A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

14 October 2011

14 OCT.

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.






Audiogalaxy -


Coast To Coast AM - 13.10.2011 - 1/4 - Debate: Science vs. Spirituality - YouTube

Coast To Coast AM - 13.10.2011 - 2/4 - Debate: Science vs. Spirituality - YouTube

Coast To Coast AM - 13.10.2011 - 3/4 - Debate: Science vs. Spirituality - YouTube

Coast To Coast AM - 13.10.2011 - 4/4 - Debate: Science vs. Spirituality - YouTube


Coast To Coast AM - 12.10.2011 - 1/4 - Surviving Disasters

Coast To Coast AM - 12.10.2011 - 2/4 - Surviving Disasters

Coast To Coast AM - 12.10.2011 - 3/4 - Surviving Disasters

Coast To Coast AM - 12.10.2011 - 4/4 - Surviving Disasters


Coast To Coast AM - 10.10.2011 - 1/4 - Truth, Changes, & Origins

Coast To Coast AM - 10.10.2011 - 2/4 - Truth, Changes, & Origins

Coast To Coast AM - 10.10.2011 - 3/4 - Truth, Changes, & Origins

Coast To Coast AM - 10.10.2011 - 4/4 - Truth, Changes, & Origins


Coast To Coast AM - 9.10.2011 - 1/4 - Information Warfare

Coast To Coast AM - 9.10.2011 - 2/4 - Information Warfare

Coast To Coast AM - 9.10.2011 - 3/4 - Information Warfare

Coast To Coast AM - 9.10.2011 - 4/4 - Information Warfare


Coast To Coast AM - 8.10.2011 - 1/4 - Police Exposé

Coast To Coast AM - 8.10.2011 - 2/4 - Police Exposé

Coast To Coast AM - 8.10.2011 - 3/4 - Police Exposé

Coast To Coast AM - 8.10.2011 - 4/4 - Police Exposé


Coast To Coast AM - 5.10.2011 - 1/4 - Advanced Beings & Reincarnation

Coast To Coast AM - 5.10.2011 - 2/4 - Advanced Beings & Reincarnation

Coast To Coast AM - 5.10.2011 - 3/4 - Advanced Beings & Reincarnation

Coast To Coast AM - 5.10.2011 - 4/4 - Advanced Beings & Reincarnation


Coast To Coast AM - 4.10.2011 - 1/4 - Education & Entrepreneurism/ Real Vampires

Coast To Coast AM - 4.10.2011 - 2/4 - Education & Entrepreneurism/ Real Vampires

Coast To Coast AM - 4.10.2011 - 3/4 - Education & Entrepreneurism/ Real Vampires

Coast To Coast AM - 4.10.2011 - 4/4 - Education & Entrepreneurism/ Real Vampires


Coast To Coast AM - 2.10.2011 - 1/4 - Time Travel, Prophecy, & the Bible

Coast To Coast AM - 2.10.2011 - 2/4 - Time Travel, Prophecy, & the Bible

Coast To Coast AM - 2.10.2011 - 3/4 - Time Travel, Prophecy, & the Bible

Coast To Coast AM - 2.10.2011 - 4/4 - Time Travel, Prophecy, & the Bible


Infowars Nightly News for Thursday, October 13, 2011 (Full)

2011-10-12 Infowars Nightly News with Alex Jones

InfoWars Nightly News w/ Alex Jones: Oct 11, 2011 ...

2011-10-11 INFOWARS Nightly News Alex Jones


U.S. Quietly Supplies Israel With Bunker-Busting Bombs : Federal Jack

No One Is Buying Iranian Terror Allegations

U.S.: Alleged Iranian Assassination Plot Suspicious, Experts Say - IPS

FBI Account of "Terror Plot" Suggests Sting Operation - IPS

UPDATE 3-U.S. eyes Iran's central bank as sanctions target | Reuters

Iran Scoffs at U.S. Account of Alleged Assassination Plot -

PressTV - Tarpley: US plans to 'stoke up another crisis with Iran'

Obama: Iran 'Will Pay a Price' for Assassination Plot - Yahoo! News

War, Propaganda and the Media — Global Issues

Is Obama Admin Fabricating Iranian Assassination Plot To Distract From Fast & Furious Investigation? - YouTube

Internal Memo: (Oct. 17 – 20, 2011) Historic ‘Surge’ Exercises Airlift Crisis Contingency Response :

U.S. aims to "unite the world" against Iran -

Iranian Assassination Plot, Cui Bono? | The Liberty Voice

Petraeus’s CIA Fuels Iran Murder Plot

The Nonsensical Alleged Iranian Plot And The End Of All Reason :

Is Obama Admin Fabricating Iranian Assassination Plot To Distract From Fast & Furious Investigation? - YouTube

Ahmadinejad Vs Obama. - YouTube

No One Is Buying Iranian Terror Allegations | ZeroHedge

On the Contrary: More credibility gaps in US government’s story of Iranian plot

Patrick Cockburn: This bizarre plot goes against all that is known of Iran's intelligence service - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent

Mr. President, We Believe Holder Lied on Iran Terror | Veterans Today

Iranian Assassination Plot a Distraction - YouTube

Unanswered Questions over the Alleged Iranian Assassination Plot | Intifada Palestine

U.S. Playing the Saudi Envoy Game | Intifada Palestine




Asia Times Online :: FBI account of 'terror plot' suggests sting

Long Live Cronyism! - A Few Million To Washington Equals Billions In Special Favors - Home - The Daily Bail

Extract from The Watchmaker Chronicles. Reflections in a Petri Dish

NYC protesters take park cleanup on themselves - Yahoo! News

Cash Transactions Banned by Louisiana: Government Takes Private Property Without Due Process -- Puppet Masters --


Reader Photos from OWS 10-14-11


Interview with Romney pushes Mark Larsen to support Ron Paul - YouTube

Libyan News Update Oct 14 - 1.00am GMT - YouTube

‘No Food Rights’ Judge quits to work for Monsanto law firm | Food Freedom

Federal Audit Warns FDA Critically Endangers Our Food Supply : Federal Jack

Foreign Troops on American Soil! - YouTube

Pieczenik: Obama and Israel to Attack Iran Under Cover of Bogus Terror Threat


*58 MIN./Innocents Betrayed - The History of Gun Control - FULL LENGTH - YouTube


Revolutionary Politics : '07 Predicting the wars Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Lybia, Somalia, Sudan and then Iran!

Lone Star Watchdog: The Second Amendment: Does Anybody Get It?

'89/Ron Paul talking about CIA and U.S. Government drug trafficking to fund covert operations - YouTube

- Support Occupy Wall Street / Global Revolution October 15th, 2011 - YouTube

We fabricated drug charges against innocent people to meet arrest quotas, former detective testifies

Unhappy Nation: Americans distrust corporatocracy - YouTube

- You Have 72 Hours To Stop WW III By Turning The Iran Bomb Hoax Into A Joke | Video Rebel's Blog

Occupy DC: 'We need millions of people more' - YouTube

[redacted] news: Occupy Wall Street: Who Wants to Hijack the Movement?

[redacted] news: In Less than 60 Seconds Alan Grayson Explains Occupy Wall Street to the 1%

Democracy Now - Amy Goodman On Occupy Wall Street - Home - The Daily Bail

Avaaz - The World vs. Wall Street

Activist Post: Reassessing the Greenback and Other Alternative Monetary Systems

Internal Memo: (Oct. 17 – 20, 2011) Historic ‘Surge’ Exercises Airlift Crisis Contingency Response :

Military: Computer Virus Wasn't Directed At Drones

Iranian Assassination Plot, Cui Bono? | The Liberty Voice

The Bullshit Iranian assassination plot against the Saudi ambassador |

State Department in diplomatic full court press against Iran | The Cable

News Forage: Police Device Used To Steal Your Cell Phone Data During Traffic Stop

PressTV - Tarpley: US plans to 'stoke up another crisis with Iran'

GOP Rep Peter King: "We Can’t Allow More Coverage Of Occupy Wall Street, Or They Will Win" - Home - The Daily Bail

MUST SEE - Jim Rogers Tells Kudlow: "I'm MUCH More Of A Capitalist Than You Are Larry, Let The Damn Banks FAIL! Why Are We Saving The Bondholders!" - Home - The Daily Bail

The fast and furious plot to occupy Iran - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

War, Propaganda and the Media — Global Issues

Activist Post: The Infomocracy Dilemma: Revolution or Disengagement?

