A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

17 October 2011

17 OCT.

Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact.






Windows; Internet Radio(

Radio Toolbox - (


The Doors: Roadhouse Blues



Coast To Coast AM - 3.10.2011 - 1/4 - Impending Earth Changes - YouTube

Coast To Coast AM - 3.10.2011 - 2/4 - Impending Earth Changes - YouTube

Coast To Coast AM - 3.10.2011 - 3/4 - Impending Earth Changes - YouTube

Coast To Coast AM - 3.10.2011 - 4/4 - Impending Earth Changes - YouTube


Vlogging The Apocalypse Video : Aliens & Annunaki Exist

Vlogging The Apocalypse Video : HAARP - MIND CONTROL

Vlogging The Apocalypse Video : IBM, VERICHIP AND THE FOURTH REICH


Nazis and Communists Throw Their Support Behind Occupy Wall Street Movements (Updated) | The Gateway Pundit

The EyeOpener- Morbid Addiction: CIA & the Drug Trade

OWS Mocked: US media backs the banks - YouTube

Breaking Economics: Gingrich Says Iran and North Korea Must Be Destroyed

No One Is Buying Iranian Terror Allegations | ZeroHedge

US Begins Huge Military Maneuvers Aimed at Iran

Video: NYPD use strobe lights on RT camera at OWS - YouTube

Obama: MLK would have backed 'Occupy' protests - Washington Times

Revealed: Fox’s Best Man and his Ties to Iran’s Opposition and Mossad | Intifada Palestine

No Tears For Warmonger Fox | Veterans Today

Occupy Honolulu 10-15-11 LONG VERSION - YouTube

2,000 OWS Protesters Nabbed In US :


An Interview With Michael Rivero in New York City 9/12/11 Part 1 of 3 - YouTube

An Interview With Michael Rivero in New York City 9/12/11 Part 2 of 3 - YouTube

An Interview With Michael Rivero in New York City 9/12/11 Part 3 of 3 - YouTube


'Israelis, Saudis' behind Iran terror plot - Press TV News - YouTube

poorrichards blog: Occupy Wall Street: Separating Fact from Media

poorrichards blog: Iran and the Hollywood Script: A Collaborative Effort

Global Protests Pressure G20 |

Israel And Libya: Preparing Africa For The “Clash of Civilizations” |

Lebanon’s Palestinians Require UN Action to Obtain Civil Rights | Intifada Palestine

Romney’s Foreign Policy Advisers Are ‘Culled From The Pro-Israel Community’ | Veterans Today

Anti-Neocons - Why did the US really invade Afghanistan?

FOCUS | Cantor Admits: Too Few Have Too Much

Lone Star Watchdog: Unseating the Entrenched Polticians in Bed with the Bankers

Free Trade Or Fair Trade? 20 Reasons Why All Americans Should Be Against The Insane Trade Policies Of The Globalists -

Israeli/Palestinian Prisoner Swap |

The Intercept: "Israel & Saudi Arabia Are Much More Dangerous Enemies To The US Than The Iranians Are!" CIA Agent

Leading US lawmaker warns of Iran 'collision course'

History Bites Hillary | Veterans Today

Afghan lawmakers OK funds for Kabul Bank bailout - Yahoo!


*1:00:47/The Roots of Christian Zionism: How Scofield Sowed Seeds of Apostasy / Vimeo


Doctors recommend evaluating children for ADHD at age four | The Raw Story

Activist Post: The Deathly Icing on the Cake: Revealing the Cancerous Truth About Aspartame

Big Brother bin searches double: Councils snoop through rubbish of 30k families | Mail Online

Solyndra won't talk about its contracts - Washington Times

Obama Administration Allows BP Back Into the Bidding for Gulf Oil Drilling Rights |

What FACEBOOK and GOOGLE are Hiding from world. - YouTube

Scientists create cyborg rat with artificial cerebellum | The Raw Story

New theory of evolution for spiral galaxy arms

Lies, Damn Lies And NATO Claiming Control Across Libya

Israel plans new settlement of 2,600 that will isolate Arab East Jerusalem | World news | The Guardian

Robbery In Progress!

What's the CIA doing at NYPD? Depends whom you ask - Yahoo! News

Analysis: Is a winter of discontent on the way? | Reuters

Occupy Wall Street protests fill New York's Times Square on 'global day of revolution' | Mail Online

Hundreds arrested at 'Occupy' events in Chicago, Denver, Arizona, as movement spreads across U.S.

Dr. Chiappalone - More Evidence Of Terminal Madness

Activist Post: Sesame Street Lesson on Candidates' Positions on Bank Bailouts (Video)

Exclusive: Ron Paul's Agenda To Include Eliminating Five Government Departments And He Will Take $39,336 Presidential Salary

Charlie Brooker: Everyone knows David Cameron is a lizard. So why does the Telegraph continue to deny the truth? | Comment is free | The Guardian

Activist Post: Corporate-Funded Policy Makers Clamor for Iran War

Video:Animation Of Fukushima Meltdown/Melt-Through

Mars Tracks & Water

Vitals - New ADHD guidelines: Kids as young as 4 can be diagnosed

Take Turmeric to Avoid Pancreatic Cancer that Killed Steve Jobs

Dengue, Pakistan and CIA | Opinion Maker

Europe to destroy traditional family and sexual identity - English

Meet the Guy Who Snitched on Occupy Wall Street to the FBI and NYPD

Former Fed colleagues praise Herman Cain - Emily Schultheis and Ben Smith -

Obama's decisions 'can be explained by absence of father' | Mail Online

'Doomsday Comet' Elenin to swing by earth tomorrow (well, 22million miles away) | Mail Online

Doomsday preacher Harold Camping says the world 'will end on Friday' | Mail Online

Preschoolers May Get Attention-Deficit Drugs Under Guidelines - Bloomberg

What you may not know about Obamacare « The PPJ Gazette

- Prepper Podcast Radio Network News

USDA Forest Service - International;Did you know the USDA Forest Service is working in 59 countries around the globe?

Activist Post: Obama Promised GMO Labeling in 2007 (Video)

Infographic: All The Genetically Modified Food You're Eating | Fast Company

Paul Drockton M.A.: World Dumping US Treasuries

The Greatest Heist Of This Century

Revealed: Fox's best man and his ties to Iran's opposition - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

Liam Fox resignation exposes Tory links to US radical right | Politics | The Observer

BBC documentary exposes 50-year scandal of baby trafficking by the Catholic church in Spain | Mail Online

Alejandro Rojas: The Top States for UFO Sightings

Mexico’s newest export to US may be water

As winter's dark days loom, why vitamin D supplement experts explain why we still need a daily dose of sun... from a bottle | Mail Online




Vietnamese Sandwich - YouTube

Anti-Semitic Protester at Occupy Wall Street - LA - YouTube

America's Multi-Headed Monster

Police chief Jean-Christophe Lagarde 'organised orgy for Dominique Strauss-Kahn' | Mail Online - Does Faulty Grammar Signify Decadence?

Animals 'shrinking' due to climate change - Telegraph

NEWS SCAN: Flu vaccine link to H1N1, low US flu activity, CDC flu vaccine effectiveness resource, H5N1 evolution, lettuce Listeria recall

Was 'first photographed UFO' a comet that nearly hit the earth in 1883? | Mail Online

"Doomsday" comet to swing by Earth on Sunday - CBS News

'Doomsday' Comet Elenin In Our Sky -- Now What?

