A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

05 August 2011


Truth Can be streched, but it cannot be broken.

The Mysterious Death of Osama bin Laden: Creating Evidence Where There Is None

Tea Party Could ‘Potentially Become a Violent Movement' |

» Chemical-agra-medical-pharma industrial complex business ‘booming’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Military buzzes Boston buildings -

» The New Orwellian Airport Behavioral Inspections-Detections Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Phony Federalism - Reason Magazine

‘Marijuana plant’ Mayor, 84, fires entire police department

Experts say Obama certificate not scan of original document

The Daily Bell - When a Cut Is Not a Cut


AddThis - The #1 Bookmarking & Sharing(


‪Talking with two Gaddafi Loyalists in Libya‏ - YouTube

Report: Muammar Gaddafi son Khamis, who went to Northwestern University, dead in NATO airstrike |

Rebels: Gaddafi's son killed in NATO strike -

Senate formally approves FAA bill - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

GOP hopefuls sniping at rivals within the party -

Infographic: Facebook Photo History, From Tagging to Facial Recognition | News & Opinion |

Lethal Levels of Radiation at Fukushima: What Are the Implications? on Vimeo

‪Leonor Reports 15 NATO Seniors Being Held Captive in Libya‏ - YouTube

‪Ron Paul & The Judge On Cavuto Talking About 'Super Congress'‏ - YouTube

Obama's Coup Follows Path of Hitler's Enabling Law

Video:Stop Obama's Hitler Coup

Video:Congress, You Were Had!

Yikes! Look who just endorsed Obama for 4 more years


OpEdNews - Article: Tomgram: Nick Turse, Uncovering the Military's Secret Military

Warren Jeffs trial: Heavy breathing 'sex tape' made with 3 wives including 'bride' of 12 | Mail Online

Activist Post: Meet a Propagandist: A Profile in Duplicity

NASA finds new evidence of liquid water on Mars - Yahoo! News


*Chart:White House Staffers Raises

White House Staffers Got a Raise Last Year, And You Did Not




*( Crowd Facial Recognition) - 2011 Stanley Cup Game 7 Canucks Fan Zone

Gigapixel Project (


Duped by a blonde too good to be true, 'Dirty DUI' victim seeks redemption - San Jose Mercury News - Video Gaming Teaches Satanism - Tea Party are Illuminati Dupes & Pawns

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Jenin's Freedom Theatre Attacked


+Tribute To Ted L Gunderson+


Ted Gunderson(


*The Ted Gunderson Files


Video:5/14/2011 Ted Gunderson's Last Interview(107 min.)

Video:CIA And Satanism - 69 min


BBC Mike Sewell 'spots UFO' then tells millions on Radio 5 Live | Mail Online

Latin American Herald Tribune - Mexican Kingpin Says U.S. Protected Cartel

Iran revolutionary guards commander becomes new president of Opec | World news |

Libya: Nato 'carried out raid on Gaddafi oil tanker' - Telegraph

‪Why We Need To Fight The Super Congress And Take Back Our Government‏ - YouTube

Fouad Ajami: Barack Obama the Pessimist - - Cash, not Gold, is King in a Crash

Barack Obama feasts while Rome burns. Do America’s ruling liberal elites think they are the new emperors? – Telegraph Blogs

Unheimlich and Strano. Reflections in a Petri Dish

Roy Tov – Netanyahu's Trial

When truth touches you | Opinion Maker

Lentils and kidney beans 'cut bowel cancer risk' by up to a third | Mail Online

EcoWaste coalition finds mercury in skin whitening products, pushes crack down on dangerous cosmetics :

Is that a face in the clouds? Footage shows spooky shape shifting display that formed during Canadian storm | Mail Online

Monsantopoly - A game pitting farmer against farmer that only Monsanto can win! | Farm Wars

Solutions - Not More Band Aids

‪‪SWAT Team Raid Organic Food Seller 2011‏ - YouTube

Rawesome Raid: Federal Agents Arrest Owner, Dump Food

Justice Dept. Accused of Giving Immunity to Mexican Drug Cartel Leaders | AHN

Tiny town is Oregon's No. 1 hub for pot growers - CBS News

Mobile biometrics to hit US streets - Features - Al Jazeera English

6 Creepy New Weapons the Police and Military Use To Subdue Unarmed People -

11 Occult Secrets Now In the Open | Before It's News

R.W. Sanders: The Super Congress We Did Not Elect

Pentagon Seeks a Few Good Social Networkers -

Face recognition software may reveal one’s social security number | Homeland Security News Wire

Google acquires facial biometric company | Homeland Security News Wire

US gov't building hacker army for cyber war - Yahoo! News

The Missing Security Tapes From The World Trade Center

You are about to see a 'miracle' happen to Credo Mutwa - but it is only reality as it really should be - David Icke Website


‪7 Lies In Under 2 Minutes‏ - YouTube



Federal judge: CIA not in contempt for destroying interrogation tapes -

Washington's Blog:The Average Life Expectancy For A Fiat Currency Is 27 Years ... Every 30 To 40 Years The Reigning Monetary System Fails And Has To Be Retooled


Which do you choose? A Comparison of pasteurized and raw milk(


Phone hacking: Harriet Harman says Piers Morgan has 'questions to answer' - Telegraph

Rick Perry Abuses His Office for Israel

Miami mayor seeks federal probe of police -

Chinese journalists suspended for reporting train disaster - Asia, World - The Independent

Angry pilots say Air France crash inquiry shields Airbus - Europe, World - The Independent

Fake bomb: device attached to Sydney teenager Madeleine Pulver was part of 'elaborate hoax' - Telegraph

Hosni Mubarak's Cairo trial confirms one thing: the real Egyptian revolution hasn't happened yet – Telegraph Blogs

Man Accused Of Breaking Bird Feeding Law Might - Flash Player Installation

AF Pulls 'Jesus Loves Nukes' Training

Judge allows American to sue Rumsfeld over torture | World news |

Hackers in demand at US government agencies - Telegraph

US says online child pornography network dismantled - Telegraph

Pakistan: Enforcing diplomatic norms | Opinion Maker

New case raises issue of self-defence rights

Scientists credited on ghostwritten articles 'should be charged with fraud' | Science |

The US Dictatorship and its White House Servant ‘President’

Peru Bans GMO Crops For Next 10 Years

Hard Right Extremism In America And Europe

The Treason In This Dictatorship

Coke vs. Coke, high-fructose corn syrup vs. sugar


10.5% Of Spirit's Revenue Comes From Baggage Fees - The Consumerist

Young Gay Men Have More Than 25% of New HIV Infections - Bloomberg

All F-35 and F-22s grounded — RT

Rawsome Farm Buying Club Raided Again - Press - Weston A Price Foundation

‪Sour Milk‏ - YouTube

UnAnswered Questions About Rawesome Food | The Solari Report Blog

Federal Budget 101 & Catherine’s Response | The Solari Report Blog

The Debt Deal Con: Is It Fooling Anyone?

Monsanto to Sell Biotech Sweet Corn for U.S. Consumers - Bloomberg

+ 1,400 Millionaires Paid No U.S. Income Taxes, Bank Of America Signs HUD Settlement Over Mortgage Fraud, The Secret History Of Treasury's ESF, How NOT To Live Your Life According To The Dalai Lama (LINKS) - Home - The Daily Bail

Ron Paul On The 'Smelly' Super Congress: "There Are NO CUTS! Freeze The Budget Instead! That Would Be A Huge Cut!" - Home - The Daily Bail

Revolutionary Politics : Government Destroyers

A Free Thinker's Journey: A.C.L.U. seeks information on how police departments track cell phones

A Free Thinker's Journey: Conspiracy to sell organic foods?

