A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

19 October 2011

19 OCT.





**World Video

Plus &Ccedila Change...
Cain Explains His Views On Hostage Negotiation
Israel And Hamas Set A Precedent
Hamas Official Discusses Prisoner Swap
China's Reliance On Exports
Clinton Visits Libya
Markets Waiting On European Plan
Suicide Blast Kills 6 In Mogadishu
Floods Devastate Central America
Palestinian Prisoners Return
TV Interview With Freed Israeli Comes Under Fire
Riot Police Evict UK Travellers
John Schmidt: U.S.-Pakistan Relations
What Will U.S. Do About Iran?

18 TH

Chinese Exceptionalism
International Media Reaction To Shalit Exchange
Sources: Syrians Accused Of Spying In U.S.
Gilad Shalit First Video
Reaction To Israeli, Palestinian Soldier Exchange
Germany Dampens Euro Zone Crisis Hopes
Cold Comfort For Black Libyans In Benghazi
Flood Waters Strike Factories In Thailand
Chavez Arrives In Cuba For Medical Tests
Headwinds For Australia Loom
Military: Gilad Schalit Now In Israel
Raw Video: Clinton Arrives In Libya
Lawmakers Get Earful On Border Danger


Former VA Dem Gov: VA Dems Don't Want To Be Seen With Obama
Paul: Serious Budget Cuts Will Prevent "Violence" At "Occupy" Protests
Krauthammer: Obama Can't Run On Achievements, Will Have To Attack
Obama: "All The Choices We've Made Have Been The Right Ones"
Maddow: Republicans Think Poor People Are Scam Artists
Sen. Reid: "Private Sector Jobs Are Doing Just Fine"
O'Reilly: "The Obama Administration Has Embraced Out Of Control Spending"
Shrum: Romney "A Cold Metallic Guy, Who Doesn't Care About What's Happening To Ordinary People"

18 TH

Romney Web Video Hits Perry's Jobs Record In Texas
Watch Live: CNN Hosts Republican Debate In Las Vegas
Romney Takes Heat For RomneyCare From Santorum, Gingrich
Palin: Newt Won Vegas Face-Off, Would "Clobber" Obama In A Debate
Full Video: CNN's Republican Debate In Las Vegas
Ron Paul: Foreign Aid Takes Money From Poor In U.S., Given To Rich
David Gergen: Obama Was Winner Of Tonight's Debate
Cain: Occupy Movement Should Be Outside WH, Not On Wall Street
Perry Accuses Romney Of Hiring Illegals In Shootout Over Immigration
GOP Candidates Debate Cain's 9-9-9 Plan In Las Vegas
Bachmann: U.S. "Disrespected" Around World Because Of Obama
Santorum Touts His Conservative Credentials
Biden Continues To Warn of Rapes And Murders If Jobs Bill Isn't Passed
Hikers Freed By Iran Speak At Occupy Oakland
Ron Paul's "Plan To Restore America" Proposes $1 Trillion In Cuts
Bernie Sanders: "We Need To Address Issue Of The Rich Getting Richer"
Perry Web Video: "America's Jobs Governor"
RNC Web Video: The Debt-End Bus Tour Rides Again
DNC Hits Romney On Payroll Taxes, China And The Auto Bailouts
O'Donnell: "Republicans Still Don't Have A Jobs Plan"
"Special Report" Panel On The Future Of "ObamaCare"
Axelrod: "Ask Osama Bin Laden" If Obama Was Prepared
O'Reilly: "Obama Lit The Fuse" For The Wall Street Protests
Maddow: Republicans Denounce More Spending On Police Officers


The Michael Savage Show 10/10/2011

The Michael Savage Show 10/11/2011

The Michael Savage Show 10/12/2011

The Michael Savage Show 10/13/2011

The Michael Savage Show 10/14/2011

The Michael Savage Show 10/17/2011


Biden: Wish Those Who Oppose Stimulus Knew What It Was Like To Be Robbed Or Raped - YouTube

Change of Subject: It's so, Joe: You've got to go

GOP Debate in 60 Seconds - YouTube

Romney, Cain Under Fire At Feisty GOP Debate | Fox News

Ron Paul : All Debate Questions & Answers : CNN Las Vegas 10/18/11 - YouTube

Republican Las Vegas CNN debate: Transcript - Lynn Sweet

Las Vegas Republican debate: Winners and losers - The Washington Post

Jon Huntsman Skips Las Vegas GOP Debate To Campaign In New Hampshire

Poll: GOP Candidates Not Attracting Latino Voters | Fronteras Desk

Las Vegas GOP debate: Ron Paul says Herman Cain attacks victims of recession - Alexander Burns -

Las Vegas GOP debate: Ron Paul says aid for Israel should be cut - Maggie Haberman -

The Rise of Ron Paul: the Latest Republican Debate | The National Interest Blog

A look at key moments in the GOP debate |

In Nevada, the GOP presidential race is Mitt Romney and Ron Paul - The Washington Post

Which GOP candidate will become the next media star? | Reuters

The Federal Reserve and Bank of America Initiate a Coup to Dump Billions of Dollars of Losses on the American Taxpayer

Who Is to Blame: Washington Or Wall Street?

Is Anyone Dumb Enough to Believe that Obama Supports the 99%?


2011-10-18 THE ALEX JONES SHOW Full Uncut - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News for Tuesday, October 18, 2011 (Full) - YouTube

InfoWars Nightly News w/ Alex Jones: Oct 17, 2011 - Jeffrey Smith and GMO - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News 10 14 2011 - YouTube


57 min./END THE FED G. Edward Griffin - YouTube


Steve Dahl Returns To Daily Radio | Chicagoland Radio and Media

Ron Paul Nevada GOP Debate - All Questions and Answers - October 18, 2011 - YouTube

Long ties to Koch brothers key to Cain's campaign - Yahoo! News

Cain's 9-9-9 plan would give thousands back to millionaires | McClatchy




Activist Post: Ron Paul: Iran Plot is War Propaganda (Video)

Top 3 Common Myths of Capitalism - YouTube

Top 3 Myths About the Great Depression and the New Deal - YouTube - Winston Churchill Was the Bankers' Go'fer

High heels for men are on the rise | Mail Online

The Opium Origins of Skull & Bones - YouTube

Your Basic Skull And Bones - Kris Millegan Speaks Out

Kris Millegan at San Francisco 9/11 Conference - P.1 - YouTube

Kris Millegan at San Francisco 9/11 Conference - P.2 - YouTube

Kris Millegan at San Francisco 9/11 Conference - P.3 - YouTube

Kris Millegan at San Francisco 9/11 Conference - P.4 - YouTube

Activist Post: Cancer Research Fraud Destroys Mainstream Medical Cancer Industry

Activist Post: Roundup Ready Alfalfa Damages U.S. Seed Industry

Obama: Occupy Wall Street ‘Not That Different’ From Tea Party Protests - ABC News

Who Are the Top 1%? – Updated! | Fellowship of the Minds

Clinton hails Libya's victory on Tripoli visit | Reuters

Europa & Palestine News « Kawther Salam

Institute for Historical Review

The Austerity Myth: Federal Spending Up 5% This Year -

Top Europe court bans stem cell technique patents - Yahoo! News

Newsvine - Heli-Medivac delay poses serious doubts on the high speed grounding of USS San Francisco at Micronesia.

Table salt multiplies hard disk space six times - Telegraph

Sweden: 23 Women Convicted Of Child Pornography

Governor Brown Vetoes Warrant Protection for Cell Phones | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Shocking Call For An 'NTC' In The USA! (Mind Control) - YouTube

Antibiotics: Killing Off Beneficial Bacteria … for Good? | Wired Science |

Privacy not a major concern for majority of Facebook users | AHN

The meaning of 9/11's most controversial photo | Jonathan Jones | Comment is free |

Man uses iPhone's new Find My Friends function to catch cheating wife - by proving she was not where she said she was | Mail Online

Barack Obama’s disastrous first 1,000 days – Telegraph Blogs

The Ulsterman Report – WALL STREET INSIDER: The Obama White House Wants Us Gone. All of Us. - The Ulsterman Report

Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial dedication: Obama offers support for 'Occupy' protesters | Mail Online

The Fraud At The Heart Of Student Lending Exposed - The One Sentence Everyone Should Read | ZeroHedge

Economic Tremors

Firm sparks new gold rush after finding 3.1million ounces at disused South Carolina mine | Mail Online

Clinton in Libya to Offer New Aid Package -

Used-car salesman as Iran proxy? Why assassination plot doesn't add up for experts. -

How to Spin a Plot » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

MI6 spoke to Adam Werritty after trips | Politics | The Guardian

Euro-Parliament opens its own propaganda centre: and you're paying for it - Mail Online - M E Synon's blog

Michael Hintze: Hedge fund baron is David Cameron's sugar daddy | Mail Online

As David Cameron delays lobbyist crackdown, Downing Street network is revealed | Mail Online

Head of 'French MI5' under investigation for spying on journalist - Telegraph

Richard Silverstein: My Secret Intelligence Reports | Opinion Maker

Mexican drug cartels recruiting Texas children - Yahoo! News

Michael Daragjati: 'Racist NYPD officer caught bragging about framing black man' | Mail Online

