A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

07 August 2011


An empty stomach is not a good political adviser.

Inside Scoop: Shot Down Black-Op Seals Won't Be Talking Now | Before It's News

Here's The Problem With This Market Crash...

Using Social Networks For Evil

World leaders confer on debt crises this weekend | Reuters

World reacts to U.S. credit downgrade -

America’s debt downgrade is a damning indictment of President Obama’s Big Government disaster – Telegraph Blogs

‪Economic Collapse a Mathematical Certainty - Top 5 Places Where Not To Be‏ - YouTube

US Credit Downgrade Is The End Of The World - Here's Why

Power companies prepare as solar storms set to hit Earth | Reuters

Solar flares could cause GPS problems on Saturday - Telegraph


House Advances Internet Surveillance Bill - Blog - OpenCongress

Bernd Debusmann | Analysis & Opinion |

Paul Drockton M.A.: Pedophile Warren Jeffs and Senator Orrin Hatch

Pedophile Prophet Bribed Mormon Politicians?

FBI offers child safety smartphone app - Telegraph

Exactly How Big Is This So-Called Al Qaeda? | Opinion Maker

Eyewitness To Judaization

Secretive sect of the rulers of Syria - Telegraph

U.S. official: Killed forces were reinforcing troops in Afghanistan -

Why shouldn’t we drink raw milk? - Telegraph

Sidekick duties: Causing trouble for Obama critics

Monsanto’s FDA Goes After the Country’s Only Safe Milk | Food Freedom

Rosalind Peterson -- Costly U.S. Power Grid Tests Approved Without Public Consent

‪Tottenham Riots: Torched houses, cars in London violence aftermath‏ - YouTube

‪London on Fire: Video of anti-police riots, bus blaze in Tottenham‏ - YouTube

‪History is about to repeat itself‏ - YouTube

Monday August 8, 2011 is the First Day of the Rest of your Financial Life | Before It's News

Phone hacking: 'Rupert Murdoch tells Rebekah Brooks to travel the world’ - Telegraph

Translation Of Pakistani Video - This Is The Truth - Osama Died In 2001 - 12160

Norway attacker got help from abroad to purchase equipment: Lawyer | Aftermath News

‪World Collapse Explained in 3 Minutes‏ - YouTube

‪Economic Collapse a Mathematical Certainty - Top 5 Places Where Not To Be‏ - YouTube

‪Economic Collapse: U.S. Will Default On Its Debt‏ - YouTube

‪Obama To End The War‏ - YouTube

‪taliban crashes down the us chenook.flv‏ - YouTube

The Hidden History of ALEC and Prison Labor | Truthout

The prison industry in the United States: big business or a new form of slavery?

SEAL Unit Supposedly Responsible for Osama Hit Killed in Copter Crash :

AWOL Soldier Found In Texas Hotel With Explosives, False Flag Preconditioning? :

9/11 Dead Not Registered As Dead By Social Security : Federal Jack

Blazes, looting in London riot - Yahoo! News

46 Million Americans Now Live On Food Stamps As Homeless Tent City Camps Spring Up Nationwide

Lieberman: Super Congress Needs To Cut Social Security To Fund Illegal Perpetual Wars

57 Senators Sign Letter To Protect Second Amendment Rights From U.N. Arms Treaty

Activist Post: US hails troops killed in Afghan chopper crash

How Did Those Vermont Fish Get Radioactive? - Jeff McMahon - The Ingenuity of the Commons - Forbes - Breaking News | Latest News | Current News

The Intercept: The Mysterious Death of Osama bin Laden: Creating Evidence Where There Is None

10 of Today’s Hottest Jobs: Proof That America Is Doomed -

Mossad’s murder machine kills another Iranian scientist -

US expands role in Mexico’s drug war: report | The Raw Story

Post-riot London looks ‘like the Blitz’, 42 arrested | The Raw Story

Secure Communities program can operate without state approval, governors are told -

Super Congress: A Financial Death Panel That Will Help The Banks Loot & Rape America -

Libya and Universal Human Rights

America In Decline

The Day the Middle Class Died

Blackmail in Washington

Video and lyrics: Everybody Knows : Leonard Cohen Live in London

Sipsey Street Irregulars: New York Times screws up and prints an excellent story of community self-defense out of Russia. “So people must protect themselves."

China blasts US 'debt addiction' and calls for new global stable reserve currency - Telegraph

Bilderberger Ralph Reed Making a Comeback

Norway Killer Fanatically Pro-Israel

Animal-Human Hybrid Tests: Moral & Ethical Ramifications

EXECUTION OF BIN LADEN: “That’s Not Osama”: Neighbor. “It’s all a fake, nothing happened”

BREAKING NEWS: Dead Men Don’t Talk: US Navy Seals Destroyed to Cover Up Washington’s Bin Laden Execution Hoax?

