A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

21 October 2011

21 OCT.

Man was made at the end of the week's work when God was tired.



READING MATERIAL - US Constitution - Articles of Confederation - Conservative playbook - The Citizens Rule Book - James Madison and the Dilemmas of Democracy - Words of Our American Founding Fathers - Field Manual for a Free Militia - FreedomTorch Survival Guide - Your Gun Rights - Win The Argument! - Sharia Law for Non-Muslims - The Anti-Federalist Papers - The Progressive Strategy Handbook - International Law Admiralty / Maritime Process Are You Lost At Sea - Strategies of the Muslim Brotherhood Movement 1928-2007 - GLOSSARY OF COMMON ISLAMIC TERMS - The Muslim Brotherhood Past, Present, And Future - The Communist Magazine - Schools And The People's Front - 1957 - The Muslim Brotherhood in the United States - Ronald Reagan Fought Against Obamacare 50 Years Before It Became Law - Democracy Denied: The Obama Chart ( - Obamacare Flow Chart - Barack Obama’s Rules for Revolution The Alinsky Model - Climategate Analysis


NYT runs one of the most “bigoted” “anti-religon” articles EVER – Glenn Beck - Gibson Guitar CEO Speaks Out


*Audio:Ron Paul on Cainesian Economics

= | Exposing Liberal Media Bias

Steve Jobs Told Obama in 2010 'You're Headed for a One-term Presidency' |

Reagan adviser backs up Cain's tax strategy

Barney Frank supports protests, raises Wall St. cash - Anna Palmer and Robin Bravender

Christian Science Monitor - A Long, Steep Drop for Americans' Standard of Living

Experts warn RFID risks outweigh benefits

BBC News - V for Vendetta masks: Who's behind them?

Interference Contrast Microscopy of Cancer Tissues - A study of Carcinoma Cervix - YouTube

TSA Takeover Of America – Army Of TSA Agents Conduct Random Searches Throughout Tennessee : Federal Jack - Sordid Circumstances of Obama's Birth

The EyeOpener- CIA & the Nuclear Black Market: A Case Study

Follow the Money with Bergman-Chicago: The City That Works!

Millionaires Control 39% of Global Wealth - The Wealth Report - WSJ

Let's Get Rich - YouTube

Activist Post: Capitalism: The Cure, Not The Problem

Three Minute Philosophy - John Locke - YouTube

Marines Described Alleged JFK Assassin Oswald as 'A rather poor shot' - Salem-News.Com

The media ignores government’s infringements on property rights « » Print The Daily Caller

Police spot UFO over Ocean Shores | Washington - Oregon - Idaho

Activist Post: Toxic Metals Arsenic and Cadmium Found in Baby Food

Occupy Wall Street And Its CIA And Oligarchical Roots - YouTube

Activist Post: 'NATO Humanitarian intervention is myth in Libya, bombed back to the Stone Age, it's rank hypocrisy' (Video)


Water has Memory - YouTube


*1:25:47 / Water - The Great Mystery (Full Version) - YouTube


Activist Post: Libya Before and After Image Shows What a NATO/UN Humanitarian Mission Looks Like

EU bank failures will crash Wall Street — again - Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch

Activist Post: US to set water pollution standards for 'fracking'

Activist Post: US lawmakers reject Canada drug purchases

Injustice For All | Reality Sandwich

Infographic: All The Genetically Modified Food You're Eating | Fast Company

Activist Post: Uncovered FDA Documents Reveal 26 More Gardasil Deaths

Torture Victims’ Case against George W. Bush Received in Provincial Court in British Columbia | Center for Constitutional Rights

Activist Post: With Gaddafi allegedly dead, what is in store for Libya’s future?

Foodies, Get Thee to Occupy Wall Street | Mother Jones

Activist Post: Iran Links US-funded Terrorists to Saudi-DEA Bomb Plot

Tennessee Becomes First State To Fight Terroris - Flash Player Installation

Activist Post: Obama hails Kadhafi demise, warns Arab regimes

Potent News Update: Occupy Nova Scotia (1/2) - YouTube

Potent News Update: Occupy Nova Scotia (2/2) - YouTube

Lindsey Graham On "Leading From Behind" - YouTube

Activist Post: Scientists Reconstruct Black Death Pathogen that Killed 50 Million People

Activist Post: Libya: Confirmation Could Take Days

Activist Post: US Senate defeats White House-backed jobs bill


Man donates body for mummification - UK, Local & National -

Obama hails death of Muammar Gaddafi as foreign policy success | World news |

GADDAFI DEAD VIDEO: Dictator begs for life before summary execution | Mail Online


* Obama hails Gaddafi demise - Videos Online with BigPond Video


Gaddafi death hailed by David Cameron - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

Col Gaddafi killed: convoy bombed by drone flown by pilot in Las Vegas - Telegraph

Gaddafi removed from truck apparently alive - video | World news |

Video: Amateur video shows Gaddafi son Mutassim alive after Sirte capture - Telegraph

Occupy Zionist Wall Street by David Duke - YouTube

Charlie Chaplin's Great Dictator's Final Speech - (Oct.1940) - YouTube

Breaking Economics: U.S. 'Misery Index' Rises To Highest Since 1983


**Revealed – the capitalist network that runs the world - physics-math - 19 October 2011 - New Scientist


**The Richest People in America List - Forbes


Essential Guide to the EU – Preface |

Essential Guide to the EU – Introduction |

Essential Guide to the EU – Chapter 1 |

Essential Guide to the EU – Chapter 2 |


US immigration officer leads police on high speed chase after marijuana bust | Mail Online

Seattle Worries as Word of Infectious Salmon Anemia Spreads -

Desertec: The World’s Most Ambitious Solar Energy Project Faces an Uphill Struggle at Oil Price

The Suicide Of America - Diversity Versus Freedom

Bill Would Give U.S. Visas to Foreign Home Buyers -

Eminent Domain Fight Has a Canadian Twist |

Rio+20 : Financiers search for sustainable future

Top banks accused of colluding on ATM fees | Reuters

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Lowes to Close Stores;Gap to Close US Stores, Expand in China; Best Buy to Reduce Square Footage by 10%; Mall Vacancies Record High; Grim Jobs Picture

Law Bans Cash for Second Hand Transactions - Ac - Flash Player Installation

Renew Grid: Content / Projects & Contracts / Landis+Gyr's Gridstream To Be Deployed At Hawaiian Utility


*Articles:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- October 19, 2011

*Articles:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- October 20, 2011


Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs /Podcast Show #62 - The Boiling Frogs Presents Dr. Philip Zwerling


FreedomTorch Podcast(


+Image/Tripoli/Misrata - Before And After NATO Zionist Annihilation

Gaddafi - More Hype? - YouTube

US Senate thwarts Barack Obama by backing the potato - Telegraph

Yes, It Is Immoral to Vote for Obama | This Can't Be Happening

Texans Uniting for Reform and Freedom :: TURF - Defending citizens’ concerns about Toll Roads & the Trans Texas Corridor - Texans celebrate repeal of Trans Texas Corridor

Mexican trucks due to begin going deep into U.S.

Texans celebrate repeal of Trans Texas Corridor - San Antonio Transportation Policy |

Audio:Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Gilad Atzmon on Jeff Rense's Radio Show


**SoundCloud - Share Your Sounds


Patent on Broccoli will not be revoked - Monsanto tightens death grip on food | Farm Wars

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - RootsWorld Review: Rim Bana & Gilad Atzmon

Hank Skinner - Unjustly Sentenced To Death

Iran links dissident group to Saudi ambassador assassination plot | World news |

UN could vote on Palestinian bid on November 11 - Telegraph

Russia's Putin, Medvedev agree to swap roles

Ukraine 'to consider Russia’s customs union plan’ - Telegraph

Bishop's blog raises tensions between Jews and the Vatican | World news | The Guardian

What would it look like if our leaders had lost control?

Andreas Whittam Smith: Western nations are now ripe for revolution - Andreas Whittam Smith, Commentators - The Independent

Europe on the breadline: 'I don't know how a default could be worse than this' | World news |

There Are No Words To Describe The Following Part II - Home - The Daily Bail

How the internet dehumanises children - Telegraph

Judith A. Reisman, PhD - Reisman Articles: They're mainstreaming pedophilia

Sexual Abuse in Immigration Detention | American Civil Liberties Union

Emperor George And The Lost War In Iraq | Opinion Maker

FOCUS: How I Was Arrested at Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Wall St: Naomi Wolf condemns 'Stalinist' erosion of protest rights | World news |


"The End" by The Doors - Grooveshark

"It's The End Of The World As We Know It" by REM - Grooveshark


Harold Camping says end of the world is probably today, Oct. 21, 2011 - BlogPost - The Washington Post

Harold Camping Oct. 21 Rapture: The World Is Ending and You Might Not Even Know It, Christian News

Doomsday forecast fizzles out ... again - Technology & science - Science -


Thank you for waking me up... - YouTube

poorrichards blog: GADDAFI IS ALIVE; NOT DEAD

aangirfan: Where is the real Saddam?



