A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

16 October 2011

16 OCT.

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Study: FDA allowed oil-tainted seafood onto market | The Raw Story

Holder on Hot Seat, JW Sues Justice for Fast and Furious Documents


* Catch-22


6 pgs./Act of 1871


United States Code: Title 28,1746. Unsworn declarations under penalty of per­jury | LII / Legal Information Institute

Meet Your “Legal Person”| The Post & Email


Creditors in Commerce Introduction (part 1 of 4)

Creditors in Commerce Introduction (part 2 of 4)

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Creditors in Commerce Introduction (part 4 of 4)


It All Goes Back in the Box


The Freeman and Strawman - An Introduction - YouTube


The Strawman Illusion - The Matrix Exposed (part 1 of 10)

The Strawman Illusion - The Matrix Exposed (part 2 of 10)

The Strawman Illusion - The Matrix Exposed (part 3 of 10)

The Strawman Illusion - The Matrix Exposed (part 4 of 10)

The Strawman Illusion - The Matrix Exposed (part 5 of 10)

The Strawman Illusion - The Matrix Exposed (part 6 of 10)

The Strawman Illusion - The Matrix Exposed (part 7 of 10)

The Strawman Illusion - The Matrix Exposed (part 8 of 10)

The Strawman Illusion - The Matrix Exposed (part 9 of 10)

The Strawman Illusion - The Matrix Exposed (part 10 of 10)


Watch Out! Those With Debts Will Go Broke in Coming Deflationary Depression – Here’s Why | Veterans Today

FACT CHECK: Closer look at Cain's retirement model - Yahoo! News

Herman Cain breaks down his 9-9-9 plan - YouTube

PolitiFact | Checking Herman Cain's math on 9-9-9

PolitiFact | The facts about Herman Cain's 9-9-9 tax plan

Herman Cain Says 9-9-9 Tax Plan Will End ‘Invisible Taxes’ - Businessweek

Bruce Bartlett: Inside the Cain Tax Plan -

Is Herman Cain's 9-9-9 tax plan fair? –

Bottom Line - Cain's 9-9-9 tax plan is simple: Most will simply pay more

What is Herman Cain's 9-9-9 plan? -

The banker behind Herman Cain's 9-9-9 plan -

Cain: ‘Most people will pay less’ under 9-9-9 - The Hill's Video

Cain: My 9-9-9 plan will raise taxes on some in U.S. | Reuters

Cain Adviser Says 9-9-9 Plan Didn't Take an Economist to Create

Cain adviser who wrote the ’9-9-9 Plan’ donated to Romney in ’08 | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Long ties to Koch brothers key to Cain’s campaign - The Washington Post

US Attorney Eyes Going After Media Running Pot Ads - ABC News

RAND Withdraws Questionable Marijuana Dispensary Study That Claimed Crime Goes Down Around L.A. Pot Shops - Los Angeles News - The Informer


Phil Tourney Interviews Larry Broyles on the RBN NETWORK

Phil Tourney Interviews Larry Broyles Part 2

Phil Tourney Interviews Larry Broyles Part 3 of 3 Parts


Mars Tracks & Water

Sirte Update and ArRai TV alone: Khamis Martyred - YouTube

Morris thinks Khamis is alive - YouTube

Ignoring Ron Paul Has Reached Comic Proportions

The End Of The World Again - Americas, World - The Independent

Busted flush: Las Vegas on a losing streak - Telegraph

World population to reach 7 BILLION in next few days | Mail Online


*66 Things You Can Grow At Home Without A Garden


Did Herman Cain take 999 tax plan from SimCity video game? | Mail Online

What you may not know about Obamacare « The PPJ Gazette

What Ron Paul Could Ask Herman Cain - YouTube

Seasonal Flu Vaccines, Are They Safe or Necessary? « The PPJ Gazette

Nuclear War God |

Activist Post: Readiness Training: 8 Essential Survivalist Skills to Survive Any Disaster

Occupy Together: how the global movement is spreading via social media | News |

UN calls for international action against Syria after warning country is heading for 'civil war' - Telegraph

Pushing the Envelope for Confrontation with Iran

Ukraine brings new criminal case against Yulia Tymoshenko - Telegraph

Iran's Press TV accuses royal family of trying to take it off-air in UK | Media |

Blow for Gary McKinnon as U.S. extradition deal deemed ¿fair¿ | Mail Online

Liam Fox resignation: Adam Werritty money trail was final straw | Politics | The Guardian

Dominique Strauss-Kahn 'guilty' of sex assault – but escapes shame of a trial - Europe, World - The Independent

Foreigners Dump $74 Billion In Treasurys In 6 Consecutive Weeks: Biggest Sequential Outflow In History | ZeroHedge

Occupy Wall Street: Shocking videos 'prove brutal police overstepped the mark' | Mail Online

Iraq Withdrawal: U.S. Abandoning Plans To Keep Troops In Country

Europa & Palestine News « Kawther Salam

Dewey Bozella: Wrongfully Convicted Man Now Free to Box - ABC News

Mexico's newest export to US: Water - US news - Environment -

Zionist Strauss-Kahn Evades Justice Again - YouTube

Activist Post: Obama Promised GMO Labeling in 2007 (Video)


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Volcanic threat to Spanish island eases - Yahoo! News

Underwater volcano erupts off Spanish coast


North America/World Clock(

Weather around the World


Videos of the arrests #OccupyWallStreet October 15th 2011, Times Square #OccupyWallSt #O15 - 12160

More video of Occupy London protest scuffles, arrests - YouTube

Severe police action as thousands of Occupy protesters fill Times Square - YouTube

FOCUS: OWS Organizers Blast MoveOn

First night video of Occupy Rome clashes, cop cars on fire - YouTube

War of the Words II: Black Memecraft Vs the Timbre of Truth « 99 Percent Space

Flickr: Tom Andrews' Photostream;Photos from Occupy Los Angeles

The Obama economy: Amateur porn to make ends meet! (Video)

Revolutionary Politics : I Worked Very Hard To Bring Obama Into Office & Now I Have To Tell Everyone To Vote For Ron Paul!

