A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

02 October 2011

2 OCT.

God pours life into death and death into life without a drop being spilled.



"Early Morning Rain" by Bob Dylan - Grooveshark

"Rain Song" by Led Zeppelin - Grooveshark


Lessons Learned From Occupy Wall Street

Obama administration widens challenges to state immigration laws - The Washington Post

Land Destroyer: WARNING: Corporate-Fascist Military Coup Brewing in US?

Will The New Detroit Bridge Be Built In China.mp4 - YouTube

Christine Lagarde’s IMF Action Plan: Reassure The Idiots

Geologists grapple for answers to explain Ohio’s recent bout of tremors | The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond

$5 billion more in solar loans guaranteed - US news - Environment -

'Hairy crazy ants' invade from Florida to Texas - Technology & science - Science -

The Strange Attraction of Gale Crater - NASA Science

Drones weapon of choice for Obama war on al-Qaida - Yahoo! News

Glenn Greenwald: With al-Awlaki, US Launches New Era of Killing US Citizens Without Charge - YouTube

Expose the Traitors of Our Nations « Blowing Our Tax Dollars

Prophets Of Doom: 12 Shocking Quotes From Insiders About The Horrific Economic Crisis That Is Almost Here -

Can Congress Pass Laws Without Majority Present? - Against Sex Change for Children

CIA’s Global Warming Center A National Security Secret | Judicial Watch

Activist Post: 3 Reasons to Reconsider Flu Shots

Lethal Injection: The Story Of Vaccination - YouTube

THEY WANT US DEAD! – Red Level Alert America :

Occupy Wall Street Brooklyn Bridge - Day 15 - YouTube

Secret US-Israeli Nuke Weapons Transfers Led To Fukushima Blasts

Rense & Devvy - Elections 2012 - YouTube

Activist Post: John McCain Claims Al Qaeda Thugs Have "Inspired the World"

AUDIO:Liberty Survivor, Phil Tourney & James Morris On McCain Email

Nestle ad first to pitch directly to dogs

Angler Jon Avery reels in biggest catfish ever caught by a Brit | The Sun |News

VIDEO:Conditions Worsen In Rebel Surrounded Sirte

TNC In Chaos: 80% of Tripoli under Green Banner. | nsnbc


Occupy Wallstreet Update! The Marines are Coming to PROTECT the Protesters - YouTube

American Spring: Brooklyn Bridge shut down by protesters — RT

A Nuclear Attack On Underground Military Bases? | USAHM Conspiracy News

Different Subliminal Techniques | USAHM Conspiracy News

The Size of Our Universe | USAHM Conspiracy News

Preliminary Report on Alien Tissue and Fluid samples | USAHM Conspiracy News

Microwave Ovens Are Dangerous! | USAHM Conspiracy News

Photo Manipulation Has Been Around For Over 150 Years! | USAHM Conspiracy News

Similarities Between Abe Lincoln And J.F.K | USAHM Conspiracy News

Genetic History of Mankind | USAHM Conspiracy News

Contagion: A Future Plan For A Deadly Pandemic? | USAHM Conspiracy News

Denver International Airport Conspiracy | USAHM Conspiracy News

The Moment of Life: LHC | USAHM Conspiracy News

Dr. Robert J. Lifton’s Criteria for Thought Reform | USAHM Conspiracy News

UK Schools Urged To Teach Digital Judgement = Teaching Conspiracy Theories Are Evil!! - YouTube

U.S. Kill Anwar Al Alwaki, The CIA Lacky - YouTube

Don't Worry, The Federal Reserve Just Wants To Be Your "Online Friend" | US Opinion and Editorial Right Side News

Occupy Wall Street protesters march against police brutality | World news | The Guardian

BUSTED: Easy Jet Airlines Caught Spraying Europe. Asia & Africa - YouTube

ROBERT HARRIS: How supercomputers preying on human fear are taking over the world's stock markets | Mail Online

World is heading for 'Great Stagnation', says Goldman - Telegraph

Fault Lines And Suicide Of A Superpower | Opinion Maker

Facebook Keeps A History Of Everyone Who Has Ever Poked You, Along With A Lot Of Other Data - Forbes

Prison Hell In America

Judge Rules Florida Prison Privatization Unconstitutional | ThinkProgress

Police to seek more technology access

Christian schoolboy Dakota Ary 'suspended for telling friend being gay is wrong' | Mail Online

Pentagon says chaplains may perform gay weddings | McClatchy

Palestinian UN Membership Roulette

People want Putin, says Medvedev - Europe, World - The Independent

Paul Drockton M.A.: How to Legally Plunder the Rothschilds

Roy Tov: Trapped between Jewish Vampires and Goldman Sachs

Bank of America debit card fee plan met with resistance and anger | Business |

Dozens arrested at Bank of America offices - DailyFinance

Gold Is Backed By Nothing, Unlike the US Dollar Which Is Backed by the American Government - YouTube

Greece is slipping into the abyss - Telegraph

Egyptians demand quicker move to democracy at protest rallies | World news | The Guardian

Egypt police clear Tahrir Square of protesters | Reuters


"Free Bird" by Blues Traveler - Grooveshark

"Free Bird" by The Charlie Daniels Band - Grooveshark

"And Your Bird Can Sing" by Yonder Mountain String Band - Grooveshark


Will The New Detroit Bridge Be Built In China - YouTube - "The Destiny of Mankind Hinges upon Gold"

