A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

24 October 2011

24 OCT.

An education isn't how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It's being able to differentiate between what you know and what you don't.



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FFIEC ; Community Reinvestment Act(


Freddie Mac (

Fannie Mae(

VA Loan Information(

Federal Housing Finance Agency(


U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs(


Mortgage refinance; Obama; foreclosure; home loans -

Mortgage refi plan targets hard-hit borrowers - MarketWatch

Mortgage Plan to Help Borrowers Refinance to Lower Rates Expanded by U.S. - Bloomberg


Second Amendment Foundation (

Tenth Amendment Center(


Report: Google mulling role in possible Yahoo bid

U.S. Government Gears Up To Release Bio-Weapon On Civilian Populace As Doomsday Event Looms? :

Extreme Survival: Are Your Off-Grid Survival Skills Good Enough? | Off The Grid News

Soros army launches Wall Street assault of its own

Bankruptcy as a Freedom Tool | Off The Grid News

The Real Reason Why Gadaffi Was Killed & Why We're In Libya - YouTube

A Libyan in London Speaks about Libya - Part 1 - YouTube

Part 2 - A Libyan in London Speaks about Libya - YouTube

Al-Qaeda - The Mechanisms - The Inside Info - YouTube

Zionism Defined - YouTube

Communists, Stalin, Saddam, Gaddafi all Demonised - YouTube

Gaddafi 'Killer': I shot him twice, in head & in chest - YouTube


El Hierro Volcano (Canary Islands) : Red alert – Earthquakes are getting stronger again

- - "Annuit Coeptis" - The Cosmic Perspective


*32 MIN./David Icke: Essential Knowledge For A Wall Street Protester - YouTube


**Activist Post: Liberty Action Kit for 'Occupy' Protesters (With Videos)

Will Steve Jobs' final vendetta haunt Google? - Hawaii News -


The FBI Announces Gangs Have Infiltrated Every Branch Of The Military


**FBI — 2011 National Gang Threat Assessment


The Feds Will Cut Off TV and Radio on November 9th |


You can come out now Harold! Doomsday prophet remains in hiding as world survives Rapture... AGAIN | Mail Online

1987 Comedy Show Foreshadows Gaddafi's Death - YouTube

Coming Together Now!

Occupy What? A Short Guide to Real Change - YouTube

Texas Entrepreneur Unconstitutionally Stripped of His Company, Assets, Liberty and Privacy| The Post & Email

"We Don't Need a Warrant, We're ICE" » Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union

Tending the Mind Garden in the Kali Yuga. Visible Origami - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Why is BBC funding Somali radio station?

UN close to ban on West's toxic waste exports - Green Living, Environment - The Independent

"Trick The Bridesmaid" — a Bad Lip Reading of Barack Obama - YouTube

Soldiers burn O'Reilly books — RT

Ron Paul Wins 1st in Ohio GOP Straw Poll with 53%! | Ron Paul 2012 | Sound Money, Peace and Liberty

OpEdNews - Article: This Isn't Politics -- It's A Crime Being Perpetrated Against The American People

Janet Napolitano Is A Man? | Before It's News

Trade Agreements; CRAPitalism at its best! « The PPJ Gazette

OpEdNews - Article: This Isn't Politics -- It's A Crime Being Perpetrated Against The American People - Pink Invades Last Male Bastion, Football

Separate Cancer Studies, but a Single Suspicion of Bacteria -

Activist Post: Persistent Organic Pollutants Could Lead to Birth Defects in Half of All Newborns

Imperialism And Democracy

Rick Perry's 'Flat Tax' - Another Way To Feed The Bank Cartels

Ministry of Education's Quick Learning Curve on Kashiwa's Radioactive Dirt | EX-SKF

Targeted for assassination by NATO? | Opinion Maker

Gaddafi's death: growing revulsion at the treatment of the dictator's body | World news | The Observer

Gaddafi's final hours: Nato and the SAS helped rebels drive hunted leader into endgame in a desert drain - Telegraph

Gaddafi's death breached the law, says Russia - Europe, World - The Independent

Prosecutors fly to Libya to freeze Gaddafi's Swiss assets - Business News, Business - The Independent

Karzai: Afghanistan to back Pakistan in US-Pak war | World news | The Guardian

Kurdish threat makes Turkey flip flop on Iran — RT

UN vote calls for Yemen President to hand over power - Middle East, World - The Independent

New euro 'empire' plot by Brussels - Telegraph

Global Economic Crisis Deepens

The man who says pensioners should leave their 'empty nest' homes... and the £1.5m five-bedroom des res where his parents live alone | Mail Online

Europe's leaders threaten Greek default if banks won't take haircut and accept losses of £120bn - Telegraph - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | City & Business :: Europe’s banks head for bailout as France and Germany race to find debt solution

EU considering massive cuts to food aid for poor - Yahoo! News

Boom Times Fuel Argentine President's Re-election -

Contagion film is not far from the truth, warns virus scientist | Science | The Observer

Texans Uniting for Reform and Freedom :: TURF - Defending citizens’ concerns about Toll Roads & the Trans Texas Corridor - TURF urges voters to defeat Prop 4 on Nov 8

This is no SuperCam - just Ted Heath Mk 2 (... complete with his own Thought Police) | Mail Online


Natural Remedies for Sinus Toothaches | Off The Grid News

Natural Remedies for Bug Bites and Stings | Off The Grid News

41 Ways to Beat High Blood Pressure Without Drugs | Off The Grid News


+ARTICLES: Weekly Southern African Report



+Euro Zone: Vatican Calls for 'Central World Bank' to Be Set Up - CNBC

The Real Reason for the Uprisings

ZCommunications | A Movement Too Big to Fail by Chris Hedges | ZNet Article

poorrichards blog: Paul: We're Witnessing "The Failure Of A Keynesian Economic Model"


President Ahmadinejad Interview pt.1 Iran's Alleged Assassination Plot - YouTube

President Ahmadinejad Interview pt.2 Zionism Is Terrible! - YouTube

President Ahmadinejad Interview pt.3 Political Corruption In Iran - YouTube


The murder of Gaddafi, and the war crimes of Western powers - English

Key general: Iraq pullout plan a 'disaster' - Washington Times

The 4th Media » Solidarity for OWS in China? Try OAE

Blind, Naked and Clueless. Smoking Mirrors

Judicial Watch Uncovers FDA Gardasil Records Detailing 26 New Reported Deaths | Judicial Watch

Gaddafi gold-for-oil, dollar-doom plans behind Libya 'mission'? - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : The Judge: Tea Partiers Vs. Tea-O-Cons

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul "The Drone War Is Illegal! Why Do You Think People Hate Us? We Kill Innocent People!"

Revolutionary Politics : Everybody Knows The Problem Is Our Government Is Bought! Democrats & Republicans Are Bought!

John McCain's veiled threat to China, Russia & everyone else... - YouTube

U.S. Senator McCain: After Libya, strike on Syria may now be considered - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Libya: Apparent Execution of 53 Gaddafi Supporters | Human Rights Watch

Chemical bomb tossed into Occupy Maine encampment - 12160

VIDEO:Should Africa Repay its 'Odious' Debts?