Is Obama Admin Fabricating Iranian Assassination Plot To Distract From Fast & Furious Investigation? - YouTube

UK maximizes pressure on Press TV - YouTube

Activist Post: Terror backers should lose US citizenship: lawmakers

poorrichards blog: Is the New World Order Unraveling?

Lone Star Watchdog: The Illusion of a Terror Threat is Over. The Government 's Excuse For a Police State and Illegal Wars Exposed

Lawyer For Maced Protester Demands Arrest Of NYPD Thug Anthony Bologna, DA Still 'Investigating' - Home - The Daily Bail

The nonsensical alleged Iranian plot and the end of all reason -

Foreigners Dump $74 Billion In Treasurys In 6 Consecutive Weeks: Biggest Sequential Outflow In History -

Pentagon Can’t Demonstrate Funds Are Being Spent as Intended -

WMAL 105.9 FM/AM 630: Stimulating Talk – Breaking News

19 held in probe launched after Norway killings –

PositiveID receives microchip implant order for Israeli Military | Aftermath News

Britain: Scientists Reconstruct Black Death Plague with Genetic Material Taken from Ancient Corpses Buried Under Royal Mint -

U.S. Intelligence Unit Aims to Build a ‘Data Eye in the Sky’ -

Some Experts Question Iran's Role in Bungled Plot -

Iranian Terror Plot: Fake, Fake, Fake by Justin Raimondo --

Obama: 'All Options on the Table' Against Iran

Obama Claims Secret 'Proof' of Iran Assassination Plot

US, Iran Send Dueling Complaints to UN Over 'Plot'

DC Assassination Plot's Disheveled, Incompetent Suspect

Why Didn't CIA Tell FBI About 9/11 Hijackers?

Is Iran's Alleged Cash-for-Assassinations Plot Too Implausible to Be True?

Locked Up Abroad – for the FBI

McCain Says Congress Will Nullify Defense Cuts if They're Triggered

Many Analysts Skeptical of Alleged Iranian Plot

Link Between Iran's Quds Force and Bomb Plot 'Doesn't Seem to Fit'

UK: Plot Is an Escalation of Iran's Terror Ties

Iran's Former President Warns Ahmadinejad of Possible US Attack

Every State but Three Have Jobs Tied to F-35 Fighter

Army to Phase Out Animal Nerve-Agent Testing

+Why Ron Paul Is Dominating by James E. Miller

Absurdity of Iranian Assassination Allegations: If This Was a Hollywood Script it Would Go In the Garbage Immediately by Mac Slavo

+Recession Recipes: 5 Low Cost Meals | The Art of Manliness

+Primal Texas Chili | Mark's Daily Apple

Government-Generated Plots by Andrew P. Napolitano

Crony Capitalism Infecting Medical Research?

Jim Rogers: Bernanke Is Lying to Us by Robert Wenzel

The Fix by Jim Davies

Vive La Revolution! by Bill Bonner

Herman Cain vs. Ron Paul On Predicting The Economic Collapse - YouTube

Keynesian Economics in under 1 minute - YouTube

Undercover Cops and Politicians Escape BitTorrent Lawsuits | TorrentFreak

Yahoo Dumps US Chamber Of Commerce Over Its Extremist Position On PROTECT IP | Techdirt

Verizon will soon begin spying on your web habits, here’s how to opt out | Technology News Blog - Yahoo! News

What Radicalism? OWS's Slogan Should Really Be "Up With The Man!" - informationliberation

Why the State Demands Control of Money - informationliberation

Destroying Value: What Government Does Best - informationliberation

» Assassination Plot Was Pushed By DEA Informant Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Iranian Terror "Mastermind" Described as Drunk, Pothead, Hooker Frequenting "Joke" - informationliberation

The LA Times notices the “double standard” on Iran -

AFP: Terror backers should lose US citizenship: lawmakers

House Bill Would Criminalize Satire of TSA - informationliberation

Prison-Yard America by Wendy McElroy

Texan freed by DNA test after 25 years exonerated - Yahoo! News

James Edwards, imprisoned in 1994 Waukegan murder, sues Waukegan police -

A Magazine Is an iPad That Does Not Work. - YouTube

Near-Death Experiences: 30 Years of Research - Part 5 | Science | Epoch Times

'Creepy' Path Intelligence retail technology tracks shoppers |

Facebook Can Track Web Browsing Without Cookies

Special Report: Death at Naval Station Great Lakes - Deerfield, IL Patch

BBC News - Black Death genetic code 'built'

The Suicide of Liberty

UN Member States must Demand Action Against NATO War Crimes

Wars in the 21st Century: From Drones to Cyber Wars

There Never Was an Egyptian Revolution

Targeting Syria – The ‘Bad News’ For The Guardian

A Global-wide Liberty Plaza of the Mind

Report: 25% Of Millionaires Pay Lower Taxes Than 10.4 Million Middle-Class Americans

Analysis: U.S. plot charges face skepticism in Middle East

US: Radar intelligence to protect Israel?

Agitator Nominated for Next US “Ambassador” to Russia : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

Feds Foil Own Saudi Assassination Plot: Pin it on Iran : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

David Icke Weighs in On “Occupy Movement” (What IS Money?) : Deadline Live With Jack Blood


*5 PART/Classic interview on Who Runs the World with Joan Veon (RIP) : Deadline Live With Jack Blood


Soros: not a funder of Wall Street protests | Reuters

Who's behind the Wall Street protests? | Reuters

On a Remote Mountain, U.S. Prepares Afghans to Take Over -

Pentagon drone virus was type used to steal passwords from Mafia Wars | Mail Online

Former ICE worker pleads guilty in travel kickbacks scheme - The Washington Post

Protect Life Act Passes House: House Passes Controversial Anti-Abortion Bill

Estranged husband arrested in Germantown woman’s murder, 11-year-old still missing - The Washington Post

Three women arrested as detectives probe kidnappings and sex attacks on MALE hitchhikers in Zimbabwe | Mail Online

Legendary comedian Professor Irwin Corey begs for money on New York streets despite living in $3.5m home (but it's all for charity) | Mail Online

Occupy Wall Street and "The American Autumn": Is It a "Colored Revolution"?

Colored Revolutions: A New Form of Regime Change, Made in the USA

The Democratic Party: An Insidious Threat to the Occupy Wall Street Movement

Afghanistan, "Operation Enduring Slaughter": Ten Bloody Years

Fake Revolutions: The Civil Society Revolution Consulting Business

Food Rights, Gene Rights and Monsanto: ‘No Food Rights’ Judge quits to work for Monsanto law firm

The 1% and Capitalism

Publicly-owned Banks as an Instrument of Economic Development: The German Model

+VIDEO: The Death of Dr. David Kelly: The Battle for an Inquest

The Suicide of Liberty: The Transformation of the US into a Police State

Russian Envoy: U.S.-NATO Build Proxy Armies In Afghanistan And Libya, Establish Permanent Presence

Alleged Plot to Assassinate the Saudi Ambassador to US: Iran Summons Swiss Envoy

Occupy Wall St. Prepares for Crackdown -- Will Bloomberg Try to Tear It All Down?

Occupy Wall Street: People Power vs. the Police State

How Bank of America Covered Up Fraud by Silencing Whistleblowers

The Foxification of CNN? 8 Signs the Network Is Trying to Tilt Crazy Right


1 Going to the Roots of the Problem

2 Going to the Roots of the Problem

3 Going to the Roots of the Problem

4 Going to the Roots of the Problem


The Archaeology News Network: Early Celtic 'Stonehenge' located in Black Forest

Ray Kurzweil: The Six Epochs of Technology Evolution | The Nantucket Project | Big Think

Mormon bishop's daughter spills Romney's 'secrets' ...

DOJ: Feds Can Tell Church Who Its Ministers Will Be |

Geologic events take worrisome turn on Canary’s El Hierro Island | The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond

Estimated 6.8-magnitude quake strikes off coast of Papua New Guinea - CNN

Fears stirred across Europe as Katla’s October eruption anniversary arrives | The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond

Muslim immigrants want Switzerland to change national flag - English

Northrop Grumman Wins Contract for Rapid DNA Biometrics

Asia Times Online :: Never have so few been blamed for so much by so many

VIDEO:Afghan Energy Wars

VIDEO:Will US Stay in Iraq To Protect Oil Interest?