Comet Elenin Right On Time With Feast Tabernacles!! - YouTube




*Pastor Harry Walther ; Online Radio @ Blog Talk Radio


+Articles:Weekly Southern African Report


WebmasterWorld (

**G. Edward Griffin'

Activist Post: The Journey to Jekyll Island

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Name of the Game is Bailout

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Protectors of the Public

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Home, Sweet Loan

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Nearer to the Heart's Desire

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Building the New World Order

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Barbaric Metal

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Fool's Gold

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Secret Science

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Mandrake Mechanism and Debt Cancellation

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Rothschild Formula

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Sink the Lusitania

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Masquerade in Moscow

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Best Enemy Money Can Buy

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Lost Treasure Map

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Creature Comes to America

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: A Den of Vipers


Prison » Facebook Reportedly Can Track Web Browsing Without Cookies

Obama Panders to Israel on Iran Strike Agenda: Ray McGovern Reports - YouTube

CCMC to hold mass immunization drill - WFSB

Courthouse News Service:Lawyers Debate Police Control of Bush Protest

» Operation Gladio Returns? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Could Obama’s Class Warfare Cause a Run on the Banks? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» CIA Advertises Its Takeover of Local Law Enforcement Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» US Begins Huge Military Maneuvers Aimed at Iran Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The 9-9-9 Plan: Is The Herman Cain Tax Plan A Good Idea? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Marine Sergeant Stands Up to NYPD to Protect Wall Street Protesters Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Video That Scares The Federal Reserve Traitors Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Herman Cain Confronted on the Private Federal Reserve Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Fox aide's 'plot to topple Iran chief': Sidekick Werritty 'met dissidents and spies and was even briefed by MI6' | Mail Online

Quarter of FTSE 100 subsidiaries located in tax havens | Business |

PressTV - 'Awakenings foil anti-Iran US plots'

» German Security Agencies Caught Planting Spyware on Private Computers Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Bank Works with Cops to Arrest Protesters Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Police raids follow Rome rioting - Europe, World - The Independent

Simon Harwood denies killing Ian Tomlinson at G20 riots as he appears in court | Mail Online

Red Tape - Gov't cameras in your car? E-toll patent hints at Big Brotherish future

Could a computer one day rewire itself?

Invasion! Beware the killer hornet - Nature, Environment - The Independent

Bad back: One in four gadget-gripped Britons suffer postural pain | Mail Online

» Connecticut Children’s Medical Center to hold - Flash Player Installation

Liver transplants could be a thing of the past as scientists grow working cells that correct genetic mutation | Mail Online

Man jailed for racist internet post - Crime, UK - The Independent

Joy vanished into Britain's child-sex trade - why aren't we looking for her? | Law | The Observer

Kenya sends in troops to Somalia in pursuit of al-Shabaab militants - Africa, World - The Independent

» September 11 Lawsuits and the Victims’ Compensation Fund Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The End Of The World Again - Americas, World - The Independent

Paul Watson on the Fabricated Iranian Terror Plot - YouTube


Steve Pieczenik Warns of Attack by Rogue Elements on Iran 1/2 - YouTube

Steve Pieczenik Warns of Attack on Iran(2 of 2) - YouTube


Prison » Ron Paul – Government Is not a Business

+Prison » Israel: A History of Self-Inflicted Genocide & Terrorism with Steve Pieczenik

Prison » Ron Paul Proposes Elimination Of Education, Energy Departments, Lowering Presidential Salary To $39,336

Prison » US Begins Huge Military Maneuvers Aimed at Iran

Prison » White House Draws Closer To Occupy Wall Street, Says Obama Is Fighting For The Interests Of The 99%

Prison » President Obama Is Selling Fear And War To Win Re-Election in 2012

Prison » The People’s Party? Are We Witnessing The Birth Of A New Far Left Political Party In The United States?

Prison » House Bill Would Criminalize Satire of TSA

Prison » REPORT: China Made A ‘Secret Offer To Save The Euro’

U.S. refused to hand information on alleged plot: Iran - Taiwan News Online

Prison » “Unusual” meeting between US, Iran over plot

Prison » Alert: Federal Reserve Tries to Censor Infowars Video

Bailout of eurozone countries will cost us billions more, Osborne admits | Mail Online

Prison » 43,454,601,693,238 Reasons Why The World Is Broke – Presenting The Interactive Global Debt Clock

McAllen Texas Students Forced to Recite Mexican Pledge and National Anthem | Video |

Mark Your Calendars: End of World Coming Oct. 21, Camping Says | Doomsday Prediction October 21 | Armageddon, End of the World & Judgment Day | LiveScience

Prison » Issa: FBI Needs To Come Clean In ‘Fast & Furious’ Investigation

German state police criticized for electronic snooping - The Washington Post

'Creepy' Path Intelligence retail technology tracks shoppers |

Prison » An IPCC backchannel ‘cloud’ was apparently established to hide IPCC deliberations from FOIA

Prison » FDA Trilateral Cooperation Charter – the end of health freedom as we know it

Prison » Exposed: Out-of-control Medicare program subsidizing drug habits of tens of thousands of abusers, drug dealers

Occupy World St.: From NYC to Everywhere - YouTube

Your Freedoms, All of Them - YouTube

Poverty Trap: Budgets bite as EU homeless go hungry - YouTube

A Ron Paul Revolution? - YouTube

Assassination Plot Was Pushed By DEA Informant «

Warrantless Searches of Cell Phones and Crime Predicting Technology «


*News ; The Weekend Wrap Up – October 17, 2011 «


**NEWS VIDEOS:Cop-Killer Embraced By Political Left, Celebs Endorses Occupy Movement

Ruth Marcus: Rick Perry Like Monty Python’s Parrot – Not Dead Yet

VIDEO:Issa: FBI Needs To Come Clean In ‘Fast & Furious’ Investigation

Iran Warns US Against Action

Libyans Tear Down Gadhafi’s Compound

Drivers React to Wheldon’s Death

Running With Bulls in… Arizona?

16th/NBC News’ Sharpton: ‘If You Won’t Get Jobs Bill Done In Suite, We Will Get Done In Street!’

Lisa Fithian: #Occupy Organizer, Union Educator–And Israel-Hater

#OccupySF Speaker: Bank Of America Arresting Customers For Closing Accounts

Evoking MLK, Obama Gives Shout-Out To #OccupyWallStreet

Fatal Race Car Crash On Live TV; Indy Champ Dan Wheldon Dead

Black Panther At #OccupyCleveland: ‘We Need To Take Back The Street!’

VIDEO:Communist Party Leader Gets Huge Ovation At #OccupyChicago Rally

Capitalist Confronts #OccupyLA

Occupy Portland Protesters Sing ‘F*** the USA’

Flashback: Romney Thanks ‘Collaborator’ Ted Kennedy For Making RomneyCare Possible

70-Plus Arrested In #OccupyWallStreet Protest

US Drops Plans to Keep Troops in Iraq

Thousands March in D. C. To Listen To Al ‘Resist We Much’ Sharpton

Perry Admits Campaign Off to Rocky Start

Protest Turns Deadly in Yemen

15th/Herman Cain Sings ‘Impossible Dream’ at Campaign Rally

#OccupyWallSt Poster Boy A Trust Fund Baby, Attempted Stowaway At JFK

Pastor Jeffress: I’d Vote For Mormon Romney Over Christian Obama

Romney Uses Obama’s Exchange With Fox News Reporter In New Web Ad

Condescending Obama Patronizes Congress: ‘We’re Going To Give Them Another Chance’

Drunk Parrots Collapsing In Australia

14th/‘Fast And Furious’ Flashback: Deputy AG Announces Aggressive ‘Gun Tracing Activity’ In 2009

Talk Radio at with Guests Tommy Christopher, Christian Toto, and Steven Crowder

Drill Baby, Drill! Perry Releases Energy Plan

Meet #OccupyWallStreet Leader Lisa Fithian

McDonald’s Cashier Uses Metal Rod to Beat Customers

Obama’s DOJ Allowed Grenade Smuggling Into Mexico

This Woman Is 26-Years-Old!

13th/Uh, Er, Um… The Most Eloquent, Uh… President, Er… In History?

Lib Radio Hosts Mock Christie’s ‘Thing’, Dream Of Poisoning Bachmann

Dennis Miller: ‘I’m No Longer The Biggest Loser On Wall Street’

How Did Obama Know About ‘Fast And Furious’ Before Holder?

