A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

12 October 2011

12 OCT.



The United States is a nation of laws: badly written and randomly enforced.


Land Ho!!

Christopher Columbus - Wikipedia

1492 -- Christopher Columbus

The Columbus Navigation (

Christopher Columbus Facts (

Christopher Columbus(

Christopher Columbus Biography

The Truth About Christopher Columbus

Facts & Myths About Columbus(

Christopher Columbus Facts(


"America" by Simon & Garfunkel - Grooveshark

"Living in the U.S.A." by Steve Miller Band - Grooveshark

"Back In The U.S.A." - Linda Ronstadt- Grooveshark

"Born in the USA" by Bruce Springsteen - Grooveshark


"Box of Rain" by Grateful Dead "American Beauty" - Grooveshark


** Full Bloomberg / Washington Post GOP Debate in New Hampshire (Ron Paul Wins!) - YouTube


GOP Debate: Immigration, the Issue that Won't Go Away for Rick Perry, Did | Fox News Latino

Fact-Checking The GOP Debate: What Candidates Said About The Economy : It's All Politics : NPR

New Hampshire Debate: GOP Candidates' Claims Fact-Checked

At the Republican debate, who would bring you the least government? - The Washington Post

Republican candidates strike a more sober tone - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

Republican debate: Winners and losers - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Paul Says Ex-Fed Chairman Greenspan Was a ‘Disaster’ (Video) - Bloomberg

Paul, Cain Discusses Former Fed Chairman Greenspan - Video - Bloomberg

Paul, Cain Debate Fed Helping `Special' Business - Video - Bloomberg

Ron Paul Highlights - Bloomberg/Washington Post GOP Debate - YouTube

The Top 100 Statistics About the Collapse of the Economy That Every American Voter Should Know


* The New Clinton Chronicles: 1:41:07

* Bill Clinton: His Life 1:15:10

* Hillary The Movie @ Vimeo 1:30:17


The Activities at Mena - MENA is no myth! | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

The Death of Vincent Foster | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

Ron Brown: Evidence Of A Cover up | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED


Documents: Feds allegedly allowed Sinaloa cartel to move cocaine into U.S. for information - El Paso Times

Congress issues subpoena for Holder, others in 'Fast and Furious' probe – This Just In - Blogs

Hillary: "Nobody Could Make That Up, Right?" | Before It's News

Rep. Peter King: Iranian Bomb Plot 'Crossed a Red Line'

Iran Tied to Plot to Assassinate Saudi Diplomat - YouTube

Hoekstra: Iranian Bomb Plot 'Act of War'

US Busts Iran-Connected Bomb Plot | Mother Jones

Biden: Iran bomb plot an 'outrageous act' - The Hill's Video

John Bolton: Iranian Bomb Plot Is a 'Reality Check'

Obama backed probe of alleged Iran plot: White House | Reuters

Iranian Terror Plot: Fake, Fake, Fake by Justin Raimondo --

Fox News Juan Williams: 'This is The Age Of Ron Paul, Don't Discount A Third-Party Presidential Run' - Home - The Daily Bail

HERE WE GO AGAIN - Romney Flip-Flops On Wall Street Protests: "I Worry About The 99 Percent' (Video) - Home - The Daily Bail

Iranian mullah-narco terror plot to kill Saudi ambassador with cartel hitman and Mexico-laundered cash is so obviously ripped from Breaking Bad – Boing Boing

Sheriffs blast "Fast and Furious" operation - CBS News

8 Parts: Republican Presidential Debate - 12160

#OccupyDC Ron Paul Ad - Peace - YouTube

U.S. Says Iran-Tied Terror Plot in Washington, D.C. Disrupted - ABC News

Iranians charged in U.S. over assassination plot | Reuters

"Gunwalking" subpoena for AG Holder imminent - CBS News

New satellite imagery shows Iranian nuclear sites, watchdog group says -

+ Live blog: FBI, DEA thwart terror plot in U.S. involving Iran, officials say – This Just In - Blogs

The Two 'alleged' Iranian Assassins Seemingly Caught Targeting The Saudi Ambassador To The Us 'in A Public Restaurant' Story Has All The Trappings Of John Le Carre's Layers Of Intrigue. | Before It's News

Iran vs Israel: What The Media Wants You To Forget | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

'06/The Newshoggers: ABC And The IED's From Iran That Were Made In The UK


Holder: Iran aimed to bomb Saudi ambassador - CBS News

+MEDIAROOTS – Reporting From Outside Party Lines

Ancient Muslim Ruins Found in Israel ... Again | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

An exodus which was merely a myth

Top archaeologist decries Jerusalem dig as unscientific 'tourist gimmick' - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

End to Fed: 'US to see more violence as protests spread' - YouTube

98 FTSE companies use tax havens - YouTube

$200 mln fraud: 7 years in jail for Ukraine PM Tymoshenko - YouTube

Corporate Raider Asher Edelman Backs Occupy Wall Street: "Banks Win, Taxpayers Automatically Lose" - Home - The Daily Bail

Russia Can Stop The Libya Carnage - YouTube

High-frequency traders attract regulator’s interest • The Register

99% to Bankers: We've Got the Guillotine! - YouTube

Video: Kanye West Supports Occupy Wall Street, Majority Of Republicans Support Higher Taxes On The Wealthy, Former Goldman CEO Jon Corzine Speaks On Protests (LINKS) - Home - The Daily Bail

America’s Conquest of Africa: The Roles of France and Israel |

How Long Can Herman Cain Revel in His Foreign-Policy Ignorance Before Voters Start to Care? -- Daily Intel

Immortal Technique at Occupy Wall Street: Tea Party is anti-GOP - YouTube

Max Keiser: "Pitchforks & Torches See Higher Prices, Where Are The Guillotines For Wall Street?" - Home - The Daily Bail

Activist Post: US Senate passes China currency bill

Breaking the Law for Food | The Daily Meal

Occupy Wall Street Allies Picket Upper East Side Billionaires Rupert, Koch - International Business Times

Big Lies, Big Banks, And Big Profits: Where 9/11 Truth & Occupy Wall Street Converge :

Occupy Wall Street bashes Fox News - YouTube

Activist Post: Vaccine Induced Inflammation Linked to Type 2 Diabetes Epidemic

Robots on the Farm : Discovery News

Santorum: ‘I want to go to war with China’ | The Raw Story

Putin Versus The American Drug Cartel | Veterans Today

Occupy Wall Street: What's the latest? - YouTube


* Archives:The Newshoggers(



* Steve Quayle: List of Dead Scientists

ARTICLES: Dead Scientists


Father questioned by police after taking picture of his daughter in shopping centre

North Cliffs Failure - Amazing Cliff Collapse caught on Camera! - YouTube


Libya News Updates Oct 11 - YouTube

22 "Fast and Furious" facts: What did the Obama White House know and when did they know it?

Is It the End of College Radio?


A Nobel Prize for the Dark Side |




Air National Guard -

Army National Guard -

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Supreme Court of the United States -

THOMAS (Library of Congress) - The U.S. Government's Official Web Portal

State Government |


Putin: US feeding off global dollar monopoly - YouTube

Keiser Report: Ground Zero of Financial Terrorism (E195) - YouTube

Judge Accuses AG Holder Of Using Iran Assassination Plot To Distract From Fast & Furious Scandal - YouTube

"Ron Paul Could WIN! COULD WIN The GOP Nomination!" - YouTube

Full Bloomberg / Washington Post GOP Debate in New Hampshire (Ron Paul Wins!) - YouTube

Jay Carney: Don’t listen to what the President says, figure out what he means

“Occupy Wall Street” to Push for Global Tax

Leapfrogging the Constitution

Van Jones Media Mouthpiece Gets Russian Cash

A Warning Shot for Obama on Defense and Budget Cuts

Obama “Fake” Green Jobs Program Slammed in Congressional Report

Financing “Hole” Could Disrupt Miner Development

GOP Debate: Romney Smooth as Always, Cain’s 9-9-9 Receives First Attacks


*Hank Williams Jr. /Listen: Keep The Change

The Hank Williams Jr. Controversy «


Warrantless Searches of Cell Phones and Crime Predicting Technology


Obama is Political "Dead Meat" - Lyndon Larouche Reports 1/2 - YouTube

Obama is Political "Dead Meat" - Lyndon Larouche Reports 2/2 - YouTube


3 Parts : Prison » Lord Mockton: End of Democracy in England

Prison » Ron Paul Highlights – Bloomberg/Washington Post GOP Debate

Prison » Ron Paul to Herman Cain at Bloomberg Debate: “Spoken Like a True Insider!