August 6, 1945: The Moral Legacy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

HIROSHIMA DAY 2003: Secret Meeting on the Privatization of Nuclear War

The De-Militarization of Colombia. Ending US Military Presence: Pillage, Promise and Peace

The Market Has Spoken: Austerity Is Bad for Business

Pakistan TV Report Contradicts US Claim of Bin Laden’s Death

Barack Obama: The Bizarro FDR

Onset of Imperial Decline: Osama Bin Laden and the Aftermath of 9/11

The Mysterious Death of Osama bin Laden: Creating Evidence Where There Is None

THE issue of our time: Genetic Armageddon | Old-Thinker News

‪Total Information Awareness - Using Social Networking Sites To Compile Info On Everyone‏ - YouTube

10 Financial Lessons for a Richer Life - TheStreet

‪deliberate economic collapse‏ - YouTube

The Invisible Toxic Drug That's Lurking in Your Water Supply

‪Michael Ratner: There is a North America-wide strategy to take away the right to mass protest‏ - YouTube

Activist Post: Questions raised by the SEAL Team 6 deaths in Afghanistan

22 from Seal Team 6--Unit that Got Bin Laden--Among 30 Troops Killed in Attack on U.S. Chopper

Obamanomics: Unemployment Drops to 4.3 for College Grads, Spikes to 15.0 for HS Dropouts

FLASHBACK: Obama: My Presidency Will Be ‘A One-Term Proposition’ If Economy Doesn't Turn In 3 Years

Obama’s Rx for Economy: Extending Payroll Tax Credit, Unemployment Insurance

Frederick's of Hollywood Opens First International Store in Abu Dhabi

Illegal Aliens Returned to Mexico Struggle to Survive in Tijuana

Desperate Democrats Launch Campaign to Blame GOP for S&P Downgrade

Summers Warns of New Recession

Scientists Find New Ovarian Cancer Gene

Greenspan: Downgrade to Propel Market Plunge

Axelrod: Downgrading Tea Party's Fault

Bachmann Wants Tim Geithner Fired

Perry to Evangelicals: I'm One of You

McCain, Kerry: Teamwork Needed Post-Downgrade

Boehner Blames Democrats for Credit Downgrade

Ex-Clinton Aides: Obama Botched Debt Message

Sen. Graham: 'Lousy' Presidency Razed Economy

Goolsbee: Downgrade Was Serious Mistake

Customs: 500,000 Troops Needed to Seal Border

McCain Worries About Afghanistan Troop Withdrawal

Bin Laden Files Should Be Enlightening

New Homeland Security Video Depicts US Citizens as Terrorists…and Encourages You to Snitch on Them

Al-Shabab Militants Retreat from Mogadishu

China and the Dollar: Dollar to Be 'Discarded' by World: China Rating Agency - CNBC

Treasury Takes Exception to S&P’s Math, Saying Downgrade Doesn’t Add Up - Bloomberg

Mexican military helicopter lands in Laredo by mistake | Houston & Texas News | - Houston Chronicle

NBC17's Wes Hohenstein swallows bug while doing the weather |

Google Blames Human for Robot Car Crash - NBC Bay Area

My Way News - Dramatic anti-police riot casts pall over London

Perry Leads Prayer Rally for ‘Nation in Crisis’ -

Special forces helicopter shot down in Afghanistan was on a mission to rescue fellow Navy SEALs | Mail Online

For the fallen warriors of Seal Team 26! | Before It's News

SEAL Team 6 Demise Predicted | Before It's News

Seal Team 6 Crash Was An Inside Job | Before It's News

How Much Fluoride is in Your Local Water Supply? | Before It's News

Farah to publish “tell all” book on the birthers

Bhagvad-Gita on what Doubt really is | Before It's News

Designing Diamond Circuits For Extreme Environments | Before It's News

10 Money Ideas That Will Change Your life | Before It's News

Demonic Possession And Psychiatry | Before It's News

The Invisible IQ Lowering Drug Most Americans Consume Daily | Before It's News


Minister Farrakhan emphasizes proper reading and education: "To be critical thinkers we must also be critical readers." | Before It's News

*Full replay of the education conference program


Security Guards At ALEC Conference Physically Harass ThinkProgress Reporters

S&P head: Agency may downgrade U.S. again

If You Read The Actual S&P Report, They Blame Republicans For Refusing To Raise Taxes. Why Won't The Media Say That?

