A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

27 October 2011

27 OCT.


Gibbs: "Absolutely" Obama Can Win With Current Economic Conditions
"Morning Joe" Fight: Joe And Mika Argue Over Paul Ryan And Class Warfare
Carney Tells Occupy Protesters To "Act In A Lawful Manner"
Boehner "Keeping A Close Eye" On Obama Making Sure Law Is Followed
Alan Grayson: Republicans Are "Killers" Like O.J. Simpson
Carville: Romney Will Get Nomination, Perry Should Drop Out
GOP Rep. Admonishes Napolitano For Not Talking To Holder About Fast & Furious
Moore: Occupy Movement Obama's Only Hope For Another Term
CBO Agrees With Toomey: "Impossible To Prove" Stimulus Created Jobs
Gingrich On Occupy Protests: "Frightening Level Of Anti-Semitism"
MSNBC's Ed: Paul Ryan "Inciting Civil War"
"Special Report" Panel Grills Ron Paul
O'Reilly: The Goal Of The "Occupy" Movement Is "To Demonize Capitalism"
Maddow: Taxes And Policies Have Stopped "Equalizing" Benefits Of Economy

26 th

Paul Ryan: Obama Using "Class Warfare, Envy, Resentment And Fear"
Herman Cain Talks About New Polls And Campaign Strategy On "Hannity"
Krauthammer: If Students Knew Truth Of Loan Plan, Obama Would've Been "Laughed Out Of Auditorium"
Limbaugh: Left Wants A Kent State Type Of Moment At "Occupy" Events
CNN Wonders: "Would Jesus Occupy Wall Street?"
Peter Schiff Takes On Occupy Wall Street Protesters
Dionne: Operation Wall Street Is "Disciplined," Has "Wonderful Signs"
Trump: Birth Certificate Issue A "Positive Thing" For Perry
WH Adviser: Healthcare Costs Raises Tuition; Giving Insurance Will Drive Costs Down
Geithner: Obama "Relentlessly Focused" On Jobs
Perry: Debates Do Nothing But Tear Down The Candidates
Michael Moore: I'm Not The 1%
Obama: "I'm Going To Keep Forcing These Senators To Vote On Common Sense Job Proposals"
Paul Ryan's Speech To The Heritage Foundation
Romney Flip-Flops: Now Supports Public Employee Union Reform
American Action Network: Rise Of The ObamaVilles
OWS Protesters: Limbaugh More Dangerous Than Al-Qaeda
Farrakhan On Gaddafi: "You Have Made Your President An Assassin"
Toomey: Obama "Finding Ways To Hand Out Money"
Perry Slams Romney: How Do You Change Core Positions At Age 50 Or 60?
Bachmann: "I'm Grateful That Governor Perry Has Endorsed My Plan"
President Obama On The "Tonight Show" With Jay Leno
Rick Perry's First TV Ad: "Creating Jobs"
O'Reilly: America "Is In Decline"
Maddow: Perry Trying A "Kitchen Sink" Strategy
Carville "Worried": "Nobody's Gotten Elected With These Numbers"
Schultz: "Another Classic Romney Flip-Flop" In Ohio
Krauthammer To Huntsman: Is The Case Closed On Global Warming?


President of Pakistan On Economic Growth
Will EU Deal Save European Markets?
What's Next For The Eurozone?
Eurozone Beginning To Unravel?
Clashes Paralyze Parts Of Syria
Cain Mocks Secretary Clinton Handling Of Iran
Europe Faces Key Test In Debt Crisis
Israeli 'Price Tag' Comes At High Cost
Bailout Boost For Europe
Gaddafi Son May Prefer Surrender To Death
Hajj Pilgrims Circumambulate Kaaba
Mexico Braces For Storm
Europe Crafts Debt Deal, Markets Pleased
Keeping Radical Islamists From Recruiting On Indonesia's Campuses
Drawing An Israel-Palestine Border

26 th

Bin Laden's Troubled Legacy
Call For Sharia Law In Libya
Sharia Law And The Arab Spring
Raw Video: Yemen Troops Fire At Protesters
Italy Flare Ahead Of Euro Rescue Talks
BOE's King Quizzed Over UK Economy
Australian Man Moons Queen Elizabeth
Islamists Head For Win In Tunisia's 'Arab Spring' Vote
Swiss Couple Plea For Their Lives
Raw Video: Student Found Alive In Turkey Rubble
Evacuations On Mexico's Caribbean Coast
China To Launch Unmanned Spacecraft
In Veracruz, The Troops Move In
France And The Eurozone



25 th

Interview with 2012 Candidate Newt Gingrich
Interview with Presidential Candidate Michele Bachmann
Interview w/2012 Candidate Jon Huntsman
Analysts Debate Rick Perry's Tax Proposal
Interview with Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal
Press Conference With Sec. Panetta and Japan's DM
October 25 State Department Briefing





Ron Paul on Freedom Watch ~10/24/11 | Ron Paul 2012 | Sound Money, Peace and Liberty


Do Zionists Control Wall Street? The Shocking Facts! - YouTube

No Certification Without Verification » Liberty Legal Foundation

Earth is not revolving around the Sun! - YouTube

New Video: Farah Calls Ted Pike a Lying Anti-Semite - Portrait of Zio Christian, Joel Rosenberg

America's Predicament - The 7th Billion Human On Planet Earth

The Meaning Of Icons | Real Zionist News

Rense & Gilad Atzmon - The Wandering Who - YouTube

State Dept. spends $70K on Obama books - Washington Times

US cops tried to erase online evidence of brutality - YouTube

FBI Crime Maps Now ‘Pinpoint’ Average Muslims | Danger Room |

Our interview on CNN - YouTube

Event Horizon Chronicle: The Sociopathic Snuff Whore Of Babylon

Self-Reported Gun Ownership in U.S. Is Highest Since 1993

Dirty, sexy money: people saw sex toys, religious symbols on plastic cash - Winnipeg Free Press

Paul Drockton M.A.: The Holy Rothschild Catholic Church

'The First Global Revolution'

New Poll Finds a Deep Distrust of Government -

Cambridge students vote to break contract with Veolia | The Electronic Intifada

CEOs Compensated Correctly, Vast Majority Of Shareholders Say

BNY Mellon Slaps Fee on Some Deposits Above $50 Million -

RBN NETWORK: OCT.22 SHOW: Phil Tourney Interviews Tom Gosinski - YouTube

The 53%: Occupy Wall Street backlash - Oct. 26, 2011

Google asked to remove 135 YouTube videos for 'UK national security issues' | Technology |

US dismantles last big Cold War nuclear bomb - Telegraph

Obama is stoking the fires of revolution | Matt Patterson | Op Eds | Washington Examiner

Gaddafi's son Saif al-Islam offers to 'hand himself in' to International Criminal Court | Mail Online

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Mike Bickle predicts "prison camps" for Jews, and second Holocaust

Roy Tov: Netanyahu’s Epitaph

Robert Fisk: Assad's army remains defiant as it buries its dead - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent

Robert Fisk: Why Jordan is occupied by Palestinians - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent

Can the US afford to Lose Pakistan? | Opinion Maker

Has President Obama become a joke? | Opinion Maker

Silvio Berlusconi 'makes secret pact to step down' - Telegraph

US attempts to seize $70m from despot's 'corrupt' son - Africa, World - The Independent

Army to get £1bn Warrior vehicle upgrade | UK news |

Young black men make up four in 10 of youth jail population | Society |

Vatican sexual abuse inquiry into Ealing Abbey given short shrift | World news | The Guardian

Reality bites: China orders crackdown on 'vulgar' TV shows | World news | The Guardian

+Sam Kaye becomes youngest ever photographer to win top award with stunning collection of wildlife images | Mail Online

The Arctic ice shelf broke up before and then re-froze, new research suggests | Mail Online

Northern lights get southern exposure in US | Science |

Courthouse News Service:Another School Suspends a Student for Criticizing a Teacher on Facebook

+The US Is Fast Becoming a Third World Police State - The Dollar Vigilante Blog -

+Activist Post: 10 Signs The U.S. is Becoming a Third World Country

Activist Post: Hacked From Above: A DIY Spy Plane Takes Flight

Protest against Patent on Broccoli at the European Patent Office | Farm Wars

Top Earners Doubled Share of Nation’s Income, C.B.O. Says -

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Gilad Atzmon: By Way Of Deception

US indicts Singaporeans and Iranian in alleged bomb plot - Telegraph

VDH's Private Papers:: Strangers in a Familiar Land

EU referendum: Britain has had enough of deception | Mail Online

David Cameron tries to buy off Eurosceptics with threat to employment rights - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

Feds not helping Ala. enforce immigration law - US news - Crime & courts -

Occupy Wall Street sympathizer creates 'I'm Getting Arrested' app to help protesters

Obama to block new uranium-mine claims near Grand Canyon | McClatchy

Airport body scanner trials return high rate of errors | The Australian

Advisory Panel Urges CDC to Push Gardasil on Young Boys | Natural Society

Vitals - Flu shot not as effective as thought (but get one anyway)

A Tree Party Rebellion - Marita Noon - Townhall Finance

Occupy Oakland: police fire teargas and baton rounds at protesters | World news |

Ron Paul On Hannity 10/24/2011 - YouTube

2.5 micro Sv/h from concrete | Fukushima Diary

Adbusters Caves to Mass Pressure, Calls for Saturday Day of Action for Wall Street Sales Tax; Mobilize Now to Demand No Cuts in Social Safety Net, Student Loan Amnesty, Foreclosure Freeze, Nationalization of Fed to Create 30 Million New Productive Jobs at Union Wages «

The American Form of Government - YouTube

+ Losing Our Ability To Define Ourselves As A Nation

Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs - Updated 2010 - YouTube

Immigration by the Numbers -- Off the Charts - YouTube

Audio: Superpower Suicide

One third of humanity faces biggest risks from climate change - Telegraph

World population reaches seven billion: predictions of doom are nothing new – Telegraph Blogs

Physician speaks out: Gardasil vaccine dangerous, completely useless at preventing cervical cancer

Cholera sweeps western and central Africa | World news | Guardian Weekly

Breast cancer screening review set up amid fears risks outweigh benefits | Society | The Guardian

Energy drinks: simply fuel – or a flavour sensation? - News, Food & Drink - The Independent

Radioactive second-hand cars dog Japan | The Australian

World’s Richest Man Attacks Wall Street Bailouts - The Wealth Report - WSJ

US States Are Facing Total Debt of Over $4 Trillion - US Business News - CNBC

BP gets Gulf oil drilling permit amid 28,000 unmonitored abandoned wells | Food Freedom

Uranium Deals Prove Most Lucrative as Nuclear Demand Increases: Real M&A - Bloomberg

Activist Post: Congress Expansion of Drug War is an Attack on Free Speech - Vatican Dedicated to Luciferian World Gov't.

