A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

28 October 2011

28 OCT.



Political Video:

27 th

Ron Paul Does Not Rule Out A Third-Party Run
Carney Tells Occupy Protesters To "Act In A Lawful Manner"
Carney: Obama's Executive Orders "Within Bounds Of His Authority"
Katrina Vanden Heuvel: Paul Ryan Is "Insidious" And Part Of "The Elite"
Peter Schiff Takes On Occupy Wall Street Protesters, Again
Trump On Occupy Movement: "I Sort Of Think It's Cool"
Mark Levin: Boehner Is "Sabotaging The Conservative Agenda"
"Morning Joe" Fight: Joe And Mika Argue Over Paul Ryan And Class Warfare
Barney Frank: GOP Doing The Opposite Of What Every Economist Says
Cain's Chief Of Staff And Star Of His "Smoking Ad" Explains All
Boehner "Keeping A Close Eye" On Obama Making Sure Law Is Followed
Perry Adviser Unsure If Candidate Will Participate In All Debates
Carney: Obama Exercising His Executive Authority To Help Americans
Chris Matthews Blames Tea Party For Low Approval Of Congress
GOP Rep. Admonishes Napolitano For Not Talking To Holder About Fast & Furious
Alan Grayson: Republicans Are "Killers" Like O.J. Simpson
Moore: Occupy Movement Obama's Only Hope For Another Term
Carville: Romney Will Get Nomination, Perry Should Drop Out
Gibbs: "Absolutely" Obama Can Win With Current Economic Conditions
CBO Agrees With Toomey: "Impossible To Prove" Stimulus Created Jobs
Gingrich On Occupy Protests: "Frightening Level Of Anti-Semitism"
"Special Report" Panel Grills Ron Paul
O'Reilly: The Goal Of The "Occupy" Movement Is "To Demonize Capitalism"
Maddow: Taxes And Policies Have Stopped "Equalizing" Benefits Of Economy
MSNBC's Ed: Paul Ryan "Inciting Civil War"

26 th

Paul Ryan: Obama Using "Class Warfare, Envy, Resentment And Fear"
Herman Cain Talks About New Polls And Campaign Strategy On "Hannity"
Krauthammer: If Students Knew Truth Of Loan Plan, Obama Would've Been "Laughed Out Of Auditorium"
Limbaugh: Left Wants A Kent State Type Of Moment At "Occupy" Events
CNN Wonders: "Would Jesus Occupy Wall Street?"
Peter Schiff Takes On Occupy Wall Street Protesters
Dionne: Operation Wall Street Is "Disciplined," Has "Wonderful Signs"
Trump: Birth Certificate Issue A "Positive Thing" For Perry
WH Adviser: Healthcare Costs Raises Tuition; Giving Insurance Will Drive Costs Down
Geithner: Obama "Relentlessly Focused" On Jobs
Perry: Debates Do Nothing But Tear Down The Candidates
Michael Moore: I'm Not The 1%
Obama: "I'm Going To Keep Forcing These Senators To Vote On Common Sense Job Proposals"
Paul Ryan's Speech To The Heritage Foundation
Romney Flip-Flops: Now Supports Public Employee Union Reform
American Action Network: Rise Of The ObamaVilles
OWS Protesters: Limbaugh More Dangerous Than Al-Qaeda
Farrakhan On Gaddafi: "You Have Made Your President An Assassin"
Toomey: Obama "Finding Ways To Hand Out Money"
Perry Slams Romney: How Do You Change Core Positions At Age 50 Or 60?
Bachmann: "I'm Grateful That Governor Perry Has Endorsed My Plan"
President Obama On The "Tonight Show" With Jay Leno
Rick Perry's First TV Ad: "Creating Jobs"
O'Reilly: America "Is In Decline"
Maddow: Perry Trying A "Kitchen Sink" Strategy
Carville "Worried": "Nobody's Gotten Elected With These Numbers"
Schultz: "Another Classic Romney Flip-Flop" In Ohio
Krauthammer To Huntsman: Is The Case Closed On Global Warming?

World Video

28 th

Carl Levin On Foreign Policy
U.S. Growth Depends Upon Eurozone Growth
Global Markets Surge On News Of European Debt Deal
Trump: Europe's Debt Deal Could Be Good For U.S.
A New Alliance To Support Libya's Security
Will Europe's 'Big Bazooka' Hit Its Target?
Greek PM Hails 'Historic' Euro Rescue
Do Libyans Care Who Killed Gaddafi?
Israel Releases Egyptian Prisoners
Libya's First English Radio Show Launches
Video Suggests Continued Violent Crackdown In Homs
Chile Volcano Lets Off Steam
Obama Takes A Question On Euro Debt Deal
European Banks Take Bigger Losses On Greece's Debts

27 th

President of Pakistan On Economic Growth
Will EU Deal Save European Markets?
What's Next For The Eurozone?
Eurozone Beginning To Unravel?
Clashes Paralyze Parts Of Syria
Cain Mocks Secretary Clinton Handling Of Iran
Europe Faces Key Test In Debt Crisis
Israeli 'Price Tag' Comes At High Cost
Bailout Boost For Europe
Gaddafi Son May Prefer Surrender To Death
Hajj Pilgrims Circumambulate Kaaba
Mexico Braces For Storm
Europe Crafts Debt Deal, Markets Pleased
Keeping Radical Islamists From Recruiting On Indonesia's Campuses
Drawing An Israel-Palestine Border



26 th

Obama's Speech on College Affordability -
Analysts on Obama's College Loan Plan
Interview with Presidential Candidate Herman Cain
Interview with 2012 Candidate Ron Paul
Rep. Peter King on the Threat From Iran
October 26 White House Press Gaggle
Media Availability with Secretary Panetta

25 th

Interview with 2012 Candidate Newt Gingrich -
Interview with Presidential Candidate Michele Bachmann
Interview w/2012 Candidate Jon Huntsman -
Analysts Debate Rick Perry's Tax Proposal
Interview with Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal
Press Conference With Sec. Panetta and Japan's DM


RealClearPolitics - GOP's "Non-Campaign": Just a Slow Start or a New Model?

RealClearPolitics - Connie Mack Expected to Enter Florida Senate Race

RealClearPolitics - Romney Says He Backs Ohio Measure Limiting Union Power

Perry Campaign Attacks to Stall Romney’s Bid for Nomination - Bloomberg

RealClearPolitics - Obama Lost Many Donors From '08 Presidential Race

Obama 2012 Strategy in Colorado Hinges on Hispanics - ABC News

Big Democratic donors stiff super PACs - Kenneth P. Vogel -

RealClearPolitics - Obama Touts Two Lists: Campaign Promises Kept, and To-Do

The Two Republican Races - 2012 Decoded

One Year Since NPR Fired Me -- What Are The Lessons Learned? | Fox News

Q&A: Hillary Clinton on Libya, China, the Middle East and Barack Obama | Swampland |

Our Libyan Adventure - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online

RealClearMarkets: Market-Related News, Analysis & Commentary

The GOP's Broken Record | The American Prospect

Obama Taps Taxpayers For Student Stimulus | Fox News

Why Barack Obama is the decline and despair president – Telegraph Blogs

Ohio's Union Fight: Cash Warfare | Mother Jones

Populism is Obama's path to victory - The Week

RealClearPolitics - Why Obama Cannot "Occupy Wall Street" and Win

The Ideological Fantasies of Inequality Deniers -- Daily Intel

David Graeber, the Anti-Leader of Occupy Wall Street - Businessweek

Protesters’ corporate pals -

Sitter in Chief -

Paul Ryan: Obama Using "Class Warfare, Envy, Resentment And Fear" | RealClearPolitics

CLASS Dismissed: More broken health care promises loom | Richmond Times-Dispatch

President's plans to help borrowers are good steps

Editorial: Say yes to building the Keystone oil pipeline –

Columnists | Racism claim won't silence Obama critics | The Detroit News

Reagan, Not the Left, Started Washington’s Partisan Fires: Michael Kinsley - Bloomberg

WOLF: CLASS-less Democrats - Washington Times

Exclusive: Bill Daley, unplugged - Roger Simon -

Allan H. Meltzer: Four Reasons Keynesians Keep Getting It Wrong -

RealClearPolitics - GOP Wants to Deprive Poor & Middle Class

Articles: The Premature Coronation of Romney

On Tyranny and Liberty by Myron Magnet, City Journal Autumn 2011

Thomas Mann And Norman Ornstein: David Brooks’s Awful Advice To Obama | The New Republic

The Divider vs. the Thinker -

Designing a Worthwhile Mortgage Plan | FDL News Desk

Obama says he’ll address Keystone Pipeline concerns « Hot Air

Boehner, Kasparov: Obama's Russia Reset Is Not Working

How we know we’re warming the planet - The Washington Post

Overpopulation Isn't The Problem: It's Too Few Babies |

President Obama and young voters are no longer a love match - The Washington Post

Obama's Student Loan Plan Puts Debt onto Working-class Taxpayers

DOJ Might Strike Down Photo ID Laws | The American Prospect

What if Cain or Gingrich had to govern? - Right Turn - The Washington Post

The Price of Plutocracy | Mother Jones

If Corporations Can be Taxed, They Can Lobby | FrumForum

Another Federal Loan Goes Bust - By Andrew Stiles - The Corner - National Review Online

A Better Analogy | Jared Bernstein | On the Economy

Obama exaggerates number of campaign promises kept « Hot Air

Political Animal - Boehner’s selective ‘concerns’

Is ‘complexity’ the key to economic growth? - The Washington Post

We Need More Tax Brackets, Not Fewer | ThinkProgress

Little Student Loan Relief, and Never for Taxpayers | Cato @ Liberty

Student debt is a symptom of our lack of economic literacy | RedState

Associated Baptist Press - Texas pastors weigh in on Rob Bell controversy

Her.meneutics: A Real Christian Education

Francis X. Rocca: Pope Benedict's Interfaith Outreach -

Catholic New World - Cardinal's Column - Conscience

Justice Scalia speaks for himself on death penalty, not the Catholic Church - The Washington Post

Conservatives Reject Call To Leave Israel Out of Campaign –

Kerry Weber: Catholic Speed Dating Gone Awry | Fullness, emptiness

The same God who cares about poverty cares about work | Statesman Journal |

New Vatican Document Good News for Poor, Bad News for Tea Party | Religion Dispatches

Neue Magazine - The Know-it-all Generation

Philosophical Fragments » What’s Right with the Religious Right

Rita Nakashima Brock, Ph. D.: How Do We Repair the Souls of Those Returning from Iraq?