Chicago police brutality on the rise | Press TV Mobile

‪Youth Revolution asks US ambassador to stay out of Yemen's affairs‏ - YouTube

‪US on fast track to reach it's new debt limit‏ - YouTube

‪+ News Bulletin - 02:00 GMT‏ - YouTube

‪+ News Bulletin -- 14:00 GMT‏ - YouTube

+ Mossad's murder machine claims another scientist's life in Israeli bid to stop Iran building a nuclear bomb | Mail Online

Activist Post: US opens ways for Shell drilling in Arctic Ocean

Mystery lines on Mars carved by water | Mail Online

Nick Turse: The Pentagon's New Power Elite

Hugo Neu and the Giuliani Partners Who Destroyed the Steel of 9/11

The Intercept: Norway killer holding back info: Prosecutor

Sweet Remedy: Sweet Remedy: The World Reacts to an Adulterated Food Supply


‪*47 min/Lockerbie: The Pan Am bomber‏ - YouTube


‪911 Truth Tucson & Gabrielle Giffords April 11th‏ - YouTube

Courthouse News Service:Rumsfeld Must Face Vet's Claim He Was Tortured

1981 Film Rollover - Global Financial Armageddon: "Sell Everything You've Got And Pray" - Home - The Daily Bail

‪Low Flying Military Helicopters Over Boston Buzz Buildings During Training Exercise‏ - YouTube

Goon Squad: How Much Has the ADL and JINSA Corrupted Our Law Enforcement Agencies?

Barack Obama and the Debt Crisis: A Successful Con Game Explained

The Hama Affair


Breivik's "2083" : The Mass Murderer's Manifesto


** 2083 ; A European Declaration of Independence


Blogger in Breivik manifesto identified: News24: World: News


Reflections on the Impossibility of Government

Moscow warns against interference in Syrian conflict:

'Half of US Muslims face prejudice


**US debt visualized: Stacked in 100 dollar bills

**World debt guide: Owe dear | The Economist

CIA - The World Factbook;Country Comparison :: Current account balance


Ron Paul: Audit The Gold At Fort Knox! (Monetary Policy Subcommittee: Video) - Home - The Daily Bail

Max Keiser: 'Italy's 2400 Tons Of Gold Are The Real Target Of IMF Terrorists' - Home - The Daily Bail

Man Who Jumped White House Fence Speaks Out |

Death Of The Freedom Of Speech - Making South Park Style Videos Mocking The Police Now Illegal

FBI Chief's Job Extended In Violation Of 10 Year Term Limit

‪TSA's new behavioral screeners. He's a terrorist, he looks like one‏ - YouTube

Lone Star Watchdog: Do not Count on the NRA to Defend Your Right to Keep and Bear Arms

Is The FED About To Make The Biggest Mistake Of The Decade? (NYSE:TZA, NYSE:SDS, NYSE:SLV, NYSE:FAZ, NYSE:VXX, NYSE:TNA) | ETF DAILY NEWS

» Government to Monitor Social Networks For “Extremist Propaganda” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Revolutionary Politics : The Fed's 'Fictitious' Debt

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul "Why Don't We Just Freeze The Budget? That Would Be A REALLY BIG Cut!"

MUST SEE: Rep. Walter Jones Demands A Complete Fed Audit To Fed Counsel's Face: "The Federal Reserve Is NOT Held In High Esteem By Many People In This Country!" - Home - The Daily Bail

Activist Post: Enormous Cuts in Military Spending? Read the Fine Print

Activist Post: Fears for US Army bullet-proof vests over poor tests

Propaganda and the War on Truth Independent media strikes back |

9-20-10/Mars Methane Gets Even More Mysterious

BBC News - Mars: Nasa images show signs of flowing water

The Intercept: NASA Data Pit Scientific Method Against Climate Astrology

Activist Post: Ex-Microsoft executive named to top US tech post

Must Watch - Incredible Speech On The Need To Fight The Super Congress And Take Back Our Government

What Could the FBI Do With Facebook?

Bears Ripping Thru Wall Street - Dow Down 350 Points - Home - The Daily Bail

National Review 's Derbyshire: "I'm On The Same Page As" Breivik | Media Matters for America

Major Paper : Canada Government Covered Up "Massive Amounts Of Radiation In Air"


Nuclear Information and Resource Service(

The Arms Sales Monitoring Project(


Government Accountability Project(

**The Political Graveyard: Alphabetical Name Index

Project On Government Oversight(

The Skeleton Closet(

THOMAS (Library of Congress)/

CorpWatch : (

Economic Policy Institute(

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics(

Science Frontiers;Scientific Anomalies(


National Archives and Records Administration(


U.S. Government Accountability Office (

U.S. Department of the Treasury(

Federal Reserve(

Internal Revenue Service(


Defense News - (

Microwave News ~(

American Civil Liberties Union(

Global Internet Liberty Campaign(

Area 51(

Glenn Campbell(

Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee(

Lobster: Journal (

Electric Universe theory(



'06:9/11's Trainer in Terrorism Was an FBI Informant

With 'geo-engineering,' we should all be careful what we wish for

There Is No Recess From the Call to Raise Money : Roll Call Lobbying & Influence

In FAA standoff, GOP played chicken with American jobs -

Improving jobs outlook is good news for Obama - Aug. 5, 2011

Are millennials cut out for this job market? -

JULY 13'11/The Operation Behind Operation Gunwalker: Did They Sell Planes Too?


*55 MIN/Drug Lords - The CIA, The Mob and America's Secret History‏- YouTube


3 Part/GCN’s Katherine Albrecht: The Globalists and Their Genetic Human Manipulation Agenda Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Russian Envoy: NATO Is Planning Attacks on Syria, Iran Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Twelve Triggers Driving Mankind Towards World Government Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Researchers Show Off Wi-Fi Hacking Drone at Black Hat Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Dow Bloodbath Could Herald “Great Depression” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Rawesome Foods small victory: James Stewart bail reduced to $30,000, Victoria Bloch released from jail Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Rawesome Foods founder to be prosecuted under special environmental crimes unit in LA Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Texas, I Rather We Secede Than Be Ruled by a Super Congress and a Dictator Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Obama, Bernanke out of ammo to boost jobs, growth Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Analysis: Obama, Bernanke out of ammo to boost jobs, growth | Reuters

IMF chief Lagarde faces France finance crime probe - The West Australian

» Tarpley on Syria: Beware of fraud and fabrications Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» US shirked its responsibility to the global economy – top Russian economist Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

BBC News - Sudan 'threatened to shoot UN helicopter' in Abyei

» U.S. Senate leaders agree to move forward on trade deals Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

NUGENT: A titanic fiscal mistake - Washington Times

Biggest-Ever Series of Cyber Attacks Uncovered; UN Hit - CNBC

The massive European network of Stone Age tunnels that weaves from Scotland to Turkey | Mail Online

Web tracking has become a privacy time bomb -

» Actress Mariel Hemingway, Locals Protest Raid on Raw Foods Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Documents: Feds allegedly allowed Sinaloa cartel to move cocaine into U.S. for information - El Paso Times

» 57 Senators Sign Letter To Protect Second Amendment Rights From UN Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

US Court Documents Claim Sinaloa “Cartel” Is Protected by US Government | the narcosphere

Libya: Military Effort and Political Process 'A Real Mess,' Analysts Say

9/11 inside job “impossible to conceal,” says Vladimir Putin — RT

» The US-Al Qaeda Buddy System Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Nanci Pelosi on House Floor: “Novus Ordo Seclorum” New Order for the Ages Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Bolshevik Revolution Was Engineered by Freemasons, Financed by Banking Elite Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Prison » TSA Illegally Confiscates Pregnant Woman’s Insulin As “Explosives Risk”

Police begin probe into mob incidents at State Fair - JSOnline

Food stamp use rises to record 45.8 million - Aug. 4, 2011

BBC News - Arctic 'tipping point' may not be reached

Prison » More Americans than ever are aware of Congressional malfeasance; disapproval at all-time high

Prison » 11 Ways 9/11 Truth is Challenging The Hijacking of History And The Totalitarian Reengineering of Human Consciousness

Prison » Government to Monitor Social Networks For “Extremist Propaganda”

Prison » The Committee of 13

Oil Erases 2011’s Gains on Economy Concern - Bloomberg

Prison » US buys most expensive drones ever

Prison » Just 58% of work-age Americans have jobs, lowest since July 1983

Prison » US Economy Has To Generate 256K Jobs Per Month Until The End Of Obama’s Second Term To Regain Lost Jobs Since December 2007

