A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

25 October 2011

25 OCT.

A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.





Infowars Nightly News for Monday, October 24, 2011 (Full) - YouTube


Prison » Rick Perry’s “File Your Taxes On a Postcard” Scheme

Prison » Ron Paul is Not “Ending” Student Loans

Possible study of anthrax vaccine’s effectiveness in children stirs debate - The Washington Post

Prison » Beck: EAS Test Allows Feds to ‘Seize Control’ of Communications

Wall Street protest plans global rally before G20 | The Raw Story

Prison » Al-Qaeda Commander Ordered Sharia Law In Libya

Gadaffi dead: Thugs gunned down by Misrata fighters in Sirte, Libya | Mail Online

Prison » What Have We Gotten For The Trillion Dollars We Have Spent On Wars In Afghanistan, Iraq And Libya?

Mexican ID Becomes Valid ID in Sonoma County | NBC Bay Area

Prison » “Obama to Bypass Congress on Mortgages”

* Prison » Ron Paul: Yes We Can Cut $1 Trillion

*Prison » Silenced: WikiLeaks shuts down, Assange vows to fight

Prison » Sixteen Things Libya Will Never See Again…

Prison » War and Serfdom: Is This The World We Really Want to Live In?

Prison » Ron Paul: Yes We Can Cut $1 Trillion

Prison » Gaddafi’s Will: “Continue the Resistance, Fight any Foreign Aggressor against Libya,…”

Prison » ‘US of Europe total disgrace, collapsing as we speak’

AFP: Libya fuel depot blast 'kills 100'

Prison » North American Union has arrived: First official Mexican shipping truck to cross US border

Prison » Mubarak critical, fights for life, suffers stroke after Gaddafi death

Prison » The Great Greenie Hoax with Marc Morano

Prison » “Subliminal Messages Exposed”

Prison » Consumer Confidence Plunges To 39.8 From 45.4 On Expectations Of A Bump; Lowest Since March 2009

Gold set for best three-day rise in a month | Reuters

US dismantles B53 nuclear weapon, 600 times more powerful than Hiroshima | Mail Online

Biden: ‘Nobody Can Look You in the Eye and Tell You ... Stimulus Did Not Create Jobs;’ Yes, at $412,500 Per Job |

Public Divided Over Occupy Wall Street Movement | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

Only one in 10 St Paul's protesters stay overnight - Telegraph

St Paul's protests: Jack Hartcup, son of property tycoon, at centre of Occupy London | Mail Online

Shari’a in Libya? As Long As ‘Universal Human Rights’ Are Respected, State Dept. Says |

Prison » Congress Expansion of Drug War is an Attack on Free Speech

Prison » Cellphone Towers EMR Damaging Biological Systems of Birds, Insects, Humans

U.S. Winter May Be Coldest in Decade, Commodity Weather Says - Businessweek

Prison » Mental health screening of teens creates a “crisis” where none exists

Congressman Quits With Harsh Words For President Obama - YouTube

Keiser Report: Fecal Alchemy (E201) - YouTube

Ron Paul on Freedom Watch 10/24/11 - YouTube

Welcome to “Democracy”: Gaddafi Summarily Executed Without Trial

*The Student Loan Racket: Ron Paul Right Again

*Ron Paul: Blame the Fed for the Financial Crisis -

Did Navy Use Spice Bust to Intimidate Sailors on Osama Boat into Silence?

Erowid Spice Product Vaults : 'Spice & Spin-offs: Prohibition's High-Tech Cannabis Substitutes'

Synthetic cannabis - Wikipedia

The End Of History

Killing Gaddafi Spares ICC Embarrassment For US & Britain

Gaddafi Killing Gets War Criminal Blair Off The Hook

Europe’s Bank Bill: $3 Trillion

White House to Help ‘Underwater’ Homeowners Refinance, Again

Travelers411: Ryan Air Add Seats, Remove Lavatories on Airplanes

Gorbachev Calls For American Perestroika

Barb Adams: America’s Dysfunctional Healthcare System

Jim Brown: The Cost of Being Unhealthy

Cain, Gingrich set for Lincoln-Douglas debate

Jobs’ TV Breakthrough in Biography is Voice Recognition: Analysts

Try PCWorld's Speed Up Everything Superguide | PCWorld

Natural Remedies for Sinus Toothaches | Off The Grid News

The Basics of Cold-Weather Gardening | Off The Grid News

Bio-Weapon On Civilian Populace As Doomsday Event Looms? :

Eligibility rulings vanish from Net

» Al-Qaeda Commander Ordered Sharia Law In Libya Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Reckless Endangerment: Totally Corrupt America Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Switching Focus from Iraq to Iran Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Islamists claim win in Tunisia's Arab Spring vote - Africa, World - The Independent

MI6 role in Libyan rebels' rendition 'helped to strengthen al-Qaida' | World news | The Guardian

GAO Report: Federal Reserve Is Riddled With Corruption And Conflicts Of Interest, Stephen Friedman Is Targeted - Home - The Daily Bail

Gaddafi dead: Mahmoud Jibril says legislation will be based on Islamic Sharia law | Mail Online

» How Wall Street Banks Fleeces America Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» How the welfare state has created an age of entitlement Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

poorrichards blog: NATO Countries Set to Steal $30,000 from Each Libyan Citizen

Gadhafi's Heirs: Dead Dictator's Sons Speak Out - ABC News

New euro 'empire' plot by Brussels - Telegraph

NASA wants grandma's moonrock - MJ Lee -

Police spy tricked lover with activist 'cover story' | UK news | The Guardian

How Google Translate helped crack an 'unbreakable' code from 1866 | Mail Online

Skin cancer risk 'REDUCED by sunbathing in the morning' | Mail Online

'Legal highs' should be automatically banned, says government drugs adviser | Society |

» Serbian ecology leader arrested for openly defying GMOs and chemtrails Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The rise of the machines? Not any time soon | | Independent Battle of Ideas Blogs

Russia plans to build frozen community 1,000 miles from North Pole | Mail Online

BBC News - Is the US Declaration of Independence illegal?

Centuries of open justice threatened by secret courts - Home News, UK - The Independent

Matt Cardle: '9/11 attacks were a conspiracy' - Celebrity News - Digital Spy

Opinion: Does the West hate Islam? - The Egyptian Gazette

Carlos the Jackal goes on hunger strike after 'deliberate violation' of his rights in French jail | Mail Online

Britain helped bring her family to Gaddafi – now she is asking why | World news | The Guardian

» Israel And America Declare Total War on Persia Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

We should aspire to abundant and cheap energy for all | | Independent Battle of Ideas Blogs

Afghanistan: proof that untied aid really works | Global development |

Victor Dahdaleh: Friend of Tony Blair and Lord Mandelson charged by SFO over £700m fraud | Mail Online

Oh my God, Church of Scientology dug up dirt on Matt Stone and Trey Parker - Americas, World - The Independent

The Gadaffi I Knew by Eric Margolis

Japan earthquake and tsunami: 20m tons of debris closing in on Hawaii | Mail Online

Facebook Disconnect app downloaded 152,000 times to protect users' privacy | Mail Online

Prison » And Now: ‘The Gates Foundation Uses Genetic Modification For Good’

Prison » Scientific case for man-made climate change is dead

Prison » Monsanto, GMOs, and the global genocide of science and humanity

» Gender-bending chemical that ‘makes girls as young as three aggressive and hyperactive’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Persistent Organic Pollutants Could Lead to Birth Defects in Half of All Newborns Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Qaddafi Was Worth More Than $200 Billion — By Far The Richest Person In The World

Revealed – the capitalist network that runs the world - physics-math - 19 October 2011 - New Scientist

Facebook Building 'Shadow Profiles' Of Non-Members, Experts Allege | Fox News

» FBI Ramps Up Next Generation ID Roll Out Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Cybercommand chief opposes U.N. net control - Washington Times

Disney hotel workers try to stay ahead of the 'electronic whip' -

iPhone tilt hack can find out what you are typing on your computer | Mail Online

» NSA And Google Developing Hardened Android Kernel For Government Communication Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Red Tape - Gov't cameras in your car? E-toll patent hints at Big Brotherish future

» Politics And Shadow Politics: Understanding The Elite’s War on Humanity Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


**55 min./Webster Tarpley: The Elite's Plan for Global Extermination (FL-HD) - YouTube


*Ron Paul: Blame the Fed for the Financial Crisis -

» The Future of Organ Printing and Artificial Biology Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Elderly people 'read iPads three times faster than normal books' | Mail Online

+Ron Paul on Meet the Press 10/23/11 - YouTube


*42 min./Ron Paul Campaign Youth Rally Speech, University Of Iowa — October 21, 2011 (00:41:53) - YouTube


Take Off Your Blinders Folks in [Market-Ticker]

Debt-Serfdom Is The New American Normal

* Prison » The Planned Authoritarian Society with Alan Watt

- The principled consistency of Ron Paul | Washington Times Communities

+The State Is the 1 Percent - Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr. - Mises Daily

+Ron Paul on Jan Mickelson Radio Show - Part 1 - YouTube

+Ron Paul on Jan Mickelson Radio Show - Part 2 - YouTube

+Ron Paul on Jan Mickelson Radio Show - Part 3 - YouTube

- Ron Paul sounds off on Gadhafi, 14th Amendment, looming economic collapse on Iowa radio show | Iowa Caucuses

Prison » The Dark Side Of Halloween: The Kind Of Stuff That Real Life Nightmares Are Made Of

+Prison » Ron Paul Calls For Another ‘Sharp Correction’ In Housing Market

Napolitano: DHS Authorizing Illegal Aliens to Work in U.S. |

Prison » Is It Possible Herman Cain Is Only Pretending To Run For President?