Mike Huckabee: President Obama Should Nominate Donald Trump to be Treasury Secretary

Santorum Soshulism Alert: Early Childhood Education Is "Indoctrination"

AUDIO:Open Thread with The Professional Left Weekly Podcast: Playing the Long Game, Fighting the Long War

John Fund Pushes for More Austerity Measures on the News of S&P Downgrade

Krugman: Time To Get Serious About Our Economy And Job Creation

Texas Drought Continues, Massive Strain On Electrical Grid Will Produce Rolling Blackouts. Can We Talk About Climate Change Now?

S&P's Credibility Gap

How ALEC Changed Policies To Allow Corporations To Use Prisoners As Coerced Slave Labor

Kerry to the Media: Stop Giving Equal Time to Every 'Absurd Notion'

- Rupertgate Friday - A Week Full Of Intrigues.

Prison » G7 Preparing Statement To Support Dollar, EU, In Fact Everything That Would Otherwise Collapse Tomorrow, Before Asia Open

Prison » Deaths of SEAL Team 6 Exposed

Prison » SEAL Unit Supposedly Responsible for Osama Hit Killed in Copter Crash

Prison » Questions raised by the SEAL Team 6 deaths in Afghanistan

Prison » Economy Debased by Lies, Fraud, and Bogus Statistics

Prison » China Calls For International Oversight Of The US Dollar, Suggests Single Global Currency Replace It

US to ‘stay the course’ after Afghan chopper crash | The Raw Story

AFP: 'Eight Afghan civilians killed' in air strike

Prison » “Blanket of Darkness” over Tripoli. NATO Targets Electricity Generation. Launches Psychological Attacks

Prison » Infowars Ireland Predicted SEAL Team 6 Demise

Prison » Sealed Lies, Sealed Lips: SEAL Team 6 Dies, But Their Legend Survives

Prison » 13 Reasons Why The U.S. Is Now OFFICIALLY BANKRUPT

Prison » How TV Ruined Your Life

Prison » Infowars Special Report with Mike Adams: FDA & CDC Are Perpetuating a Culture of Sickness and Death

Prison » Infowars Special Report with Gerald Celente: US Dollar Isn’t Worth The Paper It’s Printed On

Prison » Health Ranger: ‘FDA fights organic farmers’

Prison » U.S. soldiers dangerously over-medicated with antipsychotic drugs

Prison » Alex Jones Debates ATF Actions on RT

Prison » Environmental Advocates Use Racism to Dismiss Global Warming Skeptics

Researchers Show Off Wi-Fi Hacking Drone at Black Hat

Researchers Show Off Wi-Fi Hacking Drone at Black Hat

‪"For 36 Years Federal Govt Has Been Growing Marijuana & Dispensing It As Medicine"‏ - YouTube

» Old Tattered Republic: Why Do Some Believe Known Liars? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Sealed Lies, Sealed Lips: SEAL Team 6 Dies, But Their Legend Survives Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Questions raised by the SEAL Team 6 deaths in Afghanistan Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Nanci Pelosi on House Floor: “Novus Ordo Seclorum” New Order for the Ages Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 11 Ways 9/11 Truth is Challenging The Hijacking of History And The Totalitarian Reengineering of Human Consciousness Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Why 9/11 victims' names are missing from federal registry of deaths : Anderson Independent Mail

9/11, Ten Years | We Are Change

DEA acknowledges supporting role in Operation Fast and Furious - Los Angeles Times

» Animal-Human Hybrid Tests: Moral & Ethical Ramifications Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Smart Meter Slavery Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Chile student protests explode into violence | World news | The Guardian

Student dies after police use Taser at University of Cincinnati | |

Breaking News: “Bin Laden” Heroes Probably Murderered to Keep Them Quiet | Veterans Today

» G7 Preparing Statement To Support Dollar, EU, In Fact Everything That Would Otherwise Collapse Tomorrow, Before Asia Open Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

German Government Thinks Italy Too Big For EFSF To Save -Spiegel

Maggie Daley charity got $6.5-mil. city contract 4 days before Mayor Daley left office | Greg Hinz | Blogs | Crain's Chicago Business

Israelis gather at Times Square to support rent protests

Israelis plan million-strong march as protesters call for social justice

Somali troops move into Mogadishu as rebels pull out

Syrian tank assaults kill more than 60 in two cities

Uproar in Egypt as US funnels aid to civil societies

Mission impossible: stop another recession

Rick Perry's call to prayer draws crowd of 30,000

Economic Outlook: Fed meets amid talk of QE

Nielsen to launch online campaign rating tool

Geithner will not resign, US Treasury says

Police: 8 shot to death in Ohio, including child

That 1937 feeling all over again

European Central Bank confers on Italy crisis

American to attempt 60-hour Cuba-to-Florida swim

Timothy Geithner informs President Obama that he will stay as Treasury secretary.

