A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

31 October 2011

31 OCT.

Birth and death; we all move between these two unknowns.



Alex Jones - 2011-Oct-30, Sunday

Bill Cunningham -Sunday Hour 1

Bill Cunningham -Sunday Hour 2

Bill Cunningham -Sunday Hour 3

24th Bill Cunningham 1

24th Bill Cunningham 2

24th Bill Cunningham 3

Bill Cunningham 17th 1

Bill Cunningham 17th 2

Bill Cunningham 17th 3

Bill Cunningham 9th 1

Bill Cunningham 9th 2

Bill Cunningham 9th 3

Bill Cunningham 2nd 1

Bill Cunningham 2nd 2


Dead Air with Uncle John 2011-10-23


"Hells Bells" by AC/DC - Grooveshark

"Highway To Hell" by AC/DC - Grooveshark

"I Love the Dead" by Alice Cooper - Grooveshark


Zombies worth over $5 billion to economy - Business - Stocks & economy -

Zombies! The New Horror Obsession - YouTube

Living Dead: Why This Love Affair With Zombies? | The Pilot: Southern Pines, NC


* Night of the Living Dead (1968) / 1:35:17

(COPY)Night of the Living Dead - YouTube


L'ALTERNATIVA: The Lucis Trust behind Occupy Wall street [UPDATED]

George Soros backs anti-Wall Street protests - Luciferian hegelian dialectic [NWO] - YouTube

Protest against the Pope and the New World Order - YouTube


Institute for Planetary Synthesis (


The Freewoman: Pope pushes for a new Global world currency





George Carlin ~ The American Dream - YouTube

IMAGES:Obama's Profound Disrespect For The Presidency

THE RESILIENCE OF RON PAUL - YouTube - Halloween Celebrates Sex and Death

A Potpourri of Creeps and Criminals For Halloween | Mantiq al-Tayr

Latin American Herald Tribune - More Than 150,000 Mexican Cargo Trucks Await U.S. Permits

Top US foreclosure law firm threw Halloween party where staff dressed as homeless, foreclosed-upon Americans - Boing Boing

What the Costumes Reveal -

Dr Judy Wood - Anomolies of 9-11 - in the UK - YouTube

NYC Dept. of Buildings: No Records for Pre-9/11 WTC Elevator Rebuild, One of the “Largest, Most Sophisticated” Ever |

Roy Tov: Would Islamic Jihad Replace Hamas?



US eyes blackout of 'rogue websites' — RT

Bipartisan ‘Stop Online Piracy Act’ Spooks The Web | TPM Idea Lab


* HR 3261


Multiculturalism Debate in Sweden - Fox News Video - Fox News.flv - YouTube

Confusion and conflicting loyalties as Libyans struggle with life after Gaddafi - Telegraph

Syria's Assad warns of 'earthquake' if west intervenes | World news |

The cynical lie that leaving the EU would destroy Britain | Mail Online

How the Eurocrisis laid bare world's new economic order | World news | The Observer

George Soros attacks Brussels rescue deal - Telegraph

Tony Blair, the billionaire donor Lakshmi Mittal... and a major deal in Kazakhstan | Mail Online

World's most powerful laser to tear apart the vacuum of space - Telegraph

Collision course: the space rocks that threaten our lives - Telegraph

OBL's Death: The Mystery Of Helicopter Crash | Opinion Maker

Meet the Guy Who Snitched on Occupy Wall Street to the FBI and NYPD

It is Past Time to Stop Using the Rest of the World as Our Penal Colonies - Stealth EU Nation-Killing Treaty Must be Stopped

Rising antibiotic use on farms prompts renewed push for federal restrictions - The Hill's Healthwatch

Scientists who said climate change sceptics had been proved wrong accused of hiding truth by colleague | Mail Online

While The Euro & Dollar Die | Real Zionist News

Argentina - Why President Fernandez Wins And Obama Loses

Libya - War Without End

U.S. Plans Post-Iraq Troop Increase in Persian Gulf -

Reports: Prosecutions going up for war zone crime - Yahoo! News

Apollo Astronaut Forced To Surrender Old Moon Camera in Lawsuit Settlement : Federal Jack


*1:24:24 / THE GREATER GOOD @ Vimeo


Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Nahida Izzat: Did the Age of Enlightenment never occur?

To HydroBalance Mother Nature Back To Health - Part 1

VIDEO:Absolute Beauty Of Pollination

The Elite Plan for a New World Social Order

November 9th communications shutdown: A system reboot needed to activate new code? « The PPJ Gazette

Why is Explosive 9/11 Evidence so Hard to Accept? Psychology Experts Explain. -

Deal reached in U.S. 2001 anthrax death suit: filing | The Raw Story

'02/Anthrax Missing from Army Lab -

BBC News - Libya militia 'terrorises' pro-Gaddafi town of Tawargha

Who Is Keeping Track Of The Trillions? | Veterans Today

Israeli Guilty of First Organ Trafficking Case in US History | Veterans Today

Libya: A war for water? : Federal Jack

The Ostroy Report: Not Everyone in the 1% Deserves 'Occupy's' Scorn

Herman Cain Sexual Harassment Accusations: GOP Presidential Candidate Denies Politico Report


NIST's Evasion, Infiltration, and another Mainstream Publication |


*1:29:52/Hagen Kranichfeld Interview. - YouTube


*ADL Training US Police Departments across the country…For What Purpose? | Republic Broadcasting Network


p m carpenter's commentary: Cain's troubles are Paul's pickup

PressTV - US apology demanded for anti-Iran ploy

Unesco grants Palestine full membership | World news |

Video- Ernst Zundel: Jewish Voraciousness Will Create Weimar Like Conditions In America And A Final Solution For the Jews In The US | Video Rebel's Blog

How Former Goldman CEO And NJ Governor Jon Corzine Ran MF Global Into The Ground - Home - The Daily Bail


Occupy Congress? - YouTube

Obama, 'You Think I'm Joking' - Two Words for You, Predator Drones - YouTube

Lone Star Watchdog: Coming FEMA Exercise November 9th and 10th 2011. BE ON ALERT!

Dr Judy Wood - Anomolies of 9-11 - in the UK - YouTube

barrel of cyanide stolen in germany - Google Search

Climategate II: The ongoing inconvenient truth behind the AGW scam —

CDC Director Arrested for Child Molestation and Bestiality

Amazing Passenger Jet Landing Without Nose Gear, Iranian Pilot Saves Boeing 727 From Crashing : Federal Jack

Nuclear powers plan weapons spending spree, report finds | World news | The Guardian

YayaCanada: Libya: Al Qaeda's Black Ops Flag


100% Psychological Warfare Aimed at The Species 1/3 - YouTube

100% Psychological Warfare Aimed at The Species 2/3 - YouTube

100% Psychological Warfare Aimed at The Species 3/3 - YouTube


Satan is in the US Military. Want 100% Proof?? Watch This Series Pt1 - YouTube

Satan is in the US Military. Want 100% Proof?? Watch This Series Pt2 - YouTube

Satan is in the US Military. Want 100% Proof?? Watch This Series Pt3 - YouTube

Satan is in the US Military. Want 100% Proof?? Watch This Series Pt4 - YouTube


Prison » DHS-Funded Taser Drone Laun


*5 PART/Prison » “A Journey Into Slavery” – Alex Jones Sunday Edition


**Prison » Ron Paul – 2011 NFRA Straw Poll Speech

*27 MIN./Ron Paul - 2011 NFRA Straw Poll Speech (improved audio) - YouTube

**Ron Paul 1-Hour Interview in New Hampshire - YouTube


+Occupy Vatican? - YouTube

Prison » 9/11 And Karbala: The Stories We Tell Ourselves To Give Meaning To Our Deaths

