A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

08 August 2011


The bigot agrees there are two sides to every question – his side and the wrong side.

How JP Morgan Took Over All Kentucky's Financial Services, And Why You Should Be Scared | | AlterNet

» FLASHBACK: Eyewitness to OBL Raid Saw Helicopter Explode (TRANSCRIPT) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Obama Lied, America's Credit Rating Died

IRS: Show me the money

The Daily Bell - Nine-Year-Old Discusses Monetary Inflation and What Is Wrong with US Foreign Policy

Agent Orange: American Chemical and Biological Warfare | Pakalert Press

What Happened to Obama’s Passion? -

Chatter: 9/11, Fringe Science and Disclosure | Veterans Today

‪Sources: Seal Team 6 Was Murdered‏ - YouTube

‪9/11 Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out Trailer - - 9/11/11 DVD...‏ - YouTube

‪9/11: The Unidentified Murder Weapons‏ - YouTube

‪Treason by Members of the United States Congress‏ - YouTube

‪Ron Paul on FOX with Lou Dobbs: What's next for Congress?‏ - YouTube

Hugo Neu and the Giuliani Partners Who Destroyed the Steel of 9/11

London on fire: police shooting ignites riot (PHOTOS) — RT

‪SEX PISTOLS - Anarchy In The UK‏ - YouTube

Super Congress: A Financial Death Panel That Will Help The Banks Loot & Rape America :

Don’t tell me the Zionist lobby hasn’t bought the entire US Congress « Antony Loewenstein


‪+ Contagion (2011) Official Exclusive 1080p HD Trailer‏ - YouTube



Jackie O tapes to reveal her and JFK's affairs and who she believed was behind his death | Mail Online

FLASHBACK - Bernanke Admits "Inflation Is A Tax" (Video) - Home - The Daily Bail

‪Oklahoma City hit with DANGEROUS RADIATION levels from Rain on Aug 6th 2011‏ - YouTube

Domestic Terrorists? Communities Coin Their Own Currency To Survive The Collapse

Activist Post: Ex-Obama economist warns of new US recession

Lone Star Watchdog: Before The IRS Audits Us To Make Sure We Chip in and Sacrifice with New Taxes. Lets Audit The Federal Government First


* Helen Scott: The Mark Twain they didn't teach us about (2000)


Bomb destroys NATO fuel tankers in Pakistan - Central & South Asia - Al Jazeera English

‪Tottenham Riots: Torched houses, cars in London violence aftermath‏ - YouTube

‪London on Fire: Video of Tottenham anti-police riots, bus blaze‏ - YouTube

81 congressmen to visit Israel in... JPost - Diplomacy & Politics

AIG sues BofA for US$10B over ‘massive fraud’ | FP Street | Financial Post

TaxProf Blog: NY Times: Lawyer Calls Cave-in on 501(c)(4) Groups 'Tumor on IRS's Integrity'

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Do These Idiots Realize How Stupid They Sound?

Farmers refuse to plant 'Benedict XVI' wheat - Israel Business, Ynetnews

Our Troops do NOT Protect Our Freedom and We Should Stop Thanking Them for Doing So blog: CIA Asset Susan Lindauer blows the whistle on 9/11, Iraq

Al Gore is Frustrated with Climate Realists - 12160

Activist Post: The Federal Government Declares War on the Nation

Why Is America Committing Suicide? by Justin Raimondo --

Activist Post: Freedom to Feudalism

The Bone Destroying Daily Drink Fooling Millions of Americans :

China and the Dollar: Dollar to Be 'Discarded' by World: China Rating Agency - CNBC

Audit of the Federal Reserve Reveals $16 Trillion in Secret Bailouts |

S&P's Chambers: 1-in-3 Chance of Further US Downgrade

Greenspan Sees Negative Market Reaction, Warns of Italy

Iran’s oil minister wants foreign oil companies out - Arab News

UPDATE 1-Geithner-U.S. Treasuries still safe after downgrade

Geithner: No Risk U.S. Will Lose AAA Credit Rating - EVER - Home - The Daily Bail

What will American children learn from Mick Huckabee's 9/11 cartoon? | World news | The Guardian

NPR: A National Debt Of $14 Trillion? Try $211 Trillion!

Exactly How Big Is This So-Called Al Qaeda? | Veterans Today

Hackers Take $1 Billion a Year as Banks Blame Clients for Crime - Bloomberg


+ A MUST READ: How the Rothschilds scientifically kill nations: First extend credit gallore, Jack up Energy Prices, Foreclose and The People are again debt-slaves tenants, voila! - total_truth_sciences | Google Groups


*The Rothschild Bloodline;Financial Wizzards & Wealthy Cults The Rothschild Bloodline


*The 13 Illuminati Satanic Bloodlines(


The Rothschilds & The Civil War « Hidden History


+ Federal Reserve Bank (Inc.) A Murderous History? Banksters, the Worlds Worst Gangsters


mhp: The Bank of the United States(

e Book

*The Biggest Secret - (The Book) -David Icke


Stop the Super Dictatorship | Citizens for Legitimate Government


Stop the Super Dictatorship @ Facebook


Super Congress To Target Second Amendment | - Satanist Insider: "Now is the Time of Destruction!"

The Execution Of SEAL Team Six

Inside Scoop: Shot Down Black-Op Seals Won't Be Talking Now | Before It's News

Comments - The Elimination Of The SEALS Who Killed 'bin Laden'

When the rapist is a she - Sexual abuse -

BBC News - Antimatter belt around Earth discovered by Pamela craft

City resorts to secret dumping to deal with piles of radioactive dirt - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun

Solar Storms Could Debilitate Earth this Decade: NOAA - International Business Times

The Great Hiroshima Cover-up | The Nation

Sam’s Exchange: Iran’s Oil Bourse. Who is next? | Columnists | RIA Novosti

Scientists warn face recognition searches pose 'ominous' privacy risk | Mail Online

Mystery Roadkill Prompts DNR Investigation |

Is Bigfoot real?