Associated Baptist Press - Opinion: It's just war

Microsoft's Bill Gates turns to book reviewing -

DECKER: Three cheers for colonialism - Washington Times

50 Cent to release young adult book about bullying -

How Jews Became the People of the Talmud –

Alan Wolfe Reviews Corey Robin's "The Reactionary Mind" | The New Republic

Steve Jobs: A One Percenter, Gordon Gekko In Turtleneck - Forbes

Everything but the truth - The National

Warren Adler: Where is Our Culture Heading?

A Human History of the Mediterranean

Military History Online - Cuban Missile Crisis

Khrushchev's Placement of Missiles in Cuba - All Empires

BBC NEWS | Europe | Mussolini's 'march' on Rome 80 years on

Rear Window: Making Italy work: Did Mussolini really get the trains running on time? - Opinion - The Independent

Roman Emperors - DIR Constantine I

In Our Time –

Statue of Liberty - UNESCO World Heritage Centre

High-tech gifts for Lady Liberty’s 125th: Torch cams to give masses views from statue - The Washington Post

The First Czechoslovak Republic - Czech republic

Tchaikovsky Research : Symphony No. 6, Op. 74 (TH 30)

"Building New York's Subway" (1903)

Friedrich Nietzsche (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

Nietzsche, The Birth of Tragedy (e-text)

On This Day: Constantine Has Christian Vision Before Battle of the Milvian Bridge

Inside JC Superstar by Scott Miller

Speedy, Portable Device Detects Explosives

Insects Literally Scared to Death by Fish

How Bacteria Profit From Aging

7 Billion: Distribution Is the Real Problem

Top Government Scientists Catch Media's Favorite Anti BPA Researcher in Absurd Claims, Ties To Trial Lawyers - Forbes

Painting Your Roof White Doesn't Work | Fast Company

Future of Technology - Energy from hot rocks abounds

The Big One: Could a Warning Help? : Discovery News

Inside the mind of the octopus | Orion Magazine

Astronomers solve 2,000 year old supernova mystery - Telegraph

Dark Matter: The Cosmos' Greatest Mystery Deepens - TIME

Drug Legalization: What Would Steve Jobs Do? - Blog

Study says Generation X is balanced and happy -

Study says a woman's walk reflects her vaginal orgasmic history

Secrets of long life sought in DNA of the elderly -

If MacGyver Was A Biologist – Epetri Dish Monitors Cell Growth In Realtime (video) | Singularity Hub

Secret Reports: With Security Spotty, Many Had Access to Anthrax - ProPublica

Archaeopteryx regains its perch on the bird family tree | Science | The Guardian

Mass Species Loss Stunts Evolution for Millions of Years | Wired Science |

Dwarf Planet Eris is 'Almost Perfect' Pluto Twin | Dwarf Planets & Solar System | Pluto, Eris & Planet Definition |

Robot Venus flytraps could eat bugs for fuel - tech - 26 October 2011 - New Scientist

Zombies: The zombie boom is inspired by the economy. - Slate Magazine

Science on The Dos and Don'ts of Bedtime - Blog

Sally Morgan challenged to prove her psychic powers on Halloween | Science | The Guardian

The 1930s - When Horror Movies Were Really Creepy

Do candy bars go bad? Halloween health concerns addressed - Slate Magazine

Python Digestion Study Holds Promise for Human Heart Health -

Cosmic Log - DARPA offers $50,000 prize for reading shredded messages

How MIT Won Balloon Search-and-Rescue Challenge | DARPA & Social Incentives Mobilize Society | Emergency Response Systems | LiveScience

Could this quantum computer be the real deal?

Space Junk Crisis: Time to Bring in the Lasers | Wired Science |

BBC News - Stars concoct complex molecules

Hate Google? Try Firefox with Bing

Inside Facebook's massive cyber-security system - tech - 26 October 2011 - New Scientist

YouTube 'Channels' Could Be Announced Soon -

Chinese hackers suspected of interfering with US satellites | Technology |

Car tech: The connected car arrives - WLANs / Wi-Fi, wireless, smartphones, networking, mobile, Microsoft, internet, industry verticals, GPS, general motors, Ford Motor Co., consumer electronics, Automotive - Computerworld

Windows Phone's Secret Weapon: Easier App Making - Technology Review

A Social Network That Wants to Know Exactly Where You Live - Technology - The Atlantic Wire

Head-up display wins top navigation prize in Munich

Spectrum is the key to American jobs - Fortune Tech

Looks like Congress has declared war on the internet — Tech News and Analysis

Texting-while-driving laws are unclear, inconsistent, and spottily enforced. Here’s how to fix them. - Slate Magazine

Your online soul could be e-immortal with the help of a ghost writer

Here’s why Apple’s TV needs to be an actual television, and not just a cheap add-on box – SplatF

Microsoft Patents Manipulation Of 3D Virtual Objects, Throwing Gestures | TechCrunch

What's a QR code and why should you care? –

5 of fall’s most outrageous and actually useful gadgets | Technology News Blog - Yahoo! News

Meet The Fuel of the Future: Bugs : Discovery News

US protestors find allies in app makers - Yahoo! News

Windows Phone Is Back, Full of Great Tricks - State of the Art -

How Microsoft could (but probably won't) take over the world again | TechRepublic

Can This IBMer Keep Big Blue's Edge? - Businessweek

Google Declines To Remove Police Brutality Videos, Still Complies With 63% Of Gov’t Takedown Requests | TechCrunch

Netflix and Amazon aren't as bad off as it seems - Fortune Tech

Is Jeff Bezos the New Steve Jobs? - US Business News Blog - CNBC - CNBC

Amazon’s Fire may rekindle net neutrality debate - Eliza Krigman -

How IT Costs More Jobs than It Creates - Technology Review

Copyright bill revives Internet 'death penalty' | Privacy Inc. - CNET News

Cameras Act Like a Pro, but Are as Easy as Pie - Geoffrey A. Fowler - Personal Technology - AllThingsD

China Pours Money into Smart Grid Technology

Gov. Cuomo musn’t let hysteria stop fracking--Abby Wisse-Schachter -

A non-radical radical idea | Opinion Blog |

5 Myths About Energy in America (BA, DOW, DUK, FDX, GM, TSLA, UPS)

Energy's future is already here -

Fossil Fuels as the Whale Oil of the Future -

The rebirth of renewable energy -

We must meet the challenge of sustainable energy - Houston Chronicle

Embracing sustainability could bring benefits, prosperity |

Occupy EPA, Not Wall Street - Latest Headlines -

Clean energy in California: On its own sunny path | The Economist

Shapiro-Pham-Study_10_24_11.pdf (application/pdf Object)

Marcellus_and_drinking_water_2011_rev.pdf (application/pdf Object)

International Energy Agency - Energy Publications

Opinion: Obama's anti-energy agenda kills jobs - Steve Forbes -

The Energy Revolution That Keeps Carbon on Top: Nathan Myhrvold - Businessweek

The Machine Is Sputtering - Jim Lacey - National Review Online

Eddie Fernandez: A Hot Bed for Green Innovation

Why Can't We Generate All Our Energy From Wind Power? - Planet Green

Lead letter: EPA is taking constructive action on coal |

Why BP (and Big Oil) just can't lose - Fortune Management

Putting The US Energy Picture In Context

The Breakthrough Institute: A Clean Energy Comeback Strategy

Mexico's Narco Refugees Threaten U.S.

Predictions & U.S. National Security

US sows discord in South Asia By M K Bhadrakumar

Can Tunisia turn Islamist? By Mounira Chaieb

It’s a Small World - By Colum Lynch | Foreign Policy

Libyan ‘crossfire’ - The Washington Post

Michael J. Totten: Did We Lose In Iraq? No, And Here’s Why. | The New Republic

Europe Should Look to China for Financial Help -

RealClearWorld - Libya Proves Vitality of Air Power

We Need Liberals on Foreign Policy—Whether Israel, China, Iraq—to Lead the Way - The Daily Beast

Overpopulation Isn't The Problem: It's Too Few Babies - Forbes

Opinion: 7 billion? Hold the champagne -

US must turn up the heat on Pakistan. Here's how to make that work. -

North Korea’s Clumsy Assassins | The Diplomat

Commentary: Georgia's Political Shake Up: Enter the Oligarch | The National Interest

A Glimpse at the Future of Afghanistan, RealClearWorld - The Compass Blog

To deal with Iran’s nuclear future, go back to 2008 - The Washington Post

Iran's win in Iraq -

News Flash! Neocons Discover That Iran Has Influence in Iraq! | The National Interest Blog

China’s Desert Dance around Libya | CHINA US Focus

Putin Takes a Populist Turn | Opinion | The Moscow Times

Yemen: Death of a U.S.-Born Teen by a Drone Stokes Anger - TIME

Asia Sentinel - A Marshall Plan for South Asia

Tunisia election results: Islamists are major power, but all is not lost for secularists -

Commentary: Tunisia: The First Arab Islamocracy | The National Interest

PJ Media » Brazil Rises as Venezuela Declines

Numbers Don't Add Up For Electric Cars

EU bailout: In trying to save the euro, Germany is making demands that cannot be met | Simon Jenkins | Comment is free | The Guardian

President Obama's Useful "Occupiers" Don't Understand Wealth - Forbes

Why College Tuition Should Be Regulated | TIME Ideas |

A realistic fix for the mortgage crisis -

The Path Not Taken -

How Class Warfare Weakens America--Paul Ryan -

RealClearMarkets - Marx, Keynes and the Last Economic Mile

RealClearMarkets - No Armageddon, But No Victory Yet Either

Is This the Future of Farming? - Sarah Rich - Technology - The Atlantic

The Euthanasia of the Saver | The Beacon

Quantitative Easing!!! | Credit Writedowns HOT: Ron Paul Names His Pick for Federal Reserve Chairman

Crony Capitalism Comes Home -

Macro vs. Growth — The American Magazine

RealClearMarkets - Begging, Pleading For the Abolishment of Gross Domestic Product

RealClearMarkets - Is Student Loan Forgiveness Obama's Next Crisis?

