A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

30 August 2011

30 AUG

Lost time is never found again.


Satire:What if Google was in the business of making custom boyfriends? [Video]

Google Says Goodbye to Google Sets on Sept. 5 | News & Opinion |

No Pottermore for You: Google Shuts Kids Out of Email Accounts - Rebecca J. Rosen - Technology - The Atlantic

Behind Google's $500 Million Settlement With U.S. -

Google, OpenDNS Spur Global Internet Speedup Group - IT Infrastructure - News & Reviews -

Google Explores Re-Ranking Search Results Using +1 Button Data | Epicenter |

Facebook vs. Google+ Searchers: How Their Demographics Differ

Why Google+ Really Wants You to Use Your Real Name | PCWorld

Google Translate for Google+ Chrome Extension Launched | WebProNews

Move By Universities Creates New Problem For Google Books Deal | paidContent

Gmail Attack Highlights Web Insecurity - Security - Attacks/breaches - Informationweek

Schmidt: TV makers to adopt Google TV within 5 years | Media Maverick - CNET News

Google Webmaster Live Help Via Google + Hangouts Tomorrow

Google has changed the way students research - and not for the better, study says

Google Users Are Losing Interest In Google+ (GOOG)


+ New social media search tool, Proliphiq, is powered by the people




8 ways to save money on your mobile phone bill - TNW Mobile

MIT's 'folding car' could change the way we travel in cities [Video]

MIT Media Lab's folding CityCar - YouTube

Patients Get HIV-infected Organs - YouTube

Porn actor's positive HIV test provokes new calls for condom use -

Organs from HIV donor transplanted -

Bird flu deaths in Asia prompt call for scrutiny | Reuters

Black Death cause identified - Technology & Science - CBC News

Spectacular Show From Mount Etna Volcano - Mount Etna Eruption Levels 'Increasing' - YouTube

The Associated Press: Mount Etna's eruption intensifies in Italy

CO2 Science:Climate Change-Induced Storminess Over the Eastern Irish Sea


**CO2 Science/Global Change Dictionary


*20 pg/The Search for Extraterrestrial Life - by Frank Drake


'Suitcase' Nuclear Reactors to Power Mars Colonies : Discovery News

Animal instincts: how human brains respond to critters

Drovers CattleNetwork - Commentary: Gore’s race take - Cattle News - Editorial, Grain & Cattle Markets, Current Stories

Alaska Says Climate Change is no Threat to Polar Bears, Opposes Protection - International Business Times

Earthquake simulator gives model levee a big shake - San Jose Mercury News

Scientists discover underground river below the Amazon River - SlashGear

Study pinpoints key ocean conservation areas « Summit County Citizens Voice

How to fight warming? Just lock CO2 in rocks - Times Of India

U.N. bans Romania from trading its CO2 rights | Reuters

Rare sea turtle spared in Egypt before slaughter - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

The Hindu : Sci-Tech : Genome sequencing of crop plants could boost global food security

Space station could be at risk if crews are forced to leave temporarily

Why Did Lady Gaga Go To VMAs As Jo Calderone? - Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV

Report: Bravo To Air Special On Russell Armstrong’s Suicide | Access Hollywood - Celebrity News, Photos & Videos

Robyn Garner Suspect's Father: My Son Is Not a Monster :

George Clooney Dropping Out of ‘Man From U.N.C.L.E’ Due to Bad Back? - OK! Magazine - The First for Celebrity News

The Deadbolt News - Judge Rejects Testimony from Michael Jackson Dermatologist


The Associated Press: Bluesman David 'Honey Boy' Edwards dead at 96


(Image)The Associated Press: Bluesman David 'Honey Boy' Edwards dead at 96

Dave 'Honeyboy' Edwards - Sweet Home Chicago/Dust my broom (2001) - YouTube

Honeyboy Edwards - Crossroads (1997) - YouTube


Luis Pichardo, Ignacio Morales Charged | Pot Bust Nets Nearly 2 Tons of Marijuana at Addison Business

Polish sausage stand accuses rival of piggybacking on name - Chicago Sun-Times

Timmothy Pitzen: Secret email account belonging to mom of missing boy yields no clues -

Crain's Chicago Business : Login

Rahm Emanuel embraces reform of special TIF taxing districts - Chicago Sun-Times

Denise Richards: Suburban upbringing kept me grounded -

Cops seize cannabis, mushrooms - Herald News

Drew Peterson Case Heading To Supreme Court

Rob Lowe: 'Drew Peterson character was transformative' - TV News - Digital Spy

Prosecutor appeals to Supreme Court over hearsay evidence in Peterson trial - Chicago Tribune

Prosecutors Ask State Supreme Court to Intervene in Drew Peterson Case: Chicagoist

