Head-to-Head

Unbelievable: Ohio Democrat Party Listed Ohio Companies as Targets for Union Retribution

Chicago may decriminalize marijuana


+The big list: Female teachers with students


Ohio Gym Teacher Jailed for Sex With Students - ABC News

Ernesto Bustamante, University Of Idaho Professor Allegedly Talked About Shooting Students

Rare Porsche stolen 23 years ago snagged by U.S. customs agents - Yahoo! Autos

Psychologists’ Golf Trick Shows Superstition Boosts Performance | Wired Science |

Hotel owned by union pensions mistreats workers - News - The Orange County Register

The Godfather of Tebowing Tells All - The Daily Fix - WSJ

Sights and Insights: A notewort... JPost - Travel - Around Israel

Israeli researchers: Jerusalem's trendiest street built over biblical site - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Missing link in Roman conquest of Germany a 'sensational find' - The Local

The Mexican government's war on U.S. Border Patrol

The tea party vs. OccuMob

Halloween? The real demon is government!

CAIR's got al-Qaida's back – literally

Keep your lamps lit

Why 'consent of the governed' is fading away

America should listen to Paul Ryan

Alaska: Poster state for crony capitalism

Margaret Mead: Prophet of the sexual revolution

Government paws on our every tweet

How to win in the race of your life

Obama Miracle is White House Free of Scandal: Jonathan Alter - Bloomberg

The conquest of the West

Articles: How A Candidate Should Handle Birther Questions

Look who's claiming police brutality at protests

Key evidence destroyed in Planned Parenthood case

Planned Parenthood's Shreddergate scandal

Obama's 2012 run to be non-starter?

Congressman tells Holder to explain prosecution of agent

Mommies heading for face-off with Washington bureaucracy

Rove is the architect of Obama presidency

No more American children as guinea pigs

CAIR's got al-Qaida's back – literally

Jesus' name ruled 'unconstitutional'

Afghan Ambassador on Freedom for Christians: ‘Nothing Will Be Contradictory to Sharia Law’ |

Report: Top Muslim adviser blocks Obama meeting with Christian leader

Congressman: Muslim Obama adviser leaked secret reports to media

Jack Abramoff, In New Book, Decries Endemic Corruption In Washington

Palestinians press U.N. for statehood vote

Israeli prisoner swap may be prelude to attack on Iran - Washington Times

Barbara Lee: Obama 'really understands' Occupy - Tim Mak -

Occupy DC prepares to spend ‘thousands’ ahead of cold snap, possible snow - The Buzz - The Washington Post

Occupy Wall Street May Occupy Lease Building Space To Get Through Winter: Gothamist

Cain: "Not Telling The Truth If You Say I'm Not Pro-Life" |

Can the Huntsman girls burst Cain's bubble? [Video] -

Linda Wall, running for office in Virginia, admits to having lesbian affair with student - NY Daily News

Congressman tells Holder to explain prosecution of agent

Union bemoans 'tradition of bias' in prosecution of Border Patrol agent - Washington Times

Hillary Clinton:‘No Evidence’ DOJ Sought Required License to Send Guns to Mexico in ‘Fast and Furious’ |

Girl Scouts Convention Features Pro-Abortion Speakers |

MSNBC's Matthews: Personhood Amendment in Miss. Would Deprive Women of 'Free Will' |


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

+THE BIG LIST of eligibility 'proofers'

*29 Oct.

American Minute for October 29th

October 29th in History

This Day in History for 29th October

October 29 Events in History

Today in History: October 29

Today in History: October 29

Today in History for October 29th - YouTube


28-Oct-11 World View

27-Oct-11 World View


Erotica -- Uma Thurman


The Kevin Trudeau Show: 10-28-11

10/28 The Mark Levin Show

Alex Jones - 2011-Oct-28, Friday

The Manning Report – 28 October 2011 | ATLAH Media Network

Live Free Or Die Radio - Friday, October, 28, 2011

Oct. 28, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

World Crisis Radio 10-22-11 Hr 1

World Crisis Radio 10-22-11 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-28-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-28-11 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-29-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-29-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 10-28-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 10-28-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 10-28-11 Hr 3

2011-10-28.Jesse Peterson Radio Show

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero2

paintings of abby lazerow


Soroyama Hajime

Robert Mapplethorpe Photo Gallery

Helmut Newton



“Last Days” Warned Here After England Gives “Gods Throne” To Catholics

Obama Allows Oil Giant BP Back In Gulf After Whistleblower Killed In Shark Attack


*film: The Power Behind the New World Order @ Vimeo


US scales back northern border checks - US news - Security -

Obama’s Health Care Law Penalizes Marriage, Analysts Say | Fox News

» New Street Lights To Have “Homeland Security” Applications Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Investigation continues in stabbing that left small community 'shellshocked' -