+Prison » 16 Reasons Why Mitt Romney Would Be A Really, Really Bad President

Prison » Infowars: Taking On The Establishment Media & Winning

Prison » Coulter Defends Former Fed Mob Boss and Insider Cain

Coulter Blames Liberals For Herman Cain's Sexual Harassment Report - YouTube

Prison » IT’S OVER: Cain Is Done

Ron Paul Declare Victory Bring Them Home! - mirror - YouTube

Libertarian Party Tells Ron Paul to Come On Over - ABC News

Prison » Communists Occupy Pontiac


Prince Charles has been offered a veto over 12 government bills since 2005 | UK news | The Guardian

Rioting Across America - The Great Depression - YouTube

BBC News - Libya militia 'terrorises' pro-Gaddafi town of Tawargha

Prison » Ron Paul – 2011 NFRA Straw Poll Speech

Ron Paul - 2011 NFRA Straw Poll Speech (improved audio) - YouTube

China denies it is behind hacking of U.S. satellites | Reuters

Libyan interim leader's remark favoring polygamy stirs anger - Taiwan News Online

Prison » Unbelievable, Must-See Video: Heroic Navy Sailor Stands Tall In the Middle of Oakland Tear Gas Firestorm … Holding Up the Constitution and a Flag

Prison » You Won’t BELIEVE How Much Money Jon Corzine Could Walk Away With From MF Global

Nashville Judge Tells Cops "You Have NO Lawful Basis To Arrest Occupy Protesters!" - YouTube

TSA Test 'Pre-Screening' - Nightly News Report - YouTube

Pakistan Spy Agency’s Help Sought for Afghan Talks -

Prison » Nationwide Occupy Wall Street crackdown continues with more police brutality

EU considers smart biometric borders | | Planet

Who's listening in? Met police track thousands of mobiles using covert surveillance system | Mail Online

Concerns Raised about Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes -

Prison » Greenpeace puts pressure on Japan to tighten radiation restrictions after more than half of tested seafood shows up positive for radioactive cesium

+ Let Them Eat Cake: 10 Examples Of How The Elite Are Savagely Mocking The Poor Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Revealed – the capitalist network that runs the world - physics-math - 19 October 2011 - New Scientist


» Barack Obama’s Allegiance Is Not To America And God, But To The New World Order And Satan Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


Ponerology 101: Psychopathy at Nuremburg -- Science of the Spirit --

Ponerology 101: The Political Psychopath -- Science of the Spirit --

The Psychopath: A New Subspecies of Homo Sapiens -- Science of the Spirit --

Truth to Power: Psychopaths Rule Our World -- Science of the Spirit --

The Trick of the Psychopath's Trade: Make Us Believe that Evil Comes from Others -- Science of the Spirit --


» How to Lick the Budget Deficits Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Unesco grants Palestine full membership | World news |

Wall Street Firms Spy on Protesters In Tax-Funded Center » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

» Does Anyone Still Doubt We Languish in a Police-State? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The cynical lie that leaving the EU would destroy Britain | Mail Online

» Obama to the world: ‘Do as we say, not as we do’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


» 9/11 Consensus Panel: “Best Evidence” Indicates Flaws in Official 9/11 Narrative Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Russ Baker Dicusses Bin Laden Death, 9/11 Commission, more.. - YouTube

Insiders voice doubts about CIA's 9/11 story - 9/11 -

India firm launches gold, diamond 'cash machine'

» Goldman Sachs and Occupy Wall Street’s Bank: A Greg Palast Investigation (Video) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Goldman Sachs v. Occupy Wall Street: A Greg Palast Investigation - YouTube

Prince Charles joins campaign to save Transylvania's forests - inspired by family connections to 'Count Dracula' | Mail Online


25 MIN./Keiser Report: Bring down Bernanke Gaddafi style (E203) - YouTube


Ron Paul "What We Have Now Is People With Pseudo Educations & Massive Debt! You've Indentured Them! - YouTube

Violent Weekend: Air strikes kill 10 Palestinians, 1 Israeli - YouTube

The Judge Deciphers the Contemporary Tax Debate - YouTube

Derivatives: Are Odds Stacked Against Us?

Throwing Ever More Money At World Financial Problems | International Forecaster Weekly Bob Chapman The International Forcaster | Economy News | Investing | US Market Information | Gold | Silver | Wall Street Bailouts | Investment Trends | Money Resources | US and Worldwide Politics

Random Highway Checkpoint Searches, Just Another Infringement on U.S. Freedoms

TSA Thugs on the Loose! - YouTube



National Popular Vote -- Electoral college reform (


+Barb Adams: The National Popular Vote Compact

+Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote

+LWVUS National Popular Vote Compact Study, Opposing Arguments by Gail Dryden and Barbara Klein

Election 2012: Protecting the Electoral College from the National Popular Vote Scheme

Americans Support Scrapping Electoral College | Gather

Devvy Kidd -- Electoral college battle: Shoveling the usurper back into office

Eliminating the Electoral College Eliminates States Rights and Obama Remains As President | Independent Sentinel

Spakovsky: Protecting Electoral College from popular vote - Washington Times


"A Journey Into Slavery" - Alex Jones Sunday Edition 1/5 - YouTube

"A Journey Into Slavery" - Alex Jones Sunday Edition 2/5 - YouTube

"A Journey Into Slavery" - Alex Jones Sunday Edition 3/5 - YouTube

"A Journey Into Slavery" - Alex Jones Sunday Edition 4/5 - YouTube

"A Journey Into Slavery" - Alex Jones Sunday Edition 5/5 - YouTube


More than 60 percent of global consumers downbeat - Nielsen | Reuters

CIA, Other Spy Agencies Spent $54.6 Billion In Secret For 2011

EU considers smart biometric borders | | Planet

Homeland Security Office Stages a Mock Zombie Invasion | Disinformation

How the Eurocrisis laid bare world's new economic order -

US Quietly Assumes Military Posture in Africa

Peru Earthquake 2011: 6.9 Magnitude, But No Tsunami

Clean Energy Sites Identified for Solar Development

Jobs' Last Words: "Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow."

7 Billionth Baby Presents a Challenge

‘Anonymous’ threatens Mexican drug cartel

Politico: Cain accused of sexual harassment

White House responds to marijuana petition

What Explains US’s Anti-Iran Tirade

A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm

USA: Murder Inc.

TSA’s Power Grope

The Question Occupy Wall Street (OWS) Hears Most: “What’s Your Agenda?”

The Syria Imperative: Military Intervention to Promote Israeli Interests?

VIDEO: Intel Serves Politics: Bailouts, Obamacare and Wasted Money

CIA History of DCI William Colby Finally Qualifies as "Non-Secret"

The Lynching of Muammar Gaddafi

A 51st State for Armed Robotic Drones

Truth is the First Casualty of War. No Justice, No Peace, No Truth...