Cain defends 9-9-9 plan as not 'off a pizza box' - The Hill's Ballot Box

Protest Organizer: ‘Within Two Weeks of Obama’s Inauguration We Knew We Might as Well Have Another Bush in There’ |

Prison » 9/11 Truth Subliminal In Unrelated London Evening Standard article

Prison » Will U.S. Exploit Dubious Terror Case and Attack Iran?

Prison » Underwear Bomber Guilty Plea Shields Government Complicity

Prison » Fed Insider Cain Caught In Brazen Debate Lie

Prison » Everyone Missed It, But China Has ALREADY Retaliated For Last Night’s Big Currency Vote In The Senate

Prison » Geopolitical Risk in Middle East and China Currency and Trade War Risk Supporting Gold

Prison » Ron Paul Talks Occupy Wall St. On The Dylan Ratigan Show

Prison » Matthew Medina Exposes MoveOn.Org: Nightly News Occupy The Fed Report

Prison » Futures Soar On…US-Chinese Trade War?

Prison » Marc Faber To America: “Listen You Lazy Bugger, You Need To Tighten Your Belts, You Need To Work More For Lower Salaries”

Prison » Susan G. Komen for the Cure openly denies science by claiming BPA exposure has no connection to breast cancer, insists chemical is safe

Prison » Hansen Misses By Two Orders Of Magnitude

Prison » Hundreds of brave dentists speak out against water fluoridation

Prison » Hansen’s admission – “skeptics are winning”

Prison » Putin: US feeding off global dollar monopoly

Prison » Occupy L.A. Speaker: Violence will be Necessary to Achieve Our Goals

Md. TSA Agent Charged With Child Porn - Baltimore News Story - WBAL Baltimore

Prison » Crazed Marxist Accuses Tea Partier of Racism & Violence, Then Gets Racist and Violent

Goldman Sachs let off paying £10m interest on failed tax avoidance scheme | Business | The Guardian

» Alex Jones Breaks Down The Occupy Co-Opting Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The People Who Organized the “Occupied Wall Street Journal” Newspaper Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» China Goes To TradeCon 2 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Goldman Sachs let off paying £10m interest on failed tax avoidance scheme | Business | The Guardian

» Ron Paul to Herman Cain at Bloomberg Debate: “Spoken Like a True Insider! Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Romney’s Neocon Foreign Policy Plan

Australia commits suicide – Telegraph Blogs

Israel agrees historic deal with Hamas to free Shalit - Middle East, World - The Independent

» End the Fed Texas and Oklahoma: More Videos Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

U.S. Accuses Iranians of Plotting to Kill Saudi Envoy -

PressTV - 'Iran ready to equip Lebanese Army'

Gold Confiscation: Here's how it could happen - and what you can do about it

Green taxes could force one in four into fuel poverty | Mail Online

Eurozone debt crisis: Euro bailout attempt is utterly dishonest | Mail Online

» Listen to the Radio Show Archive Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

President Obama: Community Organizer In Chief - Forbes

» Cousin of Queen Elizabeth II Says Abortion a Form of Eugenics Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Government to introduce new £170 death tax?

Russian men: an endangered species? — RT

NHS: Donate your organs and we'll pay your funeral costs | Mail Online

Global warning: climate sceptics are winning the battle - Climate Change, Environment - The Independent

Breaking: new evidence shows Hillary a mastermind behind Gunwalker

Hillary's smoking gun--the next segment in State Department's role in Gunwalker - National Conservative |

Sipsey Street Irregulars: Sipsey Street Exclusive: "In at the beginning." The State Department & the Gunwalker Scandal. Part 3. "Caesar's Wife" and the "Mexican hat dance."

The long shadow line: History and the war on drugs - History, Life & Style - The Independent

Calif. Governor Veto Allows Warrantless Cellphone Searches - informationliberation

» The War on Whistleblowers: Sibel Edmonds Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Reading skills of English teens 'worse than the Chinese' | Mail Online

Two More European Banks Nationalized Following Dexia's Example | ZeroHedge

Families are facing the biggest fall in income since 1970s | Mail Online

Egypt May Be Forced to Seek $3 Billion IMF Loan It Rejected: Arab Credit - Bloomberg

» The ‘getting’ of Assange and the smearing of a revolution Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

U.S. Government Obtains Secret Court Order For Email Data Of WikiLeaks Volunteer | Fox News

Prison » BPA levels in humans far higher than previously thought


Contacting the Congress: Directory(

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Metavid - Video Archive of the US Congress( Tracking the U.S. Congress

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Double-dipping labor leaders eligible for union pensions on top of city pensions - Chicago Tribune

Emanuel calls for water fee hike, hiring more police, parking lot tax -

Man accused in Sycamore slaying to face rape charges first -

Bill Clinton: Polarization far worse now than when he was president - Chicago Sun-Times

"Underwear bomber" changes plea to guilty - CBS News

At New Hampshire debate, Mitt Romney shows he's still the man to beat - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Obama to GOP: We won't take no for an answer

Senate Democrats to blast 'tea party economics' - Scott Wong and Manu Raju -

Sponsor of gun-in-bars bill arrested on gun, DUI charges

Meet Herman Cain's kitchen cabinet of advisers - Alexander Burns -

Establishment keeps edging toward Mitt Romney for 2012 - Alexander Burns -

Topeka Decriminalizes Domestic Violence - The Daily Beast

House panel demands failed gun sting documents | Reuters

BBC News - Albert Einstein's letter on Nazis sold for $14,000

Rahm Emanuel says cutting police vacancies does away with ‘charade’ - Chicago Sun-Times

Pair can face trial in Washington in three-state killing rampage -

First lady sneaks out 'as much as possible' - CBS News

The Associated Press: Panetta: What is the Army of the future?

Jury deliberations start in home invasion case |

Romney, Christie repeat calls for Perry to repudiate pastor - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Shalit parents end protest as son's freedom promised -

Analysis: Alleged plot deals new blow to Iran nuclear diplomacy | Reuters

Myanmar Frees Some Political Prisoners -

Syrian-born American held for spying -

AFP: Ukraine's jailed ex-PM prepares appeal

BBC News - US currency bill: An effective tool or a symbolic move?

What China wants from Putin -

BBC News - Libya conflict: Gaddafi forces 'cornered' in Sirte

The Associated Press: Italy's Berlusconi fights for survival

Iran Sees Terror Plot Accusation as Diversion From Wall Street Protests -

India, Vietnam push on oil - Hindustan Times

The Associated Press: Serbia gets to be a candidate to join the EU

BBC News - North Korea Profile - Leaders

AFP: Philippines launches $1.66bn stimulus package

BBC News - Australia parliament passes divisive carbon tax

European Commission chief offers plan to keep banks healthy –

HP's PC Spin in Doubt: Deals to Watch - TheStreet

Chynna Phillips: 'Dancing With the Stars Saved My Butt' - Hollywood Reporter

Ashton Kutcher's Cryptic Tweets: Is This a Message to Demi Moore? - E! Online

FBI makes arrest in celebrity phone-hacking case -

Muhammad Ali Sues -- My Old Kentucky Home ... SUCKS! |

Milla Jovovich Visits Wounded 'Zombie' -- 'She's in a Lot of Pain' |

Creating the Art Clokey 'Gumby' Google Doodle - The Washington Post

Sea Monster-like Kraken Said to Be Real; According to Lone Researcher - October 12 11 11:14 EDT -

Cosmic Log - Three years on Mars ... in 3 minutes

BBC News - Very Large Telescope details cosmic timeline

FTL Neutrino Research 'Almost Certainly Wrong' : Discovery News

NASA transfers title for Space Shuttle Endeavour to California Science Center - SlashGear

Russians claim 'indisputable proof' of Yeti - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience -

Earth's Water Originated From Comets? - International Business Times

Timing particle flight

California Water Pollution Not Getting Any Better, Study Finds

Why 2013 will be the year of the cloud database | Cloud Computing - InfoWorld

Eating fruits, vegetables may cut risk for heart disease gene -

Peanut allergy cure found? What study shows - HealthPop - CBS News

Pot Brownies At Funeral Cause Seniors To Be Hospitalized - Newport Beach, CA Patch

Occupy Wall Street's List of Demands

Left wing protest groups are anti - American

Wall Street's Connection to Main Street Has Divided Us

Occupy Wall Street, (Who's the supporting and whos the opposing)?