RealClearMarkets - Dueling Tax Plans In the GOP

Want to Create Jobs? First Cut Capital-Gains Taxes: Amity Shlaes - Bloomberg


The Power of the Purse DVD1 - YouTube

The Power of the Purse DVD2 - YouTube

*2:05:18/THE SECRET RIGHT- VOLUME ONE-Josh Reeves(low quality upload) - YouTube


Co-Chair of 9/11 Inquiry: American Government Covered Up State Assistance to Hijackers -

One Day After The Euphoria, Here Comes The Hangover -

Napolitano Knew About Fast and Furious In 2009 -

Napolitano Aware of Fast and Furious in 2009 - YouTube

The One Percent: Gigantic Government + Gigantic Corporations = Massive Wealth Inequality In America -

Hopefully Police Will Conclude They CANNOT Just Go Around Using Tear Gas & Projectiles On A Whim - YouTube

Max Keiser: Debt slash = debt hike, collapse guaranteed! - YouTube

NYPD Arrest & Brutalize Protesters Marching In Solidarity With Occupy Oakland Protesters - YouTube

A Brief History of Tyranny in America - YouTube

The Judge Deciphers the Contemporary Tax Debate - YouTube

Washington’s agenda revealed: US-backed rebels ask NATO to ‘stay in Libya’

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Random Highway Checkpoint Searches, Just Another Infringement on U.S. Freedoms «

TSA Thugs on the Loose! - YouTube

Feds Order You Tube To Remove Video For Containing “Government Criticism”

New Street Lights To Have “Homeland Security” Applications

Dem. Strategist Carville “Worried”: “Nobody’s Gotten Elected With These Numbers”

The FED is Secret No More with Radio Personality Lionel 1/2 - YouTube

The FED is Secret No More with Radio Personality Lionel 2/2 - YouTube

Prison » Clueless Boobeoisie Want Hillary Clinton to Run

Iraq war will cost more than World War II -

Obama Has Declared Record-Breaking 89 Disasters So Far in 2011 - ABC News

Ron_Paul_Like_a_Lion_Fighting_Off_a_Pack_of_NEOCON_Wolves. - YouTube

Prison » ‘Get Your Freak On Girl’ TSA Screener Fired

Prison » DHS Boss Napolitano Caught Lying About Fast & Furious

DHS Boss Napolitano Caught Lying About Fast & Furious - YouTube

Obama Calls Murder of Children in Libya A "Success" - YouTube

Furious Greeks lampoon German 'overlords' as Nazis with picture of Merkel dressed as an SS guard | Mail Online

Prison » Did Oakland Police Intentionally Shoot Marine Vet Scott Olsen In the Head?

Footage of Scott Olsen being shot by Police at Occupy Oakland - YouTube

Prison » Greeks abandon cash resort to bartering

Hague court says in talks on Gaddafi son surrender | World | Reuters

Secrets Not Saif: Gaddafi shadow haunts West's dodgy deals - YouTube

Prison » Tennessee Joins TSA In Creating Random Check Points

Tennessee Becomes First State To Fight Terroris - Flash Player Installation

Prison » CDC advisory panel declares that young boys should be vaccinated against HPV, cervical cancer

Prison » Attacking Persia Would Bring A Catastrophic End To The West’s Long War of Terror

AFP: US flying armed drones out of Ethiopia: report

Prison » Building a Pretext to Wage War on Syria: Hidden Agenda Behind UN Security Council Resolution

Prison » Qatar admits they had boots on the ground backing up rebels in all Libyan battles

Prison » UKIP Activist Upload – Nigel Farage on BBC Question Time – 27 Oct 2011

Napolitano Grilled Over ‘Fast and Furious’ - Janet Napolitano - Fox Nation

EAS Hold Power to Cut Broadcast Signal: Nightly News Report - YouTube

Prison » One Day After The Euphoria, Here Comes The Hangover

Prison » Foreigners Sell Second Largest Amount Of US Bonds Ever In Past Week, Record $93 Billion In US Paper Sold In Past 2 Months

Boehner Won't Rule Out 'Balanced Budget Amendment' That Permits Unlimited Federal Spending |

How Much Time Does Your Kid Spend Watching TV? - The Juggle - WSJ

Could S.978 Put Justin Bieber in Jail?

Prison » US cops tried to erase online evidence of brutality

Asteroid could be fledgling planet that never formed - Telegraph

IBM Simulates 4.5 percent of the Human Brain, and All of the Cat Brain: Scientific American

The Tea Party Nation's Sellout | Politics and Economics Right Side News

The Patriot Act and Civil Liberties | US Opinion and Editorial Right Side News

PJ Media » Tea Party Taboo: Tackling Social Issues

Abolish Central Banks | Richard W. Rahn | Cato Institute: Commentary

And Now: The Rogue Websites Bill Introduced in U.S. House -

From 7 Billion People To 500 Million People – The Sick Population Control Agenda Of The Global Elite -

Why Governments Make War -

The One Percent: Gigantic Government + Gigantic Corporations = Massive Wealth Inequality In America -

Gun Ownership Soars To 18 Year High: 47% Of Americans Admit To Owning A Gun -

Wartime Contracting Commission Classifies Findings for Next 20 Years -- News from


Infowars Nightly News for Monday, October 24, 2011 (Full) 10/24/11 - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News for Tuesday, October 25, 2011 (Full) - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News for Wednesday, October 26, 2011 (Full) - YouTube

2011-10-27 INFOWARS Nightly News Alex Jones PRISONPLANET TV - YouTube


Dangerous HPV Vaccinations Forced on Boys with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny 1/2 - YouTube

Dangerous HPV Vaccinations Forced on Boys with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny 2/2 - YouTube

Study Links Soda to Teen Violence: Nighty News Report - YouTube

» Genetic Manipulation: The Global Elite’s “Thing” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Alien Genetic Takeover: The End of Humanity - YouTube

» Clueless Boobeoisie Want Hillary Clinton to Run Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Europe Tries To Kick The Can Down The Road But It Will Only Lead To Financial Disaster Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» DHS Announces Halloween Checkpoints In Tennessee To Keep Children Safe Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Climate change scientist faces lie detector test - Climate Change, Environment - The Independent

» On Those Syrian ‘Protestors’ and Turkey: War Is Coming Soon Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Saif is in Niger says NTC, as discussions begin to bring him to trial at The Hague | Mail Online

» Quantum Note: Under the Shadow of a Deadly State Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

PressTV - French warships hit Somalia coastline

EU summit del: Desperate Euro chiefs look East to fund huge bailout gamble | Mail Online

» A Dysfunctional System That Bankrupts A Generation Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Testosterone Pit - Home - Obama's Refi: Special Tax For People Who Can't Do Math

Boeing sees growth in cyber despite defense cuts - Yahoo! News

» Militarized Police Forces Attack Occupy Camps Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Mind's eye: Experts use magnetic scanner to see videos 'playing' inside people's brains | Mail Online

British Scientists Grow Super Broccoli – TIME Healthland

» Children May Be Given Death-Linked Anthrax Shots Under Bioterrorism Scare Trials Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Twin balloon airship Tandem reaches space and sets airship altitude record | Mail Online

Darrell Issa: Janet Napolitano slow on Fast & Furious - Josh Gerstein -

Questioning Sec. Napolitano on Fast and Furious - YouTube

» ‘NATO, al-Qaeda militia killed Gaddafi’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 9/11 Consensus Panel: “Best Evidence” Indicates Flaws in Official 9/11 Narrative Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Russ Baker Dicusses Bin Laden Death, 9/11 Commission, more.. - YouTube

11 Septembre - site d'information sur les attentats du 11 septembre 2001

Insiders voice doubts about CIA's 9/11 story - 9/11 -

Matt Cardle: '9/11 attacks were a conspiracy' - Celebrity News - Digital Spy

St Paul's seeks injunction to evict Occupy London camp | UK news |

The 'flying Humvee' gets off the ground as U.S. military plans first all-terrain, bullet-proof warcraft by next year | Mail Online

Prince Charles joins campaign to save Transylvania's forests - inspired by family connections to 'Count Dracula' | Mail Online

Eastern europeans steal chewing gum for currency - Telegraph

How to Strengthen Our Epigenetic Health with Daniel Vitalis 1/2 - YouTube

How to Strengthen Our Epigenetic Health with Daniel Vitalis 2/2 - YouTube

Prison » Cellphone Towers EMR Damaging Biological Systems of Birds, Insects, Humans

Prison » Mental health screening of teens creates a “crisis” where none exists

Prison » PETER SCHIFF: Obama’s College Tuition Plan Will Prop Up Bloated Schools

Prison » Everybody Print! BOJ Will Reenter Global Currency Devaluation Frenzy To Kill Yen

Michael Maloney: "We Pay Tax for the Privilege to Have Currency" - YouTube

"Subliminal Messages Exposed" - YouTube

The Great Greenie Hoax with Marc Morano - YouTube

Why Is Support For Gun Control At Record Lows? - YouTube

Pepe Escobar: NATO is the global Robocop - YouTube

US cops tried to erase online evidence of brutality - YouTube

Joe Rogan's Cannabis Hemp Rant! - YouTube

Prison » The Triumph of America’s Supranational Emergency State

Corbett: Libya shattered, pieces dangerous - YouTube

Prison » Obama to Leno: Libya ‘A Recipe For Success’

Articles: Obama 'Can't Wait' for the Rule of Law

Prison » War and Serfdom: Is This The World We Really Want to Live In?