The Crash of 1929 & The Great Depression (PBS) 1of6 - YouTube

The Crash of 1929 & The Great Depression (PBS) 2of6 - YouTube

The Crash of 1929 & The Great Depression (PBS) 3of6 - YouTube

The Crash of 1929 & The Great Depression (PBS) 4of6 - YouTube

The Crash of 1929 & The Great Depression (PBS) 5of6 - YouTube

The Crash of 1929 & The Great Depression (PBS) 6of6 - YouTube


poorrichards blog: What you don't know about Gaddafi

The Intercept: Robert Fisk: You can't blame Gaddafi for thinking he was one of the good guys

The Intercept: Obama, The Son of Africa, Claims a Continent’s Crown Jewels

America: Now 12 Simultaneous Wars, Misery Index 36%, Third Lebanon War? When Will The Misery Index Hit 60%? | Video Rebel's Blog

NATO & Al-Qaeda War Crimes In Libya : Federal Jack

Anti-Neocons • Obama's one skill; LYING TO YOUR FACE

Sociopath Hillary Clinton Laughs At News Of Gaddafi Death :


Computer says no: Build a new internet as the one we have is broken - says FBI | Information, Gadgets, Mobile Phones News & Reviews |

Bill Gates Wants Depopulation Through Vaccines and Health Care -

The Media Primary | Project for Excellence in Journalism (PEJ)

Hillary Clinton on Gaddafi: We came, we saw, he died : Federal Jack

Lone Star Watchdog: Back Stabbing Politicians

NATO Struck Gaddafi’s Convoy, Rebels Moved In For The Kill : Federal Jack

Qaddafi: "Nyah nyah, ya missed me" - YouTube

Rumours of Muammar Qaddafi Spread by NTC for Hillary Clinton

Banking - the Greatest Scam on Earth - YouTube

Do You Believe al-Qaeda’s Claim Gaddafi is Dead? :

Does one 'super-corporation' run the global economy? | Mail Online

Exposed: Illinois law financially penalizes public schools when vaccination rates drop below 90 percent

Right-Wing Website: 99 Percenters' Twitter Hashtag Symbol Is 'Bizarre Neo-Swastika' | ThinkProgress

10 Mind Blowing Facts Which Show How Members Of Congress And Federal Employees Are Living The High Life At Our Expense -

Ironic "Scariest Chart Ever" Redux - America Will Surpass 100% Debt To GDP On Halloween | ZeroHedge

Matt Taibbi With Don Imus - My Advice To Occupy Wall Street: Hit Bankers Where It Hurts - Home - The Daily Bail

David Cameron On Spending Cuts: "The Only Way Out Of A Debt Crisis Is To DEAL With Your Debts" - Home - The Daily Bail

Is U.S. Set to Invade Pakistan? | FrontPage Magazine

American's Journey: Thinking about America's rebirth...

300,000 babies stolen by Catholic Church in collusion with Spanish Government -

50% of All Workers Made Less than $26,000 in 2010 - Derek Thompson - Business - The Atlantic

Drivers face drug checkpoints on highways near Flint | Detroit Free Press |

China's biggest producer of rare earths suspends production, in hopes of boosting slumping prices - 12160

Obama is full of Wall Street money — RT

Will the US collapse in economic chaos before it rules the world?

Former Financial Regulator William Black: Occupy Wall Street A Counter to White-Collar Fraud - YouTube

Gadhafi caught, killed in Libya - Washington Times


*2:29:41/Wake Up Call - Remastered Edition - Full Movie - YouTube


ImageShack: Online Photo Hosting(


#OccupyWallStreet: A Conversation About Ron Paul and The Black Community 10/2/11 (Pt 1) - YouTube

#OccupyWallStreet: A Conversation About Ron Paul and The Black Community 10/2/11 (Pt 2) - YouTube


An Interview With Michael Rivero in New York City 9/12/11 Part 1 of 3 - YouTube

An Interview With Michael Rivero in New York City 9/12/11 Part 2 of 3 - YouTube

An Interview With Michael Rivero in New York City 9/12/11 Part 3 of 3 - YouTube


Gaddafi Paraded Through The Streets Of Libya In His Final Minutes Of Life (WARNING! GRAPHIC!) - YouTube

The Folly of the Federal Reserve | THE PLAIN TRUTH by Judge Napolitano 10/20/11 - YouTube

Keiser Report: Live and Let Fail (E199) - YouTube


53 min./Office of Congressman Ron Paul Money Lecture Series -- "What is Money?" with Joseph T. Salerno - YouTube

30 min./War and the Money Machine | Joseph T. Salerno - YouTube

42 min./Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve - YouTube


Joseph Salerno on From Solid Gold to Destructive Paper Part 1 05/07/11.wmv - YouTube

Joseph Salerno on From Solid Gold to Destructive Paper Part 2 05/07/11.wmv - YouTube

FEMA Communication Takeover Test Scheduled for November 9


Senator: TSA Forced Me To Go Through Body Scanner

Killing Gaddafi Spares ICC Embarrassment For US & Britain

Ryan Dernick: Iran Assassination Plot Verifiable or Just War Propaganda?

Gaddafi Killing Gets War Criminal Blair Off The Hook

Warrantless Searches of Cell Phones and Crime Predicting Technology

Jim Brown: The Cost of Being Unhealthy

Barb Adams: America’s Dysfunctional Healthcare System

Nearly a Third of ‘Occupy’ Protesters Advocate Violence

Ron Paul: Blame the Fed for the Financial Crisis -

Muammar Gaddafi killed as Sirte falls - Africa - Al Jazeera English

Final Report on Drug Cartels Takeover of The Border with Alex Jones 1/2 - YouTube

Final Report on Drug Cartels Takeover of The Border with Alex Jones 2/2 - YouTube

3 Parts: Prison » The Planned Authoritarian Society with Alan Watt

Prison » Gorbachev Calls For American Perestroika

Prison » In New Ads Ron Paul Slams Romney, Cain On Support For Bailouts

Prison » Underemployed And Hating Life

Prison » Immortal Technique: Occupy Wall Street Doesn’t Support Obama

Prison » 2012: Ron Paul is the Only Option

Prison » Welcome to “Democracy”: Gaddafi Summarily Executed Without Trial

Gaddafi dead: Obama warns Syrian President Bashar al-Assad | Mail Online

Prison » Video Shows Gaddafi Alive Before Being Shot ‘Like a Dog in the Street’

GADDAFI DEAD VIDEO: Dictator begs for life before summary execution | Mail Online

Prison » Pepe Escobar: NATO wanted Gaddafi dead all along

G.E. Profit Up Despite ‘Volatile’ Economy -

Prison » The End Of History

Prison » 1980s Sitcom Predicted Gaddafi’s Death

Prison » Iran Links US-funded Terrorists to Saudi-DEA Bomb Plot

Gaddafi killed by crossfire, says Libya's interim prime minister | World news |

Prison » Gaddafi killed by US drone?

Prison » An Uprooted Civilization: The Roots of The Political Crisis in The West

Prison » ‘Killing Gaddafi easy cover-up for West deals’

Prison » Obama’s Great African Military Safari with Patrick Henningsen

Prison » Libya Before and After Image Shows What a NATO/UN Humanitarian Mission Looks Like

Prison » Herman Cain’s Hidden Nine

Prison » Student Loan Bubble To Exceed $1 Trillion: “It’s Going To Create A Generation Of Wage Slavery” And Another Taxpayer Bailout

Student Loan Bubble To Exceed $1 Trillion: "It's Going To Create A Generation Of Wage Slavery" And Another Taxpayer Bailout | ZeroHedge

Student loans outstanding will exceed $1 trillion this year –

An Unprecedented 26 Million Americans Are Now Underemployed

Prison » Tea Party Activist Speaks At Occupy San Diego

Union President Testifies: ICE HQ Ordered Agents Not to Arrest Illegals--Including Fugitives |

Cybercommand chief opposes U.N. net control - Washington Times

Radar Technology from MIT Can See Through Walls - ABC News

Prison » House Committee passes bill that criminalizes free speech, applies US ‘drug war’ policies across entire world

Prison » Saudi Arabia arrests YouTube activists

Measles among vaccinated Quebec kids questioned - Health - CBC News

Prison » Why you should choose sodium lauryl sulfate free hair and body care

Prison » Befuddled Warmist Richard Muller Declares Skeptics Should Convert to Believers

» 2012: Ron Paul is the Only Option Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Welcome to “Democracy”: Gaddafi Summarily Executed Without Trial Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» ‘Peace Candidate’ Signals More Middle Eastern Regime Change Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Air Force 3: Inside the military jet that Hillary Clinton took to the Middle East | Mail Online

» NATO Murders Libya for a Lie Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Take Off Your Blinders Folks in [Market-Ticker]

Gadhafi to get secret burial, maybe at sea -

» Why Peter Schiff and Arthur Laffer Are Wrong about Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 Tax Plan Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Gaddafi dead: Dictator's son Mutassim pictured moments before execution | Mail Online

Turkey sends 10,000 troops to Iraq border - Middle East, World - The Independent

» Alec Baldwin at OWS: Capitalism Worthwhile, Not Sure on Ending the Fed Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Lady MacDeath et al. Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

British families now spend HALF their monthly income on rent | Mail Online

» FBI Ramps Up Next Generation ID Roll Out Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Disney hotel workers try to stay ahead of the 'electronic whip' -

iPhone tilt hack can find out what you are typing on your computer | Mail Online

Met facing mounting crisis as activist spying operation unravels | UK news | The Guardian

Police spies unit 'crossed the line', says Lord Macdonald | UK news |

Intensive riot training preps officers for DNC - News Story - WSOC Charlotte

LkCa 15 b is captured by Hawaii astronomer: First image of new planet | Mail Online

£1bn flagship green scheme is cancelled - Climate Change, Environment - The Independent

Pig-to-human tissue transplants 'imminent' - Health News, Health & Families - The Independent

Infographic: All The Genetically Modified Food You're Eating | Fast Company

Malaria vaccine could save millions of children's lives | Society | The Guardian

Napolitano: DHS Authorizing Illegal Aliens to Work in U.S. |

Justice Department Accuses Issa Of 'Mischaracterizing' Evidence In Probe Of Operation Fast And Furious | Fox News

Issa: Holder 'Dodging' Questions About 'Fast and Furious' - YouTube

Asia Times Online :: THE (DIS)INFORMATION WAR GETS UGLY: US officials peddle false intel

One in five boys aged five cannot write their own names | Mail Online

Bernie Madoff book: Daughter-in-law Stephanie paints a damning picture | Mail Online

Scandal of the private zoo that ended in slaughter - Nature, Environment - The Independent

The Ulsterman Report – WALL STREET INSIDER: The Obama White House Wants Us Gone. All of Us. - The Ulsterman Report

