A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

26 October 2011

26 OCT.

All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.





Obama: "I'm Going To Keep Forcing These Senators To Vote On Common Sense Job Proposals"
OWS Protesters: Limbaugh More Dangerous Than Al-Qaeda
Paul Ryan's Speech To The Heritage Foundation
Dionne: Operation Wall Street Is "Disciplined," Has "Wonderful Signs"
Michael Moore: I'm Not The 1%
Carville "Worried": "Nobody's Gotten Elected With These Numbers"
President Obama On The "Tonight Show" With Jay Leno
American Action Network: Rise Of The ObamaVilles
Bachmann: "I'm Grateful That Governor Perry Has Endorsed My Plan"
Perry Slams Romney: How Do You Change Core Positions At Age 50 Or 60?
Rick Perry's First TV Ad: "Creating Jobs"
O'Reilly: America "Is In Decline"
Krauthammer To Huntsman: Is The Case Closed On Global Warming?
Maddow: Perry Trying A "Kitchen Sink" Strategy
Schultz: "Another Classic Romney Flip-Flop" In Ohio

25 th

Obama: "We Have Lost Our Ambition, Our Imagination"
NBC Terrorism Analyst: Obama Doesn't Get Enough Credit For Osama
Obama On GOP Field: Will "Wait Until Everybody Is Voted Off Island"
MSNBC's Martin Bashir: Rick Perry Is Like Forrest Gump
Limbaugh: "The Days Of Conservative Republicans Settling Are Over"
DNC Ad: Obama Made The Difficult Decisions
Sheila Jackson Lee: Rick Perry "Not A Serious Candidate"
Dem Congressman: "We Turned The Economy Around"
Mitt Romney Wins Coveted Meghan McCain Endorsement
Wasserman Schultz On Perry's Plan: "Definition Of Insanity"
Perry: Time To Pass A Flat, Fair Tax
Cain Web Video Features Chief Of Staff Smoking
Herman Cain Responds To "Smoking" Ad
Perry: I'm Not Going To "Nibble Around The Edges"
O'Donnell: Letting Young Opt-Out Of Social Security Would Kill It
Rick Perry: Mitt Romney Is A "Fat Cat"
O'Reilly: The Violence Of "Occupy" Protesters "Is On The Rise"
Krauthammer: Killing Of Gaddafi Is "Perfectly OK"
Rice: Intervention In Libya Was An Enormous Success

World Video

Bin Laden's Troubled Legacy
Call For Sharia Law In Libya
Sharia Law And The Arab Spring
Raw Video: Yemen Troops Fire At Protesters
Italy Flare Ahead Of Euro Rescue Talks
BOE's King Quizzed Over UK Economy
Australian Man Moons Queen Elizabeth
Islamists Head For Win In Tunisia's 'Arab Spring' Vote
Swiss Couple Plea For Their Lives
Raw Video: Student Found Alive In Turkey Rubble
Evacuations On Mexico's Caribbean Coast
China To Launch Unmanned Spacecraft
In Veracruz, The Troops Move In
France And The Eurozone

25 th

The U.S.-Taiwan Security Partnership
What Really Happened To Gaddafi?
Post-Gaddafi Fate Of Libya
U.S. Pulls Ambassador From Syria
Chaos As Turkey Quake Aid Arrives
What Models Might Shape Libya, Tunisia?
Eurozone Puts Pressure On Italy
Libyan Official Says Gaddafi Buried At Dawn
Thai Residents Flee As Floods Spread
Sirte Residents Return Home
Panetta: U.S. Forces 'Here To Stay' In Pacific
The Death Of Gaddafi
Tunisia's Islamists Vie For Power
How Will Libya Rebuild?


Infowars Nightly News for Monday, October 24, 2011 (Full) 10/24/11 - YouTube

2011-10-25 THE ALEX JONES SHOW Full Uncut.wmv - YouTube

Rush Limbaugh Features Big Government NYT #OccupyWallStreet Activist Report

Rush Limbaugh Asks His iPhone If He Should Vote For Mitt Romney, Almost Gets Ratted Out

Herman Cain Buys Ads On Rush Limbaugh Show In 50 States

Limbaugh: Any GOP Candidate Running Would Be A 2000% Improvement Over Obama

Rush: Food Fight! Moochelle Obama Is Furious At Paula Deen For Crowing That First Lady Pigs Out On Fast Food

#OWS Quiz: Who’s More Dangerous? Rush Limbaugh Or Al Qaeda?

Donald Trump Obama Birth Certificate | Rick Perry | Mediaite

James O’Keefe Defends CNN ‘Sex Boat’ Caper And Racial Aspect Of ACORN Pimp Costume | Mediaite

Ed Lee's Video For SF Mayoral Race: Intentional Cheese? | Mediaite

President Obama on Leno: Could The White House Get Egged? | Mediaite

Jon Stewart Pat Robertson Republicans | Daily Show Video | Mediaite

Stephen Colbert: Herman Cain Is ‘Running For President Of Flavor Country’ | Mediaite

PHOTO EVIDENCE – Barack Obama LED #OccupyChicago Protests – Circa 2000 | The Gateway Pundit

EXPLOSIVE VIDEO — Terrorist BILL AYERS Teaches Revolutionary Theory at Occupy Chicago | The Gateway Pundit

ObamaTells San Fran Supporters: As Americans “We Have Lost Our Ambition, Our Imagination” (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

Louis Farrakhan Says He Felt “Great Sense of Loss” at Gaddafi’s “Assassination” | The Gateway Pundit

State Department Stocks Key Libraries Around World With Obama’s Books… These Same Books Were Banned From US Prisons For “Objectionable” Content | The Gateway Pundit

Ouch!… Rick Perry on Romney: He Says Whatever He Needs to Say For Whatever Office He’s Running For (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

Herman Cain Ads on This Show Do Not Constitute an Endorsement - The Rush Limbaugh Show

A Few Words on the Accuracy of the Conservative Intelligentsia - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Rick Perry's Tax Plan is Great - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Democrats and the Middle Class - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Steve Jobs and the Death Tax - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Steve Wynn Unleashed - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Wynn: "I'm Frightened To Death About The Future Of Business" | RealClearPolitics

What the Tea Party Started in 2010 is Waiting to be Taken to the Landslide Bank in 2012 - The Rush Limbaugh Show

+FULL SPEECH: Rick Perry unveils flat tax and economic plan | The Right Scoop

ABC News: Obama DOE funds a billion to tanking car company and Finnish cars | The Right Scoop

Rick Perry: I’m not sure how much revenue my plan will generate | The Right Scoop

Mark Levin: Rick Perry has come up with one hell of a proposal | The Right Scoop

Elizabeth Warren takes credit for ideas behind Occupy Wall Street protests - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Biden: “Nobody can look you in the eye and tell you the Recovery Act did not create jobs” | The Right Scoop

Ron Paul: Rush, Hannity, Levin are fooling people into thinking they are for limited government | The Right Scoop

Allen West: Obama foreign policy all about being imperial president | The Right Scoop

Joe Biden’s Baldness Through the Years | Mofo Politics

Kathy Lee Gifford interviews Glenn Beck – 10/26/11 | Mofo Politics

Don Imus interviews Paul Ryan – 10/26/11 | Mofo Politics

Flashback: Presidential Candidate Mike Gravel throws rock into a pond | Mofo Politics

Rick Perry on the “O’Reilly Factor” – 10/25/11 | Mofo Politics

Eugene Robinson: Herman Cain is driving Karl Rove crazy | Mofo Politics

Herman Cain’s Chief of Staff Mark Block discusses smoking Ad | Mofo Politics

Herman Cain talks about the Smoking Ad | Mofo Politics

Brit Hume on Herman Cain: “You can never quite figure out what the guy is up to” | Mofo Politics

Newt Gingrich trashes Herman Cain’s 999 plan | Mofo Politics

Michelle Malkin » Out: Pass This Jobs Bill! — In: We Can’t Wait!