Gov. Perry on State Agency Records Retention - YouTube

Survey of US Muslim Attitudes Finds Little Support for Extremism | News | English

Obama faces tight restraints in crafting jobs plan

Politico: Obama 'Angry' Over Lack of Credit From Black Leaders - President Obama - Fox Nation

Employment on veterans' minds as Obama returns to Minnesota | Lake County News Chronicle | Two Harbors, Minnesota

Cheney defends Iraq War

Christine O'Donnell dropped from tea party rally - Alexander Burns -

WARREN JEFFS: FLDS leader Warren Jeffs now 'sedated, but responsive' -

Aaron Bassler wanted in Melo's death; considered armed and dangerous - Times-Standard Online

Arizona mayor sentenced for corruption, fraud | AHN

Loughner’s Lawyers Again Push to Block Forced Medication - Law Blog - WSJ

Michele Bachmann memoir due out in November - Celebrity Circuit - CBS News

Cheney says he has 'no regrets' about waterboarding suspects - News - Stripes

AP Newswire | Stars and Stripes

Cheney ‘Strongly Supports’ Continued Use of Waterboarding | Video Cafe

Rice, Cheney Approved Waterboarding

Boeing plans to deliver re-engined 737 in 2017 | Reuters

Gross Says U.S., Europe Face Recession - Bloomberg

Fed Needs More Easing Until Economy Grows: Evans - CNBC

Barnes & Noble's NOOK Bet Paying Off: Digital Sales Quadruple - Forbes

Windows 8 File Manager (Ribbon????) - YouTube

The hypothetical Amazon tablet will take over the universe -

Wacom Launches Inkling, a Digital Pen for Artists | News & Opinion |

Steve Jobs' lack of public giving questioned

Google, OpenDNS Spur Global Internet Speedup Group - IT Infrastructure - News & Reviews -

Microsoft teases more Windows 8 details | Microsoft windows - InfoWorld

The Associated Press: More headaches for US with new WikiLeaks releases

Google Considers Adding +1 Data to Its Search Method - Rebecca J. Rosen - Technology - The Atlantic

Facebook Pays More Than $40K for Security Loopholes - International Business Times

Chrome Extension Adds Translation to Google+ | News & Opinion |

Gaddafi family members flee to Algeria - Africa - Al Jazeera English

Libyan Rebels Pledge Assault On Qaddafi Stronghold |

Taliban issues Afghan victory manifesto | The Australian

Strauss-Kahn returns to IMF, gets warm applause | Reuters

Rupert, James Murdoch to Testify Under Oath About Phone Hacking | Reuters

Notting Hill carnival: 16-year-old arrested after stabbing | UK news |

South African Growth Falters -

Iranian FM congratulates Libyan NTC over victory of revolution

BBC News - Libya interim leaders give ultimatum to Gaddafi forces

Gadhafi Daughter Aisha Gadhafi Gives Birth in Algeria: Report - ABC News

Daughter Gadhafi said was dead apparently lives - San Jose Mercury News

gulfnews : Breeding clowns like Gaddafi

The Remains of the Gaddafis: Clues to Their Whereabouts - TIME

Gadhafi's Bizarre Treasure Trove: Condi Rice Album, Gold Mermaids and More - International Business Times

Hunt for Gaddafi: Saddam all over again? - World News - IBNLive

Al Qaeda and NATO’s Islamic Extremists Taking Over Libya

Libya: Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi maintains innocence - Telegraph

Gaddafi’s female bodyguards say they were raped, abused by the Libyan leader - BlogPost - The Washington Post

Megrahi 'close to death' - YouTube

The Bachmann – A Hairdo in The Making? - ABC News

New York Post: Bachmann perceived as Jewish - Erik Wemple - The Washington Post

Romney, Dems Look To Weaponize Bachmann |

Michele Bachmann & History Lessons - Forbes

Perry, Bachmann are S.C. primary favorites -

2012 Campaign: What to Watch For in September -

Michele Bachmann's Very Own 'Whitey' Tape Turns Out To Be A Dud | TPMDC

Vermont Senator says Paul ‘out to lunch’ on FEMA comments | Iowa Independent

Should the U.S. Get Rid of FEMA, as Ron Paul Suggests? - US News and World Report

Ron Paul joins list of CPAC/Florida speakers – Central Florida Political Pulse – Orlando Sentinel