Guns stolen from Swat building - Americas, World - The Independent

*27 min./Ron Paul's Economic Plan Press Conference (w/ questions subtitled) - YouTube

Thom Hartmann On the News - October 17, 2011 - YouTube

Rense & Felix - Mini Ice Age Is On The Way - YouTube

Does Soros Own All US Gun & Ammo Manufacturers? - Hebrew Language Sexualizes Conquest

On Gravity-centric Cosmology and the Implications of a Universe Awash with Plasma |

Record-high 50% of Americans favor legalizing marijuana use – Global Public Square - Blogs

Activist Post: The Deathly Icing on the Cake: Revealing the Cancerous Truth About Aspartame

Activist Post: The BPA Solution -- How to Naturally Reverse the Effects

The honeytrap that turned divorcés into drink drivers - Americas, World - The Independent

Father put 17-month-old son in hot oven to teach him a lesson | Mail Online

Ron Paul Media Blackout Confirmed - Politics - The Atlantic Wire

Is the Stock Market Being Manipulated By the Fed and its Banks? :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

Budget cuts claim hundreds of thousands of county, city jobs –

CLASS Dismissed — Marginal Revolution

ScienceCasts: 600 Mysteries in the Night Sky - YouTube

Video: Major dust storm sweeps through Texas - Telegraph

New Mexico shaken by ‘historically unusual’ 3.8 magnitude earthquake | The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond

Chilean military in mass call-up | World news | The Guardian

Is Elie Wiesel A Fraud? | Real Zionist News

The Mossad Merengue of the Dancing Disco Dead. Reflections in a Petri Dish

Sources: Police Officer Who Used Pepper Spray On Protesters To Lose Vacation Time -

Attorney General Alisha Smith who 'moonlighted as dominatrix at S&M parties' resigns | Mail Online

You have mere Days to Stop WW3 - YouTube

NATO & Rebel War Crimes in Sirte, Libya (WARNING GRAPHIC FOOTAGE) : Federal Jack

Vegas Debate: Ron Paul rips Herman Cain over Occupy Wall Street - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : CNN: Is America In Denial About It's Decline?

Activist Post: Lies Behind the "Humanitarian War" in Libya: There is No Evidence! (Video)

Michele Bachmann: Iraq and Libya Should Reimburse the U.S. for 'Liberating' Them | Video Cafe

p m carpenter's commentary: Cain's blunder

Herman Cain: Alive Because He's Rich | Mother Jones

Oxford University invests £630,000 in US cluster bomb manufacturers « Aletho News

Ron Paul Slams Those 'Itching' For War With Iran As 'Careless' | ThinkProgress

Activist Post: Antibiotics Could be to Blame for Skyrocketing Mental Illness Rates

Don’t Be Suckered Into Buying a House Now: When a 30-Year Mortgage is a 30-Year Prison Sentence : Information Clearing House

Sherrie Questioning All: CNN Debate Poll, Screen Shot - Ron Paul at 91% - Will MSM mention this or hide it, like all the others have done? MSM is saying Romney won!

poorrichards blog: Hillary Clinton to Face Heat Over Fast & Furious Gun Scandal?

GOP debate crowd cheers blaming protesters for lack of jobs | The Raw Story

Report: Illegal immigrants received $4.2 billion in tax credit refunds in 2010 - Spokane Conservative |

PressTV - 'It's time for regime change in US'

BBC News - Spain's stolen babies and the families who lived a lie

US Begins Huge Military Maneuvers Aimed at Iran

A Message from Ron Paul - Black this Out ! - 12160

Ron Paul Campaign Ad Running Every 1/2 Hour On CNN In Lead Up To Tonight's Debate - YouTube

Anti-Neocons • - FBI goes Rogue On Iran

Federal Reserve and Bank of America Initiate a Coup to Dump Billions of Dollars of Losses on the American Taxpayer | ZeroHedge

Cell Phone Guide for Occupy Wall Street Protesters (and Everyone Else) | Electronic Frontier Foundation

U.S. Wants Gadhafi Dead Or Alive | Corpus Christi, TX | |

Activist Post: Roundup Ready Alfalfa Damages U.S. Seed Industry

Dominique Strauss-Kahn accused of New York orgy with prostitutes - Telegraph

Activist Post: Corporate-Funded Think Tanks to Host GOP Debate; Seeking best rep. for debate's corporate sponsors

Adam Werritty 'plotted with Israel' to topple Iran's President Ahmadinejad - Telegraph

FOCUS: OWS Communications Reportedly Hacked

Something Happening Here: So the American People Are "Waking Up." Fine. When Will the American Elites?

poorrichards blog: Brzezinski: Time to “Control” the “Rich and Shameless” (video)

The Intercept: Remote Personal Computer Surveillance Scandal Hits Germany

Company Thanks Guy Who Alerted Them To Big Security Flaw By Sending The Cops... And The Bill | Techdirt

CA Governor Lets Police Search Your Smartphones At Traffic Stops | Techdirt

Flip-Flopping, The Fed And Foreign Policy: Cain Is More Than Just the 9-9-9 Pizza Man :

What If A Court Gave An Important Ruling, But We Were Not Allowed To Know What It Was? | Techdirt

US Forces ‘Massing On Afghanistan-Pakistan Border’ :

Activist Post: REX 84 vs. Globalist Shutdown

Activist Post: U.S. Government Refuses FOIA Request to Turn Over ‘Secret’ Interpretation of Patriot Act

Wyden: PROTECT IP Act Is About Letting The Content Sector Attack The Innovation Sector | Techdirt

Ron Paul EXPOSED in this old video! - YouTube

An Open Letter To "Occupy Wall Street" | THE PLAIN TRUTH by Judge Napolitano 10/13/11 - YouTube

Spying program infects industrial sites (19 Oct 2011 01:21)

Breitbart Leaks Thousands Of Occupy Wall Street Emails - Home - The Daily Bail

Inhofe Defends Obama Sending 100 ‘Advisors’ To Uganda :

The Associated Press: AP Source: NYC officer violated pepper spray rules

Crime And Punishment: Dominique Strauss-Kahn, The Rule Of Law And Wall Street Rape - Home - The Daily Bail

An INTENSE moment of TRUTH with MAINSTREAM Media - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : Sen. Rand Paul Questions Treasury Sec. Tim Geithner at Hearing - 10/18/11

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul - Values Voter Summit 2011

poorrichards blog: Is #OWS The Revolution The Beatles Were Singing About?

Revolutionary Politics : Occupy Phoenix with AR-15's

*Ron Paul's Plan to Restore America & Save $1 Trillion - YouTube

The Legend of Sirte

The West's Abdication of Journalistic Responsibility

U.S. Hawks Behind Iraq War Rally for Strikes Against Iran

Ahmadinejad rejects assassination plot claims - YouTube

The Implausibility of an Iranian Plot

Iran Says Plot was Mujahedin Put-Up Job

America’s Foreign Dictatorship

Millionaires and Corporations Using Tax Breaks to Help Sway Public Opinion

Afghanistan: The lost platoon

Uganda: US Troops Deploy to Fight Lord's Resistance Army

Says Mossad Gave Supposed Iranian Terrorist Arbabsiar Fake Papers:

Darpa Wants to Master the Science of Propaganda | Danger Room |

HOLY BAILOUT - Federal Reserve Now Backstopping $75 Trillion Of Bank Of America's Derivatives Trades - Home - The Daily Bail

US State Department Funded Agitator in DC Advising Occupy Wall Street crowds -

BBC News - Hong Kong becomes first centre for gold trading in yuan

Behind Europe’s Debt Crisis Lurks Another Giant Bailout Of Wall Street Banks -

Contractors Pitch Spy Tech to Cops - Print View - The Daily Beast

Does future hold ‘Avatar’-like bodies for us? | StratRisks

Iran: US plot allegations resemble Iraq WMD claims -

If The Establishment Media Will Defend The Bogus Iranian-Mexican Terror Hoax, What Won’t They Defend? -

Ahmadinejad likens claims of Iranian assassination plot to Iraq WMD | World news |

U.S. Debated Cyberwarfare Against Libya -

Five Banks Account For 96% Of $250 Trillion In Outstanding US Derivative Exposure -

UK Kevorkian Politics: Elderly patients condemned to early death by secret use of do not resuscitate orders | StratRisks


**World News; Interactive MAP(

* - News Links


US objected to Israel's release of some Palestinians as posing a threat

Three Syrian generals disappear. Minority regions braced for civil war

Iranian radicals look for a limited armed clash with the US

German spy helped facilitate Israel-Hamas prisoner exchange

OPINION: Soft Power Under Obama - Geopolitical Monitor

FEMA Communication Takeover Test Scheduled for November 9 :

Courts Rule US Government Above the Law | Global Research TV

Rick Perry vs. Ron Paul - GOP Body Language // Skilluminati Research

Survival Transportation: Is it Time for the Third Wheel? | The Berkey Guy's Blog

Former Mexican President: U.S. Should Legalize All Drugs; 'It's to the Benefit of Everybody'

Santorum to Romney: 'You Just Don’t Have Credibility, Mitt, When It Comes to Repealing Obamacare'