Is Ron Paul Wrong on Money and the Constitution? - YouTube

They Want Us Dead! Eugenics Summary

Aurora Photos: The Best Pictures Of The Northern And Southern Lights

Is the future of fast food... healthy? - Telegraph

Drugs, the Illegality of Healing and Pharmageddon | GreenMedInfo | Blog entry | Natural Medicine | Alternative Medicine | Integrative Medicine

The Shocking Lack of Evidence Supporting Flu Vaccines | GreenMedInfo | Blog entry | Natural Medicine | Alternative Medicine | Integrative Medicine

Ecstasy to be used to help war veterans - Telegraph

Mountain-range shots taken by photographer | Mail Online

Obama Administration Banking On Next-Generation Nukes - Forbes

Cracks in MSM ?!?! - YouTube

VIDEO - Crowd Chants: "F*CK The Fed" At Occupy Boston Rally Outside The Federal Reserve - Home - The Daily Bail

- - O'Reilly doesn't like his own Poll - Obama: Republicans Represent "Small America" - Who Killed Hariri - Roseanne Barr: Wealthy people should be decapitated - Christie TV Commercial - Tax Solution for Guilty Millionaires and Billionaires


PressTV - Am I a threat to national security?

Why Barack Obama Is the Best Thing Israel Has Going for It Right Now -- New York Magazine

Activist Post: US-Saudi ties strong: White House


"Bird Song" by Jerry Garcia - Grooveshark

"Blackbird" by Crosby, Stills & Nash - Grooveshark


Rick Perry says U.S. could send in military to 'kill' Mexican drug cartels as brutality rises | Mail Online

US Nuclear Weapons Unaccountable | Opinion Maker

Activist Post: Deceptive Gardasil Ad Campaign Omits Death Link, Numeric Facts

Gardasil Magazine Ad Campaign | Natural Society

Ray Stevens - Obama Budget Plan - YouTube

Name that Traitor - YouTube



American Spring? 'Occupy Wall Street just the beginning' - YouTube

The Revolution Begins: Occupy Wall Street protests spread across U.S - 12160

BBC News - 'Big rise' in charity food demand, says Fareshare

Matt Taibbi Eviscerates Henry Paulson And The WSJ's Evan Newmark - Home - The Daily Bail

Occupy Wall Street protests: Demonstrators in New York set up make-shift camps | Mail Online

Politician Pay Rise - YouTube

America Must See! FAKE YouTube Twitter Accounts From Libya Manipulated Social Media Mirror The Virtual War as part of the Psyops WAR Libya Libia Libye Libyen - YouTube

CIA contractor charged in Pakistan deaths arrested in Colorado -

Obama Supporters "Occupy" DC - YouTube

+Prison » The Seasick Joke: The Fake Assassination of Osama Bin Laden And His Fake Burial At Sea

The due-process-free assassination of U.S. citizens is now reality - Yemen -

Prison » Wall Street Protest Starting to Look Like Egypt

Prison » WARNING: Corporate-Fascist Military Coup Brewing in the United States?

Video: Occupy Wall Street protests spread across U.S - Telegraph

Prison » Over 700 Protesters Arrested On Brooklyn Bridge … Claim Entrapment

Police Arrest More Than 700 Protesters on Brooklyn Bridge -

Prison » JP Morgan Funded NYPD Mass Arrests Over 700 Peaceful Occupy Wall Street Protesters

OccupyWallStreet - 'The Marines are Coming to PROTECT the Protestors' :: .

Ron Paul: I Will Preserve Medicare - ABC News

Prison » Corporate Media Broadcasts Fed Plan to Surveil Opposition

Prison » Infowars Hidden Camera – Fluoride Treatment Facility: Nightly News Report

Prison » Proof Vaccines Are Killing People

Prison » Company Admits Fluoride Harming Children with Dr. Cole, DDS & Dr Pressley, PhD

Prison » Ron Paul Campaign Speech in New Hampshire (Leap for Liberty Event)

Prison » Extrajudicial Killings. Assassinating Awlaki: Obama Can Kill Anyone He Wants To

Prison » Food Freedom with Mike Adams: Nightly News Report

Perry suggests U.S. military role in Mexico drug war | Reuters

Prison » Herman Cain Picks Fight With Ron Paul

Internet firms co-opted for surveillance: experts | Reuters

Prison » US State Dept bans free speech

Kindle Fire privacy issues: Amazon blasted for being worse than Google OR Facebook | Mail Online

AFP: Rare flu-like virus on the rise: US

Prison » Troubling Emails Reveal Federal Scientists Fear FDA Approval of Genetically Modified Salmon

Thousands Arrested Under Eavesdropping Act: Alex Jones Report 1/2 - YouTube

Thousands Arrested Under Eavesdropping Act: Alex Jones Report 2/2 - YouTube

» Corporate Media Broadcasts Fed Plan to Surveil Opposition Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Confused ‘Occupy’ DC Protesters Want to Reward Obama with Re-election Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Ministers plan big rise in use of electronic tags on offenders | Society | The Guardian

Lori Dorn, Breast Cancer Survivor, Forced To Undergo Invasive TSA Pat Down Despite Identification Card

At what point does the need for security eclipse... | Lori Dorn

OpEdNews - Article: Ah, Who Won The Cold War?