The Pro-Life Ron Paul - Katrina Trinko - National Review Online

Ron Paul, Master Investor - Seeking Alpha

Ron Paul Can Win (a history lesson) | The Moderate Voice

Does Ron Paul deserve more coverage? - The Washington Post

Ron Paul shifts to town hall strategy - Dan Hirschhorn -

'The Five' Slams Ron Paul Over FEMA Position - Ron Paul - Fox Nation

L.A. Times Postscript: Why Ron Paul isn't top-tier - Los Angeles Times

Paul: Bernanke Is Out Of Options To Save Economy |

Washington Post Ombudsman: Paper's Coverage of Ron Paul Has Been "sparse" - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Rick Perry's love/hate relationship with Social Security - Aug. 30, 2011

Turf Wars: Mitt Romney Campaigns In Rick Perry’s Texas (The Note) - ABC News

Perry at the VFW - Right Turn - The Washington Post

Reverse Face-off: Rick Perry’s smartest move - The Fix - The Washington Post

Presidential Candidate Rick Perry Signs Pledge Opposing Same-Sex Marriage - Politics & Policy - Catholic Online

Rick Perry Isn’t Just A Pro-Life Governor: He’s An Anti-Choice Zealot | The New Republic

What Kinds of Jobs Has Texas Created Under Rick Perry? - Becca Aaronson, The Texas Tribune - Politics - The Atlantic

Rick Perry Talks Jobs as DJIA, S&P and NASDAQ Climb | The State Column

Mitt Romney vs. Rick Perry 2012: It's personal - Maggie Haberman -

Michele Bachmann to Rick Perry: Don't Write That Acceptance Speech Just Yet | Sunshine State News

Kinky Friedman on Obama - Fox Nation

Hannity: Obama Is The Dumb One

Obama To Recognize US Troops In Iraq, Afghanistan - News - Talk Radio News Service: News, Politics, Media

Obama Names Alan Krueger As The Next CEA Chair - YouTube

Dancing With the Stars Lineup Revealed - YouTube

Video:Ron Paul: "Let The People Who Have Lived Beyond Their Means Go Bankrupt. Let The Liquidation Occur" | RealClearPolitics

Articles: The Ticket Obama Fears Most

Can Obama be defeated in 2012?

Rahm Emanuel’s 100 days: A flying start | The Economist

Free Digital Janitor Straightens Out Messy File Hierarchies | PCWorld

How to Make Your Laptop Run Quieter and Cooler | PCWorld

The Daily Bell - The Real Obama: Hope for Change!

Jon Huntsman’s Legitimacy: A Near Sexual Fantasy for Some on the Left | RedState

Pajamas Media » The Telescope that Ate Space Science

Pajamas Media » Drawing the Wrong Lessons from the British Riots — Again

Pajamas Media » Where Next for Obama?

Pajamas Media » Past Alarmism and the Future of Manmade Global Warming

9/11 Will Continue to Haunt the US – Until the Truth is Admitted |

Video: Tectonic Weaponry – How to make an Earthquake | Pakalert Press

Video: Predictive Programming and the Human Microchipping Agenda | Pakalert Press

Moon-Sun Alignment Increases Irene’s Destructive Power Say Scientists | Pakalert Press

Will the Space Station be Abandoned? : Discovery News

Archaeologist: Egyptian religion forms the roots of Jewish, Christian, Islamic religious tree

Archaeologists say Bible, Quran &Torah are Egyptian myth!!! - YouTube

Obama and Holder taking on Arizona's SB1070 - YouTube

Gulf of Mexico Seafood Safety according to the FDA and EPA - YouTube

Rense & Dr Bill Deagle - Death By Smart Meter - YouTube

Smart Meters - A Call For Public Outrage

Rense & Dr John Coleman - Death Of America's Constitution - YouTube

Rense & Jonathan Emord - FDA New, Stealth Dirty Trick To Take Your Supplements - YouTube


**Ron Paul 2012 - Ron Paul Destroys Michael Moore On Larry King - YouTube


Slave! - YouTube

Rick Perry AGREES with Obama: Open Borders for America! - YouTube

NATO's Ugly Face

Fort Bragg councilman killed while investigating pot operation -

Female TSA agent repeatedly helped drug dealer sneak through security | Mail Online

"Connecting the dots": 911;Man on a Mission - 911

It’s Time to Bring Our Mortgages Home – Your Municipality and Community Venture Fund is the Ideal Investor for Fannie, Freddie & FHA Defaulted Mortgages | The Solari Report Blog

Texas Gov. Perry became a millionaire while serving in office | McClatchy - Society Blind to Psy War on Heterosexuals

Climate change deniers will be seen as racists one day, says Al Gore | Mail Online

Gadhafi family members in Algeria, ambassador says -

Children's fruit drinks can contain just 5% fruit... and sometimes none at all | Mail Online

U.S. Widens Role in Mexico’s Fight Against Crime -

De Menezes cop sues Met over 'cover-up' | Mail Online

S.C. Sen. Graham: U.S. should spend more on foreign aid | McClatchy

Where America's Children Are Going Hungry - DailyFinance

SMART GRID: How Secure Will You Be? « The PPJ Gazette

* Where, Oh Where To Put Obama's Picture?


