A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

11 October 2011

11 OCT.



All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.

- - Hank Williams Jr. Fights Back - New Song

Keep The Change -Hank Williams Jr. (Lyrics in Description) - YouTube

Operation: Occupy Your Mind | Don't Tread On Me

Why Ron Paul (In 60 Seconds) | Don't Tread On Me

'Joe the Plumber' files for a congressional run

Issa: Holder's defense on Fast and Furious ‘has reached a new low'

RealClearPolitics - A Second Term for Obama Would Make the United States Go as California Has Gone

RealClearPolitics - Obama Team Split on How to Rally Unruly Coalition

The Daily Bell - The Ron Paul Revolution Past 2012

Cow Palace Hosts First Ever Medical Marijuana Job Fair - CBS San Francisco

Guns, guitars and government raids

Activist Post: Thai Media Catches Wind of "Occupy the Fed"

Activist Post: Dennis Kucinich Tells Occupy Wall Street to End the Federal Reserve System (Video)

Why Obama’s Flacks Bullied a CBS Reporter | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

The Top 10 Signs Eric Holder Might Be Lying about Fast and Furious - Doug Giles - Townhall Conservative

The End of Pax Americana? by Patrick J. Buchanan --

Monkey brains 'feel' virtual objects : Nature News

Special-Ops, CIA first in, last out of Afghanistan - Yahoo! News

Factbox: Mormonism and its relation to Christianity - Yahoo! News

7 little-known facts about Steve Jobs - Yahoo! News

The 'hunger' hoax | hoax, hunger - Freedom Politics

Soak the Rich | RSN Pick of the Day Right Side News

How Exercise Benefits the Elderly

Here's The Case Against Nominating Herman Cain

Pajamas Media » Gunwalker: Punch-Drunk Eric Holder Swings Back at Critics, Hits Self

Pajamas Media » This Isn’t ‘Lending’ — It’s More Like Looting

[MAXIMUM ALERT] Persistent Long Half Life Radiation Detected In Saint Louis | Australian Cannonball Nuclear News – Debunking nuclear energy one post at a time…

A Dangerous Precedent

Fat Guy Gets OWNED by Ron Paul! - YouTube

Chicago protesters seek exchange tax to fund jobs | Reuters

California Governor Jerry Brown signs death warrant for millions by vetoing industrial hemp

Pot sellers defy federal clampdown to hold first-ever medical marijuana job fair | Mail Online

Vaccine pioneer admits adding cancer-causing virus to Vaccine - YouTube

Activist Post: Obama Starts a Civil War on Drugs

22 "Fast and Furious" facts: What did the Obama White House know and when did they know it?


NPN Email Alert:FEMI-COMMUNISM: PART ONE By Harmony Daws

Big Oil: $135 Million -- School Children: 0 - OtherWords

BBC News - The cult of Steve Jobs

Scattering Confirms Wideband Invisibility Cloak Using Fractal Metamaterials

CDC executive arrested for child molestation, bestiality |

Global teacher shortage threatens progress on education | Global development | - Christ, Reason (Logos) and Greek Philosophy - The Folly of Long Term Investing - Satanic Debt Racket Exposed in Banker's Novel - Trader Says Central Bankers Want Depression

Activist Post: 43,381 Viruses Found in Sewage, Many Unknown to Scientists

John Friend addressing Occupy San Diego- booed by fascists and shills! - YouTube

4 generator failures hit US nuclear plants | World news | The Guardian

Libya News Updates Oct 10 - YouTube


Hezbollah, Iran & Israel on the same side in Libya - YouTube

Panetta to Netanyahu: Israel May Not Survive the Current Arab/Islamic Awakening - Occupy Wall Street is COINTELPRO (Phony Opposition)

Overlapping ParallaHas 'Occupy America' Already Been Controlled?

Ivan Marovic of 'Otpor!' addresses Occupy Wall Street - YouTube

Exposed: Globalist Illuminati New World Order Agenda: Occupy Wall Street Affiliated With Professional Revolutionary Organization OTPOR (CIA)

Think For Yourself - We Are All Individuals - Life of Brian - YouTube

The Jobs Czar: General Electric's Jeffrey Immelt - 60 Minutes - CBS News

Fox News veteran Geraldo Rivera sent packing by Occupy Wall Street protesters | Mail Online

Europa & Palestine News « Kawther Salam

Gulf of Mexico Sea Floor Unstable, Fractured, Spilling Hydrocarbons «

Event Horizon Chronicle: Down The Star-Spangled Zio-(ashke)Nazi Scheiße Hole

Pregnant Amber Miller runs Chicago Marathon hours before giving birth | Mail Online

A Nation of "Oakies"

White House justifies killing of al-Awlaki as 'the rules of war' - Americas, World - The Independent

President Obama growing isolated from his own administration -

Brian, Khanklink Pyron Face Foreclosure Over Never-Transferred Title [WATCH]

A Personal Message regarding the Validity of #invadewallstreet - YouTube

Think For Yourself

Westerners are now too Weak to Fight for Justice - YouTube

The ‘Holocaust Denial’ Debate | Real Zionist News


29 May/Canary Islands La Palma , Atlantic Tsunami Simulation US UK - YouTube

2 Sept./Millennium Ark: Hot News:Canary Islands


Confirmed volcanic eruption off coast of El Hierro | Canaries News

Earthquake measuring 4.4 on Richter scale hits El Hierro | Canaries News

Mitt Romney's Mormon faith attacked by Rick Perry supporter as 'cult' - Telegraph

Dr. Bill Deagle Responds To San Diego Gas & Electric Threats

Colorado empties popular lake to pay its water bill - Telegraph

Parasites are devouring the host culture. - YouTube

Paul Drockton M.A.: Karl Marx Owns Wall Street

Federal Reserve is a Cache of Stolen Assets

Dominant Finance Capital Institutions

An entire system of global trade is at risk - Telegraph

Financial Crisis: Are The Executives Too Big to Prosecute? - YouTube

State Legislatures Ignoring What The Whole World Can See

Immigration's Onslaught - Endless 'Refugees'

Social Justice Protests Head Everywhere

Zionism Unveiled: Rethinking Columbus: An American Legend

Error | Mail Online

Lulzsec hacker: we still have Sun emails, stored in China' | Technology |

Understanding the New Conspiracies | Opinion Maker

Sleep-deprived teenagers may risk long-term damage to wiring of the brain | Mail Online


Rense & Dr Farrel - Babylon's Banksters Here and Now - YouTube

Paul Drockton M.A.: Stock Market is a Sucker's Game

Paul Drockton M.A.: Bank Failures and FDIC Insurance


Mormon Beliefs: The Most Complete Website on Mormonism

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Ankerberg Theological Research Institute, John Ankerberg Show

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Must watch video as even Hitler has had it with the message, incompetence and stupidity of Occupation Wall Street!

Photos: Israeli women from the land of "Milk and Honey" and their Palestinian neighbors!


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Marine Vet at #OccupyWallStreet Tells Sean Hannity to "F**k Off" - YouTube

Hank Williams Jr. Keep the Change. His Response to Fox News and ESPN - YouTube

Prison » VeriSign Demands Power To Kill “Abusive” Websites

The Boob Tube Does Surveillance Porn by Kelley B. Vlahos --


Capitol Alert: Jerry Brown vetoes industrial hemp, pregnant inmate bills

Activist Post: California Gardasil Law Signed: Children to Receive Deadly Shot Without Parental Consent

Afghan opium poppy cultivation jumps - Yahoo! News

#OccupyWallStreet: An Occupier Speaks on The Federal Reserve Ponzi Scheme In A Brooklyn Way - YouTube

Stunning Pictures of Al Gore’s New $9 Million Mansion Media Totally Ignored | Wake Up From Your Slumber


Breaking: new evidence shows Hillary a mastermind behind Gunwalker - National Conservative |

Hillary's smoking gun--the next segment in State Department's role in Gunwalker - National Conservative |


The Activities at Mena - MENA is no myth! | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED


NEWS/COMMENTARY - Project Censored 2011: Soldier suicides, Obama's hit list, contrails, prison cover-ups, Google spies, and the real unemployment rate