OpEdNews - Article: Obama Admin Seeks Permission To Lie In Response To Freedom Of Information Requests - Even To The Courts

ALIPAC - Illegal Immigration Issues Can Defeat Barack Obama

An Uneasy America in 2011

US Led Bogus Wars | Opinion Maker

16 Things Libya Will Never See Again | Disinformation

~History of Iran and USA Ties~ Good material ! - YouTube

James Morris and Coleen Rowley - YouTube

The Coming Derivatives Crisis That Could Destroy The Entire Global Financial System

Mandatory Sex Ed Details May Be Too Racy for Parents: Report | NBC New York

'They are not rebels; they are patriots' – Telegraph Blogs

Why aren't Britain's busted bankers being prosecuted like those in America and Ireland? – Telegraph Blogs

Fizzy drinks make teenagers violent - Telegraph

Time spent outdoors linked to better eyesight - Telegraph

Rense & Ty Bollinger and Dr Michael Farley - Herbal Medicines - YouTube

Communism kills – Glenn Beck

» Alien Genetic Takeover: The End of Humanity Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Declaration of Independence is Legal. Any Questions? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» YouTube-Government Censorship, Euro Banking Crisis, Vaccines & More: Infowars Nightly News Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

White House Student Loan Measures Will Barely Dent Soaring Costs

It’s Not A Conspiracy! Elite Controls Global Economy | Pakalert Press

What media won't tell you about evil

» New Street Lights To Have “Homeland Security” Applications Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Tenther Radio Episode 17: States’ Rights Under Heavy Attack! – TRX: Tenther Radio

Tenther Radio Episode 15: Tom DiLorenzo – TRX: Tenther Radio

Tenth Amendment ‘Terrorism’ – Tenth Amendment Center

Who Made the Federal Courts King? – Tenth Amendment Center

Marijuana Policy Project (

It shouldn't be a crime - YouTube

Marijuana Activist Debates Former ATF Head on Second Amendment - YouTube

+MPPstaff's Channel - YouTube

Permaculture: The Growing Edge, A New Documentary. : Chelsea Green

film: Permaculture


Sound Money Center(


Fast Money, Slow Money - YouTube

Suburban Foraging 101: How To Find Free Food

Let’s Talk About Food: Blog Action Day 2011 Round Up

Blog Action Day: What Do Meat Labels Really Mean?

How To Make Your Own Fruit Jam In 30 Minutes Or Less

5 Unusual Ways To Use Honey At Home

Delicious Dessert Recipe: Bee’s Knees Brownies

Dwindling Food Biodiversity

Three Easy Ways To Preserve Blueberries

Lincoln and Roosevelt: American Caesars - John V. Denson - Mises Daily

Who Are the Monopolists? - Hans-Hermann Hoppe - Mises Daily


Slow Money Blog - (

Gun Owners of America (


Audio:Paul Armentano: The Unconstitutional War on Pot


*1:01:31/Nullification: An Overview | Thomas E. Woods, Jr. - YouTube


Jack Hunter: The Real Extremists are in Washington D.C. - YouTube

Nullification: Turning the Tables - YouTube

Sheriff Mack: Nullify we Must, and Nullify we Will! - YouTube

Audio:Tom Woods Quizzes Lew Rockwell

Audio:The Fiat Currency Graveyard

Audio:The Government Gang

Audio:Government Hates Good Health

Audio:Stay Healthy Physically, Mentally, Spiritually, and Financially

Audio:Ron Paul on Cainesian Economics

Audio:Resist the Police State

Audio Page:States Revolt Against the Federal Government – Tenth Amendment Center

AudioPage:Rob Natelson: A Constitutional Coup d’etat – Tenth Amendment Center


Comparing Definitions of Freedom: The Source of Our Dilemma

Comparing Definitions of Freedom: The Source of Our Dilemma

Comparing Definitions of Freedom: The Source of Our Dilemma

Comparing Definitions of Freedom: The Source of Our Dilemma

Comparing Definitions of Freedom: The Source of Our Dilemma

Comparing Definitions of Freedom: The Source of Our Dilemma

Comparing Definitions of Freedom: The Source of Our Dilemma


ALIPAC - Democrats consider new illegal immigration AMNESTY push

ALIPAC - Illegal Immigration Issues Can Defeat Barack Obama

ALIPAC - Cornyn urging wider probe of Fast and Furious

ALIPAC - DEA: Assault weapons cache destined for Zetas

ALIPAC - FBI Finds Gangs Expanding, Even to U.S. Military


YouSendIt:( )


Revolutionary Politics : Police Chief Accused Of Inappropriate Relationships With Young Offenders

Gadaffi Death. NATO WAS THERE. PROOF! - YouTube

News of Interest from JohnU78: The Depression of Today’s Unemployed Youth

The Intercept: Hillary Clinton knew of Qaddafi ‘White Flag’ truce: US drone fired at Qaddafi convoy after negotiated truce

Mexican drug suspect: U.S. gave me immunity - CBS News

VIDEO - Rahm Emanuel On Occupy Chicago Arrests - Home - The Daily Bail

NYPD vs OWS: Crackdown but no backdown - YouTube

FLASHBACK: Obama Has 250,000 “Contractors” in Iraq and Afghan Wars, Increases Number of Mercenaries : Federal Jack

Joshua Blakeney on 9/11 and “Terrorism” | Veterans Today

**Activist Post: 15 Companies Whose Products Contain ‘Wood Pulp’ Ingredient

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul "What's Catastrophic Is What's Happening To Our Debt & Part Of It Is Our Military Spending"

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul "I Don't Like Nuclear Weapons! The Less The Better!"


Refreshing News: IBM Simulates 4.5% of the Human Brain; Skynet Is Next

**MIT Blue Gene /

IBM details Blue Gene supercomputer - CNET News

IBM Research ; Blue Gene

- IBM System Blue Gene Solution - Overview


Activist Post: 'Rogue websites' bill introduced in US House

Activist Post: New poll reveals massive distrust of Washington, New York Times uses the opportunity to call Ron Paul “second-tier”

poorrichards blog: From 7 Billion People To 500 Million People – The Sick Population Control Agenda Of The Global Elite

Activist Post: Implantable RFID chips capable of remotely killing non-compliant 'slaves' are here

The Feds Will Cut Off TV and Radio on November 9th |

poorrichards blog: CIA to continue covert operations in Iraq

poorrichards blog: NATO: the Brutal Alliance by FIDEL CASTRO

poorrichards blog: The New Libya: Assassination, Ruination, Broken Promises and Body Snatching...

The Triumph of America's Supranational Emergency State

404 Error - Page Not Found

Activist Post: 7 Ways to Defeat The Banks: Stop Participating in the System!

poorrichards blog: Obama Declares Victory, but Will It Win Votes?

Activist Post: Obama woos young voters with student loan program

Activist Post: US hardliners urge Iran plot retaliation

» Shock vaccine study reveals influenza vaccines only prevent the flu in 1.5 out of 100 adults Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Insurgents attack US-run base in Afghanistan -

Ghadafi – The Murderous Western Touch | nsnbc

Lawmakers open to changes in military benefits - Yahoo! News

Gun Ownership Soars To 18 Year High: 47% Of Americans Admit To Owning A Gun | ZeroHedge

Wayne Madsen: Gaddafi Set-Up in Assassination Plot by NATO & UN : Federal Jack

Is Elie Wiesel “the world’s most famous hypocrite” | Elie Wiesel Cons the World Is Elie Wiesel “the world’s most famous hypocrite” | A Blog Dedicated to Finding out the Truth about Elie Wiesel's Tattoo

Wall Street banks gets NSA intel on foreign hackers

The revolution will be livestreamed–at least in Oakland | The Cutline - Yahoo! News

Lone Star Watchdog: Alex Jones, One Day We Are Winning, The Other Day We Are Losing. He is Flip Flopping

+The Crimes of Mena

His Name Is Scott Olsen He Served TWO Tours Of Duty In Iraq Shot In The Face By Oakland Cops - YouTube

US cops tried to erase online evidence of brutality - YouTube

Keiser Report: Clowns Run World (E202) - YouTube

Ron Paul "What's Catastrophic Is What's Happening To Our Debt & Part Of It Is Our Military Spending" - YouTube

Billions Of Dollars Shipped Straight From The Federal Reserve To Iraq Missing! - YouTube

