A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

15 October 2011

15 OCT.

I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation and is but a reflection of human frailty.







Open the Books(


WJJG-AM Owner/Personality Joe Gentile Passes Away | Chicagoland Radio and Media


Activist Post: US Policy Toward Iran One-Way Ticket to War

Mexican Trucks Entering U.S. Cited for 1 Million Violations : Federal Jack

Video: 'Occupy Wall Street' NYPD 'runs over' protester with scooter - YouTube

US sends combat troops to Uganda - YouTube

Activist Post: Will Our Nation Experience Another Kent State?

Activist Post: Uganda welcomes US troops to hunt rebel leaders

Activist Post: Obama flouts the Constitution once again, sends 100 Special Operations Forces to Africa

The Real Enemy of the Palestinians | Intifada Palestine

Activist Post: Obama Promised GMO Labeling in 2007 (Video)

Hillary Hits the Mark | Veterans Today

The nonsensical alleged Iranian plot and the end of all reason

'OWS puts focus on banks hijacking economy' - YouTube

Dominique Strauss-Kahn: Now DSK is dragged into underage prostitute racket | Mail Online

Breaking Economics: Obama Plans To Turn Anti-Wall Street Anger On Mitt Romney

Michael Scheuer: ‘Just Another Sting’ to Benefit Israel « Blog

The Guy Who Brought Down Communism In Poland Is Coming To Occupy Wall Street

Activist Post: The Impossible Alternative

Occupy Together: World Street protests fight big banksters - YouTube

Room for one more? World population to reach 7 BILLION in next few days | Mail Online


+66 Things You Can Grow At Home: In Containers, Without A Garden | The Veritas Magazine


Video:Lucid Dreaming + Inception Movie: How to with powerful examples, part 1 of 4

Video:Lucid Dreaming + Inception Movie: How to with powerful examples, part 2 of 4

Video:Lucid Dreaming + Inception Movie: How to with powerful examples, part 3 of 4

Video:Lucid Dreaming + Inception Movie: How to with powerful examples, part 4 of 4


What Ron Paul Could Ask Herman Cain - YouTube

Did Herman Cain take 999 tax plan from SimCity video game? | Mail Online

What you may not know about Obamacare « The PPJ Gazette

Lethal Autonomy (Killer Flying Robots) - YouTube

U.S. deaths in drone strike due to miscommunication, report says -

Obama sends military advisers to fight Africa rebels - World news - Africa -

Activist Post: Terror backers should lose US citizenship: lawmakers

Nuclear War God |

Was There A Natural Nuclear Blast On Mars? | Fox News

+Activist Post: Readiness Training: 8 Essential Survivalist Skills to Survive Any Disaster


Volcanic Eruption in Canary Islands Produces Large Sea Stains [PHOTOS]


More undersea eruptions off Canaries - YouTube

Spewing volcano forces Spain to close island port - CBS News

Geologic events take worrisome turn on Canary’s El Hierro Island | The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond


6.7 magnitude earthquake strikes off the eastern coast of Papua New Guinea | The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond


The tearing of Russia: 6.1 magnitude earthquake strikes southeast region of Russia | The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond


Ignoring Ron Paul Has Reached Comic Proportions

Occupy Together: how the global movement is spreading via social media | News |

Busted flush: Las Vegas on a losing streak - Telegraph

Photo's afterlife leaves Romney rueing the day he flashed the cash - Americas, World - The Independent

The End Of The World Again - Americas, World - The Independent

Libyan Loyalists Fight NATO, Rebels And Propaganda

US says terrorists seeking missing Libyan missiles | World news | The Guardian

UN calls for international action against Syria after warning country is heading for 'civil war' - Telegraph

Pushing the Envelope for Confrontation with Iran

Iran's Press TV accuses royal family of trying to take it off-air in UK | Media |

Ukraine brings new criminal case against Yulia Tymoshenko - Telegraph

Venezuela Receives Russian Armaments Loan for Increased Energy Access at Oil Price


Radioactive material found on British beach - Home News, UK - The Independent

Blow for Gary McKinnon as U.S. extradition deal deemed ¿fair¿ | Mail Online

Liam Fox resignation: Adam Werritty money trail was final straw | Politics | The Guardian

Dominique Strauss-Kahn 'guilty' of sex assault – but escapes shame of a trial - Europe, World - The Independent

Activist Post: The nonsensical alleged Iranian plot and the end of all reason

Occupy Wall Street: Violence erupts as police clash with protesters | Mail Online

Seasonal Flu Vaccines, Are They Safe or Necessary? « The PPJ Gazette - Perfidy: The Story Zionists Had to Suppress

D.C. Concealed Gun Bill Defeated | WAMU 88.5 - American University Radio

House Passes HR 358, the "Let Women Die" Act of 2011 | Common Dreams

IAEA team praises Japan after Fukushima visit - Yahoo! News

Chynna Phillips & Tony Dovolani: 'Dancing With The Stars' Is 'A Popularity Contest'

Netanyahu must face the m... JPost - Jerusalem Report - TheRegion

Red Tape - Gov't cameras in your car? E-toll patent hints at Big Brotherish future

Japan Today:Clinton: U.S. must demand fairness from China

+Libyan News Update Oct 15 - Very Early Morning - YouTube

Foreigners Dump $74 Billion In Treasurys In 6 Consecutive Weeks: Biggest Sequential Outflow In History | ZeroHedge

Attorney General Eric Holder subpoenaed again in "Fast & Furious" probe | 89.3 KPCC

US to Play 'Very Major Role' In Helping Europe: Geithner - CNBC

Red Tape - Gov't cameras in your car? E-toll patent hints at Big Brotherish future


Harold Camping says the end of the world is definitely Oct. 21 - BlogPost - The Washington Post




Family Radio - (


Breaking: new evidence shows Hillary a mastermind behind Gunwalker - National Conservative |

"Grenade-walking" part of "Gunwalker" scandal - CBS News


SHOCKING VIDEO OF HILLARY CLINTON! ( Hillary Uncensored - Part One ) - YouTube

(2/2) The Shocking Video Hillary Does NOT Want You To See! - YouTube


FBI Monitoring News Talk Radio for Investigations

Obama is selling out the middle class Why… « Progressive Action Blog

GOP Rep Peter King: "We Can’t Allow More Coverage Of Occupy Wall Street, Or They Will Win" - Home - The Daily Bail

American's Journey: Trying to Take Obama seriously

Lone Star Watchdog: Is This the Waterloo of the American Empire?

The Excavator: The Audacity of The U.S. Government: Waging Wars Based On Lies & Kindergarten Fiction

Iran 'most significant' threat to world: Harper

MORE WAR? Obama To Order Troops Deep Into Africa In “Advisory” Role :

Banks turn to demolition of foreclosed properties to ease housing-market pressures - The Washington Post

Accused Iran plotter in US lacks cunning, friends say | Reuters

Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Pajamas Media » It’s the Space Development and Settlement, Stupid

Activist Post: More Police Brutality at Occupy Wall Street Protest (Video)


*1:30:17/Hillary The Movie on Vimeo

*1:41:07/The Clinton Chronicles (Full Version) - YouTube

The Activities at Mena - MENA is no myth! | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

Vincent Foster: The Gun Color

The Death of Vincent Foster | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED


Evidence Builds: Deadly Gravity Wave Approaching Earth | Pakalert Press




Who Controls the Police To Avoid Deadly Beatings & Abuse?

+The 15 most effective things you can do to dramatically boost your health and immune system TODAY | The Veritas Magazine

Why Animal Foods and Raw Meat Are Not the Answer to Health | The Veritas Magazine

21 December 2012 | The Veritas Magazine

Protesters plan to 'occupy' London Stock Exchange | World news | The Guardian

Police Dispatcher Fired After Police Officer Stunned Him With Taser : Federal Jack

Occupy Wall Street: Shocking videos 'prove brutal police overstepped the mark' | Mail Online

OWS 'We Will Not be Co-opted' w Jesse LaGreca - YouTube

Drums, Dance and Rain Occupy People’s Plaza in Minneapolis | The UpTake

[redacted] news: Wrong People Arrested on Wall Street


Nobel Peace Prize-President quietly opens 8th US battlefront, Uganda


The EyeOpener- Morbid Addiction: CIA & the Drug Trade


*Articles:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- October 14, 2011

Articles:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- October 13, 2011


*Podcast Show #61:The Boiling Frogs Presents Nada Prouty


Video Interview: The Realities of Whistleblowing


The CIA & 9/11 Part I: A Meeting in Malaysia

The CIA and 9/11 Part 2: The Cole & “Omar”

The CIA and 9/11 Part 3: The Shouting Match


Phony Terror Plot. - YouTube


Rense & Adrian Salbuchi - Did Hitler Make It To Argentina? - YouTube


Video games 'can alter children's brains' - Telegraph

One in six mobile phones 'contains e. coli' - Telegraph

Fluoride: Calcifier of the Soul | GreenMedInfo | Blog entry | Natural Medicine | Alternative Medicine | Integrative Medicine