+Prison » Fake Signatures May Mean Obama Didn’t Actually Qualify to Run for President in Indiana

WikiLeaks suspends publishing to fight financial blockade | Media |

Opinion: Does the West hate Islam? - The Egyptian Gazette

Judge: Al Qaeda owes $9.3 billion for 9/11 harm - CBS News

The War on Whistleblowers - Sibel Edmonds on GRTV - YouTube


*The FBI Announces Gangs Have Infiltrated Every Branch Of The Military


*Report: FBI — 2011 National Gang Threat Assessment


TSA misses loaded gun in bag at LAX

Prison » Coming Soon: Web Ads That Use Your Webcam and Display Content Based on Biometric Data

Prison » Escape the Web: Every click online thralls privacy

Navy discharging 64 sailors for drug use, distribution | Reuters

Radar Technology from MIT Can See Through Walls - ABC News

Prison » Traipsing towards tyranny: New FBI service to track suspects using advanced facial recognition system

Homeland Security moves forward with 'pre-crime' detection | Privacy Inc. - CNET News

Prison » 40 Signs That America Is Rotting From The Inside Out

Kindle Fire privacy issues: Amazon blasted for being worse than Google OR Facebook | Mail Online

Prison » Facebook tracks your every move, even after logging out

Prison » 20 Reasons Why Millions Of Americans Under The Age Of 30 Are Giving Up On The U.S. Economy

Prison » The Federal Reserve Plans To Identify “Key Bloggers” And Monitor Billions Of Conversations

+Prison » Top Tier: Ron Paul Raises Most In Iowa GOP Campaign Donations

+Prison » Ron Paul’s Texas Straight Talk: The Tyranny of TSA Highway Checkpoints

*Prison » Vatican Calls for “Central World Bank”

*Prison » ‘Critical Thinking’ Expert Can’t Think for Himself?

+Prison » 2012: Ron Paul is the Only Option

Prison » How to avoid being like the 11 percent of Americans who now take antidepressant drugs every day

+Prison » Ironic “Scariest Chart Ever” Redux – America Will Surpass 100% Debt To GDP On Halloween

Prison » Ron Paul Highlights – CNN Las Vegas Debate

**Ron Paul Highlights - CNN Las Vegas Debate 10/18/11 - YouTube

Prison » Government Front Group Vows to Abolish Critical Thinking

Prison » Mission Creep: This Tennessee Highway Is Now Patrolled by TSA

Prison » Divide and Rule: Sharia Law Comes to Libya

Prison » Corporatism Is Not Capitalism

Prison » Pepe Escobar: NATO wanted Gaddafi dead all along

Prison » Gaddafi Killing Gets War Criminal Blair Off The Hook

US and France ‘join fighting’ against al-Shabab | StratRisks

Paul Ehrlich, a prophet of global population doom who is gloomier than ever | StratRisks

Gaddafi sodomized: Video shows abuse frame by frame

GM pigs could provide human organs 'by 2013' - Telegraph

+Vatican calls for global authority on economy, raps “idolatry of the market” | Reuters

+New TSA tool helps agencies delete confidential data from public documents - Nextgov

Withdrawal Symptoms: Curtain Rises on Second Act of an Endless War Crime -

Withdrawal of US Troops From Iraq Highly Suspect -

Obama says he’ll be taking ‘executive actions’ without Congress on ‘regular basis’ to ‘heal the economy’

US States Are Facing Total Debt of Over $4 Trillion - US Business News - CNBC

Possible study of anthrax vaccine’s effectiveness in children stirs debate - The Washington Post

The Gates Foundation Uses Genetic Modification For Good | Fast Company

The Feds Will Cut Off TV and Radio on November 9th |





Is Buffett wary of the evil eye?

Is Libya going to be a radical Islamist state?

Pete Seeger, Lech Walesa and Occupy Wall Street

Where is the outrage over Fast and Furious?

Liberals are trying to discredit Justice Thomas with baseless attacks

What's the point of practical conservatism?

If 9-9-9 is just a rest stop on the way to the Fair Tax, why bother?

Back to school: Duncan says kids get too much vacation [VIDEO]

Obama defies base, hires Wall Street lobbyist for re-election campaign


Justice Dept. proposes lying, hiding existence of records under new FOIA rule


+TheDC Morning: Obama is very disappointed in you, United States Constitution

Is the Declaration of Independence Illegal?

'08/The Constitution is Unconstitutional « roger hollander

Questioning the Supreme Court’s Supremacy - Joel Alicea - National Review Online


Muslim groups, Hispanic advocates, gays aim to shut down Maryland conservative conference

Kucinich to McCain: ‘A strike on Syria would not bring about democracy’

TheDC Video Vault: Milton Friedman on how the pencil explains the free market

Coulter: Libya intervention ‘kind of stupid,’ Gadhafi was ‘George Bush’s bitch’

TSA sex advice? Woman finds ‘freaky’ note in luggage

Romney campaign: NYT using ‘pretty deceptive reporting’ in flat tax story

Obama administration to offer home re-fi plan ‘independent of how deeply underwater they are’

Newt brags about being a longtime flat tax proponent

Republicans respond to new Obama slogan, ‘We can’t wait,’ on Twitter

*Vatican calls for ‘central world bank’

Casey Anthony Jury Identified

Hillary Clinton Calls For Improved Human Rights

Healthy Diets Full of Greens Boost Immunity


**43 min./CBS-Video "60 Minutes: Steve Jobs" - Komplette Ausgabe - - YouTube


Presstitute Calls TSA Terrorist Highway Check Points "Most Brilliant Thing Ever!" - YouTube

Donald Trump: US should legalize Internet betting - informationliberation

Lemonade Protest | Charges Dropped | Capitol Grounds | The Daily Caller

Murder Inc. - informationliberation

Can the Power of Occupy Wall Street Make Obama a Populist?

Racial Profiling on an “Industrial Scale”: FBI Using Census Data to Map and Police Communities By Race

Worst Food Additive Ever? It's in Half of All Foods We Eat and Its Production Destroys Rainforests and Enslaves Children

Republican Jobs Plan: An Economy for the 1%

The War in Libya is Still a Failure

Drones, Dictators, Dirty Deals:

Fidel Castro calls NATO "brutal" for Libya role

The US War On Iraq: A Complete Neocon Defeat

Uganda : Another US Military Adventure

Throw Them Out With the Trash

Video:Noam Chomsky Addresses Occupy Boston Protesters:

NATO: 200 Afghan "insurgents" killed, captured:

Hundreds of Afghans rally against US pact

Gaddafi's son Mo'tassim, shown speaking with Libya captors: TV:

Listen closely: Weiss final warning to all investors: “Get all or most of your money out of danger immediately… stay safe!” Prepare for the coming bank collapse. « InvestmentWatch

Asia Times Online : Is modern science Biblical or Greek?

Synthetic biology raises bioterror fears | Bio Prep Watch

Scientist Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies | Wake Up World

Do you fancy a jelly baby made from human DNA? - Telegraph

City of the Living Dead

With Liberty and Justice for Some

Moderate Islam Party Sweeps to Victory in Tunisia

Leaving Iraq, US Warns Iran: We're Ready for Ya

China, Russia Push IAEA to Ease Up on Iran

Missing Evidence Is Among Military Crime Lab's New Woes

Secret Reports: With Security Spotty, Many Had Access to Anthrax

Video:The Human Cost of Africa's Odious Debt

Video:Bill Black: What I'd Demand of the Fed

Gadhafi Buried in Secret Grave

Obama Decries 'Dysfunctional' Congress, Presses Economic Proposals

Accused Terror Plotter Pleads Not Guilty in US Court

Obama to Announce Housing Plan, Raise Campaign Funds

Brown Eyed Girls’ Video “Sixth Sense” or How the Elite Controls Opposition

The Order of the Illuminati: Its Origins, Its Methods and Its Influence on the World Events

Vatican Calls for a Central World Bank

Mikhail Gorbachev Says Occupy Wall Street Signals an Emerging New World Order

No TV for Children Under 2, Doctors’ Group Urges

Renowned Doctor Speaks on the Dumbing Down Effects of Fluoride

MTV’s “Paramore: Vitals Statistics” Mentions Mind Control Symbolism in Music Videos

US-North Korea Begin Talks on Nuclear Disarmament

U.S. Ambassador Pulled Out Of Syria Amid 'Threats'

Panetta Lauds Growing U.S.-Indonesia Partnership

Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – October 24th, 2011

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – October 24th, 2011

Whistleblowing Ain’t No ‘Fair Game’ – Pinpointing “Fairytale Whistleblowers” |

Supreme Court rules that thousands of home foreclosures are invalid because banks do not have promissory notes

Notorious “Star Chamber” Courts Protect Government Wrongdoing

Police State Fascism Is Now Rampant: Martial Law Is Next! |


*1:54:38/Jim Marrs - Suppressed News, Deceptions and Lies - YouTube


BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- October 24, 2011


FBI informant Craig Monteilh scares Muslim suspects so much they report HIM | Mail Online

» Southern Poverty Law Center Publishes Patriot Hit List Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Madsen: Gaddafi Flying White Flag When Killed |

Assasination of Cnl Muamar Ghaddafi - Interview of RT, 21Oct2011 - YouTube

Fukushima Update - 2011/10/24 (Video) - YouTube

Gaffney to Newsmax: Rise of Sharia Rule Will Bring War to Middle East

Libyan Leader Declares Nation Islamic, Sharia Law to Be Implemented

Rush: Gadhafi Is Dead, 'Radical Islam' Is Alive

Christians Flee as Radical Islam Spreads in 'New Middle East'

Gadhafi, Son Buried in Secret Desert Location

Obama Throws Lifeline to Underwater Homeowners

Demise of Obama Long-term Care Plan Leaves Gap

Fla. Judge Blocks Welfare Drug Testing Law

GPS Shoes Aim to Keep Track of Alzheimer's Patients

Internet Firms Boost Lobbying Spending

Democrats' Use of Super PACs on the Rise

Volcker: Dump Fannie, Freddie, But Not Yet

Gas Pump Handles, ATM Buttons Among Filthiest Surfaces

Coffee Cuts Skin Cancer Risk

Campaign Video: 'No Candidate Like Herman Cain'

Harris Poll: Obama Inspires Little Faith in Future

Perry Proposes 20% Flat Tax

Rubio: I Have Absolutely No Plans to Run for VP

Bolton: Afghan Karzai 'Needs to Be Called Out'

Romney Under Fire for Free Healthcare to Illegals

Bush Throws Perfect Strike in World Series

Roger Stone: Romney is a ‘Weak Front-Runner’

