A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

25 August 2011

25 AUG

All mankind is divided into three classes: those that are immovable, those that are movable, and those that move.



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Asia Times Online :From Arab hero to zero By Sami Moubayed

Evidence of 'mass execution' in Tripoli - YouTube

Evidence of 'mass execution' in Tripoli - Africa - Al Jazeera English

The Right Word: Obama gets B grade on Libya | Sadhbh Walshe | Comment is free |

U.S., Allies Join Manhunt for Gadhafi -

Gaddafi's last stand may be tale of two cities | Reuters

Britain's SAS leads hunt for Gaddafi

Muammar Qadhafi obsessed with Condoleezza Rice? - Tim Mak -

Asia Times Online :: From Arab hero to zero

With Gaddafi (Nearly) Gone Terrorism Victims Seek Justice, Or Compensation - Global Spin -

Gaddafi will try to sell Libyan gold: ex-central banker | Reuters

The World Today - Rebels put a bounty on Gaddafi's head 25/08/2011

Libya: Will Killing Muammar Gaddafi Help International Justice? - International Business Times

Gaddafi vows 'martyrdom' as Libyan rebels intensify hunt - The Economic Times

Download :Congressman Ron Paul joins Don Wade and Roma

Steve Jobs: From college dropout to tech visionary -

Warren Buffett invests $5 billion in Bank of America -

North Korea's Kim visits China, Xinhua reports -

The Associated Press: Syrian gunmen attack cartoonist as 'warning'

Five reasons why Sarah Palin will run (and five reasons why she won't) -

Casey Anthony Reports to Florida Probation Officer - ABC News

Overhead Bin - Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial: huge crowds, hidden alternatives

Black Hole Caught in Act of Swallowing Star | Black Holes, Stars & Galaxies | How Black Holes Form & Supermassive Black Holes |

Does Climate Change Cause Civil War? - International Business Times

AFP: Spaceship crash 'exposes Russia's systemic failures'

Antibiotics Can Be Bad for Good Bacteria - ABC News

Bloomberg Bans Clergy From 9/11 Ceremony but Ground Zero Mosque OK - Sept. 11 - Fox Nation

Activist Post: 10 Things Citizen Spies Should Report to DHS

Why Does Ron Paul Scare You? - Conor Friedersdorf - Politics - The Atlantic

» 14 Conspiracy Theories That The Media Now Admits Are Conspiracy Facts Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 10 Reasons Why Devastating U.S. Jobs Famine Will Suck Hope Out Of America Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

History's dumbest diplomats: Neville Chamberlain and ... Obama?

Apple's New Boss Calls Android Tablets Bizarre | PCWorld

Apple's New Boss Hints at Cheaper iPhone | PCWorld

The Daily Bell - There Is No Virtue in the Selflessness of the Left

The Daily Bell - A Look Back: Nixon Ends Bretton Woods International Monetary System

The flash-mob method of scientific inquiry

Lyme MayDay Jerry Leonard 'Tuskegee Part Two' - YouTube

Post Collapse Security Considerations « Surviving the Middle Class Crash

Frank Zappa - Them or Us - YouTube

Leonor: Jounalists Freed - Rebels controlling - not much known - YouTube


**Webster Tarpley - The Rape Of Libya :MP3


Sheriff Joe Presses Obama Eligibility Investigation

The Golden Age Has Begun! The Alchemical Revolution is Here! And It's Free! By Jay Weidner

+ President Barack Obama's Complete List of Historic Firsts

White House Insider: The Obama Plan – Part Three | Newsflavor

Steve Jobs Resigns as Apple CEO - Tech Trader Daily -

Cheney: My book will have ‘heads exploding’ in D.C. - books -

War Profiteering = Big Business « The PPJ Gazette

Germany's top court to rule on euro bailouts Sept 7 - Gold Matters

Next Low-Wage Haven: USA | Labor Notes

USA becomes Food Stamp Nation but is it sustainable? | Reuters

NYT: New Mexico's law on drivers' licenses under fire - US news - The New York Times -

Jonah Shacknai's lover committed suicide because of guilt over death of 6-year-old step-son | Mail Online

Michelle Obama accused of spending $10m in public money on vacations | Mail Online - Condom-Shaped Candy Points to Pedophile Future

Roy Tov – Zionist Libya

The Tree of Stupidity and the Fall of Empire. Smoking Mirrors

Obama's Wars On Humanity

#Radiation in Japan: List of Prefectures in Japan That Have Said They Will Accept Disaster Debris | EX-SKF

The Golden Truth: It Should Be Obvious To Everyone By Now:

Mahdi Nazemroaya - a typed chat - 10 minutes ago - YouTube

Democrazy: McMouth flies 'freedom' flag — RT

Activist Post: Monsanto GM Corn in Peril: Beetle develops Bt-resistance

Activist Post: China accuses US of 'exaggerating' military threat

Bleyer :: The Bank of England, Gold and Libya

Bleyer :: Seven Stages of Collapse

Lone Star Watchdog: Is War with Syria, Libya and Yemen Also About Keeping Russia from Settling Up Navel Bases in these Countries?

Whose Congress and State Department? by Philip Giraldi --

Hornberger's Blog - Which Dictatorships Are We Supposed to Like?

Marcy Wheeler « Antiwar Radio with Scott Horton and Charles Goyette

Trevor Aaronson « Antiwar Radio with Scott Horton and Charles Goyette

10 Years Since 9/11: Get Ready for Conspiracy Theorists - Yahoo! News

The BBC's 'WTC 7 Collapsed At 4:54 p.m.' Videos

WTC 7 Explosion - YouTube

9/11: "Honest Mistake" or BBC Foreknowledge of Collapse of WTC 7? Jane Standley Breaks Her Silence


9-11 Attacks: The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9-11

The Secret Service at Booker Elementary: The Dog That Did Not Bark

Activist Post: Markets on edge for key Bernanke speech

CERN: 'Climate models will need to be substantially revised' • The Register



Activist Post: An Unsustainable System, A Warning of Collapse


MLK Memorial was Made in China | Fellowship of the Minds

Libya / Incredible media lies - BBC shows "Green Square" in INDIA, 24 August 2011 - YouTube

Chris Geo arrested by Homeland Security For Standing On His 4th Amendment Right : Federal Jack

Israel, FBI, 911, we got them on the ropes - YouTube

Parenting Tips Linked By Federal Site Describe Children As 'Sexual Beings' |

America Must See! FAKE YouTube Twitter Accounts From Libya- Manipulated Social Media- Mirror - YouTube

Join The Anti-NATO Truth Movement | Video Rebel's Blog

Bill O’Reilly: Why Is Rep. Ron Paul ‘Whining’ About Media Coverage And Dodging Me? - 12160

"I've Told Mr Paul To His Face Some Of His Positions Are INSANE!" (And He Won't Come On You Show?) - 12160

Ron Paul on Lou Dobbs: I'm Afraid There Will Be People In The Streets Like In These Other Countries - 12160


