A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

26 August 2011

AUG 26

Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.



The Michael Savage Show 08/25/2011


‘Gaddafi switching to guerrilla mode’ — RT

Gaddafi on TV as rebels claim he’s trapped — RT

Moammar Gadhafi's inner 'I' -

Gaddafi forces killed prisoners, says Amnesty | Reuters

Rebels close down Gaddafi strongholds

Moammar Gadhafi speech seen as desperate -

U.S. may shop for Libyan missiles in Mali’s black market | The Salt Lake Tribune

Gaddafi's deadly weapons arsenal prompts US concern - YouTube - Weather News | Will Extreme Weather of 2011 Continue through Fall?

Irene destroys 90% of homes on one Bahamas island... now it's headed for US - Telegraph

Killing the Truth: Western Mainstream Media Complicit in NATO War Crimes in Libya

Scientists: Oil fouling Gulf matches Deepwater Horizon well (photo gallery, video) |

Pay Legitimate Oil Spill Claims (editorial) |

US Taxpayers Fund Israel Lobby

Obama Goes All Out For Dirty Banker Deal | Rolling Stone Politics | Taibblog | Matt Taibbi on Politics and the Economy

Warren Buffett to invest $5 billion in Bank of America - Yahoo! News

Billions Meant for Struggling Homeowners May Pay Down Deficit Instead - ProPublica

How more than $1bn given to 9/11 charities by Americans has been frittered away | Mail Online

News media taking stance on Marco Rubio eligibility - "Dr. Who" Signals Plan to Destroy Israel

Sex scandal threatens Gillard's fragile government - Australasia, World - The Independent

Monsanto GM Corn in Peril: Beetle develops Bt-resistance

37% of teens say they tried sex, 7% say they were raped: Cook Co. poll - Chicago Sun-Times

Got 10 bucks for a cup of joe? Speculators bid up coffee prices | McClatchy

National Forum on Antibiotics Set for Chicago

Senate Potato Block Wants No School Lunch Limits

At least 53 killed in Mexico grenade attack -

History is about to repeat itself - YouTube

Battle for the California Desert: Why is the Government Driving Folks off Their Land? - YouTube


Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post :9/11, Psychological Warfare & the American Narrative: Part I

Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post:9/11, Psychological Warfare & the American Narrative: Part II

Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post:9/11, Psychological Warfare & the American Narrative- Part III


Goon Squad: One Last Drill Before the FALSE FLAG/INSIDE JOB of 9/11?--The Secret Terror Exercises of Amalgam Virgo 1 & 2


kenny's sideshow: The Google Guide to the 10th Anniversary of 9/11


Goon Squad: "I, His Royal Majesty 'Mikey" Rivero, Proclaim You Are An IDIOT!"

Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses | Veterans Today

*Article Links

*Article Links:Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post :BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials-August 25, 2011


Declassified: Massive Israeli manipulation of US media exposed - YouTube

Activist Post: 4 Reasons to Change the Way We View Education

Activist Post: A Journey to Unschooling

College students stumped by search engines, research finds | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

Faith - To Inspire And To Indoctrinate: Hijacking the word 'Islam' for Mantra Creation

Matt Taibbi - Obama Goes All Out For Dirty Banker Deal - Home - The Daily Bail

Madoff: Insider trading rife on Wall Street |

Scion XB Police Pursuit - YouTube

Scientists find underground river beneath Amazon - Yahoo! News

Libya: weapons could fall into hands of terrorists - Telegraph

Robert Fisk: History repeats itself, with mistakes of Iraq rehearsed afresh - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent

Kaddafi's Latest Communique

Is The Number Of Earthquakes Increasing? Why The 5.8 Virginia Earthquake Might Just Be A Preview Of Things To Come

Getting ready for a wave of coal-plant shutdowns - Ezra Klein - The Washington Post

TSA finalizes air cargo screening mandate | Homeland Security News Wire

Privacy and Security Fanatic: Future TSA: Track All 'Daily Travels To Work, Grocery Stores & Social Events'

Political Fail Blog: FBI's 15,000 strong army of agent provocateurs terrorize America to legitimize the "lone wolf" fear tactic

Congress - A Group Of Baboons

Paul Drockton M.A.: The Coming Collapse of Mormon Inc.

Mexican trucks cited for 1 million violations since 2007 | Homeland Security News Wire

Dick Cheney urged George W Bush to bomb Syria - Telegraph

Dick Cheney had secret resignation letter | Reuters

Wikileaks: Homeland Security invokes Patriot Act on Assange; seeks server data | ZDNet

China could build a modern military by 2020, says Pentagon | World news |

'Disturbing' rise in arrest deaths - Crime, UK - The Independent

Taser-related deaths raise concerns over 'non-lethal' police options | World news | The Guardian

Proxy War and Politics in Pakistan | Opinion Maker

History | Republic for the united States of America

Federal Investigators Clear Climate Scientist, Again: Scientific American

Rebels in £1 mln Gaddafi manhunt: 'Are they worth the cash?' - YouTube

Carl Bernstein:The CIA and thwe Media


Details of Secret Pact Emerge: Troops Stuck in Afghanistan Until 2024 | World | AlterNet

Obama To End The War - YouTube

Video: Congressional Testimony On MERS - Does It Have Legal Authority To Foreclose? - Home - The Daily Bail

Activist Post: News Corp. owned National Geographic’s 9/11 documentary more interesting in feelings than facts

34 Pieces Of Evidence That Prove That The Middle Class In America Is Rapidly Shrinking -

+ Bernanke's Jackson Hole Speech - Full Text & Highlights - Home - The Daily Bail

JP Morgan is Foreclosing on the US Treasury « naked capitalism

Dog Mourns at Casket of Fallen Navy SEAL |

The Pod People And The Plane That Crashed Into the Pentagon

9/11 Pentagon Eyewitness Accounts

Anti-Neocons- For the No Brains no Plane hit the Pentagon kooks/parrots

14 Conspiracy Theories That The Media Now Admits Are Conspiracy Facts -

Fukushima 'likely' exploded, 168 Hiroshimas 'so far' - National Human Rights |

Revolutionary Politics : "Ron Paul Is The Highest Polling & Least Covered Candidate In The Race"

Revolutionary Politics : Peter Schiff - Bernanke Is Gonna Keep Printing Money! Thats All He Knows!

