A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

06 August 2011

6 Aug

Censorship is telling a man he can't have a steak just because a baby can't chew it

» Texas, I Rather We Secede Than Be Ruled by a Super Congress and a Dictator Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 57 Senators Sign Letter To Protect Second Amendment Rights From UN Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Glenn interviews Congresswoman Bachmann – Glenn Beck

Organic farmers sue Monsanto

The Journey From Conspiracy Theory to Conspiracy Fact | Pakalert Press

One Man Living His Off-Grid Dream – Episode 060 | Off The Grid News

Food stamp use rises to record 45.8 million - Aug. 4, 2011

Ron Radosh » Blame It on Fox News: The New Liberal Campaign to Close Down the Network

Roger L. Simon » Dow Down 500: Should Obama Resign?

‪Libya Without The NATO Lies - Leonor‏ - YouTube

+ S&P downgrades U.S. credit rating - Aug. 5, 2011


Managed Funds Association(

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (


BBC News - US loses AAA credit rating after S&P downgrade


16 June/Meet 'PJ Foggy,' birth certificate fraudster

16 June/Sidekick duties: Causing trouble for Obama critics


Rosalind Peterson -- Costly U.S. Power Grid Tests Approved Without Public Consent

Monsanto’s FDA Goes After the Country’s Only Safe Milk | Food Freedom


‪The Terrible Truth About Facebook‏ - YouTube


Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Self-Hatred vs. Self-Love- An Interview with Eric Walberg by Gilad Atzmon

Russia welcomes UN stand against foreign involvement in Syria | SHOAH

Breivik’s “2083″–The Mass Murderer’s Manifesto | SHOAH

The Hama Affair–How 10,000 Protestors Multiply Overnight to be 500,000 | SHOAH

American Millionaires: 1,400 Paid No U.S. Income Taxes In 2009


‪Smart Meters, Dirty Electricity and Disease‏ - YouTube

Smart Meter Slavery


Forecasters: Drought may persist for another year - Yahoo! News

Filling Prison Beds For Profit

Mossad's murder machine claims another scientist's life in Israeli bid to stop Iran building a nuclear bomb | Mail Online

Ex-CIA director warns of impending cyber 'code war' targeting power stations and water plants | Mail Online

Reality TV 'harming youngsters' confidence in job market' | Society | The Guardian - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Too many migrants say 71% of Brits

Christine Lagarde faces inquiry over €285m payout for Sarkozy ally | World news |

China says accusation state was behind massive cyber attacks is 'irresponsible' - Telegraph


* The massive European network of Stone Age tunnels that weaves from Scotland to Turkey | Mail Online


Video:Lethal Levels of Radiation at Fukushima: What Are the Implications? @ Vimeo

‪Talking with two Gaddafi Loyalists in Libya‏ - YouTube

‪Leonor Reports 15 NATO Seniors Being Held Captive in Libya‏ - YouTube

‪Ron Paul & The Judge On Cavuto Talking About 'Super Congress'‏ - YouTube

Obama's Coup Follows Path of Hitler's Enabling Law

Yikes! Look who just endorsed Obama for 4 more years


Monsanto to Sell Biotech Sweet Corn for U.S. Consumers - Bloomberg

OpEdNews - Article: Tomgram: Nick Turse, Uncovering the Military's Secret Military

Warren Jeffs trial: Heavy breathing 'sex tape' made with 3 wives including 'bride' of 12 | Mail Online

Activist Post: Meet a Propagandist: A Profile in Duplicity


NASA finds new evidence of liquid water on Mars - Yahoo! News



On the Contrary: To Each His Own Kippur: The Protest of the Synagogue of Rome

Shell Oil's Arctic drilling plan gets tentative approval | McClatchy

How Did Those Vermont Fish Get Radioactive? - Jeff McMahon - The Ingenuity of the Commons - Forbes

The American Left has been betrayed by Barack Obama – Telegraph Blogs

Jon Huntsman's master-class in How Not To Run for President of the United States – Telegraph Blogs

Markets Crash: Faber: Brace for a Global 'Reboot' and a War - CNBC

The Government Can’t Save the Market This Time | Daily Ticker - Yahoo! Finance

European Central Bank paralysis sparks global chaos - Telegraph

The ECB throws Italy and Spain to the wolves - Telegraph

McCartney: I'm going to police over hacking claim | World news |

FBI widens News Corp inquiry after alleged computer hacking by subsidiary | Media | The Guardian

'Only male cabin crew on Air France could serve Dominique Strauss-Kahn' - Telegraph

The Treason In This Dictatorship


‪(FLASHBACK) - Obama To End The War‏ - YouTube


Obama mourns 31 US troops killed in Afghan crash - Yahoo! News


‪S&P double standards? Trust in credit agencies down to junk‏ - YouTube


‪Hiroshima vs Detroit 50 years later...‏ - YouTube

‪New Book: "Atomic Cover-Up: Two U.S. Soldiers, Hiroshima & Nagasaki"‏ - YouTube

‪USA Terrorism: HiROSHiMA , NAGASAKi Atomic Bomb‏ - YouTube

Anti-Neocons - Nagasaki the forgotten bomb


‪Jim Rogers: US never scraped out of 2008 depression‏ - YouTube

* KABOOM - Full Text Of S&P U.S. AAA Downgrade - Home - The Daily Bail

April 25/Geithner: No Risk U.S. Will Lose AAA Credit Rating - EVER - Home - The Daily Bail

13 Reasons Why The U.S. Is Now OFFICIALLY BANKRUPT - Home - The Daily Bail


Roseanne Barr On Legalizing Pot & Running For President: If Sarah Palin Can Do It, So Can I - Yahoo! TV

Roseanne Barr Wants To Save The World With ‘Roseanne’s Nuts’ | Access Hollywood -

Alex Jones loses it over ‘robot helicopters with airborne Ebola’ | Raw Replay

Biological weapons expert Tucker, 56, was known for fluency in politics - The Washington Post




Text of H.R.2589 : House: Antiboycott Act - U.S. Congress - OpenCongress


Ron Paul Introduced Pro-gun Legislation

‪Evidence of High Speed Trading‏ - YouTube

‪'Global market crisis manmade'‏ - YouTube

‪Grim fate awaits Assad if no reforms - Medvedev to RT‏ - YouTube

Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Fukushima, human rights: 'End 2-headed nuclear dragon' - National Human Rights |

Lone Star Watchdog: Gun Control and the Well-Regulated Militia

‪Recession Now? Stock market hysteria amid big debt fears‏ - YouTube

‪Convert Fiat Cash to Real Money Now : James Anderson, Part 2‏ - YouTube

2002 Iraqi Intel Reported Wahhabis Are of Jewish Origin | Terrorism and the Illuminati

The Intercept: Voices of Opposition • Spin Doctors in American Politics

How ALEC Turned Prisoners into Corporate America's Cheap Labor Force | The Nation

Obama Wants $71,600 for Power Dinner

A Secret War in 120 Countries |

US buys most expensive drones ever |

Don’t Bet On The Fed |

The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families

‪The Greatest Wealth Transfer in History : James Anderson, - Part 1 of 2‏ - YouTube

Super Congress: A Financial Death Panel That Will Help The Banks Loot & Rape America

Ron Paul Introduced Pro-gun Legislation

NATO is planning military campaign against Syria: Russian envoy

‪The Short, Unhappy Lives of Fiat Currencies‏ - YouTube


Red Ice Radio - Josh Reeves - The Secret Right, Council for National Policy & Control of the Alternative Media


Panicked Savers Now Paying for Bank Deposits - CNBC

Obama wants Pentagon's top weapons buyer for Defense nominee -

US Postal Service warns it could default -

US borrowing tops 100% of GDP: Treasury -

Globalists Lies: Truth Behind Pakistan Unrest -

Illicit drug production: Balochistan madrassa students harvest poppy on holidays | StratRisks

