A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

27 August 2011

27 AUG

At twenty years of age the will reigns; at thirty, the wit; and at forty, the judgment.

**Ron Paul 2012 Infowars Special Report w/ Alex Jones and Lew Rockwell Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

What The Founding Fathers Thought About Corporations | Addicting Info

Gadafy daughter who 'died' in 1986 alive - The Irish Times - Fri, Aug 26, 2011

Google Brings Ultra-Fast Internet To Homes Near - Flash Player Installation

Steve Jobs -- After the Resignation |

PJTV - NEWS FLASH: Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters Are the Same Person! - AlfonZo Rachel

The Shortage of Vital Drugs -

C.I.A. Fights Memoir of 9/11 by F.B.I. Agent in Terror Fight -

The Story Of The Anunnaki People.. | USAHM Conspiracy News

The Story Of Your Enslavement | USAHM Conspiracy News

Are We Living In A Computer Simulation ? | USAHM Conspiracy News

Time Slips / Time Travel | USAHM Conspiracy News

10 Symbols That Rule The World | USAHM Conspiracy News

WATCH: Suspected UFO Captured On Film In Remote Russian Village

Siberian UFO: Film clip claims to show little green men walking about after 'spaceship crash' | Mail Online

UFO Filmed By Astronauts Flying Over Hurricane Irene 8-26-2011 - YouTube

The Destroyers

Fox whines Ron Paul wont just support war and Israel - YouTube

First Read - Congress: Just 12% approve

WikiLeaks Publishes Tens of Thousands More Cables - Illuminati Pedophilia - A Victim's Memoir

Activist Post: United States to steal at least $1 billion from the Libyan people with the help of the United Nations

To Replace the Debt Slavery System Now -- American Social Credit - YouTube

Activist Post: 10 Tips for Coping with Fear in an Uncertain World

Repelling Mosquitos After The Hurricane: DEET vs. Dengue Fever - Forbes

‘Before NATO intrusion, Libya was African Switzerland’ — RT


* NWO Plans Exposed By Insider In 1969


Investors lose appeal in case of Ponzi schemer Madoff - Aug. 16, 2011

Hawaii Lawsuit Opens Up Interpretation Of 2nd Amendment Rights - Video - KITV Honolulu

Roy Tov – CIA, Coca and Corruption

Is this the biggest rock ever? Astronomers believe they have found an entire planet made of diamonds | Mail Online

"most important images of a UFO ever filmed" 2008, Turkey - YouTube

Nurofen Plus recall: Boots packs sabotaged with anti-psychotic drugs | Mail Online

Beautiful nature. [VIDEO]


* Dogs and People

NEWS - "Dr. Who" Signals Plan to Destroy Israel

Comet Elenin Poses No Threat to Earth - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

ALIPAC - Dictator Obama Prepares for Conflict With American Citizens

U.S. sued over Michelle's secretive 'family outing'

'Jewish Indiana Jones' accused of fabricating stories | World news |

Paul Drockton M.A.: Banksters Admit Market Collapse is Weeks Away

Widening U.S. Trade Deficit Adds to Fears of Global Economic Slowdown - Money Morning

'The Tea Party moves to ban books' – Telegraph Blogs

Paul Drockton M.A.: Mitt Romney and the Collapse of Mormon Inc.

Paypal founder invests in floating island utopia - Telegraph

Advertisers start using facial recognition to tailor pitches -

Guitar Frets: Environmental Enforcement Leaves Musicians in Fear | Postmodern Times -

Japanese TV host Shinsuke Shimada resigns over yakuza links | World news | The Guardian

Japan to get 33rd prime minister since 1945 - Telegraph

Chinese TV programme shows apparent cyber-attack on US website | World news | The Guardian

Scared Mexicans try under-the-skin tracking devices - The Washington Post

Talking bout the Baboon Red Ass of Pornographic Need. Reflections in a Petri Dish

Obama Goes All Out For Dirty Banker Deal | Rolling Stone Politics | Taibblog | Matt Taibbi on Politics and the Economy

How more than $1bn given to 9/11 charities by Americans has been frittered away | Mail Online

Clark Gable's Grandson Pleads in Laser Case | NBC Los Angeles

The Inexplicable War on Lemonade Stands - Forbes

Impact of Gulf Spill's Underwater Dispersants Is Examined -

Escobar: Al-Qaeda asset is military commander of Tripoli — RT

How Chase Ruined Lives of People Who Paid Off Their Mortgages « naked capitalism

Dick Cheney describes his near-death dreams and his one regret... shooting his friend in the face | Mail Online

Giant rat killed by pitchfork in Marcy Houses is believed to be Gambian pouched rat

Government's move to monitor online sparks public outcry - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun

Ron Paul on Neil Cavuto 8-26-11 - YouTube


CONFIRMED: Libya War is CIA Op 30 Years in the Making


DE GAULLE predicted the US monetary crisis in 1965 - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : "Bernanke Has One Tool, Is Inflating The Currency" - Ron Paul on FOX News 08/26/11

Ron Paul and the Christian “Just War” Concept «


"Terrorists for the FBI:" How the FBI Uses Informants to Surveil and Entrap Americans - 12160

"Terrorists for the FBI:" How the FBI Uses Informants to Surveil and Entrap Americans


** September 11 Television Archive : Free Movies : Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

+ Understanding 9/11: A Television News Archive

9/11, Archived – Media – Utne Reader


+Prelinger Archives : Free Movies/Internet Archive


The 9/11 TV News Archive: 3,000 Hours of Video News Coverage of 2001 Attacks Posted Online


The One Billion Dollar Question: Who Are the Libyan Rebels?

With CIA Help, New York Police Secretly Monitored Mosques, Muslim Communities Post-9/11

+ Alan Greenspan's use of "Fedspeak" - YouTube

Pentagon worried by China's growing might - YouTube

Pepe Escobar: Al-Qaeda asset leading rebels in Tripoli - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : John McCain Buddy Buddy With Muammar Gaddafi

Federal Reserve Policy + Extreme Weather = Revolution + World War III | AmpedStatus


**De-Classified Document Admits Lee Harvey Oswald Was CIA :


What Really Happened in the Bin Laden Raid? | Mother Jones


Case closed: “Climategate” was manufactured | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine


* 1:00:28/The Great Global Warming Swindle [Full Film] - YouTube


Obama Laughed at When Referring to The Overwhelming Scientific Evidence on Climate Change. - YouTube


* 4:40:00/William Cooper - Behold a Pale Horse Lecture (Full Length) - 12160


Hoax Alien Invasion Planned - Bill Cooper - 12160


TIME Magazine Pens Five Page Spread To Convince America Ron Paul Can’t Win - 12160

Bill O'Reilly Slams Ron Paul; Cenk Responds | Ron Paul 2012 | Sound Money, Peace and Liberty

C.I.A. Demands Cuts in Book About 9/11 and Terror Fight - 12160

Democracy: What happened to it? - 12160


+ 11 Emergency Food Items That Can Last a Lifetime - 12160

- 100 Items to Disappear First - 12160

+ Survival Refrigeration Without Electricity - Food Storage - 12160

Homemade Rain Barrel - YouTube

Home Made Berkey Water Filter by Daire


Hornberger's Blog - Doubling Down in the Drug War

Comedian Richard Jeni: 'Why The Left & The Right Suck' - Home - The Daily Bail


10,000 Earth Tremors Recorded On German-Czech Border - Irish Weather Online

Sherrie Questioning All: What is happening In Novy Kostel, Czech Republic by Germany border? 10,000 Earthquakes in 4 days!