** FDR: Executive Order 6102 Banning Gold Ownership - Home - The Daily Bail


Revolutionary Politics : Rick Perry Said Bush Defended Us From Freedom

"Ron Paul Picks Up Steam Despite Minimal Media Coverage" - 12160

Ron Paul Leaps Past Bachmann in Latest Poll

Hillary Clinton's unwavering support of lawlessness and human rights abuses - 12160

Hillary Clinton mocked: Gaddafi Goodwill glamour daughter - National Human Rights |

Torah charity founder accused of fraud over lost scrolls - Yahoo! News

Why Is Alec Baldwin Alluding to 9/11 Conspiracy Theories on Twitter? [Update] -- Daily Intel

Obama Goes All Out For Dirty Banker Deal | Rolling Stone Politics | Taibblog | Matt Taibbi on Politics and the Economy

FOCUS: Amnesty for the Indefensible

NHK WORLD English/IAEA wants safety checks in nuclear energy states

GOP Operatives Fear Lasting Ron Paul Problem - Page 1 - Byron York - Townhall Conservative

Nassim Taleb Reappears: "As An Industry Wall Street Has NOT Suffered And The Fed Is Doing Everything It Can To Finance Their Bonuses" (VIDEO) - Home - The Daily Bail

Location Tracking In Electronic Devices Used As Spy Tools To Aid Police Torture in Bahrain

Judge Calls Location-Tracking Orwellian, While Congress Moves to Legalize It

Where’s the outrage over FBI bungling? -

The Libya Media Hoax: Fabricated Scenes of Jubilation and Euphoria on Green Square

Millions of Jobless Americans Filing For Disability To Get Food, Medicine

Leaked Cable: McCain Promised Qaddafi To Help Secure Military Equipment From U.S. | ThinkProgress

Keiser Report: Myotonic Markets (E176) - YouTube


Judge Napolitano Hodge-Podge Part 1 - YouTube

Judge Napolitano Hodge-Podge Part 2 - YouTube

Judge Napolitano Hodge-Podge Part 3 - YouTube


3, 2, 1: Global Debt Meltdown «

Ron Paul Now Polls Almost At Dead Heat With Obama «

Rick Perry — Big Pharma president? «

Libya: £1m bounty on Gaddafi as MI6 agents join hunt | Mail Online



* Recipes @Surviving the Middle Class Crash


Kevin Slavin: How Algorithms Shape Our World -

A Huge Housing Bargain -- but Not for You - TheStreet

Apple Fans Crushed By Resignation - YouTube

U.K. discusses riots with social media firms - Technology & Science - CBC News

IKEA founder Ingvar Kamprad 'was Nazi recruiter' |

With CIA Help, NYPD Moves Covertly in Muslim Areas - ABC News

How to get $12 billion of gold to Venezuela | Felix Salmon

Japan Unveils $100B Effort to Cope With Yen - Bloomberg

Judge says warrant required for cell phone location data

Fox News cuts off Rove after he calls Palin thin-skinned | Raw Replay

Condoleezza Rice photo album discovered in Gaddafi compound | The Raw Story

Anonymous claims to publish nude photos of BART spokesman | The Raw Story

Sen. Scott Brown aide caught using Twitter ‘sock puppet’ to mock opponent | The Raw Story

5 things the media isn’t telling you about human activity and earthquakes | The Raw Story

Cheney ‘strongly supports’ continued waterboarding | Raw Replay

DOJ probes alleged News Corp. 9/11 victim hacking | The Raw Story

Top-selling scented laundry products release hazardous chemicals: study | The Raw Story

BREAKING NEWS : Voltaire Network Denounces the Attempt by the "Rebels" to Arrest Thierry Meyssan"

VIDEO: Declassified: Massive Israeli Manipulation of US Media

The True Meaning of War and Peace. Barack Obama versus Martin Luther King

VIDEO: Libya's Weapons Not Safe in NATO's Hands

New Leaks Reveal Insider Tips on S&P's U.S. Credit Downgrade to "Privileged Clients"

Killing the Truth: Western Mainstream Media Complicit in NATO War Crimes in Libya

9/11 After A Decade: Have We Learned Anything?

Forsaking Society for the State? - informationliberation

A prime aim of the growing Surveillance State - Glenn Greenwald -


+10 pg/Astronomical Alignments As The Cause of ~M6+ Seismicity


American Thinker- Why Obama Can't Lead

FBI organizes almost all terror plots in the US — RT - Hollywood Peddles Specific Occult Themes

Billy Graham's daughter sees signs of end times in world events | Christian News on Christian Today

Hugo Chavez Says Castro and Jesus Cured Him of Cancer, Christian News

» Ron Paul: “They’re Setting The Stage For Violence In This Country” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! - Illuminati Inspect Every Hollywood Script

Promoting Islam at Lackland Air Force Base » Publications » Family Security Matters

Found: genes that let you live to 100 - Times Online

Why New Mothers Are Choosing To Eat Their Own Placenta -- New York Magazine


War and the True Tragedy of the Commons: Part 1

War and the Tragedy of the Commons, Part 2: Military Hazardous Waste Sickens Land and People

War and the Tragedy of the Commons: Part 3

War and the Tragedy of the Commons, Biological Weapons: Bargaining with the Devil, Part 4


NEW WIKILEAKS: China Scolds The US, Buys Russian Arms, Disses Guns N' Roses

Facebook ditches Places - but embiggens location tracking • The Register

Secret list of celebrity .xxx domains removed from market • The Register

NATO Partnership in Libya Serves as Model, Panetta Says

WikiLeaks: U.S. Seeks Info Through Patriot Act:

Animal-Human Hybrid Tests: Moral & Ethical Ramifications | American Free Press

WikiLeaks: 35,000 Diplomatic Cables To Be Released

BBC News - 'Smart' CCTV could track rioters

BBC News - Antenna clothes help phone signal

Obama Moves to Unfreeze Billions in Assets for Libya Rebels

Leon Panetta: Wars Will Go On Forever

Sen. Graham is Lying About Foreign Aid

Misunderstanding the Afghan War (After a Decade!)

Lifting the Limits on Military Intervention

What Russian Empire?

The End of Gadhafi Is Welcome, but It Does Not Justify the Means

Introducing the Military-Robotics Complex

WikiLeaks: More Cables on China, Taiwan and Libya

interstitials | Business solutions from

Behavior Control: Architecture of Modern Propaganda | Old-Thinker News

U.S. Ed Secretary: 'The Best Education Are Never Going to Come from Me'

CBO: Unemployment Will Remain Above 8 Percent Until 2014

Obama is ‘Ready to Sign Off On’ Jobs-Creating Pipeline Project, Industry Manager Says

White House Must Prove Its Opposition to China’s One-Child Policy, Critics Say

FCC Finally Buries 'Long Dead' Fairness Doctrine

Terry Jeffrey: Biden's Obsequious Bow to Beijing

New Words in Merriam-Webster Dictionary Include ‘Tweet,’ ‘Fist Bump’

Chicago-Area College Is First to Ask Prospective Students About Sexual Orientation

‘Freedom U’: Georgia Profs Offer Seminar for Illegal Immigrants

EPA Answers 390 ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ About Its New Pollution Regulation

DHS Giving $2.1B in 'Preparedness Grants' to Cities, Indian Tribes, Non-Profits, Etc.