Source: Suspect in custody in murder of west suburban girl - Chicago Sun-Times

Robert Pritzker, industrialist and philanthropist, dies -

Quinn used bully pulpit on ComEd, ended up bullied -

Obama taps Chicago's Joseph Gutman, Elie Wiesel to Holocaust Memorial Council - Lynn Sweet

Amy Rule: Chicago’s mystery first lady - Chicago Sun-Times

Did Madoffs try suicide, or didn't they? - CBS News

Supermassive black holes at centre of galaxies created by 'interstellar pile-ups' | Mail Online

NASA launches latest Earth-observing satellite from California coast - The Washington Post

Black holes surrounded by `dust clouds`

Long-gone woodpecker lives again ... on film - Technology & science - Science -

Budget fight rages over James Webb Space Telescope - The Washington Post

The Death Of Global Warming Skepticism, Or The Birth Of Straw Men? - Forbes

Russian launch vital to space station operations - Technology & science - Space - -

Big rock heading toward Earth: Enjoy the view - CBS News

Perry Attacks to Stall Romney's Nomination Bid

Is Michele Bachmann dragging the tea party down with her? -

Rare October snowstorm pelts Northeast | Reuters

For Cain, Reverse Is a Prominent Gear -

New citizens sworn in at Statue of Liberty celebration | Reuters

Two Controversies Threaten To Derail Obama’s Re-Election Bid | Fox News

Mitt Romney's shifting views on climate change - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Ala. immigration battle recalls civil rights past -

Panel endorses anthrax vaccine test on children

Cancer in high-risk patients reduced by aspirin - BusinessWeek

Study Shows Why It’s Hard to Keep Weight Off -

Black licorice isn’t a sweet treat for adults over 40, says FDA - NY Daily News

Tricks in the treats: The myth of poisoned Halloween candy -

Lawsuit Contests Federally-Ordered Marijuana Closures - Murrieta, CA Patch

Google TV: Second time's the charm? | Challengers - CNET News

Microsoft Video Predicts Dazzling Technology Future | PCWorld

Blue Coat Acknowledges Syria Used Its Gear for Internet Censorship Amid Arab Spring -

Red Tape - Facebook says 600,000 account logins compromised every day

Barnes & Noble to Double Size of Some Nook Boutiques -

Rocket fire rocks south; injuries reported - Israel News, Ynetnews

After earthquake, Turkey has proven it can get by on its own - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Probe ordered into alleged torture death at Egyptian prison -

ICC fears Gaddafi's son may flee justice - Hindustan Times

New Saudi crown prince says Kingdom to remain stable | Reuters

Defense chief: Kenyan troops will stay in neighboring Somalia until Kenya feels ‘safe’ again - The Washington Post

Palestinian Prisoner Swap Raises Questions About Justice | Israel - Palestinians | English

Tempers Flare After Some Tunisian Votes Are Nullified -

Suicide Bomber Strikes Turkey's Southeast | News | English

U.S. Vets, Suffering From Unemployment and Homelessness, Support Occupy Protests - ABC News

'Steve Jobs' delves deep into complex man's life - The Daily News Online: Books

Conrad Murray Trial: Defense Calls Final Witness :

Michael Lohan in Court -- Lots of Crying, Yelling |

Former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva to receive chemo for larynx tumor - The Washington Post

**News Videos

**Politics Video:Obama Uses Occupy Lingo In Weekly Address To Nation | RealClearPolitics

Herman Cain: "I Am One Of The Frontrunners"

Cheney: "I've Got A Problem" With Obama's Iraq Decision

Pelosi Defends Obamacare Waivers To 1,800 Firms: "They're Small Companies"

Joe Klein: Herman Cain Will "Fizzle"

Carney Defends Obama Breaking No Lobbyist Campaign Pledge: Record Is "Exemplary"

Now 8 Congressmen Call For Holder's Resignation

Carney: Obama Still Behind "Occupy" Protests

Schultz: Obama Has Created 2.5 Million Jobs

"Special Report" Panel: Who Has Momentum In The GOP Race?

O'Reilly: Perry May Be Cain's Secret Weapon

Huntsman: Romney A "Perfectly Lubricated Weather Vane"

Matthews: Herman Cain "Is Really Good At Not Being Mitt Romney"

**World Video:28th/Carl Levin On Foreign Policy

U.S. Growth Depends Upon Eurozone Growth

Global Markets Surge On News Of European Debt Deal

Trump: Europe's Debt Deal Could Be Good For U.S.

A New Alliance To Support Libya's Security

Will Europe's 'Big Bazooka' Hit Its Target?

Greek PM Hails 'Historic' Euro Rescue

Do Libyans Care Who Killed Gaddafi?

Israel Releases Egyptian Prisoners

Libya's First English Radio Show Launches

Video Suggests Continued Violent Crackdown In Homs

Chile Volcano Lets Off Steam

Obama Takes A Question On Euro Debt Deal

European Banks Take Bigger Losses On Greece's Debts

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