Arbabsiar Charges Are Clumsy Attempt to Indict Iran: Webster Tarpley Reports 1/2 - YouTube

Arbabsiar Charges Are Clumsy Attempt to Indict Iran: Webster Tarpley Reports 2/2 - YouTube

The Planned Authoritarian Society with Alan Watt 1/3 - YouTube

The Planned Authoritarian Society with Alan Watt 2/3 - YouTube

The Planned Authoritarian Society with Alan Watt 3/3 - YouTube

Prison » Members Of Congress And Federal Employees Are Living The High Life At Our Expense

Prison » Vitamin E increases risk of prostate cancer? More junk science from JAMA

[Folder Name]

» NSA And Google Developing Hardened Android Kernel For Government Communication Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Red Tape - Gov't cameras in your car? E-toll patent hints at Big Brotherish future

Police spies unit 'crossed the line', says Lord Macdonald | UK news |

Undercover police and the law: the men who weren't there | UK news | The Guardian

» Never, Ever, EVER Talk to Cops Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


» Study: Unvaccinated children less prone to allergies and disease than vaccinated children Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


Survey Results : State of health of unvaccinated children; Illnesses in unvaccinated children


Bad back: One in four gadget-gripped Britons suffer postural pain | Mail Online

» Doctors want to diagnose ADHD starting at age four Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» No food, gene rights say Monsanto: ‘No Food Rights’ Judge quits to work for Monsanto law firm Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Fears hundreds of women aborting healthy babies after scan blunders | Mail Online

BBC News - Power from the people

Obama Talked About "Fast & Furious" Months Before Holder Claimed He Knew | RealClearPolitics

Transparent Lies from the Division of Dumb and Dumber. Smoking Mirrors

The long shadow line: History and the war on drugs - History, Life & Style - The Independent

MEXICO: News of another U.S. gun-tracking program stirs criticism -

Hillary's smoking gun--the next segment in State Department's role in Gunwalker - National Conservative |

New evidence shows Hillary a mastermind behind Gunwalker - National Conservative |

Prison » Issa & Bush Gun-Running, Obama’s OWS Takeover Failure: Nightly News Blitz

Prison » Monsanto’s Crimes Against Humanity with Jeffrey M. Smith

Prison » Israel: A History of Self-Inflicted Genocide & Terrorism with Steve Pieczenik

Prison » Ron Paul “We’re In A Debt Crisis That’s Worldwide”

» The War on Whistleblowers: Sibel Edmonds Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Prison » How to avoid being like the 11 percent of Americans who now take antidepressant drugs every day

Prison » Traipsing towards tyranny: New FBI service to track suspects using advanced facial recognition system

Prison » Facebook Is Building Shadow Profiles of Non-Users

» Re-open the case: The Death of Dr. David Kelly Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Debt-Serfdom Is The New American Normal

Stuxnet Returns? Duqu: Researchers Warn of Similar Cyber Attack - ABC News

1-17-11 / Prison » Confirmed: Stuxnet Was False Flag Launched by Israel and U.S.

Exclusive: Nasdaq hackers spied on company boards | Reuters

Centuries of open justice threatened by secret courts - Home News, UK - The Independent

The Coming Derivatives Crisis That Could Destroy The Entire Global Financial System -

There Is An Evil 1%, But Everyone Is Getting Its Identity Wrong - informationliberation


*1:20:18 / Economic Crisis: How to Cause Them and How to Make Them Worse | Hans-Hermann Hoppe - YouTube



Government Agencies Want the Right to Lie About Documents They Have in Their Possession - informationliberation

"The Public Good" = a gun to your head - YouTube

FOB Reagan at #OccupyDC - YouTube

Protectionism Could Lead To American Poverty

Navy discharging 64 sailors for drug use, distribution | Reuters

Qaddafi Was Captured Alive—Who Killed Him? - Max Fisher - International - The Atlantic

The $1 Trillion Student Loan Rip-Off: How an Entire Generation Was Tricked into Taking on Crushing Debt That Just Enriches Banks | | AlterNet

Real-Life Inception: Army Looks to ‘Counteract Nightmares’ With Digital Dreams | Danger Room |

EmTech: Get Ready for a New Human Species - Technology Review

35 Congressmen Move to Kill $122 Billion in Subsidies to Big Oil : TreeHugger

VIDEO:Gaddafi's Last Words As Rebels Dragged Him Through Street

Video: Muammar Gaddafi Killed in Gun Battle

VIDEO:Why Gaddafi Must Die!

Obama's Imperial Arrogance

U.S. Capital Richer Than Silicon Valley

Gaddafi, in meat locker, still divides Libya | Reuters

Gaddafi demise offers brief relief for stretched NATO | Reuters

Gaddafi Wig: Libyan Dictator Was Wearing Hairpiece When He Died

Connect the dots: In ’02, NYPD began training in Israel; 9 years later, spying against NYC Muslims exposed

ACLU says FBI uses racial profiling against Muslims, other minorities - The Washington Post

Obama prepares to deport record numbers of illegal immigrants | Mail Online

Growing prison populations hinder budget cuts –

Senate approves Bryson as commerce secretary | Reuters

Gibson Guitar Raid by U.S. Fires Up Tea Party, Charlie Daniels - Bloomberg

Herman Cain's Abortion Comments Roil Iowa Republicans

Phil Mitsch: GOP candidate under fire after 'anti-female' twitter advice | Mail Online

Wal-Mart Cuts Some Health Care Benefits -

Deborah Bradley, Lisa Irwin's Mom, Has A Dark S - Flash Player Installation

Lianne Smith to 'seek aquittal of murdering her 2 children on mental health grounds' | Mail Online

TV chef Guy Fieri accused of being homophobic by producer fired from his Food Network show | Mail Online

Ziona Chan has 39 wives, 94 children and 33 grandchildren | Mail Online

Rapture: Will the world end today? Harold Camping goes into hiding | Mail Online

America's Descent to Depravity

Occupy Wall Street: Populist Financiers Supporting Protesters Is Part of the Problem, Not the Solution

Four US banks hold a staggering 95.9% of U.S. derivatives: The $600 Trillion Time Bomb That's Set to Explode

Decline of the West: Blood-lust in the streets of Libya suffices for justice

Wall Street and Student Debt Foregiveness

Financial Black Holes and Economic Stagnation

Let Our Farmers Grow Hemp

VIDEO: Serb Protesters in Kosovo Face Off with Armed NATO Forces

Do You Believe al-Qaeda’s Claim Gaddafi is Dead?

Moammar Gadhafi, R.I.P.

Gadhafi's Death Prompts Arab Spring Lie

CIA Covers Up Israeli Front's Nuke Dump

Guatemala Apologizes for US-Orchestrated Coup Against Former Leader

Gadhafi is Dead, "Luckily" We Have "Implicated" Ourselves in Libya's Future

What Neoconservatives Think

All US Troops to Leave Iraq in 2011

Syria, Yemen Opposition Warn Dictators: You're Next

Gadhafi Burial Delayed Amid Calls for Probe

Moammar Gadhafi Slain, but How?

Clinton Threatens 'Unilateral' Moves on Pakistan

The Soviet Union's Continuing Influence on America

The US Power Grab in Africa

Obama's Cowardly Martin Luther King Dedication

ACLU Says FBI Uses Profiling to Target Muslims, Other Minorities

'Gadhafi Was Caught Alive, Later Beaten, Killed by Rebels'

Images of Gadhafi's Death Highlight Visual Distrust in the Digital Age

Gadhafi Body Being Taken to Secret Location: NTC Official

Body of Gadhafi Son Mo'Tassim Put on Display in Misrata House

GOLDEN HOOKAH WINNER: House Democratic Caucus Charged Taxpayers to Clean Its Dirty Laundry

Strike Two for Obama’s ‘Jobs’ Package

Obama to Libya: ‘You Have Won Your Revolution’

La Nina Strikes Again! NOAA: Colder, Wetter North; Drier South; 'Snowmaggeddon' Threat in East

Obama Jobs Bill Could Dry Up 238,000 Pharmaceutical Jobs, Report Says

Administration Starts 'Facebook' Page for Unemployed: 'We Know There Are Millions of Unfilled Job Openings'

Biden: Because of Bush Administration and Wall Street ‘People Died' and ‘Homes Burned’

Feds Caught and Released 28 Iranians Who Became Fugitives Inside U.S.; ICE Won’t Say What Happened to Them

New Book Sheds Light on Faith’s Role in George W. Bush Presidency

Pakistan-U.S. Rift May Be Reflected in U.N. Security Council Election

15,000 Bruce Springsteen Documents Moving to N.J. University

Diane Keaton Says She Was Woody Allen’s ‘Endearing Oaf'

Obama Administration Justifies Its ‘Engagement’ With North Korea

‘We Want Justice’ Say Capitol Demonstrators Protesting Army Killing of Egyptian Christians

Michelle Obama: ‘That's Why We Start With Kids, Right? We Can Affect Who They Will...

EPA Spending $50 Million to Reduce Diesel Emissions From ‘Older School Buses, Trucks'

Gallup: Herman Cain Is Top Choice of Tea Party and Southerners

Administration Seeking Half-Trillion Dollar ‘Investment’ in ‘Transformative Research,’...

