A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

22 October 2011

22 OCT.

Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.




Herman Cain's Hidden Nine with Peter Schiff 1/2 - YouTube

Herman Cain's Hidden Nine with Peter Schiff 2/2 - YouTube

"Subliminal Messages Exposed" - YouTube

» City of London’s Lord Mayor openly mocks Occupy and the 99% Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» ‘Critical Thinking’ Expert Can’t Think for Himself? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» FED’s Backs BoA’s $75 Trillion Toxic Assets: Nightly News Report Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» “Subliminal Messages Exposed” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Ron Paul sounds off on Gadhafi, 14th Amendment, looming economic collapse on Iowa radio show Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Ron Paul Campaign Youth Rally Speech, University Of Iowa Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Now Blair strikes deal to advise an oil-rich despot: Ex-PM sends team to Kazakhstan to help his friend the president | Mail Online

Gaddafi dead: How much damage could Saif still do to Britain? | Mail Online

Activist Post: Yemen transfer of power must begin 'immediately': US

Robert Fisk: Lessons in humanity from a Libyan family, a tale of Dickens from Cairo – and the wrong shark - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent

Activist Post: US seeks 'transparent account' of Kadhafi's death

Revealed – the capitalist network that runs the world - physics-math - 19 October 2011 - New Scientist

» Politics And Shadow Politics: Understanding The Elite’s War on Humanity Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Met facing mounting crisis as activist spying operation unravels | UK news | The Guardian

Police spies unit 'crossed the line', says Lord Macdonald | UK news |

Elderly people 'read iPads three times faster than normal books' | Mail Online

» The Future of Organ Printing and Artificial Biology Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Men who use internet porn 'likely to become hopeless in the bedroom' | Mail Online

Centuries of open justice threatened by secret courts - Home News, UK - The Independent

Years after NAFTA, first long-haul Mexican truck enters U.S. | The Raw Story

African Union disputes rebels' body count claim - Africa, World - The Independent

Anti-Globalisation Protests Flourish Decade After... |

Matt Cardle: '9/11 attacks were a conspiracy' - Celebrity News - Digital Spy

Opinion: Does the West hate Islam? - The Egyptian Gazette

Anderson Cooper Responds to Ron Paul’s Media Blackout Comments | The State Column

No Closing Statement for Ron Paul at the Western Republican Leadership Conference Debate! - YouTube

» The Only Way to Save the Economy: Break Up the Giant, Insolvent Banks Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Stuxnet Virus Attack, OWS Call for "Global Governance" & More: Nightly News Blitz - YouTube

Obama's War Effort Surpasses Bush, Mirrors Hitler!! - Webster G. Tarpley Reports 1/2 - YouTube

Prison » Withdrawal of US Troops From Iraq Highly Suspect

Prison » Corporatism Is Not Capitalism

Prison » In New Ads Ron Paul Slams Romney, Cain On Support For Bailouts

Prison » US to build underground hangar in Iraq

Iraq rejects US request to maintain bases after troop withdrawal | World news |

Prison » Post-Qaddafi Libya, Hillary Clinton, OWS Infiltrators & More: Nightly News Report

Prison » Politics And Shadow Politics: Understanding The Elite’s War on Humanity

Prison » Capitalism: The Cure, Not The Problem

Prison » The Military Roadmap. America’s “Next Libyas”: Iran, Nigeria, Venezuela, Syria, Yemen

Prison » Obama’s Great African Military Safari with Patrick Henningsen

Prison » Debt Problems are Endemic Worldwide: Bob Chapman Reports

Prison » The Only Way to Save the Economy: Break Up the Giant, Insolvent Banks

Cybercommand chief opposes U.N. net control - Washington Times

Prison » Monsanto, GMOs, and the global genocide of science and humanity

Prison » Foods, cosmetics and vaccines all widely formulated with toxic smoothing agents (emulsifiers)

The Folly of the Federal Reserve | THE PLAIN TRUTH by Judge Napolitano 10/20/11 - YouTube




The Official WhitePages (

Search Directory - (

Spokeo People Search(


1-19-11/Spokeo A Growing Threat To Internet Privacy, Cyber Security Experts Warn | Fox News


HowStuffWorks "How are terrorists tracked, and what does it cost?"


Our Nation’s History: Secrets Liberals Don’t Want You To Know – Episode 072 | Off The Grid News

Senators find sweet spot in ending benefits to millionaires


Radio @ Off The Grid News


"This President Is Working For The Bad Guys!" Dylan Ratigan - YouTube

The Corbett Report | Courts Rule US Government Above the Law

Joshua Blakeney Speaks With the Media at the Arrest Bush Protest in Surrey, British Columbia - YouTube

Pilot Speaks Out About Chemtrails And HAARP | Before It's News

Let's Get Rich - YouTube - Banker Explained "Occupy America" Scam - The Folly of Long Term Investing - Satanic Debt Racket Exposed in Banker's Novel


Is Obama a Stevenson-Rockefeller Mutt?

Is Obama a Stevenson-Rockefeller Mutt?: Barack Obama Calls Himself A Mutt

Is Obama a Stevenson-Rockefeller Mutt?: Frank Marshall Davis Interview

Is Obama a Stevenson-Rockefeller Mutt?: Adlai Stevenson United Nations Address

Is Obama a Stevenson-Rockefeller Mutt?: The Obama Plot Part I:The Stevenson Connection - Obama - Product of Illuminati Breeding Program?


From Those Wonderful Folks Who Gave You Hitler & Stalin


Was Stalin's Father A Rothschild Banker?



- - Sordid Circumstances of Obama's Birth - Media's Relentless Promotion of Lesbianism Continues - Does Faulty Grammar Signify Decadence? - Winston Churchill Was the Bankers' Go'fer - Perfidy: The Story Zionists Had to Suppress - Hebrew Language Sexualizes Conquest

How Britain's Biggest Racists Created Zionism

Does one 'super-corporation' run the global economy? | Mail Online - Will False Flag Terror Discredit Protests?


Myths & Mysteries:(




Roundup and birth defects researcher presents findings to German government | EU Reporter

CDC In State of Denial Regarding trH3N2 Human Transmission

Activist Post: Uncovered FDA Documents Reveal 26 More Gardasil Deaths

Map: The Climate Change Scare Machine — the perpetual self-feeding cycle of alarm « JoNova: Science, carbon, climate and tax - 9/11/11: Orgy of Deception


9 pg./Obama’s “Sex Rebel” Communist Mentor: The “Naked Truth” About Frank Marshall Davis


Sex Rebel Excerpts


‘High-class terrorists running US, UK and France’ — RT

Gaddafi - Dead Or Alive?

SteveLendmanBlog: Doubts About Gaddafi's Reported Assassination

Archive:Progressive Radio Network(

Zionism Defined - YouTube

Col Gaddafi died from bullet wound to head 'in crossfire' - Telegraph

The Curious Nature of the Self Chosen Few. Smoking Mirrors

Web 2.0 Summit: Self Expression through Social Media- Chris Poole - YouTube

Occupy Wall Street Simplified - YouTube

Car Company Gets U.S. Loan, Builds Cars In Finland - ABC News

Flip Side Of Ron Paul For President

Cain tweaks 9-9-9 tax plan to allow exemptions - MSNBC Articles

Class War In America

U.S. Troops Wearing UN Colors

Air Force UFO Rules Vanish After Huffington Post Inquiry

Christians United Against Religious Persecution

Prepare For Armageddon | Opinion Maker

Gang of Six Briefs Super Committee But Proceedings Remain Secret - ABC News

Who Are the Gang of Six Senators? A Look at the 6 Senators Who Are Leading the Charge | Business 2 Community

Who are the debt super committee members? - Aug. 11, 2011

GOP Rep. Asked Paper To Keep Town Hall Secret, Selected Residents Who Were Invited | ThinkProgress

Military sexual assault and rape 'epidemic' - Features - Al Jazeera English

Scandal the European parliament tried to keep secret - Telegraph

GM pigs could provide human organs 'by 2013' - Telegraph

GM crops promote superweeds, food insecurity and pesticides, say NGOs | Environment | The Guardian

Global warming study finds no grounds for climate sceptics' concerns | Environment | The Guardian

Walmart eliminates health care benefits for future part-time employees | AHN

Biotech group bids to recruit high-profile GM 'ambassadors' | Environment | The Guardian

ProMED Comments on Swine Exposure By trH3N2 Cases

Dirty Equipment Likely Led to Listeria Outbreak

Go Beyond The Cover - YouTube

Targeted for assassination by NATO? Will Seif Gaddafi Survive to Have His Day in Court? | Intifada Palestine

A Real People's Bank: Occupy Wall Street's Call for a Public Banking Option | Sustainable Finance

Ron Paul: Blame the Fed for the Financial Crisis -

Living like a Princess on Tax Payer’s Money :

David Icke: Essential Knowledge For A Wall Street Protester : Federal Jack

poorrichards blog: How Can We Rouse Police and Other Protectors of the Corporatocracy — “Guards” of the Status Quo — to Join the OWS Rebellion?