Activist Post: Obama urges 'reconciliation' in Libya

Obama Ends War With Iraq, Aims To Begin Wars With Persia And Pakistan

The Next Inside Job: A Nuclear 9/11

poorrichards blog: The Real Reason Why Gadaffi Was Killed & Why We're In Libya

poorrichards blog: America Rules The World But Zionism Rules America

poorrichards blog: Science of Revolution- Defeating Wall Street Banks and the Federal Reserve

Tom Watson Explains Why He Quizzed Rupert Murdoch At AGM [24.10.2011] - YouTube

Libya’s Liberation: Interim Ruler Unveils More Radical Than Expected Plans For Islamic Law :

Activist Post: US envoy quits Syria for 'security reasons'

Activist Post: BPA Exposure During Pregnancy Found to Make Young Girls Hyperactive, Depressed

Swiss Banks Said Ready to Reveal Clients - Bloomberg

Backyard Chicken Coops Growing in Popularity - ABC News

Police State Fascism Is Now Rampant: Martial Law Is Next! by Gary D. Barnett

$20 Trillion for Urgent Climate Change Action | CleanTechnica

Inflation Up Globally | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog


Herman Cain the “outsider” was “an ultimate Washington insider: industry lobbyist.” | The Political Carnival

Prison » TSA Agents Harass Man Over Silver Coins

Gaddafi, blooody “finito”. | Veterans Today

The Strange Tale of Why Libya Is Broke? | Veterans Today

The Gates Foundation Uses Genetic Modification For Good | Fast Company

Eurozone might ask China, Brazil for debt bailout help | The Raw Story

Withdrawal Symptoms: Curtain Rises on Second Act of an Endless War Crime -




Meet the Press (10/23/11): Ron Paul - YouTube


Keiser Report Occupies World! (E200 Special) - YouTube

National Day Of Protest To STOP Police Brutality! (Anybody Got More Clips?) - YouTube

The Student Loan Racket: Ron Paul Right Again

Gorbachev Calls For American Perestroika

Host Host Host Host Josh Tolley Show The Bright Side Common Sense Club Crash! Are You Ready? CLICK HERE TO LISTEN LIVE Berkey SAVE $60 on a 24-Day Supply of Food Hemp USA Cross Breed Holsters The Freeze Dry Guy Tattler Reusable Canning Lids Barb Adams: America’s Dysfunctional Healthcare System

Jim Brown: The Cost of Being Unhealthy

Nicolas Sarkozy tells David Cameron: 'We’re sick of you telling us what to do' - Telegraph

Ron Paul Wins Ohio Straw Poll With 53% Of The Vote! - YouTube

GazetteXtra: New York mayor visits Jerusalem, dedicates first aid station, meets Israeli premier

Activist Post: Over 28,000 Abandoned Wells in the Gulf of Mexico

How to Spot Psychopaths: Speech Patterns Give Them Away | Psychiatric Disorders & Violence | Text Analysis | LiveScience

Wal-Mart trims some U.S. health coverage | Reuters

CIA Kidnapped, Tortured the "Wrong Guy," Says Former Agency Operative Glenn Carle - 12160

Hillary Clinton To Iran: Don't Misread Departure From Iraq

The End of History: Now that the CIA’s proxy army has murdered Gadhafi, what next for Libya?

Israel and Libya: Preparing Africa for the “Clash of Civilizations” « The Ugly Truth

Gang Activity in the U.S. Military

The Excavator: Israel And America Declare Total War on Persia

Elizabeth Warren’s Jobs Plan: War with Iran « naked capitalism

Mountain Jesus statue could lose its lease -

With U.S. infrastructure aging, public funds scant, more projects going private - The Washington Post

The new U.S. Zionist: Israel-bashing, made kosher |

TSA Workers Fear Radiation Dangers From Scanners |

Tragic Justice – TSA Reports Agents Developing Cancer from Naked Body Scanners | Truth is Treason

Science of Revolution- Defeating Wall Street Banks and the Federal Reserve

Libya's transitional leader declares liberation - Yahoo! News

'Messengers of Death': Are Drones Creating a New Global Arms Race? - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Coalition: It’s About Winning America Back | Veterans Today

Rupert Murdoch: News Corp's Great Dictator on the Brink

Philip Giraldi: How to Kill an Ambassador | Intifada Palestine

Activist Post: Syria: Next for Libya-style 'humanitarian' intervention?

Gates Foundation Promoting Another Deadly Population Control Agent |

American's Journey: Ken Doll for president or a statesman?

Just Two Prisoner Stories and the Olive Harvest | Intifada Palestine

Facial monitoring: The all-telling eye | The Economist

First Mexican truck set to enter US interior - US news - Life -

Researchers crack W3C encryption standard for XML

At Waldorf School in Silicon Valley, Technology Can Wait -

Assange: Banks strangling WikiLeaks to death

Analysis: What if China's economy crashes?

Santorum: Obama ‘lost the war in Iraq’

Top 5 places Herman Cain dined on contributors’ dimes

Panetta says U.S. committed to being Pacific power

Ron Paul plans to ‘eventually’ end all federal student aid

GOP candidates make reducing power of federal courts a campaign issue

BPA linked to behavior problems in girls: study

Welcome to the New America

Locked Up Abroad - For the FBI

Mission Accomplished in Libya?

Puppets breaking strings?

Pro-War Progressives and Facts, Both Stubborn Things

When Goods Don't Cross Borders, Armies Will

Libya: A New War Template Or Just a New Spin?

Iraqis Eager to See US Troops Leave

Panetta: US Will Keep Large Numbers of Troops Around Iraq

US Candidates, Officials Line Up to Condemn Leaving Iraq

Libya’s NTC Announces Islamic 'Liberation'

US Drones Join Kenya, AU Attacks on Somalia

WikiLeaks Suspends Publishing to Fight Financial Blockade

The War in Libya Is Still a Failure

The Neocons Never Left

Panetta's Pentagon, Without the Blank Check

Graham: Obama's Iraq, Afghan Policies 'Being Run Out of Chicago'

Bachmann to Iraq: Reimburse US

Paul: US Likely to Keep Presence in Iraq

Syria's Al-Assad Replaces Governors in Two Flashpoint Provinces

Indian Military Helicopter Breaches Pakistan Airspace, Forced Down

US-North Korea Talks Gear Up in Geneva

The Return of Barbarism by Justin Raimondo --

US Withdraws Ambassador to Syria

Gadhafi Remains Popular in Much of Africa's Sahel

US-North Korea Begin Talks on Nuclear Disarmament

Obama to Announce Housing Plan, Raise Campaign Funds

Mini Med School Draws the Curious

Libya: A Brutal, Gratuitous Slaying, the New World Order in All Its Transparent Barbarism

VIDEO: The War on Libya is a War on Africa

Murder of Gadhafi is next step to wider U.S. wars in Africa

Cuba versus the United Nations on Genetic Engineering and Biotechnogy : Cuba's Prohibition of Cloning Technology

US and NATO Murder Muammar Gaddafi

Towards a Mafia state in Kosovo: NATO still getting it wrong in Kosovo

War's Remote-control Future

VIDEO: Assassination of Gaddafi Part of Global Regime Change

Imperialism and Democracy: White House or Liberty Square ?

The ‘Rebel’ Assassination of Muammar Gaddafi: a NATO Operation from A to Z

Gaddafi Death: A Bullet to the Head is the Culmination of NATO’s Criminal War

ASSASSINS R US. Libya: The UN and NATO Enjoin "Multi-State Terrorism"

VIDEO: Killing of Gaddafi and NATO's Money-Driven Wars of Conquest

The End of History: Now that the CIA’s proxy army has murdered Gadhafi, what next for Libya?