Trick or Treat? Unemployment Has Dropped Sharply in October, Says Gallup

Feds Caught and Released 28 Iranians Who Became Fugitives Inside U.S.; ICE Won’t Say What Happened to Them

Obama: Taxpayer-Funded Bus ‘Decked Out Pretty Good’

Obama Touts Tax Hike for ‘Top 1, 2 Percent’ – ‘Folks Like Me’

Gallup: Herman Cain Is Top Choice of Tea Party and Southerners

West Point Invites Atheist Leader, Gay Author to Speak at Diversity Conference

U.N. Chief Appears to Express Concern for Palestinian Prisoners’ ‘Human Rights’

Nov. Debate Will Show Striking Contrast Among GOP Candidates on Foreign Policy

Former GOP Senator: Tea Party a ‘Reaffirmation’ of GOP Principles But Doesn’t Know How to Implement Them

First Lady on Healthy Eating: ‘We Start With the Kids – We Can Affect Who They Will Be Forever’

Sending U.S. Troops to Africa May Help South Sudan

Romney: ‘I’m Running For Office For Pete’s Sake, I Can’t Have Illegals’

Santorum to Romney: 'You Just Don’t Have Credibility, Mitt, When It Comes to Repealing Obamacare'

While Not Campaigning in N.C., Obama Talks About 2012 Convention and Election

Occupy DC: 'What We're Doing Probably Violates The Permit'

Geithner: ‘Hard To Find Evidence’ That Regulations Are Hurting Job Creation

While Not Campaigning in N.C., Obama Talks About 2012 Convention, Election

D.C. Protesters Outspoken About Breaking Permit Regulations by Camping on Freedom Plaza

Obama: Republicans Want ‘Dirtier Air, Dirtier Water’

Educated Liberals Say Forgiveness of Student Loans Would Stimulate Economy

Clinton in Libya to Offer $11M in New Aid – Including Medical Care for Fighters

Catholics, Jews Condemn Susan Sarandon's Reference to Pope As a 'Nazi'

Court Ruling Proves: Kagan Must Recuse |

A Green Whitewash |

Limbaugh On OWS Thefts: 'Isn’t That What These Protesters Are All About: Stealing?' |

Pitting Us Against Each Other |

Obama Bus Tour II: A Tired Idea Gone Flat |

CNN 'Moderator' Finds GOP Eight Times as Dishonest as Democrats? |

Anderson Cooper Whacks Cain Again In 'Keeping Them Honest' on...Jokes? |

Will Other Journalists Follow Martin Bashir and Highlight Anti-Semitism at Wall Street Protests? |

Ed Schultz Wants Democrats to Purge Party - Starting Below the Waist |

Video:Media Depicts U.S. Juvenile Detention Facilities as Rehabilitative

Video:Egyptian Political Parties Represent the Country's Elite

Hope for Bankaneers: We Do Like Pirate Movies

Nassau County, NY Officials Pursue Most Extreme Attack on Collective Bargaining Yet

NYC's Wealthy and Well-Connected Hate It When They're the Ones Feeling The Class War

Updated: Ron Paul Tears Down Saint Ronnie While Debating Hostage Negotiation Issue

Romney to Gingrich: The Individual Mandate Was Your Idea

Mitt Romney- "I'm Running for Office! I Can't Have Illegals!"

Erin Burnett Panel Drowned Out by #OWS Protesters

Vegas GOP Debate Open Thread

The Victoria Jackson at #OWS Parody

Gingrich: Cain Has 'Good Chance' to Win GOP Nomination

Everything The Occupation Needs To Know About Winter Camping

Mitchell and Cillizza Fawn All Over Herman Cain's Pizza Song - Claim it Means He's in Touch With Everyday Americans

If #OWS Has No Coherent Message, How Come Eric Cantor Is Suddenly Talking About 'Income Disparity'?

Sgt. Shamar Thomas Discusses His Experience Confronting the NYPD in Times Square

Papantonio and Holland on What 'Shared Sacrifice' Means To A Republican

Deported Palestinians Begin Arriving in Host Countries

Pakistani Army Chief to US: Focus on Afghanistan

Republicans Face Off in Las Vegas Debate

US Accuses Iran of 'Unabated' Brutal Repression

The Order of the Illuminati: Its Origins, Its Methods and Its Influence on the World Events

No TV for Children Under 2, Doctors’ Group Urges

Renowned Doctor Speaks on the Dumbing Down Effects of Fluoride

MTV’s “Paramore: Vitals Statistics” Mentions Mind Control Symbolism in Music Videos

Want a RFID Chip In Your Pants? No? Well They’re Coming Anyway

*Ron Paul GOP CNN Nevada Debate Responses - YouTube

**Higher Education Bubble In America | The Frugal Saver


**(Savings Find the Best and Highest Interest Rate Accounts Available Online


Activist Post: Antibiotics Could be to Blame for Skyrocketing Mental Illness Rates

Activist Post: Lies Behind the "Humanitarian War" in Libya: There is No Evidence! (Video)

12 Most Absurd Laws Used to Stifle the Occupy Wall St. Movement Around the Country | Occupy Wall Street | AlterNet

Activist Post: Roundup Ready Alfalfa Damages U.S. Seed Industry

Activist Post: Corporate-Funded Think Tanks to Host GOP Debate; Seeking best rep. for debate's corporate sponsors

Activist Post: Crisis transforming central banks: Bernanke

DEA Hits More CA Medical Marijuana Dispensaries |

NYTimes Sues The Federal Government For Refusing To Reveal Its Secret Interpretation Of The PATRIOT Act | Techdirt

Cenk Uygur at OWS: 'Obama is the establishment' - YouTube

The Age of Bank Failures | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

‘No Food Rights’ Judge quits to work for Monsanto law firm | Food Freedom

Chris Hedges: "This one could take them all down." Hedges on OWS w/ OccupyTVNY -- 10/15/11 - YouTube

The Dangers in Classifying the News | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Israeli Soldier, 477 Palestinians Freed in Prisoner Swap

Calls for respect of law as prisoners swapped

General Counsel Calls for Flexibility in Detainee Cases

Afghanistan: Help Needed to Deal With Foreign Threats

+ Steve Quayle News Alerts:El Hierro Quakes May be Moving Toward La Palma

IndoctriNation: Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity in America

Drug-resistant staph infections in Europe could mark beginning of a new epidemic | The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond

THE DOOM AND BLOOM(tm) SHOW with Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy: The Formula for Making Insulin

US Army unveils its latest weapon to kill militants - tiny kamikaze drones | Mail Online

Paging Jesse Ventura: Iowa Guard Builds Predator-Style Ammo Packs | Danger Room |

Sex with Neanderthals Made Us Stronger : Discovery News

Now You See ‘Em, Now You Don’t: Stealth Weapons From Around the World | Danger Room |

Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS) & the All-Digital TV Broadcast Signal: Connection? « The PPJ Gazette



Sierra Nevada Faults Pose Major Quake Risk, Study Finds | US Earthquake Risks, Where Do Earthquakes Happen? | Major, Large, Earthquakes, Natural Hazards | Our Amazing Planet

Swarm of 700-plus quakes in Sierra 30 miles west of Reno, but no one's feeling them | Reno Gazette-Journal |

The scapegoat strategy - The Washington Post

Media hoax exposed: Recent attack on vitamins a fabricated scare campaign

Vitamins are deadly? Media hoax exposed, part two

Frightening 'Drug Threat Assessment' for the USA and Mexico

Tempers Flare! Perry, Romney Go At It in Vegas Debate

Cain: Debate Attacks on 9-9-9 Unsubstantiated

Palin: Fiery Debate Didn't Yield GOP Front-Runner

Obama: Fast and Furious Culprits Will Be Punished

Paul Wants to End Aid to Israel

Hoekstra: Time for Obama to Give Back Nobel Prize

Trump: I Cheered for Obama, but He's Dangerous

Bachmann: Cuts to Pentagon Budget Possible

Rivals Pile on Cain's 9-9-9, Obamacare in Debate

Bachmann: Everybody Should Pay Some Taxes

GOP Candidates Spar About Border Fence

Romney Faces Criticism on Healthcare in Debate

Cain: Protesters Should Be in Front of White House

Romney Emerges From Debate as the Man to Beat

Republican Rift Widens on Immigration

Murdoch Feud Seen as Threatening Succession

FBI Arrests 5 With Maps, Photos of US Facilities

Report: US Forces Massing on Pakistan Border

News Corp. Allegedly Ignored Errant WSJ Data

Lawmakers Fret as Cuba Oil-Drilling Plans Advance

Food, Gas Cost Consumers More in September

Social Security Recipients to Get 3.6% Raise

Omega-3s Help Prevent Osteoarthritis

Supercommittee Must Reform Taxes, Roll Back Job-Killing Regulations

GOP Debate: Cain's Plan Will Sink Him

Vote on the Issues, not the Candidate’s Race

China Trade War Threat Looms

Don’t Blame the Rich, Blame the Politicians

Herman Cain Could Be the Right Man for the Job

Names of those opposing domestic partner law are given to the public

Some university profs get six-figure salaries, state database shows

'Ice mosque' to be built near Sweden's Ice Hotel

Occupiers turn to homeless for tips on staying warm, dry

GOP senators angry about Reid claim they are rooting for failure

Student loan debt hits record levels

Obama campaign ties Mitt Romney to Wall Street and corporate greed

CDC: Emergency room visits surged in 2009

Pakistan warns US over unilateral military action

Social Sec. Raises on Way, But So Are Medicare Hikes

Republicans mock Obama’s teleprompter use

House Ethics Committee resumes probe of Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.

