A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

01 October 2011

1 OCT.

The secret to a long life is knowing when it's time to go.

Anwar al-Awlaki Dined at Pentagon Dinner in 2002, Now Decidedly Murdered By President Obama - YouTube

Why Was This Ancient Spice Given to Slaves Building the Pyramids? | Pakalert Press

Van Jones Warns Of A Progressive "October Offensive" Against Tea Party

Ron Paul Discusses Freedom – Episode 069 | Off The Grid News

Audio:Ron Paul Discusses Freedom – Episode 069

Weekly Update: "The ACORN Frankensteins" | Judicial Watch

Is Obama Intentionally Ratcheting Up the Racism? | US Opinion and Editorial Right Side News

Durbin says Democrats don’t currently have the votes for Obama jobs bill - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Google Joins Apple in Push for Tax Holiday - Bloomberg

Will The New Detroit Bridge Be Built In China- YouTube

Is Ron Paul Wrong on Money and the Constitution? - YouTube

6 pg./Science from Apollo Missions Now in Doubt

The Hindu : Sci-Tech / Science : Moon to have no-fly zones by month end

What If the Moon Didn’t Exist?: The Fun of Counterfactuals in Science | Guest Blog, Scientific American Blog Network

The Luciferian Legacy - "The Destiny of Mankind Hinges upon Gold"

Video: Lost Beethoven classic played for first time in 200 years - Telegraph

Activist Post: 12 Months of Prepping, One Month at a Time

Ministry of Education Maps of Plutonium and Strontium Show Wide Dispersion of Supposedly Heavy Nuclides | EX-SKF

The British TV Channel ITV Uses Video Game Footage To Connect Gaddafi To The IRA - YouTube

An Emergency Program for Anti-Wall Street Protestors: Don’t Let Soros Hijack the Movement «

Wall Street protest spreading worldwide ... Major unions and United Airline pilots join in Wall Street protests ... Police brutality turns public in favor of protesters.

Rage Against Wall Street Crooks

Paul Drockton M.A.: S&P Puts now over 11 Million!!!

Paul Drockton M.A.: How to Legally Plunder the Rothschilds

Paul Drockton M.A.: Script for an Economic Collapse

Paul Drockton M.A.: 2,250,000 Contracts Betting Against October S&P 500

It Didn’t Take Long For Herman Cain To Say Something Stupid | Political Crush

President Obama Calls U.S. Soft

Gonzalo Lira: Our Affirmative Action President

Bruce Fein Explains Ron Paul's Foreign Policy Beautifully - YouTube

Judge rules part of Patriot Act unconstitutional

The Fed Wants to Be Your Facebook Friend - CNBC

Army Tracking Plan: Drones That Never Forget a Face | Danger Room |

Arnold Schwarzenegger: Vanity Fair Interviews Him About The California Economy

U.S. government puts Plum Island up for sale | Mail Online

Libya - An African War of Predation - by an African - YouTube

What Really Happened in Libya - Voice Over - YouTube

PressTV - The Voice of NATOs Libyan Rebels - YouTube

Al-Qaida cleric Anwar al-Awlaki is dead, says Yemen | World news | The Guardian

Rules for a new world order|Comment|


Oath Keepers » Blog Archive » Oath Keepers Member Writes Senator Expressing Concerns About FBI Targeting Preppers for Surveillance and Senator’s Staff Reports His Letter to the FBI.



Entrapping Muslims In America

FBI faces entrapment questions over Rezwan Ferdaus bomb plot arrest | World news |


+Nicolas Cage first, now John Travolta's 1860 doppelganger photo on eBay | Mail Online


The Thanatos Archive(


Unusual and Rare Vintage Photography Oddities Prints by diabolus


Sock puppets, twitterjacking and the art of digital fakery | Technology | The Guardian

Clarence Thomas Should Be Investigated For Nondisclosure, Democratic Lawmakers Say

Red October no more: Russia scraps Cold War-era Typhoon submarine - Telegraph - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Newsnight farce: Eurocrat storms off live TV after Paxman calls him an idiot

The California boy, 11, who is undergoing hormone blocking treatment | Mail Online

Spontaneous combustion death cases: What IS the truth? | Mail Online

TV fanatics attempt to break world record for watching television for the longest time | Mail Online

Quantum Note: The Roots of Muslim Rage-II | Opinion Maker

The American Conservative » Ralph Nader’s Grand Alliance

Poll: Ron Paul v Obama a dead heat in Fla. | Campaign 2012

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Gilad Atzmon: Are They Really ‘The People Of The Book’?

The Wal-Marts of Quasi-Organic Food | Farm Wars


*50 min./Total Control of United States (FULL MOVIE) The Israel Lobby - YouTube


*They Rule (


EU fraud and 'irregularities' hit £1.6 billion - Telegraph

Anonymous complaints by parents to trigger school inspections - Education News, Education - The Independent

Why Obama Wants a Supreme Court Fight on Health Reform in 2012 - Yahoo! News

New EPA regulations would require 230,000 new bureaucrats to administer « Hot Air

Hundreds of plants, animals up for new protections - Yahoo! News - Labor of Love Often More Successful

ATF: Illegal to sell guns to med marijuana users - US news - Crime & courts -

"Fast And Furious" Just Might Be President Obama's Watergate - Forbes

CIA Provides List of 'Gruesome' Osama Bin Laden Death Photos - ABC News

The Farxist Report - White House Insider They Are Crumbling In Amongst Themselves

Michigan bill would jail teachers who send political emails :: News From Underground

Bahrain jails 20 doctors for up to 15 years 'for treating protestors' - Telegraph

US ambassador to Damascus attacked by Syrian mob - Telegraph

ESA Science & Technology: ESA orbiter discovers water supersaturation in the Martian atmosphere

Census count finds decreasing white population in 15 states - The Washington Post

Bubble cars to provide jolt to Paris motoring - Yahoo! News

Obama Administration Banking On Next-Generation Nukes - Forbes

JPMorgan, BofA sued over mortgage debt losses - Yahoo! News

Bank of America to charge $5 per month fee to all debit card users | Mail Online

Activist Post: Nowhere to run: drones, facial recognition, soft biometrics and threat assessments

ATF: Illegal to sell guns to med marijuana users - US news - Crime & courts -


*1:11:12/UNGRIP (Full Length Movie) - YouTube

Kymatica; Internet Version (57:34)

* 2:03:55/Esoteric Agenda - FULL LENGTH MOVIE - WELCOME TO YOUR AWAKENING! - YouTube


* Audio Page( List):Science for Life - Weekly Radio Show

Family Guardian(

Red Ice Creations(

Feed Page List @CTR Network(


*The Calling By Max Igan *Full Length* - YouTube

*The Awakening-Final Version-Full Length Documentary - YouTube

The Big Picture FINAL CUT( full length ) - YouTube

*New World Order The Final Solution - YouTube

Fight The New World Order with Global Non Compliance (27:06)

*The Century Of The Self-Full Length Documentary - YouTube

Money As Debt (47:07)

*Reflections And Warnings - An Interview With Aaron Russo {Full Film} - YouTube

*Nikola Tesla - The Untold Story - YouTube


Pt. 1/9 - 20-20 Hindsight: Censorship on the Frontline - Money Never Sleeps on Wall Street

Pt. 2/9 - 20-20 Hindsight: Censorship on the Frontline - Money Never Sleeps on Wall Street

Pt. 3/9 - 20-20 Hindsight: Censorship on the Frontline - Money Never Sleeps on Wall Street

Pt. 4/9 - 20-20 Hindsight: Censorship on the Frontline - Money Never Sleeps on Wall Street

Pt. 5/9 - 20-20 Hindsight: Censorship on the Frontline - Money Never Sleeps on Wall Street

Pt. 6/9 - 20-20 Hindsight: Censorship on the Frontline - Money Never Sleeps on Wall Street

Pt. 7/9 - 20-20 Hindsight: Censorship on the Frontline - Money Never Sleeps on Wall Street