Breitbart: I Have E-Mails Showing Organized Plan For #OccupyWallStreet Protests To Destabilize Government

12th/Maddow, Maher Advise #Occupy Protesters To Threaten Violence

Michelle Obama Tries for Jumping Jacks Record


Alex Jones - 2011-Oct-16, Sunday




10th Bill Cunningham

10th Bill Cunningham

10th Bill Cunningham

Auto World 10-16-11 Hr 1

Auto World 10-16-11 Hr 2

Auto World 10-16-11 Hr 3

Dead Doctors Don't Lie 10-14-11

The Doc Love Show 10-15-11

10-14-11 Hr 1 The Dr Daliah Show

10-14-11 Hr 2 The Dr Daliah Show

10-14-11 Hr 3 The Dr Daliah Show

10-15-11 The Dr Daliah Show

The Easy Organic Gardener 10-16-11

Herb Talk 10-15-11

Home Talk 10-15-11 Hr 1

Home Talk 10-15-11 Hr 2

Home Talk 10-15-11 Hr 3

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-15-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-15-11 Hr 2

Korelin Economics Report 10-15-11 Hr 1

Korelin Economics Report 10-15-11 Hr 2

The Magic Garden 10-15-11 Hr 1

The Magic Garden 10-15-11 Hr 2

Nutrimedical Report 10-14-11 Hr 1

Nutrimedical Report 10-14-11 Hr 2

Nutrimedical Report 10-14-11 Hr 3

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 10-16-11 Hr 1

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 10-16-11 Hr 2

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 10-16-11 Hr 3

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 10-16-11 Hr 4

Travelers 411 10-15-11 Hr 1

Travelers 411 10-15-11 Hr 2

Travelers 411 10-15-11 Hr 3

World Crisis Radio 10-15-11 Hr 1

World Crisis Radio 10-15-11 Hr 2

You The Owner's Manual 10-15-11 Hr 1

You The Owner's Manual 10-15-11 Hr 2


EPA tries to put to rest 'myth' of farm dust rules

Elizabeth Taylor remembered by Hollywood friends

Child dropped from third floor is rescued during fire

Obama seeks votes on jobs, piece by piece

Senate Democrats aim to force vote on jobs bill to save more from Network Solutions buy

High court to rule on Stolen Valor Act

Philly landlord describes finding basement victims

Obama seeks action on jobs bill pieces this week

Mother admits she was drunk when baby Lisa Irwin vanished

Hearing on Schalit deal petition ends; no decision issued

Conrad Murray trial delayed due to death in witness family

Hillary Clinton again says she won't run for president in 2016

G20 protesters plan major demonstration in Cannes

Ventura police officer apparently kills himself while on duty

New rules on lobbyists will not be rushed through, says No 10

Elouise Cobell dies at 65; Native American activist

Gaddafi stronghold Bani Walid falls

4 disabled adults found shackled in Philadelphia basement

'Grapel may be freed same day as Schalit'

Israelis Opposed To Palestinian Prisoner Exchange Reportedly Seek High Court Intervention | Fox News

The Hill Poll: Voters say Washington is worse than Wall Street -

Report: Venezuela's Chavez 'Only Has Two Years To Live' | Fox News

Why U.S. military in Uganda? Soros fingerprints all over it

On Solyndra: President’s Blackberry Off Limits – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Police Fire Tear Gas As Protesters Riot In Rome | Fox News

Con Ed seeks to boot Ground Zero mosque -

Strong Man - Yochi J. Dreazen -

Taxpayers' millions lost by EU-funded regional schemes - Telegraph

Ballin' To Broke: Celebrities Who've Lost Fortunes | Fox News

Royal Navy turn guns pointing at Michelle Obama's hotel room around | Mail Online

Fate is sealed: How killer whales work together to create waves that knock their prey into the water | Mail Online

Police cite privacy concerns over their own DNA

China: Occupy Wall Street's issues worth thought

AFP: US warship visits Georgia despite Russia anger

2012 Presidential Matchups - Rasmussen Reports™

Hillary Clinton: 'It's Time for Others to Step Up' - Sophie Quinton -

Bereaved families: State dancing in our blood - Israel News, Ynetnews

Pope wheeled up St Peter's instead of walking | Reuters

Saudi king hospitalised for new back operation

Are Packs of Wild Dogs Roaming the North Side Of St. Louis? « CBS St. Louis

My Way News - Iran's Khamenei warns US over assassination claims

WRAPUP 1-Iran demands access to accused US plotter | Reuters

11-Year-Old Scholar Studies At ‘U Of M’ « CBS M - Flash Player Installation

Md. Teacher Accused of Choking First Graders in Court | NBC Washington

Scrabble strip demanded after letter 'G' goes missing at world championships | Mail Online

Dismiss all charges or we will clog up courts, lawyers for Occupy Wall Street protesters say

LAPD Detective Under Scrutiny For Tweeting Bloo - Flash Player Installation

Dogs Poisoned During Medical Marijuana Theft « - Flash Player Installation

100-Year-Old Man Completes Marathon | NBC New York

IMF resources adequate: Lagarde

The Austerity Myth: Federal Spending Up 5% This Year -

Ron Paul to propose $1T in specific budget cuts - Dan Hirschhorn -

Displaced black Libyans tell of beatings, expulsion at gunpoint | Reuters




115-year-old electric car gets same 40 miles to the charge as Chevy Volt

U.S. Sending Contractors to Secure Libya’s Weapons -

California schools scrambling to add lessons on LGBT Americans -

PressTV - Syria seizes Israeli weapons

U.S. Government Refuses FOIA Request to Turn Over ‘Secret’ Interpretation of Patriot Act -

Free Trade Or Fair Trade? 20 Reasons Why All Americans Should Be Against The Insane Trade Policies Of The Globalists -

Occupy Together: how the global movement is spreading via social media | News |

US Attorney Eyes Going After Media Running Pot Ads - ABC News

US Senator & 'Strong Evidence' in Iran Assassination Plot

US presses IAEA inspectors on Iran nuclear data

Arab League Keeps Syria as Member

Israel Names 477 Palestinians to Be Freed in Prisoner Swap

How to silence a Nobel Prize winning economist: Ask him about the economy. - YouTube

Herman Cain's 9-9-9 plan, Occupy Wall Street - YouTube

The Most Liquid Lie in the World is the U.S. Dollar - YouTube

Global Governance Archive - The Adventures of Gullible Gringo: How Government Love Extends Beyond the Border

Media hoax exposed: Recent attack on vitamins a fabricated scare campaign

Will Holder Fold? - informationliberation

Hotel Fires Man Who Wore US Flag Pin - Jacksonville News Story - WJXT Jacksonville

The Dawn of Late Fascism - informationliberation


* Film : Largest Street Gang in America@USTREAM


Uganda President Claims GIs Won't Be Fighting

US Officials Peddle False Intel to Back Iran Plot Claims

Khamenei: Iran Could Scrap Presidency in the Future

Ousted UK Defense Secretary Linked to Mossad

Iran Had Better Watch Its Step Now That Obama's Chasing Votes

Mapping America's Shadowy Drone Wars

Rush Limbaugh on Lord's Resistance Army: 'Obama Targets Christians'

The Ron Paul Plan

Almost Half of Americans Say Iran Is 'Enemy'

Mexican Army: Soldiers Rescue 61 Men Held Captive, Forced to Work for Drug Gang in Border City

War and the Return of Populism by Justin Raimondo --

Occupations, Faux and Real by Nebojsa Malic --

Occupy Wall Street: Populist Financiers Supporting Protesters Is Part of the Problem, Not the Solution

Next Steps for the Occupy Movement

Germany. Calls for "Less Democracy": Police Caught Planting Spyware on Personal Computers

Four US banks hold a staggering 95.9% of U.S. derivatives: The $600 Trillion Time Bomb That's Set to Explode

Statement of Solidarity, Occupy Wall Street, Zucotti Park

VIDEO: Libya: The Humanitarian War. There is no Evidence

"Manufacturing Dissent": The Corporate Financing of the Protest Movement

"We the People”: Awaking from our Slumber

The Democratic Party: An Insidious Threat to the Occupy Wall Street Movement

Fake Revolutions: The Civil Society Revolution Consulting Business

The 1% and Capitalism

VIDEO: The Death of Dr. David Kelly: The Battle for an Inquest

America’s Secret Empire of Drone Bases: Its Full Extent Revealed for the First Time

Grassroots Movement for Paid Sick Days for Workers Picking Up Steam Across the Country

As Attacks on Planned Parenthood Aim for Sex-Ed Funding, Let's Remember How Bad Religious-Backed Abstinence Only Programs Are

Why Big Pharma (and the Public) Doesn't Want an Addiction Vaccine

As Herman Cain Surges, Corporate Media Ignore His Koch Connections

VIDEO:Gulf Oil Spill: It Can All Happen Again

VIDEO:Critique of Natural Gas Company Propaganda

VIDEO:A Real Challenge to Corporate Power

VIDEO:Worldwide protests denounce economic injustice

VIDEO:Alleged Iran Assassination Plot Court Documents Suggest a Set Up

VIDEO:Is The Current Economic Crisis The Next Great Depression?