Michelle Malkin » New Obama Campaign Adviser: Barely Ex-Lobbyist

Michelle Malkin » Biden Complains After Reporter ‘Ambush’

Michelle Malkin » Obama to Donors: Get Me Re-Elected or Face the Horror of Self-Reliance

Michelle Malkin » Re-confirmed: John Murtha was a rotten corruptocrat

Michelle Malkin » Uncle Joe can’t stand the heat

Barbara West (WFTV) interviews Joe Biden - YouTube


Obama Mingles With the Stars as He Raises Cash - Need to Know

Cain Says the Flip-Flopping Proves He’s Presidential - ABC News

Network Morning Shows Tout 'Comedian in Chief' Obama Mocking GOP on Leno |

Ultra-Liberal Daily Beast Rips Leno's Obama Interview: 'Might Just as Well Been Scripted by David Axelrod' |

Big Three Nets All But Ignore Occupy Oakland Violence and Arrests |

Cartoon Chris Matthews: GOP Wants to 'Get Rid' of Cops, 'Cause Cruel Pain' |

Totally One-Sided AP Article on Gay Youth Is GLAAD-Endorsed |

WaPo: 'Moderate Islamists Lead in Tunisia Vote'; Paper Omits Support for Islamic Revolution of 1979 |

NPR Plays Up Latino Republicans' Fury at 'Divisive' Immigration Tone |

NBC's Lauer to O'Reilly: Did Obama 'Erase' Idea of GOP Being Tougher on National Security? |

Biden Claims Conservative Journalist Broke Senate Rules With Contentious 'Rape' Interview |

+Americans for Tax Reform :: ATR Summary of Perry Tax Plan

Obama freezes local reporters out of S.F. event

Nazi jokes, wrath at Germans highlight Greek despair | Reuters

Woman Fights Charge Over Fake Facebook Page

Euro Zone - German Parliament Approves Boosting Bailout Fund - CNBC

» New Street Lights To Have “Homeland Security” Applications Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

As U.S.-Iraq troop talks faltered, Obama didn't pick up the phone

Super Committee Holds Public Session on Budget Cuts - Katy O'Donnell -

D.C. occupiers convene, plot to stay the winter | Campaign 2012

Study: Flu Shots Are Only About 59% Effective I - Flash Player Installation

ShotSpotter Sensors To be Installed Near Bellport Train Station « CBS New York

Smashing Pumpkins: Trucker Loses Haul On I-696 - Flash Player Installation

Radioactive Used Cars Being Sold in Japan | NBC Los Angeles

Argentina Orders Oil, Mining Exporters to Repatriate Funds - Bloomberg

Update: Children Rescued From Kennel

Central Pa. man ‘ashamed’ over thousands of lewd prank calls referencing pantyhose - The Washington Post

Cops Hunt Man Who Firebombed Taco Bell Because His Chalupas Had Too Little Meat | The Smoking Gun

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan condemns killing of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi -

Farrakhan on Muammar Gaddhafi's Death: "You Have Made Your President an Assassin" - YouTube

Obama on Jay Leno: President Gets Softball Treatment (Video) - The Daily Beast

The Page by Mark Halperin | Carville Worried About 2012

Napolitano: DHS Authorizing Illegal Aliens to Work in U.S. |

U.S. border agent jailed for improper arrest of suspected drug smuggler - Washington Times

President Obama Holds Secret Meet-and-Greet With Hollywood Execs and Influencers (Exclusive) - The Hollywood Reporter

Religious Violence, Uncertainty In Post-Mubarak Egypt Threatens Ties To Israel, U.S. | Fox News

Voter Fraud Allegations Hit San Francisco Mayor’s Race | Fox News

ex-goldman-director-surrenders-in-criminal-probe - Google Search

Local News | Pledge of Allegiance sparks controversy at John Stanford | Seattle Times Newspaper

US's biggest nuclear bomb dismantled in Texas -

Wynn: "I'm Frightened To Death About The Future Of Business" | RealClearPolitics

Senators flout own immigration law on worker verification - Washington Times

Gaddafi dead: Prince Charles's fawning letter to despot discovered at Libya palace | Mail Online

Perry Pitches Scrapping Tax Code, Offering Optional 20 Percent Flat Tax | Fox News

Appeals court won't stop Hillsborough judge from considering Islamic law - St. Petersburg Times

Tunisia elections 2011: Islamists set for power after strong vote for Muslim parties | Mail Online

‘America Is Hated Around The World’ Because Of Obama’s Foreign Policy, Ahmadinejad Tells Fareed Zakaria | Mediaite

Medical aid for illegal immigrants could haunt Mitt Romney -

Libya - Mufti:'Gaddafi an infidel,no Islamic funeral - ANSAmed -

China orders cutback on TV entertainment - World news - Asia-Pacific - China -

U.S. advisers recommend Gardasil HPV shots for boys - South Florida

TSA VIPR Program Implements Checkpoints on Tennessee Highways | Ron Paul Calls Them ‘Thugs’ | Video |

Farrakhan Condemns Gadhafi‘s ’Assassination’ | Video |

‘Occupy the URL’ Program Brings OWS Protests to Any Website | Video |

Michael Moore Refuses to Admit He‘s in the ’1%’ | Video |

Bill Ayers Speaks to Occupy Chicago Protesters | Video |

Occupy Oakland Protesters Try to Retake Campsite, Hurl Paint at Police While Chanting ‘This is Why We Call You Pigs’ | Video |

Christian Adrian Smith Has Pay Docked, Demoted After Gay Facebook Comments |

Jon Huntsman Talks About Stephen |

Study: Conservatives More Likely to React Adversely to Unpleasant, ‘Gross’ Images |

FOIA Revisions Could Allow Government to Lie About a Document’s Existence |

Leo Sharp, 87-Years-Old, Accused of Transporting Cocaine |

Georgia Birther Convicted in Tennessee Courthouse Plot |

Where Has Family-Friendly Programming on TV Gone? |

Occupy Wall Street Protesters Asked: Who’s More Dangerous — Rush Limbaugh or Al Qaeda? | Video |

Huntsman Reportedly Cracks Chinese Joke on Colbert | Video |

Obama Tells Jay Leno on Tonight Show He’s Not Paying Attention to Republican Candidates Until Most Are Voted Off the Island | Video |

Richard Dawkins: Jesus Would Have Been an Atheist | Video |

Democratic Leaders, Pelosi, Obama, Wasserman-Schultz Back Occupy Wall Street But Receive More Wall St. Contributions Than Republicans |

Jewish Groups Under Fire for Israel Pledge |

Stanford Researchers Create Synthetic Sensing Skin | Video |

Ron Paul Raises $2.5 Million in Just Five Days in Latest ‘Money Bomb’– He Explains to Neil Cavuto | Video |

Human Rights Watch Says Egypt May Cover-Up Coptic Christian Killings | Video |

Keith Olbermann: Fox News Is A ‘Political Whorehouse’ | Video |

Herman Cain‘s Chief of Staff Mark Block Speaks Out About Smoking Ad to Fox News’ Megyn Kelly | Video |

Biden Complains About Being Asked Questions from Conservative Reporter |

Zombies Worth Over $5 Billion to Economy |

Mexican ID Will Be Accepted As Identification in Sonoma County California |

New Trial Lawyers Inc. Report on State Attorneys General |

Elizabeth Warren Claims She Created Occupy Wall Street |

Racist David Duke Joins Occupy Wall Street Movement | Video |

Rick Perry Is Being Accused of Doubling Down on the Birther Issue | Video |

Obama defies base, hires Wall Street lobbyist for re-election campaign

‘Occupy Wall Street’ Gets Violent in Oakland - Occupy Wall Street - Fox Nation

Anti-Wall Street Demonstrators March In Oakland | Fox News

Rick Perry Finally Faces the No Spin Zone - Rick Perry - Fox Nation

Rick Perry Discusses His Flat Tax Plan, Immigration, Romney - Interviews - The O'Reilly Factor - Fox News

Obama makes his 2012 pitch: Unfinished business, clear differences with GOP - The Washington Post

Justice Department Proposes Letting Government Deny Existence Of Sensitive Documents | Fox News

Judge: American Courts Can Use Sharia Law | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

Obama Birther Debate Not Dead with Donald Trump - Interviews - On the Record - Fox News

Cain Surges, Obama Continues to Struggle in Ohio - Hotline On Call

FBI Saw Dark Side of Rep. John Murtha : Roll Call News

Obama: GOP primary like 'Survivor' | POLITICO 44

Rick Perry: My Tax and Spending Reform Plan -

Selling Fake Maple Syrup Could Mean Prison Time Under Proposed New Law - Vermont - Fox Nation

Fake maple syrup? Vermont senators urge prison time -

Mexican ID Becomes Valid ID in Sonoma County, California

Video: Rep. Denny Rehberg Says Jesus Statue Not a Religious Statement

Publishers Reject Book Deal For Casey Anthony

Ron Paul Weekly Message: "TSA Thugs on the Loose"

Hotel Teaches Employees to Read Body Language

Steve Jobs to Obama in 2010: You're a 1-Term President

Michael Jackson Tops List of Highest-Earning Dead Celebrities

Marijuana Arrests Cost Way Too Much Money

Study: Gays Can Indeed be Cured of Their Sexual Orientation

Club for Growth president says it’s time for Romney to be bold

Jon Huntsman: My rivals haven’t lived overseas like me

Obama says it’s ‘not as trendy to be an Obama supporter’ today compared to ’08

Ask Matt Labash: Building bridges back to the 20th century, and how not to love too much

TheDC Morning: Sheriff Joe don’t take too kindly to backtalk

Dr. Obama’s Magical Mystery Giveaway Tour

The last, best hope to defeat Obamacare

Obama aids debt-ridden college students

Push for ‘personhood’ amendment represents new tack in abortion fight

Top ten: The worst of Lindsay Lohan [SLIDESHOW]