Lone Star Watchdog: Barring Sept 11 victims familes and First Responders From Ground Zero During the 10 Year Anniversary is Despicable


Pat Robertson: Crack In Washington Monument A Sign From God, Earthquake Signals Coming Of Christ



The Holocaust, Israel’s most powerful PsyOps weapon | My Catbird Seat

Obama Administration Allowing Mexican Police To Operate On US Soil; Wants To Apply Lessons Of Afghanistan To Mexico

Louisiana Congressman: GOP 'Sinful' To Tie Disaster Aid To Spending Cuts

Lone Star Watchdog: Al Gore Says We Have To Stop Eating Meat or Cut Back To Save the Earth, Pass the Steak Sause Please

Warren Buffett Bails Out the Evil Empire Bank of America -

34 Pieces Of Evidence That Prove That The Middle Class In America Is Rapidly Shrinking -

FAIL: Propaganda coloring book about 9/11 and Osama getting shot -


+Chet Atkins - I Still Can't Say Goodbye HQ - YouTube+


The Alex Jones Show: Apple News, Libya's Final Hour & Earthquakes by Design 1/3

The Alex Jones Show: Apple News, Libya's Final Hour & Earthquakes by Design 2/3

The Alex Jones Show: Apple News, Libya's Final Hour & Earthquakes by Design 3/3


Max Keiser & Alex Jones: 1 2 3 "Global Meltdown" 1/3 - YouTube

Max Keiser & Alex Jones: 1 2 3 "Global Meltdown" 2/3 - YouTube

Max Keiser & Alex Jones: 1 2 3 "Global Meltdown" 3/3 - YouTube


(4 Parts)Prison » Bob Chapman’s Report: In An Unsustainable System, A Warning of Collapse


Prison » Ron Paul: People Will Hit The Streets Over Inflation Nightmare

Prison » Libya: Tripoli Stands in Defiance of NATO

Libyan rebels carry out reprisal attacks - The Washington Post

Obama invokes Sept 11 attacks in call for service | Reuters

Prison » Ron Paul: No FEMA response necessary

Prison » Mayor Orders Cops To Remove Citizen At Council Meeting For Stating His Name

Prison » 9/11 Heroes Not Welcome at Ground Zero

Prison » Alex Jones And Ron Paul Are The Voices of Reason And Dissent Inside Babylon

Prison » Ron Paul 2012 Infowars Special Report w/ Alex Jones and Lew Rockwell

Prison » United States to steal at least $1 billion from the Libyan people with the help of the United Nations

Prison » Norwegian Police Confirm Drill Identical to Breivik’s Attack

Prison » 9,173 Ounces Of Gold Transferred From HSBC To JP Morgan Gold Vaults Overnight

Prison » Western Speculators Sell Gold; Asia and West Buy Bullion – Coin and Bar Supply Increasingly Tight

AFP: Scientists still struggle to identify 9/11 remains

Prison » TSA employee charged with ‘lewdness with a child’

Prison » Green Police Mafia Raid Gibson Guitars


* Video: PCR On 9/11 Anniversary – Have We Learned Anything? «


» Mexicans Stage Drug Raids Inside the U.S. Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


YouTube to MP3 Converter - Video2mp3 - Thanks for downloading!


9/11 Heroes Not Welcome at Ground Zero - YouTube

Why 9/11 victims' names are missing from federal registry of deaths : Anderson Independent Mail

First Responders not welcome at 9/11 ceremony | We Are Change

Bloomberg Bans Clergy From 9/11 Ceremony but Ground Zero Mosque OK - Sept. 11 - Fox Nation

Former Counterterrorism Czar Accuses Tenet, Other CIA Officials of Cover-Up | Truthout

» Hospital patients now being microchipped with “electronic tattoos” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


As Kidnappings Increase, Mexicans Get Dubious RFID Tracking Chips Implanted In Their Arms | Popular Science

» Scientists respond to overuse of agricultural chemicals by genetically engineering crops to produce fertilizer Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Greenpeace finds toxic chemicals in branded clothing - Yahoo! News

Liquidate Your Local Police by William Norman Grigg

Study shows powerful corporations really do control the world's finances


**Alex Jones - 2011-Aug-26, Friday


Biden: more US stimulus needed, business mad at S&P | Reuters

Daily Nation: - News |Biosafety boss sacked in import row

Mexico's Calderon berates U.S. after casino attack - Yahoo! News

Wikileaks: Homeland Security invokes Patriot Act on Assange; seeks server data | ZDNet

Fed chief scolds Congres on debt ceiling showdown - The Washington Post

+ Bernanke's Jackson Hole Speech - Full Text & Highlights -

Billions Meant for Struggling Homeowners May Pay Down Deficit Instead - ProPublica

Buffett’s Bank of America Stake Reaps $1.3 Billion Paper Profit on Day One - Bloomberg

The Slow Disappearance of the American Working Man

People who doodle learn faster

Mexican terrorists target nanotech researchers with package bombs - Times Union

What is up with Noises? (The Science and Mathematics of Sound, Frequency, and Pitch) - YouTube


**Think Tanks Directory - Harvard Kennedy School Library

FPRI Security and International Affairs Think Tank Directory

Global Think Tank Directory / Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program / International Relations Program, University of Pennsylvania


Will China Be Rome or Greece? | StratRisks

China deploys advanced n-missile on Indian border: US | StratRisks

‘New Gandhi’ used fear and violence to build model village | StratRisks

Secrecy, leaks, and the real criminals | StratRisks

China squeeze drives boom in ‘black’ banks | StratRisks

Destabilization & War Games: Spy Agency Wants To Predict Future Uprisings | StratRisks

Anti-gay Puerto Rican senator accused of posting naked pics on gay social app | The Raw Story

PBS documentary sheds light on marijuana’s cancer-killing properties | Raw Replay

‘Mein Kampf’ tattoo ignites firestorm for Boston PBS station | The Raw Story

Fresh oil slicks forming over Deepwater Horizon spill site | Raw Replay

‘Christian warrior’ charged with firebombing Oregon mosque | Raw Replay

Missouri judge blocks teacher-student Facebook ban | The Raw Story

Anti-psychotic drugs found in over-the-counter UK painkiller packs | The Raw Story

John Dean rips Cheney’s memoir: It displays his ‘authoritarian personality’ | Raw Replay

Rick Perry: ‘I dislike Washington… It’s a seedy place’ | Raw Replay

UPDATE 1-Russian to offer gold-backed loans at 7 pct | Reuters

Dangerous Cybercrime Treaty Pushes Surveillance and Secrecy Worldwide | Electronic Frontier Foundation

On War, Obama Has Been Worse Than Bush by Anthony Gregory

China expanding its nuclear stockpile - Washington Times

China deploys advanced n-missile on Indian border: US - Indian Express

Bank Of America Capital Scramble Continues With Alleged Closure Of China Construction Bank Stake Sale | ZeroHedge

600,000 are drinking water with deadly chemicals - National News, Frontpage -

U.S. Widens Role in Mexico’s Fight Against Crime -

Russia, Venezuela Seek to Establish a Global Financial Institution

10 Myths About Libya? Rejoinder

NATO Destroys Yet Another Country

NATO Nations Set to Reap Spoils of Libya War

The Regional Race for the Arab Spring

President Narcissus and the faux "Debt Crisis"

'The Banks Have Hi-jacked The Govt'

American Decline: Causes and Consequences

Rise Up and Defeat the Corporatocracy

Building New Libya – Where to Start

UN officials condemn attack in Nigeria

Islamists Claims Responsibility For Nigerian UN Blast

Obama, Panetta: Caution, Preparedness for Storm

Mark Wahlberg And Brothers Open Fast-Food Joint

Sea Turtle Andre Found Dead After Release

Supernova Discovered Within Hours Of Its Birth

Condoleezza Rice Photos Found In Gadhafi Compound

Dick Cheny's New Memoir Will Make 'Heads Explode'

