A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

18 October 2011

18 OCT.

A country cannot subsist well without liberty, nor liberty without virtue.




Ron Paul proposes $1T in specific budget cuts - Dan Hirschhorn

Ron Paul Ad - Life - YouTube

Ron Paul Ad - Peace - YouTube

Ron Paul-'Government Is NOT a Business!' - YouTube

Ron Paul Attacks Radical Money Printers and War Propagandists - YouTube

Ron Paul’s economic plan - The Washington Post

Rush Limbaugh - Ron Paul's Economic Plan Can Save The Country - YouTube

In Nevada, the GOP presidential race is Mitt Romney and Ron Paul - The Washington Post

In Debates, Attacking Isn't Ron Paul's Style - Sara Sorcher - Politics - The Atlantic

Rep. Paul: Cain’s ‘9-9-9’ plan is ‘dangerous’ – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

By proxy, Ron Paul 1st to file for NH primary -

Ron Paul, culture warrior? » GetReligion

Ron Paul touts ‘pro-life’ credentials in new TV commercial – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Politics 2012: Ron Paul adds buzz to GOP nominating process -

Ron Paul Is Like A Prophet - YouTube

Ron Paul Ad Recalls Graphic Abortion - ABC News

Republicans want new kind of candidate for 2012 -

Elizabeth Warren, Ron Paul and ‘supercommittee’ members big winners in the third-quarter fundraising wars - The Washington Post

GOP debate: Heritage, AEI and CNN to host foreign policy debate - Think Tanked - The Washington Post

Candidates go all-in for Las Vegas GOP debate – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

GOP debates become key proving ground - The Washington Post

The Austerity Myth: Federal Spending Up 5% This Year

The Ultimate Exit Strategy | Don't Tread On Me

US Takes Down Top Bio-Terror Official, Then Alleges Iran Plot

Obama Warned Now Heads World’s Most Dangerous Drug Cartel

October 17, 2011: Judgment Day Arrives: Battle For “One Mind At A Time” Begins

Obama Vows To Wipe Out Christians, Take Over All US Churches


9/11 In Plane Site - Director's Cut( 1:12:11)

*1:19:00/Tim Wallace-Murphy Lectures on Hidden Wisdom - YouTube

*47 MIN./The mysterious origin of man - YouTube


A desperate Obama kicks Sarbanes-Oxley halfway to the curb - The Globe and Mail

Ron Paul Media Blackout Confirmed - Politics - The Atlantic Wire

AFP: US official warns against 'lashing out' at China

US denies interest in Uganda oil

AFP: US doctors discourage videos for babies under two

Nazis and Communists Throw Their Support Behind Occupy Wall Street Movements (Updated) | The Gateway Pundit

CIA-Iran leak trial postponed at last minute - Josh Gerstein -

British defence minister breached govt code: report | World | DAWN.COM

Pardoning of 1,000 prisoners begins in Israel: Voice of Russia

Ahmadinejad likens claims of Iranian assassination plot to Iraq WMD | World news |

Iran launches uranium yellowcake production | World | RIA Novosti

AFP: US wants Mexico aid to combat cartels to cover wider plots

Russia awaits US evidence of alleged Iran plot|Europe|

China Sends Warning To India Over Oil In South China Sea

Arab revolutions may lead to war against Israel - English

Web Site Shows Extent of Forced Labor Used to Make Everyday Products | Economy | English

Computer program to reveal who wrote the Bible | Mail Online

Why the World May Be Running Out of Clean Water - TIME

BBC News - Where child sacrifice is a business

PressTV - Venezuela warns againts US oil plots


Coast To Coast AM - 17.10.2011 - 1/4 - Bible Prophecy

Coast To Coast AM - 17.10.2011 - 2/4 - Bible Prophecy

Coast To Coast AM - 17.10.2011 - 3/4 - Bible Prophecy

Coast To Coast AM - 17.10.2011 - 4/4 - Bible Prophecy


The Hal Lindsey Report(


Ancient Aliens 1 - Chariots, Gods and Beyond (HD) (VoStFr).mp4

Ancient Aliens 2 - Chariots, Gods and Beyond (HD) (VoStFr).mp4

Ancient Aliens 3 - Chariots, Gods and Beyond (HD) (VoStFr).mp4

Ancient Aliens 4 - Chariots, Gods and Beyond (HD) (VoStFr).mp4

Ancient Aliens 5 - Chariots, Gods and Beyond (HD) (VoStFr).mp4

Ancient Aliens 6 - Chariots, Gods and Beyond (HD) (VoStFr).mp4

Ancient Aliens 7 - Chariots, Gods and Beyond (HD) (VoStFr).mp4

Ancient Aliens 8 - Chariots, Gods and Beyond (HD) (VoStFr).mp4

Ancient Aliens 9 - Chariots, Gods and Beyond (HD) (VoStFr).mp4

UFO Ancient Alien - EK'Balam 300 BC, Mexico 2011 (HD 1080p).mp4

UFO - Chichen Itza 1100 AD, The Mayan Ancient Alien and His Sarcophagus 2011 (HD 1080p).mp4

UFO "Ea Enki" - ASCII code was drawn in Crop Circle at Poirino, Italy on June 20, 2011.mp4


Erich von Däniken(

The Lost Stones(


Mark Your Calendars: End of World Coming Oct. 21, Camping Says | Doomsday Prediction October 21 | Armageddon, End of the World & Judgment Day | LiveScience

Possibility Is Thrust of 100-Year Starship Study -

Sweet dreams: Travelocity names the top 10 haunted hotels in U.S. - Pack Up -

Two orb UFOs recorded in Missouri |

Drug-Resistant Staph Infections in Europe Could Mark Start of a New Epidemic | Observations, Scientific American Blog Network

BBC News - Power from the people

A.D. 2041 – End of White America? » Patrick J. Buchanan - Official Website

Pat Buchanan Talks Balkanization Of America: U.S. Is In Decline » Patrick J. Buchanan - Official Website

Pat Buchanan: America’s Days Are Numbered » Patrick J. Buchanan - Official Website

Is the New World Order Unraveling? » Patrick J. Buchanan - Official Website

Ron Paul's Economic Plan Press Conference (w/ questions subtitled) - YouTube

Thom Hartmann On the News - October 17, 2011 - YouTube

* Does Soros Own All US Gun & Ammo Manufacturers?

Emperor George And The Lost War In Iraq

Roy Tov: Evo I of Cocaland is not the 99%

Late, Great Rep Barbara Jordan And Immigration Reform


Californians For Population Stabilization(

news - Hebrew Language Sexualizes Conquest - Does Faulty Grammar Signify Decadence?

Activist Post: The Deathly Icing on the Cake: Revealing the Cancerous Truth About Aspartame

Activist Post: The BPA Solution -- How to Naturally Reverse the Effects

#Radioactive Used Car: 20.38 Microsieverts/Hr Car Destined for Kenya Stopped | EX-SKF

On Gravity-centric Cosmology and the Implications of a Universe Awash with Plasma |

CLASS Dismissed — Marginal Revolution

Behind the Class Act, a Numbers Game -

What the CLASS Act says about health-care reform - The Washington Post

Record-high 50% of Americans favor legalizing marijuana use – Global Public Square - Blogs

Budget cuts claim hundreds of thousands of county, city jobs –

Is the Stock Market Being Manipulated By the Fed and its Banks? :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

German state police criticized for electronic snooping - The Washington Post

Fewer Americans Can Afford the Basics - 24/7 Wall St.