Pt. 8/9 - 20-20 Hindsight: Censorship on the Frontline - Money Never Sleeps on Wall Street

Pt. 9/9 - 20-20 Hindsight: Censorship on the Frontline - Money Never Sleeps on Wall Street


+ Radio Archive Page:The CrowHouse(


3 minute video about where real jobs, real wealth, and real productivity come from - 12160


Keith Olbermann and Amy Goodman Call out Wall Street Protests Media Blackout | Veterans Today

The Whole World Is Watching: Nonviolence at Liberty Plaza — VIDEOS AND PHOTOS | Veterans Today

Thinking about Revolution | Veterans Today

If Only The Stooges and Goons Revolt…Or Weren’t Stooges And Goons After All! | Veterans Today

Robo-Death: Made in the USA | Veterans Today

Iran Contra Redux: Have the Drug Cartels Staked Out Your Town Yet? | Veterans Today

America: More Than a Failed Dictatorship | Veterans Today

Rage Against Wall Street Crooks | Veterans Today


- DEAD KENNEDYS: Kinky Sex Makes the World Go 'Round - YouTube


"The Police Are On The Wrong Side At The Occupy Wall Street Protests" - MOC #79 - YouTube

Russell Simmons: The America We've Dreamed Of Is Not The America We've Become #OccupyWallStreet

+ Photos - Occupy Wall Street

Bloomberg Contemplates Shutting Down #OccupyWallStreet - "We Need To Defend Wall Street"

Bloomberg Criticizes Occupy Wall Street Protest, Suggests Their Days May Be Numbered

Mayor Bloomberg: "We'll See" If The City Will Let Occupy Wall Street Continue - New York News - Runnin' Scared

Nov. 4 '10/[redacted] news: GS-13 Anwar Al Awlaki - Invited To Pentagon After 9/11 - Terrorist? Or Pentagon / CIA Employee? Same Thing!

CIA And Pentagon Asset Anwar Al Awlaki Dined At Pentagon Months After 9/11 - YouTube

O’Bomba the Al Cia duh Killer: Anwar al-Aulaqi (al-Awlaki) allegedly killed via drone stike in Yemen : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

Yemen Says They Killed al Qaeda-Linked Cleric Who Dined At The Pentagon :

Obama Provides Terrorists a Safe Haven While Hailing Death of Al-Awlaki :

Supercomputer Nautilus 'Knew Where Bin Laden Was'

The US Assassination of Anwar al-Awlaki and the Blurring of Bright Lines - Forbes

Ron Paul: US-born al-Qaida cleric 'assassinated' - 12160

The Intercept: Hartmann: Could Hacktivists hack a Diebold Machine?

Rage Against Wall Street Crooks |

OpEdNews - Article: The Best Among Us; Join the Revolt On Wall Street or Stand On The Wrong Side of History

Lone Star Watchdog: I rather be an Illiterate Blogger Than Write Lies and Propaganda With Perfect Grammar

Obama's former campaign funders on Wall Street turn against him -

Jon Stewart On Solyndra Fraud: "That Custom Tailored Obama Scandal You Ordered Is Finally Here" - Home - The Daily Bail

Cop Calls 911 After Eating Too Many Pot Brownies: "I Think I'm Dying" (Audio) - Home - The Daily Bail

Trials to test if Ecstasy beneficial to trauma victims - The Irish Times - Sat, Oct 01, 2011

Activist Post: The due-process-free assassination of U.S. citizens is now reality

Activist Post: WARNING: Corporate-Fascist Military Coup Brewing in the United States?

MUST SEE - Gold Stupidity From TV Reporter - Home - The Daily Bail

More banks hit customers with fees - - News Leader 9, Columbus, GA

Lone Star Watchdog: Barrack Obama is our Bull Connor

Activist Post: 3 Reasons to Reconsider Flu Shots

Obama Fundraisers Had Ties to Green Firms That Got Federal Cash - ABC News » WI: No Right to Produce or Eat Food

Report: EPA cut corners on climate finding - Yahoo! Finance

Garbage: Another environmental claim proven to be hyped : Federal Jack

Hundreds of plants, animals up for new protections - The Daily Breeze

Corporate Cronyism: Solyndra Evergreen Solar

Solar Energy Companies | Democratic Donors | Loan Guarantees | The Daily Caller

Crony Socialism: Obama Gives $737 Million to Solar Firm Linked to the Pelosi Clan | The Gateway Pundit

GOP’s Solyndra probe threatens to ensnare Energy Secretary Chu - The Hill's E2-Wire

Bundlers on the inside | iWatch News

GE Dumps Offshore Wind-Power Plans AFTER Collecting $125 Million In Stimulus From Taxpayers For Wind Projects - Home - The Daily Bail


CIA-backed IT firm offers view into the future - The Local


What is Recorded Future? - YouTube


Recorded Future - (


*Manipulation Of Your Mind by Government Agenda - Brian Gerrish - YouTube

*(Full Movie) Toronto G20 EXPOSED - Original Full-Length Documentary - YouTube

*Orwell Rolls in his Grave (Full 3HR Documentary) - YouTube

*WikiRebels: The Documentary (Full) - YouTube

*The Indigo Evolution-Full Length Documentary - YouTube

*Aspartame: Sweet Misery A Poisoned World - FULL LENGTH - YouTube

*Rule By Secrecy: Jim Marrs-Full Length - YouTube

*The Power behind the New World Order *Full Documentary* - YouTube

*Agenda 21- Codex- Fema Camps-80% Depopulation = New World Order (Terror Camps: The Global Agenda) - YouTube

*The Corporation Nation Master (2010) - Full Length - YouTube

*Murdered by the ILLUMINATI ? FULL DOCUMENTARY - YouTube

*Michael Wynn's Dark Stars Documentary - YouTube

*Illuminati - The Music Industry Exposed [Full Length] - YouTube


‫ Video:KNOW THYSELF ‎ - YouTube

Video:Deus Ex: The Eyeborg Documentary - YouTube


The EyeOpener- CIA in the News Media


Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post;BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- September 30, 2011

Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post;BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- September 29, 2011


Al Gore: clear proof that climate change causes extreme weather | Environment | The Guardian

Al Gore in Scotland to address the Scottish Low Carbon Investment Conference - YouTube




Climate Reality(


*The Global Warming Hoax - YouTube

*Global Warming or Global Governance (Full Movie) - YouTube

* 23 Sept.'11/Infowars Nightly News ; Alex Jones talks with Christopher Monckton - Wednesday, September 14, 2011 - YouTube

* The Climate Change Con - YouTube

* Lord Christopher Monckton in NZ MR NEWS - YouTube


The Complete Idiocy of Corporate Media with Paul Watson & Aaron Dykes 1/3 - YouTube

The Complete Idiocy of Corporate Media with Paul Watson & Aaron Dykes 2/3 - YouTube

The Complete Idiocy of Corporate Media with Paul Watson & Aaron Dykes 3/3 - YouTube


+ Prison » Food Freedom with Mike Adams: Nightly News Report

Prison » Wall Street Protest Starting to Look Like Egypt

Secret U.S. memo sanctioned killing of Aulaqi - The Washington Post

Ron Paul, Civil Liberties Groups Decry Killing Of American Militant Without A Trial | Fox News

Ron Paul American Citizens Can Now Be Targeted With Assassination - YouTube

Strike on Aulaqi demonstrates collaboration between CIA and military - The Washington Post

Prison » WARNING: Corporate-Fascist Military Coup Brewing in the United States?

Prison » 12 Signs That Americans Who Love Liberty And Freedom Should Watch Their Backs

Prison » Prophets Of Doom: 12 Shocking Quotes From Insiders About The Horrific Economic Crisis That Is Almost Here

The due-process-free assassination of U.S. citizens is now reality - Yemen -

Prison » The Seasick Joke: The Fake Assassination of Osama Bin Laden And His Fake Burial At Sea

Prison » Buffett Says European Bank(s) Have Asked Him For Money

Anwar al-Aulaqi gets new designation in death - Checkpoint Washington - The Washington Post

Prison » Nowhere to run: drones, facial recognition, soft biometrics and threat assessments

Prison » Ron Paul Message to Occupy Wall Street- LETS END THE FED!