"People Don't Understand The Power Of Ron Paul!" - YouTube

Activist Post: 5 Reasons to Question "Peak Oil" Theory

Lone Star Watchdog: Never Forget Those Who Stood Alone Against The Federal Reserve When It was Not Popular. We Owe Our Success to Them

Occupy Wall Street: Ben & Jerry's flavour of the month | Open thread | Comment is free |

The Intercept: Alan Grayson on Occupy Wall Street

Romney Says Occupy Wall Street Protests Are the ‘Wrong Way to Go’ - ABC News

FOX NEWS LIES! FOX NEWS LIES! Geraldo Driven Out Of Occupy Wall Street Protest! - YouTube

Olbermann Interviews Protester Pepper Sprayed At Air & Space Museum - YouTube

Occupy Wall Street Protest Now On Every Continent Except Antarctica! - YouTube

Ron Paul - In 1998 Predicted a Future 911 Like Event - YouTube

Forty and flatsharing in London | Life & Style

ROSAT satellite: Out-of-control 3 ton telescope hurtling towards Earth at high speed | Mail Online

Conclusive Link Now Admitted: Swine Flu Vaccine Causes Chronic Nervous System Disorders :


*4 Parts:G. Edward Griffin: Individualism vs. Collectivism : Federal Jack


9/11 First Responder Explains His Support For Wall Street Protests - #OccupyWallStreet - Home - The Daily Bail

CNBC Talking Heads: Wall Street Protesters Are 'Freaks' - Home - The Daily Bail

Libya Truth - YouTube

OccupyDSM - YouTube

Erdogan’s Fighter Jets Challenge Cypriot Gas Exploration in Mediterranean - Bloomberg

Why the Occupied Wall Street Movement Scares the Democratic Party

Lone Star Watchdog: The News Diversion that Do Not Mean Nothing When a Revolution is on the Horizon

Financial Giants Put New York City Cops On Their Payroll » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

The Keynes Game: Occupying the University Economic Building and Changing the Name to Hard Knocks - Tom Dennen | Before It's News

BUSTED: TARP-Loving, Wall Street Puppets - New GOP Leadership Caught On Tape - Home - The Daily Bail

Obama's jobs advisors include job-cutting executives -

U.S. incomes ‘fell more after than during recession’ | The Raw Story

Do We Need Politicians, Or Can We Cut Out the Middleman?

Do We Need Banks, Or Can We Cut Out the Middleman?

Obama criticizes bank, but he takes its money | The Des Moines Register |

Mayor Bloomberg says 'Occupy Wall Street' protesters can stay indefinitely - 12160

7 Major Advance Warnings — Money and Markets

Cash-Strapped Topeka May Stop Prosecuting Domestic Violence | NBC Chicago

A Report from the Frontlines: The Long Road to #OccupyWallStreet and the Origins of the 99% Movement | AmpedStatus

Phony Peace Negotiations or Rule of Law… which is it to be? | Intifada Palestine

Cartoon Of The Day - Manufactured Protest - Home - The Daily Bail

It's time, nationalize the banks |

Chris Hedges Annihilates Wall Street Apologist Kevin O'Leary: "Did You Just Call Me A Left-Wing Nutbar?" - Home - The Daily Bail

Zombie Training? OWS Atlanta Turns Into Collective Hypnosis ‘One Voice’ Weirdness :

VIDEO - Rick Santorum On Occupy Wall Street - Home - The Daily Bail

'05/The Tattered Coat » The FBI Makes a Liar Out of Rick Santorum

Martin Christian Ministries(

Issa responds to Holder: 'You own Fast and Furious' - National gun rights |

Eric Holder's incompetence defense is also a lie - St. Louis gun rights |

Breaking: new evidence shows Hillary a mastermind behind Gunwalker - National Conservative |

The Liberty Sphere: Hillary' Enemies List Now Includes Gunwalker Reporters

The Liberty Sphere: Hillary's Smoking Gun--the Next Segment in State Department's Role in Gunwalker

Opinion--to GOP elitists: if I wanted Joe Stalin-lite, I'd be a Democrat - National Conservative |

Leftwing Billionaire Machine Targets Homes of Republican Billionaires - Atlas Shrugs

Sipsey Street Irregulars: It is lonely in the Fuhrerbunker these days.


Is Legalized Online Gambling? |


QuiBids - (


Revolutionary Politics : Does the Media Manipulate the Political Process? - Black THIS Out!

Drug Policy vs. Homicide Rates : Federal Jack

FBI Director Vows More Use of ‘Lone Wolf’ Provision of Patriot Act -- News from


After Ron Paul win, Values Voters organizer calls own poll ‘irrelevant’ | The Raw Story

Federal Reserve is a Cache of Stolen Assets :

Bernie Sanders: "Mitt Romney Is Right, Class Warfare Is Being Waged In America Today, The Problem Is That The Wrong Side Is Winning" - Home - The Daily Bail

VIDEO - Eric Cantor Calls Occupy Wall Street A 'Mob' - Home - The Daily Bail

Activist Post: The invisible surveillance state: DHS and the end of America as we know it


Richard - Repeal of The Glass Steagall Act Has Produced The Highly Leveraged Investment Imbroglio That Is Just Now Starting To Unwind

Glass-Steagall repeal

Glass-Steagall Act Definition

Glass-Steagall Act (1933) - The New York Times

Who repealed the Glass-Steagall Act? - YouTube

The Uptick Rule - YouTube

Uptick Rule Definition

Progressive Historians: Bill Clinton's Role in the Mortgage Crisis

What is Dodd-Frank Act’s Impact on Multifamily? | Multi-Housing News Online : Who Caused the Economic Crisis?


Sept.'11/Clinton Defends Repeal of Glass-Steagall Act | Institutional Investor


KBND.COM: Do We need the Glass-Steagall Act Back?


Head of DOE Loans Program Resigns Following Solyndra Scandal -

Why in the World Are They Spraying? -

Rise of the Machines: Why We Keep Coming Back to H.G. Wells’ Visions of a Dystopian Future | Underwire |

California governor protects warrantless cellphone searches

AFP: Japanese scientist unveils 'thinking' robot

Even The CEOs On Obama’s Job Creation Panel Are Shipping Jobs Out Of The United States -

Government Aims to Build a ‘Data Eye in the Sky’ | StratRisks

India’s Kerala State to Adopt Two-Child Policy to Curb Population | StratRisks

DARPA Harnessing “Crowd Wisdom” to Develop New “Perch and Stare” Robot Spy Drones -

Obama and Congress ARE Wall Street, Geithner IS the Federal Reserve - Now What? -

U.S. Drug Policy Would Be Imposed Globally By New House Bill

What Banks and Lenders Know About You From Social Media - Yahoo! News

Homeland Security moves forward with 'pre-crime' detection | Privacy Inc. - CNET News

FBI to launch nationwide facial recognition service - Nextgov

20111007 - Wall Street Protests - YouTube

End to Fed: 'US to see more violence as protests spread' - YouTube

Government Orders Google To Turnover WikiLeaks Information! - YouTube

CNN Wants This Video Banned (SEE WHY) - YouTube

Ron Paul on Fox Business - 10/10 - YouTube

Warrantless Searches of Cell Phones and Crime Predicting Technology

AP: Obama Proposes New Rules for Phone Debt Collectors


Travelers411 Travel Tips: Speedy International Travel


Global Entry(


Ron Paul 0wnz the Federal Reserve - YouTube

Police Know The Federal Reserve is Private - YouTube

Nine New Senators Sign On To Audit The Fed «

Bernanke Begs: Don’t Audit the Fed «

Federal Reserve audit exposes major securities fraud and the embezzlement of $16 trillion. «

» ‘Occupy’ Agitators Attempt to Ban First Amendment Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Ron Paul: Who Else is on Obama’s Secret Kill List? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» LOL – This Stock Market Rally Is For Suckers Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Is Iraq threatening to break its military links with US? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

PressTV - Wall Street Czars depopulating the World

PressTV - 'Iran ready to equip Lebanese Army'

Financial Polarization and Corruption: Obama’s Politics of Deception

» It Won’t Be An Accident: The Build Up to World War III Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Will the government crackdown on internet porn work? | Politics |

NHS: Donate your organs and we'll pay your funeral costs | Mail Online

Doe-n't shoot! Wildlife officials use lifelike robo-deer decoys to catch poachers | Mail Online