In the Mosh Pit with the Black Pots and Kettles. Smoking Mirrors

'Iranian Plot' Most Likely A Scam

IRS Auditing How Google Shifted Profits - Bloomberg

Coffee to Disappear in Your Lifetime? - YouTube

BBC News - FBI’s DNA database upgrade plans come under fire

Ron Paul’s ‘eyebrow toupee’? Droop at debate prompts suspicion | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Automotive 'black boxes' raise privacy issues –

SHADOWS OF THE FUTURE - a short film by Kevin P. Miller - YouTube

FCC Cell Phone Safety Guidelines Underestimate Harmful Radiation Absorbed by Children and Small Adults, Says New Analysis |

McAllen Texas Students Forced to Recite Mexican Pledge and National Anthem | Video |

George Carlin's Amazing Tonight Show Performance - YouTube

California schools scrambling to add lessons on LGBT Americans -

What's the CIA doing at NYPD? Depends whom you ask - Yahoo! News

Police chief Jean-Christophe Lagarde 'organised orgy for Dominique Strauss-Kahn' | Mail Online

'Israelis, Saudis' behind Iran terror plot - Press TV News - YouTube

Lies, Damn Lies And NATO Claiming Control Across Libya


*50 PG./ Bye, Bye, Miss American Pie? The Supply of New Recorded Music since Napster


Copyright Protection, Technological Change, and the Quality of New Products: Evidence from Recorded Music since Napster


StateMaster - US Statistics(

RFE.ORG/ RFE: Resources for Economists on the Internet

The National Bureau of Economic Research(

Library of Economics and Liberty(

NationMaster - World Statistics(


BPS Research Digest(


+ L'Hôte: blogging is a system of control



*348 PGS./Hidden Secrets of the Alpha Course


Genuine Christianity Now(


Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know! (Part 1) | USAHM Conspiracy News

Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know! (Part 2) | USAHM Conspiracy News

Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know! (Part 3) | USAHM Conspiracy News


DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies | USAHM Conspiracy News

Ron Paul Plan To Restore America Press Conference - YouTube

Scientific Study Confirms Ron Paul Being Given LEAST Face Time In Debates

Less Government, More Prosperity - YouTube

Ron Paul Restoring American Plan on CNBC - YouTube

AVTM 11.10.15(adam vs. the man) - YouTube

Clifford Morton: #OWS Represents Legitimate Angst - YouTube

When Confidence Leaves The System It Could All Come Apart

Investors Lose Confidence in the US Government

Keiser Report: Live by Fraud, Die by Fraud (E198) - YouTube


Church of Global Warming - Trailer - YouTube


Church of Global Warming (1/6) Subtitled in German

Church of Global Warming (2/6) Subtitled in German

Church of Global Warming (3/6) Subtitled in German

Church of Global Warming (4/6) Subtitled in German

Church of Global Warming (5/6) Subtitled in German

Church of Global Warming (6/6) Subtitled in German


the Church of Global Warming (


Revolutionary Politics : Federal Tax Dollars Doled Out To Prison Industrial Complex To Continue War On Your Children!

Gasparino: 'Occupy Wall Street Is Marxist Epicenter' - Home - The Daily Bail

Was Mossad using Fox and Werritty as 'useful idiots'? Ex-Ambassador reveals how links made by 'advisers' set alarm bells ringing | Mail Online

How Britain's Biggest Racists Created Zionism

Bishops Are Behind the 'Let Women Die' Act and the Push Against Birth Control--Even As They're Under Fire for Sex Abuse Scandals | | AlterNet

Cain: 'I Have No Idea' How My 999 Plan Would Work | ThinkProgress

Herman Cain's Campaign Is Buying a Lot of Herman Cain Books - Politics - The Atlantic Wire

Cain buys Cain - Maggie Haberman -

Relative of Shlomo Wiesel says he died in 1943, not at Buchenwald | Elie Wiesel Cons the World Relative of Shlomo Wiesel says he died in 1943, not at Buchenwald | A Blog Dedicated to Finding out the Truth about Elie Wiesel's Tattoo

Rense & Felix - Mini Ice Age Is On The Way - YouTube

ScienceCasts: 600 Mysteries in the Night Sky - YouTube

Earthquakes in Mid America

Mars Tracks & Water

Chicago 'Journalist' Again Fails To Credit Peter Davenport, NUFORC


*A Dirty Little British Operation

*The Secrets Known Only to the Inner Elite node

*The Real CIA - The Rockefellers' Fascist Establishment

*The Shaping of the Anglo-American SS by War

*Rockefeller's 1984-Plot


+Aristotle, Political Warfare, and Classical Studies

+Plato's Timaeus Zoakos 1980 translation


**Cartoon:Federal Reserve ; 1912 Coming Money Trust


Ron Paul with Woft Blitzer - 10/17 - YouTube

Fiat Money explained (NWO ECONOMICS) - YouTube

Chris Hedges: "This one could take them all down." Hedges on OWS w/ OccupyTVNY -- 10/15/11 - YouTube

THE FBI GOES ROGUE ON IRAN – An Analysis by Dr. Lawrence Davidson | Intifada Palestine

Activist Post: Cancer Research Fraud Destroys Mainstream Medical Cancer Industry

MUST SEE - Jim Rogers Tells Kudlow: "I'm MUCH More Of A Capitalist Than You Are Larry, Let The Damn Banks FAIL! Why Are We Saving The Bondholders!" - Home - The Daily Bail

If You Want to Stop Crime in America Start in the White House and Work Your Way Down

Dear Super Congress - Bring Our War Dollars Home! - Home - The Daily Bail

The Intercept: Judge denies bid by government for Solyndra trustee

Obama Panders to Israel on Iran Strike Agenda: Ray McGovern Reports - YouTube

Anti-Neocons - Why did the US really invade Afghanistan?

SmashABanana: Why Does The DOJ Refuse To Prosecute Crimes Committed By Big Wall Street Banks? Obama Lies Again...

CARTOON - Calvin And Hobbes Explain Modern Capitalism - Home - The Daily Bail


**27 MIN./Ron Paul Plan To Restore America Press Conference - YouTube


*Libya News Update Oct 17 6.00pm GMT - YouTube

++poorrichards blog: Who is the 'one percent' rich in USA?

'09/"Bernanke Threatens The Congress" We will cause an Economic Collapse if you audit the Fed! - YouTube

The Gore-a-thon on WUWT | Watts Up With That?

.:Middle East Online::Ten Reasons To Question US Allegations of Iranian Terror Plot:.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein Uses Mind Control Repetition In Bid To Convince the Public that Iran Plot Was Real :

PressTV - Commentator: Pro-Israeli media portraying US protesters as Marxists

[redacted] news: Drones to Monitor U.S. Citizens

Warn Your Friends and Family: This New Vaccine is Dangerous :

Four US banks hold a staggering 95.9% of U.S. derivatives: The $600 Trillion Time Bomb That's Set to Explode

US Hunger Rate Triple That in China

Glenn Beck Says Occupy Wall Street is a Communist Plot to Collapse U.S. Economy - International Business Times

U.S. Sending More Mercenaries to Secure Libya’s Weapons Stockpile -

Supreme Court To Rule On Corporate Personhood For Crimes Against Humanity

Why Wall Street Hates Obama | Veterans Today

OpEdNews - Article: Facts or Fiction on the Wall Street Occupation

PressTV - Unfolding a plot: Mossad at work

1 jews for peace 1015_4426.jpg (JPEG Image, 500x409 pixels)

‘Mossad gave Arbabsiar ID papers’ |

Lone Star Watchdog: Mexico is more a Threat to America's National Security, Not Iran

poorrichards blog: Lies, Damn Lies And NATO Claiming Control Across Libya

PressTV - 'Saudi envoy plot suspect is MKO man'

poorrichards blog: McCain Begins Attack on Military and Vets

Pakistani Intelligence Official Says Mossad Gave Supposed Iranian Terrorist Arbabsiar Fake Papers :

Bill Gross Supports Occupy Wall Street, Fannie & Freddie Still The Socialites, Idiot Herman Cain Supports Iraq War, Bankers Are Still Jerk-Offs, Bank Transfer Day (14 Links) - Home - The Daily Bail

NYPD Chief Joseph Esposito intervenes between thug cops & OWS protesters at Times Square - YouTube

Europe's lost decade as $7 trillion loan crunch looms - Telegraph

Activist Post: US Army to fly 'kamikaze' drones

*Lone Star Watchdog: Seeing the America That Was Through the Art of Norman Rockwell.