Future of war: Private robot armies fight it out - Technology & science - Innovation -

Tottenham riot: in pictures - Telegraph

Working in an office is bad for your brain - Telegraph

Children's grasp of WW2 'sanitised' by books and films - Telegraph

Vilifying Muslims In America

Sharia: a law unto itself? - Telegraph

Americans forever in their debt

Using Social Networks For Evil

CHINA: "America Needs To Accept The Painful Fact That The Good Old Days Are Over"

Text For Economic Collapse A Mathematical Certainty

Stocks Tumble, Treasuries Rally on U.S. Rating Cut; Italian Bonds Advance - Bloomberg

Guerrilla Warfare Gardening | Farm Wars

The Monsanto Anschluss: Long Laid Plans to Undo the Rule of Law | Food Freedom

PressTV - 'NATO planning military attack on Iran'

Who murdered UK weapons inspector Dr David Kelly? > Global > Redress Information & Analysis

European shares fall 3 percent on S&P Downgrade | Reuters

Claim: Second NATO Helicopter Crash Kills 33 -

10 of Today’s Hottest Jobs: Proof That America Is Doomed -

US expands role in Mexico’s drug war: report -

U.S. Will Roll Out QE3 After S&P Rating Cut, Li Daokui Says - Bloomberg

CHINA: "America Needs To Accept The Painful Fact That The Good Old Days Are Over"

Mossad’s murder machine kills another Iranian scientist -

13 Reasons Why The U.S. Is Now OFFICIALLY BANKRUPT -

London riots leave city scarred, 160 jailed -





Gold Quote(


*ARTICLE LINKS:Weekly Southern African Report


Astronomy Picture of the Day Archive(


NBC17's Wes Hohenstein swallows bug while doing the weather |


Medical Mystery: Only 1 Identical Twin Has Rare Illness | ROHHAD, Obesity & Rapid Weight Gain | LiveScience

Future of war: Private robot armies fight it out - Technology & science - Innovation -

Space travel: Looking to build spaceship within 100 years -


‪*48 MIN/The mysterious origin of man‏ - YouTube


‪*1:19:00/Tim Wallace-Murphy Lectures on Hidden Wisdom‏ - YouTube


Bank of America: S&P May Downgrade US Again in November - CNBC

Federal Judge Agrees to Restrict Writer’s Testimony -

Florida Sibling Bank Robber Fugitives Wanted by FBI - ABC News

Libya and Universal Human Rights

US Strategy for Regime Change in Syria

Blackmail in Washington

Pakistan TV Report Contradicts US Claim

The Shot that Killed JFK

The Terrible Truth About Facebook

S&P to Review Ratings of Governments Linked to US Debt - CNBC

08/04/2011: EPA Takes Action on Reducing Barriers to the Use of Carbon Capture and Sequestration Technologies / Action supports national framework for the safe use of clean energy technology

US “Embedding” CIA, DEA, Military Contractors in Battle Against Mexico’s Drug Cartels | StratRisks

Already?: IMF’s Lagarde to be investigated for misconduct | StratRisks

A secret war in 120 countries | StratRisks

Bilderberger Ralph Reed Making a Comeback

New freedom to copy music and videos in Government review - Channel 4 News

End of Days in 2012? NASA Scientist Says No |

PhysOrg Mobile: Red-burning galaxies hold the key to galaxy evolution

Technofascism blog » Blog Archive » 10 ways a digital Big Brother can be good for you

Is Howard Stern to Blame for 'Super 8' Movie Leak? | News & Opinion |

Did a New Taliban Weapon Kill a Chopper Full of Navy SEALs? | Danger Room |

These companies are hiring | Recruiting & Job Search, New York City Start-up blog by Marc Cenedella

Exclusive: Facebook’s Smoking Gun in the Ceglia Case? The Authentic Contract | Epicenter |

Can Darpa Fix the Cybersecurity ‘Problem From Hell?’ | Danger Room |

Cosmos Will Get a Sequel Hosted by Neil deGrasse Tyson | GeekDad |


Sacred Sites at Sacred Destinations(



Internet Radio Show Links(



Hushmail – Email with Privacy(


Startpage Search (


Language Translation(


TV Shows - (

Sites and Blogs(

Save Herbal Medicine -(


Gulf nations call for Syrian reforms - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

*Timeline: Unrest in Syria - Middle East - Al Jazeera English



Wikileaks Mirrors



The best Rawesome Foods videos: Mark McAfee, Lela Buttery, Alex Jones, Troy Casey, Robert Scott Bell and more

Government agents stole $9,000 in cash during Rawesome Foods raid, says witness

Centering meditation

U.S. soldiers dangerously over-medicated with antipsychotic drugs


Climate Depot(


Al Gore calls B.S. on corporate polluters | The Colorado Independent

69% Say It’s Likely Scientists Have Falsified Global Warming Research - Rasmussen Reports

» Former First Lady Jackie Fingers Johnson and Texan Tycoons in JFK Assassination Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Federal Government Declares War on the Nation Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Pakistan TV Report Contradicts US Claim of Bin Laden’s Death Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Pollster: Americans Are “Pre-Revolutionary” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Alex Talks to Colonel 6 About Navy SEAL Team Crash in Afghanistan Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Bankster Plan to Hijack the Next Budget Deal Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Selloff Picks up Steam; Dow Plummets 300 Points -

» FLASHBACK: Eyewitness to OBL Raid Saw Helicopter Explode (TRANSCRIPT) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Breaking News: “Bin Laden” Heroes Probably Murdered to Keep Them Quiet | Veterans Today

Google Blames Human for Robot Car Crash - NBC Bay Area

» Smart Meter Slavery Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Animal-Human Hybrid Tests: Moral & Ethical Ramifications Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

DEA acknowledges supporting role in Operation Fast and Furious - Los Angeles Times

» 9/11, Ten Years Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Why 9/11 victims' names are missing from federal registry of deaths : Anderson Independent Mail

» 11 Ways 9/11 Truth is Challenging The Hijacking of History And The Totalitarian Reengineering of Human Consciousness Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Houses of militants dynamited in Pakistan tribal region

Coalition Helicopter Goes Down in Afghanistan Killing 38

Soldiers to begin 2012 with nine-month deployments

New Homeland Security Video Depicts US Citizens as Terrorists…and Encourages You to Snitch on Them

Leaked Video Of July 2011 Explosion At Tricastin Nuclear Power Station :

Dem: US credit down because of military spending

Texas drought will harm wildlife habitat for years

S&P downgrades Fannie and Freddie, US-backed debt

Sperm from mice stem cells offers infertility hope

China and the Dollar: Dollar to Be 'Discarded' by World: China Rating Agency - CNBC