Physicists turn liquid into solid using an electric field

MSG: The Flavor Enhancer That Sickens In Two Ways | GreenMedInfo | Blog entry | Natural Medicine | Alternative Medicine | Integrative Medicine

U.S. Scientist Patents Time Machine | Before It's News

Time Capsule Housed 114-Year-Old Human Bacteria : Discovery News

Up to 10,000 children being exploited by sex gangs, says children's commissioner | Mail Online

Video: IMF man pelted with eggs - Asia, World - The Independent

Soros: not a funder of Wall Street protests | Reuters

Verizon Privacy Changes: Verizon Now Monitors And Shares Your Web Surfing Information

The final moments of Air France flight AF447 - Telegraph

Transgender job training program fast-tracked after attacks | Liz Farmer | Local | Washington Examiner

Alison Nathan, Openly Gay Federal Judge Nominee, Confirmed By Senate

Did Herman Cain take 999 tax plan from SimCity video game? | Mail Online

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei says West trying to spread 'Iranophobia' - Telegraph

Obama promises 'toughest sanctions' on Iran over alleged bomb plot | World news |


They Dare Not Speak Its Name ... Rothschild Zionism - David Icke Website

Beating Up On Iran


Liam Fox resigns | Politics | The Guardian

BBC News - Liam Fox inquiry must continue - Labour

Britain's Defence Secretary quits - YouTube

Meet Liam Fox For Cash - Guy Fawkes' blog

Fox Off – CONFIRMED - Guy Fawkes' blog

The Emerging Accounts Mystery - Guy Fawkes' blog

The Detail That The Guardian Left Out Last Week - Guy Fawkes' blog

Fox in Burglary Admission - Guy Fawkes' blog

Questions over Liam Fox's US fund-raiser engagement - UK Politics, UK - The Independent


Vegetable Miso Ramen - YouTube

MSG Free Veggie Broth - YouTube


WMAL 105.9 FM/AM 630: FBI Monitoring News Talk Radio for Investigations

US to Play 'Very Major Role' In Helping Europe: Geithner - CNBC

Northrop Grumman Wins Contract for Rapid DNA Biometrics

Verizon will soon begin spying on your web habits, here’s how to opt out | Technology News Blog - Yahoo! News

Press TV taken off air in UK – war for freedom of speech now on -

The nonsensical alleged Iranian plot and the end of all reason | End the Lie - Independent News

gulfnews : Will Israel bomb Iran without notifying the US?

Is the New World Order unraveling?

Pentagon's accounting shambles may cost an additional $1 billion | iWatch News

19 held in probe launched after Norway killings –

PositiveID receives microchip implant order for Israeli Military | Aftermath News

BBC News - Black Death genetic code 'built'

U.S. Intelligence Unit Aims to Build a ‘Data Eye in the Sky’ -


*Infowars Nightly News for Friday, October 14, 2011 (Full) - YouTube

*InfoWars Nightly News w/ Alex Jones: Oct 13, 2011 - Pepe Escobar - YouTube


*2011-10-14 THE ALEX JONES SHOW - YouTube


*First Great War of The 21st Century is Here! with Gerald Celente Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

2 Parts: Israel: A History of Self-Inflicted Genocide & Terrorism with Steve Pieczenik Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Globalist Warlord Obama Moves to Expand Africom Reach Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Move On Tries to Take Over Occupy Wall Street Protests Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Americans in Denial: Futile Elections and Teflon Candidates Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» A Few Thoughts On The Occupy Wall Street Movement Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Jackson, Jr: Obama should ‘declare a national emergency,’ add jobs with ‘extra-constitutional’ action


» Study: Unvaccinated children less prone to allergies and disease than vaccinated children Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Survey Results :State of health of unvaccinated children; Illnesses in unvaccinated children


U.S. Sending Contractors to Secure Libya’s Weapons -

Occupy Wall Street more popular than Obama — RT

PressTV - 'China to import Iran gas via Pakistan'

PressTV - 'Awakenings foil anti-Iran US plots'

Robert Fisk: Great War secrets of the Ottoman Arabs - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent

UPDATE 2-US budget gap widens, tops $1 trln for 3rd year | Reuters

HSBC targets first-time buyers with 90% mortgage | Money | The Guardian

Energy firms' profits per customer rise 733%, says Ofgem | Money |

UN plea as Syria deaths pass 3,000 - Middle East, World - The Independent

Nissan fuel cell stack with 250% of the energy density versus 2005 version

UK Cella Energy develops hydrogen based fuel in microbeads that can lead to US$1.50 per gallon fuel compatible with existing cars

Liver transplants could be a thing of the past as scientists grow working cells that correct genetic mutation | Mail Online

» No food, gene rights say Monsanto: ‘No Food Rights’ Judge quits to work for Monsanto law firm Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Fears hundreds of women aborting healthy babies after scan blunders | Mail Online

Asia Times Online :: FBI account of 'terror plot' suggests sting

DPS Warns Parents that Cartels Recruiting High School Students - KRGV CHANNEL 5 NEWS - The Rio Grande Valley's News Channel - Breaking News, Breaking Stories - RGV News

Transparent Lies from the Division of Dumb and Dumber. Smoking Mirrors

» Fritz Springmeier: Occult Symbolism & the 911 Attacks Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Re-open the case: The Death of Dr. David Kelly Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» September 11 Lawsuits and the Victims’ Compensation Fund Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The supposed Iran plot: Immunised by Neocons - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

US investigates Google tax strategies | Technology |

The End Of The World Again - Americas, World - The Independent

» Obama: Most Warmongering President of Modern History Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Green taxes could force one in four into fuel poverty | Mail Online

Earth-scraper: Architects design 65-storey building 300 metres below ground | Mail Online


Scatterbrained Used Car Salesman is Feds New Patsy: Paul Watson Reports - YouTube


Steve Pieczenik Warns of Attack by Rogue Elements on Iran 1/2 - YouTube

Steve Pieczenik Warns of Attack by Rogue Elements on Iran 2/2 - YouTube


+Prison » Free Trade Or Fair Trade? 20 Reasons Why All Americans Should Be Against The Insane Trade Policies Of The Globalists


Ron Paul Ad - Life - YouTube

Ron Paul focuses on anti-abortion rights position in new ad - Political Hotsheet - CBS News


Prison » Michael Moore Take 2: Redemption on the Federal Reserve?

Herman Cain & Ron Paul Comparison on the Housing Bubble 2012- YouTube

Prison » Pepe Escobar: Iranian plot was an inside job


Dr. Laura Pressley In-Studio Speaking on Fluoride Freedom - YouTube


Pure Water Freedom(How Do I Reduce My Fluoride Exposure? )


** filtration systems


Prison » Nobel Peace Prize-President quietly opens 8th US battlefront

AFP: US seeks support for action against Iran central bank

Prison » Guess Who REALLY Planned The Occupy Wall Street Millionaires March

Prison » IAEA to Release “Evidence” Iran Secretly Working on Nuke Program

'Attack kills nine' in Pakistan - Central & South Asia - Al Jazeera English

Official: Drone attack kills Al-Awlaki's son in Yemen – This Just In - Blogs

Egypt’s Military Expands Power, Raising Alarms -

Prison » King Labels Iran Terror Plot “Act of War”

Prison » “Unusual” meeting between US, Iran over plot

Petraeus’s CIA Fuels Iran Murder Plot | Consortiumnews

Prison » Agitator Nominated for Next US “Ambassador” to Russia

Prison » Washington’s Fake Terror Charge Against Iran Is Out of Bollywood, Not Hollywood

Prison » History Moves Fast And Furiously For Eric Holder And The Obama White House

Prison » Dr. Laura Pressley In-Studio Speaking on Fluoride Freedom

'Creepy' Path Intelligence retail technology tracks shoppers |

Prison » Facebook Reportedly Can Track Web Browsing Without Cookies

Prison » Exposed: Out-of-control Medicare program subsidizing drug habits of tens of thousands of abusers, drug dealers

FBI Records Talk Radio «

Rand Paul "We Don't Want To Cripple The Mortgage Industry & The Banking Industry" - YouTube

Some Terror Threats Are Fake - YouTube

Tea Party Profiteer Visibly Concerned About Losing Influence & Cash Because Of Occupy Wall Street - YouTube

Keiser Report: Dog & Pony Show (E196) - YouTube

Obama Panders to Israel on Iran Strike Agenda: Ray McGovern Reports - YouTube

OWS, The Next Revolution is Here with Bryce Shonka - YouTube


Lyndon LaRouche: The Face of Evil - Alex Jones Tv 1/4 - YouTube

Lyndon LaRouche: The Face of Evil - Alex Jones Tv 2/4 - YouTube

Lyndon LaRouche: The Face of Evil - Alex Jones Tv 3/4 - YouTube

Lyndon LaRouche: The Face of Evil - Alex Jones Tv 4/4 - YouTube


Alex Jones Radio-Full Show 6/30/11-with Lyndon LaRouche Interview - YouTube


Obama is Political "Dead Meat" - Lyndon Larouche Reports 1/2 - YouTube

Obama is Political "Dead Meat" - Lyndon Larouche Reports 2/2 - YouTube


Scientific Study Confirms Ron Paul Being Given LEAST Face Time In Debates

Assassination Plot Was Pushed By DEA Informant

Sources: US Gives Israel Green Light For Iran Strike

Ryan Dernick: The 99% Fight the 1% for the First Amendment

Pieczenik: Obama and Israel to Attack Iran Under Cover of Bogus Terror Threat

Barb Adams: America’s Secret Kill List

Warrantless Searches of Cell Phones and Crime Predicting Technology

What’s Next on the Fed’s Plate?