TheDC’s Jamie Weinstein: Why Obama shouldn’t get praise for Libya just yet

Congresswoman: Democrats ‘did not want to support’ Obama jobs bill [VIDEO]

Tea-party congressman: Medical records database ‘Achilles heel’ of Obamacare

Volt drains power from economy, Obama’s 2012 campaign

Reporter who bugged Biden: ‘They’re suggesting that my credentials get yanked’ for ‘rape’ question

Meghan McCain lashes out at Perry, Gingrich

The food nannies strike again

The spirit and phantom of ‘Yes, we can’

Christiane Amanpour going back to CNN? -

Iraq Archive Reveals Saddam Hussein’s Conspiratorial Mind-Set -

Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know! (Part 1)

Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know! (Part 2)

Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know! (Part 3)

Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know! (Part 4)

Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know! (Part 5)

Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know! (Part 6)

Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know! (Part 7)

Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know! (Part 8)

US Nukes Underground Texas Base After ‘False Flag’ Terrorists Captured | USAHM Conspiracy News

Vatican Calls for ‘Central World Bank’ to Be Set Up | USAHM Conspiracy News

Monsanto, GMOs, and the global genocide of science and humanity

The Real Reason For Rollout Of HDTV | USAHM Conspiracy News

The Daily Bell - Biofuels Run Out of Power ... Again

Boehner Says Russia Trying to Restore 'Soviet-Style Power'

AARP's great senior swindle

The Daily Bell - TSA Releases VIPR Venom on Tennessee Highways

Patrick Henningsen: Qaddafi Gone, Syria is Now Next 1/2 - YouTube

Patrick Henningsen: Syria is Now Next Target of Global Elite 2/2 - YouTube

» American Travelers Continue To Rebel Against TSA Body Scanners Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Feds Order You Tube To Remove Video For Containing “Government Criticism” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Poll Shows Most OWS Supporters Drink Establishment’s Political Kool-aid Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Washington’s agenda revealed: US-backed rebels ask NATO to ‘stay in Libya’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» New Trials Show Body Scanners Have Up To 40% Error Rate Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» New Street Lights To Have “Homeland Security” Applications Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Gardasil vaccine dangerous, completely useless at preventing cervical cancer Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Cellphone Towers EMR Damaging Biological Systems of Birds, Insects, Humans Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Forgiving student loan debt is not supported by America’s “General Assembly” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Signs of ex-rebel atrocities in Libya grow - CBS News

Obama's Al-Qaeda Insurgents Leave Trail Of War Atrocities, Mass Graves, And Islamic Prisons - YouTube

GAO Report: Federal Reserve Is Riddled With Corruption And Conflicts Of Interest, Stephen Friedman Is Targeted - Home - The Daily Bail

Qatar fielded hundreds of soldiers in Libya - Region - World - Ahram Online

The BBC: NATO’s media partner-in-crime By William Bowles « William

PressTV - 'NATO had boots on ground in Libya'

» Robin Hood Tax: Occupy Movement now marching straight into the globalist trap Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Our Shameless society: How the welfare state created an age of entitlement | Mail Online

PressTV - Canadian army spying on natives: Report

Occupy Wall Street arrests increase. Have mayors reached their tipping point? -

Statins Are NOT a "Wonder Drug"

How Google Translate helped crack an 'unbreakable' code from 1866 | Mail Online

The rise of the machines? Not any time soon | | Independent Battle of Ideas Blogs

Americans Support Scrapping Electoral College | Gather

Yet another “progressive” argument for an unlimited Commerce Power doesn’t add up – Tenth Amendment Center

Their View: Proposed border law fraught with risk - Las Cruces Sun-News

Construction Begins On Unmanned Checkpoint At Texas-Mexico Border | Fox News

» France: 58% Doubt the Official 9/11 Version, Only 14% Know About Building 7 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Insiders voice doubts about CIA's 9/11 story - 9/11 -

AE911Truth Supporters Inform Occupy Movement | Outreach with WTC Evidence Yields Warm Reception with Positive Results |

Victor Dahdaleh: Friend of Tony Blair and Lord Mandelson charged by SFO over £700m fraud | Mail Online

Oh my God, Church of Scientology dug up dirt on Matt Stone and Trey Parker - Americas, World - The Independent

Anthrax Vaccine Testing on Children Stirs Debate with Mike Adams - YouTube

TSA Checkpoints Now on Tennessee Interstate Highways - YouTube

Keiser Report: Fecal Alchemy (E201) - YouTube

Ron Paul on FOX News 10/25/11 - YouTube

Judge Blocks Drug Testing Of Welfare Recipients In Florida! - YouTube

Yuan Gold Contacts a Step toward Reserve Currency

Reckless Endangerment: Totally Corrupt America

White House to Help ‘Underwater’ Homeowners Refinance, Again

Welcome to “Democracy”: Gaddafi Summarily Executed Without Trial

The Student Loan Racket: Ron Paul Right Again

Ron Paul: Blame the Fed for the Financial Crisis -

Did Navy Use Spice Bust to Intimidate Sailors on Osama Boat into Silence?

Random Highway Checkpoint Searches, Just Another Infringement on U.S. Freedoms

Robin Hood Tax: Occupy Movement Now Marching Straight Into the Globalist Trap

Obama To Leno: Libya 'A Recipe For Success' : NPR

State Dept. spends $70K on Obama books - Washington Times

The Prepper Movement: Why Are Millions Of Preppers Preparing Feverishly For The End Of The World As We Know It? -

What Have We Gotten For The Trillion Dollars We Have Spent On Wars In Afghanistan, Iraq And Libya? -


US States Are Facing Total Debt of Over $4 Trillion - US Business News - CNBC

Prison » Gaddafi’s family to sue NATO

+Muammar Gaddafi's family | INFOgraphics | RIA Novosti

How to Strengthen Our Epigenetic Health with Daniel Vitalis 1/2 - YouTube

How to Strengthen Our Epigenetic Health with Daniel Vitalis 2/2 - YouTube

Ron Paul Had 43,000 People Donate In FIVE Days! To His 2012 Presidential Campaign - YouTube

Farrakhan: Gadaffi Asassination: Declaration Of War - YouTube

Can Obama Assassinating People Be Considered Foreign Policy Successes? - YouTube

Libya asks Nato to stay until end of year - Telegraph

AFP: NATO choppers violated air space: Pakistan officials

Boehner Says Russia Trying to Restore 'Soviet-Style Power'

Wild West Libya: 'Journos hunted, anarchy in streets' - YouTube

Prison » Corbett: Libya shattered, pieces dangerous

Articles: Obama 'Can't Wait' for the Rule of Law

5 NYPD Officers Arrested in Gun-smuggling Sting - YouTube

US dismantles B53 nuclear weapon, 600 times more powerful than Hiroshima | Mail Online

Report: Bodies Of 267 Qaddafi Supporters Found In His Libyan Hometown | Fox News

Support food freedom and help stop the hunger fast of Michael Schmidt | MNN - Mother Nature Network

Prison » Soda consumption linked to teen violence, study finds

Teen violence linked to heavy soda diet: study

Americans Support Scrapping Electoral College | Gather

Yet another “progressive” argument for an unlimited Commerce Power doesn’t add up – Tenth Amendment Center

BBC News - Is the US Declaration of Independence illegal?

Prison » Ron Paul Calls For Another ‘Sharp Correction’ In Housing Market

Prison » Is It Possible Herman Cain Is Only Pretending To Run For President?

The Gadaffi I Knew by Eric Margolis

» France: 58% Doubt the Official 9/11 Version, Only 14% Know About Building 7 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Insiders voice doubts about CIA's 9/11 story - 9/11 -

Matt Cardle: '9/11 attacks were a conspiracy' - Celebrity News - Digital Spy

Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 10/24/11: TSA Releases VIPR Venom on Tennessee Highways - YouTube

*32 min./David Icke - Essential Knowledge For A Wall Street Protestor - YouTube

Prison » Coming Soon: Web Ads That Use Your Webcam and Display Content Based on Biometric Data

Escape the Web: Every click online thralls privacy - YouTube

Facebook Disconnect app downloaded 152,000 times to protect users' privacy | Mail Online

'Legal highs' should be automatically banned, says government drugs adviser | Society | The Guardian

Skin cancer risk 'REDUCED by sunbathing in the morning' | Mail Online

» Forgiving student loan debt is not supported by America’s “General Assembly” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

GAO Report: Federal Reserve Is Riddled With Corruption And Conflicts Of Interest, Stephen Friedman Is Targeted - Home - The Daily Bail

The rise of the machines? Not any time soon | | Independent Battle of Ideas Blogs

» The Future of Organ Printing and Artificial Biology Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

EU to implement airline pollution law despite US congressional opposition - The Washington Post

Revealed – the capitalist network that runs the world - physics-math - 19 October 2011 - New Scientist

NASA wants grandma's moonrock - MJ Lee -

Prison » New Street Lights To Have “Homeland Security” Applications

Intellistreets Video Demo - YouTube

The principled consistency of Ron Paul | Washington Times Communities

Rajat Gupta: Timeline Of Insider Trading Case Against Former Goldman Sachs Director - Home - The Daily Bail