Yuan Gold Contacts a Step toward Reserve Currency

Washington’s agenda revealed: US-backed rebels ask NATO to ‘stay in Libya’

Random Highway Checkpoint Searches, Just Another Infringement on U.S. Freedoms

TSA Thugs on the Loose! - YouTube


Genesis Communications Network GCN News New Street Lights To Have “Homeland Security” Applications «




Dem. Strategist Carville “Worried”: “Nobody’s Gotten Elected With These Numbers”

James Carville on whether Obama should still fire staff and the GOP field - YouTube

+HUD Awards Nearly $100 M in Grants for UN's Plan of Sustainable Developments -

** Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant Finalists

Dems seek $1 trillion tax hike, $3 trillion deficit cut from supercommittee -

The One Percent: Gigantic Government + Gigantic Corporations = Massive Wealth Inequality In America -

Why Governments Make War -

North Korean Regime Rattled By Libyan Regime Change | StratRisks

America's "Unnoticed" Military Aggression. US Combat Troops Arrive in Uganda -

Wartime Contracting Commission Classifies Findings for Next 20 Years -- News from

Billions Lost in Secret Federal Reserve Funding of Iraq War -

The European Debt Crisis: The Creditors are America's "Too Big to Fail" Wall Street Banksters -

New Obama Foreclosure Plan Helps Banks At Taxpayers' Expense

Oakland Policeman Throws Flash Grenade Into Crowd Trying To Help Injured Protester - YouTube

Veteran shot in the face by police projectile at Occupy Oakland protests - YouTube

Standing My Ground at a Nazi Checkpoint - YouTube

5 Favorite Law Enforcement Lies About Marijuana - informationliberation

PROTECT IP Renamed E-PARASITES Act; Would Create The Great Firewall Of America | Techdirt

Steve Jobs to Rupert Murdoch: Fox News Is 'Destructive Force' | Death and Taxes

In Praise of Credit Checks - informationliberation

Who Was Muammar Qaddafi? Libya's Wealth Redistribution Project

America's Endless Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq

The New Libya: Assassination, Ruination, Broken Promises and Body Snatching...

The 9/11 Consensus Panel: The “Best Evidence” Indicates Flaws in the Official 9/11 Narrative

American Crisis Politics: Barack Obama versus Mitt Romney

The Destruction of Libya and the Murder of Muammar Gaddafi. NATO's Moral Defeat

NATO’s Genocidal Role and the Invasion of Libya: Serving the Interests of the Yankee Oil Giants

The Robin Hood Tax: Occupy Movement now Marching Straight Off the Globalist Cliff

VIDEO: Gaddafi Murder Highlights the Hypocrisy of NATO's "Humanitarian" Intervention

VIDEO: US Uranium to Blame for Deformed Babies in Fallujah?

VIDEO: US Media on Gaddafi - In Praise of Lynching

VIDEO: Examining the OWS Movement and the War on Libya

The US and Gaddafi: The murderer calls for an investigation of the crime

The 9/11 Consensus Points: The Factual Evidence Contradicts the 9/11 Story

Gaddafi’s Death: Celebrating Murder While Ushering in Civil War

America's "Unnoticed" Military Aggression. US Combat Troops Arrive in Uganda

Somalia: Western Media Indulge US and French Denials of New War in Famine-Hit Horn of Africa

White House Announces Mortgage Refinancing Overhaul Through Executive Order

Israeli Intelligence Sources: NATO Killed Qaddafi

Neocon WWIII Scenario? Frank Gaffney: Rise of Sharia Rule in the Arab World Will Bring War

Western Corporations "Fight" for Libyan Oil. Who Will Get the Spoils of War?

The War on Libya and the Broader US-NATO Military Agenda

It’s True, Bankers Really Do Control the World: Study | Common Dreams

Gaddafi Sodomized By NATO Supported Rebels Video shows abuse frame by frame (GRAPHIC)

The Murder of Gaddafi, and the War Crimes of Western Powers

War and Serfdom: Is This The World We Really Want to Live In?

Wall Street Firms Spy on Protesters in Tax-Funded Center

Legal Rights for Fertilized Eggs? How a Terrifying Law Could Lead to Jail-time for Miscarriages, Birth Control Bans, and the End of Legal Abortion

Why Conservatives Need to Stop Whining About Robert Bork

What Happened at My First Porn Shoot

Rick Perry's Shady Connections to Extremist Right-Wing Pastors

Libya NTC Wants NATO Warplanes Through Dec.

Qatar Admits It Had Boots on Ground in Libya

Official Claims of Transition to Afghan-Controlled Security Are Unlikely

Top Romney Adviser Tied to Militant Atrocities

Madison and Jefferson Were UnPATRIOTic

The US Departure From Iraq Is an Illusion

Gadhafi's End a Sign of Things to Come?

The Man Who Knew Too Much

Awlaki Family Angered by US Silence

Veteran Scott Olsen Could Be the First Person to Die at a Wall Street Protest

Lockheed Wins $1 Billion UK Contract

Boeing Sees Growth in Cyber Despite Defense Cuts

Woman Gets Prison Over Counterfeits Sold to Navy

Gaddafi’s Death: Celebrating Murder While Ushering in Civil War

US Drone Fired at Qaddafi Convoy After Negotiated Truce

The End of the American Era

Israel: Twenty Years On And Counting?

US Income Disparity, Economic Anxiety Grow: Studies

Iran Rallies in Support of U.S. Protesters, Urges U.N. to Probe Police Response

Napolitano: Jailed Illegals Will Get Phone Number to Report Civil Rights Violations

First Lady: Kagan, Sotomayor Will Protect Right to ‘Love Whomever We Choose’

California's Democratic Governor Will Propose Major Public-Employee Pension Cuts

CBO: Poorest Americans 18 Percent Richer Under George W. Bush Than Jimmy Carter

Iran Hails Tunisian Election Result, Predicts Islamist Victories in Egypt, Libya

U.S. Gov't Financial Regulators Earn Tax-Funded Salaries of $225,000-Plus

Justice Official: U.S. Attorneys Have Discretion in Enforcing Federal Drug Laws

Caring or Reckless? Jurors Offered A Positive View of Michael Jackson's Doctor

Saudi Succession Questions Linger After Burial of 80-Year-Old Crown Prince

McDonald's Bans Mother Who Warned of Germs in Children's Play Areas

FAA Sets Up Website for Public to Report Laser Strikes on Aircraft

House Republicans Seeking Waiver of Environmental Laws That Hamper Border Patrol

Sen. Tester’s Bill Would Expand Family Leave Act to Include Grieving for a Child

NBC's Gregory: Rick Perry's Tax Plan Will Help the Rich and Hurt the Poor |

Silly Leftists, Profits Are for People |

New Rule Allows Government To Lie In Response To FOIA Request - YouTube

Greenspan: Why European Union Is Doomed to Fail - EU Business News - CNBC

ACLU & Others Pushing White House For Legal Justification To Assassinate American Citizens - YouTube

Activist Post: World Population Growth Outpacing Water Availability . . . per Reuters

Activist Post: Legalize Marijuana Say Majority of Americans and Nationwide Medical Association (Video)

Activist Post: The Big Deal About Freeze Dried Food

IBM Simulates 4.5 Percent of the Human Brain and Might Make You Obsolete by 2019

Activist Post: Banksters, Busts and History - The Facts Driving the Financial Crises (Video)

Activist Post: US terror accused Padilla revives Rumsfeld lawsuit

Want To Defeat The Banks? Stop Participating In The System!

Activist Post: Fed Raids Spur Epic Joe Rogan Cannabis Hemp Rant (Video)

Prison » Promo Video For DHS-Backed ‘Spy Street Lights’ Pulled From You Tube

Earth is not revolving around the Sun! - YouTube

The Great Depression 80 Years Later, Same Culprits, Same Rage :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

The Prepper Movement: Why Are Millions Of Preppers Feverishly Preparing For The End Of The World As We Know It?

The Decline of Empire, Idiot Solons and Pentagon Zombies :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

The Ulsterman Report – WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: “President Obama Gets Off On It” - The Ulsterman Report

Sheriff Joe predicts Obama investigation to be a 'shock'

The Dark Side Of Halloween: The Kind Of Stuff That Real Life Nightmares Are Made Of

Hyperclusters of the Universe Hint that Something is Behaving Strangely

From the X Files: "Giordano Bruno's Legacy" --Vatican New Views on Extraterrestrial Civilizations

Obama Administration Bans the Truth About Islam and Jihad | FrontPage Magazine

'Super skin' for robot limbs can feel - and survive the pressure of two elephants standing on it | Mail Online

Synthetic biology raises bioterror fears | Bio Prep Watch

US Economic Growth Speeds Up | Economy | English

Panetta Warns Iran Not to Interfere in Iraq

Clinton Concerned Trend Toward Military Rule in Iran

Karzai to Announce Next Round of Security Transition

Tunisia's Islamists In Coalition Talks

Panetta Pledges Security Support for South Korea

China's Rare Earth Minerals Supply Manipulation

Brown Eyed Girls’ Video “Sixth Sense” or How the Elite Controls Opposition

No TV for Children Under 2, Doctors’ Group Urges

The Order of the Illuminati: Its Origins, Its Methods and Its Influence on the World Events

Renowned Doctor Speaks on the Dumbing Down Effects of Fluoride

Mikhail Gorbachev Says Occupy Wall Street Signals an Emerging New World Order

+Vatican Calls for a Central World Bank

Snoop Dogg on Conspiracy Theories (video)

Video:Obama and Occupy Wall Street

Video:US Sends Troops to Uganda - Is it About the Oil?