- Global Governance Archive - Globalization: The Road to Global Governance


'Pipeline' drug tunnel discovered in Calexico, across from Mexicali -

14 Conspiracy Theories That The Media Now Admits Are Conspiracy Facts -

Battle for the California desert: Why is the government driving folks off their land? – Boing Boing - The Spiritual Nature of Cancer

Video: Hurricane Irene reporter talks live while covered in raw sewage - Telegraph

Dangerous Cybercrime Treaty Pushes Surveillance and Secrecy Worldwide | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Videos : Social Engineering In The 20th Century

Human Resources: 1/9 'Social Engineering in the 20th Century' - YouTube

Human Resources: 2/9 'Social Engineering in the 20th Century' - YouTube

Human Resources: 3/9 'Social Engineering in the 20th Century' - YouTube

Human Resources: 4/9 'Social Engineering in the 20th Century' - YouTube

Human Resources: 5/9 'Social Engineering in the 20th Century' - YouTube

Human Resources: 6/9 'Social Engineering in the 20th Century' - YouTube

Human Resources: 7/9 'Social Engineering in the 20th Century' - YouTube

Human Resources: 8/9 'Social Engineering in the 20th Century' - YouTube

Human Resources: 9/9 'Social Engineering in the 20th Century' - YouTube


* 1:13:43 /"The End of America" Full Length HQ Film - YouTube


**52 min/Ron Paul 2012 Infowars Special Report with Lew Rockwell 8-25-11 (Full Report) - YouTube

NEWSInfowars TV Interviews Rick Perry Sex Scandal Accuser 1/2 - YouTube

Infowars TV Interviews Rick Perry Sex Scandal Accuser 2/2 - YouTube


INFOWARS SPECIAL REPORT: Globalists' Extermination List Exposed with Aaron Dykes 1/2 - YouTube

INFOWARS SPECIAL REPORT: Globalists' Extermination List Exposed with Aaron Dykes 2/2 - YouTube


- 12 Things That We Can Learn From Hurricane Irene About How To Prepare For Disasters And Emergencies Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Feds May Seize Liberty Dollars Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Liberty Dollars may be subject to seizure | CoinWorld

» Advancing U.S.-Canada Economic, Energy and Security Integration Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Next Stop For NATO Regime Change: Syria Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Ron Paul: Obama’s Misadventures – Libya to Be Occupied, Syria Next? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Libyan rebels using micro UAV | DefenceWeb

» Libya, War, and the Individual World Order — a call for Noncompliance Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Libyan Rebels Rebels Won't Deport Lockerbie Bomber -

US believes al-Qa'ida is on the verge of defeat after deputy leader's death - Asia, World - The Independent

» Obama Widening War in Somalia Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

** Operation False Flag: A Modern Primer Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

One in seven believe American Government staged the 9/11 attacks in conspiracy | Mail Online

9/11 gave rise to new sacred cash cow: homeland security -

- Rick Perry refuses to answer the Bilderberg question (or any questions) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Chicago to host NATO, G8 summits in 2012 |

GOP Congressmen Put Constituents Who Asked Tough Questions On A ‘Watch List’ | ThinkProgress

House GOP targets the U.N. - Tim Mak -

Secret US/Taliban negotiations fall apart « Newsessentials Blog

Dispersants Used in BP Gulf Oil Spill Linked to Cancer


* NWO Overman and Transhumanism Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Transhumanism And The Antichrist ~ Tom Horn ~ FutureQuake Radio - YouTube

TransHumanism & Genetic Manipulation ~ Tom Horn & Steve Quayle - YouTube


Activist Post: 83 died in Guatemala 1940s US experiments: panel

AllGov - News - State Dept. Aggressively Pushed Genetically-Modified Crops to Help Agribusiness Giants

Drug war sparks exodus of affluent Mexicans - The Washington Post

» First Circuit Panel Says There’s a Clear Constitutional Right To Openly Record Cops Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Inconsistent Dictator Bachmann Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The American economy is in shambles and Bernanke has no clue what to do about it Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Alex Jones's Father Joins in The UFO Discussion and Tells some Tales of His Own Encounters - YouTube

Tim Calls in Who Worked at Area 52 and Saw Gov. Made UFO's Flying Doing Incredible Things - YouTube

Prison » UN Libya plan – troops on the ground

Prison » Next Stop For NATO Regime Change: Syria

Prison » Dead Letters: More Confirmation of the Mass Murder that Marks the Modern World