National Women’s Law Center: ‘Wide-Ranging Assaults’ On Women In Name Of ‘Deficit Reduction’

Flashback: Obama in 2008: Adding $4 Trillion to National Debt ‘Unpatriotic’

RSC Chairman Wants to See ‘Exact Language’ of BBA Before Deciding Whether to Support It

Obama’s Policy of ‘Engaging’ Rogue Regimes Looking Shaky

Gohmert: Balanced Budget Amendment Must Include Spending Cap

Cheney Says He Advised Bush to Bomb Syria

Update: American Abducted in Pakistan May Not Be Free After All

China State News Agency Blasts U.S. Defense Report for 'Scaremongering'

Maricopa Community Colleges weigh transgender-bias policy

Painting outside Obama's office shows one of the ugliest racial episodes in U.S. history

Whole Foods tests Wellness Clubs for healthier eating

Gov. Jerry Brown to propose California corporate tax changes

Perry leads former GOP front-runner Romney in polls

100 business leaders sign pledge to stop making donations to incumbents

On the Vineyard, Obama fever is no longer raging

Rep. Joe Wilson, South Carolina Republican, hospitalized with possible lyme disease

Flag to fly over all 48 of NH's 4,000-footers as tribute to memory of 9/11 victims

Mr. Biden stumbles in China, twice

Federal gas pipeline testing proposal could hit PG&E hard

Mesa man suspected of stealing snakes stuffed in his pants

CIA Helped NYPD Covertly Spy on Ethnic Communities and Mosques

Can Warren Go Without Wall Street Money?

Marco Rubio: Social Security/Medicare Make Us Lazy

The Alan Greenspan Paradox: Economics From a Parallel Universe

Jack Cafferty Carries Water for AstroTurf 'Tea Party'

Very Sad News For Tennessee's Hall of Fame Coach Pat Summitt

Conservatives Denounce Sharia Law in Libyan Constitution, OK With It In Iraq Though


Why Raising The Retirement Age is a Horrible Idea | Crooks and Liars

Why Raising the Retirement Age Is A Horrible Idea, Part 2


Government's move to monitor online sparks public outcry - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun

FDA draft guidance to cripple natural products sector and health freedom, decimate supplement innovation

Activist Post: China accuses US of 'exaggerating' military threat


Michael Tsarion - Age of Manipulation - 1/3 - YouTube

Michael Tsarion - Age of Manipulation - 2/3 - YouTube

Michael Tsarion - Age of Manipulation - 3/3 - YouTube


East Coast Earthquakes-Nuclear Plants not Prepared-Devastation-Michio Kaku / See"show more" - YouTube

Activist Post: Surviving Financial Collapse and the Reversion to the Local

Activist Post: Was the Virginia Earthquake Induced by HAARP; Attempt to Steer Hurricane Irene?

Activist Post: “I Agree With Ron Paul on Everything But Foreign Policy.”

40 min/Technocracy - Patrick Wood - YouTube

Video:American Hikers Convicted of Spying are Pawns in Iranian-US Conflict

Video:Who are the Libyan Western Rebels?

Video:Israelis chant 'Jews and Arabs refuse to be enemies'

Investing in Tangibles, Gold and Land: Advice from an Insider

EMP Attack and Solar Storms: A Guide - Truth is Treason

Head of Libyan Security Services Calls Out NATO for Supporting al-Qaeda - Truth is Treason

Biotech Terrorist Monsanto Continues to Seize More Control Over Food and Destroy Farmers - Truth is Treason

Diplomats Meet in Turkey to Discuss Libya's Future

4 Kidnapped Italian Journalists Freed in Libya

New York Mayor Bloomberg Bans Religion at 9/11 Ceremony

NY Mayor Bloomberg Rebuts Critics of 9/11 Ceremony

Cheney: New Memoir Will 'Make Heads Explode'

Hoekstra: Gadhafi’s Next Move Unpredictable

Union Boss: Obama Must ‘Step Up To the Plate’

AP Poll: Nearly 65% Knock Obama on Economy

Karl Rove: Palin Needs 'Slightly Thicker Skin'

Gingrich: Obama Policies Continue to Destroy Jobs

Romney: Man May Not Be Main Climate Change Source

Conservative Women to Elle: We're Not 'Baby Palins'

Biden Retracts Comment on China's' 1-Child Policy

Gadhafi Nearly Caught in Private Tripoli Home

Pentagon: China Military Growing Rapidly

Study: Children Face Hunger Nationwide

Unlikely Coalition Outlines 'Green' Budget Cuts

Oklahoma Sen. Inhofe Endorses Perry

Perry Healthcare Plan Would Empower States

Health care: Perry’s plan – Patriot Update

French Do Not Want Strauss-Kahn Back in Politics: Poll

Too Much Salt, Too Little Exercise Is Recipe for Dementia

Weather Does Affect Our Mood, Study Finds

Law of Supply and Demand Should Rule

Ron Paul: Current Policy Encourages Iran Nukes

GOP Moderation Could Hand 2012 Election to Obama

Excessive Regulation Is Killing Jobs

95-Year-old Man Stung 600 Times by Bees | NBC Los Angeles

Jewelry heist is a bust for 'clown' robbers - KDVR

Jury rules in favor of doctor who cut off part of Kentucky man's penis | The Courier-Journal |


Banking: Berkshire Hathaway Invests $5 Billion in Bank of America - CNBC

Buffett’s Obama pigout -

US May Back Mortgage Refinancing for Millions - CNBC

BEAN: You're not Reagan, you're Hoover - Washington Times

Bloomberg Bans Clergy From 9/11 Ceremony but Ground Zero Mosque OK - Sept. 11 - Fox Nation

Camden Pays Kids $100 Each to Not Skip School | NBC Philadelphia

With CIA help, NYPD moves covertly in Muslim areas - Yahoo! News

Nuclear experts warn of Libya dirty bomb material | Reuters

Chinese propaganda video accidentally reveals cyberattacks on U.S. | DVICE

Megan Fox Removes Marilyn Monroe Tattoo, Claims it Brings “Negative Energy”

New Ad Campaign Wants You to Really Focus on Masonic Symbolism

Electronic Skin Tattoo with RFID Technology to Facilitate Monitoring

Visa’s “Just Wave and Go” Commercial aka The Human Cattle in a Cashless Society

Origins and Techniques of Monarch Mind Control

Bailout, Bankruptcy, and Breadlines... Just The Start - YouTube


*1:06:00/Michael Tsarion - The Post Human World And The End Of Evil On The Bob Tuskin Show - Full - YouTube

* 1:28:00/IRS Agent Exposes IRS Fraud!! - Joe Banister - YouTube


FBI’s 15,000 Strong Army Of Agent Provocateurs Terrorize America To Legitimize The “Lone Wolf” Fear Tactic :

* The Official 2001 FBI Docs On Urban Moving Systems And The 9-11-2001 Dancing Israelis Incident :

Liberty for the Ron Paul Generation :