Occupy Wall Street Protests Sprout 928 Offshoots On Overnight

The long shadow line: History and the war on drugs - History, Life & Style - The Independent

» Rep. King: “We Can’t Allow More Coverage Of Occupy Wall Street, Or They Will Win” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Cognitive Dissonance Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» From Tunisia to “Occupy Wall Street”: Who is the AFL-CIO’s Stuart Appelbaum? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

SWAT team raids Brad Pitt's film set - News, People - The Independent

» Seattle ‘superhero’ Phoenix Jones arrested over pepper-spray allegations Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

US public broadcaster bids for slice of BBC's market - TV & Radio, Media - The Independent

Ron Paul: Wars Are Biggest Threat to Families - ABC News

The Federal Government: A Threat to Liberty – Tenth Amendment Center

The Decline And Fall Of Mainstream Media | The New World Reporter

» Zombie Training: OWS Atlanta turns into collective hypnosis ‘one voice’ weirdness Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

NYT: Did FBI get wrong man for anthrax killings? - US news - The New York Times -


» The Database: Why Criminal Governments Spy On Citizens Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Sea monster: 100ft 'Kraken' exists, claims scientist Mark McMenamin | Mail Online

Conclusion of Universal Serfdom with G. Edward Griffin - YouTube

Fed is The Engine of Our Destruction: Stewart Rhodes Reports - YouTube

Doubts over EU green reforms - Green Living, Environment - The Independent

» Sausage The Riot Dog Coming To America? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Father of Reaganomics to American Youth: Leave the Country Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


Obama is Political "Dead Meat" - Lyndon Larouche Reports 1/2 - YouTube

Obama is Political "Dead Meat" - Lyndon Larouche Reports 2/2 - YouTube


**Prison » Kurt Haskell to Be Eyewitness for Underwear Bomber: Nightly News Special Report


*6 Parts:Prison » Break Your Left-Right Conditioning: Alex Jones Sunday Edition


Prison » It’s Official: Obama Has Embraced Occupy Wall Street

Prison » Kanye West Joins Occupy Wall Street In Gold Chains, Givenchy Plaid & Balmain Jeans

Prison » Alex Jones Mainstreamed But ‘PUBLIC’ Central Banking Gets Too Much Attention

Prison » ROUBINI: The Recession Is Guaranteed, The Only Question Now Is How Bad It Will Be

Prison » OWS Protester From Viral Video Answers Critics

Prison » Ron Paul on FOX Business News

Prison » End to Fed: ‘US to see more violence as protests spread’

Prison » Big Lies, Big Banks, And Big Profits: Where 9/11 Truth & Occupy Wall Street Converge

Prison » Military Counter-Coup In Egypt? Prime Minister Hands In Resignation Of Government?

Egypt government denies report that cabinet resigned | Reuters

Egypt Government Warns Of "Counter-Revolution" As Military Regime Retrenches Power | ZeroHedge

Prison » Next Stop is Pakistan

Prison » Matthew Medina Exposes MoveOn.Org: Nightly News Occupy The Fed Report

Prison » Occupy Wall Street Has Some Bad News For The Rich Residents Of The Upper East Side

Prison » Two Political Parties For The Prices Of $1,188,644,055

Obama Aides Seek to Frame GOP Debate on the Economy - Bloomberg

Prison » 9/11 Truth Subliminal In Unrelated London Evening Standard article

Prison » The murder of Americans: Existence of secret kill lists now admitted by lawless White House

Prison » Obama Starts a Civil War on Drugs

Prison » Immortal Technique Warns OWS About Elite Infiltrating Movement (Video)

Prison » Hansen’s admission – “skeptics are winning”

AFP: Japanese scientist unveils 'thinking' robot

Chinese sceptics see global warming as US conspiracy

Prison » Idiotic Marxists, Communist

Prison » Schizophrenia? #OccupyWallStreet and love pro-free market, billionaire CEO

Prison » The invisible surveillance state: DHS and the end of America as we know it

Prison » Organizer Labels Own Poll Irrelevant After Ron Paul Wins


*2011-10-10 THE ALEX JONES SHOW Full Uncut - YouTube


Moscow Calls Ukraine's Sentencing of Tymoshenko 'Anti-Russian'

Nuclear, Trade Issues to Dominate S. Korea's President US Agenda

Issa to Holder: You're 'Incompetent, Untrustworthy' on Fast and Furious

Pressure Mounts for Holder's Resignation

Issa Seeks Docs on $4.75B in Solar Guarantees

Cain to Belafonte: 'I'm Off the Democrat Plantation'

Scarborough Rips Pastor's Slam of Romney Faith

Lieberman Will Oppose Obama's Jobs Bill

Trump: Obama Fights With Everyone, Gets Nowhere

Pawlenty Regrets Quick Race Pullout

Pollster Schoen: Many Would Embrace 3rd Party

Huntsman: I Would Attack Nuclear Iran

Issa to Holder: You're Incompetent, Untrustworthy

Cain’s Campaign Soars in Quest for GOP Nod

More Democrats Not Standing By Obama

Vitamins Don't Boost Longevity, Study Finds

National Archives to Open Service Records

'Pay-as-You-Drive' Insurance Raises Privacy Flag

Social Media Companies 'Friend' Politics

Senate Considers Sanctioning China Over Currency

Currency Forecasters Say Best Over for Dollar

Chocolate Lovers Suffer Fewer Strokes

Implanted Devices Bring Misery At Life's End

Drones Weapon of Choice for Obama War on al-Qaida

Los Alamos Under Environmental Scrutiny

Obama Takes Gamble by Fast-Tracking Healthcare Through Courts

The World of Mind Control Through the Eyes of an Artist with 13 Alter Personas

MTV’s “Paramore: Vitals Statistics” Mentions Mind Control Symbolism in Music Videos

Want a RFID Chip In Your Pants? No? Well They’re Coming Anyway

UK Think Tank Wants School Teachers to Address “Conspiracy Theories”

Panic of the Plutocrats

Why the Elites Are in Trouble

Fox News Pundit: We Need More Hunger in America! - YouTube

The Old-Time Insults They Are A-Failin’!

Report: US Got Secret Order to Snoop on WikiLeaks

Mass genocide of Mohawk children by UK Queen and Vatican uncovered in Canada - Seattle exopolitics |

Adobe MAX 2011 - Photoshop Image Deblurring sneak - YouTube

Millions could lose unemployment benefits in 2012 - Yahoo! Finance

Occupy Wall Street: Anonymous 'hactivists' shut down NY Stock Exchange website (albeit very briefly) | Mail Online

U.S. to unveil criteria for picking systemic firms | Reuters

Insight: New bankruptcy ripples may emerge | Reuters

The Eurasian Project: A Threat to The New World Order

VIDEO: The Greek People Never Agreed to the Debt or Austerity

Obama at the United Nations General Assembly: Sacrificing Palestine for Zionist Campaign Funds

Occupy Wall Street and Occupy the Fed Are Two Sides of the Same Coin

VIDEO: The Geo-Political Strategy Behind America's Invasion of Afghanistan

New 9/11 Investigation may be in the Offing

Dead Men Tell No Tales: The CIA, 9/11 and the Awlaki Assassination


*The War On Democracy by John Pilger/1:33:


Not a Single Christian Church Left in Afghanistan, Says State Department

D.C. Protesters: 'Freedom Plaza Is Now Ours, And We're Never Giving It Back'

D.C. Protesters See Democrat Party As Possible Corrupting Influence

Gallup: Obama Hits All-Time Low Among Blacks as Cain Surges Among Republicans

As a Model for Values, Ron Paul Prefers ‘Our Original King, Our Creator’ to the Gov’t

Santorum: Obamacare Reg Shows 'Contempt This President Has for People of Faith'

Fox’s Chris Wallace Likens Being Black to Homosexuality; Santorum: ‘Simply Not True’

Gingrich: ‘Holder Ought to be Fired’

Bachmann Vows to Shut Down Federal Department of Education and EPA

FRC President Agrees with Obama – 2012 Election about Values

Cain: 'Why Don't You Move the Demonstrations to the White House?'