Ex-Obama economist warns of new US recession

'Apes' rise to No. 1 this weekend with $54 million

Wisconsin recalls center of fight over GOP agenda

Ex-NY Gov. Hugh Carey dies at 92

London police appeal for calm after riots, looting

Yemeni president leaves Saudi hospital

4 PARTS/Knowledge is Power – Max Igan

» SEAL Unit Supposedly Responsible for Osama Hit Killed in Copter Crash Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

‪AAA-rmageddon: S&P downgrade knocks off US credit crown‏ - YouTube

‪8/5/11 Romney raises money out of thin air?‏ - YouTube


** NEWS VIDEOS:NBC News’ Sharpton Under Fire from Black Journalist Association

Dems New Spin: ‘The Tea Party Downgrade’

McCain Echos Obama: Our System is Dysfunctional

Shannon Sharpe’s Amazing Hall Of Fame Induction Speech

Car Towed with 5-year-old Boy Still Inside

Protest Over Police Shooting Turns into Riot in London

Liberals on Maher Panel Pine for Hillary Presidency

Perry to Evangelicals: I’m One of You

Disturbing Audio Tape Released in Arizona Honor Killing Case

6TH/Small Businesswoman’s Epic Rant Against Obama’s Disastrous Economic Policies

Bachmann to Obama: Fire Geithner

Rachel Maddow Apologizes to Rush by Calling Him a Racist

Obama Pushes Jobs Initiatives in Weekly Address

Flashback: Geithner Says ‘No Risk’ U.S. Will Lose AAA Credit Rating

31 Killed in Afghanistan Including 25 Navy SEALS; Same Unit Killed bin Laden

5TH/Former Obama Economic Adviser on Downgrade: We’re ‘Pretty Darn F–ked’

Obama Calls for ‘Reverse Boot Camp’ Jobs Program for Vets

NBC News Host Debates Conservative Guest: ‘Why do You Feel [Gays] are Less Than You?’

Now More Than Ever: Jeane Kirkpatrick’s ‘Blame America First’ 1984 GOP Convention Speech

Huckabee Slams NBC News for 9/11 Cartoon Smear

Santelli vs. Ezra Klein on Economy

ChiSox Ozzie Guillen on Sean Penn: ‘He’s a Loser’

Harry Smith Crushes on Obama in NBC News Debut

Unemployment Still Over 9%

‘Tea Party Terrorists’ Media Mash

Sen. Kerry Begs Media to Stop Giving ‘Equal Time or Equal Balance’ to ‘Absurd’ Tea Party Ideas

4TH/Perry Takes Shot at RomneyCare

‘Get a Life!’ Beckel and Gutfeld React to Palin Coverage Brouhaha

Arabs React to Mubarak Trial

Cartoonist Targeted with Criminal Probe for Mocking Police with Online Animation

Mister Honey Badger Goes to Washington

Hollywood News: Kutcher’s ‘Men’ Character Revealed, Oprah to Get Oscar

Jennifer Hudson and Rahm Emanuel Lead Fundraiser Crowd in Singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to Obama

3RD/Mubarak Arrives to Court in Steel Cage

And Now… Lingerie Basketball

Maher: Mormonism More Like Islam than Christianity

2ND/Matt Damon Curses Out Cameraman

Man Arrested Jumping White House Fence

1ST/Cramer: Obama Caused Panic


Bozell Column: NBC Leans on Playboy |

Watch and Listen to Keith Jarrett … Cook!

‘Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation’ – The Ultimate Passion Project

BigDawg Spotlight On: American Folk Blues Artist James Kole

Help Save ‘Men of a Certain Age’

‘Gates of Hell’: A Political Movie About Angry Black Men the Left Won’t Celebrate

Fox Network’s Teen Choice Awards a Total Turnoff


Exclusive Excerpt: Andrew Klavan’s ‘The Final Hour’ Part One

Exclusive Excerpt: Andrew Klavan’s ‘The Final Hour’ Part Two

Exclusive Excerpt: Andrew Klavan’s ‘The Final Hour’ Part Three


Gov. Jindal’s Opposition to Health Care Exchanges Splits Libertarian and Conservative Scholars

Free Birth Control: One Small Step for Feminists; One Giant Attack on the Consumer’s Pocketbook

ObamaCare: ‘We Have to Pass the Bill So that You Can Find Out What Is in It’ Busting Congestion in Chicago (or Any other City)

Another Tale of Our Anti-Parent DCFS Establishment

A Lack of Leadership: The Root of the S&P Downgrade Dick Morris on School Choice

What Are the Consequencs of the Obama Downgrade?