VIDEO: Corporate Censorship: Police Advise Google to Remove Protest Videos

*The Legend of the Crystal Skulls


Steve Quayle News Alerts:Emergency 11.11.11 Spiritual Warfare Report


Hunbatz Men Scred Pilgrimage Journey


Scientists find link between magnetic reversal and tectonic plate movements | The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond

Radical Domestic Terrorist Bill Ayers Speaks To Occupy Chicago Organizers :

Larry Grathwohl on Ayers' plan for American re-education camps and the need to kill millions - YouTube

Bill Ayers Teaches Radical Theory At #OccupyChicago - YouTube

For the record: Babeu Q & A on Fast and Furious

The Zombie Apocalypse | Shooting Illustrated

Checking the Chinese in Central Africa

Kabul Attack Highlights US Use of Contractors

100,000 Rally Against Pakistan's US Alliance

Mogadishu Bomber Was Somali-American

Attacks Show Brutal Reality of an Unwinnable War

Iraq, the War That Never Should Have Been

US Double Standard: Gadhafi Bad, Karimov Good

The PATRIOT Act's War on Free Speech

Drone Knowns and Unknowns

Back to Uzbekistan by Justin Raimondo --

A Most Stubborn Reality by Nebojsa Malic --


Moroccans Call for the Ouster of King Mohammed VI

Will G20 Control Hot Money?

Kyrgyz PM Poised to Become President


4 Simple Steps for Taking Your Money Out of the Vampire Banks

Were U.S. Elections Sold to Corporations So Clarence Thomas Could Reward His Friends?

5 Places Where the Rich Got Richer -- Mostly on the Government's Dime

7 Billion and Counting: Welcome to a Planet With Population Overload and Resources in Crisis [With Photos From National Geographic]

The War on Halloween: A Mixed Message from Fox News and the Right

If We End Farm Subsidies, Does That Mean Our Food System Will Be Healthy?

Kyrgyzstan PM Leads Presidential Vote

UNESCO Grants Palestinians Full Membership

Courthouse News Service:Louisiana Must Produce Documents or it Could Lose Right to Make Oil-Spill Claims

Activist Post: BPA Leads to Fertility Defect in Offspring

Activist Post: Inspiring Speech to Peace and Liberty Activists (Video)

Activist Post: How to Lick the Budget Deficits

Activist Post: US citizen perpetrated Somali suicide bombing: Islamists

The Future of Nano-Electric Power Generation - YouTube

Politico: Women Accused Cain of 'Inappropriate Behavior,' Received Cash Payments

Cain Denies Report of Sexual Harassment

Conservative Women’s Group to Cain: Come Clean

Cain Leads Perry by 1 Point — in Texas

Dick Armey: Tea Party Likes Cain

Boehner: We Must Find Common Ground on Jobs

Politico: Cain Hit With Harassment Allegations

Bachmann Not Worried by Poor Iowa Poll Finish

Perry: I Could Handle Obama in Debate

Paul Hints at Third-Party Run If Not Nominated

Next Solyndra? Beacon Bankrupt After $43M Loan

Obama to Order FDA to Help Reduce Drug Shortages

Saudi Royal Raises Bounty to Catch Israeli Soldier

La Russa Retires After Cardinals Championship

Federal Agencies Pursue Greener Options

Poll: Only 17% Better Off Than a Year Ago

Haqqani Network May Be Linked to Kabul Suicide Attack: Officials

6 Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

Chris Matthews Admits He Has Lost Faith in Obama

Cain's Success Comes Down to His Sincerity

Harassment Scandal Is the Beginning of the End for Cain

Tunisia’s Islamic Party Offers Hope for Women’s Rights


* Interview : EMP Attack on the Horizon?


EMPACT America(


EMP Attack on the Horizon? | American Free Press


Iran demands apology and cash from U.S. over claims it plotted to kill Saudi ambassador | Mail Online

Libya: Robbers loot priceless Treasure of Benghazi from bank vault | Mail Online

David Axelrod: Obama's Fundraising Rules Still Better Than Anything Republicans Have

Hillary’s war: How conviction replaced skepticism in Libya intervention - The Washington Post

A Sister’s Eulogy for Steve Jobs -

US Airways attendant Nick Aaronson found strangled in Mexico hotel room | Mail Online

Giant £1bn laser strong enough 'to tear the fabric of space' could be built in Britain | Mail Online

World population hits 7 billion –

Pat Buchanan: Occupy Wall Street Is 'Going To End Very, Very Badly'

OMG! Bride starts texting during her wedding ceremony, lol! | Mail Online

Protecting You From Reality: Government Targets “Rogue” Web Sites and Alternative Media :

The Brink of Blue Beam :

The Sociopathic Snuff Whore Of Babylon :

Is OWS a Strategy to Prevent an Obama Impeachment? :

Drills, Drills, and More Drills On November 9th! – ELE(vin) NIN(e) :

Flashback: Military Industrial Complex Prepares Mass Graves For U.S. Citizens :

Happy Halloween from William S. Burroughs (Remix Video) | Disinformation

Happy Halloween from William S. Burroughs and Insomnia « Joe Nolan's Insomnia

Hey OWS, What’s Your Agenda? | Disinformation

The Great Moon Hoax of 1835 | Victorian Gothic

Enough with the conspiracy theories, says one author: Shakespeare really was Shakespeare -

Aleister Crowley's White Stains | Victorian Gothic

Britney Spears is on Tour and is Still Under Mind Control

18th Century Secret Society Code Cracked

Street Lights that Spy On You

Snoop Dogg on Conspiracy Theories (video)

+Vatican Calls for a Central World Bank

Mikhail Gorbachev Says Occupy Wall Street Signals an Emerging New World Order

Brown Eyed Girls’ Video “Sixth Sense” or How the Elite Controls Opposition

The 2011 VMAs: A Celebration of Today’s Illuminati Music Industry

The World of Mind Control Through the Eyes of an Artist with 13 Alter Personas

The Most Incredible Video Game Simulator Ever Built Brings Battlefield 3 To Life…With Pain | Singularity Hub

Ultimate Battlefield 3 Simulator - Build & Test (Full Video) - The Gadget Show - YouTube

The Wheel Reinvented – The Q Drum Is An Easy Way To Transport Water In Developing Countries (video) | Singularity Hub

Q Drum Tri Film Productions, Inc. - YouTube

Google’s AI Challenge: Who Can Build The Smartest Ant Colony | Singularity Hub

AI Challenge Fall 2011 - Ants Gameplay - YouTube

Assad & Western action against Syria

Truce Effort Follows Deadly Violence on Israel-Gaza Border

Arab League Presses Syria to End Crackdown

Meese: Balanced Budget Amendment Will Backfire Unless It Curbs Spending, Taxes, Courts

'I Have Never Sexually Harassed Anyone,' Cain Says

Coulter: 'Liberals Are Terrified of Herman Cain'

Herman Cain Won't Retract: Planned Parenthood is ‘Planned Genocide’

Politics of Personal Destruction? Cain Denies Liberal Media Report of Sexual Harassment

Obama Ordering FDA to Help Reduce Prescription Drug Shortages

Deny, Deceive, Discredit: Iranians Try Range of Tactics to Resolve Apostasy Case

North Dakota Farmers Push for Constitutional Right to Farm

Scaremongering? Engagement Advocates Falsely Claim US Will be Forced to Withdraw from UN Agencies

Cain Spokesman Won't Flatly Deny Harassment Claims

Obama Lies: Falsely Claims ‘Over Past Three Decades, Middle Class Has Lost Ground’

Boehner Won't Rule Out 'Balanced Budget Amendment' That Permits Unlimited...