"We are the 99 Percent" From Frustration to Occupation - Institute of Politics - YouTube

Army embeds PSYOPS soldiers at local TV stations - YouTube

Israel clashes: Police fire tear gas at Palestinian protesters - YouTube

Kenyan troops enter Somalia to attack rebels | The Raw Story

Bill Kristol: ‘We need to hear’ that Obama has gone to war on Iran

20 Sept./If You Mess With Israel, You're Messing With The USA | Fox News

The pathology of the politician | The Spectator

Pizza Magnate Herman Cain Has Extensive Ties To Powerful Koch Group


The Mathematical Economics of Compound Rates of Interest: A Four-Thousand Year Overview Part I | Michael Hudson

The Mathematical Economics of Compound Rates of Interest: A Four-Thousand Year Overview Part II | Michael Hudson


How Interest Rates Were Set, 2500 BC – 1000 AD | Michael Hudson


About 175 arrested overnight in Chicago protest - Occupy America Social Network

SNL's Marriott TV GOP Debate -- RON PAUL 2012! - YouTube

Poll: How Many Nations Has America Invaded? Answer Ten | Video Rebel's Blog

In the news today... NOT Ron Paul! (Black THIS Out Oct 19) - YouTube

"Well Over 100 Tents!" At Occupy Seattle In Westlake Park WHO'S PARK? OUR PARK! - YouTube

Anti-Neocons - Why did the US really invade Afghanistan?

Romneycare revealed as blueprint for Obamacare - YouTube

First Great War of The 21st Century is Here! with Gerald Celente - YouTube

The Broken Window Fallacy - YouTube

poorrichards blog: House Bill Would Criminalize Satire of TSA

Activist Post: Corporate-Funded Policy Makers Clamor for Iran War

poorrichards blog: The Stranglehold of Media and Intellectual Terrorism

PHOTOS: The Global 99 Percent March In Hundreds Of Cities Worldwide For Social And Economic Justice | ThinkProgress

Meet the Guy Who Snitched on Occupy Wall Street to the FBI and NYPD

Corporate-Fascists Clamor for Iran War

Obama and the Iran “Terror Plot Thriller” | Veterans Today

Iran warns West of 'strong confrontation' to any 'inappropriate measures' - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Terror Plot: Conceived in Iran... or the United States?

Across the world, the indignant rise up against corporate greed and cuts - World Politics, World - The Independent

Revealed: Fox's best man and his ties to Iran's opposition - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

Scatterbrained Used Car Salesman is Feds New Patsy: Paul Watson Reports - YouTube

Steve Pieczenik Warns of Attack by Rogue Elements on Iran 1/2 - YouTube

Steve Pieczenik Warns of Attack on Iran(2 of 2) - YouTube

Prison » Nazis and Communists Throw Their Support Behind Occupy Wall Street Movements

Prison » Ron Paul Takes Third in Latest Reuters/Ipsos Poll

Prison » Globalist Warlord Obama Moves to Expand Africom Reach

White House Says Data Shows Iran Push on Nuclear Arms -

AFP: US military denies decision to quit Iraq after 2011

Prison » Israel: A History of Self-Inflicted Genocide & Terrorism with Steve Pieczenik

Obama plans to turn anti-Wall Street anger on Mitt Romney, Republicans - The Washington Post

Occupy World St.: From NYC to Everywhere - YouTube

Global protests: Occupy the London Stock Exchange takes over the City | Mail Online

Prison » Will Our Nation Experience Another Kent State?

Prison » The Megabanks are trying to prevent bank runs in the United States (Video)

Prison » NYPD Criminals Arrest Protesters For Trying To Close Their Citibank Accounts

Prison » Media hoax exposed- Recent attack on vitamins a fabricated scare campaign

Dr. Laura Pressley In-Studio Speaking on Fluoride Freedom - YouTube

Prison » Breaking Down The Western Wall of Taboo And Denial

Prison » Economists: End Or Drastically Downsize the Fed

Prison » Bill Gross Sends Out Big Apology To Investors, And Then Declares That The Economy Is Doomed

Newt Gingrich raises $808,000 for presidential bid | Reuters

Prison » Louisiana prohibits residents from using cash when buying, selling secondhand goods

Louisiana bans cash transactions | Ackel & Associates L.L.C.

Prison » History Moves Fast And Furiously For Eric Holder And The Obama White House

Prison » Dr. Laura Pressley In-Studio Speaking on Fluoride Freedom

Obama Panders to Israel on Iran Strike Agenda: Ray McGovern Reports - YouTube

OWS, The Next Revolution is Here with Bryce Shonka - YouTube

» Actor Penn Says Tea Party Wants to Lynch Obama Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Sean Penn on politics, economy - YouTube

Jackson, Jr: Obama should add jobs with ‘extra-constitutional’ action


**13 Bloodlines of The Illuminati


Fritz Springmeier Returns ~ Occult Symbolism & the 911 attacks ~ 9.10.11 - YouTube


*45 MIN./pt 1/4 Meltdown - - YouTube

*45 MIN./pt 2/4 Meltdown - - YouTube

*45 MIN./pt 3/4 Meltdown - - YouTube

*45 MIN./pt 4/4 Meltdown - - YouTube


The Death of Dr. David Kelly - GRTV - YouTube

» Wall Street protests go global; riots in Rome Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Wall Street protests go global; riots in Rome | The Raw Story

Missouri Gov. Nixon orders National Guard to help search for missing baby girl in Kansas City - The Washington Post

PressTV - 'China to import Iran gas via Pakistan'

U.S. Sending Contractors to Secure Libya’s Weapons -

PressTV - 'Awakenings foil anti-Iran US plots'

Robert Fisk: Great War secrets of the Ottoman Arabs - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent

UN plea as Syria deaths pass 3,000 - Middle East, World - The Independent

UPDATE 2-US budget gap widens, tops $1 trln for 3rd year | Reuters

Red Tape - Gov't cameras in your car? E-toll patent hints at Big Brotherish future

» Flu Paranoia Season is Here Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» No food, gene rights say Monsanto: ‘No Food Rights’ Judge quits to work for Monsanto law firm Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Liver transplants could be a thing of the past as scientists grow working cells that correct genetic mutation | Mail Online