How Much Gold Was Under WTC Complex? | American Free Press

WTC ‘Jumpers’ Phenomenon | American Free Press

AFP First National Newspaper to Talk Honestly About 9-11 | American Free Press

Shanksville Resident Speaks Out About 9-11 | American Free Press

Jared Lee Loughner's Forcible Medication May Continue, Federal Judge Rules

Animal-Human Hybrid Tests: Moral & Ethical Ramifications | American Free Press

Earthquake damaged U.S. Treasury building - The Federal Eye - The Washington Post

DEA Backs Drug Kingpins | American Free Press

Norway’s Terror as Systemic Destabilization: Breivik, the Arms-for-Drugs Milieu, and Global Shadow Elites

Military Colonization: The Return of the NATO/Cruise Missile Left

VIDEO: Federal Reserve Admits "We Have No Gold"

The Rape of Libya

The West Wants to take Control of Libya's Oil Wealth

Libya: NATO's Long-Drawn-Out Bay Of Pigs

German General: NATO "Played Decisive Role" In Libyan War

Gulf Oil Spill Crisis Not Over: BP's Deepwater Horizon Well Is Leaking Again

Ron Paul on Libya: We May Have Helped Radical Jihadists

VIDEO: Petroleo: The Oil War Agenda in a Minute

The Arrogance of Authority - informationliberation

Terror Probes Have FBI's Informant Numbers Soaring : NPR


YouTube Downloader Site Sued By World's Biggest Music Labels - informationliberation



FDA wages secret war on raw milk farmers using KGB-style spying and infiltration techniques - informationliberation

Welfare drug-testing yields 2% positive results |

Ron Paul for Peace

CIA to Expand Role in Libya in Search of Weapons Stockpiles

A Progressive Case for Obama's Foreign Policy Greatness?

Militarism Is a Horrendous Waste

Why Are We Subverting the Constitution in the Name of Security?

Glenn Beck Loves Jews – Until They Open Their Mouths

UK Spy Files Reveal Details of 1950s Guyana Coup

Ex-Official: Nicaragua Behind 1984 Costa Rica Bomb Blamed on CIA

Mexican Drug Cartel Hangs Wanted Posters of Rivals

Mexico's Calderon Berates US After Casino Attack

Guest Post: Federal Reserve Policy Mixed With Extreme Weather Has Put The World On A Fast Track To Revolution And War | ZeroHedge

DARPA confirms splash down of HTV-2 hypersonic vehicle on second test flight

History Channel Mega Disasters: Hurricane Irene Predictive Programming? :

The Singularity's impact on Business leaders: a Scenario: how will technologically enhance Individuals collaborate with normal employees? | The Futurist | Professional Journal archives from

The Obama administration love affair with GMOs is selling America down the river to agricultural ruin

White House Insider: The Obama Plan – Part One | Newsflavor

White House Insider: The Obama Plan – Part Two | Newsflavor

White House Insider | The Obama Plan Part Three | Newsflavor

Abracadabra! 'Obama's alias' vanishing quickly from Web

Post 9/11, surveillance cameras everywhere - Business - US business -

The Many Collapses of Keynesianism by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.


Audio: #1, Bring the Troops Home, Now;Brian Wilson talks to Lew Rockwell


Republican Party Dream Candidate by Jim Cox and James W. Harris

Ron Paul: Why a Top-tier Candidate Is Ignored by Republicans


How Dinosaurs Were Made Extinct by Paul A. Cantor

BBC News - World economy faces slow growth, says Jim Rogers

Activist Post: Bernanke offers no new stimulus in key speech

BofA Close to Selling Part of China Construction Stake - CNBC

China accuses US of ‘interfering’ | Set You Free News

China state news agency accuses US of 'interfering'

Bernanke Stays Course, Says Fed Will Consider Move in Sept. - CNBC

US Real Estate: The Housing Market is Shrinking - CNBC

Biden: US Needs More Stimulus

Libyan Rebels Claim Control of Key Supply Route | Africa | English

Libyan Rebels Struggle to Cope With Shortages | Africa | English

Militants Kill at Least 36 in Pakistan Attacks | News | English

North Korean Leader Returns from Russia, China Trip | News | English

Obama Focuses on Terror Attack Anniversary; Republicans Talk Jobs | News | English

Investing in Tangibles, Gold and Land: Advice from an Insider - Truth is Treason

Head of Libyan Security Services Calls Out NATO for Supporting al-Qaeda - Truth is Treason

The Dangers and Side Effects of Aspartame - Truth is Treason

HAARP, Hurricane Irene and the DC Earthquake …Connected? - Truth is Treason

Empty Shelves: Hurricanes, Disasters and Civil Unrest – a Contingency Plan - Truth is Treason

EMP Attack and Solar Storms: A Guide - Truth is Treason

Video:Task Force on Immigration Policy "a Sham" Say Activists

Video:Egyptian Revolution Affects Israeli-Gaza Policy


** 54 min/Wall Street & The Rise of Hitler - An Interview with Prof. Antony C. Sutton (Full Length) - YouTube


Libya invaded by NATO and the Gold Dinar connection - YouTube

Activist Post: PBS: Cannabis is Effective at Treating Multiple Conditions (Video)

Treating cancer integratively

Dance Club Drug Ecstasy Developed to Cure Cancer

Activist Post: What CNN Didn't Air During Stimulus Protest (Video)

Court says state law used to ban recording of police officers in public is unconstitutional | Universal Hub

Activist Post: CIA demands cuts to critical 9/11 memoir

Activist Post: Libya: Tripoli Stands in Defiance of NATO

Activist Post: Analysts: Libya's Seized Assets Exceed Their Annual GDP

19-year-old faces five years in prison for streaming sporting events | The Raw Story

Gore Wants You to Eat Less Meat

Gov. Perry Makes Overtures to Trump

Perry Bills Feds for Housing Illegals

Inhofe: Obama's 'Social Engineering' Destroying US

Schoen: If Election Held Today, Obama Would Lose

Democratic Rep. Yarmuth: Obama Flubs Jobs

Google Bans God From Nonprofit Program

Perry: Gates Gave China Fighter-Jet Superiority

Iran Launches Bible-burning Campaign

Boehner Asks Obama to Disclose Costly US Regs

49% of Newborns on Food Assistance Program

WSJ's Noonan: Perry Should Temper Rhetoric

David Amess: Iranian Resistance Aren't Terrorist

Economist: End the Mortgage Interest Tax Deduction

More Younger Workers Bowing Out of Job Search

Pro-market Perry Vaults Over Romney in GOP Race

Obama Courts Hispanics Through Amnesty

Is Hillary the One to Beat Obama?