First Lady Announces Program to Promote Employment for Veterans

Paul: Cut $1 Trillion, Eliminate 5 Cabinet Depts

Never Mind The OWS, Here's The Real Socialist Puppets |

'Reality Shows' Distort the Real World |

Is America Disintegrating? |

Liberal Alec Baldwin: 'I Think Capitalism is Worthwhile' |

Court Ruling Proves: Kagan Must Recuse |

Rewind: Remember When PBS Praised Qadhafi As An Islamic Hero? |

Washington Considers Foolish China Trade War |

If Occupy Wall Street Really Hated Wall Street, They'd Target George Soros |

Gadhafi Death Has Repercussions for Arab Spring

Africans Shed Few Tears for Gadhafi

US Confirms Talks with Militant Haqqani Network

US-Pakistan Tensions Could Harm Regional Security

UN Security Council to Vote on Resolution Condemning Yemen

Libya a Key Test of Obama's Use of Military Power

US-Libya Relations Contentious During Gadhafi's Leadership

Clinton Seeks 'Reality Check' on Afghan Future

Eccentricity, Repression Marked Gadhafi's Rule

Gadhafi's 42-Year Reign Marked By Controversy

Astronomers Make First Global Map of Saturn's Moon, Titan

The Order of the Illuminati: Its Origins, Its Methods and Its Influence on the World Events

No TV for Children Under 2, Doctors’ Group Urges

Renowned Doctor Speaks on the Dumbing Down Effects of Fluoride

Obama: Gadhafi’s Death Marks End of Painful Era

Clinton Presses Pakistan to Remove Militants

KENYA-SOMALIA: A risky intervention

Exclusive Video: Robot Mini-Tank Battles Homemade Bombs | Danger Room |

One in Four Believers Are 'Christians in Name Only,' According to Survey, Christian News

Two earthquakes hit Berkeley in less than six hours -

Earthquake Swarm at Mauna Kea in Hawai’i | Wired Science |

Northern Italy rattled by second earthquake swarm in 2 months | The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond

Scientists fear new super-volcano may be forming in Bolivia | The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond

Pat Buchanan on 'America Live' - Fox News Video - Fox News

Pat Buchanan is right!

Aftershock prediction held back - National - NZ Herald News

More quakes in the Sooner State |

Texas Hit By Its Strongest Earthquake In 45 Years - Irish Weather Online

Series Of Earthquakes Recorded Near Genoa In Italy - Irish Weather Online

Experts concerned with abnormal seismic activity – Azores | Portuguese American Journal

Rapidly Inflating Volcano Creates Growing Mystery | Volcanic Eruptions | Uturuncu Volcano ǀ Supervolcanoes | Our Amazing Planet

The Indoctrination of American Youth and the Marxist Nature of the Occupy Movement :

Obama's Last Words To Gaddafi | Sad Hill News

Six Layers Of Deficits Mean Debt Retirement Disaster :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

Futurist Claims: 'I'll Help You Live Forever' | Before It's News

Deepest and most explosive underwater eruption ever seen happening near Samoa hotspot | The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond

End Times Round Table • View topic - Veteran Defenders of America - March on DC 11/11/11

TSA Takeover Of America – Army Of TSA Agents Conduct Random Searches Throughout Tennessee :

Rick Perry's Islamist Connections

Mobile, Social, Crowd, Cloud: Why These Concepts Matter - Forbes

Justice Department meets with Hamas-linked Islamic supremacists who call for limits on free speech about Islam - Jihad Watch

Cannibal suspect Henri Haiti sports tattoo of man-eating tribe | The Sun |News

De Borchgrave: Former al-Qaida Leader Emerging as Strongman in Libya

Fred Fleitz: Obama Dragged His Feet on Gadhafi

Bolton: Gadhafi Death Should Have Come Sooner

Rush: Obama Not the Hero in Gadhafi's Death

Flamboyant Gadhafi No Stranger to Bloodshed

Libyans: Gadhafi Death to Speed Oil Supply and Investment

Obama: US Led NATO to Libya Victory

Bachmann's Entire N.H. Campaign Staff Quits

Ariz. Gov. Brewer: Obama Disrespected Me

Dem Rep. Cardoza Slams Obama on His Way Out

Clinton: Pakistan Must Take Action Against Militants

Cain Modifies 9-9-9 Tax Plan

Palin: 'Ironic' Obama Praised for Gadhafi Demise

Oliver North: Premature to Celebrate Gadhafi Death

Boehner: Republicans Need to Sell Our Jobs Plans

After Criticism, Cain Clarifies His Abortion Views

Census: Poverty Up in Most US States Under Obama

Hannity: Obama Lied to Nation on Libya

Panetta, Holder Reject GOP Effort on Terrorism

Gibson Guitar Raid Angers Tea Party

Arizona's Brewer Touts Immigration Law in Book

Utah Leads Nation in Suicidal Thoughts

Study: No Cellphone-Cancer Link

Remains of Airman Killed in Vietnam Returned

Study: Housing Crisis Could Impact Elderly Health

Napolitano: DHS Allows Illegals to Work

US Loan Goes To Company Building Cars in Finland

Schiff: Want Jobs? Repeal Minimum Wage Now

Steve Wynn: Obama White House 'Totally Dishonest'

Trump: ‘Great Time’ to Buy a House – From a Bank

Herman Cain’s Cancer Miracle — How He Did It

Charter Schools Can Teach Us How to Fix the System

CNN Wins, America Loses From Fractious GOP Debate

Cain’s 9-9-9 Plan Is Good, but Doesn’t Go Far Enough

Conservatives Need to Be Wary of Wall Street Protests

School Choice the Only Way to Reform Education

Obama and Biden Now Ruling With Fear

10/18/2011 -- Tornadoes in SC -- South USA severe weather outbreak = HAARP ring forecasted - YouTube

The 6 Most Mind-Blowing Things Ever Discovered in Space | Before It's News

Pilot Speaks Out About Chemtrails And HAARP | Before It's News




Phil Schneider Speaks Out before being killed Pt.1

Phil Schneider Speaks Out before being killed 2

Phil Schneider Speaks Out before being killed 3

Phil Schneider Speaks Out before being killed 4

Phil Schneider Speaks Out before being killed 5

Phil Schneider Speaks Out before being killed 6

Phil Schneider Speaks Out before being killed 7 (Final)


The Phil Schneider Story(

The Mysterious Life and Death of Philip Schneider(

Phil Schneider vs. The New World Order


Face-To-Face With An Ancient Human From 7,500 BCE | Before It's News

Top 10 Signs That You Might Be A Zombie | Before It's News

What is the Gates Foundation up to? | Before It's News

Monsanto, GMOs, and the global genocide of science and humanity

Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Add A Decade Or More Healthy Years To The Average Lifespan | Before It's News

Conquering The Food Budget - Save Money On Groceries | Before It's News

5 VIDEOS:Hopi Prophecy 2012: Rare Videos | Before It's News

+Presidential Nominations Sent to the Senate | Before It's News

The Shadow CIA And Bush White House Assassinated Afghan Hero Ahmad Shah Massoud Two Days Before 9/11 | Before It's News

JustiaGate | Before It's News

Qaddafi body stashed in shopping center freezer - CBS News

‘Alien’ Filmed In Brazil Rainforest? | Before It's News


Social Scripting, Quantum Neurology And AntiStructural Anomalies | Before It's News


*19 PG/Quantum physics in neuroscience and psychology: a neurophysical model of mind–brain interaction


Postscript to All Things Baking | Before It's News

As winter's dark days loom, why vitamin D supplement experts explain why we still need a daily dose of sun... from a bottle | Mail Online

Don’t Read Those Black-Box Drug Label Warnings, They Will Make You Sick by Bill Sardi

The War on Drugs Has Become the War on the American People by John W. Whitehead

On Hitler’s Mountain: It Can Happen Here by Bob Bauman

The Evil 1% by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

Are You Owned by the Government? by Andrew P. Napolitano

Evangelicals, Politics, and the Kingdom of God by William L. Anderson

Robert Scheer: Let Them Eat Keller - Robert Scheer's Columns - Truthdig

The Natural Course of the US Empire

The Coming Derivatives Crisis That Could Destroy the Entire Global Financial System

Paul drops $2M in new TV ads to criticize rivals

New York City Parents Find Nothing Stylish About New Tattooed 'Barbie' Doll « CBS New York

Biden’s absurd claims about rising rape and murder rates - The Fact Checker - The Washington Post

Halloween’s Pagan Themes Fill West’s Faith Vacuum: Amity Shlaes - Bloomberg

3 Teens Facing Charges For Sex Acts On School P - Flash Player Installation

Facebook Building 'Shadow Profiles' Of Non-Members, Experts Allege | Fox News

Plea Deal In Case Of Naked 71-Year-Old "Chick" Busted For Back Seat Buick Sex | The Smoking Gun

Jobs Tried Exotic Treatments to Combat Cancer, Book Says - CNBC

Jobs questioned authority all his life, book says - Yahoo! Finance

Steve Jobs biography: Did Apple CEO warn Obama? - Tim Mak -

Biographer: Jobs refused early and potentially life-saving surgery - CBS News

Democrats’ Next Jobs Message: Traffic, Potholes - Fawn Johnson -

Authorities arrest man for having sex in SC museum

Announcing Retirement, Dem Congressman Bashes Obama - Hotline On Call

Clinton says U.S. officials have met with Haqqanis - Yahoo!