Al-Shabab Threatens Response to Kenya Incursion

Somali Militants Send Displaced Families Back to Famine Zones

Egypt-Israel Ties Are Stronger Than They Appear

Israeli Families Attempt to Block Palestinian Prisoner Swap

Conservationists Plot Different Course to Thwart Japanese Whalers

Obama Bus Tour to Campaign for Jobs Proposals

Increased African Migration Accelerates Cholera Outbreak

Some Ugandans Wary of US Decision to Fight LRA

Analyst: Kenya Should Expect 'Repercussions' From al-Shabab

Teach For America Program Serves Rural, Low Income Schools

Republicans, Democrats Put Own Spin on 'Occupy' Protests

Astronomers Make First Global Map of Saturn's Moon, Titan

Obama’s 1,000-day Report Card: ‘Gridlock, Dysfunction'

O'Reilly Slams Obama's 1,000 Days

Hillary: I'm Gone After Obama's First Term

Rove's Group: Don't Believe Obama's Bus-Tour Pitch

Trump: Obama Foments Wall Street Protests

Roger Ailes: The Most Powerful Man in News

Christie to Cut New Jersey Payroll Tax by $190M

Obama Roadshow Seeks to Tap Anti-Wall St Anger

Cain’s Campaign Fights to Keep Momentum

Romney Angers China with Tough Trade Talk

Perry: Less Regulation is Best Way to Growth

Zuckerman: Real Unemployment 20 Percent

Obama Seeks Support in Va., North Carolina

Boehner-Led Group Defends Marriage Law

Cain Says His Rise in Polls Is for Real

Issa: Holder Obviously Knew More Than He Admits

Study: Cellphones Exceed Radiation Even in Pocket

Obama Seeks Action on Jobs Bill Pieces This Week

French Presidential Race: Sarkozy Vs. Hollande

Homeowners Decry Loan-Modification Abuses

Hollywood Heavies Among Obama Bundlers

Cain's 9-9-9 May Be Number to Beat

IMF’s Lipsky: Europe May Avoid Recession After All

Low Birth Weight Linked to Autism

Diet of 15 Percent Protein Fends Off Extra Pounds

Ginger May Cut Colon Cancer Risk

Scientists Correct Sickle Cell Disease in Mice

Study Blames Global Warming for Shrinking Species

Cain Nomination Would End GOP Race Issue Forever

The Deceptive Ways of al-Qaida

Illegals Taxing the System

A Declaration of Psychedelic Studies | Reality Sandwich


**The Vigilant Citizen :Free E-Book Downloads


The Order of the Illuminati: Its Origins, Its Methods and Its Influence on the World Events

+The Week In Alternative News #14 (Video)

Federal Reserve Tells YouTube to Take Down Critical Video!! - YouTube

Activist Post: Liberty, Democracy, and the State of Confusion

Everyone Now Identifies With Protesters | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Cain: ‘I Do Not Agree With Abortion Under Any Circumstances’

Judge Blocks Release of Recusal-Related Emails Kagan Sent WH—Says They're ‘Personal’

Jackson Lee: Abortion A 'Needed Action'; Refers to Babies' Heartbeats As 'Sounds'

Chinese Activist Who Exposed Forced Abortion Figures Still Under ‘Aggressive House Arrest’

Rep. Lankford on Pelosi: ‘Women Who Are Inside the Womb, She Doesn’t Mind If They Die’

Mother Admits She Was Drunk When Her Baby Disappeared

1960 Paul McCartney Letter Surprises Beatles Scholars

Sotheby's to Sell Real Drawing by Fake Artist

Strains Intensify As World Population Hits 7 Billion

No Cupcake Zone: Public School Wins Gold Medal for Fighting Obesity

China’s One-Child Policy Expected to Produce 40-Million ‘Surplus’ Males by 2020

Pro-Life Personhood Measure Faces First Test in Mississippi

As Boom Goes Bust in Nevada, Doubts Grow That Obama Can Retain the State

Supreme Court to Rule in Case of Civilian Who Lied About Getting Military Medal

Obama at MLK Memorial Dedication: ‘I Know We Will Overcome’

MLK’s Children Call for Economic Fairness at Memorial Dedication

Pelosi: Pay For Abortion Or Women 'Die On The Floor'

Michael Moore Calls For Police To Join Occupy Wall Street Protests Like Egyptian Army Did In Cairo |

Elena Kagan's Old DOJ E-mails On Obamacare Kept 'Private' |

Liberal Black Journalist Demands NPR Get Beyond Its White 'Liberal Myopia' |

The Watchers - Alien spaceships to attack Earth in November?!

AFP: US worries over China's underground nuclear network

Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS) & the All-Digital TV Broadcast Signal: Connection? « The PPJ Gazette

Startling Survey: Americans Are Struggling More Than Chinese to Put Food On The Table

The Megabanks are trying to prevent bank runs in the United States | Pacific Progress

‘Hiding in plain sight’—How did Obama know about ‘Gunwalker’ before Holder? - National gun rights |

The Inevitable Obama Constitutional Convention

What US manhunt for LRA leaders reveals about Obama's war strategy -

Activist Post: Hemp Versus the Status Quo

California Medical Assn. calls for legalization of marijuana -

California’s Emboldened Pot Growers Move From Forests to Farms |


Ascent of Humanity(


**Full text - Ascent of Humanity


Was Mossad Using Fox and Werritty as 'Useful Idiots'?

The Holocaust-state

The Rise of the Regressive Right and the Reawakening of America

Pizza Magnate Herman Cain Has Extensive Ties To Powerful Koch Group

15 Mind-Blowing Facts About Wealth And Inequality In America:

Audio:John & Judy Dollarhite

A Hare-Raising Tale: Couple Fined $4M | American Free Press

Occupy Wall Street Raises $300,000 [LATEST UPDATES]

Eric Cantor On Occupy Wall Street: I'm Upset Democrats Are 'Joining In The Effort To Blame Others'

Bill Kristol: ‘We need to hear’ that Obama has gone to war on Iran

Obama’s ex-auto, manufacturing adviser sets sights on the Postal Service - The Federal Eye - The Washington Post

Obama allies’ interests collide over Keystone pipeline - The Washington Post

Decision To Crack Down On Medical Marijuana Made In California, Not Washington, U.S. Attorney Says

America’s Disappearing Restaurant Chains - 24/7 Wall St.