Pete Seeger, Arlo Guthrie join Occupy Wall Street protesters in march to Columbus Cicle

Ron Paul EXPOSED in this old video! - YouTube

Vegas Debate: Ron Paul rips Herman Cain over Occupy Wall Street - YouTube


Michael Rivero interview - Sorbi ba Mardom * Oct 21, 2011 * ( * - YouTube




The Mad Man Who Wasn't Part3(1/3) - YouTube

The Mad Man Who Wasn't Part3(2/3) - YouTube

The Mad Man Who Wasn't Part3(3/3) - YouTube










The Intercept: New Libya Born from an Act of Terrorism

(The Bitch)Hillary Clinton Laughs About Gadhafi's Death... - YouTube

U.S. changes approach to pressing Pakistan on Haqqani network |

Clinton Threatens Pakistan With ‘Unilateral’ Moves Over Haqqani Network -- News from

The Military Roadmap. America's "Next Libyas": Iran, Nigeria, Venezuela, Syria, Yemen

The End of History: Now that the CIA’s proxy army has murdered Gadhafi, what next for Libya?

Obama Admin Scales Up Tensions, Ignoring Mistrust of Alleged Iran Plot -- News from

The Intercept: Officials: US drone fired in Gadhafi strike

10,000 at the Border: Turkish Troops Continue to Pour into Northern Iraq -- News from

Proxywar : Oceania vs. Eurasia |

Rex 84 Vs. Globalist Shutdown |

Activist Post: Farms Need People, Not Machines

Genetically modified canola goes wild

Assasination of Cnl Muamar Ghaddafi - Interview of RT, 21Oct2011 - YouTube

Guts, No Glory: Gaddafi death leaves blood on hands of NATO PR machine - YouTube

AllGov - News - Did Herman Cain Base His Tax Plan on SimCity 4?

Reuters - Business News -

Herman Cain 999 Plan: Did It Come From SimCity?

'Gaddafi death an omen of tribal war & mob rule in Libya' - YouTube

poorrichards blog: Moammar Gadhafi, R.I.P.–Will the Libyan dictator have the last laugh?

Gaddafi Dead. Impossible to fake? - YouTube

Man arrested for videotaping on federal property sues Homeland Security | Pixiq

Global Debt Clock: $43 Trillion & Ticking - Home - The Daily Bail

People Are Awesome: This Church Is Divesting Millions from Bank of America - Culture - GOOD

Millionaires Control 39% of Global Wealth - The Wealth Report - WSJ

Breaking Economics: Ron Paul Blasts The Fed, Says It Started Financial Crisis

Goldman Execs Stay Fat And Happy On Huge Bonuses Despite Down Year For Profits - Home - The Daily Bail

Occupy Wall Street Simplified - YouTube

+ House Committee passes bill that criminalizes free speech, applies US 'drug war' policies across entire world

Truth about Gaddafi Libya that NATO, CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera & CO Keep Hidden - YouTube

Audio:Patrick Cockburn « Antiwar Radio with Scott Horton

Revolutionary Politics : "I'm Not Biased Against Ron Paul!" Anderson Cooper (You Guys Are Getting To The Media! Keep It Up!)

Exposed: Illinois Law Financially Penalizes Public Schools When Vaccination Rates Drop Below 90% |

M2 Money Supply Rapidly Increasing | National Inflation Association Blog

Radioactive Cover Up Canada And USA |

Revolutionary Politics : Rand Paul "Instead Of Calling Us Stupid Perhaps The President Should Come & Talk To Us!"

Gadhafi caught, killed in Libya - Washington Times


DigaNET Digital Video Recorders(


*2:26:08/Wake Up Call-New World Order Documentary-Remastered-Full Length - YouTube


News of Interest from JohnU78: The Mosin Nagant: A Reasonably Priced Rifle

Gaddafi death an omen of tribal war & mob rule in Libya' -

Qaddafi Was Captured Alive—Who Killed Him? - Max Fisher - International - The Atlantic

Cybercommand chief opposes U.N. net control - Washington Times

Iran Links US-funded Terrorists to Saudi-DEA Bomb Plot -

Next Arab Domino May Be Oil Darling Algeria: Reuel Marc Gerecht | StratRisks

Exclusive: Nasdaq hackers spied on company boards | Reuters

Centuries of open justice threatened by secret courts -

Centuries of open justice threatened by secret courts - Home News, UK - The Independent

Marco Rubio Accused of Not Being a Natural Citizen

Ron Paul Correctly Predicts Obama Lie - YouTube

Left behind in Iraq: thousands of contractors – CNN Security Clearance - Blogs

10 Mind Blowing Facts Which Show How Members Of Congress And Federal Employees Are Living The High Life At Our Expense - informationliberation

Government Agencies Want the Right to Lie About Documents They Have in Their Possession - informationliberation

There Is An Evil 1%, But Everyone Is Getting Its Identity Wrong - informationliberation

Economic Crisis: How to Cause Them and How to Make Them Worse | Hans-Hermann Hoppe - YouTube

Bank Transfer Day: Technologists Say Thousands Already Switching

America's Boomtown: North Dakota housing crunch - Oct. 21, 2011

BBC News - BP wins approval to resume drilling in Gulf of Mexico

Navy discharging 64 sailors for drug use, distribution | Reuters

The $1 Trillion Student Loan Rip-Off: How an Entire Generation Was Tricked into Taking on Crushing Debt That Just Enriches Banks | | AlterNet

Centuries of open justice threatened by secret courts - Home News, UK - The Independent

'Son of Stuxnet' hits European computer networks | Science & Technology | Deutsche Welle | 21.10.2011

One in Four Believers Are 'Christians in Name Only,' According to Survey, Christian News

Exclusive Video: Robot Mini-Tank Battles Homemade Bombs | Danger Room |

Occupy the Boardroom: 9 Angry, Heart-Breaking Messages to Wall Street's Elites From the 99%

Not an Employee? Herman Cain Had Mailing and Email Addresses at Koch's Americans For Prosperity HQ

Why Obama May Be About to Give a Giant Handout Out to the Billionaire Koch Brothers

Crazy Little Thing: Why Love and Sex Drive Us Mad

Why Do People Become Addicts?

All US Troops to Leave Iraq by December

The Iraq War Ain't Over, No Matter What Obama Says

Iraq Rejects US Request to Maintain Bases After Troop Withdrawal

Panetta: Military to Negotiate New Iraq Role After Pullout

Gadhafi Burial Delayed Amid Calls for Probe

Moammar Gadhafi: In Your Grocer’s Freezer

You Can't Blame Gadhafi for Thinking He Was One of the Good Guys

China Cautions Against More Western Intervention

US Grand Jury Indicts Two Men in Saudi Envoy Plot

Gadhafi's Demise Swings Spotlight to Uprisings in Syria, Yemen

Moammar Gadhafi, R.I.P. by Justin Raimondo --

Government is a Monoploy of Force - YouTube

G. Edward Griffin: Individualism & Capitalism vs. Collectivism & Monopolies - YouTube

Occupy Wall Street And Its CIA And Oligarchical Roots - YouTube

'NATO Humanitarian intervention is myth in Libya, bombed back to the Stone Age, it's rank hypocrisy' (Video)

Activist Post: Scientists Reconstruct Black Death Pathogen that Killed 50 Million People

Top 11 Ways Big Brother Loves Us | Before It's News

The Dark Side of Breast Cancer Awareness Month - Part II | GreenMedInfo | Blog entry | Natural Medicine | Alternative Medicine | Integrative Medicine

Activist Post: The Future of Organ Printing and Artificial Biology

Elites Announce Post Gadhafi Hit List | Before It's News

Activist Post

Activist Post: Yemen transfer of power must begin 'immediately': US

Activist Post: US seeks 'transparent account' of Kadhafi's death

Activist Post: Withdrawal of US Troops From Iraq Highly Suspect

Activist Post: Clinton implicitly warns Iran not to interfere in Iraq

Activist Post: Persistent Organic Pollutants Could Lead to Birth Defects in Half of All Newborns