Dow plunges; Obama to speak - Jennifer Epstein -

Democrats seek to pin credit downgrade on tea party - Washington Times

'Lucky' woman who won lottery four times outed as Stanford University statistics PhD | Mail Online

Anthony Pellicano: The Hollywood Phone Hacker Breaks His Silence - The Daily Beast

Iowa Caucus: Bachmann, Romney and Paul on Top - Rasmussen Reports™

Arlington Navy SEAL Killed in Attack - NBC Dallas-Fort Worth

Special forces helicopter shot down in Afghanistan was on a mission to rescue fellow Navy SEALs | Mail Online

Mexican Smugglers Nearly Interrupt California Surf Contest -

Obama Administration Exempting Schools From Federal Law’s Testing Mandate |

China Vows Crackdown on Religious Extremists

Video:HRW: Obama broke law not prosecuting Bush & Cheney

Video:Budget Control Act Sacrifices Working Poor

Video:S&P Warns of Potential Finance Meltdown

Study: UK's National Health System One Of The Best, Most Cost-Effective In Developed World...Maybe We Should Pay Attention

Tea Partiers Cheer the Downgrade of America's Credit Rating

Thoughts On The Post Debt-Ceiling Dynamics Between the Democratic Establishment and the Netroots

For GOP There Are Only Two Certainties - Debt and Tax Cuts

Maddow: If We Take S&P at Their Word, the Downgrade Was Due to Republican Brinkmanship on Debt Ceiling

This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things: Rep. Jason Chaffetz Dismisses Jobs Solutions With GOP Bumperstickers

Jim Jordan: Politicians Should be Careful About Shooting Their Mouths Off After He Blew Off Dangers of Defaulting on our Debt

The GOP's Broken Record on Job Creation - More of the Same in Their Weekly Address

Gov. O'Malley To Sen. Sessions: You Never Talk About Jobs

Ryan claims downgrade is 'vindication' of GOP

Tea Party Nation's Judson Phillips claims in WI protest: 'Liberal Ideology Has Killed A Billion People' (VIDEO)

John Kerry: This is the Tea Party Downgrade

Security Guards At ALEC Conference Physically Harass ThinkProgress Reporters

S&P head: Agency may downgrade U.S. again

If You Read The Actual S&P Report, They Blame Republicans For Refusing To Raise Taxes. Why Won't The Media Say That?

Mike Huckabee: President Obama Should Nominate Donald Trump to be Treasury Secretary

Santorum Soshulism Alert: Early Childhood Education Is "Indoctrination"

S&P Executive Cites Obama's Characterization of U.S. Political System as 'Dysfunctional’

Army Approves Atheism-Themed Concert at Fort Bragg

No Statement or Comment from Obama on U.S. Credit Rating Downgrade

A Statement, But No Public Comment from Obama, on U.S. Troop Tragedy in Afghanistan

Obama Calls for More Federal Money for Roads, Bridges and Airports to Create Jobs

FLASHBACK: Obama: My Presidency Will Be ‘A One-Term Proposition’ If Economy Doesn't Turn In 3 Years

Romney: Credit Downgrade Stems From Obama’s Lack of Leadership

Democrat Says Military Spending a Big Reason for U.S. Credit Downgrade

Former Sen. Mark Hatfield of Oregon Dies at Age 89

Alleged Marilyn Monroe Sex Film Gets No Buyers

Frederick's of Hollywood Opens First International Store in Abu Dhabi

Obama Sticking By Geithner

Hong Kong’s Market Posts Biggest Fall Since 2009

Asian Stock Markets Plunge After US Downgrade

81 House Members Head to Israel on Break

Beat Belly Fat and Boost Your Health

Where Is Obama Leading Us?

Oprah to Shill for Obama in 2012

‪Ron Paul: I'm Surprised AAA Downgrade Didn't Happen A Lot Sooner‏ - YouTube

Super Congress A Gift to K Street

‪Israel Protests: Over 250,000 join biggest anti-govt rally in Tel Aviv‏ - YouTube

Activist Post: Permaculture ends meat-vegan debate, promotes anarchy

Activist Post: Freedom to Feudalism

Economic Collapse: Brace for Impact! | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Activist Post: NATO probes Afghanistan helicopter crash

Boeing announces plans to send its own astronauts into space | DVICE

Origin of Obama's Scar Revealed! Race Wars To Engulf USA! | Before It's News

11 Occult Secrets Now In the Open | Before It's News

SEAL deaths a “staggering loss”: Ex-SEAL

The Execution of SEAL Team Six | Before It's News

Seal Team 6 Crash was an Inside Job | Before It's News

Dead Babies Main Ingredient In Chinese Health Pills Reports South Korea News Documentary | Before It's News

Connecting Up The Spider Web; Google Places and Google+ | Before It's News

Tiny Alien Life Form Discovered In Village at Sri Lanka, July 2011 | Before It's News

- Statement by the President on the 13th Anniversary of the Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania | Before It's News

- Statement from the Press Secretary | Before It's News

Recipe: Slow Roasted Tomatoes | Before It's News

Do We Need a Militant Movement to Save the Planet (and Ourselves)? | Environment | AlterNet

10 Money Ideas That Will Change Your life | Before It's News

Cheap Cleaning Tips | Before It's News

Could You Survive Total Economic Collapse? | Before It's News

Teen Choice Awards: 'Harry Potter' Wins Big

+ 4 Parts:Knowledge is Power – Max Igan

Gore Unhinged! Loses it on skeptical climate claims |

‪Why Do Some Believe Known Liars?‏ - YouTube

Aspartame Is Getting Pulled In Many Cafes |

Alex Jones Debates ATF Actions on RT |

The Excavator: Sealed Lies, Sealed Lips: SEAL Team 6 Dies, But Their Legend Survives

2 PARTS:How TV Ruined Your Life |

» Questions raised by the SEAL Team 6 deaths in Afghanistan Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» SEAL Unit Supposedly Responsible for Osama Hit Killed in Copter Crash Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Who Rules America: An Investment Manager's View on the Top 1%

The US Dictatorship and its White House Servant ‘President’

The Obama Administration's "Secret Law" to Spy on Americans

"Europe Is On The Verge Of Collapsing"

Growing Your Own Food: Permaculture, Integrative Organic Farming and Gardening

“That’s Not Osama”: Neighbor. “It’s all a fake, nothing happened”

BREAKING NEWS: Dead Men Don’t Talk: US Navy Seals Destroyed to Cover Up Washington’s Bin Laden Execution Hoax?