Chinese Parents of Faulty Vaccine Victims Suppressed -

August 6, 2011/ Run On US-European Banks Brings World To Brink Of War


Comet Of Doom Warned To Transform Humanity


‪*1:19:00/Tim Wallace-Murphy Lectures on Hidden Wisdom‏ - YouTube


‪*47 min/The mysterious origin of man‏ - YouTube


UN May Switch Blue Helmets To Green, Then Launch Climate Change Peacekeeping Wars :


DMT - Drugs Forum

Plants Containing DMT

Many Legal Plants Contain DMT by Krystle Cole

Plants that Contain DMT

List of psychedelic plants - Wikipedia

Fed Says Go Screw Yourself S&P | The Economic Populist

The Hidden History of ALEC and Prison Labor | Truthout

University forced to pull satirical mints aimed at Obama from bookstore after complaint | Mail Online

New Homeland Security Video Depicts US Citizens as Terrorists…and Encourages You to Snitch on Them

* Connect to the Internet through a lightbulb | Raw Replay

Navy veteran and former contractor suing Rumfeld for alleged torture | Raw Replay

America In Decline

The Shot that Killed JFK

Could Arab Staying Power Ultimately Defeat Zionism?

* Creating Evidence Where There Is None

Truman Lied, Hundreds of Thousands Died

Video:Is this the Greatest Crime in Human History?

The Great Hiroshima Cover-Up—And the Greatest Movie Never Made

US Shirked Its Responsibility to the Global Economy

Why We Hate Illegal Immigrants


Bilderberger Ralph Reed Making a Comeback

Norway Killer Fanatically Pro-Israel

Animal-Human Hybrid Tests: Moral & Ethical Ramifications

Officials scramble two F-16 fighter jets to intercept pilot Myrtle Rose, 75, in kit plane | Mail Online

AARP sues Wells Fargo, Fannie Mae over reverse mortgage foreclosure | Reuters Money

BBC News - Fingerprint breakthrough offers new forensic evidence

The Obama Administration's "Secret Law" to Spy on Americans

Military Superpower and "Money Printer In Chief ": America Loses AAA Credit Rating....

Trillion-dollar- business: US war spending spirals out of control

Poverty and Income inequality: The Devastating Social Conditions of American Children

Quantitative Easing (QE) and the Debasement of the US Dollar

Barack Obama: The Bizarro FDR

US and British-Backed Bahrain Regime: the Use of “Toxic Terror” in Collective Punishment

Onset of Imperial Decline: Osama Bin Laden and the Aftermath of 9/11

The "Afghanistan Factor" and The Debt Ceiling Crisis

‪Marc Faber on Bloomberg (5/8/11) - 'As of today, the markets are extremely oversold'‏ - YouTube

‪Rawesome Foods Raided... Again!‏ - YouTube

Eric Perez: Jail staff at juvenile facility failed to call 911 before teen died - South Florida

Worst US loss of life in Afghan war as helicopter crash kills 38 | World news |

Libya: Military Effort and Political Process 'A Real Mess,' Analysts Say

Syria Continues Siege on Hama -- News from

The Great Hiroshima Cover-up | The Nation

The Hiroshima Myth by John V. Denson

Was the Bombing of Hiroshima Necessary? Three Myths Debunked | TakePart - Inspiration to Action

The Truth About Iraqi Opinion: We Know It, But It Is Irrelevant « Blog

Under the mushroom cloud - Times LIVE

A Day That Shook The World: Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima - History, Life & Style - The Independent

In pictures: Hiroshima after the bomb dropped - History, Life & Style - The Independent

Hiroshima A-bomb archive site with 3-D satellite map proving popular - The Mainichi Daily News

Norway killer's online idol steps out of shadows | Reuters

U.S. admits Iraq might need some help -

Army to trim war tours to 9 months - Yahoo! News

Marshall Fine: HuffPost Review: The Whistleblower

Silver Screen Saucers: UFOs and Disney: Behind the Magic Kingdom

Mariemont serpent mound could be world's largest | |

"Does an Unknown Level of Technology Beyond Matter Exist?" (Today's Most Popular)

6 Creepy New Weapons the Police and Military Use To Subdue Unarmed People | World | AlterNet

Mobile biometrics to hit US streets - Features - Al Jazeera English

Every Bug, Every Gas, Right Now: Air Force Wants Instant WMD Detector | Danger Room |

Compromise, D.C.-Style by Vedran Vuk

Ron Paul Introduced Pro-gun Legislation

Top 10 Most Dangerous Animals In The World

TSA staff at LAX undergoing transgender training

**(w/Videos)Pyramid Discoveries Will Force History To Be Re-Written | Before It's News

Must See: How HAARP/RF Technology Controls Weather | Before It's News

Hiroshima, August 6 / Nagasaki, August 9 | Before It's News

‪Dr. Corsi: SSA Verified Social Security Number Obama Using Never Issued to Him‏ - YouTube

- Activist Post: 8 Reasons Raw Foodies Are Dangerous Extremists (Satire)

The Octopus - Secret Govt and the Death of Danny Casolaro | Before It's News

+ Multiple Military Train Convoys Across the U.S | Before It's News

Monsanto Weedkiller Found in Air and Rain Samples

Demonic Possession And Psychiatry | Before It's News

Theory: EMVs, Sun Control and the Solar Anvil - James Horak explains ELE Brown Dwarf Gravity Well | Before It's News

China says debt financing unlikely 'to save' US, EU - FRANCE 24

UFO `Angel Hair' Cloud Hits Ground - UFO In Background (AMAZING VIDEO) | Before It's News

Meet The First President Ever To Get U.S. Debt Downgraded from AAA To AA | Before It's News

Ralph Nader Is 'Almost 100 Percent' Certain Obama Will Face Primary Challenge | Before It's News

World's First Wave Power Plant | Before It's News

41% OF U.S in Major Drought | Before It's News

Designing Diamond Circuits For Extreme Environments | Before It's News

Cyber Wars Begin: Is The Power Grid Next? | Before It's News

Watch Commercial Jet Spray Chemicals - ATHENS to LONDON | Before It's News

DREAM Act to Withhold Votes Unless Deportations Are Halted | Before It's News

Former Bush NSA director calls for ‘digital Blackwater’ | Before It's News

‪ASF2011: Cyber Security‏ - YouTube

Simple Survival Tips - Safety Pins for Survival | Before It's News

Pentagon Plan to Monitor Activists On Facebook and Twitter | ChrisInMaryville's Blog

‪The Philosophy of Liberty HD‏ - YouTube


‪22 min/Collectivism and Individualism Explained by G. Edward Griffin‏ - YouTube

‪*1:36:00/Reflections And Warnings - An Interview With Aaron Russo {Full Film}‏ - YouTube

‪30 min/The American Dream (Animated)‏ - YouTube

‪3:30:00/The Money Masters - Full‏ - YouTube


National Center for Public Policy Research; Historical Documents(


THE issue of our time: Genetic Armageddon | Old-Thinker News

The Scientific Dictatorship Explained | Old-Thinker News

Face recognition software may reveal one’s social security number | Homeland Security News Wire

STEPHEN HAWKING: How to build a time machine | Mail Online

Activist Post: Argument and Rescue: 5 Survival Fundamentals

U.S. soldiers dangerously over-medicated with antipsychotic drugs

Activist Post: FBI launches phone app to help find missing children

Who Rules America: An Investment Manager's View on the Top 1%

Monsanto to Sell Biotech Sweet Corn for U.S. Consumers - Bloomberg

Insitu introduces Inceptor small unmanned aircraft system for public safety | Government Security News

Activist Post: End Game for Benghazi Rebels as Libyan Tribes Prepare to Weigh in?