Fears hundreds of women aborting healthy babies after scan blunders | Mail Online

DPS Warns Parents that Cartels Recruiting High School Students - KRGV CHANNEL 5 NEWS - The Rio Grande Valley's News Channel - Breaking News, Breaking Stories - RGV News

Obama Talked About "Fast & Furious" Months Before Holder Claimed He Knew | RealClearPolitics

Transparent Lies from the Division of Dumb and Dumber. Smoking Mirrors

» September 11 Lawsuits and the Victims’ Compensation Fund Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The supposed Iran plot: Immunised by Neocons - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

» The War on Whistleblowers: Sibel Edmonds Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Re-open the case: The Death of Dr. David Kelly Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The End Of The World Again - Americas, World - The Independent


**2:37:43/Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines & their Mind Control (Fritz Springmeier)


**The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler






310 PGS./BeWiseAsSerpents

210 PGS/Be Wise As Serpents /02

185 PGS./Be Wise A sSerpents /03


Internet Sacred Text (


The Intercept: Ex-CIA Analyst Doesn’t Think Iran Govt. Behind Plot to Murder Saudi Envoy

Libya Oct 15 afternoon update - YouTube

FEMA Gives Man Disaster Aid; Now Wants It Back With Interest & Fees Added On : Federal Jack

In Private Conversation, Wall Street Is More Critical of Protesters -

Hiding The Inconvenient Satellite | Real Science

Activist Post: 7 Breaking Points: Recognizing The Signs Of a Painful Cultural Shift

The “Fast And Furious” Used Car Salesman “Threat” Falls Apart « Aletho News

Plants absorb carbon dioxide 25 percent faster than previously thought, say scientists

Breaking Economics: The Protesters That Didn't Stop, Murdoch Heckled and Heckled and Heckled

Fight & Chaos: First video of 'Occupy Rome' rally turning violent - YouTube

R.I.P., the movie camera: 1888-2011 -

Banks turn to demolition of foreclosed properties to ease housing-market pressures - The Washington Post

Cain still believes ‘liberals want to destroy this country’

Police arrest 175 ‘Occupy Chicago’ protesters

Cain on abortion: No ‘exceptions for rape and incest’

Santorum: Single mothers are political base of Democrats

Doctors recommend evaluating children for ADHD at age four

Video game maker revels in Sim City’s similarities to Cain’s tax plan

Weary pope uses mobile platform for first time

Martin Luther King memorial to be dedicated

Fresh Uganda Oil Find ‘Africa’s Biggest’

Preparing Africa for the “Clash of Civilizations”

Can U.S. Legally Kill Iranian Leaders With Predator Drones?

The Price of the Libya Intervention: Surface to Air Missiles for All

Four US banks hold a staggering 95.9% of U.S. derivatives: The $600 Trillion Time Bomb That's Set to Explode

VIDEO: Libya: The Humanitarian War. There is no Evidence

Petraeus’s CIA Fuels Iran Murder Plot

"Manufacturing Dissent": The Corporate Financing of the Protest Movement

The Economic Crisis in Europe; Unpayable Debts. Impending Financial Insolvency

"We the People”: Awaking from our Slumber

Colored Revolutions: A New Form of Regime Change, Made in the USA

Afghanistan, "Operation Enduring Slaughter": Ten Bloody Years

The 1% and Capitalism

Automotive 'black boxes' raise privacy issues –

Did painter Van Gogh meet his death at 37 in a shooting accident? | Mail Online

As Herman Cain Surges, Corporate Media Ignore His Koch Connections

Andrew Breitbart's Pathetic Attempt to Smear Occupy Wall St.

Eliot Spitzer: Why Occupy Wall Street Has Already Won

How Christian Fundamentalism Helped Empower the Top 1% to Exploit the 99%

Uganda: New US War of Choice

Former Iran Assassin Says Alleged Plot 'Makes No Sense'

The ‘Terrorist’ Who Couldn’t Think Straight by Justin Raimondo --

The Legal Rationale for Whacking Awlaki Is Flimsy by Ivan Eland --

Occupations, Faux and Real by Nebojsa Malic --

Northrop Grumman Wins Contract for Rapid DNA Biometrics

BBC News - Black Death genetic code 'built'

Ray Kurzweil: The Six Epochs of Technology Evolution | The Nantucket Project | Big Think

U.S. Intelligence Unit Aims to Build a ‘Data Eye in the Sky’ | Daily Technology News

The Archaeology News Network: Early Celtic 'Stonehenge' located in Black Forest


+Men’s Fashion: Look Stylish on the Cheap | The Art of Manliness


A Tailored Suit - (


Libyans Demolish Gadhafi Compound in Tripoli

Gadhafi's Compound Starts To Come Down

Gadhafi diehards in Sirte hold up Libyan troops

VIDEO:A Real Challenge to Corporate Power

VIDEO:Alleged Iranian Assassination Plot Appears an FBI Sting

VIDEO:Alleged Iran Assassination Plot Court Documents Suggest a Set Up

VIDEO:Germany takes part in global economic protests

VIDEO:OCCUPY LONDON: Protesters stand against corporate greed

VIDEO:Rome 'Occupy' protest turns violent

VIDEO:Will US Stay in Iraq To Protect Oil Interest?