VIDEO:Egyptians Chant "Muslims Christians Are One" as Military Viciously Attacks Protesters

Pakistan’s Response to the Growing India-U.S. Strategic Relationship

Renowned Doctor Speaks on the Dumbing Down Effects of Fluoride

Want a RFID Chip In Your Pants? No? Well They’re Coming Anyway

Herman Cain’s Federal Reserve Lies Exposed By Ron Paul :

OWS: Are Mindless Americans Falling Prey to the Collectivist Trap? :

5 Reasons to Question “Peak Oil” Theory :

Galleon Group Manager Sentenced to Prison for Insider Trading

Occupy Wall Street Protestors Continue On as Park Clean Up Postponed

Hillary Clinton says 'No' to U.N. Reform

Obama Campaign, DNC Raise $70 Million

'Mars was earthlike for a few hours a day': Martian landscape was warmer than thought... could it have supported life? | Mail Online Environment | Unidentified Orange Spheres, Discs and Entity Encounter in Kansas City, Missouri, Since April 2011

Haunting photographs of the world's seed vaults, which may be our only hope after agricultural apocalypse

BBC News - Asteroid Vesta rocked by mighty impacts

A hyper-realistic, $4,000 face mask: Deeply disturbing? - The Week

Pluto Might Be the Largest Dwarf Planet, after All | Observations, Scientific American Blog Network

Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: Under The Gaze of The Watchers

Where the UFOs are: UFO Hotspots |

Haunted Ghost Tours: Where to Get Spooked - Forbes

Libyan Forces Regroup in Final Push for Gadhafi Hometown

Alleged Iranian Plot Raises Questions About Possible Motive

Rep. Rogers: Iran Assassination Plot Crosses 'Dangerous Threshold'

Fleitz: Obama Must Act Like Reagan Against Iran

Obama: Terror Plotter Had ‘Direct Links’ to Iran Govt

Former Netanyahu Adviser: Time to Strike Iran?

Ros-Lehtinen: 'Iranian Winter' a 'Nightmare Scenario'

Sen. McCain: Obama Lost Opportunity With Iran

Bill Clinton's Belated Birthday Fundraiser

Cain's Campaign in Front-runner Mode

Lieberman: Religion No Litmus Test for Presidency

Perry: I'll Increase Drilling on Federal Land

McCain: GOP Jobs Bill Focus Is Business, Not Govt

Rove: Cain Surge Might Just Be Temporary

Trump: Obama Biz Skills Limited to Buying a House

Paul Ryan 'Loves' Cain's 9-9-9 Plan

Alter: Hillary Clinton Over Biden as VP Possible

Cain Adviser: 9-9-9 Doesn't Need Economist

GOP Campaigns Prepare for Ad War

GOP's McKeon: Cuts Entitlements, Not Defense

Tea Party Launches Attacks on 'Occupy Wall Street'

Zoning Laws Permit Leeway for Wall St. Protesters

Transgender Jobs Program Paid by Taxpayer Dollars

McCain Open to Changes in Military Health Benefits

Limbaugh: Romney is 'Not a Conservative'

Cain Hopes to Carve 50-state Path to White House

Debate Heats up on How to Fix Europe's Banks

Turmeric Prevents Pancreatic Cancer that Killed Steve Jobs

Vitamins: What Should You Take?

Drones Weapon of Choice for Obama War on al-Qaida

Facebook Targeted in Group Privacy Suit Over Tracking

Terrorists Win With Israel Prisoner Swap

Wall Street Protests Are Counterproductive

Blame Government for Debit Card Changes

US Disengagement Emboldens Iran

Government Is the Job Killer

Freeing Terrorists Will Result in More Israeli Deaths

Obama's Jobs Bill Is a Misguided Fantasy

Pajamas Media » It’s the Space Development and Settlement, Stupid

15 House Democrats Join in Passing Amendment to Stop Obamacare Abortion Funding

Pelosi: ‘Women Can Die on The Floor’ If GOP Stops Obamacare Abortion Funding

UCLA May Allow Coed Dorm Rooms to Better Serve Transgender Students

Republicans Advance Bill Targeting US Funding for UN: ‘What Are We Paying For?’

Solar Energy Lobby Calls For Extending Obama's Stimulus Grants for Solar Power

Activist Post: Adam Kokesh Launches New Independent Show - Episode 1 (Video)

How to heal a cavity naturally and nutritionally without the need for 'drilling and filling'

*AUDIO PAGE:Podcast Show #61 – The Boiling Frogs Presents Nada Prouty

Activist Post: Protesters – And Perhaps States – Consider Launching Their Own Currency

Activist Post: 12 items You Do Not Want to Be Without: A Nifty Fix-it and Clean-it Kit

Activist Post: US team seeking missing missiles in Libya

Activist Post: Readiness Training: 8 Essential Survivalist Skills to Survive Any Disaster

Activist Post: The Infomocracy Dilemma: Revolution or Disengagement?

Multimillionaire Tim Robbins Tells Protesters 'You Can't Rip People Off That Long and Expect to Get Away With It' |

ABC's GMA Welcomes Cain to Top Tier With Embarrassing Video |

David Letterman's Math: Obama's Been President 'A Year and a Half, Close to Two Years' |

Send Obama To Remedial Math Before His Next Spending-For-Jobs Bill |

Gingrich: 70% Of Republicans 'Want Someone Other Than Romney' |

CNN GOP Debate Criteria Packed With Media Polls, But Snubs Rassmussen |

Boehner Says Protect Life Act Keeps Promise in GOP ‘Pledge to America’ |

Hatch: Obamacare Reg Would Force Religious Employers to Provide Abortifacients |

Romney Would Bail Out ‘Financial System,’ But Not Individual Institutions |

Governor Says Denver Protesters' Camp Is Illegal |

Arab Nations Condemn Iran’s ‘Flagrant and Unacceptable’ Terror Plot |

China's Huge U.S. Corn Purchase Expected to Drive Global Prices |

Ted Koppel joins new NBC newsmagazine -

UK Judge Nixes 'Lady Goo Goo' After Lady Gaga Sues |

EU Considering Massive Cuts in Food Aid to Its Poorest Citizens |

Homosexual Military Personnel Holding Their First Convention -- in Las Vegas |

Detroit Holds Ex-Cons-Only Jobs Fair | NBC Chicago

Pres. Obama to Ed Henry: ‘I didn’t know you were the spokesman for Mitt Romney’ - TVNewser

Panetta warns of retreat in Africa due to budget cuts - Washington Times

UPDATE 1-Budget cuts take US military 'to the edge'- Panetta | Reuters


New Obama metric: “Jobs supported” « Hot Air

Politico Reporter Dismissed for Plagiarism - FishbowlDC

Senate Republican jobs bill urges tax reform and cuts | Reuters

Barack Obama calls John Boehner, gets earful - Carrie Budoff Brown -

Anita Perry: Husband Rick Perry "brutalized" by media, the GOP because of his faith | Trail Blazers Blog |

Red Tape - Gov't cameras in your car? E-toll patent hints at Big Brotherish future

Chevy Volt | Electric Car | Old Car | The Daily Caller

More states crack down on texting while driving –

"Unusual" meeting between US, Iran over plot - CBS News

Obama Talked About "Fast & Furious" Months Before Holder Claimed He Knew | RealClearPolitics

In Holder Subpoena, Issa Also Probes White House Press Aide : Roll Call News

Next layer of air security: Chat-downs on top of pat-downs? -

Mexicans demand international human rights investigation - Houston Chronicle

House approves abortion-funding measure - 2chambers - The Washington Post

U.S. puts Iraq withdrawal plans under wraps to discourage attacks - The Washington Post

Anita Perry says press, fellow GOP have ‘brutalized’ husband’s campaign | Rick Perry 2012 Campaign for President– News and updates

Cain’s style: Simple solutions and a willingness to say ‘I don’t know’ - The Washington Post

Solar company Solyndra says its CEO resigned – Free Trial - compliments of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage

ACLU files suit over alleged racial profiling of Glendale students -

Al Gore backs Occupy Wall Street protests - The Hill's E2-Wire

Boehner confronts Obama on claim that GOP lawmakers have no jobs plan - The Hill's On The Money

GOP claims Obama administration wants your medical records - The Hill's Healthwatch