Va. Beach ponders approving homeless 'tent city' | |

Prison » Obama administration added $9.5 billion in new regulations last month

Prison » Public Guardian to Expand Powers to Seize Assets

Prison » Feds SWAT Team Fruit & Vegetable Sellers

Prison » Blockbuster: Planetary temperature controls CO2 levels — not humans

Flowing water on Mars sparks hunt for ancient life | The Raw Story

Prison » Repulsed by raw: FDA, CDC lies about unpasteurized milk

“Solution” to The Debt Crisis: More Debt «

Americans Overwhelmingly Opposed To Spiraling Debt Black Hole «

Out of a Job? You’re Not Alone. «

Court rules organic farmers can sue conventional, GMO farmers whose pesticides ‘trespass’ and contaminate their fields «

69% Say It’s Likely Scientists Have Falsified Global Warming Research - Rasmussen Reports

‪Dr. Webster Griffin Tarpley on his trip to Libya‏ - YouTube

‪Keiser Report: Exorbitant Privilege (E170)‏ - YouTube

‪SIX Cops Hogtie Homeless Man Then Beat Him To Death! "So Why Are They Still Cops?!"‏ - YouTube

‪"For 36 Years Federal Govt Has Been Growing Marijuana & Dispensing It As Medicine"‏ - YouTube

‪Gerald Celente & Alex Jones: Obama's 'Super Congress' Will Achieve an Orwellian Omnipresence 1/2‏ - YouTube

‪Gerald Celente & Alex Jones: Obama's 'Super Congress' Will Achieve an Orwellian Omnipresence 2/2‏ - YouTube

Prison » U.S. Special Forces Will Be Deployed in 120 Countries by End of 2011

Prison » Media Matters: Jones Covering Gun Confiscation Will Get Cops Killed

Gold: 'Gold Cartel’ Losing Control, Price to Top $3,000, Says Association - CNBC

Prison » All The World Economies In Trouble One Way Or Another

Prison » The New Orwellian Airport Behavioral Inspections-Detections

Prison » Whether It Is The Terror Crisis Or The Debt Crisis, The Solution Is Always A Super Dictatorship

Prison » The Super Congress Is An Artificial And Authoritarian Agency That Is Usurping American Sovereignty

Prison » Celente Solution: The 21st Century ‘Global Game Changer’

Prison » The Super Congress: Taxation Without Representation

Prison » Blockbuster: Planetary temperature controls CO2 levels — not humans

Prison » The world’s largest human experiment part three: Laws? We don’t need no stinking laws!

‪The Predatory, Self Destructive, Cannibalistic Economy - Alex Jones Tv 1/3‏ - YouTube

‪The Predatory, Self Destructive, Cannibalistic Economy - Alex Jones Tv 2/3‏ - YouTube

‪The Predatory, Self Destructive, Cannibalistic Economy - Alex Jones Tv 3/3‏ - YouTube

‪The Debt Crisis: Banksters, Thugs and Crooks - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 1/6‏ - YouTube

‪The Debt Crisis: Banksters, Thugs and Crooks - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 2/6‏ - YouTube

‪The Debt Crisis: Banksters, Thugs and Crooks - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 3/6‏ - YouTube

‪The Debt Crisis: Banksters, Thugs and Crooks - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 4/6‏ - YouTube

‪The Debt Crisis: Banksters, Thugs and Crooks - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 5/6‏ - YouTube

‪The Debt Crisis: Banksters, Thugs and Crooks - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 6/6‏ - YouTube

‪The Debt Crisis Is A Trojan Horse To Cause The Fall of America! - Alex Jones Tv‏ - YouTube

IMF chief Lagarde faces France finance crime probe - The West Australian

Dragonfly drones and cyborg moths: Tiny flying robots set to be the future of spying and rescue missions | Mail Online

» Colorado joins national trend to implement unconstitutional restrictions on vaccine exemptions Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Researchers build DNA neural network that thinks | Cutting Edge - CNET News

» Patented Human Genes Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Mind-blowing: Today’s mind-controlled, mind-reading technologies Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 11 Reasons Why The 9/11 Fable is So Popular Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


‪*1:19:00/Tim Wallace-Murphy Lectures on Hidden Wisdom‏ - YouTube


‪*47 min/The mysterious origin of man‏ - YouTube


University forced to pull satirical mints aimed at Obama from bookstore after complaint | Mail Online

China, Russia discuss military cooperation

Russia welcomes UN stand against foreign involvement in Syria

Special Report: A little house of secrets on the Great Plains | Reuters

CIA to UNICEF: Big Aid Has a Very Dirty Secret -

K-Pop and J-Pop Into Illuminati Symbolism: New Kyary Pamyu Pamyu and SuperJunior Videos

New Homeland Security Video Depicts US Citizens as Terrorists…and Encourages You to Snitch on Them

Aleister Crowley: His Elite Ties and His Legacy

The Mysterious Connection Between Sirius and Human History

Jeremy Scahill: Bush administration authorized ‘sick torture tactics’ | Raw Replay

Hannity blasts free birth control, defends free erection pills | Raw Replay

Huckabee compares his 9/11 cartoon to ‘Schindler’s List’ | Raw Replay

Anti-Muslim Ideologues Spurred Killer to Attack

The Obama Administration's "Secret Law" to Spy on Americans

35 Years of Harassment: Why is Leonard Peltier in Solitary?

Onset of Imperial Decline: Osama Bin Laden and the Aftermath of 9/11

Captain America, Captain Norway: War, Hollywood, and the Saviors and Slaughterers of Freedom

The "Afghanistan Factor" and The Debt Ceiling Crisis

VIDEO: Military Intervention in Syria Will Lead to Extended War

The Cuban Revolution Continues, Softly, as Times Change

Media Disinformation and the Causes of the Somali Famine

Neoliberalism's Newest Product: The Modern Slave Trade

VIDEO: 9/11 Explosive Evidence: Experts Speak Out

Barack Obama: The Change that Did Not Happen.... The Plight of Neoliberal Economic Policy

The Decline and Fall of the American Empire

Poverty and Income inequality: The Devastating Social Conditions of American Children

‪Rawesome Foods Raided... Again!‏ - YouTube

‪The Short, Unhappy Lives of Fiat Currencies‏ - YouTube

‘Science’ and America’s Police State by Justin Raimondo --

Barack Obama: Crazy or Con Man? - informationliberation

A Short Course In Clearing Customs - by Doug Casey

The Humble Libertarian: Bush 2.0: 100 Ways Barack Obama Is Just Like George W. Bush

Security Theater Adds a New Act - informationliberation

The Latest Black Swan: Caylee's Law - informationliberation

The Legal Kidnapping of a Child - informationliberation

Unschoolers learn what they want, when they want -

The Austrians Were Right, Yet Again - informationliberation

Jackson Man Jailed For Shingling

Obamanomics: Unemployment Drops to 4.3 for College Grads, Spikes to 15.0 for HS Dropouts

Obama’s Approval Hits All-Time Low Among Poor, Says Gallup

Obama’s Rx for Economy: Extending Payroll Tax Credit, Unemployment Insurance

What Is Obama Doing About the Economy? His Spokesman Fumbles for an Answer

Wall Street Plunge Comes Amid Fears of Second Recession

Taxpayers Will Pay for Obama Bus Tour of Battleground States, Says White House

Half a Million Troops Could Seal the Southwest Border, Says Border Protection Chief

DOT Employees Build Castles With Canned Food Donations

Obama Calls for Anti-Genocide Strategy; Blocks Human Rights Abusers from U.S.

