A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

23 October 2011

23 OCT.

All men are created equal, it is only men themselves who place themselves above equality.



*51 PG./The Rockefeller Files


*Kissinger the Secret Side of the Secretary of State by Gary Allen

*239 PG./RICHARD NIXON: The Man Behind The Mask by Gary Allen

George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography, by Webster G. Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin,


American Buddha Online Library(


+ Gary Allen (OpenLibrary.Org)


Conservative Digest Weekly(

American Opinion Foundation, Inc.(


Video: Esoteric Agenda - (2:02:38) @

In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood and Bioterrorism - @ (2:30:38)

William Cooper Lecture/ 1:00:27

The Hour of Our Time - The Legacy of William Cooper / 1:26:11

William Cooper Exposes The Illuminati & The Secret Government / 1:28:23




Webs.Com -


*E. Howard Hunt Details JFK-Plot on Video / JFK - Case for Conspiracy - 12160


11-19-10/Jesse Ventura to air JFK assassination deathbed confession |


Jesse Ventura to Air JFK Assassination Deathbed Confession - Alex Jones Tv 1/3 - YouTube

Jesse Ventura to Air JFK Assassination Deathbed Confession - Alex Jones Tv 2/3 - YouTube

Jesse Ventura to Air JFK Assassination Deathbed Confession - Alex Jones Tv 3/3 - YouTube


Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura JFK assassination deathbed confession part1 - YouTube

Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura JFK assassination deathbed confession part 2 .avi - YouTube

Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura JFK assassination deathbed confession part 3 .avi - YouTube


Ron Paul Wins 1st in Ohio GOP Straw Poll with 53%! | Ron Paul 2012 | Sound Money, Peace and Liberty

ROSAT Satellite Enters Earth's Atmosphere

Ancient Etruscan Deciphered (Vol. I): Lost Tomb of Alexander the Great - YouTube

Activist Post: Persistent Organic Pollutants Could Lead to Birth Defects in Half of All Newborns

GM Freeze | Aug. 31/It’s Official: Glyphosate used on GM crops found in US rivers, rainfall

Red October

Now Blair strikes deal to advise an oil-rich despot: Ex-PM sends team to Kazakhstan to help his friend the president | Mail Online

Roy Tov: The Drugslord Double Defeat

First Ebola-like virus native to Europe is discovered in Spanish bats | Mail Online

Federal stimulus money for Oregon jobs hired foreign workers |

Report: Food labels need Energy Star-like ratings -

Infectious Salmon Amenia - Coming Soon To A Market Near You? | Care2 Causes

OpEdNews - Article: This Isn't Politics -- It's A Crime Being Perpetrated Against The American People

OpEdNews - Article: This Isn't Politics -- It's A Crime Being Perpetrated Against The American People

Trade Agreements; CRAPitalism at its best! « The PPJ Gazette - Pink Invades Last Male Bastion, Football

Separate Cancer Studies, but a Single Suspicion of Bacteria -

The End of History: Now that the CIA’s proxy army has murdered Gadhafi, what next for Libya?

NATO SG: “I’m very proud of what we have achieved. . .” « Mantiq al-Tayr

Obama: GOP jobs vote 'unacceptable'

Media And The US | Opinion Maker

Many of us won’t be able to retire until our 80s - Robert Powell - MarketWatch

Are we headed for another Lehman moment in Europe? - YouTube

Biofuels False Promise: Breakthroughs May be Tougher Than Previously Thought at Oil Price

The Son of Africa Claims a Continent’s Crown Jewels : Information Clearing House

Union President Testifies: ICE HQ Ordered Agents Not to Arrest Illegals--Including Fugitives |

Anachronistic Strokebooks and the Pipes of Dread. Reflections in a Petri Dish

Doubts About Gaddafi's Reported Assassination

Iraq rejects US request to maintain bases after troop withdrawal | World news | Video : Beau Biden On His Fight To Investigate Banks

Rabbi confesses that israel conducted the 911 attacks - YouTube

The Arctic and the Lessons of the Gulf -

ProMED Comments on Swine Exposure By trH3N2 Cases

News from The Associated Press

Christians United Against Religious Persecution « Kawther Salam

‘High-class terrorists running US, UK and France’ — RT

Gaddafi - Dead Or Alive?

Zionism Defined - YouTube

"This President Is Working For The Bad Guys!" Dylan Ratigan - YouTube

The Zionist Murder Of Muammar Gaddafi | Real Zionist News

The Indoctrination of American Youth and the Marxist Nature of the Occupy Movement :

Map: The Climate Change Scare Machine — the perpetual self-feeding cycle of alarm « JoNova: Science, carbon, climate and tax

Hertz fires 25 Muslim drivers who refuse to clock out for breaks | McClatchy

The Juggler Drops His Balls | Opinion Maker

The Corbett Report | Courts Rule US Government Above the Law

Joshua Blakeney Speaks With the Media at the Arrest Bush Protest in Surrey, British Columbia - YouTube

Roundup and birth defects researcher presents findings to German government | EU Reporter

CDC In State of Denial Regarding trH3N2 Human Transmission

Let's Get Rich - YouTube

Activist Post: Uncovered FDA Documents Reveal 26 More Gardasil Deaths

Pilot Speaks Out About Chemtrails And HAARP | Before It's News

Soldiers May Be Leaving Iraq, But Contractors Will Remain | TPMMuckraker

U.S. Troops Wearing UN Colors

Libya's bloody victory over Gaddafi is just the beginning | Comment is free | The Guardian

The Curious Nature of the Self Chosen Few. Smoking Mirrors

Web 2.0 Summit: Self Expression through Social Media- Chris Poole - YouTube

Occupy Wall Street Simplified - YouTube

Cain tweaks 9-9-9 tax plan to allow exemptions - MSNBC Articles

Flip Side Of Ron Paul For President

Gang of Six Briefs Super Committee But Proceedings Remain Secret - ABC News

Walmart eliminates health care benefits for future part-time employees | AHN

Biotech group bids to recruit high-profile GM 'ambassadors' | Environment | The Guardian

GM crops promote superweeds, food insecurity and pesticides, say NGOs | Environment | The Guardian

GM pigs could provide human organs 'by 2013' - Telegraph


GreenMedInfo:The Dark Side of Breast Cancer Awareness Month - Part I

The Dark Side of Breast Cancer Awareness Month - Part II;Are X-Ray Mammography Screenings Finding Cancers That Are Not There?


+Refreshing News: Up to 1,000 feared dead in Turkey quake

Turkey Quake May Have Killed 1,000, Damaged 4,000 Homes - Businessweek

Berkeley struck by 16 earthquakes in three days -

San Francisco earthquakes jolt city 22 years after the deadly Loma Prieta quake - BlogPost - The Washington Post

3.4 earthquake strikes northwest of Las Vegas -

VOLCANO: More on the recent Hawaii Island earthquake | Big Island Video News



+ Earthquake Lists & Maps


Eisenhower 1956: the president's year of crisis : Suez and the brink of war By David. A. Nichols - * Google Books


*poorrichards blog: ‘We continue our resistance to full revenge. I am in Libya, alive and free’ – Gaddafi’s son

poorrichards blog: Libya: UN and NATO Enjoin Multi-State Terrorism?