Cancer vaccine a 'step closer' as viral infections linked to 40 per cent of all cases | Mail Online

Man uses electric saw to amputate his OWN arm in bizarre self mutilation- then hides the mutilated limb in his home | Mail Online

BBC Nature - 'Criminal' penguin caught on film

Corruption Plagues Obama | American Free Press

Untold Story of the Montana Freemen | American Free Press

Fed to Monitor Internet Critics | American Free Press

Drones to Monitor U.S. Citizens | American Free Press

FBI Stages Iranian ‘Ghost Terror’ | American Free Press

U.S. College Students Owe $1 Trillion to Bankers | American Free Press

Facebook accused of violating US wiretap law • The Register

Why Facebook Is After Your Kids -

NYTimes Sues The Federal Government For Refusing To Reveal Its Secret Interpretation Of The PATRIOT Act | Techdirt

Servants of the Empire by Charles A. Burris

Why the State Demands Control of Money by Hans-Hermann Hoppe

Left to Pass… Please by Eric Peters

Are the Federal Reserve and Its Primary Dealer Banks Manipulating the Stock Market? by Gary D. Barnett

The Despicable Lies of Herman Cain by Justin T. P. Quinn

Are Crooks and Thieves Becoming Bolder or Are They Just Becoming Stupider? You Make the Call

Limbaugh: ‘Sybil Disobedience’ OWS Is An Agenda Driven Hoax

Limbaugh: Holder Said “I Am Not the Tall US Attorney, I Am Not The Thin US Attorney, I Am The Black US Attorney”

Video:Hufu - LNM

Federal Reserve Spying Through Social Media - YouTube

Earth Size UFO's Featured on Chinese News! - LNM


*2:03:16/Mind Control and the New World Order - David Icke LIVE at Oxford - YouTube


***E-Mail Addresses/Congress...(


The 9 Most Shoplifted Items In America | Before It's News

Survival Prep Vitamins And Medications | Before It's News

10 Bible Stories You Can Relate To Facebook | Before It's News

Fact And Fiction About The Great Seal Of The United States | Before It's News

Did White House Snub Fraud Fighter? - YouTube

“The Black US Attorney Has Common Cause with the Black Criminal” | Before It's News

Really Ugly Surprises In ObamaCare | Before It's News

A Fast Guide on How to Make Solar Panels Effortlessly | Before It's News

Part of ObamaCare killed by administration | Before It's News

Video: Issa On CBS’s Face The Nation – Is FBI hiding Evidence on “Fast and Furious”?

FBI hiding facts on "fast and furious" scandal? - CBS News Video

11-11-11 is it birth yet ????? I think so .. what do you think??? - YouTube

Brainfood: Ectomycorrhiza, Synthetic peanuts, Ancient Greek amphorae, European bison, Pea breeding, Animal domestication | Before It's News

Mike Adams interviews Dr. David Brownstein about media hoax to kill vitamins (InfoWars Nightly News) - YouTube

US economy & Occupy Wall Street-On the Edge with Max Keiser-10-14-2011 - YouTube

FDA Trilateral Cooperation Charter – the end of health freedom as we know it |


A Tale of Two Pundits: Krugman vs. Forbes On The Economy

Meet the Breitbart Stooge Who Hacked #OWS for the FBI and NYPD

Chris Hayes: 'You Can't Be A Protester And A Customer' at BofA

Is Yaz Bayer's Birth Control with Benefits or Unreported Dangers?

Cain Doubles Down on His Claim That Liberals Want to Destroy This Country

Bob Schieffer Addresses Those Evasive Politicians

Meet the GOP's New Jobs Plan. Same as the Old Plan.

SNL Takes a Shot at Mayor Bloomberg for His Response to #OWS Protesters

Axelrod: GOP Doesn't Understand Occupy Wall Street

Cain on Abortion: No 'Exceptions for Rape and Incest'

Wagging the Dog on the Iranian Threat

Occupy St. Louis Draws Close to 1000 for Rally and March Downtown

Martin Luther King Memorial Opens Today

Cantor Backtracks: Protesters' Frustration 'Warranted'

Angry And Scared: Stories of the 99% in St. Petersburg, Florida

The Five's Eric Bolling Dons Tinfoil Hat to Mock #OWS Protesters

#OccupyVentura: The 99 Percent Speak (And Carry Big Signs)

Harry Belafonte Falls Asleep During Live Television Interview | Video |

Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski Wants Media to Publish List of Wealthy People | Video |

McAllen Texas Students Forced to Recite Mexican Pledge and National Anthem | Video |

Emotional Debate Between Fox Business’ Charles Payne and Union Leader About Collective vs. Individual Accomplishment | Video |

Occupy Times Square ‘Police Brutality’ Video Surfaces | Video |

‘Anonymous’ Issues Video Supporting November 5th ‘Bank Transfer Day’ Plan for Mass Move of Cash |

Richard Dawkins’ Clergy Project Seeks to Attract Atheist Clergy Members |

Sesame Street YouTube Page Hacked With Pornography, Then Removed |

Crash Video From Will Power Car | Video |

Mississippi Abortion Amendment 26 Says Life Begins at Fertilization | Video |

Indy 500 Winner Dan Wheldon Killed in 15-Car Crash at Las Vegas Motor Speedway | Video |

Cornel West Arrested | Video |

Northeast Elementary Magnet School in Illinois Bans Junk Food | Video |

Occupy Chicago Gives Rousing Welcome to Communist Party U.S.A. | John Bachtell | Video |

Study: Scientists Find Rare Mutation That Leaves Some Without Fingerprints | Video |

Newt Gingrich Calls Romney a Rockefeller Republican | Video |

The Global Day of Rage: Inside NYC’s Massive Occupy Times Square March | Video |

Herman Cain ‘Black American’ | 999 Would Cost Some People More | Neoconservative | Impossible Dream | Video |

Cantor Dials Back Occupy Wall Street ‘Mob’ Remark, Says Frustration is ‘Warranted’ | Video |

Saturday Night Live Occupy Wall Street Michael Bloomberg | Video |

Ground Zero Mosque Park51 May Be Evicted By Con Edison | Video |

Horrific: Four Mentally Disabled Adults Found Chained in Philadelphia ‘Dungeon’ | Video |

Global Revolution Underway | Reality Sandwich


Costa Rica devastated by flooding and landslides | The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond


New Subsea Volcanic Eruption Occurs Near El Hierro (The Canary Islands) - Irish Weather Online



Climate Change Monitoring(


+Articles:Occupy Wall Street 10-17-11 |


Mashed Chickpea Pitas from Cooking Light Magazine, October 2011 | Before It's News

Baked Goat Cheese & Roasted Winter Squash over Garlicky Fettuccine | Before It's News

Curried Cauliflower Rice | Before It's News

Polish Wild Mushroom and Potato Soup | Before It's News

Stock Up on Peanut Butter Now Before Prices Get Ridiculous

New California law bars E-Verify requirement for employers

Cantor changes the talk from "wealth redistribution" to "income mobility"

Border agency's rapid growth accompanied by rise in corruption

Handful of states pursuing changes that go beyond Obama’s Affordable Care Act

Cain defends ‘9-9-9’ tax overhaul plan

Submachine guns, handguns stolen from LAPD SWAT-training site

Barney Frank retracts charge that Tim Geithner inappropriately used military aircraft

Sham candidate could sway Arizona vote

Nonbelievers striving for church-like connections

Rep. Ron Paul to propose $1T in specific budget cuts

Axelrod slams Romney, Perry

DNC chair: GOP 'hoping for failure' on economy

Many Hispanics on fence about Obama in 2012

HHS, EPA team up on health care-environment link

'As Mitt Romney’s star keeps rising, a sullen mood envelops conservatives'

In ’87, Perry went along with record tax hike that saved schools

Student Says School Held Him Back Because He's Muslim

GOP hopefuls having trouble raising money nationally

Cain expects to stay in top tier of GOP

Obama squeezed on Keystone pipeline decision

Medicare yanks licenses, gives them right back

Abuses alleged in retooled loans

Gingrich slams Obama over national security

Salon shooting survivor's condition upgraded

CDC: Add $2 per drink for US excessive drinking

Cain: My 9-9-9 plan will raise taxes on some Americans

Senators announced agreement on education law

Libya government says controls most of Bani Walid

On the road again, Obama pitches jobs plan

The Gift for Globetrotters and Those Who Aspire to be: Jetsetter Introduces "Bon Voyage"

Court to hear bid to sue Shell for Nigerian abuses

Sudan's economy reels from loss of south

Gallery: Gazans prepare for prisoner exchange

No frills university college offers half price degrees

France remembers Algerian massacre 50 years on

Susan Sarandon Calls Pope Benedict a ‘Nazi’

+Morning Call Sheet: ‘Tintin’ Reviews, Spock Is Gay and an All-Star Flop

Will Garfield and Cavill Prove Super in ‘Spider-Man,’ ‘Superman’ Reboots?