Cyber-attack stole Mitsubishi warplane, nuke plant data - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun

How IT Costs More Jobs than It Creates - Technology Review

Conservative Celebrity Questions Obama’s Natural-Born Claims | American Free Press

New Poll Finds a Deep Distrust of Government -

Darren Wesley Huff, Georgia Birther, Convicted Of Plot To Take Over Courthouse To Topple Obama

Local, organic foods not always safer -

One cannabis joint 'can bring on schizophrenia' | Mail Online

Geography of weed: Why marijuana is so much cheaper in Western states | Mail Online

Rasmussen: Don’t Count Perry Out Yet

Perry: 'No Doubt' Obama Is an American Citizen

WSJ, National Review Split on Perry's Flat Tax Plan

Paul Ryan: Obama Sowing Class Warfare

Rep. Camp's Plan Won't Tax Overseas Profits

Hensarling: Supercommittee Need Not Cut Entitlements

Perry: Debates Designed to Tear Down Candidates

Seniors and Cosmetic Surgery — How Old Is Too Old?

Perry, Obama Share Goal: Take Down Romney

Rove: Obama's Specialty Is 'Stump Speaker'

Panetta: Unlikely NKorea Will Give Up Nukes

Fla.'s Connie Mack to Run For US Senate

Ryan: Obama's Class Rhetoric Weakens Nation

Greenspan: Fear of Long-Term Risk Hurting Growth

Issa, Grassley Press Holder on Fast and Furious

Daniel Yergin: Only Politics Threaten Oil Supplies

GOP Senators, Lieberman Press for Iraq Hearing

The Great $750 Million Demolition Job

+The Vatican's Frightening Call for an End to Economic Freedom

Reagan's First Speech Still Resonates, 47 Years Later

Supporters of Competing GOP Tax Plans Must Unite

Let's Get Educated on School Vouchers

Fukushima Update - 2011/10/27 - YouTube

Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – October 26th, 2011

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – October 26th, 2011

Repugnant Candidate Debate - Election 2012 - YouTube

Gerald Celente - Jimmy Cefalo - WIOD - 24 Oct 2011 - YouTube

CIA Criminal Revolving Door: CIA Officer “Albert” Involved in False Intelligence Linking Al-Qaeda to Iran, Iraq

Cellphone Towers EMR Damaging Biological Systems of Birds, Insects, Humans |

Ron Paul on Freedom Watch 10/24/11 - YouTube

Ron Paul: Yes, We Can Cut $1 Trillion Immediately - YouTube

War and Serfdom: Is This The World We Really Want to Live In? |

Multimillionaire Michael Moore Denies Hes Part Of One Percent Video

BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- October 26, 2011

*Podcast Show #63:Boiling Frogs Presents Stephen Soldz

President Obama Announces Plan To Boost College Tuitions by Peter Schiff

Breakfast Basics: How to Make Better Eggs | The Art of Manliness

Being Polite to Muggers by Eric Peters

'Rising' to Empire, Falling From Grace by William Norman Grigg

Lincoln and Roosevelt: American Caesars by John V. Denson

Why I Decided To Publish Directly Through Amazon by Ellen Finnigan

Lake Wobegon Politics by Gary North

For One Day...We Shut The System Down! - YouTube

The 13 Crystal Skulls Will Arrive In San Francisco On 11-11-11 | Before It's News

Banksters, Busts and History - The Facts Driving the Financial Crises - YouTube

Scientists Discover Drugs To Strengthen Synapses In The Brain By 300 Percent | Before It's News

Ten Ways You Can Screw Up Your Life | Before It's News

Gender Differences: Viewing TV Coverage Of Terrorism Has More Negative Effect On Women | Before It's News

+Will The Pope Be Granted His New World Order? - YouTube

Why Many Americans Still Believe The Official Version Of 9/11 As Well As Other BS - YouTube

The 9/11 Consensus Points: The Factual Evidence Contradicts The 9/11 Story | Before It's News

Donald Trump: Obama Birth Certificate Issue Still Not Put To Rest And Very Important Issue - YouTube

The Big Deal About Freeze Dried Food | Before It's News

Homeland Security Corporate Welfare Entitlement Spending | Before It's News

= - SITREP Situation Report | Corporate welfare/entitlement spending in homeland security


Sleep Dealer Trailer || HD - YouTube


58 min./Alex Rivera on Sleep Dealer on Vimeo


film:Sleep Dealer


Astronomers Pin Down Galaxy Collision Rates By Comparing Hubble Images To Supercomputer Simulations | Before It's News

The Search for Alien 'Footprints': Scientist Rethinks Hunt for E.T. | Before It's News

Are You Using Social Media Correctly? | Before It's News

The Best Young Entrepreneurs of 2011: Readers' Picks | Before It's News

Childhood Diet Lower In Fat And Higher In Fiber May Lower Risk For Chronic Disease In Adulthood | Before It's News

Older Men With Higher Testosterone Levels Lose Less Muscle Mass As They Age | Before It's News

The Dirty Details: Food Imports from China | Before It's News

What is a Gamma Ray Burst? | Before It's News

Mycestro: Wearable wireless 3D ring mouse | Before It's News

oftwominds: Obama's Re-Fi Plan: The Perfection of Debt-Serfdom

Where are Safe Havens of Militants?

charles hugh smith-EU Leaders Throw Europe a Plutonium Life Preserver

charles hugh smith-Obama's Re-Fi Plan: The Perfection of Debt-Serfdom

charles hugh smith-Is the Market Rally "The Real Thing" or Just More Perception Management?

Washington Post campaigns against Marco Rubio

Gay troops to file suit challenging Defense of Marriage Act

Dianne Feinstein says Obama infrastructure plan won't pass Senate

State Department defends bulk buys of Obama’s books

Napolitano never spoke to Holder about Operation Fast & Furious

Smithsonian looks for exhibits in Occupy Wall Street protests

Nordic Food Day tough for some DC students to swallow

Little diversity among ‘Occupy Chicago’ protesters

Gallup poll: Record 43% of U.S. women say household has a gun

Atheist group tries to stop prayers to Jesus at high school football games

Obama uses executive powers to get past Congress

Polls: 12 House pickup chances for Democrats

Marco Rubio faces Hispanic critics

Indicted Goldman exec was major Dem donor

Healthcare reform penalizes married couples, says report

Court asked to block new Arizona abortion law

EU announces new steps to tackle debt crisis

Cities debate how to remove Occupy camps

State seeks to revamp poor, disabled care

House GOP preparing another stopgap to fund government to Christmas

Perry may skip some debates

Decade-Old Accounting Regulation Becomes Popular Target on 2012 Campaign Trail

EXCLUSIVE: ACORN Playing Behind Scenes Role in 'Occupy' Movement

Profanity is making a splash in book titles

Dems say Obama administration mulling paydowns to prevent foreclosures

Tribute to Giffords staffer languishing in House committee

Perry opposed Confederate license plate design

J. Crew executive who featured son in controversial ad divorcing husband for woman

Exxon Mobile Not Responsible for Montana Leak, Officials Say

GM Recalls Corvette Coupes

Virginia Rometty IBM's First Female CEO

Greek Debt Deal Writes Off 50% of Bond Debt

Bernie Madoff Denies Being Suicidal

Copiale Cipher Cracked, Scientist Says

The Republican Tax Carrot

Time for the Tea Party and conservatives to move to mainstream!

Confederate flag and causes of secession collide with 2012 election

New Derivative Instrument - US Treasury Bonds?

While the Troops were Away

The White Aborigines of the Post-Racial Left

Moderate/Conservative Response to Occupy Wall Street: March on Main Street

New technology for recovering valuable minerals from waste rock

“Magnetic tongue” ready to help produce tastier processed foods

New Gallup data shows Americans value their gun rights

Who lost the world? The unraveling of the globe under Obama’s watch

Principles Before Politics

Justice, Obama Style: Border Patrol Agent Sent to Jail; Illegals Granted Waivers!

Real Americans must stand against Muslim Brotherhood, radical Islam and Sharia Law

The Insurgent Incumbent

Obama’s OWS America vs the rest of us

The Rise of the Obamavilles

Romney hit for hypocrisy on green energy venture capitalism

Save Us from Joe Biden

A Declaration to Restore the Constitutional Republic

The Battles on the UN Agenda 21 Front

What is the American Idea?