Gaddafi's Stolen Billions: Max Keiser Explains 'Financial Terrorism' - YouTube

Potent News: Michel Chossudovsky On OWS Movement & Libyan War (1/3) - YouTube

Potent News: Michel Chossudovsky On OWS Movement & Libyan War (2/3) - YouTube

Potent News: Michel Chossudovsky On OWS Movement & Libyan War (3/3) - YouTube

poorrichards blog: 'Afghans will stand by Pakistan in war'

Rubio to Syria’s Bashar al-Assad: You’re next, buddy | The Cable

Paul stands up for property rights | New Hampshire NEWS0605

Global Economic Crisis Deepens |

OWS first salvo in class war US faces - YouTube

Biden's latest gaffe will renew speculation about an Obama/Clinton ticket in 2012 – Telegraph Blogs

130 Occupy protesters arrested in Chicago -

Connect the dots: In ’02, NYPD began training in Israel; 9 years later, spying against NYC Muslims exposed

Hillary Clinton on Gaddafi: We came, we saw, he died - YouTube

Hillary Clinton To Iran: Don't Misread Departure From Iraq

Max Puts the Boot into Pakistan | Maidhc Ó Cathail

The End of History: Now that the CIA’s proxy army has murdered Gadhafi, what next for Libya?

Iraq rejects US request to maintain bases after troop withdrawal | World news |

Years in Iraq change U.S. military’s understanding of war - The Washington Post

Libya leadership ‘stained’ by Kadhafi killing: Britain | The Raw Story


9-11 Attacks: The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9-11


*The Death of Vincent Foster | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED


*The Clinton Chronicles (Full Version) - YouTube

Hillary The Movie @ Vimeo

** G. Edward Griffin

Activist Post: The Journey to Jekyll Island

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Name of the Game is Bailout

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Protectors of the Public

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Home, Sweet Loan

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Nearer to the Heart's Desire

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Building the New World Order

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Barbaric Metal

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Fool's Gold

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Secret Science

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Mandrake Mechanism and Debt Cancellation

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Rothschild Formula

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Sink the Lusitania

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Masquerade in Moscow

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Best Enemy Money Can Buy

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Lost Treasure Map

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Creature Comes to America

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: A Den of Vipers

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Loaves and Fishes and Civil War


Activist Post: Media pushes 'success' of experimental GSK malaria vaccine while ignoring deadly side effects

John Bolton Admits All Of These Wars Are For Oil - YouTube

NEED TO KNOW | Before the fact: The Fort Dix Five | PBS - YouTube

PressTV - Who is top 'one percent' in US?

43% of Saudi youth are jobless - Emirates 24/7

PressTV - KSA awaits next in line to throne

Homeless Camp To Come Down - Video - KITV Honolulu


The Feds Will Cut Off TV and Radio on November 9th |

Ron Paul Says I Find It Rather Disgusting Obama Bragging About How Many People He's Killed! - YouTube

Fannie Mae vs Mark and Claire: Opening Statements October 18, 2011 - YouTube

Israel is paying internet workers to manipulate online content - YouTube




GUANTANAMO – The U.S.’s Very Own Concentration Camp By Marti Hiken and Luke Hiken

Libya: A Brutal, Gratuitous Slaying, the New World Order in All Its Transparent Barbarism

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan - US officials met Haqqani network with ISI help

Libyan War Lawsuit Against Obama by 10 U.S. Lawmakers Thrown Out by Judge - Bloomberg

Veterans Benefits: Lawmakers Open To Changes In Military Benefits

McCain calls end of Iraq War “a strategic victory for our enemies” | The Raw Story

New gaffe: Obama hails America's historic building of 'the Intercontinental Railroad' -

British firms urged to 'pack suitcases' in rush for Libya business | World news | The Guardian

BP Gets Approval to Resume Drilling in Gulf of Mexico -

Defense Dept. Gave $431 Billion to Contractors After They were Convicted of Fraud -


U.S. Embassy warns of imminent terror threat in Kenya -

Ron Paul Is Still Exploding! :

1newsjunkie: Single Treasury plan "emerged" in Brussels yesterday as Europe’s finance ministers tried to find a way out of the crisis

The Lynching of Muammar Gaddafi | Intifada Palestine

Unconstitutional Internal Checkpoints Exposed! | Before It's News

Coming Derivatives Crisis Can Collapse Global Economy | Before It's News

With troops leaving, US also scaling back diplomatic, cultural programs in Iraq - The Boston Globe

Fighting for Liberty - Where Freedom Fighters Meet

Karzai: Afghans Would Side With Pakistan In War :

US Troops Wearing UN Colors |

Solyndra to Auction Assets, But Taxpayers Won't See a Dime

Afghanistan to back Pakistan if wars with U.S.: Karzai - World news - South and Central Asia - Afghanistan -

Kathy Bates: I Want Obama 'To Stand Up on His Hind Legs and Fight These Rat Bastards' |

Bankers Are Pissed Off Over Politicians Supporting Occupy Wall Street #OWS

A World United for Human Rights | Intifada Palestine


* Reader photos Occupy LA 10-22-11

PHOTOS: Signs From The 99 Percent Protest Against Eric Cantor Would-Be Speech In Philadelphia



Clues to Gaddafi's death concealed from public view | Reuters

TIMELINE - Libya liberated says NTC | Reuters

Autopsy: Libya's Gadhafi killed by shot to head -

Post-Gaddafi Libya should think local | Jason Pack | Comment is free |

As Libya Takes Stock, Muammar Gaddafi's Hidden Riches Astound

Lindsay Graham Criticizes Obama On Libya Days After Gaddafi's Death

Final days of a desperate dictator hiding in his home town

BBC News - Libya's image 'stained' by Gaddafi death - Hammond

The Citizen Online | Mad dog’s defiance - Letters

Aisha Gaddafi told 'old Fuzzhead is dead' by rebel fighter when she phoned father | Mail Online

Gaddafi: The man we loved to hate | theSundaily

PressTV - West's hypocritical view of a 'tyrant' Libya: Celebs' Dollars From Gaddafi

Madonna's Brother Is A Poor Crybaby | Ology

Conrad Murray Defense Attacks Witness' Theory on Michael Jackson's Death - ABC News

Has Ashton Kutcher Been Cheating on Demi Moore... | Gather

Jessica Donaldson: Prince Harry's cocktail waitress night club companion revealed | Mail Online

'Three Musketeers': Milla Jovovich says Summit Entertainment 'making no effort' to promote film | Inside Movies |

Some Supermarkets Shunning Ben & Jerry’s ‘Schweddy Balls’ - TIME NewsFeed

Lindsay Lohan - I Worked My Ass Off At The Morgue |

Doctors slap down claim Chavez to die in 2 years | Reuters

Flu season is coming. Are you ready? - TODAY Health -

Measles Jet Injectors Not To Be Used For Flu Shots, FDA Warns | ThirdAge

Nutrition Rating System Urged by U.S. Panel for Food Labels - Bloomberg

Largest Study on Cell Phones and Brain Cancer Finds No Link, But the Debate Isn't Over - - TIME Healthland

Suicide Numbers Have Multiple Factors, CDC Says | ThirdAge

Are men funnier than women? Cartoon test tells answer - HealthPop - CBS News

Apple TV Set was Jobs' Last Tech Frontier | PCWorld

Apple Introduced the First iPod 10 Years Ago Today | News & Opinion |

iPad Sales Have Reached The Plateau - Technology - The Atlantic Wire

Don't Be Evil: A Better Way to Integrate Google Reader and Google Plus - Forbes

Facebook Ireland under fire for Creating Shadow Profiles | Top Tech Reviews

Study Confirms Global Warming’s Existence | The State Column

Scientist: Falling German satellite must have crashed into Southeast Asia, no debris seen yet - The Washington Post