Rolling Stone profile: Jobs was 'romantic' and 'despotic' –

Conn. man convicted in deadly '07 home invasion –

Thank-you cards from China pose mystery for WWII vets - Houston Chronicle


What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – October 13th, 2011

Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – October 13th, 2011


Gerald Celente - Mike Broomhead 550 KFYI - 10 October 2011 - YouTube

Iranian Plot, Fast and Furious, Drone Virus - New World Next Week - YouTube

Remote-Controlled Plane Plot, Qaeda vs. Conspiracists, Activist (re)Post - New World Next Week | New World Next Week on

Alex Interviews Man with Autistic Son: Occupy The FED Report - YouTube

2 PARTS/Goldman Sachs Rules The World with Trader, Alessio Rastani |

Senators Call for Privacy Law Update | Electronic Frontier Foundation

U.S. Intelligence Unit Aims to Build a ‘Data Eye in the Sky’ -

GOP Strategist: Ron Paul Could Win Republican Nomination |

Feds: States Have No Rights – Chuck Baldwin |

When Confidence Leaves The System It Could All Come Apart – Bob Chapman |

IRS Auditing How Google Shifted Profits Offshore to Avoid Taxes - Bloomberg

China’s One-Child Policy Expected to Produce 40-Million ‘Surplus’ Males by 2020 |

Sheriffs blast "Fast and Furious" operation - CBS News

Herman Cain: We can fix the FED - YouTube


*ARTICLES:Occupy Wall Street 10-14-11 |

Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post;BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- October 13, 2011


Podcast Show #61 : The Boiling Frogs W/ Nada Prouty



Video Interview: The Realities of Whistleblowing


The CIA & 9/11 Part I: A Meeting in Malaysia

The CIA and 9/11 Part 2: The Cole & “Omar”

The CIA and 9/11 Part 3: The Shouting Match


The EyeOpener- Morbid Addiction: CIA & the Drug Trade


Steger man accused of seeking to have daughter slain -

Longer CPS school day to get state hearing | WBEZ

Showdown averted in New York's Wall Street protests | Reuters

'Drill, baby, drill': Rick Perry's answer to '9-9-9' tax plan? -

View: Cain Needs to Give Voters 411 on His 9-9-9 Plan - Bloomberg

Parts of Alabama immigration law blocked by federal appeals court -

Husband Charged In Murder Of Maryland Mother, 11-Year-Old Son Sought | Fox News

Huntsman boycotts Nevada debate in protest of date -

Disabled Navy Veteran In Same-Sex Marriage To Sue For Benefits | Fox News

Politico reporter resigns amid ‘similarities’ in stories - The Washington Post

Supercommittee Weighs Old Ideas Before ‘Ridiculous’ Deadline - Businessweek

Clinton Adopts Jobs’s ‘Think Different’ Motto on China - Businessweek

Gunbattles and Explosions Rock Libya's Capital | Africa | English

Hamas website lists prisoners to be freed - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Ukraine's EU neighbors to block ties over Tymoshenko | Reuters

Chinese jet nose-dives into the ground at air show

Dominique Strauss-Kahn admits he grabbed Tristane Banon - Telegraph

Terrorists Seeking Missing Libyan Missiles, U.S. Official Says | Fox News

Debit vs. Credit: The Plastic War Heats Up

Solyndra Came Close to Landing Navy Deal -

GE Solar Panels With 14% Efficiency Rate May Surpass First Solar - Bloomberg

Geithner Says Europe ‘Clearly Moving’ Toward Crisis Package - Businessweek

Google to pair Music Beta with MP3 store

Google rises on mobile, search strengths - MarketWatch

Steve Jobs' Death And The Meaning Of Life

+Evidence Of El Hierro Volcanic Eruption Visible From Space - Irish Weather Online

African Cave Yields Evidence of a Prehistoric Paint Factory -

New Study Finds Piranhas Talk To Each Other via Barking | Geekosystem

The Very Large Array Wants You To Rename It | Popular Science

Warped Galaxies Reveal Universe's Hidden Dark Matter | Dark Matter Gravitational Lensing | Hubble Galaxy Cluster Photos |

Talk like Yoda? We may have originally - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience -

NASA Books 1st Flight From New Mexico Spaceport - ABC News

GALLERY The Moon And Jupiter Rise Together - Irish Weather Online

Ohio to New York: Give Us Your Space Shuttle - WNYC Culture

Report: Great Lakes algae problem needs more study -

Tyrannosaurus Rex Grew Twice as Fast as Previously Thought

BBC News - Nanotube yarns twist like muscles

Satellite For NASA Drops Into The Pacific - Secaucus New Jersey News | Secaucus New Jersey News

Spaceflight Now | Breaking News | NASA review clears way for manned Soyuz flights

Will Mt. Everest be covered with solar panels?

Astronomy crowd spots PLANET KILLER! • The Register

Not so fast, neutrinos - The Tech

‘YETI’ The Abominable Snowman is Alive and Well and Living In Siberia

Vitals - Double hand transplant recipient wants to feel grandkids' faces

Booster seat report reveals good, bad: How to pick safe seat - HealthPop - CBS News

Epilepsy Surgery Often Successful Long-Term

BBC News - Gene therapy and stem cells unite

Materialism makes for rocky relationships, study suggests - HealthPop - CBS News

Are Your Supplements Killing You? | Fox News

Beaten Giants fan making progress in rehab - CBS News

Flu shots: It's that time of year again -

'The Thing' isn't as chilling as 1982 version - Entertainment - Movies -

Red-carpet report: Depp, Heard attend 'Rum Diary' premiere –

‘Footloose’: Dancing lets off steam, loses heat of original film - The Washington Post

Movie Projector: New 'Footloose' could dance circles around rivals -

Bus Trip to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Memorial in DC

Prosecutors wrapping up Michael Jackson death case | Reuters

'The Walking Dead's' zombie apocalypse evolves -

Ashton Kutcher & Demi Moore Drama -- Someone's Making a Move |

Rense & Adrian Salbuchi - Did Hitler Make It To Argentina? - YouTube

Rense & Dr Farrel - Babylon's Banksters Here and Now - YouTube

The Ultimate Resource - Eusebio's Dream - YouTube

Iran - an Ogre in Cahoots? - YouTube

The Judge Accuses FBI & Our Govt Of Being The Real Terrorist! & Creating Terror Plots In America! - YouTube

U.S. Accusations of Iran Plot Face Skepticism -

The Excavator: The Audacity of The U.S. Government: Waging Wars Based On Lies & Kindergarten Fiction

*Ron Paul Highlights - Bloomberg/Washington Post GOP Debate - YouTube

Occupy Wall Street won't go away - YouTube

A99 Operation Empire State Rebellion - Communication #1 - YouTube

U.S. Intelligence Unit Aims to Build a ‘Data Eye in the Sky’ -

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Jews Talking To Themselves 1

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Jews Talking To Themselves 2

Seedbank Vaults Hedge Against Apocalypse | Raw File

PressTV - 'US drones fly from secret Kenya bases'

Tom Waits/Cookie Monster mashup - God's Away On Business - YouTube


* Monte Everest -360 panorama view from summit


Panoramas (


Major Media Liars Report Fake NATO Victories

Iran Falsely Charged With Fake Terror Plot

On the Contrary: More credibility gaps in US government’s story of Iranian plot

Patrick Cockburn: This bizarre plot goes against all that is known of Iran's intelligence service - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent

Iran's alleged Mexican hitman was US drugs informant | World news | The Guardian

Cain's 9-9-9 plan: Good for the rich, bad for the poor | McClatchy

Wall St - Needed...A New Old Economic Primer

PositiveID Corporation Receives VeriChip Order for Use With Israeli Military - MarketWatch

Nato success against Taliban in Afghanistan 'may be exaggerated' | World news | The Guardian

Why Continue Two Useless Wars

Antibiotic OK'd for organic orchards |

Shocking Details In Mummers Sex Sting

Fed up with Washington, wealthy boycott campaign fundraising | Business | The Guardian

US Congress backs free trade pacts with South Korea, Colombia and Panama | Business |

'Mars was earthlike for a few hours a day': Martian landscape was warmer than thought... could it have supported life? | Mail Online

Black Death genome sequenced from DNA in 14th century skeletons | Science | The Guardian

Soy Protein Found In Egg Yolks & Chicken Tissue | Health Freedom Alliance

Vitamin D Better than Fluoride at Cavity Prevention | Natural Society

Ron Paul’s Bloomberg Dartmouth Debate Highlights – Oct 11 2011 | Ron Paul videos - Ron Paul Flix

Senate Votes to Reject Jobs Bill - ABC News - "Is Barack Obama a KGB Agent?"