Magnificent Obsessions: The Salem Witches - 1 of 3 - YouTube

Magnificent Obsessions: The Salem Witches - 2 of 3 - YouTube

Magnificent Obsessions: The Salem Witches - 3 of 3 - YouTube


Haunting photographs of the world's seed vaults, which may be our only hope after agricultural apocalypse


National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation(

Kew Millennium Seed Bank Partnership -

The Global Crop Diversity Trust/Svalbard Global Seed Vault


Hubble telescope captures new 'maps' of dark matter... well, we'll take their word or it | Mail Online

'I Fed Bigfoot Blueberry Bagels,' Michigan Woman Says | Fox News

Video: Family call police after getting lost in corn maze - Telegraph

Old Thunder Thighs: T. Rex's Weight Topped 9 Tons | Tyrannosaurus Rex & Meat-Eating Dinosaurs | Dinosaur Fossils & Paleontology | LiveScience

Cold fusion confirmed in E-Cat test - Unexplained Mysteries

'Mars was earthlike for a few hours a day': Martian landscape was warmer than thought... could it have supported life? | Mail Online

FATEMAG.COM » Blog Archive » Breakthrough at Skinwalker Ranch? Environment | Unidentified Orange Spheres, Discs and Entity Encounter in Kansas City, Missouri, Since April 2011

BBC News - Asteroid Vesta rocked by mighty impacts

Is It 'Assault,' or 'Enforcement'? That Depends on the Costume - informationliberation

Why the State Demands Control of Money - informationliberation

What Radicalism? OWS's Slogan Should Really Be "Up With The Man!" - informationliberation

Destroying Value: What Government Does Best - informationliberation

Iranian Terror "Mastermind" Described as Drunk, Pothead, Hooker Frequenting "Joke" - informationliberation

House Bill Would Criminalize Satire of TSA - informationliberation

A Magazine Is an iPad That Does Not Work. - YouTube

Near-Death Experiences: 30 Years of Research - Part 5 | Science | Epoch Times

115-year-old electric car gets same 40 miles to the charge as Chevy Volt

Red Tape - Gov't cameras in your car? E-toll patent hints at Big Brotherish future

Muslim immigrants want Switzerland to change national flag - English

The Archaeology News Network: Early Celtic 'Stonehenge' located in Black Forest

Ray Kurzweil: The Six Epochs of Technology Evolution | The Nantucket Project | Big Think

Yemeni Forces Kill 10 Protesters

Militants Attack US Base in Northern Afghanistan Killing 2

G20 Ministers Meet to Resolve European Debt Crisis

Aid Agencies: West Africa Needs Better Disaster Preparedness

Obama Disappointed By Congress Inaction on Jobs Bill

Fresh Uganda Oil Find ‘Africa’s Biggest’

Preparing Africa for the “Clash of Civilizations”

Is It Immoral to Vote for Obama?

US Kills 78 People in Somalia

Extraordinary Pictures Show Libyan City Shelled to Smithereens

Locked Up Abroad—For The FBI

The Iran-Saudi Assassination “Hoax?”

A History Of CIA Propaganda and Hit Squads

Terror Backers Should Lose US Citizenship: US Lawmakers

Insiders Voice Doubts About CIA’s 9/11 Story

Why Send US Troops Against African Bush Fighters?

Uganda: An Overview

Obama Escalates Attacks on Haqqani Network

CIA Director Petraeus 'Grading His Own Work' in Afghanistan

The 'Plot': A Whiskey-Swilling, Bumbling Link to Iran

Obama Invades Uganda, Only the Latest Intervention Against LRA

'Only Criticize the Crimes of Our Enemies,' Says the War Party

US and Iran Playing Out Old Story With Accusations

Report: Saudi Officials Warned of Iran Plot to Attack Israel Embassy in Argentina

In 'What If' Scenario, US Would Likely Respond to Iranian Terror Plot in Ways Short of War

'Blind Sheikh' Son Killed by US Drone: Monitors

How Christian Fundamentalism Helped Empower the Top 1% to Exploit the 99%

12 Most Absurd Laws Used to Stifle the Occupy Wall St. Movement Around the Country

Did Tenet Fail to Share Information That Could Have Prevented the 9/11 Attacks? Insiders Voice Doubts About the CIA’s 9/11 story

Dean Baker on How We Can Make the 'Free Market' Work for the 99%

Argentina to Wall Street: Latin American Social Movements and the Occupation of Everything

Petraeus’s CIA Provides Grist for Iran Murder Plot

Controlled Substances: Congress is Not Doing Nothing

The FBI-Style Sting in the Tail of the Saudi Ambassador 'Assassination Plot'

Occupations, Faux and Real by Nebojsa Malic --

Republican Foreign Policy Follies by Philip Giraldi --

Judge Blocks Release of Recusal-Related Emails Kagan Sent WH—Says They're ‘Personal’

UCLA May Allow Coed Dorm Rooms to Better Serve Transgender Students

Solar Energy Lobby Calls For Extending Obama's Stimulus Grants for Solar Power

Send Obama To Remedial Math Before His Next Spending-For-Jobs Bill

Giuliani: I Would've Told OWS Protesters, 'Streets Are Not For Sleeping'

Obama’s State Dinner for S. Korean Leader Begins With a Thunderstorm

Postal Workers To Get $2.8 Million -- For Nothing

ICE Arrests 5,270 Illegal Alien Gang Members in Dozens of U.S. Cities in Two-Year Period

Obama's 'Political Victory' Lead Story in NYTimes; His 'Major Setback' Set Back on A13 |

Big Three Nets Trumpet Wall Street Protesters 'Proclaiming Victory' |

Gallup: Majority of Americans Are Still at an Unhealthy Weight |

Ted Koppel Joins New NBC Newsmagazine |

The Order of the Illuminati: Its Origins, Its Methods and Its Influence on the World Events

Renowned Doctor Speaks on the Dumbing Down Effects of Fluoride

Want a RFID Chip In Your Pants? No? Well They’re Coming Anyway

Breaking Points: Recognizing The Signs Of Painful Cultural Shift

Activist Post: Starting a Fire -- An Essential Survival Skill

He who jumps into the void, owes no explanation to those who stand and watch - Jean Luc Godard

The Impossible Alternative | Reality Sandwich

Activist Post: The Adventures of Gullible Gringo: How Government Love Extends Beyond the Border

Activist Post: 12 Items You Do Not Want to Be Without: A Nifty Fix-it and Clean-it Kit


The Higher Education Bubble


*63 min./College Conspiracy - YouTube


Tea Party Presidential Election Primer: Paul v. Cain on Economics

No Need To Audit the Federal Reserve According to Herman Cain - YouTube

Men’s Fashion: Look Stylish on the Cheap | The Art of Manliness

The Dawn of Late Fascism by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

Will Holder Fold? by Karen Kwiatkowski

Two Doctors Challenge the FDA Over the Public’s Misunderstanding of What FDA-Approved Means by Bill Sardi

Yale Professor Disses Gold, Ron Paul by Robert Wenzel

Always Read The Fine Print by Eric Peters

Americans in Denial: Futile Elections and Teflon Candidates by Scott Lazarowitz

In-State Tuition and a Banquet of Red Herring by Becky Akers

Just for women: 23 Truths about Firearms | The Survival Mom™

Google Buzz Gets The Ax, As Do Others In 'Fall Sweep'

Drones to Monitor U.S. Citizens | American Free Press

FBI Stages Iranian ‘Ghost Terror’ | American Free Press

U.S. College Students Owe $1 Trillion to Bankers | American Free Press

Agent Orange: 50-Year Legacy of Misery | American Free Press

Former Iran assassin says alleged plot 'makes no sense' -

2nd probe surfaces in Bush-era gun trafficking to Mexico

E-mails show more officials were concerned about Solyndra loan - The Washington Post

Al-Qaeda Should Pay $9.4B for 9/11: Judge - Bloomberg

Ron Paul the religious - The Washington Post

More Americans than Chinese can’t put food on the table | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

Google Buzz Gets The Ax, As Do Others In 'Fall Sweep'

BBC News - DNA sequenced of woman who lived to 115

Five children and foster father die in horrific car crash after van slams into tractor trailer | Mail Online

Florida hotel fires worker for wearing US flag pin -

Revealed: The reason UCLA considers coed dorms is for transgender students | Mail Online

Occupy Wall Street and "The American Autumn": Is It a "Colored Revolution"?