Obama, The Son of Africa, Claims a Continent’s Crown Jewels

VIDEO: Serb Protesters in Kosovo Face Off with Armed NATO Forces

The Military Roadmap. America's "Next Libyas": Iran, Nigeria, Venezuela, Syria, Yemen

The War on Libya and the Broader US-NATO Military Agenda

Fidel Castro: NATO, The Most Perfidious Instrument in the History of Humanity

Post-Gaddafi Libya may plunge into chaos

Protecting Speculators in the Commodity Markets?

The History of "Pro-Democracy" Regime Change: In Bed With the NED. The National Evisceration of Democracy

What Quantitative Easing Really Means

Wall Street and Student Debt Foregiveness

Revealed – the Capitalist Network that Runs the World

Gallup: Only 1 Percent of Democrats Say Creating ‘Green Jobs’ is Answer to Unemployment

Biden: ‘Nobody Can Look You in the Eye and Tell You ... Stimulus Did Not Create Jobs;’ Yes, at $412,500 Per Job

Hillary Clinton Extols Obama’s ‘Smart’ Leadership in ‘Complex, Dangerous World’

Obama: My 'Drawdown in Iraq Allowed Us' to Get Bin Laden

Iran Should Not ‘Miscalculate’ U.S. Commitment to Iraq, Clinton Warns

Rationing: States Limiting Hospital Stays for Medicaid Patients

Mexican President: US Puts 'Absurd Curbs on Migration,' 'Persecute[s] Migrants,' 'ViolatesTheir Human Rights'

Union President Testifies: ICE HQ Ordered Agents Not to Arrest Illegals--Including Fugitives

Obama's Not the Only One: Republicans Say 'We Can't Wait,' Either

‘Occupy’ Protesters ‘Defecating on Our Doorsteps,’ NYC Residents Complain

Congressmen to Vanderbilt: Don't Discriminate Against Student Religious Groups

Death of Saudi Heir Strengthens Chances of Hardliner Taking Reins

Maine Man's Car Goes 1 Million Miles

Pakistan-U.S. Rift May Be Reflected in U.N. Security Council Election

Ohio Animal Owner Traded Guns for Tiger, Monkey

New Book Sheds Light on Faith’s Role in George W. Bush Presidency

Republican Candidate's 'Whore-in-Bedroom' Advice Panned

Mexican Trucks Will Be Allowed to Deliver Goods Deep Into U.S. Starting in Days

Administration Starts 'Facebook' Page for Unemployed: 'We Know There Are...

EPA Spending $50 Million to Reduce Diesel Emissions From ‘Older School Buses, Trucks'

Sen. Barrasso: Biden's 'Over the Top' Comments a 'Sign of Desperation...

FCC to Launch Small Business Cyber Security Planner

How Many MPGs Does Obama's Bus Get? Secret Service Keeps it Secret

Feds Caught and Released 28 Iranians Who Became Fugitives Inside U.S.; ICE Won’t Say What...

Rules of Engagement

The ‘Fair Share’ Farce

Liberal Guilt: High School Seniors Taught to Empathize With the Homeless

Cain's stumbles fuel doubts on electability

Cain tweaks tax 9-9-9 tax plan to allow exemptions

British lawmaker grills News. Corp CEO at event |

Con artist who helped Google probe to be sentenced |

Science fiction-style sabotage a fear in new hacks |

Unemployment Rates Fall in Half of US States

Tariffs canceled before start of NAFTA program

Operative convicted of stealing from NYC mayor

Former Choctaw Chief Hollis Roberts dies at 68

Obama signs 3 trade deals, biggest since NAFTA

Sen. Rubio denies claims he embellished history

Secret Service, IRS investigate Ga. megachurch

Yemeni man to be sentenced for piracy in Virginia

4-decade Texas fugitive charged in husband's death

Old-time radio convention meets for last time

Hillary Clinton: 'President Obama Has Passed With Flying Colors Every Leadership Challenge'

ICE Officer Testifies: We Are Ordered Not To Arrest Fugitives and Re-Entrants

Oct. 13 at At AP: Lech Walesa, ‘Legendary Freedom Leader’; Now: 'Lech Who?' |

Former Democrat Congressman Scolds NBC's Andrea Mitchell for Defending Obama on Meet the Press |

Kurtz Mocks Fox for Hiring Sex Scandal Plagued Former GOP Governor, Doesn't Mention Spitzer and CNN |

Howard Kurtz: Why Isn't Obama Getting More Credit for Gaddafi's Death? |

Democrats Keeping Distance from Obama

Perry: Birther Controversy 'Distractive' Issue

Toomey Backs Religious Exemption to Obamacare

Bill O'Reilly: Obama's 'Ideology' Keeps Nation Divided

Bachmann: I Haven't Given Up on 2012 Race

McConnell: US Has 'Debt the Size of Economy'

Bachmann: Libya Invasion Made Region Unstable

Libyan Leader Declares Nation Islamic, Sharia Law to Be Implemented

Fred Fleitz: Obama Dragged His Feet on Gadhafi

Bachmann: Obama Got 'Nothing' from Iraq

Google Mulling Potential Yahoo Bid

Md. Teen in 'Jihad Jane' Case Pleads Not Guilty

Fed: Biggest US Problem Is Jobs, Not Inflation

Live to Be 100 — Heart Doc Gives 7 Simple Steps

Obama's Big Govt Means Still Higher Taxes to Come

Obama and Biden Now Ruling With Fear

New Evidence Disproves Global Warming Theory

The Perfect President: "Herman Paul"

Brown Eyed Girls’ Video “Sixth Sense” or How the Elite Controls Opposition

Mikhail Gorbachev Says Occupy Wall Street Signals an Emerging New World Order

No TV for Children Under 2, Doctors’ Group Urges

The Order of the Illuminati: Its Origins, Its Methods and Its Influence on the World Events

Renowned Doctor Speaks on the Dumbing Down Effects of Fluoride

MTV’s “Paramore: Vitals Statistics” Mentions Mind Control Symbolism in Music Videos

Want a RFID Chip In Your Pants? No? Well They’re Coming Anyway

The Order of the Illuminati: Its Origins, Its Methods and Its Influence on the World Events | Secret Arcana

Fighting Back Against Civil Forfeiture Laws | American Free Press

NY Newstand Told Not to Sell Copies of AFP | American Free Press

Saving Money, Losing Privacy, Tracking Your Every Move | American Free Press

Conservative Celebrity Questions Obama’s Natural-Born Claims | American Free Press

Fed Insider GOP Frontrunner? | American Free Press

What Are Obama’s True Colors? | American Free Press

What Kind of Government Do We Have in America?

Your Papers Please

Obama Congratulates Libyans on Their Liberation Day

Panetta: U.S.-Indonesia Security Partnership Expanding

Madonna's Brother Reportedly Homeless

Herman Cain Defends 9-9-9 Plan in Detroit

Android App Alerts Friends to Arrest

Scott Morgan: Obama Must Explain His Broken Promise on Medical Marijuana, and Soon

Occupy Money: Pay With Silver To Beat The Banks! | Before It's News

How the Dutch got their cycle paths - YouTube

Ten Unusual Ways to Get in the Top 1% Altucher Confidential

Inflation Up Globally | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Facebook Ireland accused of creating 'shadow profiles' on users, nonusers | Digital Media - CNET News