+ Prison » 30 Signs That America Has Become A Horrible Place For Children

Prison » Al-Qaeda Army Seizes Control of Tripoli

Report: Israel sends 2 warships to Egyptian border - Israel News, Ynetnews

Prison » Israelis stock up on stun grenades to ‘welcome’ Palestine state

Prison » War a Waste: $30 billion stolen by US contractors

Libya leader gives Gaddafi forces surrender deadline | The Raw Story


+ WikiLeaks Leaves Names of Diplomatic Sources in Cables -


WikiLeaks - The New York Times


* WikiLeaks


DEBKAfile: Assad may opt for war to escape Russian, Arab, European ultimatums

Asia Times Online :: THE ROVING EYE: How al-Qaeda got to rule in Tripoli

Prison » Tripoli tries new life: no Gaddafi, no food, no water

Prison » Sen. Bernie Sanders: Ron Paul ‘completely out to lunch’ on FEMA

Alabama Immigration Law Can’t Be Enforced, U.S. Judge Rules - Businessweek

China urges end to 'cancer' of online rumours

Courthouse News Service:FBI, NSA Stiff-Arm ACLU Request for Info on Domestic Spy Program

Prison » Six arrested in latest San Francisco BART protest

Prison » DHS “Cyber Security” Propaganda for College Students

Nuclear plant worker dies of acute leukemia - The Mainichi Daily News

President Obama’s uncle had Social Security ID -

Prison » Army Ranger’s widow booted from Rumsfeld’s book signing

Prison » Dick Cheney: One Year As a Walking Zombie

Prison » Kucinich: Obama’s job czar expert at creating foreign jobs

Prison » Confrontation: Swiss Federal Councillor Doris Leuthard about Bilderberg Meeting 2011

Prison » Gold at $1,950 Within the Month Reaffirm UBS; JP Morgan $2,500 Year End Call Remains

Prison » Fed Dove Evans Opens Mouth, Demands More QE, Sends Gold Soaring

Prison » The Economy Quietly Entered A Recession On Friday, And Why The GDP Predicts A Sub-Zero Nonfarm Payroll Number

Ron Paul: People Who Bought into Govt's False Promises Could Riot When Their Entitlements Run Out - YouTube

War Is Better Than Ron Paul, Say (Many) Progressives - YouTube

(2011-0826) - PressTv - Webster Tarpley 'NATO playing dirty tricks in Libya war' - YouTube

Keiser Report: Redback vs Greenback (E177) - YouTube

New Tripoli: No food, no water, no law - YouTube

Pediatricians refuse patients who aren't vaccinated - Orange County Register

Extortion of teachers causes the closure of 140 elementary and middle schools in Acapulco

The Grandest Deception

*2 Part Video: PCR On 9/11 Anniversary – Have We Learned Anything?

Rick Perry — Big Pharma president?

Running For The White House – Is It “Governor In Chief?”


Fake Al Qaeda Actors EXPOSED! Adam Gadahn & Yousef al-Khattab - YouTube


flashback:11-04-10/[redacted] news: GS-13 Anwar Al Awlaki - Invited To Pentagon After 9/11 - Terrorist? Or Pentagon / CIA Employee? Same Thing!

flashback:11-12-10/Terror Leader Awar Al-Awlaki Attends Prayer Service At U.S. Capitol | The Intel Hub Radio

flashback:11-19-10/Obama Administration Denies Request For Fort Hood Report That Could Aid Suspect |


Activist Post: A Journey to Unschooling

Activist Post: 4 Reasons to Change the Way We View Education

'Unschooling' Gaining Popularity, Allows Children Alternative Learning Tools


South Africa: Stage 6 Genocide! - YouTube

Surveillance photo shows officer in sex act: Some viewers may find this photo offensive |

Israel's war, PNAC not oil took us to Iraq (clip from war by deception) - YouTube

Palestinian Statehood: The Ayes And The Nays (Updated) | Veterans Today


**9/11 Training Exercise Planned for Simulated Plane Crash Five Minutes before Pentagon Attack Took Place « History Commons Groups

*Timeline for the day of the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia

9/11 Facts Timeline

Pentagon Medics Thought 9/11 Attack Was Part of a Drill

9/11 Experiments: The Great Thermate Debate - YouTube

Dr. Kevin Barrett 9/11 truth presentation, Columbus OH - YouTube

American's Journey: Who in their right mind believes in Conspiracy Theories? - 4 Suspects in World Trade Center Before 9/11 Doing Construction - YouTube

The OEM Issued a WTC Collapse Warning

9-11 Attacks: The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9-11

How Did the WTC Fires Burn for Months?