"U.S. Code 1983" Lawsuits-Explained by California Civil Rights Lawyers


Michael Rivero Government Lies Presentation 9/11/11 Pt. 1 - YouTube

Michael Rivero Government Lies Presentation 9/11/11 Pt. 2 - YouTube


Michael Rivero Broadcasting from WBAI New York City about 9/11 10th Anniversary - 9/12/11 - YouTube


The People’s Party? Are We Witnessing The Birth Of A New Far Left Political Party In The United States? -

U.S. Government Refuses FOIA Request to Turn Over ‘Secret’ Interpretation of Patriot Act -

Corporate-Fascists Clamor for Iran War -

If The Establishment Media Will Defend The Bogus Iranian-Mexican Terror Hoax, What Won’t They Defend? -

Spain: Catholic Church Child Trafficking Network -

UK Kevorkian Politics: Elderly patients condemned to early death by secret use of do not resuscitate orders | StratRisks

Displaced black Libyans tell of beatings, expulsion at gunpoint | Reuters

S&P downgrades 24 Italian banks, financial firms -

Issa's Gunwalker Subpoena a Virtual Non-Story; AP Furiously Spins False 'Bush Did It Too' Meme |

Obama's Gunwalker damage control: 'Nobody knew' - National Conservative |

'Fast & Furious': How a Botched Operation Spawned Fatal Results - Botched Gun Operation - Fox Nation

DOJ: No 3rd gun in "Fast and Furious" murder - CBS News Investigates - CBS News

Rep Blake Farenthold on Fast & Furious Subpenas

Sen. John Cornyn: No more 'Fast and Furious' gun programs -

The Associated Press: AP Exclusive: Second Bush-era gun-smuggling probe

Emails: Bush-Era Embassy, Prosecutor's Office Approved ATF 'Gun Walking' Tactic | TPMMuckraker

DOJ: Issa's Theory That Gun Disappeared After Border Patrolman's Murder 'Maligns' FBI Agents | TPMMuckraker

Hackathons Birth New Tools For ‘Occupy’ Movement | TPM Idea Lab

San Francisco restaurants propose standard 25 per cent tip - Telegraph


**Herman Cain 999 Economic Plan


'Fast & Furious': How a botched operation spawned fatal results - Washington Times

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Debate chief raises issue of McCain's eligibility – again!

Forged creation matches Obama's birth certificate

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Dissecting 9-9-9: Transition to fair tax;National Taxpayers Union reveals good, bad, unknown of Cain plan

Thousands of fraud cases just 'tip of iceberg'

Chairman Of Local Indiana Democratic Party Resigns Amid Fake Signature Scandal | Fox News

Frank Wolf rips Grover Norquist for Fannie Mae tie - Tim Mak -

Meet the real Grover Norquist

The Midas Touch: Just exactly who has it? - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: ‘We must plan our exit’

McAllen Texas Students Forced to Recite Mexican Pledge and National Anthem | Video |

Mexican drug cartels recruiting Texas children - US news - Crime & courts -

See who is paying Occupy Wall Street 'protesters'

Limbaugh to the GOP: Don’t fall for the premise of the OWS protests « Hot Air

Obama and Occupy Wall Street are 1

VADUM: Marxist mobocracy - Washington Times

Republicans lay groundwork to repeal healthcare overhaul -

Massachusetts Looks at ‘Global Payments’ to Lower Health Cost -

Obama fights for embattled CLASS law - Washington Times

Oklahoma cancer patient trades her life so her baby could survive |

Thieves steal truck with President's equipment - Flash Player Installation

'Obamabots' defend POTUS in Twitterverse - Ben Smith and Emily Schultheis -

Obama to try passing jobs bill in 'bite-size pieces' -

Michelle Obama shifts into 2012 campaign mode - Julie Mason -

U.S. pullouts come as al-Qaida on rise

2012 Presidential Matchups - Rasmussen Reports™

Iowa Republicans set date for presidential caucuses -

Herman Cain Presses No Compromise Pro-Life View on Abortion |

NYT: Cain's song aims to be Tea Party anthem - politics - The New York Times -

Herman Cain sings pizza-fied version of ‘Imagine’ | Rick Perry 2012 Campaign for President– News and updates

Jon Huntsman opts out of Republican debate in Nevada - Election 2012 - The Washington Post

Do Christians actually share their faith?

Ted Stevens Prosecutor Now Working On Abramoff Scandal Case | TPMMuckraker

Bachmann: ‘I Guess I Should Have Done That Google Search’ On Ed Rollins | Election 2012


* ARTICLE LINKS: Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Ex-Walker Aide Returns To Work After Extended Leave, FBI Raid | TPMMuckraker

Trump Decides To Raise Birther Questions Again | Election 2012

Cain Explains The Cash Spent On Books: I’m Trying To Tell My Life Story | Election 2012

Don't look down! Amazing video of insane bungy jump by young Russian girl | Mail Online

Did painter Van Gogh meet his death at 37 in a shooting accident? | Mail Online

Spread the word: Cain is for real

What Cain's surge means

Too many unlawful laws

A.D. 2041 – end of white America?

The cost of Occupy Wall Street extremists

Obama and Occupy Wall Street are 1

Is class hatred morally superior to race hatred?

America's decline: Candidates just don't get it

In debate, Newt would have 'O' for lunch

The Rise of the Regressive Right

Obama pulls another fast one

The Rutherford Institute: The War on Drugs Has Become the War on the American People

Queen backs plans to overturn 'sexist' rules that puts male heirs to the throne ahead of their older sisters | Mail Online

BBC documentary exposes 50-year scandal of baby trafficking by the Catholic church in Spain | Mail Online

The world will end (again) on Friday night |

Round-the-world yachtsman feared eaten by cannibals |

Biggest haul of Roman gold in Britain could have been found - Telegraph

Proof! Wall Street protests no 'spontaneous uprising'

Too many unlawful laws

My scorecard on GOP presidential campaign

The Order of the Illuminati: Its Origins, Its Methods and Its Influence on the World Events

Some Ugandans Wary of US Decision to Fight LRA

Iranian Terror Suspect Known in Texas as Disorganized

Iran Warns US About Assassination Plot Allegations

Israeli Soldier, 477 Palestinians Freed in Prisoner Swap

Kenyan Troops Approach Key Rebel-Held City

VIDEO:Senate Bill Threatens Currency War with China

**Higher Education Bubble In America | The Frugal Saver

» FEMA Communication Takeover Test Scheduled for November 9 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Activist Post: REX 84 vs. Globalist Shutdown

Activist Post: Power to Relieve Pain: The Benefits of Meditation Beat Morphine

Activist Post: Cancer Research Fraud Destroys Mainstream Medical Cancer Industry

Activist Post: Report From Occupy Nova Scotia: Harper’s Crimes, TSA Molestation And The American Soviet State (Video)

- Prepper Podcast Radio Network News

Obama's US Afghanistan Deaths 2x Bush

State Dept Officer Punished Over WikiLeaks

US Officials Peddle False Intel to Back Iran Plot Claims

Alleged Plot Weakens Claims of Iran's Sway in Latin America

Panetta's Frenzied Rhetoric Is Not Stopping the Decay of US Forces

America's Foreign Dictatorship

Herman Cain Thinks You're the Enemy Within

Neither Security nor Democracy Comes From a Gun

Anwar Al-Awlaki's Family Speaks Out Against His Son's Death

Does Constitution Allow Lying About Military Heroism?

Slide Show: The 8 Most Dangerous Countries for Journalists

Iran Hikers Show Support for Occupy Movement

Assange: WikiLeaks Defection Reports False, Group Helped Inspire Occupy Wall Street

Gingrich Says Iran and North Korea Regimes Must Be Destroyed

Cain: Only Preemptive Strike Can Stop Iran

Occupy Wall Street: Populist Financiers Supporting Protesters Is Part of the Problem, Not the Solution

VIDEO: Courts Rule US Government Above the Law

Media Manipulation: Are Conflict Photos Staged?

Five Banks Account For 96% Of $250 Trillion In Outstanding US Derivative Exposure

The Alleged Iran Saudi Envoy Assassination Plot: Mossad at Work

Who is Really Behind It? The Implausibility of an Iranian Plot

U.S. Officials Peddle False Intel to Support Terror Plot Claims

Alleged Iranian Plot: Is the Evidence Credible?

Petraeus’s CIA Fuels Iran Murder Plot

"Manufacturing Dissent": The Corporate Financing of the Protest Movement

Iraq – Afghanistan – Libya NOW IRAN, LIES & MORE PENTAGON LIES!

Agent Orange: 50-Year Legacy of Misery | American Free Press

U.S. College Students Owe $1 Trillion to Bankers | American Free Press

Occupy Wall Street: Fox News reporter Geraldo Rivera attacked by protesters | Mail Online

Leaked phone recording embarrasses Berlusconi - Europe - Al Jazeera English

BlackBerry outage compensation: £63 of free apps as apology for 3-day blackout | Mail Online

Jonathan McGowan, 44-Year-Old UK Man, Lives Off Roadkill For 30 Years

Video:Exposed: The "Humanitarian" War In Libya Must

Obama Campaign Reports More than 350 Big Bundlers

Who Are The One Percent in America?

Nuclear lesson from Libya: Don't be like Qaddafi. Be like Kim.