‪Activist Sunny Sheu Killed After Reporting Death Threat From NY Foreclosure Judge Joseph Golia‏ - YouTube

Obamanomics: Unemployment Drops to 4.3 for College Grads, Spikes to 15.0 for HS Dropouts

FLASHBACK: Obama: My Presidency Will Be ‘A One-Term Proposition’ If Economy Doesn't Turn In 3 Years

‪FLASHBACK: Obama: My Presidency Will Be 'A One-Term Proposition' If Economy Doesn't Turn In 3 Years‏ - YouTube

Obama’s Rx for Economy: Extending Payroll Tax Credit, Unemployment Insurance

Tea Party Movement as Large as Nation’s Entire Liberal Population, Say Gallup Polls

Obama’s Approval Hits All-Time Low Among Poor, Says Gallup

What Is Obama Doing About the Economy? His Spokesman Fumbles for an Answer

Woman Who Had Abortion is 'Silent No More' | MRCTV

Poll: 69 Percent Say It's Likely That Some Climate Scientists Have Falsified Global Warming Research - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Obama’s Approval Hits All-Time Low Among Poor, Says Gallup |

Chris Matthews Admits He‘s ’Pretty Pro-Obama’ | Video |

Sen. Kerry Asks Media to Stop Giving 'Equal Time or Equal Balance' to 'Absurd' Tea Party Ideas | MRCTV

Two Men Open Fire At A SEPTA Bus In Philadelphia | MRCTV

Cartoonist Targeted with Criminal Probe for Mocking Police with Online Animation | MRCTV

More Muslim Terror in Montreal | MRCTV

Rush Limbaugh Catches Rachel Maddow In Bald-Faced Lie About Him | MRCTV

Charles Krauthammer Smacks Down Margaret Carlson's Call for More Stimulus Spending: 'It Worked in ’09 and in ’10' | MRCTV

Obama 2009: Economy is My Responsibility, Obama 2011: Economy is Shared Responsibility | MRCTV

Soldiers to begin 2012 with nine-month deployments

Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Tymoshenko Arrested

UN agencies step up deliveries of aid to Somalis

Medvedev: I will never forgive Saakashvili

Pakistan to impose tax on NATO trucks

Obama, Republicans Battle Over Jobs

China Urges US to Address Debt Problems

Japan Marks 66th Anniversary of Hiroshima Atomic Bombing

Downgrade May Cloud Obama Re-election Bid

Boehner Bames Democrats for Credit Downgrade

Elisabeth Murdoch Delays Taking Seat on Board

Obama Wants $71,600 for Power Dinner

Ron Paul: Debt Deal is a 'Fraud'

Perry Bid Could Hurt Rove's Influence

Gingrich: Congress Should Pass Energy Bill Now

Obama’s Glamour Can’t Fix His Charisma Deficit: Virginia Postrel

Fox Analysts Say Remarks about Palin Were a Joke

Reaction to US Credit Downgrade Is Volatile

G7 May Meet as Euro Zone Crisis Grows

Hackers Strike at 70 US Law Enforcement Websites

Obama Has 50th Birthday Bash as Markets Slide

Tea Party Reshaping GOP

NASA Set to Launch Spacecraft to Planet Jupiter

Obama Gets Automatic Debt-Ceiling Hikes

Bin Laden Files Should Be Enlightening

House Report Ignores China's True Ambitions

Obama Has Left the Economy in Ruins

The Stunning Effect of This Single Vitamin on CANCER… :

The Vital Need For Reliable Water Filtration In A Toxic World :

There Is A North America-Wide Strategy To Take Away The Right To Mass Protest, Using Terrorism To Stifle Dissent :

Prevent and Treat Gout Naturally

8 Foods that Cause Acid Reflux | Natural Health & Organic Living Blog

Haven't we met before? Why we recognise someone's face but struggle to remember their name | Mail Online

A Gentleman Never Arrives Empty-Handed | The Art of Manliness

Wisconsin: Black mob attacks people at state fair | The Right Scoop

TSA confiscates pregnant woman’s insulin and ice packs | The Right Scoop

Rush: I don’t use twitter because I am not a follower | The Right Scoop

John Kerry: Media shouldn’t give Tea Party equal time | The Right Scoop


Neurosoup: (

National Center for Public Policy Research -(

Tiny Green Bubble • (


Mysterious Orange Goo Washes Up In Alaska Village

Andrea Bocelli To Perform Free Show In Central Park

‪Infowars Special Report with Mike Adams: FDA & CDC Are Perpetuating a Culture of Sickness and Death!‏ - YouTube


*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – August 5th, 2011

*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – August 5th, 2011


Exactly How Big Is This So-Called Al Qaeda? |

‪- 8/5/11 Romney raises money out of thin air?‏ - YouTube

3 Videos:Alex Jones: US Gov’t Protected Sinaloa Drug “Cartel” |

The Excavator: 11 Ways 9/11 Truth is Challenging The Hijacking of History And The Totalitarian Reengineering of Human Consciousness

Gold is the True Reserve Currency | Euro Pacific Capital

Nick Turse: The Pentagon's New Power Elite

Twelve Triggers Driving Mankind Towards World Government – Adrian Salbuchi |


*Article Links:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials-August 5, 2011 |


Kerry to the Media: Stop Giving Equal Time to Every 'Absurd Notion'

- Rupertgate Friday - A Week Full Of Intrigues.

Eric Cantor: The Grinch Who Stole Americans' Unemployment Insurance

S & P Downgrades U.S. Credit Rating from AAA to AA+

Economic Hostage Taking, Take Two

'Sarah Palin -- You Betcha!' to Premiere Next Month

Huckabee Compares His 'Educational' Cartoons to 'Schindler's List'

Obama Loses Out on Mythical Independents with Debt Ceiling Strategy: UPDATED

Gov. Chris Christie Gets The Last Word's First Ever Standing Ovation

Rush Limbaugh: Debt Deal is 'Slavery' and Obama is Taking 'White People's Farms'

Obama Nominates Legal Adviser To Tea Party Senator As Utah's U.S. Attorney

Manufacturing Alliance Issues Wake-Up Call to Washington

Barack Obama: The Public Access President

Stock Market Tanks? Fox Nation Goes Full 'Southern Strategy'

No, They're Not Genius Market Manipulators. They're Drunk Drivers.

Microsoft Still Crying The Blues Over So-Called Lack of Skilled Americans When They Just Want Younger, Cheaper Foreign Workers

Who's Your Baghdaddy: Or How I Started The Iraq War

4-19-11/'No risk' the US will lose its top credit rating, says Treasury's Geithner - The Hill's On The Money

WRAPUP 7-China tells US good old days of borrowing are over | Reuters

Reid: S&P downgrade backs Dems' call for more revenue - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

DeMint: Geithner must go - The Hill's On The Money

Fox News website calls Obama’s birthday party a ‘Hip-Hop BBQ’ | The Cutline - Yahoo! News

NATO Crash: 38 Killed Including 25 Navy SEALs in Helicopter Crash in Afghanistan - ABC News

US Postal Service warns it could default - Yahoo! News

Chilean miners live in poverty a year after saga - The Washington Post

Russia uses dirty tricks despite U.S. 'reset' - Washington Times

Pelosi’s Energy Savings Program Evaporates -

Mexico town's police force quits after attack - Washington Times

Witnesses describe mobs, some people claim racially-charged attacks - TODAY'S TMJ4

Google Blames Human for Robot Car Crash - NBC Bay Area

Many New York City Starbucks Locations About To - Flash Player Installation

Elisabeth Murdoch Won't Join News Corp. Board -

Mystery Roadkill Prompts DNR Investigation |

Nicki Minaj has a wardrobe malfunction | Inside TV |

Carlos Slim Loses $6.7 Billion in a Week - Bloomberg


*SAVAGE AUDIO: Beware the government-media complex


Paul warns of 'next bubble burst'