Andrew Young: Heed MLK's Call for Peace Without Violent Confrontations

Andrew Young: MLK's 'Dream' Still a Long Way Off

Obama: MLK Jr. 'Stirred Our Conscience'

Martin Luther King III: HelpFulfill My Dad's Dream

Poet Angelou: MLK Memorial Quote Maligns Him

Issa: Holder Obviously Knew More Than He Admits

Cantor: People Justifiable Riled Over Lack of Jobs

Feinstein: U.S., Iran Are on 'Collision Course'

Axelrod Admits Rough Road for Obama's Jobs Bill

Obamacare Foes Rejoice Over CLASS Act Demise

Cain: 9-9-9 Will Raise Taxes on Some, but Cut Most

McCain Decries Obama Iran Policy as a 'Failure'

Gingrich: Obama Lacks Strong Policy on Iran

Cain's Fed Colleagues Saw Potential Back Then

Andrew Young: Heed MLK's Call for Nonviolence

Gaga Channels Marilyn Monroe at Clinton Concert

ACLU Boss: Government Power Over You Grows

Hollywood Shill Machine Cranks Up for Obama's Re-election

Terrorists Win With Israel Prisoner Swap

Occupiers’ Outrageous Demands Should Give Boost to GOP

Wall Street Protests Are Counterproductive

Global 'Day of Rage' Peaceful for Most, Rome Clears Up

Police Cite Privacy Concerns Over Their Own DNA

Deadbeat State: Ill. Owes Billions in Unpaid Bills

Cain's 9-9-9 May Be Number to Beat

Campaign Reports to Offer First Look at GOP Field

Global 'Day of Rage' Peaceful for Most

Roubini: ‘Occupy’ Protests Are No Surprise

Top Gov't Scientist: Foods That Beat Cancer

Ginger May Cut Colon Cancer Risk

Cain: ‘I Do Not Agree With Abortion Under Any Circumstances’

Judge Blocks Release of Recusal-Related Emails Kagan Sent WH—Says They're ‘Personal’

Send Obama To Remedial Math Before His Next Spending-For-Jobs Bill |

Maher Bets $1 Million 'Token Black Guy' Cain Loses GOP Nod, GOPers Want White Candidate |

US economy & Occupy Wall Street-On the Edge with Max Keiser-10-14-2011 - YouTube

Presidential Candidates on TARP - YouTube

Activist Post: 9 Ways to Focus on What You Love and Nothing Else

Activist Post: 3 Ways to Naturally Reduce Your Risk of Allergies and to Reverse Symptoms

Are We Self-Censoring The Truth Movement? | Before It's News

Activist Post: US refused to hand information on alleged plot: Iran

Breaking Points: Recognizing The Signs Of Painful Cultural Shift

Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS) & the All-Digital TV Broadcast Signal: Connection? « The PPJ Gazette

The Real Reason For Rollout Of HDTV | Before It's News

Galaxies Near The Speed Of Light! | Before It's News

+NWO News Alert: Who Really Did 9/11? | Before It's News

Insiders voice doubts about CIA’s 9/11 story -


The Quickening 2011 - 2012 - YouTube


*FILM:1:16:21/The Quickening on Vimeo


Secrets of the CIA - [State Sponsored Terrorism] - YouTube

How The US Government Secretly Reads Your Email | Before It's News

**1912 Federal Reserve: IMAGE

* Obama Speech Transcript: Martin Luther King Memorial Dedication | Before It's News


**Complete E-Mail Addresses for Congress/House, Senate, Governors & State Legislators(


* Mark Your Calendars: End of World Coming Oct. 21, Camping Says | Doomsday Prediction October 21 | Armageddon, End of the World & Judgment Day | LiveScience

White House Says Data Shows Iran Push on Nuclear Arms -

Iran's former president warns of possible US attack

G20 tells euro zone to fix debt crisis in eight days | Reuters

Americans urged to live MLK's ideals at memorial dedication -

Mystery condition makes woman age 50 years in just a few days - Telegraph

Hollywood Worries About Weak Box Office: ‘Real Steel’ #1 After ‘Footloose’ Stumbles; ‘The Thing’ #3; ‘The Big Year’ Comics Bomb –

Robert Downey, Jr. urges Hollywood: "Forgive Mel Gibson" - Yahoo! News

D.C. marchers rally for jobs and justice - The Washington Post

Obama plans to turn anti-Wall Street anger on Mitt Romney, Republicans - The Washington Post

Nazis and Communists Throw Their Support Behind Occupy Wall Street Movements | The Gateway Pundit

Sean Penn Calls Tea Party the ‘Get the N-Word Out of the White House Party’ Which Wants to ‘Lynch’ Obama |

Two charged with stealing Lawrence County bridge

Medvedev denies Putin will return Russia to the past - Yahoo! News

World population to reach 7 BILLION in next few days | Mail Online

Daley: Press 'carry water' for pols | POLITICO 44

The Weekend Interview with Mortimer Zuckerman: The Exasperation of the Democratic Billionaire -

+Activist Post: Starting a Fire -- An Essential Survival Skill

The Impossible Alternative | Reality Sandwich

**G. Edward Griffin

Activist Post: The Journey to Jekyll Island

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Name of the Game is Bailout

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Protectors of the Public

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Home, Sweet Loan

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Nearer to the Heart's Desire

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Building the New World Order

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Barbaric Metal

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Fool's Gold

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Secret Science

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Mandrake Mechanism and Debt Cancellation

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Rothschild Formula

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Sink the Lusitania

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Masquerade in Moscow

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Best Enemy Money Can Buy

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Lost Treasure Map

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Creature Comes to America

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: A Den of Vipers


The Vatic Project: All the Queen’s forces and all the Queen’s men - A Black Nobility Bloodline, Part 1 of 5

The Vatic Project: A Black Nobility Bloodline, Part 2 of 5 - The Windsor wealth

The Vatic Project: A Black Nobility Bloodline - Part III - Winsor Power and Nazi Friends

The Vatic Project: The Black Nobility Bloodline, Part IV - Windsor Genocide


**Merovingian Bloodline and The Black Nobility


* The Forbidden History of the World - YouTube


Illuminati News: The Black Nobility

Black Nobility Cover Up

Who Are The Black Nobility?


Why U.S. military in Uganda? Soros fingerprints all over it

Obama's decisions 'can be explained by absence of father' | Mail Online

On Solyndra: President’s Blackberry Off Limits – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

It's another Soros link to Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Wall Street sits on war chest -

Police Fire Tear Gas As Protesters Riot In Rome | Fox News

My Way News - Tunisia Islamists set for big election gains

Taxpayers' millions lost by EU-funded regional schemes - Telegraph

Royal Navy turn guns pointing at Michelle Obama's hotel room around | Mail Online

Hamas, Egyptians Discuss Israeli Soldier Handover | Fox News

Three U.S. Muslims convicted in terrorism case -

Occupy Wall Street's Anti-Greed Campaign Will Fail

The Regime Should be Questioned More than Ever

Corporate Personhood and the Occupy Wall Street Movement.