Yoko Ono's Anti-Hunger Campaign: 'Imagine a Nourished and Abundant World'

Paul McCartney Weds on What Would Have Been John Lennon's 71st Birthday

Dem Says Gov't Regs Create Jobs; Studies Say 'No' |

The Religion Card Is Turned Face Up |

Pagans Join Pelosi In Embracing 'Occupy Wall Street' Protests |

Limbaugh: 'Didn’t Know The Left Had Such Jealousy Of The Tea Party' |

CBS Gives Platform to Russ Feingold to Bash Herman Cain As 'Un-American' For Criticizing 'Occupy Wall Street' |

Roseanne Barr Gets New Show On NBC |

Sharpton: 'Occupy' Movement Ideally About 'How We Distribute The Wealth In This Country' |

Rahm's Rip at Romney Reveals Deception -- And a Detroit News Reporter's Ignorance |

Steve Jobs and drug policy -

A Dangerous Precedent by Ron Paul

The Way Out of Our Economic Mess by Terry Coxon

SHTF Survival: 10 Survival Tools That Should Be In Your Survival Pack | Ready Nutrition

Women don't mind fat men as long as they are rich | Mail Online

The Benefits of Blue Green Algae

If You Want to Stop Crime in America Start in the White House and Work Your Way Down

Animal Human Hybrids, Transhumanism, and The Bible | Minister

When 'zombies' attack, the government wants you prepared | The Hutchinson News:

Will the Aliens Be Nice? Don't Bet On It -

» Conclusive link now admitted: swine flu vaccine causes chronic nervous system disorders Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

China currency bill set to clear US Senate

The Little ISP That Stood Up to the Government - Digits - WSJ

War Is The Only Way For There To Be Peace! George W Bush - YouTube

Government Orders Google To Turnover WikiLeaks Information! - YouTube

Greenspan: Govt. should destroy houses. Peter Schiff destroys Greenspan's idea - YouTube

Why Mises (and not Hayek)? - informationliberation

Tom Woods and Stefan Molyneux Take On Wall Street! - YouTube

Bombshell: Underwear Bomber Calls Haskell As Defense Witness - informationliberation

Anarchast Ep. 7: "The History of Anarchism" with Lew Rockwell Part 1 - YouTube

Activist Post: Getting Prepared Month 1: Supplies, Gear and Tasks to Get You Started

99% to Bankers: We've Got the Guillotine! - YouTube

Activist Post: Obama Starts a Civil War on Drugs

Activist Post: 5 Reasons to Question "Peak Oil" Theory

Chemtrails Exposed :

Immortal Technique speaks out at Occupy Wall Street - YouTube

Activist Post: Ron Paul Message to Occupy Wall Street - End the Wars, End the Fed

Activist Post: Vitamin D Better than Fluoride at Cavity Prevention

Activist Post: US army fears being loser in American debt crisis

Navy’s Distinctly UFO-Like X-47B War Drone Makes First Flight in Cruise Mode | Popular Science

Police allegedly attacked military veterans, arrested 50 others with Occupy Boston | The Raw Story

Occupy Wall Street: No Demand is Big Enough | Reality Sandwich

Activist Post: 3 Fast Food Ingredient Secrets

Armed Chinese Troops in Texas! - YouTube

Thousands in Chicago protest financial industry | Reuters

Iowa Caucuses May Be Unpredictable for Romney and Perry -

White House lawyers who drafted secret Awlaki kill memo were critics of Bush’s war powers « Hot Air

Teens buzzing for drunk gummy bears -

Gentlemen, Avert Your Eyes: Man Stabbed In Scrotum With Hypodermic Needle | The Smoking Gun

Eating Puppy Meat Is the Same as Eating Pork, British TV Chef Says

Cellphone subscriptions outnumber people in U.S.

US crime predicting technology tests draw Minority Report comparisons - Telegraph

Paula Deen: Michelle Obama likes fried food too | Nikki Schwab | Yeas & Nays | Washington Examiner

The allure of an Obama-Hillary ticket - Chicago Sun-Times

Obama Jobs Council Stacked With Democratic Donors - ABC News

Democrats wary of their unpopular president - Yahoo! News

Wayne County | DTE deal pulls out lights in Highland Park | The Detroit News

Cash-Strapped Topeka May Stop Prosecuting Domestic Violence | NBC Chicago

Occupy Wall Street: Coming to a mansion near you - Oct. 10, 2011


+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – October 10th, 2011

+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – October 10th, 2011


Protests: Both Conservatives and Liberals Are Right |

A Revolution Beyond Left And Right: Remaking The Political Spectrum in The West |

New 9/11 Timeline Entries: Training Exercises, False Hijack Reports, Bush on 9/11, and More |


American Research Group(


The CIA & 9/11 Part I: A Meeting in Malaysia

The CIA and 9/11 Part 2: The Cole & “Omar”

The CIA and 9/11 Part 3: The Shouting Match


*Articles:Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post;BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- October 10, 2011


**Millennium Ark: Hot News:6 major quake reporting sites show NONE of the nearly 10,000 temblors on El Hierro Since July 19


+All the President’s Men, err Czars


If Birthers Orly Taitz and Herman Caindestroy the USA brick by brick, so be it.

+Potential Canary Is. Mega Tsunami Explained | Before It's News

Obama’s Secret Spy Corps is…You

Obama’s Catch-And-Release Policy for Terrorists

Is Obama Preparing To Come Clean About The ET Presence? | Before It's News

Cheney's Disclosure Of UFO Reality | Before It's News

Egypt Time Travel Shocker: Camcorder Found In Egyptian Tomb,Video | Before It's News

World's Earliest Christian Engraving Shows Surprising Pagan Elements | Before It's News

= Rebooted -- Again | Before It's News


American Antigravity(


U.S. scientist patents time machine | Before It's News

Huge 'Ocean' Discovered Inside Earth | Before It's News

Scientists Discover Cancer Growth Blocker | Before It's News

How To Cheat Father Time: People At 50 Can Be As Fit As A 20 Year Old Say Researchers | Before It's News

10 Reasons Social Media Is Important To Politicians | Before It's News

The Heartland Never 'Overrated' Obama

The Occupiers' World Awaits

How Conservatives Occupy Wall Street

Nobel Peace Laureate Assassinates American Citizen

The Ramifications of Higher-Paying Government Jobs

Ukrainian court sentences former PM to 7 years

Christians under siege in Egypt

Pelosi supports Occupy Wall Street while her son gets preferential treatment from Countrywide

Occupy Wall Street planning march to terrorize little children

Abbas demands Tony Blair's resignation as Quartet envoy

Putting the Occupy Wall Street Protestors to work

Obama an 'isolated man trapped in a collapsing presidency'

President Obey-Me Is Not Being Obeyed

The Left's Love of Rights-Stripping

Stealth Jihad Invades Columbia University (Again)

The 1960s radicalism of Occupy Wall Street will help elect a Republican in 2012 – Telegraph Blogs

Issa letter questions Holder's 'credibility' to serve - Washington Times

U.S. Intelligence Unit Aims to Build a ‘Data Eye in the Sky’ -

SPIN METER: Obama's disconnect in jobs sales pitch - Houston Chronicle

Case Of Iranian Pastor Facing Death Penalty Reportedly In Hands Of Supreme Leader | Fox News

Debbie Schlussel:Hypocrisy USA: Billionaire Russell Simmons, Multi-Millionare Kanye West Join Occupy Wall St

Debbie Schlussel:Occupy Wall Street Morons & Jew-Hatred; Plus Sean Hannity’s Attack on Wall St is the Same

Debbie Schlussel:“American” Iran Hikers to Berkeley Prof: Stop Callin’ Us Jews, We Hate US, Israel

Debbie Schlussel:UK Finally Restricts (Muslim) Immigration, Too Little, Too Late (US Should Take the Hint)

Occupy Wall Street's List of Demands

Left wing protest groups are anti - American

Wall Street's Connection to Main Street Has Divided Us

Occupy Wall Street, (Who's the supporting and whos the opposing)?

Antarctic underground lake could hold secrets of Earth's past - Telegraph

Hubble Reveals Chaotic Heart of Milky Way in Infrared | Wired Science |

BBC News - Real-life Jedi: Pushing the limits of mind control

Swiss Couple Claim 'Forest Boy' Is Grandson - Yahoo!