Perry prayer rally puts 2012 prospect in spotlight - Washington Times

Savage: America has been 'hoodwinked'

Former White House Counsel to IRS: Pull Media Matters’ Tax-Exempt Status -

Thousands of dollars of karma: 534 lobsters bought and thrown back into the ocean by a group of Tibetan Buddhists | Mail Online

Jerry Lewis ousted as MDA telethon host -

6 Mysteries of Jupiter NASA’s New Spacecraft May Solve | Wired Science |

Future of Technology - Robot learns from experience

Do not disturb: Monkeys invent new method of communication by covering their eyes when they want to be left alone | Mail Online

Vampire bats use infra-red sensors to guide them to blood - Telegraph

New Type of Flying Vehicle in Development | USA | English

Search is on for missing 'floating island' - Telegraph


* Up to 70% of British men are 'related' to the Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun | Mail Online




No Grand Bargains with Democrats

Civil Gideon: An Idea Whose Time Should Not Come

Marco Rubio's House Divided Speech

Teachers and the Question of Corporal Punishment

The President's New Clothes

How a Free Society Can Protect Itself from Psychological Warfare

Divest for Human Rights, Divest Terror

To Fix a Broken Country: The Critical Limits of American Politics

Tea Party terror threat is global

Unions, Dems counting their chickens in Wisconsin recall vote

Just Another Hated Evil Republican

Redefining 'success'

'Not even halfway there yet'?

The President Who Wasn't There

Congratulations, Class Warriors

Politics is Not the Answer to Black Economic Woes

School Reform In the Wrong Hands

Enlightened Activist Scientists Dim Society

Macroeconomics and the Entitlement State

Guns Are Racist: Chicago Politics and Blame-Shifting for Urban Violence

Wknd Box Office: Rise of Planet of the Apes, Change-Up, Myth of American Sleepover

Debbie Schlussel:Torontostan: Swastika, “Islam Will Rule” Graffiti on Toronto Synagogue

Debbie Schlussel:VIDEO: Halal Pig Chris Christie Oinks for HAMASniks; Complaints About Sharia “Are Crap!”


Batten Down the Hatches!

The affect of globalism on the American Way


- Can Drugs Like NZT Increase Your IQ?

NZT ; What is NZT?


The glorious truth: Tea Party Movement outnumbers Obama Libs!

Passage of the Debt Limit Flies in the Face of National Voters

Be Wary: This is one crisis that will NOT go to waste

Flirting with the Great Depression 2.0

Seduced and Abandoned

ABC’s Jake Tapper Nails Jay Carney on Obama’s Job Creation Plans

What Does the Word Freedom Mean To You?

World Markets Teetering - No Confidence in Obamanomics

Politically correct CO2: EPA to overlook EV emissions

Inhofe Calls on Obama EPA to Halt Ozone Standard Announcement Given Scientific Integrity Concerns

Safer Streets 2012: Guns on campus

Limousine light bulb: $22 each

Melting: Arctic sea ice scare

American Exceptionalism Takes Hit From Standard & Poors

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – As the scam unravels

War in Afghanistan, Muslim Brotherhood in the White House and Ground Zero

Obama’s only policy

Obama’s “Leadership” Style is Classic Liberalism: No Vision + Utter Incompetence = Total Failure

When Did the American Empire Start to Decline? | Stephen M. Walt

Where Have All the Girls Gone? -

Five (And Then Some) Tech Tips for Travel -

5 Metrics To Quickly Assess Site Quality When Link Building

Technical FAQ with Lennard Zinn: Tubular vs. tubeless, tire pump gauge accuracy, and more

Standard & Poor's Downgrade, How Does It Affect YOU, Christian News

BBC News - China scolds US over S&P credit downgrade

Panetta renews call for Congress to lay off DOD cuts - KVNO News - KVNO News

What’s Wrong with the Stock Market? |

Fannie Mae Seeks More Help as Its Loss Grows -

Beneath jobs report surface lie some ugly truths -

Week in Review: What Google+ does better than Twitter and Facebook | VentureBeat

Do you think spam is a big problem on Facebook? - Your Community

The windows of Rise of the Planet of the Apes | TG Daily

How Similar is Water On Mars To Water On Earth? - International Business Times

Casual smoking rises among U.S. students: study | Reuters


Six wounded in overnight shootings in city -

Algonquin lawyer charged in murder-for-hire scheme - Courier News

Local ice cream makers could be shut down by state - Chicago Tribune

Latino civil rights group questions state rules for special police patrols - Chicago Sun-Times

Des Plaines casino takes in $17 million in first two weeks -

Are airport slot machines ready for takeoff in Chicago? -


Water pollution: Toxic chromium found in Chicago drinking water -

First Oprah Winfrey, Now Brett Ratner? Did the Oscars Just Jump the Shark? - E! Online

Mostly memorable Mozart: An intriguing interpretation of 'Don Giovanni' |

Pepsi Takes Active Role in ‘X Factor’ -

Fox Plans New ‘Cosmos,’ With Seth MacFarlane as a Producer -

'The Amazing Spider-Man' sequel release date confirmed | Film & TV News | NME.COM

Lady Gaga Accused of Ripping Off 'Judas' |

Lucille Ball's 100th birthday marked with look-alike contest -

‪Google - I Love Lucy TV (ALL EPISODES) - (August 6th, 2011) Lucille Ball 100th Birthday‏ - YouTube

The Clicker - Report: 'Desperate Housewives' to end this year

"Two and a Half Men" -- Inside the Season Premiere Taping |


NASA Plans To Send Legos To Jupiter

As Sun Storms Ramp Up, Electric Grid Braces for Impact

Boeing Will Hitch Ride to Space on Atlas V Rockets - International Business Times

News Tribune - News - Local - Look for meteors prior to Perseid show

Sportsman says he's found Asian Carp in Lake Erie |

Post-shuttle, US space explorers need not be human | Reuters

Fox News Attacks Environmentalist Spongebob Squarepants {Video} | Planetsave

Ice-free Arctic could bring benefits, climate scientist says – This Just In - Blogs

How female frogs control male call evolution | TruthDive

Vampire bats' 'thermostat' helps them find ripe prey, study finds - Sacramento Living - Sacramento Food and Wine, Home, Health | Sacramento Bee

Should We Respond to an Interstellar RSVP? : Discovery News

Beyond Carbon Dioxide: Study Points Out Other Greenhouse Culprits | Climate Change & Methane | Global Warming & Earth's Energy Budget | LiveScience

NOAA plans to euthanize "rogue" monk seals - Hawaii News Now - KGMB and KHNL Home

Limiting Greenhouse Gases Beyond CO2 May Help Stop Climate Change

Medicare and Medicaid Are Not Safe From the Debt Deal Cuts - COLORLINES

Mindless Eating: Lose Weight, No Diet - ABC News

Weight loss boosts men's sexual health - The Times of India

Fertility Breakthrough Shown in Mice -

Scientists Developing Date Rape Drug Detector - ABC News

Chavez Returns to Cuba for More Chemotherapy | Asia | English

Insulin Pumps, Monitors Vulnerable To Hacking : NPR

Compare hospitals on heart attack, heart failure and pneumonia -

Study: Healthy eating adds up on grocery bills - Health - Diet and nutrition - - Breaking news, politics, online news, world news, feature stories, celebrity interviews and more - ABC News

Scorpion antivenin gets FDA approval

This is Google's first self-driving car crash

HP TouchPad: Desperately Discounted - SlashGear

The Web Is 20 Years Old Today | TechCrunch

Use Gmail to Call around the World | Top Tech Reviews

Google expands Gmail calling to 38 languages. Now go call your mother! | VentureBeat

Facebook facial recognition software violates privacy laws, says Germany | Technology | The Guardian

FBI Launches Its First Mobile Application, The ‘Child ID’ iPhone App - The Washington Post