Tax the rich: Should millionaires really pay more?

MLK Memorial: From China, with love?

What US manhunt for LRA leaders reveals about Obama's war strategy

Deficit 'super committee' flooded with ideas. Will any of them work?

Herman Cain 9-9-9 sticker shock? 18% sales tax possible in some states.

McCain: Obama a 'failure' on Iran - POLITICO Live -

Iran warns U.S. about reprisals - Associated Press -

FEC reports hold invaluable intel on 2012 races - Alex Isenstadt and David Catanese -

Cain foreign policy would lean on experts - POLITICO Live -

Cain 'clueless' on foreign policy, if it matters - Ben Smith -

Issa still beating the drum on 'Fast and Furious' - POLITICO Live -

McCain to Obama: Get off the campaign trail - POLITICO Live -

Axelrod slams Romney, Perry - Maggie Haberman -

Big gets: 12 GOP endorsements worth having - James Hohmann -

Early states an afterthought for Herman Cain - Jonathan Martin and Juana Summers and Jedd Rosche -

Herman Cain ‘Black American’ | 999 Would Cost Some People More | Neoconservative | Impossible Dream | Video |

Saturday Night Live Occupy Wall Street Michael Bloomberg | Video |

Ground Zero Mosque Park51 May Be Evicted By Con Edison | Video |

Horrific: Four Mentally Disabled Adults Found Chained in Philadelphia ‘Dungeon’ | Video |

Al Sharpton Leads ‘Jobs and Justice’ March in DC | Video |

Obama Will Use Anti-Wall Street Anger Against GOP in ‘Central Tenet’ of 2012 Campaign |

‘Marxist Revolution’: Beck Shows O’Reilly How Organized Effort Guides World-Wide ‘Occupy’ Protests | Video |

American Nazi Party Endorses Occupy Wall Street‘s ’Courage,‘ Tells Members to Support Protests and Fight ’Judeo-Capitalist Banksters’ |

Cain: Perry Does Not Own the Evangelical Vote |

‘Occupy Sesame Street!’: Elmo & Friends Go Muppet Nuts to Heckle Speech by Rupert Murdoch | Video |

Sex While Skydiving in Kern County, CA | Alex Torres | Video |

Running of the Bulls in Arizona | Video |

Northern Michigan University College Professor Offers Students Extra Credit for Attending Occupy Protest |

Occupy Wall Street Tied To Push For Global Socialism | Video |

California Residents Are Convinced Their Apartment Is Haunted | Video |

Obama Administration Dumps Major Provision of Health Care Law |

Al-Awlaki’s Son Reportedly Among Al-Qaeda Militants Killed in U.S. Drone Strike |

Artist Behind Famed Obama “Hope” Poster Designs Party Invite for Occupy Wall Street |

Which Major Hollywood Actor Did George H.W. Bush Consider as VP? |

Marxist Matrix of Occupy Protesters, Obama & George Soros: The Devil’s Symphony?

The Age of Accounting

Immigration, Migration, Politics and Policies

Corporate Greed+Obama Incompetence= Campaign Bundlers Trump Taxpayers

Ain’t Got No Couth

Global Socialist Revolution

Sharpton Compares His Jobs March to “Occupation Wall Street”

October 15, 2011: The Day Obama’s Army occupied the Free World

The Lords of Tolerance

Money and Guns -The Tools of Absolute Power

Chinese Bible Exhibition is Political Propaganda Disguised as Religious Outreach

We Already Have A National Sales Tax

Report card: Bio-terrorism preparedness gets thumbs down by bipartisan group

Carbon Jihad, iPads & the Jevons Paradox

Schakowsky: Communist, Maoist, Illiterate, Hate-Filled OWS Protesters Are ‘Ordinary Americans&

BBC News - DNA sequenced of woman who lived to 115

Physicists Offer Mundane Explanations for Faster-Than-Light Neutrinos | Wired Science |

Fossil fragment reveals giant, toothy pterosaur - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience -

Secret of volcanic 'super-eruptions' that happen once every 100k years unlocked | Mail Online

When will the 7 billionth human be born? - environment - 14 October 2011 - New Scientist

Hubble telescope captures new 'maps' of dark matter... well, we'll take their word or it | Mail Online


Audio Page:CounterSpin: Arun Gupta on Occupy Wall Street, Jasmin Ramsey on Iran plot |

Global Uprising: Protests Heat Up at London Stock Exchange & Rome; 951 Cities; 82 Countries - YouTube

» House Bill Would Criminalize Satire of TSA Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


*Articles:Occupy Wall Street 10-15-11 |


Bored Housewives of Pennsylvania Avenue

Why Herman Cain (and Almost Everyone Else) Missed the Housing Bubble

It's a Dick Cheney World

Raisin' [a Few Issues for the Purpose of Honestly Vetting Herman] Cain!

A Lesson about Crony Capitalism for the OWS Crowd

The Release of Gilad Shalit is The End of the 'Peace Process'

The Gilad Shalit Dilemma

State Sponsored Terrorism in Iran and Pakistan

Wall Street protests go global

US to increase attacks on Haqqani network

Herman Cain's 'solution' to illegal immigration

Police arrest woman for trying to close her Citibank account

G-20 to EU: You've got 8 days to fix your mess

'Can Cain Sustain the Big Mo?'

Treasury Department was skeptical of last minute Solyndra bailout

Israel's Supreme Court to hear plea against Schalit prisoner swap

Con Ed threatens to evict Ground Zero Mosque

Tea Party Represents America, Not Occupy Wall Street

EPA's CO2 Endangerment Finding is Endangered

A Holodomor for the New Millennium

Freedom Confronts Tyranny: A Visit to the Demilitarized Zone

Is Santorum Wrong About 9-9-9?

Keeping Our Eye on the Ball in 2012

Wall Street Is Shovel-Ready

Marxist Mayhem in Wall Street Protests

America's Orwellian Liberalism

Which Republican Can Beat Obama?