Fmr. Clinton Adviser: 'Very Possible' Obama Will Bow Out of Presidential Race - For Now |

Prison » US State Dept bans free speech

Kindle Fire privacy issues: Amazon blasted for being worse than Google OR Facebook | Mail Online

Prison » Why the ‘deadliest food outbreak’ of the decade is yet another food scare campaign

Prison » Troubling Emails Reveal Federal Scientists Fear FDA Approval of Genetically Modified Salmon

Prison » Chemtrail article in Project Censored’s Top 10 most censored stories

Facebook’s new Timeline set to 'lock in' users - The Times of India

'Arab Spring scapegoat for debts US can't pay off" - YouTube

420,000 On People Terrorist Watch List - YouTube

Anwar Al Awlaki Killed "Where Is The Hard Confirmation & Where Is The Body?" - YouTube

What if We Didn't Live in a Free Country? - YouTube

Keiser Report Extra: Interview with Nomi Prins - YouTube

Bank of America: Guilty or Innocent for New $5 Fee?

Buffett’s Plan Doesn’t Vibe With ‘Buffett Rule’

Jim Brown: There Are Big Bucks In College Sports! But Who’s Getting Them?

Fed Program to “Monitor Conversations” Is Intimidation Tactic

Iranian pastor faces death for rape, not apostasy - report -

Christian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani charged with multiple counts of rape, not apostasy: Iran

Youcef Nadarkhani Update: Execution Postponed, Now Facing Charges of Rape, Extortion, Other Violent Crimes - International Business Times

Congressional Support for Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani Grows | American Center for Law and Justice ACLJ

Iranian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani’s potential execution rallies U.S. Christians - The Washington Post

» WARNING: Corporate-Fascist Military Coup Brewing in the United States? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Prophets Of Doom: 12 Shocking Quotes From Insiders Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 12 Signs That Americans Who Love Liberty And Freedom Should Watch Their Backs Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Special: Turning Tide of Fluoridation & Death of CIA Lackey Awlaki – Infowars Nightly News Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Chris Christie for President: Announcement Could be as Soon as Monday - International Business Times

+John Perkins: The Global Elite’s Crime Syndicate Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Inside Scientology's Super Power Building... where worshippers of the controversial religion will be told they can become superhuman | Mail Online

» Establishment Safety Debate: Thimerosal in Vaccines vs. Admittedly Dangerous Methylmercury Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» CDC calls homes, demands immunization records in vaccine surveillance program Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Activist Helga Morath on Germany's Economic Collapse - YouTube


Thousands Arrested Under Eavesdropping Act: Alex Jones Report 1/2 - YouTube

Thousands Arrested Under Eavesdropping Act: Alex Jones Report 2/2 - YouTube


» Corporate Media Broadcasts Fed Plan to Surveil Opposition Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Infowars Hidden Camera – Fluoride Treatment Facility: Nightly News Report Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Proof Vaccines Killing People Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» CIA Target Their Own Asset: Nightly News Report Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Obama’s Staggering Hypocrisy!! – On The Road with Alex Jones Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Abbas is punished by $200m cut in aid from US - Middle East, World - The Independent

AFP: Germany 'won't give more to EU bail-out fund'

Palestinians plan to oust Tony Blair from his role as Middle East peace envoy over 'bias to Israel' | Mail Online

Activist Post: US drone kills three Taliban in Pakistan: officials

Why I arrested Donald Rumsfeld | Nate Goldshlag | Comment is free |

» Libya Media Front: ‘No NATO success without Al Jazeera’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Eastman Kodak Mulls Bankruptcy -

OpEdNews - Article: Ah, Who Won The Cold War?

Ministers plan big rise in use of electronic tags on offenders | Society | The Guardian

Wall Street Journal Changes Privacy Policy To Track Users' Browsing Data Without Consent - The Consumerist

Cloud-Powered Facial Recognition Is Terrifying - Jared Keller - Technology - The Atlantic

» 3 Reasons to Reconsider Flu Shots Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Bubble car self-service scheme launches in Paris | Environment | The Guardian

The due-process-free assassination of U.S. citizens is now reality - Yemen -

New Fast and Furious docs released by White House - CBS News Investigates - CBS News

U.S. officials 'considered building fence on northern Canada border to keep out criminals' | Mail Online

» Al Qaeda versus Iran ‘War of Words”: 9/11 Truth Wielded as a Political Trump Card Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

US 'threat' of military action unites Pakistan - World news - South and Central Asia - Pakistan -

Nazi Expert: 'I Have Proof Hitler Died In 1960s' | Before It's News

ROBERT HARRIS: How supercomputers preying on human fear are taking over the world's stock markets | Mail Online

Rules for a new world order|Comment|

Strikes hamper Greek rescue effort -

Nestle designs TV ad to appeal directly to dogs | The Raw Story

FBI faces entrapment questions over Rezwan Ferdaus bomb plot arrest | World news |


AlphaDog Proto - YouTube

Artificial Leaf at MIT - YouTube


Police Device Used To Steal Your Cell Phone Data During Traffic Stop - Translogic

Obama Can Kill Anyone He Wants To

Obama: A Disaster for Civil Liberties

Is The War On Terror A Hoax?

Blair to be Declared 'Persona Non Grata'

Libya and the Big Lie: Using Human Rights Organizations to Launch Wars

Support from the Tribes of Sahara. Thousands of Tuaregs Join Libyan Resistance Forces.

Spending Debt, which is Other People’s Money: Further Recession and Financial Turmoil in America and the EU

VIDEO: Tallying the Death Toll of NATO's Vicious War on Libyan Civilians

Al Qaeda versus Iran 'War of Words": 9/11 Truth Wielded as a Political Trump Card

Labouring under an illusion: Neoliberalism and Britain's Labour Party

Who is US Ambassador to Syria Robert S. Ford? The Covert Role of the US Embassy in Supporting an Armed Insurrection

Turkey-Israel Relations and the Middle East Geopolitical Chessboard.

Wall Street protests spread to other cities - Americas - Al Jazeera English

BBC News - Afghanistan Haqqani militant Haji Mali Khan captured

Afghan president says talks with Taliban useless - Yahoo! News

Anti-Qaddafi Fighters Are Accused of Torture -

The Myth of Bernie Sanders » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Oldest judge in America Wesley Brown rules Kansas bid to stop insurance covering abortions is not illegal | Mail Online

Everyone's a bit racist but it's not our fault: Blame TV and magazines, say scientists | Mail Online

'Black Widow' former model who butchered and ate her husband in notorious Thanksgiving murder seeks early release | Mail Online


Anwar Awlaki Never Actually a Member of al-Qaeda

ATF Fast and Furious Guns Turned Up in El Paso

Predator Drones and Hellfire Missiles Hit Their Mark in Yemen

Tea Party Opposing More 'Establishment' Republicans In 2012

Hugo Chavez: The Networks' Favorite Dictator

Gallup: Obama's Approval Drops Back into the 30s

DOJ: ‘Mexican-Based Trafficking Organizations Control Access to the U.S.–Mexico Border’

Media Cast Bush as Rights Abuser, Gloss Over Obama's Killing of U.S. Citizen |

Canadian News Magazine Hints 'Obamamisery' Could Cause 'The End of Obama' |

Ron Paul Message to Occupy Wall Street- LETS END THE FED! - YouTube

Rich Paul Activates the Marijuana Militia - YouTube

Activist Post: "Banks Got Bailed Out; We Got Sold Out" - Occupy Wall Street Update 9/30: Russell Simmons to Bring Hundreds of Thousands More to Protest?