Debbie Schlussel:HILARIOUS Video: Post-Oprah Oprah Even More of a Crackpot

Debbie Schlussel:Warned Ya: Israeli Soldier Shalit in Absurd Trade for Mega-Terrorists

Debbie Schlussel:Alien v. Predator: Iranians Charged w/ Plot on Saudi US Ambassador Al-Jubeir

Debbie Schlussel:Dumbass: 32-Yr-Old “American” Fights for Libyan Rebel Muslims

Debbie Schlussel:Hypocrisy USA: 2 Rich Jew-Haters & Guy Who Replaced His Teeth w/ Diamonds Join Occupy Wall St

Britain’s Green Poverty Crisis

What would you do if you were president after Obama?

Will Obama get to lope off into history shrouded in permanent secrecy?

Ooops: ABC’s Diane Sawyer: ‘Protests Have Spread to 1,000 Countries’

Did Ahmadinejad Know About the Iranian Terror Plot on Washington?

Solyndra Symbolizes the Big Green Lie

Iranian-American plotted assassination of Saudi ambassador in U.S.

Jay Carney: Don’t listen to what the President says, figure out what he means

America must find her voice. This President is a forgery

To Get Back to Black, B.C. Must Go Back to Basics

447 Billion Reasons to Oppose Obama’s Stimilus-2 Fairy Tale

“Progressives” and the Art of Civility

The US Presidential Race: October 2011 Update

AG Eric Holder Scathes Congress With His Operation ‘Fast and Furious’ Questionable Alibis

Will the Obama Syndicate Ever be Held Responsible for its Crimes?

Will the GOP ‘elitistment’ screw up a sure Presidential victory in 2012?

Iran’s Botched Act of War in Washington


binnall of america : audio/Pearl Jr.,Creator of the film Alive! Is Michael Jackson Really Dead?APPROX.2HR.


Siberia claims to find evidence of yeti | Orange UK

New Map of Saturn Moon Titan Reveals Surprisingly Earth-Like Features | Saturn, Titan & Saturn Moons | NASA Cassini Mission & Cassini Spacecraft |

Lair of Ancient 'Kraken' Sea Monster Possibly Discovered | Ancient Sea Monsters & Ichthyosaurs | Mythological Beasts | Deadly Sea Creatures | LiveScience

BBC News - Ocean trawl reveals 'megavirus'

Antarctic underground lake could hold secrets of Earth's past - Telegraph

U.S. Intelligence Unit Aims to Build a ‘Data Eye in the Sky’ -

Hubble Reveals Chaotic Heart of Milky Way in Infrared | Wired Science |

BBC News - Real-life Jedi: Pushing the limits of mind control

The Obama Problem

Arrogant White Liberal Tells Herman Cain How to Be Black

Shedding Some Light on Solar Power

Anwar al-Awlaki's Comeuppance and the Framers' Vision

Corruption in Maricopa County

Leftist Recall Strikes Architect of SB1070 in Arizona

Bill Bennett's Finest Hour

This Is a Screwy Time for Optimism, Isn't It?

SunPower: Twice as bad as Solyndra

A convenient arrest?

Gilad Shalit's release from Hamas's clutches -- winners and losers

'Occupy Wall Street has an anti-Semitism problem'

Trade Wars Exacerbate Recessions

Obama's new re-election strategy

Educating Charles Krauthammer on the Copts and Egyptian Islam

Rep. Hoyer blames voters for gridlock

Slovakia rejects EU bailout expansion

The Ramifications of Higher-Paying Government Jobs

The Economy's the Wedge. Freedom's the Cause.

How Conservatives Occupy Wall Street

The Heartland Never 'Overrated' Obama

Iran D.C. Plot: Vice President Joe Biden Says 'Nothing Off the Table' - ABC News

Buckle Up: America Is Getting Very Angry And The Protests Are Going To Become Much More Frightening -

Obama: "None Of Us Make It On Our Own" Without Government Help | RealClearPolitics

Robots on the Farm : Discovery News

NATO’s Transformation: From Defense Partnership To Global Military Force | StratRisks

Chinese telecom firm tied to KGB-like spy ministry | StratRisks

You Know That Your City Has Become A Hellhole When…. -

Is Iraq threatening to break its military links with US? -

Why in the World Are They Spraying? -

Rise of the Machines: Why We Keep Coming Back to H.G. Wells’ Visions of a Dystopian Future | Underwire |

NBC Gives Roseanne Barr Deal for New ‘Downwardly Mobile’ Family Sitcom |

Juan Pablo Pino Arrested in Saudi Arabia Over His Jesus Tattoo |

Bil O‘Reilly’s Explosive Interview With Cornel West and Tavis Smiley | Video |

Associated Press Fact Checks GOP Candidates on Taxes, Jobs & Economy | Video |

Protestors Hold Demonstration Against Tar Sands During Summitt | Video |

Occupy Los Angeles Speaker Says Violence May Be Necessary | Video |

Executive Dictatorship: Obama Instructs Advisers to Push Through Stimulus Projects Without Pesky ‘Congressional Authorization’ | Video |

Van Jones Protester Recruiting Video | Video |

Bill Maher Says if Protesters Threw a Brick Through Rupert Murdoch’s Window Fox Would Cover Occupy Wall Street Much More Gently | Video |

Jim Wallis Gets $150,000 from George Soros |

Biden Guarantees He’ll be Vice President on 2012 Ticket | Video |

Bill O’Reilly Looks Back at Last 15 Years | Video |

Some U.S. Lawmakers Call Iranian Plot an ‘Act of War’ |

What Do You Get When You Turn 9-9-9 Upside Down? Bachmann Pokes Fun At Cain’s Plan | Video |

Hank Williams Jr’s Appearance on The View | Video |

Bloomberg Debate: GOP Presidential Contenders Blame Obama for Economy |

Herman Cain: Obama Has ‘Never Been a Part of the Black Experience in America’ |

Rush Reacts to Terror Plot by Calling out Eric Holder |

Bill Daley to Step Down as WH Chief of Staff After Election | Video |

Obama Jobs Bill Fails to Clear Senate Hurdle |

The PJ Tatler » Occupy L.A. Speaker: Violence will be Necessary to Achieve Our Goals

Republicans Say They Rejected a ‘Second Stimulus’ Masquerading As a Jobs Bill |

Democrats wary of their unpopular president - Yahoo! News

Obama urged to expel Iranian diplomats after D.C. terror plot foiled - Washington Times

Retrial Ordered For Iranian Pastor Facing Death Sentence For Christian Beliefs | Fox News

Pelosi's disclosure belated in husband's land deal - Washington Times

The 1960s radicalism of Occupy Wall Street will help elect a Republican in 2012 – Telegraph Blogs

Feds say “Butcher” kept Rolodex of his Bonanno mob pals -

'Austin Powers' actor allegedly kills sex offender in prison -

Iran-Tied Terror Plot in DC Foiled | Video |

Here‘s a Look at Key Moments in Tuesday’s GOP Debate | Video |

‘Workout Kid’ Inspires Peers Off Couch | Video |

AP Fact Check Hammers Obama on Jobs Plan |

Iraqi Jews Are Allegedly in Danger Following Wikileaks Cables |

Warren Profile: Reid and Schumer Pushed Her to Challenge Brown, ‘Geithner Hated Her’ |

‘Text Neck’ Being Seen by Chiropractors | New Messaging Application to Bypass Text Costs | Video |

SEIU Plotter Stephen Lerner Allegedly Spotted at Occupy Chicago |

Pentagon Struck By A Missile NOT An Airliner on September 11 2001 - YouTube

BBC News - Opium production is rising in Afghanistan

Fat Guy Gets OWNED by Ron Paul! - YouTube

A Dangerous Precedent

A Personal Message regarding the Validity of #invadewallstreet - YouTube

Eurozone debt crisis: Euro bailout attempt is utterly dishonest | Mail Online

Protesters disrupt Question Time after carbon bills pass lower house | Herald Sun

Newsvine - Part 3 Mysterious delay in the Medivac Emergency Response to the USS San Francisco accident. - Androgynous Future for "Goys" ?

The ‘Holocaust Denial’ Debate | Real Zionist News

PressTV - US hopeful wants preemptive Iran strike

Perry's Do-or-Die Debate - Yahoo! News

Herman Cain, 2012 hopeful: "There's No Reason To Audit The Federal Reserve" | Ron Paul 2012 | Sound Money, Peace and Liberty

Rick Perry's Not So Honest Run For The White House

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Calling Out the Tribalists by KATHLEEN CHRISTISON

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Gilad Atzmon: Supremacism Revisited

Paul Drockton M.A.: Bank Failures and FDIC Insurance

Obama's Depression

'We may need to print even MORE money', Bank of England economist warns just days after £75billion cashflow is sanctioned | Mail Online

The Ticking Euro Bomb: How a Good Idea Became a Tragedy - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

South Africa resists march of Walmart | Business | The Guardian

Egypt protests: government faces accusations of deliberately encouraging sectarian hatred - Telegraph

Washington protest: American Spectator condemned over article | World news |

Was man accused of post-9/11 anthrax attacks innocent? - Americas, World - The Independent

The World from Berlin: Electronic Surveillance Scandal Hits Germany - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

VeriSign demands website takedown powers • The Register

Sinister Sites - St. John the Divine Cathedral | The Vigilant Citizen

NAACP Covers Washington Statue at MLK Day Event - Urban Legends

The Speech Dr. Martin Luther King Would Make Today

Cellphone subscriptions outnumber people in U.S.