Bong! Big Ben becoming leaning tower of London, say engineers - Telegraph

AP Fact Check Hammers Obama on Jobs Plan |

Tea Party Invades Occupy D.C. to Defend Capitalism | Video |

Daily Mail Shows Some Wall St. Protesters are Privileged |

‘Occupy Wall Street Journal’ (Full-Color, Free Newspaper) Is Funded by George Soros, the Tides Foundation, Code Pink and Michael Moore | Video |

Protester Claims He’s Being Paid in Chicago | Video |

Rocketeers Launch Rocket Believed to Reach 120,000 Feet | Video |

Cornel West on CNN: Herman Cain Needs To ‘Get Off The Symbolic Crack Pipe’ |

Laurel and Hardy Dancing to Santana | Video |

Red Hartebeest Rams Cyclist During Race | Video |

Would You Like to Weave Your Way Through NASA-Themed Corn Mazes? |

‘Despicable,’ ‘Violence-Baiting’: Van Jones & Sharpton Attack Beck For Occupy Wall St. Warnings While Confirming What Glenn Has Said For Months – SEIU and Progressive Groups Are Funding And Expanding It | Video |

Democrats Offer Solidarity to Occupy Wall Street Protesters |

Ayn Rand Disciple Greenspan Now Favors Ending Bush-Era Tax Cuts |

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei Will Sentence Iranian Pastor |

Malaysian Muslims to Get Counseling After Alleged Christian Conversion Attempt |

The Chart That Reveals Just How Much the Administration Misunderstood The State of The Economy |

Paul Ryan Blasts Dems, Calls for a ‘Repeal’ Of New Healthcare Law, Explains Why He Didn’t Run | Video |

UK Concern: Why Do So Many Young Women Drink Themselves to ‘Oblivion?’ |

New Mexico Police Arrest Fake Cop After He Pulled Over Real Cop | Video |

NYPD Sergeant Saves Own Life by Jamming Finger Into Trigger of Felon’s Gun |

Experts Say Scott Bolzan Could be Faking Extent of His Amnesia | Video |

‘Fox News Lies’: ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Protesters Unleash Nasty Verbal Onslaught on Geraldo & Crew | Video |

Iglesia ni Cristo Church Buys Scenic, South Dakota Ghost Town | Video |

Pin-Hole Photographer Takes Images From Beer Can, Mouth and More | camera | Video |

Road Trip? Here are the States With the Cheapest Gas |

AP Criticizes Obama’s Jobs Pitch as Creating His Own Reality |

Dan Rather Falsely Claims Priscilla Grim is Behind Occupy Wall Street | Video |

Occupy Wall Street Spawns Sex, Drugs and Sanitary Concerns |

Cyprus On The World Stage

Occupying Wall Street And The Leftist National Security Threat

Herman Cain vs. Ron Paul: Iran

Guess the Missing Word: ‘Bankers,’ ‘Wall Street,’ ‘Federal Reserve,’ ‘….’

AUDIO:Lt. Col. Robert Schaefer: Who Better To Diffuse A Bomb Than A Bomber?

Iran: Moral Police Arrest Woman For Wearing ‘Sexy’ Shoes

Space Weather And ‘Solar Maximum’ Might Severely Damage US Power Grid

Western Interference In Arab Spring Civil Wars May Be Counter Productive

So Who Do You Root For? Hugo Chavez Fights ‘Worldwide Peace Project’ Over A….Rock

Romney Is Right: We Do Need To Increase Defense Spending

Arab Spring Christians Massacred In Cairo

German General: We’ve Failed In Afghanistan

Obama visits wounded service members

NY Times : Due to His Roots, Rick Perry’s ‘Forced to Show’ He’s Not Racist

Tuesday Crib Sheet: The 2012 Race Gets Racial, ‘The View’ Gets Spittin’ Mad, Van Jones Paid by Putin?

Tonight’s GOP Debate: Will MSM Continue Their Racially-Charged Attacks On Herman Cain’s ‘Blackness’?

After Shouting Down Geraldo At OWS, Protesters Rush In For Photo Ops

CNN’s Candy Crowley Picks Up MSNBC’s Trial Balloon, Questions Cain’s ‘Blackness’

Whoopi Goldberg Repeats False Tea Party Smear Re-Kindled By Pelosi

Cartoon:UI: Astroturf Roots

Correction Request: Nancy Pelosi Revisits Deconstructed “Tea Party Spitting” Lie On ABC

OWS Defecates On Cop Cars, Vandalizes Property, Pelosi Says “Bless Them”

Feds Claimed SunPower’s $1.2 Billion Federal Loan Would Create ‘10-15′ Permanent Jobs

+ The Cheat Sheet, October 11: The BS of the Jobs Bill

AUDIO:Records Show Romney’s Advisors Met with White House to Craft Obamacare

Obama Encourages #OccupyWallSt Hippies; Herman Cain Calls Them ‘Jealous’, ‘Anti-Capitalists’

SunPower: Rep. George Miller’s Son Lobbied for Company that Got $1.2 Billion Loan

Wall Street to Shed 10,000 Jobs

Romney Advisors Met with White House during Debate over ObamaCare

Racist Fascism on Tape: Lisa Fithian, Organizer Behind #OccupyWallSt, Addresses Activists in Chicago

Video: At #OccupyChicago, Democrat Jan Schakowsky Says March with Zero American Flags Is ‘Patriotic’

Topeka to Stop Prosecuting Domestic Violence, Continue Funding Skate Parks and Senior Olympics

Democrats Defecting from Obama’s Jobs Bill

Dodd-Frank Punishes Consumers, Threatens Banking Crisis

The Administration Refuses to Learn the Economic Lessons from Greece and the EU

Bocephus: You Can Keep the ‘Change’

EPA to Place $100 Billion Regulations on Farms for Natural Chemical with No Observable Effect on Human Health

‘Fast and Furious’: What if Eric Holder Is Telling the Truth?

BREAKING: Operation #OccupyWallStreeters–SEIU’s Stephen Lerner Leaks Plan to Terrorize Corporate Executives

Did You Notice Self-proclaimed Teamster ‘Union Thug’ with John Lewis?

Joe The Plumber Running for Congress in Ohio

Democrats Launch Petition in Support of #OccupyWallStreet Protests

#OccupyLOLStreet: As Protests Become More Futile, the Productive Sector Laughs

My Time in the Epicenter of the Minnesota ‘Occupy Together’ Movement

BREAKING: Violence Feared at #OccupyChicago Today – UPDATE: Police Say 3,000 Attend, 24 Arrests, 1 For Battery

BREAKING NEWS: Congressman Darrell Issa to Eric Holder- ‘You Own Fast and Furious’

Meet The Anarchist Leaders Behind The ‘Leaderless’ #Occupy Movement – Part One: Lisa Fithian

Herman Cain Responds to Harry Belafonte: ‘I Left the Democrat Plantation a Long Time Ago’

Adoptive Mother Responds to ‘Inaccurate, Harmful’ Adoption Plot in ‘Glee’

‘L.A. Times’: Political Films Flop Because They’re Not Partisan Enough

- Interview: Ron White on his ‘Salute to the Troops’ DVD

Belafonte on Herman Cain: ‘Totally False’ and ‘A Bad Apple’

‘The Woman’ Review: Bloody, Belated Swipe at American Patriarchy

Paging Occupy Wall Streeters: Brown Doles Out Corporate Welfare to Hollywood

- ‘Blood Simple’ Blu-ray Review: The Dawn of The Coen Brothers’ Dynasty

Shockingly Hypocritical Russell Simmons Refuses to Raise His Own Taxes

+Morning Call Sheet: Netflix Blinks, Clooney Disappoints, And My Moonshine Business

Former Bond Girl Swaps Pvc For The Pulpit

UN: Israel seems quick to use force in West Bank

Restless legs syndrome may raise high blood pressure risk

Gallery: Samaritans celebrate Succot atop Mount Gerizim

Goldman Sachs let off paying 10m interest on failed tax avoidance scheme

Burma's political prisoners gallery

'Good' cholesterol reduces stroke risk in diabetes patients

GOP Entrusts Tonight's Debate to PBS Host Who Fawned Over Al Gore, Hillary |

NBC's David Gregory Worries Obama Didn't Exploit Economic Crisis Enough to Push Big Govt. |

Amanpour Touts Wall Street Protests as ‘Revolution,’ Pleased Politicians ‘Finally’ Recognize It |