Wall Street Journal Changes Privacy Policy To Track Users' Browsing Data Without Consent - The Consumerist

» 12 Signs That Americans Who Love Liberty And Freedom Should Watch Their Backs Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Cloud-Powered Facial Recognition Is Terrifying - Jared Keller - Technology - The Atlantic

» 3 Reasons to Reconsider Flu Shots Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Why the ‘deadliest food outbreak’ of the decade is yet another food scare campaign Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Verizon challenges new US rules on net neutrality | Technology |

» Chemtrail article in Project Censored’s Top 10 most censored stories Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

New Fast and Furious docs released by White House - CBS News Investigates - CBS News

U.S. officials 'considered building fence on northern Canada border to keep out criminals' | Mail Online

» Al Qaeda versus Iran ‘War of Words”: 9/11 Truth Wielded as a Political Trump Card Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Assassinations of al Qaeda Leaders Designed To Keep Americans In The Dark Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

US 'threat' of military action unites Pakistan - World news - South and Central Asia - Pakistan -

How supercomputers preying on human fear are taking over the world's stock markets | Mail Online

Rules for a new world order|Comment|

Activist Post: Florida primary move sows political calendar chaos

Nazi Expert: 'I Have Proof Hitler Died In 1960s' | Before It's News

Mind-reading car could drive you round the bend | Technology | The Guardian

Prison » Eating TVP? Textured Vegetable Protein may contain trace levels of toxic chemical solvent

Prison » 5 Reasons Why Ron Paul Is The Military’s Choice For President

Prison » “A Thought Police” for the Internet Age. Big Brother’s “Progressive Media”

Prison » Pentagon Developing Spy Drones to Spot “Adversarial Intent”

Prison » U.S. Invented Soviet Threat


"The Changeling" by The Doors - Grooveshark

"The Times They Are A Changing" by Bob Dylan - Grooveshark

"It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) - Grooveshark

"Masters Of War" by Bob Dylan - Grooveshark


Rage Against The Machine - Sleep Now In The Fire - YouTube

Tracy Chapman - Talkin bout a revolution - YouTube

Natalie Merchant ~ Which side are you on? (Lyrics) - YouTube


“J.P. Morgan Chase “donates” $4.6 Million to NYPD” #OccupyWallStreet - 12160

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : US State Dept bans free speech

Occupy Chicago - March to Millennium Park - General Assembly - YouTube

The Intercept: CIA Operative Raymond Davis Arrested In Colorado After Parking Spot Fight

UK Rewrites War Crimes Law At Israel’s Request | Intifada Palestine

The WSJ's Evan Newmark, A Former Goldman Sachs Executive, Thinks Wall Street Protesters Are Buffoons - Home - The Daily Bail

Ron Paul Message to Occupy Wall Street- LETS END THE FED! - YouTube

Anonymous - Message to Control System *Version 2 (Not blocked in Germany) - YouTube


021-Anonymous-Operation Media Blackout Has Begun - YouTube

Obama Wanted to Release Pollard, Biden Refused - Jewish World - News - Israel National News

Anonymous - The Bankers Are The Problem - YouTube

What To Do? What Can We As Individuals Do To Free Ourselves & Our Country? | Veterans Today

Future, now - YouTube

Meet the McShames....CoverUp Specialists - YouTube

Thousands in Calif. started school without vaccines -

Police use dirty tricks to round up hundreds of peaceful Occupy Wall Street protesters as Wall Street criminals bribe NYPD -

Japan: Kan Considered Evacuation of Tokyo in Wake Nuclear Disaster, but Feared Chaos and Collapse of the State -

Buffett Says European Bank(s) Have Asked Him For Money -

12 Signs That Americans Who Love Liberty And Freedom Should Watch Their Backs -

Prophets Of Doom: 12 Shocking Quotes From Insiders About The Horrific Economic Crisis That Is Almost Here -

US threat of military action unites Pakistan -

FBI faces entrapment questions over Rezwan Ferdaus bomb plot arrest | World news |

Army Tracking Plan: Drones That Never Forget a Face | Danger Room |

Fury at 'brainwashing' plan for EU citizenship lessons in every school -

The A to Z of the pHood Industry’s Most Evil Ingredients -

Virgin Mobile and Verizon retain content of text messages | The Raw Story

Coming soon: Robots in the sky that recognize and track you -

Coming soon: Robots in the sky that recognize and track you | StratRisks

Feds Tell Legal Medical Marijuana Patients They Have No Right to Own Guns -

MASSIVE BANK FRAUD: Bill Moyers With William K. Black (VIDEO & Transcript) - Home - The Daily Bail

Technology Will Take on a Life of Its Own - By Ayesha and Parag Khanna | Foreign Policy

Inevitable Robot-Dominated Future Creeping Ever Closer - Yahoo!

17 Facts That Prove That The Average American Family Is Getting Absolutely Pulverized By This Economy -

At CIA, Climate Change is a Secret | Secrecy News


"War Pigs" by Black Sabbath - Grooveshark

"God Save The Queen" by Motörhead - Grooveshark

"Revolution" by Eric Clapton - Grooveshark


Was Obama's 'Kill Order' an Assassination?

FBI, Security Officials Warn of Possible Retaliation Over Awlaki Killing

Yemeni Jet Mistakenly Bombs Army Post, Kills 30

Obama Claims the Power to Kill Americans

Petraeus Hunts Cell Phones, Kills Civilians

Due Process-Free Murder Is Here

CIA Assassinates 2 US Citizens in Yemen

The Only Drone Threat Most Americans Would Recognize

Get Ready for the Next Great Human Rights Crusade

Documents Reveal that FBI Openly Targets the Innocent

The Specs of US Weapons Welfare

Was Killing al-Qaeda's YouTube Preacher Illegal?