Did 26 Million Russians Really Die In World War II?

Video: Second shipwreck found loaded with silver off the coast of Ireland - Telegraph

4.5 billion year-old meteorite crashes into Paris family home - Telegraph

Steve Jobs: LSD Was One of The Best Things I've Done in My Life | The Fix

British Television Chef Says Eating Puppy Meat No Worse Than Eating Pork | Fox News

What Mother Nature Doesn't Care About

Roy Tov: Operation “Free Britain”

Diabetes: the epidemic | Society | The Guardian

Gonorrhoea could become 'untreatable' warns HPA - Telegraph

Sugar-free drinks and chewing gum may cause damage to teeth | Society | The Guardian

BBC News - Rare seahorse found in the River Thames, London

Brian, Khanklink Pyron Face Foreclosure Over Never-Transferred Title [WATCH]

Activist Post: Obama Starts a Civil War on Drugs

22 "Fast and Furious" facts: What did the Obama White House know and when did they know it?

US citizens having to register with EPA for radiation data? | Australian Cannonball Nuclear News – Debunking nuclear energy one post at a time…

Ron Paul Calls Out Herman Cain For Lie Over Fed Audit During GOP Debate

‘RT was the only media outlet covering OWS protests’ — RT

Shame on AMA’s Archives of Internal Medicine | Welcome to the Alliance for Natural Health - USA



BFP Book Club- Examining the Myth of Good Government & the Coming Fiscal Collapse

BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- October 11, 2011

Video Interview: The Realities of Whistleblowing

The CIA and 9/11 Part 3: The Shouting Match

FBI To Record ALL Internet Talk Radio


Inside Radio(

5min - News(


Designing Your Death Dossier -

The 25 Documents You Need Before You Die

BBC News - The cult of Steve Jobs

Scattering Confirms Wideband Invisibility Cloak Using Fractal Metamaterials


*Canary Islands eruption triggers US tsunami fears | News & Politics | News & Comment | The First Post


Arrest, charges filed in Hollywood hacking probe

Issa Issues Subpoena To Holder In Fast And Furious Investigation | Fox News

Fast and Furious Subpoenas | Jamie Dupree Washington Insider

Holder's honesty before Congress disputed in earlier high-profile cases - Washington Times

Poll: Herman Cain, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney All Beat Obama - Washington Whispers (

HURT: Is U.S. ready for second black leader? - Washington Times

L.A. Jury Is Shown Photo Of A Naked Michael Jackson Dead On A Coroner's Slab | The Smoking Gun

1,200 Occupy Wall Street products on eBay « Don Surber

Police: Pregnant Woman Slashes 2 Inside Crozer- - Flash Player Installation

Lifetime To Remake ‘Steel Magnolias’ With All-Black Cast –

Payback? Obama drops grant to Catholic bishops | Campaign 2012

Obama to push Congress on parts of jobs plan: Geithner | Reuters

Vt. Sen. Leahy to seek maple protection law - Yahoo! News

Voters share blame for gridlock in Congress, Dem leader says -

Ken Salazar urges more Latino-themed national parks, sites - The Washington Post

Report Finds Mysteries in John Liu Campaign Finance Filings | NBC New York

US & World - NY US and World News, Breaking News, and Top Headlines | NBC New York

New Website Maps Dangerous Intersections for Cyclists, Pedestrians | NBC New York

'Mind-Blowing' Sex Can Wipe Memory Clean | Transient Global Amnesia | Sex, Circulation & the Brain | LiveScience

Police rescue couple with baby who couldn’t find way out of Danvers corn maze -

Arrests in female rapists probe

Seattle Police Arrest Self-Confessed Superhero - Flash Player Installation

Video: First Lady Michelle Obama Takes Aim at Jumping Jacks Record

Police Leave Warnings Inside Unlocked Cars On N - Flash Player Installation

Daley to leave White House after election - Washington Times

American flag display would disrupt dining experience | garden, flag, olive - Olive Garden - WPEC 12 West Palm Beach

New book says General Motors wanted to merge with Ford |

Huntsman and Bachmann Display A Lack Of Class And An Immaturity | Flopping Aces

Supreme Court Reviews Necessity Of Strip Searches For Prisoners Facing Minor Charges | Fox News

Commentary: Governor Snyder’s BMI Reporting Violates Our Hippocratic Oath [Michigan Capitol Confidential]

Schumer’s strategy to turn the ailing economy into a “Tea Party recession” Update: Schumer says even Mitt Romney can be “Tea Partied” « Hot Air

10 most offensive TV shows ever - San Antonio Express-News

3 Illinois Teens Charged With Helping Friend Kill Parents | Fox News

PJ Lifestyle » The 7 Most Annoying People on Social Networking Sites

Is Perry finished? « Hot Air

Gov. Jerry Brown is giving unions most of what they seek -

Pajamas Media » Act of War: Iranian Terror Attack in U.S. Thwarted

Biden: Alleged assassination plot 'over the top' - CBS News

Family Of Al Qaeda's Samir Khan Gets 'Condolence Call' From U.S. State Department | Fox News

Useful Idiots | The Silent Majority

The Associated Press: Ala Hispanics organizing campaign against law

Articles: The Obama Problem

Doomsdayers Are Like Mushrooms - Page 1 - Jack Bouroudjian - Townhall Finance

President Obama: Community Organizer In Chief - Forbes

You Won't Believe Who Newt Gingrich Wants To Throw In Jail For The Financial Crisis

Are Mormons Christian? - Page 1 - Ken Connor - Townhall Conservative

Bachmann on Cain’s 9-9-9 plan: Turn those numbers upside down « Hot Air

Karl Rove, Other Conservatives Denounce Anti-Mormon Comments, Christian News

VP Biden says he's staying on Democratic ticket

What did Hillary know and when did she know it? « Coach is Right

Islam's war on the Cross: Egypt's move to democracy under threat after latest attack on Coptic community - Telegraph

Terror Plot Prompts Calls for ‘Crippling Pressure’ on Iran |

Pajamas Media » Gunwalker: GOP Hopefuls Weigh In

Perry on the Ropes? - Beth Reinhard -

Open Source Matters: Watch Large Hadron Collider Collisions with an Android App

Belmont Club » The Boulevard of Broken Dreams

Disney Channel Edits Out Gun From 1938 Mickey Mouse Cartoon

Fast and Furious | Darrell Issa Subpoena Eric Holder | Fox News Coverage | Mediaite

DOJ: Feds Can Tell Church Who Its Ministers Will Be - Page 1 - Terry Jeffrey - Townhall Conservative

What is Barack Obama's Long Term Game on Taxes? - Page 1 - Michael Medved - Townhall Conservative

The Alex Jones Show – October 11th, 2011

The Alex Jones Show – October 10th, 2011

Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – October 11th, 2011

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – October 11th, 2011

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – October 10th, 2011

Audio Page: 95.1 FM The Bridge: Ongoing 9/11 Discussions |

Alex Jones Mainstreamed But ‘PUBLIC’ Central Banking Gets Too Much Attention |

Occupy Wall Street and the Fed News 10-11-11 |

Facebook’s Hotel California: Cross-Site Tracking and the Potential Impact on Digital Privacy Legislation | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Infowars Examines Occupy Wall Street |






Pentagon’s Secret Space Plane Could Be Astronauts’ Next Ride | Danger Room |

AOL Launches New 'Lights Out' Data Center » Data Center Knowledge

Solution to Real Estate Mess: Burn Down Homes

BBC News - Afghan opium production 'rises by 61%' compared with 2010

Beware Of Token Olive Branches And Empty Word

American Spectator Condemned Over Article

U.S. Says Iran-Tied Terror Plot in Washington, D.C. Disrupted

Homegrown Terror Threat “Manufactured”: NYU Study

The Real Story of How Israel Was Created

How The News Shapes The Way We See The World

U.S. says Iran sought killing of Saudi envoy | Reuters

FBI faces lawsuit over Osama Bin Laden 'recent' photofit using Spanish MP | Mail Online

Traci Nobles Writes About Anthony Weiner Scandal In New Book, 'I Friended You'

GOP presidential debate fallout: Is Mitt Romney becoming inevitable? -

VIDEO: U.S. Strategic Nuclear Policy: A Video History, 1945-2004

Occupy Wall Street: FAQ

VIDEO: Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya: Worthy Victims and Unworthy Victims

Romney’s Neocon Foreign Policy Plan

Al Qaeda: The End of a Legend?