“Smart” Meters: More Radiation Than a Cell Tower | Stop Smart Meters!

Soros: not a funder of Wall Street protests | Reuters - Will False Flag Terror Discredit Protests?

Deep Thinking About the Future of Food -

Climate Change Dispatch - Because the debate is not over

Herman Cain's Top Spokesman Once Accused Female Miami Herald Reporter of Sexual Harassment - Miami News - Riptide 2.0

: Virgin Atlantic Airways to Use Industrial Waste as Jet Fuel

Strict Irish abortion laws are under threat at UN | Irish News | IrishCentral

Activist Post: Barter Markets Thrive in Argentina Years After Economic Crisis (Video)

Why the Black Death Was the Mother of All Plagues : Discovery News

Herman 'Insider' Cain Caught Lying: Nightly News Report - YouTube

» IAEA to Release “Evidence” Iran Secretly Working on Nuke Program Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Scientific Study Confirms Ron Paul Being Given LEAST Face Time In Debates Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» King Labels Iran Terror Plot “Act of War” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» FBI Records Talk Radio Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Assassination Plot Was Pushed By DEA Informant Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Petraeus’s CIA Fuels Iran Murder Plot | Consortiumnews

Occupy Wall Street more popular than Obama — RT

Energy firms' profits per customer rise 733%, says Ofgem | Money | The Guardian

Gold Confiscation: Here's how it could happen - and what you can do about it

» Obama: Most Warmongering President of Modern History Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The fast and furious plot to occupy Iran - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Red Tape - Gov't cameras in your car? E-toll patent hints at Big Brotherish future

Earth-scraper: Architects design 65-storey building 300 metres below ground | Mail Online

Fears hundreds of women aborting healthy babies after scan blunders | Mail Online

» Study: Unvaccinated children less prone to allergies and disease than vaccinated children Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Asia Times Online :: FBI account of 'terror plot' suggests sting

Jesse Jackson Jr. | Congress in Rebellion | Unemployment | The Daily Caller

Obama Talked About "Fast & Furious" Months Before Holder Claimed He Knew | RealClearPolitics

How Did Obama Know About 'Fast And Furious' Before Holder? - YouTube

Transparent Lies from the Division of Dumb and Dumber. Smoking Mirrors

The supposed Iran plot: Immunised by Neocons - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

» Re-open the case: The Death of Dr. David Kelly Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

US investigates Google tax strategies | Technology |

Wall Street Journal circulation scam claims senior Murdoch executive | Media | The Guardian

Reading skills of English teens 'worse than the Chinese' | Mail Online

Wall Street sit-in goes global Saturday - Yahoo! News

UBS, RBS Ratings Lowered as Fitch Says More Than a Dozen Banks May Follow - Bloomberg

Activist Post: The Infomocracy Dilemma: Revolution or Disengagement?

Ron Paul focuses on anti-abortion rights position in new ad - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Prison » Michael Moore Take 2: Redemption on the Federal Reserve?

Prison » Herman Cain Got It Spectacularly Wrong on the Housing Bubble

Prison » Occupy Iran Fast & Furious (Extended) with Pepe Escobar

Prison » Press TV Being Taken Off The Air In UK! Is This Lead Up To War With Iran?

Prison » The nonsensical alleged Iranian plot and the end of all reason

Prison » Occupy Wall Street and “The American Autumn”: Is It a “Colored Revolution”?

Prison » Sources: US Gives Israel Green Light For Iran Strike

Prison » OWS, The Next Revolution is Here with Bryce Shonka

Prison » Occupy Movement : URGENT Message : Look out for Staged Riots

Prison » Pepe Escobar: Iranian plot was an inside job

Prison » Gold To Top $2,000 On Central Bank Buying: Bloomberg Chart Of The Day

Prison » Michael Savage Praises and Agrees with Ron Paul on al-Awlaki Assassination

Prison » Foreigners Dump $74 Billion In Treasurys In 6 Consecutive Weeks: Biggest Sequential Outflow In History

Prison » IRS Auditing How GOOGLE Shifted Profits Offshore to Avoid Taxes

Prison » When Confidence Leaves The System It Could All Come Apart

AFP: Al Gore 'cheers' Wall Street protesters

'Creepy' Path Intelligence retail technology tracks shoppers |

Louisiana bans cash transactions | Ackel & Associates L.L.C.

AFP: Terror backers should lose US citizenship: lawmakers

Prison » PositiveID Corporation Receives VeriChip Order for Use With Israeli Military

Prison » Money Watch

Prison » Facebook Reportedly Can Track Web Browsing Without Cookies

Prison » Exposed: Out-of-control Medicare program subsidizing drug habits of tens of thousands of abusers, drug dealers

The long shadow line: History and the war on drugs - History, Life & Style - The Independent

Adrian Hamilton: Not so much a murder plot as a screenplay - Adrian Hamilton, Commentators - The Independent

Rand Paul "We Don't Want To Cripple The Mortgage Industry & The Banking Industry" - YouTube

Some Terror Threats Are Fake - YouTube

Tea Party Profiteer Visibly Concerned About Losing Influence & Cash Because Of Occupy Wall Street - YouTube

An Open Letter to Occupy Wall Street - YouTube

Keiser Report: Dog & Pony Show (E196) - YouTube

Barb Adams: America’s Secret Kill List

Warrantless Searches of Cell Phones and Crime Predicting Technology

*2 Part/NASA's Uncensored Moon Images | Before It's News

Video:Communists and Democrats link arms in Occupy Movement | Before It's News

Obama Knew About Fast And Furious Before Holder?

Evidence Builds: Deadly Gravity Wave Approaching Earth | Before It's News

How The US Government Secretly Reads Your Email | Before It's News

21 Successful Student Suggestions

Class warfare

Occupy Wall Street Photos

PDS Progressive/Liberal Delusional Syndrome

The Trouble With Muslim Democracy

Subcommittee on Green Jobs and the New Economy: Innovative Practices to Create Jobs and Reduce Pollu

A Marxist Takeover of D.C.’s Freedom Plaza

Media’s Confusion about Mormonism – Journalists’ Poor Theologians?

“Hey, Michelle, What’s for dinner, tonight?”

The Revolution is Upon Us

Are you better off than you were 14 trillion dollars ago?

Matt Ridley: Making Wind Farms Obsolete

SEAL team in Afghanistan to go green

October 15 Hopes and Expectations

Debbie Schlussel:Society of Pro Journalists Votes Not to Use “Illegal Alien,” “Illegal Immigrant”

Debbie Schlussel:Obama, Hillary Forged Petition Signatures; Who Will Prosecute

Kapsch TrafficCom AG Files Patent for Camera Technology in EZ Pass, iPass |

Reuters Backtracks on George Soros’ Potential Connect to Occupy Wall Street |

Political Pressure Keeps Occupy Wall Street Open |

Occupy Wall Street Protests Turn Violent Friday | Video |

‘We Can Not Sleep Through the Revolution’: Al Sharpton Tells Black Community to Join the Revolution Because Those Kids on Wall Street Are Right About Redistributing the Wealth | Video |

Sirius-XM‘s ’Opie’ Confronted With Alinsky-Like Tactics At Occupy Wall Street | Opie & Anthony | Gregg Hughes | Video |

Chinese Fighter Jet Crash Caught on Video | Video |

Dome Home Stylistic and Saves Energy | Video |

Herald Camping Says Earth Will Still Be Destroyed October 21 | Video |

Zombie Muhammad? Atheist Attacked by Muslim During Halloween Parade | Video |

Rare Cyclops Shark and Fetuses Found off Mexican Coast |

Sarah Churman Discusses Hearing Implant With Gretchen Carlson | Video |

Chilling Footage: Iran Hosts Military Parade Showcasing Missiles, Shrouded Soldiers | Video |

Herman Cain’s Campaign Only Has ‘Several Hundred Thousand Dollars” At His Disposal | Video |

Seventh-Grade Book on Global Warming Recalled by Michigan Math and Science Center |

‘Lead Cocktail’: Florida State Rep. Proposes Bringing Back Firing Squad for Executions | Video |

Real Navy Seals Star in Upcoming ‘Act of Valor’ Movie |

Adobe Photoshop Could Unveil New Deblurring Tool in Later Program Version | Video |

Limbaugh: Holder Said “I Am Not the Tall US Attorney, I Am Not The Thin US Attorney, I Am The Black US Attorney”

Limbaugh: Anti-Semitism Rears It’s Ugly Head At OWS “The Jews Own Wall Street”

Limbaugh: Media Never Cared About Jeremiah Wright But Now It’s Important To Vet Pastors

Limbaugh Disgusted In VP Biden For Blaming Rape And Crime On Republicans Not Passing A Bogus Jobs Bill

Who's been calling for Marxism?