Obama’s Top 2012 Fundraiser to Raise $1 Billion

How to silence a Nobel Prize winning economist: Ask him about the economy. - YouTube

China's Ghost Cities - YouTube

What If A Court Gave An Important Ruling, But We Were Not Allowed To Know What It Was? - informationliberation

Support for redistribution is falling - informationliberation

British Historian On Porn And Internet Censorship: North Korea Is Right -- The Internet Is Our Enemy | Techdirt

File-Sharing Admins Jailed For Linking To Copyright Works | TorrentFreak

IRS Wants More Penalties - Forbes

Gallup: Herman Cain Is Top Choice of Tea Party and Southerners

While Not Campaigning in N.C., Obama Talks About 2012 Convention, Election

Obama: Republicans Want ‘Dirtier Air, Dirtier Water’

State Department: Mexican Drug Cartel Activity Is ‘Consistent With’ Terrorism

Teamsters’ Hoffa to ‘Hold Accountable’ Congressmen Who Voted for Obama-Backed Free-Trade Deals

Iranians Win 4,453 'Diversity Visa' Applications to Immigrate to U.S.

Jackson Lee: Abortion A 'Needed Action'; Refers to Babies' Heartbeats As 'Sounds'

Israeli Soldier Freed in Swap for 1,000 Palestinian Prisoners

Calif. Dems in Congress Want Obama to Refinance All Mortgages Held by Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac

The Media vs. Obama: Birth of a New Campaign 2012 Fairy Tale? |

NBC's Savannah Guthrie Gushes Over 'Tireless' Hillary Clinton's 'Blunt Talk and Personal Charm' |

Pitting Us Against Each Other |

Obama Bus Tour II: A Tired Idea Gone Flat |

Planned Parenthood Profanity |

Obama Continues To Brag About His Poor Return On Investments |

Herman Cain Apologizes for 'Electrified Fence' Comment Ahead of Tonight's Debate |

D.C. Protesters Outspoken About Breaking Permit Regulations by Camping on Freedom Plaza |

Educated Liberals Say Forgiveness of Student Loans Would Stimulate Economy |

Sending U.S. Troops to Africa May Help South Sudan |

Willie Nelson, Country Music Stars Raise $500K for Texas Fire Victims |

Bachmann: ‘Job One’ Is Securing Mexican Border, Building Border Fence |

Obama in the Blue Ridge: ‘Saw Some Mountains, Saw Some Lakes, Saw All the Wonderful People…’ |

Rep. Lankford on Pelosi: ‘Women Who Are Inside the Womb, She Doesn’t Mind If They Die’ |

Teamsters’ Hoffa to ‘Hold Accountable’ Congressmen Who Voted for Obama-Backed Free-Trade Deals |

Federal Appeals Court Bars Alabama From Checking Students' Immigration Status |

Clinton in Libya to Offer $11M in New Aid – Including Medical Care for Fighters |

After 3,000 Deaths, Arab League Still Divided Over Syria |

Schlafly: Obama Rushing US to Socialism 'As Rapidly As He Can'

Rep. Peter King's Hearings on Muslims Are Warranted

Occupy Wall Street — the Beginning of Obama’s Campaign

Obama and Wall Street Occupiers Agree on Class Warfare

Cain Threatens Democratic Status Quo on Race

Cain Nomination Would End GOP Race Issue Forever

'No Medical Reason' for Pope's Mobile Stair Platform

Schlafly: Obama Rushing US to Socialism

Pawlenty Former Donors, Aides Backing Perry

Cain Must Prove His Candidacy is for Real

Steve Emerson: Prisoner Swap Frees Terrorists

Thune: CLASS Act Repeal Omen for Obamacare

Clinton Arrives in Libya on Unannounced Visit

Rove: Obama to Blame for His Jobs Plan Failure

Cain Video Imagines World Without Pizza

Bill Clinton, Celebrities Star in New Web Video

Herman Cain: 'I Don't Talk Politician'

Sabato: Obama to 'Lose Badly' If Election Were Today

Ron Paul: Cut Cabinet and President's Salary

Obama Presses Jobs Bill on Bus Tour

Occupy Wall Street's Anti-Semitism Condemned

US Involved in Mideast War Games

Iran's Nuclear Threat Emerging More Quickly Than Thought

Cain Likely on the Hot Seat at GOP Debate

Surprising Surge for U.S. Producer Prices

Israeli Soldier Freed in Mass Prisoner Swap

Gas Can Found on Obama Motorcade Route

Obama’s 1,000-day Report Card: ‘Gridlock, Dysfunction'

Romney Backer Top Wall St. Protest Contributor

Most Women Suffer False-Positive Mammograms

GOP Slams Warren for ‘Hick’ Comment

Perry Camp Making Mormonism Divisive Issue

Romney Campaign Drops $2,000 on Domain Names

Sabato: VP Rubio Could Lock Up Fla. for GOP

Sabato: NC an 'Uphill Climb' for Obama in 2012

Sabato: Virginia to Decide Obama's Fate in 2012

Iowa GOP Moves Presidential Caucuses to Jan. 3

Iran Could Make Atom Bomb Material: Report

Cooperman Shuns Treasurys, Favors Stocks

Demand for US Assets Rose Despite Downgrade

Study Ties Kidney Stones to Gallstones

Scientists Correct Sickle Cell Disease in Mice

Study Blames Global Warming for Shrinking Species

Workers at 7 Fort Collins pot shops vote to unionize

Gov't may have to include climate change in its strategy to protect endangered polar bear

Lesbian couple give young son hormone treatments, saying he wants to be a girl

Gallup finds first-time majority support for legalizing marijuana

Perry will assert his strong support for border security at Tuesday debate

Most illegal immigrants deported last year were criminals

Justice Dep't Accuses Issa of 'Mischaracterizing' Evidence in Probe of Operation Fast and Furious

Ron Paul economic plan would eliminate five agencies and thousands of jobs

Latino leader threatens to leave GOP over Cain’s electrified border fence idea

Consumer electronics chief says Obama's regulatory team lack business experience

Charities fight Obama's proposal to cap gift deduction

Cain Squeaks Ahead of Obama in New General Election Rasmussen Poll

Iran’s nuclear program suffering new setbacks, diplomats and experts say

Study Links Swearing on TV to Teen Aggression

Obama mocks GOP jobs IQ: ‘Maybe they couldn’t understand'

GOP committee head presses Obama on Iran

Lobbyist money flowing to deficit-reduction panel members

Ex-ICE official, charged with child porn, leaving jail with tight restrictions

9th Circuit finds police stun gun use excessive in 2 cases

Mass. US Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren: "I'm going for the hick vote"

Bashir: Cain Skipped MLK Ceremony Because He Doesn't Want To Be 'Associated With African-Americans' |


** Social Network - The Ron Paul Plan To Restore America


MEDIAROOTS – Reporting From Outside Party Lines

Ralph Nader Audience Q & A at Berkeley’s Hillside Club |

Q & A with Ralph Nader - YouTube

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – October 17th, 2011

Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – October 17th, 2011

Study Confirms Establishment is Terrified of Ron Paul |

Issa: FBI Needs To Come Clean In ‘Fast & Furious’ Investigation |

President Obama Is Selling Fear And War To Win Re-Election in 2012 |

Media hoax exposed: Recent attack on vitamins a fabricated scare campaign

Vitamins are deadly? Media hoax exposed, part two

Mike Adams interviews Dr. David Brownstein about media hoax to kill vitamins (InfoWars Nightly News) - YouTube

Broccoli sprouts - Up to fifty times more cancer fighting benefits than broccoli alone

IRS: Budget cuts would hurt service, raise deficit

Obama arrives in Virginia today. Which Democrats will be with him? - Virginia Politics - The Washington Post

President's Seal, Podium and Equipment Stolen | NBC Washington

While Not Campaigning in N.C., Obama Talks About 2012 Convention, Election |

BBC News - Gilad Shalit freed in Israeli-Palestinian prisoner swap

Plan to hang 3 for Gandhi killing angers Tamils - Yahoo!