After Meeting With Ahmadinejad Fareed Zakaria Wants U.S. to Soften Iran Policy |

With Millions Out of Work Bob Woodward Claims Obama's Top Priority Is Reelection |

Politico's Dirty Mind on the Herman Cain Smoker |

Politico's Roger Simon: Being Racist Helps in Republican Primaries |

Bill Gates Laughs At Buffett Rule: 'You Can't Raise the Taxes We Need Just By Going After That One Percent' |

MAY '11:Herman Cain sounds off on race, a debate win, and the need to simplify government | Byron York | Politics | Washington Examiner

Second Energy Department-backed company goes bankrupt - The Hill's E2-Wire

MF Global: Likely Among the 10 Biggest Bankruptcies Ever - Deal Journal - WSJ

3 Men Arrested In Nickel Theft At ATI/Allegheny - Flash Player Installation

Brain Gene Activity Changes Through Life - Science News

Bronx woman refuses to give back hefty severance after Pfizer layoff -

Obama: Campaigning Like It's 1936 - Forbes

CURL: The very angry first lady Michelle Obama - Washington Times

Hollywood Street Brawl Involving 100 People In Costumes Leaves 1 Man Critical « CBS Los Angeles

Real-looking 3D photo sat-nav 'to replace' Google Maps on iPhone | Mail Online

Woman stabbed to death in Albion parking lot - The Daily News Online: News

Insight: Firms to charge smokers, obese more for healthcare | Reuters

Back to the Stone Age: Trendy restaurant serves food only available to our caveman ancestors | Mail Online

Amy Winehouse’s secret new album | The Sun |Showbiz|Bizarre

Official: 70 members of 'billion-dollar' drug gang arrested - US news - Crime & courts -

Herman Cain accused by two women of inappropriate behavior - Jonathan Martin and Maggie Haberman and Anna Palmer and Kenneth P. Vogel -

Fukushima Update - 2011/10/30 - YouTube

+4 PARTS:A World in Crisis – Max Igan |

Rep. Lofgren: Copyright bill is the 'end of the Internet' | Privacy Inc. - CNET News


+Barter Society Emerges in Greece as Crisis Deepens by Mac Slavo


* Top Post-Collapse Barter Items And Trade Skills


What Would Really Happen If Ron Paul Were To Be Elected President? by Bill Sardi

Old Car End Run by Eric Peters

Asset Protection and Internet Privacy by Paul Green

Form 8938: Not a Prelude to a Wealth Tax…This Time by Mark Nestmann

Better Than Vitamin E: One of the Easiest Ways to Reduce the Appearance of Wrinkles by Joseph Mercola

EU considers smart biometric borders | | Planet

Met police using surveillance system to monitor mobile phones | UK news | The Guardian

Success for Andrea Rossi's E-Cat cold fusion system, but mysteries remain (Wired UK)

CIA Criminal Revolving Door: CIA Officer “Albert” Involved in False Intelligence Linking Al-Qaeda to Iran, Iraq

Halloween for the Children of the Nations of Mighty Oil

Die, Facebook, Die

Oil rich dictator of Kazakhstan recruits Tony Blair to help win Nobel peace prize - Telegraph

Even Debt Collectors Are Struggling In This Economy

Democracy Privatized! Occupy Wall Street Will Expose The 1% | Puppetworld Post

Christian employee’s pay slashed over Facebook comments on homosexuals

The US Paper Dump Continues: Norway's Sovereign Wealth Fund Sells All Of Its US MBS Exposure | ZeroHedge


Recreating The Past Dealing With Cognitive Dissonance Part I - YouTube

Recreating The Past An Extraterrestrial Connection To The Vatican Part II - YouTube

Recreating The Past The Mayan, The Vatican The Connection To Orion Part III - YouTube


+AUDIO:A New International Order;Darrell Castle talks about where Europe turns to sell its debt.

America’s Death Pornography Culture: Celebrating brutal deaths of Qaddafi and Saddam > - Strategic Culture Foundation

Mayan "alien proof" film in the works ~ RiseEarth

New Mayan Documentary Filmmaker Offers Photo as Proof of Aliens, Says Hawking Agrees ~ RiseEarth


Analysis Of The Occult Symbols Found On The Bank Of America Murals | Before It's News

Ex Member of The Global Elite Tells All - YouTube

From 7 Billion People To 500 Million People – The Sick Population Control Agenda Of The Global Elite

Did You Hear the One About the Bankers? -

AOL Threatens Over Picture of Police Officer | Before It's News

We Are Witnessing The Death Of The Dollar--Eric Janszen | Before It's News

What College Majors Earn The Most? Is College Worth The Cost? | Before It's News

Recreating The Past - The Mayan, The Vatican & The Connection To Orion | Before It's News

PressTV - US behind 9/11: Russian author

Martial Law Video Warning: Fill In The Blanks Game | Before It's News

Illuminati Warning: Martial Law Plans Revealed? - YouTube

The Science Behind 9/11's Mass Hypnosis | Before It's News

Why Many Americans Still Believe The Official Version Of 9/11 As Well As Other BS - YouTube

Islamic Jihad’s Deadly Onslaught of Terror in Israel | Before It's News

New World Earthquake Links - YouTube

Herman Cain: Meet Clarence Thomas | Before It's News

Cain On Sexual Harassment Charge: ‘Totally Baseless And Totally False’ | Before It's News

Herman Cain Says He Was “Falsely Accused” By Women, Claims “Totally Baseless” – With Video | Before It's News

The Unholy Transformation Of America! | Before It's News


+35 min./Adam Fergusson talks to James Turk - YouTube


'When Money Dies' Author Adam Fergusson Interviewed on Hyperinflation - informationliberation



PROTECT IP Renamed E-PARASITES Act; Would Create The Great Firewall Of America | Techdirt

E-PARASITE Bill: 'The End Of The Internet As We Know It' | Techdirt

'Rogue Websites' Bill Creates Chinese-Style Ban List - informationliberation

PROTECT IP Act Breaks The Internet - informationliberation


+ ( IP Act Breaks the Internet


Checkpoint Soulwinning Demonstration Video - YouTube

A Tool in the Government's War on Privacy? Absolutely. But in Its War on Terror? Not So Much... - informationliberation

Does Anyone Still Doubt We Languish in a Police-State? - informationliberation

The "War on Drugs" is Really a War on You - informationliberation

White House response to NORML’s “We the People” marijuana legalization petition | NORML Blog, Marijuana Law Reform

Inquiry told decriminalizing sex work would make women safer - News1130

New CPR technique revives man after 63 minutes without pulse - YouTube

Pelosi Defends Obamacare Waivers To 1,800 Firms: "They're Small Companies" - informationliberation

Americans: Awash In Spin - informationliberation

Cops Mock Poor People, Calls Prosecutors "Pieces Of S--t," Claim Ticket-Fixing Is Just The Way It Is: Gothamist

Houston SWAT Operators Get Their Own Airborne Weapons Platform - informationliberation

Florida Trooper pulls Miami officer over for going 120 mph - YouTube

China: Drunk Cop Kills 5 People In Crash, Chinese Flip & Smash Cop Cars In Protest - informationliberation

NASA Sting Operation Nabs Granny for Trying to Sell a Speck of Moon Dust - Oct. 27 - YouTube

The US Is Fast Becoming a Third World Police State - The Dollar Vigilante Blog -

ISP Boss Brands Copyright Trolls “Scum”, Vows To Stop Them | TorrentFreak

+Quick Comfort: Beans and Rice | Before It's News

+Candy Corn Rice Krispie Treats {Happy Halloween} | Before It's News




+"Rebuilding America's Defenses" – A Summary Blueprint of the PNAC Plan for U.S. Global Hegemony

The Project for the New American Century.

+Global Eye -- Dark Passage(w/links)

* Project for the New American Century(

+ Statement of Principles

What if the U.S were divided by income?