Obama needs more power? Video: Glenn Beck Program | Preparing for upheaval - Video


Direct Democracy Now Movement - (


Which Republican Can Beat Obama?

America's Children Come Home to Roost

If we can't nominate Rush Limbaugh

Obama: The Exquisite Blessing of Impossible Expectations

When the Race Card Gets Trumped

Fatal Flaw Means Obama Can Win

Cain gets the 'simple' label from the Washington Post

Boehner chastizes Obama for 'forgetting' about GOP jobs bill

Occupy Wall Street threatens riot; city postpones clean up

Pelosi Warns: Protect Life and Women Die

Would you believe 63% favor Obama's 'jobs' bill?

What I love most about Herman Cain

Obama's Fundraising Fail

Is Iran headed for the World Court?

Who's the Real Tea Party Candidate?

Radical Islam: A Problem World Leaders Must Confront

Get Off Your Knees, Iran Warns Palestinian Leader

Making State Governments Matter

Predicting the Weatherman

Barack Obama and the Seoul Brother

Wall Street Mobs Play into Herman Cain's Hands

Missing Libya Missiles Find Their Way to Gaza Border - ABC News

Why the left fears Herman Cain: Surging candidate threatens allegiance between blacks and Dems

Wall Street Protests photo gallery -

Solyndra funder Kaiser paid zero taxes for years | Campaign 2012

IRS Auditing How Google Shifted Profits Offshore to Avoid Taxes - Bloomberg

Warren Buffet May Owe A Billion Dollars In Back Taxes - HUMAN EVENTS

Nearly 8-in-10 Americans now see country on the wrong track -

Wall Street Protester Proclaims 'The Jews Control Wall Street' In Zuccotti Park Rant « CBS New York

Are Celebrities Supporting Occupy Wall Street The Movement's Heroes, Or Hypocrites? | Fox News

The mafia's New York -

Iran’s Assassination Plot Vindicates Big Peace Report of ‘Terror Babies’ Phenomenon

The Forgotten Concept of State Sponsored Terrorism

Pentagon Error Suspends Anti-Narcotics Programs Worldwide

Libyan Weaponry Pours Into Gaza, Empowers Hamas

The Release of Gilad Shalit: A Potential Strategic Victory

The Iranian Caper: Has Obama Been Had?

AUDIO:Roger Noriega: Civil War In Venezuela

The Iranian Terrorism Plot: How Bad Is Our Homeland Security Capability?

ACLU And Islamists vs. The FBI

Amnesty International: Arrest George W. Bush!

Romney hits China on trade practices with US

San Francisco Restaurants Want To Make 25% Standard Tip Rate « CBS San Francisco

Will Sen. Rob Portman ‘Pull a Stupak’ and Cave on New Consumer Czar? Anti-War Globalists Organize Occupation Movement, Push Democrats Further Left

Occupy Nest Egg: Public Employees who Retired in 2011 Cashed Out Avereage of 43 Weeks of Unused Sick Leave

AUDIO:Business Groups Blast Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 Plan

Emails Expose the True Nature of the #Occupy Movement

Union Boss Hoffa: Right to Work Freedom ‘Is a Conspiracy’

#OccupyChicago Joins ‘Destroy Israel’ Anti-war, Anti-America ‘Peace’ March

The Email Archive of the #OccupyWallStreet Movement: Anarchists, Socialists, Unions, Democrats and Their Plans

An Occupied Nation: What Happened While You Were Sleeping

Mitt Romney: Just John McCain with Better Hair?

‘Crowdsource’ This: Emails Expose #OccupyWallStreet Conspiracy to ‘Destabalize’ Global Markets, Governments

Surprise! Warren Buffett’s Company Has $1 Billion Federal Tax Obligation

Pipeline Explosion Highlights Incompetence, Cronyism at CA Public Utilities Commission

Repealing ObamaCare with Congressman Paul Ryan

Freedom and Prosperity vs. Big Government and Stagnation

EPA Admits Air Pollution Data Errors, Texas Gets No Extra Time to Comply with Regulations Based on That Data

Watch Your Back, Joe: NBC’s ‘Today Show’ Pushes Hillary to Replace Biden

AUDIO:Scrutinizing Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 Plan

Nervous Dems Want Party to Embrace Balanced Budget Amendment

Dollar Coin Crusade Would Cost Businesses, Taxpayers

‘Crowdsource’ This: Countdown to Media Matters’ Attack on Big Government’s #OccupyWallStreet Document Dump

Politico Reporter Resigns Over Plagiarism

Will Violence in NYC, Spitting On Coast Guard Member Wipe #OWS Smile Off MSM’s Face?

Gawker Publishes Hit List For The NYC 1%

Matthews Invites Rather to Weekend Show, #Occupy Groupthink Ensues

‘Crowdsource’ This: Citizen Journalists Needed to Expose #OccupyWallStreet

The Washington Post Responds To Criticism of Fast And Furious Coverage

The Pizza Man Moron: More Racial ‘Dog Whistles’ From George Stephanopoulos and ABC News

Big Journalism Joins Anderson Cooper’s Anti-Bully Crusade: Stop the Media Bullies!

Ed Henry Responds to Obama Cheap Shot: President Went After Me Instead of Romney

NewsBusted: Will Obama Return His Goldman Sachs Donations?

Obama Rips Ed Henry: ‘I Didn’t Know You Were a Spokesperson For Mitt Romney’

Chris Matthews Calls for “Radical Solutions,” Cites Revolutionary War

First-ever presidential debate for Telemundo - On Media -

‘The Big Year’ Review: The Big Yawn is More Like It

‘Hope’ Poster Artist Slams Obama: New White House Poster Contest Exploits Artists

+Morning Call Sheet: Oscar-Winning Party Clown, ‘The Super Cops,’ and ‘Bag of Bones’

Trailer Talk: ‘American Reunion’ Crosses Line with Inclusion of Kid In Masturbation Scene

‘The Thing’ Review: Prequel Can’t Replicate Carpenter’s Classic Scares

Box Office Predictions: ‘Footloose’ Draws Teens, ‘Dolphin’ Beats Clooney

Ryan Gosling’s Big Year: Actor Attains Stardom with Looks, Talent and Class

Alec Baldwin, the Next Dick Cavett?

Post-DOJ Raid, Gibson Guitar CEO Considers Move Overseas

+Morning Call Sheet: Apple’s Cloud, Universal Blinks, and Today’s Best Film Franchise

House votes to give states control over coal ash

+A second Bush-era gun-smuggling probe emerges

Murder charges filed in salon massacre

Treasury officials: Never saw a loan like Solyndra

Charges expected in California hair salon shooting

US gov't runs $1.3 trillion budget deficit in 2011

Appeals court blocks parts of Alabama immigration law

Obama appointee says GOP lawmakers are do-nothings

Obama sends U.S. military advisers to central Africa

Obama sends 100 US troops to Uganda to help fight rebels

U.S. met Cubans over jailed American, official says

Perry vows to unleash US energy boom

House Democrats vow continued push on China bill

The real bull market

Vincent Tabak weeps as court shown photos of Joanna Yeates's body

Liam Fox resigns | Politics | The Guardian


14-Oct-11 World View

13-Oct-11 World View

12-Oct-11 World View

11-Oct-11 World View

10-Oct-11 World View

9-Oct-11 World View

8-Oct-11 World View

7-Oct-11 World View


Colleen Carroll Campbell: Obama is alienating Catholic voters

New Deal accomplishments: Do conservatives who attack the New Deal actually know what America gained from it? - Slate Magazine

The rumor that won’t die -

The Big Banks Falter -

The scapegoat strategy - The Washington Post

Rabbit-Hole Economics -

Morning Jay: Without Independents, Obama Has No Chance of Victory | The Weekly Standard