Obama: Anwar Al-Awlaki Death Is Major Blow for al-Qaeda

The Longest War: the Enduring Conflict Between America and al-Qaeda

Thai Prime Minister’s Twitter account hacked

‘Underwear bomber’ trial to open in Detroit

Cain: Perry ‘insensitive’ for ‘N*ggerhead’ sign

Perry refutes story on racial slur

Perry suggests U.S. military role in Mexico drug war

Government simulates cyber attack for training

Fox host: Occupy Wall Street protesters are ‘dirty’ and useless

Cheney demands apology from Obama for criticism of Bush foreign policy

VIDEO: Finance Capital vs. Public Banking

October 7, 2001: America and NATO's Decision to Invade Afghanistan. The Pretext to Wage a "Just War"

Latin America: Growth, Stability and Inequalities: Lessons for the US and EU

Spending Debt, which is Other People’s Money: Further Recession and Financial Turmoil in America and the EU

VIDEO: Tallying the Death Toll of NATO's Vicious War on Libyan Civilians

Al Qaeda versus Iran 'War of Words": 9/11 Truth Wielded as a Political Trump Card

VIDEO: Engineering the Global Crisis: Financial Destabilization for Profiteering and Power

Delayed free trade deals may go to Congress soon | Reuters

CIA operative charged in Colo. parking spot fight -

Van Jones Praises Occupy Wall Street, Says Progressives Launching 'October Offensive' To Rival Tea Party

Study: Cheap drug helps smokers quit -

Clyde Gardner: Jilted boyfriend plotted murder of ex-girlfriend to look like bear mauling | Mail Online

'Slutwalk' women march on New York after NYPD tell them to 'cover up' to avoid rape | Mail Online

Obama: A Disaster for Civil Liberties

Is The War On Terror A Hoax?


"Modern Love (1999 Digital Remaster)" by David Bowie - Grooveshark

"Sex And Drugs And Rock and Roll" by Ian Dury & The Blockheads - Grooveshark


Getting Started with Mozilla Firefox

The World of Mind Control Through the Eyes of an Artist with 13 Alter Personas | The Vigilant Citizen


*’s Week in Review | September 30, 2011 « Blog


Activist Post: The Myth of Vaccine Safety and Effectiveness

CIA’s Global Warming Center A National Security Secret | Judicial Watch

Activist Post: Occupy Wall Street Update Oct. 2nd: Military on the Ground to Show Support For Protesters? (Video)

Meet Illuminati Inc. | Before It's News

Activist Post: Flu Shots Contain More than 250 Times the EPA’s Safety Limit for Mercury

Activist Post: Health care tops US Supreme Court docket

Activist Post: Toxic Vaccines Supported by Organization Pushing for Stricter Chemical Laws

THEY WANT US DEAD! – Red Level Alert America : Federal Jack

Activist Post: Prohibition Vogue: What it Means for Marijuana Legalization (Video)

Escaping from Zip Ties: Breaking (Rear) - YouTube

Activist Post: The Dark Procession of Our Grocery Store Food

Activist Post: Proof Vaccines are Killing People (Video)

Activist Post: Institute of Medicine Admits Vaccine Dangers After Review

US Faces Dilemma with Anti-Terror Ally Yemen | Middle East | English

Spanish Judge Frees 5 Terror Suspects | Europe | English


*1:00:36/Roads, Education, and Waterways: The Case Against Public Services [Walter Block] - YouTube


Lawsuit: Nampa officers face retaliation for complaints - Idaho Press-Tribune: News

Politician Violates His Own Two-Strikes Anti-Piracy Plan | TorrentFreak

Phara, Queen of NinjaVideo, Pleads Guilty To Conspiracy and Copyright Infringement | TorrentFreak

Lost Wallet Turned In To Police, Cop Steals Cash From It, Throws It In Trash - informationliberation

The (Not) Surprising Bloodthirstiness of the (Obamaphile) Left - informationliberation

Obama Administration To Use ACTA Signing Statement To Defend Why It Can Ignore The Constitution In Signing ACTA - informationliberation

Predator Drones and Hellfire Missiles Hit Their Mark in Yemen

Tea Party Opposing More 'Establishment' Republicans In 2012 |

Our School System: Promoting Polygamy And Banning The Flag |

How Can You Connect Nasty Movie and TV Plots to GOP Debates? |


"Sweet Angel" by Jimi Hendrix - Grooveshark

"The Wind Cries Mary (live)" by Jimi Hendrix - Grooveshark


From One of My Lowest Points to the Best Shape and Health of My Life | Mark's Daily Apple

McCain, Barbour, GOP, Democrats Brace for Christie 2012 Decision

Nancy Reagan, Kissinger Urge Christie to Run

Cain: Christie Too Liberal for Conservatives

Clinton: Obama Faces Same Debate from '92 Bid


+ Official: Al-Qaida Bomb Maker Not Killed


Biden's Brother Hospitalized after Powder Scare

Obamacare Tops New Supreme Court Term

Hugo Chavez Sends Solidarity to Gadhafi, Syria

Obama's Energy Chief Defends Clean Energy Loans

Rasmussen: Republicans Slightly Outnumber Democrats

Syria Warns US Ambassador Against Meddling

Obama, the Wrecking Ball That Is Destroying Economy

The Obama Enemies List — Are You Next?