For Perry, A Rapid Fundraising Rise -- and Fall - Reid Wilson and Peter Bell -

Thomas Sowell: Herman Cain More Black Than Barack Obama | RealClearPolitics

Obama Job Approval Average Slides to New Low in 11th Quarter

‘Occupy Charlotte’ Kicks Out Leader Credited Wi - Flash Player Installation

G.E. Profit Up Despite ‘Volatile’ Economy -


Woman Stole Cash Register Containing a Quarter: Cops | NBC Miami

Venezuela's Chavez declares himself free of cancer | Reuters

5 Style Tips From Michelle Obama That Will Make You Feel & Look Good | The Stir

Cybercommand chief opposes U.N. net control - Washington Times

FOREX-Dollar slumps to record low versus yen | Reuters

Irate News Corp. Shareholders to Take Murdoch to the Woodshed -

Media: Murdoch Dynasty Faces Challenges at News Corp Meeting - CNBC

Car Company Gets U.S. Loan, Builds Cars In Finland - ABC News

Obama hails death of Muammar Gaddafi as foreign policy success | World news |

Stuxnet Clone 'Duqu': The Hydrogen Bomb Of Cyberwarfare? | Fox News

Another Hijacker of Evangelicalism


Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know! (Part 1)

Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know! (Part 2)

Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know! (Part 3)

Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know! (Part 4)

Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know! (Part 5)

Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know! (Part 6)


TSA Takeover Of America | Before It's News

Was Obama Birth Planned By Illuminati? | Before It's News

Family and Medical Leave Act may be expanded to include grieving parents

Calif. Dem rips Obama 'inaction' on housing crisis as he announces his retirement

Mexico: U.S. dumps criminals at border

Changes seek to save key aspect of healthcare law

Navy to Kick Out 64 Sailors for Drug Use From Fleet That Buried Bin Laden

Chinese toddler left bloody and ignored after hit-and-run dies

Nearly 2 tons of marijuana found at Miami port

'Record-breaking' earthquake rattles south Texas

Former President Bush visits Denver to tout Get Smart Schools partnership

White House backs Biden’s rape, murder remarks

U.N. rights office urges probe into Gadhafi death

'Obama’s limited Libya intervention contrasts with Bush’s Iraq approach'

Clinton Urges Pakistan to Crack Down on Militants

ACLU accuses FBI of profiling Muslims, other minorities

Texas cuts inmates’ weekend lunch

Congressional Investigators Target FBI Over Fast and Furious

DCCC nearly doubles NRCC’s Sept. fundraising haul

Chris Christie blamed for rising poverty, health care coverage levels

Free clinic puts emphasis on prevention

Napolitano tells panel 400,000 deported in year

Woman, 94, credited with dousing fire at Vero Beach retirement community

Perry polling behind even Bachmann in Iowa

Wells Fargo customers get others' bank statements

Barbra Streisand praises Elizabeth Warren

Melody Barnes, Obama's domestic polic adviser, leaving White House

What Will Occupy Wall Street Actually Accomplish?

Bi-National Health Insurance

Debbie Schlussel:Steve Jobs’ Wife, Jobs’ $s Heavily Involved in Far Left Causes

Debbie Schlussel:Your Tax Money Funds HAMAS Payments of $2,000 to Released Shalit Terrorists

Debbie Schlussel:Bryant Gumbel’s “Plantation” Remark Was Thinly Veiled Attack on Jews

Debbie Schlussel:Are You Smarter Than a Wall Street Occupier?

Canadian Prime Minister Barry Soetoro?

Imperial Republics Fall

Socialism, Marxist Communism and Cultural Marxism: Spiritual Diseases of Our Time

The Second Time Since Harvard Obama’s Ridden a Bus

More Obama Jobs Idiocy: Funding Electric Cars Built in Finland!

Obama whacks another bad guy

Obama’s ‘Fundamental Transformation’ of the White House?

Beware the Smart Electric Meter—It’s Coming for YOU!

Inhofe Opposes Nomination of Bryson

The AFL-CIO’s Revolutionary Activist

9th Circuit Bans God in School

Obama: Is he the Most Racist President We Ever had or is it Just his Attitude?

What About Fast and Furious, Mr. President?

You Might Be a Racist If:

What does the U.N. cost taxpayers, and why?

45 rights groups urge UN Rights Council to investigate its Gaddafi-linked officials

Is Food the Earth’s Worst Enemy?

Wheat, Bread, Noodles and Global Competition

Cheer-up, America! The Case for American Optimism

Who Will Save New York? Herman Cain?

Back to 1969?

How Many Electricians Does It Take to Screw In a Light Bulb?

A Contract on the Rich

Fast and Furious Scandal Cannot Be Contained

Cain's Valuable 9-9-9 Plan

Government against the People

Which is the Real Rick Perry?

'Solyndra on wheels'

Senate blocks Obama's 'jobs' bill; kills GOP alternative

Jobs to Obama: 'You're headed for a one term presidency'

Mr. Obama, if we're gonna start quoting The Beatles...

Michelle Obama: Molding America's Children One Menu at a Time

Residents near Zucotti Park go ballistic on OWS crowd

Fast and Furious: What a Tangled Web They Weave

OWS gets some loving from North Korea

Who delivered the Gaddafi Coup de Grace

Must-see video

Mr. President, Do You Recall What Your Job Is?

Herman Cain's Campaign Autobiography

Communism's African-American Soviet Republic

The Bizarre World of Radical Climate Science

Subsidies Have Consequences

Will Fisker Motors Be Another Solyndra?

Drones Matter!

Obama and the OWS Protesters

The OWS Dream

Jewish World War I heroes could be awarded Medal of Honor -

NATO Unaware Qaddafi Was In Convoy At Time Of Strike, Officials Say | Fox News

De Borchgrave: Former al-Qaida Leader Emerging as Strongman in Libya

Fla. mom abandons family for protesters -

California adopts first cap-and-trade program in U.S. -

Senate Votes Down Trimmed Version Of Obama's Jobs Bill | Fox News

Angry Manhattan residents lambast Zuccotti Park protesters -

Clinton Says Door Still Open For Taliban To Talk Peace, Warns Of 'Continuing Assault'

School scrambles to retrieve X-rated prizes - US news - Life -

Ground Zero mosque honcho provides shady proof of property tax pay with doctored statements

Muslim Junior ROTC Student Wants To Wear Head Cover With Uniform | Fox News

Senator Marco Rubio’s Citizenship Is Being Attacked by Birthers |

Jon Stewart Slams GOP Reaction to Gaddafi’s Death | Video |

Economist Thomas Sowell Says Barack Obama Isn’t As Black as Herman Cain | Video |

Kim Hye Sook Discusses Her Detention in North Korean Prison Camp | Video |

Navy Seal Team is Going Green |

Streaker Causes Brawl During UCLA-Arizona Game | Video |

One Million Moms Group Leads Charge Against Ben & Jerry‘s ’Schweddy Balls’ Flavor |

Report: ‘Apparent Conflict of Interest’ Between Fed Directors and Bailouts |

Gadhadi’s Death May Be Investigated by U.N. Human Rights Office |

Steve Jobs Initially Refused Surgery for a Rare But ‘Treatable’ Form of Cancer | Video |

Steve Jobs Told Obama in 2010 ‘You’re Headed for a One-term Presidency’ |

Billion Ton Comet Almost Hit Earth in Late 1800s |

CAIR Joins Occupy Wall Street, Will Hold Jummah Friday Prayers in Zuccotti Park |

UN Concerned Over Placement of Palestinian Prisoners After Soldier Swap |

Warren Buffet and Rapper Jay-Z Team-Up in Kids’ Cartoon About Money | Video |

Rick Santorum Accuses Herman Cain of Being ‘Pro-Choice,’ Cain Rebuts |

Jessie Jackson to Keith Olbermann: Occupy Wall Street an ‘Extension of Dr. King‘s Action’ | Video |

Limbaugh: ‘Drive-By Media‘ Are ’Having Orgasms’ Over Obama Killing Gaddafi |

Herman Cain: Pro-Life or Pro-Choice? Is His Stance on Abortion Confusing? | Video |

Restrictions on Abortion Providers in Some States Making Access to Abortions More Difficult |

‘Don’t Screw Around With Me’: Biden Defends ‘Rape’ Comments, Gets into Heated Exchange With Reporter | Video |

Christian Pro-Israel Groups Are Courting African Americans |

Rev. Derrick Harkins Is Obama’s New Director of Religious Outreach |

Energy Department Caught Trying to Revise History | Video |

EU Parliament Member Proposes Logging Technology on Internet-Using Devices to Protect Children |

Police Probing Assassination Threat Against GOP Freshman Rep. | Video |

Even When iPhone Is Password Protected Siri Can Be Used | Video |

Herman Cain Says Jesus Christ Is the Perfect Conservative |

President Obama Tells Libya that Gadhafi‘s Death Means They’ve Won Revolution | Video |

Mitt Romney Campaign Pulls Rick Perry Attack Ad From YouTube | Video |

Moammmar Gadhafi Allegedly Shown in Video Minutes Before Death | Video |

See the Army’s New Suicide Drone in Action | Video |

Oil Prices Fall After Gadhafi’s Death |

Al Jazeera Publishes Alleged Gadhafi Death Video | Video |

Photo of Dead Gadhafi on CNN | Video |

Immigration May Be Key Issue in 2012 GOP Presidential Primary |

Occupy Los Angeles Teacher Patricia McAllister Fired Over Zionist Anti-Semitic Comments | Video |

Good Luck Selling a Home in These Cities |

A special tribute to Steve Jobs – using only Jobs’ words and sounds from Apple products. | Video |

Should Voting and Driving In America Require Proficiency In English? |

Hear 911 Calls From Ohio Exotic Animal Release |

ABC’s Jake Tapper Asks Obama About Fast & Furious in Unaired Portion of Interview | Video |

The Greedhead Mentality Will Keep Occupy Wall Street Relevant For a Long Time

Paul Ryan Tells Student To Work Three Jobs Rather Than Take Pell Grants

Republicans Block Second Attempt at Jobs Bill With Help from Nelson, Pryor and Lieberman

Bank of America Trying To Stick Taxpayers With A $74 Trillion Bill By Moving Derivatives Into FDIC-Insured Accounts

This is Your Brain After Too Much Fox News and Listening to Erick Erickson

Jim DeMint's Newest Abortion Ban: Discussing It Online

Mitt Romney's Attack Ad on Rick Perry: Dimwit In Charge?