America's Children Come Home to Roost

Obama: The Exquisite Blessing of Impossible Expectations

When the Race Card Gets Trumped

The Vatic Project: An Ancient and Occult Genetic Code

The Electric Leaf’s True Believers Won’t Leave Well Enough Alone -

Zynga's Own Game Network Will Still Have Facebook Everywhere - Tricia Duryee - Commerce - AllThingsD

Saudi Arabia's Limited Options for Dealing With Iran

RealClearPolitics - Raging Against the Elites

World links up with Occupy Wall Street movement - Leader-Telegram: Daily Updates

Opinion: The ‘99 per cent’ don’t really want to fix inequality

This is Herman Cain's Foreign Policy! | Daniel W. Drezner

Obama’s forgotten triumphs -

What Do You Call a Jobs Bill Minus the Jobs?: Caroline Baum - Bloomberg

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Still the Socialites -

Army of unemployed is now entrenched in U.S. - Howard Gold's No-Nonsense Investing - MarketWatch

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Pennsylvania Problem

GOP, protect Dorothy Cooper's right to vote -

Obama Tears Down His Own Wall Street - Forbes

America’s ‘Primal Scream’ -

A stark distinction on energy policy: Perry vs. Obama « The Enterprise Blog

The Republican war on science is un-American -

Solyndragate: Blood in the Water | Via Meadia

Herman Cain's racial offense -

Politico scandal: Kendra Marr and the go-go journalism culture - Erik Wemple - The Washington Post

Manhattan Moment: Two distinct groups make up 'Occupy' protesters | The Examiner | Columnists | Washington Examiner

A Progressive in the Age of Austerity -

Egypt's Tower of Babel - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Solyndra and Keystone: Not All Environmental Scandals Are Created Equal | The Nation

Investing during a crisis: Nowhere to hide | The Economist

No apologies needed -


James Wigand, the FDIC’s Complexity Czar - Businessweek

**Politics Video:Herman Cain On "Meet The Press": Liberals Are "Destroying" Economy

"This Week" Roundtable On Occupy Wall Street, Jobs

Tim Pawlenty And Bobby Jindal On Romney, Perry

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Uganda, Foreign Policy

Axelrod: Occupy Wall Street "Will Be An Issue In This Campaign"

"Meet The Press" Panel On Cain's Chances, Romney & Perry

Newt Gingrich: Romney A "Rockefeller" Republican

Herman Cain Sings "The Impossible Dream"

15th/Gov. Perry: Americans Already Have a Debater-in-Chief, and They Know What That Result Was

Obama Weekly Address: GOP "Picking Partisan Ideological Fights"

Al Sharpton Warns: "We Will Get The Jobs Bill Done In The Street"

Rep. McCarthy Delivers GOP Weekly Address: "Washington Is The Problem"

Harris Perry: Pointing Out Only 53% Pay Federal Taxes Is "Racism"

David Brooks: "A Lot Of Weirdness" In Perry Campaign

Sean Penn: Tea Party Is "Get The N-Word Out Of The White House Party"

Michael Moore Bullies NYC: "We're Not Going Anywhere"

Maher: Obama Becoming "That Angry Black Man" He Was Afraid Of

"Special Report" Panel Interviews Gov. Gary Johnson


Security Cameras Added to CTA Stations

'Real Steel,' 'Footloose' duke it out for No. 1 - CBS News

'Walking Dead' Comic-con panel report | Inside TV |

ABC cancels 'Charlie's Angels' |

Jackson doctor's defense will get chance - Entertainment - Celebrities -

Has 'Footloose' been given a conservative makeover? -

Harry Belafonte looks back on his struggle for justice - books -

Global warming blamed for smaller species

Physicists Offer Mundane Explanations for Faster-Than-Light Neutrinos | Wired Science |

Radio Telescope's National Very Large Array searching for a new name -

T. rex bigger than thought, and very hungry | Reuters

Discovery Of An Early Human Ochre-processing Workshop

Gore links climate change to Great Lakes problems - BusinessWeek

Researcher studies Yellowstone wolf skeletons, offering clues about life in the pack | The Republic

‘Doomsday’ Comet Elenin Makes Closest Approach To Earth - Irish Weather Online

SpaceX Aims At Department Of Defense Launch Contracts |

Warped Galaxies Reveal Universe's Hidden Dark Matter | Dark Matter Gravitational Lensing | Hubble Galaxy Cluster Photos |

Carnotaurus had the most ridiculously powerful dinosaur tail ever

Bison skulls found in Missouri River

New muscles for nanorobots (w/video)

Russian scientists want to join Europe's ExoMars mission | Science | RIA Novosti

Time zone database has new home after lawsuit –

Google to Shut Down Social Network Buzz, Other Products - XBIZ Newswire

Google Plus - Good News Or Bad News - Technorati Technology

Google Plans Online Music Store -

Despite Evidence of FBI Bungling, New Probe Into Anthrax Killings Unlikely - ProPublica

Obama administration pulls part of healthcare law | Reuters

'Promise Me' perfume sold by Susan G Komen foundation may actually cause cancer | Mail Online

Pot smoking may more than double crash risk -

Vitals - New ADHD guidelines: Kids as young as 4 can be diagnosed

CA industry group for doctors backs legalizing pot - CBS News

Michael Hiltzik: A debit of gratitude to Bank of America -

G20 calls for speedy eurozone package -

LA bomb squad blows up tanks at abandoned plant

The Brian Lehrer Show: Raj Rajaratnam and Sentencing White Collar Crimes - WNYC

Military Force an Option Against Iran, Rogers Says - Businessweek

Israel Releases Names of 477 Prisoners to Be Freed in Trade -

Witnesses: Security forces fire on Yemen protesters, killing 6 -

Arab League unlikely to suspend Syria despite pressure from Gulf countries - The Washington Post

Libyans Bulldoze Gadhafi's Tripoli Compound - ABC News

The Associated Press: Kenya helicopter crashes; push into Somalia begins

U.S. strike kills al-Qaeda militants in Yemen –

Aging pope uses wheeled platform in St. Peter's Basilica –

British police mull Werritty probe

AFP: Obama risks miring US in an African war: McCain

Tibetan monk sets himself on fire in protest of Chinese rule in Tibet - Telegraph