Jon Huntsman: Shared sacrifice needed in this country | Raw Replay

Talking bout the Baboon Red Ass of Pornographic Need. Reflections in a Petri Dish

Why Isn't Wall Street In Jail! - Matt Taibbi Raises Holy Hell - Home - The Daily Bail

The BBC steadfastly avoids the facts about the wind farm scam - Telegraph

disappearance-american-working-man-businessweek: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

PressTV - Why one-fifth of US representatives went to Israel this summer

Ahmadinejad: Holocaust ‘big lie’ used to justify establishment of Israel |

Pro Libertate: Liquidate Your Local Police: An Idea Whose Time Has Come

Slave! - YouTube

United States To Steal At Least $1 Billion From The Libyan People With The Help Of The United Nations :

“Terrorists for the FBI:” How the FBI Uses Informants to Surveil and Entrap Americans :

September 11 charity schemes — RT

Is The CIA-Mossad-MI6 Using Hollywood To Prepare Us For A Plague? | Video Rebel's Blog

De-Classified Document Admits Lee Harvey Oswald Was CIA : Federal Jack

World History: World War I: The Alliance System: HistoryWiz

Video: Is a Coloring Book About 9/11 Anti-Islam? (CAIR-MI) - YouTube

Leading article: The dark side of prescription drugs - Leading Articles, Opinion - The Independent

The Golden Age Has Begun! The Alchemical Revolution is Here! And It's Free! By Jay Weidner

Leading article: The dark side of prescription drugs - Leading Articles, Opinion - The Independent

'Cancer risk' of perfumed products that go in your tumble-dryer as chemicals are found in air from vents | Mail Online

Superbug risk to children given too many antibiotics | Mail Online

White House Insider: The Obama Plan – Part Three | Newsflavor

Activist Post: 10 Things Citizen Spies Should Report to DHS

Vienna – A Paradise for Muslims and Islam? « Kawther Salam

Cheney: My book will have ‘heads exploding’ in D.C. - books -

USA becomes Food Stamp Nation but is it sustainable? | Reuters


* 1:29:00/Beyond Treason: The True Story of Depleted Uranium - YouTube


FAIL: Propaganda coloring book about 9/11 and Osama getting shot -

UK spy files reveal details of 1950s Guyana coup | StratRisks

U.N. to allow release of $1.5 billion frozen Libya funds | Reuters

Neil Armstrong urges return to the Moon | The Raw Story

Mexican terrorists target nanotech researchers with package bombs - Times Union

IKEA founder 'was Nazi recruiter' -

Kevin Slavin: How Algorithms Shape Our World -

IBM Partners With Portland To Play SimCity For Real | Fast Company

The Singularity's impact on Business leaders: a Scenario: how will technologically enhance Individuals collaborate with normal employees? | The Futurist | Professional Journal archives from

Arm of Crucified Jesus Sheared Off by Earthquake at Historic Church

Troubled by Growth of Christianity, Iranian Regime Destroys Bibles

Beetlemania: Feds Give 4 States $5.8 Million to Protect Insect Habitat

Bernanke Proposes No New Steps to Boost Economy

Taliban Leader Targeted in Operation That Killed 30 Americans Still at Large

Arizona Challenges Constitutionality of Voting Rights Act

'Women Are Leading the Country Back,' Labor Secretary Says, But Still Need Gov’t Help

Car Bomb Demolishes Part of U.N. Building in Nigeria's Capital

Palestinian Bid for U.N. Recognition Has Unintended Consequences, Legal Expert Warns

Michelle Malkin: Tribute to an Assimilation Warrior

U.S. Ed Secretary: 'The Best Education Are Never Going to Come from Me'

Obama is ‘Ready to Sign Off On’ Jobs-Creating Pipeline Project, Industry Manager Says

Biden Hails Young Troops As ‘Greatest Generation of Warriors’ Ever

AFL-CIO Seeks to Boost Clout with Super PAC

Judge: No Sequestering Jackson Manslaughter Jury

Austrian Probed for Abusing Daughters for 41 Yrs

Attack on Mexican Casino Kills at Least 53

Iran's Ahmadinejad: No Place for Israel in the Region

Ohio Catholic School Cancels Muslim Goodwill Event

Documents Reveal Rantings of Suspect in Mosque Firebombing

DARPA confirms splash down of HTV-2 hypersonic vehicle on second test flight

Guest Post: Federal Reserve Policy Mixed With Extreme Weather Has Put The World On A Fast Track To Revolution And War | ZeroHedge

Infowars » FDA wages secret war on raw milk farmers using KGB-style spying and infiltration techniques » Print

Rising Gold Prices Spark Demand

North Korea's Kim Pushes China for New Nuclear Talks

Schoen: If Election Held Today, Obama Would Lose

Angry Unions Sever Ties With Democrats, Obama

AP Poll: Most Republicans Happy With GOP Field

Goolsbee: Outside Factors Snagged US Recovery

White House Wants NATO to Hunt for WMD

Chris Cox: 'Fast and Furious' Agents Promoted

CIA Demands Cuts in FBI Agent's 9/11 Memoir

Many 9/11 Charities Failed Miserably in Giving Aid

Huntsman: Only Insiders Heed Early Polls

Federal Reserve Punts on QE3 — For Now

Fed Study: Buying Chinese Goods Helps U.S.

Dr. Brownstein: Detox Your Body Using Antioxidants

Pro-market Perry Vaults Over Romney in GOP Race

Obama Courts Hispanics Through Amnesty

Obama Owns the Great Recession

Obama Opens the Door to Amnesty

Libya invaded by NATO and the Gold Dinar connection - YouTube

Activist Post: Vaccines Are Dangerous -- The Government Says So!

Activist Post: Analysts: Libya's Seized Assets Exceed Their Annual GDP

Activist Post: In hunt for Kadhafi, US has crucial, low-profile role

Activist Post: Japanese government approves over $900,000 in funds to combat “erroneous information” about Fukushima

Activist Post: United States to steal at least $1 billion from the Libyan people with the help of the United Nations

Obama’s Illegal Assaults -- In These Times

Approaching the Collapse: Don't Panic, Go Organic

Activist Post: Survival when your world comes crashing down…

New clothing tests implicate global brands in release of hormone-disrupting chemicals | Greenpeace International

The War on Drugs Is Senseless by Laurence M. Vance

Activist Post: US surveillance drone crashes in Pakistan » People Who Doodle Learn Faster

People who doodle learn faster

Cisco and Abuses of Human Rights in China: Part 1 | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Warren Buffett to invest $5 billion in Bank of America - Yahoo! Finance