Some Thoughts On Occupying Everywhere

Roger Simon: Being 'a Little Bit Racist' Helps in GOP Primary

Meet The Press Doesn't Want To Discuss Economic Issues For 99% Of America

Cops Apparently Telling Drunken Street People: 'Take It To Zuccotti'

Cain Defends Accusing Planned Parenthood of 'Planned Genocide'; Goal Is To ‘Kill Black Babies’

Forbes on Fox Panelists Push for Social Security Privatization

Cain: Smoking 'Dangerous' and 'Not a Cool Thing'

Bill Gates: I Don't Know Anything About The Tax Code, But I Know Raising Taxes On People Like Me Won't Fix It

Hayes: We Will Know That #OWS is Working When Even Republicans Have to Start Talking About Redistribution

Christian Groups Make Plans To Protect #OccupyLSX Protesters At St. Paul's Cathedral

Chris Wallace to Rick Perry: Your Jobs Plan Is 'Terrible'

A Look Into The Mind Of The Villagers On Social Security

Bloomberg To Host Sunday Dinner To Urge Super Committee To Cut $4 Trillion, Let The 99% Eat Cake

Bark Bark Woof Woof: Sunday Reading

- Pruning Shears - Race and standing in the Occupy movement

The Duck of Minerva: War and the Eurozone

The Reaction: Mitt Romney would let Israel control U.S. foreign policy

Cantor Calls Occupy Wall Street As A 'Mob' - YouTube

Daily Kos: Herman Cain campaign may have violated campaign finance laws

Daily Kos: Herman Cain admits sexual harassment charges ... but he doesn't know anything else about them

Daily Kos: Herman Cain, sexual harassment and a bad Monday

Daily Kos: Herman Cain's sexual harassment problem

Daily Kos: Eric Cantor rakes in Wall Street donations

Daily Kos: John Boehner understands Occupy Wall Street 'frustrations' and hopes they don't riot

Daily Kos: Occupy Wall Street: New York Police sending drunks to Zuccotti Park?

Daily Kos: This Week in Congress: Wall St. bills dress up as 'jobs' bills for Halloween

Daily Kos: Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: The New Tax Debate Dynamic

Cartoon:Daily Kos: Officer Friendly

The "Sorceress" Who Will Turn Your Pet into a Mummy Video

Face Recognition in the Era of the Cloud and Social Media: Is it Time to Hit the Panic Button? | | Planet


*ID This Person(




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The Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave: CHAPTER 12. THE SCIENCE OF EXTERNAL CONTROLS

E Book

**484 PGS./The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave; By Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler


Obama Just “Can’t Wait” to Be King

Federal Student Loans: Borrowing Trouble for Students and Taxpayers

Super Committee Dems Propose Massive Tax Increases

New Geothermal Map May Give False Impression

The Public's Distrust of Government

Fact Check: Obama Exaggerates on Campaign Promises

Iron supplements cause more harm than good

Ginger root reduces digestive inflammation markers to lower colon cancer risk

How the medical monopoly hides inconvenient vaccine truths

Not all trans fat is created equal: Could 'natural' trans fats actually be good for you?

Boost testosterone naturally

Former Soviet Citizen in Dust Up with the Useful Idiots of OWS - YouTube

70 tied to Mexico drug cartel busted in Arizona - US news - Crime & courts -

Roger L. Simon » Politico and Cain: Return of the High-Tech Lynching

Still no solution for illegal immigrants' long-term care costs - Houston Chronicle

CURL: The very angry first lady Michelle Obama - Washington Times

Chicago area couple buy 'Field of Dreams' site

Jean-Claude Brizard: Study is More Support for Longer Day

Chicago Traffic CTA about to become more social

Made in Chicagoland: Infant Welfare Society of Chicago

MF Global goes bankrupt, is 1st U.S. casualty of European crisis -

Gates responds to criticism from Steve Jobs - ZDNet

Cable TV Holding Web Rivals at Bay, Earnings Show -

Happy Halloween: Google Doodle carves some awesome pumpkins -

Zuckerberg: If I Were Starting Facebook Today, I'd Stay in Boston | News & Opinion |

Google Halloween Doodle 2011 - Behind the Scenes - YouTube

Halloween Google Doodle Carves Up 3 Tons of Pumpkin | PCWorld

Boeing leasing shuttle hangar to build new capsule

China considering sending first woman into space - Telegraph

Russian Spacecraft Launched Successfully - Forbes

Surfer Recovers After 9-Foot Shark Attacks In Marina - The Central Coast News Story - KSBW The Central Coast

KLCC Eugene Oregon NPR-Bats Aren't Scary, But They Need Help

New NASA Earth Watching Satellite Launched | Industry Leaders Magazine

Seven Billion Reasons to Talk About Our Future: The Ticker - Bloomberg

Mapping the formation of an underwater volcano | Science Codex

Faster-than-light particle experiment tweaked - Technology & Science - CBC News

Life secrets in 100-year-olds’ DNA? - Chicago Sun-Times

Netflix, Amazon Unveil Deals for Disney-ABC Streaming Content -

Defense expert concedes Conrad Murray violated medical care standards [Updated] -

Lady Gaga 'Marries The Night' In India - Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV

Amy Winehouse: New album to be released in December - Celebrity Circuit - CBS News

Huntsman bitten by goat while campaigning in New Hampshire

Hacker Collective 'Anonymous' Goes After Los Zetas Mexican Drug Cartel - Techland -

The Associated Press: Ahmadinejad's foes flex power in Iran's parliament

1 Million Still in Dark After Destructive Weekend Storm -

New Cain Internet ad shines focus on viral videos |

Rick Perry's new mantra: I'm a doer, not a talker - Content / Policy Watch / White House Orders Review Of DOE Loans, Faces Potential Subpoena

Boehner: High hopes for debt 'supercommittee' -

Supreme Court rebukes Ninth Circuit, again, in 'shaken baby' case -

1 of 3 fugitive siblings pleads not guilty in CO -

Chinatown Buses’ Death Rate Said Seven Times That of Competitors - Businessweek

Man dies in NY gym fight; officers used stun guns - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

AFP: Brazil's Lula hospitalized for chemotherapy treatment

Obama To Order FDA To Allay Drug Shortages | Fox News

Dangerous myths surround flu shots: experts - Chicago Sun-Times

Could Mozart Decrease Your Risk of Colon Cancer? - ABC News

Halloween licorice could cause heart trouble, FDA warns - HealthPop - CBS News

Ohio mock zombie outbreak inspired by CDC message - TODAY Health -

White House: No Legalization of Marijuana - Washington Wire - WSJ

Commuting Is Bad For Your Health, Study Says | Fox News

Rep. Sam Farr, House members question California pot club crackdown - San Jose Mercury News

Limbaugh: Smokers Deserve The Congressional Medal Of Honor

Brain Dead Hollywood: Sarah Silverman Offers This Juicy Nugget As Grounds For An Obama Second Term

Rush Limbaugh Blasts Politico And MSM For Stereotypical Racial Attacks On Herman Cain

Want to Bust Some Ghosts? There's an App for That

Teen worker at haunted house 'Creepyworld' found caught in noose

The tricks of the 'Bridgewater Triangle'

The Science of Death: 10 Tales from the Crypt & Beyond

Within a hair of Bigfoot

Drug hallucinations look real in the brain

Asteroid could be fledgling planet that never formed

Should we search for alien 'footprints' right here on Earth?