Firm Dissolves after Giving Pro-Romney PAC $1M

GOP's Pawlenty to Shift from TV to Turnout in Iowa

Mo. teachers protest social media crackdown

Jerry Lewis Gone from Labor Day Telethon

Polygamist Leader Convicted of Child Sex Assault

California Court Hears Appeal on Gay Juror Dismissals

Border Gun Shop Owners Sue over New Requirement

Liberal black Obama-backers organizing poverty tour

LAPD seizes drugs and weapons at medical marijuana dispensary

Recession: Oil falls to lowest level in 6 months

College professor kills himself in front of class

DNC blasts 2012 GOP candidates for “failing to lead on the issues"

Romney signs marriage pledge

Cameras are helping Philadelphia nab illegal dumpers

Feds allow struggling sawmills to cancel unprofitable timber-sale contracts

Legitimacy of Media Matters’ tax-exempt status examined by Fox Business

Biden told Geithner to stay

Hillary Clinton dishes to Glamour magazine

Jeb Bush: Lead or get out of the way on schools

Potential jurors shouldn't be dismissed for being gay, court told

Romney picks right-wing icons as legal advisers

China’s ‘tea party’ grumbles over government waste

NFL to blood test for human growth hormone

Office equipment open to hacker attacks

‪8/4/2011 -- Occurring now -- Largest "HAARP ring' and 'Scalar Square' outbreak to date‏ - YouTube

‪Audi 2010 Green Car Super Bowl Commercial‏ - YouTube

‪Jeremy Scahill "We're Learning More About Sick Torture Tactics Authorized By Bush Administration"‏ - YouTube

‪Why We Need To Fight The Super Congress And Take Back Our Government‏ - YouTube

Courthouse News Service:Drug Task Force On the Hook for Bad Shooting

Rawesome Foods founder to be prosecuted under special environmental crimes unit in LA

Activist Post: White House welcomes jobs data

Significant solar storm headed to Earth Friday - Capital Weather Gang - The Washington Post

Activist Post: US head of Afghan aid oversight resigns

On Creativity, Marijuana and "a Butterfly Effect in Thought" | Reality Sandwich

"Locavesting": Investing In Main Street Instead Of Wall Street | Fast Company

Activist Post: US turns up heat on Assad

The 9 Foods the U.S. Government is Paying You to Eat

Activist Post: Geithner undecided on staying on: White House

Insitu introduces Inceptor small unmanned aircraft system for public safety | Government Security News

Activist Post: 10 Tips For the Beginning Prepper

Monsanto to Sell Biotech Sweet Corn for U.S. Consumers - Bloomberg

Globalization: Two Visions Of The Future Of Humanity : 13.7: Cosmos And Culture : NPR

Face recognition software may reveal one’s social security number | Homeland Security News Wire

Homes can Now Power up with Nissan Leaf Batteries | Technology

Videos:Scientists warn of Planet of the Apes scenario | Video |

Plants worldwide at risk of cyber attacks: researcher

Missing credentials hamper jobless veterans | Reuters

Shoot the Moon: Missile Defense Costs as Much as Apollo Program | Danger Room |

Mariemont serpent mound could be world's largest | |

Silver Screen Saucers: UFOs and Disney: Behind the Magic Kingdom

Every Bug, Every Gas, Right Now: Air Force Wants Instant WMD Detector | Danger Room |

How the Navy’s Warship of the Future Ran Aground | Danger Room |

NASA Juno Probe Prepared for Launch

Henry Cavill's 'Man of Steel' Gets Pushed Back to 2013

Khamis Gadhafi Reportedly Killed in Air Raid

Mike Adams Covers Outrageous Raid on Raw Foods‏ - YouTube


*The Alex Jones Show – August 4th, 2011

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – August 4th, 2011

*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – August 4th, 2011


*4 Parts:Infowars Special Report With Sheriff Richard Mack: Obama’s Stealth Attack on The 2nd Amendment |


‪The Last Word on Utopia‏ - YouTube


‪+ 08/04/11 Adam Full Show - Conservative Civil War (War of Neocon Aggression), Stephan Kinsella‏ - YouTube


‪Victims of Government: The FDA's War Against Products of Nature‏ - YouTube

The NSA & 9/11: Failure to Exploit the US-Yemen Hub & Beyond |


*Article Links:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials-August 4, 2011 |


‪Breaking: Feds Caught Shipping Cocaine into U.S.‏ - YouTube

The New Orwellian Airport Behavioral Inspections-Detections – Sibel Edmonds |

Media Matters: Jones Covering Gun Confiscation Will Get Cops Killed |


GMO Film Project Sizzler on Vimeo


HALE-D Demonstrated During Abbreviated Flight

‪Creepy Military 'Unmanned Airship' Mistaken for a UFO in Akron, Ohio - July 27, 2011‏ - YouTube

A Fast And Furious Assault On Private Gun Sales - Larry Bell - The Bell Tells for You - Forbes

Layer 8: US wants to build cybersecurity protection plan for cars

Facebook Comes Before Tap Water as India’s Poor Get Smartphones - Bloomberg

Japan Launches Campaign to Weaken Yen -

'Jobs, not cuts: Battlecry for 'American Dream' movement -

Feds Distrubuting To 18,000 Law Enforcement Officers A Video On... Civil Livberties??

Super Congress? Congress May Attempt To Create New Legislative Body, As Rumors Of “Super Congress” Begin :

Large Scale Protest Movement Needed Against Super Congress As Full Scale Tyranny Engulfs Washington :

Super Congress Debt Reduction Has Little Transparency | Common Dreams

Video:Address Unemployment, Then Debt

Video:Mubarak Trial and the Egyptian Revolution

Libya Denies Death of Gadhafi's Son

UN: Al-Shabab Preventing Somalis from Fleeing Country

Joint Forces Command Cases Its Colors

Clinton: Syria Death Toll Exceeds 2,000

Commander Notes Progress in Southern Afghanistan

Army announces civilian reductions

WFP: Ethiopia's Emergency Food Reserve Near Zero

There Is A North America-Wide Strategy To Take Away The Right To Mass Protest, Using Terrorism To Stifle Dissent :

Documents: Feds Allegedly Allowed Sinaloa Cartel To Move Cocaine Into U.S. For Information :

Documents: Feds allegedly allowed Sinaloa cartel to move cocaine into U.S. for information - El Paso Times

Multiple Military Train Convoys Filmed In Oregon As Domestic Troop Movements Continue To Skyrocket Amid Super Congress Tyranny :

Ron Paul: Debt Deal is a 'Fraud'

El-Erian: Govt Policies Hurting Growth, Recovery

Santorum Bashes GOP Lawmakers on Debt Deal

Fannie Mae Asks Taxpayers for $2.8 Billion

F-16s Scrambled for Flying Granny Over Chicago

Brad Blakeman: Obama: the New Jimmy Carter

NASA Set to Launch Spacecraft to Planet Jupiter

Obama Seeks Tax Credits to Aid Vets

Huntsman Campaign in Disarray, Ex-Aide Claims

Global Stocks Tumble After Wall Street Slide

Treasurys Popular Despite Near-Zero Returns

Prevent and Treat Gout Naturally

Children’s Car Seats Contain Chemicals

Does Pet Ownership Boost Health?

Why Did Turkey Recall Take So Long?

Africa Grasslands Influenced Evolution: Study

Debt Deal a Bad Deal

Obama Has Left the Economy in Ruins

House Report Ignores China's True Ambitions

US Stocks: Dow Jumps 1% as ECB Prepares to Buy Bonds - CNBC

UPDATE 1-Obama on economy: We are going to get through this | Reuters

Unemployment rate dips, economy adds 117K jobs

Obama Foodorama: All The Details: Inside President Obama's 50th Birthday Party At The White House

Obama's 50th Birthday bash: Stevie Wonder, Chris Rock, Tom Hanks, Whoopi Goldberg, Herbie Hancock, Jay Z - Lynn Sweet

Harvey Weinstein and Anna Wintour plan $71,600-a-couple fundraiser for President Obama at his West Village home next Thursday -

July payrolls rise soothes recession fears - Yahoo! News

Beneath Jobs Report Surface Lies Some Ugly Truths - CNBC

Payrolls Rise, Jobless Rate Falls, Concerns Ease - Bloomberg

Food stamp use rises to record 45.8 million - Aug. 4, 2011

Fannie Mae seeks $5.1 billion more from taxpayers - CNBC

IRS: 235,413 million-dollar earners - Jennifer Epstein -

Living to see 100 is just luck, not lifestyle - Telegraph

Thylane Lena-Rose Blondeau: Shocking images of 10-YEAR-OLD Vogue model | Mail Online