With CIA Help, NYPD Moves Covertly in Muslim Areas - ABC News


Video: Task Force on Immigration Policy "a Sham" Say Activists

Video: Egyptian Revolution Affects Israeli-Gaza Policy


White House faith adviser: Bin Laden a ‘revolutionary’, says he’s not primarily motivated by religion but by ‘imperialism, oppression, humiliation’ « Klein Online

Aaron Klein on Fox and Friends - YouTube

AUDIO: Neocons, radical left converge to create perfect storm

BLOG: POTUS on Abortion, Sex on TV, and the ‘Coarsening of Our Culture’ « Klein Online

Aaron Klein discussing Obama czars - YouTube

+Audio Pages

Obama ‘was socialist party member’ « Klein Online

Is this where Soros-funded military doctrine to be deployed next? « Klein Online

U.S. prisons incubation cells for jihadists? « Klein Online


New Ad Campaign Wants You to Really Focus on Masonic Symbolism

Electronic Skin Tattoo with RFID Technology to Facilitate Monitoring

Visa’s “Just Wave and Go” Commercial aka The Human Cattle in a Cashless Society

'Diamond' Planet Discovered

Rick Perry Pushes Romney Out of the Lead, Poll Says

Political Donations Up for 'Supercommittee' Members

FDA wages secret war on raw milk farmers using KGB-style spying and infiltration techniques - informationliberation

On War, Obama Has Been Worse Than Bush - informationliberation

Ron Paul: Investing Genius - informationliberation

9/11 First Responders To Be Excluded From 10th Anniversary Ceremony |

Shades of FDR! Socialist Chavez Nationalizes Gold - informationliberation

The fruits of elite immunity - Glenn Greenwald -

Forsaking Society for the State? - informationliberation

Animal-Human Hybrid Tests: Moral & Ethical Ramifications | American Free Press

WikiLeaks releases 3,925 diplomat... JPost - Diplomacy & Politics

Dramatic progress in in-vitro detection spurs new push for Ashkenazi Jews to do genetic disease test | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

Half of U.S. adults will be obese by 2030, report says - The Washington Post

Feds reject request to require seat belts on school buses - The Washington Post

Hispanics surpass blacks in college enrollment - The Washington Post

Norway’s Terror as Systemic Destabilization: Breivik, the Arms-for-Drugs Milieu, and Global Shadow Elites

Titanic Battle or Insider Trading? The S&P Downgrade and the Bilderbergers: All Part of the Plan?

VIDEO: Federal Reserve Admits "We Have No Gold"

Military Colonization: The Return of the NATO/Cruise Missile Left

The Next Scientific Frontier: Sun-Earth Interactions

The True Meaning of War and Peace. Barack Obama versus Martin Luther King

Fracking Could Have Caused East Coast Earthquake

VIDEO: Petroleo: The Oil War Agenda in a Minute

Ron Paul on Libya: We May Have Helped Radical Jihadists

War? “There is no war” in Libya

Unions Are Reportedly 'Walking Out' on the Democrats

Remember When Trump Was Polling at 26 Percent?

Dick Cheney Claims He -- Not Bush -- Was The Decider

Satire: The Best Way to Pick a Candidate

Eric Cantor: No Federal Earthquake Disaster Aid Without Spending Cuts

Death in Texas: Rick Perry and George W. Bush Both Eager Executioners

The Marco Rubio 'Positioning' Tour: Starbursts and Reporter Slobber

Audio:Wingnut Alert: ALIPAC Calling For a (Possibly Violent) Coup

Fox News Cuts Off Rove After He Calls Palin Thin-Skinned

Where Is Paul Ryan?

Cheney ‘Strongly Supports’ Continued Use of Waterboarding

Citizens' Cameras Taken During Rep. Chabot (R-OH) Town Hall

Newt Gingrich: 'Class Warfare Kills Jobs'

Taxpayers Should Stop Subsidizing Walmart

CIA Helped NYPD Covertly Spy on Ethnic Communities and Mosques

Can Warren Go Without Wall Street Money?

Marco Rubio: Social Security/Medicare Make Us Lazy

Norway’s Terror as Systemic Destabilization: Breivik, the Arms-for-Drugs Milieu, and Global Shadow Elites

7 Things I Learned from the First Blogger Altucher Confidential

Status Change: Gold Moves From Investment To Money - Forbes

What Has Government Done to Our Health? by Matthew Miller

Britain's SAS Leads Hunt For Gaddafi

Chavez: Now The War Begins

Guerrilla War Is Inevitable

Kucinich: NATO Pursued Regime Change in Libya

Ahmadinejad warns Israel against military strikes

Murky Anti-Semitism (Zionist Style)

Wikileaks: Only Solution is Separation: Lieberman

The Extreme Israeli Right's Alliance With Lunatics

Ousted Iraqi Minister : American Banking System Chokes Our Economy

Market Crash 'Could Hit Within Weeks', Warn Bankers

Idiot Wind: The Eternal Return Of The Politics Of The1970s

Locked Up Abroad — For The FBI

Guitar Frets: Environmental Enforcement Leaves Musicians in Fear | Postmodern Times -

Inhofe lays long list of nation's ills at Obama's feet | Tulsa World

Biden: more US stimulus needed, business mad at S&P | Reuters

NYPD confirms CIA officer works at department

C.I.A. Fights Memoir of 9/11 by F.B.I. Agent in Terror Fight -

College to Ask About Sexual Orientation | NBC Chicago

Libya: Scottish officials still in dark as to whereabouts of Lockerbie bomber - The Scotsman

Therapy Horse Dies After Oakdale Theft « CBS Sa - Flash Player Installation

Clark Gable's Grandson Charged | NBC Los Angeles

NATO Ransacking of Libya Nearing Completion - YouTube


+6 Parts:Max Igan & Chris Everard on Truth Frequency Radio – August 21st, 2011 |


*The Alex Jones Show – August 25th, 2011

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – August 24th, 2011

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – August 25th, 2011

*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – August 23rd-25th


We The People: Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Election - YouTube


Film: Predictive Programming and the Human Microchipping Agenda |


1:19:00/Predictive Programming and the Human Microchipping Agenda @ Vimeo


NY GOP candidate: 9/11 volunteers shouldn’t be covered by health bill | The Raw Story

In An Unsustainable System, A Warning of Collapse | International Forecaster Weekly Bob Chapman The International Forcaster | Economy News | Investing | US Market Information | Gold | Silver | Wall Street Bailouts | Investment Trends | Money Resources | US and Worldwide Politics

The Excavator: The 13 Psy-Ops Against You

Who–and What–Are Behind the “Official History” of the Bin Laden Raid? |

Radio Host Chris Geo Arrested By Homeland Security :