At Least 7 of the 9/11 Hijackers are Still Alive

Shaped Charges and the World Trade Center Collapses

9/11 Firefighters: Bombs and Explosions in the WTC

The "Truss Theory" - A Fantasy Concocted to Conceal a Demolition

World Trade Center 2: There Was No Inferno

9/11 Radio Transmissions of WTC 2 Firefighters

9/11 Main Stream Media Noise About to Go Mach One | Veterans Today

American's Journey: The 911Truth-Blind U.S. Corporate Media: PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER ONE

American's Journey: Obama advisor Sunstein's "Conspiracy Theory" : Proposals for Silencing Dissent, Misrepresenting the 911 Truth Movement

American's Journey: Conspiracy Theory - Reason vs. the Crowd


Obama The National Debt Hypocrite - Caught On Tape - Home - The Daily Bail

CONGRESSIONAL VIDEO - Elizabeth Warren Testifies On JPMorgan's Illegal Military Foreclosures - Home - The Daily Bail

flashback : 6-23-09/9/11 FEMA videographer at Ground Zero goes public Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

**NEW PICS : 9/11 FEMA videographer at Ground Zero goes public - 12160

Activist Post: News Corp. owned National Geographic’s 9/11 documentary more interested in feelings than facts

Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7 - - YouTube

9/11 Eyewitness - FEMA At Towers, FBI Prior Knowledge Of Collapse, Bomb Squad, And Explosion - YouTube

FEMA was in New York the Night Before 9/11

**(Videos)9/11 Pentagon Eyewitness Accounts

The Pod People And The Plane That Crashed Into the Pentagon

Bush Caught in a Lie About the 9/11 WTC Attacks

The Secret Service at Booker Elementary: The Dog That Did Not Bark

The BBC's 'WTC 7 Collapsed At 4:54 p.m.' Videos

BBC News - 9/11 conspiracy theories: How they've evolved


The Slow Disappearance of the American Working Man

Activist Post: People are biased against creative ideas, studies find

Whistleblowers: DOD official incompetent, wasteful, 'tyrannical' -

Dylan Ratigan - The Cost Of Corporate Communism - Home - The Daily Bail

Federal gestapo illegally raid Gibson Guitar factories, arbitrarily confiscate millions of dollars worth of wood used to make instruments

CEO of Gibson Guitar a Republican donor; Democrat competitor uses same wood - Landmark Report

Gibson Guitar Corp. Responds to Federal Raid - YouTube

Ron Paul: Mission Accomplished in Libya? - YouTube

FRAUD: Federal Reserve Is Selling Put Options On Treasury Bonds To Drive Down Yields - YouTube

Activist Post: Pentagon under fire over war contracts Barter Trade, Not Capitalism

Rise of Another CIA Yes Man | Consortiumnews

State Department: Don’t Invade Privacy of Anwar al-Awlaki, Who is on a CIA Kill List : Federal Jack

Israelis stock up on stun grenades to 'welcome' Palestine state - YouTube

Leaked docs: UN wants troops in Libya - mandate optional - YouTube

The Intercept: The "Liberation" of Libya: NATO Special Forces and Al Qaeda Join Hands "Former Terrorists" Join the "Pro-democracy" Bandwagon

State Department: Don't Invade Privacy Of Cleric On CIA Kill List |




A MINORITY VIEW; Legal Obedience

Race and Economics by Walter E. Williams on - A Syndicate Of Talent

Who Are the Real Religious Bigots? by David Limbaugh on - A Syndicate Of Talent

Anonymous Announces Wall Street Occupation -

10 Lessons From People Who Lived Through The Depression

Dangerous Cybercrime Treaty Pushes Surveillance and Secrecy Worldwide -

Pentagon No-Bid Contracts Rise to 45% in 2011 -

Attack of the Monsanto Superinsects | Mother Jones

Wikileaks suffers a major leak- The Inquirer

This Week: Appeals Court to Weigh NSA Dragnet Surveillance | Threat Level | » Norwegian Police Conducted Drill for ‘Practically Identical Scenario’ Right Before Utoya Attack

Battle for the California Desert: Why is the Government Driving Folks off Their Land? - YouTube

Bush wondered after 9/11, ‘Why didn’t we know this?’ | Raw Replay

Never-fail prediction system shows 2012 win for Obama | The Raw Story

Obama admin. crackdown on health care fraud leads to 85% more prosecutions | The Raw Story

Fox Business host accuses Bill Nye of ‘confusing viewers’ with science | Raw Replay

Top NASA climate scientist arrested at White House | The Raw Story

Scientists challenge two AIs to chat with one another | Raw Replay

Welcome to Colonialism 2.0

NTC Admits That the Fall of Tripoli Video Was A Fake?