Senate fires warning shot at Justice Dept. over 'Fast and Furious'

Santorum calls SNL sketch 'bullying'

CDC wants your family to prepare for a Zombie Pandemic

'The Daily Caller loves all women, and honors the bodies we love to love'

Troops voted at a higher rate than general population in 2010 midterm elections

Barack Obama's bus not magic in Virginia

Liberals unhappy with Solyndra focus

Teacher's anti-gay Facebook rants attract protesters, supporters to N.J. school board meeting

Scrabble championship contestant demands opponent be strip-searched for missing tile

Postal Service says stamp prices are going up

Stuxnet clone may be preparing attack on power plants

Candidate’s Fighting Words Draw G.O.P.’s Fire


Group launches online environmental accident map



*SkyTruth Alerts: Daily Reports of Enviromental Incidents


‘Suspend the Constitution?’ Rivals from both sides attack Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr.

The constitutional ignorance of Jesse Jackson, Jr.

Gloria Steinem: Blithe Spirit | Philadelphia Inquirer | 10/19/2011

Rand Paul "I Believe The Public Is Telling These Candidates They Need To Behave More Like Ron Paul" - YouTube

Ron Paul GOP CNN Nevada Debate Responses - YouTube

GOP Debate: The Gloves Come Off «

Ryan Dernick: Iran Assassination Plot Verifiable or Just War Propaganda?

Nearly a Third of ‘Occupy’ Protesters Advocate Violence

Pepe Escobar: Oil behind US nose poking in Uganda - YouTube

Four US banks hold a staggering 95.9% of U.S. derivatives: The $600 Trillion Time Bomb That's Set to Explode

Let Our Farmers Grow Hemp

Is Washington Using Famine in the Horn of Africa to Embark on Yet Another Illegal War?

Barack Obama’s New War in Central Africa?

Union Carbide and the Bhopal Disaster

Occupy Wall Street, the Trade Union Movement and the Fight to Stop the Cuts and Concessions

The Stock Market Will Fall: The World is Drowning in Debt, much of which is Unpayable

We the 99% Demand a Totally Different Federal Budget

Occupy The World! To the Barricades Comrades?

Occupy Wall Street : How will True Reforms to Fight Social injustice be Achieved?

History Repeating Itself: U.S. Hawks Hover Over Iran

U.S. Hawks Behind Iraq War Rally for Strikes Against Iran

Cyber Warfare, Massive "Hacker-like Penetration": The U.S. in Search of an Absolute Weapon

VIDEO: Courts Rule US Government Above the Law

Media Manipulation: Are Conflict Photos Staged?

US deploys Special Forces troops to central Africa

US Begins Huge Military Maneuvers Aimed at Iran

American War Games directed against China: U.S. and Philippines Test China's Military Nerves

REPORT: 30 Years of the Farming Systems Trial | Rodale Institute

Facebook accused of violating US wiretap law • The Register

Egypt’s Top ‘Facebook Revolutionary’ Now Advising Occupy Wall Street | Danger Room |

Tomgram: Peter Van Buren, WikiLeaked at the State Department | TomDispatch

HOLY BAILOUT - Federal Reserve Now Backstopping $75 Trillion Of Bank Of America's Derivatives Trades - Home - The Daily Bail

Darpa Wants to Master the Science of Propaganda | Danger Room |

Quantum Levitation - YouTube

Obama Has Awlaki's 16-Yr-Old Son Killed at Dinner

Iran: DC Plot Suspect a High-Profile MeK Member

US Escalates Assault on Haqqanis to No Avail

Obama Supported Child Soldiers Before He Was Against Them

What if the Anti-Iran MeK Hatched the Plot?

What's the Opiate of the Masses Again?

Americans Should Worry About Obama, Not Uganda

False Patriotism: Why Americans Should Boycott Military Service

The Ironies of Obama's African Intervention

The Alleged Iranian Plot: Turning the UN Into a Courtroom

Defense Cuts Shift Military Equipment from Pentagon to Domestic Police

Son of Stuxnet? Researchers Warn of Impending Cyber Attack

Pentagon Lawyer Warns of Militarized Approach to Counterterrorism

Wallets Aweigh: Romney's Navy Surge Could Cost $40 Billion

Ron Paul's Economic Plan Targets TSA

The Sins of Liam Fox by Justin Raimondo --

Iraq, the Forgotten War


*AUDIO PAGE : Ron Paul on Cainesian Economics


**The Ron Paul Book Collection**


21 Days Away From Dumping the Federal Food Pyramid by Karen De Coster

Your Country Is Dying... and It Wants To Take You With It by Jeff Berwick

Time To Stock Up: The Price of Peanut Butter Is Set To Soar 40% in the Next Two Weeks by Mac Slavo

Federal Reserve Is Mercantilist – Not Private

Is Obama building a super-bunker or a swimming pool under the White House? | Mail Online

The War on Drugs Has Become the War on the American People - informationliberation

China's Ghost Cities - YouTube

Goldman Sachs Denies Any Wrongdoing in LV Hilton Foreclosure Case

Teleprompter Recovered From Obama's Stolen Truck

+Transcript: ABC News' Jake Tapper's Exclusive Interview with President Obama - ABC News

News from The Associated Press - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News

Keith Olbermann: Paid $10 Million to Lose Viewers | BNET

Egyptian newswoman defends Shalit interview - Israel News, Ynetnews

Queens Family Hopes Son Ilan Grapel Will Be Released From Egypt « CBS New York

Obama's bus tour costing taxpayers thousands - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

'Go ask Osama' - Maggie Haberman -

Team Obama sells Birth Certificate mugs | Campaign 2012

First Lady Asks for $10K Photo Fee | NBC Chicago

One-Eyed Albino Shark Sparks Internet Frenzy

Passenger: 'You're all going to die' | Amarillo Globe-News

Couple Married 72 Years Dies Holding Hands - Des Moines News Story - KCCI Des Moines

Man living as an 'adult baby' is cleared of Social Security fraud - Washington Times

5 Stabbed at Jail-Release Welcome Home Party | NBC Philadelphia

Bloody Gang Fight Breaks Out At Richmond City Hall « CBS San Francisco

Reid signals government jobs must take priority over private-sector jobs - The Hill's Floor Action

Obama on Occupy Wall Street: 'We Are on Their Side' | The Weekly Standard

Protesters dine in style -

Biden Continues to Warn of Rapes and Murders If Jobs Bill Isn't Passed | The Weekly Standard

Washington Father Arrested for Forcing Daughter - Flash Player Installation

Fukushima Update - 2011/10/19 (Video) - YouTube

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – October 18th, 2011

Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – October 18th, 2011

** Social Network - The Ron Paul Plan To Restore America

SPECIAL REPORT: Ron Paul's Plan To Restore America - YouTube

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – October 17th, 2011

Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – October 17th, 2011

3 Parts/Alex Details FED Attempts to Censor Critical Video |

If The Establishment Media Will Defend The Bogus Iranian-Mexican Terror Hoax, What Won’t They Defend? |

Government Front Group Vows to Abolish Critical Thinking |

11-11-11 is it birth yet ????? I think so .. what do you think??? - YouTube

UFOs: Disney's Video 'Alien Encounters' 1/3 - YouTube

UFOs: Disney's Video 'Alien Encounters' 2/3 - YouTube

UFOs: Disney's Video 'Alien Encounters' 3/3 - YouTube

10 Stategies To Prosper In Your Legitimate Home Business | Before It's News

Organic Farming vs Conventional Farming: Results of a 30 Year Study | Before It's News

Traces Of Ancient Civilisation Found In Chinese Desert | Before It's News

How To Feel Better By Raising Your Vibration | Before It's News

Obama and OWS: Clear and Present Danger | Before It's News

5 Techniques to Help with Physical Pain | Psychology Today

Obama's Secretive Kill-List Panel | Before It's News

Max Keiser: 'US bankers stole billions' - YouTube

Does Obama Understand What's Been Unleashed? | Before It's News

Was 10:45 a.m. the Originally Planned Demolition Time of WTC 7?