VIDEO:Media Depicts U.S. Juvenile Detention Facilities as Rehabilitative

VIDEO:Baltimore Debates New Youth Jail

VIDEO:Capitalism on Trial

VIDEO:Egyptian Military Stokes Sectarian Conflict

Libya's Liberation Announcement Set For Sunday

Gadhafi Death Marks End of NATO Mission

Iran Has 'No Problem' with Saudis Despite US Probe

Saudi Arabian Crown Prince is Dead

Clashes Erupt in Yemen's Capital

E. African Nations Back Kenyan Offensive in Somalia

Campaign Winds Down in Tunisia's First-Ever Democratic Elections

Obama Pushes Jobs Bill Passage After Overseas Achievements | News | English

International Trademark Laws Vital to Global Businesses

Muslim Groups Back Occupy Wall Street Protesters

Obama: Gadhafi Death Ends Long, Painful Chapter for Libya

Eccentricity, Repression Marked Gadhafi's Rule

Gadhafi's 42-Year Reign Marked By Controversy

'Revenge of Electric Car' Takes a Wild Ride

The Order of the Illuminati: Its Origins, Its Methods and Its Influence on the World Events

Mikhail Gorbachev Says Occupy Wall Street Signals an Emerging New World Order

1980s Sitcom Predicted Year of Gaddafi’s Death (video)

No TV for Children Under 2, Doctors’ Group Urges

Renowned Doctor Speaks on the Dumbing Down Effects of Fluoride

MTV’s “Paramore: Vitals Statistics” Mentions Mind Control Symbolism in Music Videos

Want a RFID Chip In Your Pants? No? Well They’re Coming Anyway

+ The Seeker The Search The Sacred

VIDEO:Gaddafi's Last Words As Rebels Dragged Him Through Street

VIDEO:Clinton on Qaddafi: "We Came, We Saw, He Died"

Gaddafi Death: Envoy Slams 'Sadistic' Triumphalism

The Son of Africa Claims a Continent’s Crown Jewels

The End Of History

How The West won Libya

Gaddafi A Revolutionary Spirit

Lion of Africa Killed in Combat

Qaddafi Is Gone But Other U.S. Foes Remain

U.S. May Have Concealed Deterrent Aim of Iranian Plan

US Lawmakers Reject Canada Drug Purchases

Gaddafi burial delayed amid calls for probe

US Military sexual assault and rape 'epidemic':

50% of All US Workers Made Less than $26,000 in 2010

Top banks accused of colluding on ATM fees:

Joe diGenova: Bloomberg, Obama Wrong on Wall Street Mob - Violence Coming

US-Pakistan Tensions Could Harm Regional Security

Gadhafi Death Has Repercussions for Arab Spring

America's Descent to Depravity

Occupy Wall Street: Populist Financiers Supporting Protesters Is Part of the Problem, Not the Solution

Four US banks hold a staggering 95.9% of U.S. derivatives: The $600 Trillion Time Bomb That's Set to Explode

Libya: A Brutal, Gratuitous Slaying, the New World Order in All Its Transparent Barbarism

Human Rights: Condemning Palestinians to Torture and Children to Imprisonment

VIDEO: Killing of Gaddafi and NATO's Money-Driven Wars of Conquest

Decline of the West: Blood-lust in the streets of Libya suffices for justice

Wall Street and Student Debt Foregiveness

Revealed – the Capitalist Network that Runs the World

Britain, France , US: ‘And the Winner is ...’ In the Lifestyle Sweepstakes, the Answer is “None of the Above”.

The Federal Reserve and Bank of America Initiate a Coup to Dump Billions of Dollars of Losses on the American Taxpayer

VIDEO: Mother of All Strikes: Greece Grinds to a Halt

*Audio:Brian Wilson interviews Lew Rockwell;He’s a Cainiac

Ten Unusual Ways to Get in the Top 1% Altucher Confidential

Doug Casey: Government Is a Monopoly of Force

+How to Do Laundry on a Road Trip Like John Steinbeck | The Art of Manliness

- The Budweiser diet: How long can you survive on beer alone? - Slate Magazine

+ Be Nutrition Ready and Store Super Foods | Ready Nutrition

First They Came for the Smokers... And I said Nothing Because I Was Not a Smoker -- Puppet Masters --

'If he hadn't wanted more wives, I probably wouldn't have married him': How women are the driving force behind polygamous marriage | Mail Online

Looking To Our Past – Part 1

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – October 20th, 2011

Traipsing towards tyranny: New FBI service to track suspects using advanced facial recognition system

Do You Believe al-Qaeda’s Claim Gaddafi is Dead? |

Gaddafi body being taken to secret location: NTC official - Yahoo! News

Tony Blair's six secret visits to Col Gaddafi - Telegraph

» Our moral decline: Blood-lust in the streets of Libya suffices for justice Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Gaddafi Killing Gets War Criminal Blair Off The Hook |

U.S. Predator Drone Fired on Qaddafi Convoy, Official Says

Russ Baker Discusses Usama Bin Laden Death, 9/11 Commission Report, Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and more |

Keiser Report: Live and Let Fail (E199) - YouTube

Satan, Revelation, OWS and the NWO |

Gerald Celente: Wall St is Washington and Washington is Wall St - YouTube

The Shadow CIA And Bush White House Assassinated Afghan Hero Ahmad Shah Massoud Two Days Before 9/11 |

Christian Science Monitor - A Long, Steep Drop for Americans' Standard of Living - CNBC

U.S. & Israel Launch New Phase Of Cyber Warfare |

New Law Bans Cash on 2nd Hand Sales! - YouTube

3 PARTS:The Planned Authoritarian Society with Alan Watt |

Herman Cain's Hidden Nine | Euro Pacific Capital

2012: Ron Paul is the Only Option |

Gorbachev Calls For American Perestroika |

Did Navy Use Spice Bust to Intimidate Sailors on Osama Boat into Silence? |

FBI Ramps Up Next Generation ID Roll Out |

A Suggested Survival List – Chuck Baldwin |

The Burzynski Research Institute’s Cancer Treatment Threatens Big Pharma |

All available archives for Guns and Butter | KPFA 94.1 FM Berkeley: Listener Sponsored Free Speech Radio

'Killing Gaddafi easy cover-up for West deals' - YouTube

Pepe Escobar: NATO wanted Gaddafi dead all along - YouTube

Immortal Technique on #ows, Obama, 2012 election, Ron Paul, Immigration, Bloomberg - YouTube

» In New Ads Ron Paul Slams Romney, Cain On Support For Bailouts Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

CNN’s Anderson Cooper In Desperate Anti-Ron Paul Rant |

Steve Jobs Cancer Hoax - YouTube

David Icke - Essential Knowledge For A Wall Street Protestor - YouTube

Shocking Truth About Gaddafi -- what you don't know. - YouTube

Monsanto, GMOs, and the global genocide of science and humanity |

» Monsanto’s Crimes Against Humanity with Jeffrey M. Smith Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


*ARTICLES:Occupy Wall Street and Federal Reserve News – 10-21-11 |

+ARTICLES: Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post ; BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials – October 20, 2011

+ARTICLES: Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post ; BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- October 21, 2011


The Seeds Of Our Destruction Were - And Still Are - Sown In The Bond Markets | Before It's News

Paul Brodsky: The Seeds of Our Destruction Were - And Still Are - Sown in the Bond Markets - YouTube

+Why Republicans Will Never Address Obama’s Crimes | Before It's News

COPY - Why Republicans Will Never Address Obama’s Crimes| The Post & Email

The Shadow CIA And Bush White House Assassinated Afghan Hero Ahmad Shah Massoud Two Days Before 9/11 | Before It's News

Gaddafi's Murder Leaves Him A 'Martyr' | Before It's News

Did Obama For America Conspire To Remove Minor v Happersett From 25 Supreme Court Opinions? | Before It's News

Supreme Court To Hear The Mother of All Corporate Immunity Cases | ThinkProgress

Chemtrails; Pilots Revealed! Caught in the Act! - YouTube

+WEEKLY ADDRESS: Renewing America’s Global Leadership | Before It's News

Obama’s Pentagon Wants to Monitor Your Mind

The Truth about OBAMA and Kennedy Assassination Told by Gadaffi. - YouTube

* Hmm, An Interesting Thesis, Indeed! Is Obama Really Mind-Controlled Twins? | Before It's News

A Year on Earth: How to Measure a Complete Trip Around the Sun | Before It's News