FBI intercepts its own terrorist plot against US Capitol, Pentagon

States begin cracking down on drug companies buying prescription history records

Natural hormone rejuvenation for modern women and men

Powdered mushrooms build immunity

The most moronic TV news journalist ever? Gold is "backed by nothing" while dollars are backed by government!

Is that a robot on your head? Robotic surgeon does hair transplants

Activist Post: The Dark Procession of Our Grocery Store Food

Activist Post: Proof Vaccines Killing People (Video)

Activist Post: Institute of Medicine Admits Vaccine Dangers After Review

Karzai: Talking Peace With Taliban Futile

Kenya Says Pirate-Kidnappers Surrounded at Sea

Egypt's New Democrats Ready to Defend Nile

Obama, Republicans Clash on Jobs

Jackson doctor trial focuses on final moments

Conrad Murray lied about drugs, paramedic testifies -

Conrad Murray trial: Paramedic says "good chance" Jackson could have been saved - Telegraph


Judge releases controversial footage in Casey Anthony case -


Casey Anthony Jailhouse Reaction Video: Part 1 - YouTube

Casey Anthony Jailhouse Reaction Video: Part 2 - YouTube


Plane hits Ferris wheel in Australia; no injuries

AP Investigation: NC plant deal may enrich donors - Houston Chronicle

White House sends Hill Fast & Furious docs, but withholds some - Josh Gerstein -

Document Dump: White House in Heavy Communication About Operation Fast and Furious - Katie Pavlich


Bill Clinton wants more credit - James Hohmann -

Chelsea Clinton Remembers the Start of Her Father’s Campaign - The Daily Beast


William J. Clinton Foundation(


Barack Obama wants jobs bill back - Jennifer Epstein -

Durbin says Democrats don’t currently have the votes for Obama jobs bill - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

As Prisoner Exchange Begins, LA County Official - Flash Player Installation

Hispanic students vanish from Alabama schools - Yahoo! News

Pundit: N.J. Gov. Christie Christie Not Looking Presidential Might Be Exactly What America Needs « CBS New York

Hamas: 'Resistance' against Israel is only option left for Palestinians - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

'The X Factor could cause mental problems’ - Telegraph

Sharpton's Atlanta HQ admits handing out possibly bogus stimulus check forms |


Chris Christie at Reagan Library - Part 1 (The Speech) - YouTube

Chris Christie at Reagan Library - Part 2 (Q&A) - YouTube


AP: Christie Reconsidering Decision to Stay Out

Energy Dept Plays Down Pelosi Link to $737M Loan

$737 Million Green Loan to Pelosi Kin Fuels Outrage

Jesse Jackson Discouraging Nader on 3rd Party

Huckabee Reconsiders GOP Presidential Bid

Herman Cain on Romney: Nice Hair

New Green Loan Renews Cronyism Claims

Hannity: First Lady's Trip to Target 'Phony'

Carville Fears DC Under 'Total Tea Party Control'

Carney: Obama and Buffet Agree on Tax Plan

Hoekstra: US Cleric's Killing Cripples al-Qaida

Anti-terrorism Success May Not Help Obama in 2012

Healthcare Law Looms Over Supreme Court

With Al-Awlaki Dead, al-Qaida Lacks Western Voice

Don't Make Mistakes Eating on the Run

Obama to Headline Gay Rights Dinner

Hitler's Tyranny Must Never Be Forgotten

The Obama Enemies List — Are You Next?

Barney Frank’s Attempt to Stifle Dissent

Limbaugh: 'Everything Collapsing on Obama'

Breitbart At Tea Con: Tea Party ‘N-Word’ Lie ‘Orchestrated By A Bitch By The Name Of Nancy Pelosi’

Breitbart Nails Garofalo… Ewww Sorry. Breitbart At Tea Con: Janeane Garofalo ‘Hollywood’s Sympathy F**k’

RUSH: “First Lady Gaga” WH Sends Moochelle Obama On A Phony Baloney Plastic Banana Good Time Rock n Roll Photo Op At Target

RUSH: Obama Says The Country Has Gone Soft… Obama Is Who Is Soft Leading From Behind

Mickey Mouse vs Obama: Rush Limbaugh Offers To Pay Any Polling Company For Poll

The Federal Reserve Is Playing Defense by Gary North

The Cult of Reagan, and Other Neocon Follies by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

Ludwig von Mises: Scholar, Creator, Hero by Murray N. Rothbard

Gerald Celente: The System Is Rigged

A Letter From Vienna by Ira Katz

Self defense, stopping power, and caliber, Part 8 | Ammunition, General gun stuff, Techniques & Training |

How to Memorize Anything You Want: A Quick Primer on Mental Mapping | The Art of Manliness

One Million Protesters To Occupy Wall Street by Mac Slavo

From One of My Lowest Points to the Best Shape and Health of My Life | Mark's Daily Apple

The World of Mind Control Through the Eyes of an Artist with 13 Alter Personas


* Articles:Occupy Wall Street News 9-30-11 |


Audio Page:Podcast Show #58 – The Boiling Frogs Presents Russ Tice

Government Tests Find Roundup Widespread in Water, Air | Environmental Working Group

Remote-Controlled Plane Plot, Qaeda vs. Conspiracists, Activist (re)Post - New World Next Week - YouTube

Stunning Development: New World Order Silver Coin | Before It's News

Amazing video: Planets viewed from Earth as if they were at the distance of our moon - YouTube

The Blue Beings: Occult Programming? | Before It's News


2012 & North Pole ~ Hollow Earth Expedition, And The Possibility Of A Pole Shift


2012 & North Pole ~ Hollow Earth Expedition Pt.1/8

2012 & North Pole ~ Hollow Earth Expedition Pt.2/8

2012 & North Pole ~ Hollow Earth Expedition Pt.3/8

2012 & North Pole ~ Hollow Earth Expedition Pt.4/8

2012 & North Pole ~ Hollow Earth Expedition Pt.5/8

2012 & North Pole ~ Hollow Earth Expedition Pt.6/8

2012 & North Pole ~ Hollow Earth Expedition Pt.7/8

2012 & North Pole ~ Hollow Earth Expedition Pt.8/8


The Moon's Shadow, Like A Ship, Creates Waves On Earth | Before It's News

How Animals' Noses Tell Them When To Run And When To Fight | Before It's News

Another Sun Diving Comet: Where's Elenin? | Before It's News

2012 - 9th Wave - 11.11.11 MESSAGE OF THE ELDERS - YouTube

Why 9/11 Truth Remains A Buried Story | Before It's News

WikiLeaks PORN | Before It's News

Aliens - WikiLeaksSatan(

Birther encounters the real world | Before It's News


*WEEKLY ADDRESS: Democrats and Republicans Should Get Together and Pass the American Jobs Act | Before It's News


*Remarks by the President at DNC Event--Private Residence, Washington, DC | Before It's News


*Sen. Barack Obama's Full Speech to the DNC - YouTube


Will Obama Suspend 2012 Election? | Before It's News

Obama: 'I Don't Think Ethics' Was My Favorite Subject |

White House Insider: “They Are Crumbling In Amongst Themselves” | Before It's News

Herman Cain for President: What Are His Positions? - International Business Times

Obama Administration Appeals Alabama Anti-Illegal Immigration Law | Before It's News

"The Walmart Song" | Before It's News

Palin Now Feuding With Juan Williams and Megyn Kelly

Arrests in Boston and San Francisco As Occupy Movement Continues Growing

Good News! California AG Walks Away From National Mortgage Fraud Probe

Student Film Interns File Federal Suit Against Unpaid Work On 'Black Swan'

Starbucks' CEO Schultz Brewing a Double-Shot of Politics in Your Venti Half-Caf

Public Employee Rick Perry Says Warren Buffett Hasn't Got a Clue About the Private Sector

Capitol Police Didn't Laugh at Satirical Onion Post About Congress Taking Schoolchildren Hostage

S.J. Res. 6: A Sneak Attack On Internet Freedom - Call Your Senators Now!