More Obama Spending Won’t Help the Economy

Former W.H. lawyer to IRS: Rescind Media Matters’s non-profit status - On Media -

CARTOON:ON: Happy Birthday

CARTOON:Useful Idiots: “Experts”

Juan Williams, Racist Smears, and Pigford

The Debt Ceiling Debate, The Jewish Fast of Tisha B’av, and The Story of the Two Kamtzas

Where is Media in Rawesome Raid?

Want Proof of How Democrats Would Shut You Up, Tea Partiers?

NewsBusted: Will Obama Be Laid Off in 2012?

Russia uses dirty tricks despite U.S. 'reset' - Washington Times

The Phone Call

Appeasement Isn’t Working: We’re Buidling Islamic Centers for Them, They’re Building Bombs for Us

Want To Spell Like Patton? US Army Marketing ‘Patton Cologne’, USMC Offers ‘Devil Dog’

President Obama Committed In Employing Our Veterans

Time to Ask Questions Over Chinook Downing

What Strategic Revelations Should The Bin Laden Files Provide?

Libyan TV: Weapons Training For Women Of All Ages

Bait and Switch: The Libyan Battle Royal

AUDIOP:Rep. Gohmert: Gambling with America’s Security

U.S. State Dept. Urges U.S. Citizens To Leave Syria Immediately

The Tunnel Vision Of The COIN-Bots

Fjordman: My Afternoon With The Police

Is The New Yorker’s Navy SEAL Cover Story Fake?

Report: Qaddafi Declares PR war On United States, NATO

31 Americans, Mostly Special Forces, Killed In Afghanistan

FBI Targets Constitutionalists


+7-Aug-11 World View


Federal Judge Agrees to Restrict Writer’s Testimony -

Hacker group posts data stolen from 70 police websites in US - The Boston Globe


Clean Up Your Own Act Before You Throw Stones !

Investor Class Should Return To Normalcy

Downgrade of credit worthiness - will it embarass America enough for change?


To Fix a Broken Country: The Critical Limits of American Politics

Divest for Human Rights, Divest Terror

How a Free Society Can Protect Itself from Psychological Warfare

The President's New Clothes

Teachers and the Question of Corporal Punishment

Socialism’s God—Karl Marx: Was He Stupid, Insane…or Possessed?

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Time to take over the government

Passage of the Debt Limit Flies in the Face of National Voters

Obama Has Done his Job Well: USA All But Destroyed

The glorious truth: Tea Party Movement outnumbers Obama Libs!

Our Colossal Ignorance on Global Warming

What should the Bin Laden Files tell us

American resources – for American jobs, revenue and prosperity

ABC’s Jake Tapper Nails Jay Carney on Obama’s Job Creation Plans

Inhofe Calls on Obama EPA to Halt Ozone Standard Announcement Given Scientific Integrity Concerns

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – As the scam unravels

Sad About the SEALs? No

Today Kerry Doesn’t Want ‘Equal Time’; Yesterday He Did

Obama Lied, America’s Credit Rating Died

Obama Devastates Poor and Middle Class Blacks

The Fifth Column Sabotage Against The USA and Our Critical Infrastructure

Revise US Military Strategy Now Joint Force Strike Operations

Revise US Military Strategy Now – Part II

John Kerry: ‘This is the Tea Party Downgrade’ | Video |

London Burning: Video Aftermath of Looting, Riots | Video |

G-20 Leaders Hold Emergency Conference Call in Wake of S&P US Downgrade |

Egypt Muslim Brotherhood Holds First Open Internal Vote |

Religious Organizations Object to New Government Birth Control Requirements |

Next For Hackers: Your Smartphone |

China Demands US ‘Cure its Addiction to Debts’ |

Texas Town Drinking Recycled Wastewater |

Tim Geithner Flashback — ‘No Risk’ of Credit Rating Downgrade | Video |

Captain Morgan’s Pirate Ship Found Rum Maker | Video |

Barack Obama ‘My Presidency Will Be ’A One-Term Proposition‘ if Economy Doesn’t Turn in ‘3 Years’ | Video |

ACLU Wins Forsyth County Board Over Prayer in ‘Jesus name’ — North Carolina Appeal May Go to US Supreme Court | Video |

Carney: The White House Doesn’t Create Jobs | Video |

Debbie Schlussel:Wknd Box Office: Rise of Planet of the Apes, Change-Up, Myth of American Sleepover

BBC News - Antimatter belt around Earth discovered by Pamela craft

Future of war: Private robot armies fight it out - Technology & science - Innovation -

Rendlesham Incident: US commander speaks for the first time about the 'Suffolk UFO' - Telegraph