AC360 Behind the scenes at CNN's Las Vegas debate – Anderson Cooper 360 - Blogs

Albert Nobbs trailer: Glenn Close is unrecognisable as a man in Oscar-tipped film | Mail Online

Actress sues Amazon for revealing age on film database - Yahoo! News

Putin lays out case for Kremlin return | Reuters

Controversy Swirls At Suburban High School Over - Flash Player Installation

Huge hole in White House lawn sparks question is Obama putting in swimming pool? | Mail Online

'Go ask Osama' - Maggie Haberman -

Windmills stopped at night after bat death -

Branson opens world's first 'spaceport' in US

Spaceport America: Richard Branson opens $209m space terminal in New Mexico | Mail Online

US forces 'massing on Afghanistan-Pakistan border' - Telegraph

U.S. pegs Haqqani as most lethal foe - Washington Times

U.S. Debated Cyberwarfare Against Libya -

Dust Storm Roils Through South Plains | NBC Dallas-Fort Worth

Venezuela blocks Chavez rival's presidential bid | Reuters

'Fast & Furious': How a botched operation spawned fatal results - Washington Times

Is ELENIN a Warning About Nov 9th? 11.11.11 Birth of Saturn - YouTube



The Video That Scares The Federal Reserve Traitors | Before It's News

* Was 10:45 a.m. the Originally Planned Demolition Time of WTC 7?

Seeing Through Walls, It’s Not Science Fiction: MIT's Lincoln Lab | Before It's News

Seeing through walls - MIT's Lincoln Laboratory - YouTube

*10 Ways Satellites Are Used To Spy On You | Before It's News


Internet Providers: (

Evolution of Futures Trading(


We Decide.. | Before It's News

*The Best Food Magazines You’ve Never Read | Before It's News

+Remarks by the President at Opening of Roundtable with Educators | Before It's News

Global Bankers Rule The World - YouTube

Swarm of 700-plus quakes in Sierra 30 miles west of Reno, but no one's feeling them | Reno Gazette-Journal |

New Mexico shaken by ‘historically unusual’ 3.8 magnitude earthquake | The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond

Growing Trend: Thieves Raid Vegetable Gardens in Indianapolis, New York and Chicago

Sex with Neanderthals Made Us Stronger : Discovery News

Now You See ‘Em, Now You Don’t: Stealth Weapons From Around the World | Danger Room |

‘Hiding in plain sight’—How did Obama know about ‘Gunwalker’ before Holder? - National gun rights |

The Watchers - Alien spaceships to attack Earth in November?!

Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS) & the All-Digital TV Broadcast Signal: Connection? « The PPJ Gazette

AFP: US worries over China's underground nuclear network


28 July-Sept 7/El Hierro Volcano eruption (Canary Islands) : Part 1 – July 28 until September 7, 2011

Sept 25 - Oct 10/El Hierro Volcano eruption (Canary Islands) : Part 2 – September 25 until October 10, 2011

Oct 11 - Oct 13/El Hierro Volcano eruption (Canary Islands) : Part 3 – October 11 until October 13, 2011

El Hierro Volcano (Canary Islands) : Red alert – Human impact : Fisherman without income


Canary Island Earthquakes Could Impact East Coast Of U.S. : List Of Recent Quakes 9/28/2011 - YouTube


With 7 billion on earth, a huge task before us -

Bad back: One in four gadget-gripped Britons suffer postural pain | Mail Online

BBC News - FBI’s DNA database upgrade plans come under fire / Economic Affairs / Trichet: EU treaty change needed to 'impose decisions' on states

+Helpful Hints From Our Customers by Margaret Durst

Top 10 Foods Consumed In The United States

Dr. David Brownstein - Holistic Family Medicine: Should You Get A Flu Shot?

Pitting Us Against Each Other by Walter E. Williams

A.D. 2041 – End of White America? by Patrick J. Buchanan

Mapping America's Shadowy Drone Wars by Tom Engelhardt and Nick Turse

The Prohibitionists Are Back! by Eric Margolis

Did Hitler and Eva Braun flee Berlin and die of old age in Argentina? | Mail Online

The Tea Party Movement, Republicans, and Ron Paul


*ARTICLES:Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post;BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials – October 17, 2011


The Alleged Iranian Plot: Turning the U.N. into a Courtroom

On Beating the MSM & Pseudo Alternatives when it Comes to the Truth


**The Biggest Secret - (The Book)/Icke


Who Are The Black Nobility?

The Black Nobility

4 Videos-Vatican/Jesuit/Illuminati-Black Nobility - Occults Control The World

13 Bloodlines of The Illuminati


**Dope, Inc. - Britain's Opium War Against the U.S. - by a U.S. Labor Party Investigating Team


NUGENT: Nobody needs Michael Moore's hypocritical advice - Washington Times

VADUM: Marxist mobocracy - Washington Times

Q & A: Understanding the Saudi-Iran rivalry - The Globe and Mail

+ARTICLES:Occupy Wall Street and the Federal Reserve News – 10-18-11 |

Sgt. Shamar Thomas Discusses His Experience Confronting the NYPD in Times Square

Papantonio and Holland on What 'Shared Sacrifice' Means To A Republican

As #OWS Continue to Grow Globally, a Quick Reminder of Crushing Effects of UK’s Austerity

Audio:Trump Plays Birther Card at Bachmann Campaign Event

Pawlenty Thinks Perry Should Disavow Jeffress; Jindal Thinks The Bible Tells Him Not To

Senators Point Out Firm With Ties To TransCanada Was Chosen To Do XL Pipeline Environmental Impact Study. Conflict Much?

Breaking: NYPD Tries To Take Down OWS Medical Tent, But Jesse Jackson Helps Protesters Hold Them Off

Arpaio: Electric Fence Joke Proves Cain Is Serious

Hermanomics 101: No Health Care, No Incentives, No Minimum Wage

Koch Brand Found to Have Cain in It!

Fox Business Reporter: Zuccotti Park Is the 'Marxist Epicenter'

CNBC Reporter to Scarborough: 'You Are the Problem' for Mocking Protests

US Military Veteran Rants Against Police Brutality at #OWS Protest in Times Square

Bank of Canada Head Calls Occupy Protests 'Entirely Constructive'

A Tale of Two Pundits: Krugman vs. Forbes On The Economy

Meet the Breitbart Stooge Who Hacked #OWS for the FBI and NYPD

Chris Hayes: 'You Can't Be A Protester And A Customer' at BofA

Is Yaz Bayer's Birth Control with Benefits or Unreported Dangers?

Cain Doubles Down on His Claim That Liberals Want to Destroy This Country

Herman Cain: 'Imagine There's No Pizza' | Video Cafe


American Minute for October 18th

October 18th This Day in History

October 18th in History

This Day in History for 18th October

Today in History: October 18

Today in History: October 18

Today in History for October 18th - YouTube


The Beatles - The Internet Beatles Album(


Herman Cain: Runaway Slave

Citizenship Jeopardy

Tort Lawyers' Dream, Economy's Scourge: Richard Cordray and the CFPB

Repeal Obamacare - but Keep Socialized Education?

Class Warfare Rhetoric and Reality

The Revolutionary Communist Party's Little Yellow Book

OWS = FBA (Future Bums of America)

Pew Study Results: Obama is the Victim of Negative Press

OWS Crime Wave

Coffee and chocolate will disappear due to global warming

Poll shows blame for Washington, not Wall Street, for economy

Leader's former doctor: Chavez has less than two years to live

APB put out for Obama's teleprompter

Former American hikers imprisoned in Iran support occupiers

The 99% Lie

Yorktown vs Occupy Wall Street

Obama's Uganda Gambit to serve Soros

The Revolutionaries' Revenge

Romney's Smoking Gun Picture

Occupy Wall Street and the Chicago '68 Riots

Who Knew Conservatives Loved the IRS?

Race Betrayal

Obama's Magic Mobs: Tahrir = Wall Street

Restoring the Right to Work in New Hampshire

Clarence Thomas' Constitution

Why Herman Cain (and Almost Everyone Else) Missed the Housing Bubble

A Lesson about Crony Capitalism for the OWS Crowd

Dodd-Frank Disaster

State Sponsored Terrorism in Iran and Pakistan

TV Networks Don't Care About Ron Paul's Plan To Balance The Budget

Occupy Wall Street Visited

Fine-tuning the Presidential Primary System

Occupy Wall Street's Anti-Greed Campaign Will Fail

Debbie Schlussel:OUTRAGE! Israel to Release Palestinian Who Ripped Israeli Soldier Apart!

Debbie Schlussel:Me on Aussie TV: Just Got Done w/ Aussie Film Crew on Hummus

Debbie Schlussel:STFU: Robert Downey, Jr., Don’t Tell Me to Forgive Mel Gibson

The Army of Silent Prayer Soldiers

Shovel Ready Means Never Ready

Obama’s Useful Idiots ‘Occupy’ America

The Business of Government

Is Barack Obama ‘Too Racist’ to Fail?