Conquering The Food Budget - Save Money On Groceries | Before It's News

Latest Images of Comet Elenin: Not Much to See | Before It's News

Radar Technology from MIT Can See Through Walls - ABC News

Man who tried to turn his poop into gold is jailed | Before It's News

Gaddafi's Death Breached The Law, Says Russia | Before It's News

Attempts to Poison Free-Roaming Cats Endangers Wildlife, Pets, According To Best Friends Animal Society Experts | Before It's News

Monsanto, GMOs, And The Global Genocide Of Science And Humanity | Before It's News

» Monsanto’s Crimes Against Humanity with Jeffrey M. Smith Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Hitler Faces Another Rapture - YouTube

E-Verify, Birthright Citizenship Hot Topics at Debates | Before It's News

ALIPAC - Effort to overturn California Dream Act for illegals hits the streets

Gadhafi body stashed in shopping center freezer | The Indianapolis Star |


+Olive and Green Chili Cornbread


The Kitchen Witch(


Water has Memory - YouTube


*1:25:47/Water - The Great Mystery (Full Version) - YouTube



EU Bank Failures Will Crash Wall Street — Again

SEPT.'11/Europe Stunned After Being Told “Obama Is Not In Charge” |

Wayne Madsen: Rahm Emanuel's Family Ties to Mossad, and His Links to The Chicago Mob 1/2 - YouTube

Wayne Madsen: Rahm Emanuel's Family Ties to Mossad, and His Links to The Chicago Mob 2/2 - YouTube


+How to Cook your Eggs in an Orange’s Skin | Before It's News


Camping Tips and Guides(


Who shot Gadhafi remains a mystery

The EyeOpener- CIA & the Nuclear Black Market: A Case Study


One in five boys aged five cannot write their own names | Mail Online

Lecturer exposed as police spy-master who infiltrated Greenpeace and other groups 'posing threat to public order' | Mail Online

Saving Money, Losing Privacy, Tracking Your Every Move | American Free Press

Conservative Celebrity Questions Obama’s Natural-Born Claims | American Free Press

Can Kucinich Money Bill Provide Focal Point for Protests? | American Free Press

Fed Insider GOP Frontrunner? | American Free Press

What Are Obama’s True Colors? | American Free Press

What should Occupy Wall Street’s agenda be? - The Washington Post

Occupy Wall Street protesters: The 99% aren't all unemployed liberals | Mail Online

Gaddafi dead video: Widow demands UN inquiry into husband's killing | Mail Online

Gaddafi dead: Dictator's son Mutassim pictured moments before execution | Mail Online

Gaddafi dead: Son Saif critically injured but 'fleeing across Libyan desert' towards Niger | Mail Online

Ahmadinejad: U.S. must put an end to Middle East colonialism - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Obama Has Written Personal Checks To Struggling Americans

Rick Perry's Top Career Donor Has Not Given To His Presidential Campaign, Report Shows

'Alien' filmed in Brazalian rainforest: Is creature pictured in Amazon from outer-space? | Mail Online

Texas Right to Life Chief Gives Perry Good Marks

California First State to Adopt ‘Cap and Trade’

Mexican Truck Finally Enters US Under NAFTA

Lawmakers Open to Changes in Military Benefits

Rubio Calls Washington Post Attack on Him 'Outrageous'

DiGenova: Bloomberg Bungled Wall Street Squatters

Rep. Hensarling Optimistic on Tax Reform

Steve Jobs Told Obama: You'll Be a One-Termer

McCain to GOP Candidates: ‘Be More Respectful’

Dem Rep. Cardoza Slams Obama on His Way Out

Prince Sultan Death Starts Plans for Succession

Gadhafi's Billions May Never Be Found

Union: ICE Told Agents Not to Arrest Illegals

Lobbying Industry Struggles in Today's Economy

Experts: New Studies Bashing Supplements Are Flawed

Patients Fear 'Michael Jackson' Anesthesia Drug

Extra Calcium Doesn't Help Teens Shed Pounds

Study: No Cellphone-Cancer Link

Is Bank of America Headed for the Glue Factory?

Exclusive interview with Senator Marco Rubio on WaPo’s story about his family history « Hot Air

Opinion: Marco Rubio: My family's flight from Castro - Sen. Marco Rubio -

Washington Post Downplayed Obama's Big Embellishment about Mother's Health Insurer | The Weekly Standard

Steve Jobs and biological father unknowingly met, biographer says - CBS News

Gaddafi's death breached the law, says Russia - Europe, World - The Independent

Venezuela’s Chavez says Muammar Qaddafi is ‘martyr’

Rebels accused of executing former Libyan leader and son Mutassim - Telegraph

Muammar Gaddafi's 'trophy' body on show in Misrata meat store | World news | The Guardian

Gaddafi salted away about $200 billion

Gaddafi dead: Son Saif critically injured but 'fleeing across Libyan desert' towards Niger | Mail Online

Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Sultan Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud Dies | Fox News

Myspace purchase a 'huge mistake': Murdoch

Woman Stole Crosses to Pay Electric Bill: Cops | NBC Connecticut

Woman allegedly beaten with frozen armadillo | Newswatch | a blog

Occupy Chicago Protesters Ask Mayor Emanuel to End Arrests with Online Petition

Analysis: Will Obama's foreign policy success help? - Yahoo! News

Debbie Schlussel;Clint Eastwood & DiCrapio v. J. Edgar Hoover: No Evidence He Was Gay

Debbie Schlussel:HAMAS’ (& Fatah’s) Christian Terrorists: Meet Chris Al-Bandak of the Shalit Trade

Debbie Schlussel:Steve Jobs’ Wife, Jobs’ $s Heavily Involved in Far Left Causes

What Will Occupy Wall Street Actually Accomplish?

Bi-National Health Insurance

One Per Cent: Grave-robbing robot could revive dead satellites

Death is not what it used to be - Telegraph

Star, WD 0806-661 B, with 'summer day on Earth' temperature discovered | Mail Online

Queen Mary Bartender Leslie Schirmacher Haunted By Ghost That Looks Like Actor Kevin Spacey

New Radar Could Give Soldiers X-Ray Vision : Discovery News

Tiny World 'Snow White' Has Water Ice and Maybe Atmosphere | Dwarf Planets & 2007 OR10 | Kuiper Belt & Outer Solar System |

“Sybil Exposed”: Memory, lies and therapy -

Sighting the Unseen: Transparent UFOs and Transformation Optics | Mysterious Universe

BBC News - Old American theory is 'speared'

The First Monstrous Objects of the Early Universe

Computer program to reveal who wrote the Bible | Mail Online

BBC News - Ardnamurchan Viking boat burial discovery 'a first'

BBC News - Power from the people

Limbaugh Stunned: VP Biden Is Making An Abject Fool Of Himself With Rape Comments

Limbaugh: Calypso Louie Greatest Hits Media Montage On Day Of Gaddafi Killing

Limbaugh Reacts To Gaddafi Killing: Barry Did It! He Killed Another Bad Guy. The Media Is Having Orgasms.

Bilderberg Group in Bucharest and the EU

From 9-9-9 To ?-?-?

Obama Fancies New Role as Terminator of Bad Eggs

Democratic Party Full Of Nuts As Well As Flakes

A European Spring has sprung but it’s not what you think

Beware the Smart Electric Meter—It’s Coming for YOU!

Socialism, Marxist Communism and Cultural Marxism: Spiritual Diseases of Our Time

Obama whacks another bad guy

Political Capitalism: Risky Business

Is Barrack Hussein Obama an anti-Semite?

President Obama again taking credit for following plan set forth by President Bush

A Republican Debacle in the Desert

Obama’s ‘Fundamental Transformation’ of the White House?

Berkeley Scientists Say, “Human Component Of Global Warming May Be Somewhat Overstated”

45 rights groups urge UN Rights Council to investigate its Gaddafi-linked officials

Imperial Republics Fall

Is Food the Earth’s Worst Enemy?