+ Dying NASA Scientist Reveals Truth | Before It's News

New Answer To ADD And ADHD: Accelerated Education | Before It's News

A False Flag for War: 09/11/2001. Massive Right Wing Conspiracy. | Before It's News

The Ground Zero Mosque controversy is reigniting as the tenth anniversary of 9/11 approaches

Documents reveal MI5 role in Guyana coup «

Chemtrails: David Icke - Alex Jones - Stewart Swerdlow | Before It's News

7 tips on finding gems at yard sales - money -

Dictator Obama Prepares for Conflict With American Citizens | Before It's News

ALIPAC - Dictator Obama Prepares for Conflict With American Citizens

ALIPAC - King: Congress Hearings Must Embarrass White House on Immigration Amnesty

Most feared food bug in world is stopped again at US border | Colonel6's Blog

Feds: Uptick expected in narcotics trafficking through the Caribbean

U.S. Widens Role in Mexican Fight

Rebellion by states could be hazardous to health care overhaul

Fannie, Freddie Takeover Could Be Key to Obama Jobs Plan

Mitt Romney’s new sidekick: the debt clock

Catholic Church in Boston names accused priests

Jesse Jackson slams Tea Party at MLK event

Beijing expanding its nuclear stockpile

Worrying trend: 19 of 50 slain police killed in ambushes this year

White House turns its attention to black Americans

Our culture is poised to begin embracing pedophilia as a lifestyle choice

Rosie O’Donnell gets ready for ‘The Rosie Show’

Report: NASA chief behind Houston shuttle snub

NYPD staged undercover operations, conducted surveillance throughout New Jersey

Rebels find album of Condoleezza Rice's photos in Gadhafi compound

Cracks in Washington Monument will take time to repair

Gov. Christie conditionally vetoes ban on fracking, sending counter proposal back to N.J. Legislature

After Apple's Fall, Is It Time to Buy or Sell? - ABC News

Warren Buffett Gets Special Tax Breaks And So Does Your Grandma - Forbes

Humans got immunity boost from Neanderthals, study finds -

Emanuel's former opponents grade his first 100 days | WBEZ

Will Quinn Sign The Gambling Bill? | NBC Chicago

'Armed and extremely dangerous' suspect sought in 2 south suburban shootings -

Google+ Hangouts: How People Are Using Group Video Conferencing - Cloud Computing - News & Reviews -

Teen drinking, smoking higher among Facebook users -

Earthquakes, Hurricanes: Is Your Home at Risk? -

Rick Perry turning to California for cash -

Sarah Palin vs. Karl Rove: Is he right that she's thin-skinned? -

The Weekly Challenger - St. Petersburg, FL : Fri Aug 26 2011 11:42:50 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time)

Pataki decides against White House run -

The Sharia Paranoia Industry is very lucrative - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

Biden dismisses criticism of comment on China's one-child policy -

Feds Say Oregon Bombing Of Mosque Was Racially Motivated | News One

Source: Teen in US custody in 'Jihad Jane' plot

Rick Perry turning to California for cash -

Sarah Palin vs. Karl Rove: Is he right that she's thin-skinned? -

The Weekly Challenger - St. Petersburg, FL : Fri Aug 26 2011 11:43:09 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time)

Pataki decides against White House run -

The Sharia Paranoia Industry is very lucrative - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

Biden dismisses criticism of comment on China's one-child policy -

Feds Say Oregon Bombing Of Mosque Was Racially Motivated | News One

Source: Teen in US custody in 'Jihad Jane' plot

Libya's new rulers confront perilous transition | Reuters

BBC News - Japan's Prime Minister Naoto Kan announces his resignation

The Associated Press: Muslim sect claims bombing on Nigerian UN building

Sexual abuse horror shocks Hitler's birthplace

Pentagon releases report on China's military

Why aren't African leaders giving more for famine relief? -

U.S., India hail Sri Lanka's removal of wartime laws | Reuters

Abkhazia Votes for President as Georgia Condemns Separatist Poll - Bloomberg

BBC News - Officials try to contact Lockerbie bomber

Huge Black Hole Swallows a Star - Technorati Technology

NASA fails to calm Houston anger over lost shuttle -

Moon mission to explore Earth's origins - Nextgov

DailyTech - Scientists: "Jurassic Mother" Rat is Man's Oldest Mammalian Ancestor

Webb Telescope Delayed, Costs Rise to $8 Billion - ScienceInsider

How Many Species on Earth? It’s Tricky -

Fellow Westerners, Let Us Speak Out: An Arab Life Worths Much Less than Ours - Or Maybe Nothing

A Unified Theory of Obama

Hillary Clinton Redux?

David Gregory's Intolerance

Deep-Sixing the 'Furnace Doctrine'

Warren Buffet Isn't Serious About Taxing the Rich, and Neither is Obama

Fracking Fluid Fear-Mongering Farce

The War on Liberal Contradictions

UN building in Nigeria hit by huge car bomb (updated with pictures)

Some Gave All, Obama Shot Par

No charges against Judge Prosser in scuffle

CERN scientists question AGW models

The Comcast-Obama Alliance

Greece Outlawing Shariah Law?

Do Republicans Ideas Lead to Job Growth?

Wanted: The Reagan Courage

The Wacky World of Liberal Fundamentalism

Moderation Mongers

Black Voters and the Battered Voter Syndrome

Debbie Schlussel:Shocker: Ground Zero Mosque Financier Scammed Insurance Companies – FIVE Federal Lawsuits

Debbie Schlussel:HUH?! Top Homeland Security Official Wastes Over $225,000 on Motivational Speaker, All Day Picnic

Debbie Schlussel:THIS IS ISLAM – Video: Mayor of Nabatieh, Lebanon Bans Liquor @ Hezbollah’s Request

Oil companies ready to jockey for position in new Libya -

U.S. Cities Strangled By Cost Of Ballooning Pensions |

Michelle Obama accused of spending $10m in public money on vacations | Mail Online

Georgia Professors Offer Course To Illegal Immigrants |

With CIA help, NYPD moves covertly in Muslim areas - Yahoo! News

Bloomberg Bans Clergy From 9/11 Ceremony but Ground Zero Mosque OK - Sept. 11 - Fox Nation

Chinese propaganda video accidentally reveals cyberattacks on U.S. | DVICE

Doctors played key role in South Florida pill mills - Miami-Dade -

Former DCF worker charged in $1.3M food stamp scam - Florida Wires -

Saudi Arabia discovers 9,000 year-old civilization | Reuters

Astronomers report seeing supermassive black hole swallowing star -

Study shows elephants capable of insight

BBC News - Cloud simulator tests climate models

86 Percent of Earth's Species Still Unknown?

Five Years Later, Pluto's Planethood Demotion Still Stirs Controversy | Pluto, Eris & Planet Status | Dwarf Planets & The Solar System | LiveScience

Why Quakes Travel Farther on East Coast : Discovery News

Obama fright ride control and attacks against America

Political Messiahs in Tailored Suits

The Usurper in Chief and Kingfish Liar Again Misleads Public

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America–Perp walk Obama out of the White House

New norm in Obama regime: Graduates who can’t read

CERN Finds “Significant” Cosmic Ray Cloud Effect

Post Columnist Says King Monument is Stalin-like

Another “You Lied” moment from Obama on energy

Are “Green Jobs” Pipe Dreams?