Your Portfolio of Lies by Gary North

There They Go Again by Peter Schiff

We Love Freedom! Wait, What's Freedom? by Jeff Berwick

Sovereign Man: US government asset seizures on the rise

Bulbs could soon be used to broadcast household broadband | Mail Online

Technology Keeping Internet Freedom Ahead of Censorship

Guest Post: Robb Wolf Answers Your Paleo Diet Questions | Mark's Daily Apple

Enormously Useful Allergy Treatment – With Virtually No Side Effects by Joseph Mercola

Scientists respond to overuse of agricultural chemicals by genetically engineering crops to produce their own fertilizer

What they won’t admit about measles outbreaks: Most children who catch measles were already vaccinated |

Rick Perry disavows 9-month-old book ‘Fed Up!’ | The Raw Story

Obama Exposed! Whitehouse Insider Reveals Race Wars Planned! | Before It's News

Puzzling Scientists; Earth's Upper Thermosphere Collapses | Before It's News

The Strange Noise Heard Around the World | Before It's News

The Four Foods That Lower Your Cholesterol | Before It's News

Cars Could Run On Recycled Newspaper, Tulane Scientists Say | Before It's News

Is The Forged BC Obama's Only Documentation Trouble? | Before It's News

Why Barack And Michelle Obama Both Surrendered Their Law Licenses | Before It's News

Tolerance Grows For A Wide Variety Of Groups, Except For Muslim Extremists | Before It's News Reports 91% Of Teenagers Have Been Bullied | Before It's News

SHTF Survival: First Response Packs for Medical Emergencies | Before It's News

The 5 P's of Preparedness | Before It's News

‘Baby’ Alien found by farmer in Mexico – DNA tests and scans baffles scientists | Am@zing Nieuws Blog

R.A.T. Engine Runs On Air | Before It's News

Cancer Research of 10 Years Useless: Fraudulent Studies

Chinese Government Launching Online Attacks | Before It's News

Wikileaks destroys secret information files of Bank of America

UFO Base Found In Himalayas | Before It's News

Why Is The Government Covering Up UFO Sightings? pt.1 - YouTube

Why Is The Government Covering Up UFO Sightings? pt.2 - YouTube

CIA and Libya: Rep. Kucinich and the Elephant in the Room | Before It's News

10 Simple Ways to Conserve Water at Home | Groovy Green Livin

Unequal Uses for the Bill of Rights | Before It's News

Muslim Brotherhood in Our White House and the Murders of SEAL Team Six | Before It's News


* SAVAGE AUDIO: Beware the government-media complex


Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – the political-media complex

Who We Are as a Nation

Political Messiahs in Tailored Suits

The Usurper in Chief and Kingfish Liar Again Misleads Public

America is Under Attack

Senator:Obama is Destroying the “Institutions that Made America Great”

Few say race relations have improved under Obama

The American Conservative » View to a Kill

The American Conservative » Jon Huntsman, the No-Drama Conservative

Eunomia » Huntsman and Iraq


* 1:22:00/UFOs and MJ-12 - Stanton Friedman LIVE - YouTube

*44 min/The CIA and the Nazis-Full Length Documentary - YouTube


*33 pg/THE BIGGER PICTURE Beyond the Illusion of Matter


* 25 pg/UNDERSTANDING N A T U R E The Quest for Free Energy


Forbidden History of The Nephilim Part1

Forbidden History of The Nephilim Part 2

Forbidden History of The Nephilim Part 3

Forbidden History of The Nephilim Part 4


* Curvaceous Celebrities (40 images) -


Download:"The Capstone That Killed JFK and The Speech That Sealed His Fate"




Getting ready for a wave of coal-plant shutdowns - Ezra Klein - The Washington Post

USDA Signs MOU with Rockefeller’s Council on Foundations to Exploit Rural America | Food Freedom

* Harvest of Despair (Soviet Engineered Famine in the Ukraine) 1933 54:45

‘MERS morass’ is hanging up negotiations on foreclosure settlement - The Washington Post


* 48 pg/Transportation Infrastructure for America--"Falling Apart and Falling Behind" PDF


01-BEYOND TORTURE -The gulag of Pitesti ROMANIA - YouTube

02-BEYOND TORTURE -The gulag of Pitesti ROMANIA - YouTube

03-BEYOND TORTURE -The gulag of Pitesti ROMANIA - YouTube

04-BEYOND TORTURE -The gulag of Pitesti ROMANIA - YouTube


*The Bloody History of Communism 1 /35:12

The Bloody History of Communism Part 2 of 3 /38:07

The Bloody History of Communism Part 3 of 3 /54:40


Conference aims to normalize pedophilia

Germany: Facebook Like button violates privacy laws | ZDNet

Jacqui Smith defends use of 2 prisoners to paint her £450k home | Mail Online

BBC News - Libyan rebels advance on Gaddafi hometown of Sirte


Post Columnist Says King Monument is Stalin-like

The Economy on the Brink: An Interview with Heritage’s Curtis Dubay

Communist-Created Statue to Honor King

Investigating the Mystery of TWA 800

Now comes the war for order

Obama’s ‘counteroffensive?’ Please!

David Limbaugh: New Column: Obama Is a Robot That Needs Reprogramming

EDITORIAL: Biden's anti-life policy - Washington Times

MILLER: Obama's immigration shake-up - Washington Times

George Will:Libs' Waterloo

Clifford D. May: Better understanding of Islamist experience needed


Thomas Sowell: Social Degeneration

Thomas Sowell: Social Degeneration 2

Thomas Sowell: Social Degeneration 3


TMLC's Obamacare Challenge First to Reach U.S. Supreme Court

» Adamo: Liberals Redefine ‘Extremism’ And The ‘Political Center’ Commentary

VOTE 2012

*2012 Presidential Candidates (P2012)

*Project Vote Smart




** Language Tools - iTools(


Business Owner's Toolkit (


Senator: F-16 Deal With Taiwan May Bypass Obama News Article: 'Doomsday Mechanism' Would Devastate Budget, Panetta Says News Article: Panetta: Language Training Critical to U.S. Interests, Security

When you have nothing... they can't take it!

Decriminalizing drugs will save lives and money

Sustainable Eating - Good for Your Health, the Environment & Your Wallet

CERN Finds “Significant” Cosmic Ray Cloud Effect

Heathens at the Gate: Homosexual Advocacy Group Protests Christian College in Kansas

Are “Green Jobs” Pipe Dreams?

Another “You Lied” moment from Obama on energy

EPA – one of Obama’s deadly weapons of destruction

Do Republicans Ideas Lead to Job Growth?

Wanted: The Reagan Courage

The Wacky World of Liberal Fundamentalism

Bush remembers 9/11 - will it help Perry?

Has Germany finally had enough of Euro-bailouts?

What about Syria's and Libya's WMDs?