The Economic Crisis in Europe; Unpayable Debts. Impending Financial Insolvency

"We the People”: Awaking from our Slumber

Colored Revolutions: A New Form of Regime Change, Made in the USA

The Democratic Party: An Insidious Threat to the Occupy Wall Street Movement

Fake Revolutions: The Civil Society Revolution Consulting Business

Food Rights, Gene Rights and Monsanto: ‘No Food Rights’ Judge quits to work for Monsanto law firm

The 1% and Capitalism

VIDEO: The Death of Dr. David Kelly: The Battle for an Inquest

Canada: Military intelligence unit spies on native groups

Unanswered questions over the alleged Iranian assassination plot

VIDEO: Abolish NATO! 10th Anniversary Afghanistan War Rally

Pastor Jeffress and Bill Maher agree: Mormonism is a ‘cult’

Tea Party co-founder gives advice to Occupy Wall Street

Iran’s supreme leader calls U.S. accusations meaningless

Iran case shows growing national security role of DEA

‘Rapture’ preacher makes fourth end-of-the-world forecast

Group planning by bacteria may affect Earth’s climate

Study: FDA allowed oil-tainted seafood onto market

2 Parts/NASA's Uncensored Moon Images | Before It's News

Insiders Voice Doubts About CIA’s 9/11 Story | Before It's News

CommieTunes - OBAMA's END GAME REVEALED - Obama Socialist / Communist / Marxist / Maoist - YouTube


Know Your Rights (Judicial System) | Before It's News


How The US Government Secretly Reads Your Email | Before It's News

The Extensive Failure of Full Body Scanners and the Politics Behind It | Before It's News

Despite Evidence of FBI Bungling, New Probe Into Anthrax Killings Unlikely | Before It's News


+WEEKLY ADDRESS: Working Together to Create Jobs | Before It's News


House Investigates if Solyndra was a Crime | Before It's News

Devils face at Area 51 | Before It's News

The Real Reason For Rollout Of HDTV | Before It's News

Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS) & the All-Digital TV Broadcast Signal: Connection? « The PPJ Gazette

UHF Silent Subliminals -

A Hidden Bonus to your HDTV package -Subliminal Mind Control!? |

Hoover Dam Likely the next 11 11 Sacrifice! | Before It's News

Depopulation Agenda - U.S. Vaccine Patient # 5,733,553 ... Vaccines To Be Used for Birth Control ... . ... March 31, 1998 , ( Consp. T. ) | Before It's News

More Maher Idiocy: Senate 'Never Used To Have' The Filibuster

Twitter Data Used To Track Vaccination Rates And Attitudes | Before It's News

Steve Jobs might have killed himself | The Total Collapse

Falling German Satellite Poses 1-in-2,000 Risk of Striking Someone This Month | Falling Satellites & Space Junk | German ROSAT Satellite & Orbital Debris | |


*2:19:30/EndGame HQ full length version - YouTube


*The Bloodlines of the Black Nobility


The Vatic Project: All the Queen’s forces and all the Queen’s men - A Black Nobility Bloodline, Part 1 of 5

The Vatic Project: A Black Nobility Bloodline, Part 2 of 5 - The Windsor wealth

The Vatic Project: A Black Nobility Bloodline - Part III - Winsor Power and Nazi Friends

The Vatic Project: The Black Nobility Bloodline, Part IV - Windsor Genocide


Roasted Eggplant Cilantro Dip | Before It's News







Was Herman Cain's 999 Tax Plan Cribbed From A Video Game?

Progressive Groups Launch Occupy the Board Room

Glenn Beck's #OWS Meltdown: 'Violent Left Is Coming to Our Streets to Smash, to Tear Down, to Kill, to Bankrupt, to Destroy'

Villagers Weep As President Obama Goes His Own Way Without Their Direction

Scott Brown's Plagiarism

Suggestions for Local 'Occupy' Groups

This Is Why Everyone Hates Congress

Matt Taibbi on His Advice for Occupy Wall Street Protesters

Republicans Getting Buffetted by Taxes

2006: Mitt Romney Heaped Praise on Romneycare 'Parent' Ted Kennedy

Why Americans are Taking to the Charts

Journalist Chris Hedges goes to Canada, ends up on Fox News

Anita Perry: GOP, Media Attacking Husband 'Because of His Faith'

Bloomberg Backs Down On Evicting OWS Protesters From Zuccotti Park

Bill O'Reilly Says Wall Street Occupiers are Infested with Rats, Drugs and Outdoor Sex

Occupy Protesters Clash With NYPD As They Attempt To March On Wall Street

A History of Conservative Panic

"DELETE IT NOW!" -- Raging Cop Threatens To Arrest Ron Paul Supporters For Videotaping, Demands They Delete Video Or He'll (Falsely) Charge Them With Wiretapping - informationliberation

OWS, The Next Revolution is Here with Bryce Shonka - YouTube

Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – October 14th, 2011

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – October 14th, 2011

Audio Page:CounterSpin: Arun Gupta on Occupy Wall Street, Jasmin Ramsey on Iran plot |

Occupy Iran Fast & Furious (Extended) with Pepe Escobar - YouTube

» House Bill Would Criminalize Satire of TSA Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


*Articles:Occupy Wall Street 10-15-11 |


‘Nervous?’: New Romney Ad Features Obama’s Jab at Fox Reporter | Video |

Religion and Faith Are Meant to Be Funny, These Comedians and Clergy Say | Video |

Bilingual Election Ballots Ordered by the Federal Government |

Study Reveals Some Women Misdiagnosed as Miscarried |

Rapper Rick Ross Treated for Medical Issue After Collapsing on Delta Flight |

Kapsch TrafficCom AG Files Patent for Camera Technology in EZ Pass, iPass |

‘We Can Not Sleep Through the Revolution’: Al Sharpton Tells Black Community to Join the Revolution Because Those Kids on Wall Street Are Right About Redistributing the Wealth | Video |

Reporter Gets Tongue-Tied on Live TV | News Blooper | Ann Keil Fox 59 | Video |

Political Pressure Keeps Occupy Wall Street Open |

Reuters Backtracks on George Soros’ Potential Connect to Occupy Wall Street |

Rush Limbaugh Calls Mitt Romney ‘Not a Conservative’ |

‘Marxist Revolution’: Beck Shows O’Reilly How Organized Effort Guides World-Wide ‘Occupy’ Protests | Video |

‘Occupy Sesame Street!’: Elmo & Friends Go Muppet Nuts to Heckle Speech by Rupert Murdoch | Video |

Northern Michigan University College Professor Offers Students Extra Credit for Attending Occupy Protest |

WH Chief of Staff Bill Daley: Certain Members of the Media ‘Carry the Water’ for GOP | Video |

Smashed Windows and Torched Cars: Occupy Protests Turn Violent in Rome | Video |

Occupy Protests Spread Worldwide: Demonstrations Planned in 82 Countries | Video |

Urban Outfitters Under Fire For ‘Navajo-Inspired’ Fashion Line |

Which Major Hollywood Actor Did George H.W. Bush Consider as VP? |

Martin Bashir’s Guest: If Cain Could Become ‘The Color of Water He Would Do It’ | Video |

Artist Behind Famed Obama “Hope” Poster Designs Party Invite for Occupy Wall Street |

Ed Schultz: Cain is Pandering to ‘White Republicans’ Who ‘Don’t Like Black Folks’ | Video |

Hysterical Occupy Wall St. Protester Has Meltdown, Raves About Cars Running on ‘Sustainable Stars’ | Video |

Guess How Much Some Servers And Restaurant Owners in San Francisco Think Customers Should Be Forced to Tip? |


Limbaugh: Holder Said “I Am Not the Tall US Attorney, I Am Not The Thin US Attorney, I Am The Black US Attorney”

Limbaugh: Anti-Semitism Rears It’s Ugly Head At OWS “The Jews Own Wall Street”

Limbaugh: Media Never Cared About Jeremiah Wright But Now It’s Important To Vet Pastors

Limbaugh Disgusted In VP Biden For Blaming Rape And Crime On Republicans Not Passing A Bogus Jobs Bill

Occupy Wall Street declares victory amid city retreat on Zuccotti Park cleanup -

It's another Soros link to Occupy Wall Street

Another Inside Man For Solyndra At The White House | Fox News

Communist Party USA and Rep. Jan Schakowsky March at Occupy Chicago (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

Why the left fears Herman Cain: Surging candidate threatens allegiance between blacks and Dems

Solyndra funder Kaiser paid zero taxes for years | Campaign 2012

This Is Not Your Grandmother's Jello-O Surprise: Food + Cooking :

Fun takes a holiday in Somerville -

NASA Buys Flights On Virgin Galactic's Private Spaceship | Fox News


**News from The Associated Press(


EPA's CO2 Endangerment Finding is Endangered

A Holodomor for the New Millennium

Freedom Confronts Tyranny: A Visit to the Demilitarized Zone

Is Santorum Wrong About 9-9-9?