‪Jim Rogers on US Debt - 'There's gonna be default' (5-Aug-11) ‏ - YouTube

Jim Rogers: Don't See How US Can Ever Pay Off Debts - CNBC

Federal Reserve openly targets dollar demise – U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve solution to economic crisis is to crush dollar and target the standard of living for American families.

America “Makes The Cut” – So What Happens Next?

How Karl Marx Foresaw Bernanke and Krugman

Now or Never by Brian Wilson

Gerald Celente: Greatest Depression Is Underway


*Audio:The Fiat Currency Graveyard;James Turk talks to Lew Rockwell


Pakistan TV Report Contradicts US Claim of Bin Laden’s Death by Paul Craig Roberts

Compression stockings and sleep apnea: Wearing flight socks could reduce sleep disorder symptoms by a third in just a week | Mail Online

The Excavator: Your Memory Is A Lie, Courtesy of Bush and Obama

The Excavator: Sealed Lies, Sealed Lips: SEAL Team 6 Dies, But Their Legend Survives



How Life Works(


Mobb Deep's Prodigy Speaks On The Illuminati, President Obama & Jay-Z | Get The Latest Hip Hop News, Rap News & Hip Hop Album Sales | HipHop DX

‪Prodigy of Mobb Deep: Rapper Reveals Illuminati Symbolism in Music World 1/2‏ - YouTube

‪Prodigy of Mobb Deep: Rapper Reveals Illuminati Symbolism in Music World 2/2‏ - YouTube

‪Prodigy of Mobb Deep: Obama's Illuminati Bloodline Ties to The Bush Family - Alex Jones Tv‏ - YouTube

‪Prodigy of Mobb Deep: Police Lied on Witness Stand in Rapper's 2007 Gun Conviction! - Alex Jones Tv‏ - YouTube

‪Nanci Pelosi Comments on Raising Debt Limit "Novus Ordo Seclorum" New Order for the Ages‏ - YouTube

APNewsBreak: Abu Ghraib abuse ringleader released

» Bankers Launch Next Leg Of Planned Economic Collapse Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Economists, Experts: US Is Bankrupt, Second Severe Recession Imminent Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Federal Government Declares War on the Nation Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Bankster Plan to Hijack the Next Budget Deal Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» FLASHBACK: Eyewitness to OBL Raid Saw Helicopter Explode (TRANSCRIPT) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Our Troops do NOT Protect Our Freedom and We Should Stop Thanking Them for Doing So Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Why Rawesome Foods does not need a license – a Civil Rights issue Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

9/11 inside job “impossible to conceal,” says Vladimir Putin — RT

» 11 Reasons Why The 9/11 Fable is So Popular Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The US-Al Qaeda Buddy System Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

‪Total Information Awareness - Using Social Networking Sites To Compile Info On Everyone‏ - YouTube

Jason Silva Muses on Humans Turning Into Gods - Forbes

THE issue of our time: Genetic Armageddon | Old-Thinker News

Obama and A-list Hollywood Dance as Stock Market Nosedives

Morning Call Sheet: Bruce Lee, Bruce Campbell, John Malkovich, and the Fall of the Movie Soundtrack

Maureen Dowd: Hollywood Using SEAL Team 6 to Boost Obama’s Reelection Prospects?

The Class Warfare Will Be Televised: ABC’s ‘Revenge’ a ‘Takedown of the Rich’

The Good, the Bad and the What-The-Hell-Is-Hollywood-Thinking: A Look at Some Upcoming Movies

Obama Movie Set to Be Released in October 2012 - Helen Whalen Cohen

White House in Denial on Downgrade

Bachmann’s Debt Ceiling Stance Strengthens GOP for 2012

The Left’s ‘Terrorism’ Tantrum

To Be Fair, Obama’s Responsibility for the Downgrade Is only 15 Percent

Anticipating the Coming Convulsions as the Welfare State Dies

Cartoon:Obama Nation: Happy Birthday, Mr. President

How the Debt Addicts are Blaming the Victims

Black Tea Party Protests NAACP Annual Convention

Cartoon:In Vino Veritas.

Obama Admin’s Bid to Regulate Itself Out of Recession

Obama’s New CAFE Standards Will Cost Us All More Money

Gov. Jindal’s Opposition to Health Care Exchanges Splits Libertarian and Conservative Scholars

Free Birth Control: One Small Step for Feminists; One Giant Attack on the Consumer’s Pocketbook

ObamaCare: ‘We Have to Pass the Bill So that You Can Find Out What Is in It’ Busting Congestion in Chicago (or Any other City)

Another Tale of Our Anti-Parent DCFS Establishment

Sunday Reflection: Why the GOP should give Obama the higher taxes he wants | Glenn Harlan Reynolds | Columnists | Washington Examiner

What Media Bias? A Compilation of Media Hatred

NBC News Executive on Sharpton: ‘He’s an Elder Statesman’; Black Media Critic Speaks Out Against Hire

Newsweek: Michele Bachmann is “Queen of Rage” (and a Caption Contest!)

Sound Bite for the Day: Most Awesome Rant From Small Business, Ever

Cartoon:ON: Happy Birthday

Cartoon:Useful Idiots: “Experts”

Juan Williams, Racist Smears, and Pigford

The Debt Ceiling Debate, The Jewish Fast of Tisha B’av, and The Story of the Two Kamtzas

Where is Media in Rawesome Raid?

Cokie Roberts on Downgrade: 'The Problem That We Have Here Is the Constitution' |

Clarence Page: 'Is The Tea Party Over?' |

Military Islamo-Insanity In Britain: The RAF Ayatollah

Some Troops Killed In Helo Crash Identified

Harvard Prof. Rogoff: Tea Party Responsible For Credit Downgrade?!

London Burns

America’s Credit Downgrade: Is China Behind It?