OWS first salvo in class war US faces - YouTube


Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – October 21st, 2011

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – October 21st, 2011

Gerald Celente - The Keith Larson Show - 19 October 2011 - YouTube

AUDIO:MEDIAROOTS – Reporting From Outside Party Lines


Assasination of Cnl Muamar Ghaddafi - Interview of RT, 21Oct2011 - YouTube

Gaddafi's Body is Latest War Trophy for Misrata


**1:54:38 / Jim Marrs - Suppressed News, Deceptions and Lies - YouTube


The Transhuman Agenda

A History of Transhumanism

History of Transhumanism Part 2

Why Christianity & Transhumanism Are Not Enemies


GM pigs could provide human organs 'by 2013' - Telegraph

EmTech: Get Ready for a New Human Species - Technology Review

Mexico’s drug war is giving growers a break - The Washington Post

Articles: The Greens, Religion, and Science

New TSA tool helps agencies delete confidential data from public documents - Nextgov

Teenage girl in coma after she's burned alive by friends in 'satanic ritual' - Telegraph

Teachers of Witchcraft and Wicca Needed to Supply Global Shortage

Pastor Roger Anghis -- The Apostasy of the Church

U.S. Troop Withdrawal Motivated by Iraqi Insistence, Not U.S. Choice - Yochi J. Dreazen -

We Have Eaten Our Seed Corn : Personal Liberty Digest

Car Company Gets U.S. Loan, Builds Cars In Finland - ABC News

U.S. fears science fiction-style sabotage in new wave of cyber attacks | Mail Online

Vatican calls for global authority on economy, raps “idolatry of the market” | Reuters

Gaddafi dead: Mahmoud Jibril says legislation will be based on Islamic Sharia law | Mail Online

The Islamization of London: A Photo Tour | FrontPage Magazine

Open Thread – Grinding America Down | The Right Scoop

Population of world 'could grow to 15bn by 2100' | Environment | The Observer

What’s Gonna Get Us by Eric Peters

Radio’s Voice of Freedom: The Great Ron Smith by Thomas DiLorenzo

The Gadaffi I Knew by Eric Margolis

Murder Inc. by Laurence M. Vance

Steven Pinker’s Statist Gospel by William Norman Grigg

I Went Through O’Hare Airport for Once UNMOLESTED! by World's Dating Police by Naomi Wolf

Obsessed mathematicians spend a year calculating the ten trillionth digit of Pi (it's 5 by the way) | Mail Online

Dear Mark: “Transformation” Edition | Mark's Daily Apple

+Has the Catholic Church been infiltrated? THIS IS A VATIC MUST READ! | Before It's News

The Bodhisattva's Brain: Buddhism Naturalized, by Owen Flanagan; Meditating Selflessly: Practical Neural Zen by James H Austin – review | Books | The Observer

Griffin challenged for ignoring evidence, ‘weak logic’ on alleged 9/11 calls | Before It's News

Cardboard Conservatives Never Question 9/11 | Before It's News

The Child Slavery Behind Your Chocolate | Before It's News

William Shakespeare Coincidences | Before It's News

Is Gaddafi to Have a Bin Laden Type Burial at Sea? | Before It's News


52 MIN./Cities And Pyramids On The Moon, Mars And Other Planets (David Hatcher Childress) - YouTube

46 MIN./The Great Pyramids - Gateway to the Stars - YouTube

*1:41:51/Building the Pyramids HD - YouTube

*2:57:29/Dark Mission / Ancient ET Moon Discovery - 3-Hours - YouTube

35 MIN./Video Proof Of Ancient Aliens - YouTube


67 Not Out(


Are you overspending on your energy bills?

Great invention idea? Take it to the next level

+Cinnamon Raisin Croutons Make Any Salad Extra Special! | Before It's News

Skinny Mommy(

Transitional Leader Calls for Sharia Law as Country Celebrates Liberation

Karzai Says Afghanistan Would Back Pakistan if U.S. Attacks

Early Sign of Strong Islamist Vote in Tunisian Elections

Outdoor 'sleepover' teaches high school students about homelessness

Paul Calls for End to Federal Student Loan Program

Biden not ruling out a 2016 presidential run

Obama’s efforts to aid homeowners, boost housing market fall far short of goals

Giffords in North Carolina for Intensive Therapy

Hotel industry blasts proposed Obama ethics rule

Texas Politicians Fight to Stop Confederate Flag License Plate

Ohio Police Responding to Home Invasion Call Find Two Alligators at Residence

Marijuana and opium poppy production climb to record levels in Mexico

Report: Millions erroneously claim education tax credit

Loaded, undeclared gun tumbles from checked bag at L.A. airport

GOP efforts to cut spending interfere with GOP fundraising

Jupiter's new solar-powered trash bins increasingly popular

Road-rage shooting tests Florida's self-defense law

The Hill Poll: Most voters say the United States is in decline


ARA Lifestyle(

The Home and Garden Center(

How Life Works(


NYC artist plans birth as performance art

AP Exclusive: NASA sting terrifies woman, 74

More states limiting Medicaid hospital stays –

Obama to announce actions on housing, student loans | Reuters

Democrats duck President Obama - David Catanese and Alex Isenstadt -

New app aims to reduce stress with slow breathing - Yahoo! News

» TSA Agent Jokes About Finding Sex Toy During Luggage Inspection Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Mandatory Sex Ed Details May Be Too Racy for Parents: Report | NBC New York

Does Sex Ed Undermine Parental Rights? -

World power swings back to America - Telegraph

3 Generations Face Drug-Dealing Charges In Dela - Flash Player Installation

Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval

Libya ends public showing of Gaddafi's body - Yahoo! News

Man Fatally Shot During Own Birthday Party « CB - Flash Player Installation

NBC Unable to Shake Slide in Ratings -

UK parliament recalls James Murdoch over hacking | Reuters

News Corp investor urges sale of newspaper business | Reuters

Man charged with exposing himself as Queen toured

The Obama & Hillary “Ghostbuster” moment

The two-state “solution”: Around the world and in history

November 9th’s USA Nationwide Communication Blackout

The Re-Emergence of Communism in Eastern Europe

The Tyrant is Dead, Long Live the Tyrant

Vatican calls for global authority on economy, raps “idolatry of the market”

Terrorism financing, drugs and China

Socialism, Marxist Communism and Cultural Marxism: Spiritual Diseases of Our Time

ALERT: Final Implementation Phase of Obama Formal Dictatorship has Begun

Where is the honor in D. C. for our Armed Forces?

The Israel-Hamas Prisoner Exchange: From Tactical Failure to Strategic Challenge

4:00 AM Awakenings: They’re Back!

Will OWS End Well?

PC or ‘Fear Not’ – You are now free to pass back into the seventh century

Crucify Political Correctness on the Altar of Freedom of Speech

US-Chinese cyber war dismissed by State Department

The Difficulty of Predicting the End of the World

Data Support the Occupy Movement

The sun never sets on the U.S. military

What Will Occupy Wall Street Actually Accomplish?

Sharia über Alles versus Western Justice

Bible-Based Subterfuge in U.S.-China (Religious) Relations

No Longer Ronald Reagan's Party

Pakistan and India nearly come to blows over wayward copter

Key general labels Obama's Iraq pullout 'absolute disaster'

Surprise! New Libyan leader advocates Sharia as 'basic source' for law (updated: includes polygamy)

OWS park 'a Walmart for rats' says health official

Hey, VP Biden! Here's a crime wave for you to worry about

US pulls envoy out of Syria

2/3 say US in decline

OWS in Chicago (a photo essay)

Europe's recession fears driving agreement on debt

Carry On Borking, Say Libs

He Came, He Saw, He Led from the Rear

The Hobbits March in One Year

What the 'Taxing the Rich' Rhetoric Really Means

The Growth of the Health Sector: Bigger Doesn't Always Mean Smarter

How About 6-6-6?

For Obama, Is It 1948 Redux?