Keeping Our Eye on the Ball in 2012

Wall Street Is Shovel-Ready

Marxist Mayhem in Wall Street Protests

America's Orwellian Liberalism

What kind of Treasury Secretary becomes a partisan political tool?

Treasury officials: Never saw a loan structured like Solyndra

Drone strike kills AQAP media chief

Congratulations! 2011 deficit second highest in history

Obama sends 100 troops to central Africa to fight terrorists

A Chance for a Second American Century?

Another Mainstream Media Reporter Turns Up the Heat on Holder

Coptic Church Construction and Egyptian Muslim 'Emasculation'

Contrary Thoughts on a Thousand for One

Part of Obamacare so poorly thought out and written that it can't be implemented

9-9-9 and the UK

Which Republican Can Beat Obama?

America's Children Come Home to Roost

If we can't nominate Rush Limbaugh

Obama: The Exquisite Blessing of Impossible Expectations

When the Race Card Gets Trumped

Fatal Flaw Means Obama Can Win

War breeds war. Peace breeds prosperity.

How Perrys Plan Backfired

The NYC Declaration

October 15, 2011: The Day Obama’s Army occupied the Free World

Chuckie Schumer - All Mouth With Sharp Teeth Bites Taxpayers Again

Bringing Down America from the safety of Vancouver, BC

City of Rocks New Mexico

Carbon Jihad, iPads & the Jevons Paradox

Enviros exploit children (again) in new attack ads

“Today Show” Speculation About Biden’s Future as VP Irks White House

Herman Cain’s Missing Crucial Fourth “9”

The second Civil War

Will renewable energy bankrupt England?

The Revolution is Upon Us

No Congressman Ellison, Shackles on Business Don’t “Create Jobs”

Chinese Bible Exhibition is Political Propaganda Disguised as Religious Outreach

Homeschool Parents to Lose Children Permanently

We Already Have A National Sales Tax

More Than Winning - Can the GOP Candidates Mend the Divide?

Schakowsky: Communist, Maoist, Illiterate, Hate-Filled OWS Protesters Are ‘Ordinary Americans&

Report card: Bio-terrorism preparedness gets thumbs down by bipartisan group

SEAL team in Afghanistan to go green

Why Not Occupy Erick Holder’s DOJ?

Subcommittee on Green Jobs and the New Economy: Innovative Practices to Create Jobs and Reduce Pollu

Debbie Schlussel:Society of Pro Journalists Votes Not to Use “Illegal Alien,” “Illegal Immigrant”

Debbie Schlussel:Oregon Teen Murdered b/c His Name “Sounded Jewish”

Debbie Schlussel:Obama, Hillary Forged Petition Signatures; Who Will Prosecute

Health overhaul law suffers first major casualty

Republicans Advance Bill Targeting US Funding for UN: ‘What Are We Paying For?’ |

Postal pin-ups pose for a cause | Santa Fe, N.M. | KRQE News 13

Postal Workers Swiped, Sold Seized Narcotics | The Smoking Gun

Mystery condition makes woman age 50 years in just a few days - Telegraph

Shrink: Obama Suffers 'Father Hunger' - Washington Whispers (

Schultz says 'break' is a 'southern racist term' | Campaign 2012

SHOCK VIDEO: Savage Attack At Manhattan McDonal - Flash Player Installation

Two charged with stealing Lawrence County bridge

Giuliani: I Would've Told OWS Protesters, 'Streets Are Not For Sleeping' |

Shepard Fairey, L.A. Street Artist, Designs Party Invite for Occupy Wall Street - Los Angeles News - The Informer

Obama plans to turn anti-Wall Street anger on Mitt Romney, Republicans - The Washington Post

Daley: Press 'carry water' for pols | POLITICO 44

Obama administration appeals ruling on White House visitor logs - Josh Gerstein -

On Solyndra: President’s Blackberry Off Limits – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Pelosi Left Out of Leaders Meeting on Super Committee : Roll Call News


In Holder Subpoena, Issa Also Probes White House Press Aide : Roll Call News

Coroner: Man killed trying to steal power lines -

ill. man killed trying to steal power lines - Google Search

Royal Navy turn guns pointing at Michelle Obama's hotel room around | Mail Online

Judge Blocks Release of Recusal-Related Emails Kagan Sent WH—Says They're ‘Personal’ |

Lady Gaga wins Lady Goo Goo lawsuit injunction against cartoon character | Mail Online

» House Bill Would Criminalize Satire of TSA Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

UPDATE: Palin’s Facebook “Political Views” have always been listed as “Conservative” | Conservatives4Palin

"Fast and Furious" in focus on Face the Nation - CBS News

The PJ Tatler » Fast and Furious on Lou Dobbs

NRA's LaPierre: 'Fast and Furious' Was Plot Against Second Amendment

Google kills off Buzz, its ill-fated social network - Oct. 14, 2011

Google Plus - Good News Or Bad News - Technorati Technology

Skype Officially Belongs to Microsoft Now

Future of Technology - Wireless bike brake works most of the time

White House won’t turn over Obama’s BlackBerry messages on Solyndra - Darren Samuelsohn -

Solyndra Came Close to Landing Navy Deal -

Solyndra CEO Resigns As Energy Company Faces Questions From Lawmakers | ThirdAge

Rick Ross -- The Show Must Go On |

Larry Hagman is battling cancer

The Deadbolt News - New Footloose Stars Remember Original

Box Office: Moviegoers cut a little loose with Footloose at no. 1 Friday -

TV’s Biggest Flops Of The Last Five Years | Access Hollywood - Celebrity News, Photos & Videos

Ashton Kutcher moving truck story not true |

Robert Downey Jr. Shocker: We Need to Forgive Mel Gibson! - E! Online

Lady Gaga, Usher prepare for Clinton's concert

Pot smoking may more than double crash risk -

U.S. Won’t Start Long-Term Care Insurance - Bloomberg

1 in 6 cellphones have traces of fecal E. coli -

Unknown Disease Killing Ringed Seals in Alaska - TIME NewsFeed

Pikes Peak Courier View: News

Speedy neutrino mystery likely solved, relativity safe after all | DVICE

Physicists Offer Mundane Explanations for Faster-Than-Light Neutrinos | Wired Science |

The Very Large Array National Radio Telescope looking for new name -

Prehistoric speedway: Super-sized muscle made twin-horned dinosaur a speedster

Robot biologist solves complex problem from scratch | R&D Mag

Using DNA To Shape Nanostructures : NPR

Stone Age Paint Shop Discovered in South Africa | Science and the Arts

Gore links climate change to Great Lakes problems - BusinessWeek

Large and Dangerous Volcano Awakes in Iceland - Technorati Travel

EPA’s Jackson Says House Measures Would Gut Clean-Air Act - Businessweek

Warped Galaxies Reveal Universe's Hidden Dark Matter | Dark Matter Gravitational Lensing | Hubble Galaxy Cluster Photos |

New NASA Satellite to Monitor Earth's Weather & Climate | Weather Forecasting, Climate Predictions, Global Warming, Climate Change | NPP, Earth-Observing Satellites |

NASA Confirms Russian Soyuz Failure Findings | Progress 44 Soyuz Rocket Accident | Russian Space Agency Investigation |

Talk like Yoda? We may have originally - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience -

Tyrannosaurus Rex 30% Bigger Than Previously Thought | Geekosystem

Future of Technology - Himalayas: The future of solar?