Unemployment: A clear case of cause and effect

Texas fears Obama administration will hinder deportation of foreign convicts

Disengaged Obama doesn't feel a thing

Back-to-School Blues

Black Voters and the Battered Voter Syndrome

Moderation Mongers

Why Obama Can't Lead

The Obama Bubble

Audacity As A War-Fighting Ideology

Kevorkian Economics

The Income Gap Con Game

The FDA's Hazardous Plan to Regulate Mobile Medical Apps

How Nixon Created Obama

Obama's Real Energy Policy

Politicians' Sex Drives Trump High Level Government Crime

Debbie Schlussel:VIDEO of the Day: Confronting Jew-Hating Palestinian Protesters @ Harvard

Debbie Schlussel:Get Rich Quick Publick Skoolz Scheme: They Paid the Superintendent WHAT?! to Quit?

Watch: Time-Lapse Video of 9/11 Memorial Construction | Video |

Soros Claims Mysterious Buyer of Euros in the Market |

GOP Presidential Candidate Herman Cain Attends Glenn Beck ‘Restoring Courage’ Western Wall Wailing Wall |

Russian Bomber Planes Flying Into European Airspace Without Permission | Video |

Man Who Shot Grizzly in Self-Defense Garners Huge Support |

Syrian Gunman Attack & Beat Cartoonist Ali Ferzat |

Fastest Electric Motorcycle in North America | Video |

Found Inside Moammar Gadhafi’s Tripoli Compound: Bizarre Photos of Condoleeza Rice |

Hacked Kindle Opens Doors For People With Disabilities |

Hipsters are Abandoning Obama–How Ironic |

Jihadist Cleric Calls Joining U.K Riots a Religious Duty for Muslims |

Strange Weapons Slideshow |

Facebook Announces New Features to Improve Privacy | Video |

Idaho Professor Student Romance Ends in Murder and Suicide | Video |

Ron Paul Whines About Lack of Media Coverage But Rejects Bill O‘Reilly’s Invitation | Video |

Tony Perkins Says Evangelicals Could Support Any of The Leading Republicans For President | Video |

CNN’s Cafferty: Perry, Bachmann, Palin Supporters Seem ‘Allergic to Brains’ | Video |

School Bus in Iowa Explodes on the Way Home | Video |

Cheney Kept Secret Resignation Letter |

While Psychologists Push to Decriminalize Pedophilia, HHS Says ‘Children are Sexual Beings’ | Video |

Technology Harvests More Energy From Walking Than Other Devices |


Coast To Coast AM - 23.8.2011 - 1/4 - Hacking & Technology - YouTube

Coast To Coast AM - 23.8.2011 - 2/4 - Hacking & Technology - YouTube

Coast To Coast AM - 23.8.2011 - 3/4 - Hacking & Technology - YouTube

Coast To Coast AM - 22.8.2011 - 4/4 - Time, 2012 & the Source - YouTube


BBC News - Cloud simulator tests climate models

86 Percent of Earth's Species Still Unknown?

Five Years Later, Pluto's Planethood Demotion Still Stirs Controversy | Pluto, Eris & Planet Status | Dwarf Planets & The Solar System | LiveScience

Why Quakes Travel Farther on East Coast : Discovery News

BBC News - Impacts 'more likely' to have spread life from Earth

Drug Traffickers Worship "Holy Death" Saint To Keep The Law Away | Fox News Latino

Donnie Russell lays claim to world smallest chicken egg | Mail Online

It's alive! Space station's humanoid robot awake - Yahoo! News

New Report: Aliens Will Fix Global Warming… Or Kill Us | Study Says ET Might Detect Earth's Atmospheric Changes | Extraterrestrial Life & Greenhouse Gas Emissions | LiveScience

Galaxies are running out of gas: study

BBC News - Scottish prehistoric mummies made from jigsaw of body parts


Coast To Coast AM - 22.8.2011 - 1/4 - Time, 2012 & the Source - YouTube

Coast To Coast AM - 22.8.2011 - 2/4 - Time, 2012 & the Source - YouTube

Coast To Coast AM - 22.8.2011 - 3/4 - Time, 2012 & the Source - YouTube

Coast To Coast AM - 22.8.2011 - 4/4 - Time, 2012 & the Source - YouTube


WND RADIO WND Exclusive Economy going from bad to worse;Heritage Foundation: CBO admits bleak forecast should be even more pessimistic

* Article Links: Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Air Force vet dedicates future to exposing Obama

Anti-birther bragged of ties to Lakin's commander


News media taking stance on Marco Rubio eligibility

Tony Perkins: Evangelicals could support any of the GOP front-runners - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Justice Deparment asks judge to block immigration law - Washington Times

Bedein: There is No 'Ceasefire' in Arabic - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News

Christian Falero: 'Naked New York stabbing rampage man was spooked by earthquake' | Mail Online

Video: F-16s Intercept Russian Bombers | Defense Tech

Remains found in 9/11 rubble linked to NYC man, 40 - Yahoo! News

Delta makes new promise about passengers' religion

Higgs boson is running out of places to hide - physics-math - 22 August 2011 - New Scientist

Why I renounce Islam and choose Christ

Report: Majority of Congress with no education in business -

Top Catholic pins sexual abuse on married men

» California’s ‘Amazon Tax’ Already Proving a Bust - Big Government

Mickey Mouse painting ruled extremist material

Navy SEAL Jon Tumilson's dog sits by coffin during funeral | Mail Online

Cherokee Indian tribe slammed as racist for exp - Flash Player Installation

EXCLUSIVE: 'Son Of Sam' Serial Killer David Berkowitz Says He Won't Seek Parole In 2012 |

Electrician 'inflated' by pressurised air which 'shot up his bottom' in bizarre factory accident - Telegraph

California Moves Towards Limiting Restrictions on Circumcision –

Yosemite records 17th death in an unusually fatal year -

Short Sharp Science: Fukushima residents may never go home

Pentagon Quake Nightmare: Fukushima on the Mississippi | Danger Room |

For Marines in Afghanistan: be careful where you fart

‘Black box’ recovered from Lusitania to unveil secrets of its sinking | Irish News | IrishCentral

Every lock at Wakefield prison may be changed after guard takes keys home | Mail Online

Great white shark suspected in fatal hit on South African surfer; latest in spate of unusual attacks

Discovering the largest city of ancient Canaan -

Masada National Park: A World Heritage Site - Israel: Sites and Sights - News - Israel National News

New Christchurch cathedral to be built out of cardboard - Telegraph

The flash-mob method of scientific inquiry

ABC News deliberately misquotes me

My face on a smashed watermelon

Why the Fed – and the feds – bailed out the banks

Maxine Waters apologizes to … Fidel Castro

Kerosene Maxine

The Weekly Standard's Obama problem

GOP and Tea Party Mobs Determined to Raise Taxes -- On the Poor | | AlterNet

Obama and the Muslim question

McGurn: Duty, Honor, Football -

EPA's Coal Power Regs: Is a "Train Wreck" Coming?

What if Republicans Closed the E.P.A.? - Room for Debate -

Rigged For Failure -

Gas Is Cheaper, but We're Still Driving Less -

Global Natural Gas Potential - Council on Foreign Relations

Taking 'Green Scissors' to Gov't Spending Could Save US $380B | Business |

China Eyes Competitive Edge in Renewable Energy

Chasing Rare Earths, Foreign Companies Expand in China -

North Korea Exploring for Lucrative Rare Earth Elements at Oil Price

Statistical Analysis Ranks President Obama #22

Should the East Coast Worry About a Tsunami? : Discovery News

Zoo Animals Sense DC Quake Minutes Before It Hit | 5.8 Magnitude Virginia Earthquake | Can Animals Predict Earthquakes? | Amazing Animal Abilities | LiveScience

mental_floss Blog » How Do Hurricanes Get Their Names?