The Great Renewable Energy Scam Continues

Surviving the big storms of life

Creating the Candidate

GE Stabs the US in the Back

The Billionaire Blowhard From Nebraska

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – the political-media complex

Who We Are as a Nation

Map of Food Inflation and Unrest |

Bernanke Doesn’t Rule Out More Stimulus |

Ron Reagan Calls Dick Cheney a War Criminal | Video |

Marines Banned from Farting in Afghanistan |

New Hampshire State Republicans Want to Vote out Leader Jack Kimball | Video |

Car Bomb Explodes Outside U.N. Office in Nigeria | Video |

Ron Paul: Afraid Angry Mobs Could Strike U.S. Like They Did in Europe | Video |

Two Dozen Gunmen Storm Mexican Casino, 50+ Dead | Video |

Inside Gaddafi Compound Gay Porn, Spinning Teacups, Golden Mermaid Sofa Condoleezza Rice | Video |

Scientists Witnessed Black Hole Swallowing Star | Video |

Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Wants to Ban Bikinis and Alcohol |

Romney Has Testy Exchange at New Hampshire Town Hall | Video |

Merkel Declared Most Powerful Woman in The World |

Obama Executive Order Creates ‘Office of Diversity and Inclusion’ |

U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan ‘The Best Ideas…in Education Are Never Going to Come from Me’ | Video |

University of Georgia Professors Offer Courses to Illegal Immigrants |

Is ‘Joe the Plumber’ Running for Congress? | Joe Wurzelbacher | Marcy Kaptur | Toledo, Ohio |

Austrian Man Kept Two Mentally Handicapped Daughters as Sex Slaves for 41 Years |

Fastest Electric Motorcycle in North America | Video |

Found Inside Moammar Gadhafi’s Tripoli Compound: Bizarre Photos of Condoleeza Rice |

Bubble Cloud Spotted in China Night Sky | Video |

Thousands evacuate as hurricane Irene heads to Bahamas & US - YouTube

Tarpley: Al-Qaeda pirates to grip Mediterranean if rebels take over - YouTube

Ron Paul on Fox Business 8/25/11 - YouTube

"Political Elites Like Dick Cheney Can Commit Crimes & Not Be Prosecuted Because Of Obama!" - YouTube

Ron Paul: People Will Go in the Street in Response to Inflation Tax

Libyan Rebels Try To Arrest NATO Critics

Libya: NATO Humiliation Increasing per Airstrike

The Grandest Deception Barb Adams

+ 2 Part Video: PCR On 9/11 Anniversary – Have We Learned Anything?

Rick Perry — Big Pharma president?

Libya: £1m bounty on Gaddafi as MI6 agents join hunt | Mail Online

Prison » TIME Magazine Pens Five Page Spread To Convince America Ron Paul Can’t Win

*Prison » Norwegian Police Confirm Drill Identical to Breivik’s Attack

Prison » Western Speculators Sell Gold; Asia and West Buy Bullion – Coin and Bar Supply Increasingly Tight

AFP: Scientists still struggle to identify 9/11 remains

Prison » Man Banned From Austin City Council by Mayor For Stating His Name

BBC journalist killed during Taliban attack 'may have been shot by US forces' | World news |

Prison » Japanese Government to Monitor Online Discussions About Fukushima

Prison » Can Solar Activity Cause Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Extreme Weather?

Prison » Corporate media again admitting Western boots are on the ground in Libya yet delusion still rampant

Asia Times Online :: THE ROVING EYE: R2P is now Right 2 Plunder

Prison » BBC Claims India Protest Footage is Tripoli’s Green Square Celebrations

Gaddafi forces shell Tripoli airport, one plane damaged | World | RIA Novosti

Prison » United States to steal at least $1 billion from the Libyan people with the help of the United Nations

Cops Confiscate Cameras at Ohio Congressman's Town Hall - YouTube

Media Openly Admits Foreign Special Forces Behind Overthrow of Qaddafi - Alex Jones Tv - YouTube

» Hospital patients now being microchipped with “electronic tattoos” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Scientists respond to overuse of agricultural chemicals by genetically engineering crops to produce fertilizer Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Biden: more US stimulus needed, business mad at S&P | Reuters

Libya is the new Afghanistan – Telegraph Blogs

JP Morgan May Take Over Bank Of America - MarketWatch

As Kidnappings Increase, Mexicans Get Dubious RFID Tracking Chips Implanted In Their Arms | Popular Science

Scared Mexicans try under-the-skin tracking devices - The Washington Post

Advertisers start using facial recognition to tailor pitches -

Daily Nation: - News |Biosafety boss sacked in import row

Berlin's burning cars a hot topic in forthcoming elections | World news | The Guardian

Wikileaks: Homeland Security invokes Patriot Act on Assange; seeks server data | ZDNet

A 9/11 Victim Is Identified by DNA in 2011 |

First Responders not welcome at 9/11 ceremony | We Are Change

Bloomberg Bans Clergy From 9/11 Ceremony but Ground Zero Mosque OK - Sept. 11 - Fox Nation

Ben Bernanke offers no hint of new Fed action to aid economy in Jackson Hole speech - The Washington Post

» Dictator Obama Prepares for Conflict With American Citizens Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Fake terror, real sentence: FBI inspiration for 25 years in jail - YouTube