‘Pontypool’ Review: An Innovative Take on the Undead Film Genre

Ruffalo Slams Fox News, Says Actors Fear Embracing Occupy Wall Street

‘Footloose’ Review: No Harm in Revisiting Timeless Tale of Youthful Rebellion

‘The Walking Dead’ Review: A Zombie Series with Brains

Porn hackers hit ‘Sesame Street’ YouTube page

Dior Makes Special Vegan Shoes for Natalie Portman | Celebrity Net Worth

R.I.P. Sue Mengers –

Spock actor Zachary Quinto comes out as a gay man | Reuters

Mark Your Calendars: End of World Coming Oct. 21, Camping Says | Doomsday Prediction October 21 | Armageddon, End of the World & Judgment Day | LiveScience

Night of the Wicked Priest | Mysterious Universe

Haunted tours and paranormal researchers weather a ghastly economy | tours, haunted, tour - The Telegraph

Was the “First Photographed UFO” a Comet?

Pictures: Rare "Cyclops" Shark Found

BBC News - DNA sequenced of woman who lived to 115

Physicists Offer Mundane Explanations for Faster-Than-Light Neutrinos | Wired Science |

Fossil fragment reveals giant, toothy pterosaur - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience -

Secret of volcanic 'super-eruptions' that happen once every 100k years unlocked | Mail Online

The Revolutionaries' Revenge

Ron Paul's Serious Proposal

Why US Forces are in Uganda?

US moves to seal Afghan-Pak border

JournOlist 2.0: Leaked emails reveal Occupy activists collaborating with media

The myth of Romney's 'inevitability'

Obama moves to embrace OWS

MSM advising OSW; also 'reporting' on the demonstration

Inspiration on Wall Street

Brit taxpayers subsidize Muslim harems

'Breaking' Herman Cain

Clarence Thomas' Constitution

Restoring the Right to Work in New Hampshire

Obama's Magic Mobs: Tahrir = Wall Street

Race Betrayal

Who Knew Conservatives Loved the IRS?

Occupy Wall Street and the Chicago '68 Riots

Romney's Smoking Gun Picture

Why Herman Cain (and Almost Everyone Else) Missed the Housing Bubble

A Lesson about Crony Capitalism for the OWS Crowd

The Gilad Shalit Dilemma

Dodd-Frank Disaster

The Release of Gilad Shalit is The End of the 'Peace Process'

State Sponsored Terrorism in Iran and Pakistan

Profile of a Long-Planned ‘Protest’

Bran’s Castle and the Legend of Count Dracula

Revolving-Door Terrorism

Chris Huhne May Kill UK Shale Revolution Over Seismic Link

W.H. Chief of Staff Says Some in the Media “Carry Water” for Politicians

Sharpton Compares His Jobs March to “Occupation Wall Street”

The Middle East Goes South

Marxist Matrix of Occupy Protesters, Obama & George Soros: The Devil’s Symphony?

The Age of Accounting

Silence Will Rock College Campuses Tomorrow as Students Protest Abortion

Marxist mobocracy

Tea party represents America, not Occupy Wall Street

Immigration, Migration, Politics and Policies

Corporate Greed+Obama Incompetence= Campaign Bundlers Trump Taxpayers

Money and Guns -The Tools of Absolute Power

Will the real America please stand up?

Global Socialist Revolution

We Already Have A National Sales Tax

More Than Winning - Can the GOP Candidates Mend the Divide?

Schakowsky: Communist, Maoist, Illiterate, Hate-Filled OWS Protesters Are ‘Ordinary Americans&

Court Says ‘Stolen Valor Act’ Is Unconstitutional

Uganda And The US Unlikely Partners In The Global War Against Terror

China Embraces Occupy Wall Street

My Professor On ‘Occupy Wall Street’

The Tyrants Of Cuba Murder Once Again: Laura Pollan, Brave Freedom Fighter, Dead

Romney’s Foreign Policy….Or Does He Even Have A Foreign Policy?

+Monday Crib Sheet: ADL Silent On Rise In AntiSemitism, AP Takes Hit For Herman Cain Piece

Following Up With The Washington Post On Their Fast And Furious Coverage

Journolist 2.0: Occupy Wall Street Emails Show MSM, Dylan Ratigan, Working With Protesters To Craft Message

NYT Runs In Circles With Excuses For Fast And Furious Coverage

NewsBusted: Michael Moore Hates The Rich!

Differences Between Occupy Wall Street And The Tea Party for The MSM

Credit Where It’s Due: Sharyl Attkisson’s Fast And Furious Coverage!

CARTOON:UI: According to the Press

More Excuses From NYT for Lack of ‘Fast and Furious’ Coverage

Clueless AP: Cain's Philosophical Ties to AFP and Kochs 'Could Undercut Outsider Image' |

George Will Herman Cain | George Will Romney | Video | Mediaite

Issa's Gunwalker Subpoena a Virtual Non-Story; AP Furiously Spins False 'Bush Did It Too' Meme |

The Dirty Fight Over Soap

AUDIO:The Budding Love Affair Between the Obama Administration, the Media and the #OccupyWallSt Movement

It’s Time to Claim the Swing Voters

21st Century Statecraft: Meet The Private-Public Partnership Supporting #ArabSpring & #OccupyWallSt

DNCC Chair, Rep. Israel Adds #OccupyWall St to the List of Anti-Israel/Anti-Semitic Causes He Supports

Video: Communist Party U.S.A. Spokesman Gets Overwhelming Applause from #OccupyChicago

When Zombies Attack: Protest in Lafayette Park!

Is Cain Able to Kill the Tax Code?

The Unconscionable Silence of the Anti-Defamation League on Antisemitism at #OccupyWallStreet

Report: Obama’s Czars Are Seizing More Power

Lisa Fithian: #Occupy Organizer, Union Educator–And Israel-Hater

Capitalist Confronts #OccupyLA

White House Refuses to Release ALL Solyndra Documents

Democrats Have Serious Connections with #OccupyWallSt » ‘Fast and Furious’ Flashback: Big Sis Brags About Weapons Tracing Program In 2009

Oil and Gas Had Help. Why Not Renewables? -

Securing America’s future requires us to drill - Another Voice - The Buffalo News

Editorial: Stopping the next Solyndra | solyndra, billion, taxpayers - Opinion - The Orange County Register

EDITORIAL: Corn-fueled politics - Washington Times

Consistency Key to Renewable Energy Policy - Miller-McCune

For Alternative Energy, Storage Makes All the Difference: View - Bloomberg

Column: Fight proposed ban on single-sex schools –

E. O. Wilson’s Theory of Everything - Magazine - The Atlantic

Sleights of hand, sleights of mind | Mo Costandi | Neurophilosophy blog | Science |

How do we know how many galaxies are in the Universe? : Starts With A Bang

The Looming Peanut Butter Riots

The genetics of happiness: Transporter of delight | The Economist

An Upside to Envy, and a New Reason for That Commandment -

Researchers Do Precise Gene Therapy Without A Needle

Could a computer one day rewire itself? | Science Codex

What's New Is Old: 'America's New Evangelicals' | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

Catholicism has always been America's foreign devil | Sam Haselby | Comment is free |

On Fatima anniversary, Fr. Apostoli sees atheism overtaking the West :: EWTN News

Should U.S. Troops Be In Uganda? | Mother Jones

CBO: Repealing CLASS won’t impact the budget « Hot Air

How To Turn A $5,000 Per Job Program Into A Political Disaster | The New Republic

U.S. Spies Facing Tens of Billions in Budget Cuts | Danger Room |

The Military’s Steep Cuts | The Weekly Standard

Why We Need the Government to Create Not Just Jobs, but Good Jobs » New Deal 2.0

IRS’s Difficulty Collecting Tanning Tax Is a Troubling Sign

AFTER THE FALL / The earthquake shattered the Bay Area, but the cities hardest hit are now mostly rebuilt -- and the scars are hidden deep below the surface