Did Einstein discover E = mc2? -

Violating relativity by breaking equivalence

How Many Species on Earth? It’s Tricky -

Anesthesia’s Awakening | Cover Story | Chemical & Engineering News

Getting Off the Couch...Eventually: The Science of Laziness - Blog

Sexual Satisfaction Tied to Overall “Successful Aging” as Reported by Women Age 60 to 89

Experiments Show Gravity Is Not an Emergent Phenomenon - Technology Review

Researchers identify protein essential in transmission of Ebola virus | Science Codex

Whispers in the Loggia: An Icon Leaves... The Legacy Lives

Signs of the End Times | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

Rose Marie Berger: God's Wrath Caused East Coast Earthquake

Ministry Matters™ | Articles | Culture Isn't Killing the Church. Grief Is.

The Seeker: Fasts lead Mormons to admire Ramadan tradition

Who Speaks for Israeli Arabs? » Main Feature » Jewish Ideas Daily

WORLD Magazine | No safe havens | Jerry Bowyer | Aug 27, 11

Less-educated Americans are losing religion, study finds – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Baptist Press - FIRST-PERSON: 5 ways to commemorate 9/11 at church - News with a Christian Perspective

On the Fragility of Islam

The New Atlantis » What Do Organisms Mean?

American Politics More Religious Than American Voters

Associated Baptist Press - Opinion: When theology and reality don't meet

Political Animal - Stimulus through a mass refinancing plan

On cyberwarfare, do we need PLA transparency or accountability? - By Mike Green | Shadow Government


Military Developments in China (pdf)


Arab Spring gives US a new chance in the Middle East - The National

Tehran’s Nuclear Endgame - Michael Rubin - National Review Online

Something Is Rotten in the State of Iraq | The National Interest

Twenty Years After Independence, Russia Is in No Mood to Party - TIME

World Affairs Journal - WikiHistory: Did the Leaks Inspire the Arab Spring?

Tamim Elyan | The Future of Egypt's Revolution - An Islamist Turn? | The European Magazine

[Viewpoint] The new great game over Eurasia - INSIDE Korea JoongAng Daily

Leading article: Even now, mission creep is a danger that must be resisted - Leading Articles, Opinion - The Independent

RealClearMarkets - More Inflation Isn't the Answer

We Need QE3 Like We Need A (Jackson) Hole In The Head - Forbes

The wrong budget analogy -

RealClearMarkets - Getting Real On Immigration

RealClearMarkets - The Payroll Tax Cut Is Class Warfare

Buffett And Obama Use The Tax Code For Free Guilt Therapy - Forbes

Steve Jobs resigns: Apple will do amazingly well without its genius CEO. - By Farhad Manjoo - Slate Magazine

5 paths to true wealth in a mixed-up market - Jeff Reeves - MarketWatch

Sand in the Machine the Key to Stable Markets: Mark Buchanan - Bloomberg

China Derangement Syndrome - Reason Magazine

Mortimer Zuckerman: Obama and the 'Competency Crisis' -

Bad Economic News: Will It Discredit Austerity Economics?

RealClearPolitics - The "Not Enough" Spending Excuse

Perry Threatens To Cut Into Romney's Base - Hotline On Call

Opinion: Rick Perry's economic race to the bottom - Jack Markell -

Rick Perry: Rip him if you can, but let's at least be fair and accurate in doing so -

Biden’s Blunder in Embracing China’s One-Child Policy - The Daily Beast

RealClearPolitics - Scott Brown No Shoe-in for Re-election in Massachusetts

RealClearPolitics - Kerosene Maxine to Tea Party: "Go to Hell!"

Without Its Master of Design, Apple Will Face Many Challenges -

Jobs's Legacy: Changing How We Live -

How to Fight the Scourge of Long-Term Unemployment: View - Bloomberg

Gov. Rick Perry’s Cash Machine -

Hike Taxes, Hemorrhage Jobs -


**World Video:The U.S.-India Defense Relationship

Can Syrian Regime Survive?

Gaddafi's WikiLeaks Link

Who Will Takeover In Libya?

The GOP's Libya Problem

Search For Gaddafi Centres On Southern Tripoli

NATO Watchful And Wary Over Libya's Future

Who Will Replace Gaddafi?

Rebels: Libya Will Honor Oil Contracts

Chavez Supports Gaddafi's Government

Raw Video: Rebels Celebrate In Green Square

Russia: NKorea May Be Ready To Halt Nuke Testing

Raw Video: Hurricane Irene Pounds Bahamas

Can The Rebels Rule Libya?

24th/The Vice President In Sendai Japan

The Significance Of Taking Tripoli

What's Ahead For Libya's Political Future?

Raw Video: Rebels Storm Gaddafi's Compound

Who Are The Rebels In Libya?

Raw Video: Journalists Still Trapped In Tripoli

Iranian Admits To Killing Scientist

Japanese Town Declares 'Decontamination Month'

Five Die In Mexico Shootout

Kim Jong-il Meets With Medvedev

Gaddafi Repeats 'Oust Rebels' Call

Anthony H. Cordesman On Libya

'My Middle East'


Gaddafi Spokesman: Tripoli Withdrawal Was 'Tactical'

**Markets Video: The Legacy of Steve Jobs

24th/ Big Crisis of Confidence at Bank of America

How Much Is Gaddhafi Worth & Where's His $$$?

$50 Silver By Year End?


**Politics Video:Gaddafi Radio Message: Women, Kids Fight For Me

Malkin: Maxine Waters Is Selling Out Her Own People

Rick Perry: "I Dislike Washington; I Think It's A Seedy Place"

Unfiltered In His Own Words: President Bush On 9/11

Dog Won't Leave Fallen Navy SEAL's Side

Krauthammer: "It's Obvious China Wants To Dominate Its Region"

Maddow: Tea Party Not Liked

O'Reilly: The Entitlement Industry Has "Picked Up Steam"

Schultz: Do Republicans Have Any Credibility Opposing Tax Holiday?