Obama Is the Job Wrecker in Chief

Evangelicals Impact on 2012 Election

Obama Opens the Door to Amnesty

Complexity Theorists Predict Food Crisis, Riots and Civil Unrest By April 2013 :

New Ad Campaign Wants You to Really Focus on Masonic Symbolism

Electronic Skin Tattoo with RFID Technology to Facilitate Monitoring

Visa’s “Just Wave and Go” Commercial aka The Human Cattle in a Cashless Society


+ 4 PARTS:Within and Without – Max Igan


*The Alex Jones Show – August 26th, 2011

+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – August 26th, 2011

+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – August 26th, 2011


**52 MIN/Ron Paul 2012 Infowars Special Report with Lew Rockwell 8-25-11 (Full Report) - YouTube


34 Pieces Of Evidence That Prove That The Middle Class In America Is Rapidly Shrinking |

America's economy: The un-recovery | The Economist

Is The CIA-Mossad-MI6 Using Hollywood To Prepare Us For A Plague? |

Top 5 Most Economically Damaging Natural Disasters in History - International Business Times

Neil Cavuto To Ron Paul "You're a Genius" Calls Paul A "Rock Star" ! - YouTube

Technology Keeping Internet Freedom Ahead of Censorship


*Article Links:Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post :BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials-August 26, 2011


*Podcast Show #52 – Podcast Show #52 – The Boiling Frogs Presents Joe Lauria

*Audio:CounterSpin: Faiza Patel on NYPD surveillance, Rena Steinzor on regulatory reforms |


- Film: Predictive Programming and the Human Microchipping Agenda |


*1:18:06/Predictive Programming and the Human Microchipping Agenda @Vimeo


Sarkozy cuts & runs, France 'riot-ready' - YouTube


+THC from Cannabis Marijuana Bud Oil Destroys Luekemia and Cancer Cells - Short Inspiring Stories by Bill Woollam


CNN Wants This Video Banned (SEE WHY) - YouTube

- Dying NASA Scientist Reveals Truth | Before It's News

[WATCH]: Multiple Methods to Clean Dirty Coins | Before It's News

Obama In Kenya: I Am So Proud To Come Back Home - YouTube

Cops: Illegal immigrant drove drunk in Framingham - Framingham, MA - The MetroWest Daily News

Obama Has A Federal Immigration And Customs Enforcement Warrant For His Arrest | Before It's News

DC-Hybrid Cranking Out Hydroxy Fuel Cells | Before It's News

City Of Floating Houses Planned By Dutch | Before It's News

Texas Tea Party Members Not Drinking Perry Kool-Aid | Before It's News

Hospital Patients Now Being Microchipped with "Electronic Tattoos" | Before It's News

Critical SHTF Security Video: You Are A High Value Target | Before It's News

America's CIA Pursues Censorship On 9/11 And Alleged Terror Flight | Before It's News

9/11 Called "Patriot Day" by Treasonous Dogs of Perpetual War | Before It's News

Veterans For Peace Reveal 9/11 Crimes at Florida Free Speech Forum | Before It's News

9-11 Cover-up: CIA Censors Book Of FBI Whistleblower | Before It's News

Join The New 9/11 World Wide Web Activists Team | 9-11 News | World for 9-11 Truth |

Remember Building 7(

+A Secret War in 120 Countries-The Pentagon’s New Power Elite

Now What in Libya? - Qaddafi Has Lost; But Who Has Won?


'08/Belief Watch: Is Obama the Antichrist? - The Daily Beast


Corporate Media Hints At Military Plans To Take On The American People During Domestic Civil Unrest | Before It's News

+ Chart


* 30 Books That Teach Children To Be Green | Before It's News


Cheap Solar Panels For Your Home | Before It's News

+ WEEKLY ADDRESS: Observing 9/11 with National Service | Before It's News

Thousands Secretly Sterilized In America | Before It's News

w/Audio:Thousands secretly sterilized in America |

ExxonMobil Sues Obama Administration for Canceling Deepwater Well Worth ‘Billions of Barrels of Oil’

Minister: Obama's $50,000-a-Week Vacation a 'Disgrace' in Light of Economy

USDA Gives $73,824 Grant To Connect Food With Bed And Breakfasts

Census Director: IT Problems ‘Probably’ Did Not Affect Accuracy of Count

Population Expert Briefed Biden on China’s Inhumane One-Child Policy

'Women Are Leading the Country Back,' Labor Secretary Says, But Still Need Gov’t Help

AFL-CIO Seeks to Boost Clout with Super PAC

Blue Dogs Shrink: Coalition of ‘Moderate’ Democrats Loses More Members

Democrats Rake in Special Interest Dollars

Perry, an Obamacare Opponent, Prefers A State-Level Approach

Republicans May Approve a Payroll Tax Extension That Obama Wants to Block

Iran's Ahmadinejad: No Place for Israel in the Region

NWO Plans Exposed By Insider In 1969

Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan (w)as Propaganda Created by the Mainstream Media (a la Murdoch) to Build Support for "Charlie Wilson's War." | Before It's News

Science Distorted by the Bomb | Before It's News

Psychological Tricks for Easy Dieting | Before It's News

When It Comes To Pursuing Your Goals, Let You Unconscious Be Your Guide Say Researchers | Before It's News

7 Reasons Why Stevia is Better Than Refined Sugar | Natural Health & Organic Living Blog

Top 10 Bad Manners Adults Have

Some More DIY Don’t Do’s… Learned the Hard Way by Eric Peters

Hacks for the Traveling Man: 11 Quick Fixes for Dressing and Grooming Problems on the Road | The Art of Manliness

Is The CIA-Mossad-MI6 Using Hollywood To Prepare Us For A Plague? | Video Rebel's Blog




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Irene, a bit weaker, begins its destructive run - Yahoo! News

Libya: Scottish officials still in dark as to whereabouts of Lockerbie bomber - The Scotsman

Warren Cracks Down On Those Who Harbor Mosquito - Flash Player Installation

Giant rat killed by pitchfork in Marcy Houses is believed to be Gambian pouched rat

Mayor: Those who need to leave NYC should go now - Yahoo! News

Children orphaned after Roger and Mathilde Lamb die in separate accidents in Morocco | Mail Online

Saggy Pants Prompt Teacher to Call Police | NBC Bay Area

Locks superglued prior to protests of Governor Walker at local school - 620 WTMJ - Milwaukee's Source for Local News and Weather

Class action suit says Florida Highway Patrol illegally tickets motorists who warn others about speed traps |

BBC News - Mosquitoes 'disappearing' in some parts of Africa

Saudi Arabia discovers 9,000 year-old civilization | Reuters

Study shows elephants capable of insight

Michelle Blames it on the Kids

Joe Namath and the Old-Fashioned View of Punishment

Can Rick Perry Survive the Smear Merchants?

Will it be Rubio, by Acclamation?

Civilization versus the Barbarian

Getting Hired

Were Those Really the Days?

London's Hooligans

Two Great Minds on World Peace

Taxing Warren Buffet's Rich People

What the National Academy of Sciences said about vaccines

Our State Department's small problem with enemy identification

Iran criticizes Syria for crackdown

The Soros-supported Center for American Progress blames rich Jews for stoking Islamophobia

Cass Sunstein defends new regulations with 'lives saved and illnesses avoided' mythology

Pundit Dismisses Palin Because She's No Different Than Bachmann

Obama gets 'invisible dead cat bounce' from Libya

Insanity? Or good environmental stewardship?

A Unified Theory of Obama

Hillary Clinton Redux?

David Gregory's Intolerance

Deep-Sixing the 'Furnace Doctrine'

Warren Buffet Isn't Serious About Taxing the Rich, and Neither is Obama

Fracking Fluid Fear-Mongering Farce

The War on Liberal Contradictions

NLRB Chairman, Ex-Teamster Attorney Liebman Departs Rogue Agency As Third Term Ends | RedState

Time for some Democratic third-party panic! | RedState

Tech at Night: FCC continues to regulate, Chance to defeat the AIA?, Amazon Tax corruption in California | RedState

Why the Second Amendment Matters

Decriminalizing drugs will save lives and money

Debbie Schlussel:Wknd Box Office: Our Idiot Brother, Another Earth, Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark, Colombiana, Names of Love

Debbie Schlussel:Stuff We Don’t Need to See: 54-Yr-Old Princess Leia in Star Wars Bikini

Debbie Schlussel:Far Worse Than Qaddafi: Libya’s New Tripoli Gov. is Al-Qaeda

Debbie Schlussel:Like Other Islamic Terrorists, Qaddafi Had a Thing for Black Chicks

Debbie Schlussel:Shocker: Ground Zero Mosque Financier Scammed Insurance Companies – FIVE Federal Lawsuits

Debbie Schlussel:HUH?! Top Homeland Security Official Wastes Over $225,000 on Motivational Speaker, All Day Picnic