Space travel: Looking to build spaceship within 100 years -

Doc’s food dye experiment with insects | The Sun |News

6 Mysteries of Jupiter NASA’s New Spacecraft May Solve | Wired Science |

Future of Technology - Robot learns from experience

Do not disturb: Monkeys invent new method of communication by covering their eyes when they want to be left alone | Mail Online


*SAVAGE AUDIO: Beware the government-media complex


Tottenham Riot: Mark Duggan's Family Condemn Rioting After He Was Shot Dead By Police | UK News | Sky News

Helicopter Crash in Afghanistan Reportedly Kills Members of SEAL Team 6 -

Paul warns of 'next bubble burst'

‪The Price of a U.S. Credit Rating Downgrade‏ - YouTube

World Financial Officials Hold Emergency Call to Discuss U.S. Credit Downgrade -

EDITORIAL: Obama’s downgraded America - Washington Times

Obama officials attack S&P's credibility after downgrade | Reuters

Poll Reveals 4 out of 5 Palestinians Support Hamas - Inside Israel - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -

Israeli Military Reportedly Plotting to Cripple Iran in Cyberspace -

Savage: America has been 'hoodwinked'

Former White House Counsel to IRS: Pull Media Matters’ Tax-Exempt Status -

Police: Teens Leave Church Picnic To Riot In East Liberty - News Story - WPXI Pittsburgh

No more Moammar? Don't count Gadhafi out yet

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Obama offers nothing new on jobs;Diana Furchtgott-Roth: Administration 'moving ahead with more regulations'

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Social media and your identity;Study: ID thieves steal Social Security Numbers via facial-recognition software

Your face on Facebook 'your own worst enemy'

County limits free speech to 3'x3' space ... in woods

Esquire seeks more time to answer WND lawsuit

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?


*ARTICLE LINKS:s Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


VPR News: Gov. Perry Tries To Keep Focus On God, Not Politics

Attendees see The Response as just a beginning | Houston & Texas News | - Houston Chronicle

Protesters in Dallas march agains Perry prayer rally - KDAF

Voters to Congress: We're not buying it

China demands U.S. 'live within its means' -

Jihadists infiltrating U.S. military?

Can Darpa Fix the Cybersecurity ‘Problem From Hell?’ | Danger Room |

Deader than dead: people in vegetative states are viewed as deader than corpses | Not Exactly Rocket Science | Discover Magazine

Sharia law in bid to conquer London — RT


*The big list: Female teachers with students


Vatican and Croatia dispute over Adriatic monastery - Telegraph

More spiritual Chavez changes outlook on life | Reuters

Hiroshima marks anniversary of A-bomb as Japanese PM admits he 'regrets' nuclear power | Mail Online

Muslim scholar wants face veils gone - auckland |

The Malaysian Bar - No law against Muslims in churches, says Bar Council

Fukushima refugees shunned by Japanese society — RT

Norway killer's online idol steps out of shadows | Reuters

Evil fiction: teacher a target of fake Facebook profile

Teacher arrested in front of class in Melbourne's west |

New York City Teacher Accused of Sex with Student in Long Island Motel

New Zealand Man Decapitated by Homemade Hovercraft -

6 Mysteries of Jupiter NASA’s New Spacecraft May Solve | Wired Science |

Judo master makes 10th degree black belt

The new sport for those with brains AND brawn... it's chess-boxing! | Mail Online

Eatery serves up glove | News | NT News | Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia |

Mad Max cancels Broken Hill location shoot

Lucy look-alikes honor Lucille Ball's 100th birthday | Reuters

Reporter Mike Hellgren looks just like police drawing of suspect | Mail Online

Artist races clock for big Burning Man project - Sacramento Entertainment - Sacramento Movie Theaters, Music | Sacramento Bee

Pentagon’s Lightning Gun Sold for Scraps on eBay | Danger Room |

Defying gravity: Tokyo photographer 'levitates' Photos | Defying gravity: Tokyo photographer 'levitates' Pictures - Yahoo! News

The Local - Old people's Swiss sex romps shock anglers

Earth Once Had Two Moons, Scientists Say - Yahoo! News

Is this Jack the Ripper? Scotland Yard's Chief Inspector Frederick Abberline named | Mail Online

Local News | D.B. Cooper suspect was surveyor; brother worked for Boeing | Seattle Times Newspaper

Pantheon in Rome might actually be a giant sundial | Mail Online

Full to the brim: Scientists claim the human brain is at capacity and is too tiring to get smarter | Mail Online

Brain cells start to eat themselves when we go hungry - San Jose Mercury News

Paper-thin computers can be rolled up, stuffed in a pocket [Video] -

One Per Cent: Create an animated biography from your photos

Wild dog urine may hold a secret message | Oddly Enough | Reuters

Sperm Whale: Inside Nature’s Giants, Channel 4, preview - Telegraph

Jihadists infiltrating U.S. military?