How Islamic punk went from fiction to reality | Music | The Guardian

Giant statue sighting in Hamburg Photos | Giant statue sighting in Hamburg Pictures - Yahoo! News

Wallenda says walking across Falls would be a ‘dream’ » Local News » Niagara Gazette

Pentagon’s Lightning Gun Sold for Scraps on eBay | Danger Room |

Man Placed Hidden Cams in 3 Bathrooms: Documents - NBC Connecticut

Russia uses dirty tricks despite U.S. 'reset' - Washington Times

Witnesses describe mobs, some people claim racially-charged attacks - TODAY'S TMJ4

BNY Mellon Slaps Fee on Some Deposits Above $50 Million -

Alleged Copper Thief Injured Falling Through Ce - Flash Player Installation

Cartoonist Targeted With Criminal Probe For Mocking Police - News Story - KIRO Seattle

Lost world: Scenes from North Korea's closed society - Asia, World - The Independent

**Pyramid Discoveries Will Force History To Be Re-Written | Before It's News

Mayan Elders Disclosure For August 2011 | Before It's News

+ 10 Essential Items in a Survival Kit | Before It's News

The Truth About Elenin Dont You Get It ? Its Not Real Its A Warning ! | Before It's News

IMF Chief Lagarde Under Investigation for Embezzlement | Before It's News

In 2006, Senator Obama argued and voted against raising the debt ceiling. In 2007 and 2008, he didn't even bother to vote. | Before It's News

Monsanto to Sell Biotech Sweet Corn for U.S. Consumers - Bloomberg

Medical Cannabis Overview | Before It's News

"God Does Not Play Dice": Metaphysics And Quantum Mechanics | Before It's News

Harnessing the Power of Positive Thoughts and Emotions to Treat Depression | Before It's News

Ex-CIA counterterrorist chief says al-Qaeda to turn to computer hacking «

Cyber Wars Begin: Is The Power Grid Next? | Before It's News

Multiple Military Train Convoys Across the U.S | USAHM Conspiracy News

DREAM Act to Withhold Votes Unless Deportations Are Halted | Before It's News


*SAVAGE AUDIO: Beware the government-media complex

+ Savage: America has been 'hoodwinked'


» The latest on Lt. Michael Behenna: Denied fair trial

16 Countries, Including Mexico, File Briefs Against New Alabama Immigration Law -

Obama: Congress to blame for economy - Washington Times

Family of albino Muslims terrorised after one of them marries a Christian man | Mail Online

Harvey Weinstein and Anna Wintour plan $71,600-a-couple fundraiser for President Obama at his West Village home next Thursday -

Barack Obama: The Public Access President

Stock Market Tanks? Fox Nation Goes Full 'Southern Strategy'

No, They're Not Genius Market Manipulators. They're Drunk Drivers.

Microsoft Still Crying The Blues Over So-Called Lack of Skilled Americans When They Just Want Younger, Cheaper Foreign Workers

Who's Your Baghdaddy: Or How I Started The Iraq War

Dealageddon! The Super Committee!

Bill Maher: Obama 'Has to Give Up Worrying About Looking Like the Angry Black Man'

O'Reilly and Dobbs Rail on About 'Health Care Deal For the Ladies' With No Co-Pay for Birth Control

Geithner Is Staying...For Now

Dow Plunges More Than 500 Points

Bachmann Signs Yet Another Anti-Gay Marriage Pledge

Deal Announced to End FAA Furloughs

Unelected, Unaccountable Grover Norquist is Picking the Republicans for the Super Committee

Fox News Hosts Admit They 'Pulled Punches' on Sarah Palin

Rush Limbaugh LOVES FAA 'Tea Party' Shutdown and Wishes More of It For America

The Rise of 'Isolated Incidents' of Right-Wing Violence

Why Is Austerity The Priority While So Many Americans Are Suffering?

Beware Parents: Fox News Thinks Spongebob Is Indoctrinating Your Kids To Be Tree Huggers. No, Seriously.

The President Who Wasn't There

Congratulations, Class Warriors

Debbie Wasserman Schultz's Dog Days

Politics is Not the Answer to Black Economic Woes

School Reform In the Wrong Hands

Enlightened Activist Scientists Dim Society

'Not even halfway there yet'?

Pinning Anders Breivik on a blogger

White House says 'We don't create jobs'

Another coal mine canary croaks

Obama's 'big drags' on his re-election chances

The United States is Greece

Obama's birthday present from the financial markets

Stand up and be heard! Demand 'supercommittee' transparency.

Obama's 'Dead Fish Bounce' from debt deal

Look for the Union Label...Courtesy of the Smoking Union Brand

The American Animal Farm

Tax Hikes Good for Social Justice, and Nothing Else

Barack Obama is the Real Winner In the Debt Ceiling Deal

Much More than a Third Rate Burglary

The Secret of Socialism

Middle East Negotiations: When Will Obama Ever Learn?

The Class War Rhetoric War on Reality

Guns Are Racist: Chicago Politics and Blame-Shifting for Urban Violence

Macroeconomics and the Entitlement State

The Budget Control Act Of 2011 Violates Constitutional Order

Batten Down the Hatches!

The affect of globalism on the American Way

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – As the scam unravels

Marilyn Monroe and Me

Limousine light bulb: $22 each

The $1.8 Trillion Tax Increase

Melting: Arctic sea ice scare

Obama to tackle ghetto warming

Palestinian ‘Head of State’ at the U.N.

Iran’s President to Address the General Assembly on the Same Day as Durban III

Man-made Global Warming: Convert the Children, Change the World


*3rd/Transcripts:Interview w/House Majority Ldr. Eric Cantor

Interview with Transportation Secretary LaHood

Panel on Obama's Re-Election Chances

Interview with 2012 Candidate Jon Huntsman

Analysts on the Long Term Federal Budget Outlook

Interview with Representative Connie Mack

Obama's Remarks Before The Cabinet Meeting


Comparing the Costs of Fossil Fuels, Nuclear & Renewables

Clean Energy Standards for Electricity

The Effects of Clean Electricity Standards

Preview: The Mix: The Debt Deal’s Energy Impact | Energy Now

Debt Deal Pits Fossil Fuels, Green Energy | EnergyBiz

Neb. mine find to challenge China’s dominance of vital rare minerals - Washington Times

The Green Skeptic™: Energy Transition and America's Future: Interview with Gregor MacDonald

Shell Gets Tentative Approval to Drill in Arctic Ocean -

The end of Big Oil? Not so fast. - Fortune Management

The Peak Oil Crisis: Parsing the GDP

New pipeline to challenge Obama's promises - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

A GOP attack on the environment -

Exporting Solar Solutions

China to cap energy use in national low-carbon plan | Environment | The Guardian

Analysis: Energy policy chaos threatens Japan's economy | Reuters

The future of natural gas: Coming soon to a terminal near you | The Economist

Coal and Ethanol Are Not Alternative Energy Policy | Oil

Five Ways a Smarter Grid Helps in a Heat Wave | GE Reports

Do presidents age faster in office? -

BBC News - Arctic 'tipping point' may not be reached

A map of all the water in the solar system

No turning back for light : Nature News

Skin to Brain Cell Trick Avoids Stem Cells | Stem Cells, Neurodegeneration & Alzheimer's | LiveScience

Fertility landmark as scientists make sperm from stem cells - Science, News - The Independent

Females in control: they can place limits on evolution of attractive features in males | Science Codex

Designing diamond circuits for extreme environments | Research News @ Vanderbilt | Vanderbilt University

MSU News Service - New MSU research sheds light on South Pole dinosaurs

BBC News - 'Multiverse' theory suggested by microwave background

New neurons buffer the brains of mice against stress and depressive symptoms | Not Exactly Rocket Science | Discover Magazine

Exercise & Nutrition Better Than Drugs for Many Conditions - Blog

Physics Confidential - Tony Rothman - Project Syndicate

Introducing the 'antimagnet' -

Mystery Lines on Mars Carved By Water, Study Suggests | Water On Mars & Mars Exploration | NASA Mars Missions & Saltwater Slopes on Mars |