Hillary Clinton Over Joe Biden in 2012? Possible: Jonathan Alter - Bloomberg

As Cain Catches Fire, He and 9-9-9 Plan Take Heat - ABC News

Trade with China: And now, protectionism | The Economist

Book Review: James Madison -

The American Spectator : E-Books? No Sale

States Where Drivers Pay Least for Gas

Chu: In global market, ‘Invented in America’ not good enough | SmartPlanet

Green energy investment: let's not repeat past mistakes | Gordon Edge | Environment |

Report: Waste-to-energy plants emit more harmful emissions than coal-fired plants per hour of energy

Obama Pushing a Stealth Cap-and-Trade Policy - Energy Intelligence (

Solyndra's Problems Were More Politics Than Power - Miller-McCune

Solar Energy: The Quest for Cheap - Businessweek

Fred Wilson: What We Are Seeing

The top five alternatives to the iPhone 4S | TechRepublic

Google kills off Buzz, its ill-fated social network - Oct. 14, 2011

Why Hulu’s Owners Couldn’t Find A Buyer | TechCrunch

A Look at Apple's iCloud -

Cybercrime: Measuring the black web | The Economist

R.I.P., the movie camera: 1888-2011 -

Diaspora Prepares to Launch Open Source Social Network - Liz Gannes - Social - AllThingsD

Page: Google+ to Broadly Impact Other Google Products | PCWorld

The Social-Network Chip - Technology Review

Verizon is tracking Web browsing habits to serve 'better' ads | DVICE

Apple Logos Show Reach and Hostility of the Web -

Bible's Authors Decoded by Computer : Discovery News

Can the Internet Bring the Beginning of the End of Selfishness? - Walter Frick - Technology - The Atlantic

The Forced Suicide of Field Marshall Rommel, 1944

The Assassination Attempt on Theodore Roosevelt October 14, 1912 |

A Hartebeest Blindsides a Biker: What Animal Is the Deadliest Killer on the Road? - Slate Magazine

Debunking The Phony Beliefs Of The Modern Green Movement - Forbes

Letter Written by Albert Einstein Warning of Nazis Fetches $14,000 at Auction - Entertainment & Stars

Electromagnetic weapons: Frying tonight | The Economist

Fossil Moths Reveal Their True Colors | Research - ISNS

Autumn Leaf Chemistry: More Than Just Eye Candy

Dollar coin? It's time -

Mapping the (11) Divisions in American Society - Miller-McCune

Why Walkable Cities Aren't Always the Ones You'd Think - Commute - The Atlantic Cities

Clearing the cosmic fog of the early universe: Massive stars may be responsible

Emulating--and Surpassing--Nature : Northwestern University Newscenter – Equation explains forces that repel water, oil

Penn Team Links Schizophrenia Genetics to Disruption in How Brain Processes Sound

Autistics don't adjust their behavior to protect their reputations

New study spots warning signals in American churches - South Florida

Bachmann’s Years at Oral Roberts University -

Wycliffe, SIL Issue Guidelines on Translating 'Son of God' Among Muslims | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

With pressure mounting, Iranian Supreme Court could rehear pastor’s case – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Baptist Press - FIRST-PERSON: Evangelism or justice -- which do we choose? - News with a Christian Perspective

Lev Raphael: How Bibles Make Mistakes

Humanists and atheists drive for wider global political impact | FaithWorld

America Magazine You Can't Just Gate Off The World

Ministry Matters™ | Articles | Whose Side Does Jesus Take?

Paul Brandeis Raushenbush: What Does Wall Street Really Want?

Young Evangelicals Resist a “Politicized” Faith - Institute on Religion & Democracy (IRD)

4 reasons why the Cain-Train might just have a real shot « The Enterprise Blog

Political Animal - GOP establishment still waiting on the sidelines

GOP expands the Senate map, but Democrats ready to play offense - The Washington Post

CBS: Don’t forget Grenadewalker, too « Hot Air

Conflict With China - Inevitable or Avoidable?

Saudi Arabia's Limited Options for Dealing With Iran

RealClearWorld - Reuters - World - Oct 13, 2011 - Putin's Kremlin return spooks rebuilt Chechnya

Iran’s Alleged Plot to Kill Saudi Envoy Could Have Been Inspired by WikiLeaks - The Daily Beast

Commentary: Tehran and Terror: Unraveling the Mystery | The National Interest

The Kurdish strategy for Iraq: divide and exploit | Ranj Alaaldin | Comment is free |

Obama’s Iran Dilemma: How to Respond to a Plot Seemingly Designed to Provoke Escalation? - Global Spin -

Lexington: Top dog for ever | The Economist

Information Dissemination: Money is the End Game With Iran and Saudi Arabia

Iranian 'plots' and American hubris -

RealClearWorld - How U.S. Surrendered Manufacturing Base to China

Saudi Arabia's Invisible Hand in the Arab Spring | Foreign Affairs

U.S. could learn from Mexico’s coalition debate - Andres Oppenheimer -

DECKER: The enduring U.S.-Korean alliance - Washington Times

Iran's free hand

The overzealous prosecution of Ukraine’s Yulia Tymoshenko - The Globe and Mail

Those Keystone Iranians - The Washington Post

Emanuele Ottolenghi: When Tehran Attacks -

Nuclear lesson from Libya: Don't be like Qaddafi. Be like Kim. -

Cramer: Who Can Blame Occupy Wall Street? - TheStreet

Wall Street’s long occupation of the middle class | David Rohde

Growing Income Gap May Leave U.S. Vulnerable - Bloomberg

4 Reasons the Mortgage Mess Won't Get Fixed

Herman Cain: 9-9-9 is pro-growth, pro-jobs –

Flat Tax Vs. Fair Tax Vs. Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Plan - Forbes

Should Insider Trading Be Legalized? | Business News |

RealClearMarkets - The Monetary Tax Of Artificial Economy


*Transcripts:12th/Interview with Speaker of the House John Boehner

Guests: Reps. Chaffetz, Blackburn and Cummings

Interview with Representative Barney Frank

Interview with Representative Rush Holt

Interview with Presidential Candidate Michele Bachmann

Panel on the "Occupy Wall Street" Protests

Analyst Discusses the GOP Debate


Speculation seen adding $600 to your gas bill - Oct. 13, 2011

'Defamation' case complicated by House attack on Obamacare

Signature drive to overturn 'gay' indoctrination falls short

It's another Soros link to Occupy Wall Street

The next black president

Queering the Census

Destruction of Copts is Islamically correct

Obama – like a head-banging toddler

Eric Holder, gunrunning and a pair of Iranian numbskulls

Herman Cain falls far short

The return of race riots to America

Super-committee threatens national defense

My hero: Warren Buffett

Occupy Wall Street’s ACORN Rent-A-Mobs | FrontPage Magazine

The Nazi takeover of America has begun

PJ Lifestyle » The League Knows Best: How the Nanny State Has Invaded the NFL

Jackson, Jr: Obama should ‘declare a national emergency,’ add jobs with ‘extra-constitutional’ action

BBC News - Where child sacrifice is a business

The Local - 'Le Huffington Post' to launch in France

Woman sues sex toy company after injuring herself using vibrator

Three women arrested as detectives probe kidnappings and sex attacks on MALE hitchhikers in Zimbabwe | Mail Online

The Local - Dog lover loved dog far too much: court

Bullied on Facebook, Teen, 13, Gets Nose Job - ABC News

Owl curry, adder with butter and stir-fried craneflies! Meet the man who has survived on a diet of roadkill for 30 YEARS | Mail Online

Nguyen Thi Phuong: Vietnamese woman went from age 23 to 73 in 'a few days' | Mail Online

FBI begins recording call-ins

WND RADIO WND Exclusive The Protect Life Act ;Rep. Fleming: Legislation closes door to taxpayer-funded abortions under Obamacare

WND RADIO WND Exclusive GOP passes hundreds of jobs bills;Rep. Foxx: Senate derelict in refusal to take up House legislation


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


It's another Soros link to Occupy Wall Street

Communist Party USA and Rep. Jan Schakowsky March at Occupy Chicago (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

Donny Deutsch: No One Should Be Killed, But Occupy Wall St. Needs ‘Kent St. Moment’ | Mediaite