Debbie Schlussel:VIDEO – HAMAS’ CAIR Wants You to Know: “We Are Occupy Wall Street”

Defunct German Satellite Hits Earth in Fiery Death Dive | Falling German Satellite & ROSAT | Space Junk & Orbital Debris |

Oak Grove Cemetery: Bones And Caskets Popping Out At Iowa Graveyard (VIDEO And PHOTOS)

Crop circles discovered in U.P. : News :

The real-life Blob: Is mysterious translucent jelly found in Cambrian fells from outer space? | Mail Online

'Gypsy cemetery' spawns blue sedge mystery - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience -

Video: Wonders of the world recreated in sand - Telegraph

Planets may be forming around distant star -

Death is not what it used to be - Telegraph

Star, WD 0806-661 B, with 'summer day on Earth' temperature discovered | Mail Online

New Radar Could Give Soldiers X-Ray Vision : Discovery News

“Sybil Exposed”: Memory, lies and therapy -

Sighting the Unseen: Transparent UFOs and Transformation Optics | Mysterious Universe

‘America Is Hated Around The World’ Because Of Obama’s Foreign Policy, Ahmadinejad Tells Fareed Zakaria | Mediaite

Medical aid for illegal immigrants could haunt Mitt Romney -

Tensions grow at Occupy Wall Street as money and power struggles fester behind-the-scenes -

My Way News - Saudi heir's death brings conservative to fore

Mosque developer fails to maintain rental building -

Gaddafi's final hours: Nato and the SAS helped rebels drive hunted leader into endgame in a desert drain - Telegraph

My Way News - Lawmakers open to changes in military benefits

Some complain city’s new sex-ed curriculum is too racy -

Shootings Skyrocket in NYC While the Occupiers Chant on Wall Street |

Kathy Bates Tells Piers Morgan She Wants Obama to Stand Up to Wall Street | Video |

San Jose Protester Shaun O’Kelly Scales Wall Near City Hall & Won’t Come Down | Video |

Vatican Releases Economic Proposal that Seems Supportive of Occupy Wall Street | Video |

OccupyPolice OccupyMarines Groups Sprout Up | Video |

Jamyi Witch Accused of Drugging & Sexually Assaulting Inmate | Video |

FDA Study Recommends Standardized Nutrition Labeling System for Fronts of Packaging |

New Video of Gadhafi Capture | Video |

Obama to Announce Housing, Student Loan Changes Without Congress |

Tunia‘s Islamist Party May Gain Power in the Nation’s First Free Elections | Video |

Marco Simoncelli Killed During Motorcycle Crash | Video |

What Do Sarkozy And Merkel Think About the Italian Mess? | Video |

‘Wild Idea’: GOP Lawmaker Wants to Imprison Illegals…Abroad |

Veteran Furious That Daughter Is Asked to Recite Pledge of Allegiance at Public School |

Jesus Statue to be Removed in Montana? | Video |

Michele Bachmann: As President, I Would be Happy to Lead the Nation in Prayer |

Romney Skips Iowa Evangelical Event | Video |

Occupy Wall Street Has A Money Problem – Too Much Money |

Libyan Transitional Leader: Shariah Will be ‘Basic Source’ of all Law |

George Will: Romney is the Republican Party’s Michael Dukakis | Video |

Perry: ‘I Don’t Know‘ if Obama’s Birth Certificate is Real |

#OWS Occupies GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt's Front Lawn. How Rude!

Time Warner Customer Service Rep Told to Stop Giving CPR to Dying Co-Worker and Get Back to Work

It's Agreed: We Need Infrastructure Investment To Bring Jobs

Environment NJ Goes After Three 'Moderate' Congressmen Over Clean Air Vote

'We Don't Need Warrants, We're ICE'

Pat Buchanan Won't Disavow Idea That Minorities Have Inferior Genes on the Thom Hartmann Show

Politicians Aren't Talking About Cutting Expensive Weapons, Just Health Care And Pension Coverage For The Military

Bachmann: Gaddafi 'May Be' Still in Power If I Were President

'Just Scrap The Cap' Video A Creative Way to Raise Awareness on Social Security Fix

Sen. (R-SC) Lindsey Graham on Iraq Withdrawal: Obama 'Failed'

Desperate Rick Perry Goes Full-Tilt Birther

On This Week, Clinton Says She Won't Support Any Peace Agreement That Gives Up Rights Of Afghan Women

Fox Panel Pushes for Privatizing the United States Post Office

Reliable Sources Panel Defend Firing of NPR Host and Attack MSNBC's Ratigan for Support of #OWS

Ron Paul On Gutting Fed Gov't: Vote For My Plan and Nobody Gets Hurt!

Santorum: Obama 'Lost the War in Iraq'

DeMarco Says HARP Changes Targeted to Certain Borrowers (Video) - Bloomberg

Obama to bypass Congress on mortgages - CBS News

Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 10/24/11 - TSA Highway Searches - YouTube

Dylan Ratigan Show: Ron Paul on amending the Constitution to get money out of politics - Bing Videos

CTA's new trains pulling into station -

Report: Chicago food desert shrinks 40 percent, end in sight? - Chicago Sun-Times

Michelle Obama, Rahm Emanuel hit South Side Chicago Tuesday - Lynn Sweet

Chicago Couple Engaged 32,000 Feet Above Ground | NBC Chicago

Strange Life Found in Deepest Ocean : Discovery News

Nobel laureate Dr. Herbert Hauptman dies in NY at 94; work key to developing pharmaceuticals - The Washington Post

NASA Exhibit to Launch Visitors on 3-D Journey Through the Cosmos at the Santa Fe Children's Museum - PR Newswire -

Water vapor reservoir near star provides clue to how Earth’s oceans were filled - The Washington Post

BBC News - Old American theory is 'speared'

NASA's future rides on commercial spaceships - Technology & science - Space - -

Scientists Observer Underwater Volcano Eruption [With Video] | Planetsave

Mesothelioma News: 12 Workers Exposed to Asbestos at Virginia Nuclear Power Plant

The Ranger

Public supports geoengineering research, survey finds | Environment |

Senator: Lenders should consider home energy costs -

Why video games are key to modern science -

Once Upon a Time Opens Big—Just Like Pan Am Did Once Upon a Time? - E! Online

'SNL's' Darrell Hammond Reveals Crack Addiction, Leaving NBC 'in a Straitjacket' - The Hollywood Reporter

Eric Bana to Play Elvis Presley in 'Elvis & Nixon' - The Hollywood Reporter

Prince Harry's California Nights | Story | POWERWALL

Dr. Conrad Murray's Defense Team Calling Key Witnesses | Fox News

The Press Association: Outdoor play linked to good sight

BPA in pregnancy linked to behavior problems - TODAY Health -

How the iPod Changed Music -- and Apple | PCWorld

Nutrition facts labels often ignored: What's the fix? - HealthPop - CBS News

Nurse, doctor see cancer from both sides -

Human Papillomavirus The Second-Leading Cause of Cancer | ThirdAge

'Bath Salt' Street Drugs Temporarily Banned

Jobs Admired Facebook's Zuckerberg for ‘Not Selling Out' - BusinessWeek

Siri Co-Founder Bids Apple Adieu (It’s Not What You Think) - Techland -

Apple's winning strategy: Lower prices | Apple - CNET News

Irony Alert: Google Gadget Sales Lead To Microsoft Profits | Fox News

Anonymous Attacks Child Pornography Websites - Security - Attacks/breaches - Informationweek

How the iPod Changed Music -- and Apple | PCWorld

DailyTech - Hackers May Have Stolen Sensitive Defense Info from Japan's Largest Weapons Supplier