Patience Tested Over Waste, Crime at Protest Sites - ABC News

Former Goldman Sachs director linked to Wall Street's biggest insider trading scandal 'to surrender to FBI' | Mail Online

Yes, That's a Banker Hanging From a Phone Line Along I-95 - Miami News - Riptide 2.0

The Truth About Libya: NATO Crimes & Mass Media Lies Exposed! - YouTube

In Praise of Lynching: US media cheers Gaddafi killing - YouTube

German hackers discover government spying - YouTube

pt 1/2 Gerald Celente at Liberty Plaza.- 25 Oct 2011 - YouTube

pt 2/2 Gerald Celente at Liberty Plaza.- 25 Oct 2011 - YouTube

Occupy Oakland: Riot police fire tear gas, flashbang grenades - YouTube

The Real Reason Why Gadaffi Was Killed & Why We're In Libya - YouTube

Paul Craig Roberts: Washington will make Libya a puppet state - YouTube

Activist Post: The World's Deadliest Table And Why It Must Be Destroyed

Courthouse News Service:Another School Suspends a Student for Criticizing a Teacher on Facebook

Revolutionary Politics : Can Obama Assassinating People Be Considered Foreign Policy Successes?

poorrichards blog: Libya: Another Lost NATO War

BP Gets Gulf Oil Drilling Permit Amid 28,000 Unmonitored Abandoned Wells :

poorrichards blog: Apple Continues To Insist Only It Can Use An Apple In A Logo; Threatens Small German Cafe

Refreshing News: Barack Obama returns to 'change' message

Chechen Cha-Cha: Church Investors Linked to Birthday Party Scandal - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International


Big Brother Considers Tracking Drivers’ Every Move : Personal Liberty Digest

Max Keiser On Dexia's Bailout: "Total Assets Equal To The Entire Greek Banking System" - Home - The Daily Bail

Using Credit Cards to Target Web Ads -

“Black This Out” moneybomb results on FOX news – Cavuto «

World outcry over Gaddafi’s murder | Intrepid

France FM: Fall of Assad government in Syria 'unavoidable' - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

BBC News - Sir Francis Drake's body 'close to being found off Panama'

Global Warming Debate Finally Over? Five Questions For Richard Muller at Oil Price

Activist Post: Ray McGovern on Activism and the Military Industrial Complex

Core Of Corruption: Echoes of Treason - Teaser Trailer, 2nd film in series. - YouTube

*2:27:46 / Core Of Corruption Volume 1: In The Shadows {Full Film} - YouTube

Michele Bachmann: U.S. got "kicked out" of Iraq - CBS News

poorrichards blog: Farrakhan on Muammar Gaddhafi's Death: "You Have Made Your President an Assassin"

What The New White House Cybersecurity Proposal Means For The IT Security Industry, Businesses, And Consumers


US Nukes Underground Texas Base After ‘False Flag’ Terrorists Captured

US “Earthquake-Weapon” Strikes Turkey After Iraq Invasion

Mysterious Copiale Cipher Code Finally Cracked by Computer Scientists - Tech & Trend

USC Scientist Cracks Mysterious "Copiale Cipher" - YouTube

Cosmic Log - Secret society's code cracked

**8 PG. / The Copiale Cipher

Islam makes inroads through U.S. courts

CIA killing Americans violates law of war

FBI going to court more often to get personal Internet-usage data - The Washington Post

Obama freezes local reporters out of S.F. event

Possible study of anthrax vaccine’s effectiveness in children stirs debate - The Washington Post

Ron Paul blasts TSA’s “sinister” military-style crackdown on U.S. highways | Texas on the Potomac | a blog

Saudi cleric: Kidnap soldier - get $100,000 - Israel News, Ynetnews

Religious Violence, Uncertainty In Post-Mubarak Egypt Threatens Ties To Israel, U.S. | Fox News

Fall of Syrian government is unavoidable: French formin | Reuters

Iran will continue to support African nations: Ahmadinejad - Tehran Times

The World Today - Clinton warns Iran ahead of Iraq withdrawal 24/10/2011

Brazil Doctors Found Guilty Of Killing Patients : NPR

Dirty, sexy money: people saw sex toys, religious symbols on plastic cash - Winnipeg Free Press

Did our solar system once harbor an extra planet? | MNN - Mother Nature Network

Super-social gene may hold clues to autism - TODAY Health -

Casino Exec Blasts Obama - YouTube

Former Soviet Citizen Confronts Socialists at Occupy Wall Street (Language Warning) MRCTV.mp4 - YouTube

Long Gun Open Carry Event at Pacific Beach - YouTube

Standing My Ground at a Nazi Checkpoint - YouTube

Trends Journal(

5 Favorite Law Enforcement Lies About Marijuana - informationliberation

The Inconvenient Truth Behind Fisker Funding Fiasco | National Legal and Policy Center

Online gambling finds support in House - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

Obama says he’ll be taking ‘executive actions’ without Congress on ‘regular basis’ to ‘heal the economy’

Aging ‘Privacy’ Law Leaves Cloud E-Mail Open to Cops | Threat Level |

The Murder of Gaddafi, and the War Crimes of Western Powers

U.S. Tightens Military Grip on Africa

Dr. James Galbraith, Professional Fed Killer - Home - The Daily Bail

Bernie Sanders Enlists Prominent Economists For Federal Reserve Reform Bill - Home - The Daily Bail

Pentagon has paid US$1 trillion to fraudulent defence contractors – report | DefenceWeb

Activist Post: "Stage Two" Of the BP Gulf Environmental Disaster

poorrichards blog: Libya: The Actual War Begins Now!

Activist Post: Hacked From Above: A DIY Spy Plane Takes Flight

Ron Paul on Cavuto: Ron Paul Brings In Almost 3 Million Dollars In Money Bomb! - YouTube

Ron Paul on FOX News 10/25/11 - YouTube

Ron Paul: Yes, We Can Cut $1 Trillion Immediately - YouTube


Activist Post: Children May Be Given Death-Linked Anthrax Shots Under Bioterrorism Scare Trials

VIDEO:The Legal Basis to Reject Odious Debt

* 2:28:42 / War by Deception 2011 The shadow government and shadow economy - YouTube

DigaNET ; Digital Video Recorders(

**36 pg./The network of global corporate control

Muammar Gaddafi, "This Is My Will"

Case of Jesse Jackson, Jr. is Test for House Ethics Commitee | National Legal and Policy Center

DOE Bet on EV Charging Technology Puts Taxpayers in Reverse | National Legal and Policy Center - Vatican Dedicated to Luciferian World Gov't.

Vatican calls for global authority on economy, raps “idolatry of the market” | Reuters


Do you fancy a jelly baby made from human DNA? - Telegraph

'Super skin' for robot limbs can feel - and survive the pressure of two elephants standing on it | Mail Online

Synthetic biology raises bioterror fears | Bio Prep Watch

Why Are There Domes, Obelisks, And Magic Squares In Washington DC?

The US Is Fast Becoming a Third World Police State - libertarian, financial, anarchist, blog -

Obama Administration Bans the Truth About Islam and Jihad | FrontPage Magazine

Justice Dept. proposes lying, hiding existence of records under new FOIA rule

Capital News » Pope to promote peace in talks with world religious leaders

Gender bending chemical 'makes girls aggressive' - Telegraph

Scientist Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies | Wake Up World

Is modern science Biblical or Greek? By Spengler

Video: Telegraph thermal imaging video at protest camp show most tents are empty - Telegraph

Jonathan Emord -- Ron Paul’s Realism

» New Street Lights To Have “Homeland Security” Applications Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

13th century Mongolian wreckage discovered off Japanese seabed - Telegraph

Sky Lights Up Red And Green As Reports Of Fireball Entering Atmosphere Conflict With CME, Northern Lights Report :

Mu'ammar Qadhafi Takes on Coca Cola and Pepsi - YouTube

OpEdNews - Article: Obama Admin Seeks Permission To Lie In Response To Freedom Of Information Requests - Even To The Courts

Breaking Economics: Greenspan: European Union Is Doomed To Fail

Mined data from social networking could become a factor in determining premiums for both personal and business insurance - 12160

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : U.S. Foreign Policy Hurting Freedom, Economic Prosperity?