The Mystery of the Missing Fingerprints - ScienceNOW

Invented languages: Tongues and grooves | The Economist

altcatholicah - Women in the Workplace: In Defense of the Stay-at-Home-Mom

Hispanic religion: Hispanics abandoning organized religion, pollster says - South Florida | Save the poor from their ‘friends’

The Garden of Eden: A Dull Place? Paradise Lust Author Explains... | (A)theologies | Religion Dispatches

Is Islam Compatible with Capitalism? by Guy Sorman, City Journal Summer 2011

Reconstructing Judaism » Main Feature » Jewish Ideas Daily

Studying the Bible in public schools can help US students 'win the future' -

A bigger problem than heresy: folk religion | Roger E. Olson

The Trial of the Century - By Nathan J. Brown | Foreign Policy

Iran’s Untenable Economy | The Diplomat

Asia Times Online :: A revolving CIA door in Pakistan

Glimpsing a Democratic Venezuela After Chavez: Enrique Krauze - Bloomberg

Dissent in China: Of development and dictators | The Economist

Asia Times Online :: US silent on Iran's Kurdish raids

How Iran Defeated Obama | The Diplomat

Wasn't the Debt-Ceiling Deal Supposed to Avert a 512-Point Dow Collapse? | The Nation

Federal Reserve won't save stocks and economy -- The Buzz - Aug. 4, 2011

A big red flag on emerging markets - Howard Gold's No-Nonsense Investing - MarketWatch

For more growth, kill growth killers

Dollar stores and the recession: You know the economy is in bad shape when customers say dollar stores are too expensive. - By Annie Lowrey - Slate Magazine

Gold Is The True Reserve Currency - Michael Pento - Pento's Page - Forbes

5 reasons investors are fleeing stocks - Business - Eye on the Economy -

Buy this market - This is Insane! - MarketWatch

Some Advice for Democrats -

Has the Left Lost its Nerve? | The Weekly Standard

Length of Unemployment Continues to Break Records -

The Media Myth of “Independents” « Commentary Magazine

RealClearPolitics - Breivik and the Anti-Zionist Smear

The American Spectator : The One-Termer We've Been Waiting For

The summer of Obama's discontent - The Week

Morning Jay: The Left Will Never Abandon Obama | The Weekly Standard

Debt-ceiling crisis: The debacle revealed that politics is broken in every possible way, and that there is no point in explaining complicated matters to the American people. - By Jacob Weisberg - Slate Magazine

The Power of Bad Ideas -

RealClearWorld - China Winning the Western Meltdown

Stephen Moore: Tax Reform's Moment? -

Debt-Reduction On Grand Scale Is Within Reach -

Debt deal won't help close wealth gap -

Towering Wave of Alienation Threatens Both GOP, Dems in 2012 - Ronald Brownstein -

Campaign 2012: Obama supporters already on the attack -

U.S. Yields Evoke Eisenhower Era as Growth Stalls - Bloomberg

Pivoting from debt fight, Obama plans jobs-focused bus tour -

RealClearPolitics - Spare Us the Sermons, Mr. President

Tapper Peppers Carney: What Is Obama Doing To Create Jobs? | RealClearPolitics

Rachel Maddow: U.S. Doomed To Repeat History | RealClearPolitics

Nancy Pelosi’s Battle Plan: Jobs, Exposing Tea Party Extremists to Voters - The Daily Beast

Polygamist leader's trial continues in his absence

Jury finds 5 New Orleans police guilty in Katrina shootings case

Bank of America starts overdraft rebate outreach

NASA launches spacecraft on 5-year trip to Jupiter

Cuba action on US contractor 'deplorable': senator

Afghan teenager blew up British marine for 50, inquest told

Donald Trump pledges 'any legal means' fight against windfarm

Global equities sell-off in volatile trading

Morning Call Sheet: Catwoman, Jerry Lewis, Ratner, ‘Star Trek,’ and a Happy Friday to Y’all

‘Rise of the Planet of the Apes’ Review: High-Level, Entertaining Pulp

Cream of the Stream: ‘Dirty Dozen,’ Sherlock Holmes, ‘Dead End,’ ‘Misery’…

Exclusive Excerpt: Andrew Klavan’s ‘The Final Hour’ Part One

But-But-But Hollywood Told Me Pro-America Doesn’t Sell Overseas

‘Cowboys & Aliens’ Mashup Notable for Flaws, Saving Graces

Morning Call Sheet: ‘Lost,’ ‘Breaking Bad,’ Tony Bennett, Jet Li, and The Billion Dollar Club

Alec Baldwin Lashes Out at HuffPo Readers

Harry Potter: Conservative Hero?

Keeping on the Offense: More Lessons for Our Side

Obama’s Fiftieth Birthday: Plenty of Celebration, Few Results

Forget That. The Left Will Not Abandon Obama

Audio:Senator Mike Lee: Time for a Balanced Budget Amendment

Tennessee Rep. Joe Armstrong Trades ‘DissapointMINTS’ for ‘Intrusive GovernMINTS’

Miami-Dade County Demands $22K for Access to Public Information

Senator Rubio vs. Rogue IRS Bureaucrats

Indoctrination Fridays: Students Learn How to Bargain a Teachers’ Contract

Former White House Counsel: Media Matters Displays Pattern of ‘Unlawful Conduct’

Obama War Room: Debt Deal Postmortem Rawesome Foods Raided… Again!

Maine Governor Seeks to Reform Government

The ‘Tea Party’ Addicted? That’s Psychotic.

I, Tea Party Imam, Declare Jihad on Big Spending!

Google’s Anti-Privacy Hits Keep on Coming

Sarah Palin Hits Another Bullseye: If Tea Partiers Were Terrorists, Obama Would Pal Around With Them

Leftist Protester Shouts ‘Sic Semper Tyrannis!’ At Wis. Governor Scott Walker

Taxes, Regulations, Business Births & California Pizza Kitchen: Why the Golden State Is in Trouble

Leftist Activists Convince Eric Holder’s DOJ to Set Violent Marxist Free

Audio:Senator Jim DeMint Talks About the Debt Ceiling Deal and His New Book

Democrat’s Excuse: When I Sexted Nude Pic of Myself, I Was Set Up

Tapper Hammers Carney: ‘What Is [Obama] Doing to Help the Economy?’

The New York Times and Democrats Working Together to Bring Down an Energy Source

The New York Times and The Dreaded Tea Party Jihad

Former White House Counsel: Media Matters Displays Pattern of ‘Unlawful Conduct’

NBC News: Conservative = Crazy

Blood Money: How SEIU and Media Matters Stole Justice from Kenneth Gladney

Anatomy of a Meme: HuffPo Retracts Patently False Breitbart Smear, But Adweek Says They ‘Caved’

Media Matters Puts Tax-Exempt Status in Jeopardy

Tea Party Group Responds to Lawmaker, Media Attacks

Foreign Influence in American Politics—Imad Ramadan in Virginia

USAF Axes Nuclear Ethics Manual Because….It Mentions The Bible

Markets Plunge 5% On Thursday Over Bad Economic News

Breivik, The Belarus-Russian-Chechen Connection, And The CIA

Fjordman, Fairness, And The Brevik Mass Murderer

Anders Behring Breivik: The Psychology Of A Terrorist

Federal Judge Allows Rummy To Be Sued PERSONALLY For Damages In Iraq Torture Case

Chris Christie Lashes Out At ‘Crazies’ Concerned with Shariah, Yet Once Praised Hamas Member as ‘Man of Great Good Will’

The Swedish Witch-Hunt

Iraq Government Agrees Continued US Troop Presence is Needed

House Human Rights Committee Considers Christian Genocide in Sudan

Should We Snatch Pakistan’s Nukes?