The Hidden Haunted History of 7 American Landmarks

Why Rick Santorum is Right on DADT

Is Corporate Greed the Problem?

Slouching toward the 1930s

Another 'scientific consensus' bites the dust

Obama framing the election narrative

The Parasite Left

The Hard-Left OWS Plan

Fearful Intellectual Conservative Syndrome

Euro crisis could lead to social unrest: ILO

Professor Obama's Investing 101

Back in EUSSR

One Pivotal Week For Fast and Furious

Another Energy Department loan 'success' story - Beacon Power goes belly-up

Administration can't make up its mind about the ISI

Cain edges Perry in new Texas poll

Obama Lecturing On Euro Finance? Give Me a Break

Do-nothing Democrats

The sexual harrassment accusation against Herman Cain

How many eco-frauds can dance on a pin?

Barack Obama 'Acting Stupidly'

Self-Reliance for Dunces

Could We See World War Three in Our Lifetimes?

How Can Holder Keep Holding On?

The Powerbait Generation(s)

Aboriginal Rights of the Jewish People

Iran, Syria Plotting to Blunt Turkey

Pro-Union Is Not Pro-Worker

Obama Announces Public New Measures to Bypass Congress and Use Dictator-like Decrees

Imagine if the 2008 Obama Had Listened to the 2004 Obama

The Nefarious Plan

In a strong America Republic Socialists Need Not Apply

Reformulating “No Child Left Behind Act” the Pelosi Way

Israeli Ambassador’s Plea to the Security Council Falls on Deaf Ears

Cuba: Peaceful human rights defenders continue facing brutal mob attacks

The Fourth Branch of Government!

The Duped Generation

China’s Monopoly on Rare Earth Metals

Feds waste $60 billion on bioterror Maginot Line

Killing Energy, Killing Jobs, Killing America

New Halloween videos from the American Chemical Society

The Materialism of Environmentalism

Are the United States and Iran on a Collision Course?

The American Cities Sunk by Underwater Mortgages |

Herman Cain Calls Sexual Harassment Claims Baseless & False | Video |

Christians Should Stop ‘Downgrading’ Christianity Says British Muslim Minister |

Rick Perry Speech Has Critics Wondering if He’s on Medication, Alcohol | Video |

Occupy Wall Street Using Bikes to Generate Electricity |

UNESCO Gives Palestine Full Membership |

Presidential Candidates Use Twitter to Spread Political Messages |

Canadian Cops Shoot and Kill Runaway Cow | Video |

‘Erasing Hate’: Reformed Skinhead Endures Agony to Remove Hateful Tattoos | Byron Widner | Video |

Shorter University to Make Staff Sign Homosexuality Pledge |

New Bill Would Make Selling Fake Maple Syrup a Felony | Video |

Female Employees Allegedly Accused Herman Cain of Sexually Suggestive Behavior in 1990s |

Steve Jobs‘ Last Words ’Oh Wow’ |

USDA Predicts Increased Food Prices |

Global Warming Skeptic Changes His Mind |

Time-Lapse Condit Dam Demolition Video | Video |

Obama: Nancy Pelosi ‘One of the Best Speakers of the House This Country Ever Had,’ Will be Back in 2013 | Video |

Anonymous threatens Drug Cartel |

Now Rick Perry Says He’ll Attend at Least Five More Debates | Video |

Israeli Archaeologists Find Tiny Christian Relic |

Naked Drunk Man Drive Wild Rampage in Moscow | Video |

Lesbian Student Crowned Homecoming King at Calif. High School | Video |

Iranian Parliament Set to Haul Ahmadinejad Up for Questioning — Over Fraud Case |

Herman Cain Heckled by Ron Paul Supporters During Campaign Speech | Video |

The biofuels mess -

The Biofuels Fiasco | The Weekly Standard

Cheap Oil Isn't Coming Back

Viva the shale gas revolution

Mackinac Center: Green energy rules and subsidies fizzle as job creators | Detroit Free Press |

Obama Administration Must Open 'Energy Highways' - Energy Intelligence (

Prehistoric Greenhouse Data from Ocean Floor Could Predict Earth’s Future, MU Study Finds | News Bureau, University of Missouri

Planets smashed into dust near supermassive black holes — University of Leicester

Why It's Hard to Avoid a Halloween Stomachache - Blog

Graphene-based transistors may be on the horizon

Life's Extremes: Smart vs. Dumb | Intelligence & IQ Tests | Human Brain & Mysteries of the MInd | Savants & Geniuses | LiveScience

Mind-reading: The terrible truth | The Economist

Alien Abductions May Be Vivid Dreams, Study Shows | Are Alien Encounters Just Lucid Dreams? | UFOs & Extraterrestrials | Life's Little Mysteries

Vampire Stars, Frankensatellites & More: A Spooky Space Halloween | Fox News

Why we think there's a Multiverse, not just our Universe : Starts With A Bang

"Dead Of Night": The Horror Movie That Inspired Hoyle's Steady State Model

Alan the Torquay taxi driver is modern world's first ever mummy

BBC Nature - Fossil feast for 'zombie worms'

Enjoy Halloween candy despite the food cops | The Examiner | Op Eds | Washington Examiner

Met police using surveillance system to monitor mobile phones | UK news | The Guardian

Groupon IPO a Must as Cash Needs Climb - Bloomberg

More Than Facebook: The Time Is Right For Social Business - Forbes

Twitterology - A New Science? -

Zuckerberg: Jeff Bezos is one of the greats, and startups don’t need to be in the Valley to win - GeekWire

YouTube’s original channels could be Google TV’s killer app | VentureBeat

Facebook: 'Open hardware' integral to green IT infrastructure | ZDNet

Massive hack hit 760 companies - Oct. 27, 2011

Volta BCN electric motorcycle announced, set to go on sale in Q2 2012 -- Engadget

It’s Time For Google To Let Google Voice Live Up To Its Promise | TechCrunch

How Siri could revolutionize the 911 system — Mobile Technology News

Deadly Monopolies: New Book Explores How Patenting Genes Has Made Us Less Healthy | Techdirt


Firefox is the cloud’s biggest enemy | ExtremeTech

Real Clear Markets - Video - Stephanie Pomboy: Here Comes QE3

The Past, the People, & the Policies

Ben Bernanke Needs a Volcker Moment -

Jim McNerney: What Business Wants from Washington -

RealClearMarkets - The Vatican Calls For An End to Capitalism

Brussels deal is another sticking plaster to patch up a shaky eurozone - Telegraph

A Flat Tax Would Be Fine, A Consumption Tax True Perfection - Forbes

How Higher Taxes for a Few Lightens Load for All: Phil Keisling - Bloomberg

Government inflated the college loan bubble -- but Obama isn’t fixing it -

Charles Gasparino: Jon Corzine's Lesson for Wall Street Risk Takers

RealClearMarkets - Yes, Regulation Does Keep Unemployment High

Why Siri Is a Google Killer - Forbes

Growthology: Was Steve Jobs in the 1 percent?