Evidence that God = Spaghetti Monster! - YouTube

'US protesters seek moral compass' - YouTube

PressTV - US food prices are projected to increase

I Want My BIG MAC Back - Super Shrink Me! - YouTube

Solving problems by central decree - Derek Clark MEP - YouTube

This wasn’t really about jobs…we wuz just kiddin’! Border Perimeter and Security Act between US and Canada « The PPJ Gazette

Larry Summers Is An Economic War Criminal - Home - The Daily Bail

The Intercept: Libya: A Brutal, Gratuitous Slaying, the New World Order in All Its Transparent Barbarism

Three prominent hard money advocates endorse the temporary issuance of fiat money « Exposing Faux Capitalism

Wall Street Lobbyist | Obama Re-Election Campaign Adviser | The Daily Caller

*2:22:30 / The Power Behind the New World Order@Vimeo

poorrichards blog: Who Will Intervene Now? Lynching Black Africans in Libya

BBC News - Turkey earthquake: Death toll passes 430

New Insights into the October 2011 Van (Turkey) Earthquake – detailed analysis by the CEDIM Forensic Earthquake Analysis Group

Earthquakes generate big heat in super-small areas

The State Can ‘Seize Control’ and ‘There is Nothing I Can Do’: Glenn Weighs in on Nov. 9th Emergency Broadcast Test | Video |

Grain & Hay Soviet threat to Aussie grain - Weekly Times Now

And Now the NWO is Complete: Vatican Calls for “Global Authority on the Economy”


*Towards Reforming the International Financial and Monetary Systems in the Context of a Global Public Authority

Do Dodd and Frank work for the European Central Bank now?

Saving Money, Losing Privacy, Tracking Your Every Move | American Free Press

Former La. Gov. Roemer Banned from Debates | American Free Press


EMP Attack on the Horizon? | American Free Press


Darren Wesley Huff, Georgia Birther, Convicted Of Plot To Take Over Courthouse To Topple Obama

BBC News - IBM names Rometty its first female chief executive

One cannabis joint 'can bring on schizophrenia' | Mail Online

Geography of weed: Why marijuana is so much cheaper in Western states | Mail Online

Billions Lost in Secret Fed Funding of Iraq War

Uzbekistan and Obama's Indictable Commitment to Tyranny

Military Recruiters Face Competition

Obama is Expanding the Empire in Honduras, Too

Puppets breaking strings?

Pro-War Progressives and Facts, Both Stubborn Things

When Goods Don't Cross Borders, Armies Will

Was it the promise or was it the SOFA?

Why Governments Make War

American Arrogance Accidentally Leads to Good Outcome

Libya NTC Chairman Asks NATO to Stay Longer

Pentagon: Uganda Deployment 'Won't Be Open-Ended'

Wartime Contract Body Classifies Findings for 20 Yrs

Empire and Hegemony: What's the Difference?

The Risks of Obama's Immoral Drone War

New Poll Finds a Deep Distrust of Government

Rep. John Mica Attacks TSA 'Chat-Downs' as 'Idiotic,' Screening Failures 'Off the Charts'

Before Gadhafi's Death, US Debated His Future

Full Story of Deadly SEAL Mission in Question

Mexico's Drug War: Confessions of a Narco-Killer

Ayatollah You So

At Least 19 Killed in Fighting in Yemen

Libya's NTC Urges NATO to Stay Through December

Panetta Affirms Commitment to South Korea's Defense

Kenya Arrests Terror Suspect Following Nairobi Attacks

Leader of Tunisian Islamist Party Eyes Prime Minister Role

Obama Takes Executive Action on Jobs Plan

Official: Troops in Central Africa for Months, Not Years

Combined Force Captures Insurgent Facilitator

U.S. Treasury Official & Sanctioning Iranian Central Bank

Billion-pound upgrade to UK MOD armoured vehicles

UN: Criminals may have laundered $1.6 trillion in 2009

Gadhafi Buried in Secret Grave in Libyan Desert

UN peacekeeping chief & Darfur peace process

U.S. Gov't Financial Regulators Earn Tax-Funded Salaries of $225,000-Plus

Hoyer on Outcome of Deficit Super Committee: 'I'm Not Optimistic'

Analysts: Obama Student Loan Policies Ignore the Real Problem – College Costs

U.S. Funding on the Line As UNESCO Mulls Membership for ‘Palestine’

Obama Warns Hollywood: 'This Election Will Not Be As Sexy as the First One'

GOP Senator: Biden's Rhetoric 'Over the Top,' 'Sign of Desperation'

State Dept. Considering 9,036 'Diversity Visa' Applicants from 'Countries of Interest'--Whose Citizens Pose Higher Terror Risk

Obama Refinance Program Expands Fannie, Freddie Help for Underwater Mortgage Holders

Federal Officials Gather on National Food Day for High-Calorie Lunch

Saudi Succession Questions Linger After Burial of 80-Year-Old Crown Prince

Shari’a in Libya? As Long As ‘Universal Human Rights’ Are Respected, State Dept. Says

73% of Iraqis: Iran Is Likely to Act Aggressively When U.S. Troops Leave

Designer Vegetables: UK Scientists Grow Super Broccoli

Shell Gets Permits for Arctic Drilling: 'A Genuine Long-Term Stimulus Plan’

House Republicans Find Common Ground With Obama on Repealing Law That Affects Contractors

FCC Chairman Sees Small Businesses As 'Low-Hanging Fruit' for Cyber Criminals

Limbaugh: 'White House Wants To Run Against Romney' Because Of Romneycare

Limbaugh: Unlike 'Occupy,' Tea Party Has Staying Power

Union President Testifies: ICE HQ Ordered Agents Not to Arrest Illegals--Including Fugitives |

You Can't Wait? Neither Can We |

Cartoon Chris Matthews: GOP Wants to 'Get Rid' of Cops, 'Cause Cruel Pain' |

State Department Reportedly Spends $70,000 to Buy Copies of Obama's 1995 Memoir

Obama waiting for GOP hopefuls to get 'voted off the island'

Nephew of Mexican cartel kingpin busted in Texas

Middle class' share of the nation's income is shrinking

Poll: U.S. wealth gap unfair

Herman Cain electrifies crowd at tea party rally

Elizabeth Warren took donation from GE lobbyist

New discrepancies arise in Rubio story

GOP seeks to expand right-to-carry

Obama administration announces plan to ease student loan burdens

Lawmakers from both parties decry president for sending US troops to Uganda

Longtime ‘60 Minutes’ commentator Andy Rooney hospitalized

On Keystone XL Pipeline, Democrats slow to probe alleged scandal

Gov. Chris Christie: Elitist judges must be stopped

Carville: 'I'm worried' for the general election

Hillary Clinton: 'President Obama Has Passed With Flying Colors Every Leadership Challenge'

Former Senator McGovern Hospitalized for Fatigue - National Journal staff -

Italian deputies in fist fight over reforms | Reuters

Euro plunges on reported crisis talk deadlock

Thomas Sowell: Washington's Meddling Wrecking Economy

Jeb Bush: GOP Should Reject Obama Birth Fight

Cain Scrambling to Assemble Team for Primaries

Gingrich Tweets Perry: 'Bump' With Me

Norquist, Chocola Support Perry's Flat Tax

Conservatives Rally Around Perry Flat Tax Plan as 'Great Step Forward'

Supercommittee Holds Public Hearing

Libyan Leaders: Chemical Weapons Secured

Greenspan: European Union Doomed to Fail

Boehner: Russia Trying to Restore 'Soviet-Style Power'

Republicans Favor Flat Tax Over 9-9-9, Poll Finds

More Effective Flu Vaccine Needed, Specialist Insists

Parties Spar Over Own Supercommittee Cuts

Panetta: US Will Boost Presence Against N. Korea

Oil Falls More Than 2% on Supply Increase

Wayne Rogers: Picket Congress, Not Wall Street

Herpes Virus Fights Breast Cancer

Prototype Passenger Spaceship Poised for Launch

The Vatican's Frightening Call for an End to Economic Freedom

Raising Taxes Is the Adult Thing to Do

Time to Abolish Central Banks

Let's Get Educated on School Vouchers

Only a Principled Conservative Can Beat Obama

Rule of Law Demands Wall Street Charges Must Not Be Dropped

Vatican Global Finance Plan Provokes Controversy

The Way to Save Social Security Is to Privatize It

Activist Post: World Population Growth Outpacing Water Availability . . . per Reuters

Activist Post: No Mercy, No Quarter

Activist Post: US down to 15 bases in Iraq: US general

EU Debt Crisis: Unknown Territory | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Trade Agreements; CRAPitalism at its best! « The PPJ Gazette

Big Brother Considers Tracking Drivers’ Every Move : Personal Liberty Digest

Prop 19 Backers Eye 2012 Medical Marijuana Initiative |

Activist Post: Hacked From Above: A DIY Spy Plane Takes Flight

The second American revolution has begun

Support food freedom and help stop the hunger fast of Michael Schmidt | MNN - Mother Nature Network

"We Don't Need a Warrant, We're ICE" » Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union » Race Against the Machine

How IT Costs More Jobs than It Creates - Technology Review

Canadian billionaire facing corruption charges in U.K. - CTV News

Cyber-attack stole Mitsubishi warplane, nuke plant data - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun

America's Endless Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq

The Destruction of Libya and the Murder of Muammar Gaddafi. NATO's Moral Defeat

NATO’s Genocidal Role and the Invasion of Libya: Serving the Interests of the Yankee Oil Giants

VIDEO: Gaddafi Murder Highlights the Hypocrisy of NATO's "Humanitarian" Intervention

VIDEO: US Uranium to Blame for Deformed Babies in Fallujah?