Dan Rather: Driving Force Behind Wall Street Protests 'Is a Woman Operating Out of Her Apartment in New York' |

The Return of Van Jones and Marxist Street Protests

Kosovo for the first time fines industry polluter

Panetta: Pentagon cuts will hit lawmakers at home

US calls for release of former Ukraine PM

Crews probe well near missing KC baby's home

Alicia Keys charity to honor late Beatle guitarist

Suspect says the pair wanted to kill Jews

Prosecutor: Man playing blame game in home crime

A new "Trespass" in Joel Schumacher's film career

Haircut assaults put glare on Ohio Amish community

Kansas man sentenced to death for killing family

Is the Tea Party Over? -

Too Big to Fail Not Fixed, Despite Dodd-Frank: Simon Johnson - Bloomberg

False racism charges reach ridiculous level - San Antonio Express-News

RealClearPolitics - Obama Disconnects Rhetoric, Reality

The Best Piece About the Recession You'll Read This Month | Mother Jones

Putin Sees His Moment | Via Meadia

Pass the jobs plan: Washington must put Americans back to work

Obama doesn't let facts stand in the way of a good campaign smackdown |

Republican debate: Five things to watch - Election 2012 - The Washington Post

Where’s the Evidence Obama’s a Policy Genius? - By Jonah Goldberg - The Corner - National Review Online

The Job Killers | Mother Jones

This Is Not Your Father’s Democratic Party : Roll Call Politics

President Obama goads Republicans to present alternative jobs plan -

Belmont Club » The Boulevard of Broken Dreams

Republican Insurgent-Love a Myth, Romney Shows: Ramesh Ponnuru - Bloomberg

RealClearPolitics - Reverse Racism

From "Spreading The Wealth" To "Spreading The Misery" - Forbes

Rise of the Machines: Why We Keep Coming Back to H.G. Wells’ Visions of a Dystopian Future | Underwire |

Hajdu: Bob Dylan Hasn’t Won A Nobel—But Does He Deserve One? | The New Republic

n+1: Kristol Palace

How Reagan won the Cold War. - Slate Magazine

LOOKING BACK: The 1986 Reykjavik Summit | Arms Control Association

Did Reagan Try to Convert Gorbachev? -

Ho Chi Minh - TIME

Apollo 7

"Saturday Night Live" makes TV debut on NBC - New York History |

Columbus' forgotten voyages - American History -

RealClearReligion - Times Are Ripe for a New Ronald Reagan

Prophets Against Profits? What Occupy Wall Street Misses | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

When political reporters discover religion » GetReligion

10 Signs You May Be a Distributist | @ActonInstitute PowerBlog

Baptist Press - FIRST-PERSON: Why do people chase the illusion called the lottery? - News with a Christian Perspective

Associated Baptist Press - Opinion: The sacredness of human life

Was Christopher Columbus On A Religious Crusade?

Column: Holy texts become unholy weapons –

'Interactive' novels link e-readers to real-world settings –

Facebook Vastly Overvalued, Say Econophysicists - Technology Review

Criminals Find New Uses for 3D Printing | PCWorld

At Long Last, Facebook Releases an iPad App -

New Facebook app delivers local deals to Wal-Mart fans | Digital Media - CNET News

Business & Technology | Windows Phone chief Andy Lees sees time ripe for Mango | Seattle Times Newspaper

Pentagon’s Secret Space Plane Could Be Astronauts’ Next Ride | Danger Room |

Five Siri alternatives that give your older iPhone a voice | Phones | Macworld

Cybercriminals go for easy money: Facebook and Bitcoin users

Kicksat your own Sputnik: Launch a satellite and beam signals from orbit for $300 | Mail Online

Farhad Manjoo: With this software, man’s slide into obsolescence begins | Full Comment | National Post

Coming Soon - The Drone Arms Race -

Can Facebook Persuade Advertisers to Forget About Clicks? - Businessweek

The Internet of Things and the cloud — Cloud Computing News

The US Soldier: More Inspector Gadget, Less GI Joe : Discovery News

Apple's Siri voice recognition: sounds like Tomorrow's World today | Technology |

Free Texting Apps Are Threat to Wireless Carriers -

Energy Poverty American Style

The Gulf Oil Spill: Lessons for Public Policy

South African Oil & Gas Analysis

petroleumworld:Venezuelan heavy oil: China's persistence is finally paying off (III)

Post oil: Glimpses of life after fossil fuel -

Crude is on a fracking record pace - The Globe and Mail

How America can outpump OPEC--Michael Lynch -

The Time for Solar is Now - POWERGRID International/Electric Light & Power

Review & Outlook: The Solyndra Economy -

Opinion: In GOP's rush to judgment on Solyndra, solar energy takes a hit -

Power or poison? EPA rules could limit coal-fueled plants' emissions -

A GOP assault on environmental regulations -

Nose Power: Electricity From Human Respiration

Ozone Layer Discovered on Venus

Water Vapor Supersaturates Mars Atmosphere

Earth's worst mass extinction might not have been as bad as we thought

Can Human Actions Cause Earthquakes? -

Björk: The World's New Science Teacher : Discovery News

Lair of Ancient 'Kraken' Sea Monster Possibly Discovered | Ancient Sea Monsters & Ichthyosaurs | Mythological Beasts | Deadly Sea Creatures | LiveScience

The End of the Future - National Review Online

New hardware powers through DNA tests in under 3 minutes

Oxygen isotopes boost neutron scattering -

Language 50,000 BC: Our ancestors like Yoda spoke - life - 10 October 2011 - New Scientist

Solar Changes Help Create Cold Northern Winters - Science News – Tweets show global trend: Mood swings

Pundits puzzled by physics

Dark energy, science's biggest mystery -

BBC News - Ultraviolet light shone on cold winter conundrum

Marine ecology: What a gas! | The Economist

Ancient Greek city digitally recreated - Archaeology, Science - The Independent

Island colony proves humans still evolving | COSMOS magazine

Scientists Dispute F.B.I. Closing of Anthrax Case -

Raymond Tallis Takes Out the 'Neurotrash' - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education

Scientists at Cern's Large Hadron Collider near end of the search for the Higgs boson | Science | The Observer

Cash Is the Problem, Not ‘Confidence’ | The Weekly Standard

Economic recovery: What Washington should have done - The Washington Post

Why Obama’s $30 billion small-business loan program has flopped. - Slate Magazine

RealClearMarkets - Economic Illiteracy, Thou Art Obama's Defense of Solyndra

Are institutional investors joining the rally? - Marder on Markets - MarketWatch

RealClearMarkets - Tax Reform, Not Trade Wars, Is the Answer to China

Creation Myth - Reason Magazine

The Case For Allowing Banks to Fail at Macroeconomic Resilience

Anti-Wall Street Protests Ignore Legitimate Gripe: Caroline Baum - Businessweek

RealClearWorld: World News, Analysis & Commentary


Keynes and Hayek, the Great Debate (Part 1): Nicholas Wapshott - Bloomberg

Keynes and Hayek, the Great Debate (Part 2): Nicholas Wapshott - Bloomberg

Keynes and Hayek, the Great Debate (Part 3): Nicholas Wapshott - Bloomberg

Keynes and Hayek, the Great Debate (Part 4): Nicholas Wapshott - Bloomberg


11-Oct-11 World View

10-Oct-11 World View

9-Oct-11 World View


The Mob, We the People, and Arrogant Aristocrats

Why aren’t they upset when their child is mugged in school?

Egyptian authorities commits a heinous crime against Coptic Christians

141st Anniversary of Robert E. Lee’s death

The US Presidential Race: October 2011 Update

SEIU’s Stephen Lerner Leaks Plan to Terrorize Corporate Executives

Tea Party: Holder going down

New Climate Scare: Europe May be Facing Return Of ‘Little Ice Age’

Will Obama get to lope off into history shrouded in permanent secrecy?

Will you be a Bonfire Patriot?

Goodbye Columbus and Goodbye America

Fox show Terra Nova puts Obama on $1,000 bill: But did anyone tell Rupert Murdoch? | Mail Online

Young women turn to sperm donors online as they give up hunt for Mr Right | Mail Online

Around the world in 60 seconds: Google introduces Helicopter View. No need to fasten seatbelts - Mail Online - Travel Chatter: The hottest holiday gossip

Woo hoo! Homer Simpson and family get two more TV series after all - Telegraph

Roger Williams, "Pianist to the Presidents," dies at 87 -

Vladimir Putin in action: From Russia with love

The way you hold your drink reveals key personality traits, claim psychologists - Telegraph

About as civil as a prison riot

Obama is occupying America

Obama to take secrets to his grave?