Dana Loesch Plays the Nazi Card to Attack #OWS - Calls Them 'The Epitome of Greed'

Cain's 9-9-9 Plan Just the Latest GOP Tax Cut Windfall for the Wealthy

Maddow Blasts 'Sort-of Democrat' Ben Nelson for Cheering Herman Cain

+ Our 50-State Blog Round-up

NPR Host Fired for Supporting Occupy DC

Raw Footage of Hillary Clinton Getting the News of Gaddafi

Larry Kudlow's CNBC Panel Accuses #OWS of Murderous Intent

Anderson Cooper Apologizes for Repeating Lie that 47% of Americans Don't Pay Taxes During GOP Debate

Where I Rant About the 'Liberal Media', Imbalance, and Unrelenting Negativity

Birthers Targeting Marco Rubio's Citizenship Amid Family History Flap

Fox' Bob Beckel Smacks Eric Bolling: All You Did Was Run About The Tea Party

WTF? Louisiana Bans Cash For Second Hand Transactions

Ohio exotic-pet farm barely secured cages

Ohio governor to sign order on dangerous animals

Ohio governor to sign exotic-pet executive order

Consultant convicted of stealing from mayor Bloomberg

Obama announces total Iraq troop withdrawal

Sen. Rubio denies claims he embellished history

Lindsay Lohan arrives at morgue, on time

Treasurys nearly flat after dipping and bouncing

US seeks 'transparent account' of Kadhafi's death

Europe launches its bid to compete with U.S. GPS system

Court extends remand for 14 Sharon prison protesters

EU takes steps against 5 over Saudi envoy plot

Firefighters control wildfire in W. Galilee; 4 injured

Lindsay Lohan cleaning toilets, emptying trash at morgue

Phone hacking: NI confirms 2m for Dowlers and 1m charity donation

Box Office Predictions: ‘Paranormal’ Creeps Out the ‘Musketeers’

+Morning Call Sheet: Strippers Vs. Werewolves, Streep Sucks, and Streep Really Sucks

Kyle Smith: Latest Electric Car Doc Ignores Inconvenient Truths

‘Take Shelter’ Review: Gutsy Performances Marred by Dishonest Ending

‘Paranormal Activity 3′ Review: VHS Keeps Franchise Alive

Hergé’s History Tainting Spielberg’s ‘Tintin?’ Not Quite

Rage Against the Machine Guitarist Tom Morello: Throw Bankers in Gitmo

Hollywood One-Percenter Russell Simmons: ‘I Don’t Pay Taxes’

Thanks, Mark! Ruffalo Explains Occupy Wall Street

Trailer Talk: ‘The Grey’

Under Fire for ‘Mong’ Jokes, Ricky Gervais Attacks Fellow Comedians For Not Supporting Him

Hollywood Revs Up Partisan Films a Year Ahead of Election -

Good Lord! Hollywood Suddenly Hot for the Bible (Analysis) - The Hollywood Reporter

New Book About Osama Bin Laden Killing Being Shopped to Hollywood (Exclusive) - The Hollywood Reporter

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Cheney to WND: Terror attacks 'clearly an act of war';Enemies 'determined to use any means to get at us'

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Air Force general warns Libya's future a concern;Says Gadhafi got what he deserved but 'what's going to happen now?'

Tom Tancredo ;Rick Perry Finished

Video: Libya: Gaddafi 'was killed with 9mm pistol in Sirte' - Telegraph

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Congresswoman says Harry Reid 'totally out of touch';Senate leader says private sector jobs doing fine but more government needed

Expert: 'Forger' of Obama birth record left red herring

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Union President Testifies: ICE HQ Ordered Agents Not to Arrest Illegals--Including Fugitives |

Guess who's lobbying against tracking of al-Qaida in U.S.?

Heat gets turned up in fight over warnings about Islam

Shariah advances as constitution is rewritten

» Stephen Lerner, SEIU Neo-Communist Union Boss, Uses #OWS to Spread Fear, Economic Mayhem - Big Government

Teacher Fired For Anti-Semitic Comments At 'Occupy' Rally - Careers Articles

Cain Releases Clarifying Statement: I'm Pro-Life on Abortion |

Cain: Government Shouldn't Make Decision on Abortion, Rape |

Avoiding reporter keeps Obama spokesman clear of race question

Feds indict unruly passenger from Southwest flight

Pan Am 103 families thrilled with Gadhafi's death

Gadhafi's Death: The End of a Tyrant - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Report: Qaddafi Corpse to Be Dropped into the Sea - Latest News Briefs - Israel National News

Libyan Jews recall a tyrant... JPost - Jewish World - Jewish News

Rubio: Credit for Gadhafi killing goes to French and British - The Hill's Video

Netanyahu becomes Israel’s Forrest Gump on the Internet - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Palestinians to push for UN membership Nov. 11 - Israel News, Ynetnews

Did Media Matters Pressure Anderson Cooper To Walk Back Tax Statistic?

Miami Herald : Did the Washington Post Embellish Marco Rubio’s ‘Embellishments’?

AP cheers Gadhafi’s Blood for Libyan Oil

Occupy Wall Street Now Protesting Against Math

Time Magazine Columnist Accuses Herman Cain of Being ‘Black Clown’ to Appease White Conservatives

Local NBC Butchers Occupy Cleveland Rape Case With Bias

Washington Post : Herman Cain Is Bull Connor

NBC's Chuck Todd Uses Reported Qadhafi Death to Bash Bush on Iraq |

CBS Covers Biden's 'Controversial' Rape Remark; ABC, NBC Punt |

Interviewer posed with Biden before quizzing him - On Media -

Fox News to Host Two More GOP Debates - TVNewser

Today's America: Disunity abounds

Herman Cain vs. the Declaration

Murders, rapes and falling bridges

Rick gets rabid, Ron Paul endures

ROOT: Raising Cain - Washington Times

Obama and the flea-baggers

Occupy Wall Street becomes Occupy America

» Stephen Lerner, SEIU Neo-Communist Union Boss, Uses #OWS to Spread Fear, Economic Mayhem - Big Government

Hyatt quislings cave to Islamic supremacists

The tanning-bed police

The Neocons Are Coming!

Is freedom in America a myth or a reality?

Freedom to Create by Guy Sorman - City Journal

Obama: All Troops Out of Iraq by Years’ End

AUDIO:Bill Warner: Three Lies About Islam

NATO: We Didn’t Know Gaddafi Was In Convoy

Assassination Plot In DC Related To Increasing Iranian Presence In Western Hemisphere

Reagan Wanted To Take Out Gaddafi 30 Years Ago…But Couldn’t Because Of The Law

Iran: Occupy Wall Street Will Lead To The Collapse Of The American System

North Korea: We’re With Occupy Wall Street And The 99%! Cue Irony Music Here

State Department: Expedite Now In Libya To Prevent Another Afghanistan

Politics And Diversion On The Keystone Pipeline

US Army At War With….Kittens?

UK’s Energy Policy Leading To Poverty

AUDIO:Joel Rosenberg: The Tehran Initiative

Video: Gaddafi Was Captured Alive

A Marine, Occupy Wall Street, And NYPD

Gadhafi's death helps clear way for oil exports

Venezuela's Chavez says he's cancer-free

Rise in GM foods is creating crop spray-resistant superweeds, scientists warn | Mail Online

Harold Camping, rapture prophet, hedges new bet

Woman had drunken sex with four boys - and escapes jail sentence |

Dallas mother made daughter, 6, video tape her group sex 'gang bangs' | Mail Online

An American Tourist in North Korea | Raw File |

#OccupyLA: To Hell With Solidarity, But Wait…Free Food Stamps!!

The Anti-Semitic and Anti-Israel Organizers of #OccupyWallStreet

AUDIO:An Unprecedented 26 Million Americans are Underemployed

#OccupyLondon Protesters Force Iconic St. Paul’s Cathedral to Close

Stimulus Funds Paid Foreign Workers in Oregon

What Congress Won’t Legislate, EPA Will Regulate

Obama: Those Behind Fast & Furious ‘Will Be Held Accountable’; Congress: ‘Prove It’

Senate Rejects Obama’s State Government Bailout

Steve Jobs to Obama: You’re a One-term President

Is FCC Using Mergers to Impose New Regulations on Telecom?

New Yorkers Rage Over #OccupyWallSt Protesters

Self-Described ‘Communist Revolutionary’ Picked by Ohio Union Group for ‘Youth Outreach’

Unions Gloat: #Occupy Wouldn’t Be Happening Without Us

/ Fisker Karma – Half a Billion Federal Dollars, And Only 20 Miles Per Gallon in Gas Mode… Developing…

CARTOON:Peace Prize?

VIDEO: Gibson Guitar CEO on Obama: ‘He Lied’

More Death Threats? Occupy St. Louis Sends YAF Chapter Threatening Email

Backlash: Law-And-Order Republicans Using #Occupy to Raise Campaign Funds

Dem Party-Big Labor Coalition Goes All Out to Recall Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker

#OccupyWallSt Protester: ‘I Got Some Money and I Should Be Taxed More.’

Exploding the Myths & Lies Behind the #Occupy Turnout Numbers

#OccupyLA Refuses to Condemn Antisemitism

Redefining ‘Occupy’: Do Indecent Exposure, Rape, and Theft Fit in the #OWS Movement?

Contentious Talks: UAW Ratifies Contract with Ford, Workers Say Better for Union than Members

Al Gore lampoons 'insane' Wall Street

Car Company Gets U.S. Loan, Builds Cars In Finland - ABC News

Cain tweaks tax 9-9-9 tax plan to allow exemptions

Paul Ryan: Obama ‘preying on emotions of fear, resentment and anger’ - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Bernanke to Senate Democrats: Don’t expect more stimulus -

Wacky new trend sees tourists eat snake hearts |

Study suggests Earth survived near miss › News in Science (ABC Science)

Henry VIII's lost Nonsuch Palace recreated 300 years after it was destroyed | Mail Online

Heather Mills Sued Over $5,000 Haircuts |


*ARTICLE LINKS: Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


21-Oct-11 World View

20-Oct-11 World View

19-Oct-11 World View

18-Oct-11 World View

17-Oct-11 World View

16-Oct-11 World View

15-Oct-11 World View

14-Oct-11 World View


Obama and the flea-baggers

Bulletin from Time: Cain not a prophet!