British Writer: America Will Rebound in 5 Years

Perry Beefs up National Campaign Staff

Romney Goes Slow on Bold Tax Reform Ideas

Democrats Keeping Distance From Obama

Perry: Birther Controversy 'Distractive' Issue

Toomey Backs Religious Exemption to Obamacare

Time to Abolish Central Banks

Rule of Law Demands Wall Street Charges Must Not Be Dropped

Obama's Mortgage Plan Driven by Emotion, not Sense

Obama's Big Govt Means Still Higher Taxes to Come

Obama Using Scare Tactics for Jobs Plan

Rush Limbaugh Asks His iPhone If He Should Vote For Mitt Romney, Almost Gets Ratted Out

Rush Limbaugh Features Big Government NYT #OccupyWallStreet Activist Report

Rush Limbaugh: #OccupyWallStreet Has $500000 In The Bank, Are Now Part Of The Evil 1%

Rush Listener Pam Says Limbaugh Losing Audience Because Rush Hates and Bashes Romney

Obama “We Can’t Wait” Rush Limbaugh Lists All The Things “We Can’t Wait For Either” Like Repealing ObamaCare

Limbaugh Weighs In On George Will Comparing Mitt Romney To Dukakis

Limbaugh: Obama Willing To Sacrifice Saddling His Own Party With the Notion Of Defeat In Iraq In Order To Secure His Base

Limbaugh: Obama Wanted To Keep Troops In Iraq Beyond 2011

Limbaugh: U.S. Now Helping Advance Sharia Law

Rense & Ty Bollinger and Dr Michael Farley - Herbal Medicines - YouTube

Rense & Adrian Salbuchi - Did Hitler Make It To Argentina? - YouTube

Rense & Dr Deagle - SmartMeters and Electropollution - YouTube

Activist Post: Syria: Next for Libya-style 'humanitarian' intervention?

Shocking Call For An 'NTC' In The USA! (Mind Control) - YouTube

What’s Going To Happen With Iran? | Political Crush – Political News and Opinion

Dissecting The Imperialist Deaths Of MIllions - YouTube

OWS Changes Tone, Gestapo Takes Names, Manufacturing Consent to the Police State - YouTube

Harley to recall more than 308,000 motorcycles - Yahoo! News


BoA Branch Mgr Begs Customer Not To Close Accounts

The Coming Derivatives Crisis That Could Destroy The Entire Global Financial System

Obama Greenlights BP's Return to Drilling in the Gulf - National - The Atlantic Wire


*60 min./Conspiracy Of Silence(Banned Discovery Channel Documentary) - YouTube


Ron Paul's got it just about right

The Daily Bell - Video of Uygur's Dangerous Constitutional Convention Announcement

Vatican Calls For New World Economic Order | Fox News

Home - Burbank ACTION (Against Cell Towers In Our Neighborhood)

Tennessee Highways–TSA performing unwarranted random searches « The PPJ Gazette

This wasn’t really about jobs…we wuz just kiddin’! Border Perimeter and Security Act between US and Canada « The PPJ Gazette

Tea party hoopla fades on the Hill - Manu Raju and Seung Min Kim -

Going Organic on a Shoestring Budget | Farm Wars

Most Recent US Adolecent H3N2 Sequences Are trH3N2

: Federal Judge Halts 42-Square-Mile Uranium Leasing Program in Colorado

Neocons and the Incredible Jewish Ethnic Infrastructure | The Occidental Observer - White Identity, Interests, and Culture

Mob Rule at the University of Wisconsin But Anti-Israel Protestors Convicted for Disrupting Speech | The Occidental Observer - White Identity, Interests, and Culture :Video /MSNBC Says Cell Phones Cause NO RISK Of Brain Cancer

+The Secret to Living Well on $11,000 a Year - Alpha Consumer (

The Secret to Living Well on $20,000 a Year - Alpha Consumer (

The Secret to Living Well on $40,000 a Year - Alpha Consumer (

Left behind in Iraq: thousands of contractors – CNN Security Clearance - Blogs

Sen. Bernie Sanders: Fraudulent Defense Contractors Paid $1 Trillion |

AllGov - News - Some Government Contractors are Too Big to be Banned

AllGov - News - Northrop Settles Largest-Ever Defense Fraud Suit…But Loses Nothing

Northrop Grumman Pays $325 Million To Settle Whistleblower Case | Aero-News Network


**( Contractor Misconduct Database ; POGO


+Living with David Duke and Louis Farrakhan

DAVID ICKE - They Want To Trigger World War III (Fork in The Road) - YouTube


Federal Reserve is a Cache of Stolen Assets

**Totalitarian Collectivism : Part 1-10**

Totalitarian Collectivism

Totalitarian Collectivism

Totalitarian Collectivism

Totalitarian Collectivism

Totalitarian Collectivism

Totalitarian Collectivism

Totalitarian Collectivism

Totalitarian Collectivism

Totalitarian Collectivism

Totalitarian Collectivism











*3 Part / JOURNEY OUT OF TIME ; Arthur C. Custance

*6 Part/The Mysterious Matter of Mind Arthur C. Custance

*6 Part/THE SOVEREIGNTY OF GRACE Arthur C. Custance


*2 Part/TWO MEN CALLED ADAM Arthur C. Custance




Paul Drockton: How to Legally Plunder the Rothschilds

Paul Drockton: Stock Market is a Suckers Game

Paul Drockton: Brokers Try to Stop Put Option Trading

Paul Drockton: Karl Marx Owns Wall Street

Paul Drockton: Bank Failures and FDIC Insurance

Paul Drockton: FDIC Written Confession

Paul Drockton: Stock Market History, Short Drop and a Stop

Paul Drockton: World Dumping US Treasuries

Paul Drockton: FDIC Exposes Risky Bankster Schemes

Paul Drockton: Banksters Offer Suckers a Last Meal

Euro Zone: Vatican Calls for 'Central World Bank' to Be Set Up - CNBC

Was the ’67 Borders remark merely a deliberate distraction? | The Official Website of Representative David Duke, PhD

New Seal for 5th Army North symbolically declares North American Union| The Post & Email

The Suicide Of America - The Diversity Cult

4um: 7 U.S. Cities on the Verge of Bankruptcy

World power swings back to America - Telegraph - America Suffered by Stigmatizing Germans

Trucker rethinks next haul after crash with bees - Yahoo! News

Paul Ehrlich, a prophet of global population doom who is gloomier than ever | Environment | The Guardian

Mixed Messages On Gaddafi

Why is the oil price still so high? - Telegraph

Blind, Naked and Clueless. Smoking Mirrors

Expansion of Mortgage Program Is Limited in Scope -

The Plasma Universe of Hannes Alfvén |

BPA in womb linked to girls' behavioural problems - Health News, Health & Families - The Independent

Yasmin Alibhai-Brown: Guns first, then with indecent haste, the deals - Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, Commentators - The Independent

Gaddafi's dream capital for Africa pulverised into a ruin - Africa, World - The Independent

Libya's liberation: interim ruler unveils more radical than expected plans for Islamic law - Telegraph

Israeli Settlement Construction Jeopardizes Palestinian Statehood Plans

The Real Reason Why Gadaffi Was Killed & Why We're In Libya - YouTube


**Realtime Tremor Map(


( Destroy Hollywood


NeoCon Watch: Did John Bolton Just Admit All These Wars Are For Oil?

NWO Overman is the Eupraxsophy of Transhumanism


Then Meets Now - YouTube

Activist Post: Cellphone Towers EMR Damaging Biological Systems of Birds, Insects, Humans

Anonymous Hacks Police Websites and Data to Support Occupy Wall Street

Activist Post: Congress Expansion of Drug War is an Attack on Free Speech

Serbian ecology leader arrested for openly defying GMOs and chemtrails

Jester King Craft Brewery: Jester King Craft Brewery Sues Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission Over Beer and Consumer Freedom

New euro 'empire' plot by Brussels - Telegraph

Ten Unusual Ways to Get in the Top 1% Altucher Confidential

Activist Post: US warns China of growth 'hangover'

Activist Post: For Self Determination We Need Free Currencies!

Activist Post: War and Serfdom: Is This The World We Really Want to Live In?

Activist Post: They Just Can't Stop Screwing Us Over -- One Reason to Take to the Streets

Activist Post: US Air Force grounds F-22 fighters -- again: officers

Activist Post: U.S.-Syrian relations devolve further as Ambassadors are pulled out

Researchers crack W3C encryption standard for XML

Pesticides Are Good for You

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree will introduce major agriculture legislation | Congresswoman Chellie Pingree, Representing the 1st District of Maine

EU ready to revise bloc treaty - FRANCE 24

Gaddafi gold-for-oil, dollar-doom plans behind Libya 'mission'? - YouTube

Facial monitoring: The all-telling eye | The Economist

'Idolatry of the Market'? by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

Don’t Let Your Kids Grow Up To Be Debt Slaves by Barbara Frank

Profits Are for People by Walter E. Williams

TSA Releases VIPR Venom on Tennessee Highways by Ron Paul

Japan earthquake and tsunami: 20m tons of debris closing in on Hawaii | Mail Online

You ask, we answer: What are the implications for expats in the event of a global economic collapse? - EFAM | Escape From America Magazine | EFAM | Escape From America Magazine

Want to live to 100? How seven simple lifestyle steps could help you get there - free from disease | Mail Online

Ten American Industries Still Hanging On | Special Features |

Warn Your Friends and Family: This New Vaccine Is Dangerous by Joseph Mercola


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Obama Warns Hollywood: 'This Election Will Not Be As Sexy as the First One'

GOP Senator: Biden's Rhetoric 'Over the Top,' 'Sign of Desperation'

No One Died From Radiation Exposure at Fukushima, Top U.S. Regulator Says

Shell Gets Permits for Arctic Drilling: 'A Genuine Long-Term Stimulus Plan’

U.S. Will Leave Behind Iraq Where 'Moral Support' For Israel 'Punishable by Death,' Says State Dept.