Is it dumb to let a 2-year-old wield a smartphone? -

FBI's first iPhone app helps find missing children

Video: First look: new Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 - Telegraph

Facebook Says it Found Fraud ’Smoking Gun’ - Bloomberg

Google+ Could Have More Users Than Twitter & LinkedIn in a Year [STUDY]

Former Ukraine Leader Tymoshenko Arrested on Contempt Charge -

Five Lessons from the Mubarak Trial -

NATO called on to rescue Libyan boat refugees

Aid is trickling into famished Horn of Africa | EnerPub - Energy Publisher

NATO moves to calm Kosovar-Serb border tensions -

Report: Hamas detained rocket cell - Israel News, Ynetnews

Poland's former deputy prime minister dies -

BBC News - Sudan 'threatened to shoot UN helicopter' in Abyei

AFP: Sonia Gandhi out of intensive care

Chinese state councilor vows to crack down on terrorists

874 arrested, 90 police hurt in Chile protests | | The Bulletin

Seoul Warns of North Korean Threat - Online Gaming Hackers -

Internet scam nets cash for N Korea

Italy's Berlusconi rules out early elections | Reuters

Insider-trading case draws guilty pleas from Denver father, son - The Denver Post

WSJ: Do you think all USPS offices should be closed down?

Travel | Passengers won't get refunds of airline taxes, says IRS | Seattle Times Newspaper

LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner talks explosive growth - Fortune Tech

Reverse mortgage turns sour for heir - Sacramento Business, Housing Market News | Sacramento Bee

*Film Related Sites


Rotten Tomatoes(

The Four Word Film Review(



Movie Mistakes(

The Internet Movie Database (IMDb)/


Hulu - (

OVGuide (

Project Free TV -

Watch TV Online - (

SurfTheChannel -

-Tv-Links :

TV Links:




moreofit - Website Similarity Search (


Pundit Press: Obama State Senate Records Show Him as Confused, Off-Topic

Watchdogs want FEC, Justice probe of Romney fund-raising - Washington Times

The Truth About Nuclear Power: Japanese Nuclear Engineer Calls for Abolition  

Articles: How a Free Society Can Protect Itself from Psychological Warfare

American Resources For American Jobs, Revenue and Prosperity - Page 1 - Paul Driessen - Townhall Conservative

Morning Jay: The Left Will Never Abandon Obama | The Weekly Standard

Quinn to name immigrant scholarships commission by September -

IRS: Not enough rich to cover the deficit « Don Surber

Short term top in precious metals? - Page 1 - Gil Morales and Chris Kacher - Townhall Finance

Noonan: The Power of Bad Ideas -

Prayer and the Fabric of America - Page 1 - Alan Sears - Townhall Conservative

The Hawks' Dilemma -

Et Tu Hebrew? - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News

‪The National Debt Road Trip‏ - YouTube

Boehner blames S&P downgrade on ‘out-of-control spending’ | The Daily Caller

‪10-8-09/Rush Limbaugh: In Line For 'Obama Money' In Detroit‏ - YouTube

Tea Party Congressman | Terrorist Label | Jeff Landry | The Daily Caller

9th Circuit: University Can Force Christian Groups Open to Non-Christians | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

SEIU Shows No Restraint Despite Restraining Order - Page 1 - John Ransom - Townhall Finance

Banks might face higher capital requirements after downgrade

Where Have All the Liberals Gone? - Page 1 - John C. Goodman - Townhall Conservative

It's Only Money - Page 1 - Bill O'Reilly - Townhall Conservative

The Regulatory Recession - Page 1 - Fred Smith - Townhall Conservative

Obama: Creating jobs must be Washington’s top priority - MJ Lee -

Operation Shady RAT: China again « Coach is Right

Fools and the Market Are Soon Parted - Page 1 - Mike Shedlock - Townhall Finance

GOP Presidential Contenders Pile on Obama for Historic Credit Downgrade -

Obama's Only Policy - Page 1 - Caroline Glick - Townhall Conservative

‪Obama Kids Music Video : Cute or Creepy ?‏ - YouTube

‪E-Trade Baby Loses Everything.‏ - YouTube

Congressional Budget Office - CBO's 2011 Long-Term Projections for Social Security: Additional Information

Eyewitness: Root of fair violence needs examining - JSOnline

Sharia law in bid to conquer London — RT

The Weekend Interview with Eric Cantor: Obama and the Narcissism of Big Differences -

An Interracial Fix for Black Marriage -

The New Recession – What To Do? » Caffeinated Thoughts

RNC stomps Electoral College switch - Washington Times

The Band of Patriots - Blog - The Men Who Held Back The Sea (A Lesson In Reality)

It's Conservatism (Or why we can't support Ron Paul)

On jobs and safety net, lawmakers must focus on hard-hit minorities -

Hypocritical Google Lashes Out at Apple and Microsoft

Bill Maher Obama Liberals | Obama Liberal Support | Video | Mediaite

9 commanders for China's first aircraft carrier -- Shanghai Daily | 上海日 -- English Window to China New

Bachmann v. Perry for the evangelical vote? « Hot Air

Cartel Boss Says U.S. Allowed Drug Smuggling « Fox News Insider

Articles: The President Who Wasn't There

» Forget That. The Left Will Not Abandon Obama - Big Government


*Top 25 Sites Like TV Shack to Watch Movies and TV Shows Online Free « Nitesmoke’s Pirate Shack


The Funniest Pranks of The First Half of 2011

Opinion: Backed Jon Huntsman once, but never again - Patrick M. Byrne -

‪If Obama put America first, he wouldn't run for reelection‏ - YouTube


Metacritic -


FAA Deal May Restart Project - The Times Record: Business

Republicans Seeking Election Remain Unsure About Embracing Tea Party -

GOP presidential candidate Gary Johnson won’t be at straw poll next Saturday | Iowa Caucuses

Countdown to Ames: Key Iowa Event Fast Approaching - ABC News

Rep. Meeks May Have Violated Federal Law With $40,000 "Loan": Gothamist

US Airways Jet Examined in Philadelphia After Note Found - Bloomberg

Hundreds Rampage Through Neighborhoods Surrounding Wisconsin State Fair -

New Orleans – Jury Convicts 5 Officers In Post Hurricane Katrina Shooting - Secaucus New Jersey News | Secaucus New Jersey News

Can Jon Huntsman Fix His Campaign? - Beth Reinhard -

Casey Anthony probation: Judge Perry hears Casey Anthony probation case -

Casey Anthony Lookalike Targeted, Physically Assaulted In Orlando |

Key figure in Abu Ghraib abuse freed from prison -

‘Pretty Darned Fucked’: Former Obama Economic Adviser Christina Romer on Credit Downgrade | Video |

Michele Bachmann Calls for President Obama to Demand Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner’s Resignation S&P US Credit | Video |

‘Anonymous’ Group Says It’s Hacked 70 US Law Enforcement Websites |

Tim Geithner Flashback — ‘No Risk’ of Credit Rating Downgrade | Video |

Barack Obama ‘My Presidency Will Be ’A One-Term Proposition‘ if Economy Doesn’t Turn in ‘3 Years’ | Video |

What is it? Mysterious Orange Goo Washes Up, Baffles Alaska Village | Video |

Rick Santelli Slams MSNBC Ezra Klein for Claiming Markets ‘Unfair’ | Video |

Huffington Post Mocks Obama on Jobs With Deja Vu Video Montage | Video |

Carney: The White House Doesn’t Create Jobs | Video |

CPPEA Informs SEIU Members About Non-Germane Objectors Option |

Obama Proposes Tax Credits for Unemployed Military Veterans |

Michael Bradley Sends Obama Death Threat Through White House Site |

John Kerry: Media Should Not Give Time to Tea Party | Video |

‪SIX Cops Hogtie Homeless Man Then Beat Him To Death! "So Why Are They Still Cops?!"‏ - YouTube

‪"For 36 Years Federal Govt Has Been Growing Marijuana & Dispensing It As Medicine"‏ - YouTube

Dow Bloodbath Could Herald “Great Depression”

*2 PARTS:ALEX JONES Infowars – Special Report with Gerald Celente: US Dollar Isn’t Worth The Paper It’s Printed on!