Congressman to keynote CAIR fundraiser with terror co-conspirator

Three U.S. Muslims convicted in terrorism case -

N.J. teacher's Facebook comments about gays spark firestorm of controversy |

Fun takes a holiday in Somerville -

Columbus Blamed For Little Ice Age - Science News

Report: Marco Rubio’s top aide pushed to move Florida primary up to benefit Romney; Update: Rubio camp denies « Hot Air

Barbour: Cain would 'sweep the South' if GOP nominee

Cain says his campaign is fiscally able – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

The Escapist : News : Herman Cain's Tax Plan Brings SimCity to Real Life

9-9-9: Does the Math Work? - Guy Benson

Is Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Tax Plan Simply Elegant Or Plain Ridiculous? Seven Views | Business News |

Bilingual voting ballots ordered in 25 states - Washington Times

Obama Calls for Restraint by Egypt’s Christians | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

US missiles kill Haqqani 'coordinator' in Pakistan - Telegraph

WMAL 105.9 FM/AM 630: Stimulating Talk – Breaking News

Postal Service's 'welcome kit' raises privacy concerns - Washington Times

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Drug Smugglers Tunnel Into Arizona Parking Spaces - Yahoo! News



PHONE # : LOOK UP - Yellow Pages



American Minute for October 14th

October 14 Events in History

October 14th This Day in History

This Day in History for 14th October

October 14th in History

Today in History: October 14

Today in History: October 14

Today in History for October 14th - YouTube


**Markets Video: The Problem with Chinese Banks

13th/ RIMM: Will Blackouts Hurt the Stock?

Cramer: How to Keep Stocks in Rally Mode

Does Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Plan Add Up?

Middle-Class Squeeze Isn’t a New Problem in America

12th/ Bear Market: Beginning of the End?

Embrace China, Our Best Frenemy?

Oil Prices Not Trading on Fundamentals

Jim Rogers' Financial Tips to Prep Your Kids

U.S. Economy Not Facing a Double-Dip Recession?

**World Video:The Real Lives Of Islamic Radicals

Santorum On Iran

Fareed: Growing Militant Element In Iran

The Brainiest Bulldozer

Expert: Culture Of 'Bad Apples' At News Corp.?

Abbas Pushes For UN Recognition

Obama Welcomes South Korea's Lee To White House

IMF Rep Gets Egged By Turkish Students

Chinese Air Force Plane Crashes

French Prosecutor Drops Strauss-Kahn Case

The U.S. Should Stick By Taiwan

Free Trade Agreements Signal Bipartisan Cooperation

U.S. Treading Carefully To Build Case Against Iran

13th/Implications Of Famine For East Africa

Bachmann Says Obama Weak On Iran

Action Against Iran For Alleged Terror Plot?

The U.S. And Saudi Arabia Unite Against Iran

Clinton: Iran Plot A Dangerous Escalation

Street-by-street Fighting In Sirte

Fatal Colombia Student Protests

Bhutan King Marries In Elaborate Ceremony

Inside Iran's Secretive Qods Force

A Spy Among DC Syria Protesters?

Officials Attach Iran's Government To Bomb Plot

Jova Slams Mexico Even As It Weakens

Shalit Deal's Winners And Losers

Oren: Never Underestimate Iranian Regime

**Politics Video:Perry: "I Don't Worry Too Much About Polls"

Donny Deutsch: Occupy Wall Street Needs A "Kent State" Moment

Anita Perry: Husband "Brutalized" By Media, GOP Because Of His Faith

MSNBC's Ed: DeMint Saying ObamaCare Would "Break" Obama Is Racist

"Special Report" Panel Discusses The Herman Cain Surge

Klein: People Want Compromise In Politics

O'Reilly: Herman Cain "Knows Little About Foreign Affairs"

Matthews: Obama Campaign Has Decided To Hit Romney Now

13th/Perry: Romney Wrong on Wall Street Bailouts, TARP Bailout

Chris Matthews: "We Spent Too Much Time Dicking Around The Debt"

Sharpton Slams Cain For Advocating Private Charity Over Handouts

Pelosi: Republicans Would Let Women "Die On The Floor"

Cain Offers Possibilities For VP: Paul Ryan, Jim DeMint

Art Laffer: Cain's "9-9-9 Is A Wonderful Plan"

Obama To Ed Henry: "Didn't Know You Were The Spokesperson For Mitt Romney"

Dem Congresswoman: GOP "Not Patriots," They "Don't Love This Country"

Rush Limbaugh: GOP Establishment Declares War On Tea Party

Scarborough: Cain Is Flavor Of The Week, I'm Obi-Wan Kenobi

Haley Barbour: Herman Cain Would Sweep The South Against Obama

MSNBC's Ed: "You're Damn Right I'm A Tax And Spend Liberal"

Obama: Republicans Don't Want A Place Where People "No Matter What They Look Like" Can Succeed

Bill Clinton: Now Is Not The Time To Raise Taxes

Issa: "We Subpoenaed Documents From The Attorney General"

O'Donnell: Cain's 9-9-9 Plan Is "Vicious Assault" On The Middle Class

Matthews: GOP Has "A Pathetic Array Of [Presidential] Hopefuls"

Krauthammer: OWS Is "Mindless" And Wants To "Eat The Rich"

**NEWS VIDEOS:#OccupyWallSt Protester’s Epic Meltdown

NBC News Analyst: #OccupyWallStreet Will Have a ‘Kent State’ Moment

‘Fast And Furious’ Flashback: Deputy AG Announces Aggressive ‘Gun Tracing Activity’ In 2009

Protesters March On Wall Street After Clean-up Plan Cancelled, Scuffle With Cops

Obama’s DOJ Allowed Grenade Smuggling Into Mexico

Drill Baby, Drill! Perry Releases Energy Plan

Violence Breaks Out During #OccupyWallStreet March Toward New York Stock Exchange

Protesters’ Message At #OccupyChicago Rally: ‘Destroy Israel’

Bloomberg Caves, #OccupyWallStreet Protesters Allowed To Trash NYC Indefinitely

Talk Radio at with Guests Tommy Christopher, Christian Toto, and Steven Crowder

OK Kids, Time To Clean Up

Breitbart on #OccupyWallStreet: ‘Anti-War Movement Has Been Co-Opted’

Rage Against The Machine Plays #OccupyWallStreet

AP Allows ‘Media Watcher’ to Smear NewsCorp As a Culture of ‘Bad Apples’

Strauss-Kahn Lawyers Deny Sexual Assault in Banon Case

Blackberry Has Global Outage

Uniformed Coast Guard Member Spat On By #OccupyBoston Protesters

13th/Uh, Er, Um… The Most Eloquent, Uh… President, Er… In History?

Breitbart: I Have E-Mails Showing Organized Plan For #OccupyWallStreet Protests To Destabilize Government

How Did Obama Know About ‘Fast And Furious’ Before Holder?

Conservative Eric Bolling Saves Liberal Bob Beckel’s Life

Lib Radio Hosts Mock Christie’s ‘Thing’, Dream Of Poisoning Bachmann

College Audience Shouts Down Frances Fox-Piven For Calling Tea Party Racist

Dem Rep Calls GOP ‘Unpatriotic’, ‘They Don’t Love This Country’

Fox News’ Ed Henry Responds: Obama Tried To Go After Me Instead Of Romney

Haley Barbour: Cain Would Sweep the South Against Obama

Big Government’s Mike Flynn Weighs In On Conservatives’ Concerns Over Romney

Pelosi: Republicans Will Let Women ‘Die on the Floor’ Without Medical Care

Iran Wants ‘Plausible Deniability’ on Alleged Saudi Blow Up

Dennis Miller: ‘I’m No Longer The Biggest Loser On Wall Street’

12th/Maddow, Maher Advise #Occupy Protesters To Threaten Violence

Michelle Obama Tries for Jumping Jacks Record

Bombshell: Underwear Bomber Pleads Guilty, Blames Israel


10/13 The Mark Levin Show

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 10-13-11

Alex Jones - 2011-Oct-13, Thursday

Live Free Or Die Radio - Thursday, October, 13, 2011

Oct. 13, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

2011-10-14 Jesse Peterson Radio Show

2011-10-13 Jesse Peterson Radio Show

Mysterious Realms With Dr. John DeSalvo

The View From Marrs With Jim Marrs

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

Paul Drockton Show 2

Paul Drockton Show 3

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-13-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-13-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 10-13-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 10-13-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 10-13-11 Hr 3

The Michael Savage Show 10/13/2011

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