The Eurasian Project: A Threat to The New World Order

Next Stop is Pakistan

From Tunisia to “Occupy Wall Street”: Who is the AFL-CIO’s Stuart Appelbaum?

Occupy Wall Street and Occupy the Fed Are Two Sides of the Same Coin

VIDEO: The Geo-Political Strategy Behind America's Invasion of Afghanistan

New 9/11 Investigation may be in the Offing

Only One Jewish Resident Left in Afghanistan, Says State Department

Gallup: At 77 Percent, Cain Leads Republican Field in Favorable Rating

State Dept Considering 5,662 'Diversity Visa' Applicants from Terror States

Romney Says He Supports ‘Partnership Agreements’ for Same-Sex Couples

Gingrich: Plot to Kill Saudi Ambassador Shows Obama Is ‘Clueless’ About Iran

Terror Plot Prompts Calls for ‘Crippling Pressure’ on Iran

Romney Would Bail Out ‘Financial System,’ But Not Individual Institutions

Sen. Hatch: Obama Administration Trying to Force Abortion on U.S. ‘By Hook or By Crook’

CNN Praises Persistence of Wall St. Protests, 'Unignorable'

U.S. Had Every Legal Right to Kill Awlaki, Former Atty. Gen. Says

Bachmann Vows to Shut Down Federal Department of Education and EPA

Santorum: Every Mormon He Knows Shares His Values--Except Harry Reid

Topeka, Kansas Repeals Domestic Violence Law in Dispute Over Money

Russia's Putin Slams U.S., Makes Deals in China

Pakistani Taliban Raise Funds Through Street Crime

D.C. Protest Organizer: Knew ‘Within Two Weeks’ of Obama’s Inauguration – ‘Might as Well Have Another Bush in There’

Gingrich: Go After 'Heart Of The Sickness' - Bernanke, Dodd, Frank

MSNBC's Matthews on How to Beat Romney: Say He's One of the 'Pigs' on Wall Street! |

Bloomberg News Downplays Nature of Solyndra Scandal in Debate "Viewers' Guide" |

The World of Mind Control Through the Eyes of an Artist with 13 Alter Personas

Renowned Doctor Speaks on the Dumbing Down Effects of Fluoride

MTV’s “Paramore: Vitals Statistics” Mentions Mind Control Symbolism in Music Videos

Want a RFID Chip In Your Pants? No? Well They’re Coming Anyway

UK Think Tank Wants School Teachers to Address “Conspiracy Theories”

DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies | USAHM Conspiracy News

Is Obama Preparing To Come Clean About The ET Presence? | USAHM Conspiracy News

DICK ACT of 1902… Can’t Be Repealed | USAHM Conspiracy News

Be Prepared: 6 Foods To Store Forever | USAHM Conspiracy News

Saudi Arabia: Iran Must Pay for Alleged Plot

Al-Qaida Leader Urges Algerian Overthrow; Calls for an Islamic Libya

Iraq Requested 5,000 US Military Trainers After Dec.

Iraq: Over 1,300 Bodies Found in Two Mass Graves

More Holes Emerge in FBI's Anthrax Case

Civil Libertarians Decry Being 'Stabbed in the Back' by Awlaki Decision

US 'Supercop' Rejects Closing Social Media in Riots

Army Says Number of Medically Unfit GIs on Rise

Sabato: Romney’s Mormon Faith Won’t Cost Him 2012 Election

Romney Establishes Himself at Top of Heap

Cain: Philosophy Trumps Foreign Policy Deficit

Pundits: Romney, Cain Strong in GOP Debate, Perry Falters

Romney: Christie on Everyone's Veep 'Short List'

Mexico Helped U.S. Prevent Iranian Plot

House Committee Video Blasts Postal Service Bailout

Chinese Fury as US Senate Passes Currency Bill

Iran's DC Terror Plot Aimed at Destabilization

New Bank Fees the Result of Obama Financial 'Reform'

Coptic Massacre Shows Dangers of Egypt’s New Order

The Man Fighting to Put Christianity Back Into Politics

Lack of Leadership Responsible for Economic Crisis

5 Reasons to Question “Peak Oil” Theory | Don't Tread On Me

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Report: Number Of Czars In Obama Regime Hits 45, Operate Under a “Veil Of Secrecy”…

‘Natural’ breakfast cereals loaded with pesticides and GMOs – explosive new scorecard from Cornucopia reveals all – Mike Adams |

Hottest movie in America is not entertainment

Get Hacked, Don’t Tell: Drone Base Didn’t Report Virus | Danger Room |

Fractal Antenna: Press Releases


THE DOOM AND BLOOMSHOW with Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy: Making Penicillin at Home


Activist Post: Vaccine Induced Inflammation Linked to Type 2 Diabetes Epidemic

Activist Post: Pilger: Civil disobedience is the only way to end the wars (Video)

Activist Post: Ron Paul GOP Debate Highlights 10-11-11 (Video)

Holder's "False Flags For Idiots" Class | Before It's News

Activist Post: The Pathological Selfishness of Government Officials

Activist Post: Ron Paul Message to Occupy Wall Street - End the Wars, End the Fed

Activist Post: Crisis In The Congo: Uncovering The Truth (Video)

Activist Post: Call to Action: Do the Right Thing to Stop War with Iran (Video)

Activist Post: Zawahiri surfaces in new Internet video

Judge Accuses AG Holder Of Using Iran Assassination Plot To Distract From Fast & Furious Scandal - YouTube

Super Soup for Colds & Flus + notes on herbalism

- Prepper Podcast Radio Network News

Super Volcano Yellowstone About to Blow Predictive Condition - Video | Before It's News

U.S. Scientist Patents Time Machine | Before It's News

Egypt Time Travel Shocker: Camcorder Found In Egyptian Tomb,Video | Before It's News

Huge 'Ocean' Discovered Inside Earth | Before It's News

Benjamin Fulford Update 10-11-11 | Before It's News

How The Brains Own Marijuana Like Chemicals Suppress Pain | Before It's News

10 Online Education Trends Coming To A High School Near You | Before It's News

The 10 Most Overused Movie Quotes | Before It's News

Big Lies, Big Banks, And Big Profits: Where 9/11 Truth & Occupy Wall Street Converge | Before It's News

How The US Government Secretly Reads Your Email | Before It's News

Solar Industry: Extending the Treasury Grant Program Could Add 37,000 New Jobs by 2013 | Before It's News

The Willful Deafness When it Comes to Occupy Wall Street

Herman Cain's Adviser for 9-9-9 Plan is Not an Economist

Rick Scott: No Liberal Arts Majors Need Apply Here

Senate Republicans Block American Jobs Act

US DOJ Says Iran-Tied Assassination/Terrorist Plot Thwarted

Michigan City's Street Lights Removed Over Unpaid Electric Bills

'Vulture Capitalist' Funding Two Orgs Attacking Occupy Wall Street

Fox Host to Joe Lieberman: You Sound Like a Republican

Richard Dawkins Banned by Billo-Lovin' Country Club, Tide Goes Out, Never a Miscommunication

Fox's Bolling and Parker Compare #OWS Protesters to 'Petulant Little Children'

Mitt Romney Faces Faith-Based Payback

That Fake Latina Candidate Drops Out When Russell Pearce's Nieces Are Subpoenaed

Who Really Owns The NYPD? Turns Out It's Not Such A Rhetorical Question

GOP Scandal Tips for the Obama Administration

Wikipedia Error: Claims 'Senator' Barney Frank REPEALED Glass-Steagall

GOP rivals target Cain’s ‘9-9-9’ plan

Israel agrees to free 1,027 Palestinians in swap for soldier

Retrial Ordered for Iranian Pastor Facing Death Sentence for Christian Beliefs

Senate panel slams 2004 corporate tax break

Congressional Investigators to Subpoena Holder in Fast and Furious Probe


U.S.Holocaust Memorial Museum(


The Secret Cabal of The United States

Defense drops claim Jackson took fatal drug dose

With new threats, US Army must reinvent itself: Panetta

Congress poised to OK stalled free trade deals

Boeing says 1st 747-8 to be delivered on Wednesday

New stem cell method makes functioning liver cells

Officials make arrest of celebrity phone hacker

Obama says he'll keep fighting for jobs bill

How Ron Paul Won the Debate Again

Chinese army mobilises cybermilitias

US starts to tackle hacking curse

+ Morning Call Sheet: New Bond Villain, An Apple-less Cloud, Hackman Un-Retires?, and Tony Bennett Begs for Eye-Bleach