PressTV - Activists continue to 'Occupy Chicago'

U.S. met with Egypt Islamists: U.S. diplomat | Reuters

Barack Obama wants jobs bill back - Jennifer Epstein -

Exclusive: Democrats push tax hikes first in deficit talks | Reuters

Durbin says Democrats don’t currently have the votes for Obama jobs bill - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Figures. White House Tipped Off AP Reporter Ahead of Michelle Obama’s Target Photo-Op | The Gateway Pundit

High school football cheerleader collapses, dies - Other sports- NBC Sports

Man Arrested For 65th Time After Holding Woman And Her Children Hostage « CBS Chicago

Obama Fried Chicken: Is the President giving Colonel Sanders a run for his money? | Mail Online

Obama rebukes GOP candidates for not speaking up for gay soldier - Washington Times

Internet firms co-opted for surveillance: experts | Reuters

Millions of Bees Mysteriously Die in Florida « - Flash Player Installation

Ex-Model Who Killed and Ate Hubby Seeks Parole | NBC Miami


"Goin' Up the Country" by Canned Heat - Grooveshark

"On The Road Again" by Canned Heat - Grooveshark

"The Man Comes Around" by Johnny Cash - Grooveshark

"Who'll Stop the Rain" by Creedence Clearwater Revival - Grooveshark

"Have You Ever Seen the Rain" by Creedence Clearwater Revival on "Creedence - Grooveshark


* Articles:Occupy Wall Street News 9-30-11 |

*Articles:Occupy Wall Street 10-1-11 |


Naked Shorting and Gold Suppression - Ellen Brown on GRTV - YouTube

Context of 'April 2003: 9/11 Commission’s Zelikow Refuses to Approve Half of Interview Requests for ‘Saudi Connection’ Investigators'

Saudi Royal Ties to 9/11 Hijackers Via Florida Saudi Family? «

FBI found direct ties between 9/11 hijackers and Saudis living in Florida; Congress kept in dark | Broward Bulldog

Occupy Wall Street: 100′s of 1000′s join, Sen. Sanders says ‘desperately needed’ |

The Best Among Us…Either you are a rebel or a slave – Chris Hedges |

Wall Street trader stuns world by telling the truth about coming economic collapse – Mike Adams |

Boston Dynamics' AlphaDog Quadruped Robot Prototype on Video - IEEE Spectrum

AlphaDog Proto - YouTube

Artificial Leaf at MIT - YouTube

Internet firms co-opted for surveillance: experts | Reuters

New Fast and Furious docs released by White House - CBS News Investigates - CBS News


The Destroyer Cometh...BEHIND ELENIN ! - YouTube

The Blue Beings: Occult Programming? | Before It's News

US: Mysterious Glowing Tide Turns Californian Coastline Into A Neon Blue Alien Landscape | Before It's News


* George Washington's Prophesy


Quantum Access Time Travel And 9/11 | Before It's News


* COOPRADIO.ORG: Monday Brownbagger : COOPRADIO.ORG: Quantum access and 9/11 with whistleblower Andrew D. Basiago


**Page:Time Travel - (


Meet Illuminati Inc. | Before It's News

Prolonged Drinking Of Fluoridated Water Damages The Brain | Before It's News

How Mosquitoes Find You To Transmit Deadly Diseases | Before It's News

Supercomputer Predicts Revolution Through 'Culturomics' | Before It's News


Jefferson, Thomas - WikiLeaksSatan

Planting the seeds of a healthy diet - Times Union

Rich Paul Activates the Marijuana Militia - YouTube

The Myth of Vaccine Safety and Effectiveness | Before It's News


UFO: Ancient Aliens - Aliens, Plagues and Epidemics [S03E07] FULL EPISODE

Ancient Aliens - Aliens And Evil Places [S03E10] FULL EPISODE - YouTube


Traffic Cops - Twins Madness In The Fast Lane 1 of 4 - YouTube

Traffic Cops - Twins Madness In The Fast Lane 2 of 4 - YouTube

Traffic Cops - Twins Madness In The Fast Lane 3 of 4 - YouTube

Traffic Cops - Twins Madness In The Fast Lane 4 of 4 - YouTube


The Coming Obama Administration War On Doctors | Before It's News

What City is Best for Your Business, Your Life? | Before It's News




Dear Book Lover: Novels About the Wealthy -

The Smart Set: To the Devil - September 26, 2011

Chinese Civil War

Hamas PM: Only armed resistance will liberate Palestine

Feds: Competition concerns in Duke-Progress merger

Gene Simmons, Shannon Tweed tie the knot

Yemeni official: Al-Qaida bomb maker not killed

Afghanistan says Rabbani's killer was Pakistani

Wall Street protesters: We're in for the long haul

Cain scolds Obama, calls Perry "very insensitive"

Study: Colombia anti-union violence undeterred

Kenya tries to contact French woman's abductors in Somalia

Latter-day Saints launch "I'm a Mormon" ad campaign

Memphis mayor seeks re-election in embattled city

Congress addresses Chinese currency manipulation

With al-Awlaki dead, al-Qaida lacks Western voice

James Jesus Angleton Was Right: The CIA Was Compromised

Members Of Anwar Awlaki’s American Mosque React To His Death

US Navy’s Second Fleet Disappears, Victim Of Budget Cuts

‘Heart Of A Soldier’: An Opera Worth Seeing

Swedish Medical System In Deep Trouble: Patients Beds Put In Corridors, Bathrooms

aUDIO:Lt. Gen. Jack Klimp: The Bust or Boom Cycle

The Left’s Rage Over ‘Assassination’ Of US Citizens Begins

Iran’s Naval Martyrdom Strategy

The Inside Story Behind The Awlaki Killing

Al Awlaki Is Gone But His Jihadists Are Multiplying

Media Hilariously Promotes Obama As A “Uniter”

Really?: AP White House Photographer Refuses to Discuss FLOTUS Target Run

Herman Cain’s Communications Director Resigns

An Look Inside The Minds Of Today’s Journalists: “Bar Stool Confessions”

CBS News for Covers “Fast and Furious”; Rest of MSM Doesn’t

The Devil’s Delusion with David Berlinski

ObamaCare Tops Upcoming Supreme Court Agenda

Who’s Behind The ‘Occupy Everywhere’ Faux-tests?