Dmitry Medvedev defends decision to hand back presidency to Vladimir Putin - Telegraph

The Associated Press: Thousands honor MLK at memorial dedication in DC

Occupy Wall Street movement spreads with demonstrations in dozens of cities across the globe - The Washington Post

Herman Cain defends '9-9-9' tax plan on 'Meet the Press' -

The Associated Press: Conn. man who posed as hurt soldier is spared jail

National Guard called in to help search for missing Missouri baby, Lisa Irwin

AFP: Vatican has 'no intention' of intervening in US bishop case

Perry energy jobs may take years to create - Oct. 14, 2011

For Romney, a Role of Faith and Authority -

Disabled adults found captive in Philadelphia basement | Reuters

Scott Brown camp regrets plagiarism "oversight" - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

2 Teen Girls Die After Being Hit by Train in Utah - ABC News

Cantor: 'Income Mobility' Is Answer To Protester Complaints | Fox News

Seal Beach shooting: Death toll rises to eight -

Obama gets back on the bus for trip to NC, Va. - CBS News

Gingrich slams Obama over national security - Washington Times

Bachmann and Cain Deliver Blistering Attacks on Illegal Immigration -

Identity of dead Hells Angels member still unconfirmed - San Jose Mercury News

Americans, unlike the Senate, approve of Obama’s jobs bill, poll says | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

How do Mormons answer ‘not Christian’ claims? - - The Washington Post

Occupy St. Louis Draws Close to 1000 for Rally and March Downtown

Martin Luther King Memorial Opens Today

Cantor Backtracks: Protesters' Frustration 'Warranted'

Angry And Scared: Stories of the 99% in St. Petersburg, Florida

The Five's Eric Bolling Dons Tinfoil Hat to Mock #OWS Protesters

#OccupyVentura: The 99 Percent Speak (And Carry Big Signs)

+ The Professional Left Weekly Podcast: The Republican Party = The Real Extremist Anti-American Radicals

Late Show Scheduling Guide for the GOP Debates

#Occupy Wall Street And NYPD in Standoff at Times Square Now

CO Gov. John Hickenlooper to Shut Down Free Speech Using Lame Argument

Joe Klein Thinks The Majority Wants Compromise

Congressional Aide Lies About Identity To Avoid Answering Questions

New Poll: #Occupy Message Twice as Popular as Tea Party

Ed Henry Questions POTUS by Quoting Romney

Was Herman Cain's 999 Tax Plan Cribbed From A Video Game?

Progressive Groups Launch Occupy the Board Room

Glenn Beck's #OWS Meltdown: 'Violent Left Is Coming to Our Streets to Smash, to Tear Down, to Kill, to Bankrupt, to Destroy'

Villagers Weep As President Obama Goes His Own Way Without Their Direction


Occupy the Board Room(


Obama likens civil rights to economy fight at memorial

US pipeline firm Kinder Morgan buys El Paso for $38 bn

Severe stutter mars Jamaican's asylum case in US

GOP showcasing Hispanic stars

Anti-Wall St. movement grows to dozens of cities

Air France-KLM chief facing sack

High Court: Take down gender-separation barrier in J'lem

'Ron Arad's fate flashed before me during Schalit deal'

Defense Ministry green lights prisoner transfer

Israel and Hamas set stage for Gilad Shalit's release

Arab League to discuss suspending Syria, says delegate

Syria's Alawites go on arms shopping spree

Israel plans new settlement of 2,600 that will isolate Arab East Jerusalem

Bankers seek to spread blame as protests grow

David Cameron urged to abandon 'hideous' plans to cut maternity rights

‘Footloose’ Review: No Harm in Revisiting Timeless Tale of Youthful Rebellion

‘The Walking Dead’ Review: A Zombie Series with Brains

What Shoulda’ Won the 1997 Best Picture Oscar?

Gary Sinise and the GI Film Festival Come to Los Angeles November 5th

Alec Baldwin Rants Against Public Radio (Audio) | The Wrap Media

Differences Between Occupy Wall Street And The Tea Party for The MSM)

Credit Where It’s Due: Sharyl Attkisson’s Fast And Furious Coverage!

Cartoon:UI: According to the Press

More Excuses From NYT for Lack of ‘Fast and Furious’ Coverage

CNN’s Piers Morgan Doesn’t Challenge Sean Penn’s Racial Attack On Tea Party

The Unconscionable Silence of the Anti-Defamation League on Antisemitism at #OccupyWallStreet

Report: Obama’s Czars Are Seizing More Power

Lisa Fithian: #Occupy Organizer, Union Educator–And Israel-Hater

Capitalist Confronts #OccupyLA

White House Refuses to Release ALL Solyndra Documents

Democrats Have Serious Connections with #OccupyWallSt

Cartoon::Obama Nation: He’s Mad

#OccupyWallStreet Wants to Violently Remake the Republic, Not Achieve Economic Justice

Obamacare Has No CLASS: Administration Admits Entitlement Program Unsustainable

#OccupyLA Protester: ‘Zionist Jews’ Who Run Banks Should Be ‘Run Out of This Country’

Obama pulls plug on part of health overhaul law

On Solyndra: President’s Blackberry Off Limits – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Romney’s Foreign Policy….Or Does He Even Have A Foreign Policy?

Audio:Dean Cheng: Dominating Its Neighbors

Uganda, LRA, And The ‘Christian’ Lie

Audio:Gen. Jack Keane: Cutting to the Bone

Iran’s Assassination Plot Goal: Armed Clash With U.S.

Coptic Church Construction And Egyptian Muslim ‘Emasculation’

US Giving Up On Effort To Keep Troops In Iraq

Judge In Terror Case: Prosecutors Can’t Use Phrase ‘Our Soldiers’ When Discussing Planned Attack On US Troops!