Wall Street Mocks Protesters By Drinking Champagne

Charles Koch Extols Medicare and Social Security To Friederich Hayek

Occupy Wall Street Protests Gain Labor and Progressive Support

Bailed-Out, Not Lending, Not Paying Taxes, Rolling in Profits, US Parasitic BofA's New $5 Fee

Jon Stewart Makes Bill O'Reilly Cry Uncle on Taxing The Rich and Government Regulations

#OccupyWallStreet: Figuring Out the Simmering Dissent Against 'Money Corrupted Governance'

Libyan Fighters Seal off Gadhafi Hometown - ABC News

Rights group calls on Libyans to stop prisoner abuse, citing random detentions and beatings - The Washington Post

Libya's Newest Concern: Looming Political Battles : NPR

No undeclared chemical weapons in Libya -

Guard Sentenced to Death in Slaying of Pakistani Governor -

Al-Awlaki strike plan included jets, special ops - CBS News

Haqqani network senior commander captured -

AP Exclusive: US general sees end to Libya mission - politics -

Kenya: Alleged Somali Pirates Abduct Frenchwoman | Fox News

Syrian Troops Retake Most Of Central Rebel Town : NPR

Afghanistan Halts Pursuit of Talks With Taliban -

Tahrir activist's imprisonment shows Egypt is still not free -

Small Plane Crashes Into Ride During Festival in Australia -

'Putin is more popular than I am' - Medvedev

BBC News - Zambia's president replaces anti-corruption chief

Anwar al-Awlaki: Is killing US-born terror suspects legal? -

Large funeral for executed Georgia inmate Troy Davis –

Pentagon Allows Chaplains to Perform Gay Weddings -

The Associated Press: In NH, Perry takes on immigration policy criticism

Hispanic Students Disappearing From Alabama Schools | Neon Tommy

Boeing arrest points to U.S. workplace drug problems | Reuters

Los Alamos Under Renewed Environmental Scrutiny - ABC News

Two crashes, two missing men, two different results | crashes, rogers, different - The Telegraph

AP Sources: Christie Soon to Decide on Primary Run - ABC News

Obama Seeks Republicans Support to Pass the Jobs Bill

Health Care Law Looms Over New Supreme Court Term | Fox News

Capitol Hill’s Dysfunction Long In The Making | Fox News

'Tea party' group backs challenger to Indiana's Sen. Lugar - Los Angeles Times

Newt Gingrich presents another 'Contract with America' - Los Angeles Times

Herman Cain talks tax reform with ‘9-9-9’ proposal - The Washington Post

WESH, President Talk Jobs Act, NASA, Rail - Orlando News Story - WESH Orlando

Man jailed in 1957 Sycamore murder now charged with raping another girl - Courier News

Murray didn't act as "normal" M.D. would: Expert - CBS News

Web Series Success Leads To New Mortal Kombat Movie

Netflix shares fall as competition heats up | Reuters

Coroner confirms drugs killed Jeff Conaway -

Analysis: Fox wounded, but not because of News Corp crisis | Reuters

Tony Bennett, 85, Achieves First No. 1 Album on Billboard 200 |

Amazon Kindle Fire Costs $209.63 to Build: Analysts - Mobile and Wireless - News & Reviews -

Google Chrome usage rises as Firefox and Internet Explorer fall

Google Offers Real-Time Site Analytics | PCWorld Business Center

ACLU joins call for FTC Facebook probe

Solyndra Needs Bankruptcy Trustee: U.S. Lawyer - Bloomberg

Solyndra saga and its key players - The Washington Post

Solyndra being investigated for accounting fraud | | The Bulletin

Solar industry's missteps stir worries

Orion Energy Systems, Inc. Not Affected by Solyndra, Inc. Bankruptcy - MarketWatch

When you can’t ask the Solyndra question: Emanuel and the White House protected by “Big Shoulders” (Video) | Washington Times Communities

Paul Krugman, Pet of Big Government

The Solyndra story won’t die

Obama's Double Down on Stupid - Page 1 - Bob Beauprez - Townhall Finance

BusinessDay - Solyndra loan shows US energy department is no venture capitalist

As Nobel Prize season starts, who will get those lucky, lucrative calls? - The Washington Post

Tevatron Particle Accelerator Powers Down

With Deaths of Forests, a Loss of Crucial Climate Protectors -

BBC News - 'Flying carpet' of conductive plastic takes flight

SpaceX Aims to Build First Fully Reusable Rocket and Spaceship [VIDEO] - International Business Times


NASA Probe Uncovers Decades-Old Mysteries of Mercury - International Business Times

"Heavenly Palace:" China's dream home in space

NASA Begins Talks on Space Launch System, High-Quality Jobs Will be Created - International Business Times

More dead seals: Biologists work to learn why |

Cosmic Log - How to build a virtual cosmos

Sen. Brown trying once again to get a space shuttle in Ohio | WTAM - Local News - The BIG One - WTAM 1100

The EPA's Endangerment Finding Is Very Endangered - Forbes

Decision postponed, again, on Yellowstone snowmobile rule -

Fish Found Using Tools For Hunting | KSEE 24 News - Central Valley's News Station: Fresno-Visalia - News, Sports, Weather | Local News

Climate change consensus? Just ask the believers - The Lakeland Times - Minocqua, WI

Dead bee mystery has state officials buzzing

UAH reels from loss of National Solar Observatory to Colorado |

Angry about new debit-card fees? Switch banks | Philly | 09/30/2011

Wall Street protest's success not easily measured -

Whether you want em or not, hybrids are coming - Houston Chronicle

How Success Killed Eastman Kodak - Forbes

Alibaba Interested in Buying Yahoo! - TheStreet

Moods on Twitter Follow Biological Rhythms, Study Finds -


* Lobbying for a Trillion-Dollar Tax Holiday - Businessweek


6 Sept./Corporate Tax Holiday: A Jobs Creator? - Washington Wire - WSJ


Holiday Season Is Just Around The Corner -- Corporate Tax Holiday Season That Is - Forbes


Army Tracking Plan: Drones That Never Forget a Face | Danger Room |

Snap unhappy: Facial recognition apps can be used to steal identities, warn experts | Mail Online

Planet Mercury Full of Surprises, NASA Spacecraft Reveals | Strange Mercury Facts & Figures | Mercury Photos & NASA Messenger Spacecraft | LiveScience

Japanese 'Noah's ark' disaster capsule goes on sale | World news | The Guardian

BBC News - Prehistoric cave etchings 'created by three-year-olds'

Fighting the cancer 'parasite' - Telegraph

Gigantic gravitational waves could explain the universe's biggest mysteries

Textbook Images of Ancient Flying Reptiles Are Wrong | Pterosaurs, Wing Shape & Ancient Flying Lizards | LiveScience

New Fast and Furious docs released by White House - CBS News Investigates - CBS News

Obama still silent on brewing Solyndra debacle | Campaign 2012

Ron Paul, Civil Liberties Groups Decry Killing Of American Militant Without A Trial | Fox News

U.N. Seeks To Raise 'Level Of Ambition' In World Climate Regulations | Fox News

Obama's former campaign funders on Wall Street turn against him -

Brown weighs bill challenging university ban on affirmative action -

Obama dismisses claims of racial slur on 'slippers' - Washington Times

Google Joins Apple in Push for Tax Holiday - Bloomberg

How Did Nancy Pelosi’s Brother-in-Law Become No. 2 at PCG? | SnowsNotes

Chu takes responsibility for a loan deal that put more taxpayer money at risk in Solyndra - The Washington Post

Researchers Hack Voting Machine For $26 | Fox News

New antibiotics—or needless deaths

Recognize the need for a strong military

Take We the People off the Endangered Species List

Al Awlaki is gone but his Jihadists are multiplying

Society of Professional Journalists Says “No Mas” to Term “Illegal Alien”

Big Time Scandals by Obama Administration Too Small for Investigation by Mainstream Media?