Bring our exiled veterans ‘home’

Muslims say crosses at Catholic University Violate “Human Rights” | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

Judges' deaths add to 9th Circuit backlog -

The 53%: Occupy Wall Street backlash - Oct. 26, 2011

State Dept. Considering 9,036 'Diversity Visa' Applicants from 'Countries of Interest'--Whose Citizens Pose Higher Terror Risk |

Mexican drug suspect: U.S. gave me immunity - CBS News

Kristoffer Domeij killed in Afghanistan on his 14th deployment with Elite Army Rangers | Mail Online

Ruth Madoff 'could be lying' about suicide pact with Bernie | Mail Online

National Emergency Alert System test set for Nov. 9

16 Examples Of Steve Jobs Being An Unbelievable Jerk

Debbie Schlussel:Well Known Cancer Charity Wasted Resources on Dumb “Makeup” Study

Debbie Schlussel:John Grisham Champions Illegal Aliens in Latest Crappy Novel

Debbie Schlussel:ABSURD: Israel Frees More Terrorists for Leftist Israeli Helping Egypt’s Muslims

BBC News - Strange tales from the Royal Society

Giant "Amoebas" Found in Deepest Place on Earth

Code of Mysterious Secret Society Cracked Centuries Later | Encryption, Cryptograms & Code-Breaking | Oculist Order & Copiale Cipher | Secret Societies & Initiation Rites | LiveScience

Alien abductions may be vivid dreams: study - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience -

Skeptical 'Zombies' Attack Alleged Psychic James Van Praagh (VIDEO)

Why Are So Many Bee-Carrying Trucks Crashing? | LiveScience


Limbaugh: Farrakhan Was Right “Obama Is An Assassin”

Limbaugh: Media Hoping For Some Sort Of Kent State Type Massacre At OWS Protests

Limbaugh: The Subprime Mortgage Crisis Comes To Student Loans

The FED is Secret No More with Radio Personality Lionel 1/2 - YouTube

The FED is Secret No More with Radio Personality Lionel 2/2 - YouTube

Prison » Napolitano Knew About Fast and Furious In 2009

Napolitano Aware of Fast and Furious in 2009 - YouTube

Freedom Watch 10-26-2011 Nigel Farage Tell it like it is about the Greek Bailouts? - YouTube

Dangerous HPV Vaccinations Forced on Boys with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny 1/2 - YouTube

Dangerous HPV Vaccinations Forced on Boys with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny 2/2 - YouTube

American Teen Killed By U.S. Drone Strike - YouTube

Pepe Escobar: NATO is the global Robocop - YouTube

Prison » Fed Raids Spur Epic Joe Rogan Cannabis Hemp Rant

EAS Hold Power to Cut Broadcast Signal: Nightly News Report - YouTube

Can Obama Assassinating People Be Considered Foreign Policy Successes? - YouTube

Why Is Support For Gun Control At Record Lows? - YouTube


**Prison » Download these FREE ‘truth about fluoride’ handouts to distribute during Halloween

*Fluoride-free Water Campaign for Halloween: Nifty Free Handouts | Journal of Natural Food and Health** FREE Fluoride-Free HANDOUTS via email.


* Fluoride news, articles and information:


Prison » TSA Sex Toy Victim Says Apology Is Not Enough

Prison » Support for Second Amendment at Record High

Prison » The New Libya: Assassination, Ruination, Broken Promises and Body Snatching…

Prison » ‘Rogue Websites’ Bill Creates Chinese-Style Ban List

Prison » Europe Wallows In Insolveable Problems

Prison » Gun Ownership Soars To 18 Year High: 47% Of Americans Admit To Owning A Gun

U.N. Security Council lifts no-fly zone over Libya

Prison » Oakland Police Riot: The Imperial Boardroom Strikes Back

Prison » The Triumph of America’s Supranational Emergency State

Napolitano Grilled Over ‘Fast and Furious’ - Janet Napolitano - Fox Nation

Prison » Can Obama Assassinating People Be Considered Foreign Policy Successes?

Prison » PETER SCHIFF: Obama’s College Tuition Plan Will Prop Up Bloated Schools

Prison » The One Percent: Gigantic Government + Gigantic Corporations = Massive Wealth Inequality

Prison » Occupy Wall Street Launching First Nationwide General Strike In America Since 1946

Prison » US cops tried to erase online evidence of brutality

Prison » Download these FREE ‘truth about fluoride’ handouts to distribute during Halloween

Prison » Shock vaccine study reveals influenza vaccines only prevent the flu in 1.5 out of 100 adults

Raw Milk Freedom Riders Challenge FDA: Liz Reitzig Reports 1/2 - YouTube

Raw Milk Freedom Riders Challenge FDA: Liz Reitzig Reports 2/2 - YouTube

Confessions of an Rx Drug Pusher with Author Gwen Olsen (In-Studio) 1/2 - YouTube

Confessions of an Rx Drug Pusher with Author Gwen Olsen (In-Studio) 2/2 - YouTube

» 9/11 Consensus Panel: “Best Evidence” Indicates Flaws in Official 9/11 Narrative Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Russ Baker on 9/11 Commission Report, Usama Bin Laden Death Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


Consensus 911(



» France: 58% Doubt the Official 9/11 Version, Only 14% Know About Building 7 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

+Prince Charles joins campaign to save Transylvania's forests - inspired by family connections to 'Count Dracula' | Mail Online

» Forgiving student loan debt is not supported by America’s “General Assembly” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Fall of Syrian government is unavoidable: French formin | Reuters

» Washington’s agenda revealed: US-backed rebels ask NATO to ‘stay in Libya’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The FBI Announces Gangs Have Infiltrated Every Branch Of The Military

» A Dysfunctional System That Bankrupts A Generation Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Testosterone Pit - Home - Obama's Refi: Special Tax For People Who Can't Do Math

Where is Gaddafi's vast arms stockpile? | World news | The Guardian

» The Military Industrial Complex at 50: Activism Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Work-from-home boss keeps staff on their toes with robot version of himself | Mail Online

Magistrates condemn government plan to extend mandatory sentences | Politics |

iRobot becomes a reality as patient gets smartphone built into his artificial arm | Mail Online

» Children May Be Given Death-Linked Anthrax Shots Under Bioterrorism Scare Trials Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Artificial blood made from stem cells could be used in transfusions in just two years | Mail Online

» Cellphone Towers EMR Damaging Biological Systems of Birds, Insects, Humans Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Free Willy – his rights under the US constitution are being violated - Nature, Environment - The Independent

Darrell Issa: Janet Napolitano slow on Fast & Furious - Josh Gerstein -

Questioning Sec. Napolitano on Fast and Furious - YouTube

» The Declaration of Independence is Legal. Any Questions? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Obama to Leno: Libya ‘A Recipe For Success’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


President Obama on Jay Leno FULL VIDEO(OCT 25 2011) 1080p HD- YouTube


The 'flying Humvee' gets off the ground as U.S. military plans first all-terrain, bullet-proof warcraft by next year | Mail Online

Religion Improves Health of Chronic Illness Patients

'Ergodic Theorem' of Diffusion Confirmed

Zombies: The zombie boom is inspired by the economy. - Slate Magazine

Robot Venus flytraps could eat bugs for fuel - tech - 26 October 2011 - New Scientist

Dwarf Planet Eris is 'Almost Perfect' Pluto Twin | Dwarf Planets & Solar System | Pluto, Eris & Planet Definition |

Mass Species Loss Stunts Evolution for Millions of Years | Wired Science |

Archaeopteryx regains its perch on the bird family tree | Science | The Guardian

Secret Reports: With Security Spotty, Many Had Access to Anthrax - ProPublica

If MacGyver Was A Biologist – Epetri Dish Monitors Cell Growth In Realtime (video) | Singularity Hub

Secrets of long life sought in DNA of the elderly -

Study says a woman's walk reflects her vaginal orgasmic history

Study says Generation X is balanced and happy -

Drug Legalization: What Would Steve Jobs Do? - Blog

The Real Luddites - Reason Magazine

Friendly bacteria move in mysterious ways : Nature News

How Ready Are We for Bioterrorism? -

No Trick: Fewer Babies Born on Halloween | Baby Delivery Dates & Holidays | Pregnancy, Hormones & Psychology | Baby Birthdays & C-Sections | LiveScience

American Rhetoric: Ronald Reagan -- A Time for Choosing

"New York's New Underground World" (1904)

"Building New York's Subway" (1903)

Major Rudolf Anderson, Jr. - ClemsonWiki

Friedrich Nietzsche (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

Nietzsche, The Birth of Tragedy (e-text)

On This Day: Constantine Has Christian Vision Before Battle of the Milvian Bridge

Inside JC Superstar by Scott Miller

Review: Somewhere, beyond the Sea | The National Interest

Eric A. Posner Reviews Kevin J. McMahon's "Nixon's Court" | The New Republic

The Leadership Secrets of Bismarck | Foreign Affairs

Bernie Madoff's Daughter-in-Law on Husband's Suicide and Bernie's Crime - The Daily Beast

Why Barnes & Noble Will Never Be Great Again - DailyFinance

Warren Adler: Where is Our Culture Heading?

Frank Lesser: Sad Monsters | Books | Book Review | The A.V. Club

Should Some Bankers Be Prosecuted? by Jeff Madrick and Frank Partnoy | The New York Review of Books

Jack Rakove Reviews Richard Brookhiser's "James Madison" | The New Republic

Bill O'Reilly's "Killing Lincoln" is "Lincoln Lite" -

Johnny Depp on Hunter S. Thompson - The Daily Beast

What Am I Still Doing Here? | Roger Lewis | Review by The Spectator

Predictions & U.S. National Security

November Pivotal for U.S. in Asia

Time for a Grand Bargain With North Korea

Commentary: The Neocon Response to Obama's Iraq Decision | The National Interest

To deal with Iran’s nuclear future, go back to 2008 - The Washington Post

Iran's win in Iraq -

News Flash! Neocons Discover That Iran Has Influence in Iraq! | The National Interest Blog

Qaddafi and the Lives of Tyrants -

Putin Takes a Populist Turn | Opinion | The Moscow Times

RealClearWorld - Only Putin Can Save Russia, Really

An American Teenager in Yemen: Paying for the Sins of His Father? - TIME

Asia Sentinel - A Marshall Plan for South Asia

Against The Division Of Jerusalem | The New Republic

China’s Desert Dance around Libya | CHINA US Focus

Robert Fisk: Syria slips towards sectarian war - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent

Asia Times Online :: South Asia news, business and economy from India and Pakistan

THE DAILY STAR :: Opinion :: Editorial :: Too little too late

gulfnews : Al Nahda gets chance to prove its mettle

KUHNER: Obama's Arab winter - Washington Times

After Qaddafi: The Temptations And Trials Of Freedom | The New Republic

Victory for Ennahda: Why Tunisians Voted for the Islamists - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

+Prison » Why Are Millions Of Preppers Preparing Feverishly For The End Of The World As We Know It?