Science Fiction-Style Sabotage A Fear In New Hacks | Fox News

Lots of water spotted in a still-forming solar system 175 light years away

Mastodon Hunt Adds to Evidence of Pre-Clovis Settlement -

Verizon has the BioBlitz Wired with Wireless – News Watch

Cosmic Log - NASA: Pay the Americans now ... or pay the Russians later

Birth of a planet captured - Hindustan Times

NASA Invites Twitter Followers to Launch of Earth-Observing Satellite - PR Newswire -

NASA sets buffers for Apollo moon landing sites - Technology & science - Space - -

UPDATE 1-UN completes draft of green climate fund -official | News by Country | Reuters

Chicago police arrest 130 Occupy protesters | World news |

GOP rivals say Cain flip-flopping on social issues - Political Intelligence - A national political and campaign blog from The Boston Globe -

Candidates tout conservative creds in Iowa - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Ohio sheriff: No regrets on killing exotic animals –

Mitt Romney reaches out but often lacks common touch - The Washington Post

Nevada moves GOP caucus to Feb. 4 to end standoff - Arizona News from USA Today

Five killed in wrong-way crash on Michigan freeway | Reuters

Texas Politicians Fight To Stop Confederate Flag License Plate | Fox News

AFP: Biden leaves door ajar on 2016 presidential run

The Associated Press: Officials: Soldier kills deputy, then self in Ga.

The Associated Press: 'Miracle' tornado survivor denied workers' comp

Voter turnout low in La. governor's race |

Bachmann Defends Campaign After Staff Exodus, Sharpens Attack On Cain | Fox News

Anti-Violence March Planned After Vigil For Fatally Shot Brooklyn Mother -

Condoleezza Rice regrets watching Spamalot while Hurricane Katrina struck - Telegraph

The Associated Press: Hispanic voters weigh whether to stick with Obama

'Survivor' star Rupert Boneham announces run for Indiana Governor

Paul wants to phase out federal student loans -

Body found in dead man's freezer may be Kitty Wardwell, Maine woman missing since 1983

US Military Detention: Is the Senate Compromise Deteriorating?

Google, Private Equity Firms Mull Bid For Yahoo -

U.S. Solar Panel Makers Accuse Chinese of Trade Violations -

Nancy Giles: I'm charged up over bank fees - CBS News

Iran: 8 of 13 trapped divers are dead -

Social Security raise needed in tough economy - Business - Personal finance -


McDonald’s profit jumps 12% in third quarter -

The Associated Press: Solar power is beginning to go mainstream

TURKISH EARTHQUAKE: 1,000 feared dead - YouTube

Crown Prince Sultan bin Abdul-Aziz obituary | World news | The Guardian

Tunisians Hold First Vote Since Revolution -

Clinton warns Iran not to underestimate U.S. commitment to Iraq -

Gilad Shalit's release has given Hamas a boost, says Tzipi Livni | World news | The Guardian


Indian helicopter strays into Pakistan-controlled Kashmir -

McCain talks about military options in Syria - The Washington Post

Cristina Fernandez: Argentina on right track, turnout strong. Polls suggest easy re-election - The Washington Post

What role should Canada play in Libya's future? - Your Community

Thai Navy Downplays Flooding Concern as Waters Threaten Bangkok - Businessweek

Family mourns shark attack victim - Houston Chronicle


Karzai's Pakistan Comment Jolts West -

34 dead in India bridge collapse -

Libya Declares Liberation Amid Calls For Investigation Into Qaddafi's Death | Fox News

Libya's Ambassador: 'The Book of Gadhafi Has Come to the End' - YouTube

The Only Way to Save the Economy: Break Up the Giant, Insolvent Banks -

As Libya takes stock, Moammar Kadafi's hidden riches astound -

Gaddafi's final hours: Nato and the SAS helped rebels drive hunted leader into endgame in a desert drain - Telegraph


The FBI Announces Gangs Have Infiltrated Every Branch Of The Military


*104 pgs./2011 National Gang Threat Assessment Emerging Trends


Iraq Continues US Talks To Keep 1000s of GIs

Sun Never Sets on the US Military

CIA Covers Up Israeli Front's Nuke Dump

Turkey Escalates Fight With PKK, Endangers Iraqi Civilians

Iraq PM Says Failed Talks on Immunity for GIs Led to US Withdrawal

Clues to Gadhafi's Death Concealed From Public

Rebels: Gadhafi's son Saif al-Islam captured - World news - Mideast/N. Africa -

Growing Revulsion at the Treatment of the Gadhafi's Body

Are Drones Creating a New Global Arms Race?

Rice and Cheney 'Clashed Over Treatment of Terror Suspects', Memoir Claims

Rep. Landry: Does Obama Deserve Nobel After 'Amount of People He Has Killed'?

Centuries of Open Justice Threatened by Secret Courts

Kurd-Turkey Conflict Turns Iraq Town Into 'Prison'

Kucinich: 'We Will Simply Be Replacing One US Occupation With Another'

Libya's Jibril Sees Elections Within Eight Months

Battle Over £1m Colonel Gadhafi Bounty

German Intelligence Service Knew Gadhafi's Location

Gadhafi 'Killed With His Own Golden Gun' as Rebels Fought Over Ownership

Gadhafi Found in Drainpipe; Last Words: What Did I Do to You?

Kenya: Region Backs Operation Against Somali Militants

Yemen Ready to 'Deal Positively' With UN Resolution

Some Ministers Have Embezzled Millions: Anti-Graft Chief

Smartphone Controls Minidrone From 3,000 Miles

Clinton: GOP critics of Iraq withdraw should have criticized Bush

Bachmann: Gaddafi ‘may be’ still in power if I were president

Ahmadinejad: ‘An ugly thing’ for U.S. to spend more on military than unemployed

Struggling Nevada Latinos could bet on Republicans

Is Rick Perry a birther?

DirecTV may pull plug on Fox shows

Kadhafi’s body to be ‘handed to his relatives’

Pope creates three new saints

Money for Everyone—Except Americans | American Free Press

Conservative Celebrity Questions Obama’s Natural-Born Claims | American Free Press

Zionist Murder Of Muammar Gaddafi - YouTube

Joe Biden Defends Controversial Rape Comments (VIDEO)

Mitt Romney reaches out but often lacks common touch - The Washington Post

Jindal Wins Second Term as Governor of Louisiana -

Anti-illegal immigration bill stokes backlash in Alabama fields -

Texas police probe cold cases after Steven Hobbs is charged with two murders | Mail Online

Lisa Irwin missing: Man police are hunting over Baby Lisa disappearance caught on camera | Mail Online

Dead body found in man's freezer may be his ex-girlfriend who went missing in 1983, say police | Mail Online

Body of missing Alexis Rasmussen is discovered in shallow grave at rural site | Mail Online

Girl sexually assaulted walking home from school - Crime Scene - The Washington Post

Hiker, 20, mistaken for a bear shot and killed by grandfather and grandson out hunting | Mail Online

Jack the cat: Supporters start boycott of American Airlines after went missing at JFK | Mail Online

RoboSavvy Forum - Hobby Humanoid robot KHR3HV rides bike at 10k/h

New euro 'empire' plot by Brussels - Telegraph

Unparalleled Preservation: Near-Perfect Young Dinosaur Fossil Found in Bavaria - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Researchers crack W3C encryption standard for XML

At Waldorf School in Silicon Valley, Technology Can Wait -

Gaddafi salted away about $200 billion

Sharpie Self Expression Commercial 2011 - YouTube

Be Nutrition Ready and Store Super Foods | Ready Nutrition

Ten Unusual Ways to Get in the Top 1% Altucher Confidential

How to Do Laundry on a Road Trip Like John Steinbeck | The Art of Manliness

6 Heroes Who Took on The Power Elite, and Won Big

VIDEO: Assassination of Gaddafi Part of Global Regime Change

Do we Defend Human Rights or Do We Defend Ourselves from Them?