* Libyan Rebel Leader Spent Much of Past 20 Years in Langley Virginia

CIA’s Bay of Pigs Foreign Policy Laid Bare

The Decade's Biggest Scam

9/11: Ten Years Later Americans Still Stupid and Vulnerable

Madison Ave. Declares ‘Mass Affluence’ Over

What's Going On With The Economy?

Give Karl Marx a Chance to Save the World Economy

First Federal Reserve Audit Reveals Trillions in Secret Bailouts

Mosque suicide bomber kills 29 at end of deadly weekend in Iraq

Turkey Says Up To 160 Kurd Rebels Killed In Iraq Strikes

Female Trafficking Soars in Iraq:

26 militants, 10 soldiers killed in Yemen

Human rights group suspects revenge killings in Libya

UN 'plan for post-Gaddafi Libya' leaked

Gaddafi family are in Algeria, says foreign ministry

The Lockerbie bomber I know:

Russia disagrees with western resolution on Syria:

Iran starts manufacturing enriched uranium:

Powell: Cheney's Book Is Full of 'Cheap Shots'

IMF downgrades US economic forecast:

Major Events, in Toronto, to Explore 9-11 Crimes | American Free Press

AFP First National Newspaper to Talk Honestly About 9-11 | American Free Press

Shanksville Resident Speaks Out About 9-11 | American Free Press

How Much Gold Was Under WTC Complex? | American Free Press

BBC News - US 'wasted $30bn on Afghanistan and Iraq' over decade

The ongoing effort to identify remains of the 1,121 tragic victims of 9/11 | Mail Online

Muslim Americans say life is more difficult since 9/11 - The Washington Post

Obama's Legacy: A Failed Recovery & Double-Dip Recession - Forbes

WikiLeaks cables possibly released by accident - The Washington Post

How to hack like a News of the World reporter | Video |

Dead Enron CEO Lay Beats IRS in Tax Court - Bloomberg

WTC ‘Jumpers’ Phenomenon | American Free Press

War? “There is no war” in Libya

America's Great Health Care Takeaway

Oh, The Pain of The Believer: Barack’s Betrayals Offer Lessons We Can’t Deny

One Year After the G20 Protests: Challenging the Power of Capital. What Forms of Mass Action?

The West Wants to take Control of Libya's Oil Wealth

Video:Hundreds Arrested in Sustained Tar Sands Protests at White House

Video:Speculation Drives Up Coffee Prices

Video:Secret Exemptions Allowed Speculators to Distort Futures Markets

Barack Obama is a silly billy - YouTube

Tylenol and the War on Drugs | Psychology Today

Kerry Lutz - Doug Casey Interview - August 24, 2011 - YouTube

Suddenly, It's Back to the Stone Age - informationliberation

State paid sex offenders as baby sitters -

Federal Reserve Grabs New Powers - informationliberation

Mental illness rise linked to climate

Peter Schiff Schools Mark Matson YouTube - YouTube

Record prices spawn new wave of China gold bugs - International Business Times

NaturalNews publishes names of government agents who masterminded Rawesome Foods raid

Leaked: UN’s Plan for Post-Gadhafi Libya -- News from

Libyan Rebels’ Illicit Arms Trade May Have Reached Gaza -- News from

Cables Reveal 2006 Summary Execution of Civilian Family in Iraq -- News from

Syrian Army Defections on the Rise -- News from

US Admits Afghan Govt Sabotaged Taliban Talks -- News from

Pentagon’s No-Bid Contracts for Defense Have Tripled Since 9/11 -- News from

10 Reasons to Move Cheney’s Book to the Crime Section by Medea Benjamin --

The Rise of Another CIA Yes Man by Ray McGovern --

Ron Paul | William F. Buckley | Was Bill Buckley a foreign policy leftist? | The Daily Caller

McCain: I didn't want arms for Qadhafi - Tim Mak -

WikiLeaks Leaves Names of Diplomatic Sources in Cables -

US prosecutor to probe Kosovo organ trafficking - Yahoo! News

Muslims Around Globe Celebrate Eid al-Fitr | News | English

World Bank to Contribute Millions to Help Kenya Withstand Drought | East Africa | English

10 Reasons to Become Self-Sufficient and 10 Steps to Help You Get There - Truth is Treason

Surviving Financial Collapse and the Reversion to the Local - Truth is Treason

Investing in Tangibles, Gold and Land: Advice from an Insider - Truth is Treason

White House: Only 'Fervent Partisan' Would Suggest Obama To Blame For Job Losses

The Arab Democracy Deficit No One Is Talking About

Flashback Obama in 2010: New Jobs Plan after Vacation

Labor Dept. Signs 'Partnerships' with Foreign Gov’s to Protect Illegal Workers in U.S.