Crisis for Billionaires

In Debt Up To Our Eyeballs

Only One in 10 Mums Are White British in Some Parts of the UK

Auschwitz’s future secure, preservationists worry about ‘forgotten’ Nazi camps

The Book They Don’t Want You To Read

War and the Return of Populism

The Great Carbon Credit Deception

Source Reveals Link between Israeli Mossad and Alleged Iranian Plotter

Used-car salesman as Iran proxy? Why assassination plot doesn’t add up for experts


Mark Joseph: Robert Davi Sings Sinatra




Feds Caught and Released 28 Iranians Who Became Fugitives Inside U.S.; ICE Won’t Say What Happened to Them |

Biden loses it in Philadelphia | Campaign 2012

Romney, Cain Under Fire At Feisty GOP Debate | Fox News

Consumer electronics chief: Obama regulators lack business experience - Washington Times

Bloomberg Says Occupy Wall Street Tent City Is Not Covered By Freedom Of Speech

Judge denies government bid for Solyndra trustee - Washington Times

Will the World Ask Why Palestinians Celebrate Murder? « Commentary Magazine

New healthcare fight is joined as administration's 2010 law implodes -

'Fast & Furious': How botched operation spawned fatal results - Washington Times

Bereaved families: State dancing in our blood - Israel News, Ynetnews

Ind. Dem quits in fake-signature flap - Mackenzie Weinger -

Policy on KIA bracelets stokes Marines’ fury - Checkpoint Washington - The Washington Post

Outraged mom says kindergarteners sexually assaulted her son in school bathroom: lawsuit

California's illegal pot growers move to farmland - Washington Times

Oklahoma Mother Gives Her Life to Save Unborn Child - Katie Pavlich

Belmont stable owners insist foreign workers are needed for dirty jobs that NYers refuse to do

Gorilla trafficking in DR Congo: Baby 'Shamavu' rescued from poacher's bag | Mail Online


*ARTICLES:Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post ; BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials – October 18, 2011

*ARTICLES:Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post ; BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials – October 17, 2011

+ARTICLES:Occupy Wall Street and the Federal Reserve News – 10-18-11 |


Follow the Money with Bergman-Chicago: The City That Works!

On Beating the MSM & Pseudo Alternatives when it Comes to the Truth


**Complete E-Mail Addresses for Congress/House(

Black Men In America( – Black Health News

NextGEN Real Estate Corp(

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Alleged ‘American Idol’ Trespasser In Court « CBS Pittsburgh

Ron Paul Defends Occupy Wall Street and Middle Class at Republican Debate | Death and Taxes

Debate: Republicans Agree to Continue Foreign Aid Funding (Except Ron Paul)

GOP Presidential Debate: What Hollywood Is Saying - The Hollywood Reporter

Lawsuit filed by children of firefighter who died when roof collapsed -

John Hughes' Lake Forest mansion hits market for $5.89M -

Is Chicago targeting the ’burbs with its fee hikes? -

Testimony To Resume In Trial Of Michael Jackson's Doctor | Fox News


Google Encrypts Search With HTTPS to Enhance Privacy and Security | Death and Taxes


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Apple Loses Some of Its Shine -

NASA, Japan Enhance Earth Topographic Map - Government - Enterprise Applications - Informationweek

MIT Tech Helps U.S. Soldiers See Through Concrete Walls | Fox News

AFP: German satellite to crash to Earth 'at the weekend'

Meet the Man Who Wants to Mine the Moon : Discovery News

Winged Robot Is Time Machine to Origins of Flight | Wired Science |

More Dark Matter Questions | News | The Harvard Crimson

Quantum levitating (locking) video goes viral

Saturn's Snowy Moon Enceladus Might Be a Skier's Paradise | Enceladus & Ice Geysers | Saturn Moons & Weather |

Fox Hosts Energy Industry Consultant To Push Myth About EPA Fee Quotas | Media Matters for America

One third of the discovered gamma rays so far have unknown sources | ZME Science

Glaxo’s RTS,S Malaria Vaccine Shows Promise, Scientists Say -

Study: More Facebook friends linked to larger brain areas -

Is High Blood Pressure Linked to Birth Defects?

Poll: Legalization of Marijuana - Medfield, MA Patch

Social phobia not shyness, researchers say | Reuters

Junk Food Makes Young Guys Infertile, Study Says - The Consumerist

Health-care "scorecard" shows Americans get raw deal - HealthPop - CBS News

Deputies shoot escaped exotic animals in Ohio -

Herman Cain: Is he in over his head? -

Police using warrant to search home of missing Missouri baby | Reuters

Obama courts military, pushes veterans hiring plan on bus tour -

San Antonio break-in sparks FBI involvement: police | Reuters

Fourth person charged in Philadelphia kidnapping scheme | Reuters

The Hidden Utility of Ron Paul's Balanced-Budget Plan: View

Hubert Humphrey III to head new consumer office for seniors -

Alabama Immigration Law Splitting Families in Florida | WUSF Public Media

Obama not a fan of the Kardashians

Elizabeth Warren Shocks With "Elite Hick" Statement | ThirdAge

Police: Father killed wife, kids, self - NewsTimes

Man on Southwest flight allegedly tries to break into cockpit -

FBI Arrests Suspected 'Mr. Magoo' Bandit In San Diego | Fox News

Obama team slams Mitt Romney after Republican debate |

Biden Loses It in Philadelphia - Joe Biden - Fox Nation

The Associated Press: NH Republicans push candidates to stand with NH

Gilad Shalit deal: An inside look at Israel-Hamas backchannel talks -

Clinton’s Visit to Tripoli Lets Obama Show Libya Results - Businessweek

BBC News - Two arrested Cardiff men, 18, 'deported by Kenya'

US to begin more nuclear weapons talks with North Korea | World news |

BBC News - China accuses Dalai Lama of encouraging suicide by fire

Pakistani Military Chief Warns US Against Unilateral Military Action | News | English

Thailand leader admits flooding has overwhelmed her government | World news |

Public callous, not criminal in ignoring injured toddler - CTV News

Philippine troops battle southern rebels - Asia-Pacific - Al Jazeera English

BBC News - Syria unrest: Aleppo sees huge pro-Assad rally

US awaits inquiry ahead of Bahrain arms deal - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

The Associated Press: Kosovo Serbs refuse to lift roadblocks

Business Asia: Preparing for China's New Leaders -

Brutal Gaddafi Regime Fights On in Western Libya

Libyan child fighters criss-cross Sirte battlefield - Region - World - Ahram Online

Libya oil wokers protest, demand sack of ‘pro-Gaddafi’ manager

U.S. cyberweapons had been considered to disrupt Gaddafi’s air defenses - The Washington Post

Did Qaddafi's End Justify the Means? - Council on Foreign Relations

I still have my doubts on Libya - By Dov Zakheim | Shadow Government

US should repudiate Shariah law in Libya - The Hill's Pundits Blog

The Effort to Isolate Iran - Council on Foreign Relations

The Lengthening List of Iran Sanctions - Council on Foreign Relations

Stewart M. Patrick: The Internationalist » U.S. Sovereignty at Bay? Separating Fact and Fiction

Obama Campaign Selling “Birth Certificate” Mugs

The EduJobs III Bailout

Former Financial Regulator William Black: Occupy Wall Street a Counter to White-Collar Fraud

Colleagues of Slain Kansas Abortion Doctor George Tiller Continue His Fight for Reproductive Rights

Democracy Now! | Headlines for October 19, 2011

Orszag to Protestors: "It's Not My Fault!"

TV Networks Skip Ron Paul Budget Plan

Vitter, Inhofe and Issa Want Proof of “Sound” Science from White House Regarding Multiple Agency Act

U.K. Citizens Face Increasing Fuel Poverty

Watchdog Calls on UN Chief to Clarify Remarks Comparing Israel’s Shalit to Hamas Terrorists

Smart Growth America!

Inflation depredation without cessation

Election 2012: GOP presidential candidates, lawmakers address narco-terrorism

Obama’s ‘Responsibility to protect’ is to us

God’s Name Not Written on MLK Memorial Stones a Missed Opportunity Says Dr. Alveda King

Progressive Media Encourage Lawlessness and Anarchy

Millionaires and Billionaires plan “Occupations” of their own

CNN Debate Fails On 14th Amendment’s Citizenship Clause

Chew on This! Hugh Betcha Confronts Anti-Tobacco Chewing Senators at World Series

Law Fixes Fast and Furious?

Better Than Them

Harry Belafonte Insults Herman Cain—but Hails Fidel Castro

'Sharing' Without Asking

How Can You Tell Which Ones are the Rats?

'Zionist Jews...need to be run out of the country' teacher fired by LAUSD

Marion Jones - Diplomatic Ambassador?

Cain says he would release all Gitmo prisoners in swap for one GI

Obama seeking to shore up support among teachers, firefighter unions

OWS are groupies

OSW demonstrators clueless about taxes and government economic policy

Anti-Semitic Occupiers Equate Judaism With Capitalism

Clothing Line for Communists

The Hamas Factor

The Power of Herman Cain

Why Romney Alarms Me

Obama and the OWS Protesters

Dear Herman Cain: Replace 9-9-9 with a Flat Tax

The OWS Dream

Hugo Chávez: Sick in Mind and Body

Islam Pleads Guilty

Obama: 1, Informed Public: 0

Herman Cain: Runaway Slave

Citizenship Jeopardy

Tort Lawyers' Dream, Economy's Scourge: Richard Cordray and the CFPB

Repeal Obamacare - but Keep Socialized Education?

Class Warfare Rhetoric and Reality

The Revolutionary Communist Party's Little Yellow Book

OWS = FBA (Future Bums of America)

The Revolutionaries' Revenge

Occupy Wall Street and the Chicago '68 Riots

Who Knew Conservatives Loved the IRS?

Clarence Thomas' Constitution

Debbie Schlussel:Muslim Twinkie Defense Again: Another Jihadist “Flying While Muslim”

Debbie Schlussel:Gilad Shalit: When a Masked HAMAS Terrorist Holds the Camera, Is the Interview “Forced”?