Occupy Wall Street: Top 1% Celebs Who Support ‘The ‘99%’

Entertainment Weekly Speech Police Freak Out Over ‘Homophobic’ Sitcom Joke

- HomeVideodrome: ‘Tree of Life,’ ‘Green Lantern,’ Jet Li’s Oeuvre

Kanye West Occupies Wall Street Wearing $1,000 Jeans

+Morning Call Sheet: Netflix Stock Plummets, Theatre Owners Whine, and My Blu-ray Binge

Trailer Talk: ‘The Avengers’

Herman Cain Responds to Harry Belafonte: ‘I Left the Democrat Plantation a Long Time Ago’

ABC’s Diane Sawyer: ‘Protests Have Spread to 1,000 Countries”… Ooops, there’s only 195 Countries

Occupy Boston: Reporter Who Refused to Listen to Police Arrested

Media Matters Drops The Tax Exempt Mask

Diane Sawyer: #Occupy Protests In ‘More Than 1,000 Countries’

Politico’s Ben Smith ‘Heard a Story’ About Herman Cain

Same MSM That Ignored Left’s Bigoted Attacks on Mormons Hammer Perry Over Pastor Remarks

Occupy Wall Street to Swing by Home of News Corp. CEO Rupert Murdoch

The Climate Change Change

NY Times : Due to His Roots, Rick Perry’s ‘Forced to Show’ He’s Not Racist

Correction Request: Nancy Pelosi Revisits Deconstructed “Tea Party Spitting” Lie On ABC - Big Journalism

Whoopi Goldberg Repeats False Tea Party Smear Re-Kindled By Pelosi - Big Journalism

CNN’s Candy Crowley Picks Up MSNBC’s Trial Balloon, Questions Cain’s ‘Blackness’ - Big Journalism

Schultz Says Racism Behind Republican Opposition To 'Occupy' Movement |

Educating Charles Krauthammer on Hamas’ Ten Year “Truce” Offer

Educating Charles Krauthammer on Islam—Again

Educating Charles Krauthammer on the Copts and Egyptian Islam

British Intelligence: There May Be 200 Suicide Bombers In Country For 2012 London Olympics

Iran Botched Act Of War In Washington

Memo to the Media: Being Black Is Not the Same as Declaring You’re Gay

The Iran Terror Plot: Ten Steps For The White House

USMC Reserves To Get Smaller, But Demands Will Grow

Why Did the Obama Administration Break News of the Iran Plot Today?

Averted Assassination Plot Raises Concerns About Obama’s Iran Policy

European Leaders Looking At Financial Crisis ‘Like Rabbits At A Snake’

PM David Cameron Continues Tough Demands On Immigrants

The Super Committee, The Department Of Defense, And Trapping Republicans

Iran’s Terror Plot: They Are Laughing In Our Face

US Thwarts Major Iran-Linked Terror Plot in D.C.

Cyprus On The World Stage

Occupying Wall Street And The Leftist National Security Threat

Herman Cain vs. Ron Paul: Iran

US Thwarts Major Iran-Linked Terror Plot in D.C.

Feds: Airline attack suspect sought martyrdom

Muslim Brotherhood Gaining Foothold in U.S. Gov't? - US - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -

Look Before You Leap on Cain’s 9-9-9 Tax Plan

Audio:The Real Lives of Islamic Radicals

+The Cheat Sheet, October 12: Was that a Debate or a Media Lynching?

BREAKING: Issa Subpoenas Holder on ‘Fast and Furious’ Scandal

Lisa Fithian Does Chicago: Twenty Arrested In Direct Action Protests

#OccupyWallSt Protesters: The Real Astro-Turf

FDA Grants Company Monopoly on Ancient Drug

Left Wing Agitators Are Financed by Big Labor

If the Saudi Ambassador Had Been Killed with Fast and Furious Weapons, Would Holder Be an Accomplice?

Important New Evidence on ‘Regime Uncertainty’ and Government Failure

Debate Reaction: Why Does the GOP Do This?

Bipartisan Senate Vote Rejects Obama’s Jobs Bill

GOP Debate Open Thread-Updated with Reactions

New Evidence Says ‘Yes We Cain’

Hacktivist Group ‘Anonymous,’ #Occupy Activists on Collision Course?

Memo to #OccupyWallStreet: You Are Not the 99 Percent. You Are the Anti-War Left, Co-Opted by Obama

USDA Cutting Foods Stamps to Pay for Pigford II

US Thwarts Major Iran-linked Terror Plot

‘Banker’ James O’Keefe Gets In on the Fun–Totally Punks Occupy Wall Street (Video)

Christie to Endorse Romney

Feds Claimed SunPower’s $1.2 Billion Federal Loan Would Create ‘10-15′ Permanent Jobs

+The Cheat Sheet, October 11: The BS of the Jobs Bill

Audio:Records Show Romney’s Advisors Met with White House to Craft Obamacare

SunPower: Rep. George Miller’s Son Lobbied for Company that Got $1.2 Billion Loan


Part One: Bringing America Home Again

Part Two: Bringing America Home Again – The Obama Nation’s Executive Power


12-Oct-11 World View

11-Oct-11 World View

10-Oct-11 World View


Cain’s 9-9-9 Plan Would Massively Redistribute Wealth Upward | FDL News Desk

Patterico's Pontifications » Is Rick Perry the new Phil Gramm?

Banks Have No “Right” to Fleece Customers for Profit » New Deal 2.0

Bong! Big Ben becoming leaning tower of London, say engineers - Telegraph

'Thinking' Robot Teaches Itself a Task : Discovery News

Tar Shrank Heads of Prehistoric Californians Over Time?

U.S. Intelligence Unit Aims to Build a ‘Data Eye in the Sky’ -

DailyTech - Invisible Cloaking Device Created Using Mirage Effect

New Proof That Comets Watered the Earth - TIME

Misinformation in TV Drama Gains Credibility Over Time - Miller-McCune

'Mind-Blowing' Sex Can Wipe Memory Clean | Transient Global Amnesia | Sex, Circulation & the Brain | LiveScience

Spaying and neutering: Does it cause depression in cats and dogs? - Slate Magazine

Peanut Allergy Turned Off by Tricking Immune System : Northwestern University Newscenter

New form of superhard carbon observed | Carnegie Institution for Science

The strange rubbing boulders of the Atacama | Science Codex

Earth's worst mass extinction might not have been as bad as we thought

Can Human Actions Cause Earthquakes? -

The End of the Future - National Review Online

New hardware powers through DNA tests in under 3 minutes

Language 50,000 BC: Our ancestors like Yoda spoke - life - 10 October 2011 - New Scientist

Oxygen isotopes boost neutron scattering -

Ocean Explorers Find Largest Virus Ever Seen, 20 Times Bigger than the Average Bug | Popular Science

A fight for life that united a field : Nature News

An Upside to Envy, and a New Reason for That Commandment -

How Sleight-of-Hand Magicians Trick Our Brains | How Attention Works | National Geographic: "Brain Games" | Life's Little Mysteries

Scientists should be allowed to check stories on their work before publication | Science |

Flywheels & More Emerging Energy Storage Tech

Energy Poverty American Style

Kathryn Klaber: Domestic natural gas

Think Again: Nuclear Power- By Charles D. Ferguson | Foreign Policy

In Quest for Power, Nuclear Is a Disunifying Force -

The true cost of coal and nuclear: News24: Columnists: Andreas Späth

Energy: Friend or Enemy? by William D. Nordhaus | The New York Review of Books

Matt Petersen: Green Occupation of Wall Street

Behind the Solyndra headlines: US solar energy is booming -

404 Not Found

Have Politics Battered Climate Change Talk?