*32 min./David Icke - Essential Knowledge For A Wall Street Protestor - YouTube


Combined Force Kills Insurgent, Detains Suspects

General: Afghan Objectives Achievable Despite Sanctuaries

Afghan Forces Shaky Truce In Tribal Land Dispute

Clinton: Pakistan Meetings Were 'Productive'

U.S., South Korea Maintain Peninsula Security

Vice Chiefs Detail Consequences of Budget Cuts

Army testifies on acquisition, technology

UN Security Council Ends NATO Mission in Libya

Clinton Discusses Way Forward in Afghanistan, Pakistan

Stanley Resigns as Pentagon's Top Personnel Official

Egypt Frees Israeli-American Held as 'Spy'

Al-Shabab in Somalia Calls for Attacks Against Kenya

Brown Eyed Girls’ Video “Sixth Sense” or How the Elite Controls Opposition

The 2011 VMAs: A Celebration of Today’s Illuminati Music Industry

Street Lights that Spy On You

Snoop Dogg on Conspiracy Theories (video)

+Vatican Calls for a Central World Bank

Mikhail Gorbachev Says Occupy Wall Street Signals an Emerging New World Order

No TV for Children Under 2, Doctors’ Group Urges

The Order of the Illuminati: Its Origins, Its Methods and Its Influence on the World Events

Tunisia's Islamist Party Begins to Form Coalition Government

US Drought Could Trigger Higher Beef Prices

US Consumer Spending Increases

VIDEO:"Occupy Movement" Could Focus on Speculation and Food Prices

Upstart Unthink wants to become the new anti-Facebook -

The devil is in the detail which has still to be signed off on – He most certainly is ! | Sovereign Independent

Gaddafi’s son – new nightmare for Western leaders | Sovereign Independent

The Secret Financial Network Behind “Wizard” George Soros – Lets see behind the curtain | Sovereign Independent

Dire Warnings on Defense Cuts Don't Pass Muster

Congress Trying to Scuttle Panel's Legal Obligation to Cut Defense

US Maintains Major Lead Over Russia in Nuclear Capacity

New US Drone Base in Ethiopia is Operational

Drones, Cash, and Advisers: US Escalates Military Role in Africa

Afghan Insurgents Launch Attacks on US Bases

White House Denies Being 'Aloof' in Iraq Talks

US Considering Afghan Ceasefire?

Stoking Nationalism in Iran

If the Libyan War Was About Saving Lives, It Was a Catastrophic Failure

Janet Napolitano: Hackers Have 'Come Close' to Major Cyberattack

Assange to Learn Fate of Extradition Fight Next Week

Assange Lawyers Admit Sex 'May Have Been Disturbing'

Mexico Nabs Drug Cartel Finance Operator, 2 Americans With $950,000

Republicans Push Military Trials for Terrorism Suspects

ACLU in Court to Hold Officials Accountable for Torture of Padilla

Defense Companies Post Profits Despite Sales Pressure

Air Force Gives Lockheed Martin Millions to Fix Busted Lockheed Martin Plane

Last of Chemical Weapons Stored in Oregon Depot Burned

The Seen and the Unseen: The Productive Vs. Destructive Economy « Blog

Military Recruiters Face Competition « Blog

Obama Declares Victory, but Will It Win Votes? by Philip Giraldi --

Lindsay the Liberator by Justin Raimondo --

Gandhi’s Wings: Occupy Wall Street and the Redistribution of Anxiety | | AlterNet

10 Reasons Bank of America Is the Most Hated Bank in America | Occupy Wall Street | AlterNet

Corporate Crimes In the Cereal Aisle: How Companies Are Fooling You Into Thinking Their Products Are Healthy | Food | AlterNet

PROTECT IP Act Breaks The Internet - informationliberation

'Rising' to Empire, Falling From Grace - informationliberation

Why Steve Jobs’ Mercedes Never Had a License Plate | Cult of Mac

NYPD keeps files on Muslims who change their names - Yahoo! News

Marc Faber on CNBC- The ECB Will Print Money One Way or The Other - YouTube

Peter Schiff Speaks for 1 Percent at Occupy Wall Street - YouTube

E-PARASITES Bill: 'The End Of The Internet As We Know It' - informationliberation

Peter Schiff nails Wall Street Protesters - YouTube

Justice Department faces lawsuit over medical marijuana crackdown | The Raw Story

NASA launches weather-climate satellite | The Raw Story

Chicago traders taunt ‘Occupy Chicago’ protesters with ‘We are Wall Street’ leaflets | The Raw Story

Pat Robertson: Christians should not join ‘Occupy Wall Street’ | The Raw Story

ICC prosecutor in contact with Gaddafi’s son over surrender | The Raw Story

White House says GDP growth ‘not good enough’ | The Raw Story

Michael Lohan Arrested Again after Fleeing Police

Sean "P. Diddy" Combs Saves Harlem Boys & Girls Club

Freddie Mac Reports Fall in Morgatge Interest Rates

John Edwards Charges Stand Against Dismissal Attempt

US Kills 44 People in 3 Countries

Pakistan Accused of Backing Taliban

War in Syria: Gamble for US

Video: Gaddafi Funeral Video: Footage Claims To Show Secret Ceremony

American Crisis Politics

Path Towards Fascism: Video - Naomi Wolf


47 MIN./Talk - Naomi Wolf - The End of America - YouTube


Global Insurrection Against Banker Occupation (GIABO) - YouTube

Gaddafi loyalists fight on as Libya tries to unite:

Venezuela’s Chavez says he won’t recognize new government in Libya

Joshua Blakeney on 9/11 and “Terrorism” | Veterans Today

Euro Hawk Drone Will Be Used For Domestic Spying In Germany : Federal Jack

Wayne Madsen: Gaddafi Set-Up in Assassination Plot by NATO & UN : Federal Jack

U.S. Government Issues More Takedown Requests Than China, Including One For “Government Criticism” :

poorrichards blog: The New Libya: Assassination, Ruination, Broken Promises and Body Snatching...

Revolutionary Politics : Who will NATO answer to for Gaddafi's death?

Revolutionary Politics : Gerald Celente - The Regular Guys - 24 Oct 2011

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul "What's Catastrophic Is What's Happening To Our Debt & Part Of It Is Our Military Spending"

The Simpsons Called It: Three Eyed Fish Caught Outside a Nuclear Power Plant

charles hugh smith-Endgame: When Debt is Fraud, Debt Forgiveness is the Last and Only Remedy

poorrichards blog: The One Percent: Gigantic Government + Gigantic Corporations = Massive Wealth Inequality In America

Santorum: Dead foreign scientists a ‘wonderful thing’ | The Raw Story

Gadaffi Death. NATO WAS THERE. PROOF! - YouTube

The Vultures Circle Libya - YouTube

Ellen Brown on a simple and constitutional way to pay off the United States national debt « Exposing Faux Capitalism

If the Libyan war was about saving lives, it was a catastrophic failure | Seumas Milne | Comment is free | The Guardian

poorrichards blog: From 7 Billion People To 500 Million People – The Sick Population Control Agenda Of The Global Elite

Activist Post: Implantable RFID chips capable of remotely killing non-compliant 'slaves' are here

The Feds Will Cut Off TV and Radio on November 9th |

Vampire Squids Attack Humans, Resistance Deemed Racist, Humans Issue Demands | Video Rebel's Blog

The Carving Up of the Middle East - YouTube

Police chiefs 'authorised undercover police officers to give false evidence in court' - Telegraph

Billionaire French hotelier shot dead 'in professional hit' - Telegraph

Who Was Muammar Qaddafi? Libya's Wealth Redistribution Project

"Stage Two" of the BP Gulf of Mexico Environmental Disaster

Building a Pretext to Wage War on Syria: Hidden Agenda Behind UN Security Council Resolution

NATO Sponsored Atrocities: "Responsibility to Protect" the "Liberation" of Sirte

Truth is the First Casualty of War. No Justice, No Peace, No Truth...

Americans: Awash In Spin

The Elite Plan for a New World Social Order

Defining "Terrorism" and the "State Sponsors" of Terrorism

NATO, Al Qaeda Militia Killed Gaddafi

NATO Hunting Season in Full Swing

Haiti Humanitarian Disaster: Conditions Declining Sharply in Earthquake Survivor Camps

The 9/11 Consensus Panel: The “Best Evidence” Indicates Flaws in the Official 9/11 Narrative

American Crisis Politics: Barack Obama versus Mitt Romney

The Destruction of Libya and the Murder of Muammar Gaddafi. NATO's Moral Defeat

NATO’s Genocidal Role and the Invasion of Libya: Serving the Interests of the Yankee Oil Giants

The Robin Hood Tax: Occupy Movement now Marching Straight Off the Globalist Cliff

VIDEO: Gaddafi Murder Highlights the Hypocrisy of NATO's "Humanitarian" Intervention

VIDEO: US Uranium to Blame for Deformed Babies in Fallujah?

VIDEO: US Media on Gaddafi - In Praise of Lynching

The US and Gaddafi: The murderer calls for an investigation of the crime

The 9/11 Consensus Points: The Factual Evidence Contradicts the 9/11 Story

America's "Unnoticed" Military Aggression. US Combat Troops Arrive in Uganda

Fidel Castro: NATO, The Most Perfidious Instrument in the History of Humanity

Western Corporations "Fight" for Libyan Oil. Who Will Get the Spoils of War?

Report: China the source of RSA hack, hundreds of others, including GSA and IRS, also hit -- Government Computer News

Dave Daubenmire -- Public Schools are not Public

New World Order: Implantable RFID chips capable of remotely killing non-compliant 'slaves' are here

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWENTY-FOUR: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

Sheriff Joe predicts Obama investigation to be a 'shock'

Activist Post: Hacked From Above: A DIY Spy Plane Takes Flight

Hyperclusters of the Universe Hint that Something is Behaving Strangely

From the X Files: "Giordano Bruno's Legacy" --Vatican New Views on Extraterrestrial Civilizations

15 insects you won't believe are edible - Travel - Travel Tips -

The Dark Side Of Halloween: The Kind Of Stuff That Real Life Nightmares Are Made Of

Judge Rules American Courts Can Use Sharia Law - Fox News Video - Fox News

Articles: Is the POTUS Stirring Up a Revolution?

The 13 Crystal Skulls Will Arrive In San Francisco On 11-11-11 | Before It's News

Hillary Clinton:‘No Evidence’ DOJ Sought Required License to Send Guns to Mexico in ‘Fast and Furious’

Girl Scouts Allow 7-Year-Old Boy to Join Because He is ‘Living Life as a Girl’

Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke Supports Occupy Wall Street Movement

Scaremongering? Engagement Advocates Falsely Claim US Will be Forced to Withdraw from UN Agencies

Napolitano: Jailed Illegals Will Get Phone Number to Report Civil Rights Violations

Democrat Senator Wants Gov't to Force Employers to Give Parents 3-Months Leave After Death of Child

Hillary Clinton: 'I'm Trying to Increase the Number of Visas’ for Iranian Students

Afghan Ambassador: Afghanistan Has Religious Freedom But ‘Nothing Will Be Contradictory to Sharia Law’

Pelosi: ‘Not Fair’ If Super Committee Won't 'Touch a Hair on the Head of the Wealthiest People' in U.S.