Foiled or Faked: FBI 'entrapment' tactics fuel home-grown terror? - YouTube

FBI organizes almost all terror plots in the US — RT


Fabled Enemies (Super High Quality, full movie) 1:42:16

Police State III: Total Enslavement 2:37:56

911 The Road To Tyranny - Alex Jones 2:22:00

Matrix of Evil 2003. - YouTube/2:08:50

JFK - YouTube/58 min

America: Destroyed By Design 2:07:22

The Obama Deception - YouTube/1:53:40

TerrorStorm (Alex Jones) 1:52:21

ENDGAME- ALEX JONES - Blueprint for Global Enslavement 2:19:29


*24th/ Transcripts:Roundtable on the Pentagon's China Concerns

Defense Department Briefing on China

Interview with Senator Joe Lieberman

Analysts on Obama's Judicial Nominations

Interview with Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich


Do Republicans really oppose temporary tax cuts, or just Obama’s tax cuts? - Ezra Klein - The Washington Post

On cyberwarfare, do we need PLA transparency or accountability? - By Mike Green | Shadow Government

Why Right-Wing Anti-Science Matters | The New Republic

BBC News - Arctic sea routes open as ice melts

9/11 And The Death Of The Ego

The New Atlantis » Could Terrorists Exploit Synthetic Biology?

The Curious Wavefunction: Why biology (and chemistry) is not physics

The Universe is Biased! : Starts With A Bang

GM bacteria may mop up mercury more efficiently - SciDev.Net

The Inside Scoop on the Fake Barf Industry | Collectors Weekly

Fear Junkies Get High on Hormones - Blog

What Determines A Company’s Performance? The Shape Of The CEO’s Face! - Association for Psychological Science

Plants could pave the way for new ovarian cancer treatments

Getting Off the Couch...Eventually: The Science of Laziness - Blog

How Many Species on Earth? It’s Tricky -

Violating relativity by breaking equivalence

Did Einstein discover E = mc2? -

Almost Everything We're Taught Is Wrong - Reason Magazine

Eyewitness Testimony Loses Legal Ground in State Supreme Court | Observations, Scientific American Blog Network

The downside of sex with Neanderthals | Science |

Psychology: How dead is dead? | The Economist

Iran Monitors Turkey's Rising Regional Power

UN Law of the Sea and U.S. Rights

U.S. Widens Role in Mexico’s Fight Against Crime -

As China gazes upwards, watch this space - Telegraph

RealClearWorld - Reviving Gandhi's Legacy in Asia

Fyodor Lukyanov "Russia proposes a new Korean paradigm. " / Russia in Global Affairs

The Decline and Fall of the French Language? |

Anti-Social Europe - Le Monde diplomatique - English edition

Mary Dejevsky: The false romance of revolution - Mary Dejevsky, Commentators - The Independent

Corruption is not cured only by fasting - The Globe and Mail

The Cowboy Abroad - By Erica Grieder | Foreign Policy

RealClearWorld - The Growing Threat of China's Air Force

Did China Tip Cyber War Hand? | The Diplomat

Saying 'No' To Keynes

Buffett's vote of confidence in B of A US economy- MSN Money

Bernanke’s Perry Problem -

No, Paul Krugman, WWII Did Not End The Great Depression - Forbes


RealClearMarkets - Even Greenspan Knew Of the Dangers

It's Time For a Flight From Safety -

Contrarian view of Steve Jobs’s decision - John Dvorak's Second Opinion - MarketWatch

Andy Kessler: How Steve Jobs Changed The World -

Kill Business Profit Tax; Dock Investors Instead: Jonathan Berk - Bloomberg

Taxing the rich fairly can be done — and would raise revenue - The Washington Post

The Laffer Curve Files: JFK's Advisor Said Tax Cuts Raise Revenue - Forbes

Ernest Christian and Gary Robbins: A Value-Added Tax Fuels Big Government -

Fed's Faulty Policies Will Create Inflation, Not Jobs -

Market may be expecting too much from Bernanke - The Buzz - Aug. 24, 2011

Self-Employment Needs Role in Jobs Programs: View - Bloomberg

Will Fuel Constraints Impede Our Growth Potential?

Regulating Biofuels and Managing Carbon Emissions

Grave reservations: Drilling beneath cemeteries is a deal too far

The Real Price of Oil - TheStreet

Oil companies scramble for Libya's riches -

Calling the Oil Industry’s Bluff -

PolicyShop - HOME - Can a Carbon Tax Happen Here?

Who will survive the solar shake-out? | Climate Spectator

Hudson Institute > From Rags to Enriches: Lasers and Uranium Production

Oil Spills and Meltdowns Highlight the Need for Energy Resilience | Business |

WikiLeaks cables reveal fears over China's nuclear safety | Environment | The Guardian

Natural Gas Reserves Debate Intensifies

Big Oil Goes For The Unconventional - Forbes

Asking Candidates Tougher Questions About Faith -


Flash Mobbing King’s Dream | Acton Institute

Signs of the End Times | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

Ministry Matters™ | Articles | Culture Isn't Killing the Church. Grief Is.

Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog: On Examining Anti-Catholic "Reasons": A Review of "Why Catholics Are Right"

Any Pro-Life Democrats? Wasserman Schultz and Planned Parenthood - Politics & Policy - Catholic Online

Google Cuts Churches Out Of Nonprofit Program | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

No Gov. Perry, schools can’t teach religion as science, even in Texas - On Faith - The Washington Post

Rubio: "Conservatism Is About Empowering People To Catch Up" | RealClearPolitics

The Next Debate’s Convenient Qualifications Threshold - By Katrina Trinko - The Corner - National Review Online

Illinois increases taxes, loses jobs | Nealz Nuze |

You Think Obama’s Been a Bad President? Prove It: Jonathan Alter - Bloomberg

Stephen Moore: Obamanonics vs. Reaganomics -

A Former Clinton Official On How Obama Is Completely Mishandling The Economy | The New Republic

Fed’s rate policy leaves no relief for Main Street banks - The Washington Post

RealClearMarkets - Earthquake Economics: View From the Epicenter

Perry vs. Romney? Go with Perry - Deroy Murdock - National Review Online

Why Romney Desperately Needs A New Strategy | The New Republic

RealClearPolitics - Conservative Bloggers Feud Over Perry and Palin

The Democrats' Rural Rebellions | The Nation

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Race-Based Spoils System

King, in word and stone - The Washington Post

Martin Luther King Jr. Would Want a Revolution, Not a Memorial -

Be like Steve -

Big business for the federal government - Opinion -

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Republican cannibalism';Christine O'Donnell recounts efforts by GOP establishment to foil U.S. Senate bid

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Balanced budget needed to pay down debt' ;Rep. Stutzman: CBO proves 'we're not even close to getting out of the woods'

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Highly offensive to the 1st Amendment';'Teacher of the Year' booted for using Facebook page to criticize 'gay' marriage


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Anti-birther bragged of ties to Lakin's commander

Air Force vet dedicates future to exposing Obama

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?