Rick Perry: We must remove energy production obstacles to create jobs | New Hampshire LOCALVOICES

Carl Pope: The Right's War on Innovation

A Solar Flare For The White House -

Steve Jobs and drug policy -

Steve Jobs: Let the deification begin - Jon Friedman's Media Web - MarketWatch

Why Facebook Is After Your Kids -

The Government Program That Will Try to Read Your Mind - Rebecca J. Rosen - Technology - The Atlantic

Don't Shoot The iMessager: Why Cell Phone Networks May Soon Have To Shrink Your Bill | Fast Company

Risk & You 2011 - Special Report - Youth ID Theft Now A Problem - CNBC

The Associated Press: Studios' view-everywhere system has soft launch

Is It Time For Windows To Die? | ConceivablyTech

Why Simple File Sharing Is Serious Business - Technology Review

$80 Kindle Review: Worth the Price and Then Some | Popular Science

Microsoft tweaks the Windows 8 UI following user pushback - The Next Web

New Facebook app delivers local deals to Wal-Mart fans | Digital Media - CNET News

Cybercriminals go for easy money: Facebook and Bitcoin users

Kicksat your own Sputnik: Launch a satellite and beam signals from orbit for $300 | Mail Online

The Bitcoin Crypto-Currency Mystery Reopened | Fast Company

The Mythbusters on Steve Jobs: “iGenius” Documentary to Air October 16th | WebProNews

Steve Jobs in Four Easy Steps - IEEE Spectrum

Cray building $97 million supercomputer for U.S. - Computerworld

What do M&A executives at Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Salesforce really want? - GeekWire

How To Share Google Reader Stories to Google Plus

Shalit swap based on 'ultimate value of human life,' rabbis say – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Marilyn Sewell: The Church and OccupyWallStreet

The struggle for faith | World On Campus

Stephen Mansfield: How Oprah Became America's Pastor

RealClearReligion - Maybe 'Cult' Talk Isn't Hate Speech

Say No to Negative Talk about Hispanic Americans | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

Christopher Hitchens on Writing, Mortality and Cancer -

Why atheists should respect believers -

There is a gaping, atheist-shaped hole in the interfaith movement | Rory Fenton | Comment is free |

Americans Back Awlaki Killing

Why the U.S. Will Be an Asian Staying Power

Iran’s Covert War Against the United States Shows Tehran Has No Fear of U.S. Military Retaliation - The Daily Beast

Would Iran Really Want to Blow Up the Saudi Ambassador to the U.S.? - Max Fisher - International - The Atlantic

The Myth of American Exceptionalism - By Stephen M. Walt | Foreign Policy

Schalit's Release: Making a Deal Wi... JPost - Magazine - Opinion

America, the eagle with clipped talons - The Globe and Mail

Commentary: China, Taiwan, U.S.: Status Quo Challenged | The National Interest

100 Years of Revolution in China | The Diplomat

Islam's war on the Cross: Egypt's move to democracy under threat after latest attack on Coptic community - Telegraph

Yemen: Descending Into Despair | World Policy Institute

RealClearWorld - The Emerging Political Spectrum in Egypt

Review & Outlook: Iran's Terror Plot -

Egypt’s Generals must hand over power to civilians - The Globe and Mail

U.S. Says Iran-Tied Terror Plot in Washington, D.C. Disrupted - ABC News

China factor in Afghanistan | Opinion | DAWN.COM

Time to take on Pakistan’s jihadist spies -

RealClearWorld - Reuters - World - Oct 11, 2011 - Analysis: Russia feeds arms addiction as soft power fails

Russia, China, it's over to you

Christopher Columbus Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story -

Five misconceptions about Columbus - CBS News

The Facts About Clinton and Terrorism - Byron York - National Review Online

John Denver Biography - life, family, children, name, death, wife, young, son, born, college, contract, marriage, year, Raised in Military Family

The History of Oktoberfest

Columbus' forgotten voyages - American History -

Did Reagan Try to Convert Gorbachev? -

Ho Chi Minh - TIME

Two sides ponder end of a dynasty | The Australian

Founding father of modern China

AFP: China grapples with revolutionary past, 100 years on

The resignation of vice president agnew - Richard M. Nixon

Is ‘The Marriage Plot’ by Jeffrey Eugenides Based in Reality? -- New York Magazine

BOOK REVIEW: 'When Roosevelt Planned to Govern France' - Washington Times

Book of Mormon by Michael Allred: The Golden Plates

'The Zen of Steve Jobs': A New Graphic Novel From Forbes

If it is realistic or plausible, then it is not science fiction

RealClearMarkets - 30 Million New Jobs In 5 Years? Yes We Can!


53 Percenters: Conservative campaign against Americans who don’t pay federal income taxes. - Slate Magazine

Peter Wallison: Wall Street's Gullible Occupiers -

Day of reckoning for Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

Stock gurus aren’t what they used to be - Matthew Lynn's London Eye - MarketWatch

America and China: Is China a currency manipulator? | The Economist

Accounting at Groupon and Zynga Shows Need for Review -

Cash Is the Problem, Not ‘Confidence’ | The Weekly Standard

RealClearMarkets - Economic Illiteracy, Thou Art Obama's Defense of Solyndra

5 myths of Occupy Wall Street - David Weidner's Writing on the Wall - MarketWatch

RAHN: Unthinking financial regulators - Washington Times

Beyond the PC | The Economist

Is Operation Twist already a failure? -- The Buzz - Oct. 11, 2011

China’s Track Record Boosts Confidence This Is No Bubble: Daniel J. Arbess - Bloomberg

Democrats wary of their unpopular president - Yahoo! News

If moderate Dems vote No on jobs bill, they’re only hurting themselves - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

Who Stole the Election?

The allure of an Obama-Hillary ticket - Chicago Sun-Times

RealClearPolitics - Reverse Racism

Republican Insurgent-Love a Myth, Romney Shows: Ramesh Ponnuru - Bloomberg

Where’s the Evidence Obama’s a Policy Genius? - By Jonah Goldberg - The Corner - National Review Online

From "Spreading The Wealth" To "Spreading The Misery" - Forbes

The 1960s radicalism of Occupy Wall Street will help elect a Republican in 2012 – Telegraph Blogs

Were We Inevitably Screwed? -- Daily Intel

Review & Outlook: Iran's Terror Plot -

Justifying the Killing of an American -

Apologies Not Accepted -

Can Obama swing the swing voters on the economy? - The Washington Post

RealClearPolitics - A Problem With Wall Street, Not Capitalism

RealClearPolitics - Senate Defeats Obama's Jobs Bill

Obama camp: GOP trying to destroy economy on purpose - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

Articles: The Obama Problem

Basu: Obama supporters want the visionary back | The Des Moines Register |

Iran & the terror plot--James Jay Carafano -

D.C.’s Occupy protest, attracting only the usual suspects - The Washington Post


*Transcripts:10th/Interview with Presidential Candidate Herman Cain

Interview with 2012 Candidate Jon Huntsman

Interview with Senator John Barrasso

Panel Discusses Post-Mubarak Egypt

9th/Guests: Herman Cain and Michele Bachmann

Guests: Rick Santorum and Darrell Issa

Guests: Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich

Interview with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi

Guests: Representative Paul Ryan, Rahm Emanuel


**Markets Video:Jim Rogers' Financial Tips to Prep Your Kids

11th/Gartman: Gold Giving Europe Thumbs Down

Gas Prices Getting Ready to Rebound?

10th/Buffett and Bernanke on 'Occupy Wall Street'

Dexia: Other European Banks to Follow?

Are We in a Bear Market?

**World Video:Military Strategy Forum

Lawmaker Shocked By Alleged Terror Plot

Trichet: Europe's Debt Crisis Warning

Stabilizing The Eurozone

China Says Yuan Bill Disrupts Ties

In Search Of The American Dream, In China

Who's Behind Iran's Quds Force?

Israel, Hamas Announce Swap For Captured Soldier

Iran Tied To Plot To Assassinate Saudi Diplomat

Al-Qaeda Chief Issues New Video

Assad Supporters In Huge Damascus Rally

Multiple Bomb Attacks Rock Baghdad

Jolie In Libya To Help Displaced

Euro Concerns Still Hampering Global Markets

11th/World Affairs Briefing With President Ouattara

Rep. Paul On Potential European Bank Bailouts

Leeb: U.S. At War With China Over Resources

The Haqqani Factor In U.S.-Pakistan-Taliban Negotiations

Does U.S. Drone Use Set A New Precedent For War?