ISNA - 10-15-2011 - 90/7/23 - Service: / Science / News ID: 1869935

SpaceX Aims At Department Of Defense Launch Contracts |

G-20 considers boosting IMF role in eurozone –

Wal-Mart Beats Target, Kmart on Toy Pricing for Holidays - Bloomberg

Alabama's tough new immigration law hits a roadblock | Alaska Dispatch

Perry, GOP Candidates Report on Campaign Cash | NBC Dallas-Fort Worth

Hair attacks force Ohio Amish to seek outside help - CBS News

Kansas City Bishop Charged With Failure to Report Abuse -

Anita Perry, Rick Perry and that biblical fleece -- explained -

Deadbeat State: Ill. Owes Billions in Unpaid Bills - ABC News

White House kills insurance program for long-term care - The Washington Post

Huntsman Pins Fading Presidential Hopes On New Hampshire | Fox News

Some inmates continue prison hunger strike, advocates say | Reuters

Thousands rally in DC for easier access to jobs |

Santorum's self-help on travel - Maggie Haberman -

Pawlenty's war chest left with a hefty load of IOUs | Grand Forks Herald | Grand Forks, North Dakota

BBC News - 'Occupy' protests at financial crisis go worldwide

Militants killed in Yemen were to quit-tribe leader | Reuters

Heightened Security in Libya's Capital Following Clashes | Africa | English

The Associated Press: Stunned by bloodshed, Egyptians torn over army

Kidnappings: Kenya To Pursue Militants In Somalia : NPR

Liam Fox inquiry should continue, says Labour | Politics |

2 Killed at Funeral for Syrian Victim | Middle East | English

U.S. Ventures into Bloody Uganda Conflict - TIME

U.S. base in normally tranquil Afghan province hit by suicide team -

12 Killed in Opposition Unrest in Yemen's Capital | Middle East | English

8 Opposition Parties Pull Out of Liberian Election | News | English

Iran's supreme leader lambasts U.S. over assassination allegations -

AFP: Tunisia's Islamist party condemns attack on chief

Medvedev offers to establish ‘extended government’ in Russia | Russia | RIA Novosti

'Attack kills nine' in Pakistan - Central & South Asia - Al Jazeera English

Israel, Hamas Prepare For Prisoner Swap on Tuesday | News | English

NATO, Afghan forces kill 13 insurgents –

Aircraft crash leaves one pilot injured, one missing at China air show_XINHUANET


Cuba's Ladies in White mourn leader, vow to go on

Mexico's newest export to US may be water

IMF calls for pan-European deposit insurance

California salon shooting suspect had rough life

Syrian forces target funeral, assassinate activist

Police and demonstrators clash in Rome, teargas fired

US bishop charged for not bringing porn to police

Police fire tear gas as protesters riot in Rome

G-20 considers boosting IMF role in eurozone

European crisis plans contain 'right elements': Geithner

Geithner says growth too slow, need jobs bill

Russia's Medvedev rallies disappointed supporters

Militants assault US base in eastern Afghanistan

Presidential hopeful Cain ups fundraising total

Egypt's military rulers criminalize discrimination

Work begins on pardons for Palestinian prisoners

Hamas planning huge Gaza celebrations for prisoners

German intel officers say Schalit deal 'still fragile'

Haniyeh: 'Today we free prisoners, tomorrow Al-Aksa'

Occupy the London Stock Exchange - Saturday 15 October

'Syrian forces kill two mourners in central Damascus'

'Israel will target prisoners who return to terrorism'

Shaul Mofaz: Now is the time to repair ties with Turkey

Hamas: Hezbollah taught us how to make a deal with Israel

Iranian assassins tied to notorious Quds force

If Robert Davi had President Obama’s Ear …

‘The Way’ Director Emilio Estevez: ‘We Have to Give Voice to the Unborn’

Why ‘The Walking Dead’ Trumps George A. Romero

‘Footloose’ Review: Remake Fails to Recreate Fun of the Original

Trailer Talk: ‘The Muppets’

The Publishing World’s Crusade to Protect Monopolies, Stifle Self-Publishers

‘The Big Year’ Review: The Big Yawn is More Like It

‘Hope’ Poster Artist Slams Obama: New White House Poster Contest Exploits Artists

Hollywood Worries About Weak Box Office: ‘Footloose’ #1, ‘Real Steel’ #2, ‘The Thing’ #3; Big Comic Stars Bomb In ‘The Big Year’ –

Corzine, Wintour, film execs top list of Obama campaign big-money bundlers - The Hill's Ballot Box

Mark Ruffalo on lack of stars at Occupy Wall Street: ‘Who needs the headache of being attacked by Fox News?’ | The Cutline - Yahoo! News

Low-rated 'Charlie's Angels' grounded by ABC

Emilio Estevez Rips Hollywood: 'I Go To So Many Films and I'm Embarrassed By What I See' |

- Saturday Crib Sheet: Spittin’ Mad, Occupiers’ Ratings Tank

CNN’s Piers Morgan Doesn’t Challenge Sean Penn’s Racial Attack On Tea Party

Media Silent As Occupy Boston Ruins Food Bank Event; Conservatives Offset The Loss

Race-Obsessed CNN Drops R-Word Into Relationship Between Cain and Tea Party

CNN’s Anti-Bullying Crusade Already Violates Its Own Code with Name-Calling

‘Crowdsource’ This: Countdown to Media Matters’ Attack on Big Government’s #OccupyWallStreet Document Dump

Politico Reporter Resigns Over Plagiarism

Will Violence in NYC, Spitting On Coast Guard Member Wipe #OWS Smile Off MSM’s Face?

Gawker Publishes Hit List For The NYC 1%

Judge In Terror Case: Prosecutors Can’t Use Praise ‘Our Soldiers’ When Discussing Planned Attack On US Troops!

AUDIO:David Brog: The True Meaning of Christians United for Israel

TSA Employee Disciplined For Anti-Muslim Comments Online; May Be Fired

Royal Navy Ordered To Turn Ship’s Guns So They Don’t Point At Michelle Obama’s Hotel Suite

Obama Sending Troops to Aid Africa Anti-Insurgency

McKeon: We Should Raise Taxes To Avoid Deeper Defense Cuts

Thin Air

AUDIO:Clare Lopez: The Giggle Test

Iran’s Assassination Plot Vindicates Big Peace Report of ‘Terror Babies’ Phenomenon

The Forgotten Concept of State Sponsored Terrorism

Pentagon Error Suspends Anti-Narcotics Programs Worldwide

Libyan Weaponry Pours Into Gaza, Empowers Hamas

The Release of Gilad Shalit: A Potential Strategic Victory

The Iranian Caper: Has Obama Been Had?

US worries over China's underground nuclear network

Had plot worked, would US and Iran be at war?

Obamacare Has No CLASS: Administration Admits Entitlement Program Unsustainable

#OccupyLA Protester: ‘Zionist Jews’ Who Run Banks Should Be ‘Run Out of This Country’

#OccupyBoston Ruins Food Bank Fundraiser, Conservatives Step in with $3,700 Fund Drive

The Laffer Curve Wins Again: Snooki 1, IRS 0

#OccupyOakland Panic: ‘The Potties Are Full!’ Occupy LA-The Pro-Government Protesters?

VIDEO: Senator Shelby Issues Warning About Consumer Czar

The Real ‘Income Disparity’: Government Employee Pensions vs. Private Workers’ Retirement Plans

Working Families Party Recruits ACORN Rent-A-Mobs for #OccupyWallStreet

Public School Marching Band Rallies #OccupyChicago Protesters

Uncovering The Phony “Independent” Group Organizing Recall Of Scott Walker

Will Sen. Rob Portman ‘Pull a Stupak’ and Cave on New Consumer Czar? Anti-War Globalists Organize Occupation Movement, Push Democrats Further Left

Occupy Nest Egg: Public Employees who Retired in 2011 Cashed Out Avereage of 43 Weeks of Unused Sick Leave

AUDIO:Business Groups Blast Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 Plan

Union Boss Hoffa: Right to Work Freedom ‘Is a Conspiracy’

#OccupyChicago Joins ‘Destroy Israel’ Anti-war, Anti-America ‘Peace’ March

An Occupied Nation: What Happened While You Were Sleeping

Mitt Romney: Just John McCain with Better Hair?

‘Crowdsource’ This: Emails Expose #OccupyWallStreet Conspiracy to ‘Destabalize’ Global Markets, Governments

» The Email Archive of the #OccupyWallStreet Movement: Anarchists, Socialists, Unions, Democrats and Their Plans - Big Government

» Emails Expose the True Nature of the #Occupy Movement - Big Government

On Solyndra: President’s Blackberry Off Limits – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Herman Cain joins Nevada caucus boycott

Huntsman campaign shows nearly $900,000 debt

Sonic Youth co-founders Moore, Gordon split up | Reuters


+Occupy Wall Street Photos


15-Oct-11 World View

14-Oct-11 World View

13-Oct-11 World View


An abhorrent ally for Democrats

Rational Irrationality: Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 Plan: The Return of Trickle-Down Economics : The New Yorker

Cain rises by slamming race -

Obama’s Solyndra Talking Cure Fails - Reason Magazine

The simple math of recession - The Washington Post

Rabbit-Hole Economics -

The 1930s Sure Sound Familiar -

Obama plans to turn anti-Wall Street anger on Mitt Romney, Republicans - The Washington Post

Obama's Performance Rating Slips Again - Ronald Brownstein -

Mark Steyn: Young ‘Occupiers’ think like their grandparents | decline, college, ever - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Keep the protests going | Nealz Nuze |

One Obamacare Disaster Averted, Lots More To Go - By Yuval Levin - The Corner - National Review Online