Battlefield London: Shariah Law

Hezbollah To Lebanese Merchant: Stop Selling Heineken

Nation Building And Negativity

Third Technical Failure This Year Grounds All F-35’s

Bitter Recriminations Fly Over U.S. Debt Downgrade

The Phone Call

Appeasement Isn’t Working: We’re Buidling Islamic Centers for Them, They’re Building Bombs for Us

Want To Smell Like Patton? US Army Marketing ‘Patton Cologne’, USMC Offers ‘Devil Dog’

Iraqi asylum seekers fret over U.S. withdrawal

Congressman subpoenas NLRB documents in Boeing case

NATO: Troops in crash were after Taliban leader

Ex-NY officer, acquitted of rape, gets jail

AIG sues Bank of America for $10B over mortgages

Accused Pakistan Taliban backer denied bail in Miami

Ukrainian court refuses to let Tymoshenko free

Bernadine Healy, former head of Red Cross, dies

Obama to address economy, Afghan crash in statement

50 years on, village remembers Berlin Wall

Australia's vote on Palestinian statehood in doubt

Epidemic of UK rhino horn thefts linked to one criminal gang

Peeping Tom bed and breakfast owner jailed for 18 weeks

Syrian forces escalate campaign against protesters

SEALs killed in Afghan crash were answering call for help

Tibetan leader vows to fight Chinese 'colonialism'

S&P lowers Fannie, Freddie citing reliance on U.S. government

Bahrain protests: 'The repression is getting worse'


Colonel6's Blog ;Just another weblog(


+8-Aug-11 World View


**NEWS VIDEOS:Barney Frank Blames Military Spending for Downgrade

Former Obama Economic Advisor Lies About Calling Tea Party Reps Suicide Bombers; Video Proves He Did

S&P Chief: America Must Curb Entitlement Spending

Dow Dives

Nats Phenom Strasburg Strikes Out Four in First Rehab Start

Wisconsin’s Tommy Thompson Closer to Decision on Senate Bid

Extreme Heat Claims Lives of Several High School Football Players

World Markets Tumble on US Downgrade

Man with Breast Cancer Denied Medicaid Coverage

Geithner Staying at Treasury

Israeli Stock Exchange Narrowly Avoids Crash

ACORN in Court for Voter Registration Scandal

Teen Buried Alive in Sand on California Beach

7TH/NBC News’ Sharpton Under Fire from Black Journalist Association

NBC News’ Maddow Misleads on ‘Meet the Press’

Dems New Spin: ‘The Tea Party Downgrade’

McCain Echos Obama: Our System is Dysfunctional

Car Towed with 5-year-old Boy Still Inside

Protest Over Police Shooting Turns into Riot in London

Liberals on Maher Panel Pine for Hillary Presidency

Perry to Evangelicals: I’m One of You

Disturbing Audio Tape Released in Arizona Honor Killing Case

Shannon Sharpe’s Amazing Hall Of Fame Induction Speech

6TH/Small Businesswoman’s Epic Rant Against Obama’s Disastrous Economic Policies

Bachmann to Obama: Fire Geithner

Rachel Maddow Apologizes to Rush by Calling Him a Racist

Obama Pushes Jobs Initiatives in Weekly Address

Flashback: Geithner Says ‘No Risk’ U.S. Will Lose AAA Credit Rating

31 Killed in Afghanistan Including 25 Navy SEALS; Same Unit Killed bin Laden

5TH/ChiSox Ozzie Guillen on Sean Penn: ‘He’s a Loser’

NBC News Host Debates Conservative Guest: ‘Why do You Feel [Gays] are Less Than You?’

Huckabee Slams NBC News for 9/11 Cartoon Smear

Harry Smith Crushes on Obama in NBC News Debut

4TH/Arabs React to Mubarak Trial

Perry Takes Shot at RomneyCare

Cartoonist Targeted with Criminal Probe for Mocking Police with Online Animation

Mister Honey Badger Goes to Washington

Hollywood News: Kutcher’s ‘Men’ Character Revealed, Oprah to Get Oscar

Jennifer Hudson and Rahm Emanuel Lead Fundraiser Crowd in Singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to Obama

3RD/And Now… Lingerie Basketball

Maher: Mormonism More Like Islam than Christianity

2ND/Matt Damon Curses Out Cameraman

Man Arrested Jumping White House Fence


Navy SEAL from Texas killed in Afghanistan helicopter attack | Colonel6's Blog

Communist Party chair endorses voting for 'lesser of two evils'


President Priss

Obama Administration Blames the Messenger

Norway, Free Speech, and the Counterjihad

The Bitter Fruit of Insolvency

The Taboo on Mentioning Black Mob Violence

An American Politburo

The Price of Wishful Thinking

The perfect symbol for an administration of academic theoreticians

Lloyd Marcus Responds to Black Tea Party Critic

The debt downgrade and inflation prospects

The RAF Ayatollah

Captain of the Titanic agrees to go down with the ship

Savior of his world?

Tea Party Downgrade? Who Thought That One Up?

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Push Calamitous Bidding Process

New Strategy For Ground Zero Mosque

The Bizarre Alliance Against Israel

The Persecution of Christians in the Middle East

The Jihad Against the Armenian, Assyrian, and Greek Christians

What Good Is Education without the Classical Liberal Tradition?

Obama Likely Will Lose in 2012

Why the Palestinian Narrative Still Holds

The Road to Freedom Leads through Tehran

Teachers and the Question of Corporal Punishment

The President's New Clothes

How a Free Society Can Protect Itself from Psychological Warfare

Divest for Human Rights, Divest Terror

To Fix a Broken Country: The Critical Limits of American Politics

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Time to take over the government

What just happened? A Financial Meltdown

The UN In Action: Treading Lightly On Syria While Stomping On Israel

Arianna Huffington Should Register as a Cuban Agent

Facts? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Facts

The Syrian Regime: Protests at Home and Criticism from Abroad

Socialism’s God—Karl Marx: Was He Stupid, Insane…or Possessed?