24th/Karl Rove To Sarah Palin: Get A "Thicker Skin"

"Special Report" Panel Online 8/24/2011

Gingrich: "Administration Doesn't Understand What's Going On"

Ron Paul: Mobs In Europe A Sign Of Things Coming

Cheney Kept Secret Resignation Letter As Vice President

Rep. Ruppersberger On Libya's Biological Weapons

CBO: Unemployment Will Above 8% For Next Three Years

Charlie Cook: "This Is The Republicans' Race To Lose"

Flashback: Obama: Adding $4 Trillion To Debt Is Unpatriotic

Police Seize Cameras At Republican Congressman's Town Hall

Rubio Catches Nancy Reagan After Slip

Romney Calls Healthcare Plan "Still An Experiment"

Rubio: "Conservatism Is About Empowering People To Catch Up"

Rendell Uses Earthquake To Push For Rebuilding Infrastructure

O'Reilly: "GE Is Helping The Chinese Compete Against America"

Krauthammer Rips Biden's One-Child Policy Comments

Maddow: Romney Fired American Workers

Schultz Hits Bachmann: "Can-Do Attitude" Isn't Enough To Lower Gas Prices

*25 Aug

American Minute for August 25th

August 25th This Day in History

This Day in History for 25th August

August 25 Events in History

Today in History: August 25

August 25th in History

Today in History: August 25

Today in History for August 25th - YouTube


Fed's Hoenig says doesn't see recession looming

Madoff: insider trading rife on Wall Street

No charges filed in scuffle between Wisconsin judges

Strauss-Kahn to visit IMF headquarters next week

Casey Anthony reports to Fla. probation officer

Jon Stewart to host session with Nirvana members

Bloomberg to pay $990M for legal research company

Saudi find shows horses used 9,000 years ago

Buffett's BofA stake stirs memories for GE holders

Doctors, Finance Ministry sign agreement

Iraq summons Turkish envoy to demand halt to raids

Gulf countries tighten entry rules

Tripoli: Libyan rebels say Gaddafi and sons surrounded

Delta orders Boeing jets for $8.5bn

Apple: Jobs done but magic lingers

Greece and collateral: dead on arrival

China steps up march of currency reforms

'Egyptian who tore down Israeli flag rewarded'

Buffett to invest $5bn in Bank of America

‘Taken’ Sequel Starts Shooting in October

Non-Controversy Surrounds ‘The Help’

‘Fright Night’ Review: Creepy Fun

Opinion: Obama's stealth gun control

David Foster Preparing to Pitch New ‘Star Trek’ Series | /Film

L.A. mayor vows to do more to help film and TV industry -

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Morning Call Sheet: Adam Sandler Is a Girl, Will & Jada, Seagal & Joe The Plumber, Will Kim Kardashian File a Discrimination Suit Against The Hollywood Walk of Fame?

Zachary Tims | ATLAH Media Network

Update and Investigation Into The Navy Seals in Afghanistan on the 5th of August | ATLAH Media Network

The Birth Certificate Forgery New Trial Date | ATLAH Media Network

Preaching Just Days Before the Apocalypse | ATLAH Media Network


It’s Time for the Pentagon’s Annual Report on China | The Western Experience


**ANNUAL REPORT TO CONGRESS: Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China 2010


Pentagon Reports on China’s Military Ambitions

China's Naval Power Draws U.S. Notice -

Chinese media react to Pentagon report -


Self-Preservation Is All The Rage In Europe

Cheney: I Wanted To Bomb Syria

What Is Islamophobia?

China’s New APC: Suppressing Rioters–In Style

Audio:Sen. Joe Lieberman: Growth In Rest

Iran Unveils New Cruise Missile

Edvard Munch in the Marijuana Patch

Revealing Anecdote from Michelle Goldberg’s Latest “Report”

Retraction Request: Max Blumenthal Fabricates Herman Cain Quotes

Max Blumenthal, Hezbollah’s Hanoi Jane

Media Matters Refuses to Cover Soros Scandal

New MSNBC Host Al Sharpton: 'The Battleground Is Not Just the Streets But the Studio' | The Wrap Media

WikiLeaks drops 35,000 diplomatic cables - On Media -

Audio:The Future of Space Exploration

Chicago Teachers Union Threatens to Strike Over Raises; Silent on Failing Schools

National Labor Relations Board Sued for Documents Concerning Boeing Lawsuit

New Divisiveness From The Racists in the Congressional Black Caucus

New CBO Numbers Confirm-Once Again-that Modest Spending Restraint Can Balance the Budget

Federalists, Whigs and Progressives


+25-Aug-11 World View+


» Is Apple Evil? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» TOP TIER: Ron Paul Up Into Third In 2012 Race Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Art Project Sends Big Message To Fed - Kansas City News Story - KMBC Kansas City

Activist Post: China accuses US of 'exaggerating' military threat

» ‘Gaddafi switching to guerrilla mode’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 10 Things Citizen Spies Should Report to DHS Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Hospital patients now being microchipped with “electronic tattoos” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Scientists respond to overuse of agricultural chemicals by genetically engineering crops to produce fertilizer Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

US judge says Government should have a warrant to obtain geolocation data | Pinsent Masons LLP

Wikileaks: Homeland Security invokes Patriot Act on Assange; seeks server data | ZDNet

"Black box" hedge funds profit in volatile markets - Yahoo! News

Prison » Ron Paul: Mobs In Europe A Sign Of Things Coming

Prison » Staged Syria: Can amateur videos be trusted?

Prison » Is The Number Of Earthquakes Increasing? Why The 5.8 Virginia Earthquake Might Just Be A Preview Of Things To Come

Prison » The 13 Psy-Ops Against You

Prison » Fog of War: ‘Disinfo on both sides of Libya fight’


First responders decry exclusion from 9/11 ceremony - CNN

Bloomberg Bans Clergy From 9/11 Ceremony but Ground Zero Mosque OK - Sept. 11 - Fox Nation

Post-9/11: Is US hiding too much info? - US news - Security -

» 9/11/11: 7 Reasons To Brace For Impact Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


** NEWS VIDEOS: Ron Paul: European-Style Riots Could Come to US

Dennis Miller: ‘I’d Rather Have Obama on Vacation than Perpetually Out to Lunch

Breitbart Reacts to UCLA Study on Media Bias

Dog Won’t Leave Fallen Navy SEAL’s Side

Reactions to Jobs’ Resignation As Apple CEO

24th/Left Exploits Earthquake, Call for More Infrastructure Spending

Andrea Mitchell: ‘Title IX Was So Important When I Was Growing Up’; She was 25 When Enacted

Flashback: Obama Calls Bush ‘Unpatriotic’ for Adding to National Debt

Tennessee Basketball Legend Summitt Has Early Onset Dementia

Biden’s Remarkable, Incoherent, 68-Word Sentence

Max Blumenthal ‘Educates’ Lebanon TV Viewers on Herman Cain

NBC News’ Chris Jansing Flat-Out Lies About Rick Perry

Maddow and Letterman Mock McCain for Meeting Gaddafi in 2009, Ignore Obama Meeting Him Month Prior

Quake Forces Rare Senate Session Outside Chamber

Krauthammer Nails Biden on China One Child Policy

Rising Star Rubio Impresses at Reagan Library

West: Obama Shredding Constitution

Nice Save, Marco

23rd/NBC News’ Al Sharpton: Ready for Prime Time

Dem Rep: ‘The Real Enemy Is the Tea Party’

Sharpton Announces Permanent Gig at MSNBC

Obama Takes Quake Calls While on Golf Course

DC Quake Caught on Video

GOP Rep Hammers Biden for Excusing China’s One Child Policy

CNN’s Piers Morgan Shows Contempt for Tea Party ‘Intransigence’ and ‘Bigotry’

Cain Responds to Garofalo

Martha’s Vineyard Residents to Obama: ‘Go Home’