Mexican ID Becomes Valid ID in Sonoma County | NBC Bay Area

Prison » How to Strengthen Our Epigenetic Health with Daniel Vitalis

Prison » Cellphone Towers EMR Damaging Biological Systems of Birds, Insects, Humans

Report: Middle Class Major Owners of Oil & Nat Gas Companies

How much CO2 are Countries Emitting?

China Pours Money into Smart Grid Technology

Opinion: Obama's anti-energy agenda kills jobs - Steve Forbes -

The Energy Revolution That Keeps Carbon on Top: Nathan Myhrvold - Businessweek

The Machine Is Sputtering - Jim Lacey - National Review Online

Eddie Fernandez: A Hot Bed for Green Innovation

Why Can't We Generate All Our Energy From Wind Power? - Planet Green

Will an oil-driven misery index defeat a U.S. president? - The Globe and Mail

U.S. has a long way to go to reduce reliance on fossil fuels -

Point Hope, Alaska, Is Split by Oil-Drilling Plan -

The lies we tell about green energy - Opinion -

The Breakthrough Institute: CNN: Government to Thank for Technologies We Can't Live Without

Does Financial Engineering Foster Economic Growth?

The Link Between Trial Lawyers & State AGs

Macro vs. Growth — The American Magazine

Crony Capitalism Comes Home -

How Class Warfare Weakens America--Paul Ryan -

Paul Ryan: Class Warrior for the Wealthy | The Nation

RealClearMarkets - Begging, Pleading For the Abolishment of Gross Domestic Product

Are rich foreigners the answer to America's housing crash? - Telegraph

RealClearMarkets - Is Student Loan Forgiveness Obama's Next Crisis?

RealClearMarkets - Dueling Tax Plans In the GOP

Robert A. Sirico: The Vatican's Monetary Wisdom -

Our financial smarts erode quickly after age 60 - Robert Powell - MarketWatch

Steve Jobs: A One Percenter, Gordon Gekko In Turtleneck - Forbes

Flat Tax Center Stage Again | Fox Business

Fundamental Tax Reform Is Now Unstoppable - Forbes

The Machine Is Sputtering - National Review Online

Europe’s debt crisis and the danger we can’t see - The Washington Post

QE3? Investors (and Fed) addicted to liquidity -- The Buzz - Oct. 26, 2011

Barack Kissinger Obama -

Populism is Obama's path to victory - The Week

Paul Ryan: Obama Using "Class Warfare, Envy, Resentment And Fear" | RealClearPolitics

RealClearPolitics - Why Obama Cannot "Occupy Wall Street" and Win

The Ideological Fantasies of Inequality Deniers -- Daily Intel

Herman Cain: ‘I Gotta Fight Romneycare and Get the Nomination’ - ABC News

Limbaugh: Obama wants to run against Romney so Obamacare will be off the table « Hot Air

A third-party presence in 2012 -

David Graeber, the Anti-Leader of Occupy Wall Street - Businessweek

Protesters’ corporate pals -

RealClearPolitics - Global Warming -- RIP

Buckeye Badgers - The Editors - National Review Online

The shortcomings of Rick Perry’s tax plan - The Washington Post

Obama doubles down on failed mortgage bet | Examiner Editorial | Editorials | Washington Examiner

Was Fiscal Irresponsibility Part of ObamaCare's Plan? - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

The Republicans’ war on science and reason - The Washington Post

The American Spectator : Cain's Abortion Libertarianism


+27th:Real Clear Markets - Video - EU Summit Debt Crisis Deal Analysis

+26th:Real Clear Markets - Video - Are Markets 'Too Emotional' Over Euro Zone?

Real Clear Markets - Video - How to Play a Headline Driven Market

Real Clear Markets - Video - Former Coke CEO: America Is Overregulated

+25th:Real Clear Markets - Video - Copper Prices Up 15% Since Last Friday

Real Clear Markets - Video - Why the Party's Over for the Banking Sector

Real Clear Markets - Video - France's Sarkozy Tells British Prime Minister to 'Shut Up'

Real Clear Markets - Video - Buyers Betting On Europe Plan

+24th:Real Clear Markets - Video - EU Leaders Eye Guarantees for Banks

Real Clear Markets - Video - Moving Towards Euro Zone Break-Up?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Stifel CEO: Clients Are Afraid to Invest

Real Clear Markets - Video - Is $12 Billion Still Too High for Groupon?


Is the POTUS Stirring Up a Revolution?

The Risk of Revolution Grows

The Premature Coronation of Romney

Obama's War on Greed

Tea Parties ≠ Occupiers

Demystifying 9-9-9 and Other Fair Taxes

Lawrence Summers and Obama's Clueless Housing Solution

Willful blindness

Is Mark Block Herman Cain's ObamaGirl?

Obama's con on 'no lobbyist money' pledge

What's the Federal Reserve good for?

The empty tents of the empty heads

Taliban commanders admit backing from ISI

Obama's student loan executive order savings: $10 a month on average

Euro zone deal; the devil is in the details

Assad's forces fracturing as revolt enters seventh month

'7 reasons why Obama is wrong about income inequality'

Ten richest celebs supporting OWS have collective net worth over a billion dollars

Rove is the architect of Obama presidency

Confusion reigns over eligibility issue

Islamic connection to Wall Street protest

It's cop vs. perp and the cop goes to jail!

Judge orders trial to decide if jail food really is 'torture'

A 53% Surge in Poverty Rate Is Reshaping Suburbs -

Modern Algorithms Crack 18th Century Secret Code | Wired Science |

Germany marks first phone call anniversary - 15 years before Bell - The Local

Divers find 13th century wreck from Kublai Kahn's Mongol invasion fleet that was destroyed by 'divine' typhoon | Mail Online

Stone Age leftovers show a gradual move from fish to milk diets - The Local

Giant Lego man washes up on Siesta Key beach in Sarasota |

Rolling Stone founder Jann Wenner finally divorces wife Jane | Mail Online

Tyranny of the majority

'Occupy' dimwits – aren't they darling?

Occupiers demand life without hardship

If I were a liberal …

Rove is the architect of Obama presidency

Arrogance squared: Obama and Apollo

America in Psalm 2

Planned Parenthood's Shreddergate scandal

What have the wars done for you?

Marcia Alesan Dawkins: The GOP’s Outsider Within - Truthdig

Anybody but Romney

The American Spectator : President Robespierre

The Breivik Interrogations: Norway Massacre Suspect Reveals All But Motive - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter gets up to 5½ years in prison |

Jack Abramoff crony gets 20 months - Mackenzie Weinger -

Stacy Schuler 'had drink and drug fuelled orgies with five students, having sex with one in shower and on kitchen counter' | Mail Online

PETA Sues SeaWorld Over Orca 'Slavery'

Colorado Girls Scouts has change of heart after rejecting Bobby Montoya - a BOY who wanted to join | Mail Online

Baptist Press - Study: Gays can change sexual orientation - News with a Christian Perspective

Dark Matter: The Cosmos' Greatest Mystery Deepens - TIME

Michael Moore Refuses to Admit He‘s in the ’1%’ | Video |

‘Occupy the URL’ Program Brings OWS Protests to Any Website | Video |

Did the NYPD Commissioner Meet With George Soros? |

Obama Admits: ‘Not as Trendy’ to be a Supporter as it was in 2008 | Video |

Judge Richard A. Nielsen Allowed to Use Islamic Law in Mosque Case |

Professor Yells ‘Death to Israel’ at Kent State |

ACORN Employees May Be Helping Organize Occupy Wall Street |

Rick Perry: ‘No Doubt’ Obama is an American Citizen, Wants to See His College Transcripts Instead | Video |

Thermal Imaging Reveals Occupy London Camp Mostly Empty at Night | Video |

New Social Media Site, Unthink, Leads Revolution AGainst Facebook | Video |

CNN’s Carol Costello Asks: Would Jesus Occupy Wall Street? | Video |

Protester Interrupts Super Committee Hearing with ‘Tax the Rich’ | Video |

911 Audio: 5-Year-Old Girl Tries to Drive Lincoln Navigator to Look for Her Mother | Video |

Border Agents Sentenced to 2 Years for Handcuffing Drug Smuggler |

Did U.S. Agents Offer a Mexican Drug Suspect Immunity? | Video |

Bernie Madoff’s Wife Ruth: We Tried to Commit Suicide After Ponzi Arrest | Video |

Elizabeth Warren Clarifies Earlier Wall St. Statements |

Soldier Killed by Roadside Bomb During 14th Deployment |

Martin Bashir Mocks ‘Chicken-Hawk‘ Herman Cain Despite Cain’s Dept. of Navy Service | Video |

Report: Iraq War Veteran Critically Injured in Occupy Oakland Police Action | Video |

Occupy Wall Street-Inspired Artist Named ‘Above’ Hangs Banker Effigy From Miami Telephone Wire |

AFL-CIO Chief Trumka Calls Mass-Arrests at Occupy Wall Street: ‘Tremendous Dishonor to America’ |

Whiteville, Tennessee Responds to Atheists Threats to Water Tower Cross |

Glenn Beck Talks With the Wife of Jose Diaz, Imprisoned U.S. Border Agent | Video |

Convicted Border Agent’s Wife Speaks Out |

Occupy Wall Street Chefs Stop Cooking Fancy Meals |

Nicolas Berggruen Gets Political, Is Being Dubbed George Soros Lite | Video |

Oakland Officers Facing Level One Investigation Over Scott Olsen Injury | Video |