Deceit in Nato bombing of Gadhafi cities and loyalists revealed

Economic Development Performance: East Asia versus the Arab World

Imperialism and Democracy: White House or Liberty Square ?

The ‘Rebel’ Assassination of Muammar Gaddafi: a NATO Operation from A to Z

What Quantitative Easing Really Means

Gaddafi Death: A Bullet to the Head is the Culmination of NATO’s Criminal War

Why the Far Right “Supports” the Occupy Movement

ASSASSINS R US. Libya: The UN and NATO Enjoin "Multi-State Terrorism"

VIDEO: Killing of Gaddafi and NATO's Money-Driven Wars of Conquest

Human Rights: Condemning Palestinians to Torture and Children to Imprisonment

The End of History: Now that the CIA’s proxy army has murdered Gadhafi, what next for Libya?

Obama, The Son of Africa, Claims a Continent’s Crown Jewels

The Military Roadmap. America's "Next Libyas": Iran, Nigeria, Venezuela, Syria, Yemen

U.S. Will Leave Behind Iraq Where 'Moral Support' For Israel 'Punishable by Death,' Says State Dept.

Obama: My 'Drawdown in Iraq Allowed Us' to Get Bin Laden

How Many MPGs Does Obama's Bus Get? Secret Service Keeps it Secret

Napolitano: DHS Authorizing Illegal Aliens to Work in U.S.

Golden Hookah: The Dirty Laundry Of The Democratic Caucus

ICE Officer Testifies: We Are Ordered Not To Arrest Fugitives and Re-Entrants

Never Mind The OWS, Here's The Real Socialist Puppets

Sen. Rubio : 'I Support A Real Jobs Plan'

CNN Touts Own Poll to Pretend GOP Has Pro-Abortion Majority |

Matthews Tells Rubio Birther Hit Piece Author 'You Ought to Get Some Kind of Pulitzer' |

Matthews Smears All Other GOPers in the Race as 'Crazy,' Huntsman Replies: 'Thank You' |

Never Mind The OWS, Here's The Real Socialist Puppets |

Limbaugh: 'DIAPER' Act Would Bribe Moms To Let Gov't 'Indoctrinate Babies' |

Cain's Stumbles Fuel Doubts on Electability

Faith Stronger Than Ever in America, Authors Say

Napolitano: Obama 'Shredding the Constitution'

Ryan: I Won't Endorse 9-9-9 Plan

McCain: Intervention in Syria May Be Necessary

Clinton to Iran: Don't Misread Departure from Iraq

Cain Confronts Abortion in Iowa Campaign Test

Bachmann: Abolish Tax Code, Create Flat Tax

Bachmann: Obama Got 'Nothing' from Iraq

GOP Candidates Would Cut Federal Judges' Power

Hispanic Voters: Stick with Obama or Go with GOP?

Perry, Bachmann Take Veiled Swipes at Cain in Iowa

Jindal Coasts to Victory in Louisiana Gov. Race

Perry, Romney In Contest of Character

ROTC Programs Return to Ivy League Universities

Catholic Agencies Ordered to Transfer Children After Gay Law

Science Fiction-style Sabotage a Fear in New Hacks

Religion Claims Its Place in Occupy Wall Street

Mountain Jesus Statue Could Lose Its Lease

Experts: New Studies Bashing Supplements Are Flawed


*32 min./David Icke - Essential Knowledge For A Wall Street Protestor - YouTube


Web 2.0 Summit: Self Expression through Social Media- Chris Poole - YouTube

Government is a Monoploy of Force - YouTube


*Ignatius Insight - | Online Magazine of Ignatius Press


Activist Post: The Future of Organ Printing and Artificial Biology

Gaddafi's Body is Latest War Trophy for Misrata

Economic Hitmen - YouTube

West Planning Libya Solution For Syria

Documents : White House and No 10 Sought to Topple the Syrian Regime

The First Amendment The Obligation to Peacefully Disrupt in a Free Society


10-21-2011 Infowars Nightly News with Alex Jones, guests Peter Schiff, Jamie Bartlett - YouTube

2011-10-20 INFOWARS Nightly News Alex Jones PRISONPLANET TV - YouTube

2011-10-19 INFOWARS Nightly News Alex Jones PRISONPLANET TV . - YouTube

InfoWars Nightly News w/ Alex Jones: Oct 18, 2011 - Russell Means - YouTube

2011-10-17 INFOWARS Nightly News Alex Jones PRISONPLANET TV - YouTube


Video:Regulations on Speculation Weak, But Better Than Nothing

Video:Gaddafi's Murder and International Law

Video:Treat Young Offenders Like Your Own Child

*Janet Napolitano Is A Man? | Before It's News

Tiny Bugs Are Controlling Your Mind! | Before It's News

Sexual Encounter With Anunnaki Goddesses - DNA Evidence & Polygraph Test Passed. | Before It's News

Sex with Anunnaki Females: DNA Evidence & Polygraph Proof - YouTube

Soros Army Launches Wall Street Assault Of Its Own | Before It's News

US Gang Membership Believed Up 40% In 2 Years | Before It's News

Underground Dog Slaughterhouse Exposed In Kunming | Before It's News

The Cancer Time Bomb Sitting In Your Refrigerator | Before It's News

Cardboard Conservatives Never Question 9/11 | Before It's News

Solar Power Coming To Car Roofs | Before It's News

5 to 6 Thousand Dead Birds wash ashore at Wasaga Beach, Canada | Before It's News


Newt Gingrich: "Victory or Death" - Impeach Judges, Crush and Replace the Left in 2012 (1 of 5) - YouTube

Newt Gingrich: "Victory or Death" - Impeach Judges, Crush and Replace the Left in 2012 (2 of 5) - YouTube

Newt Gingrich: "Victory or Death" - Impeach Judges, Crush and Replace the Left in 2012 (3 of 5) - YouTube

Newt Gingrich: "Victory or Death" - Impeach Judges, Crush and Replace the Left in 2012 (4 of 5) - YouTube

Newt Gingrich: "Victory or Death" - Impeach Judges, Crush and Replace the Left in 2012 (5 of -5) - YouTube


*Bbq Chicken Pizza with Beer Crust | Before It's News


The New Media Journal (


Dee Dee's Delights(


Steve Jobs Cancer Hoax - YouTube


5 Videos:Hopi Prophecy 2012: Rare Videos | Before It's News

Audio Page:Orly Taitz interview on the Captain Jack show | Obama Conspiracy Theories

The Murder of Moammar Gadhafi | Before It's News

NWO Plans Exposed By Insider In 1969


*’s Week in Review | October 23, 2011 « Blog


How the media is covering up another Israeli intelligence operation against the United States « CounterPsyOps

“Prepare for Armageddon” « CounterPsyOps

Can Hammer Hurt Google? : Discovery News

Top 10 Social Networking Sites : Discovery News

Presstitute Calls TSA Terrorist Highway Check Points "Most Brilliant Thing Ever!" - YouTube

Libyan War Lawsuit Against Obama by 10 U.S. Lawmakers Thrown Out by Judge - Bloomberg