My Way News - Saudi heir's death brings conservative to fore

Even in a meat locker, Gadhafi divides Libya - World news - Mideast/N. Africa -

De Borchgrave: Former al-Qaida Leader Emerging as Strongman in Libya

My Way News - Lawmakers open to changes in military benefits

White House backs Biden's rape, murder remarks - Washington Times

Senate Votes Down Trimmed Version Of Obama's Jobs Bill | Fox News

Obama Job Approval Average Slides to New Low in 11th Quarter

Herman Cain, GOP presidential hopeful on homosexuality: Being gay is a 'sin' and personal 'choice'

Madoff crows he is treated like a “Mafia don” in the slammer -

Former 'Top Chef Just Desserts' Contestant Indicted on Child Pornography Charges

Gov. Brewer: Obama 'lectured me' - MJ Lee -

Hertz fires 26 Muslim employees over prayer breaks -

Jon Stewart Slams GOP Reaction to Gaddafi’s Death | Video |

The Feds Will Cut Off TV and Radio on November 9th |

Jan Brewer’s Immigration Lawsuit Against Obama Administration Thrown Out |

Yes, There is Video of 92-Year-Old Pete Seeger Marching and Singing at Occupy Wall Street | Video |

Update: NPR Ditches Opera Show Over Host’s Involvement With Occupy D.C. |

Obama: The U.S. has Renewed its Leadership in the World | Video |

CAIR Holds Islamic Prayers at Occupy Wall Street | Video |

U.S. Diver Killed in Shark Attack off Australian Coast |

Shock Report: Federal Reserve To Backstop Bank Of America’s European Derivatives |

Hero Pregnant Mom Dies Shielding Children From Gunfire at NY Elementary School | Video |

New Book by Eli Saslow Titled ‘Ten Letters’ Reveals President Barack Obama Sends Personal Checks to Americans |

Hamas Arranges Luxury Hotel, Cash, Free Cellphones for Freed Palestinian Terrorists |

Gallup Poll Reveals that Only Jimmy Carter had a Lower Approval Rating than President Barack Obama at the 11th Quarter |

Graphic Footage Shows Bloodied Gadhafi Being Dragged from Drainpipe, Shouting at Rebels | Video |

Scientists Research Next Move of Rapidly Inflating South American Volcano |

Some Hold Electronic Communications Privacy Act Does Adequately Protect Today’s Privacy |

Chris Matthews Gushes Over ‘Impressive’ Jon Huntsman: Thank You for ‘Being the Sane Man in the Republican Party’ |

iPad 2 Security Flaw: Smart Cover | Video |

Martin Bashir Asks Guest: ‘Do You Think Herman Cain Can Spell the Word ’Iraq?” | Video |

Marco Rubio Defends His Family’s Immigration History |

Mark Sanford to Join Fox News |

Report: Michele Bachmann’s Entire New Hampshire Staff Quits |

Herman Cain Announces ‘9-9-9‘ is Actually a ’9-0-9′ Plan for those at Poverty Level |

Kim Hye Sook Discusses Her Detention in North Korean Prison Camp | Video |

APNewsBreak: Banks nowhere near deal on Greece

Report: Google mulling role in possible Yahoo bid

U.S. and North Korea reach deal on war remains

As polls open in Louisiana, Jindal seen as shoo-in

Conservative Romney alternatives vie for Iowa edge

Obama says Libya, Iraq remind of 'renewed' US leadership

285 Indian girls shed 'unwanted' names

Iraq still seeking U.S. trainers: PM Maliki

Women making slow, sure strides in science, math

Kenya says Somalia rebels on the run

Arab strongman: With Gadhafi death, an era passes

Official: EU banks have to raise $140 billion

Afghanistan to back Pakistan if wars with U.S.: Karzai

Turkish military says forces kill 49 Kurdish militants

Libya to declare 'liberation,' timetable for elections

Police wound machete-wielding man near downtown Los Angeles

Libyan PM Jibril sees elections within eight months

N***erhead: Race-Baiting Sarah Silverman Finishes Smear-Job ‘Washington Post’ Started

Tokidoki Barbie: The Conservative Hipster

‘Mighty Macs’ Tim Chambers: ‘I Wish Hollywood Would Embrace That Niche Market Known as Middle America’

‘Martha Marcy May Marlene’ Review: Seductive but Hollow

Grammer Ready to Retire Frasier Thanks to ‘Boss’

Five for Fighting’s Ondrasik Tapped For New ABC Series

‘Margin Call’ Review: A Smart and Slick Look at the Financial Downturn

Box Office Predictions: ‘Paranormal’ Creeps Out the ‘Musketeers’

+Morning Call Sheet: Strippers Vs. Werewolves, Streep Sucks, and Streep Really Sucks

Kyle Smith: Latest Electric Car Doc Ignores Inconvenient Truths

‘Take Shelter’ Review: Gutsy Performances Marred by Dishonest Ending

‘Paranormal Activity 3′ Review: VHS Keeps Franchise Alive

Hergé’s History Tainting Spielberg’s ‘Tintin?’ Not Quite

Bozell Column: 'Reality Shows' Distort the World |

Rob Kardashian on Barack Obama diss: 'You can learn from our show' - Celebrity News - Digital Spy

Spotted: Will Ferrell at the White House - CLICK -

The GOP Pro-Growth, Flat Tax Competition

CARTOON:I Will Not Talk About Rape

Smart Meters: Stimulus-Funded Devices Benefit Green Lobby at Consumers’ Expense

Don’t Believe In the Gun, Believe In the Citizen

Lech Walesa Not Attending #OccupyWallStreet in New York After Discovering Hard-Left Organizers

#OccupyOakland Sent Eviction Notice by City Hall; Protesters Defiant

Tea Party Group Harassed by GA Capitol Police While Occupy Wall Streeters Given Pass to Break Laws

President Obama: ‘I’ve Made All the Right Choices’

#Occupy and Unions Combine Forces Against Private Business In Their War On America

#OccupyMilwaukee Protester Yells Inside Bank: ‘This Is a Hostile Takeover!’

#OccupyFannieMae: Government Policy Caused the Subprime Crisis

#OccupyLA: To Hell With Solidarity, But Wait…Free Food Stamps!!

Obama: All Troops Out of Iraq by Year’s End

The Anti-Semitic and Anti-Israel Organizers of #OccupyWallStreet

More Than Half Of Americans Didn't Dine Out Last Year: Census » Paul Ryan: Obama Making People Believe They’re ‘Stuck’ In ‘Classes’

Social Security raise welcomed in tough economy

Jack Daniel's Faces More Taxes From Cash-Strapped Hometown In Tennessee | Fox News

Slate’s Dave Weigel Warns of GOP Mind-Control Operatives Who Libel #OWS

Mother Jones Calls For #OWS Vandalism

MotherJones: Truth To Unflattering Reports On OWS

Occupy Wall Street: At CNN, Some Allegations of Sexual Abuse Are More Equal Than Others

Did Media Matters Pressure Anderson Cooper To Walk Back Tax Statistic?

Miami Herald : Did the Washington Post Embellish Marco Rubio’s ‘Embellishments’?

Paul Krugman Visits Occupy Wall Street Protests (VIDEO)

Arab Children (In Michigan) Taunt And Throw Shoes At Christian Preacher

AUDIO:America Is Funding Russia’s Missile Modernization

I Think Obama Is Starting To Like This; Other Leaders Could Be Killed Next

The Shalit Deal: Whetting The Arabs’ Appetite

CAIR’s Odd Stance On The Iran Terrorism Plot

AUDIO:Col. Randall Larsen: Are We Getting Our Money’s Worth on Bio Defense?

Now We Turn To The Future Of Libya

AUDIO:Bill Warner: Three Lies About Islam

NATO: We Didn’t Know Gaddafi Was In Convoy

Assassination Plot In DC Related To Increasing Iranian Presence In Western Hemisphere

Reagan Wanted To Take Out Gaddafi 30 Years Ago…But Couldn’t Because Of The Law

Iran: Occupy Wall Street Will Lead To The Collapse Of The American System

Gadhafi's death energizes Syrian, Yemeni protests

» The Anti-Semitic and Anti-Israel Organizers of #OccupyWallStreet - Big Government

Libya's post-Qaddafi transition beginning - CBS News

Obama’s String Of Foreign Policy Victories Still No Match For Economy In 2012 Election | Fox News

How far will Ohio go to regulate exotic pets after menagerie shooting? -

Gaddafi's body is latest war trophy for Misrata | Reuters

Gaddafi's death may influence political crisis in Yemen

The Associated Press: Arab strongman: With Gadhafi death, an era passes

Muammar Qaddafi's 'Gruesome' Final Moments May Trigger UN Probe

Moammar Khadafy death, Libya's future bring chaos

Ahmadinejad on Gadhafi, Syria, alleged plot, nuclear weapons and America's role – Global Public Square - Blogs