73% of Iraqis: Iran Is Likely to Act Aggressively When U.S. Troops Leave

Gallup: Only 1 Percent of Democrats Say Creating ‘Green Jobs’ is Answer to Unemployment

Obama Refinance Program Expands Fannie, Freddie Help for Underwater Mortgage Holders

Catholic Bishops Lose $2.5 Million HHS Grant to Help Human Trafficking Victims Apparently Because Church Opposes Abortion

Mexican President: US Puts 'Absurd Curbs on Migration,' 'Persecute[s]...

Branson Impatient for Commercial Space Flights to Begin

New Book Sheds Light on Faith’s Role in George W. Bush Presidency

Parents Say Hispanic Kids Are Being Bullied in Alabama

FCC Chairman Sees Small Businesses As 'Low-Hanging Fruit' for Cyber Criminals

Union President Testifies: ICE HQ Ordered Agents Not to Arrest Illegals--Including...

Hillary Clinton: 'President Obama Has Passed With Flying Colors Every Leadership Challenge'

ICE Officer Testifies: We Are Ordered Not To Arrest Fugitives and Re-Entrants

D'oh! Maddow Guest Richard Engel Tweaks Her Libya Revisionism |

Bill Press: On Terror, 'Bush and Cheney Were Weenies... Obama Is The Killer' |

NBC's David Gregory: GOP's 'Lack of Understanding' of Foreign Policy is 'Stunning' |

Liberal Guilt: High School Seniors Taught to Empathize With the Homeless |

Is Jon Stewart Cool With U.S. Helping Al Qaeda? |

What Do Conservatives Wish to Conserve? |

NY 'Occupy' Protester Invokes Google In Anti-Semitic Rant |

"Stage Two" of the BP Gulf of Mexico Environmental Disaster

Why Is the International Criminal Court Silent on Gaddafi`s death?

Boomerang! Is the Pentagon Field-Testing 'Son of Stuxnet'?

Applying the Neoliberal Hatchet, Destroying Estonia's Economy

Beating the Drums of a Broader US-NATO Middle East War

VIDEO: The War on Libya is a War on Africa

Reckless Endangerment: Totally Corrupt America

Murder of Gadhafi is next step to wider U.S. wars in Africa

Cuba versus the United Nations on Genetic Engineering and Biotechnogy : Cuba's Prohibition of Cloning Technology

Protecting Speculators in the Commodity Markets?

US and NATO Murder Muammar Gaddafi

Anatomy of the US Led Bogus Wars on Terrorism

War's Remote-control Future

The History of "Pro-Democracy" Regime Change: In Bed With the NED. The National Evisceration of Democracy

VIDEO: Assassination of Gaddafi Part of Global Regime Change

Left-Right Unite | American Free Press

Copper Thefts Reflect Desperate Financial Times | American Free Press

Saving Money, Losing Privacy, Tracking Your Every Move | American Free Press

Secrets are safe as WikiLeaks, starved of funds, halts operations -

Gaddafi death video: I shot and killed him, says Libyan rebel | Mail Online

Nearly 20 Years After NAFTA, First Mexican Truck Arrives In U.S. Interior

U.S. Infiltrating Criminal Groups Across Mexico -

Anthony Weiner spent $130,000 of campaign cash AFTER he resigned | Mail Online

CEOs Compensated Correctly, Vast Majority Of Shareholders Say

Ira Schacter defends his refusal to pay for daughter's hearing aids - but buying $215,000 engagement ring | Mail Online

Netflix loses 810,000 subscribers; stock plunges - The Washington Post

Infants and toddlers spending twice as much time with TV, DVDs as they are with books, new report says - On Parenting - The Washington Post

Mother 'tried to sell virginity of daughter, 13, for $10,000' | Mail Online

**LaRouche: 'Nero" Obama is Going For Fascism

People&Power: Vatican Inc. - YouTube

4 Oct./The mysterious suicide that rocked the Vatican - World news, News -

The World's Greatest Banker - Home - The Daily Bail

Veterans and Police Officers Support "Occupy Wall Street" Protesters

Paul Volcker: 'It's Time To Regulate Money Market Funds And Get Rid Of Fannie & Freddie' - Home - The Daily Bail

poorrichards blog: Five Things You May Not Know About Muammar Gaddafi

The Intercept: Physicians Received 760 Million from Pharmaceuticals in Past Two Years

poorrichards blog: Muslim Solidarity in the Middle East and the end of Jewish Serial Wars–The Real “Iranian Bomb” Israel Fears More Than Anything Else

poorrichards blog: What Would Happen if Goldman Sachs Disappeared?

The Fed Audit - Newsroom: Bernie Sanders - U.S. Senator for Vermont

Federal Reserve’s Bailout Of The Rich And Well-Connected | Fox Business


Police State Fascism Is Now Rampant: Martial Law Is Next! :

Will the OWS Protesters Protest Obama’s Newest Corporate Government Bank ?

Is Stephen Friedman Guilty Of Insider Trading? - Home - The Daily Bail

GAO Report: Federal Reserve Is Riddled With Corruption And Conflicts Of Interest, Stephen Friedman Is Targeted - Home - The Daily Bail

Yes, the Middle Eastern Wars Really Are All About OilOil: The Reason Behind the Wars in the Middle East

Parents Attacking Gay Kids: Parental Attacks on Their LGBT Children

Qaddafi (What They Feed You 8) - YouTube

Job growth in the US nonexistent? - YouTube

Ahmadinejad: With Gadhafi gone, West set to plunder Libya - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

America's child abuse epidemic | Seema Jilani | Comment is free |

Gaffney: Rise of Sharia Rule Will Bring War to the Middle East

U.S. reviving $5.50 tariff on Canadian travellers - Yahoo! News

U.S. airstrike that killed American teen in Yemen raises legal, ethical questions - The Washington Post

Global Government - The Pope Calls For A New World Financial Order, Eurozone To Impose Penalties On Bank Bailouts, What Happened To Lehman CDS (Morning Links) - Home - The Daily Bail

Michele Bachmann Speaks In San Francisco, Slams Occupy Wall Street

Michele Bachmann Thinks Occupy Wall Street Protesters Are Icky

Dick Cheney Has Long Planned To Loot Iraqi Oil

'US of Europe total disgrace, collapsing as we speak' - YouTube

‘McCain losing common sense'

US media's corporate ties to blame for protest blackout - People's Daily Online

Bio-Weapon On Civilian Populace As Doomsday Event Looms? :

Alex Exposes Unconstitutional Internal Checkpoint Round 2 - YouTube

Very Strange Creature Found In Mexico With One Eye,Video | Before It's News

Alien Creature Found in Mexico with One Eye, UFO Sighting News. - YouTube

Visiting The Gates Of Hell All Over The World (Photos) | Before It's News

RGBH in Milk May Increase Your Breast Cancer Risk

Dr. Shiv Chopra on rBGH - YouTube

10 Strangest Memorials In The World | Before It's News

How Motherhood Alters Brain Function Revealed by Hebrew University Research | Before It's News

Conquering The Food Budget - Save Money On Groceries | Before It's News

World News Record: 25 Haunting Shipwrecks Around the World

World News Record: Black Pague, 14th century, 90% of China population dead, 1/4 to 2/3 of Europe dead.

Hyperclusters Of The Universe Hint That Something Is Behaving Strangely | Before It's News

The NSA Money Scam: Part 1 | Before It's News

Martial Law Is Next! Police State Fascism Is Now Rampant | Before It's News

Melanie Griffith's Return to Acting? Lifetime's 'American Wife' | Before It's News

Does time exist or not? | Before It's News

James Webb Space telescope will see the atmosphere of earth like worlds if it is not cancelled | Before It's News

Coffee, Cardio and Chocolate | Before It's News

Hot Onion Souffle | Before It's News

Mysterious 'Copiale Cipher' Cracked After 300 Years, 18th Century Secret Society Ceremonies Of Initiation | Before It's News

Evidence Of Hypnotic State Found In Glazed Eyes | Before It's News

Politics And Shadow Politics: Understanding The Elite's War on Humanity -- Puppet Masters --

3 Anti-Aging Secrets Straight Out Of Hollywood | Before It's News

A Free Hi Quality Inverter for the Asking « therecycleranch

Failed Democrat Pol Sues Critics Over Election Loss - Peter Roff (

GAO: With China dialogues, WH violated law | Campaign 2012

Obama mingles with the stars as he raises cash - Yahoo! News

No Photos, Please, of Obama’s L.A. Fundraisers | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

NBC orders White House sitcom pilot from former Obama speechwriter - The TV Column - The Washington Post

Former Obama speechwriter sells White House sitcom -

Senators flout own immigration law on worker verification - Washington Times


Dead body found in Walt Disney World parking lot

Group to Call for 'Robin Hood Tax' at Protests Saturday - US Business News - CNBC

60 Elvis impersonators flee fire alarm - Telegraph

Yoga May Help Low Back Pain, Mental Effects? Not So Much -

Teen violence linked to heavy soda diet: study

Stockton Homeowner Wants Police To Fix Trashed House « CBS Sacramento

Couple Faces Criminal Raps For Sex On City Bus | The Smoking Gun

CHARLESTON | Democrats face tough election season in S.C. | The Herald - Rock Hill, SC

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

Europe crisis talks come down to the wire - Oct. 25, 2011

Steve Jobs book reveals a genius – and a 'hippie with BO' - Americas, World - The Independent

John Lennon's Tooth Expected to Fetch $16K at Auction | NBC New York

St. Mary's Cathedral bell stolen in S.F.

Man, 87, Arrested in Michigan with 104 Bricks of Cocaine in Vehicle

Face off: Hotel staff taught to read guests' body language -

Serial rapist targeting middle aged alumnae of the same sorority | Mail Online

Michael Moore: Obama’s First Term In Office Was A “Disappointment” « CBS Detroit

Teen mobs harass motorists - Peoria, IL -


*2:22:30 / The Power Behind the New World Order on Vimeo


IMAGE:They Are All Commies


Fitness (




Activist Post: Floods, Mudslides, and Storms: Preparing Before the Flood (Part 1 of 3)

Activist Post: Floods, Mudslides, and Storms: During the Flood (2 of 3)

Activist Post: Floods, Mudslides, and Storms: During the Flood (pt. 3)


The Pope's Three Banks In America

Rapidly Inflating Volcano Creates Growing Mystery | Volcanic Eruptions | Uturuncu Volcano ? Supervolcanoes | LiveScience


**Thomas Jefferson Quotes : Federal Jack


U.S. Military on 'High Alert' - ABC News

OUR CREDIT SYSTEM By Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.