Al Capone: Chicago's Most Infamous Mob Boss — The Trial — Crime Library on

Al Capone on Alcatraz

35 Years After the Arab Oil Embargo

Where's Adolf? Tackling Germany's Nazi Past in a Children's Book - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

‘Deep Throat’ didn’t say ‘follow the money’; nor was he vital in Watergate « Media Myth Alert

Zynga's Own Game Network Will Still Have Facebook Everywhere - Tricia Duryee - Commerce - AllThingsD

Why Microsoft just launched one of the largest advertising campaigns in its history - GeekWire

Facebook accused of violating US wiretap law • The Register

How I Did It: Hartley Peavey of Peavey Electronics |

Amazon Rewrites the Rules of Book Publishing -

How much do Apple’s factories cost? | asymco

RealClearTechnology- Reuters - Technology - Oct 17, 2011 - U.S. wireless initiative stalls new billing rules

Android this week: Nexus Prime launch; Google’s mobile growth; universal translator — Mobile Technology News

» Google Wallet – A missed opportunity? Drop Labs

Reality check overdue for start-ups that don’t fly -

Google Music Store Will Launch This Quarter

YouTube Now Allows Music Partners To Sell Merchandise, Digital Downloads And Event Tickets | TechCrunch

The Electric Leaf’s True Believers Won’t Leave Well Enough Alone -

Jeff Bezos of Amazon: Birth of a Salesman -

Dominique Strauss-Kahn's French accuser releases book -

‘The Secret Lives of Wives’: Is Cheating the Secret to a Happy Marriage? - The Daily Beast

The Smart Set: Taking up a Collection - October 14, 2011

The Impact of Colombia Free Trade

The State of the U.S.-ROK Alliance

Inside the China-India Dialogue

Ashot Egiazaryan: Can Russia Ever Change? -

Iran: Keeping The World’s Oddest Couple Together | Via Meadia

Globally Isolated and Economically Crippled: Why Hamas is Losing Gaza - TIME

China's Economy: The Correction History Will Remember - Forbes

The Value of Values: Soft Power Under Obama | World Affairs Journal

A little legalizing, a big peace dividend - The Globe and Mail

An age-old dilemma - JPost - Opinion - Editorials

A fine balancing act-INSIDE Korea JoongAng Daily

Egypt must look past the military for its future - The National

RealClearPolitics - Raging Against the Elites

Is the Investment Risk Worth the Pain?

Crisis, Credibility, & Institutional Change

What to Do with Super-Achievers? — The American Magazine

Let’s Admit It - Globalization Has Losers -

Amity Shlaes: Three Policies That Gave Us the Jobs Economy -

A Proven Principle Behind Obama’s Jobs Plan -

RealClearMarkets - Our Children's Future Doesn't Look So Bright

Why the Current Crop of Twentysomethings Are Going to Be Okay -- New York Magazine

Herman Cain's Tax Plan Is a Winner, But Here's Your Exploding Cigar - Forbes

The Terrifying Plausibility Of 9-9-9 | ThinkProgress

The most crowded trade in the world | Abnormal Returns

Calafia Beach Pundit: Retail sales and supply-side economics

State AGs Likely To Go After More Mortgage Servicers | Fox Business

Why Government Spending Is Bad For Our Economy - Forbes

Army of unemployed is now entrenched in U.S. - Howard Gold's No-Nonsense Investing - MarketWatch

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Still the Socialites -

James Wigand, the FDIC’s Complexity Czar - Businessweek

Manhattan Moment: Two distinct groups make up 'Occupy' protesters | The Examiner | Columnists | Washington Examiner

RealClearPolitics - Downward Mobility

RealClearPolitics - The Washington Establishment's Big Problem

Conservatives Celebrate Cancellation Of The CLASS Act, But It Vindicates Obamacare -- And Highlights The Poverty Of GOP Health Care Plans | The New Republic

Occupy Wall Street’s Marxists--Charles Gasparino -

How Occupy Wall Street Really Got Started | Mother Jones

Will Romney hire Obama’s climate-change guru Holdren? « Hot Air

Herman Cain's Unlikely Republican Rise - The Daily Beast

Is Cain what we’re waiting for? - Right Turn - The Washington Post

Romney, Perry and Cain Open Wide Financial Lead Over Field -

The American Spectator : Republican Campaign Apocalypse

The Cook Report: Bird in the Hand - Charlie Cook -

Obama gets back on the bus to push jobs act -

Works and Days » Did 2008 Come True?

Obama’s Big Green Mess - The Daily Beast

Amity Shlaes: Three Policies That Gave Us the Jobs Economy -

Perry’s Power Politics - The Editors - National Review Online

Herman Cain tests how far a campaign can go with few traditional strengths - The Washington Post

RealClearPolitics - Romney's Rise Challenges Tea Party Movement's Clout in GOP

Gingrich: Romney’s Rockefeller Problem - Washington Wire - WSJ

Exploding the promise of 'green jobs' - Opinion -

Team Obama Defends The EPA Against Rick Perry | Election 2012

CLASS Act | Americans just dodged an Obamacare bullet | The Daily Caller

Political Animal - A victory lap in Michigan

Solyndragate: Blood in the Water | Via Meadia

Obama Tears Down His Own Wall Street - Forbes

Politico scandal: Kendra Marr and the go-go journalism culture - Erik Wemple - The Washington Post


Safer Streets 2012: Repeal All Gun Laws, Part I.

Safer Streets 2012: Repeal All Gun Laws, Part II.

Safer Streets 2012: Repeal All Gun Laws, Part III.


17-Oct-11 World View

16-Oct-11 World View

15-Oct-11 World View


Crews prepare huge set before CNN's Tuesday GOP debate - News -

This Week's Agenda: GOP Debate, Dems Vegas Summit, Housing Numbers - The Takeaway

Woman charged after pelting husband with cupcakes - Chicago Tribune

Quinn wants new bill that limits gambling opportunities -

U.S. Postal Service to hold meetings on office closures -

First chinks appearing in the armor of Herman Cain's 9-9-9 plan? -

Cain without a clue — NewsWorks

Mom of missing baby Lisa Irwin claims she was drunk when infant vanished - Crimesider - CBS News

Bond set for captors of disabled adults locked in filthy room -

Obama Heads Out On Bus Tour To Sell Jobs Plan Amid Anger At Corporate America | Fox News

Obama links King to Wall Street protests

Big Cash Edge Powers Obama In Drive for 2012 Election -

Drought, flooding cause hard times in Ark., La. –

Michelle Obama Helps Retrofit Wounded Vet's Home - ABC News

Supreme Court takes dispute over lying about war heroism –

Jim DeMint-Mitt Romney story a 'fabrication,' spokesmen say - Alexander Burns -

Romney’s Mormonism up for debate? - Guest Voices - The Washington Post

AFP: US Supreme Court to hear Nigeria-Shell rights case

Hearing set for Cornel West, others arrested at Supreme Court -

Bachmann to host town hall with Donald Trump

Analysts give Lowe’s store closings a thumbs-up - MarketWatch

For Alternative Energy, Storage Makes All the Difference: View - Bloomberg

Wal-Mart Asia Chief Takes Over China Operations Amid Pork Probe - Businessweek

U.S. not trying that hard on exports: GE's Immelt | Reuters

Scarce resources, climate biggest threats to world health | Reuters

Virgin Galactic’s Private Spaceship Makes Safe Landing After Tense Test Flight | Virgin Galactic SpaceShipTwo | Commercial & Private Spaceflight |

Remember those faster-than-light neutrinos? Great, now forget 'em -- Engadget

Discovery Of An Early Human Ochre-processing Workshop

New Material Could Allow Computer Chips To Rewire Themselves | Geekosystem

Rick Ross -- Forget the Jet, I'll Take the Bus |

Israelis widely back militants-for-soldier swap - CBS News

Libya's NTC Forces Take Most of Gadhafi Stronghold | News | English

Iran seeks access to suspect in assassination plot, foreign ministry says -

Explosions Rock Yemen Capital; Army Fights On - Bloomberg

Somali militants threaten revenge attacks after Kenyan incursion -

Putin Praises Himself As 'Most Hardworking' Leader | Fox News

Mubarak sons own assets worth $340 mln in Switzerland: official | Reuters

BBC News - Newsnight - Inside Homs, besieged centre of Syrian resistance

German sailor may have been eaten by cannibals, investigators say: report

Newsmaker: Saudi King Abdullah a cautious reformer | Reuters

Report: Strauss-Kahn used French police officer to procure prostitutes - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Apple sells record 4 million iPhones over launch weekend - Computerworld