Syrian Opposition Gains Arab Support

On Patrol In Afghanistan

Putin In China For Two-day Visit

Families Collect Bodies After Baghdad Blasts

Worst Floods In Decades Sweep Thailand

Cambodians Push For Fair War Crimes Trial

Yuan A Hostage To U.S. Politics

The Legal Implications Of Anwar Al-Awlaki's Assassination

Next Frontiers Of Growth In China

Donald Trump On China

**Politics Video:DNC Video: Romney's Little Bandaids

O'Reilly Takes On Tavis Smiley and Cornel West

O'Donnell: "The Majority Voted For 99% Of The People Out There"

Christie: "Mitt Romney Is The Man We Need To Lead America"

"Special Report" Panel On Impact Of Christie Endorsement

MSNBC's Ed: "Nobody Got Any Smarter" At "Most Detailed GOP Debate So Far"

11th/Cain: "I Left The Democrat Plantation A Long Time Ago"

Full Bloomberg Republican Debate In New Hampshire

Bachmann: "The Devil Is In The Details" Of Cain's 9-9-9 Plan

Cain Fires Back At Santorum: Americans Want A Bold Economic Plan

Maher: Fluke To Think What You Do Is What Makes You Rich

Newt Slams Media For Not Demanding Transparency Of The Fed

Obama "Heartbroken" NBA Season Will Be Delayed

Newt Gingrich: Throw Barney Frank In Jail

Krauthammer: Romney The "Logical Choice" For Christie

Mitt Romney Defends TARP At Debate

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Fully Embraces "Occupy" Movement

Ron Paul: "Alan Greenspan Was A Disaster"

Tony Bennett: Obama Is America's "Greatest Accomplishment"

President Barack Obama Parkway Opens In Orlando

Obama Tells Advisers To Find How To Approve Stimulus Projects "Without Additional Congressional Authorization"

Herman Cain: Obama Has "Never Been A Part Of The Black Experience"

McConnell: Obama's Plan "Is Many Things, But It's Not A Jobs Bill"

Holder: U.S. Will Hold Iran "Accountable" In Plot To Kill Saudi Ambassador

Holder Dodges Question About "Fast & Furious" At Presser

Herman Cain: "I'm Going After Romney" At Debate

Hank Williams Jr. On ESPN Exit In Odd "View" Interview

Moderator Charlie Rose: "Occupy" Movement To Be Topic Of Debate

Plouffe: GOP Wants Recession-Era Economic Policies

Chris Christie Endorses Mitt Romney

Ed Schultz: Republicans Oppose "Occupy" Movement Because Of Racism

Van Susteren: The Growing Furor Over 'Fast And Furious"

Krauthammer: Egypt Neglecting Its Christian Minority

O'Donnell: Why Don't We Just Make Election Day A Holiday?

Schultz: The Move To Recall Scott Walker Is Official

**NEWS VIDEOS:Obama On America: ‘None Of Us Make It On Our Own’ Without Government Help

GOP Strikes Back At Elizabeth Warren’s Divisive, Class Warfare Rock Throwing

Maddow, Maher Advise #Occupy Protesters To Threaten Violence

O’Reilly Takes On Smiley, West In Epic On-Air Battle

Historian Doris Kearns Goodwin, Don Imus Sing Praises Of #OccupyWallStreet Movement

Bombshell: Underwear Bomber Pleads Guilty, Blames Israel

Beaten Giants Fan Out Of Hospital, In Rehab

Call For Violence At #OccupyLA Protest: ‘Long Live Revolution! Long Live Socialism!’

#OccupyWallStreet Thugs Begin Marching To Private Homes

GOP Senators Vote to Defeat Obama’s Jobs Bill

Newt: Fire Bernanke, Throw Frank And Dodd In Prison

Michelle Obama Tries for Jumping Jacks Record

11th/Leftist Hurls Racist, Hateful Comments; Assaults Tea Party Member

#OccupyOakland Protester Speaks Out Against The Military; ‘Killers’ For Imperial Greed

GOP Debate – Cain Clarifies, Doubles-Down #OccupyWallSt Criticism

Cain, Paul Differ On Federal Reserve Chairman

GOP Debate – Romney Jabs Charlie Rose On Alphabet Flub: ‘You’d Think A Guy From PBS Would Get That Right’

Huntsman Mocks Cain: ‘I Thought 9-9-9 Was Price Of Pizza’

GOP Debate – Bachmann: ‘Turn 9-9-9 Upside Down

GOP Debate – Herman Cain To Moderator: ‘The Problem With Your Anlaysis Is That It Is Incorrect’

GOP Debate – Moderator Debates Bachmann With Lefty Talking Points

GOP Debate – Romney: Obama Has Divided America

Christie Throws His Weight Behind Romney

Diane Sawyer: #Occupy Protests In ‘More Than 1,000 Countries’

#OccupyOakland Gets Call From ‘Comrades’ At #OccupyWallSt

#OccupyOakland: Terrorist America Killed JFK, Black Panthers

#OccupyOakland Protester Demands $20 Minimum Wage

Irony Alert: #OccupyCincinatti Protester ‘Hates Hate Speech’ Then Delivers Vulgar Rant Against ‘Teabaggers’

Best Antelope Video Ever

Egypt Army Orders Swift Probe Into Cairo Bloodshed

Soldier-Songwriters Beat Afghan Blues

Perry Targets Romney’s Wealth In New Web Ad

FBI Thwarts Iranian Terror Plot To Assassinate Saudi Ambassador In US

Occupy Boston Protesters Clash With Police

Belafonte Attacks Cain, Condi and Colin

CBS Sitcom Takes Snide, Nasty Swipe At Bachmann’s Husband

10th/Two Americans Win Nobel In Economics

Bolton: Obama Calls For Restraint From Egyptian Christians As They’re Being Killed

UK Cracks Down On Forced Marriage

Hank Williams Jr. Fights Back With Song: ‘Keep the Change’

Danny Glover Speaks To ‘Occupy LA’ Mob: You’ve Got To Be ‘24/7 Warriors’

Al ‘Resist We Much’ Sharpton Calls Protests ‘Occupation Wall Street’ Four Times in One Show

9th/Sharpton Mocks Cain: ‘Old Man River’, ‘Singing And Saying What Right Wing Wants To Hear’

Dozens Killed In Cairo Riots After Destruction Of Christian Church


Nurse Victoria Horsley, 36, 'had sex with schoolboy during 3-year affair' | Mail Online

From 007 to the pulpit: Former Bond girl ditches acting and modelling to become canon at Blackburn Cathedral | Mail Online - UK News :: Wonder pill wages war on Hepatitis C - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Faulty genes that raise your risk of skin cancer

Cure for peanut allergy in sight - Telegraph

Wear make-up and look more competent - but too much and you'll seem dishonest | Mail Online

Facebook's power should worry us all

Yetis 'do exist' - Telegraph

Imagine John Lennon really was a born-again conservative - Washington Times

Urbee: The world's first 'printed' car rolling off the 3D printing presses... | Mail Online

Ancient Greek city digitally recreated - Archaeology, Science - The Independent

Ancient Maya Road Let Villagers Flee Volcanic Death - Yahoo! News

District vindicates student who objected to homosexuality

'Secret order' cited to dismiss complaints against TSA

Savage blasts Obama as 'foreigner'

Government of, by and for the czars

Look whose relative just got $135.8 million energy loan

Obama pastor: Occupiers on Wall Street 'stand with Jesus'

Tea party vs. Wall Street occupiers

Obama to take secrets to his grave?

Double-Dip Recession a Foregone Conclusion: Roubini - EU Business News - CNBC

Bourgeois fat cat: Michael the Moore

The danger of mobs

Occupying Wall Street and my brain

Leftist Occupiers and Double Standards | FrontPage Magazine

86 'The 99'

Religion is irrelevant?

How to tell if you're a racist

Government: The job killer

Did we assassinate Anwar al-Awlaki?

Opinion: Constitution is inherently progressive - John Podesta and John Halpin -

Obama's 'Department of Payback'

Rep. Frank Wolf Calls Out Grover Norquist on Jihad Ties | Voice of the Copts


+THE BIG LIST of eligibility 'proofers'

*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Objection filed over U.S. assassination plot claim

US officials vow to hold Iran accountable for plot - US news - Security -

At New Hampshire debate, Michele Bachmann on Herman Cain: Devil and details - Alexander Burns -

Obama health-care law modeled on Romney plan - politics - Decision 2012 -

Democrats wary of their unpopular president - Yahoo! News

Dems want door slammed on more of Obama's records

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

American Minute for October 12th

*12 Oct.

This Day in History for 12th October

October 12th in History

Today in History: October 12

October 12 Events in History

October 12th This Day in History

Today in History: October 12

Today in History for October 12th - YouTube


The Manning Report Columbus Day

Alex Jones - 2011-Oct-11, Tuesday

10/11 The Mark Levin Show

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 10-11-11

2011-10-11Jesse Peterson Radio Show

2011-10-12Jesse Peterson Radio Show

Oct. 11, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Live Free Or Die Radio - Monday, October, 10, 2011

The Michael Savage Show 10/11/2011

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

Paul Drockton Show 1

Paul Drockton Show 2

The View From Marrs With Jim Marrs

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-11-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-11-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 10-11-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 10-11-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 10-11-11 Hr 3

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