Anthony Gregory Interviewed on Antiwar Radio - informationliberation

Chicago police officer investigated for three shootings, two of them fatal -

U.S. Troop Withdrawal Motivated by Iraqi Insistence, Not U.S. Choice - Yochi J. Dreazen -

The Magnificent Afghanistan by Johnny Punish | Colonel6's Blog

Situation Report with MSG Jess Johnson-Fast and Furious rifles getting to Pakistan | Colonel6's Blog

Guest Post: 80 Years Later - Same Culprits, Same Rage | ZeroHedge

Cybercommand chief opposes U.N. net control - Washington Times

The Order of the Illuminati: Its Origins, Its Methods and Its Influence on the World Events

No TV for Children Under 2, Doctors’ Group Urges

Mikhail Gorbachev Says Occupy Wall Street Signals an Emerging New World Order

Renowned Doctor Speaks on the Dumbing Down Effects of Fluoride

MTV’s “Paramore: Vitals Statistics” Mentions Mind Control Symbolism in Music Videos

Want a RFID Chip In Your Pants? No? Well They’re Coming Anyway

UK Think Tank Wants School Teachers to Address “Conspiracy Theories”


The Global Brain (1 of 4) - YouTube

The Global Brain (2 of 4) - YouTube

The Global Brain (3 of 4) - YouTube

The Global Brain (4 of 4) - YouTube


Video Of School Students Having Sex Goes Viral Online « CBS Baltimore

Dad Furious After Teen Daughter’s Sex Tape Goes Viral « CBS Baltimore

BBC News - Tunisia votes in historic free election

Libya’s transitional leader declares liberation, sets Islamist tone for future of country - The Washington Post

UPDATE 8-Huge turnout in Tunisia's Arab Spring election | News by Country | Reuters

Report: Google mulling role in possible Yahoo bid - Yahoo! News

Obama Offers Saudis Condolences From the Golf Course | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval

Clinton backs calls to investigate Gadhafi's death - Yahoo! News

Gaddafi's death breached the law, says Russia - Europe, World - The Independent

Muammar Gaddafi's grisly death raises questions the length of Libya's revolutionary road - Telegraph

Clinton warns Iran not to exploit U.S. Iraq pullout - Yahoo! News

New York City McDonald's Cashier Rayon McIntosh Who Beat Customers Claims Self Defense « CBS New York

UH Researcher Predicts Tsunami Debris Coming Sooner To Hawaii - Honolulu News Story - KITV Honolulu

Population of world 'could grow to 15bn by 2100' | Environment | The Observer

Tensions grow at Occupy Wall Street as money and power struggles fester behind-the-scenes -

In Memoir, Condoleezza Rice Tells of Clashes With Cheney -

New euro 'empire' plot by Brussels - Telegraph

3 Parts:The Planned Authoritarian Society with Alan Watt |

Goldman Sees An "Unusually Uncertain" Future And Another Debt Ceiling Hike Just In Time For The Presidential Election | ZeroHedge

Israel And America Declare Total War on Persia |

TSA Now Searching For Silver And Gold! - YouTube

* ‘Critical Thinking’ Expert Can’t Think for Himself? |

Alex Jones Debates Globalist Think Tank Head 1/3 - YouTube

Alex Jones Debates Globalist Think Tank Head 2/3 - YouTube

Alex Jones Debates Globalist Think Tank Head 3/3 - YouTube

Jones Family Confront Warrantless Checkpoint, Round 2 |

Iran Links US-funded Terrorists to Saudi-DEA Bomb Plot |

Ron Paul sounds off on Gadhafi, 14th Amendment, looming economic collapse on Iowa radio show | Iowa Caucuses

Ron Paul on Jan Mickelson Radio Show - Part 1 - YouTube

Ron Paul on Jan Mickelson Radio Show - Part 2 - YouTube

Ron Paul on Jan Mickelson Radio Show - Part 3 - YouTube

OWS first salvo in class war US faces - YouTube

Politics And Shadow Politics: Understanding The Elite’s War on Humanity |

Post-Qaddafi Libya, Hillary Clinton, OWS Infiltrators & More: Nightly News Report |

Post-Qaddafi Libya, Hillary Clinton, OWS Infiltrators & More: Nightly News Report - YouTube

The End Of History – Paul Craig Roberts |

An Uprooted Civilization: The Roots of The Political Crisis in The West |

'Killing Gaddafi easy cover-up for West deals' - YouTube

2012: Ron Paul is the Only Option |

Monsanto, GMOs, and the global genocide of science and humanity |

Sen. (R-SC) Lindsey Graham on Iraq Withdrawal: Obama 'Failed'

'Just Scrap The Cap' Video A Creative Way to Raise Awareness on Social Security Fix

Bachmann: Gaddafi 'May Be' Still in Power If I Were President

Politicians Aren't Talking About Cutting Expensive Weapons, Just Health Care And Pension Coverage For The Military

Pat Buchanan Won't Disavow Idea That Minorities Have Inferior Genes on the Thom Hartmann Show

'We Don't Need Warrants, We're ICE'

*Audio:The Professional Left Weekly Podcast: Occupy the Boardroom? What about Occupy the Newsroom?

Education Nation Or Education Corporation?

Stealing Your Pension: The Daily Show Looks At The 1% Reverse Robin Hood

Sen. Jeff Sessions Tries To Cut Food Stamp Funding

NBA Owners Apparently Emboldened By Wall Street Bailout Mentality

David Brooks 'Jayson Blair' Restoration Project

Sorry, Texas Prisoners! No Lunch For You On Weekends

+ Labor News and Notes Round-up

Republicans Refuse to Give President Obama Credit for Stopping Gaddafi

Occupy Wall Street vs The Tea Party

RED ALERT: Biggest Bank Sweetheart Deals of All Time?

Cain Reveals Tax Loopholes, Says 9-9-9 Is Really 9-0-9

+Articles:Occupy Wall Street 10-23-11 |

+Articles:Occupy Wall Street 10-22-11 |

Ron Paul Campaign Youth Rally Speech, University Of Iowa — October 21, 2011 (00:41:53) - YouTube

The sun never sets on the U.S. military

What Will Occupy Wall Street Actually Accomplish?

Debbie Schlussel:VIDEO – HAMAS’ CAIR Wants You to Know: “We Are Occupy Wall Street”

Debbie Schlussel:Clint Eastwood & DiCrapio v. J. Edgar Hoover: No Evidence He Was Gay

Crucify Political Correctness on the Altar of Freedom of Speech

ALERT: Final Implementation Phase of Obama Formal Dictatorship has Begun

High Crimes

No Victory But Defeat

Stimulus for Me but not for Thee

US-Chinese cyber war dismissed by State Department

Afghanistan Might Support Our Enemy in U.S.–Pakistan Conflict!

Khadhafi killing: A successful UAV mission

Political Capitalism: Risky Business

Bilderberg Group in Bucharest and the EU

The Day after the US Withdrawal from Iraq

The Spoiled Brats Occupying Wall Street!

How the U.N. influences domestic policy

Clinton’s Cackling at Cain Takes the Cake

Muammar, Dead at Last

From 9-9-9 To ?-?-?

Obama Fancies New Role as Terminator of Bad Eggs

Marketing Gilad Schalit

Fracking Will Enable North Dakota to Overtake California as a Major Oil Producer

45 rights groups urge UN Rights Council to investigate its Gaddafi-linked officials

Berkeley Scientists Say, “Human Component Of Global Warming May Be Somewhat Overstated”

Reagan Saw This Coming

What Explains the Left's Affinity for OWS and Abhorrence of the Tea Party?