VIDEO: US Media on Gaddafi - In Praise of Lynching

VIDEO: Examining the OWS Movement and the War on Libya

The US and Gaddafi: The murderer calls for an investigation of the crime

The 9/11 Consensus Points: The Factual Evidence Contradicts the 9/11 Story

Somalia: Western Media Indulge US and French Denials of New War in Famine-Hit Horn of Africa

Gaddafi’s Death: Celebrating Murder While Ushering in Civil War

America's "Unnoticed" Military Aggression. US Combat Troops Arrive in Uganda

The European Debt Crisis: The Creditors are America's "Too Big to Fail" Wall Street Banksters

Somalis Under Relentless Drone Attack as U.S. Tightens Military Grip on Continent

The Democratic Fraud and the Universalist Alternative

Wall Street Firms Spy on Protesters In Tax-Funded Center

Is the U.S. Really Leaving Iraq?

Libya: Now the Hard Part Begins

The BBC: NATO's Media Partner in Crime

NATO's Genocidal Role: The Most Perfidious Tool of Repression in the History of Humanity

Social Inequality and the Concentration of Global Wealth: Never have so Few Owned so Much

Sixteen Things Libya Will Never See Again...

Switching Focus from Iraq to Iran

Beating the Drums of a Broader US-NATO Middle East War

VIDEO: The War on Libya is a War on Africa

Murder of Gadhafi is next step to wider U.S. wars in Africa

Libya’s National Transitional Council First To Recognize Syrian Equivalent

The Military Roadmap. America's "Next Libyas": Iran, Nigeria, Venezuela, Syria, Yemen

Fidel Castro: NATO, The Most Perfidious Instrument in the History of Humanity

White House Announces Mortgage Refinancing Overhaul Through Executive Order

Israeli Intelligence Sources: NATO Killed Qaddafi

Gaddafi's Secret Burial, NTC to Investigate Death

*AUDIO: Resist the Police State;Judge Andrew P. Napolitano talks to Lew Rockwell

The Truth About Taxes by Murray N. Rothbard

The Top 10 Lists of All Time Altucher Confidential

Tear Down That Wall of Central Planning’s Prison State by Scott Lazarowitz

There’s Only One Way To Describe This Situation: SHAMBLES by Mac Slavo

How To Do Economic History by Joseph T. Salerno

Back Up, Empire! by Bill Bonner

Weekend Homesteaders, by R.M.H. -

What if the drugs don't work? - Features, Health & Families - The Independent

Herbs – Naturally Good by Margaret Durst

Scientest Now Back Track/.Elenin is Here.. - YouTube

The 13 Crystal Skulls Will Arrive In San Francisco On 11-11-11 | Before It's News

Porn Is Ruining The Sex Lives Of An Entire Generation | Before It's News

Obama's Re-Fi Plan: The Perfection Of Debt-Serfdom | Before It's News

Giant Lego Man Washes Up On Siesta Key Beach - YouTube

The 9/11 Consensus Points: The Factual Evidence Contradicts The 9/11 Story | Before It's News

Reopening The 'Sistine Chapel' Of Stone Age Art Sparks Controversy | Before It's News

Ex-Centerfold Model Found Dead In A Restricted No Man’s Land Where Marines Train For Battle | Before It's News

Car 1,877 Miles, 57 MPH, 0 Gas: Japanese Team Repeats as Winner of the World Solar Challenge | Before It's News

The Erosion of Due Process for College Students - By George Leef - Phi Beta Cons - National Review Online

EXCLUSIVE: ACORN Playing Behind Scenes Role In 'Occupy' Movement | Fox News

Bio-Weapon On Civilian Populace As Doomsday Event Looms? :

Will The Pope Be Granted His New World Order? - YouTube

Vatican Dedicated To Lucifereian World Gov't. | Before It's News

*Q Drum:(

Citi On Whether Europe Can Ruin The World; Or How To Use An Insolvent Continent As An Excuse For Global Printing | ZeroHedge

poorrichards blog: Libya and America

This wasn’t really about jobs…we wuz just kiddin’! Border Perimeter and Security Act between US and Canada « The PPJ Gazette

Maple Pecan Pound Cake | Before It's News

Quinoa Sunflower Stuffed Squash | Before It's News

Potato Skins | Before It's News

Buttercream Barbie(

la pure mama(

Favorite Family Recipes(

Koch Head Conservative Filmmaker Hands Out Bongs At #OWS

Americans See Themselves as Homesteaders…Not the Eventual Rich

Fox News Hires Serial Liar/Punchline Mark Sanford

Herman Cain Adviser: Campaign 'Resonating' with Smokers

Political Super Genius, David Brooks, Has Advice for Obama

Police Attack #OccupyOakland March With Tear Gas

The Most Awesomest Campaign Ad Ever.

With Job Plans Stalled, Obama Tries Plan B: Executive Orders, Baby!

Cops Defy Order to Crack Down On #OccupyAlbany Protesters For Curfew Violations

Reports of Tear Gas, Rubber Bullets, Sonic Cannon: Police Attack #OccupyOakland

New York Cabbie: I'm Egyptian and I Support the People of Zucotti Park

Let's Require Insurance If You're Going To Own A Handgun

Right-Wing Group Accuses Occupy Orlando Of Being 'Jihad' Movement

Rare Moment of Candor: Pat Robertson Says GOP Too Extreme

Michael Moore to CNBC: 'Do Your Job' and Cover the 99%

Bill O'Reilly Attacks #OWS Protesters as Radicals, Loons and Anarchists

Truth About Bank of America's Derivatives Transfer: It's Not A Taxpayer Bailout

NC Anti-Abortion Centers Told Jewish Woman to Convert to Christianity

Paul Ryan's Austerity Haze

Rick Perry Shows Why He Got a D in Economics

Repeal of Ohio Gov. John Kasich's Assault on Collective Bargaining Law Gains Steam

The buzz behind 7 billion people: A milestone and a warning – This Just In - Blogs

Illinois contracts with Zipcar for state employees -

Ex-Winnetka man convicted of murder in retrial -

‘Test irregularities’ at 33 Illinois schools - Chicago Sun-Times

Chicagoans are good with money -

An iPad for every student? That’s the goal for District 214 -

Shedd beluga looking for love in Connecticut |

The Associated Press: Teeth study shows big dinosaurs trekked for food

Researchers Crack Secret Society's 18th Century Code, Target World's Most Mysterious Book | Fox News

Scientists: ‘Junk’ DNA differentiates humans from chimpanzees | The State Column

Mass Species Loss Stunts Evolution for Millions of Years | Wired Science |

See Northern Lights over Michigan again, this time flying through space (video) |

Feds nab granny for trying to sell moon rock | TG Daily

China spacecraft to launch soon to test docking - Wire Health & Science -

2,000-Year-Old Supernova Mystery Solved | Fox News

NASA Space Telescope Symposium Puts Hubble Successor in Spotlight | James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) | Maryland Science Center Press Conference |

Panel Recommends HPV Vaccine for Boys and Young Men -

Secrets of long life sought in DNA of the elderly -

Men Struggle With Binge Eating Too, Study Finds | Fox News

NHS breast cancer screening to be reviewed - Telegraph

Flu vaccine less effective than once thought: study - CTV News

Gas pump handles top study of filthy surfaces | Reuters

Daily coffee may lower your skin cancer risk -

BPA tied to behavior problems in girls: study | Reuters

Yoga, stretching help lower back pain: study -

Higher Blood Clot Risk with Newer Oral Contraceptives

Teen violence linked to... excessive soda consumption!? | TG Daily

Simon Cowell Talks Live ‘X Factor’; Top 12 Revealed | Access Hollywood - Celebrity News, Photos & Videos

Lindsay Lohan -- FULL FRONTAL Nude for Playboy |

Inquest: Singer Amy Winehouse died of alcohol poisoning -

TMZ's Sexy Halloween Costume Contest! |

George Clooney | George Clooney On Being Oscars 'Best Actor' Frontrunner | Contactmusic

Dancehall Star Vybz Kartel Charged With Second Murder - Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV

Character witnesses speak on Murray's behalf -

Food Poisoning Behind Steven Tyler's Fall - The Triad News Story - WXII The Triad

‘Girl With The Dragon Tattoo’-Inspired Line To Goth Up H&M

AMC Renews THE WALKING DEAD For 3rd Season

Steve Jobs Bio to Become Year's Top Seller - Forbes

Technology News: Privacy: US Gov't Getting Snoopier and Snoopier, Says Google

IBM Unveils Analytics For Communications, Healthcare - Software - Business Intelligence - Informationweek