The Debt Agreement And Defense: Good News, Bad News

Courage To Stand, Courage To Sacrifice

There Is No Going Back For Assad

Continued Terror: Muslim Terrorists Again Betray The Ideals of Ramadan

Roseanne wants to run for president - CLICK -

Matt Damon Is Suddenly The Hollywood Liberal That Conservatives Love to Hate - The Hollywood Reporter

Obama, Boehner: Two kinds of cool -

Unhinged: Times' Maureen Dowd Excoriates 'Cannibal' 'Vampire' Tea Partiers |


How Islamic punk went from fiction to reality | Music | The Guardian

Greenpeace urges S. Africa to abandon nuclear plans


+ 5-Aug-11 World View


Danziger Cops Guilty In Shooting and Cover-up -

Yingluck Shinawatra Elected Thailand's First Female PM | Southeast Asia | English

'Rent Too Damn High' Candidate Faces Eviction

Casey Anthony: Not Going to Orlando…Yet |

Facebook's facial recognition system, why it's scary - Tech Talk - CBS News

Syria Broadcasts Scenes of Wide Destruction in Hama -

AFP: Top US senator: Kadhafi will 'never' again rule Libya

BBC News - Behind the face of famine

Italy demands NATO probe regarding immigrants -

Sonia Gandhi in Intensive Care After Surgery as Rahul Acting Congress Head - Bloomberg

NATO moves to calm Kosovar-Serb border tensions -

Insight - North Korea leans on China to make economic zones work | Reuters

4 Afghans gunned down in anti-NATO demonstration -

Northwest Herald | Walsh tries to clear air at town hall-style meeting

Lead levels in Chicago water -

Company that lost O'Hare concession contract sues -

Dozens of dead fish found in Chicago River -

What job-hunting military veterans need to know - Ask Annie - Fortune Management

Heidi Montag Spencer Pratt On Plastic Surgery, 'The Hills,' Reality TV - The Daily Beast

Arnold Schwarzenegger vs. Sylvester Stallone | PopWatch |

Wardrobe Malfunction! Nicki Minaj Suffers Nip-Slip During GMA Gig - E! Online

Ashton Kutcher Replaces Charlie Sheen -

Marg Helgenberger to leave 'CSI: Crime Scene Investigation' in January - 08/05/2011 | Entertainment News from

Michelle Williams As Marilyn Monroe Takes Center Stage At NY Film Festival: Gothamist

FORMULA ONE - F1: Actor Rowan Atkinson Crashes F1 Road Car

BBC News - Boeing pilots to make space trip

Scientists Think Earth Once Had 2 Moons | Science and Technology | English

As Sun Storms Ramp Up, Electric Grid Braces for Impact

DOE Uses Cartoon Icons to Promote Environmentalist Agenda With Children

Future of Technology - Robot learns from experience

PhotoBlog - 'Hidden' star clusters come to light

Beyond Carbon Dioxide: Study Points Out Other Greenhouse Culprits | Climate Change & Methane | Global Warming & Earth's Energy Budget | LiveScience

A look inside Anthony Sowell's mind after 1989 attempted rape (video) |

Let The Bitching About Ex-Deputy Mayor Goldsmith Begin!: Gothamist

Las Vegas man accused of mass spamming on Facebook - Connecticut Post

Commission: John Edwards' campaign must repay $2M - Sacramento Politics - California Politics | Sacramento Bee

Stock markets jump wildly amid investor confusion -

LinkedIn Drops on Analysts’ Valuation Concerns - Bloomberg

Iran Oil Pipeline Catches Fire After Blast -

Google: Microsoft pushed false 'gotcha' in patent battle

Amazon Web Services Enables Private Cloud Connections -- InformationWeekAmazon Web Services Enables Private Cloud Connections - cloud-computing Blog

Electronic Arts taps Peter Moore as chief operating officer - San Francisco Business Times

Did AOL just out-Flipboard Flipboard? - Fortune Tech

Arkansas turkey plant searches for outbreak clues - BusinessWeek

Health Buzz: A Healthy Diet Isn't Cheap - US News and World Report

New H.I.V. Cases Persist at 50,000 a Year Despite Advances in AIDS -

Medical News: New Nerve Cells Made from Skin - in Neurology, Alzheimer's Disease from MedPage Today

U.S. Physicians Spend Nearly Four Times That Of Their Canadian Counterparts

Fertility Breakthrough Shown in Mice -

Scorpion Venom Meets Its Match : Shots - Health Blog : NPR

Black Hat: Hackers Can Now Kill People Remotely

CDC: What You Should Know About West Nile Virus - Rye, NY Patch

Foriegn Auto Head Says UAW Union Will Target Ford |

Shock Video: Gunmen Open Fire on Public Bus in Philly | Video |

Report: Black Mobs Attack Whites Outside Wisconsin State Fair | Video |

Carney: The White House Doesn’t Create Jobs | Video |

Jon Stewart Asks Atheists Why They Care About 9/11 Cross | Video |

Researchers Claim Education Doesn’t Lower Faith or Religion |

Chris Matthews Admits He‘s ’Pretty Pro-Obama’ | Video |

Nancy Pelosi Republicans Want to Destroy Public Space |

Jay Leno, David Letterman & Others Offer Obama Birthday Wishes | Video |

Missouri’s New Law Regulating Teacher and Student Facebook Friends |

Police Search for Virginia Man Who Stabs, Slices Women’s Buttocks | Video |

‘True Face of Jesus’ Painting Found in Motor Ho - Flash Player Installation

Leon Panetta Calls Potential Cuts ‘Unacceptable’and Wants Revenues | Video |

Vancouver Coastal Health Hands out Crack Pipes |

New Mexico Mayor Martin Resendiz Admits He Was Drunk When He Signed Contracts |

Sao Paulo City Council Calls For Heterosexual Pride Day |

Glenn Beck Interviews Mount Airy Mayor Deborah Cochran, Potential 1791 Town | Video |

Ron Paul Says Debt Super Committee is Monstrous and Unconstitutional | Video |

San Francisco May Crack Down on Crisis Pregnancy Centers |

Gun Groups Fight New Obama Regulations in Court |

Arlen Schumer Creates Captain Israel Comic in Response to Foreskin Man |

Mika Brzezinski Rants About Shoes | Video |

Bill Maher Romney Has no Chance of Presidency Because he is Mormon | Video |

Texas Jury Convicts Polygamist Leader Warren Jeffs of Child Sex Abuse |

County Clerk Natalie Nichols Defends Pledge and Prayer | Video |

Chris Christie Defends Muslim Judge Sohail Mohammed Appointment | Video |

Slideshow: Most Expensive Party Schools |



(Review)None Dare Call It Conspiracy by Gary Allen

+ An Interview with Gary Allen by John Rees


WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'No good signs';Rep. Price: Dow plunge reflection on economy, Obama policies

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'First battle in a long war';GOP Senate hopeful Tim Donner rejects debt deal, outlines fiscal plans for Virginia

WND RADIO WND Exclusive The FAA funding fight;Rep. Price: Federal spending at issue again, proposed agreement seems odd


Jesus, Mary and ...Josephine? It's lesbian Nativity at church

Chinese school students hungry for anything 'American'

Rick Perry Takes a Shot at Romney Over Mass. Health Care - The Note

Perry "Comfortable" With Support of Marriage, Abortion Constitutional Amendments

Donald Trump Rips President Obama, Debt Deal - Interviews -

Your face on Facebook 'your own worst enemy'

'There ARE too many immigrants in the UK', say seven in 10 Britons | Mail Online - Liberal Journalists in Britain Are Starting to Wake Up?

Ky. sisters sue to get Social Security numbers

Experts say Obama certificate not scan of original document

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Senior Hamas leader in West Bank released from Israeli prison - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Time to give up the twin-party addiction

Be afraid: The proof is in the Putin

President prays for and preys on poor people

Tea party terrorists? If the shoe fits ...

An appeal for GOP unity

Fiscal hawks vs. security hawks

The new rebellion

The case against Perry

The only 'murder' here was of justice

Lt. Col. Allen West fires a round at the Tea Party - The Washington Post

Obama won – he just doesn't know it

BAUER: Moonbeam brings queer studies to California grade schools - Washington Times

Missoula woman reveals rental fraud with story of pot, orgy, a tiger and cocaine

The Local - Half of Swiss men share 'pharaoh gene'

Priceless religious relic found in Tenn. trailer - CBS News Video

Baader-Meinhof terrorist may have worked for the Stasi | World news | The Guardian

The Buzz: Sirhan Sirhan file now available at California State Archives - Sacramento Politics - California Politics | Sacramento Bee

David Cassidy goes after 'Partridge Family' fortune - Aug. 4, 2011

Early Alfred Hitchcock effort discovered -

Secret to a longer life: drink more and exercise less?