Fed Wants to Ensure U.S. Housing Affordability, Dudley Says

Did Donald Trump turn Rick Perry into a 'birther'? -

Flatter, but not flat? Mitt Romney says he supports simpler code -

Romney Rivals for White House Smash Tax Code As He Chisels

Nurses protest outside Emanuel's office over Occupy Chicago arrests -

N.H. staffers tell Michele Bachmann they're gone--for real -

Special Report: Singed by Solyndra | Reuters

Mexican grocery store leads Indianapolis to drug bust | Reuters

Republicans Turn Judicial Power Into a Campaign Issue -

Steven Hayes, Conn. home invasion killer, claims to have murdered 17 people, according to prison letter - Crimesider - CBS News

'Very dangerous' inmates escape Fla. prison - US news - Crime & courts -

The Associated Press: NPR host steps down as husband joins Obama team

Rick Perry beefs up national campaign staff, readies ads for Iowa TV - The Washington Post News Article: Panetta: U.S.-Japan Alliance Vital to Regional Security

Levi Aron, killer who confessed to dismembering Leiby Kletzky, 8, will now pursue insanity defense

Capitol Alert: AM Alert: Obama hits California ATM, sits down with Jay Leno

Cain now supports federal ban on same-sex marriage - YouTube

Islamist Ennahda says is top Tunisia vote getter | Reuters

Five thoughts about President Kirchner's big win in Argentina -

Man accused of plotting to kill Saudi ambassador pleads not guilty -

Afghan, NATO Forces Kill or Capture 200 Militants - ABC News

Supporters deny reports that Mubarak died of heart attack

Body of Saudi crown prince arrives in Riyadh -

China Urges North Korea to Improve U.S. Ties -

BBC News - Pakistan mourns former first lady Nusrat Bhutto

Herman Cain's Hidden Nine with Peter Schiff 1/2 - YouTube

Herman Cain's Hidden Nine with Peter Schiff 2/2 - YouTube

Prison » Top Tier: Ron Paul Raises Most In Iowa GOP Campaign Donations

Prison » Mission Creep: This Tennessee Highway Is Now Patrolled by TSA

Prison » Ron Paul’s Texas Straight Talk: The Tyranny of TSA Highway Checkpoints

Obama to announce actions on housing, student loans | Reuters

Prison » Vatican Calls for “Central World Bank”

Prison » Divide and Rule: Sharia Law Comes to Libya

Prison » TSA Agents Harass Man Over Silver Coins

Prison » Withdrawal Symptoms: Curtain Rises on Second Act of an Endless War Crime

Prison » HRW urged Libya to investigate ‘executions’ of Gaddafi supporters

The principled consistency of Ron Paul | Washington Times Communities

The State Is the 1 Percent - Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr. - Mises Daily

Gadhafi's Heirs: Dead Dictator's Sons Speak Out - Yahoo! News

Prison » “Subliminal Messages Exposed”

Occupy Wall Street: Is this the end? Protesters squabble over $500,000 | Mail Online

Prison » Ron Paul Calls For Another ‘Sharp Correction’ In Housing Market

Prison » Is It Possible Herman Cain Is Only Pretending To Run For President?

Prison » Coming Soon: Web Ads That Use Your Webcam and Display Content Based on Biometric Data

Prison » Escape the Web: Every click online thralls privacy

Facebook Disconnect app downloaded 152,000 times to protect users' privacy | Mail Online

+Morning Call Sheet: Weekend Box Office, Depressing Bond News, and Affleck To Direct ‘The Stand’?

Zooey Deschanel Sings ‘National Anthem’ at World Series

Fart Jokes: Frank Oz, Veteran Muppeteers Unhappy With New Muppet Film

NBC In Ratings Free Fall

Electronic Musician M83 Broke Union Rules to Keep New Album Under Budget

‘The Mighty Macs’ Review: A Clichéd But Inspirational Sports Story

Your Unofficial Guide to AMC’s Fearfest

Kathy Bates: Get Those Wall Street ‘Rat Bastards’

Brigitte Bardot’s Terrible, Horrible, Humiliating First Date

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Elite Celebs Shill For MoveOn.Org, ObamaCare

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » THR: Will Ferrell Is the Most Overpaid Actor In the World

'Terra Nova's' family-friendly focus on verge of TV extinction -

Barack Obama Campaign Strategy Keeping Hollywood Out of Sight - The Hollywood Reporter

Steve Jobs planned revolutionary TV sets | Inside TV |

Will Ferrell: Obama Thinks So Carefully, He's 'Too Politically Savvy' For Satire |

I Have Gone to HELL!!! - YouTube

TSA Now Searching For Silver And Gold! - YouTube


**BBC News - Is the US Declaration of Independence illegal?


PressTV - 'Protesters know US is a police state'

Gaddafi dead body picture: Libya's most gruesome tourist attraction | Mail Online

Our Shameless society: How the welfare state created an age of entitlement | Mail Online

Qaddafi Was Worth More Than $200 Billion — By Far The Richest Person In The World

New euro 'empire' plot by Brussels - Telegraph

NASA wants grandma's moonrock - MJ Lee -

Police spy tricked lover with activist 'cover story' | UK news | The Guardian

Russia plans to build frozen community 1,000 miles from North Pole | Mail Online

Gender-bending chemical BPA 'makes girls as young as 3 aggressive' | Mail Online

» Persistent Organic Pollutants Could Lead to Birth Defects in Half of All Newborns Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Dangerous allegations in the Gulf of Mexico - Features - Al Jazeera English

Elderly people 'read iPads three times faster than normal books' | Mail Online

Centuries of open justice threatened by secret courts - Home News, UK - The Independent

We should aspire to abundant and cheap energy for all | | Independent Battle of Ideas Blogs

Afghanistan: proof that untied aid really works | Global development |

European Union Countries Wrangle Over Recapitalizing Banks

The Gadaffi I Knew by Eric Margolis

Australian protester Liam Warriner charged after flashing the Queen | Mail Online

Pro-Union Professor, Economic Policy Institute Appear to Collude: ‘If It’s Something You Don’t Want Published, We’ll Kill It’ - Big Journalism

New Video Reveals: New York Times Reporter Natasha Lennard Is #OccupyWallStreet Activist, Supporter

Media Tries to Make Rick Perry a Birther After Failed “Racist” Smear

Sound Bite For The Day: “Can Herman Cain Even Spell The Word ‘Iraq?’”