A tyrant's end: beaten, bloodied, begging for mercy |

Video: Libyans at Misurata rally praise Nato's role - Telegraph

Kenya expecting first ground battle with militants |

Jordan: Israeli security, 1967 bo... JPost - Diplomacy & Politics

Was the law at fault in Chinese toddler tragedy? - World - CBC News

The Hindu : News / International : London’s Wall Street-style protest faces backlash

Hillary Clinton: U.S. will still stand by Iraq - CBS News

Spain hails ETA end to Basque separatist violence - Taiwan News Online

Key aide leaves Bachmann for Perry in mass exodus of N.H. campaign staff - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Bachmann blasts media for reporting NH staff departures (audio)

Cadaver dogs not always accurate, attorney for Deborah Bradley and Jeremy Irwin argues

Brewer’s lawsuit over Obama immigration policy dismissed - Arizona News from The Arizona Republic

Cain better get serious if he wants to be taken seriously -

Obama Pushes Jobs Bill Passage After Overseas Achievements | News | English

Cain Tops Field Again in Nevada GOP Straw Poll - Herman Cain - Fox Nation

East Point WWII airman's remains be buried at Arlington |

Investigators unable to recover on-board video in Reno air crash -

Immigration Law Blamed For Reported Bullying Of Hispanic Students In Alabama | Fox News

Joe Biden for President in 2016? Vice President leaves door open, Hillary Clinton says no to a run

Search For Suspects Continues In Fatal Shooting Of Brooklyn Mother -

A year after teen suicide spate, more gay students are speaking out, schools taking action - The Washington Post

Chicago hotels promise $500 million in improvements after McCormick Place deal -

Breast cancer risk may rise with high hormone levels -

David Katz, M.D.: 'Nutrition Guidance' From the IOM: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Poor Neighborhoods More Likely to Lead to Poor Health | The Afro-American Newspapers | Your Community. Your History. Your News.

FDA Warns Pharmacies to Stop Pushing Needle-Free Flu Vaccine - ABC News

Are men funnier than women? Cartoon test tells answer - HealthPop - CBS News

+Jon Bon Jovi opens “pay what you can” restaurant in New Jersey, helps hungry locals who are livin’ on a prayer – Boing Boing

Jon Bon Jovi ; Soul Kitchen(

Ashton Kutcher Talks the 'Truth' in Bizarre Video

Angelina Jolie's Land of Milk and Honey Trailer Debuts | TheHDRoom

Lawyer for Jackson physician questions expert's credibility –

Jane's Addiction proves to be 'The Great Escape Artist' -

Harold Camping: Doomsday Prophet Wrong Again - ABC News

Sprint shutters unlimited 4G mobile broadband | Signal Strength - CNET News

Google Apps Faces New Security Requirements in L.A. - Security - News & Reviews -

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 for Windows Workstations

Hulu Plus coming to the Nintendo 3DS in November -

Mastodon Hunt Adds to Evidence of Pre-Clovis Settlement -

Photos: Speared Mastodon Bone Hints at Earlier Americans

Study Confirms Global Warming’s Existence | The State Column

Found in Space: The Birth of a Planet | citydesk

Press Invited to View NASA Satellite Launch from Suitland NOAA Facility - PR Newswire -

NASA sets buffers for Apollo moon landing sites - Technology & science - Space - -

Vampire stars mystery may have been solved - Technology & science - Space - -

Comets are raining down water on a faraway planet

Water vapor reservoir near star provides clue to how Earth’s oceans were filled - The Washington Post

SpaceX completes preliminary design review of launch abort system - SlashGear

The Associated Press: Asian carp DNA found in Mississippi River in Mpls

Cycads are not “living fossils” from Dinosaur Age

24-year-old scales sculpture near Wall Street -

Andrew Madoff Appeal of $198 Million Suit ‘Not Warranted’ - Businessweek

Oil prices rise on US, European economic news - BusinessWeek

G.E. Reports an Increase in Profits and Meets Analysts’ Expectations -

California Air Board Sweats the Small Stuff on Cap-and-Trade -

Occupy Wall Street vs The Tea Party

RED ALERT: Biggest Bank Sweetheart Deals of All Time?

Cain Reveals Tax Loopholes, Says 9-9-9 Is Really 9-0-9

Time to #OccupyDelta? Union Busting Airlines Screwing Consumers While Lavishing Congress With Perks

Cantor Cancels Wharton Lecture When He Finds Public Is Invited

This is Your Brain After Too Much Fox News and Listening to Erick Erickson

Bank of America Trying To Stick Taxpayers With A $74 Trillion Bill By Moving Derivatives Into FDIC-Insured Accounts

Republicans Block Second Attempt at Jobs Bill With Help from Nelson, Pryor and Lieberman

Paul Ryan Tells Student To Work Three Jobs Rather Than Take Pell Grants

The Greedhead Mentality Will Keep Occupy Wall Street Relevant For a Long Time

Jon Stewart on GOP reaction to Gaddafi's Death: 'What the f*ck is wrong with you people?'

Study: Hundreds of Fraudulent Defense Contractors Are Still Getting Contracts

Average Worker's Paycheck Less, Except For Millionaires

Iowa Woman Schools Romney on Anti-Abortion Amendment and Birth Control

Lindsey Graham Loves Infrastructure -- In Libya

Santorum: 'I'll Die' to Stop Same Sex Marriages

How Does Cain's Book Get On The Bestseller Lists? He Buys Thousands Of Them

Stephen Colbert Defends 'Patriot' Papa-Bear O'Reilly After Soldiers Burn His Book in Afghanistan

'Happy Are The Hands That Feed' - Jon Bon Jovi's Soul Kitchen Feeds The Hungry

Quantum Mechanics to Meet General Relativity?

Manufacturing Goes Viral, Literally

Human, Ape Culture Shares Evolutionary Root

Facebook Is Better Than Sex

Are Black Dogs Less Lovable? | Psychology Today

Why computer voices are mostly female -

Future of Technology - Magnetic algae make biofuels sticky

The Genesis of Modern Science » Main Feature » Jewish Ideas Daily

Michael M. Crow, president of Arizona State University, explains why Florida Gov. Rick Scott’s emphasis on practical education is short-sighted. - Slate Magazine

Primal Propensity for Disgust Shapes Political Positions | Wired Science |

Don’t Blink! The Hazards of Confidence -

Of mice and medicine: In defence of animal experiments - Science, News - The Independent

Why Moammar Gadhafi Was So Strange | Moammar Gadhafi Death & Libyan Uprising | Psychology of Dictators | Malignant Narcissism & Borderline Personality Disorder | LiveScience

Using viruses to dye your clothes

Tax policy a new battlefront for GOP presidential contenders - The Washington Post

RealClearPolitics - The GOP Pro-Growth, Flat-Tax Competition

The 4-Letter Word That Can Boost Obama's 2012 Chances: V-E-T-O - Ben W. Heineman Jr. - Politics - The Atlantic

The Red State in Your Future - Forbes

Gene Sperling: The Case for the President's Jobs Act -

York: Romney health plan still faces GOP challenge | Campaign 2012

Kilgore: Why There’s No Way Cain Will Survive His Abortion Gaffe | The New Republic

Is Barack Obama Still Weak After Toppling Muammar Gaddafi's Regime? - The Daily Beast

RealClearPolitics - The Obama Doctrine, Made Plain at Last in Libya, Iraq

Alabama Voices: Should have supported voter ID law | The Montgomery Advertiser |

Five myths about Dodd-Frank - The Washington Post

PRUDEN: Unhappy times at the White House - Washington Times

The Ugliness All Started With Bork -

RealClearPolitics - Random Thoughts

RealClearPolitics - Debating the Debates

RealClearPolitics - Latest Election Polls

Mission's end in Iraq -

Libya and Tunisia: two faces of the Arab spring | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

Green Energy's Bad Karma - Latest Headlines -

Brown should allow ROTC on campus - Editorials - The Boston Globe

Republicans Filibuster Obama Jobs Bill To Hire Teachers, First-responders, And Public Employees, While Macroeconomic Advisors Pans The GOP Alternative | The New Republic

Obama Grows Government at Record-Shattering Pace - Deroy Murdock - National Review Online

Flat tax is a winner for Perry and U.S. -

We Are All Occupiers Now: The Mainstreaming of OWS | The Nation

The Tea Party’s Surprise - Kevin Brennan and Sean Sullivan -

Exclusive interview with Senator Marco Rubio on WaPo’s story about his family history « Hot Air

Admiral William F. Halsey

Kamikaze Pilots

Remembering America’s First Suicide Bombing | A Soldier's Perspective

Republic of Texas

HOUSTON, SAMUEL | The Handbook of Texas Online| Texas State Historical Association (TSHA)