Unmasked! 'Occupy' protests sending sharp anti-Jew message

Heat gets turned up in fight over warnings about Islam

Guess who's lobbying against tracking of al-Qaida in U.S.?

Judge: Death threats against pro-family campaigners not a problem

'Freedom of Information' meeting held in secret

*21 Oct.

American Minute for October 21st

This Day in History for 21st October

Today in History: October 21

October 21st This Day in History

October 21 Events in History

Today in History: October 21

October 21st in History

Today in History for October 21st - YouTube


The Obama Doctrine and the death of Qaddafi - By David Rothkopf | David Rothkopf

Qaddafi’s Death No Western Triumph - By Jack David - The Corner - National Review Online

But What Should the Fed Actually Do? | Mother Jones

[Folder Name]

n+1: Krytronite

Book Review: I Want My MTV by Craig Marks and Rob Tannenbaum - Businessweek

The Letters of Ernest Hemingway, Volume I, 1907-1922 | Sandra Spanier and Robert W. Trogdon | Review by The Spectator

Politico Bookshelf: how a website becomes a publisher -

Jobs questioned authority all his life, book says

2012 in Security: Rising Danger | PCWorld

I’ll Never Ditch Netflix (And You Shouldn’t Either) - SlashGear

FBI official calls for secure, alternate Internet - Technology & science - Security -

A Google TV 2.0 Sneak Peak - Zatz Not Funny!

Adobe Flash exploit allows websites to access your webcam without permission | Technology News Blog - Yahoo! News

Is Facebook looking to challenge LinkedIn in job postings? -

BitTorrent Throttling Internet Providers Exposed | TorrentFreak

Intelligence Community Tries Big-Brother Software to Catch Next Leaker - The Daily Beast

Is It Time For Professional Baseball To Adopt Robot Umpires? | Singularity Hub

Coming to a Gadget Near You: A Movie for All Your Screens -

This Is The Google Music "Twist": You Can Share Songs After Buying Them

RealClearReligion - One More Swing at the Catholic Straw-Man

Martin Harris: The Chief Wiggum of Mormon history | The Political Surf

Jihadis, but no models, in Libya » GetReligion

RealClearReligion - Evangelicals Bear False Witness Against Romney

Mormons not Christian? That's a fallacy of equivocation | Deseret News

Why I refuse to debate with William Lane Craig | Richard Dawkins | Comment is free |

Math and theology with Herman Cain |

altcatholicah - Modesty at Mass: A Case for a Catholic Dress Code

Rabbi Eric H. Yoffie: Why Americans Dismiss Sin

The New Singleness « Public Discourse

Losing the Faith | Crisis Magazine

Ministry Matters™ | Articles | Bridging the Partisan Divide in Church

Quantum Mechanics to Meet General Relativity?

Manufacturing Goes Viral, Literally

Human, Ape Culture Shares Evolutionary Root

Do We Read E-Readers Differently?

Five Most Interesting Man-made Objects on the Moon - Blog

DailyTech - China Cuts Off World's Rare Earth Metal Supply

mental_floss Blog » 5 Tyrants Who Died Relatively Peaceful Deaths (and 5 Who Weren’t So Lucky)

5 Ways the World Will Change Radically This Century | Future Global Impacts of the Human Population Explosion | Life's Little Mysteries

Schumer wants help to secure nano schools - Times Union

Collaborative physics: String theory finds a bench mate : Nature News

The two-genome waltz: how the threat of mismatched partners shapes complex life | Not Exactly Rocket Science | Discover Magazine

BBC News - Old American theory is 'speared'

After The Earth Nearly Died

The Roots of Religion | Big Questions Online

The Rising Value of a Science Degree -

On Great Pumpkins, Linus Was Simply Ahead of His Time - Blog

BBC News - IQ 'can change in teenage years'

Game Over for Faster-Than-Light Neutrinos? : Starts With A Bang

Key to Mysterious Ocean Glow Proposed | Bioluminescence, Blue Flashes Ocean, Dinoflagellates, Voltage-Gated Proton Channels | LiveScience

A Tightly Knit Network of Companies Runs the World Economy, Says Network Analysis | Popular Science

Cities Will Feel Brunt as Global Population Passes 7 Billion: Scientific American

How much radiation are you exposed to on a plane? – Boing Boing

No, Not That Left, Your OTHER Left! : Krulwich Wonders... : NPR

Japanese mathematician breaks record for determining the value of pi - Telegraph

Broadside. Battle of Trafalgar

Muammar el-Qaddafi, Libyan Dictator, Is Dead at 69 -

Wernher von Braun : Feature Articles

jse_14_1_haines.pdf (application/pdf Object)

President Harding condemns lynching, Oct. 21, 1921 - Andrew Glass -

Haleh Esfandiari Reviews Arash Hejazi's "The Gaze Of The Gazelle" | The New Republic

Energizing American Jobs

U.S. Falls Short of Bush's Biofuels Target

Where More Biofuel Crops Can Be Grown

Green Rankings 2011: Least Green Big Companies - The Daily Beast

EPA's new rules spell economic disaster - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Green groups’ double standard on Cuba’s oil drilling plans - Other Views -

Even Cuba Understands What's to Gain from Off-Shore Drilling - Energy Intelligence (

The Arctic and the Lessons of the Gulf -

LYNCH: Finding economic security in shale - Washington Times

How To Make Money Off Of Global Warming Fears - Forbes

Why a national energy strategy is easier said than implemented | Alberta Oil – Energy Sector Insight

Energy policy is leaving the middle class behind – Boing Boing

Libya oil: Slow going after Gadhafi - Oct. 20, 2011

Peak Oil, Entirely Nonsense: As is Peak Gas - Forbes

Why Gasoline Prices Won't Fall In 2012, Even In Weak Economy - Forbes

Uncle Sam Wants....Renewable Energy? | Renewable Energy World North America Magazine Article

How U.S. Can Avoid a Japan-Style Lost Decade

Inside al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Qaddafi’s Bloody End Points to Difficulties Ahead -

Mogadishu on the Mediterranean? - By Christian Caryl | Foreign Policy

Ahmadinejad Iran’s Last President? | The Diplomat

Jonathan Kay: Do Gaddafi, bin Laden and Al-Awlaki still think Obama is a wimp? | Full Comment | National Post

Inside Obama's War Room | Politics News | Rolling Stone

Gadhafi and Libya needed a docket, not a bullet - The Globe and Mail

No More Qaddafi, Plenty of Worries for New Libya Leaders: View - Bloomberg

After Shalit deal, Netanyahu must bolster Abbas - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

With Gadhafi's death, Libyans face an unknown rebirth - The Globe and Mail

Libya’s liberation: The colonel is caught | The Economist

Leslie H. Gelb Argues That Neocons Like Bill Kristol Are Back to Warmongering - The Daily Beast

RealClearMarkets - We Have Reached a Potential Inflection Point

What the Revised Productivity Rate Will Mean - Businessweek

What the Profit Tumble at the Big Banks Means for the Economy - The Curious Capitalist -

BRANNON & BATKINS: Absurdity of regulatory Keynesianism - Washington Times

Party of Pollution -

Central bankers must update outdated analytical toolkit -

Lawrence Solomon: Cain should scrap the last leg of 9-9-9 | FP Comment | Financial Post

What 2012 election means for stocks - Mark Hulbert - MarketWatch

5 Potential Peter Lynch Stocks (AMD, COST, DELL, INTC, KR, NKE)

The Spread of Start-Up America and the Rise of the High-Tech South - Richard Florida - Technology - The Atlantic

Jekyll & Hyde IPO market: Withdrawals hit 3-year high, pending deals surge - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

The Capital Spectator: Awkward History Lessons

RealClearMarkets - Busting the 1% vs. 99% Inequality Myth

We need more inflation - Rex Nutting - MarketWatch

Occupy Wall Street Is Certainly No Tea Party - Forbes

RealClearPolitics - Obama Chose the Right Course on Libya

Punch-Out in the Desert - Charles Krauthammer - National Review Online

RealClearPolitics - Why Debates Are So Detestable -- and Yet So Helpful

Replace Biden on 2012 Ticket? No, VP's Populism is Obama's Best Hope | The Nation

Biden’s absurd claims about rising rape and murder rates - The Fact Checker - The Washington Post

Morning Jay: What Harry Reid Can Teach the GOP About 2012 | The Weekly Standard

Rocky Territory - Ronald Brownstein -

RealClearPolitics - The Importance of Being Experienced

Muammar Qaddafi’s Death and Republican Politics : The New Yorker

RealClearPolitics - ObamaCare's Broken Promises

House Republicans need to lay off the EPA and let it protect us -

Who’s ‘doing just fine?’ -

Colonel Qaddafi’s End -

Capitalism and its critics: Rage against the machine | The Economist

Is Newt Gingrich the GOP's next flavor of the month? -

Calling All Liberals: It's Time to Fight | The Nation

RealClearMarkets - The Economic Disappointment of Generation O

Moammar Gaddafi killed in rebel custody as last loyalist holdout in Libya falls - The Washington Post

The Biden Crime Wave |

Obama’s Jobs Plan As a Case Study for Fatalism -- Daily Intel


**Politics Video:Obama Announces U.S. Troops Will Leave Iraq By End Of Year

O'Reilly On Gaddafi: You Live By The Sword, You Die By The Sword

MSNBC's Ed: Right Won't Acknowledge Success Of Obama's Foreign Policy

Brewer: Obama "Hasn't Done What He Has Promised To Do"

O'Donnell: Libya Is A "Victory For President Obama"

20th/Chris Matthews: Bush Must Have Thought Gore Was A "D-Bag"

Coulter On Occupy Wall Street: "Democrats Like Mob Uprisings"