Rush Limbaugh - Judi McLeod, Warning The Threat Of Suspended Elections Is Real

“Very possible” Obama will bow out of presidential race

Faith Rises from the Ashes of Communism

Romney and Rubio in 2012

Palin Goes after Fox News

The Fat Guy and the Skinny Guy: More Alike Than They Appear

Will Hillary Clinton Challenge Obama Next Year?

Why Support Herman Cain's Candidacy?

Why Voter Photo Identification Is Crucial to Our Republic

We've Been ZIRPed by the Fed

The Minority Myth

Mickey D's in Education?

Borderpalooza Tour 2011

'Occupy Wall Street' crew getting ambitious: Now they want to occupy NYC

At least he was spared the horrors of Gitmo

DOJ's Muslim Affirmation

WH withholds some Fast and Furious docs from Congress

What one group in America really loves Obama?

Dems call for ethics probe of Justice Thomas

Iranians pull a switcheroo on charges against Christian pastor

Obama in virtual tie with Romney in Connecticut?

Euro Debt Crisis: Can't tell the players without a scorecard

Senior Haqqani commander in Afghanistan captured

Obama refers to his wife as 'Michael'

Justice Kennedy and the Fate of ObamaCare

The Coming Obama Administration War on Doctors

It Is Not the Economy, Stupid

American Citizens and the Drift from First Principles

What If We Held a Debate and Nobody Came?

The Dark and Dangerous Road of Modern Politics

Supply-Side Snookinomics

Another Blogger's Hysterical Arguments Against Ron Paul Getting Shriller

Insist On Having A Level, Steady Money Supply

Social Values are Extremely Important

Threats that don't exist seem to be driving US policy

Secession and its legalities analysis

Debbie Schlussel:Angola Gets Rid of Its Hezbollah Muslims; When Will We?

Debbie Schlussel:Top ICE Official Indicted for Child Porn; Natl Security Risk or Shaky Case?

New Union Super PAC to Spend Millions Targeting Latino Voters for 2012 Dem Races | Video |

‘Revered Elder’: Top Haqqani Terrorist Haji Mali Khan Captured in Afghanistan |

Amazing Video: 29-Year-Old Deaf Woman Sarah Churman Hears Herself Speak for First Time | Video |

Military Court Says It’s Fine Marine Wore His Uniform in Gay Porn Shoot |

New Michele Bachmann Ad Hits Back at Rick Perry on Immigration | Video |

Michael Moore promotes his book at Georgetown University |

Why Did Chinese TV Play ‘America the Beautiful’ During Video of Rocket Launch | Video |

Buchanan to Bashir: African Americans Bought ‘Propaganda’ On The ‘Liberal Plantation’ | Video |

Group Claims Pulpit Free Sunday Is Partisan Scheme to Politicize Churches | Video |

‘News to Me’: Mike Huckabee Shoots Down Latest 2012 Presidential Rumors |

Democratic Strategist Calls Herman Cain ‘Racist, Bigoted‘ for Saying Blacks Have Been ’Brainwashed’ | Video |

Wind Companies Not Presecuted for Killing Birds |

Excuse Me: What Did Buffett Just Say About the ‘Buffet Rule’ on CNBC? | Video |

Him Again: Soros Calls For the Recapitalization of Euro Banks |

Ron Paul and Gary Johnson Respond to Al-Alwalaki Death | Video |

Timothy Reily Says Neighbors Are Are in Love With His Obama Signs | Video |

The Cars Americans Aren’t Buyin Any More |

Pentagon Will Now Allow Military Chaplains to Perform Same-Sex Unions |

Michele Bachmann Blames President Barack Obama for Arab Spring | Video |

‘Chicks with Guns’ Book Celebrates Firearms and Femininity |

Cyber Attacks Against U.S. Infrastructure on the Rise | Video |

Van Jones Warns America: ‘Hold on to Your Seats’ Because the ‘Progressive Fight Back’ Is Coming in October | Video |

Amtrak train, truck collide in California

Homelessness not just an urban problem, Minnesota groups say

Drama of Jackson case hides simple ruling for jury

AP Exclusive: US general sees end to Libya mission

Citigroup faces regulatory scrutiny in Japan: source

Ford bets on Russia sales growth

Boston police arrest 24 in US bank protest

Cash-strapped governments spend big on Paris trip

Many government retirees also get public paychecks

Anti-counterfeiting agreement signed in Tokyo

AP Interview: Robertson won't endorse candidates

No change seen from Obama on gay marriage for now

Hairy, crazy ants invade from Texas to Miss.

PA calls on Quartet to 'clarify' peace talks proposal

Egyptian police clear Tahrir Square of protesters

Khamenei rejects two states, calls Israel 'cancerous'

Libyan Jew returns home after 44-year exile

Pro-Taliban leader captured in Afghanistan

Libyan fighting in Sirte leading to humanitarian crisis, say aid agencies

Where in the World Is Sean Penn? Protesting in Egypt

US Congress blocks 128m in aid for Palestinians

‘What’s Your Number?’ Review: Hilarious, Charming

Herman Cain Meets Jay Leno On the ‘Tonight Show’

Breitbart At Tea Con: Janeane Garofalo ‘Hollywood’s Sympathy F**k’

Box Office Predictions: Christian Film ‘Courageous’ Will Surprise, ‘Lion King’ Will Win

D.L. Hughley Launches Racial Attack on Herman Cain

‘I Don’t Know How She Does It’ Review: Why Did Sarah Jessica Parker Do It?

- Morning Call Sheet: A New James Bond, My Life Is a Sitcom, and Happy Friday

Bill Maher: Rick Perry 'So Dumb' Republicans Are 'Even Considering Voting for a Black Guy' |

- Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Exclusive Excerpt: Ben Coes’ Debut Thriller ‘Coup d’État’

Happy Fiscal New Year (with an Unhappy Obama Hangover)

High Taxes Hastened Somalia’s Famine

States Join Texas to Fight Back Against EPA’s Regulation, Call for Review of Final Rule

The First Lady Is Now Raffle Coordinator

Tale of the Tape: President Obama’s Millionaires vs. Secretaries Interview with Reason Cartoonist Peter Bagge

The Idea of the ‘Fair Share’

Cartoon:Only One Card Left In Her Deck

Al Sharpton’s Wisconsin Milk Story Sours

Liberals and Unions in Ohio Now Making Up Their Own John Kasich Quotes

Name That H8ful H8er: I Told You Not to Touch Me-Twice

Florida Moves Presidential Primary to January 31

Federal Retirement Plans Almost as Costly as Social Security

Gov't backs 4 more solar loans as deadline looms

Cartoon:UI: Infoganda

Kudos to CBS News for covering “Fast and Furious” while the rest of the MSM looks the other way

- Sound Bite For The Day

Will Joe Biden Drop Obama from the 2012 Ticket?