700 Arrested After Protest on NY’s Brooklyn Bridge

John King Isn’t a Republican, So Why Should He Pick Our Candidate?

One More Time: Consumption Spending HAS Already Recovered

CARTOON:Obama Nation: Kick Backs Prohibition Vogue-Why We’re Still Talking About ‘The Noble Experiment’

Dems Insist on Tax Hikes in Deficit Talks

Safer Streets 2012: Repeal All Gun Laws, Part I.

Safer Streets 2012: Repeal All Gun Laws, Part II.

Feds Rush Through Another $5 Billion in Solar Energy Loans

New Docs Show Extensive White House Involvement in ‘Fast and Furious’

‘Drive’ Review: Ryan Gosling Delivers in This Critical Favorite

Introducing: ‘The Prophecy of Atlas Shrugged’

- Exclusive Excerpt: Ben Coes’ Debut Thriller ‘Coup d’État’

‘What’s Your Number?’ Review: Hilarious, Charming

Herman Cain Meets Jay Leno On the ‘Tonight Show’

Science, Lies, and Videotape

Grievance-Mongering Leaders Demand Slave Reparations at the United Nations

Islam in Depth: The Genesis of the Ismailis

The Hybrid Tax Reform Plan

Profiling - Just Do It!

Europe, Globalization and the Coming Caliphate

We Should Listen to What Abbas Is Really Saying

The Sphinx Decoded?

Depending on the Government

CAIR's silence on pastor's apostasy death sentence is deafening

Detroit heads list of 9 cities going broke

Yemen trying to reverse al-Qaeda gains

Michelle's photo-op at Target store was staged

The Washington Post smells blood with Perry

US officials meet with Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood

Surprise! Dems push tax hikes first in deficit talks

Obama's America: 'Educational theft' on the rise

Showing some spine, Congress blocks $200 million in aid to Palestinians

DOE approves $4.7 billion more in solar loan guarantees

The Fat Guy and the Skinny Guy: More Alike Than They Appear

Romney and Rubio in 2012

Will Hillary Clinton Challenge Obama Next Year?

Why Support Herman Cain's Candidacy?

Why Voter Photo Identification Is Crucial to Our Republic

The Minority Myth

Are California 'Pot Shops' Headed For Extinction?

Capital Due Process, R.I.P!

Obama Ignores Info About US Oil for 90 Years

Nothing good grows at the Department of Agriculture

Fed failure at border forces states to act!


The Racist Party ... It's Not Who You Think!

More on The (Real) Racist Party

American Racism Quiz, Part III

American Racism Quiz, Part IV


Iran Supreme Leader: Palestinian UN statehood bid doomed to fail - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

New Fast and Furious docs released by White House - CBS News Investigates - CBS News

Dems plot Gregory Meeks’ replacement -

Big Time Scandals by Obama Administration Too Small for Investigation by Mainstream Media?

Rush Limbaugh - Judi McLeod, Warning The Threat Of Suspended Elections Is Real

“Very possible” Obama will bow out of presidential race

UN Prolongs Palestinian Problem

The Palestinian Bid for Statehood: Wherein Lies the State?

The Re-Election of Obama by suspended elections?

New antibiotics—or needless deaths

Society of Professional Journalists Says “No Mas” to Term “Illegal Alien”

Liberals Are a Thousand Times Smarter Than Conservatives—Just Ask Them!

The strange case of Anwar al Awlaki

The EPA Gets Caught in a Big Fat Lie

A Rising Liberal Bureaucratic Nightmare!

Why Did Chinese TV Play ‘America the Beautiful’ During Video of Rocket Launch | Video |

Perry Under Fire for Offensive Hunting Camp Name, Cain Calls Him ‘Insensitive’ Toward Blacks | Video |

Obama Bashes GOP Over Booing of Gay Soldier’s Question | Video |

Associated Press Says It’s Unclear Exactly What the Demonstrators Want |

Saturday Night Live Introduces ‘Lil Poundcake,’ the HPV Vaccine Doll | Video |

How Embarrassing: College Grad Accidentally Mass Emails Most of Wall Street While Trying to Get a Job |

Iranian Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani Now Accused of Rape, Death Penalty Stands |

See Them Move: Hairy, ‘Crazy’ Ants Invade From Texas to Mississippi | Video |

Utah Movie Theater Fined for Showing ‘The Hangover Part II’ | Video |

‘Obama Fried Chicken’ | China | KFC | Video |

Judge Orders Release of ‘Inflammatory’ Casey Anthony Jailhouse Video | Video |

Hizbut Tahrir Despises Democracy and Capitalism, Wants ‘Islamic Ideology’ |

New Union Super PAC to Spend Millions Targeting Latino Voters for 2012 Dem Races | Video |

CBN‘s Pat Robertson Says He’s No Longer Making Political Endorsements |

Hear Rush Limbaugh Blast Michelle Obama’s Target Trip |

White House Quietly Releases New Fast and Furious Emails, Withholds Some Due to ‘Confidentiality Interests’ |

NYPD Warns Women Not to Wear Short Skirts Because They Could Get Raped (Poll) |


2-Oct-11 World View

1-Oct-11 World View

30-Sep-11 World View


Cain Calls Perry ‘Insensitive’ for ‘N*ggerhead’ Ranch Sign

Bloomberg: Leave Wall Street Aloooone!!!