City sets preacher's speech rights on stranger's 'comfort' level

The people vs. the ruling class

2 who must go in 2012 - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: We pay for flying cars

*7 Aug

American Minute for August 7th

Today in History: August 7

This Day in History for 7th August

August 7th This Day in History

August 7th in History

Today in History: August 7

August 7 Events in History

‪Today in History for August 7th‏ - YouTube


Republicans Jostle for Position as Important Week Begins in Iowa -

Making hay at the Ames straw poll - The Washington Post

The Downgrade Blues -

Is the tea party over? -

If we are to survive the looming catastrophe, we need to face the truth - Telegraph

Mad Debt - Mark Steyn - National Review Online

What a Week: Afghan Deaths, S&P, and Debt Limit Debate Challenge Obama - George E. Condon Jr. -

News Desk: Scared Straight? : The New Yorker

Markets should ignore S&P -

Advice for Perry in National Race - Watch Your Right -

Annette John-Hall: Cornel West, Tavis Smiley to undertake poverty tour -

Policies working, state is on track - JSOnline

Don't forget to honor the Navy SEALS who died in the line of duty

The Truth About Taxes -

Contraception by Fiat - The Editors - National Review Online

Better, cleaner cars: New fuel standards will deliver assorted benefits

The Nixon Shock - BusinessWeek

Jenkins: Obama vs. the 1980s -

The Madman Theory -

RealClearPolitics - Why Won't Obama Embrace Growth to Create Jobs?

The Weekend Interview with Eric Cantor: Obama and the Narcissism of Big Differences -

Some Advice for Democrats -

What if the Debt Deal Doesn’t Get Us Through the 2012 Election? | ThinkProgress

Has the Left Lost its Nerve? | The Weekly Standard

Length of Unemployment Continues to Break Records -

The Media Myth of “Independents” « Commentary Magazine

2011 Terrorism Risk Index

Iraq's Politics Dangerously Stalled (pdf)

Is this the end of American empire? It's tempting to answer 'Yes' - Telegraph

Glow of Bin Laden raid may blind U.S. to other terrorist threats -

RealClearWorld - Would a Nuclear Iran Behave Rationally?

In Afghanistan, the rise and fall of ‘Little America’ - The Washington Post

No riots here. Just quiet, ever-deeper misery | Nick Cohen | Comment is free | The Observer

Why did Japan surrender? - The Boston Globe

The Columbian Exchange and the Real Story of Globalization -

The hard task of providing aid to Horn of Africa

Mission Not Accomplished - By Christopher Heffelfinger | Foreign Policy

The Endrun Project: Rethinking Reality 2011: Countdown to 2012

9 Seemingly Innocent Ways to Severely Damage Your Credit Score | InvestingAnswers

Prediction: 2040's Top 8 World Economies | InvestingAnswers

‪Aftermath: Population Zero‏ - YouTube

Behind the Wizard of Oz Story | Pakalert Press

Immigration Officials to Continue Fingerprint Sharing Program -

The Daily Bell - Cecil Rhodes

How Hollywood programs us to ignore the ‘men behind the curtain’ « Truth and Shadows


*Week in Pictures: July 31 - August 6*


**Politics Video:Sen. Kerry Calls U.S. Credit Change The "Tea Party Downgrade"

Paul Ryan On Downgrade: "Both Parties Got Us To Where We Are"

Sen. Graham: "What Was Hope And Change Is Despair And Confusion"

Greenspan: US "Can Pay Any Debt It Has Because We Can Always Print Money"

Anita Dunn: Obama Passed "Leadership Test" This Week

Sen. Sessions And Gov. O'Malley Debate What Credit Downgrade Means

Howard Dean: Tea Party Is "Smoking Some Of That Tea, Not Just Drinking It"

Schieffer To Axelrod: "Things Are Worse" Since Obama Took Office

Axelrod Parrots Kerry: "A Tea Party Downgrade"

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Faults With GOP Candidates

"This Week" Roundtable: Politics Of The Economy

"Meet The Press" Roundtable: Can US Rebuild Its Economy?

6th/TX Gov. Rick Perry Speaks At "The Response" Day Of Prayer Event

Christina Romer On Credit Downgrade: "We're Darned F**ked"

Obama Weekly On Unemployment: "We've Got To Put Politics Aside"

Rep. Grimm Gives GOP Weekly: Obama Needs To "Wake Up To Reality"

Rick Perry: God "Wise Enough Not To Be Affiliated With Any Political Party"

Maher To Liberal Panel: Do You Have Any "Buyer's Remorse" With Obama?