John McCarthy - Telegraph

Ex-Goldman Director Gupta Charged in Insider Case -

IBM Names Ginni Rometty First Female CEO - TIME

Libya Seeks Delay in Ending UN No Fly Zone | News | English

Can Islamists share power with secularists? Tunisia is about to find out. -

Kenyan charged in grenade attack -

Policemen get 7 years in prison in beating death that helped spark Egyptian uprising - The Washington Post

Panetta Says North Korea Remains a ‘Serious Threat’ -

Late Night: Obama and Leno talk Kardashians, Roscoe's Chicken -

Afghan forces soon to take charge in more areas |

Taliban commanders say Pakistan intelligence helps them | Reuters

Palestinians Reject Reviving Talks Without Settlement Freeze - Businessweek

Gaddafi son, intelligence chief want to surrender | Reuters

NATO puts off end to Libya air patrols - CBS News

Debbie Schlussel:Told Ya So! I Warned Long Ago About “Springtime” Libya (Hannity Urged Obama to Aid Rebels, Now Pretends Otherwise)

Debbie Schlussel:Flashback VIDEO: Sean Hannity & “Moderate” Muslim Mohammed Jasser Demand Obama Back Libyan “Rebels” (Hannity Now Claims He Was Against)

Debbie SchlusselFOX News Pulls A CNN Spitzer, Hired Disgraced Ex-Gov Mark Sanford

Debbie Schlussel:ABSURD: Israel Frees More Terrorists for Leftist Israeli Helping Egypt’s Muslims

Student Loan Forgiveness Program Eases the Burden

Flu Vaccine Not as Effective in Obese

John Edwards' Lawyers Call Charges Political

John Lennon's Tooth Up for Auction in England

Wikileaks Suspends Operations to Raise Money

Ron Paul Says Budget Cuts Would FIx U.S. Economy

Confederate flag and causes of secession collide with 2012 election

Komen, Abortion, Contraceptives: All Mixed for Breast Cancer

New Derivative Instrument - US Treasury Bonds?

Moderate/Conservative Response to Occupy Wall Street: March on Main Street

The Insurgent Incumbent

Principles Before Politics

Global Warming: An Obituary

Terrorist Bill Ayers Teaches Revolutionary Theory to Young Leftists at Occupy Chicago

Crucify Political Correctness on the Altar of Freedom of Speech

The two-state “solution”: Around the world and in history

Iraq: Obama Turning Victory into Defeat

The Super Committee

Bring our exiled veterans ‘home’

In a Romney vs. Not-Romney Primary, Cain Wins in a Landslide

Will Those Who Took an Oath Save our Republic?

Reaping Bitter Green Dividends

Olbermann and Letterman: Men of the People

Raise taxes across the board

GrowthBusters: Greens Against Prosperity

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – October 25th, 2011

Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – October 25th, 2011

The William G. McGowan Charitable Fund

2 Parts:How to Strengthen Our Epigenetic Health with Daniel Vitalis |

Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – October 24th, 2011

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – October 24th, 2011

ARTICLES:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- October 24, 2011

ARTICLES:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- October 25, 2011

CIA Criminal Revolving Door: CIA Officer “Albert” Involved in False Intelligence Linking Al-Qaeda to Iran, Iraq

Notorious “Star Chamber” Courts Protect Government Wrongdoing

Whistleblowing Ain’t No ‘Fair Game’

Anatomy of an Occupation

Deconstructing the Cain Nines

No Representation without Taxation

Rahm Emanuel and the 'Tough SOB' Pathology

Israeli Democracy vs. Arab Apartheid

George Soros's Socialized Merry-Go-Round of a Solution to the Euro Crisis

Stalled energy projects moving forward

Rep. Ryan accuses Obama of 'sowing social unrest'

Shocker: Real state debt at $4.2 trillion

Obama reverses himself on Libya

Top Saudi cleric offers $100,000 for capture of Israeli soldier

State Department purchases thousands of copies of Obama's book

Former one-term House member sues over lost 'career'

Is Europe capable of saving itself?

Solar Winds Keep Blowing Taxpayer Money Away

Obama's stimulus fail...again

80% of GOP primary voters still undecided

OWS: Easy Prey

Cain-Romney 2012?

Reading the Real Qur'an

Newt and the Next-in-Line Problem

Captain America Abandons the Entire Middle East

OWS and the Progressive Fantasy

Gaddafi: A U.N. Value

Obama Admits: ‘Not as Trendy’ to be a Supporter as it was in 2008 | Video |

Thermal Imaging Reveals Occupy London Camp Mostly Empty at Night | Video |

Canada gets rid of long gun registry |

Professor Yells ‘Death to Israel’ at Kent State |

Did the NYPD Commissioner Meet With George Soros? |

Judge Richard A. Nielsen Allowed to Use Islamic Law in Mosque Case |

Farrakhan Condemns Gadhafi‘s ’Assassination’ | Video |

Zach Galifianakis, Billy Bob Thorton Speak Out on Occupy Wall Street | Video |

ARTICLES:Occupy Wall Street and The Federal Reserve News 10-26-11 | - Nationwide Emergency Alert System Test to Take Place Nov. 9

» Beck: EAS Test Allows Feds to ‘Seize Control’ of Communications Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

New Technologies Redraw the World’s Energy Picture -

A Hummer in Every Driveway - By Vaclav Smil | Foreign Policy

In Terms of Jobs, Solar Energy Lacks Power -

EDITORIAL: Solar and agriculture shouldn't be at odds - Opinion -

News analysis: Obama takes bipartisan heat on energy policy –

U.S. Iraq Withdrawal a Gift to Iran? No, the U.S. Iraq Invasion Was the Gift to Iran - Global Spin -

Barack Kissinger Obama -

Asian Anxiety -

Did Moammar Gadhafi Die The Richest Man In The World? - Forbes

Iran's Navy Threatens the Security of the Persian Gulf | Foreign Affairs

Obama Doctrine: Ignore American Interests - Mona Charen - National Review Online

The Man Who Knew Too Much - By David Rieff | Foreign Policy

Marijuana Can Induce Schizophrenia-Like Impairment

Strawberries Protect Stomach From Alcohol

Distant Human Ancestor Sensed Electric Fields

Retroviral DNA Helps Define Humans, Chimps

Web Search Queries Predict Stock Market Trading Volumes - Technology Review

Think right, not deep | Gene Expression | Discover Magazine

BPA Is Still OK - Forbes

Why Spiders Will Always Find You : Discovery News

What is the Sieve of Eratosthenes? Guide to Filtering Prime Numbers | Decoded Science

Demography: A tale of three islands | The Economist

Can a Commercial Be Too Sexy For Its Own Good? Ask Axe - Martin Lindstrom - Business - The Atlantic

DailyTech - Study "Proves" Warming Occurred, Pundits Seize Chance to Bash Skeptics

A DNA Check Reveals Widespread Fish Mislabeling In Massachusetts : The Salt : NPR

Counting wrinkles reveals pressure -

Slaughtering horses for meat is banned in the U.S. Why? - Slate Magazine

Malfeasant central bankers, again

RealClearMarkets - Obama's Labor Embrace Belies Jobs Push

How Apple Would Reinvent Your Big-Screen TV | Gadget Lab |

DARPA's 'Flying Humvee' Is Moving Ahead, Ready For Prototype | Popular Science

Obama man: 'Global internet surveillance skyrocketing' • The Register

Anti-Facebook Social Network “Unthink” Launches To Public | TechCrunch

Using Credit Cards to Target Web Ads -

Daily Dot | Anonymous plans three-pronged attack on November 5

Twitter and TV Get Close to Help Each Other Grow -

Man gets smartphone dock built into prosthetic arm - Telegraph

U.S. Requests for Google User Data Spike 29 Percent in Six Months | Threat Level |

Google and other search engines are ‘failing’ says top Facebook executive - Telegraph

Using Credit Cards to Target Web Ads -

FBI to launch nationwide facial recognition service - Nextgov

HTML5: Who wins and who loses? | ExtremeTech

The Tablet Revolution | Project for Excellence in Journalism (PEJ)

Gov Perry’s Tax Plan… | Jared Bernstein | On the Economy

In Perry’s Flat Tax Debut, No Indictment of D.C.’s Lobbying Culture | Swampland |

White House: ‘We Can’t Wait’ To Put Vets Back To Work | TPMDC

As You’ll See, Student Loans Hurt Us All | Cato @ Liberty

The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : Pence, Jindal, Ryan.... Kristol is Right: The Field is Still Open

Optional tax code worse than a gimmick « The Enterprise Blog

Booman Tribune ~ A Progressive Community

Latest Obama Mortgage Refinance Plan Another Dud

Review & Outlook: The Flat-Tax Sweepstakes -

GOP candidates offer a diverse set of economic plans - The Washington Post

Dissecting Obama and GOP jobs plans reveals clear differences -

Dick Armey: Flat tax would be a win for the American people –

Obama on Leno: As a nation's pain deepens, president plays TV talk-show quipster -

RealClearPolitics - Islamism Fills the Vacuum Left by Socialism

As Tunisia Counts its Votes, Can the West Stop Worrying and Learn to Love the Islamists? - Global Spin -

RealClearPolitics - The Media and 'Bullying'

Obama’s Mythical Political Skills Won’t Save Him: Ramesh Ponnuru - Bloomberg

Call off the GOP Primaries: Pundits Have Already Nominated Romney | Politics & Media |

Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog: What Steve Jobs said about Christianity, Jesus, and faith

Defending Our First Freedom | First Things

On Going the Way of World Government: Catholic World Report

In the Clear: On Scientology | The Nation

Claremont Lincoln aims to train Christian, Jewish and Muslim clergy | Inside Higher Ed

Holy See v. Laissez Faire | National Catholic Reporter

Deepak Chopra: War of the Worldviews: Let's Talk God

The fourth Abrahamic religion

The American Spectator : Return to Lepanto

Free Ride: How Digital Parasites Are Destroying the Culture Business, and How the Culture Business Can Fight Back | New York Journal of Books

Isaac Chotiner Reviews "Illustrating Empire" | The New Republic

An account of the events leading up to, and including, the trial (preliminary hearing) of the Earp brothers and Doc Holliday for their roles in the 1881 shootout at the OK Corral in Tombstone, Arizona.