Debbie Schlussel:Occupy Al-Dallas Has Mid-East Influence

Debbie Schlussel:After 5 Years, Will Gilad Shalit Return w/ Al-Stockholm Syndrome?

Debbie Schlussel:OUTRAGE! Israel to Release Palestinian Who Ripped Israeli Soldier Apart!

Computer program to reveal who wrote the Bible | Mail Online

Extreme Ballooning -- on Titan : Discovery News

BBC News - Ardnamurchan Viking boat burial discovery 'a first'

Key to Mysterious Ocean Glow Proposed | Bioluminescence, Blue Flashes Ocean, Dinoflagellates, Voltage-Gated Proton Channels | LiveScience

Japanese artist becomes online sensation with banana sculptures |

Possibility Is Thrust of 100-Year Starship Study -

Sweet dreams: Travelocity names the top 10 haunted hotels in U.S. - Pack Up -

Drug-Resistant Staph Infections in Europe Could Mark Start of a New Epidemic | Observations, Scientific American Blog Network

BBC News - Power from the people

Stossell Shouted Down in Occupy Wall Street | Video |

Bryant Gumbel Calls David Stern ‘Plantation Overseer’ | Video |

Man Arrested on Southwest Flight After Yelling ‘Allahu Akbar’ | Video |

Occupy Cleveland Protest Under Fire After Teen Alleges Rape | Video |

Plot? Three Moroccan Muslims Caught Sneaking Inside Texas Courthouse | Video |

Cell Phone Carriers Pledge to Warn Users of High Usage to Prevent ‘Bill Shock’ | Video |

AP Fact Checks CNN GOP Presidential Debate | Video |

Poll: Who Won Tuesday’s GOP Presidential Debate? |

Cain Says Occupy Wall Street Protesters Should Be ‘Standing in Front of the White House’ | Video |

Ron Paul Would ‘Cut All Foreign Aid’…Even to Israel | Video |

Santorum Blasts Romney on Health Care: ‘You Just Don’t Have Credibility’ | Video |

Herman Cain Worships at the Liberal Antioch Baptist Church North | Video |

ABC Nightline Interview on Occupy Wall Street: President Barack Obama Says He is “On Their Side” |

Susan Sarandon Is Condemned by Jewish & Catholic Groups Over Nazi Comment | Video |

Ayatollah Khamenei to Ahmadinejad We May Becoma Parliament System |

Fewer Americans Can Afford the Basics |

Biden Sells Obama Jobs Bill to Fourth-Graders at Goode Elementary in York: ‘We’re Going to Give You Some Money’ to Hire Teachers | Video |

Stacie Crimm Does After Refusing Chemo to Save Unborn Baby’s Life | Video |

Obama Vows To Hold Those Responsible for Fast And Furious Accountable |

Senate Unanimously Votes to End Fast and Furious Gun Program |

Occupy Wall Street Hit By Thieves |

Take This Lollipop Facebook Connect App Creeps With Underlying Message | Video |

Texas Girl Behind Mexican Pledge Story Responds | Video |

OmniTouch Wearable Projector Turns Any Surface Into Touchscreen | PocketTouch Senses Touch Through Pocket | Video |

Xavier Lamb Rescued From Burning Building By Brave Firefighter |

Two Vans Hit Chinese Toddler…18 Passers-by Ignore Her Suffering | Wang Yue | Video |

Marines Fined and Jailed After Fraudulent Marriage With Lesbians |

Joe Scarborough on MSNBC Says the GOP has Lost its Way | Video |

Construction Near the West Wing: Is Obama Adding a Pool? |

Shocking Video: McDonald’s Cashier Beats Woman With Rod | Video |

Jon Stewart Tells Protestors to Mind Their Image | Video |

RealClearMarkets - Busting the 1% vs. 99% Inequality Myth

Orszag: As Kaldor’s Facts Fall, Occupy Wall Street Rises - Bloomberg

The Fundamental Fallacies Of Macroeconomics - Forbes

Arthur B. Laffer: Cain's Stimulating '9-9-9' Tax Reform -

The American Revolution - (The Battle of Yorktown )


Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings: A Brief Account « Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello

Finally: Some attention for book disputing Jefferson-slave mistress liaison « Media Myth Alert

BBC - History - Ancient History in depth: Napoleon's Lost Army: The Soldiers Who Fell

Russia's plans for Unknown Soldier tomb complicated by lack of remains - Telegraph

The Lessons of 'Black Monday' - US News and World Report

The American Spectator : Midnight in America

A Decade Of Drudge Breathlessly Hyping Pat Buchanan's Books | Media Matters for America

Muslim comic book is 'the antidote to bin Laden' - The National

The Smart Set: American Dreamer - October 17, 2011

What Would Happen if Amazon Ruled Publishing? - Rebecca J. Rosen - Technology - The Atlantic

Obamacare is Unraveling | FrumForum

Conservatives Celebrate Cancellation Of The CLASS Act, But It Vindicates Obamacare -- And Highlights The Poverty Of GOP Health Care Plans | The New Republic

Meet the senator who killed the CLASS Act - The Washington Post

Herman Cain’s VAT - Right Turn - The Washington Post

The Origins And Perils Of Bank Consolidation | ThinkProgress

Tax Cuts and Supply-Side Effects

Hacked! - Magazine - The Atlantic

Son of Stuxnet Found in the Wild on Systems in Europe | Threat Level |

Facebook friend tally is associated with differences in brain structure | Science | The Guardian

Samsung Galaxy Nexus first impressions: Ice Cream Sandwich makes it sparkle | Android Atlas - CNET Reviews

Relive and analyze your entire email archive | ExtremeTech

Online Dating Evolves : Discovery News

Exclusive: Matias Duarte on the philosophy of Android, and an in-depth look at Ice Cream Sandwich | This is my next...

"I think they're mad": Inside a 48 hour battle to build the best video game

Allthis Is a Marketplace Where You Can Buy & Sell Time

How Dropbox Will Die - Forbes

Hands-On With Motorola’s Droid Razr, World’s Thinnest Smartphone | Gadget Lab |

A Device For When You're Hurt, Lost Or Feeling Scared -

U.S. crafting framework for cyber offense: general | Reuters

Reorganize Your Past, Online - Technology Review

Microsoft OmniTouch: Turn your entire world into a touchscreen | ExtremeTech

Are there different kinds of female orgasm? » Scienceline

Japanese mathematician breaks record for determining the value of pi - Telegraph

Attack on Radiation Geneticists Triggers Furor - ScienceInsider

The Tech That Will Prevent The Next Big Foodborne Illness Outbreak | Fast Company

Why the World May Be Running Out of Clean Water - TIME

An Unforgettable World Series? Only If Your Team Wins - Miller-McCune

More Facebook Friends Means More Grey Matter in Brain, U.K. Study Shows - Bloomberg

Springy yoyos turn buildings into sources of energy

Report finds fault with college labs over poor safety record –

Dumb Things Grad Students Do in Lab - Blog

Warning on neural technique : Nature News

Max-Planck-Gesellschaft - Children prefer cooperation - National Science Foundation (NSF) News - From Tropics to Poles: Study Reveals Diversity of Life in Soils - US National Science Foundation (NSF)

Spaceport America opens – but space tourists will have to wait | Science | The Guardian

DHS: Anonymous Interested in Hacking Nation’s Infrastructure | Threat Level |

Questions about Mitt Romney's faith are fair game | Deseret News

Ron Paul, culture warrior? » GetReligion

RealClearReligion - When a T-Shirt Stunned Ted Kennedy

Fr. Richard Rohr: Religion And Immigration: We Have Not Yet Begun To Love

Quotes without God on MLK memorial spark controversy :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

America Magazine Rush finds 'God' in Lord's Resistance Army

Catholic Conscience Over a Woman’s Life? | Religion Dispatches

Negotiating our notions of self | The Christian Century

There is no end to revelation | Eye of Faith

Presidential Religion: Enough, Already!, Christian News

Is Religion Above the Law? -

Religion, politics a toxic mix -

The Campaign for Human Development: Time to Shut it Down? | First Things

Can Smart Apps Save the Smart Grid? - Forbes

GOP 2012 agenda: What energy debate? - Alex Guillen -

Perry takes a new path on energy company tax breaks | Editorials | Fort Worth, Arlington, Nor...

Rick Perry's Jobs Plan Isn't One - Forbes

Obama's push to quell a nuclear North Korea -

LEBLANC: Obama's obligation to free up Gulf oil - Washington Times

Oil drilling off Cuba: politics getting in way of safety -

An Electrifying Ancestor -

How billions without electricity will benefit from clean energy | Grist

Conn Carroll: Perry energy plan is a start, but falls short | Conn Carroll | Columnists | Washington Examiner

Editorials | Energy independence reliant on legislators | The Detroit News

Deloitte_Global_Auto_Survey_Electric_Vehicles.pdf (application/pdf Object)

Energy Industry Continues to Reshape Itself to Fit New World of Oil & Gas Resources | The Energy Collective

America's Backward Energy Plan | Fox Business

This is no Normal Recession: Are we Prepared for 0 Oil at Oil Price

Karin Kloosterman: The Best Bet for Renewable Energy?