Occupy Wall Street: Not All as Crazy as You Think

Marx Was Right - Woodstock to Zuccotti Park

The Corps of Engineers Doubles Down on Flood Folly

Sexual Abuse and Due Process Abuse

No Mitt, No Más

Gov. Perry is On Track to Create a Million Jobs

A Serious Plan for Prosperity and Peace

Canadian at OWS scales 70 foot sculpture; calls for Bloomberg resignation

Lech Walesa won't be coming to OWS after all

Red States Rising

Chicago police arrest 130 OWS protestors - Where are all the '99 percenters?'

Obama's 'tide of war' idiocy

Gaddafi's haul from 40 years in power; $200 billion

Another debt downgrade for US on the way?

Islamists poised for victory in Tunisia election

Jindal coasts to second term

Some ally; Karzai says he'd back Pakistan in war with US

Brave Dem Supports Voter ID Law in Alabama

DHS Job Fair for Illegals


The Greens, Religion, and Science

How to (Almost) Sympathize with Occupy Wall Street

Yet One More Doomed Education Reform

NCLB Says Failure Is Not an Option...but It Should Be

France 2 TV Markets a 'Palestinian State'

Sharia über Alles versus Western Justice

Bible-Based Subterfuge in U.S.-China (Religious) Relations

Michael McFaul: Not Exactly Russian Ambassador Material

No Longer Ronald Reagan's Party

Two Visions, but Blindness Everywhere

The Canadian National Newspaper: U.S. military veteran observes boomerang UFO

The real-life Blob: Is mysterious translucent jelly found in Cambrian fells from outer space? | Mail Online

'Gypsy cemetery' spawns blue sedge mystery - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience -

Video: Wonders of the world recreated in sand - Telegraph

Planets may be forming around distant star -

One Per Cent: Grave-robbing robot could revive dead satellites

Death is not what it used to be - Telegraph

Star, WD 0806-661 B, with 'summer day on Earth' temperature discovered | Mail Online


‘Honor Killing’ Described in Canadian Trial for Muslim Father Accused of Murdering Three Daughters & Wife | Mohammad Shafia | Video |

Libyan Transitional Leader: Shariah Will be ‘Basic Source’ of all Law |

‘Old Fuzzhead is Dead’: How Gadhafi’s Daughter Found Out He had Been Killed |

Occupy Dayton Protester: ‘F*** the Military, F*** Your Flag, F*** the Police’ | Video |

Man Burns Bible During Papal Mass in St. Peter’s Square | Video |

Perry: ‘I Don’t Know‘ if Obama’s Birth Certificate is Real |

‘There are so Many Dead’: 7.2 Magnitude Earthquake Rocks Turkey | Video |

66-Year-Old Woman Shoots and Kills Home Intruder | Video |

‘Take Me Next!’: Police Arrest 130 Occupy Chicago Protesters |

Identical Twins Give Birth on the Same Day | Video |

FBI Study Show Large Presence of Gangs in the Military |

Bobby Jindal Wins Re-Election |

Gadhafi Killer | Video |

Nevada GOP Moves Caucus To February |

Fox Business Anchor Calls Joe Biden ‘Numb Nuts’ on the Air | Video |

Jan Brewer’s Immigration Lawsuit Against Obama Administration Thrown Out |

Romney Defends Rubio Against Washington Post Story |

Are Hispanic Kids Being Bullied in Alabama Because of Immigration Law? Parents Say Yes |

Cain Stumbles in National Spotlight | Video |

Google Moving to Acquire Yahoo |

Hugo Chavez: Gadhafi was a ‘Martyr,‘ His Killing an ’Outrage’ |

Obama: The U.S. has Renewed its Leadership in the World | Video |

Occupy Wall Street | Zuccotti Park | Who is John Zuccotti? |

Prison » Underemployed And Hating Life

Prison » 2012: Ron Paul is the Only Option

Stuxnet Virus Attack, OWS Call for "Global Governance" & More: Nightly News Blitz - YouTube

Obama's War Effort Surpasses Bush, Mirrors Hitler!! - Webster G. Tarpley Reports 1/2 - YouTube

Obama's War Effort Surpasses Bush, Mirrors Hitler!! - Webster G. Tarpley Reports 2/2 - YouTube

Prison » ‘Critical Thinking’ Expert Can’t Think for Himself?

+Prison » The Planned Authoritarian Society with Alan Watt

New euro 'empire' plot by Brussels - Telegraph

Obama touts foreign policy successes in Iraq, Libya | Reuters

Paul: U.S. likely to keep presence in Iraq | The Des Moines Register |

Prison » City of London’s Lord Mayor openly mocks Occupy and the 99%

U.S. warns of ‘imminent’ attack threat in Kenya | The Raw Story

Prison » US to build underground hangar in Iraq

Prison » Ron Paul sounds off on Gadhafi, 14th Amendment, looming economic collapse on Iowa radio show

Ron Paul sounds off on Gadhafi, 14th Amendment, looming economic collapse on Iowa radio show | Iowa Caucuses

Prison » Capitalism: The Cure, Not The Problem

Prison » “Subliminal Messages Exposed”

Obama: My 'Drawdown in Iraq Allowed Us' to Get Bin Laden |

Navy discharging 64 sailors for drug use, distribution | Reuters

Union President Testifies: ICE HQ Ordered Agents Not to Arrest Illegals--Including Fugitives |

Prison » House Committee passes bill that criminalizes free speech, applies US ‘drug war’ policies across entire world

Population of world 'could grow to 15bn by 2100' | Environment | The Observer

Prison » Monsanto, GMOs, and the global genocide of science and humanity

Prison » Foods, cosmetics and vaccines all widely formulated with toxic smoothing agents (emulsifiers)

Ron Paul on Meet the Press 10/23/11 - YouTube

Now Blair strikes deal to advise an oil-rich despot: Ex-PM sends team to Kazakhstan to help his friend the president | Mail Online - International News, Photos, Videos, Graphics, World

Cain tops field again in Nevada GOP straw poll - Washington Times

Gaddafi dead: How much damage could Saif still do to Britain? | Mail Online

» Son of former LA fire chief arrested for bribing TSA agent, smuggling marijuana on plane Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Revealed – the capitalist network that runs the world - physics-math - 19 October 2011 - New Scientist

» Politics And Shadow Politics: Understanding The Elite’s War on Humanity Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Dangerous allegations in the Gulf of Mexico - Features - Al Jazeera English

Elderly people 'read iPads three times faster than normal books' | Mail Online

» The Future of Organ Printing and Artificial Biology Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Centuries of open justice threatened by secret courts - Home News, UK - The Independent

African Union disputes rebels' body count claim - Africa, World - The Independent

European Union Countries Wrangle Over Recapitalizing Banks

» Occupy Money: Pay With Silver To Beat The Banks Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» BoA Derivatives Moved to FDIC Insured Accounts Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

My Way News - Saudi heir's death brings conservative to fore

America's overlooked heroes: Families back home

Obama: Libyans can celebrate 'new era of promise'

Hispanic voters: Stick with Obama or go with GOP?