How a fraud was elected president

Pastors defy IRS in defense of religious liberty

Obama's 'Department of Payback'

Korean agreement is a job killer

Steve Jobs' father

Why the Elites Are in Trouble | Common Dreams

What Eric Holder knew …

Defense Spending Is Not the Problem - Bentley Rayburn - National Review Online

'Forest boy' Ray has 'never lived in the wild': German police doubt teen's story | Mail Online

'Forest Boy' Ray: Families from across the world claim he's their long lost child | Mail Online

Geelong tourist killed in 'sleepwalk balcony plunge'

Stress: 'Top cause of workplace sickness' is dubbed 'Black Death of 21st century' | Mail Online

Pregnant mom, unborn baby killed in 'fetal abduction' by woman who faked pregnancy

Secret of cooking the perfect boiled egg cracked - Telegraph

Wear make-up and look more competent - but too much and you'll seem dishonest | Mail Online

One in eight people spend more time on mobile phone than talking to their partner | Mail Online

Facebook's power should worry us all

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Attorney says Justice Department 'racialist';J. Christian Adams: Protecting minorities unequally 'noxious'

Government of, by and for the czars

Analysts: IRS turns blind eye to mosques preaching jihad

Congressman says no same-sex marriage for military

Homosexuality Gaining Wider Acceptance in the U.S. - Yahoo! News

Court order to disarm blogger challenged

SPIN METER: Obama's disconnect in jobs sales pitch |

Issa: Holder's defense on Fast and Furious ‘has reached a new low' -

Issa to Holder: “You Own Fast and Furious”

Rick Perry has most at stake in latest Republican presidential debate - The Washington Post

51% Don't Want Second Term For President Obama -

Dems want door slammed on more of Obama's records

Birth-certificate fracas hits popular TV show

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

'Cainsian economics'? What's driving demand?

Boy Scouts infiltrated by Muslim Brotherhood?


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligibleto serve?

*THE BIG LIST of eligibility 'proofers'

*11 Oct.

American Minute for October 11th

Today in History: October 11

October 11th in History

October 11 Events in History

October 11th This Day in History

This Day in History for 11th October

Today in History for October 11th - YouTube


*Transcripts:9th/Guests: Herman Cain and Michele Bachmann

Guests: Rick Santorum and Darrell Issa

Guests: Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich

Interview with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi

Guests: Representative Paul Ryan, Rahm Emanuel

7th/Interview with Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney

Interview with Senator Sherrod Brown

Interview with Representative Darrell Issa

Panel on the Future of AG Eric Holder

6th/President Obama's Press Conference

Interview with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell

Interview with Presidential Candidate Herman Cain

Interview with Senator Bernie Sanders

Interview with Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich

Bachmann Joins Panel Talk on Foreign Policy

Interview with Rep. Dennis Kucinich

Secretary Panetta Press Conferce at NATO HQ

5th/Interview with 2012 Candidate Newt Gingrich

Interview with Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack

Reporter Discusses Democrats' Millionaire Surtax Plan

Interview with Senator Jim DeMint

Secretary Panetta's Remarks in Belgium

4th/Obama's Remarks on the American Jobs Act in Texas

Bernanke's Testimony to the Joint Economic Committee

Interview with Senator John McCain

Panel on Chris Christie's 2012 Decision

Reporters Discuss Chris Christie's 2012 Decision

Representative Rogers on Chinese Espionage

Media Availability with Secretary Panetta

3rd/Interview with Presidential Candidate Herman Cain

Guest: Senator Bernie Sanders

Analysts Discuss the Coming Supreme Court Term

Panel on Economic Protests Across America

2nd/Guests: Herman Cain, Rob Johnson and Fred Smith

Guests: Sen. McCain; Govs. Barbour and O'Malley

Interview with Presidential Candidate Herman Cain

Guests: Governors Deval Patrick and Robert McDonnell

Interview with Dick and Liz Cheney

30th/Obama's Remarks at Admiral Mullen's Farewell

Shields and Brooks on the Week in Politics

29th/Panel on the Solyndra Scandal and Obama


**Markets Video:Business Risks Becoming Target of Jobs Anger

10th/ Buffett and Bernanke on 'Occupy Wall Street'

Dexia: Other European Banks to Follow?

Are We in a Bear Market?

**World Video:World Affairs Briefing With President Ouattara

Rep. Paul On Potential European Bank Bailouts

Leeb: U.S. At War With China Over Resources

The Haqqani Factor In U.S.-Pakistan-Taliban Negotiations

Does U.S. Drone Use Set A New Precedent For War?

Syrian Opposition Gains Arab Support

On Patrol In Afghanistan

Putin In China For Two-day Visit

Families Collect Bodies After Baghdad Blasts

Worst Floods In Decades Sweep Thailand

Cambodians Push For Fair War Crimes Trial

Yuan A Hostage To U.S. Politics

The Legal Implications Of Anwar Al-Awlaki's Assassination

Next Frontiers Of Growth In China

Donald Trump On China

10th/Sebastián Piñera, President Of Chile

China Will Not Suffer A Hard Landing

U.S. Skeptical Of Recent Pakistani Cooperation

Anti-Gaddafi Forces Claim Breakthrough In Sirte

Security Forces Kill Militant In India's Kashmir

NTC Forces Take Sirte University

Romney: U.S. Must Dominate Next Century

Tusk Wins Second Term As Polish PM

Raw Video: Violent Clashes In Egypt

Egypt's Democratic Quest: From Nasser To Tahrir Square

10 Questions For Felipe Calderon

Ten Years In Afghanistan Is Enough

Counter-Jihad In The Islamic World

The Curious Case Of Wikileaks

Syrian Unrest Grows Worse

**Politics Video:Cain: "I Left The Democrat Plantation A Long Time Ago"

Plouffe: GOP Wants Recession-Era Economic Policies

Ed Schultz: Republicans Oppose "Occupy" Movement Because Of Racism

Van Susteren: The Growing Furor Over 'Fast And Furious"

Krauthammer: Egypt Neglecting Its Christian Minority

Schultz: The Move To Recall Scott Walker Is Official

O'Donnell: Why Don't We Just Make Election Day A Holiday?

10th/Cornel West To Herman Cain: Get Off The "Crack Pipe"

Cain: No Patience For Those Who Blame Racism For Not Making It

Karl Rove: Pastor Not Helpful For Rick Perry

Perry: "For Some Candidates, Pro-Life Is An Election-Year Slogan"

Hume: "Risky" For Democratic Politicians To Embrace Operation Wall Street

Sharpton: Occupy Movement Should Be About "How We Distribute The Wealth"

Howard Fineman: GOP Getting Nasty Early, Perry Desperate

Ed Rendell To Operation Wall Street Protesters: Go Home

Krauthammer: Perry Should Drop Anti-Mormon Pastor

Whoopi Furthers "Spit" Lie In Defending Operation Wall Street

Coulter: Perry's Immigration Policy More Troubling Than RomneyCare

"Values Voter" Organizer Dismisses Ron Paul Straw Poll Win

Jon Huntsman Gives Address On Foreign Policy

Perry Ad Slams Romney On Health Care

**NEWS VIDEOS:Posing As Banker, O’Keefe Finds Anti-Capitalist Protesters Looking For Some Venture Capital At Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Wall Street Cult Chant: ‘You Can Have Sex With Animals’

Tea Partiers Invade Occupy DC, Mock Protesters

Black Tea Party Candidate’s Sign Defaced With ‘KKK’

Best Antelope Video Ever

Egypt Army Orders Swift Probe Into Cairo Bloodshed

Soldier-Songwriters Beat Afghan Blues

Dem Rep Schakowsky Calls Occupy Chicago March ‘Patriotic’, No Flags In Sight

Occupy Boston Protesters Clash With Police

Perry Targets Romney’s Wealth In New Web Ad

Cain Responds To Attacks: I Won’t Be Intimidated

Belafonte Attacks Cain, Condi and Colin

CBS Sitcom Takes Snide, Nasty Swipe At Bachmann’s Husband

10th/Al ‘Resist We Much’ Sharpton Calls Protests ‘Occupation Wall Street’ Four Times in One Show