Protesters Prepare for Cold Weather: 'Our Valley Forge Moment'

Concealed-Carry Gun Bill Moves Closer to House Vote

Ailing Saudi King Names Security Hardliner As Heir

Cameras Stream Canadian Polar Bear Migration

Sec. Clinton Can't Recollect Justice Waiver To Export Guns For Operation Fast And Furious

Boy Wants To Join Girl Scouts

Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke Supports Occupy Wall Street Movement

Pelosi: ‘Not Fair’ If Super Committee Won't 'Touch a Hair on the Head of the Wealthiest People' in U.S.

Lady Gaga to Perform at India's Formula One Event |

Wall Street Journal Best-Seller Lists to Include e-Books |

Iran Hails Tunisian Election Result, Predicts Islamist Victories in Egypt, Libya |

U.S. Funding on the Line As UNESCO Mulls Membership for ‘Palestine’ |

Eldest Sister May Now Ascend to British Throne Ahead of Younger Brother |

U.S. Celebrating Lady Liberty's 125th Birthday on Friday |

Donors From '08 Abandon Obama's Re-Election Effort; Some Are Giving to GOP |

Obama Campaign Flies 4 Average Joes to DC for 'Dinner With Barak' |

NBC Denver Station Pushes Colorado Girl Scouts Into Accepting Boys Who 'Identify' as Girls |

In Rolling Stone, Taibbi Trashes Perry as 'Whore,' 'Hitler' and 'Serial Killer' |

NBC Gives 23 Seconds to State Department Buying Up Obama Books; Devoted Full Story to Herman Cain Book Buying |

Compliance With Dodd-Frank Regs Costs Businesses 10.2 Million Man-Hours Every Year |

'FDR Was The Barack Obama Of His Day,' CEO Schiff Tells 'Occupy' Protesters |

G. Edward Griffin: Individualism & Capitalism vs. Collectivism & Monopolies - YouTube

Federal Reserve Charter & The Mayan Doomsday

The Carving Up of the Middle East - YouTube

Last Tuesday, Occupy Wall Street Endorsed the 1% Wall Street Sales Tax and Became a Real Threat to Financier Power. That Same Day, Big-Time Police Repression Started. Learn the Lesson: Escalate Programmatic Demands Now! «

Japan considers building back-up capital in case of emergency - Telegraph

Promise Me No Harmful Chemicals: Breast Cancer Group Calls for Greater Accountability in Fundraising | RH Reality Check

Activist Post: U.S. government issues more takedown requests than China, including one for “government criticism”

Want To Defeat The Banks? Stop Participating In The System!

Organ trafficker admits buying Israeli kidneys for $10,000 and selling them in U.S. for $120,000 | Mail Online

Blair & Bush To Be Tried For War Crimes | Wake Up World

Diabetes cases rise by 130,000 in year | Society |

SeaWorld sued for 'enslaving' killer whales - Telegraph

The University of Hong Kong

Dreams read by brain scanner for the first time - life - 27 October 2011 - New Scientist

American Crisis Politics

Support Cheri Honkala, Occupy Candidate for Sheriff of Philadelphia, Running on Platform of No Foreclosures, No Evictions «

Gaddafi's driver on the endgame: 'He didn't seem to know what to do' | World news | The Guardian

Where is Gaddafi's vast arms stockpile? | World news | The Guardian

United States of Africa: A dream that shook the West | Opinion Maker

Quantum Note: Under the Shadow of a Deadly State | Opinion Maker



Fascism 2 Intellistreets.flv - YouTube



Why Libya Was Attacked

Baby Hitler Parents Lose Custody Of All Three Of Their Kids | Fox News

Orgies Of Empire - Portrait of Zio Christian, Joel Rosenberg

Earth is not revolving around the Sun! - YouTube

Obama to block new uranium-mine claims near Grand Canyon | McClatchy

No Certification Without Verification » Liberty Legal Foundation

Do Zionists Control Wall Street? The Shocking Facts! - YouTube

David Icke - Remember Who You Are - David Icke Website

Ron Paul on Freedom Watch ~10/24/11 | Ron Paul 2012 | Sound Money, Peace and Liberty

OpEdNews - Article: Thomas Must Resign, Says Former Judge, Lover

Trade Agreements; CRAPitalism at its best! « The PPJ Gazette

Missing $6.6 Billion In Iraq: In The Bank All This TIme | Mediaite

The California Ballot Initiative: Standing Up to Monsanto

Suicide Of A Superpower - Importing Endless Poverty

NRA's LaPierre: 'Fast and Furious' Was Plot Against Second Amendment

Facebook unveils massive data center in Lulea, Sweden | Mail Online

Obama man: 'Global internet surveillance skyrocketing' • The Register - "Magick" is Illuminati's Most Potent Weapon

VIDEO - Marine Scott Olsen Moments Before He Was Shot By The Oakland Police, Olsen Now In 'Critical' Condition - Home - The Daily Bail

The Excavator: The Triumph of America's Supranational Emergency State

The Holocaust As Convenient UnHistory | Real Zionist News

HPV vaccine cocktail targets not only HPV

Conscious man 'in coma' for 23 years - Telegraph

Activist Post: The US Is Fast Becoming a Third World Police State

FBI Crime Maps Now ‘Pinpoint’ Average Muslims | Danger Room |

Our interview on CNN - YouTube

Event Horizon Chronicle: The Sociopathic Snuff Whore Of Babylon

Dirty, sexy money: people saw sex toys, religious symbols on plastic cash - Winnipeg Free Press

Paul Drockton M.A.: The Holy Rothschild Catholic Church

'The First Global Revolution'


EMP Attack on the Horizon? | American Free Press



Iran Divestment Act heading to N.Y. Legislature | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

Red-light traffic camera deals under scrutiny –

Black Support of Obama Holds -

Sears employee wins $5.2m in damages for racial slurs said in 'slave dialect' | Mail Online

Washing machines cause 'microplastic' pollution

Lung cancer screening with X-rays isn't beneficial -

Is ACORN secretly running Occupy Wall Street? | Mail Online

Saving Money, Losing Privacy, Tracking Your Every Move | American Free Press

Fukushima Update - 2011/10/27 - YouTube

Boehner: No More Defense Cuts

Budget Supercommittee Facing Do-or-Die Week

Boehner Committed to Supercommittee Success

Rush: Obama Student-Loan Plan Is a Fraud

Jim Rogers: Greek Deal Won't Save Europe

Biggs: ‘Catastrophic’ Global Recession Looms

Spending Pulls Economy From Brink of Stalling

Obama’s Re-Election Hinged to Euro Crisis, Too

Energy Secy Chu Uses Solyndra for Crowd Control

Ill. Cracks Down on Union Pension Double-Dipping

Super PACs Eclipse Parties' Own Committees

Trump: China Seeks Foothold in European Economy

Tricks To Avoid Eating Too Many Halloween Treats

Drinking Boosts Heart Attack Survival

Aspirin Cuts Bowel Cancer Risk

Soy Supplement Smooths Crow's Feet

Testosterone Protects Muscle Mass in Aging Men

New Student Loan Program Is Yet More Wealth Redistribution

Perry Needs to Improve in Debates, not Quit Them

World Struggles Between Slave States and Democracy

The Great $750 Million Demolition Job

Obama administration will allow California to cut Medi-Cal

Obama administration announces desert 'solar energy zones'

Kaiser poll finds drop in Democratic support for Obamacare

Report: Misspelled school street sign alarms parents

Air Force secretly flying armed drones on counterterror missions from Ethiopia

Tea Party says cities giving preferential treatment to Occupy protesters

Boehner rejects Democrats’ $3 trillion deficit reduction proposal to ‘supercommittee’

Injured Libyan Fighters to Receive U.S. Medical Care

GPS Shoes will help track Alzheimer's patients

Obama Backers Tied to Lobbies Raise Millions

EPA chief: Keystone pipeline conversation is 'awesome'

First-born daughters may now inherit the British throne

Poll: Hillary Clinton favored over 2012 GOP candidates

Secretary Chu to Testify on Solyndra November 17

Gov. Jerry Brown risks backlash on pension plan

Ron Paul: The truth about my student loan plan

California auditor criticizes agencies for failing to check sex offender registry

Do Crosses at Catholic University Violate “Human Rights” of Muslims?

'Consumer Reports': People 'ripped off' when they buy mislabeled fish

Newer birth control drugs increase risk of blood clots, FDA says

Commando monument near ground zero to be unveiled on Veterans Day

Report: Christiane Amanpour wants off ABC's "This Week"

Nassim Haramein - Science behind the Unified Field & Its applications - YouTube


32 MIN./Spontaneous Evolution: A Universal Love Story -- by Steve Bhaerman - YouTube


Activist Post: Qatar admits they had boots on the ground backing up rebels in all Libyan battles

Activist Post: She Literally Eats Out of the Gutter…

Activist Post: Who will NATO answer to for Gaddafi's death? (Video)

Activist Post: US Marines to close brig that held WikiLeaks suspect

Activist Post: The Big Deal About Freeze Dried Food

Activist Post: Obama welcomes EU debt deal

One Love Everytime

Freedom Watch 10-26-2011 Nigel Farage Tell it like it is about the Greek Bailouts? - YouTube

Truth is the First Casualty of War. No Justice, No Peace, No Truth...