Tuesday, October 25th - While You Were Sleeping

The World in Review · October 24, 2011

The Downfall of Obama

Monday, October 24th, While You Were Sleeping

Saturday World in Review: President Barack Obama is a Killer

+Saturday, October 22, 2011 Lyndon LaRouche Urgent Message


There is No Coverup; There's Only Cowardice

2011: A Dangerous Year for Quakes is a Dangerous Year under Obama

Glass Steagall: Nothing But a Morgue List?

Obama and the Cowards in Congress Threaten to Remove Your Citizenship


+ARTICLES:Occupy Wall Street 10-24-11 |


Widow's Appeal To Expose Litvinenko Killers - Yahoo!

Capital Blue Cross now offering health insurance to cover pets

Perry to Pitch Scrapping Tax Code, Offering Optional 20 Percent Flat Tax

Bachmann's ex-NH staff releases scathing letter about campaign

Karl Rove sticks a fork in Herman Cain

Marco Rubio wants Wash. Post to correct its hit piece on him

Obama campaign brings on ex-lobbyist as senior campaign adviser

Report: Chicago food desert shrinks 40 percent

Foreclosure experts cast doubt on Obama’s plan to deal with housing crisis

Obama calls Congress 'increasingly dysfunctional'

Senators Outraged U.S. Borrowing Big From China While Also Giving It Aid

Congressional supercommittee urged not to legalize Internet poker and gambling

Christian club sues school for refusing to let it publicize events

Inspector general report faults oversight of Medicaid prescription drug program

In Gaza, former prisoners pampered in luxury hotel

Study: Michelle Obama dominates Laura Bush in press attention

Right-Wing Group Accuses Occupy Orlando Of Being 'Jihad' Movement

Occupy Wall Street in Pictures

Let's Require Insurance If You're Going To Own A Handgun

New York Cabbie: I'm Egyptian and I Support the People of Zucotti Park

Reports of Tear Gas, Rubber Bullets, Sonic Cannon: Police Attack #OccupyOakland

Cops Defy Order to Crack Down On #OccupyAlbany Protesters For Curfew Violations

Environment NJ Goes After Three 'Moderate' Congressmen Over Clean Air Vote

It's Agreed: We Need Infrastructure Investment To Bring Jobs

Time Warner Customer Service Rep Told to Stop Giving CPR to Dying Co-Worker and Get Back to Work

#OWS Occupies GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt's Front Lawn. How Rude!

McConnell: Police, Firefighter Layoffs Not My Problem

Nurses Association Condemn Rahm Emanuel For Occupy Chicago Arrests

Chemical Bomb Used to Attack #OccupyMaine

Fox & Friends: Protesting Mom 'More Disgusting Than Any of the Filth Down on Wall Street'

Our Tax Money Funds A Government Surveillance Center In Lower Manhattan -- And Wall Street Is Part of It. Why?

Fox's Hoenig Supports Ron Paul's Idea to Wipe Out Five Government Agencies

David Brooks: To Hell With the Polls! President Obama Should Not Campaign on Raising Taxes on the Rich

Investors' Business Daily Offers a Typically Moronic Op-Ed About the Tea Party

With Job Plans Stalled, Obama Tries Plan B: Executive Orders, Baby!

In Europe, new fears of German might - The Washington Post

Could U.S. pull out of NAFTA, WTO?

Why Hitler hated being called a Nazi and what's really in humble pie – origins of words and phrases revealed - Telegraph

Emma Thompson accused of plagiarism by Eve Pomerance | Mail Online

Evil Star Wars Stormtrooper photographed in loving scenes with young son | Mail Online

Bottom Line - Listing of the Week: Alabama mansion with guitar-shaped grounds

Computer program to reveal who wrote the Bible | Mail Online

Japanese couple stuck with giant tugboat in front yard - Washington Times

NASA sting terrifies elderly woman - Technology & science - Space -

Men who use internet porn 'likely to become hopeless in the bedroom' | Mail Online

Mother keeps son, 11, home from school after he's told to cut 'anti-establishment' mohican | Mail Online

'Educational' TV for under-2s could stunt their development - Telegraph

This good neighbor makes good fences -

Imperial republics fall

What is it we wish to conserve?

You can't wait? Neither can we

The smallest presidential library in history

1st Amendment under Muslim Brotherhood attack

Is college affirmative action nearing its end?

The media and 'bullying'

Are evangelicals or university professors more irrational?

The high costs of marriage absence

The Shocking, Graphic Data That Shows Exactly What Motivates the Occupy Movement | Occupy Wall Street | AlterNet

The 8th miracle that saved America

1st Amendment under Muslim Brotherhood attack

Trading with terrorists, murderers

Islamic connection to Wall Street protest

Soros army launches Wall Street assault of its own

Eligibility rulings vanish from Net

Look who's blamed for vanishing eligibility rulings

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'It's all about politics' ;Rep. Chabot pans Obama jobs plan, pushes cement-regulation rollback

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Rise of Islamic radicals: 'The writings on the wall';Brigitte Gabriel: 'Freedom movement' leading to rapid implementation of Sharia law

Obama now accused of destroying U.S. economy ... on purpose!

Conference on Islam canceled as hotel fears head-bashing

Herman Cain rushes to Limbaugh in all '57 states'

Obama tells Hollywood supporters: I've finished 60% of my goals - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Poor economy threatens police jobs, Atty. Gen. Eric Holder says -

Senators flout own immigration law on worker verification - Washington Times

Look who's blamed for vanishing eligibility rulings

Rick Perry: Have I seen Obama's real birth certificate?

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Islamic connection to Wall Street protest

Obama to announce actions on housing, student loans | Reuters

Pajamas Media takes new name

US's most powerful nuclear bomb being dismantled - US news -

Americans Would Swap Electoral College for Popular Vote

GOP primary now a contest of character - Yahoo! News

Could U.S. pull out of NAFTA, WTO?

Uncovered: 'Mysteries of the Dead Sea Scrolls'


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

*25 Oct.

American Minute for October 25th

This Day in History for 25th October

Today in History: October 25

October 25th in History

October 25 Events in History

October 25th This Day in History

Today in History: October 25

Today in History for October 25th - YouTube


Debbie Schlussel:FOX News Pulls A CNN Spitzer, Hired Disgraced Ex-Gov Mark Sanford

Debbie Schlussel:Flashback VIDEO: Sean Hannity & “Moderate” Muslim Mohammed Jasser Demand Obama Back Libyan “Rebels” (Hannity Now Claims He Was Against)

Debbie Schlussel:Told Ya So! I Warned Long Ago About “Springtime” Libya (Hannity Urged Obama to Aid Rebels, Now Pretends Otherwise)

Debbie Schlussel:VIDEO – HAMAS’ CAIR Wants You to Know: “We Are Occupy Wall Street”

Komen, Abortion, Contraceptives: All Mixed for Breast Cancer

New Derivative Instrument - US Treasury Bonds?

Data Support the Occupy Movement

The sun never sets on the U.S. military

Thousands of dead birds wash up on Ontario shores, botulism blamed - The Globe and Mail

Local UFO sighting prompts questions - WMBFNews - Flash Player Installation


Short Sharp Science: Epic pi quest sets 10 trillion digit record

Oak Grove Cemetery: Bones And Caskets Popping Out At Iowa Graveyard (VIDEO And PHOTOS)

How to Spot Psychopaths: Speech Patterns Give Them Away | Psychiatric Disorders & Violence | Text Analysis | LiveScience

Gaddafi dead: Prince Charles's fawning letter to despot discovered at Libya palace | Mail Online

‘America Is Hated Around The World’ Because Of Obama’s Foreign Policy, Ahmadinejad Tells Fareed Zakaria | Mediaite

Shootings are up and cops blame protests -

Key general: Iraq pullout plan a 'disaster' - Washington Times

Libya - Mufti:'Gaddafi an infidel,no Islamic funeral - ANSAmed -

Grenade attack on Nairobi bar injures 14

Savage: Liberals now support death penalty?

Justin Lew faces criminal charges for throwing mother out of Nevada church | Mail Online

OWS: Easy Prey

Cain-Romney 2012?

Newt and the Next-in-Line Problem

Captain America Abandons the Entire Middle East

Reading the Real Qur'an

OWS and the Progressive Fantasy

Gaddafi: A U.N. Value

Joe Biden screws up

Obama and GOP Challengers Dead Heat in PA Fundraising

Obama ruling by executive order

Obama's foolish Libya war

Hollywood fetes the president

The Jihadist Vision of Tunisia's New 'Democratic' Leader

Obama: Reckless Lender

Mayor Bloomberg, Shut Down OWS


Two Visions, but Blindness Everywhere

No Longer Ronald Reagan's Party

Bible-Based Subterfuge in U.S.-China (Religious) Relations

Yet One More Doomed Education Reform

The Greens, Religion, and Science

For Obama, Is It 1948 Redux?

How About 6-6-6?

The Growth of the Health Sector: Bigger Doesn't Always Mean Smarter

What the 'Taxing the Rich' Rhetoric Really Means

He Came, He Saw, He Led from the Rear

Iraq: Obama Turning Victory into Defeat

The Re-Emergence of Communism in Eastern Europe

Crucify Political Correctness on the Altar of Freedom of Speech

ALERT: Final Implementation Phase of Obama Formal Dictatorship has Begun

What is Zionism?

The Super Committee

The Left’s Worst Crime in the Middle East

Will Those Who Took an Oath Save our Republic?