No deal yet on euro crisis as the danger grows

Torch cams to give masses views from Lady Liberty

AP Essay: Leaders, once mythic, reduced in death

'Work of ordinary Libyans' led to Kadhafi ouster: Clinton

Ruling party candidate leads presidential race into run-off

Rice regrets shoe shopping amid Katrina disaster: book

Thousands protest in Italy against high-speed train

Obama says US ready to assist Turkey with quake relief

After an emotional start, science takes over trial

EU leaders threaten Iran and Syria with more sanctions

Police arrest third suspect in Galilee mosque arson

Huge turnout in Tunisia's Arab Spring election

Tunisians flock to voting stations for first taste of democracy in 50 years

Gaddafi's corpse continues to attract impatient Misrata hordes

Powerful earthquakes rocks eastern Turkey

Hamid Karzai claims on TV his country 'will side with Pakistan if US attacks'

Israeli-Arab suspected of smuggling weapons into Egypt

Your Unofficial Guide to AMC’s Fearfest

Kathy Bates: Get Those Wall Street ‘Rat Bastards’

Brigitte Bardot’s Terrible, Horrible, Humiliating First Date

Kickstarter: Free Market Comes to The Arts

‘American Horror Story’ Review: Terrifying and Risqué

N***erhead: Race-Baiting Sarah Silverman Finishes Smear-Job ‘Washington Post’ Started

Tokidoki Barbie: The Conservative Hipster

Gervais Admits He Was 'Naive' Over Offensive Remarks

The Yemen Youth Revolution

Hertz Fires 26 Muslim Drivers For Too Many Prayers At Work

Tunisia Vote A Test To Arab Spring Revolutions

Democrats Cheer Gaddafi’s Death: Whatever Happened To ‘No Blood For Oil!’?

Obama: Strength For Show But Weakness When It Really Counts

Iraq: Immunity For US Troops Was The Deal Breaker For Presence In Iraq

New Memorial Honors Valor Of Jewish Military Chaplains

Will The Nuclear Triad Become A Nuclear Biad? Does It Matter?

Arab Children (In Michigan) Taunt And Throw Shoes At Christian Preacher

Audio:America Is Funding Russia’s Missile Modernization

Sound Bite For The Day: “Can Herman Cain Even Spell The Word ‘Iraq?’”

+Sunday Crib Sheet: WaPo Under Fire, Mark Sanford To Fox

Former Polish President Won’t Attend #OccupyWallStreet After Citizen Journalists Expose Its Radical Roots

Under Fire, The Washington Post Quietly Scrubs Their Marco Rubio Hit-Piece

Cartoon:UI: Black Candidates

Slate’s Dave Weigel Warns of GOP Mind-Control Operatives Who Libel #OWS

Mother Jones Calls For #OWS Vandalism

MotherJones: Truth To Unflattering Reports On OWS

Occupy Wall Street: At CNN, Some Allegations of Sexual Abuse Are More Equal Than Others

CNN Touts Own Poll to Pretend GOP Has Pro-Abortion Majority |


Support for Obama Slipping Among Hispanic Voters

#OccupyAnimalFarm: Fights Over Money Splintering #OccupyWallSt

#OccupyChicago: Police Clear Park, Arrest 130

Breitbart Feels the SEIU’s Persuasion of Power

Today’s Students ‘Don’t Know Much About History’

Alleged NYU Prof Encourages #OWS Protesters to Bring Down Capitalism

First They Came for the Yellow Pages: Environmentalists Target Phone Books

Romney’s Trouble With Truth Extends Beyond Illegal Lawn Care Employees

#OccupyAnimalFarm: Factional Fighting Grips #OccupyWallSt

The GOP Pro-Growth, Flat Tax Competition

Cartoon:I Will Not Talk About Rape

Smart Meters: Stimulus-Funded Devices Benefit Green Lobby at Consumers’ Expense

Energy Department Defends Loan To Company Building Electric Cars In Finland | Fox News

NPR dumping opera show over host's DC protest

Cain tweaks 9-9-9 tax plan to allow exemptions

Rick Perry's flat tax plan is a political gamble

Working with Zuck | Facebook

How Russian Tycoon Yuri Milner Bought His Way Into Silicon Valley | Magazine

Jobs Told Google's Page to Cut Bloat to Avoid Becoming Microsoft - BusinessWeek

Man Vs. Machine: Seven Major Players in High-Frequency Trading - CNBC

Facebook privacy fuckup reveals who has your number in their phonebook « Alex Muir

Finally, Google Voice Natively On The iPhone, Via Sprint. « Uncrunched

Will Dropouts Save America? -

The Dropbox Blog » Blog Archive » The Dropbox API!

Doyle McManus: Mosque and state -

Saudi Crown Prince Sultan's Death Renews Succession Worries - The Daily Beast

The Tory Eurosceptics are on a roll. So why are they still so cross? | Andrew Rawnsley | Comment is free | The Observer

Schalit deal may boost Fatah-Hama... JPost - Opinion - Columnists

Pluses and Minuses in Qaddafi's Fall | Stephen M. Walt

The End of the Affair - Yochi J. Dreazen -

An end to the Iraq war? Only for the U.S. - The Washington Post

Leading article: A victory that lays bare Nato's weakness - Leading Articles, Opinion - The Independent

Men who use internet porn 'likely to become hopeless in the bedroom' | Mail Online

The Local - DSK in new sex scandal

Steve Jobs advised Bill Clinton over Monica Lewinsky - Telegraph

First grader brings gun to school after ex-NYPD mom forgets she put it in daughter's backpack

Mother keeps son, 11, home from school after he's told to cut 'anti-establishment' mohican | Mail Online

Doctors Reluctant to Treat Unvaccinated Children, Study Shows - Bloomberg

'Educational' TV for under-2s could stunt their development - Telegraph

Video games 'can alter children's brains' - Telegraph

Mice 'overrun' BBC newsroom - Telegraph

285 Indian girls replace names meaning 'unwanted' to rise above gender discrimination - Yahoo! News

Black magic widespread in Middle East - JPost - Middle East

The polygamist community where the women pick the men | Mail Online

Snapping pics of sleeping woman's breasts 'not a crime': Swedish court - The Local

Thieves charged after pooping at crime scene - The Local

US territory offers to lease land to China - Yahoo! News

Robot builds its own body from sprayable foam - tech - 19 October 2011 - New Scientist

Stuxnet Clone 'Duqu': The Hydrogen Bomb Of Cyberwarfare? | Fox News

On the menu, but not on your plate - The Boston Globe


23-Oct-11 World View

22-Oct-11 World View

20-Oct-11 World View


New California list of heroes starts with Lady Gaga?

Soros army launches Wall Street assault of its own

Trading with terrorists, murderers

Ron Paul's got it just about right

Shocking: Why pink is just a figment of your imagination | Space, Military and Medicine |

'Alien' filmed in Brazalian rainforest: Is creature pictured in Amazon from outer-space? | Mail Online

British photographer bags shot of a meteor tearing through an Aurora | Mail Online

Computer program to reveal who wrote the Bible | Mail Online

The Local - Polynesians outraged by cannibal claims

German man possibly eaten by cannibal on South Sea island - The Local

China's Great Wall eaten away by mining | Reuters

Soldiers' remains found in World War I tunnel - The Local

Strange Form Of Life Discovered In Ocean's Blackest Depths | Fox News

Satellite images of Earth show roads, air traffic, cities at night and internet cables - Telegraph

Madonna's brother homeless: Anthony Ciccone 'living rough on Michigan streets' | Mail Online

Shocking: Why pink is just a figment of your imagination | Space, Military and Medicine |

'Alien' filmed in Brazalian rainforest: Is creature pictured in Amazon from outer-space? | Mail Online

British photographer bags shot of a meteor tearing through an Aurora | Mail Online

Computer program to reveal who wrote the Bible | Mail Online

The Local - Polynesians outraged by cannibal claims

German man possibly eaten by cannibal on South Sea island - The Local

China's Great Wall eaten away by mining | Reuters

Soldiers' remains found in World War I tunnel - The Local

Strange Form Of Life Discovered In Ocean's Blackest Depths | Fox News

Satellite images of Earth show roads, air traffic, cities at night and internet cables - Telegraph

Madonna's brother homeless: Anthony Ciccone 'living rough on Michigan streets' | Mail Online

WND RADIO COMMENTARY WND Exclusive Savage: Liberals now support death penalty?;Talk host asks why left, media celebrating execution of Gadhafi

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Retired general: Troop pullout means 'no clear victory';'This administration doesn't really have a strategy for Middle East'

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Congresswoman warns Obamacare based on false premise;Failed CLASS program shows bill 'done in a very reckless manner'

Obama administration pulls references to Islam from terror training materials, official says

Faith group to IRS: Don't tread on us!