Serial killer Ted Bundy’s blood sample could solve cold cases

What should the Bin Laden Files tell us

Only Republicans Can Re-elect Obama

George Will Confronts Steve Rattner Over Tea Party Terrorist Comments | Video |

Video Shows White Teens Killing Black Man | Jackson, Mississippi | Video |

Man Who Makes Super Slingshots | Video |

Egyptian Shaykh Muhammad Hassan: Apostasy Punishable by Death | Video |

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood Wants Mubarak Beheaded, Sons Hands Amputated |

9/12 Project’s Vacation Liberty School Teaches Kids About Faith, Politics |

Shooting Rampage Leaves Eight Dead in Copley, Ohio | Video |

George Will Criticizes S&P: We’ve Learned Nothing From Standard & Poor’s | Video |

Bat on a plane | Video |

Geithner To Stay On As Treasury Secretary |

Chinese Tightrope Walker Nearly Falls | Video |

Shark Carcass Found in New Hampshire Woods | Video |

David Axelrod: ‘This Is…a Tea Party Downgrade’ | Video |

John Kerry: ‘This is the Tea Party Downgrade’ | Video |

Man Dies During Swim Portion of New York City Triathlon | Video |

G-20 Leaders Hold Emergency Conference Call in Wake of S&P US Downgrade |

Mexican Military Helicopter Lands in Texas By Mistake During War Against Cartel |

Egypt Muslim Brotherhood Holds First Open Internal Vote |

Severely Malnourished 7-Month-Old Baby Who Was Face of Somalia Famine Now Thriving As Rare Success | Video |

Ariz. Honor Killing: Police Worried Family Members Might Have Tried to Attack Daughter Again | Video |

Fallen Navy SEAL Aaron Carson Vaughn’s Grandmother Talks to CNN | Video |

Do You Want Al Sharpton to Have His Own MSNBC Show? National Association of Black Journalists Don’t | Video |

How CAFE Standards Will Fuel American Jobs

Why High Oil Prices will Make the Next Debt Crisis Even Worse | Oil

Information for the World's Business Leaders -

The too-smart-for-its-own-good grid - MIT Media Relations

Green-tech venture investing looks for a reboot | Green Tech - CNET News

Clean Energy Standards Critiqued | EnergyBiz

The psychology of voting: Flagging up bias | The Economist

Beyond space-time: Welcome to phase space - space - 08 August 2011 - New Scientist

Any set of figures needs adjusting before it can be usefully reported | Ben Goldacre | Comment is free | The Guardian

Harvard, USC Researchers Seek Clues to Puzzle of Mystery Blood Disease - Bloomberg

Gene-therapy enzymes make unpredicted errors : Nature News

BBC Nature - Abused baby boobies grow up to abuse other chicks

Why Tiger Woods Has A Big Head

Working in an office is bad for your brain - Telegraph

Analyzing Culture with Google Books: An Idea Whose Time Has Come? - Miller-McCune

Captain Morgan's Pirate Ship Found : Discovery News

Science Says: Do These Things in the Morning - Blog

Early morning smokers have increased risk of lung and head and neck cancers | Science Codex

Brain's map of space falls flat when it comes to altitude | Wellcome Trust

UMass Amherst Office of News & Information : News Releases : UMass Amherst Research Team Discovers New Conducting Properties of Bacteria-Produced Nanowires

Why plant 'clones' aren’t identical - University of Oxford

RealClearReligion - Prayer Warriors for Government Debt

Where is our nation’s soul? - On Faith - The Washington Post

Baptist Press - Pro-life state laws shatter record in 2011 - News with a Christian Perspective

Should believers fear Hell and God? -

The Mystery of the Wonders You Perform « Monday Morning Music Ministry by Rick Marschall

Think You Know Your Christian Bible? Try This Quiz | Relijournal

Getting Foreign Policy Right

The Glorious Revolution and America's Fiscal Crisis

Can America still lead? - The Washington Post

Financial crisis: Can Asia skate through again? | East Asia Forum

[Viewpoint] Denuclearization: Korea’s red herring - INSIDE Korea JoongAng Daily

Obama Can’t Say the Word “China” - Gordon G. Chang - New Asia - Forbes

The new grammar of power - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

The Israeli protest has turned into a revolution - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

The Implications Of the S&P's Debt Downgrade

Fundamental Index Strategies Review

Burton Malkiel: Don't Panic About the Stock Market -

This Time, Corporate Profits May Not Save the Day -

Wall Street to investors: Don't panic - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

A Global Market Correction Authored By Governments - John Tamny - Political Economy - Forbes

As U.S. stumbles, companies invest in consumer growth overseas -

RealClearMarkets - Is Mandated Therapy Next For Tea Party Delusion Addicts?

The Wolf and The Lamb Deficit Plan - Dean Zarras - On Civil Society - Forbes

A Five-Step Checklist for Turbulent Markets

China Condemns U.S. ‘Addiction to Debts’ -

Can Africa Become The Land Of Milk And Honey? - Reuven Brenner - Leapfrogging - Forbes

Articles of Faith: Did Austerity Politics Kill Compassionate Conservatism? | Swampland

The recession never truly ended - Term Sheet

Beneath Jobs Report Surface Lie Some Ugly Truths - CNBC

Some Advice for Democrats -

What if the Debt Deal Doesn’t Get Us Through the 2012 Election? | ThinkProgress

Has the Left Lost its Nerve? | The Weekly Standard

The Media Myth of “Independents” « Commentary Magazine

Some Positive Pro-Life Trends - By Michael J. New - The Corner - National Review Online

Obama 2012 reelection campaign hinges on jobs -

The Pivot That Wasn’t | The Weekly Standard

Wall Street’s Tax on Main Street -

Origins of the debt showdown - The Washington Post

GOP’s nasty ‘tar baby’ politics - Leonard Pitts Jr. -

The U.S. Is Downgraded, and Obama Will Be Too « Commentary Magazine

Crash Adds to Growing Doubts About Afghan War - Yochi J. Dreazen -

What a Week: Afghan Deaths, S&P, and Debt Limit Debate Challenge Obama - George E. Condon Jr. -

Is the tea party over? -

If we are to survive the looming catastrophe, we need to face the truth - Telegraph

Review & Outlook: America Gets Downgraded -

Lexington: An underperforming president | The Economist

RealClearPolitics - Americans Want the Honor of "Earned Success"

Liberals’ Strange Retreat On Government Spending | The New Republic

American Tinderbox | Via Meadia

Mission impossible: stop another recession -

The Transformation of Michele Bachmann : The New Yorker

Hillary Clinton 2012 Calls Grow With Anger at Obama Debt Capitulation - The Daily Beast