How a daring band of anti-Qaddafi activists helped turn the tide in Tripoli -

The Bluff of the Brown Shirts: How Waffen SS Veterans Exploited Postwar Politics - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

A French Debate over Guy Môquet - TIME

FBI — Kansas City Massacre - Charles Arthur "Pretty Boy" Floyd

Haleh Esfandiari Reviews Arash Hejazi's "The Gaze Of The Gazelle" | The New Republic

Paging Mr. Inside | The Weekly Standard

New Book Details Jobs’s Fight Against Cancer -

Sucking in the American Century - Reason Magazine

Dava Sobel: Dava Sobel Vs Dava Sobel On How To Write The Story Of Copernicus

The American Spectator : Days of Drugs and Debauchery

Liberal whingers are wrong – we should shut our libraries - Telegraph

Why Writers Should Embrace Amazon’s Takeover Of The Publishing Industry | The New Republic

How Zombies and Superheroes Conquered Highbrow Fiction - Joe Fassler - Entertainment - The Atlantic

Just One Catch | Tracy Daugherty | Review by The Spectator

Aging ‘Privacy’ Law Leaves Cloud E-Mail Open to Cops | Threat Level |

The deification of Steve Jobs is Apple's greatest marketing triumph to date | Tanya Gold | Comment is free | The Guardian

Top five revelations from Steve Jobs’s bio - The Washington Post

Four gadgets more important than iPhone 4S

From the Lab that Brought You Siri, It’s Trapit—A Personalized Discovery Engine | Xconomy

Election monitoring in Afghanistan using cameras and cell phones. - Slate Magazine

Libraries of the Future: Abandoning the Stacks for a Multimedia Wonderland - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

9 Essential Geek Books You Must Read Right Now | Underwire |

Opinion: How Steve Jobs Saved the Music Industry - MarketWatch Video

Rogue Google engineer: Google trying to make me happy | Technically Incorrect - CNET News

How Google Can Keep the Android Momentum Going - Techland -

Facebook Changes Inspire More Grumbling - State of the Art -

Building a Firewall for the Facebook Generation - Businessweek

WORLD Magazine | Machine Gun Preacher | Rebecca Cusey | Oct 22, 11

Confucian ethics and modern China » GetReligion

Campus preachers a controversial staple at colleges nationwide | USA TODAY College

The Other, Forgotten Apocalypse of 2011 | (A)theologies | Religion Dispatches

Gadhafi used ‘renegade’ Islamic view for ‘purely political purposes’ – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Baptist Press - FIRST-PERSON: There is no gay 'marriage' groundswell - News with a Christian Perspective

RealClearReligion - One More Swing at the Catholic Straw-Man

dotCommonweal » Blog Archive » Christ and Culture: First Communion Stories

The 2011 Nobel Prize and the Debate over Jewish IQ — The American Magazine

Jihadis, but no models, in Libya » GetReligion

Whoa: Is Herman Cain Pro-Choice on Abortion? - Guy Benson

Five thoughts on the politics of Obama's foreign policy | Daniel W. Drezner

The Iraq War Ain’t Over, No Matter What Obama Says | Danger Room |

Obama: U.S. Troops to Leave Iraq | Cato @ Liberty

Withdrawal from Iraq and Obama's Middle East

Obama: No Immunity, No Troops | Mother Jones

The politics of President Obama’s Iraq withdrawal decision - The Washington Post

Political Animal - Dems aren’t done fighting for jobs yet

Which States Are Most Enthusiastic About Obama’s Reelection? -- Daily Intel

Obama coattails turning into albatrosses? « Hot Air

The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : Who are the Libyan Rebels?

Why Employers Won't Stop Offering Health Care Coverage | ThinkProgress

Solyndra to Auction Assets, But Taxpayers Won't See a Dime

How U.S. Can Avoid a Japan-Style Lost Decade

Inside al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

RealClearWorld - U.S. Is Losing the Global Talent Race

U.S. Troop Withdrawal Motivated by Iraqi Insistence, Not U.S. Choice - Yochi J. Dreazen -

The Iraq Withdrawal Is Nothing to Brag About « Commentary Magazine

In Defense of 'Leading From Behind' -

Gaddafi dead: Libya tyrant falls, but I fear what will come next | Mail Online

What exactly are US interests in North Korea? | East Asia Forum

Fyodor Lukyanov "Endgame in Ukraine. " / Russia in Global Affairs

Commentary: Engaging the Post-Soviet Generation in Russia | The National Interest

Libya is back on the map - Telegraph

Obama's Difficult Choice on Iraq: Democracy Over Security - Max Fisher - International - The Atlantic

Retreating With Our Heads Held High | The Weekly Standard

Exodus - By James Traub | Foreign Policy

Asia Times Online :: US plants a stake at China's door

Can China, Russia Close Gas Deal? | The Diplomat

What’s next for Libya? Paul Bremer says to remember post-Saddam Iraq. - The Washington Post

Good Riddance to a Woebegone War | The National Interest Blog

Next Arab Domino May Be Oil Darling Algeria: Reuel Marc Gerecht - Bloomberg

When is it okay to kill Americans abroad? - The Washington Post

LAMBRO: Supercommittee's insuperable timidity - Washington Times

A global bidding war for oil - 1 - stock investing - MSN Money

RealClearMarkets - The GOP Pro-Growth, Flat-Tax Competition

The Wild Ride of the Wealthiest 1% -

Policy uncertainty and the stalled recovery | vox - Research-based policy analysis and commentary from leading economists

Infrastructure projects to fix the economy? Don’t bank on it. - The Washington Post

Volcker Rule Grows From Simple to Complex -

Blue-chip Dow Jones index is on a tear -

Investing With Carl Icahn -

Signs That the Era of Cheap Chinese Imports Is Ending -

China’s economy: Afraid of a bump | The Economist

America's Boomtown: North Dakota housing crunch - Oct. 21, 2011

Commodity traders: The trillion dollar club | Reuters

How Europe can stave off a crisis | The Great Debate

The situation for reality TV stars? Money, honey -

Capitalism and its critics: Rage against the machine | The Economist

Cramer: Europe Too Big NOT to Fail - TheStreet

A Model to Avoid | The Weekly Standard

A New Tool for Market-Timers? - Real-Time Advice - SmartMoney

Edmundo Ros, who took Latin sound to London, dies

Ron Paul's got it just about right

Herman Cain is the real deal

Economics for Dummies

Time for all of us to 'occupy'

OWS emulates German Nazis and commies

2 kinds of promiscuity

How the U.N. influences domestic policy

Sigmund Freud's legacy of perversity

Don't listen to your heart

Obama Grows Government at Record-Shattering Pace - Deroy Murdock - National Review Online

Qaddafi’s Death: Barbarism and Hypocrisy | The Progressive

Rick gets rabid, Ron Paul endures

5 Reasons Israel Should Have Rejected the Shalit Deal | FrontPage Magazine

Seattle Worries as Word of Infectious Salmon Anemia Spreads -

Rise in GM foods is creating crop spray-resistant superweeds, scientists warn | Mail Online

HPV Transmission: 20% Chance an Uninfected Partner Will Pick Up Virus | Women and Men Equally Likely to Transmit to Each Other | HPV Transmission Rates | LiveScience

Autism: Wider eyes and a broader mouth: Scientists identify subtle 'distinct facial characteristics' of children with developmental disorder | Mail Online

Bishop's blog raises tensions between Jews and the Vatican | World news | The Guardian

Madoff says feels safer in prison than in N.Y. | Reuters

Detectives hope 'Killing Fields' film help solve 60 murders - Houston Chronicle

Brazil doctors found guilty of killing patients - Acadiana's News Leader

Former Beauty Queen Scammed Thousands, Says FTC | ABC News Blogs - Yahoo! News

Cadaver dog indicates 'hit' in home of missing Missouri girl -

Steven Pinker: Humans are less violent than ever - science-in-society - 21 October 2011 - New Scientist

Guy Fieri reportedly asks to be ‘warned’ when talking to gay people | Celebrity Buzz | a blog

Gaddafi dead: Videos of world's infamous dictators and their violent deaths | Mail Online

Soldiers' remains found in World War I tunnel - The Local

Mental illness made Hitler go blind not a British mustard gas attack | Mail Online

Computer program to reveal who wrote the Bible | Mail Online

Strange Form Of Life Discovered In Ocean's Blackest Depths | Fox News

The Duggars: 20 and Counting! (Paperback)

Man with giant testicles needs $1million op | The Sun |News

New California list of heroes starts with Lady Gaga?