Moore: Occupy Wall Street Inspired Me To Make Another Documentary

Chuck Todd Uses Gaddafi Death To Bash Bush On Iraq

Palin Praises Ron Paul For Foreign Policy Position On Libya

Rachel Maddow: Herman Cain Playing The "Anti-Intellectual" In Primary

Limbaugh: Media Having "Orgasms" Over "Barry" Killing Gaddafi

Krauthammer: If Romney Wins Iowa, It's Over

U.S. Gave $529 Million Loan To Company Now Building Cars In Finland

Obama Encourages People To Clap For Him At Campaign Event

Carney: Obama "Absolutely" Agrees With Biden About Rapes & Jobs Bill

Jon Stewart Pokes Fun At GOP Debate In Las Vegas

Cain: Anti-Abortion, But Pro-Choice

Raw Video: Muammar Gaddafi Killed

Forbes: Perry's Flat Tax Best Tax Proposal Since Reagan

Jesse Jackson: Operation Wall Street "Extension Of Dr. King's Action"

Paul Ad: "A Plan To Restore America Now"

Hillary Clinton Yuks It Up Over Cain

Rubio Thanks "French And British Who Led This Fight" Against Gaddafi

McCain: Gaddafi Death Victory For The President And Libyan People

Perry Web Video Calls Romney "Misleading"

Capehart: "It's All Going To Crumble" Eventually For Cain

Matthews: "Republicans Are Randy To Roll Up The Vote"

Special Report Online: Panel Quizzes Santorum

O'Reilly: "In A Weak Economy, 9-9-9 Would Be A Gamble"

**Markets Video:Are Things Worse Than We Think They Are?

20th/ Paulsen: Expect All-Time Market Highs in 2012

U.S. Not Safe From European Collapse

What is the Risk of a Double-Dip Recession?

Scaramucci Explains Obama's Wall Street Defectors

**World Video:Future Defense Challenges

Did U.S. Play Role In Gaddafi's Death?

Graphic Video: Gaddafi's Last Moments

Graphic Video: New Video Of Gaddafi Capture

Basque Separatists ETA Say End Armed Struggle

Does Gaddafi's Death Validate Obama's Policy In Libya?

Clinton To Pakistan: Step Up Anti-terror Effort

'Occupy' Clashes In Australia

Raw Video: Floods Swamp Bangkok Neighborhoods

Body Of Gaddafi's Son Displayed

International Involvement Post-Gaddafi

Flashback: 2009 Interview With Muammar Gaddafi

Coker: Libya, The Post 9/11 World, And The Future Of Geopolitics

Muammar Gaddafi Burial Delayed For Investigation

20th/When Protectors Are The Problem

Clinton and Karzai Ridicule Herman Cain

Report: Libyan Strongman Gaddafi Dead

Strong Franc, Euro Problems Influence Swiss Election

Arab Spring Turns Into Uncertain Fall

Mainland China's 'Occupy Wall Street' Reaction

Gingrich: 'Iran At War With Us Since 1979'

Report: Bruni Gives Birth To Baby Girl

Floods Threaten To Swamp Bangkok

China's Great Wall Faces New Threat

Clinton: Pakistan Must Boost Anti-terror Fight

Military Council Confirms Sirte Free

Costs of Our Relationship With China

Ports' Role In U.S. Competitiveness

Graphic Video: Gaddafi's Arrest

**News Videos:Obama: Mission Accomplished

#OccupyCharlotte Kicks Out Leader Credited With Creating Group

New Yorkers Fed Up With Defecating #OccupyWallStreet Protesters

No Teacher Left Behind: Congress Removes Teacher Evaluations From Education Bill Editor Larry O’Connor Talks Jobs Bill And Libya On ‘Fox & Friends’

Senate Rejects Big Piece of Obama Jobs Bill

Man Caught On Camera Shooting AK-47 At Bar

Obama: Gaddafi’s Death Opens New Chapter

Facebook Helps Labor Department Find Unemployed Jobs

Obama Bus Tour Ends With Whimper: ‘You Can Go Ahead And Clap’

Tea Partier Forced to Break Down Flag Pole, Occupy Protesters Left Alone

‘Wow’: Hillary Clinton Reacts to Gaddafi News

20th/Occupy Toledo: Rocking The 99% With 6 Protesters

White House Confirms: No Jobs Bill = More Rapes

Trumka: Cain’s Ideas ‘Almost Laughable’

Libya: Party Like It’s 1499

Sowell: Cain More Black Than Obama

Tea Party Activist Speaks At #OccupySanDiego

Congressmen Attack Generals For Reporting On Security Threat At US/Mexico Border

Sharpton Rips Herman Cain, Clarence Thomas: ‘Do I Really Feel Better That a Black Cop Beat Me Over the Head Than a White Cop?

#OccupyWallStreet Threatens Businesses, Patrons

Obama to Libyans: ‘You Have Won Your Revolution’

Gaddafi’s Alleged Final Moments

Gaddafi Killed

#OccupyColumbus Enjoys Underwhelming Support

#OccupyLA Spokeswoman Refuses to Condemn Teacher’s Antisemitic Statements

Multimillionaire #OWS Supporter Russell ‘I Want to Pay More Taxes’ Simmons Now Says ‘I Don’t Pay Taxes’

Washington Post Casts Cain, Gingrich As Bull Connor-era Cops Against #OccupyWallStreet

#OccupyToronto: ‘This Man Was In My Tent Sniffing My Girlfriend’s Feet’

19th/Rape Attack Reported in #OccupyCleveland Tent City

‘Don’t Screw Around With Me!’; Unhinged Biden Unloads On Journalist

Breitbart: #OccupyWallStreet Imitating SEIU and ACORN

#OccupyOakland Confrontations with Media Continue; Reporter Bitten by Protester’s Dog

Bryant Gumbel Likens NBA Players’ Strike with Slavery; David Stern ‘Plantation Overseer’

#OccupyOakland Protesters Threaten Reporter; Cameras Would Be Stolen, Broken If Media Enters Tent City

Abusive #OccupyOakland Protesters Ban Media From Tent City

18th/Fake Signatures May Mean Obama Didn’t Actually Qualify to Run for President in Indiana

Obama’s Teleprompter Stolen

*Transcripts:20th/Obama's Statement on the Death of Qaddafi

Interview with Senator John McCain

Interviews with Senators Feinstein and Kirk

Analysts Debate the U.S. Mission in Libya

Panel on the 2012 GOP Race in Iowa

Interview with Arizona Governor Jan Brewer


The Manning Report – 20 October 2011 | ATLAH Media Network

Oct. 20, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2011-Oct-20, Thursday

10/20 The Mark Levin Show

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 10-20-11

.2011-10-21.Jesse Peterson Radio Show

.2011-10-20.Jesse Peterson Radio Show

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-20-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-20-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 10-20-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 10-20-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 10-20-11 Hr 3

Live Free Or Die Radio - Thursday, October, 20, 2011

The Michael Savage Show 10/20/11

Mysterious Realms With Dr. John DeSalvo

The View From Marrs With Jim Marrs 19th

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero2

Paul Drockton Show 1

Paul Drockton Show 2


Gaddafi's children in exile, on the run, or dead | Reuters

Haggai Carmon: Gaddafi Is Dead: Is It the End or the Beginning of the War?

Gadhafi caught like 'rat' in a drain, humiliated, shot

Former university doctor gives up license after accusations of child porn, affair -

BBC News - Row over Muammar Gaddafi's body delays burial plans

NATO Unaware Qaddafi Was In Convoy At Time Of Strike, Officials Say | Fox News

Kenya's al-Shabab Crackdown Nets Cleric, 2 Doctors | News | English

Rupert Murdoch to pay $3.2 million to hacked schoolgirl Milly Dowler's family - TIME

Silvio Berlusconi angers France with Bank of Italy appointment - Telegraph

Gaddafi dead picture: How a NATO air strike finished off Libya's dictator | Mail Online

Google slips a sneak peak at Gmail redesign - Computerworld

Facebook Ireland Facing Audit Over Privacy, 'Shadow Profiles' | News & Opinion |

AFP: Hulu shows heading for Nintendo Wii and 3DS

Rogue Google engineer: Google trying to make me happy | Technically Incorrect - CNET News

Cellphone use doesn't increase cancer risk, Danish scientists find

Study: Teens' IQ may fluctuate over time -

BBC News - Climate study raises 'heated debate' – How ‘blue stragglers’ stay forever young

Lots of water spotted in a still-forming solar system 175 light years away

DARPA wants to turn space junk into new satellites - Technology & science - Space - -

Direct Image of Youngest Exoplanet Yet Discovered | Wired Science |

NASA's Future Depends on Commercial Space Success, Deputy Chief Says | NASA's Lori Garver | Private Space Industry & Commercial Crew Development |

NASA Rewards Twitter Followers With Unique Experience | Executive Gov

Robot builds itself with foam | TG Daily

Star, WD 0806-661 B, with 'summer day on Earth' temperature discovered | Mail Online

NASA Approves Space-X 'Dragon' Capsule - Orlando News Story - WKMG Orlando

Millions Will Be Trapped Amid Climate Change, Study Warns -

Conrad Murray Defense Team To Finally Question Expert Who Claims Doctor Is Responsible For Michael Jackson's Death | Fox News

RTT News

Unemployment rates fall in half of U.S. states –

The Associated Press: Obama to name Fed dissenter Hoenig as FDIC No. 2

How flat will Rick Perry's flat tax be? -

Democrats Press Infrastructure as Next Piece of Jobs Bill -

Yemeni Gets Life in Prison for Piracy - ABC News

Herman Cain tweaks 9-9-9 tax plan

Oct. 21: Mrs. O's First Tweet and Jobs Warned Obama | Gallery | POWERWALL

Republicans Bash Biden Over Claims Of Increased Crime Without Jobs Bill | Fox News

911 tapes from quarry shooting: 'People are dying right now" -

Herman Cain Abortion | Herman Cain Pro-Choice | Video | Mediaite

Hot-grease death: Wife charged after 40 years on run - TODAY News -

Nevada considers changing GOP caucus

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