The Obama & Hillary “Ghostbuster” moment

The two-state “solution”: Around the world and in history

GrowthBusters: Greens Against Prosperity

CNN’s Crowley Explores Biden Rape Claim

Wikileaks: World Food Program told Kofi Annan of UN Hunger Expert’s

What the NBA & the ‘Super Committee’ Have in Common

PC or ‘Fear Not’ – You are now free to pass back into the seventh century

Constitutional Convention Can Not Be Controlled

Palestinians Shoot Themselves During Prisoner Celebration |

TSA VIPR Program Implements Checkpoints on Tennessee Highways | Video |

Biden Complains About Being Asked Questions from Conservative Reporter |

New Trial Lawyers Inc. Report on State Attorneys General |

Racist David Duke Joins Occupy Wall Street Movement | Video |

Waffle House Fight in Tuscaloosa Leads to 3 Arrests | Video |

Actor Orlando Jones Tweets About Liberals Killing Sarah Palin |

Rick Perry Is Being Accused of Doubling Down on the Birther Issue | Video |

Herman Cain: Karl Rove Deliberately Trying ‘Damage’ Me | Video |

Kids for Christ Suing Owasso Public Schools Over Media Restrictions |

Gov. Perry Unveils 20 Percent Flat Tax Plan |

Occupy Chicago Protester: Tea Party ‘Stole’ Don’t Tread on Me Symbol | Video |

Did Leftist Panel Member Admit Glenn Beck Is Right About Occupy Wall St? | Video |

Banker Claims Politicians Need to Stop Catering to Mob Mentality, Warns of ‘Political Collapse’ |

Bachmann Staff Who Quit Claim National Campaign Team Rude & Unprofessional |

Obama Raises Money With the Stars in L.A. |

New Libyan Government to Impose Sharia Law, Tells World We ‘Are Moderate’ |

The State Can ‘Seize Control’ and ‘There is Nothing I Can Do’: Glenn Weighs in on Nov. 9th Emergency Broadcast Test | Video |

Vendetta: Steve Jobs Vowed to ‘Spend Last Dying Breath’ Going ‘Thermonuclear War’ on Google Android | Video |

Heroin Dealers Living with 6-Year-Old in Tent Busted at Occupy Boston |

Santorum Caught Watching Football During Gingrich Speech | Video |

Michael Moore To CNBC: Do Your Job! | Video |

CAIR at Occupy Wall Street in Zuccotti Park: ‘Islam Stands for Social Justice’ | Video |

McDonald‘s To Return McRib ’Cult Sandwich’ To All US Locations |

Does Pat Robertson Think the 2012 GOP Candidates’ Views Are Too Extreme? |

Zombie Apocalypse Used in Ohio Town to Simulate Emergency Drill |

Porn Is Causing Performance Problems for Young Men |

Anonymous Hacks Child Porn Sites |

New York City Public School Sex Education Causes Stir for Parents’ Rights | Video |

MTV ‘True Life: I‘m Occupying Wall Street’ | Video |

Rolls-Royce Moves Operations to High-Wage Paying Countries |

Parents for Occupy Wall Street Organizes Kiddie Sleepover | Video |

Cities With The Highest Inflation |

Bellingham, Wash., Continues Fight Against Coal Port |

Michele and Marcus Bachmann Discuss Homosexuality With People Magazine |

Study Shows Cell Phones Don’t Mean Higher Brain Cancer Risk, But Children Absorb More Radiation | Video |

RealClearPolitics - Are Evangelicals or University Professors More Irrational?

RealClearPolitics - Is ObamaCare Meant to Be Fiscally Irresponsible?

Will Obama’s Job Plan Save His? -- In These Times

The Washington Monthly - The Magazine - What Happens in the Campaign Stays in the Campaign

RealClearMarkets - Can the Youth Vote Be Bought For a Trillion Dollars?

Editorial: After 9 years, time for troops to leave Iraq –

Republicans' flat-tax proposals would be hard on middle class -

Losing the Economic Battle | The Weekly Standard

RealClearPolitics - Recalling the Lost Paradise of Budget Surpluses

Rick Perry: My Tax and Spending Reform Plan -

Opinion: GOP backs tax hike -- for the poor - Robert L. Borosage -

The American Spectator : Generation 'Why?'

Obama returns to California on fundraising swing -

The Fighter Fallacy -

Immigration Is a Distraction in 2012’s Republican Presidential Primary - The Daily Beast

RealClearPolitics - GOP Debate Boycott Centers on Univision, Rubio

Romney Will Wind Up As GOP Nominee But Will The Party Faithful Have Regrets? | Fox News

Life is good in the capital of crony capitalism | Gene Healy | Columnists | Washington Examiner

Column: Government shouldn't be picking Solyndras –

A European Display Of Math Illiteracy

Chinese Rate Their Job Market More Highly Than Americans

Why Politicians Lose So Much Money Trying To Pick Winners - Forbes

An apocalyptic end to world’s biggest bubble - Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch

Bill Kristol and Occupy Wall Street: His despicable TV ad tars OWS as an anti-Semitic movement. - Slate Magazine

What Really Has Wall Street Worried - Businessweek

RAHN: Abolish central banks - Washington Times

No Way to Run a Central Bank -

Is Medicare a Ponzi Scheme? — The American Magazine

America's Boomtown: Strippers can make $3,000 a night - Oct. 25, 2011

RealClearMarkets - Obama Mortgage Program Sows Another Credit Crisis

Housing: Been Down So Low, It Looks Like Up to Me

Where are the Clinton and Bush apologies for our budget crisis? - The Washington Post

Don't just blame Wall Street: The American Dream has been eroding for years - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

Will Dropouts Save America? -

King George’s stubbornness cost him America | king, george, simple - Appeal-Democrat

Taiwan's "Unsettled" International Status: Preserving U.S. Options in the Pacific

Taiwan Under Japanese Colonial Rule, 1895-1945: History, Culture, Memory - BOOK REVIEWS - Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York 駐紐約台北經濟文化辦事處 | Reagan 'saved Grenada'

The U.S. Invasion of Grenada

The Leadership Secrets of Bismarck | Foreign Affairs

Haleh Esfandiari Reviews Arash Hejazi's "The Gaze Of The Gazelle" | The New Republic

Book Review: Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China -

China could own the Moon by 2026, U.S. space entrepreneur warns

I am a Scientist : Starts With A Bang

Einstein On Steroids: Dirac, The Higgs, And Speeding Neutrinos

Nothing like mother's milk: potential treatments from stem cells in breast milk

How 18th-Century Copiale Cipher Was Cracked -

Using Light to Flip a Tiny Mechanical Switch - ScienceNOW

Hermit Crabs Need You To 3-D Print New Shells For Them | Popular Science

BBC News - Indians oppose 'recycled' sewage for Arizona skiing

10 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Dreams

Where is the Love? - Blog

WSU News Center - WSU researchers demonstrate rare animal model

Study confirms males and females have at least one thing in common: upregulating X — News Room - UNC Health Care

Blood vessel mapping reveals 4 new 'ZIP codes'

Poisonous oceans delayed animal evolution | Science Codex

Articles: A Debate on Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs Bio: Its 6 Most Surprising Reveals | Gadget Lab |

A professional athlete's equipment is positively contagious | Mo Costandi | Science |

Hungry for Jobs and for Change, Scientists Join the Occupy Movement | Guest Blog, Scientific American Blog Network

13 Halloween Superstitions & Traditions Explained | Black Cats & Witches | Jack-o'-Lanterns & Trick-or-Treating | History of Halloween | LiveScience

Kelly Brownell on the Dirty Tactics of Soda Companies | TIME Ideas |

'BEST' May Be Best Study Yet on Climate Change - Blog

New Climate Analysis Group Slams Nature And Science Magazines

Sympathy for the Devils | Research - ISNS

Pig-to-human tissue transplants 'imminent' - Health News, Health & Families - The Independent

Dark energy: the universe is destined to become a very cold and lonely place - Telegraph

First icy star-disc hints at source of Earth's water - space - 21 October 2011 - New Scientist

NASA Is Considering Fuel Depots in the Skies -

Jobs’s Apple TV Vision Could Come in 2012 - Bloomberg

‘Smart Textiles’ for a Phone as Useful as the Shirt on Your Back -

Why people still use BlackBerry: keyboards, security, and IT requirements

UPDATE 2-WikiLeaks says blockade threatens its existence | Reuters

Why Groupon Is Technically Insolvent - US Business Blog - CNBC

How to make the web touchable: developing for a tablet interface | VentureBeat

How Vehicle Automation Will Cut Fuel Consumption - Technology Review

8 groundbreaking 'first' gadgets that are now dead and forgotten | DVICE

Myspace: Five lessons learned from the front - Fortune Tech

11 Apps and Services for Sharing, Discovering and Organizing Music

How the Amazon Silk browser works | News | TechRadar UK

What would it feel like to live in the cloud? | ExtremeTech

Brave New Thermostat: How the iPod’s Creator Is Making Home Heating Sexy | Gadget Lab |

Steve Jobs Biography: Let the Backlash Begin - The Daily Beast

Google scientist's book raises real, fictional privacy concerns -

Can the Cult of Bang & Olufsen Last? | Magazine

What comes after Siri? A web that talks back — Tech News and Analysis

Telegraph, America's first Internet, turns 150 - Technology & science - Tech and gadgets -

The Best Camera Phones: It's Your Camera Calling -

Solar Reflective Paints Can Make Your Car Cooler, Cleaner : TreeHugger


60 Minutes on Steve Jobs (Pt. 1) | RealClearTechnology

60 Minutes on Steve Jobs (Pt. 2) | RealClearTechnology


The fourth Abrahamic religion

The Pope, Chaplain to OWS? Rubbish - By George Weigel - The Corner - National Review Online

RealClearReligion - The Vatican Renders Unto Caesar

Holy See v. Laissez Faire | National Catholic Reporter

Deepak Chopra: War of the Worldviews: Let's Talk God

The Real Science behind Scientology: Scientific American

RealClearReligion - The Beatles Knew Love Better than the Church

Richard Dawkins's refusal to debate is cynical and anti-intellectualist | Daniel Came | Comment is free |

Alexander Goerlach | Violence Against Egyptian Christians - Egyptian Atheism | The European Magazine

CNS STORY: Vatican document calls for global authority to regulate markets

Condoleezza Rice Met Muammar Gaddafi: Exclusive Excerpt of ‘No Higher Honor’ - The Daily Beast

My Song — By Harry Belafonte with Michael Shnayerson — Book Review -

Taking Politics Out of the Trotsky Debate –

Steve Jobs biography review | Shelf Life |

Eric A. Posner Reviews Kevin J. McMahon's "Nixon's Court" | The New Republic

Karen Dionne: "E" Stands for "Errors"

Peaceful Globalists Expedite Libyan Dictator’s Murder - Taki's Magazine

Sierra Club’s Brune: We’re Stopping Coal | The Energy Collective

Fuel for the recovery

Dylan Ratigan: How Did Our Oil Get Under Their Sand?