9/11 Families Protest Ground Zero Mosque

Gadhafi’s Son Roams Free in Tripoli

Strauss-Kahn Lawyers Say Rape Charges to be Dropped

Joe Biden ‘Fully Understands, Not Second Guessing’ China One Child Policy

22nd/Gaddafi’s Son Captured Live on Television

Obama: ‘Rule Is Over’ for Libya’s Gaddafi

Analyst: Libyan Rebels’ Win ‘Relief’ to Oil Market


Will Google Buy Hulu? - Search Engine Watch (#SEW)

Google beefing up its +1 button | Digital Media - CNET News

Hackers Use Google To Uncover Social Security Numbers of 43,000 Yale Students

Google adds voice search on PCs to mapping | Digital Media - CNET News

Facebook Updates Sharing Options, Credit Google+? - Search Engine Watch (#SEW)

Steve Jobs and His War on Google - Forbes

The internet in China: Bashing Baidu | The Economist

Google's Interactions With Federal Regulators - ABC News

+ Fall of Tripoli - Photos - Times LIVE

Western allies join Muammar Gaddafi manhunt | The Australian

The rise and fall of Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi - The Washington Post

Thirty Gaddafi fighters found dead at Tripoli camp

Gaddafi, the great-taste dictator of interior design | Art and design |

gulfnews : The fall of another Arab tyrant

With Gaddafi (Nearly) Gone Terrorism Victims Seek Justice, Or Compensation - Global Spin -

Gadhafi: 'Time for martyrdom or victory'

Q&A with Mahmud Nacua, Libyan Charge d’Affairs in London - Global Spin -

Purported Gadhafi message: Don't 'surrender' Tripoli -

Rebels battle loyalists, Qaddafi hunt continues - CBS News

New Libya More Arab, Less African? | Africa | English

North Korea's Kim visits China, Xinhua reports -

Libya: William Hague says South Africa risking a 'humanitarian crisis' - Telegraph

The Associated Press: About-face for Berlusconi, who feted Gadhafi

The Hindu : News / National : Anna's proposals on Jan Lokpal to be discussed in Parliament

EU embargo on Syrian oil likely next week: diplomats | Reuters

Man arrested for allegedly raping his mentally disabled daughters -

Iraq Summons Turkey’s Envoy Over Military Strikes « VOA Breaking News

BBC News - Libya: First pictures of Gaddafi's bunker

Nations hold Libya talks in Turkey -

Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in Washington: A closer look –

Brown staff: Talk to ‘CrazyKhazei’ author about ‘CrazyKhazei’ tweets from Political Intelligence

N.H. GOP chair resists calls for ouster - Kendra Marr -

Casey Anthony serves probation: Casey Anthony to serve probation somewhere in Florida -

Mayor Bloomberg Defends NYPD's Controversial Counter-Terrorism Efforts -

Obama talks with top advisers ahead of jobs speech | Reuters

AFL-CIO head: President Obama made 'strategic mistake' in deficit talks

Eric Holder discusses hacking probe with families of Sept. 11 victims -

100 Business Leaders Pledge Not to Donate to Incumbents

Tempers Flare During Heat Waves, Sure, But What If Warm Weather Is Causing Wars? | Motherboard

Russian crash clouds Int'l Space Station operations | Reuters

Black hole caught in act of swallowing a star - Technology & science - Space - -

CERN investigates connections between cosmic rays and clouds

Report: NASA made proper pick for retired shuttles - Houston Chronicle

No Gov. Perry, schools can’t teach religion as science, even in Texas - On Faith - The Washington Post

Robot astronaut powered up for first time in space | TG Daily

Webb Telescope Delayed, Costs Rise to $8 Billion - ScienceInsider

BBC News - Fossil redefines mammal history

Ancestors of Humans and Kangaroos Split Even Earlier, Fossil Indicates -

NASA to Test Laser Communications System in Space | Wired Science |

NASA Satellite Finds Coldest, Darkest Stars Yet | Wired Science |

Paypal Founder creates his own Countries

Moon and Earth May Be Younger Than Originally Thought - Tucker, GA Patch

Man pleads guilty to assassinating Iranian nuclear scientist | World news | The Guardian

Will Jobs' departure shake up the mobile industry? - Computerworld

Technolog - Facebook to add photo filters to mobile app

Chinese State TV Hints At Military Hack Attacks On US Websites |

Facebook Tops One Trillion Hits Per Month, Wins Internet - Techland -

Hulu Bidding Moved to End of the Week | Reuters

Do you think smoking on screen leads to tobacco use in real life? - Your Community

Certain foods may be the best medicine for lowering 'bad' cholesterol -

School Board Rejects Flavored Milk Ban Idea - Santa Monica, CA Patch

Do Social Networks Lead To Drinking And Marijuana Use?

Google Forfeits $500 Mln As Settlement With DoJ On Online Drug Ads

Diet book for kids blasted for giving "dangerous" advice - HealthPop - CBS News

Michigan Ave. dispensaries close, some reopen later

Most US employers to keep health plans: survey

Treme Actor Michael Showers Found Dead in Mississippi River :

No Walk of Fame stars for reality TV stars | Reuters

Amy Winehouse’s ‘Back to Black’ Tops UK Albums Sales of the Century - PopCrush

Lady Gaga More Powerful Than Oprah, Angelina Jolie and the Queen! - E! Online

Jim Carrey Confesses His Love For Emma Stone In Truly Bizarre Video

Jon Stewart to host session with Nirvana members | Celebrity Buzz | a blog

The Clicker - Letterman presses Kutcher for 'Men' death details

Quick Takes: Questions remain after Amy Winehouse autopsy -

The Clicker - Carrie Fisher drops 50 lbs., eyes her 'Star Wars' metal bikini again

Buffett's BofA deal isn't end of bad bank news - The Buzz - Aug. 25, 2011

Dollar turns back up as stocks head lower - Currencies - MarketWatch

Gold bulls rush for the exits - Aug. 25, 2011

Buffett to Host Obama Fundraiser in New York - Bloomberg

UPDATE: AMD Picks Former Lenovo Executive To Be Its CEO -

Tollway Board approves plan to expand I-90, increase toll fees - – Rockford’s News Leader

Madoff: I'm A Victim, Too |

Bloomberg to buy BNA for almost $1 billion - MarketWatch

The Problem with Government Mortgage Refinancing Plans | Moneyland |

Woman who recorded cops acquitted of felony eavesdropping charges -

Mayor asks pastors to preach for longer school day, year - Chicago Sun-Times

Illinois Toll Authority approves toll hikes, raises tolls for I-Pass, truckers, other drivers |


The Manning Report – 24 August 2011

Aug. 24, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Michael Savage Show 08/24/2011

Live Free Or Die Radio - Wednesday, August, 24, 2011

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

Paul Drockton Show 1

Paul Drockton Show 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-24-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-24-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 08-24-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 08-24-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 08-24-11 Hr 3

Alex Jones - 2011-Aug-24, Wednesday

08-24 Jesse Peterson Radio Show

08-25 Jesse Peterson Radio Show

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 8-24-11

08/24 The Mark Levin Show

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