Ron Reagan Calls Dick Cheney a War Criminal | Video |

Puerto Rican Lawmaker Roberto Arango Nude Photos on Gay Site Grindr: I’m Documenting My Weight Loss |

Graphic ‘Sex Box’ Basel Swiss, Switzerland Kindergartners Genitalia to Teach Kids that Sex is Pleasurable |

Ex-NBA Star Javaris Crittenton Wanted For Murder |

Obama Removes Roadblock to Canada-U.S. Oil Pipeline |

Minnesota Father Steven Alexander CrossLeaves Son Behind in Foreclosed Home |

‘Gravely Ill’ Steve Jobs TMZ Photo Appears to Be Fake | Reddit |

Police: Man Dropped Crack Out of His Pants, Ate it in Front of Officers |

Tea Partiers Favor Rick Perry to Michele Bachmann by More Than Double |

George Soros Methadone Man and Buprenorphine Babe Drug Addicts |

Comcast CEO Among Biggest Donors to Obama Victory Fund? |

Arizona Seeks Donations for Border Fence Construction | Video |

Susan G. Komen for the Cure Breast Cancer Foundation Gave More Than $500K to Planned Parenthood Last Year |

Update: Indiana College Bans National Anthem for Being Too Violent |

Pat Robertson: Crack in Washington Monument Sign of the Lord? | Video |

Texas Gun Dealer Takes Obama’s Reporting Requirements to Court |

Map of Food Inflation and Unrest |

German Cow Escapes Slaughter, Still on the Run | Video |

Governor Christie Evacuates Jersey Shore ‘Get the Hell Off the Beach | Video |

East Coast Prepares for Hurricane Irene | Video |

Does Libya Video Finally Reveal How to Spell Gadhafi’s Name? | Video |

Feds Raid Guitar Maker Looking For Wood |

See the Air Force’s Hurricane Hunters | Video |

Man Reports Own Parking Violation to Connecticut Police Gets Arrested |

Jose Antonio Cua-Toc Illegal Immigrant Wins Lottery, Now Faces Deportation | Video |

Cuban Man Dubbed ‘Twenty-Four’ Proud of His Four Extra Digits |

Slideshow: South Africa’s Apartheid in Pictures |

Bernanke Doesn’t Rule Out More Stimulus |

Inside Gaddafi Compound Gay Porn, Spinning Teacups, Golden Mermaid Sofa Condoleezza Rice | Video |

Strip Club ‘Pole Tax’ is Constitutional, Texas Supreme Court Rules |

Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Wants to Ban Bikinis and Alcohol |

Fighting For Mother Earth’s Civil Rights: Al Gore Says Debating With Him On Climate Science is The Moral Equivalent of Being A Bull Connor Racist | Video |

Post Qaddafi: Insurgency and Jihad versus Democracy

Latest Baltic Dry Index: NO Global Recession Coming

A Creative Call To Action: My Wake Up Call Motivational Alarm Clock Messages

Creating the Candidate

GE Stabs the US in the Back

Comcast Employees Biggest Obama Campaign Donors

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – the political-media complex

The Usurper in Chief and Kingfish Liar Again Misleads Public

House Republicans Seek To Remove U.S. Funding For UN Climate Efforts

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Defeating the political-media complex

Regulating us into Economic Destruction

Maxine Waters Apologizes—To Fidel Castro

Surviving the big storms of life

U.S. sued over Michelle's secretive 'family outing'

CERN: 'Climate models will need to be substantially revised' • The Register

Time for the White House to rein in Michelle Obama's out-of-control spending – Telegraph Blogs

Gaddafi's desperate bid to save regime revealed | World news | The Guardian

Underwear bomb suspect claims wrongful imprisonment by U.S., files for release | Detroit Free Press |

With CIA help, NYPD moves covertly in Muslim areas - Yahoo! News

Oil companies ready to jockey for position in new Libya -

Source: Teen In U.S. Custody In 'Jihad Jane' Plot |

Troubled by Growth of Christianity, Iranian Regime Destroys Bibles |

Shocker: Anti-Gay GOP State Senator Caught With His Pics on Gay Hook Up Site

Continuing Wisconsin Protests Lead to Arrests

Workplace Anger, Wisconsin Style

Celebrate 91 Years of Women Voting

How Many Innocents Have To Die Before We Get Honest About The Death Penalty?

Rick Perry: 'I Dislike Washington... It's a Seedy Place'

ESPN Defends 'White Michael Vick' Photo

Huntsman Calls for Shared Sacrifice From the Rich -- But Not With Tax Increases

Tea Party Parrot Eric Cantor Calls for Budget Cuts Before Disaster Relief...Again

Fox News: Facts Don't Matter on Global Warming - It's What Resonates with Voters

Despite Media Efforts, Tea Party Losing Steam

Rick Perry Sought State Profits from Selling 'Dead Peasants Insurance' on Teachers

Unions Are Reportedly 'Walking Out' on the Democrats

Remember When Trump Was Polling at 26 Percent?

Libyan Rebels Struggle to Cope With Shortages | News | English

CTV Edmonton - Tripoli hospital turned into 'mass morgue' - CTV News

Iran Tells Syria to Bow to ‘Legitimate’ Public Demands -

Nigeria leader, UN vow to work on after HQ bombing |

BBC News - Five candidates battle to succeed Japan PM Naoto Kan

Mexico reels from deadly arson attack on civilians - CBS News

India anti-graft activist to end fast after government | Reuters

Abbas: We won't recognize Israel as Jewish state - Israel News, Ynetnews

Afghan president denounces double blasts hitting 2 Afghan towns

BBC News - Taliban raid from Afghanistan kills 25 Pakistan troops

French Socialists fear the return of Dominique Strass-Kahn | World news | The Guardian

AFP: '18 dead' in Algeria military school bombing

African Union refuses to recognise Libya's new TNC government - Africa, World - The Independent

Hurricane Irene: First two deaths from storm are reported -

Obama visits FEMA headquarters as hurricane hits

Bill Burton: Rick Perry 'dangerous,' potentially 'devastating' for America - Alexander Burns -

Huntsman: Tax Code Needs Revamped - Interviews - Your World with Cavuto -

Judge allows Loughner's forcible medication |

Pataki won't join GOP field | The Des Moines Register |

Sarah Palin Is Still Not Running For President | Live | Fashion. Music. Lifestyle

Obama: Reclaim unity to honor 9/11 anniversary - Washington Times

Barry Bonds case remains in limbo -

In Book, Cheney Says He Urged Bush to Bomb Syria Nuclear Site -

Amtrak train hits farm vehicle, derails in Nebraska | Reuters

Joe Biden’s Asia message: Don’t worry - MJ Lee -

Gingrich advocacy group shut down -

Obama Calls for Americans to Mark 9/11 With Service Projects - Bloomberg

Quinn-Emanuel spat not new for governors, mayors -

City, University of Chicago strike deal to ‘create a vibrant South Side’ - Chicago Sun-Times

Chicago street gangs forge new model - Chicago Sun-Times

Meijer moves closer to Chicago with mini-supercenters called Meijer Marketplace -

Mel Gibson and ex-girlfriend reach settlement |

Gary plans 4-day Michael Jackson birthday party -

Johnny Depp | Johnny Depp Returns To Hunter S. Thompson In The Rum Diary | Contactmusic

'Our Idiot Brother' Is a Pretty Smart Comedy - Athens, GA Patch

Half of U.S. adults will be obese by 2030, report says - The Washington Post

Surgeon General Calls for Health Over Hair -

BBC News - Vitamin A pills 'could save thousands of children'

Social Networking Tied to Teen Drug, Alcohol Use

Giant rat caught, killed with pitchfork -

Gov. Cuomo urges New Yorkers to evacuate -

BBC News - Subterranean Amazon river 'is not a river'

Russia likely to suspend space deliveries over loss of Progress freighter | Russia | RIA Novosti

After suspension, U.S. polar bear scientist back at work | | The Bulletin

Humans got immunity boost from Neanderthals, study finds -

Brightest supernova in 40 years appears | TG Daily

BBC News - UK's atomic clock 'is world's most accurate'

NASA Chose Right Museums for Retired Space Shuttles, Report Finds | NASA Space Shuttles |

International Business News, Financial News, Market News, Politics, Forex, Commodities - International Business Times -

Dino-era Mammal the "Jurassic Mother" of Us All?