U.S. sued over Michelle's secretive 'family outing'

Iran's army says now is time to free Jerusalem

Rebel Advances in Tripoli: Search Continues for Gadhafi's Hideout - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Buffett to host fundraiser for Obama - Aug. 25, 2011

Starbucks CEO says 100+ businesses to withhold campaign donations over debt | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Taxpayers funding benefits for big-company, government retirees | |

The truth about Libyan 'rebels'

Gadhafi a gold bug? Finally, a believable conspiracy

Natural law knows no party

The big same-sex marriage lie

Rick Perry gets his 15 minutes

Critiquing candidates' 'Christianity'?

Security alert: China's military buildup

Breitbart breaks 'no politics' policy on set of 'Courage'

The job wrecker in chief

Cheney, Creepy as Ever, Should Be Locked Up | The Progressive

Is evolution a crazy idea?

China Dupes: Excusing the One-Child Policy « The Center for Vision & Values at Grove City College

District backs off secret sex surveys

Scientists' creed: We don't know

U.S. sued over Michelle's secretive 'family outing'

Air Force vet dedicates future to exposing Obama

Would you donate your money to Uncle Sam? The government has received $3 million in gifts this year | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Glen Campbell Talks Alzheimer's Battle

Calling All Psychics: Prove Your Worth for $1 Million - TIME NewsFeed

Navy SEAL Jon Tumilson's dog sits by coffin during funeral | Mail Online

'IKEA founder continued Nazi ties after war' - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews

Discovering the largest city of ancient Canaan -

Masada National Park: A World Heritage Site - Israel: Sites and Sights - News - Israel National News

Wadi Rum on World Heritage List | Jordan Times

At least 18 die in car bomb attack on Nigeria UN HQ

Grad rocket lands south of Ashkelon despite 'cease-fire'

J'lem district psychologist Nahum Itzkovich dies age 62

Cairo: Protesters demand Israeli ambassador leave Egypt

Ben Bernanke seeks to reassure, jabs at Washington policy-makers

Taxing the rich: trend has legs

Dollar pares losses after Jackson Hole speech

Wall Street falls after US growth revised down

Obama to end vacation early ahead of Hurricane Irene

Night by night, troops photograph Arlington graves

Boehner asks Obama to disclose costly regulations

FDA warns of strangulation with massage machine

Hundreds demonstrate in DC for Iranian group

Judge: Jury can hear Conn. home invasion statement

Obama condemns deadly attack on Mexican casino

BofA $8.5 billion settlement moves to federal court

Mexican president declares 3 days of mourning

Missouri judge blocks Facebook limits for teachers

'Small number' in hospital after Amtrak derailment

Generators, batteries big sellers ahead of Irene

State Dept report favors US-Canada oil pipeline

Missouri judge blocks Facebook limits for teachers

Obama Administration Allowing Mexican Police To Operate On US Soil; Wants To Apply Lessons Of Afghanistan To Mexico

53 Killed By Gunmen In Attack On Northern Mexico Casino

House Amendment #318, Passes! Congress says It Is ‘OK’ To Defend Yourself…In Combat?!

Libyan TV Host Brandishes Pistol, Swears To ‘Kill Or Be Killed’….Hours Before Surrendering

CAIR Upset By 9/11 Coloring Book; Calls It ‘Disgusting’

True Patriotism: Why We’re So Far Off Base

Audio: Trey Knight: Commanding the Field with the M110

The Consequence Of Surrender: Our Own Ethics Are Being Used To Crush Us

Pentagon Reports on China’s Military Ambitions

Media Reports Jackson’s Tea Party Slam, Ignores His Comments on Obama

NBC’s Chris Jansing Lies About Rick Perry Quote

Revealing Anecdote from Michelle Goldberg’s Latest “Report”

Retraction Request: Max Blumenthal Fabricates Herman Cain Quotes

Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich Agree: It’s Okay for the Feds to Force Workers to Pay Tribute to Union Bosses

Audio:Did Obama Ask Warren Buffett to Bailout Bank of America?

Institute of Medicine Provides ‘Medical’ Cover for Sebelius

The Pink Slip President

Obama’s Job-Killing NLRB Strikes Again! ALL* Employers Must Post Union Notices

Indoctrination Fridays: Mickey Mouse Is the New Godzilla

Paul Ryan Protests Fizzle

Kinky Friedman on Rick Perry: ‘Hell Yes’ I’d Vote for Him

Wasserman-Schultz and Romney Agree: We Should Pander to Iowa Caucus Voters with Corporate Welfare

Joe Biden? This Is the Person Representing Our Ideals Abroad?

Creating A Boogeyman: Liberals’ Hypocritical Fear of Religion

Wealthy Liberals Target New Drilling Techniques That Heighten Natural Gas Production and Boost Jobs Battle for the California Desert – Why is the Government Driving Folks Off Their Land?

Audio:The Future of Space Exploration

Chicago Teachers Union Threatens to Strike Over Raises; Silent on Failing Schools

National Labor Relations Board Sued for Documents Concerning Boeing Lawsuit

‘Our Idiot Brother’ Review: This One Lives Down to Its title

Aaron Lewis: A Patriot with a Guitar and Gun

Sarah Palin’s Pre-Presidential Power

Wash Times: Steroids Find Role In Entertainment Industry

Box Office Predictions: Unlike Zoe Saldana, ‘The Help’ Will Need None

‘Taken’ Sequel Starts Shooting in October

Dish Network joins Hulu bidding fray - Entertainment News, Technology News, Media - Variety

Obama campaign launching voter drive program

Norah O’Donnell: White House Correspondents Are ‘The Very Best Journalists in American History’ - TVNewser

Ron Paul scores success in media assault - Keach Hagey and Dan Hirschhorn -

9/11 anniversary TV specials | Inside TV |

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Morning Call Sheet: Adam Sandler Is a Girl, Will & Jada, Seagal & Joe The Plumber, Will Kim Kardashian File a Discrimination Suit Against The Hollywood Walk of Fame?