Climate Change Negotiations: The Death of the Kyoto Process - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

RealClearPolitics - Opinion, News, Analysis, Videos and Polls

Nicolas Lecaussin: Is France Doomed to Big Government? -

Canada News: Tim Harper: PM’s big oil ‘no-brainer’ an emotional issue in U.S. -

"A Pattern of Dangerous and Reckless Behavior" - Jamsheed K. Choksy and Carol E. B. Choksy - The American Interest Magazine

The Death of Obama’s Iran Outreach | The Diplomat

Obama’s Empty Apologetics - Victor Davis Hanson - National Review Online

Gilad Shalit release marks the collapse of the peace process | Mail Online

Imagined in America -

In Foshan, China, a street without a heart - The Globe and Mail

America must manage its decline -

On the road, Iran's Khamenei sets stage for a less democratic future -

*Transcripts:17th/Obama Campaigns for Jobs Act in North Carolina

Interview with Presidential Candidate Herman Cain

Interview with Presidential Candidate Ron Paul

Interview with 2012 Candidate Jon Huntsman

Interview with Representative Barney Frank

Interview with Senator John Thune

Guests: Senator Hagan and Governor Barbour

Panel on "ObamaCare" and CLASS

Analysts Discuss Campaign Super PACs

Media Availability with Secretary Panetta

» OWS Call for “Global Governance” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Federal Records Show Romney Campaign Bought And Paid For By Big Banks Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Private Security Allegedly Hired to Clear OWS from Zuccotti Park Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Global warming scam run by government and Wall Street while taxpayers foot the bill Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» State Department Agitator Advising ‘Occupy’ Movement Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Who Is to Blame: Washington Or Wall Street? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Big Wall Street Banks Are Already Trying To Buy The 2012 Election Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Ron Paul Highlights – CNN Las Vegas Debate Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Ulsterman Report – WALL STREET INSIDER: The Obama White House Wants Us Gone. All of Us. - The Ulsterman Report

'New Stuxnet' worm targets companies in Europe | Technology | The Guardian

Family hits out at US in fury at fate of Anwar al-Awlaki's slain son - Middle East, World - The Independent

Debt-Serfdom Is The New American Normal

Jailed Egyptian blogger on hunger strike says 'he is ready to die' | World news | The Guardian

» The modern history of Iran and WW3 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

HOLY BAILOUT - Federal Reserve Now Backstopping $75 Trillion Of Bank Of America's Derivatives Trades - Home - The Daily Bail

US forces 'massing on Afghanistan-Pakistan border' - Telegraph

US Troop Deaths in Afghan War Under Obama Now Twice That Under Bush | Just Foreign Policy

EU bank failures will crash Wall Street — again - Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch

King Abdullah II of Jordan Fires His Government -

» Limbaugh Endorses Ron Paul’s Economic Plan Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Disney hotel workers try to stay ahead of the 'electronic whip' -

Chile tackles protesters with military draft order - Americas, World - The Independent

Never, Ever, EVER Talk to Cops « Blog

» Bank Works with Cops to Arrest Protesters Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

NSA And Google Developing Hardened Android Kernel For Government Communication; Will Be More Secure Than BlackBerry

Red Tape - Gov't cameras in your car? E-toll patent hints at Big Brotherish future

Malaria vaccine could save millions of children's lives | Society | The Guardian

Fish pedicures and foot spas could spread HIV and hepatitis C | Mail Online

» Doctors want to diagnose ADHD starting at age four Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Soyuz rocket prepares for first launch from French Guiana | Science | The Guardian

One giant crash for BlackBerry... but 40% fewer CAR crashes for motorists in the Middle East during smartphone outage | Mail Online

AFP: US Army to fly 'kamikaze' drones

BBC News - Power from the people

Drugs may let us live to 150

Could a computer one day rewire itself?

Justice Department Accuses Issa Of 'Mischaracterizing' Evidence In Probe Of Operation Fast And Furious | Fox News

Issa: Holder 'Dodging' Questions About 'Fast and Furious' - YouTube

Issa Acknowledges Gun Probes 'Similar' -- Not Identical -- To 'Fast And Furious' Under Bush | Fox News

Joy vanished into Britain's child-sex trade - why aren't we looking for her? | Law | The Observer

Conservatives ordered to vote against EU referendum - Telegraph

PressTV - 'Save Press TV to protect free speech'

BBC News - England riots: Court rejects Facebook sentence appeals

» #OccupyWallStreet Squatters Mock 9/11 ‘Shrine’ Statue - Big Government

Uganda looks to seize opportunity presented by 9/11 US bombing (Part II)

Judge: Al Qaeda owes $9.3 billion for 9/11 harm - CBS News

Asia Times Online :: THE (DIS)INFORMATION WAR GETS UGLY: US officials peddle false intel

» Obama’s Great African Military Safari Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Iranian commercial airline sanctioned for terrorism connections - FierceHomelandSecurity

PressTV - Italian police protest austerity cuts

Greek fat-cats 'have secretly shifted more 200bn euros into Swiss bank accounts' | Mail Online

Zombie Apocalypse? Atlanta Says Bring It On -

MONEYBOMB: November 3rd 2011 - YouTube

Alex Details FED Attempts to Censor Critical Video 1/3 - YouTube

Alex Details FED Attempts to Censor Critical Video 2/3 - YouTube

Alex Details FED Attempts to Censor Critical Video 3/3 - YouTube

Ron Paul Launches ‘Black This Out’ Money Bomb | The State Column


Prison » Is Washington Using Famine in the Horn of Africa to Embark on Yet Another Illegal War?

Prison » State Department Agitator Advising ‘Occupy’ Movement

Most Americans Uncertain About "Occupy Wall Street" Goals

Prison » No Money For Street Lights, Roving Packs Of Wild Dogs And Open-Air Drug Markets


Prison » Family Values: The Roman Rigor of Obama’s Death Squad

Iran capable of winning any possible war: Army chief - Tehran Times

Prison » Far Left Occupy Rome Protesters Destroy Statue of Mary

US forces 'massing on Afghanistan-Pakistan border' - Telegraph

North Korea: Capitalism is fading from history | Reuters

Prison » Issa & Bush Gun-Running, Obama’s OWS Takeover Failure: Nightly News Blitz

Prison » Monsanto’s Crimes Against Humanity with Jeffrey M. Smith

BofA Said to Split Regulators Over Moving Merrill Derivatives to Bank Unit - Bloomberg

HOLY BAILOUT - Federal Reserve Now Backstopping $75 Trillion Of Bank Of America's Derivatives Trades - Home - The Daily Bail

Prison » Ron Paul “We’re In A Debt Crisis That’s Worldwide”

Prison » Pepe Escobar: Iranian plot was an inside job

Feds Caught and Released 28 Iranians Who Became Fugitives Inside U.S.; ICE Won’t Say What Happened to Them |

White House accused of Barack Obama 'green screen' trickery - Telegraph

Prison » Facebook Is Building Shadow Profiles of Non-Users

Facebook Is Building Shadow Profiles of Non-Users - Slashdot

Obama: Republicans Want ‘Dirtier Air, Dirtier Water’ |

'Creepy' Path Intelligence retail technology tracks shoppers |

Facebook Can Track Web Browsing Without Cookies

Afghanistan: We Need More Weapons!

Mao With A Latin Accent

Israel’s Prison Swap Shows Netanyahu’s Fearless Leadership

Obama’s ‘Responsibility to Protect’ Is To Us

Egypt’s Arab Spring Revolutionary Now Advising Occupy Wall Street

Holder Reveals Iran Plot To Distract From ‘Fast and Furious,’ Ends Up Highlighting Cases’ Similarities

Report: We Can Cut $550 Billion In Defense And Still Remain Dominant Superpower

#OccupyPortland Protester Dances On Soldiers’ Monument

What’s The CIA Doing At The New York Police Department?

“Horatius Wolf”: Rep. Frank Wolf takes on Grover Norquist

US To Deploy ‘Kamikaze’ Drone Soon

The Three Phases Of Civil Unrest And The First Two Reached by #OccupyWallStreet

Iranians Win 4,453 'Diversity Visa' Applications to Immigrate to U.S. |

Daily Caller: NPR Host Lisa Simeone Is Occupy DC Spokeswoman

Media Matters’ Eric Boehlert Still Needs To Provide Proof For His Arguments

Biden Wishes Stimulus Opponents ‘Had Some Notion’ What It’s Like to Get Raped, Media Ignores

Wednesday Crib Sheet: Cooper Scores Well As Moderator, CBS Promotes Occupy

Anderson Cooper Moderates Best GOP Debate Thus Far

Media Matters’ Eric Boehlert Fails To Spin Ratigan Out Of Mess

2012 Is Coming, the MSM Is Corrupt, and Big Journalism Needs Your Help

How the MSM Supports Dr. Oz, Junk Science Advocate

Keith Olbermann: Paid $10 Million to Lose Viewers | BNET

'The View' Hosts Bash Herman Cain For Immigration Comments (VIDEO)

VIDEO: Sen. Rand Paul on #OccupyWallStreet, Repealing No Child Left Behind

AUDIO:Supersized GOP Debate Roundtable

‘Democracy Denied’: Little Time to Block FCC from Bypassing Congress on Net Neutrality

Another California Tax Hike to Fund a Boondoggle Program

LA Unified School District Fires Teacher Who Made Anti-Semitic Remarks at #Occupy Demonstration

What Happens in Vegas: The GOP Debate

Obama on ‘Fast and Furious’: ‘People Who Have Screwed Up Will Be Held Accountable’

This Is Not the Age of Austerity

Wall Street to Dems: You Can’t Have it Both Ways

#OccupyBaltimore Discourages Sexual Assault Victims From Contacting Police, Offers Counseling for Perpetrators

Observations on the New Hampshire Debate: Cain Impresses, Romney Holds Strong, Others Falter

Is #OccupyWallStreet Part of the Soros Brand?