Rise of the killer bug: Super-salmonella that cannot be treated is on the increase | Mail Online

NAPP2.swf (application/x-shockwave-flash Object)

US couple ordered to return allegedly stolen child - World news - Americas -

Wisconsin Capitol worker charged with popping protester's balloon -

AFP: Air France 'let only males serve Strauss-Kahn'

Swedish summer poses Muslim fasting test - The Local

Japan Believes Chinese Navy Poses Threat - International News - News - Israel National News

China Builds Fleet of Small Warships While U.S. Drifts | Danger Room |

2 who must go in 2012

City sets preacher's speech rights on stranger's 'comfort' level

The high cost of being an anti-abortion attorney

City launches attack on centers that advise against abortion

Public funding of 'occult' teachings challenged in court

RPT-UPDATE 1-Italy prosecutors seize Moody's, S&P documents | Reuters


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


New Type of Flying Vehicle in Development | USA | English

Up to 70% of British men are 'related' to the Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun | Mail Online

As Bigfoot, Sasquatch or N.J.'s Big Red Eye, it's the stuff of legends, hunts, nightmares |

Search is on for missing 'floating island' - Telegraph

96 new star clusters found hiding in the cosmic dust

Swedish man arrested over kitchen nuclear 'reactor' - On Deadline -

BBC News - Disc shaped craft is spotted circling near Stansted


**NEWS VIDEOS:Sen. Kerry Begs Media to Stop Giving ‘Equal Time or Equal Balance’ to ‘Absurd’ Tea Party Ideas

Harry Smith Crushes on Obama in NBC News Debut

Unemployment Still Over 9%

‘Tea Party Terrorists’ Media Mash

ChiSox Ozzie Guillen on Sean Penn: ‘He’s a Loser’

Huckabee Slams NBC News for 9/11 Cartoon Smear

Santelli vs. Ezra Klein on Economy

4TH/Cartoonist Targeted with Criminal Probe for Mocking Police with Online Animation

Arabs React to Mubarak Trial

Perry Takes Shot at RomneyCare

‘Get a Life!’ Beckel and Gutfeld React to Palin Coverage Brouhaha

Mister Honey Badger Goes to Washington

Breitbart Breaks: Obama Birthday Bash Used Scab Labor

Obama’s ‘Job Creation Bus Tour’ on Tax Payers’ Dime: Not Campaign Event According to White House

Who Got the Stimulus Jobs?

Hollywood News: Kutcher’s ‘Men’ Character Revealed, Oprah to Get Oscar

Rush: NBC News’ Chuck Todd and Willie Geist Have No Journalistic Credibility

Jennifer Hudson and Rahm Emanuel Lead Fundraiser Crowd in Singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to Obama

Obama’s Self-Serving Birthday Joke at Fundraiser

Huffington: Nobody Believes Obama’s Top Priority Is Jobs; It’s Getting Re-Elected

3RD/Disastrous Presidential Candidate Al Sharpton Mocks Mitt Romney’s Campaign Strategy

Maher: Mormonism More Like Islam than Christianity

NBC News’ Matthews Chris Matthews: Republicans ‘Like Secessionists’, Hate Obama

NBC News Investigative Report: Are Tea Partiers ‘Delusional’ Addicts?

NJ Dem Resigns Over Online Nude Photo Scandal

Jesse Jackson: ‘Big Government Is Us By Another Name’

Perry Backs Constitutional Amendment Banning Abortion

GOP Rep to CNN’s Piers Morgan: ‘You’re Making Your Show a Joke’

Mubarak Arrives to Court in Steel Cage

And Now… Lingerie Basketball

2ND/Man Arrested Jumping White House Fence

Matt Damon Curses Out Cameraman

*5 Aug

American Minute for August 5th

This Day in History for 5th August

Today in History: August 5

August 5 Events in History

Today in History: August 5

August 5th in History

August 5th This Day in History

‪Today in History for August 5th‏ - YouTube


Aug. 4, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-04-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-04-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 08-04-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 08-04-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 08-04-11 Hr 3

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 4TH

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 5TH

Live Free Or Die Radio - Tuesday, August, 02, 2011

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 8-4-11

Alex Jones - 2011-Aug-04, Thursday

08/04 The Mark Levin Show

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

**The Michael Savage Show 08/04/2011(Ron Paul ;Guest)


**4TH/Real Clear Markets Video - Markets Sink in a Sea of Red


**World Video:Nuclear Security

New Demonstrations Planned In Syria

Will Italy Default?

Famine-Stricken Somalis Need Nutrition Not Just Food

Clinton Condemns Crackdown On Syrian Protesters

China's Trouble In Managing Growing Social Concerns

Libyan Rebels Claim Gaddafi Son Killed

Bodies Hang From Bridge In Mexican Drugs War

Student Demo In Chile Turns Violent

Libyan Officials Say NATO Bombs Kill Family

Chinese Navy Ships Visit North Korea

Frank Wolf Condemns The Government Of Sudan

Somalia's Refugees Could Overwhelm Kenya

Is The U.S. Headed For A 'Code War'?

4TH/Challenges And Opportunities For The World Economy

Mubarak Trial An 'Extraordinary Moment'

Putin Trashes America

Investing In Iraq

UN Adopts Its First Clear Condemnation Of Syria

Growing Fears About Italy's Economy

Strong Franc Causes Swiss Concern

Memorial Clear-out In Front Of Oslo Cathedral

Sydney Police: Device Attached To Teen Not Bomb

Most Dangerous Job on Earth

Day Of Reckoning For Egypt's Mubarak

Cocaine On Luxury Yacht Is UK's Biggest Seizure

Somalia Needs A Long-Term Plan

Libyan Rebels React To Mubarak Trial


**Politics Video:John Kerry: Media Has "Responsibility" To "Not Give Equal Time" To Tea Party

Fineman: Thursday's Market Drop Was In Response To Debt-Ceiling Deal

Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will "Create Jobs Right Now"

Obama Blames Arab Springs And Tsunami In Japan For Slower Growth

Politico's Jim VandeHei: Obama A "Prisoner Of This Economy"

Libtalker Hartmann On FAA Flap: If GOP Willing To Crash Economy, "Certainly Willing To Crash A Plane"

Gingrich: Obama "Most Effective Food Stamp President In History"

Coulter: "If Our Only Choice Is Gridlock Vs. Socialism, I'll Take Gridlock"

Krauthammer: Obama Gets "Physical Pain" When Companies Don't Pay Taxes

Richard Wolffe: Obama Has To Run As The "Change Guy" Again

O'Reilly: President Obama Is Losing Power

Ezra Klein: World Market Begging Us To Give Them More Of Our Debt

4TH/Matthews: "I'm Pretty Pro-Obama ... I Like Admin's Responsibility"

Pelosi: GOPers Don't Care About Deficit, Want To Destroy Gov't

Carney: "The White House Doesn't Create Jobs"

Ron Paul: Entitlement Programs Are "Not Viable"

Carney On Dow Jones Plummeting: "Markets Go Up And Down"

Perry Takes Jab at Romney On Health Care

Dem Senator To Obama: "Take A Day Off"

Obama At 50: AARP Will Tell Me To Call The President To Protect Medicare

Al Gore: "We Need To Have An American Spring"

Obama At 2011 State Of The Union: "Stock Market Has Come Roaring Back"

Maher: Tea Party Doesn't "Even Know That They're Being Racist"

MSNBC's Mika Upset That "Wealthy" Are Able To Buy Luxury Goods

Trump: US "Not Respected Anymore Because Of Our Leadership"

Politico's Vogel: Palin Has "Track Record Of Stealing The Spotlight"

Krauthammer: Talking About Deficit Helps Obama Hide Record On Jobs

Huffington: Obama's Highest Priority Is Campaigning For Reelection

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