TSA Agent Removed After Leaving Note About Sex Toy in Jill Filipovic Luggage |

Occupy Chicago Marches on City Hall Demands to Speak to Mayor Rahm Emanuel |

Report: Obama’s College Plan Has Little Impact, Will Cause Tuition to Increase |

Report Says Traffic Camera Companies May Put Profits Over Safety |

Eric Robert Murdered Prison Guard, Now He Wants Death Penalty | Video |

Euro Pacific Capital CEO Peter Schiff Takes on ‘The 99%’ at Occupy Wall Street in Zuccotti Park | Video |


Ed Schultz, Alan Grayson: Paul Ryan, Republicans ‘Want Violence’ and are ‘The Real Killers’ Like ‘O.J.’ | Video |

**The big list: Female teachers with students

*27 Oct

American Minute for October 27th

This Day in History for 27th October

Today in History: October 27

Today in History: October 27

October 27 Events in History

October 27th in History

October 27th This Day in History

Today in History for October 27th - YouTube


If I were a liberal …

Obama's surrender to Iran

The Justice Department's war on the truth

CIA killing Americans violates law of war

Anybody but Romney

The liberal game show

Competition rescues kids

The absurdity of protesting profit

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Steve Forbes talks 'flat tax' with WND

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Biden's bogus crime numbers;'These political leaders are playing loose and fancy free with statistics'

Sheriff Joe predicts Obama investigation to be a 'shock'

Confusion reigns over eligibility issue

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Mexican drug suspect: U.S. gave me immunity - CBS News

Homeland Security not aiding Alabama with its immigration law, agency head tells Congress |

Hotel that canceled anti-Shariah event warned of legal action

Complaint: Catholic University is too Catholic |

Group complains about Brooks’ pregame prayers -

Napolitano queried on lack of 'Fast and Furious' probe - Washington Times

Former Kansas attorney general Phill Kline found guilty of ‘ethical misconduct’ |

National Emergency Alert System test set for Nov. 9

Clinton outpaces Obama in matchups against Romney, Perry - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Herman Cain rushes to Limbaugh in all '57 states'

Exclusive: Inside Herman Cain’s new foreign policy team - By Josh Rogin | The Cable

Glenn Beck 'hates GOP,' but here's his ticket prediction

Chelsea Clinton Mulls Congressional Run from New York State; 18th District in Westchester County Considered Likely Choice | Talk of the Sound

Reporter sues HuffPo, New York Times for plagiarism

Chinese military looking to expand into neighbor

'Civil disorder' charges for supporting 'birther' cause?

GOP rejects Dems' super committee offer; talks 'deadlocked' over taxes -

Gaddafi's driver on the endgame: 'He didn't seem to know what to do' | World news | The Guardian


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Expert says Jackson likely addicted to pain med

Injured vet spent day at work, nights at protest

Judge denies Edwards' bid to dismiss campaign case

Egypt swaps arrested US-Israeli for 25 prisoners

U.S. criticizes Iran leaders as "hypocritical"

Widow of exotic animal keeper wants surviving animals back

Officer: He believed woman's home invasion story

Fort Hood shooting suspect seeks jury consultant

APNewsBreak: Govt pushes solar energy in West

Mobility falls to record low as Americans stay put

Steven Tyler says was sober in hotel room fall

Madoff says he is happier in prison than free

2 workers pleads guilty to murder in abortion case

Ohio woman set to reclaim exotic animals from zoo

Baghdad bomb blasts kill 18, wound 37: sources

'Restraint in Gaza signals desire to end escalation'

Brazil is the latest country to get angry about corruption

Egypt frees US-Israeli spy suspect in prisoner swap

Chinese hackers suspected of interfering with US satellites

'Real Slumdog Millionaire' is first to win $1m on Indian gameshow

Chemicals: breaking the S&P habit

Vincent Tabak trial jury to return for third day of deliberations

+Morning Call Sheet: Blockbuster vs. Warner Bros., ‘Man of Steel’ Leak, and a Movie I No Longer Hate

Orlando Jones Apologizes for ‘Kill Sarah Palin’ Tweet

What Jon Stewart Didn’t Tell His Audience About Occupy Oakland

Multi-Millionaire Russell Simmons: ‘I’m Suffering’ With Those Who Suffer

Comedian David Koechner: Scene Stealer for Hire

‘Johnny English Reborn’ Review: A Pinch of ‘Austin Powers’ in this PG-rated Romp

Writer/Director Michael J. Weithorn: From Sitcom ‘King’ to Indie Film Newbie

Michael Moore Desperately, Flailingly, Shamelessly Denies He Is the ‘1 Percent’

BET Hip Hop Awards: And Now We Pause for a Pro-Burqa, Anti-Israel Moment of Trutherism

Obama Asks Hollywood to Help Him Re-Write History of Last Three Years

Director Jonathan Demme Films ‘Occupy Wall Street’ So We Can Laugh At Them

+Morning Call Sheet: Spielberg Rips ‘Crystal Skull,’ I Heart Glenn Close, and Time to Forgive Netflix?

I had good laugh watching the @ColbertReport talk about our new web video

IMAX Profits Surge 25% Thanks to Harry Potter and Transformers | The Wrap Movies

The Post-Recession Model: Fewer Jobs in Digital Hollywood | The Wrap Movies

Steve Jobs Doc 'One Last Thing' To Premiere on PBS - indieWIRE

BBC News - Morrissey libel trial given the go-ahead

New O’Keefe Video: Jay Rosen, Clay Shirky Discuss How the New York Times Promoted Obama, Protected Occupy

+Thursday Crib Sheet: Shalit Interview Forced?, “1600 Penn,” Huffington’s Court Battle

John King’s Sanctimonious Scolding of Jason Mattera Proves We Need More Jason Matteras

A Race Challenge to NBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell

NewsBusted: Are Commies and Nazis the 99 Percent?

On the Road to Serfdom: CNN Suggests Obama Should Bypass Congress on Economy, Rule by Executive Fiat

Counterpoint: In Defense of Jennifer Rubin

Big Journalism Contributor Curtis Kalin Asks Michael Moore About Capitalism Hypocrisy

Shorter Jennifer Rubin: It’s All About Me!

Newspapers Bail on GOP, Shift to Democrats (Study) | The Wrap Media

Bozell Column: Time to Cut Off NPR |

TMZ founder says magazines, newspapers should ditch print | Poynter.

Report: Obama Administration Traded F-16s In Order To Gain Release Of Israeli-American Held In Egypt

A 2006 Taqiyya Warning About Tunisia’s Leading Candidate For Prime Minister

Egyptian Presidential Candidate: I HATE The West

Panetta Doubts N Korea Will Give Up Nukes

From The Soviet Files: An American ‘Negro Republic’ – the Communist Secession plot

The Euro-Financial Crisis And Occupy Wall Street: Gimme, Gimme, Gimme

AUDIO:Counterstrike: Thom Shanker & Eric Schmitt

Eurocrisis: Germany To Close 100 Of 400 Military Bases, Largest Military Cut Since World War II

Karzai’s Gauntlet; Unfortunate Rambling or Veiled Truth?

America's Third War: A New Eye On The Border | Fox News

China welcomes Taiwan president's peace proposal | Reuters

Saudi cleric: Kidnap soldier - get $100,000 - Israel News, Ynetnews

Ohio Union Group Relies on Questionable ‘Researcher’ for Voter Information

A Mouse Trap for Independents: What’s the Catch to Obama’s Latest Free Goodies?

The High Cost of Federally Owned Lands

AUDIO:The Need for Real School Reform and the Obstacles It Faces

#OccupyWallSt’s Corporate Cheerleaders

Did Kevin DeWine Really Use Mitt Romney to Embarrass John Kasich?

EPA Appears Willing to Change Enforcement Date on Flawed Air Pollution Rules, Then Does Nothing

Perry’s Plan Falls Short: High Corporate Tax Rates and Generous Exemptions Hurt ‘Cut, Balance, and Grow’

Federal Government Goes Deeper in Debt to Warn Young People About Dangers of Overspending

Banks Beware: #Occupy’s Next Targets Revealed


30 MIN./"A Time for Choosing" by Ronald Reagan - YouTube


BREAKING: #OccupySF About to Go Down; Activists Prepare for Mass Arrests, Repetitive Chanting

Radicals Leading #OccupyChicago to #OccupyCityHall Under Investigation by FBI for Terror Links

Public-Sector Unions To Ohio Taxpayers: We Will Bury You

Chairman of Illinois ‘Conservative’ Think Tank Calls Encounter with Occupiers “Delightful”

Drama–Rahm, Obama: #OccupyChicago Invades City Hall to Demand Amnesty for Arrested ‘Community Organizers’

In Ohio, Perry Finds Room to Romney’s Right

Perry’s Flat Tax Proposal Puts Him Back in the Saddle Again

EXCLUSIVE: Email from Lisa Fithian to #OccupyWallStreet Confirms ACORN Role in Occupy’s Next Assault on Banks

‘It’s Working’: Conservatives Push Back in Wisconsin

New Video Exposes Greenpeace’s Environmental Extremism

Far-Left Teachers and NY Times Promote Lesson Plans on #OccupyWallStreet

Northern California Police Recognize Mexico IDs | Fox News

Cain ad raises questions: Is his campaign serious? -




UNTHINK to Facebook and Google- It's FU time - YouTube


27-Oct-11 World View

26-Oct-11 World View

25-Oct-11 World View


Occupy Chicago, city officials to meet -

Commissioner, aldermen agree: Give tickets for small pot busts - Chicago Sun-Times