Ron Paul: ‘Super Congress’ a “Monstrous Creature”

Rawesome Foods small victory: James Stewart bail reduced to $30,000, Victoria Bloch released from jail


Researchers Show Off Wi-Fi Hacking Drone at Black Hat

Researchers Show Off Wi-Fi Hacking Drone at Black Hat


‪Prodigy of Mobb Deep: Rapper Reveals Illuminati Symbolism in Music World 1/2‏ - YouTube

‪Prodigy of Mobb Deep: Rapper Reveals Illuminati Symbolism in Music World 2/2‏ - YouTube

» Taking the Infowar to the Next Level Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

*(w/Links)Super Congress: A Financial Death Panel That Will Help The Banks Loot & Rape America Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Reason TV Coverage of Rawesome Food Raid (Video) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

‪(11-17-10)Raw Foods Raid - The Fight For the Right To Eat What You Want‏ - YouTube

(w/Links) Documents: US fed agents allowed cartel to traffic cocaine in exchange for information Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

+ Documents: Feds allegedly allowed Sinaloa cartel to move cocaine into U.S. for information - El Paso Times

*11 Ways 9/11 Truth is Challenging The Hijacking of History And The Totalitarian Reengineering of Human Consciousness Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

9/11 inside job “impossible to conceal,” says Vladimir Putin — RT

*4 Parts/ Hip-Hop Icon Prodigy of Mobb Deep on the Illuminati Symbolism, Obama & More Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Mobb Deep's Prodigy Speaks On The Illuminati, President Obama & Jay-Z | Get The Latest Hip Hop News, Rap News & Hip Hop Album Sales | HipHop DX

U.S. Will Roll Out QE3 After S&P Rating Cut, Li Daokui Says - Bloomberg

» Rawesome Foods raid victims stripped of First Amendment rights with court gag order Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Alex Jones Debates ATF Actions on RT Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

U.S. Economy: Payrolls Increased More Than Forecast in July - Bloomberg

» 13 Reasons Why The U.S. Is Now OFFICIALLY BANKRUPT Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Agent Orange: American Chemical and Biological Warfare Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» U.S. soldiers dangerously over-medicated with antipsychotic drugs Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Monsantopoly - A game pitting farmer against farmer that only Monsanto can win! | Farm Wars

‪GM Crops Farmer to Farmer‏ - YouTube

Solar flares may impact communications this weekend - Justin Ho -

» Repulsed by raw: FDA, CDC lies about unpasteurized milk Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Nanci Pelosi on House Floor: “Novus Ordo Seclorum” New Order for the Ages Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Bolshevik Revolution Was Engineered by Freemasons, Financed by Banking Elite Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Nick Turse: The Pentagon's New Power Elite

» Gold is the True Reserve Currency Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Biggest-Ever Series of Cyber Attacks Uncovered; UN Hit - CNBC

» FBI Director’s Term Extension Ensures Neo-COINTELPRO Operations Will Prevail Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Essential Rules Of Tyranny

» Facebook– Pied Piper of the New World Order’s technological control grid Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Actress Mariel Hemingway, Locals Protest Raid on Raw Foods Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

BBC News - Arctic 'tipping point' may not be reached

» The US-Al Qaeda Buddy System Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 11 Reasons Why The 9/11 Fable is So Popular Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Prison » Blockbuster: Planetary temperature controls CO2 levels — not humans

Threat analyst says medical devices can be hacked remotely | The Raw Story

‪Gerald Celente & Alex Jones: Obama's 'Super Congress' Will Achieve an Orwellian Omnipresence 1/2‏ - YouTube

‪Gerald Celente & Alex Jones: Obama's 'Super Congress' Will Achieve an Orwellian Omnipresence 2/2‏ - YouTube

*Prison » GOA Chief: Super Congress ‘Will Lead Us Into Dictatorship’

3 Videos:Prison » Council Of 13 To Rule America

** Prison » Genetic Genocide: Humanity’s Greatest Threat

+ Prison » Super Congress Will KILL Real Congress

Prison » The New Orwellian Airport Behavioral Inspections-Detections

Prison » A 21-Truth Salute to Activists and the Alternative Media: The Journey From Conspiracy Theory to Conspiracy Fact

Va. Beach ponders approving homeless 'tent city' | |


**Markets Video - S&P Downgrade: What Will Be the Fallout?


**World Video:5th/Nuclear Security

New Demonstrations Planned In Syria

Will Italy Default?

Famine-Stricken Somalis Need Nutrition Not Just Food

Clinton Condemns Crackdown On Syrian Protesters

China's Trouble In Managing Growing Social Concerns

Libyan Rebels Claim Gaddafi Son Killed

Bodies Hang From Bridge In Mexican Drugs War

Student Demo In Chile Turns Violent

Libyan Officials Say NATO Bombs Kill Family

Chinese Navy Ships Visit North Korea

Frank Wolf Condemns The Government Of Sudan

Somalia's Refugees Could Overwhelm Kenya

Is The U.S. Headed For A 'Code War'?


Gadgetbox - 10 gadgets for people who hate mornings

Science And The Debt Deal | Latest News | Chemical & Engineering News

Texas Town to Recycle Urine : Discovery News

Is Wikipedia Sexist Too?

Antibiotic-resistant salmonella boosted by factory farm practices -

Mathematical model predicts growth of cancer - health - 06 August 2011 - New Scientist

The Man Who Would Stop Time | Popular Science

Exploring Jupiter: hurricanes and seas of metallic hydrogen | Science | The Guardian

Why we can't get enough of The Red Planet - Science, News - The Independent

Females in control: they can place limits on evolution of attractive features in males | Science Codex

MSU News Service - New MSU research sheds light on South Pole dinosaurs

A map of all the water in the solar system

Fertility landmark as scientists make sperm from stem cells - Science, News - The Independent

Skin to Brain Cell Trick Avoids Stem Cells | Stem Cells, Neurodegeneration & Alzheimer's | LiveScience

No turning back for light : Nature News

Auto Deaths a Side Effect of Higher Fuel Efficiency Standards - Miller-McCune

The GPS fiasco: The Difference Engine: Off the radar | The Economist

London Tube Map Sparks Furor Over What "Design" Means | Co. Design

BBC News - Killer plant 'eats' great tit at Somerset nursery

Why Do Humans Walk in Circles? | Why People Can't Walk Straight | Why Do Blindfolded People Walk In Circles? | Life's Little Mysteries

Preview: The Mix: The Debt Deal’s Energy Impact | Energy Now

Challenges Ahead on Arctic Drilling -

Michael Graziano: Is Spirituality a Byproduct of Evolution?

John Lennon and the Jews » Main Feature » Jewish Ideas Daily

Oh yeah, she’s a Muslim, too » GetReligion

Five myths about Mormonism - The Washington Post

Is this the Vatican's twilight? | Massimo Franco | Comment is free |

Consumer Christianity | Joel J. Miller

Air Force: Bible and nukes don't mix – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Hispanic religion: Hispanics abandoning organized religion, pollster says - South Florida | Save the poor from their ‘friends’

'Nobody Knows: The Untold Story of Black Mormons': Mormons Confront Black History - The Daily Beast

Liberal education and the priesthood

RealClearReligion - What I Learned from Atheists

Nonviolence, Muslim Style: From Ghaffar Khan to Tahrir Square | (A)theologies | Religion Dispatches

Brothers' Keepers - By Molly Worthen | Foreign Policy

Detroit Jewish group looking for a few young urban pioneers – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Nearing Hiroshima Day, Japanese bishop calls for discernment on nuclear energy | National Catholic Reporter

2011 Terrorism Risk Index

Feminism in the Islamic World

Iraq's Politics Dangerously Stalled (pdf)

Pakistan: Friend or Foe?