The Incredible Shrinking Supercommittee - Megan McArdle - Business - The Atlantic

Green Shoots for Feeding the Dollar Bulls - The Source - WSJ

FT Alphaville » Another reason the Fed might buy MBS

Calculated Risk: FOMC Meeting Preview

The Smart Set: Made to Disorder - October 28, 2011

sp!ked review of books | The Lady Gaga school of gender delusion

Not Just Your Parents' NPR

Point Horror | Books | Memory Wipe | The A.V. Club

NYCC BAT SIGNAL: Chip Kidd Writes "Batman: Death By Design" - Comic Book Resources

25 years after Indira Gandhi's assassination - Politics News - IBNLive

The Sikh Times - Biographies - Indira Gandhi: Death in the Garden

Great Escapes (February 24, 1997) - Library of Congress Information Bulletin

Battle of Beersheba, 31 October 1917

Regaining Citizenship: Jewish-American Families Reclaim German Roots - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

The Untimely Death of River Phoenix

Intrepid Project

Rushing to Die: The crash of Singapore Airlines flight 006 - Part One, Airline Safety, Airline crashes

ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Fatal Error | 11/13/2000

Battle of the Atlantic - America Joins the War

Review: Somewhere, beyond the Sea | The National Interest

The Leadership Secrets of Bismarck | Foreign Affairs

America's Holy Haunted Houses » Main Feature » Jewish Ideas Daily

When did Halloween get R-rated?

Halloween Surf: Two great Bela Lugosi films for a creepy holiday | The Political Surf

Associated Baptist Press - Opinion: When Baptists voted for a heretic

Pope Benedict XVI’s Age, Health Have Vatican Watchers Abuzz - The Daily Beast

On judging Joel Osteen | Joel J. Miller

Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog: A little quiz for Richard Dawkins, super-duper Scripture scholar

Dumping Satan: It’s Time to Let Go | (A)theologies | Religion Dispatches

The Arab Intellectuals Who Didn’t Roar -

Philosophical Fragments » The Young Christian’s Guide to Sex at Seminary

Baptist Press - FIRST-PERSON: Postmodern nonsense, straight out of the news - News with a Christian Perspective

Is the National Cathedral a national treasure? -

Karl Giberson, Ph.D: Why Christians Need a Secular World

RealClearReligion - Kurt Cobain was No Revolutionary

Is It Important That God Know Our Hearts? « Monday Morning Music Ministry by Rick Marschall


Social Justice in OECD Countries (pdf)


Niall Ferguson: How American Civilization Can Avoid Collapse - The Daily Beast

Muammar Qaddafi’s Death and Legacy : The New Yorker

Are the Islamists ready to govern?

How China can save the eurozone | Li Wei | Comment is free | The Guardian

China’s Misunderstood Spies | The Diplomat

Opinion: 10 reasons why Russia still matters - Graham Allison and Robert D. Blackwill -

Brazil’s Quest for Superpower Status

China's bubble has kept more than its own economy afloat - The National

Iraq: A Failure of Diplomacy - Elise Jordan - National Review Online

Are China’s Rulers Getting Religion? by Ian Johnson | NYRblog | The New York Review of Books

Neighbours risk turning Syria into a proxy war - The National

Gaza and Egypt - JPost - Opinion - Editorials

Refinancing mortgages, buying votes - Opinion -

Politics, Pizzas and Pessimism -

Michelle Obama and ‘the Few at the Top’ - By Victor Davis Hanson - The Corner - National Review Online

A tax reform fairy tale -

Obama’s tripping over his words - Chicago Sun-Times

The debt fallout: How Social Security went ‘cash negative’ earlier than expected - The Washington Post

Occupy Wall Street’s descent from utopia to “Lord of the Flies” -

RealClearPolitics - Moderate House Dems a Vanishing Breed

How an anti-abortion push to redefine ‘person’ could wind up hurting women - The Washington Post

Hidden Persuaders | The Weekly Standard

For Young Women, A Horrifying Consequence Of Mubarak’s Overthrow | The New Republic

Did You Hear the One About the Bankers? -

Printable version: Flat tax a flat-out fraud

The Reactionary Left | The Weekly Standard

RealClearPolitics - The Pentagon vs. the Welfare State

Bombs, Bridges and Jobs -

Jim McNerney: What Business Wants from Washington -

Can Barack Obama stay on new message? - Glenn Thrush and Carrie Budoff Brown -

In Iowa's GOP caucuses, 'it's absolutely wide open' –

For Republicans, Mitt is a marriage of convenience | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Herman Cain denies allegations of sexual harassment -

The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : High Tech Lynching: The Sequel Starring Herman Cain

Galston: Two New Polls Show Why 2012 Will Be An Ugly Election | The New Republic

RealClearPolitics - In Foreign Affairs, Obama Needs Respect, Not Love

CURL: The very angry first lady Michelle Obama - Washington Times

RealClearPolitics - Why Paul Ryan Is Unhappy

RealClearPolitics - The 2012 GOP Presidential Field on Jobs

Lying, cheating climate scientists caught lying, cheating again – Telegraph Blogs

Europe Might Have Blown Last Chance to End Its Crisis: View - Bloomberg

U.S. security; Freedom of Information Act: Obama's secrets -

Flat Taxes and Angry Voters -

A Victory For Ahmadinejad

Army Futures Conference Sees US Financial Meltdown Soon

Whither The IDF?

Europe Energy Independent? The Coming Shale Basin Economic Boom

How Do You Run An Empire On The Cheap? What We Could Learn From The Brits

The Nuts And Bolts Of Defense Cuts: We Need To Focus On Bang For The Buck

The Energy Future Is In Fossil Fuels

Politico’s Jonathan Martin Won’t Divulge Details Of Cain Story

NBC And Time Contributor Touré A 9/11 Truther

+Monday Crib Sheet: LOLCats Smack Down WaPo, New Romney Media Strategy

Alter: Obama is ‘Honest’ And ‘Free of Scandal’

Media Quick To Cover Cain Allegations, All But Silent On Edwards Scandal

CARTOON:UI: First Amendment

Media Matters Shoots At Breitbart, Hits Self in Foot

Sunday Crib Sheet: Newt Gingrich Vs Meghan McCain, Slate And OWS Signs

Maddow Episode On Gun Control Ignores Operation Fast And Furious

CARTOON:Takeout Media

Documents Reveal Federal Regulators Making More than $200k a Year

#Occupy’s Favorite Anti-Semitic Teacher Turns Her Sights on LA School Board

Second Energy Department-Backed Company Goes Bankrupt

AUDIO:The Scary Truth About Last Week’s Eurozone Deal

+The Cheat Sheet, October 31: Politico Confirms Cain Is a Contender

Ohio’s Union Fat Cats Try to Fool Voters on Issue 2 & Public Sector Reform

Republicans Must Fight the Lies About Tax Rate Cuts

Business Roundtable: Regulations Are Killing Business

Elizabeth Warren Gives Conservatives New Motivation to Get Behind Scott Brown’s Re-Election Bid in MA

There Will Be No #Occupy Marches on the White House

#OccupyOakland Calls for City-wide General Strike on November 2nd

The Declaration and Constitution with Larry Arnn

The Government-Inflated College Loan Bubble

Civil Liberties Group Sues City over Property Rights of Minnesotan Serving in Afghanistan

CBO’s Witch-Doctor Economics and Gypsy Forecasting

CARTOON:Outside the Box.

China's Hu heads to Europe amid bailout hopes

Obama's team banks on his `regular guy' appeal

Protest drummers seen as both poisonous, inspired

The Nutty and Dangerous Ideology Behind the #Occupy Movement

Sarah Silverman Goes Full Garofalo

+Morning Call Sheet: Return of ‘Color’ & ‘Titanic’, Streaming on the Rise, Sorry Box Office

On 20th Anniversary of ‘JFK,’ Facts Have Invalidated Stone’s Conspiracy

‘Grimm’ Review: NBC’s Latest Offers Promise in Hollywood’s Fairy Tale Land

Why Aren’t You Watching ‘Homeland?’