Activist Post: US energy secretary to face grilling over failed firm

Headlines - David Icke Website

Activist Post: David Icke: Essential Knowledge For Wall Street Protesters (Video)

Activist Post: A Flu Vaccine Timeline: The Recent History Revolving Around Vaccine Dangers

Activist Post: Breaking Free from Subservience

Activist Post: Alien Genetic Takeover: The End of Humanity (Videos)

Activist Post: War profiteering: a cancer upon America

Righthaven ordered to pay nearly $120,000 in attorney fees, court costs - Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2011 | 6:44 p.m. - Las Vegas Sun

Activist Post: Landmark Case Highlights Pre-Crime Prosecution for Acts of Terrorism

Ten Years After the Patriot Act, a Look at Three of the Most Dangerous Provisions Affecting Ordinary Americans | Electronic Frontier Foundation


*This Week in Weed: October 16th-22nd - YouTube

+Record-High 50% of Americans Favor Legalizing Marijuana Use

5 Favorite Law Enforcement Lies About Marijuana | Before It's News


You Violated my Right to Privacy! - YouTube

FLASHBACK: AUG 18-Valley Hearing For Recording Police Case -

SEPT 1-Federal Courts Rule it is Not Illegal to Film Police - Technorati Technology

SEPT 20-Judge Rejects Eavesdropping Charges for Recording Police - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

30 AUG/Courageous Illinois Man Faces 75 Years In Prison For Recording Cops - YouTube


**Activist Post: The Week In Alternative News #15 (Video)

The Week In Alternative News 15 - YouTube


Watch Car Vaporize During Fastest Ever Crash Test,Video | Before It's News

Porn Is Ruining The Sex Lives Of An Entire Generation | Before It's News

Faster-Than-Light Neutrino Experiment To Be Tested Again | Before It's News

10 Twitter Hashtags To Live A More Frugal And Sustainable Life | Before It's News

The Scars Of Slavery | Before It's News

24 Carat Gold Clothing Unveiled, Neck Tie $8500, Machine Washable | Before It's News


+Will The Pope Be Granted His New World Order? - YouTube


Three New Planets And A Mystery Object Discovered Outside Our Solar System | Before It's News

Royal Society Articles: “Moon People”, Lightning Strikes And More Weirdness… | Before It's News

TV broadcasters resist FCC proposal to surrender more airwaves | Before It's News

+We Can't Wait: Obama Administration Announces Two Steps to Help Businesses Create Jobs, Strengthen Competitiveness

*20 Unusual Uses for Wine | Before It's News


13 Facebook Parodies That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud | Before It's News

*13 Facebook Parodies That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud


The Science Behind 9/11's Mass Hypnosis | Before It's News

Why Many Americans Still Believe The Official Version Of 9/11 As Well As Other BS - YouTube


The Mayan Calendar: The End Of An Era Today | Before It's News

It's a New Dawn as 9th wave of the Mayan Calendar ends 10/28/11 - YouTube

The End of The Mayan Calendar 9th Wave Of Consciousness - YouTube

When Does The Mayan Calendar Really End? | Before It's News


GOP Candidates' Plans Would Expand Record US Income Gap

Fox News Grasps at Next Straw to Attack #OWS... ACORN!

Mitt Romney Cozies Up To Solyndra Lobbyist

Flatland USA: Welcome to the Future, Rick Perry-Style

#OccupyOakland Protester Claims Police Withheld Her MS Meds After Arrest

Banking and Politics: On a Razor’s Edge

Perry Swears He's Not a Birther After All

#OWS Is About Justice, Not Wealth or Class

Rove Memo: How To Derail Obama's Jobs Bill, Even When People Want It

Liz Cheney Leading the Defense of Ohio Gov. John Kasich's Collective Bargaining Assault

Why Does MSNBC Keep Pat Buchanan On Staff?

Santorum Campaign: Aborted Babies 'Think' Cain Is Wrong

Santorum: Dead Foreign Scientists a 'Wonderful Thing'

Herman Cain Doesn't Want to Talk to the Little People

Bank of America CEO 'Incensed' by Critics

Scott Olsen Is Awake And Waiting For Brain Surgery

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka Visits #OWS and Condemns Harsh Measures Used Against Protesters

Pastor Who Helped Organize Rick Perry's Prayer Event: Hitler Was Sent By God

Pastor Who Helped Organize Rick Perry's Prayer Event: Hitler Was Sent By God | Crooks and Liars

Scott Olsen Is Awake And Waiting For Brain Surgery | Crooks and Liars

Sarajevo US Embassy Attack: Video Shows Moment Attacker Was Shot

BBC News - Sarajevo gunman fires at US embassy in Bosnia capital

Gunman fires at U.S. embassy in Bosnia - Yahoo! News

Chicago may decriminalize marijuana

Two die aboard cruise ship headed for Boston - Metro Desk - Local news updates from The Boston Globe

GOP Insiders Near-Unanimous in Predicting Romney Nomination - Hotline On Call

Michelle: GOP Would Curb Freedom of Speech, Religion | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

Big-hearted snakes offer clues to healing humans

Righthaven ordered to pay nearly $120,000 in attorney fees, court costs - Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2011 | 6:44 p.m. - Las Vegas Sun

4 Arrested In ‘Sign Of The Times’ Crime Spree In Philadelphia « CBS Philly

Man Steals Sandwich, Uses Stolen Forklift As Getaway « CBS Pittsburgh

How Much Time Does Your Kid Spend Watching TV? - The Juggle - WSJ

NorCal Man Arrested For Animal Cruelty; Horse R - Flash Player Installation

Exclusive: Bill Daley, unplugged - Roger Simon -

Healthcare law's popularity hits new low - The Hill's Healthwatch

Poll: Clinton favored over 2012 GOP candidates

With Lobbyist Donors, Obama Lets Himself Off On A Technicality | Fox News

First lady event upsets local Dems | POLITICO 44

Herman Cain Campaign Hits Brakes After Missteps in 2012 GOP Race - The Daily Beast

A third-party presence in 2012 -

Netflix takes up 32.7% of Internet bandwidth -

"Expendables 2" Stuntman Dies While Filming in Bulgaria | NBC Los Angeles

Donklephant » Blog Archive » Poll: 68% of Millionaires Support Raising Taxes

Another Herman Cain Smoking Ad?

CBS/NYT Poll Shows Cain Besting Romney

Truly Bizarre Herman Cain Ad Features Chief Of Staff Smoking?

No More Mister Nice Blog

flashback:Newstalgia Reference Room - Justice Emmett Hall and the Canadian National Health Plan - 1964 | Newstalgia

Huge Asteroid to Creep Near Earth on Nov. 8 | Asteroids & Comets, Near-Earth Objects | Asteroid 2005 YU55, Potentially Dangerous Asteroids |

Stay in a UFO in Sweden |

Brain Scans Offer Peek Into People's Dreams | Lucid Dreaming, Controlled Dreams & Dream-Reading | Brain & Sleep | LiveScience

Cryptomundo » “What Kind Of Cryptid Are You?”


BBC News - Strange tales from the Royal Society

Giant "Amoebas" Found in Deepest Place on Earth

Code of Mysterious Secret Society Cracked Centuries Later | Encryption, Cryptograms & Code-Breaking | Oculist Order & Copiale Cipher | Secret Societies & Initiation Rites | LiveScience

Alien abductions may be vivid dreams: study - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience -


Debbie Schlussel:Well Known Cancer Charity Wasted Resources on Dumb “Makeup” Study

Debbie Schlussel:“Islamic Modesty” @ Victoria’s Secret: Dhimmi Lingerie CEO Panders to Sharia

Debbie Schlussel:Palestinefeld, the Sequel: Jason “Costanza” Alexander Pimps Israel for Palestinian State

PROTECT IP Renamed E-PARASITES Act; Would Create The Great Firewall Of America | Techdirt

Culling the Herd – How Women are Being Targeted in Eugenics Abortion Fraud! | Sovereign Independent

Stewart M. Patrick: The Internationalist » The Health of Nations: New Interactive Disease Map

CIA Kidnapped, Tortured “the Wrong Guy,” Says Former Agency Operative Glenn Carle | The Public Record

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: A "Must See" Heart Wrenching Video of Moral Deterioration in China

Biotech group bids to recruit high-profile GM 'ambassadors' | Environment | The Guardian

Revealed – the capitalist network that runs the world - physics-math - 19 October 2011 - New Scientist

Bill Would Give U.S. Visas to Foreign Home Buyers -

Pedophiles want same rights as homosexuals | Greeley Gazette

Kent State professor comes under fire for shouting 'Death to Israel' during diplomat's speech |

ZUBRIN: Obama readies to blast NASA - Washington Times

NYT: Obama 'bundlers' sport close ties to lobbies - politics - The New York Times -

Banned Islamist party Ennahda wins power in Tunisia's first free elections | Mail Online

Do Crosses at Catholic University Violate “Human Rights” of Muslims? | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

St. Lucie County Judge Kathryn Nelson released on bail following DUI arrest | Video »

16 Examples Of Steve Jobs Being An Unbelievable Jerk

Thieves steal 200 gallons of grease from Rock Hill restaurant - News Story - WSOC Charlotte

Python Hearts May Hold Key To Treating Cardiac Disease | Fox News

Task force considering 'flush fee' increase • Top Stories ( - The Capital)

ACLU sues Sheriff's Department, alleges photographers were harassed -

News From the Front Lines - Oct 24-28

The Republican Tax Carrot

Time for the Tea Party and conservatives to move to mainstream!

Confederate flag and causes of secession collide with 2012 election

Lawrence Summers and Obama's Clueless Housing Solution

Demystifying 9-9-9 and Other Fair Taxes

Tea Parties ≠ Occupiers

Obama's War on Greed

The Risk of Revolution Grows

Obama Finds A Teacher who Supports More Money For Schools

Ten richest celebs supporting OWS have collective net worth over a billion dollars

Muslims at Catholic University complain about crosses

Phony Downtrodden in Zuccotti Park

AL-Shabbab seeks talks with Kenya to end offensive

Richmond Occupiers Haven't Paid Squat

Napolitano Denies Knowledge of Fast and Furious

Obama's bundlers and their connection to lobbyists

UNESCO and the Palestinian Authority: Will the Administration Circumvent or Uphold the Law?

Who is Barack Obama?

How A Candidate Should Handle Birther Questions

Cain is the Real Thing

The Facts of Life Are Conservative, Even in Zuccotti Park

Advice for the Occupiers from a Tea Partier

What the Hell Was Rajat Gupta Thinking?