Sun Causes Climate Change Shock – Telegraph Blogs

Asteroid dust confirms meteorite’s ancient origins - The Times of India

Cassini Closes in on Saturn's Tumbling Moon Hyperion - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Steve Jobs Broke Every Leadership Rule. Don't Try It Yourself. - Forbes

Facebook ending Deals product after four-month test | Reuters

Report: Justice Dept. says Page knew about rogue drug ads | InSecurity Complex - CNET News

Google+ Lets Users Ignore, Block Other Users - Security - News & Reviews -

Maybe Facebook Didn't Get 1 Trillion Page Views After All | News & Opinion |

Facebook upgrades photos with larger sizes, makes them load twice as fast - Lifestyle - DNA

Google Deadpools Slide Social Software Unit - Search Engines - News & Reviews -

FCC Asks AT&T For More Info on LTE -

Irene Crosses North Carolina Coast as Winds Weaken - Bloomberg

Stocks Rally after Bernanke Speech; End Higher for the Week

Warren Buffett Invests $5 Billion in Bank of America - Current Rates, News and Information about Investments & Investing | Go Banking Rates

Gold Extends Biggest Slump in 18 Months - Bloomberg

East Coast Homeowners Urged to Consider Earthquake Insurance | The Afro-American Newspapers | Your Community. Your History. Your News.

Boeing’s 787 Glut Casts $16.2 Billion Cloud Over FAA Approval - Bloomberg

Ohio nuke plant radiation prompts more oversight - BusinessWeek

Lagarde Urges ‘Mandatory’ Recapitalization of EU Banks to Avert Contagion - Bloomberg

Barney Frank, Fed Put Brakes on Capital One Deal - TheStreet

U.S. May Back Mortgage Refinancing for Millions -

Argentine Workers, Businessmen Agree to Boost Minimum Wage 25% - Bloomberg

US harbor city girds for storm with sand bags

Thousands lose power as Irene moves north

A look at Irene's wake _ and what's ahead

Obama holds conference call on Hurricane Irene

Irene, a bit weaker, begins its destructive run

NC reports 1st death caused by Hurricane Irene

Thousands flee Jersey shore as surfers ride storm's waves

Raiders steal fake rhino horns in Britain

Goethe greatest German: poll

Zeus and Hera leave Acropolis for safe-keeping: official

US filmmaker held alone 6 months in Libya

Indian activist agrees to end hunger strike

Google's Schmidt sees more partners for Google TV | Reuters

Let the Fall of Gadhafi Embolden America To Assist in Toppling Assad

Labor pains in Saudi Arabia as deadline nears

Merkel wants to see Gaddafi on trial

'Arab League to increase pressure on Syria'

'Israel nixes Haniyeh assassination at Egypt's request'

Obama invokes Sept 11 attacks in call for service

'US, Israel fear terrorists will obtain Syrian weapons'

Gallery: US east coast prepares for Hurricane Irene

Jesse and Gadhafi

Maxine Waters Apologizes-To Fidel Castro

US And Terrorists In Race To Find Libya’s Surface To Air Missiles

No Bikinis Allowed In Wake Of Obama’s Wars?

Muslim Woman Escapes Arranged Marriage And Becomes….Mixed Martial Arts Fighter!

French, Italians, and Germans Line Up For Business Contracts In Libya; Chinese To Get Booted Out?

President Assad Speaks; Syrians Throw Shoes At TV Screen

Fears Of Tribal Violence In Libya Grow

Cheney’s New Book Promises To Explode Heads In Washington

Audio:Rep. Ted Poe: China’s High Tech Mafia

53 Killed By Gunmen In Attack On Northern Mexico Casino

Saturday Roundup

While In Congress “Morning” Joe Scarborough Introduced Resolution Condemning MSNBC Colleague Al Sharpton

Reporters Prepare To Be Blown Away in Irene Coverage

Breitbart TV’s Larry O’Connor on Dying Websites

Andrew Klavan: Three Rules for Wannabe Pundits

Media Reports Jackson’s Tea Party Slam, Ignores His Comments on Obama

NBC’s Chris Jansing Lies About Rick Perry Quote

The Steve Jobs/Martin Luther King Jr. Connection

Polls Show America Fed Up with Everyone in Washington

An Amazing Indictment of Obamanomics: Banks that Don’t Want Deposits Investor Don Smith on the Economy

Defense Cuts Will Make Or Break a Super Committee Budget Deal

Could 2012 Be Less Like Carter/Reagan and More Like LBJ/Nixon?

Wisconsin’s Summer of Recalls

BREAKING: Obama Dirty Tricks Operative Buffy Wicks to Run Campaign Unit Named After ACORN’s Voter Fraud Factory

Exclusive Interview: The Obama Administration War on Business Attacks Iconic American Manufacturer

Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich Agree: It’s Okay for the Feds to Force Workers to Pay Tribute to Union Bosses

Audio:Did Obama Ask Warren Buffett to Bailout Bank of America?

Institute of Medicine Provides ‘Medical’ Cover for Sebelius

The Pink Slip President

Obama’s Job-Killing NLRB Strikes Again! ALL* Employers Must Post Union Notices

Indoctrination Fridays: Mickey Mouse Is the New Godzilla

Paul Ryan Protests Fizzle

Kinky Friedman on Rick Perry: ‘Hell Yes’ I’d Vote for Him

‘The Help’ Review: One Great Film

Report: Gibson Competitor is Dem Donor; Uses Same Wood, Experienced No Federal Raids

‘Colombiana’ Review: Zoe Saldana Steals the Show as a Vengeful Assassin

‘Columbiana’ Review: Bold, Undiluted Trash

Gibson Guitar CEO on Obama DOJ Raids: ‘We’re Being Persecuted’

Censorship! A Hollywood Leftist’s Best [bleeping] Friend!

Will the Music World Protest Against Feds Eco-Zealous Raid On Gibson Guitar?

‘Our Idiot Brother’ Review: This One Lives Down to Its title

Sarah Palin’s Pre-Presidential Power

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Morning Call Sheet: Dish, Hulu, ‘Ghostbusters 3,’ Steven Crowder and a Hap-Hap-Happy Friday

Feldman Facing Tax Bill

Al Pacino thanks rappers for keeping Scarface relevant - Movie News |

Poll: GOP voters feeling better about prez choices

Bloomberg Stands By Decision To Leave Out Clergy At 9/11 Ceremony |

+27-Aug-11 World View +


**26th/Transcripts- Bernanke's Economic Outlook Speech at Jackson Hole

25th/Panel on the Latest Polling in the GOP Race

Jon Huntsman on His Campaign's Chances

24th/Roundtable on the Pentagon's China Concerns

Defense Department Briefing on China

Interview with Senator Joe Lieberman

Analysts on Obama's Judicial Nominations

Interview with Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich

23rd/House Intel Chairman Mike Rogers on Libya

Reporters on the Fighting in Tripoli

Roundtable on the Future of Libya

Interview with Representative Edward Markey

Secretary Panetta at the Naval Post-Grad School

22nd/Senator John McCain on the Fighting in Libya

Representative Dutch Ruppersberger on Libya

Reporter Discusses the Latest News in Libya

Panel on the Politics of Blaming the Tea Party

Biden's Remarks with the Prime Minister of Mongolia

21st/Interview with Presidential Candidate Jon Huntsman

Interview with Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum

Interview with Senator John McCain

Guests: Cummings, O'Malley, McDonnell & Axelrod

Guests: Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels, Robert Gibbs


Predicting Irene - IEEE Spectrum

A Shock to the Heartland | Natural Disasters | DISCOVER Magazine

Underground river 'Rio Hamza' discovered 4km beneath the Amazon | Environment |

Photons made to change colour and shape - physics-math - 26 August 2011 - New Scientist

21 Scientific Research Projects Starting This Fall That Could Change The World

Fear Junkies Get High on Hormones - Blog

9/11 And The Death Of The Ego

The New Atlantis » Could Terrorists Exploit Synthetic Biology?