Audio:David Brog: The True Meaning of Christians United for Israel

TSA Employee Disciplined For Anti-Muslim Comments Online; May Be Fired

Royal Navy Ordered To Turn Ship’s Guns So They Don’t Point At Michelle Obama’s Hotel Suite

Iran denies direct contact with US over alleged plot

Shannen Doherty marries in Malibu | Reuters


16-Oct-11 World View

15-Oct-11 World View

14-Oct-11 World View


WND RADIO WND Exclusive The biggest regulation fight yet ...Rep. Louie Gohmert: Coal industry, energy consumers at risk under clean-air rule

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Bribing the Senate to pass trade deals';Rep. Louie Gohmert blasts Democrat 'servants' for kowtowing to union bosses

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Egregious mishandling of legitimate problem';Rep. Cole: Heads must roll at Justice for bungled ATF gun program

Rights Groups Welcome US Decision to Send Troops to Uganda | Africa | English

Michele Bachmann raises questions over Uganda intervention | Iowa Caucuses

Oil could cause war Nigeria: U.S. to Expand Military Co-Operation With Abuja

It's another Soros link to Occupy Wall Street

"Occupy" protests go global, turn violent - CBS News

Frances Fox Piven Leads Bizzare Chant at Occupy DC Rally (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

Here's The Real Reason Why Occupy Wall Street Protesters Aren't Getting Kicked Out Of Zuccotti Park

Judge sentences figure in Abramoff scandal to 30 days in a halfway house, 2 years’ probation - The Washington Post

Sarah Palin changes Facebook profile from 'Republican' to 'Conservative' | Mail Online

Ron Paul Recalls Witnessing an Abortion in New Pro-Life Video |

Cain raking in more cash but still trails Perry and Romney -

On tour, Herman Cain leaves them cheering and weeping -

Scenes from a Herman Cain book-signing -

Why the left fears Herman Cain: Surging candidate threatens allegiance between blacks and Dems

Hamas planning huge Gaza celebrations for ... JPost - Middle East

Gilad Shalit: The Least Terrible Deal - Op-Eds - Israel National News

'Egypt intercepts Libyan surface-to-air mi... JPost - Middle East

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Life Inc. - This commode does it all ... for $6,400

No ideas needed from presidential candidates?

Why U.S. military in Uganda? Soros fingerprints all over it

It's another Soros link to Occupy Wall Street

Meet the Obama link to Wall Street terror

Boy Scouts infiltrated by Muslim Brotherhood?

Obama pastor: Occupiers on Wall Street 'stand with Jesus'

'Government persecution does target homeschoolers'

Gang 'cheats casino out of £55k using contact lenses to see invisible ink on marked cards' | Mail Online

Richard Finlayson, 21, and younger sister Kirsty, 18 caught having sex | Mail Online - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Sat-nav rage is driving us all round the bend

Marijuana "Super Plant" Bust in Napa | NBC Bay Area

Message in a Bottle: Old-School S.O.S. Helps Rescue Hijacked Ship | Danger Room |

Decorative contact lenses OK if done right, experts say -

Judge: Street Artist Andy Golub's Models Must Wear G-Strings Until Dusk « CBS New York

U.S. Copyright Czar Cozied Up to Content Industry, E-Mails Show | Threat Level |

International House of Prayer is praying to save society -

Computer program to reveal who wrote the Bible | Mail Online

Cassidy: Archaeologist Christine Finn digs up Silicon Valley's recent past - San Jose Mercury News

South Africa artifacts indicate a 100,000-year-old art studio -

BBC News - Bronze age landmark knocked over in Pembrokeshire

Unparalleled Preservation: Near-Perfect Young Dinosaur Fossil Found in Bavaria - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Watch This Magical Machine Drill Square Holes | Gizmodo Australia

This Is Not Your Grandmother's Jello-O Surprise: Food + Cooking :

Scientists unlock genetic code of world's oldest person | Herald Sun

Nguyen Thi Phuong: Vietnamese woman ages 50 years in 'a few days' | Mail Online

Steven Seagal Hired To Control US-Mexico Border - Entertainment News Story - WMUR New Hampshire

Savage blasts Obama as 'foreigner'


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

*16 Oct.

This Day in History for 16th October

October 16 Events in History

October 16th in History

Today in History: October 16

Today in History: October 16

October 16th This Day in History

Today in History for October 16th - YouTube


George Will: Cain not running, but ‘strolling’ for president

Obama: King ‘stirred our conscience’

Cain Says His Deadly Fence Plan Was 'a Joke' -

Does Obama Endorse This? | The Weekly Standard

Cain Rips Obama's "Dumb" Foreign Policy | The Weekly Standard

The Islamization of London: A Photo Tour | FrontPage Magazine

Could a computer one day rewire itself?

*15th/Volunteers clean up oiled NZ beaches

Bhutan's royal couple wrap up celebrations

Thrill Seekers Leap Off of 876-foot Bridge

Raw Video: Thousands March on D.C. for Jobs

Stock exchange occupation blocked

Perry Admits Campaign Off to Rocky Start

Rioters Hijack Rome Protests

Occupy DC march protests Bank of America foreclosures

US Drops Plans to Keep Troops in Iraq

Raw Video: US Responds to Thailand Flooding

Raw Video: Protest Turns Deadly in Yemen

Raw Video: 70-plus Arrested in NYC Protest

*16th/Call center rings in business for Colombia

Thousands of Protesters Fill NYC's Times Square

Anger boils over at global 'Occupy' protests

Dr Who at Scream Awards

'Occupy Wall Street' protesters turn out in force

Libya fighters and Kadhafi loyalists resume battle

Protests continue through the night

Yemen police kill 12 protesters, wound dozens

Libyan fighters play guitar to raise troop 'morale'

Hong Kong cross-harbour swim returns after 33 years

Raw Video: Aging Pope Uses Wheeled Platform

War crimes prosecutor to probe I.Coast atrocities

Kim Kardashian Celebrates Birthday in Dubai

Yemen police kill 12 protesters, wound dozens

Deadly protests resume in Yemen

Messy Muddy Fun Run

Thousands Gather for MLK Memorial Dedication

Obama: King 'Stirred Our Conscience'

Royal honour for Wooton Bassett

Obama hails 'moral imagination' of King

Raw Video: Libyans Tearing Down Gadhafi Compound

Iran Warns US Over Assassination Claims

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