Smithsonian is Collecting Occupy Wall Street Signs |

Girl Scouts of Colorado Now Say They’ll Accept Little Boy Bobby Montoya Who Wants to Join | Video |

Police Say They’ll Sue Occupy Wall Street Protesters Who Injure Officers |

48208: America’s Cheapest Zip Code |

Pakistan: CIA Drone Strikes Kill 5 Taliban Commanders, 6 Jihadists |

John Boehner Takes Stand Against Supercommittee Defense Cuts |

Market Recap: Did The Europe Deal Just Save the World? |

Michelle Obama to Attend Fundraiser at Home of Former Enron Executive John Arnold |

Obama Losing Many Voters, Cash Since 2008 |

Ken Jennings Says He’s Part of the 99 Percent — Against Watson |

President Barack Obama’s Special Aide Dana Singiser Leaves White House to Work as Lobbyist for Planned Parenthood |

Have You Seen the Axe Body Spray Commercial Telling Men to Ditch Their Girlfriends for Strippers? | Video |

Quantum Locking Technique Makes This Hovercraft Coast |

Ahlam Tamimi Released in Gilad Shalit Palestinian Prisoner Exchange Vows She Would Bomb Israelis Again | Video |

Michael Moore at Barnes & Noble Booking Signing: ‘Occupy Wall Street Movements’ Will Help Reelect Barack Obama | Video |

Possible Terrorist Attack Outside U.S. Embassy in Bosnia | Video |

Local Fox Reporter Says Occupy Protester Threatened to Stab Him | Video |

When Is It OK To Shoot A Cop? – From A Document Found At Occupy Phoenix |

Only 10 Percent of Children With Downs Syndrome Brought to Term After Mother Receives Positive Prenatal Test |

Study Claims it May Be Possible to Change One’s Sexual Orientation |

Occupy Wall Street Protesters Prepare for Cold Winter Weather |

Kirsty Theologo Dies After Sustaining Burns in Suspected Satanic Ritual |

Nashville Protesters Arrested but Will Go Free | Video |

Bill Daley Gives Candid Interview to Poltico: ‘Push the Envelope!’ |

Donald Trump May Not Think Occupy Wall Street Is Cool | Video |

National Education Association Grant to Muskego Elementary to Create First and Second Grade Student Activists |

Update: Oakland Mayor Jean Quan Allows Occupiers to Reclaim City Just Two Days After Riots | Video |

World War II Evacuee Costume for Girls Stirs Controversy |

Occupy Chicago Protester at Rahm Emanuel’s Office in City Hall: Revolution Will Require Collapsing American Government | Video |

Peter Schiff Euro Pacific Capital Inc. Tells Occupy Wall Street Protesters at Zuccotti Park ‘FDR was Barack Obama of Their Day’ | Video |

Syrian forces kill 24, protesters call for protection

Chris Huhne: prosecutors ask police for more evidence over alleged speeding

Physicists check whether neutrinos really can travel faster than light

RCA Secret: annual exhibition of postcards gets a more political edge

Dodd Frank's long-distance paper chase

Computer makers caught in wake of Thai floods

Dodgers set to name 1st female head athletic trainer in MLB history

Factbox: Nine Senate races to watch in 2012

New kidnapping charges in Philadelphia basement captives case

Webcams go live at Statue of Liberty

Generators seized from NY Wall Street protesters

China key suspect in U.S. satellite hacks: commission

Shots fired at officer in South Carolina, schools locked down

Pasadena police probe possible boot camp abuses

Man convicted in 1967 Ohio schoolgirl slaying

NYC cops pleading not guilty in corruption probe

Ex-friend: Iowa murder suspect showed no emotion

US backs Nobel winner's vision of Yemen democracy

Carson fire caused $3.1 million in damage, displaced 139 people

Boy, 13, pulled from rubble five days after Turkey quake

Conrad Murray drug expert may hold key to doctor's defense

China’s Bailout Of Europe Will Come With Political Strings Attached

Obama Wants Double-Digit Cuts to Intel Budget: No Way, Says House Intel Chairman

Markets Explode on Crazy Rube Goldberg Eurozone Deal

US Mideast Influence Plummets Under Obama

Is Our Military Stretched? Ranger Killed In Afghanistan Was On His FOURTEENTH Combat Deployment

Syria’s Assad Tottering On The Brink

Report: Obama Administration Traded F-16s In Order To Gain Release Of Israeli-American Held In Egypt

A 2006 Taqiyya Warning About Tunisia’s Leading Candidate For Prime Minister

Egyptian Presidential Candidate: I HATE The West

Panetta Doubts N Korea Will Give Up Nukes

Did Juan Williams Link Christians to The Oklahoma City Bombing?

+Friday Crib Sheet: Fun With Matt Lauer, O’Reilly and Beck’s Restore-Off, NYT Stock Downgraded

Media Practices “Gun Control” When #OWS Involved

Journalists Should Condemn Cruelty of Shahira Amin, Egypt TV

Washington Post : We’re Going to Fire Garbage at Marco Rubio Until Something Sticks

Buried Lede of the Day: AK-47 at #OccupyAtlanta

New O’Keefe Video: Jay Rosen, Clay Shirky Discuss How the New York Times Promoted Obama, Protected Occupy

John King’s Sanctimonious Scolding of Jason Mattera Proves We Need More Jason Matteras

A Race Challenge to NBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell

NewsBusted: Are Commies and Nazis the 99 Percent?

Bias at the BBC - By Nathaniel Botwinick - Media Blog - National Review Online

FCC vote a big win for chairman Julius Genachowski - Kim Hart -

Liberal CNN Host Accuses Conservative Editor of Bias |

In Rolling Stone, Taibbi Trashes Perry as 'Whore,' 'Hitler' and 'Serial Killer' |

Twitter Testing Expandable Timeline, Threaded Conversations In Design Reboot - AllTwitter

NBC Planning White House Sitcom - By Nathaniel Botwinick - Media Blog - National Review Online

Executive Producer job in San Francisco, CA at Current TV - jobs, classes, community and news for media professionals

#OccupyWallSt to March on Banks

‘We Are Ohio’ Uses $30 Million to Kill Union Reform

#OccupyNH: Activist Charged With Pimping Out Teen Girl

AUDIO:China Comes to the Rescue of the Eurozone

Karl Rove Says Cain’s Finished, Zogby Says He ‘Trounces’ Romney Head-to-Head

Unbelievable: Ohio Democrat Party Listed Ohio Companies as Targets for Union Retribution

Ohio Democratic Party Targets Pro-SB5 Businesses

Up in Smoke: #OccupyPortland Misplaces $20k, Files for… Incorporation?

Continuing Coverage: #OccupyChicago Leaders Make Demands to Rahm

Breaking: Judge Approves Black Farmers Settlement

Putting Freedom Back to Work

Peter Schiff at #OccupyWallStreet: ‘Walmart Doesn’t Hold a Gun to Your Head!’

Learning from Hamas: How #Occupy Uses Human Shields–Veterans, Women, the Young, the Old, the Disabled

Leaked Progress Ohio Memo Says Ohio Issue 2 May Be Dead Heat

Video: #OccupyChicago Occupies City Hall: ‘Revolution Will Require Collapsing the American Government’

No Press Allowed as Obama’s DOJ Holds ‘Transparency’ Workshop

Beloved Doctor Benched for Not Being Proficient with Electronic Medical Records System

Ohio Union Group Relies on Questionable ‘Researcher’ for Voter Information

A Mouse Trap for Independents: What’s the Catch to Obama’s Latest Free Goodies?

Bachmann doubling down on Iowa - The Hill's Ballot Box

Energy secretary to testify about Solyndra loan

Chicago may decriminalize marijuana

+Morning Call Sheet: Crowder Occupies Racism, Hollywood Discriminates, and a Kind Word About Sean Penn

‘In Time’ Review: Sci-Fi for the Occupy Wall Street Gang

Gold Toilet-Owner Russell Simmons Heckled as a ‘Phony’ at Occupy Wall Street

‘The Conversation’ Blu-ray Review: Coppola’s Masterpiece as It Should Be Seen

Jon Stewart Hearts First Responders … Unless They’re Responding to Violent Liberals

Chaz Bono Complains About Judges’ Comments on ‘Dancing with the Stars’

New Documentary Lets ‘Star Wars’ Fans Put George Lucas on Trial

Madonna Feels the Same Intrusion She Foisted on Parents for Years

-Morning Call Sheet: Blockbuster vs. Warner Bros., ‘Man of Steel’ Leak, and a Movie I No Longer Hate


Toby Keith: Obama isn't a rock star anymore - CLICK -

The 10 Richest Celebrities Supporting Occupy Wall Street | Mogulite

Philip K. Dick Trust Sues Over Unpaid 'Adjustment Bureau' Royalties | The Wrap Movies

Are Elizabeth Olsen and Carey Mulligan paving way for new nudity? -


28-Oct-11 World View

27-Oct-11 World View

26-Oct-11 World View

25-Oct-11 World View

24-Oct-11 World View

23-Oct-11 World View

22-Oct-11 World View

21-Oct-11 World View


14-year-old girl found stabbed to death in Indian Head Park home -

Emanuel Tries to Clear Out Pigeons Occupying Daley Plaza | NBC Chicago

Herman Cain campaign is smokin' - with new cash -

Perry Campaign Attacks to Stall Romney's March Toward Nomination

Democrats drive drop in support for healthcare law in new poll -

Missing Baby Lisa Irwin: Interviews with Brothers Canceled, Attorney Dismissed - ABC News

New kidnapping charges in Philadelphia basement captives case | Reuters

Do Obama's big donors break his no-lobbyist pledge? - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Colbert mocks Alabama immigration law for torpedoing agricultural industry | The Colorado Independent

Obama signs two more jobs-related orders

7 killed in Ind. highway crash likely related - CBS News

Army Corps wants $1 billion to repair flood damage - Politics Wires -

Police: Parents arrested after giving away toddler -

Does diet really matter in breast cancer? -

Doctor, pharmacist are among 17 accused of Medicare fraud -

Don't Let Food Allergies Make Your Halloween Scary | Fox News

How To Reduce Stroke Threat - CDC

Organ theft? Guilty plea spotlights illegal organ trade - HealthPop - CBS News

Will You Give Your Son the HPV Vaccine? -

Trick or Treat? FDA Warns Against Too Much Black Licorice – TIME Healthland

Medical marijuana advocates sue prosecutors over crackdown -

GPS shoes marketed for Alzheimer's patients: Will they save lives? - HealthPop - CBS News

Police: Man severs arm with homemade guillotine - CBS News

The Clicker - Sheen's 'Anger Management' to air on FX

Meat Dress, Shmeat Dress—Will Lady Gaga Be Sporting Lettuce Gown Next? - E! Online

Witness says Jackson doctor's actions can't be justified -

Lou Reed & Metallica Album ‘Lulu’ Gets Blasted By Reviewers

NASA launches satellite from Vandenberg at night [Video] -

AFP: Scientists take fresh look at 'faster-than-light' experiment

The Webb Telescope: Late and Over Budget, but Still Worthwhile - Edward Tenner - Technology - The Atlantic