Hank Williams Jr. Fights Back With Song: ‘Keep the Change’

CA Governor Brown Signs Open Carry Ban

Two Americans Win Nobel In Economics

SEIU’s Stephen Lerner Leaks Plan to Terrorize Corporate Executives Using ‘Occupy Wall Street’

CNN Panelist: Cain Needs To Get Off The ‘Crack Pipe’

‘Occupy Chicago’ Demands Sound Like Democratic Party Platform

Bolton: Obama Calls For Restraint From Egyptian Christians As They’re Being Killed

Trump: Most Of The ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Protesters Like Obama – ‘Difficult To Understand’

LaRouche Supporters Finally Come Clean: Tea Party Had Nothing To Do With Obama/Hitler Poster

Dan Rather: Driving Force Behind Wall Street Protests ‘Is a Woman Operating Out of Her Apartment in New York’

AP Political Editor: Cain A Second-Tier Candidate

UK Cracks Down On Forced Marriage

Anti-War Protester: ‘We Don’t Know What We’re Doing’

Issa: New Subpoenas Heading To Holder

Behind The Scenes Of The High-Tech ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Organization

Hundreds Of Hot Air Balloons Rise At New Mexico Balloon Fiesta

Danny Glover Speaks To ‘Occupy LA’ Mob: You’ve Got To Be ‘24/7 Warriors’

9th/‘Anna Rexia’ Halloween Costume Stirs Controversy

Sharpton Mocks Cain: ‘Old Man River’, ‘Singing And Saying What Right Wing Wants To Hear’

CNN’s Crowley Challenges Cain For Not Being Angry At America’s Inherent Racism

Dozens Killed In Cairo Riots After Destruction Of Christian Church

8th/Feds Announce Calif. Pot Dispensary Crackdown

Girl Goes Six Years Without Keeping Food Down

7th/Obamanomics: Unemployment Stays At 9.1%

Sharpton Falsely Labels Herman Cain A Birther

Sick Of Media Comparing ‘Occupy Wall Street’ To Tea Party? Watch This

6th/DOE Bureaucrat In Charge Of Solyndra Loan Resigns

Obama: Solyndra Was ‘Bet’ Program Set Up By Congress

5th/How The EPA’s Green Tyranny Is Stifling America

4th/Energy Sec Chu Responds To Solyndra Critics: ‘There Are All Sorts Of People Who Have Wonderful 20/20 Hindsight’

Biden Doesn’t Know Van Jones; ‘Whoever He Is’

29th/Crony Capitalism: A Concise History of Obama’s Solyndra Scandal


Oct. 10, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report – 7 October 2011

Alex Jones - 2011-Oct-10, Monday

Alex Jones - 2011-Oct-09, Sunday

10/10 The Mark Levin Show

2011-10-11 Jesse Peterson Radio Show

2011-10-10 Jesse Peterson Radio Show

Live Free Or Die Radio - Monday, October, 10, 2011

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 10-10-11

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-10-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-10-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 10-10-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 10-10-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 10-10-11 Hr 3

World Crisis Radio 10-08-11 Hr 1

World Crisis Radio 10-08-11 Hr 2

The Michael Savage Show 10/10/2011

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

Paul Drockton Show

Paul Drockton Show 2


Ron Paul tv ad - YouTube


Opinion: Cain, Ron Paul and the Ever-Shifting GOP Sands - WNYC

Ron Paul Supporters and 'Occupy' Groups Have... | Gather

Ron Paul Follows Straw Poll Win with 3rd Place Finish in NH | The State Column

Ron Paul candidate profile

Wall Street protests swell in N.Y.; 129 arrested in Boston -

Mitt Romney confronted on abortion, same-sex marriage -

Trial nearing end in deadly Conn. home invasion -

Bloody clothes, stolen credit cards found |

White House blows kiss to Mitt Romney - Alexander Burns -

Bush-Era Economic Adviser Calls Cain’s 9-9-9 Plan A ‘Monstrosity’ - ABC News

Cain Soars as Republicans Hunt for Someone to Love - Businessweek

Emanuel to cut Chicago libraries’ hours - Chicago Sun-Times

Study: Some supplements may pose risks for older women -

3 Hospitalized When Pot Brownies Served at Funeral - ABC News

Consuming Chocolate Cuts Stroke Risk for Women

Study: Gates project spared 100K Indians from HIV -

Dr Pepper's 'not for women' ad campaign: Sexist? - The Week | 10/11/2011 | FBI's case against anthrax suspect rife with questions

*Canary Islands residents evacuated amid fears of seabed volcano eruption | World news |

+Smallest Full Moon of 2011 Occurs Tuesday | Moon Phases, Facts & Observing Tips | Moon Photos, Skywatching & Amateur Astronomy |

Low solar activity linked to harsh winters in U.S. and northern Europe - Capital Weather Gang - The Washington Post

Subtly shaded map of Moon reveals Titanium treasure troves | ASU News

Report: Mercury levels mostly down in Great Lakes -

Scientists ’95% Sure’ Bigfoot Lives in Russian Tundra - TIME NewsFeed

Full-scale model of James Webb Space Telescope coming to Baltimore's Inner Harbor - Baltimore Sun

Multiple Hits May Have Given Uranus its Big Tilt, Scientists Say - International Business Times

Journey To Antarctica: Mission To Drill Lake Buried Under 2 Miles Of Ice | Fox News

Research Suggests Earth's Water Came From Comets - International Business Times

How Many Companies Does It Take To Send A Science Project Into Space? | Fast Company

Volcker rule unveiled as U.S. curbs Wall Street bets | Reuters

The Associated Press: Oil prices waver after OPEC trims demand forecast

Treasuries Tumble Amid Europe Optimism as U.S. Auctions Three-Year Notes - Bloomberg

Opium Surges in Afghanistan -

Is Google+ a solution in search of a problem? — Tech News and Analysis

World's oldest car? No, but still sells for $4.6 million. -

Twitter Drops Lawsuit in Exchange for ‘Tweet’ Trademark - Techland -

The 'nasty' computer virus infecting U.S. military drones - The Week

‘The Avengers’ trailer: Marvel superheroes unite | Hero Complex – movies, comics, fanboy fare –

'Resident Evil 5' -- 16 Zombies Injured During Accident on Set |

Conrad Murray Trial: How Family Reacted to Michael Jackson's Death :

Rihanna named sexiest woman alive; still a Chris Brown fan -

Douglas, Damon starring in HBO's Liberace biopic

Netflix: When flip flopping is good leadership -

Bethenny Frankel Boating Story: Did She Make It Up? - iVillage

The Thing returns to movie theaters | Reuters

The Deadbolt News - Rosie O'Donnell a Hit on The Rosie Show

Illinois debt, Sen. Kirk issues report on Illinois debt -

Man, 25, charged with punching cop at downtown rally -

Young adults trying to find way in recessionary world - Courier News

Alligator Records celebrates 40th anniversary at SPACE -

Woman found stabbed to death inside River North hotel |

Three teens charged with helping friend kill parents for money - Chicago Sun-Times

Ukraine jails Tymoshenko for 7 years, irks EU, Russia | Reuters

Anger at Egypt’s Military Leaders Grows | News | English

BBC News - Libya: NTC head Jalil visits embattled Sirte

Voting smooth as Liberians choose president | Reuters

Myanmar Opposition ‘Optimistic’ After Prisoner Amnesty Declared - Businessweek

Putin Says Fed’s Treasury Purchases Damaging America’s Fiscal Discipline - Bloomberg

Netanyahu to Name Panel on ‘Unclear’ West Bank Construction - Bloomberg

Q+A-U.S. Senate eyes passage of China currency bill | Reuters

Amnesty presses Canada to act after UN details systemic Afghan torture - The Globe and Mail

AFP: Church members killed in Zimbabwe Anglican feud: dossier

BBC News - Liam Fox row: Civil servants investigate Adam Werritty

Poland election: in historic first, PM gets a second term -


**10-10-2011 Infowars Nightly News with Alex Jones, guest Kurt Haskell - YouTube

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