Former Polish President Won’t Attend #OccupyWallStreet After Citizen Journalists Expose Its Radical Roots

Gender-bending chemical BPA 'makes girls as young as 3 aggressive' | Mail Online

» Persistent Organic Pollutants Could Lead to Birth Defects in Half of All Newborns Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

AUDIO:» Is Student Loan Debt the Next Housing Bubble? - Big Government

Obama’s Continuing ‘Green’ Energy Agenda Subsidizes GM Wastefulness

Union Lobbyists Teach for a Day, Qualify for Million Dollar State Pension

#OccupyWallSt: What I Saw at the Revolution

New Video Reveals: New York Times Reporter Natasha Lennard Is #OccupyWallStreet Activist, Supporter

#OccupyDayton Threatens to Sue in Response to Video of Activist: ‘F- the Military, F- your Flag, F- the Police’

#OccupyWallSt Supporter Rants Against Israel, Jews


*Government Could Hide Existence of Records under FOIA Rule Proposal - ProPublica

**3-21-11 / Federal Register; Freedom of Information Act Regulations


The Hill Poll: Voters say US is in decline -

» Timothy McVeigh Smiling Up at #OccupyWallSt Protesters - Big Government

Occupy Wall Street Is No Friend of Small Business |

Karzai: We Side With Pakistan Over The United States

The Yemen Youth Revolution

Hertz Fires 26 Muslim Drivers For Too Many Prayers At Work

Egypt’s Troubled Road From Revolution To Chaos

Libya's liberation: interim ruler unveils more radical than expected plans for Islamic law - Telegraph

From Tunisia To The Justice Department: A Clean Sweep For Islam

McCain: With Libya Over, Now We Should Go After Syria

Massive Protests Hit Athens: Country On The Ropes Crippled By Strikes

World power swings back to America - Telegraph

CARTOON: Caveats. - Big Government

Men who use internet porn 'likely to become hopeless in the bedroom' | Mail Online

The Local - DSK in new sex scandal

On the menu, but not on your plate -

Eligibility rulings vanish from Net

Soros army launches Wall Street assault of its own

Trading with terrorists, murderers


24-Oct-11 World View

23-Oct-11 World View

22-Oct-11 World View

*Aaron Klein:Investigative Audio

Revealed for 1st time – Radical origins of Obamacare « Klein Online

Obama aiding rise of Islamic scourge in Mideast, Libya? « Klein Online

Aaron asks Hamas chief: ‘Planning to nab more Jews?’ « Klein Online


Trading with terrorists, murderers

Doyle McManus: Mosque and state -

Herman Cain: Pro-choice Republican

The 8th miracle that saved America

Key evidence destroyed in Planned Parenthood case

Obama's Third-World style jobs

Stop illegals? Nah, kill the messengers

Ron Paul's got it just about right

'Supreme Soviet Occupiers'

2nd chance for a fulfilling life

Fed Considers More Easing: What Are They Thinking? - US Business News - CNBC

Shocking: Why pink is just a figment of your imagination |

'Alien' filmed in Brazalian rainforest: Is creature pictured in Amazon from outer-space? | Mail Online

Computer program to reveal who wrote the Bible | Mail Online

Rick Perry: Have I seen Obama's real birth certificate?

GOP lawmakers urge Republicans to steer clear of 'birtherism' in 2012 - The Hill's Ballot Box

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Decades-long battle over cross nearing finish line

Reagan adviser gets 9-9-9 right

World power swings back to America - Telegraph


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Gasoline prices at historic highs for this time of year

Fearing bankruptcy, Greek Jews ask brethren for help

Suspect in Norma Lopez slaying is still awaiting charges

Low popularity won't stop Obama from raking in campaign cash

Lieberman: Abbas is holding up peace, not settlements

Man who checked loaded gun in baggage at LAX may face charges

UN report may worsen fears over Iran nuclear plans

Home-loan refinancing to get easier under revised U.S. program

China jails two officials for leaking data

US pulls envoy out of Syria, Damascus retaliates

McDonald's McRib sandwich returns for second year in row

Ala. governor, John Lewis praise Shuttlesworth

Karl Lagerfeld takes to Web to launch own brand "Karl"

Perry beefs up national campaign staff

Assange: Financial woes may close WikiLeaks

Demise of Obama long-term care plan leaves gap

US pulls envoy out of Syria, Damascus retaliates

Janet Jackson interrupts Australian tour to be with family

U.S. astronaut eager for "sports car" space ride

Mexican grocery store leads Indianapolis to drug bust

Testimony resumes in Michael Jackson doctor trial

The single currency is close to collapse - Telegraph

Are the Republican candidates not taking Herman Cain seriously? - PostPartisan - The Washington Post

Biden’s Fourth-Grade Economics - Mark Steyn - National Review Online

Herman Cain’s Prisoner Swap, Abortion Gaffes Burst His Campaign Bubble - The Daily Beast

Tunisian Islamists to do well in first Arab Spring vote | Reuters

The Great Green Energy Crack-Up - Forbes

Occupy Wall Street and Hollywood -

RealClearPolitics - Cain's 999 & Perry's Flat Tax Are Doomed to Fail

RealClearPolitics - Cult of Global Warming Is Losing Influence

Frank Rich on Occupy Wall Street and Class Warfare -- New York Magazine

Obama team moves to rekindle 2008's magic with young voters –

Can Small Businesses Make America Prosperous? : The New Yorker

All sides should agree: down with the Big Banks | Campaign 2012

CLASS Dismissed | The Weekly Standard

The Storm-Calmer - Jim Geraghty - National Review Online

Obamas War Crime Taking Credit From Bush Adminsitration For Ending the Iraq War - The Daily Beast

California’s Persistence on Greenhouse Gas Emissions -

Illinois business to pols: Shape up -

Apparent conflicts show why more transparency needed at the Fed | Examiner Editorial | Editorials | Washington Examiner

Africa Without Gaddafi

A Moral Tipping Point: On Gaddafi's Gory End - The Daily Beast

Can Tunisia's New Democracy Bridge the Islamist-Secular Divide? - Elizabeth Dickinson - International - The Atlantic

Why Libyans Don't Really Care How Gaddafi Died - TIME

China, India Protesters Are the Real ‘99 Percent’: Pankaj Mishra - Bloomberg

The Iraq war is finally over. And it marks a complete neocon defeat | Jonathan Steele | Comment is free | The Guardian

Envoy must be brought in to pursue an Afghan peace - The Irish Times - Mon, Oct 24, 2011

Book Review: Eminence -

Robert Harris: Inside the Machine - The National

KUHNER: The last conservative, Pat Buchanan - Washington Times

Amazon offers trade-in program for Kindles, iPads -

Richard Pipes Reviews Joshua Rubenstein’s New Biography of Trotsky – Tablet Magazine

Bernie Madoff's Daughter-in-Law on Husband's Suicide and Bernie's Crime - The Daily Beast

Peace after 30 Years: The Peace of Westphalia and Why It Was So Difficult To Achieve | Patrick's Military History & History Blog

The Beltway Sniper and the Media

John Muhammad’s Meltdown « Alex Tizon

Peace Of Westphalia

The 1929 Stock Market Crash | Economic History Services

George Washington Bridge (I-95, US 1 and US 9)

he United States and the Founding of the United Nations

"We Must Keep the Labor Unions Clean": "Friendly" HUAC Witnesses Ronald Reagan and Walt Disney Blame Hollywood Labor Conflicts on Communist Infiltration

From Qaddafi To Charles I: America’s Long And Intimate Association With Regicide | The New Republic

Haleh Esfandiari Reviews Arash Hejazi's "The Gaze Of The Gazelle" | The New Republic

Paging Mr. Inside | The Weekly Standard

Richard Dawkins's refusal to debate is cynical and anti-intellectualist | Daniel Came | Comment is free |

Alexander Goerlach | Violence Against Egyptian Christians - Egyptian Atheism | The European Magazine

Vatican calls for global authority on economic issues « CNS Blog

Jesus of Nazareth, Stand-Up Comic? - Speakeasy - WSJ

Shock image threshold falls under internet pressure | Reuters

RealClearReligion - The Beatles Knew Love Better than the Church

No sex on campus? - Altmuslimah@On Faith - The Washington Post

Born-again bikers ride Harleys to church -

The Five-In-One Bible Verse « Monday Morning Music Ministry by Rick Marschall

China could own the Moon by 2026, U.S. space entrepreneur warns

NASA Is Considering Fuel Depots in the Skies -

Dark energy: the universe is destined to become a very cold and lonely place - Telegraph