Private space taxis a hard sell in Congress - Technology & science - Space - -

House Dems Call For Hearing On Climate Change Science - News - Talk Radio News Service: News, Politics, Media

How 18th-Century Copiale Cipher Was Cracked -

NASA Tracks Near Earth Asteroid YU55 - Irish Weather Online

Eris and Pluto: Does Size Matter? - News from Sky & Telescope -

Asteroid may have core of hot melted metal - Technology & science - Space - -

Stars may create organic matter - Technology & science - Space - -

Mars Feels Sun's Wrath | Fox News

NASA's Orion capsule makes splashdown in Hampton | |

Space Traffic Report: Hubble Telescope Counts Galaxy Crashes | Galaxy Collisions & Mergers | Hubble Space Telescope |

'Pacman' Nebula Grows Teeth to Chomp on Space | Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer & WISE | Nebula Shapes & Photos |

Google TV, Take 2: Android Apps Join the Smart TV Party | Gadget Lab |

Get ready for the onslaught of Apple iTV rumors

Tax Break: Facebook Forms Open Compute Foundation


‘What’s Hot’? Google+ Adds ‘Ripples’ Feature and More - Techland -

Chinese Military Hackers Blamed for Attacking Two U.S. Satellites - Security - News & Reviews -

FCC approves $4.5 billion for rural broadband Internet expansion

Facebook latest tech company to build data center in Arctic - Oct. 28, 2011

Yahoo and Google said to debut digital newsstands | Digital Media - CNET News

Bill Gates: Super-rich is no better than just rich

Rajat Gupta, Merely Affluent -

Is Your Health Plan As Good As The UAW's? - Forbes

Int'l court in indirect talks with Gadhafi son –

BBC News - Libya: Gaddafi son Saif al-Islam in contact with ICC

Girls given equal rights to British throne under law changes -

Some Tunisians Concerned About Ruling Islamist Party's Aims | News | English

Man Opens Fire Outside U.S. Embassy in Bosnia -

Judge Orders Jail for Accused Syrian Spy From Va. - ABC News

BBC News - Irish presidential election: Michael D Higgins set to win

BBC News - Are Kenyans seeking a buffer zone in Somalia?

Ilan Grapel, Queens law student who was held in Egyptian jail, expected to come home Saturday

Fatah official denies plans to dismantle P... JPost - Middle East

Clinton: U.S. would negotiate with Taliban leader - CNN

Death toll in twin Baghdad bombings rises to 32 -

Richmond plane crash leaves pilot dead - British Columbia - CBC News

Top Yemeni Police Commander Killed in Car Bombing | Middle East | English

Underwater Lava: Eruptions Could Create New Island in the Canaries - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Asian Americans now country's fastest growing racial group -

A Cheerful Prisoner: Art Forger All Smiles After Guilty Plea Seals Deal - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

FBI’s Newest Gang Threat: Insane Clown Posse Fans | Danger Room |

Madoff Family May Keep $82 Million Under Ruling - Bloomberg

Bernie Madoff: 'I Can Live With' Fraud Victims' Anger, But Not Family's, He Tells Barbara Walters Exclusively - ABC News

Greeks have transferred to Swiss banks 200 billion Euros, claims German press — MercoPress

'Obozo's America' Board Game Pokes Fun at Obama, Welfare System, Christian News

Researchers Awarded Grant to Study 'The Bible in American Life', Christian News

Missing link in Roman conquest of Germany a 'sensational find' - The Local

Modern Algorithms Crack 18th Century Secret Code | Wired Science |

Germany marks first phone call anniversary - 15 years before Bell - The Local

Divers find 13th century wreck from Kublai Kahn's Mongol invasion fleet that was destroyed by 'divine' typhoon | Mail Online

Stone Age leftovers show a gradual move from fish to milk diets - The Local

Giant Lego man washes up on Siesta Key beach in Sarasota |

What We’ve All Been Waiting For: Zero-Calorie, ‘Inhalable’ Caffeine – TIME Healthland

Spencer Tunick reveals Dead Sea ... JPost - Arts & Culture - Arts

No more American children as guinea pigs

Confusion reigns over eligibility issue

Rove is the architect of Obama presidency

Look who's claiming police brutality at protests

Congressman tells Holder to explain prosecution of agent

Obama's 2012 run to be non-starter?

Occupy Oakland: Too Big to Fail, Too Big to Jail

'Occupy' dimwits – aren't they darling?

Jenna Lyons, You And J. Crew Wanted Your Son To Stop Being Such A Boy | Fox News

Obama: A veritable killing machine

Murder on her mind

Our Libyan Adventure - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online

Tossed from school – for teaching the truth

Ski-slope Jesus to tumble?

10 reasons Christians should reject Romney

Cain's 'pro-life' endorsement of Roe v. Wade

Marxist in chief stikes again

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Harry Reid putting job creation in the filing cabinet';Rep. Stutzman pans Obama's initiatives as political, wants focus on economy


Obama Civilian Security - YouTube

Obama Calls For Civilian Army - YouTube


Congressman tells Holder to explain prosecution of agent

Breast cancer survivors' photos of their painted breasts called pornography by Facebook and taken down

Despite 'ban,' fat-cat lobbyists bankroll Obama | Campaign 2012

Marco Rubio on national ticket could be risky bet for Republican Party - The Washington Post

Poor no more: Herman Cain's net worth in the millions -

Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke Supports Occupy Wall Street Movement |

‘Occupy’ Protests Cost Cities Millions - ABC News

» Barack Obama Led #OccupyChicago – Circa 1988 - Big Government

Congressman: Muslim DHS adviser leaked sensitive data

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Obama 'proof' has yet to convince Trump

Obama's 2012 run to be non-starter?

Joel Osteen Says Mormons Are Christian - US - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -

Harold Camping Exclusive: Family Radio Founder Retires, Christian News

The Local - French Christian group besieges Jesus excrement play

Democrats drive drop in support for healthcare law in new poll -

Denied final farewell; Family barred from being by father’s side while he dies (with video) -

Bottom Line - Students with private debt left out by Obama plan

AFP: NATO formally declares October 31 end of Libya mission

Dems want door slammed on more of Obama's records

Justice Department Proposes Letting Government Deny Existence Of Sensitive Documents | Fox News


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

*THE BIG LIST of eligibility 'proofers'

*28 Oct.

American Minute for October 28th

October 28th This Day in History

October 28th in History

This Day in History for 28th October

Today in History: October 28

October 28 Events in History

Today in History: October 28

Today in History for October 28th - YouTube


**NEWS VIDEOS:Terrorist Attacks US Embassy In Bosnia

Energy Secretary Chu To Testify On Solyndra

Reporter Assaulted By #OccupyWallStreet Protester

Trump Just Won’t Let Birth Certificate Issue Go

$20 Million Government Jobs Website Still Doesn’t Work

Joy Behar Advises Herman Cain: GOP Not ‘Black Friendly’

Rush: Media Hoping For Kent State Type Massacre At #OccupyWallStreet Protests

Girl Key Member Of Detroit HS Football Team

NASA Launches New Satellite

Obama’s Dinner With Campaign Donors

NBC News’ Matthews Blames Tea Party For Congress’s Low Poll Numbers

No Fatalities In Miraculous Small Plane Crash Near Vancouver

27th/Breitbart: #Occupy Protesters Working From ‘Hamas Playbook’

Breitbart: Massive Cover-up Of Origins Of #Occupy Movement

Oakland Mayor Allows #Occupy Protesters To Stay

#OccupyChicago Teacher’s Pension Fat Cat: ‘Revolution Will Require Collapsing the American Government’

Breitbart, Miller Talk #OccupyWallStreet Protests; ‘Speaking Of Dangerous Critters’

Dozens Arrested As #OccupyWallStreet ‘Solidarity March’ Turns Ugly

Artist Expresses Tea Party Sentiment In ‘Wake Up America’ Painting

Socialist Warns #OccupyWallStreet Not To ‘Fall Into Trap’ Of MoveOn, Democratic Party

Boehner Strikes Back At Obama Over Circumventing Congress

Iraq War Vet Injured In #OccupyOakland Uprising

Michael Moore: Occupy Movement Obama’s Only Hope For Re-election

Napolitano Hammered Over Fast And Furious

Residents Escape Bangkok Flooding

O’Keefe’s Latest: ‘To Catch A Journalist Part 2′

Girl Scouts Allow Transgender Boy to Join Ranks

Were The Occupy Oakland Protesters Non Violent?

Did Obama Steal ‘Tonight Show’ Joke From Miller?

26th/Thermal Camera Shows #OccupyLondon Tents Mostly Empty

Footage Claims To Show Secret Gaddafi Funeral

Yemen Troops Fire at Protesters

Enviros Win: Washington Dam Breached

Conrad Murray Wipes Away Tears During Michael Jackson Death Trial

‘I Am The 1%’: Wall Street CEO Debates #OccupyWS

#Occupy Anthem: ‘I Don’t Want To Work! I Want To Bang On The Drum All Day!’

Multimillionaire Michael Moore Denies He’s Part Of ‘1%’

Obama Yuks It Up With Leno

25th/Steve Wynn Reams Obama: ‘Frightened To Death’ For Future Of U.S. Business

Celebrities Speak Out On #OccupyWallStreet

24th/Bible Burning Man Disrupts Mass At St. Peter’s

Disintegration Man

23rd/Tunisian Election Foreshadowed By Violence Against TV Station That Aired Image Of Allah

Tunisians Vote in First Free Election

22nd/John Bolton: WH Removing All References To Islam In Terror Training Manuals, ‘Form Of Thought Control’


Oct. 27, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2011-Oct-27, Thursday

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 10-28-11

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 10-27-11

2011-10-28Jesse Peterson Radio

2011-10-27Jesse Peterson Radio

10/27 The Mark Levin Show

The Manning Report – 27 October 2011 | ATLAH Media Network

Live Free Or Die Radio - Wednesday, October, 26, 2011

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-27-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-27-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 10-27-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 10-27-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 10-27-11 Hr 3

Mysterious Realms With Dr. John DeSalvo

The View From Marrs With Jim Marrs 26th

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero2

Paul Drockton Show 1

Paul Drockton Show 2

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