Sec. Kathleen Sebelius: The CLASS Program

RealClearPolitics - The Tax Hikes That Republicans Love

RealClearPolitics - Cain the Tax-Code Killer

Will tea party purists back imperfect Romney? -

Rick Perry’s Energy Speech: Will it Spark His Campaign? - The Daily Beast

John B. Judis Reviews Ron Suskind's "Confidence Men" | The New Republic

Review & Outlook: Class Dismissed -

The Republicans vs. the Environment -

EDITORIAL: The income problem - Washington Times

The scapegoat strategy - The Washington Post

Hillary Clinton Over Joe Biden in 2012? Possible: Jonathan Alter - Bloomberg

Herman Cain: 9-9-9 is pro-growth, pro-jobs –

As Cain Catches Fire, He and 9-9-9 Plan Take Heat - ABC News

BBC - History - World Wars: John F Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis

The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962: Anatomy of a Controversey

WAR CRIMES: Night without Dawn - TIME

The Execution of Mata Hari, 1917

OAKLAND / Black Panthers' legacy at 40 / Survivors cite oft-forgot ideals, accomplishments - SFGate

BOOK REVIEW: 'Holy Terror' - Washington Times

The Smart Set: Privacy Policy - October 13, 2011

Mary Gabriel: Marx The Man Vs Marx The Myth

Our Lady of Alice Bhatti | Mohammed Hanif | Review by The Spectator

Ice-T and Mal Radcliff: Kings Of Vice | Books | Book Review | The A.V. Club

Adam Winkler, “Gun Fight” Author, On Gun Control’s Racism - The Daily Beast

America Wrongly Thinks Its Prosperity Can't End -

Around the world, rage against the elites - The Washington Post

The Weekend Interview with Mortimer Zuckerman: The Exasperation of the Democratic Billionaire -

Growing Income Gap May Leave U.S. Vulnerable - Bloomberg

Epiphenom: Supernatural explanations just don't occur to kids - they need to be taught them

DNAnexus gets $15 million from Google Ventures, announces cloud storage deal | SmartPlanet

Do White LEDs Disrupt our Biological Clocks? | Research - ISNS

BBC News - Nanotube yarns twist like muscles

New Diamonds Rock! : Discovery News

Emulating--and Surpassing--Nature : Northwestern University Newscenter – Equation explains forces that repel water, oil

Penn Team Links Schizophrenia Genetics to Disruption in How Brain Processes Sound

Clearing the cosmic fog of the early universe: Massive stars may be responsible

Das: U.S. role in big science is too small

Columbus Blamed For Little Ice Age - Science News

Table salt used to boost digital storage | COSMOS magazine

U.S. Copyright Czar Cozied Up to Content Industry, E-Mails Show | Threat Level |

Facebook's Joanna Shields talks data privacy - The Next Web

What an e-reader can't give you -

Google kills off Buzz, its ill-fated social network - Oct. 14, 2011

Apple Logos Show Reach and Hostility of the Web -

A great week for Google challengers | Challengers - CNET News

Why Hulu’s Owners Couldn’t Find A Buyer | TechCrunch

Moody's Rates Illinois As Worst Credit Risk in the Nation

Want Less Debt? Offer More Jobs. | FrumForum

The Internet Tax Man Cometh Again - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Political Animal - GOP establishment still waiting on the sidelines

Defense & Deficits: How to Trim the Pentagon's Budget-Carefully | Progressive Policy Institute

Chu: In global market, ‘Invented in America’ not good enough | SmartPlanet

Agreement signed to rebuild church at ground zero – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Religion hits the comedy circuits –

WORLD Magazine | 'Extraordinary' | Emily Belz | Oct 05, 11

Why Are Churches So Homogeneous? Pastor Asks, Christian News

Saudi Arabia's Limited Options for Dealing With Iran

Conflict With China - Inevitable or Avoidable?

Long-Term Questions for Short-Term European Strategy

Is Kill/Capture Working in Afghanistan?

Why Is Obama Sending Troops Against the Lord's Resistance Army? - Max Fisher - International - The Atlantic

Punching Holes in the Iran Plot | The Diplomat

The One-Way War | The Weekly Standard

Notorious Iranian militant has a connection to alleged assassination plot against Saudi envoy - The Washington Post

Panda Mugging - By Michael A. Cohen | Foreign Policy

WPR Article | The Realist Prism: Foreign Policy and the U.S. Presidential Election

America the Overcommitted -

Asia Times Online :: Is China drinking its own Kool-Aid?

Column One: A pact signed in Jewi... JPost - Opinion - Columnists

We need a global army of tax collectors - The Globe and Mail

gulfnews : Saudis must get evidence of top Iranian approval

Iran’s Alleged Plot to Kill Saudi Envoy Could Have Been Inspired by WikiLeaks - The Daily Beast

RealClearWorld - Time to Act on Sudan Atrocities


*Transcripts:13th/Press Conference with Presidents Obama and Lee

Interview with Senator Rand Paul

Interview with Senator Dianne Feinstein

Panel Discusses Cain's Chances in GOP Race

Guests: Sen. Sherrod Brown & Rep. Jackie Spier

Interview with Representative John Larson

Analysts Discuss the Iranian Assassination Plot

Secretary Panetta & Gen. Dempsey Testify to the HASC


Unparalleled Preservation: Near-Perfect Young Dinosaur Fossil Found in Bavaria - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

South Africa artifacts indicate a 100,000-year-old art studio -

BBC News - Bronze age landmark knocked over in Pembrokeshire

Owl curry, adder with butter and stir-fried craneflies! Meet the man who has survived on a diet of roadkill for 30 YEARS | Mail Online

Steven Seagal Hired To Control US-Mexico Border - Entertainment News Story - WMUR New Hampshire

In the path of the storm: Daredevil photographer risks his life to take stunning pictures of lightning strikes | Mail Online

No ideas needed from presidential candidates?

The next black president

It's another Soros link to Occupy Wall Street

Moderators give Romney face time at debates?

'Defamation' case complicated by House attack on Obamacare

Signature drive to overturn 'gay' indoctrination falls short

Men stressed by economic turmoil are more likely to cheat | Mail Online

Faithful take money out of big banks to protest corporate greed | National Catholic Reporter

Cops on the trail of crimes that haven't happened - science-in-society - 12 October 2011 - New Scientist

Brain scans used to detect paedophilia - The Local

Worcester Telegram & Gazette - - Man charged with stealing markers from veterans' graves

Thieves cause traffic gridlock

Police: Driver Flipped License Plate to Save Toll - ABC News

Rebecca Delagarza: Female gym teacher, 26, 'had lesbian affair with girl, 14' | Mail Online

Alice Cheerleader Kicked-Off Squad, Suspended From School, After Camera's Catch Him Kissing Another Male Student | Corpus Christi, TX | |

McCain open to changes in military health benefits - Washington Times

'Deadliest Warrior' Host Quits Over Green Beret Claim

Virulent 'crocodile' drug hits the streets - The Local

The Islamization of London: A Photo Tour | FrontPage Magazine


*The big list: Female teachers with students


Herman Cain: Rocket fuel for America

No ideas needed from presidential candidates?

Will the real America please stand up?

When hope and change fall flat: Backed into a corner, Obama and the left lash out

The mythical Latino-vote tsunami

Lenin's 'useful idiots' in Manhattan

Seduced by the Dark Side of the Force

Republican liberalism enables Iran's regime

Time to take the mullahs out

Mistaken views of the afterlife

6 Places to Occupy Next: Protest the 1% Where They Live, Work and Play | Economy | AlterNet

The American Spectator : The Emperor Returns

*15 Oct.

American Minute for October 15th

October 15th This Day in History

Today in History: October 15

This Day in History for 15th October

October 15 Events in History

October 15th in History

Today in History: October 15

Today in History for October 15th - YouTube


WND RADIO WND Exclusive The biggest regulation fight yet ... Rep. Louie Gohmert: Coal industry, energy consumers at risk under clean-air rule

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Bribing the Senate to pass trade deals';Rep. Louie Gohmert blasts Democrat 'servants' for kowtowing to union bosses

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Egregious mishandling of legitimate problem' ;Rep. Cole: Heads must roll at Justice for bungled ATF gun program

Holy Tweet! Twitter spackled with terror

Used-car salesman as Iran proxy? Why assassination plot doesn't add up for experts. -

Mormon bishop's daughter spills Romney's 'secrets' ...