Andrew Breitbart's Profanity Laced Tirades at TeaCon Convention

Cain Wants To Add Gospel Vibe To 'Hail to the Chief'

Doctors Sentenced in Bahrain to Harsh Sentences

Over 500 Protesters Arrested After Being Kettled On Brooklyn Bridge

+AUDIO:The Professional Left Weekly Podcast: Winning, Duh! At Unemployment?

Gone Are All Those Rockefeller Republicans

Hispanic Students Vanish From Alabama Schools

Anti-Labor Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO) Target of Website and Twitter Campaign

Right-Wing Viciously Attacks FLOTUS for Shopping at 'Target'

Hot Off the Press: The Occupied Wall Street Journal

Palin Now Feuding With Juan Williams and Megyn Kelly

Columnists | White House wrong to lean on Ford | The Detroit News

Our advice to the debt supercommittee: Go big, be bold, be smart - The Washington Post

Rich people are being ‘demonized’ for flaunting their wealth. Poor dears! - The Washington Post

Book Review: The Price of Civilization -

20 Years Later: How Bill Clinton Saved Liberalism From Itself | The New Republic

No, Warren Buffett didn’t disavow the `Buffett rule’ - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

Micheal Flaherty: The Latest Crime Wave—Sending Your Child to a Better School -

Nation's pension costs exploding

Health costs, Mass.-style -

The other federal crisis - Editorials -

Editorial: Natural gas makes natural sense - Houston Chronicle

Republican presidential contest is up for grabs -

The leadership and passion of Chris Christie -

DECKER: The GOP establishment trap - Washington Times

More of the Same Old Change -

Obama, don't run from class warfare -

'Soft' America: What Obama really meant | Campaign 2012

Critics slammed Ron Suskind’s ‘Confidence Men.’ But how closely did did they read it? - The Washington Post

Opinion: Is a “Fighting” Obama Good for Reelect Prospects? - Michael M. Rosen -

Green Energy Industry Staggers | Via Meadia

A federal takeover of education - The Washington Post

Cruel America | The Nation


The race card president - Opinion -

Herman Cain denies GOP's horrible history with blacks -

* 30th/Transcripts :Obama's Remarks at Admiral Mullen's Farewell

**Politics Video:Obama At Gay Fundraiser: Republicans Represent "Small America"

1st/Krauthammer: Obama Benefits From Obamacare In Supreme Court

Bill Maher: Perry So Bad That Republicans Now Support A Black Man

Frances Fox Piven: "We Desperately Need A Popular Uprising"

Rep. Griffith Gives GOP Response On Fewer Regulations

O'Reilly: Another Big Victory For The Good Guys

Bachmann: Don't Count Me Out

Roseanne Barr: Behead Bankers, Rich Who Won't Give Up Wealth

Perry: Obama Is Soft, Not America

"Real Time" Panel: Solyndra A "Noble" Failure

David Brooks: "Republicans Should Be Pretty Happy With Romney"

Bill Maher Wants To Celebrate Dick Cheney's Death

Herman Cain On "The Tonight Show" With Leno

Obama Weekly: Congress Needs To Get Its Act Together On Jobs Bill


Pakistan's Complex Relationship With Jihadists

Homs, Syria, Spirals Down Toward Civil War -

Why Iran's growing bluster spells danger -

Angela Merkel bets all on Greek myths - Telegraph

Why Europe’s crisis matters to U.S. - The Washington Post

Anwar al-Awlaki’s Death and the Pornography of Terror - The Daily Beast

The world is tired of the Arab-Israel... JPost - Opinion - Op-Eds

Asia – Responsibility to Protect? | The Diplomat

David Frum: Facing up to America’s problems | U.S. Politics | Full Comment | National Post

SHAKOURI: Still no Arab Spring for Saudi women - Washington Times

The Hindu : Columns / Chandrasekhar : The rupee’s decline

Thomas the Tank Engine Christmas episode accused of being politically correct | Mail Online

20 From 20/20: Key Moments From the Amanda Knox Appeal - ABC News

The Local - Banon confronts DSK over alleged rape attempt

The Local - Swiss Post blocks 'porn' booklet for 4-year-olds

Human skin strengthened with spider silk can stop a bullet | Video |

Al Qaeda drone attacks on US? Soon it won't be so far-fetched. -

Quote John 3:16 for an oil change – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Doritos founder to be buried with iconic snack chips | Reuters

Belgium's Mr Penguin dreams of Antarctic funeral | Reuters

Company will load loved ones' ashes into ammunition |

Exhibit links US, Chinese Christians|World|

‘Machine Gun Preacher’ uses Bible, bullets to help save abused kid - Brockton, MA - The Enterprise

Steven Spielberg Eyed to Direct WB's Biblical Epic About Moses

Footprints of First Inhabitants of Americas Discovered in Mexico | Fox News Latino

Who's really behind Wall Street protests?