Profile of a Long-Planned ‘Protest’

Panasonic 3D Home Theater, Camcorder, a Real Blast

God’s Name Not Written on MLK Memorial Stones a Missed Opportunity Says Dr. Alveda King

Obama’s First Thousand Days

Getting America’s spiritual moorings in order

National Academy of Sciences: Renewable Fuel Standard Goals Unlikely To Be Met

British Green Tax Revolt Gathering Pace

Occupy Wall Street’s Essential Hypocrisy

‘Occupy’ Demands, Now Tries Blackmail

Is the Federal Reserve Destroying U.S.?

Government healthcare is bad for your health

China: Woman Dies During Forced Abortion, Six Months Pregnant

Marxist mobocracy

Tea party represents America, not Occupy Wall Street

Two Vans Hit Chinese Toddler…18 Passers-by Ignore Her Suffering | Wang Yue | Video |

Occupy Wall Street Hit By Thieves |

Jon Stewart Tells Protestors to Mind Their Image | Video |

Joe Scarborough on MSNBC Says the GOP has Lost its Way | Video |

Are Republican Presidential Candidates Evangelical Anti-Intellectualists? |

Shocking Video: McDonald’s Cashier Beats Woman With Rod | Video |

Do Occupy Wall Street Protesters Want Violence? |

Israel Upset Over Egyptian TV Interview With Schalit | Video |

Protesters Attempting To Close Their Bank Accounts Are Turned Away | Occupy Santa Cruz | Video |

Herman Cain Sings John Lennon‘s ’Imagine’ With Pizza Twist | Video |

Teacher Viki Knox Under Fire After Posting Any-Gay Messages on Facebook |

Bill Clinton’s Funny or Die Comedy Video | Video |

Part 2 of Victoria Jackson’s Occupy Wall St. Interviews | Video |

Don’t Forget the U.S. Soldier Being Held by Militants for Over Two Years | Bowe Bergdahl | Video |

Susan Sarandon Calls Pope Benedict a ‘Nazi’ |

Joe Scarborough Says Herman Cain Is an Absolute Joke | Video |

Harry Belafonte Falls Asleep During Live Television Interview | Video |


+GoAnimate Adds Political Characters for the U.S. Presidential Election for Animated Videos | Video |


**GoAnimate/Make a video about the presidential election 2012!


GoAnimate - (


Political Animal - If only Snowe’s actions met her misplaced rhetoric

Conservatives Celebrate Cancellation Of The CLASS Act, But It Vindicates Obamacare -- And Highlights The Poverty Of GOP Health Care Plans | The New Republic

Meet the senator who killed the CLASS Act - The Washington Post

Herman Cain’s VAT - Right Turn - The Washington Post

N.H. GOP Divided Over Nev. Boycott - By Brian Bolduc - The Corner - National Review Online

Tax Cuts and Supply-Side Effects

The Origins And Perils Of Bank Consolidation | ThinkProgress

Editorial: Solar panel coup an energy boost - The Denver Post

America's Backward Energy Plan | Fox Business

Energy Industry Continues to Reshape Itself to Fit New World of Oil & Gas Resources | The Energy Collective

The peak oil brigade is leading us into bad policymaking on energy | Dieter Helm | Comment is free |

Karin Kloosterman: The Best Bet for Renewable Energy?

Can Smart Apps Save the Smart Grid? - Forbes

RealClearEnergy- Natural Gas Will Repower America

Alternative energy policies are hurting the middle class. - Slate Magazine

Newsweek Green Rankings 2011 - The Daily Beast

The lesson from Solyndra: It’s time to deregulate the energy market - The Washington Post

Rob Bennett: From Green Building to Green Cities

Obama’s Big Green Mess - The Daily Beast

PIMCO | Investment Outlook - Six Pac(k)in'

Obama’s Good Tax Proposal — The American Magazine

Obama Should Steer Clear of Cheap Shots at Wall Street: View - Bloomberg

Government has no business legalizing insider trading -

Herman Cain: How about 15-15-15? | Chris Edwards | Cato Institute: Commentary

Kids Prefer Cheese: Occupy Wall Street--Carter Administration Edition

Wall Street Loses Its Immunity -

Kass: On Occupy Wall Street - TheStreet

Five Groups Who Should be Mad at Wall Street -

Self-Identifying With Car Leads to Aggressive Driving

Artificial Self-Replication Opens Door to New Materials

AI solves complex biology problem from scratch | ExtremeTech

Astrobiology Magazine

Local News | Lethal virus detected in wild Pacific salmon | Seattle Times Newspaper

Can Eating Too Many Hot Peppers Kill You? | Can Eating Too Much Spicy Food Kill You? | Life's Little Mysteries

Politics Heating Up Over Labeling Genetically Modified Foods : The Salt : NPR

Jon Entine: End Game on Bisphenol A? Have we reached a tipping point on the science of this ubiquitous chemical?

Possibility Is Thrust of 100-Year Starship Study -

Deeper into the Universe : Starts With A Bang

Moon's shadow creates a wake -

Faster-Than-Light Neutrinos Might Be Explained By GPS Failing to Account For Special Relativity | Popular Science

Does Plate Size Affect How Much We Eat? - Blog

Why Energy Poverty Is the Worst Kind of Poverty - TIME

Laser Analysis Betrays Diamonds' Origins - Science News

Drug-Resistant Staph Infections in Europe Could Mark Start of a New Epidemic | Observations, Scientific American Blog Network

Hackers spend a lot of their time educating other hackers | VentureBeat

Dropbox: The Inside Story Of Tech's Hottest Startup - Forbes

Tehelka - India's Independent Weekly News Magazine

Microsoft OmniTouch: Turn your entire world into a touchscreen | ExtremeTech

First State Super Security Breach Exposes Members' Accounts

Tech firms flock to office space in Santa Monica and Venice -, Costco among the most trusted brands - GeekWire

CNBC Stock Market News — 4 Areas Where Apple's Cook Could Outperform Steve Jobs — Stock Blog - CNBC

Facebook, OPOWER partner on 'social energy' app -

How Google's Self-Driving Car Works - IEEE Spectrum

Hulu Puts Disney, News Corp. in New Quandary -

Ford Vehicles Will Now Read You Text Messages While You Drive

Search Algorithms with Google Director of Research Peter Norvig

One cool table setting - Fortune Tech

Kodak: It’s Time To Go Invisible | TechCrunch

Hold on to your pants: Microsoft ‘PocketTouch’ enables device input through fabric - GeekWire

4chan's Chris Poole: Facebook & Google Are Doing It Wrong

Laser 'tractor beams' could reel in lost astronauts - tech - 17 October 2011 - New Scientist

The Great Tech War Of 2012 | Fast Company

The TV's turn for an extreme makeover - Entertainment News, TV News, Media - Variety

Inside a government computer attack exercise -

Electronic Circuits Rewire Themselves on Demand, Depending On What They're Needed For | Popular Science

Memory Trick Could Speed Up the Web - Technology Review

Can Google Siriously compete with Apple? | ExtremeTech

Presidential Religion: Enough, Already!, Christian News

Is Religion Above the Law? -

Nuri Friedlander: From Tahrir to Wall Street: The Role of Religion in Protest Movements

My Take: The church can end extreme poverty – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Biblical Statecraft |

China's Age of Fragility | History Today

Second Opium War (Arrow War) 1857-1858

Saving the Mason-Dixon Line

Klaus Fuchs -- Atom Bomb Spy — In America — Crime Library on

'Why Read Moby-Dick?': A Passionate Defense Of The 'American Bible' : Monkey See : NPR

Amazon Rewrites the Rules of Book Publishing -

The American Conservative » Baby Boomers Make Their Marx

'Turquoise Palace' A True Political Murder Mystery : NPR

Book Review: Gunfight -

The Austerity Myth: Federal Spending Up 5% This Year -

Could Cain Be The Second Coming Of Reagan? | Fox News

David N. Bossie's response to 'Is "Obamacare" crumbling?' - The Arena | POLITICO.COM

Blog: The myth of Romney's 'inevitability'

The Eternal Adolescence of Beavis and Butt-Head -

Review & Outlook: A New Spending Record -

Republicans and Foreign Policy -

Women’s lives at risk -

Roger Ailes: the Most Powerful Man in News

Bad Math Hurts Herman Cain’s Good Tax Intentions: Ramesh Ponnuru - Bloomberg

BLITZER BLOG: Poll numbers should alarm Dems – The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer - Blogs

The Mark of Cain -- Daily Intel

Romney’s Campaign Rejects Notion That He Has G.O.P. Race Locked Up -

The Conservative Case Against Mitt Romney (2011 Edition) - John Hawkins - Townhall Conservative