Credibility, Chutzpah and Debt -

Drop the DSK Charges - Stuart Taylor Jr - National - The Atlantic

The Reinvention of Rahm Emanuel - BusinessWeek

Afghan crash inflicts double blow on US psyche - The Boston Globe

London's high streets count the cost of the riots | UK news | The Guardian

Bahrain, Kuwait Join Saudi Arabia in Recalling Envoys from Syria | Middle East | English

Famine: 'Hundreds of thousands of kids could die' | Nigeria: Give Them the Cage

A vile logic to Anders Breivik's choice of target | Slavoj Žižek | Comment is free |

'White Mouse' used sass to outsmart the Nazi regime

Worker dies after sucked into plane's engine | AHN

Venezuela's Chavez Says He Wept After Learning He Had Cancer -

Long-cherished aspiration fulfilled: Dalai Lama |

How Edward Vrdolyak once helped Rod Blagojevich - Chicago Sun-Times

Pitchfork: Photos: Lollapalooza 2011

3 charged in foiled West Side carjacking -

Gallup releases state-by-state Obama ratings from Political Intelligence

Obama Skips Congress on No Child Law - Bloomberg

The Associated Press: Issa subpoenas gov't documents in Boeing case

Huntsman Runs on His Name, and His Father’s -

Dems Use Downgrade to Amplify Anti-Tea Party Charges -

Ex-Officer Sentenced in East Village Rape Case -

Suspects wanted in connection with armed robbery, attempted murder

Mark Hatfield, U.S. senator for three decades, dies at 89 - The Washington Post

Ed Lee to run for San Francisco mayor -

Social worker: Ohio killer had horrible childhood

Video shows white teens driving over, killing black man, says DA -

The New Yorker explores Bachmann’s political and Evangelical roots - Politics in Minnesota

Iowa straw poll: A guide to the big week in GOP presidential politics -

‪8 Dead in Ohio Shooting Rampage‏ - YouTube

S&P Lowers Fannie, Freddie Citing Reliance on Government - Bloomberg

Verizon's 45,000-employee strike enters Day 2, impasse widens -

AFP: 'Plenty of room' to counter slow growth: Geithner

FedEx Freight Hikes Some Shipment Rates by 6.75% -

PRECIOUS METALS: US Debt Downgrade Propels Gold To Record -

IOS Features Voice Recognition, Hearing Aid Software - Mobiledia - The Mobile Future - Forbes

iTunes Replay mired in studio negotiations say sources - SlashGear

London riots: 'Looter' posts photo of himself and his booty on Facebook | Mail Online

FBI launches Child ID app | TG Daily

MediaPost Publications Will Google+ Force Linkedin To Buy 'The Wall Street Journal'? 08/08/2011

10-Year-Old Hacker Finds Flaws in Video Games -

Hackers claim latest attack exposes police emails and informants -

Spam King Sanford Wallace Indicted for Facebook Spam | PCWorld Business Center

Fact or Fiction?: Cellphone May Cause Cancer | AMOG

Foot in Mouth Disease Strikes Again: Kanye West Compares Himself to Hitler - E! Online

The Associated Press: Former CNN executive named Current TV president

'Charlie's Angels' gets a new life on ABC

Jackie O. Tapes Open New Chapter in JFK Conspiracy | Death and Taxes

Levi's Sister: Bristol Palin Is 'EVIL' |

‪ShowBiz Minute: Teen Choice, Big Boi, Housewives‏ - YouTube

Our brains aren't built to understand altitude

The 2011 Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition - Telegraph

Texas Drought Will Harm Eco-system for Long (Photos)

Breast Cancer Patient Denied Medicaid Coverage Because He's a Man - ABC News

Move over, Viagra? Study says weight loss boosts men's sexual function - HealthPop - CBS News

Facebook: Why trying to monitor what your child is up to is a waste of time | Mail Online

Study: Americans' use of antidepressants on the rise -

Eating Off Smaller Plates Combats Mindless Eating

Obama salutes National Health Center Week -

Scientists Find New Ovarian Cancer Gene -

Christina Pirello: Should We Be so Happy About the Happy Meal Makeover?

Nursing Homes Squeezed by Medicare Cuts - The Best Life (

Nyad: Swim shows 60s 'not too late' for goals -

New Advice for Keeping Young Athletes Safe in Heat

‪American sets of on record Cuba-to-Florida swim‏ - YouTube

The Body Odd - Surgery saves man from hearing his own eyeball move

Winston Churchill's 'secret agent' recounts World War II exploits -

Local News | D.B. Cooper suspect was surveyor; brother worked for Boeing | Seattle Times Newspaper

Police ID gunman in Ohio rampage; motive unknown - CBS News

What does Al Shabab's withdrawal from Somalia's capital mean? -

Ukraine Won't Release Ex Prime Minister -

Rick Perry To Visit Early Primary States This Weekend - The Note

'Planet Of The Apes' Parties Like It's 1968 At Box Office - MTV Movie News| MTV

NASA's Surviving Rover On Mars to Reach 'Spirit Point' at Endeavour Crater - International Business Times

New Particle Found Among the Anti Matter Circling Earth's Magnetic Field [VIDEO] | IBTimes TV

'50 Documentaries To See Before You Die' premieres 8/2 on Current TV // Current

Fast facts about the Horn of Africa drought | AHN

BBC discovers Zimbabwean torture camp in Marange fields | AHN

Heidi Klum is out, returning designers are in on "Project Runway All-Stars" | AHN

Jill Biden visits famine stricken East Africa | AHN


** Markets Video -Bill Gross: My Hat Is Off to S&P

**World Video:Counterterrorism: Past, Present, And Future

What's Next For Europe?

China: U.S. Has 'Addiction To Debt'

ECB Buys Italian And Spanish Bonds

International Markets React To New U.S. Credit Rating

Massive Protests In Israel

Syrian City Of Deir Al-Zour Attacked

Bandits Raid Somali Refugee Camp

NATO Vows To Continue Afghan Mission

Cyberwar Strategy: Defensive Or Offensive?