Obama administration filled with activists for globalism

Rachel Maddow – investigative news hound

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Author says al-Awlaki attack hits al-Qaida;Gone are top bomb maker, recruiting magazine force, others

WND Radio WND Exclusive Congressman: Obamacare would hurt neediest;Surgeon says president's plan kills jobs, moves nation wrong direction

DHS and FBI Warn of Possible Retaliation for Awlaki’s Killing - ABC News

Iran totally rejects Palestine U.N. statehood bid | Top News | Reuters

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Warren Buffett Does Not Endorse "Buffett Rule" | RealClearPolitics

Rush: 'Barry Soetoro' elected with 'no identity documents'

Gingrich: Barack Obama 'Soft,' Could See a Democrat Deciding to Run Against Him - Interviews - On the Record - Fox News

Huckabee Not Reconsidering Presidential Run, Christian News

Video: FBI Trainer Says Forget ‘Irrelevant’ al-Qaida, Target Islam | Danger Room |


*THE BIG LIST of eligibility 'proofers'

*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

*2 Oct.

American Minute for October 2nd

October 2 Birthdays in History

October 2nd in History

October 2nd This Day in History

Today in History: October 2

This Day in History for 2nd October

Today in History: October 2

Today in History for October 2nd - YouTube


**NEWS VIDEOS:BET Founder To Obama: Stop Demagoguing The Rich

Cain Calls Perry Hunting Camp Former Name ‘Racially Insensitive’

Cheney On Awlaki Killing: Obama Should Apologize For Criticizing Bush Era Terror Policies

Obama To Gay Rights Group: Republicans Believe In ‘Small America’

SNL’s Presents An HPV Doll Commercial

David Gregory: Republicans Have ‘Harsh Stance’ On Immigration

Romney Links Perry With Former Mexican President Vicente Fox

700 Arrested As ‘Occupy Wall St’ Occupies Brooklyn Bridge

Cop-Killer Davis Mourned As Martyr During Funeral

1st/Roseanne: Rich Should Be Beheaded If They Don’t Give Up Wealth

Cain Unplugged: ‘I Still Worship In The Hood’

Cain On Romney: 'Great Hair'

Herman Cain Explains His '9-9-9' Plan

Cain At TeaCon: 'I Have No Idea Why Other Candidates Aren't Here'

Obama To Congress: Get Your Act Together And Pass My Bill

Karzai: Talks With Taliban Useless

Fox News’ Jesse Watters Uncovers The Brains Behind The Wall St Protests

Maher: Rick Perry ‘So Dumb’ Republicans Are ‘Even Considering Voting For Black Guy’

Perry: Obama Is Soft, Not American People

Sharpton’s Atlanta HQ Admits Handing Out Fishy Stimulus Check Forms

California Man Found Alive By His Kids After Wreck

Gov. Christie To Decide Soon On 2012 Bid

30th/George Will: Perry May Not Be Ready For National Stage

Trumka Calls Gov Walker ‘Lucifer’

ABC’s Jake Tapper Challenges Carney On Legality of Awlaki Killing

Italian Team Says Deal Done For Kobe Bryant

Bachmann Supports Tariffs On China

ABC News Interviews ‘Future President’ Who Wants To Tax ‘Greedy’ Rich

Dem Strategist Calls Cain ‘Bigoted,’ ‘Racist’

Preview: A.L. Divisional Playoffs

Mexican Cowgirls Wow Fans With Fancy Riding

Ron Paul Condemns ‘Assassinating’ Al-Awlaki

Chavez Denies Reports Of Ill Health

Flashback: Before ‘Fast & Furious’ Obama Blamed U. S. Guns For Mexican Violence

Warren Buffett Doesn’t Seem To Agree With Obama’s Version Of ‘Buffett Rule’

Breitbart At Tea Con: Tea Party ‘N-Word’ Lie ‘Orchestrated By A Bitch By The Name Of Nancy Pelosi’

Breitbart At Tea Con: Janeane Garofalo ‘Hollywood’s Sympathy F**k’

29th/Crony Capitalism: A Concise History of Obama’s Solyndra Scandal

Flashback: Biden Praises Solyndra As Symbol of Obamanomics Working

27th/OMB Director Runs From Questions On Solyndra

23rd/Solyndra Execs Take The Fifth


Cops: Drunk stole ambulance, crashed -

Ill. suspect in 1957 killing now charged with rape -

Pakistan Blamed for Envoy's Killing -

Libyan Family Killed As Hundreds Flee Qaddafi Hometown | Fox News

U.S., Pakistan Wants Talks to Ease Tensions Over Militants - Businessweek

Sex, race, and the Republican presidential campaign -

Water Is Warm If Chris Christie Jumps In 2012 Pool, But Pols Try To Cool The Hype | Fox News

The Associated Press: Congress' dysfunction long in the making

Obama: Don't stand silent when soldier is booed - politics - White House -

The Associated Press: Terror suspect accused of trying to hit FBI agent

Cain is able to shake up the GOP race - Right Turn - The Washington Post

Why the New Bank of America Debit Card Fees are a Good Thing - Forbes

Major Exchange Operators Mull Leaving Chicago Due to High State Tax Rates - International Business Times

Maximum PC | Amazon’s $199 Kindle Fire Estimated To Cost Around $209.63 To Build

Facebook Targeted in Group Privacy Suit Over Internet Tracking - Businessweek

Facebook changes touch privacy nerve |

Nobel prizes: Asian scientists set to topple America's run of wins | Science | The Observer

Cosmic Log - How to build a virtual cosmos

Arctic ozone hole detected for the first time - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience -

Star travel? Make it so, experts say | FLORIDA TODAY |

Private space plans get astronauts aloft before NASA - Technology & science - Space - -

The EPA's Endangerment Finding Is Very Endangered - Forbes

With More Doctorates in Health Care, a Fight Over a Title -

President Obama's health care law not fulfilling promise |

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