Off With Their Heads | Conservation Magazine

First icy star-disc hints at source of Earth's water - space - 21 October 2011 - New Scientist

Pig-to-human tissue transplants 'imminent' - Health News, Health & Families - The Independent

Sympathy for the Devils | Research - ISNS

Unvaccinated behind largest U.S. measles outbreak in years -

Doctors Reluctant to Treat Unvaccinated Children, Study Shows - Bloomberg

New Climate Analysis Group Slams Nature And Science Magazines

'BEST' May Be Best Study Yet on Climate Change - Blog

Why Do Some Athletes Choke Under Pressure? - Association for Psychological Science – Turn any surface (skin!) into touchscreen

Bioengineered protein shows preliminary promise as new therapy for hemophilia | Science Codex

One Country, Two Revolutions -

10 years of the iPod: a design retrospective

News from The Associated Press

The hottest new internet companies are growing up outside the U.S. | VentureBeat

Microsoft Pri0 | Patents emerge as significant mobile strategy for Microsoft, other tech companies | Seattle Times Newspaper

How the web has powered work for 20 years — Online Collaboration

How augmented reality is an opportunity for developers (Inside Apps) | Wireless - CNET News

Video: Watch Aza Raskin's talk from Wired 2011 (Wired UK)

Why Diversity Is Bad For Startups | TechCrunch

The Full Walter Isaacson/Steve Jobs Interview From 60 Minutes - Mac Rumors

How Valve experiments with the economics of video games - GeekWire

How North Dakota Will Topple California as Oil King

The Weekend Interview with John Rowe: A Life in Energy and (Therefore) Politics -

Franken: In energy use, less is more -- much more |

Fracking on My Land -

A global bidding war for oil - 1 - stock investing - MSN Money

Debunking 4 oil industry myths | Energy | News | Financial Post

Real Utility: Accounting for Energy Costs Makes Mortgage Sense - Miller-McCune

Green Energy's Bad Karma - Latest Headlines -

Is Modern Central Banking History?

How to stabilize the housing market - The Washington Post

President Obama Is Doomed, But Only If the Republicans Figure Out Why - Forbes

RealClearMarkets - Can the Youth Vote Be Bought For a Trillion Dollars?

Martin Feldstein: The Tax Reform Evidence From 1986 -

Steve Forbes on why Republican candidates are right to pursue a flat tax -

The Case Against Direct Taxation: Part One - Forbes

RealClearMarkets - Investing In America's Families, Communities, and Economy

Is another financial panic coming? - Fundmastery Blog - MarketWatch

Five thoughts on the politics of Obama's foreign policy | Daniel W. Drezner

Obama: U.S. Troops to Leave Iraq | Cato @ Liberty

The Iraq War Ain’t Over, No Matter What Obama Says | Danger Room |

Withdrawal from Iraq and Obama's Middle East

Obama: No Immunity, No Troops | Mother Jones

The politics of President Obama’s Iraq withdrawal decision - The Washington Post

Political Animal - Dems aren’t done fighting for jobs yet

Obama fatigue: Are Democrats sick of him, too? - Right Turn - The Washington Post

Which States Are Most Enthusiastic About Obama’s Reelection? -- Daily Intel

Obama coattails turning into albatrosses? « Hot Air

*24 Oct.

American Minute for October 24th

This Day in History for 24th October

October 24th This Day in History

Today in History: October 24

Today in History: October 24

October 24 Events in History

October 24th in History

Today in History for October 24th - YouTube


**World Video:U.S. Trade And Investment Policy

Impact Of Greek Protests On U.S. Markets

EU Leaders Eye Guarantees For Banks

Leon Panetta In Bali

Iraq PM: Immunity Issue Scuttled U.S. Troop Deal

'Occupy Wall Street' Rally In Tehran

Liberation In Libya

Queen Elizabeth Visits Brisbane

Fernandez Wins Re-election

Toddler Rescued In Turkey Earthquake

European Sovereign Debt Crisis

Iran And The United States: Is Military Conflict Inevitable?

Islamic And Secular Showdown In Tunisia

Moving Forward In The Fight Against Terrorism

**Markets Video: Is $12 Billion Still Too High for Groupon?

**Politics Video:RNC Web Video Hits Obama Ahead Of Fundraisers

Steve Jobs: Revelations From A Tech Giant

Cain On Iowa Campaign: "We Are Covering The State"

Romney Web Video: Welcome To Nevada, President Obama

Scarborough: People Will Look Back At GOP Field And Say "What Idiots"

23rd/Biden: "This Is Going To Be A Tough Election"

"This Week" Roundtable: GOP Fight Night In Vegas

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On GOP Tax Reform Plans

Clinton Warns Iran: U.S. Committed To Iraq

"Meet The Press" Panel On 2012 Republican Field

Bachmann: Obama's Foreign Policy Is A Failure

George Will: GOP Has "Found Its Michael Dukakis" In Romney

Paul: We're Witnessing "The Failure Of A Keynesian Economic Model"

**NEWS VIDEOS:Project Veritas ‘To Catch A Journalist’: ‘If It’s Something You Don’t Want Published, We’ll Kill It’

Gaddafi Sodomized With Stick Before Execution

#OccupyOakland Protesters Storm, Vandalize, Shut Down Chase Bank

Cain: I Am Going To Make Mistakes

Scarborough Denounces Mika’s Double-Standard In Defending Biden ‘Rape’ Scare-Mongering

#OccupyLA Protesters Lash Out At ‘Corporate Media’

#OccupyDenver Protester Gives Creepy, Intense Def Poetry Rant

Bible Burning Man Disrupts Mass At St. Peter’s

Calls For Probe Of Gaddafi’s Violent Death

IndyCar Community Has Dan Wheldon Memorial

23rd/New Video Reveals: New York Times Reporter Natasha Lennard Is #OccupyWallStreet Activist, Supporter

MSNBC Guest: Tea Party People Think Government Does Too Much For Black People

Tunisian Election Foreshadowed By Violence Against TV Station That Aired Image Of Allah

Bachmann: US ‘Kicked Out’ Of Iraq; Withdrawing Troops Political Decision By ‘Gen. Axelrod’

#OccupySF: Let People Print Own Money

Chris Matthews: Republicans ‘Don’t Have Thrill Up Their Leg’ For Mitt Romney

Deadly Quake Hits Turkey

#OccupyWallStreet Supporter Rants Against Israel, Jews

US Diver Killed In Shark Attack In Australia

Tunisians Vote in First Free Election

Kathy Bates: I Want Obama ‘To Stand Up On His Hind Legs And Fight These Rat Bastards’

Saudi Crown Prince Dies Abroad

22nd/#OccupyDayton Protester: ‘F*ck The Military, F*ck Your Flag, And F*ck The Police’

Former North Korean Political Prisoner: Moms Kill Children To Survive In Prisons

#OccupyOakland ‘Real Talk’: This ‘F*cked Up System’ Makes Us Racist, Violent

Cutesy Brainwashed #Occupy Kid: ‘Burn Wall Street, Burn!’

Protesting The Protesters: Community Board Rails Against #OccupyWallStreet

Banker’s Wife Ditches Four Kids To Join #OccupyWallStreet Protesters

John Bolton: WH Removing All References To Islam In Terror Training Manuals, ‘Form Of Thought Control’

NBC News’ Matthews Tells Rubio Birther Hit Piece Author ‘You Ought To Get Some Kind Of Pulitzer’

21st/ Editor Larry O’Connor Talks Jobs Bill And Libya On ‘Fox & Friends’

#OccupyLondonSE Causes St. Paul Cathedral to Close

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