Soros-Funded Journalism Course Teaches To Blame “Right Wing,” Downplay Jihad

Why It’s Time for Rep. Peter King to Investigate Al-Jazeera

Canadian Writer: No Such Thing As ‘Islamaphobia’

Audio: Victor Davis Hanson: War For Israel

MoH Recipients Meyer And Petry Remain Humble

President Obama’s Bankrupt Leadership

Where Is The Vatican? The Case Of Christian Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani

Canada And The US May Become The Next OPEC

Marines Getting New 50 Cal Rounds: Lighter And With A Polymer Caselet


1-Oct-11 World View

30-Sep-11 World View


* Infowars Nightly News for Friday, September 30, 2011 (Full) - YouTube


Anwar Al-Awlaki strike and what it tells us about Obama | Shadow Government

The killing of Anwar al-Aulaqi: The White House’s drone attack policy - PostPartisan - The Washington Post

Why Immigration Won't Fix Social Security - Megan McArdle - Business - The Atlantic

Bob Burnett: There Is No Political Middle Ground

How Generous Are Federal Employee Pensions? « The Enterprise Blog

The Solyndra Legacies

The Judis-Teixeira Thesis and Obama 2012 - By Reihan Salam - The Agenda - National Review Online

China Currency Legislation Is a Desperate Mistake | Cato @ Liberty

U.S. Views of Putin Largely Negative

Al-Qaeda Surges in Algeria

Syrians Overwhelmingly Support Regime Change (PDF)

More Than a Feeling - By Daniel Byman | Foreign Policy

Awlaki’s death nothing more than a glancing blow; al qaeda stronger than ever - The Daily Beast

THE DAILY STAR :: Opinion :: Columnist :: At long last, Arab history resumes

WPR Article | The Realist Prism: Re-Examining Russia's Putin-Medvedev Tandem

National Post editorial board: Another al-Qaeda leader meets a fitting end | World Politics | Full Comment | National Post

Arab Debate Pits Islamists Against Themselves -

New technologies won't erase fossil fuels, energy expert says -

Dear Book Lover: Novels About the Wealthy -

The Smart Set: To the Devil - September 26, 2011

The Bookstore Conspiracy

Our advice to the debt supercommittee: Go big, be bold, be smart - The Washington Post

Globalization’s Government - Jeffrey D. Sachs - Project Syndicate

The War For U.S. Capital Markets - Forbes

Book Review: The Price of Civilization -

Investment and lobbying: Money and politics | The Economist

Looking for Market Bottom? There May Be Hope Yet - CNBC

Fool’s gold | Columnists | Investing | Financial Post

The Weekend Interview with Harold Hamm: How North Dakota Became Saudi Arabia -

Obama's former campaign funders on Wall Street turn against him -

RealClearMarkets - Reuters - Markets - Sep 30, 2011 - Insight: America's rich losing tussle with taxman

Market undergoing huge change - Mark Hulbert - MarketWatch

Where Have All the Advertisers Gone? (AOL, GOOG, IACI, LNKD, YHOO)

Is there room for emotion in science?

Rocket's red glaring error: China sets space launch to America the Beautiful | Science | The Guardian

Messenger findings may 'revolutionize' views of Mercury -

What would really happen if you nuked a volcano?

Scientists accept need to act responsibly - SciDev.Net

Evaluating scientific claims (or, do we have to take the scientist’s word for it?) | Doing Good Science, Scientific American Blog Network

Study Finds Women’s Voices Are Unreliable Sign of Fertility | Wired Science |

Pricing and framing: When are we likely to pay more for products? | Psychology Today

Is the future of fast food... healthy? - Telegraph

Salk Institute - Press Releases - "Alarm clock" gene explains wake-up function of biological clock

National University of Singapore (NUS) - A global university centred in Asia

Lift weights, eat mustard, build muscles?

The Brown Revolution: Increasing Agricultural Productivity Naturally - Lisa M. Hamilton - Life - The Atlantic

A Tradition of Choking Under Pressure in Sports - Miller-McCune

Opening Strange Portals in Physics | Science & Nature | Smithsonian Magazine

Primate cuts: the strange world of movies for chimpanzees | Film | The Guardian

Why Jobs Is No Edison — The American Magazine

Exoplanet’s Surprising Detour Reignites Astronomical Debate | 80beats | Discover Magazine

Grim predictions say 9 more years of Texas drought possible: Scientific American

Should Justice Scalia resign? | David Gibson: Sacred and Profane

Anwar al-Aulaqi’s death reopens wounds for Dar Al-Hijrah mosque in Falls Church - The Washington Post

Arab Debate Pits Islamists Against Themselves -

Associated Baptist Press - Washington exhibition traces history of the Bible in China

A letter’s journey, from founding father to religious question – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Baptist Press - FIRST-PERSON: Where's the outrage against Iran? - News with a Christian Perspective

The Christian University

Why is Rome keeping schtum about Pastor Nadarkhani? | The Spectator

Pat Robertson Backtracks on Divorce, Alzheimer's Comments | Liveblog | Christianity Today

Associated Baptist Press - Opinion: The sociology of Sunday school

Baptist Press - TECHNOLOGY: 5 ways tablets will change church & ministry - News with a Christian Perspective

Why Christians favor small government - - The Washington Post

Religious faith builds a civil society in a way secularism does not | Austen Ivereigh | Comment is free |

“The integrating heart of the culture”: Catholic World Report

Supreme Court To Examine 'Ministerial Exception' Case

The Pagan-Fascist Controversy

My Take: 'Hate' is too big a word to be used with such little restraint – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy:Chapter 1

The Failure of Health Care Reform: An Insider's View - Forbes

What Would Keynes Do? | The Nation

Americans Give GOP Edge in Handling Nation's Problems

Bad Romney is back! - PostPartisan - The Washington Post

Chris Christie could be the real deal - Chicago Sun-Times

Does Barack Obama Think America Needs Viagra? His “Malaise’ Moment Arrives | RedState

The truth about voter suppression - Ed Kilgore -

PRUDEN: An ugly preview of campaign 2012 - Washington Times

Chinese Civil War

An editor remembers his first California earthquake - Whittier Daily News

Johnny Carson makes debut as “Tonight Show” host - New York History |

Page Not Found (404) -

The Big Question: Was Neville Chamberlain really the failure portrayed by history? - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

Bureau of Reclamation: Lower Colorado Region - Hoover Dam: President Hoover

The Death of James Dean in a Car Accident

The Mysterious Death of Pope John Paul I [A Treatise] by Gregory Christiano

Western Front Association Contributed Articles

Proving Grounds: On the World Trade Center | The Nation

The Tylenol Terrorist — Death in a Bottle — Crime Library on

First World - Feature Articles - How a Right Can Make a Wrong

Dealey Plaza and the Grassy Knoll Study Backs Theory of 'Grassy Knoll'

Stephen Moore: Flat Is the New Fair -

Phony Fear Factor -

Al-Awlaki’s Just Demise - The Editors - National Review Online

Improving No Child Left Behind -

Get ready to pay the Durbin Fee -

Cain's 'Chilean Model' -

Rich people are being ‘demonized’ for flaunting their wealth. Poor dears! - The Washington Post

20 Years Later: How Bill Clinton Saved Liberalism From Itself | The New Republic

Is This Chris Christie’s Moment to Run for President? -- New York Magazine

Is Romney's Immigration Stance 'Old News' or a Potential Vulnerability? - Beth Reinhard -

--Linda Chavez -

No, Warren Buffett didn’t disavow the `Buffett rule’ - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

The due-process-free assassination of U.S. citizens is now reality - Yemen -

Press Man: Cheney Reaction « Commentary Magazine

Micheal Flaherty: The Latest Crime Wave—Sending Your Child to a Better School -

Man, I Like That Guy: Chris Christie's Dude Factor - HUMAN EVENTS

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Fundraising Pitch: Buddy, Can You Spare $3 . . . or $38,500?

American-Born Qaeda Leader Is Killed by U.S. Missile in Yemen -


*30 Sept./Transcripts Obama's Remarks at Admiral Mullen's Farewell

29th/Panel on the Solyndra Scandal and Obama

Interview with Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich

Guests: Sen. Ron Johnson & Rep. Schrader

28th/Interview with 2012 Candidate Herman Cain

Interview with Presidential Candidate Jon Huntsman

Analyst on the Possibility of a Christie 2012 Campaign

Panel on the Global Economy and the U.S.

27th/Obama Rallies for the Jobs Act in Denver

Interview with Senator Sherrod Brown

Interview with Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper

Analyst Discusses 9% Increase in Health Care Premiums

Panel on the U.S./Pakistan Relationship

26th/Interview with Presidential Candidate Herman Cain

Interview with Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum

Interview with Representative Maxine Waters

Interview with Senator Rand Paul

Analyst on the Latest Government Funding Fight

Panel on Herman Cain's Straw Poll Win

25th/Interview with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu

Guests: Senator Lindsey Graham and David Plouffe

Guests: Alexander, Warner, Plouffe and Daniels

Guests: Party Chairs Wasserman Schultz and Priebus

Interview with White House Advisor David Plouffe


**World Video:30th/The Future Of The U.S.-Israel Strategic Partnership

Can Germany Rescue Struggling European Economies?