The Curious Wavefunction: Why biology (and chemistry) is not physics

Researchers: Jobs’ Departure Will Test Employee Loyalty at Apple | Wired Science |

Interview: Photographer Jim Reed on Hurricane Irene and Storm Chasing | Compound Eye, Scientific American Blog Network

Report: Young women are 'power users' of social media sites -

The Science Is Settled: No Nutritional Difference Between Free-Range And Caged Chicken Eggs – Dental work without the ouch (really!)

Pioneering Ants Challenge Self-Organization Assumptions | Wired Science |

Future of Technology - Bug turns newspaper into fuel

Jurassic Mammal Fossil Hints At Earlier Split Between Placental Mammals and Marsupials | Popular Science

What Determines A Company’s Performance? The Shape Of The CEO’s Face! - Association for Psychological Science

Chickens eject sperm from males they don't fancy

Plants could pave the way for new ovarian cancer treatments

University of Missouri Completes First Drought Simulator | News Bureau, University of Missouri

The Inconvenient Truth of the Evangelical Vote

Who Gets Paid to Make America Hate? The Roots of the Islamophobia Network | Religion Dispatches

Excluding prayer from 9/11 memorial compounds the tragedy of that day | Ken Klukowski | Columnists | Washington Examiner

The Ingatherers –

Morgan Freeman Goes From God to Science -

Conservative Presbyterians Looking to Start New Reformed Body? |

The New Atlantis » Disenchanting Determinism

Idle and Rambling Speculations on Original Sin

Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog: The Spirituality of Me, Myself, and I!

Was Jesus judgmental? | Nick Jowett | Comment is free | The Guardian

A Cheer and a Half for Biblicism | First Things

Iran Monitors Turkey's Rising Regional Power

UN Law of the Sea and U.S. Rights

Nuclear Weapons and Iran's Global Ambitions

Britain shouldn’t feel guilty about the part we played in ousting Colonel Muammar Gaddafi - Telegraph

An imperfect triumph in Libya - The Washington Post

WPR Article | The Realist Prism: Obama's Post-Realist Turn in Libya

Brezhnev in the Hejaz | The National Interest

Nigeria's Terrorism Problem - By Alex Thurston | Foreign Policy

Lebanon news - NOW Lebanon -The oil myth

A ‘nuclear’ option for Karachi | Opinion | DAWN.COM

Muslims as a Mirror: Germany's Unhealthy Obsession with Islam - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Libya: Gaddafi's spear carriers | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

Nicaragua’s presidential election: Ortega goes capitalist | The Economist

Trans-Siberia gas pipeline

THE DAILY STAR :: Opinion :: Editorial :: Libya’s harder task

RealClearWorld - Freedom Could Make Sinai the New Somalia

LOGAN: NATO is a farce - Washington Times

The Zawahiri Era | The National Interest

Power grabs and politics are stalling progress in Iraq - The National

Debt will haunt the market for years to come - Howard Gold's No-Nonsense Investing - MarketWatch

Peter Foster: Ben Bernanke vs. Steve Jobs | FP Comment | Financial Post

Fed’s rate policy leaves no relief for Main Street banks - The Washington Post

Why can’t we tell Henry Paulson is a hero? - Al Lewis - MarketWatch

5 triggers that will ignite the next bull market - Weekend Investor - MarketWatch

The Equality Of Reaganomics - Forbes

Asia Times Online :: This time might be different

Holman Jenkins: The Amazing Steve Jobs Story -

What Makes Steve Jobs Great -

Gold's fall: Slip or start of slide? - 1 - investing strategy - MSN Money

RealClearMarkets - Even Greenspan Knew Of the Dangers

The American Spectator : The Fed's Philosopher King

The dead end of globalisation looms before our youth | Pankaj Mishra | Comment is free | The Guardian

Contrarian view of Steve Jobs’s decision - John Dvorak's Second Opinion - MarketWatch

Andy Kessler: How Steve Jobs Changed The World -

Our Oil-Constrained Future | Mother Jones

What Google knows about your eating habits - Fortune Tech

A parable of gold bulls and bubble dynamics -

Four Tales of Companies After Their Legendary Leaders Leave -

Buffett’s Dollar Patriotism: Message for Corporate America

RealClearMarkets - Bernanke to Congress: Your Turn!

Germany Quitting The Euro Is Bigger Risk Than Bernanke, Federal Reserve Policy | Markets |

Private Wage Growth Outpaces Federal in 2010 | Cato @ Liberty

The Tea Party is Dead, Long Live the Tea Party | Mother Jones

Answering Jonathan Alter’s Challenge « Commentary Magazine

Can the Fed increase inflation? - Ezra Klein - The Washington Post

Bernanke: Economy is Washington’s problem « Hot Air

The GOP’s Mythical Jobs Agenda | ThinkProgress

The Economy: Still Worse Than We Thought

RealClearPolitics - Traveling Back to the Future on Intercity Buses

How Obama can avoid becoming George Bush - The Week

Obama's Public Opinion Dilemma | The New Republic

Peggy Noonan: Perry's Popping-Off Problem -

News Desk: The Rick Perry Watch : The New Yorker

Tea Party Supporters Backing Perry for GOP Nomination

How Steve Jobs saved Apple - Apple 2.0 - Fortune Tech

Martin Luther King Jr. Would Want a Revolution, Not a Memorial -

King, in word and stone - The Washington Post

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Race-Based Spoils System

The Democrats' Rural Rebellions | The Nation

Left And Right Going Nuclear On Rick Perry -

A Former Clinton Official On How Obama Isn't Doing Enough For The Economy | The New Republic

Stephen Moore: Obamanonics vs. Reaganomics -

You Think Obama’s Been a Bad President? Prove It: Jonathan Alter - Bloomberg

Editorials | Steve Jobs and his insanely great lessons for the individual and society | Seattle Times Newspaper

Businesses plan health cuts because of Obamacare | Examiner Editorial | Opinion | Washington Examiner

Joe Biden endorses China’s one-baby policy--Editorial -

Obama offers 2012 election supporters change they can believe in — next term - The Washington Post

York: Keep your health plan? Don't count on it | Campaign 2012

Failing Forward -

Morning Jay: The Store Is Closed | The Weekly Standard

RealClearPolitics - China's Economic Sword

Wanted: More bite from Obama the Great Nibbler - The Washington Post

Heavy Hand | The Weekly Standard

The Arab Awakening | The Nation

RealClearPolitics - Libyan Good Guys and Bad Guys

Crime and the Great Recession by James Q. Wilson, City Journal Summer 2011

A Poll Tax by Another Name -

Business & Technology | After Jobs' departure, 5 top execs at Apple | Seattle Times Newspaper

Planned Parenthood says abortion center is 'office'

Survey: The most trusted national news network is…

Scientists' creed: We don't know

Foreign mercenaries led Libya's 'popular uprising'?