Commentary: Oil and the economy | Energy Bulletin

Column: Government shouldn't be picking Solyndras –

The Solyndra Stonewall | The Weekly Standard

The Associated Press: Solar power is beginning to go mainstream

Natural gas isn’t PC, but it’s the future -

SANDERS: Boom: Welcome to shale gas revolution - Washington Times

'Green' energy power outage | The Post and Courier, Charleston SC - News, Sports, Entertainment

Environmentalist supports nuclear power | Richmond Times-Dispatch

Global warming as religious faith--Michael Barone -

Technology Can Nudge Climate Change Politics: Charles Perrow - Bloomberg

Scientific case for man-made global warming fears is dead | The Examiner | Op Eds | Washington Examiner

Fuel Fix » Senators seek Pickens-style incentives for nat gas buses and trucks

Is the UN Security Council Relevant?

Chinese Rate Their Job Market Higher Than U.S.

Africa Without Gaddafi

Hidden blessings for US in Iraq pullout

Jonah Goldberg: American imperialism? Please -

US Considering Afghan Ceasefire? | The Diplomat

Peter Goodspeed: ‘Unimaginative, shrewd, outspoken’ and likely the next Saudi king | Full Comment | National Post

RealClearWorld - Iran Dangerous Now, Imagine It Nuclear

Iran's assassination plot compels a tough response | John Bolton | Comment is free |

From Tripoli to Tehran | The Weekly Standard

Welcome to the Shadow War - Michael Knights | Foreign Policy

A Fighting Chance: Why Obama’s Support For Syria’s Non-Violent Protests Isn’t Enough | The New Republic

Asian powers scrambling for regional space | The Japan Times Online

Peace pact targets unresolved war - The China Post

Chinese Ministry Saved from Default - Forbes


A Question of Motive - The Globe and Mail

Tunisia again points the way for Arab democracy - The Washington Post

'Arab Spring': Signs of order in Tunisia -

Iraqi Rivalries Spell End for U.S. Troops - Council on Foreign Relations

Why the crazy Iranian plot to pay Mexicans to kill the Saudi ambassador isn’t so implausible. - Slate Magazine

Commentary: Ominous New Struggle for Hezbollah | The National Interest

Can South Africa Avoid A Zimbabwe Redux? - Forbes

With the Fight in Egypt Failing, Wael Ghonim Is Out of Sight - The Daily Beast

Asia’s Giants Colliding at Sea? - Jaswant Singh - Project Syndicate

China’s crippled financial sector – Global Public Square - Blogs

The State Is the 1 Percent - Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr. - Mises Daily

Obama and the politics of the housing foreclosure crisis - The Washington Post

The Decline and Fall of Obama’s Foreign Policy Czars

Daily Kos: 'We can't wait': Obama administration announces details of new rules for mortgage refinancing

A Future for the Pro-Life Movement | FrumForum

A Response to Orin Kerr on GPS Tracking | Cato @ Liberty

Democracy is SO inconvenient | Keith Hennessey

How Obama’s jobs policies would really impact the rich (hint: not much) - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

Illegal immigrant spat continues - Right Turn - The Washington Post

Republicans Are Proposing Deep Cuts To Job Training, Pell Grants. Will It Save Money? Or Weaken The Workforce? | The New Republic

FEATURE-With Gaddafi dead, Libyans wary of the enemy within | Reuters

U.S., Danish aid workers in Somalia seized by gunmen –

Somali president speaks out against Kenyan incursion -

AFP: Kadhafi son Seif al-Islam near Niger border: Tuareg source

Occupy Wall Street arrests increase. Have mayors reached their tipping point? -

Perry doesn't know whether Obama's birth certificate is real -

Eight NY policemen charged in gun smuggling ring | Reuters

Missing Missouri baby's age makes her harder to find | WDAY | Fargo, ND

First Read - More 2012: FreedomWorks backs Lugar's primary opponent

Obama Seeks to Create 8,000 Jobs for Veterans at Health Centers - Businessweek

Obama Attends Fund-Raisers, Visits Tonight Show in Visit to L.A. -

The Associated Press: Names of Casey Anthony jurors released in Fla.

FEATURE-With Gaddafi dead, Libyans wary of the enemy within | Reuters

U.S., Danish aid workers in Somalia seized by gunmen –

Somali president speaks out against Kenyan incursion -

AFP: Kadhafi son Seif al-Islam near Niger border: Tuareg source

Obama to offer plan to help students buried in loan debt - Oct. 25, 2011

Occupy Wall Street gets 'Getting Arrested' app –

Source: Lindsay Lohan To Pose For Playboy | Access Hollywood - Celebrity News, Photos & Videos

Telescopes solve 2,000-year-old stellar mystery -

Huge Single-Celled Organisms Found Six Miles Under Water | Geekosystem

Neutrinos Find a Place in Debate and in Pop Culture -

Next Generation Weather Satellite To Launch Friday - Denver Weather News Story - KMGH Denver

A Busy Year for Etna Continues with its 17th Eruption | Wired Science |

Water vapor reservoir near star provides clue to how Earth’s oceans were filled - The Washington Post

13-foot-long male beluga whale flown from Chicago to mate at Conn. aquarium - The Washington Post

Local News | NASA asked to reconsider shuttle for Seattle | Seattle Times Newspaper

Local News | Indian bone found in Columbia River at Kennewick | Seattle Times Newspaper

collectSPACE - news - "NASA invites public to tour its voluminous Vehicle Assembly Building"

EPA thorough on clean air - The Hill's Congress Blog

Creator Of The IPod: Saving Energy Is Sexy | Fox News

Steve Jobs: HP Implosion Was an iTragedy | Wired Enterprise |

Steve Jobs reportedly tapped iTunes creator to help "crack" the smart TV

Ten years of Windows XP: how longevity became a curse

Most tablet users won't pay for news content - Computerworld

Panel Recommends HPV Vaccine for Boys and Young Men -

Mammograms don't save as many lives as women think | Reuters

Cholesterol Tests Becoming More Thorough: Some Doctors Divided Over Usefulness | ThirdAge

BPA in pregnancy linked to behavior problems - TODAY Health -

Study: Yoga, stretching classes outdo self-care for back pain -

Closing arguments begin in trial of ‘King of Clout’ Bill Cellini - Chicago Sun-Times

Michelle Obama in Chicago today for fund-raiser and healthy eating push - Chicago Sun-Times

Man admits killing co-worker at Burr Ridge trucking company - Chicago Sun-Times


**World Video:The U.S.-Taiwan Security Partnership

What Really Happened To Gaddafi?

Post-Gaddafi Fate Of Libya

U.S. Pulls Ambassador From Syria

Chaos As Turkey Quake Aid Arrives

What Models Might Shape Libya, Tunisia?

Eurozone Puts Pressure On Italy

Libyan Official Says Gaddafi Buried At Dawn

Thai Residents Flee As Floods Spread

Sirte Residents Return Home

Panetta: U.S. Forces 'Here To Stay' In Pacific

The Death Of Gaddafi

Tunisia's Islamists Vie For Power

How Will Libya Rebuild?

24th/U.S. Trade And Investment Policy

Impact Of Greek Protests On U.S. Markets

EU Leaders Eye Guarantees For Banks

Leon Panetta In Bali

Iraq PM: Immunity Issue Scuttled U.S. Troop Deal

'Occupy Wall Street' Rally In Tehran

Liberation In Libya

Queen Elizabeth Visits Brisbane

Fernandez Wins Re-election

Toddler Rescued In Turkey Earthquake

European Sovereign Debt Crisis

Iran And The United States: Is Military Conflict Inevitable?

Islamic And Secular Showdown In Tunisia

Moving Forward In The Fight Against Terrorism

**Politics Video:Perry: I'm Not Going To "Nibble Around The Edges"

Cain Web Video Features Chief Of Staff Smoking

O'Reilly: The Violence Of "Occupy" Protesters "Is On The Rise"

O'Donnell: Letting Young Opt-Out Of Social Security Would Kill It

Krauthammer: Killing Of Gaddafi Is "Perfectly OK"

Rice: Intervention In Libya Was An Enormous Success

24th/RNC Web Video Hits Obama Ahead Of Fundraisers

Wynn: "I'm Frightened To Death About The Future Of Business"

Hume: Republicans Find It Hard To Portray Romney As A Conservative

Rep. Cummings: "Romney Is Out Of Touch With America" On Housing

Former New Hampshire Gov. Sununu Endorses Mitt Romney

Bill Press: "Bush Was All Talk, Obama's All Action"

Steve Jobs: Revelations From A Tech Giant

Cain On Iowa Campaign: "We Are Covering The State"

Forbes Endorses Perry, Flat Tax: "I Think This Will Be A Winning Issue"

Romney Web Video: Welcome To Nevada, President Obama

Scarborough: People Will Look Back At GOP Field And Say, "What Idiots"

**Markets Video:France's Sarkozy Tells British Prime Minister to 'Shut Up'

24th/ Is $12 Billion Still Too High for Groupon?

Stifel CEO: Clients Are Afraid to Invest

Moving Towards Euro Zone Break-Up?