After war: Reconstruct -

Reports of America’s death are greatly exaggerated - The Globe and Mail

Euro dream threatens to become nightmare - The Irish Times - Sat, Aug 06, 2011

China can’t – and won’t – save the world - Telegraph

Mission Not Accomplished - By Christopher Heffelfinger | Foreign Policy

Cambridge Journal | The New Republic

What US Fiscal Woes Teach China | The Diplomat

The Dissident vs. the Dictator

RealClearWorld - Promise of the Arab Spring Fades

Cracks in the Chinese wall | The Japan Times Online

Kyiv Post. Independence. Community. Trust - Opinion - OP-ED - Election law could preserve Yanukovych’s grip on power

No Better in Europe -

Old and new nuclear perils | The Japan Times Online

All Guns, No Butter - The Tea Party's Foreign Policy - By James Traub | Foreign Policy

Tzipi Livni Praises Obama for Pressuring Netanyahu, Suggests U.S. Should Keep Up the Heat - Jeffrey Goldberg - International - The Atlantic

A Contagion of Bad Ideas - Joseph E. Stiglitz - Project Syndicate

RealClearWorld - A Global Laughingstock

Unwanted Missiles for a Korean Island -

RealClearMarkets - A Different Kind of Drug War With a Chance for Success

The Invisible Hand Is Writing On Our Wall | Via Meadia

The Nixon Shock - BusinessWeek

The euro crisis, part 394: Rearranging the deckchairs | The Economist

The Selloff, Trichet and Monty Python's 'Holy Grail' - CNBC

Time to Say It - Double Dip May Be Happening -

Jenkins: Obama vs. the 1980s -

RealClearMarkets - Obama Makes a Positive Move On Trade

There's gold in mining stocks yet - 1 - how to invest - MSN Money

European debt crisis | Europe has the tools to stabilize and grow | The Daily Caller


* Week in Pictures: July 31 - August 6 *


*4th/Transcripts:Interview with Presidential Candidate Tim Pawlenty

U.N. Ambassador Rice on the Violence in Syria

Interview with Transportation Secretary LaHood

Reporter Discusess the FAA Shutdown


2 who must go in 2012

Jihadists infiltrating U.S. military?

Public funding of 'occult' teachings challenged in court

City launches attack on centers that advise against abortion

Court intervenes in firings by 'Nazi' police chief

The high cost of being an anti-abortion attorney


**Politics Video:Obama Weekly On Unemployment: "We've Got To Put Politics Aside"

Rep. Grimm Gives GOP Weekly: Obama Needs To "Wake Up To Reality"

Krauthammer: Super Committee Leaves Room For Backdoor "Grand Bargain"

Maher To Liberal Panel: Do You Have Any "Buyer's Remorse" With Obama?

Joan Walsh: Elitist Decision Makers Are Cut Off From Reality

Standard & Poor's Downgrades U.S. Credit Rating To "AA+"

5th/Fineman: Thursday's Market Drop Was In Response To Debt-Ceiling Deal

Gingrich: Obama "Most Effective Food Stamp President In History"

Obama Blames Arab Springs And Tsunami In Japan For Slower Growth

Trump: "Crisis Of Leadership" With Economy

Coulter: "If Our Only Choice Is Gridlock Vs. Socialism, I'll Take Gridlock"

Santelli To Ezra Klein: "You Just Don't Understand The Laws Of Capitalism"

Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Create Jobs Right Now"

Libtalker Hartmann On FAA Flap: If GOP Willing To Crash Economy, "Certainly Willing To Crash A Plane"

O'Reilly: President Obama Is Losing Power

John Kerry: Media Has "Responsibility" To "Not Give Equal Time" To Tea Party

Krauthammer: Obama Gets "Physical Pain" When Companies Don't Pay Taxes

Politico's Jim VandeHei: Obama A "Prisoner Of This Economy"

Ezra Klein: World Market Begging Us To Give Them More Of Our Debt

Richard Wolffe: Obama Has To Run As The "Change Guy" Again


Postal Service posts $3B loss, warns of default - On Deadline -

The cultural tyranny of junk-science 'studies'

Full to the brim: Scientists claim the human brain is at capacity and is too tiring to get smarter | Mail Online

Brain cells start to eat themselves when we go hungry - San Jose Mercury News

India schoolgirl defies tradition to reject child - Yahoo! News

One Per Cent: Create an animated biography from your photos

Paper-thin computers can be rolled up, stuffed in a pocket [Video] -

It Lives! The Return of the $35 Laptop | PCWorld


Google Photos Blog: Picasa 3.8: Face movies, Picnik integration, batch upload, and more

Man the lifeboats!

An American Spring

Jihadists in the White House?

Impasse: It's what the founders designed

Lessons in lunacy

New Obamacare violations of personal liberty

Those who can't teach, cheat

Liberalism = Ponzi schemes

The destructive power of greed

Articles: Congratulations, Class Warriors

The onslaught against schoolteachers needs to stop | The Progressive

President prays for and preys on poor people

The American Spectator : Thomas Jefferson Warned Us

Chinese Officials Seized and Sold Babies, Parents Say -

Judge combines Schwarzenegger commutation cases - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

7 Men Accused Of Having Sex With Girl, 15, After Meeting On Facebook - News Story - WPXI Pittsburgh

Boy who was stuffed in oven: Don't jail dad - US news - Crime & courts -

Polar bear attack Norway: Eton pupil Horatio Chapple, 17, mauled to death | Mail Online

Chestnut Hill professor leaves class, kills self -

US internet providers hijacking users' search queries - tech - 04 August 2011 - New Scientist

World Blog - At Auschwitz, future U.S. military leaders learn what not to do

A Holocaust survivor raised a fist to death -


WND RADIO WND Exclusive Obama offers nothing new on jobs;Diana Furchtgott-Roth: Administration 'moving ahead with more regulations'

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Social media and your identity;Study: ID thieves steal Social Security Numbers via facial-recognition software


Voters to Congress: We're not buying it

Paul warns of 'next bubble burst'

Accused Underpants Bomber Tells Judge He Can’t Get Fair Trial in Michigan - Bloomberg

Esquire seeks more time to answer WND lawsuit over faked report

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Your face on Facebook 'your own worst enemy'

DEA acknowledges supporting role in Operation Fast and Furious -

Pentagon Worries Body Armor Won’t Adequately Protect GIs

Sniper snooper: 'Boomerang' can tell where Taliban marksmen are by 'listening' for enemy gunfire | Mail Online


* Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Help Save ‘Men of a Certain Age’

‘Gates of Hell’: A Political Movie About Angry Black Men the Left Won’t Celebrate

Fox Network’s Teen Choice Awards a Total Turnoff

Morning Call Sheet: Catwoman, Jerry Lewis, Ratner, ‘Star Trek,’ and a Happy Friday to Y’all

Where Have You Gone 'Avatar'? Disc Sales Crater in First Half of 2011 | The Wrap Movies

How Hollywood Sells the Electric Car - The Hollywood Reporter

'The Whistleblower' movie review -

'Talker' TV pilot stars Reagan's ghost - CLICK -

More Obama Spending Won’t Help the Economy

The Silliness That Was ‘Save Our Schools’ (Part 1)

Biden/Pelosi: If I’m Satan, What Does that Make You?

One (Term) and Done: U.S. Debt Downgraded What We Saw at the Save Our Schools Rally in Washington D.C.: Talks to Matt Damon, Matt Damon’s Mom, Jonathan Kozol, Deborah Meier and More!