Ministry helping persecuted Christians now defends itself

Holder invites terror co-conspirator to conference

Guess who's lobbying against tracking of al-Qaida in U.S.?

Tennessee Becomes First State To Fight Terroris

Imam's on-air death threat 'not hate speech' - The Local

VIDEO: Planned Parenthood security assaults cop

Libyans line up at Misrata meat locker to ... JPost - Middle East

In His Last Days, Qaddafi Wearied of Fugitive’s Life -

Why Moammar Gadhafi Was So Strange | Moammar Gadhafi Death & Libyan Uprising | Psychology of Dictators | Malignant Narcissism & Borderline Personality Disorder | LiveScience

NOW: Biden’s rape claims are legitimate - Yahoo! News

Avoiding reporter keeps Obama spokesman clear of race question

Why are mainstream media ignoring this GOP candidate? ...

Herman Cain Exclusive: Tells Brody File He Will Support Constitutional Amendments on Life and Marriage

'Iran to move nuclear material underground in near future' - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Judge fires back: I'm serious about no guns for blogger

Progressives push forward, regressives pull back

Volcker’s Advice for More Financial Reform -

Steve Forbes on why Republican candidates are right to pursue a flat tax -

The Republicans and foreign policy -

No More Years -

Romney Going for Quick Kill of Perry - Jim O'Sullivan -

One Country, Two Revolutions -

Infrastructure projects to fix the economy? Don’t bank on it. - The Washington Post

Black America's divide over Obama - St. Petersburg Times

Richard Lugar, the unlikely target of conservatives - The Washington Post

The Saudi Ambassador of Sangfroid -

John Yoo: Twenty Years of Justice Thomas -

The single currency is close to collapse - Telegraph

Civilian courts the right place for terrorism trials -

Where do the stimulus horror stories end? | Examiner Editorial | Editorials | Washington Examiner

DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies


Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know! (Part 1)

Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know! (Part 2)

Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know! (Part 3)

Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know! (Part 4)

Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know! (Part 5)

Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know! (Part 6)

Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know! (Part 7)

Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know! (Part 8)


Federal Reserve Propaganda From The 1920′s | USAHM Conspiracy News

The Top Ten Signs That You Might Be A Zombie | USAHM Conspiracy News

Life Does Exist In Multiverse Parallel Universes | USAHM Conspiracy News

Is Gaddafi Still Alive? Did They Kill His Decoy? | USAHM Conspiracy News

The Real Reason For Rollout Of HDTV | USAHM Conspiracy News


**News Video:Bachmann: US ‘Kicked Out’ Of Iraq; Withdrawing Troops Political Decision By ‘Gen. Axelrod’

#OccupySF: Let People Print Own Money

Chris Matthews: Republicans ‘Don’t Have Thrill Up Their Leg’ For Mitt Romney

#OccupyWallStreet Supporter Rants Against Israel, Jews

Deadly Quake Hits Turkey

US Diver Killed In Shark Attack In Australia

Tunisians Vote in First Free Election

Kathy Bates: I Want Obama ‘To Stand Up On His Hind Legs And Fight These Rat Bastards’

22nd/#OccupyDayton Protester: ‘F*ck The Military, F*ck Your Flag, And F*ck The Police’

Former North Korean Political Prisoner: Moms Kill Children To Survive In Prisons

#OccupyOakland ‘Real Talk’: This ‘F*cked Up System’ Makes Us Racist, Violent

Cutesy Brainwashed #Occupy Kid: ‘Burn Wall Street, Burn!’

Protesting The Protesters: Community Board Rails Against #OccupyWallStreet

Banker’s Wife Ditches Four Kids To Join #OccupyWallStreet Protesters

John Bolton: WH Removing All References To Islam In Terror Training Manuals, ‘Form Of Thought Control’

NBC News’ Matthews Tells Rubio Birther Hit Piece Author ‘You Ought To Get Some Kind Of Pulitzer’

Baby Elephant’s First Steps

21st/Giant Pumpkins Roll Into NYC

NBC News’ Bashir: ‘Do You Think Herman Cain Can Spell The Word ‘Iraq’?’

Gaddafi Body Stashed in Shopping Center Freezer

NATO: Libya Air Operation To End This Month

Pro-Obama Group Attacks Romney Along Class Lines

Paul Ryan: Obama Making People Believe They’re ‘Stuck’ In ‘Classes’

New Video Released Showing Initial Capture Of Gaddafi

#OccupyOakland Evicted After Reports Of Crime And Intimidation Featured At Breitbart Sites

#OccupyLondonSE Causes St. Paul Cathedral to Close

Rubio: To Say My Parents Weren’t Exiles Is Outrageous

Fisker Karma – Half Billion Federal Dollars, Only 20 Miles Per Gallon In Gas Mode

Senate Rejects Big Piece Of Obama Jobs Bill Editor Larry O’Connor Talks Jobs Bill And Libya On ‘Fox & Friends’

19th/Bryant Gumbel Likens NBA Players’ Strike with Slavery; David Stern ‘Plantation Overseer’


Fed Considers More Easing: What Are They Thinking? - US Business News - CNBC

China searches for the next Steve Jobs -

’Flat’ World Will Take Long Time to Smooth Out: Pankaj Ghemawat - Bloomberg

Everyone Believes It, but Most Will Be Wrong

Is Philosophy the Most Practical Major? - Edward Tenner - Technology - The Atlantic

The Rising Value of a Science Degree -

If You Favor a Policy, Please First Figure Out What it Is. - Megan McArdle - Business - The Atlantic

Bitcoin is the latest alternate currency to crash - John Dvorak's Second Opinion - MarketWatch

*23 Oct.

American Minute for October 23rd

October 23rd in History

October 23 Events in History

October 23rd This Day in History

Today in History: October 23

This Day in History for 23rd October

Today in History: October 23

Today in History for October 23rd - YouTube


*Article Links: Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


**Politics Video:Biden: "This Is Going To Be A Tough Election"

Paul: We're Witnessing "The Failure Of A Keynesian Economic Model"

"This Week" Roundtable: GOP Fight Night In Vegas

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On GOP Tax Reform Plans

Clinton Warns Iran: U.S. Committed To Iraq

"Meet The Press" Panel On 2012 Republican Field

Bachmann: Obama's Foreign Policy Is A Failure

22nd/Obama Weekly: "US Has Renewed Its Leadership In The World"

Burr Gives GOP Weekly: Government, Get Out Of The Way

EPA Chief: Clean Air Act Has Saved Americans Trillions Of Dollars


The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-22-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-22-11 Hr 2

World Crisis Radio 10-22-11 Hr 1

World Crisis Radio 10-22-11 Hr 2

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