EU Leaders Eye Guarantees for Banks

Mauldin: Europe "Closer and Closer to End Game"


**Transcripts:Guests: Biden, Clinton and McConnell

Guests: Hillary Clinton and John McCain

Guests: Clinton, Lindsey Graham, Michele Bachmann

Guests: Hillary Clinton and Ron Paul

Guests: Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum

Interview w/Iranian Pres. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Media Availability with Secretary Panetta

21st/Obama's Remarks on Ending the War in Iraq

White House Press Briefing on Iraq

Interview with Representative Allen West

Shields and Brooks on the Week in Politics

Interview with Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal

Media Availability with Secretary Panetta

20th/Obama's Statement on the Death of Qaddafi

Interview with Senator John McCain

Interviews with Senators Feinstein and Kirk

Analysts Debate the U.S. Mission in Libya

Panel on the 2012 GOP Race in Iowa

Interview with Arizona Governor Jan Brewer

19th/Obama's Jobs Speech in North Chesterfield, VA

Interview with 2012 Candidate Herman Cain

Interview with Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich

Panel with 2012 Candidate Rick Santorum

Analysts Discuss the GOP Debate in Las Vegas

Interview with Obama Advisor David Axelrod

Interview with Senator John Cornyn

Interview with Representative Dennis Kucinich

18th/The GOP Presidential Debate in Las Vegas

Obama Campaigns for the Jobs Act in Virginia

Interview with Presidential Candidate Herman Cain

Interview with 2012 Candidate Ron Paul

Analyst on the Future of Libya

17th/Obama Campaigns for Jobs Act in North Carolina

Interview with Presidential Candidate Herman Cain

Interview with Presidential Candidate Ron Paul

Interview with 2012 Candidate Jon Huntsman

Interview with Representative Barney Frank

Interview with Senator John Thune

Guests: Senator Hagan and Governor Barbour

Panel on "ObamaCare" and CLASS

Analysts Discuss Campaign Super PACs

Media Availability with Secretary Panetta

16th/Interview with Presidential Candidate Herman Cain

Guests: Sen. Feinstein, House Maj. Ldr. Cantor

Guests: Gingrich, McCain, Wasserman Schultz & Lewis

Guests: Representatives Issa and Cummings

Interview with Obama Advisor David Axelrod


**NEWS VIDEO:Police Evict #OccupyOakland; Tear Gas Reportedly Used

Steve Wynn Reams Obama: ‘Frightened To Death’ For Future Of U.S. Business

CNN Asks: Should Obama Bypass Congress?

#OccupySanDiego Protesters Sic Dog On American Flag

Tiger Cubs Debut At Sydney Zoo

Bill Press On Iraq: ‘Republicans Refuse To Give A Black Man Credit’

Obama Offers New Mortgage Proposal

2 Teens In Custody After NC High School Shooting

Gaddafi’s Body Taken From Freezer, Guard Says

Bachmann’s Ex-NH Staff: Campaign Was Rude, Cruel

Celebrities Speak Out On #OccupyWallStreet

24th/Drug, Vandalism Arrests At #OccupyBoston

Herman Cain Releases Bizarre New Ad

Big Journalism’s Loesch Answers: Is Romney GOP’s Dukakis?

Breitbart Reveals Report On NY Times Reporter Organizing For #OccupyWallStreet

Rush Limbaugh Features Big Government NYT #OccupyWallStreet Activist Report

Man Proposes To Girlfriend In-Flight

Former Soviet Citizen Confronts Socialists At #OccupyWallStreet

Disintegration Man

Report: 14-Year-Old Girl Sexually Assaulted At #OccupyDallas

David Duke Endorses #OccupyWallStreet

Gaddafi Sodomized With Stick Before Execution

Project Veritas ‘To Catch A Journalist’: ‘If It’s Something You Don’t Want Published, We’ll Kill It’

Scarborough Denounces Mika’s Double-Standard In Defending Biden ‘Rape’ Scare-Mongering

Cain: I Am Going To Make Mistakes

#OccupyOakland Protesters Storm, Vandalize, Shut Down Chase Bank

#OccupyLA Protesters Lash Out At ‘Corporate Media’

#OccupyDenver Protester Gives Creepy, Intense Def Poetry Rant

Bible Burning Man Disrupts Mass At St. Peter’s

Calls For Probe Of Gaddafi’s Violent Death

223rd/Tunisian Election Foreshadowed By Violence Against TV Station That Aired Image Of Allah

Tunisians Vote in First Free Election

Bachmann: US ‘Kicked Out’ Of Iraq; Withdrawing Troops Political Decision By ‘Gen. Axelrod’

MSNBC Guest: Tea Party People Think Government Does Too Much For Black People

Deadly Quake Hits Turkey

22nd/John Bolton: WH Removing All References To Islam In Terror Training Manuals, ‘Form Of Thought Control’


Boys should get HPV vaccine too, panel says

Nurse testifies Jackson asked for anesthetic

Police arrest 75 protesters at Oakland's City Hall

Frozen egg product recalled due to salmonella fear

Anti-Wall Streeters inspire Halloween costumes

Lawmakers seek tougher stance on China trade

Stallone sued, accused of stealing screenplay

Poll shows 6 of 10 Ohio voters want repeal of anti-union law

Italian government on the brink as EU plan stalls

Actress Lindsay Lohan's father jailed in Florida

Gas price could slide another 20 cents by year-end

Putin warns of higher export duties on grain

APNewsBreak: Coulson's legal fees were to be paid

Former Wachovia employees have nine lives

Egypt's heavy burden of bread

Scottish gold mine plans get go-ahead

Mass social justice protest to hit streets after hiatus

Real IRA admits bomb attacks on Northern Ireland banks

Turkish quake death toll rises sharply

Vatican sexual abuse inquiry into Ealing Abbey given short shrift

Security Cabinet unanimously approves Grapel prisoner swap

High Court debates doctors' petition for resignations

US Iraqi pullout whets Iranian appetite for trouble

Israel backs prisoner exchange with Cairo

Germany: Eurocrisis Response Like May 1945 ‘People’s Storm’ When Old Men Defended Berlin

Will Foreign Policy Wins Help Obama at Home?

The Legacy Of Our World War II Vets: In Memory of George Meissler

Report: Obama’s Muslim Advisers Block Middle Eastern Christians’ Access to the White House

Fjordman: The Rule of Law After Oslo

Big Peace Outhinks Think Progress, Sen. McCain on Libya, Sharia

Marines To Deploy Unmanned Helos To Afghanistan

Audio:Roya Hakakian: The Turquoise Palace

Gentiles, Arabs & Jews in Perfect Harmony

Army MEDEVAC Policy Must Change to Stop Unnecessary Casualties in Afghanistan

Lithuania Trying To Sue Holocaust Survivors

From Tunisia To The Justice Department: A Clean Sweep For Islam

McCain: With Libya Over, Now We Should Go After Syria

Libya: First Liberation Then Submission

White House Attempts To Bully Reporter Over Biden Questions

WaPo’s Richard Cohen: What #OWS Antisemitism?

Chris Matthews Is Not Playing Hardball With Operation Fast And Furious

NY Times : No More #OWS Coverage for Reporter/Activist

CNN Finds ‘Occupy Chicago’ Protesters ‘Fascinating to Watch’

Overreach or Partisan Strategy?: NPR Host Steps Down After Husband Joins Obama Campaign

Citizen Media Show The True Nature Of Occupy Chicago

Pro-Union Professor, Economic Policy Institute Appear to Collude: ‘If It’s Something You Don’t Want Published, We’ll Kill It’

NBC's David Gregory: GOP's 'Lack of Understanding' of Foreign Policy is 'Stunning'

+Morning Call Sheet: ‘Dark Knight’ Prologue, Playboy Preys, and a Redbox Win

- HomeVideodrome: ‘Captain America,’ ‘Jurassic Park,’ and ‘Winnie the Pooh’

Celebs Speak Out On Occupy Wall Street

Exclusive: Adam Carolla Blasts Hypocritical Comics, Radio Lethargy

‘Attack the Block’ DVD Review: Aliens No Match for Gritty Inner City Gang

Trailer Talk: ‘This Means War’ Looks Like a Bromantic Version of ‘Mr. and Mrs. Smith’

Will MTV Bring its Biased Reporting to Occupy Wall Street Special?

Actor Orlando Jones ‘Jokes’ About Killing Sarah Palin?

Laughs on a Budget: Free Stand-Up Comedy Tour Begins This Week

‘Dirty Jobs’ Host Mike Rowe Not Impressed By Obama’s Class Warfare

Latest Column: Obama's Starry Push for the Latino Vote - Wilshire & Washington on

NBC Buys Comedy About The First Family From Josh Gad, Jason Winer & Jon Lovett –

Barack Obama Led #OccupyChicago – Circa 1988

Gallup: Gov’t Regulations Top Problem Facing Small Business

AUDIO:How Obama’s Failed Mortgage Rescue Efforts Will Impact the 2012 Election

#OccupyMilwaukee Protester May Have Voted Illegally in Wisconsin

Shame on the ADL and AJC for Putting Progressive Politics Before Israel

#OccupyWallSt: Drumming and the Occupation

Grading Perry’s Flat Tax: Some Missing Homework, But a Solid B+

BREAKING: Police Remove #OccupyOakland

Are They Ohio? National Labor Orgs Fund Anti-Reform Union Front Group

Constitution Is Inherently Principled, Not Progressive

Obama Panders to #OccupyWallStreet Anger for Reelection, Shoots Self in Foot

We Need to Push Forward on Missile Defense

Guatemalan Drug Gangs & Me

NY Times : No More #OWS Coverage for Reporter/Activist

John Podesta Stepping Down as President of Center for American Progress

Union Case for ‘Jobs Bill’ Underscores Government’s Ineptitude

Glenn Beck Was Right, Says Leading Occupy Activist: #OccupyWallStreet Wants Violent Revolution

NLRB Withholds Information in Boeing Scandal Investigation, Gets Stern Response from Congress

Opposition to New EPA Air Regulations Continues to Grow Across Interest Groups

Obama is stoking the fires of revolution | Matt Patterson | Op Eds | Washington Examiner

Barack Obama casts himself as champion of the poor as he courts Hollywood - Telegraph

Insight: Jobless voters could desert Obama at election | Reuters


The Manning Report – 21 October 2011

10/24 The Mark Levin Show

Oct. 24, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

2011-10-25.Jesse Peterson Radio Show

.2011-10-24.Jesse Peterson Radio Show

Alex Jones - 2011-Oct-24, Monday

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 10-25-11

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 10-24-11

Live Free Or Die Radio - Monday, October, 24, 2011

The View From Marrs With Jim Marrs

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero2

Paul Drockton Show

Paul Drockton Show 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-24-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-24-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 10-24-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 10-24-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 10-24-11 Hr 3

The Michael Savage Show 10/24/2011

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