Evangelical pastors divided ahead of 2012 caucuses - politics - Decision 2012 -

Who has an edge with evangelicals in the GOP race? - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Will Evangelicals Doom Romney? | Swampland |

Exclusive: Ron Paul's Agenda To Include Eliminating Five Government Departments And He Will Take $39,336 Presidential Salary

Ron Paul Recalls Witnessing an Abortion in New Pro-Life Video |

Bachmann’s road to the White House gets rocky | The Tribune &

Jon Huntsman to Boycott Las Vegas Debate - ABC News

Cain Joins Nevada Caucus Boycott - New Hampshire News Story - WMUR New Hampshire

'Injustice' connects dots for man who suffered loss

Lawyer: International pressure has not helped Iranian pastor’s case – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

On Solyndra: President’s Blackberry Off Limits – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Judge Blocks Release of Recusal-Related Emails Kagan Sent WH—Says They're ‘Personal’ |

Shrink: Obama Suffers 'Father Hunger' - Washington Whispers (

US Sending Troops to Africa to Battle Insurgency

Judge sentences figure in Abramoff scandal to 30 days in a halfway house, 2 years’ probation - The Washington Post

"Grenade-walking" part of "Gunwalker" scandal - CBS News

It's another Soros link to Occupy Wall Street

Here's The Real Reason Why Occupy Wall Street Protesters Aren't Getting Kicked Out Of Zuccotti Park

Communist Party USA and Rep. Jan Schakowsky March at Occupy Chicago (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Hollywood's all-time toughest list incomplete without this guy

Private health insurance in Sweden: a clash of cultures - The Local

News from The Associated Press

Hamas publishes list of prisoners to be freed; Israel expects Shalit return Tuesday - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Appeals court says Alabama must stop asking K-12 students about citizenship | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

BBC News - Migrants ride 'the Beast' from Mexico to the US


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


**Markets Video:14th/The Problem with Chinese Banks

Cain: This Is Why I Keep Winning the Polls

13th/ Middle-Class Squeeze Isn’t a New Problem in America

Does Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Plan Add Up?

Cramer: How to Keep Stocks in Rally Mode

RIMM: Will Blackouts Hurt the Stock?

*14th/The Real Lives Of Islamic Radicals

Santorum On Iran

Fareed: Growing Militant Element In Iran

The Brainiest Bulldozer

Expert: Culture Of 'Bad Apples' At News Corp.?

Abbas Pushes For UN Recognition

Obama Welcomes South Korea's Lee To White House

IMF Rep Gets Egged By Turkish Students

Chinese Air Force Plane Crashes

French Prosecutor Drops Strauss-Kahn Case

The U.S. Should Stick By Taiwan

Free Trade Agreements Signal Bipartisan Cooperation

U.S. Treading Carefully To Build Case Against Iran

**Politics Video:Maher: Obama Becoming "That Angry Black Man" He Was Afraid Of

Obama Weekly Address: GOP "Picking Partisan Ideological Fights"

Michael Moore Bullies NYC: "We're Not Going Anywhere"

Rep. McCarthy Delivers GOP Weekly Address: "Washington Is The Problem"

"Special Report" Panel Interviews Gov. Gary Johnson

14th/Donny Deutsch: Occupy Wall Street Needs A "Kent State" Moment

"Real Time" Panel: Whose Economy Is It Anyway?

Maher On Cain: GOP Will Never Make It So A White Man Isn't A Choice

Perry: "I Don't Worry Too Much About Polls"

MSNBC Guest: If Cain "Could Become The Color Of Water, He Would"

Eugene Robinson On Cain: "Doesn't Seem To Be A Lot Of There There"

Anita Perry: Husband "Brutalized" By Media, GOP Because Of His Faith

Allen West Confident Of Reelection

Washington Post Reporter Accuses Cain Of Playing "Race Card"

MSNBC's Ed: DeMint Saying ObamaCare Would "Break" Obama Is Racist

Senior Dem Congressman: Solyndra Due To "Dumbness"

Romney Does Web Ad On Obama Accusing FNC Of Speaking For Him

O'Reilly: Herman Cain "Knows Little About Foreign Affairs"

Geithner: US To Play "Very Major Role" In Helping Europe

Matthews: Obama Campaign Has Decided To Hit Romney Now

Klein: People Want Compromise In Politics

"Special Report" Panel Discusses The Herman Cain Surge

13th/Perry: Romney Wrong on Wall Street Bailouts, TARP Bailout

Obama Spoke About "Fast & Furious" Before Holder Claimed He Knew

Sharpton Slams Cain For Advocating Private Charity Over Handouts

Rush Limbaugh: GOP Establishment Declares War On Tea Party

Pelosi: Republicans Would Let Women "Die On The Floor"

Dem Congresswoman: GOP "Not Patriots," They "Don't Love This Country"

Cain Offers Possibilities For VP: Paul Ryan, Jim DeMint

Art Laffer: Cain's "9-9-9 Is A Wonderful Plan"

Obama To Ed Henry: "Didn't Know You Were The Spokesperson For Mitt Romney"

Scarborough: Cain Is Flavor Of The Week, I'm Obi-Wan Kenobi

Chris Matthews: "We Spent Too Much Time Dicking Around The Debt"

Haley Barbour: Herman Cain Would Sweep The South Against Obama

MSNBC's Ed: "You're Damn Right I'm A Tax And Spend Liberal"

Obama: Republicans Don't Want A Place Where People "No Matter What They Look Like" Can Succeed

Bill Clinton: Now Is Not The Time To Raise Taxes

Issa: "We Subpoenaed Documents From The Attorney General"

O'Donnell: Cain's 9-9-9 Plan Is "Vicious Assault" On The Middle Class

Matthews: GOP Has "A Pathetic Array Of [Presidential] Hopefuls"

Krauthammer: OWS Is "Mindless" And Wants To "Eat The Rich"

**NEWS VIDEOS:#OccupyWallSt Poster Boy A Trust Fund Baby, Attempted Stowaway At JFK

Pastor Jeffress: I’d Vote For Mormon Romney Over Christian Obama

Condescending Obama Patronizes Congress: ‘We’re Going To Give Them Another Chance’

Romney Uses Obama’s Exchange With Fox News Reporter In New Web Ad

Drunk Parrots Collapsing In Australia

14TH/Meet #OccupyWallStreet Leader Lisa Fithian

Sean Penn: Tea Party Wants to ‘Get the N-Word Out of the White House,’ ‘Lynch’ Obama

#OccupyLA Protester: ‘Zionist Jews’ Who Run Banks Should Be ‘Run Out of This Country’

McDonald’s Cashier Uses Metal Rod to Beat Customers

#OccupyDC Protesters Prefer Barack Obama Despite Wall Street Funding

This Woman Is 26-Years-Old!

‘Fast and Furious’ Flashback: Big Sis Brags About Weapons Tracing Program In 2009

Unlike Tea Party, CNN Obsessed With Cain’s Race

Jesse Jackson Jr: Obama Should Bypass ‘Rebellious’ Congress, Hire Unemployed At $40K Per Year

Dem Rep Schakowsky Marches With Communist Party At #OccupyChicago

Public School Marching Band Rallies #OccupyChicago Protesters

Obama’s DOJ Allowed Grenade Smuggling Into Mexico

NBC News Analyst: #OccupyWallStreet Will Have a ‘Kent State’ Moment

#OccupyWallSt Protester’s Epic Meltdown

‘Fast And Furious’ Flashback: Deputy AG Announces Aggressive ‘Gun Tracing Activity’ In 2009

Drill Baby, Drill! Perry Releases Energy Plan

Protesters March On Wall Street After Clean-up Plan Cancelled, Scuffle With Cops

Bloomberg Caves, #OccupyWallStreet Protesters Allowed To Trash NYC Indefinitely

Violence Breaks Out During #OccupyWallStreet March Toward New York Stock Exchange

Protesters’ Message At #OccupyChicago Rally: ‘Destroy Israel’

Talk Radio at with Guests Tommy Christopher, Christian Toto, and Steven Crowder

OK Kids, Time To Clean Up

Breitbart on #OccupyWallStreet: ‘Anti-War Movement Has Been Co-Opted’

Rage Against The Machine Plays #OccupyWallStreet

Strauss-Kahn Lawyers Deny Sexual Assault in Banon Case

Blackberry Has Global Outage

13TH/Uh, Er, Um… The Most Eloquent, Uh… President, Er… In History?

Iran Wants ‘Plausible Deniability’ on Alleged Saudi Blow Up

Lib Radio Hosts Mock Christie’s ‘Thing’, Dream Of Poisoning Bachmann

Dennis Miller: ‘I’m No Longer The Biggest Loser On Wall Street’

Breitbart: I Have E-Mails Showing Organized Plan For #OccupyWallStreet Protests To Destabilize Government

How Did Obama Know About ‘Fast And Furious’ Before Holder?

Conservative Eric Bolling Saves Liberal Bob Beckel’s Life

12TH/Maddow, Maher Advise #Occupy Protesters To Threaten Violence

12TH/Michelle Obama Tries for Jumping Jacks Record


Oct. 14, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report – 14 October 2011 | ATLAH Media Network

The Manning Report – 13 October 2011 | ATLAH Media Network

2011-10-14.Jesse Peterson Radio Show

2011-10-13.Jesse Peterson Radio Show

Alex Jones - 2011-Oct-14, Friday

10/14 The Mark Levin Show

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 10-14-11

Live Free Or Die Radio - Friday, October, 14, 2011

Mysterious Realms With Dr. John DeSalvo 13th

The View From Marrs With Jim Marrs 12th

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

Paul Drockton Show 1 /13th

Paul Drockton Show 2 /13th

The Michael Savage Show 10/14/2011

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-14-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-14-11 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-15-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-15-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 10-14-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 10-14-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 10-14-11 Hr 3

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