Wireless carriers agree to end 'bill shock' - Oct. 17, 2011

Facebook 'social energy' app compares home efficiency | Green Tech - CNET News

Steve Wozniak is first in line for iPhone 4S -

Memorial Service Honors Steve Jobs - Forbes

Magid: Take care not to share too much on your social network - San Jose Mercury News

Microsoft Intune update addresses remote users - Computerworld

Breast cancer campaign turns planet pink: Too much? Pictures - CBS News

Medical News: Shy Teens May Be More than Wallflowers - in Pediatrics, General Pediatrics from MedPage Today

Cloning of Coyotes Achieved By Shamed South Korean Scientist | ThirdAge

California doctors' group backs legalizing pot -

Profanity-laced TV, video games tied to cursing, aggression - HealthPop - CBS News

Unhealthy U.S. Workers' Absenteeism Costs $153 Billion

San Francisco restaurants propose standard 25 per cent tip - Telegraph

My scorecard on GOP presidential campaign

Proof! Wall Street protests no 'spontaneous uprising'

Why U.S. military in Uganda? Soros fingerprints all over it

It's another Soros link to Occupy Wall Street

Thousands of fraud cases just 'tip of iceberg'

America and the Cain mutiny

Herman Cain's racial offense -

Has bleeding Kansas begun to heal?

What's wrong with a Mormon president?

Viki Knox and the 'gay' bullies

Occupy Washington and Wall Street

Lenin's 'useful idiots' in Manhattan

Obama pulls another fast one

Is this just another NAFTA-Shafta?

'Dreaming' on

8 miracles that saved America?

9 responses to 9 false attacks on 9-9-9

Don't look down! Amazing video of insane bungy jump by young Russian girl | Mail Online

Hitler 'Died In Argentina', Book Claims: 'Grey Wolf' Author Says Nazi Leader Escaped Berlin In 1945 | World News | Sky News

Computer program to reveal who wrote the Bible | Mail Online

Saturday Night Live - GOP Debate II - Video -

Wannabe Polish politician Katarzyna Lenart makes raunchiest ever campaign video |

Did painter Van Gogh meet his death at 37 in a shooting accident? | Mail Online

Cassidy: Archaeologist Christine Finn digs up Silicon Valley's recent past - San Jose Mercury News

South Africa artifacts indicate a 100,000-year-old art studio -

BBC News - Bronze age landmark knocked over in Pembrokeshire

Life Inc. - This commode does it all ... for $6,400

Watch This Magical Machine Drill Square Holes | Gizmodo Australia

This Is Not Your Grandmother's Jello-O Surprise: Food + Cooking :

Scientists unlock genetic code of world's oldest person | Herald Sun

Queen backs plans to overturn 'sexist' rules that puts male heirs to the throne ahead of their older sisters | Mail Online

Facebook refuses to shut rape page run by schoolboy

Disabled woman had to crawl out of restaurant | This is Nottingham

Gang 'cheats casino out of £55k using contact lenses to see invisible ink on marked cards' | Mail Online

Richard Finlayson, 21, and younger sister Kirsty, 18 caught having sex | Mail Online

BBC documentary exposes 50-year scandal of baby trafficking by the Catholic church in Spain | Mail Online - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Sat-nav rage is driving us all round the bend - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Man’s body is mummified for TV

Biggest haul of Roman gold in Britain could have been found - Telegraph

Schools ban girls from wearing skirts over fears rising hemlines put them at risk of sex attacks | Mail Online

Coming clean on 'dirty DUIs' in Contra Costa County -

Thousands of fraud cases just 'tip of iceberg'

Sham entry of Hispanic could sway Ariz. vote - Washington Times

Why U.S. military in Uganda? Soros fingerprints all over it

White House Draws Closer To Occupy Wall Street, Says Obama Is Fighting For The Interests Of The 99%

Obama plans to turn anti-Wall Street anger on Mitt Romney, Republicans - The Washington Post

Occupy Wall Street sits on war chest -

The Midas Touch: Just exactly who has it?

White House Says Data Shows Iran Push on Nuclear Arms -

Controversial Therapy For Pre-Teen Transgender Patient Raises Questions | Fox News

Hillary Clinton: 'It's Time for Others to Step Up' - Sophie Quinton -

Judge sentences figure in Abramoff scandal to 30 days in a halfway house, 2 years’ probation - The Washington Post

Moderators give Romney face time at debates?

NYT: Cain's song aims to be Tea Party anthem - politics - The New York Times -

The Weekend Interview with Mortimer Zuckerman: The Exasperation of the Democratic Billionaire -

US elections 2012: fresh doubts over Herman Cain's credentials - Telegraph

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

*17 Oct.

American Minute for October 17th

October 17th in History

October 17 Events in History

Today in History: October 17

Today in History: October 17

October 17th This Day in History

This Day in History for 17th October

Today in History for October 17th - YouTube


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


**World Video:Robert Ford Conference Call

Interim Fighters 'Enter Bani Walid'

Occupy Protests In Hong Kong

Wounded In Yemen

'Iran At War With Us Since 1979'

The Iranian Plot

Strengthening Free Trade Relationships

What To Do About China

UK Defense Secretary Liam Fox Resigns

Raw Video: Libyans Tearing Down Gaddafi Compound

Iran Warns U.S. Over Assassination Claims

Stephen Johnson on the Iranian Assassination Plot

China's Currency Policy

Iran Opposition Group: Friend Or Foe To U.S.?

**Markets Video: Is The United States Destined For Decline?

**Politics Video:Obama On Rejection Of Jobs Bill: "Maybe They Just Didn't Understand"

Jeffrey Sachs: Herman Cain "Being Backed By David Koch"

Obama: GOP Wants "Dirtier Air, Dirtier Water, Less People With Health Insurance"

American Crossroads Ad: "Obama's Latest Way Is Still The Wrong Way"

Hume: Obama "Playing With Fire" Supporting Occupy Wall Street

Brzezinski: Make Rich Known Publicly To Pressure Them To Give Back

Hillary Clinton: "I Think It's Time For Others To Step Up"

16th/Tim Pawlenty And Bobby Jindal On Romney, Perry

Obama: MLK Jr. Would Have Supported Occupy Wall Street

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Uganda, Foreign Policy

Issa: Holder "Clearly Knew More" Than What He Said He Knew

"This Week" Roundtable On Occupy Wall Street, Jobs

Axelrod: Occupy Wall Street "Will Be An Issue In This Campaign"

"Meet The Press" Panel On Cain's Chances, Romney & Perry

Herman Cain On "Meet The Press": Liberals Are "Destroying" Economy

Newt Gingrich: Romney A "Rockefeller" Republican

"Saturday Night Live" Spoofs Bloomberg GOP Debate

Herman Cain Sings "The Impossible Dream"

15th/Gov. Perry: Americans Already Have a Debater-in-Chief, and They Know What That Result Was

Sean Penn: Tea Party Is "Get The N-Word Out Of The White House Party"

Al Sharpton Warns: "We Will Get The Jobs Bill Done In The Street"

Maher: Obama Becoming "That Angry Black Man" He Was Afraid Of

Harris Perry: Pointing Out Only 53% Pay Federal Taxes Is "Racism"

Obama Weekly Address: GOP "Picking Partisan Ideological Fights"

Rep. McCarthy Delivers GOP Weekly Address: "Washington Is The Problem"

David Brooks: "A Lot Of Weirdness" In Perry Campaign

Michael Moore Bullies NYC: "We're Not Going Anywhere"

"Special Report" Panel Interviews Gov. Gary Johnson

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