Obamacare’s Great Unraveling - Rich Lowry - National Review Online

What the CLASS Act says about health-care reform - The Washington Post

Barack Obama’s disastrous first 1,000 days – Telegraph Blogs

Obama to Channel ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Populism on Bus Tour - ABC News

RealClearPolitics - The Occupy Windfall

The Great Restoration -

Is the global Occupy movement undermining democracy rather than strengthening it? - Slate Magazine

The Arab League’s Syria move--Amir Taheri -

The Conflicting Values Behind The Shalit Deal | Foreign Affairs

On the road, Iran's Khamenei sets stage for a less democratic future -

Unfit to Print - By Yoani Sanchez | Foreign Policy

POMED Report: A Guide to Tunisia’s Election | Project on Middle East Democracy (POMED)

Jonah Goldberg: Obama's right on Uganda fight -

The secret talks that won Gilad Shalit’s freedom - The Globe and Mail

War With Iran Could Start with a Speedboat: Jeffrey Goldberg - Bloomberg

Why Russia Fears US Afghan Plan | The Diplomat

U.N. Rips Iran's Human Rights Record in New Report | Foreign Policy

RealClearWorld - Iran's War to Win

Time is running out to avoid civil war in Syria | The Japan Times Online

EDITORIAL: Will Obama attack Iran? - Washington Times

Republicans and Foreign Policy -

View: China’s Currency Distracts From U.S.’s Policy - Bloomberg

Why the World May Be Running Out of Clean Water - TIME

Significant Holes in U.S. Legal Case Against Alleged Iran Plotter - Marcy Wheeler - International - The Atlantic

Chicago cop under investigation after shots fired on boat near Wilmette -

37-year-old Wheaton accountant charged in drag-racing crash that killed two - Chicago Sun-Times

Google's Android Ice Cream Sandwich gets a lawn statue -

More Facebook Activity, Fewer Privacy Concerns? | News & Opinion |

Bill Gates Going to Witness Stand Over Anti-Trust Case

Facebook Backs Energy Efficiency App, After Google, Microsoft Fail | News & Opinion |

European Court outlaws patents on embryonic stem cell techniques | Science | The Guardian

Track Germany's Falling, 2.4-Ton Satellite In Real-Time | Fox News

"Dark matter" mystery deepens

Frozen Puck Hovers Over Track Using “Quantum Levitation” | Wired Science |

Albino Cyclops Shark Is Real, Experts Say | Fox News

Rocket of the Future - The Washington Post

ICARUS Proves Neutrinos More Than 10 Times Faster Than Light

Warming Revives Old Dream of Sea Route in Russian Arctic -

NASA and Japan Unleash World's Best Topographic Map of Earth [PICS]

Binoculars alert: Halley's Comet to put on meteor show - CBS News

'Doomsday' Comet Elenin Zips by Earth in Pieces | Comet Elenin and Skywatching | Elenin, Nibiru & 2012 |

Soulja Boy Arrested in Georgia :

Album Review: Jane's Addiction, "The Great Escape Artist" (Capitol)

Britney Spears' Controversial "Criminal" Video—How Steamy Is It? - E! Online

Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey Steal Sean Penn's Lunch (Video) | The Wrap Media

Zombie Apocalypse? Atlanta Says Bring It On -

The Clicker - Belafonte: I didn't fall asleep on-air

Bank of America posts earnings, reversing year ago loss - Oct. 18, 2011

Bernanke Says Fed Seeks to Increase Clarity About Its Goals - Businessweek

Gallup poll: Government more to blame than Wall Street for woes -

Global Demand for U.S. Assets Climbs More Than Forecast Amid S&P Downgrade - Bloomberg

Social Security to hand out first raises since 2009 –

Gaunt Schalit needs time to recover, father says - CBS News

Clinton offers Libyan leaders aid, encouragement - The Washington Post

Kenyan Troops Advance in Somalia, Pursuing Al-Shabab | News | English

EU calls off meeting with Ukraine president over Yulia Tymoshenko row - Telegraph

U.K. imposes sanctions on Iranians

ANALYSIS - Putin remark fuels questions about Medvedev role | Reuters

L'Oréal heiress Liliane Bettencourt 'unable to remember three words' - Telegraph

Pak told to rein in Haqqani group - Hindustan Times

Tax Fraud and Embezzlement Charges Against Berlusconi Are Dismissed -


*Transcripts:16th/Interview with Presidential Candidate Herman Cain

Guests: Sen. Feinstein, House Maj. Ldr. Cantor

Guests: Gingrich, McCain, Wasserman Schultz & Lewis

Guests: Representatives Issa and Cummings

Interview with Obama Advisor David Axelrod

14th/Presidents Obama & Lee at a GM Plant in Michigan

Shields and Brooks on Cain's Polling Surge

Interview with Senator John McCain

Interview with Representative Dennis Kucinich

Panel Interview with 2012 Candidate Gary Johnson


Smash-and-grab burglars take $350,000 in watches in Chinatown

Jewish groups welcome Schalit's return despite 'the price'

Stocks rise with US financials in the lead

Obama looks to South in bid to help keep his job

Study: Vaccine reduces malaria in African children

Feds adopt limits on speculative commodity trading

HHS loosens Medicare red tape as part of Obama plan

Mailing a letter to cost a penny more next year

Ex-Soviet states set up free trade zone

ICE deports record number of immigrants in year

Central banks may need to burst bubbles: Bernanke

Audio:Robert Zarate: The Failed Russian Reset

1000:1, The New Formula For Peace

Iranian Terror Suspect Described As A ‘Loser, Not Devout Muslim’

Survey: More Than Half Of Afghans See NATO Troops As ‘Occupiers’ And Want Taliban To Share Power

Obama’s Africa Venture Shows Impotence Of United Nations

Gilad Shalit In Israel After 5 Years As Prisoner Of Hamas

France May Be Next Domino To Fall In Financial Crisis

Report: Gays Coming Out A ‘Non-Event’

President Obama: Militant Humanitarian Or Big Fan of Special Forces?

Sanctions On Iran Are A Dismal Failure

Green Beret Continues Fight Beyond Prison Walls

Court Says ‘Stolen Valor Act’ Is Unconstitutional

Venezuela blocks Chavez rival's presidential bid | Reuters

Fanfare masks doubts on U.S. anti-rebel push in Africa | Reuters

How the MSM Supports Dr. Oz, Junk Science Advocate

+Tuesday Crib Sheet: Media Coverage Of GOP Primary, AIM Deconstructs Pew

Taibbi’s Defense Doesn’t Wash, NBC’s Ratigan Crossed The Line

Correcting Slate’s Dave Weigel

Who Watches the Watchmen: CNN Uses PolitiFact to Hammer Credibility of GOP Candidates

As ‘Fast and Furious’ Investigation Consumes Obama White House, MSM Blames Bush

Watch CNN’s Suzanne Malveaux Go Groupie Over Anita Hill

Where Are The Media “Junk Yard Dogs?”

9-9-9: NBC’S David Gregory Will Tell Us What’s ‘Reality, ‘Incontrovertible’ and a ‘Defect’

MMFA Propaganda Watch: In Support of #OccupyWallStreet, Media Matters Suddenly Deaf To Dogwhistles

New Hampshire Primary: ABC News and WMUR to Hold Only Primetime Broadcast Network Debate - ABC News

The Media vs. Obama: Birth of a New Campaign 2012 Fairy Tale? |

Cain in the Hot Seat at Tonight’s GOP Debate

Soros Orgs: Public Image of #OWS Solidarity but Fewer Donations to Anti-Lobbying #OWS than to Lobbying Projects

Holder on Hot Seat for Fast and Furious Documents

Audio:Free Trade Agreements, and Mitt Romney’s Possible Trade War on China

#OccupySanDiego Invites Tea Party Activist to Speak at Rally

#OccupyHarrisburg Turnout Underwhelms

Green Beret Released From Prison, Fighting to Clear Name of Sex Assault Charges

#Occupy Arrest Scam Unmasked

Herman Cain: A Black American

Anti-Defamation League Speaks Out: Calls on #OccupyWallSt to Condemn Antisemitic Remarks Made at Rallies

#OccupyWallStreet Squatters Mock 9/11 ‘Shrine’ Statue

Iowa GOP Schedules Jan. 3 Presidential Caucuses

Cartoon:Back to School.