Rosiland Jordan On The U.S. Haqqani Sanctions

Can U.S. Ambassador To Syria Survive?

Japan Boosts Yen Intervention Fund

Senators In Libya: U.S. Must Stand By New Govt.

Move Over Yuan, The Dollar's Back

China's 'Heavenly Palace' Spacecraft Blasts Off

Greek Protesters Stop Auditors

Italy's Mount Etna Erupts

Yemen Says Al-Qaeda-linked Cleric Awlaki Killed

After Medical Treatment, Chavez Plays Ball

A Second Putin Presidency

Dealing With Demography

Jobs Or China's Currency?


**Politics Video:30th/Warren Buffett Does Not Endorse WH's "Buffett Rule"

US Drone Strike Kills Al Qaeda's Anwar al-Awlaki

Rush Limbaugh Pokes Fun At Michelle Obama's Trip To Target

Perry Takes Veiled Shot at Romney

Gingrich: Obama's "Soft" Remark Like Jimmy Carter's "Great Malaise"

Cornell Belcher: Cain's "Brainwashed" Remark Was "Racist, Bigoted"

Newt Gingrich Unveils 21st Century "Contract With America"

Karl Rove: Obama's "Whole Act Has Worn A Little Thin"

Surprise: Mika, Panel Slam Robinson For Criticizing Christie's Weight

Krauthammer: Green Loans Are Inefficient "Crony Capitalism"

O'Donnell: Perry "Is Falling And Falling Fast"

O'Reilly: 2012 Is About Being A Traditional Or Progressive Nation

Schultz: Democrats Must Be As Motivated As Republicans


Kim Jong-II spends £120,000 on food for his dogs, as six million North Koreans starve | Mail Online

Marijuana garden shootout leaves one dead, five in custody in Amador County - Marijuana -

Cheap dates -

50% Less Likely to Buy GM Because of Bailout - Rasmussen Reports

See what Obama promises Arabs after 2012 election

Hundreds of pastors thumb noses at IRS

Chris Christie's accomplishments

Why Romney can't win

The FEC's extraordinary eligibility ruling

Footprints of First Inhabitants of Americas Discovered in Mexico | Fox News Latino

Animals and the afterlife: The dead pets who get in touch with their owners | Mail Online

America is today's Judah

Blacks' problem: A refusal to learn

Were the founders pro-immigration?

The wicked witch is likely dead!

A fuddy-duddy speaks on the generation gap

3 liberal fascists

The county that struck back against U.N.

The 0-0-0 Plan

Focus on objectives, not obstacles

Leonard Pitts: Taking stock of tea party | The Salt Lake Tribune

Barack Obama: Human wrecking ball

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Author says al-Awlaki attack hits al-Qaida;Gone are top bomb maker, recruiting magazine force, others

WND Radio WND Exclusive Congressman: Obamacare would hurt neediest;Surgeon says president's plan kills jobs, moves nation wrong direction


+THE BIG LIST of eligibility 'proofers'

*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Hundreds of pastors thumb noses at IRS

Rush: 'Barry Soetoro' elected with 'no identity documents'

Obama to Keynote Event of Gay Group That Promotes LGBT Curriculum in Elementary Schools |

Gallup: GOP has double-digit lead on nat’l security, prosperity over Dems « Hot Air

Ron Paul Raised More Than $5 Million for the Quarter - ABC News

Critics claim New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is too obese to become president | Mail Online

Chris Christie's accomplishments

Van Jones Warns Of A Progressive "October Offensive" Against Tea Party | RealClearPolitics

Tea Party Opposing More 'Establishment' Republicans In 2012 |

Video: FBI Trainer Says Forget ‘Irrelevant’ al-Qaida, Target Islam | Danger Room |

Same US military unit that got Osama bin laden killed Anwar al-Awlaki - Telegraph

Samir Khan, Inspire Creator Who Waged 'Media Jihad' Said to Be Killed in Awlaki Strike -

American Strike on American Target Revives Contentious Constitutional Issue -

Ron Paul, Civil Liberties Groups Decry Killing Of American Militant Without A Trial | Fox News

FBI bugged Israel's embassy in Washington, leaked transcripts show

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?


**NEWS VIDEOS:Sharpton’s Atlanta HQ Admits Handing Out Fishy Stimulus Check Forms

Gov. Christie To Decide Soon On 2012 Bid

California Man Found Alive By His Kids After Wreck

30th/Breitbart At Tea Con: Janeane Garofalo ‘Hollywood’s Sympathy F**k’

Breitbart At Tea Con: Tea Party ‘N-Word’ Lie ‘Orchestrated By A Bitch By The Name Of Nancy Pelosi’

George Will: Perry May Not Be Ready For National Stage

ABC’s Jake Tapper Challenges Carney On Legality of Awlaki Killing

Trumka Calls Gov Walker ‘Lucifer’

Italian Team Says Deal Done For Kobe Bryant

Bachmann Supports Tariffs On China

ABC News Interviews ‘Future President’ Who Wants To Tax ‘Greedy’ Rich

Dem Strategist Calls Cain ‘Bigoted,’ ‘Racist’

Santorum: Herman Cain’s Rise Means American People Tired Of ‘Mitt and Rick Show’

Warren Buffett Doesn’t Seem To Agree With Obama’s Version Of ‘Buffett Rule’

Gov’t Offering $5,000 Prize For Best YouTube Video Promoting Federal Benefits

Van Jones Promises ‘October Offensive’ Against Capitalism

Mexican Cowgirls Wow Fans With Fancy Riding

Ron Paul Condemns ‘Assassinating’ Al-Awlaki

Chavez Denies Reports Of Ill Health

Raw Footage: NYPD Cops Handle American Flag Defacing Wall St Protesters

Anti-Capitalism Fury Spreads To West Coast

Flashback: Before ‘Fast & Furious’ Obama Blamed U. S. Guns For Mexican Violence

US Born Al Qaeda Leader Anwar Al-Awlaki Killed In Yemen

29th/Federal Judge Upholds Alabama’s Immigration Law

Raw Video: Car Lifted to Free Pinned Child

Crony Capitalism: A Concise History of Obama’s Solyndra Scandal

Barely Informed Protestors Gather To Demonstrate Against Pipeline

Flashback: Biden Praises Solyndra As Symbol of Obamanomics Working

AZ Sheriff Explains ‘Fast And Furious’ To Anderson Cooper

The Rick Perry Lip Sync Video

It’s Official: Miller Endorses Cain

O’Reilly Squares Off With Stewart

Obama: America Has ‘Gotten A Little Soft’

Palin On Cain: ‘I’m One of His Biggest Fans’

Krauthammer: Obama Is In Danger Of Suffering A ‘Landslide’ Election

28th/Teen Accused Of Murder Says She’s A Vampire

Coke CEO: China Friendlier To Business Than Obama’s America

Arab Man Claims Hate Crime Attack After Posting Poem In Support Of Jews; Star Of David Carved In Back

27th/OMB Director Runs From Questions On Solyndra

X-Factor’s First Star Is Born: Caitlin Koch

*1 0ct.

American Minute for October 1st

October 1st in History

Today in History: October 1

October 1st This Day in History

October 1 Events in History

This Day in History for 1st October

Today in History for October 1st - YouTube


09/30 The Mark Levin Show

Sept. 30, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

2011-09-30Jesse Peterson Radio Show

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 9-30-11

Live Free Or Die Radio - Friday, September, 30, 2011

Paul Drockton Show

Paul Drockton Show 2

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 09-30-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 09-30-11 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-01-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-01-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 09-30-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 09-30-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 09-30-11 Hr 3

The Michael Savage Show 09/30/2011

Alex Jones - 2011-Sep-30, Friday

The Manning Report – 30 September 2011

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