‘The Lost World: Jurassic Park’ Review: Spielberg Phones in Dino-Sequel

Will Ferrell was 'awestruck' to meet Obama –

Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers at Cal State Northridge: Concert Review - The Hollywood Reporter

Iron Dome system intercepts Grad rocket over Beersheba

Boris Johnson on collision course with unions over tube plans

China's Winsway in Canadian coking coal bid

Brussels probe puts silos under scrutiny

Egyptian revolutionary Alaa Abd El Fattah arrested by junta

Netanyahu at Knesset: Nuclear Iran is still major threat

Prince Charles was asked to approve draft government planning legislation

Senate, House to take up dueling jobs proposals this week

Obama executive order targets drug shortages

Narrowed US reporting rule for hedge funds adopted

Obama meets Tony Blair

3 more victims of Kan. grain elevator blast found

Boehner: High hopes for debt 'supercommittee'

A look at economic developments around the globe

Soldier admits taking war trophies, denies murder

US prosecutor wraps up arms case against Bout

Ancient rules give prince veto on planned UK laws

Cain responds to sex harassment allegation | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Even Mother Jones Confirms Police Provoked by Occupy Oakland Demonstrators |


31-Oct-11 World View

30-Oct-11 World View

29-Oct-11 World View


**World Video:GEN Amos On The Marines

Kyrgyzstan Votes For A New President

Hopes For Truce Between Islamic Jihad And Israel

Taliban Changing Tactics?

Will Syria be 'Another Afghanistan'?

The Iranian Plot

Syria's Government Again Attacking Civilians

Wounded Libyan Fighters Flown To U.S.

Maliki Says Baathists Will Never Take Power Again.

Search For Gaddafi's Son

Israeli Strike On Gaza Kills Two

U.S. To Reposition Troops In The Gulf Over Iran Concerns


**Politics Video:Politico's Martin: It's Up To Cain To Explain What He Was Accused Of

Perry Ad In Iowa: "I'm A Doer, Not A Talker"

Cain On Sexual Harassment Charge: "Totally Baseless And Totally False"

Limbaugh: Politico Story An "Unconscionable Racially Charged Attack"

Bob Schieffer Criticizes Herman Cain For Smoking Ad

Block: "Cain Has Never Sexually Harassed Anybody, Period. End Of Story"

Rick Perry's Odd Speech Performance In New Hampshire

Politico's Martin: "We're Just Not Going To Get Into The Details Of Exactly What Happened"

Cain Spokesman Gives Stammering Response, Denies Report

30th/Rick Perry On "FOX News Sunday"

Brit Hume: Republicans Do Not Trust Romney

Coulter: Politico's Smear Of Cain Shows Liberal Media "Terrified Of Strong, Conservative, Black Men"

Tom Brokaw "Stunned" By Herman Cain's Smoking Ad

Politico's Roger Simon: Perry Being Racist Helps Him In A GOP Primary

Plouffe: Obama Not A One-Term President, Romney Has "No Core"

Perry: Obama's Handling Of Economy An "Absolute Frankenstein Experience"

"This Week" Roundtable On Herman Cain Staying On Top, Perry

"Meet The Press" Roundtable On Cain, Tea Party & Distrust Of Gov't

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Rick Perry

Axelrod: Obama "Not Perfect" On Lobbyists, Better Than Everyone Else

Perry: Obama Has "Lost His Standing" As Commander In Chief

Obama: Pelosi "One Of The Best Speakers This Country Ever Had"

Ron Paul Would End Federal Student Loans

CNN's John King: Obama Is Business As Usual In Washington

29th/Moore: Occupy Movement Has "Shut Down Bullshit Discussion" On Debt

"Real Time" Panel On Occupy Protests, Obama's New Stimulus

Bill Maher And Grover Norquist Spar Over Tax Reform

Bill Clinton: No Country On Earth Believes Government Is The Problem

Pelosi: "Yes" The Obama NLRB Should Shut Down Boeing's Plant In SC

Toure: Rick Perry Joking About Obama's Birth Certificate Is Racist

Maher's Halloween Suggestion: "Put Drugs In Your Kid's Candy"

Stossel Examines "Buy American" Myth

Obama Uses Occupy Lingo In Weekly Address To Nation

Comedian Sarah Silverman: "I Miss The Jew-Run Banks And Media"

Rep. Schilling Gives GOP Weekly On "Plan For America's Job Creators"

Bachmann: Perry Supporters Launching "Stealth" Attacks On Me


*NEWS VIDEOS: ‘I Have Never Sexually Harassed Anyone’

Politico Reporter: It’s Up To Cain To Explain What He Was Accused Of

Perry Being Perry? Texas Governor’s Must-Watch Campaign Speech

Drive-By: Politico Reporter Levels Charge Against Cain, Refuses To Discuss Details

Breitbart: The War For Truth

Meet Former Soviet Citizen Who Confronted Occupy Wall Street Socialists

Lesbian Student Crowned High School Homecoming King

#OccupyOakland Protester Upset At ‘Hippie Liberal’ Telling Him Not To Engage Police

Our New Hero: A Day In The Life Of #OccupyWallStreet Protesters

Bill Gates Laughs At Buffett Rule

O’Keefe: Ever Since They Lied During ACORN ‘I’ve Been Motivated To Expose Journalists’

Coulter: ‘Nothing Liberals Fear More Than A Black Conservative’

Cain Denies Report Of Sexual Harassment

Gunfight Traps Mexican Shoppers

Suicide Bomber Attack In Afghanistan

30th/#OccupyDenver Protesters Caught Throwing Projectiles At Police, Claim Brutality

Marxist Poet Jack Hirschman At #OccupySF: Many ‘Don’t Even Know Why They’re Here’

#OccupyDenver Thugs Knock Motorcycle Cop To Ground

Perry To Attend At Least 5 More Debates

Connecticut Governor: ‘Historic Storm’

Russia Launches New Ship To ISS

Introducing The Orwellian Philosophy Behind The #Occupy Movement: ‘Collective Liberty’

#OccupyDC, Meet Winter

Convicted Terrorist Inspires #OccupyPhilly Crowd

Syrian Protesters Call For International Protection; Assad Warns West Of ‘Earthquake’

Bill Clinton: ‘No Country On Earth Believes Government Is The Problem’

13 US Troops Killed In Kabul Suicide Attack

Pelosi Defends ObamaCare Waivers: ‘They’re Small Companies’

Early Snow Pelts East Coast, Cuts Power To 1.7M

Maher Booed For Marcus Bachmann Gay Joke

Never Ending Supply: Howard Stern Exposes More Idiots At #OccupyWallStreet

Trick Or Treat!

28th/Energy Secretary Chu To Testify On Solyndra

California Police Probe Possible Boot Camp Abuse

Sweeping NYPD Probe Results In 16 Arrests

#OccupySanDiego Media to Police: ‘You’re a F***ing Joke!’

White House To Review Energy Department Loans In Wake of Solyndra Scandal

NASA Launches New Satellite

John Ratzenberger: Society Has Devalued Manufacturing Skills

Joy Behar Advises Herman Cain: GOP Not ‘Black Friendly’

Terrorist Attacks US Embassy In Bosnia

27th/Residents Escape Bangkok Flooding

Breitbart, Miller Talk #OccupyWallStreet Protests; ‘Speaking Of Dangerous Critters’

26th/#Occupy Anthem: ‘I Don’t Want To Work! I Want To Bang On The Drum All Day!’

Enviros Win: Washington Dam Breached

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