The Long-Awaited Rise Of India

Stress Testing The African States

Clegg: 'London Violence Is Totally Unacceptable'


**Politics Video:Dem Congressman: S&P Downgraded US To Make Them "Look Better" In Europe

Rush Limbaugh: "Obama Is A Debt Man Walking"

Geithner: Obama's Policies "Absolutely Not" Responsible For Debt Crisis

Dem Ad: Extreme Aims: "Wrong For Seniors, Wrong For The Middle Class"

Rep. Barney Frank: Cutting Defense Spending Will Reduce Deficit

Rep. Allen West To Geithner: "Move On" From Treasury

Paul Krugman: Investors Realize That "There Is No Recovery"

Geithner Deflects Debt Blame: Congress Is Ultimately Responsible

+7th/Schieffer To Axelrod: "Things Are Worse" Since Obama Took Office

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Faults With GOP Candidates

Paul Ryan On Downgrade: "Both Parties Got Us To Where We Are"

Alan Greenspan: "We Can Always Print Money" To Pay Debts

"This Week" Roundtable: Politics Of The Economy

Axelrod Parrots Kerry: "A Tea Party Downgrade"

Sen. Graham: "What Was Hope And Change Is Despair And Confusion"

Howard Dean: Tea Party Is "Smoking Some Of That Tea, Not Just Drinking It"

Anita Dunn: Obama Passed "Leadership Test" This Week

"Meet The Press" Roundtable: Can US Rebuild Its Economy?

Pawlenty Likens Bachmann's Lack Of Experience to Obama

Sen. Sessions And Gov. O'Malley Debate What Credit Downgrade Means


*Audio:John Bolton on collapse of U.S. superpower status « Klein Online


Are liberals a 'degenerative disease'?

U.S. news agencies 'looking to disarm American people'

Jesus, Mary and ...Josephine? It's lesbian Nativity at church

Iran says U.S. 'will be taught the mother of all lessons'

Is your church killing America?

Churches to Read Torah - Jewish World - News - Israel National News

Gas prices up despite use of reserves - Washington Times

Colin Powell offered reward to hear eligibility evidence

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

False report on target of 'Muslim Mafia' suit retracted

The people vs. the ruling class

Now al-Qaida claiming credit for downed chopper

Special forces helicopter shot down in Afghanistan was on a mission to rescue fellow Navy SEALs | Mail Online

IRS: Show me the money

Paul warns of 'next bubble burst'

Markets Crash: Faber: Brace for a Global 'Reboot' and a War - CNBC

Businesswoman Rips Into Obama | Video |

Anthony Quinn's son dies from heart attack while jogging - Telegraph

Jihadists infiltrating U.S. military?

Can Darpa Fix the Cybersecurity ‘Problem From Hell?’ | Danger Room |

Jihadists infiltrating U.S. military?

The people vs. the ruling class

Obama, stop talking! Try something new

A tragic time in America

Revise U.S. military strategy now!

The lemonade-stand wars

Downgrading America

Obama and Marie Antoinette

Man the lifeboats!

Recovering America's glory

A heartbeat from the presidency

Obama's many firsts

Is the tea party over? -

The Plan for Government-Funded Socialist Media

Mad Debt - Mark Steyn - National Review Online

India schoolgirl defies tradition to reject child - Yahoo! News

Earth Once Had Two Moons, Scientists Say - Yahoo! News

Local News | D.B. Cooper suspect was surveyor; brother worked for Boeing | Seattle Times Newspaper

Is this Jack the Ripper? Scotland Yard's Chief Inspector Frederick Abberline named | Mail Online

Pantheon in Rome might actually be a giant sundial | Mail Online

Full to the brim: Scientists claim the human brain is at capacity and is too tiring to get smarter | Mail Online

Brain cells start to eat themselves when we go hungry - San Jose Mercury News

One Per Cent: Create an animated biography from your photos

Paper-thin computers can be rolled up, stuffed in a pocket [Video] -

It Lives! The Return of the $35 Laptop | PCWorld

Sperm Whale: Inside Nature’s Giants, Channel 4, preview - Telegraph

Wild dog urine may hold a secret message | Oddly Enough | Reuters

Eatery serves up glove | News | NT News | Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia |

Road to apocalypse is paved with good intentions

Mad Max cancels Broken Hill location shoot

Reporter Mike Hellgren looks just like police drawing of suspect | Mail Online

Artist races clock for big Burning Man project - Sacramento Entertainment - Sacramento Movie Theaters, Music | Sacramento Bee

Pentagon’s Lightning Gun Sold for Scraps on eBay | Danger Room |

Thou shalt not ... own a photograph?

Defying gravity: Tokyo photographer 'levitates' Photos | Defying gravity: Tokyo photographer 'levitates' Pictures - Yahoo! News


+ The big list: Female teachers with students

= - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: We pay for flying cars : Deaf man wants sign language interpreter at nudist camp in Cayuga County

Vatican and Croatia dispute over Adriatic monastery - Telegraph

Golf's little secret? It's all in the hips - Telegraph

Evil fiction: teacher a target of fake Facebook profile

New York City Teacher Accused of Sex with Student in Long Island Motel

6 Mysteries of Jupiter NASA’s New Spacecraft May Solve | Wired Science |

Judo master makes 10th degree black belt

The new sport for those with brains AND brawn... it's chess-boxing! | Mail Online


* ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

*8 Aug

American Minute for August 8th

Today in History: August 8

August 8th in History

Today in History: August 8

This Day in History for 8th August

August 8th This Day in History

August 8 Events in History

‪Today in History for August 8th‏ - YouTube


Dr. Manning Interviews Political Commentator Star Parker | ATLAH Media Network


Herb Talk 07-30-11

Herb Talk 08-06-11

Home Improvement USA 08-07-11 Hr 1

Home Improvement USA 08-07-11 Hr 2

The Magic Garden 07-30-11 Hr 1

The Magic Garden 07-30-11 Hr 2

The Magic Garden 08-06-11 Hr 1

The Magic Garden 08-06-11 Hr 2

Nutrimedical Report 08-05-11 Hr 1

Nutrimedical Report 08-05-11 Hr 2

Nutrimedical Report 08-05-11 Hr 3

World Crisis Radio 08-06-11 Hr 1

World Crisis Radio 08-06-11 Hr 2

You The Owner's Manual 08-06-11 Hr 1

You The Owner's Manual 08-06-11 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-06-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-06-11 Hr 2

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