Holder on Hot Seat for Fast and Furious Documents

All against Cain: Upstart targeted in GOP debate

New Herman Cain Super PAC launched during debate – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Sarandon’s ‘Nazi’ Swipe Ignores History, Falls in Line with Hollywood Dogma

Media Won’t Punish Sarandon for ‘Nazi’ Comments, Audiences Will

+Morning Call Sheet: Davi Sings Sinatra Tonight, More Monopolistic Studio Practices, and Hollywood Finally Uses the Word ‘Evil’

Jay-Z Appears in Warren Buffett Animated Series, Encourages Kids to ‘Give Back’

Late Night Finally Hits Obama’s Soft Spot: The Teleprompter

‘Boss’ Rave Review: Kelsey Grammer ‘Superb’ In ‘Stunning, Eye-opening Dramatic Turn’

Is ‘The Walking Dead’ Terminal? Yes. Because It’s Stupid.

Tea Party Leader Invites Sean Penn for a Sit-Down Following Racial Rant

‘Pulp Fiction’ Blu-ray Review: Much More Than Just a ‘Royale with Cheese’

Will TNT’s New ‘Dallas’ Go Green?

Batman vs. the ‘99 Percent’ – ‘Dark Knight Rises’ Could Clash with Occupy Wall Street Throng

Fund on Sarandon and the Arts Crowd: Stop Giving ‘Nazi’ Talk a Pass

Seth Green: Latest 1 Percent Celeb Supporting Occupy Wall Street

Former 'Hills' Staffer Sues MTV for Sexual Harassment, Forced Drug Use | TheWrap TV

Gervais Slams Critics Over 'Offensive' Tweets

Julianne Moore vents political frustration - CLICK -

'UNSC may vote on Palestinian statehood in early November'

Link between menopause, obesity, cognitive impairment

Freed would-be suicide bomber tells kids to be like her

Apple employees to celebrate Jobs, stores to close

Judge: Texas court break-in may have been prank

German government turns to YouTube to reach new audiences

How the Fed compiles the Beige Book, at a glance

Fed survey finds economy expanding modestly

Lake Michigan storm bringing big waves, high winds

US talks with NKorea next week, replacing envoy

APNewsBreak: Basement case could be US hate crime

Citigroup to pay $285 million to settle fraud case

Judge revokes Lindsay Lohan probation

Social Security benefits to go up 3.6 percent

UK lawmaker to take phone-hacking campaign to US

Jackson jurors to see video of anesthesia process

Analysis: UPS, FedEx poised to gain from Postal Service pain

US solar firm launches trade action against China


19-Oct-11 World View

18-Oct-11 World View

17-Oct-11 World View


Barbie gets tattoos for fashion makeover - but what message does this send to her young fans? | Mail Online

'Fleur First' bras designed for girls of nine on sale at Tesco | Mail Online

Diver balances shark VERTICALLY in palm of her hand... after putting it in a trance | Mail Online

Did painter Van Gogh meet his death at 37 in a shooting accident? | Mail Online

Cassidy: Archaeologist Christine Finn digs up Silicon Valley's recent past - San Jose Mercury News

Girl Scouts to gain badges for financial acumen - Telegraph

Bulletin from Time: Cain not a prophet!

Defining 'anosognosia'

Idiotic mimicking by the '99%'

Wall Street protesters are half right

Scruffies stealing headlines

Why rich celebrities aren't being demonized

Will it be the Bible or the bayonet?

Obama's Department of Shariah

Obama's secretive kill-list panel

KNIGHT: Obama's jobs machine - Washington Times

Blacks reject Cain for good reason -

A.D. 2041 – end of white America?

Is Transhumanism Coercive? - Reason Magazine

Poland's Soviet-era secret police used hidden cameras to spy on population - Telegraph

Patrick Mallucci, Consultant Plastic Surgeon at University College London finds ideal breast shape | Information, Gadgets, Mobile Phones News & Reviews |

Judge: Death threats against pro-family campaigners not a problem

Speak out against Islamic terror? Not at this U.S. hotel

'Freedom of Information' meeting held in secret

Judge says Obama Social Security data secret

Debate chief raises issue of McCain's eligibility – again!

Hannity Defends Birthers Blames Obama - 10/17/11 - YouTube

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Prisoner exchange the right call?;Elihu Ben-Onn: Soldier's return paramount, better Hamas relations possible


Limbaugh to the GOP: Don’t fall for the premise of the OWS protests « Hot Air

Wall Street protesters are half right

Republicans lay groundwork to repeal healthcare overhaul -

Is Obama building a super-bunker or a swimming pool under the White House? | Mail Online

Meet the real Grover Norquist

Expert: 'Forger' of Obama birth record left red herring

Forged creation matches Obama's birth certificate

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?


**NEWS VIDEOS:#OccupyOakland Protesters Threaten Reporter; Cameras Would Be Stolen, Broken If Media Enters Tent City

#OccupyOakland Out Of Control: Rats, Graffiti, Vandalism, Sexual Harassment, Public Sex and Urination

Abusive #OccupyOakland Protesters Ban Media From Tent City

Obama: #OccupyWallStreet ‘Not That Different’ From Tea Party

Big Journalism’s Loesch On #OccupyWallStreet: ‘This Is The Wall Street President’

Reid-onomics: Private Sector Unemployment ‘Just Fine’

Occupy Australia: “Your Days are Numbered Bourgeois Swine”

Romney: Keep Religion Out of Presidential Politics

Fired LAUSD Teacher: ‘Anyone Who Speaks Against the Jews Are Called Racist Nowadays’

Today In History: Cornwallis Surrenders Yorktown

Michael Steele: Perry ‘Got Owned’ When He Opened A ‘Can Of Whup Ass’

Stossel Visits #OccupyWallStreet

18th/Palin: Newt Won Debate

Ron Paul Asks GOP Candidates to Condemn Ronald Reagan

Fake Signatures May Mean Obama Didn’t Actually Qualify to Run for President in Indiana

Cain: #Occupy Protests Should Be In Front Of White House

Knives Are Out For ‘9-9-9′ Plan

Santorum, Romney Spar Over ‘RomneyCare’

Romney, Perry At Each Other’s Throats Over Health Care, Immigration

GOP Debate: Candidates Introduce Themselves

Cain On Prisoner Swap: ‘I Could Make That Call’

Movie Star Shia LaBeouf Beaten Outside Vancouver Bar

MSNBC’s Bashir Presses Russell Simmons on Anti-Semitism at #OccupyWallStreet

#OccupyPortland Protester Dances On Soldiers’ Monument

Obama’s Teleprompter Stolen

Liberal’s Favorite Candidate Elizabeth Warren: ‘I’m Going for the Hick Vote’

Dem Rep Claims GOP Told Her They Want to Hurt Economy

Moonbat #Occupy Protester of the Day: ‘I Had a Nightmare’

Hamas Frees Israeli Soldier as Prisoner Swap Begins

17th/Harry Belafonte Falls Asleep On Live TV

Herman Cain Sings John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’… About Pizza

Cop-Killer Embraced By Political Left, Celebs Endorses Occupy Movement

Issa: FBI Needs To Come Clean In ‘Fast & Furious’ Investigation

100-year-old Finishes Marathon

**Markets Video - Dollar Losing Safe-Haven Status?

18TH - Mauldin: Europe "Closer and Closer to End Game"


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

*19 Oct.

American Minute for October 19th

October 19 Events in History

Today in History: October 19

October 19th This Day in History

This Day in History for 19th October

Today in History: October 19

October 19th in History

Today in History for October 19th - YouTube


Redding News Review 10-17-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 10-17-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 10-17-11 Hr 3

Alex Jones - 2011-Oct-18, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2011-Oct-17, Monday

Alex Jones - 2011-Oct-16, Sunday

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-17-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-17-11 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-18-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-18-11 Hr 2

10/18 The Mark Levin Show

10/17 The Mark Levin Show

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 10-19-11

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 10-18-11

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 10-17-11

2011-10-19.Jesse Peterson Radio Show

.2011-10-18.Jesse Peterson Radio Show

.2011-10-17.Jesse Peterson Radio Show

Live Free Or Die Radio - Tuesday, October, 18, 2011

Paul Drockton Show 18 1

Paul Drockton Show 18 2

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 18 1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 18 2

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 17 1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 17 2

The View From Marrs With Jim Marrs 17TH

Mysterious Realms With Dr. John DeSalvo 18TH

The Manning Report – 18 October 2011

The Manning Report – 17 October 2011 | ATLAH Media Network

Oct. 18, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Oct. 17, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

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