Westmont man pleads guilty to strangling estranged wife -

Lambs Farm celebrates 50 years wtih ‘Annie’ - Lake County News-Sun

Consumer group is critical of outsourcing traffic camera systems to for-profit companies - The Washington Post

Report: Traffic Cameras Create Conflict Between Profits and Safety

Optotraffic Speed Cameras Cause Significant Driver Behavior Change in School Zones - MarketWatch

Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Speed cam bill has some stunning consequences

Recent grads must face up to student loan debt - Chicago Sun-Times

US Senate hopeful Warren clarifies protest remark -

Blackbeard: Pirate's 300-year-old cannon resurfaces -

The Associated Press: Gay and lesbian service members sue government

Study questions outsourcing traffic camera systems -

Judge Denies Edwards' Bid To Dismiss Campaign Case : NPR

Cain says smoking ad had "no hidden message" - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Supposed burglar was man's Craigslist date | police, gun, craigslist - Police - Colorado Springs Gazette, CO

Widow of man who freed exotic animals set to reclaim survivors -

Kansas City Police Search Pond For Missing Baby Lisa Irwin | Fox News

Fort Hood shooting suspect seeks jury consultant - CBS News

UPDATE 1-Obama says EU has laid foundation to solve crisis | Reuters

Beavis And Butt-Head 'Taking Shots' At Reality Shows, Mike Judge Promises - MTV Movie News| MTV

Steven Spielberg defends worst scene in 'Indiana Jones 4' -

Disney to Launch Family TV Channel in Russia | Reuters

10 Epic Android Apps -- InformationWeek

Google+ finally comes to business users on Apps | Digital Media - CNET News

Facebook pushes for open sharing of data center technology -

Telling Steve's Story | Story | POWERWALL

Locked out of Facebook? Give friends a spare key -

Researcher Warns Of Stink Bug Invasion | Fox News

Chinese hackers may have attacked U.S. satellites - Computerworld

Google Widens Google Offers, Bringing In 14 Deals Merchants | News & Opinion |

Stars may create organic matter - Technology & science - Space - -

Dwarf planet Eris about Pluto's size and one of the solar system's brightest objects -

Huge asteroid to buzz Earth on Nov. 8 - Technology & science - Space - -

Dinosaur teeth hold first clues to migration - life - 26 October 2011 - New Scientist

Mass Species Loss Stunts Evolution for Millions of Years | Wired Science |

NASA's next-generation weather satellite set to blast off Friday - The Denver Post

Machine translation cracks 18th century occult cipher • The Register

China to Launch Spacecraft On First Docking Test Flight in November | Shenzhou 8 Launch Preparation | Tiangong 1 Shenzhou 8 Docking |

Budget fight rages over James Webb Space Telescope - The Washington Post

In Announcing Comet Crack-Up NASA Displays the Write Stuff - ScienceInsider

Stanford boffins create skinnier ‘skin’ • The Register

NASA halts undersea mission due to hurricane - Technology & science - Space - -

Europe plan raises hope but will need to prove itself in practice - The Washington Post

Madoff tells Barbara Walters he's 'happier in prison' - Oct. 27, 2011

Python Digestion Study Holds Promise for Human Heart Health -

Dr. Michael Osterholm on effectiveness of flu vaccine | Minnesota Public Radio News

Desperate search for missing autistic boy, 9, who wandered off Sunday while hiking with his family | Mail Online

Hugo Chavez Calls Doctor "Liar" After Claiming He's Dying From Cancer | ThirdAge

World - Google News

Resentment builds in Libya's devastated Sirte | Reuters

Netanyahu meets Grapel: "It's goo... JPost - Diplomacy & Politics

BBC News - Hillary Clinton hails success in 'devastating' al-Qaeda

Biden-led delegation pays condolence call in Saudi Arabia -

Officials: Twin bombs kill 18 in Baghdad –

Attack in Kandahar Breaks Rare Respite -

Russia Nears Agreement With Georgia to Gain WTO Membership - Businessweek

Political Super Genius, David Brooks, Has Advice for Obama

Herman Cain Adviser: Campaign 'Resonating' with Smokers

Fox News Hires Serial Liar/Punchline Mark Sanford

Americans See Themselves as Homesteaders…Not the Eventual Rich

Koch Head Conservative Filmmaker Hands Out Bongs At #OWS

OccupyforAccountability Launches With Campaign Urging Criminal Investigation Of Clarence Thomas

Marine Veteran Injured by Non-Lethal Rounds at #OccupyOakland

Paul Krugman Notices Right Wing Gets Extra Credit For The Crazy

Chelsea Clinton Being Wooed To Run In NY-18th District

Tea Party Upset Romney is Wishy-Washy on Heated Ohio Ballot Initiatives: UPDATED

#OWS Romance: Love in the Time of Pepper Spray

#OWS Denver Urgent Call To Action

Send Some 'Hot Coffee' To A Politician

Paul Ryan, House Budget Chairman, Blames POTUS for Trying to Put Out the Fire Ryan Set

The Official GOP Presidential Cat Bowl

GOP Candidates' Plans Would Expand Record US Income Gap

Fox News Grasps at Next Straw to Attack #OWS... ACORN!

Mitt Romney Cozies Up To Solyndra Lobbyist

Flatland USA: Welcome to the Future, Rick Perry-Style

#OccupyOakland Protester Claims Police Withheld Her MS Meds After Arrest

Banking and Politics: On a Razor’s Edge

Limerick Ode to Clueless Rick Perry « Mad Kane’s Political Madness

Balloon Juice » Paul Ryan: The First Rule About Income Inequality is “Don’t Talk About Income Inequality.”


**NEWS VIDEOS:O’Keefe’s Latest: ‘To Catch A Journalist Part 2′

Michael Moore: Occupy Movement Obama’s Only Hope For Re-election

Were The Occupy Oakland Protesters Non Violent?

Socialist Warns #OccupyWallStreet Not To ‘Fall Into Trap’ Of MoveOn, Democratic Party

Iraq War Vet Injured In #OccupyOakland Uprising

Napolitano Hammered Over Fast And Furious

Residents Escape Bangkok Flooding

Girl Scouts Allow Transgender Boy to Join Ranks

Did Obama Steal ‘Tonight Show’ Joke From Miller?

Obama: ‘We Have Lost Our Ambition, Our Imagination’

26th/#Occupy Anthem: ‘I Don’t Want To Work! I Want To Bang On The Drum All Day!’

Obama Pal Bill Ayers Delights #OccupyChicago Protesters

‘I Am The 1%’: Wall Street CEO Debates #OccupyWS

World Series Postponed By Rain

Farrakhan Condemns Obama Over Gaddafi ‘Assassination’

Hilarious Instructions Given To #OccupySF Protesters

Thermal Camera Shows #OccupyLondon Tents Mostly Empty

Footage Claims To Show Secret Gaddafi Funeral

Austerity Measures Provoke Fist Fight In Italian Parliament

Conrad Murray Wipes Away Tears During Michael Jackson Death Trial

Enviros Win: Washington Dam Breached

#OccupyAlbuquerque Riots And Mayhem

Obama Going Rogue On Student Loans

Ex-Goldman Board Member Surrenders In Case

U.S. Military Bracing For Drastic Cuts

Occupy Wall Street Tied To Former ACORN Officials

Paul Ryan: Rejecting Fear, Envy And Politics Of Division

More Video Of #OccupyOakland Police Conflict Surfaces

5 NYPD Officers Arrested In Gun-Smuggling Sting

Multimillionaire Michael Moore Denies He’s Part Of ‘1%’

Obama Yuks It Up With Leno

25th/Yemen Troops Fire at Protesters

Panetta: US Forces ‘Here To Stay’ In Pacific

Two-Week-Old, Mother Rescued From Rubble In Turkey

Steve Wynn Reams Obama: ‘Frightened To Death’ For Future Of U.S. Business

Celebrities Speak Out On #OccupyWallStreet

CNN Asks: Should Obama Bypass Congress?

Perry Calls Romney ‘Fat Cat’

24th/Disintegration Man

Bible Burning Man Disrupts Mass At St. Peter’s

23rd/Tunisian Election Foreshadowed By Violence Against TV Station That Aired Image Of Allah

Tunisians Vote in First Free Election

22nd/John Bolton: WH Removing All References To Islam In Terror Training Manuals, ‘Form Of Thought Control’


The Michael Savage Show 10/26/2011

The Michael Savage Show 10/25/2011

The Michael Savage Show 10/24/2011

Oct. 26, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Oct. 25, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2011-Oct-26, Wednesday

Alex Jones - 2011-Oct-25, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2011-Oct-24, Monday

Alex Jones - 2011-Oct-23, Sunday

10/26 The Mark Levin Show

10/25 The Mark Levin Show

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 10-27-11

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 10-26-11

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 10-25-11

2011-10-27 Jesse Peterson Radio Show

2011-10-25 Jesse Peterson Radio Show

.2011-10-24. Jesse Peterson Radio Show

Live Free Or Die Radio - Wednesday, October, 26, 2011

Live Free Or Die Radio - Tuesday, October, 25, 2011

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-25-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-25-11 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-26-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-26-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 10-25-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 10-25-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 10-25-11 Hr 3

Redding News Review 10-26-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 10-26-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 10-26-11 Hr 3

The Manning Report – 26 October 2011 | ATLAH Media Network

The Manning Report – 25 October 2011 | ATLAH Media Network

Mysterious Realms With Dr. John DeSalvo 25th

The View From Marrs With Jim Marrs 26th

The View From Marrs With Jim Marrs 24th

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 25th 1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 25th 2

Paul Drockton Show 1

Paul Drockton Show 2

Paul Drockton Show 24th 1

Paul Drockton Show 24th 2

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