Steven Brill on How to Fix Public Schools

Maryland Health Group Pushes Cigarette Tax Hike

Obama Opposes Repeal of Program He Suspended

** Communist Marching with #OccupyChicago Identified as OFA Organizer for President Obama

White House Denies ; Was President Obama Really Sitting in Front of an Assembly Line in this Video?

Obama Cannot Resign, He Must Be Defeated

Obama Admin Hides Official IPCC Correspondence from FOIA Using Former Romney Adviser John Holdren

Democrats Should Come Out and Take Ownership of #OccupyWallStreet Movement

ADL Calls On 'Occupy Wall Street' Organizers To Condemn Anti-Semitic Remarks Made At Rallies

Obama mocks GOP jobs IQ: ‘Maybe they couldn’t understand' -

Seth Green: Latest 1 Percent Celeb Supporting Occupy Wall Street

+Morning Call Sheet: Shia-less ‘Transformers,’ Spock Is Still Gay, What Are Dixie Chicks?

Catholic League: Susan Sarandon’s Ignorance Is Willful, Inspired By Hate

ADL Demands Apology From Susan Sarandon Over ‘Nazi’ Remark

Martin Sheen: Celebs Should Blame Corporate America for Lousy Economy, Not Obama

President Clinton Appears in ‘Funny or Die’ Video

‘The Seven Samurai’ Set In Afghanistan, Starring Navy SEALs

Producer Harmon Kaslow: ‘Atlas Shrugged’ Sequel Release Date Meant to Impact 2012 Election

Wheels Fall Off Hollywood’s Remake Bandwagon

‘The Thing’ Review: Goofy Monster Flick Remake Adds Nothing to Source Material

Susan Sarandon Calls Pope Benedict a ‘Nazi’

**News Videos

**NEWS VIDEOS:Chicago Teachers Union Caught on Video Staging Arrests for Cameras

Moonbat #Occupy Protester of the Day: ‘I Had a Nightmare’

Capitalist Offering Jobs at Occupy Portland Finds Few Takers

Obama Ridicules GOP: Maybe They Couldn’t Understand Jobs Bill

Liberal’s Favorite Candidate Elizabeth Warren: ‘I’m Going for the Hick Vote’

Dem Rep Claims GOP Told Her They Want to Hurt Economy

Hamas Frees Israeli Soldier as Prisoner Swap Begins

Branson and US Officials Dedicate Space Terminal

Freed Hikers Visit #OccupyOakland

Exclusive Interview: New Black Panther Party Spokesman Chawn Kweli

Black Panther Spokesman: Israelis Aren’t ‘True Jews’

New Black Panthers Expect To Be Guests On Sharpton’s NBC Show

New Black Panther Spokesman: Blacks Were Never Gay Before Coming Into Contact With Europeans

New Black Panther Party: Herman Cain A ‘Boot-Licking Uncle Tom’

17th/100-year-old Finishes Marathon

Breitbart: Media Whitewashing Anarchist Nature Of #Occupy Protests

Rush References Big Journalism Report On ‘OccuList’ Proving Media Collusion With Protesters

Harry Belafonte Falls Asleep On Live TV

O’Reilly Hoists Liberals On Their Racial Petard; Is #OccupyWallStreet Racist?

CNN’s King Blanches At Idea Of Rush Praising His Investigation Of Holder’s Fast And Furious Testimony

NBC News’ Bashir: Cain Doesn’t Want To Be ‘Associated With African-Americans’

Obama: Republicans Want ‘Dirtier Air, Dirtier Water, Less People With Health Insurance’

#OccupyChicago: Society Will Be Sustained By Food From Dumpsters

Herman Cain Sings John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’… About Pizza

#OccupyOakland Protesters Promote Communist, Socialist Ideals

Howard Stern Shows Idiocy Of #OccupyWallStreet Protesters

Cop-Killer Embraced By Political Left, Celebs Endorses Occupy Movement

Ruth Marcus: Rick Perry Like Monty Python’s Parrot – Not Dead Yet

Iran Warns US Against Action

Libyans Tear Down Gadhafi’s Compound

Issa: FBI Needs To Come Clean In ‘Fast & Furious’ Investigation

16th/US Drops Plans to Keep Troops in Iraq

Protest Turns Deadly in Yemen

#OccupySF Speaker: Bank Of America Arresting Customers For Closing Accounts

Lisa Fithian: #Occupy Organizer, Union Educator–And Israel-Hater

**Politics Video:Romney Web Video Hits Perry's Jobs Record In Texas

Axelrod: "Ask Osama Bin Laden" If Obama Was Prepared

Hikers Freed By Iran Speak At Occupy Oakland

Perry Web Video: "America's Jobs Governor"

Bernie Sanders: "We Need To Address The Issue Of The Rich Getting Richer"

"Special Report" Panel On The Future Of "ObamaCare"

RNC Web Video: The Debt-End Bus Tour Rides Again

Ron Paul's "Plan To Restore America" Proposes $1 Trillion In Cuts

O'Donnell: "Republicans Still Don't Have A Jobs Plan"

DNC Hits Romney On Payroll Taxes, China And The Auto Bailouts

O'Reilly: "Obama Lit The Fuse" For The Wall Street Protests

Maddow: Republicans Denounce More Spending On Police Officers

17th/Elizabeth Warren: "I'm Going For The Hick Vote"

Herman Cain: "I Haven't Learned To Be Politically Correct"

Al Sharpton: "Of Course The Government Can Create Jobs"

Barney Frank: "I'd Like To Go Even Lower" On Surtax For Millionaires

Van Jones Hopes "Operation" Movement Co-Opts Democrats, Republicans

Pat Buchanan Talks Balkanization Of America: U.S. Is In Decline

Bashir: Cain Doesn't Want To Be "Associated With African-Americans"

Limbaugh On Brzezinski Wanting To Publicly Name The Rich

Harris Perry: "We Do Better As A Country When We Spread Wealth Around"

Martin Sheen On Obama: "I Adore Him" ... "He's Doing A Great Job"

Bashir Defends Guest That Said Cain Wants To Be "Color Of Water"

Obama: GOP Wants "Dirtier Air, Dirtier Water, Less People With Health Insurance"

Obama On Rejection Of Jobs Bill: "Maybe They Just Didn't Understand"

Brzezinski: Make Rich Known Publicly To Pressure Them To Give Back

Jeffrey Sachs: Herman Cain "Being Backed By David Koch"

Matthews On Cain: "How Can They Embrace A Guy They May Get Stuck With?"

Hillary Clinton: "I Think It's Time For Others To Step Up"

American Crossroads Ad: "Obama's Latest Way Is Still The Wrong Way"

Hume: Obama "Playing With Fire" Supporting Occupy Wall Street

**World Video:Chinese Exceptionalism

International Media Reaction To Shalit Exchange

Sources: Syrians Accused Of Spying In U.S.

Gilad Shalit First Video

Reaction To Israeli, Palestinian Soldier Exchange

Germany Dampens Euro Zone Crisis Hopes

Cold Comfort For Black Libyans In Benghazi

Flood Waters Strike Factories In Thailand

Chavez Arrives In Cuba For Medical Tests

Headwinds For Australia Loom

Military: Gilad Schalit Now In Israel

Raw Video: Clinton Arrives In Libya

Lawmakers Get Earful On Border Danger

17th/Robert Ford Conference Call

Interim Fighters 'Enter Bani Walid'

Occupy Protests In Hong Kong

Wounded In Yemen

'Iran At War With Us Since 1979'

The Iranian Plot

Strengthening Free Trade Relationships

What To Do About China

UK Defense Secretary Liam Fox Resigns

Raw Video: Libyans Tearing Down Gaddafi Compound

Iran Warns U.S. Over Assassination Claims

Stephen Johnson on the Iranian Assassination Plot

China's Currency Policy

Iran Opposition Group: Friend Or Foe To U.S.?

**Markets Video:Mauldin: Europe "Closer and Closer to End Game"

17th/ Lewis: Is the U.S. Another Third-World Nation?

G-20 Magic Starts Wearing Off

Vietnam Stocks Offer 500 Percent Upside?

Is The United States Destined For Decline?

Part One: Bringing America Home Again

Part Two: Bringing America Home Again – The Obama Nation’s Executive Power

Part Three: Bringing America Home Again: Law and Order

Project Mayhem, Part IV: Lies, Damned Lies andFeds Want To Protect Fake Names Of Undercover FBI Agents In Remote Controlled Plane Case | TPMMuckraker

Things Unions Say


18-Oct-11 World View

17-Oct-11 World View

16-Oct-11 World View

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