Joan Walsh: Elitist Decision Makers Are Cut Off From Reality

Bachmann: Obama "Has Destroyed The Credit Rating Of The United States"

Barney Frank Trashes S&P As "Incompetent"

Krauthammer: Super Committee Leaves Room For Backdoor "Grand Bargain"

Flashback: Geithner Says No Risk To US' AAA Credit Rating

Standard & Poor's Downgrades U.S. Credit Rating To "AA+"


Valley where U.S. troops died backs Taliban - World Wires -

US helicopter shot down in Afghanistan was on rescue mission | World news | The Guardian

Eight Dead In NE Ohio Family Fight

Euro Central Bankers Hold Crisis Talks to Stem Debt Contagion

Hackers release vast amounts of US police information - Telegraph

Speech Recognition Interface Uncovered in iOS 5

Charlie's Angels may still feature cameos from original stars | Inside TV |

Some Shark Facts for the End of 'Shark Week' - Palos Verdes, CA Patch

Learning to Cope With a Mind’s Taunting Voices -

Advocates To Lobby on Health Care Spending Following Debt Deal - California Healthline

2 killed, 2 seriously hurt in wrong-way crash on tollway -

Joel Osteen brings message of hope to Chicago - Chicago Sun-Times

Bicyclist loses balance at stoplight, falls under wheel of dump truck - Chicago Sun-Times

S&P: Further US Credit Downgrade Possible | USA | English

Boeing unveils first Dreamliner for delivery – The Express Tribune

In Japan, Atomic Bomb Survivors Denounce Nuclear Power -

Facebook SPAM King Compromises 500,000 Accounts - SlashGear

20 Years Ago Today: The First Website Is Published | GeekDad |

App Captures Candid Moments Before YApp Captures Candid Moments Before You Strike a Pose For the Cameraou Strike a Pose For the Camera - KDAF

The Pluses And Minuses Of Google+ - InvestmentNews

Facebook: we have proof Ceglia’s contract is a forgery | ZDNet

Your Smartphone: a New Frontier for Hackers - ABC News

Google vs. Microsoft: Who's Winning? - Mobile and Wireless - News & Reviews -

Wardrobe Malfunction! Nicki Minaj Suffers Nip Slip During GMA Gig - E! Online

New Yorker charged with stalking French actress Cotillard | Reuters

'Lucy' look-alikes honor Ball's 100th birthday - Entertainment - Celebrities -

Lollapalooza 2011 : 13 Things Seen & Heard Saturday |

Anthony Quinn’s Son, Francesco, Dies at 48 - The Hollywood Reporter

Charlie Sheen To Die Gruesome Sitcom Death (With a Classy Funeral) - Entertainment - The Atlantic Wire

Is SpongeBob Spreading Lies About Global Warming?

Arctic Sea Ice Melt Provides Opening For Commercial Shipping - Irish Weather Online

Another Russian in space | Newspaper | DAWN.COM

Prince Harry wants to be a NASA astronaut? | Technically Incorrect - CNET News

Jupiter trek starts in solar system hunt - The Standard

Sunday Q&A: Theory of Mars water fuels debate | Houston & Texas News | -

Solar Storm Hits Earth, Auroras Paint Sky (Photos & Video) - International Business Times

Melissa Lafsky: The 5 Truths About Relationships (That No One Ever Tells You)

How to unplug from Facebook, Twitter and Google+ -

Gas tax may be next Tea Party target - Aug. 4, 2011

Medical News: Increased Libido One Sexual Benefit of Weight Loss - in Primary Care, Obesity from MedPage Today

Smaller Plates Help Lose Weight | The State Column

Eating Healthy Comes with Added Cost | The State Column

Notorious Abu Ghraib guard released from prison -

Firm gives $1 million to pro-Romney group, dissolves - TODAY News -

The real U.S. debt crisis is still to come

Kerry calls lower credit rating a ‘Tea Party downgrade’ from Political Intelligence

Gov. Hugh Carey, - Kept New York Solvent -

Report calls on Pentagon to prepare for possible debt-limit deal spending cuts -

Huntsman still introducing himself in N.H. -

FAA showdown on spending presages larger fight | Reuters

Fighting rages on several Libyan fronts - Africa - Al Jazeera English

Venezuela’s Chavez Cried After Informed of His Cancer by Castro - Bloomberg

Polar bear that killed teen was starving | Herald Sun

Heavy use of Facebook linked with psychological problems for kids and teens, researcher says -

*Standard & Poor's



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