Wyatt Earp - Frontier Lawman of the American West : The official website of the Republic of Korea

5 reasons why was the Battle of Caporetto 1917 was so decisive « Military History magazine | WW1, WW2, History of Aviation, Army & Naval Warfare

Mossad's licence to kill - Telegraph

The Cedar Fire, Southern California, 2003 - Top 10 Devastating Wildfires - TIME

Eric A. Posner Reviews Kevin J. McMahon's "Nixon's Court" | The New Republic


*Transcripts:24th/Obama's Remarks on the Economy and Housing

Interviews with Secretary Donovan & Rep. Cardoza

Interview with Ambassador Susan Rice

Interview with Presidential Candidate Ron Paul

Panel Discusses the Future of Libya

Analysts on What's Next for the Arab Spring

Interview with Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels

Townhall Meeting with Secretary Panetta

MP Sacha Baron Cohen? Doubts on Euro Jewish Plmnt

Yemeni women set veils ablaze in protest at Saleh crackdown

US Senator Landrieu: Don't cut aid to Israel

IPS moves 22 prisoners ahead of Ilan Grapel exchange

Saddam Hussein ordered execution of journalist Farzad Bazoft, records reveal

Victory in Tunisia hands Nahda responsibility

Labour demands inquiry into second minister's links to Adam Werritty

Saudi king set to name Prince Nayef as heir

Gaddafi's driver on the endgame: 'He didn't seem to know what to do'

Court refuses to grant Lador immunity in Olmert libel suit

Former police spy urges public inquiry into undercover operations

Ex-Goldman board member indicted in insider case

Witnesses detail Jackson doc's care, thoroughness

Lawmakers ask Obama to delay Keystone decision

Obama tells students: 'I need your voices'

Latest developments in the global Occupy protests

Obama announces help for student loan borrowers

Kid Rock eyes new album mixing musical styles

Tunisian Islamists to propose their man for PM's job

$211 Billion and So Much to Buy -- American Youths, the New Big Spenders

Lung cancer screening with X-rays isn't beneficial

After Grilling Cain and Bachmann, Jay Leno Embarrasses Himself Sucking up to Obama

‘Occupy Hollywood’ – The Left Begins to Eat Itself

Your Horror Movie Tip Sheet – The Sleeper Edition

‘Iron Lady’ Screenwriter Swears Film Isn’t a ‘Left Wing Fantasy’

‘The Three Musketeers’ Review: Airships, Flame Throwers and Ninjas, Oh My!

Michael Moore: Obama’s First Term a ‘Heartbreaking Disappointment’

+Morning Call Sheet: ‘Dark Knight’ Prologue, Playboy Preys, and a Redbox Win

HomeVideodrome: ‘Captain America,’ ‘Jurassic Park,’ and ‘Winnie the Pooh’

Celebs Speak Out On Occupy Wall Street

Exclusive: Adam Carolla Blasts Hypocritical Comics, Radio Lethargy

‘Attack the Block’ DVD Review: Aliens No Match for Gritty Inner City Gang

Trailer Talk: ‘This Means War’ Looks Like a Bromantic Version of ‘Mr. and Mrs. Smith’

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » ‘Iron Lady’ Screenwriter Swears Film Isn’t a ‘Left Wing Fantasy’

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Screenplay Review: Meryl Streep’s Trashing of Margaret Thatcher

Obama on Jay Leno: President Gets Softball Treatment (Video) - The Daily Beast

Far-Left Teachers and NY Times Promote Lesson Plans on #OccupyWallStreet

Report: ACORN Still Active, Helping ‘Occupy’ Movement

3 Out-of-State SEIU Operatives Registered and Voted from Wisconsin Hotel

Google: We Want Net Neutrality to Redistribute Your Wealth to Us

AUDIO:The Geography of China and Its Influence on Their Rise to Power

+The Cheat Sheet, October 26: Obama Threatens Us with Self-Reliance?

Dem Mayors in Atlanta, Oakland Use Riot Police to Clear #Occupy Protesters

American Exceptionalism Will Dominate the 21st Century

Tea Party Embodies the Order of a Republic, #OWS Embodies the Chaos of a ‘Democracy’

Revealed: #OccupyWallStreet Public Relations Strategy for Reports of Violence Against Cops–Blame Someone Else!

Bill Ayers Wows Adoring Audience at #OccupyChicago

Students Rebuke Universities’ Attempted Classroom Recording Bans

UPDATED: #OccupyAtlanta Warned to Leave; Democrat State Senator Calls Black Mayor ‘Bull Connor’

UPDATED – VIDEO: Thugs Surround Cops, Hurl Paint Bombs as #OccupyOakland Activists Attack Police

Rethinking What Makes the American Economy Strong

No, You Can’t Google My Private Health Records: Obamacare’s Intrusive Data Grab

V Is for Violence: #OccupyWallSt Clueless on Anti-Government Terrorist Fawkes

Elizabeth Warren’s Successor, ‘Pay to Play’ Cordray Seeks to #OccupyConsumerProtectionBureau

#OccupyWallSt Releases Solidarity Statement from ‘Comrades’ in Cairo Advocating Violence

Counterpoint: In Defense of Jennifer Rubin

Big Journalism Contributor Curtis Kalin Asks Michael Moore About Capitalism Hypocrisy

Shorter Jennifer Rubin: It’s All About Me!

+Wednesday Crib Sheet: White House Bullies More Press, Mitt Goes Social

Same MSM That Spent Days Spreading Tea Party N-Word Lie Devotes 19 Seconds to Occupy Oakland Violence

When the Media Paints Itself as the Victim

CBS: Andy Rooney Hospitalized in Serious Condition

Sound Bite Of The Day: The GOP’s Dukakis

NBC’s ‘First Read’ Laughably Declares Big Labor’s 100% Failure Rate in Wisconsin ‘Mixed’

‘NBC Nightly News’ Criticizes Obama’s New Mortgage Plan As Being Too ‘Limited’

TMZ founder says magazines, newspapers should ditch print | Poynter.

Eurocrisis: Germany To Close 100 Of 400 Military Bases, Largest Military Cut Since World War II

Karzai’s Gauntlet; Unfortunate Rambling or Veiled Truth?

Is The U.S. In Decline?

AUDIO:Zuhdi Jasser: Civilization Jihad

A Rhetoric of Distanciation: Sinn Féin’s Reaction On The Death Of Gaddafi

Germany: Eurocrisis Response Like May 1945 ‘People’s Storm’ When Old Men Defended Berlin

Will Foreign Policy Wins Help Obama at Home?

The Legacy Of Our World War II Vets: In Memory of George Meissler

Report: Obama’s Muslim Advisers Block Middle Eastern Christians’ Access to the White House


26-Oct-11 World View

25-Oct-11 World View

24-Oct-11 World


Part One: Bringing America Home Again

Part Two: Bringing America Home Again – The Obama Nation’s Executive Power

Part Three: Bringing America Home Again: Law and Order

Part IV: Bringing America Home Again: Runaway America

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'The Constitution should matter':Rep. Louie Gohmert rips 'sham' initiatives proposed by Obama

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Rise of Islamic radicals: 'The writing's on the wall':Brigitte Gabriel: 'Freedom movement' leading to rapid implementation of Shariah law

Donald Trump: Obama's birth certificate not settled

Confusion reigns over eligibility issue

Anybody but Romney

Obama's surrender to Iran

The liberal game show

The absurdity of protesting profit

Competition rescues kids

'Red Army' Behind Occupy Wall Street? | Fox News

What is it we wish to conserve?

6,810 bottles of wine crash to the floor when shelves collapse YouTube video | Mail Online

American Minute for October 26th

Today in History: October 26

October 26 Events in History

This Day in History for 26th October

Today in History: October 26

October 26th This Day in History

Today in History for October 26th - YouTube

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