Unmasked! 'Occupy' protests sending sharp anti-Jew message

Heat gets turned up in fight over warnings about Islam

Guess who's lobbying against tracking of al-Qaida in U.S.?

Obama and the flea-baggers

Pat Buchanan is right!

VIDEO: Planned Parenthood security assaults cop

WND RADIO COMMENTARY WND Exclusive Savage: Liberals now support death penalty?;Talk host asks why left, media celebrating execution of Gadhafi

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Retired general: Troop pullout means 'no clear victory';'This administration doesn't really have a strategy for Middle East'

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Congresswoman warns Obamacare based on false premise;Failed CLASS program shows bill 'done in a very reckless manner'

Gaddafi dead video: Widow demands UN inquiry into husband's killing | Mail Online

Now that Gadhafi is dead, what has happened to his eight children? | The Envoy - Yahoo! News

Gaddafi dead: Dictator's son Mutassim pictured moments before execution | Mail Online

Moammar Gadhafi's body stashed in freezer as investigation begins | Detroit Free Press |

Gaddafi's death - who pulled the trigger? | Reuters

Avoiding reporter keeps Obama spokesman clear of race question

Perry and Romney: 'They don't like each other' -

Analysts say violence could escalate after U.S. troops leave Iraq -

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Maldives Arrests, Deports Indian Teacher for Owning Bible

Atheists claim credit for Big Mountain Jesus' denial

Jesus Christ ban removed from Laguna Niguel policy | policy, council, christ - News - The Orange County Register

Judge fires back: I'm serious about no guns for blogger

Mexican president: US dumping criminals at border - Houston Chronicle

Has major media company gone completely bonkers?

Holder invites terror co-conspirator to conference


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

**22 Oct.

American Minute for October 22nd

October 22 Events in History

This Day in History for 22nd October

Today in History: October 22

October 22nd This Day in History

October 22nd in History

Today in History: October 22

Today in History for October 22nd - YouTube


*21st/Markets Video: Are Things Worse Than We Think They Are?

**21st/World Video:Future Defense Challenges

Did U.S. Play Role In Gaddafi's Death?

Graphic Video: Gaddafi's Last Moments

Graphic Video: New Video Of Gaddafi Capture

Basque Separatists ETA Say End Armed Struggle

Does Gaddafi's Death Validate Obama's Policy In Libya?

Clinton To Pakistan: Step Up Anti-terror Effort

'Occupy' Clashes In Australia

Raw Video: Floods Swamp Bangkok Neighborhoods

Body Of Gaddafi's Son Displayed

International Involvement Post-Gaddafi

Flashback: 2009 Interview With Muammar Gaddafi

Coker: Libya, The Post 9/11 World, And The Future Of Geopolitics

Muammar Gaddafi Burial Delayed For Investigation

**Politics Video:EPA Chief: Clean Air Act Has Saved Americans Trillions Of Dollars

Obama Weekly: "US Has Renewed Its Leadership In The World"

Burr Gives GOP Weekly: Government, Get Out Of The Way

21st/Rubio Responds To Washington Post's "Outrageous" Claims

Maher Says GOP Like Banks: "They Will Not Give A Black Man Credit"

Bill Maher Panel Discusses Racism And How "Stupid" Herman Cain Is

Herman Cain: Pro-Life From Conception

Robert Reich: "The Flat Tax Is A Fraud"

Krauthammer: Cain Is "Incoherent" And "Winging It"

Obama Announces U.S. Troops Will Leave Iraq By End Of Year

Gov. Jindal Still Behind Rick Perry

Washington Post's Milbank Defends Article Attacking Rubio's Heritage

MSNBC's Ed: Right Won't Acknowledge Success Of Obama's Foreign Policy

Bashir: "Do You Think Herman Cain Can Spell The Word Iraq?"

Brewer: Obama "Hasn't Done What He Has Promised To Do"

Carney On Fisker Controversy: Government Loan Not For Factory In Finland

O'Reilly On Gaddafi: You Live By The Sword, You Die By The Sword

Cain Explains 9-9-9 Plan And "Opportunity Zones" At Length

O'Donnell: Libya Is A "Victory For President Obama"

Biden 2016? VP Says "I'll Make Up My Mind On That Later"

**NEWS VIDEOS:Banker’s Wife Ditches Four Kids To Join #OccupyWallStreet Protesters

John Bolton: WH Removing All References To Islam In Terror Training Manuals, ‘Form Of Thought Control’

NBC News’ Matthews Tells Rubio Birther Hit Piece Author ‘You Ought To Get Some Kind Of Pulitzer’

Baby Elephant’s First Steps

21st/NBC News’ Bashir: ‘Do You Think Herman Cain Can Spell The Word ‘Iraq’?’

Giant Pumpkins Roll Into NYC

Gaddafi Body Stashed in Shopping Center Freezer

NATO: Libya Air Operation To End This Month

Pro-Obama Group Attacks Romney Along Class Lines

New Video Released Showing Initial Capture Of Gaddafi

#OccupyOakland Evicted After Reports Of Crime And Intimidation Featured At Breitbart Sites

#OccupyLondonSE Causes St. Paul Cathedral to Close

Rubio: To Say My Parents Weren’t Exiles Is Outrageous

Fisker Karma – Half Billion Federal Dollars, Only 20 Miles Per Gallon In Gas Mode

Senate Rejects Big Piece Of Obama Jobs Bill

Obama: Mission Accomplished

#OccupyCharlotte Kicks Out Leader Credited With Creating Group Editor Larry O’Connor Talks Jobs Bill And Libya On ‘Fox & Friends’

Man Caught On Camera Shooting AK-47 At Bar

New Yorkers Fed Up With Defecating #OccupyWallStreet Protesters

No Teacher Left Behind: Congress Removes Teacher Evaluations From Education Bill

Obama Bus Tour Ends With Whimper: ‘You Can Go Ahead And Clap’

Obama: Gaddafi’s Death Opens New Chapter

Facebook Helps Labor Department Find Unemployed Jobs

Tea Partier Forced To Break Down Flag Pole, Occupy Protesters Left Alone

‘Wow’: Hillary Clinton Reacts To Gaddafi News

20th/Occupy Toledo: Rocking The 99% With 6 Protesters

White House Confirms: No Jobs Bill = More Rapes

19th/Rape Attack Reported in #OccupyCleveland Tent City

‘Don’t Screw Around With Me!’; Unhinged Biden Unloads On Journalist

Paul Supporter Follows Around Alec Baldwin at #OccupyWallStreet, Asks Him to Endorse Ron Paul

Breitbart: #OccupyWallStreet Imitating SEIU and ACORN

#OccupyOakland Confrontations with Media Continue; Reporter Bitten by Protester’s Dog

Bryant Gumbel Likens NBA Players’ Strike with Slavery; David Stern ‘Plantation Overseer’

#OccupyOakland Protesters Threaten Reporter; Cameras Would Be Stolen, Broken If Media Enters Tent City

18th/Movie Star Shia LaBeouf Beaten Outside Vancouver Bar

Fake Signatures May Mean Obama Didn’t Actually Qualify to Run for President in Indiana

Branson and US Officials Dedicate Space Terminal

17th/Harry Belafonte Falls Asleep On Live TV


Hillary Clinton admits the CFR gives the Orders - YouTube

Mikhail Gorbachev Says Uprisings Signal an Emerging New World Order · About · Lafayette College

FEMA Plans First-Ever Nationwide Emergency Alert System Test |

- What is IHOPE - Stockholm Resilience Centre

*Sponsors and partners - Stockholm Resilience Centre

Red Tape - Gov't cameras in your car? E-toll patent hints at Big Brotherish future

"Smart" meters: Higher pulses of RF than a cell antenna - YouTube

Goy? It's a girl goat in a boy goat's body - Science - NZ Herald News

VeriSign demands website takedown powers • The Register


Oct. 21, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report – 21 October 2011

Alex Jones - 2011-Oct-21, Friday

10/21 The Mark Levin Show

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 10-21-11

2011-10-21 Jesse Peterson Radio Show

Live Free Or Die Radio - Friday, October, 21, 2011

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-21-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-21-11 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-22-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-22-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 10-21-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 10-21-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 10-21-11 Hr 3

Mysterious Realms With Dr. John DeSalvo 20th

The View From Marrs With Jim Marrs 19th

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

Paul Drockton Show 1

Paul Drockton Show 2

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