The nightmare world of 'trans-humanism'

The states must fight Obama's amnesty decree

I am an Israeli

Column One: Glenn Beck’s revealin... JPost - Opinion - Columnists

Another year, another failure

Barack Obama: Administrator

Steve Jobs and Dr. King

Darwin's legal legacy: Justice O.W. Holmes

What God forgets

Stephen Moore: Obamanonics vs. Reaganomics -

The Rick Perry Book Club | Mother Jones

The truth about Libyan 'rebels'

The Islamic Supremacist Propaganda Machine Cranks Out Another “Islamophobia” Report | FrontPage Magazine

Wrestling Sisters Take Down Hit-And-Run Suspect In Oklahoma | ThePostGame

Secret Service agents for Cheney ask Supreme Court for immunity from lawsuit over Colo. arrest - The Washington Post

Cheney reveals his 'undisclosed location' | The Upshot - Yahoo! News - Local news: Arlington man who fatally shot burglar gets 12 years for murder

How Was 400-Pound Statue Of Liberty Stolen? - Des Moines News Story - KCCI Des Moines

Expert: Drug gangs control half of Mexico | Fox News Latino

WORLD Magazine | Today's News, Christian Views

Children sexually abused on Pakistan's streets - Yahoo! News

500 People in 100 Seconds! - YouTube

King Arthur's round table may have been found by archaeologists in Scotland - Telegraph

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Freedom is inscribed on our hearts';Christine O'Donnell: Individual citizens must push to return America to greatness

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Rep. Jones: 'We've had many hurricanes';But congressman says they're usually not the size of Irene

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Whoa! Congressman wants 'back-door amnesty' stopped;'What they're trying to do is do administratively what they have not through legislation'


* Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Air Force vet dedicates future to exposing Obama

Anti-birther bragged of ties to Lakin's commander

Survey: The most trusted national news network is…

Arab League chief: Egypt-Israel peace treaty not as sacred as the Koran - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

WORLD Magazine | Today's News, Christian Views

Rick Santorum: Ron Paul's views reveal a 'disconnect from reality' - Dan Hirschhorn -

*27 Aug

American Minute for August 27th

This Day in History for 27th August

August 27th in History

Today in History: August 27

August 27 Events in History

What Happened on August 27th

Today in History for August 27th - YouTube


**26th/Politics VideoBernanke: Fed Has Limited Ability To Ensure Long-Term Growth

Obama Warns Of "Extremely Dangerous" Irene: Visit

Gov. Chris Christie: "Get The Hell Off The Beach"

Hurricane Irene From Space

MSNBC's Barnicle To NC Gov: Will Irene Destruction Create Jobs?

Perry: Health Care Law Is A "Huge Problem" For Romney

Preview Of Dick Cheney's Book "In My Time"

Huntsman: "There's Going To Have To Be Shared Sacrifice"

Trump: Perry's "Treasonous" Line "Picked Up Plenty Of Votes"

Ron Reagan: Dick Cheney Is A "War Criminal"

Advice On Hurricane Readiness From Ray Nagin

Olbermann, Lib Columnist: Cantor, Boehner Do Not Care About Americans

Robertson: Crack In Washington Monument A Sign From God

O'Reilly: Buffett "Really Trying To Get Obama Re-Elected"

Rep. Cummings: Most Blacks Think Obama "Has Been Treated Unfairly"

Papantonio: Imagine the Legacy Cheney's Family Must Live With

Maddow: The Tea Party Is Just The GOP Repackaged

Krauthammer: Romney "Doesn't Excite The Base"

**World Video:26th/Who Are The Most Dangerous Cyberterrorists?

Hague: 'Gaddafi's Regime Is Over'

NATO Official Talks Gaddafi Strategy

What A New Libya Will Look Like

The African Response To An End To Gaddafi

Could Al Qaeda Obtain Gaddafi Regime's Weapons?

Inside Gaddafi's Tripoli Base

UK Economic Growth Figure Unchanged

Bomb Blast In Pakistan Market

WWII Spy Files Reveal Nazi Secrets

Kan Resigns As Prime Minister

Raw Video: Deadly Blast At Nigerian UN Building

Untended WMD A Concern After Gaddafi's Fall


Brewster Kahle and Rick Prelinger on the "Understanding 9/11: A Television News Archive" 1 of 2 - YouTube

Brewster Kahle and Rick Prelinger on the "Understanding 9/11: A Television News Archive" 2 of 2 - YouTube


RUN FROM THE CURE - The Rick Simpson Story (Part 1 of 7)

RUN FROM THE CURE - The Rick Simpson Story (Part 2 of 7)

RUN FROM THE CURE - The Rick Simpson Story (Part 3 of 7)

RUN FROM THE CURE - The Rick Simpson Story (Part 4 of 7)

RUN FROM THE CURE - The Rick Simpson Story (Part 5 of 7)

RUN FROM THE CURE - The Rick Simpson Story (Part 6 of 7)

RUN FROM THE CURE - The Rick Simpson Story (Part 7 of 7)

**News Videos

**NEWS VIDEOS:Ray ‘School Bus’ Nagin: CBS Hurricane Expert

Irene’s Outer Bands Hit NC Coast

Liberal Comedienne: ‘Conservative White Republicans’ Will Accept Only One Black Golfer – Tiger Woods

26th/Obama on Irene: ‘Prepare for the Worst’

Gibson Guitar CEO on Obama DOJ Raids: ‘We’re Being Persecuted’

Bloomberg: Mandatory Evacuation for Some Areas

Schultz: ‘Pretty Boy’ Rubio Will Be ‘Ugly’ to Senior Citizens

Obama Pal Buffett Pumps $5 Billion into B of A

NBC News Provides Prime Time Platform for Calling Cheney ‘Criminal’

O’Donnell: ‘Witch’ Ad Biggest Mistake; I Shouldn’t Have Listened to Experts

Former Obama Econ Advisor Flounders Under Hannity’s Fire

Crowder Presents: Go Green Now!!

Nobel Laureate Sees 50% Chance of Global Slump

Bodies of pro-Gadhafi Fighters Litter Tripoli

Libya Rebels Transfer Leadership to Tripoli

Psychiatrists Advocate Change to Pedophilia Definition

NBC News’ Ron Reagan on Cheney: ‘He’s a War Criminal’

25th/Perry on Washington DC: ‘It’s a Seedy Place’

More than Three Dozen Protesters Arrested in San Francisco After Causing Chaos for Commuters

Romney Shows Fire at Rowdy Town Hall

Andrew Klavan: Three Rules for Wannabe Pundits

Rove to Palin: Get in or Get Out

Cheney Says His Book Will Make Heads Explode in DC

Bloomberg Defends NYPD Practices

Dennis Miller: ‘I’d Rather Have Obama on Vacation than Perpetually Out to Lunch

Ron Paul: European-Style Riots Could Come to US

Reactions to Jobs’ Resignation As Apple CEO

Dog Won’t Leave Fallen Navy SEAL’s Side

24th/Max Blumenthal ‘Educates’ Lebanon TV Viewers on Herman Cain


Aug. 26, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

08/26 The Mark Levin Show

The Alex Jones Show 08-26-11 Hr 1

The Alex Jones Show 08-26-11 Hr 2

The Alex Jones Show 08-26-11 Hr 3

The Alex Jones Show 08-26-11 Hr 4

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-26-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-26-11 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-27-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-27-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 08-26-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 08-26-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 08-26-11 Hr 3

Jesse Peterson Radio Show2011-08-26

The Manning Report – 26 August 2011

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 8-26-11

Live Free Or Die Radio - Friday, August, 26, 2011

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

Paul Drockton Show

Paul Drockton Show 2

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