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Morning Call Sheet: Dish, Hulu, ‘Ghostbusters 3,’ Steven Crowder and a Hap-Hap-Happy Friday


26-Aug-11 World View

25-Aug-11 World View

24-Aug-11 World View

23-Aug-11 World View

22-Aug-11 World View

21-Aug-11 World View

20-Aug-11 World View

**News Videos

**NEWS VIDEOS:Former Obama Econ Advisor Flounders Under Hannity’s Fire

O’Donnell: ‘Witch’ Ad Biggest Mistake; I Shouldn’t Have Listened to Experts

Psychiatrists Advocate Change to Pedophilia Definition

NBC News’ Ron Reagan on Cheney: ‘He’s a War Criminal’

Crowder Presents: Go Green Now!!

Obama Pal Buffett Pumps $5 Billion into B of A

Nobel Laureate Sees 50% Chance of Global Slump

Bodies of pro-Gadhafi Fighters Litter Tripoli

Libya Rebels Transfer Leadership to Tripoli

25th/Perry on Washington DC: ‘It’s a Seedy Place’

More than Three Dozen Protesters Arrested in San Francisco After Causing Chaos for Commuters

Romney Shows Fire at Rowdy Town Hall

Andrew Klavan: Three Rules for Wannabe Pundits

Rove to Palin: Get in or Get Out

Cheney Says His Book Will Make Heads Explode in DC

Bloomberg Defends NYPD Practices

Dennis Miller: ‘I’d Rather Have Obama on Vacation than Perpetually Out to Lunch

Ron Paul: European-Style Riots Could Come to US

Reactions to Jobs’ Resignation As Apple CEO

Dog Won’t Leave Fallen Navy SEAL’s Side

Breitbart Reacts to UCLA Study on Media Bias

24th/Biden’s Remarkable, Incoherent, 68-Word Sentence

Max Blumenthal ‘Educates’ Lebanon TV Viewers on Herman Cain

NBC News’ Chris Jansing Flat-Out Lies About Rick Perry

Maddow and Letterman Mock McCain for Meeting Gaddafi in 2009, Ignore Obama Meeting Him Month Prior

Andrea Mitchell: ‘Title IX Was So Important When I Was Growing Up’; She was 25 When Enacted

Left Exploits Earthquake, Call for More Infrastructure Spending

Flashback: Obama Calls Bush ‘Unpatriotic’ for Adding to National Debt

Tennessee Basketball Legend Summitt Has Early Onset Dementia

23rd/9/11 Families Protest Ground Zero Mosque

Gadhafi’s Son Roams Free in Tripoli

Strauss-Kahn Lawyers Say Rape Charges to be Dropped


**Markets Video:Worries Grow Over Chinese Banks' Balance Sheets

25th/ Is China a Threat to the U.S. Economy?

Gartman: Gold Bubble Is Bursting

Who is Tim Cook? Apple's New CEO


**World Video:Who Are The Most Dangerous Cyberterrorists?

Hague: 'Gaddafi's Regime Is Over'

NATO Official Talks Gaddafi Strategy

What A New Libya Will Look Like

The African Response To An End To Gaddafi

Could Al Qaeda Obtain Gaddafi Regime's Weapons?

Inside Gaddafi's Tripoli Base

UK Economic Growth Figure Unchanged

Bomb Blast In Pakistan Market

WWII Spy Files Reveal Nazi Secrets

Kan Resigns As Prime Minister

Raw Video: Deadly Blast At Nigerian UN Building

Untended WMD A Concern After Gaddafi's Fall

25th/The U.S.-India Defense Relationship

Can Syrian Regime Survive?

Gaddafi's WikiLeaks Link

Who Will Takeover In Libya?

The GOP's Libya Problem

Search For Gaddafi Centres On Southern Tripoli

NATO Watchful And Wary Over Libya's Future

Who Will Replace Gaddafi?

Rebels: Libya Will Honor Oil Contracts

Chavez Supports Gaddafi's Government

Raw Video: Rebels Celebrate In Green Square

Russia: NKorea May Be Ready To Halt Nuke Testing

Raw Video: Hurricane Irene Pounds Bahamas

Can The Rebels Rule Libya?


**Politics Video:Rep. Cummings: Most Blacks Think Obama "Has Been Treated Unfairly"

Bernanke: Fed Has Limited Ability To Ensure Long-Term Growth

Obama Warns Of "Extremely Dangerous" Irene: Visit

Perry: Health Care Law Is A "Huge Problem" For Romney

Olbermann, Lib Columnist: Cantor, Boehner Do Not Care About Americans

Krauthammer: Romney "Doesn't Excite The Base"

MSNBC's Barnicle To NC Gov: Will Irene Destruction Create Jobs?

Maddow: The Tea Party Is Just The GOP Repackaged

Huntsman: "There's Going To Have To Be A Shared Sacrifice In This Country"

O'Reilly: Buffett "Really Trying To Get Obama Re-Elected"

Papantonio: Imagine the Legacy Cheney's Family Must Live With

Ron Reagan: Dick Cheney Is A "War Criminal"

25th/delgado test lorem ipsum dolor

RNC Chairman Confident Of 2012 Presidential Race

Fmr. Obama Economic Adviser Now Blaming Earthquake For Economic Woes

Romney Gets Heated: "You Had Your Turn Madam, Now Let Me Get Mine"

Schakowsky: "People Get It" That We Need To Spend More For Jobs

Coulter: What Has Obama Actually Done To Help Job Growth?

Jon Huntsman: "I Like My Chances"

Andrew Klavan's Rules For Wannabe Pundits

Rick Perry: "I Dislike Washington; I Think It's A Seedy Place"

Bill Burton: Dick Cheney A "Disloyal Vice President"

Malkin: Maxine Waters Is Selling Out Her Own People

Dog Won't Leave Fallen Navy SEAL's Side

Gaddafi Radio Message: Women, Kids Fight For Me

Unfiltered In His Own Words: President Bush On 9/11

O'Reilly: The Entitlement Industry Has "Picked Up Steam"

Schultz: Do Republicans Have Any Credibility Opposing Tax Holiday?

Krauthammer: "It's Obvious China Wants To Dominate Its Region"

Maddow: Tea Party Not Liked

*26 Aug

American Minute for August 26th

This Day in History for 26th August

Today in History: August 26

August 26th This Day in History

August 26th in History

August 26 Events in History

Today in History for August 26th - YouTube


The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-25-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-25-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 08-25-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 08-25-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 08-25-11 Hr 3

Aug. 25, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

08/25 The Mark Levin Show

Live Free Or Die Radio - Wednesday, August, 24, 2011

The Manning Report – 25 August 2011

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

Paul Drockton Show

Paul Drockton Show 2

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 26

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 25

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 8-25-11

Alex Jones - 2011-Aug-25, Thursday

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