Higher Education Reform Meets Professor X

SEIU’s Disreputable Tactics Exposed, Turns Out We Were Right, Entirely

Abortion Made Illegal: Mississippi’s Personhood Initiative

America Leads France to Adopt a Balanced Budget Amendment

Barry, Can you Spare a Bedroom?

A Couple Of Pigford Thoughts

Keeping on the Offense: More Lessons for Our Side

Obama’s Fiftieth Birthday: Plenty of Celebration, Few Results

Stock markets zigzag as Obama promises 'things will get better' -

Obama to headline rural economic forum in Iowa

Pelosi’s Energy Savings Program Evaporates -

Proposed U.N. Treaty to Regulate Global Firearms Trade Raising Concerns for U.S. Gun Makers -

Anthony Weiner's Forest Hills apartment is under contract -

31 Americans, Mostly Special Forces, Killed In Afghanistan

FBI Targets Constitutionalists

Mayor In Lithuania Runs Over Illegally Parked Car With An Armored Personnel Carrier

Obama On The Middle East: Posture, Preen, And Pronounce

Robot Jeeps To Be Deployed In Afghanistan

18 Church Websites Hacked; Replaced With Invitation To Join Islam

Foreign Influence in American Politics—Imad Ramadan in Virginia

USAF Axes Nuclear Ethics Manual Because….It Mentions The Bible

Markets Plunge 5% On Thursday Over Bad Economic News

Obama proposes tax credits to hire jobless vets

Where is Media in Rawesome Raid?

Want Proof of How Democrats Would Shut You Up, Tea Partiers?

NewsBusted: Will Obama Be Laid Off in 2012?

When Did the Riverfront Times Become Such a Prude?

Comrades! Conservative Propagandist Tim Groseclose Utterly Fails to Prove Left-Wing Media Bias!

Tapper Hammers Carney: ‘What Is [Obama] Doing to Help the Economy?’

The New York Times and Democrats Working Together to Bring Down an Energy Source

The New York Times and The Dreaded Tea Party Jihad

Former White House Counsel: Media Matters Displays Pattern of ‘Unlawful Conduct’

NBC News: Conservative = Crazy

Fighting Irish activist seeks to upend mainstream media - The Daily Caller

Cotillard gets death threats from US woman: report

Prayer day as Texas governor preps presidential bid

G20 deputies to hold crisis call Saturday: Brazilian minister

University graduates, grieves six lost students

AP sources: Crash kills members of SEAL Team 6

Hacker drone launches airborne cyber attacks

Path to debt deal was too divisive: White House

Mourdock's Reaction to S&P Downgrade: Fire Geithner

White House: rivals must unite to fix US economy

'Syrian FM: There will be free elections in 2011'

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood holds vote in public

'Syrian army defector: I was ordered to commit genocide'

'Hamas detains 2 suspected of firing rockets on Israel'

'Lebanon to recognize Palestinian state in next few days'

Jailed journalists write for freedom in Turkey

Polar bear victim was strong, fearless and kind, say relatives

Former W.H. lawyer to IRS: Rescind Media Matters’s non-profit status - On Media -

Gingrich: Media holding back fundraising - On Media -

Time Reporter Cheers Liberal Actor Damon for 'School[ing]' Libertarian Reporter on Teacher Pay |


Exclusive Excerpt: Andrew Klavan’s ‘The Final Hour’ Part One

Exclusive Excerpt: Andrew Klavan’s ‘The Final Hour’ Part Two


6-Aug-11 World View

5-Aug-11 World View

4-Aug-11 World View

3-Aug-11 World View

2-Aug-11 World View

1-Aug-11 World View

31-Jul-11 World View

*6 Aug

‪**1:34:00/ - YouTube/Hiroshima

‪*1:35:00/Atom-Bombed Children in Hiroshima (1952 Film)‏ - YouTube


‪The Spirit Of Hiroshima‏ - YouTube

‪Hiroshima‏ - YouTube


Hiroshima - Wikipedia


August 6th This Day in History

Today in History: August 6

August 6th in History

This Day in History for 6th August

Today in History: August 6

August 6 Events in History

‪Today in History for August 6th‏ - YouTube

American Minute for August 6th


Aug. 5, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 8-5-11

Jesse Peterson Radio Show

Alex Jones - 2011-Aug-05, Friday

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-06-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-06-11 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-05-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-05-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 08-05-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 08-05-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 08-05-11 Hr 3

08/05 The Mark Levin Show

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

Live Free Or Die Radio - Friday, August, 05, 2011

The Michael Savage Show 08/05/2011

The Michael Savage Show 08/04/2011(Ron Paul ;Guest)


Ten days after 9/11 the U.S. government had already decided to attack Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan & Iran. | PRESS Core – Evidentiary News, World News, Special Reports, Technology, Health, Videos, Polls, Free energy, Cures, War Crimes, Crime Against Humanity, Corruption

British Companies Trading With Iran Hidden by U.K. to Avert U.S. Sanctions - Bloomberg

Thylane Lena-Rose Blondeau: Shocking images of 10-YEAR-OLD Vogue model | Mail Online

OpEdNews - Article: Tomgram: Nick Turse, Uncovering the Military's Secret Military

Odds and Ends: A mind-blowing look at today's mind-controlled, mind-reading technologies

Mexican Newspaper Uncovers Systemic Monitoring Plans of Public Online Sources | Electronic Frontier Foundation


**NEWS VIDEOS/31 Navy SEALS Killed in Afghanistan; Same Unit Killed bin Laden

Rachel Maddow Apologizes to Rush by Calling Him a Racist

Flashback: Geithner Says ‘No Risk’ U.S. Will Lose AAA Credit Rating

Bachmann to Obama: Fire Geithner

Obama Pushes Jobs Initiatives in Weekly Address

5TH/Former Obama Economic Adviser on Downgrade: We’re ‘Pretty Darn F–ked’

Now More Than Ever: Jeane Kirkpatrick’s ‘Blame America First’ 1984 GOP Convention Speech

Huckabee Slams NBC News for 9/11 Cartoon Smear

Santelli vs. Ezra Klein on Economy

Obama 2009: Economy is My Responsibility vs. Obama 2011: Economy is Shared Responsibility

Obama Calls for ‘Reverse Boot Camp’ Jobs Program for Vets

NBC News Host Debates Conservative Guest: ‘Why do You Feel [Gays] are Less Than You?’

ChiSox Ozzie Guillen on Sean Penn: ‘He’s a Loser’

Harry Smith Crushes on Obama in NBC News Debut

Unemployment Still Over 9%

‘Tea Party Terrorists’ Media Mash

Sen. Kerry Begs Media to Stop Giving ‘Equal Time or Equal Balance’ to ‘Absurd’ Tea Party Ideas

4TH/Perry Takes Shot at RomneyCare

‘Get a Life!’ Beckel and Gutfeld React to Palin Coverage Brouhaha

Mister Honey Badger Goes to Washington

Breitbart Breaks: Obama Birthday Bash Used Scab Labor

Cartoonist Targeted with Criminal Probe for Mocking Police with Online Animation

Obama’s ‘Job Creation Bus Tour’ on Tax Payers’ Dime: Not Campaign Event According to White House

Who Got the Stimulus Jobs?

Arabs React to Mubarak Trial

Hollywood News: Kutcher’s ‘Men’ Character Revealed, Oprah to Get Oscar

Rush: NBC News’ Chuck Todd and Willie Geist Have No Journalistic Credibility

Jennifer Hudson and Rahm Emanuel Lead Fundraiser Crowd in Singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to Obama

Obama’s Self-Serving Birthday Joke at Fundraiser

3RD/Mubarak Arrives to Court in Steel Cage

And Now… Lingerie Basketball

Disastrous Presidential Candidate Al Sharpton Mocks Mitt Romney’s Campaign Strategy

Maher: Mormonism More Like Islam than Christianity

2ND/Man Arrested Jumping White House Fence

Matt Damon Curses Out Cameraman


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