Labor Secretary, Invoking Katrina, Praises Obama’s Response to Irene

Under Obama, FEMA’s Disaster-Aid Account Is Running Short

Negative View of Federal Government Hits New High in Gallup Poll

Obama’s New Economic Advisor Advocated Value Added Tax

Prince Harry to Train at U.S. Military Bases, Including One Near Mexico

Lockerbie Bomber Is Near Death, Brother Says

Automation in the Cockpit Dulling Pilots’ Skills?

Outrage as Obama Names New Voter Initiative After ACORN

Bachmann: Media Attacks Me for Obvious Joke

Zuckerman: Obama 'Unable to Get A Firm Grip' on Economy

Horowitz: Obama 'Destroying Our Liberties'

Obama May Back Hiring Credit Yet Fall Shy on Jobs

Obama to Boehner: 7 Regs Exceed $1 Billion

Romney on Perry Turf Assails 'Career Politicians'

Obama to Speak at Prayer Service on 9/11

Defiant Cheney Defends Waterboarding

Gallup: Obama Approval Hits New Low of 38%

VFW Blasts Obama for Convention Snub

Bolton: US 'Complicit' in Pan Am Bomber Release

Limbaugh: Media Hyped Hurricane to Boost Obama

Bush to Keynote Summit on Fighting Extremism

Postal Service, Losing Billions, Pays Idle Workers

Tapping of Kruger as Chair of CEA Lambasted

Survey: Most High School Grads Say College Advisable

Romney Needs Palin to Divert Perry Surge

Sen. DeMint: I Probably Won't Run Again

Santorum: Gay Community Wages Jihad Against Me

US Needs Amendment to Cap Campaign Cash

Steve Jobs' Talents Stretched to Hollywood

Who Are the Real Religious Bigots?

Should Assad Go Next? Not So Fast

Michele Bachmann's Unholy Crusade - Reason Magazine

The Health Liberty Revolution & Forced Vaccination August 24, 2011 - YouTube

Forced Vaccinations And The H1N1 Pandemic Vaccine Scam :


** De-Classified Document Admits Lee Harvey Oswald Was CIA :


Electronic Skin Tattoo with RFID Technology to Facilitate Monitoring

Visa’s “Just Wave and Go” Commercial aka The Human Cattle in a Cashless Society

New Ad Campaign Wants You to Really Focus on Masonic Symbolism

Smart Meter Slavery

Jackie O., A “Conspiracy Nut”?

+ Activist Post: Getting Prepared: How Much Food Do You Need?

Female TSA agent repeatedly helped drug dealer sneak through security | Mail Online » Blog Archive » Behind Operation Fast & Furious – the Islamic Connection

Underpublicized threat deep in White House

WORLD Magazine | Today's News, Christian Views

Harlem pastor James David Manning preaches 'Obama is Evil' on church signs, angering local residents

Synthetic Life Could Help Colonize Mars, Biologist Says | Synthetic Life & Human Spaceflight | Mars Exploration & Mars Settlement | - Robot Mimic Gives A Speech

Posthuman: Exploring the Obsolescence of the Corporeal Body in Contemporary Art - Student Pulse

BBC News - New body 'liquefaction' unit unveiled in Florida funeral home

NWO Overman is the Eupraxsophy of Transhumanism

When Computers Get Brains | Innovations

Former DEA and CIA Operatives: Los Zetas May Attempt to Overthrow Mexican Government in 2012 (Using U.S. Government Weapons) - Salem-News.Com

Armageddon OT Background to the Battle for the Cosmic Mountain 3 — Logos Apologia

Synthetic self-assembling collagen for tissue engineering

Activist Post: Logical Judo -– Countering the Force of Fallacy

Cornell Chronicle: People are afraid of creative ideas

Ron Paul’s Vice Presidential Choices by Walter Block and Steve Berger

Surrogate Smack-Down by Brian Wilson

The Best Ron Paul Interview Ever?

The Mystery of Comet Elenin

Sun Causes Climate Change Shock – Telegraph Blogs

Is The Number of Earthquakes Increasing? Why the 5.8 Virginia Earthquake Might Just Be a Preview of Things To Come

The American Conservative » Marx’s Tea Party

Cliff Kincaid -- Ron Paul Reportedly Cuts Ties to Russian Channel

Dr. Dennis Cuddy -- The Absolute Power Game

Dave Daubenmire -- The Seed of the Serpent

Tom DeWeese -- E-verify is a Threat to Liberty

Obama Is Evil: New York Daily News | ATLAH Media Network

Post Modern Racism | ATLAH Media Network

Wild Bill For America Shares Secret Service Experiences | ATLAH Media Network

7 Fixes to Obama’s Problems | ATLAH Media Network

+ ‘Time to Normalize Pedophilia’: Firsthand Report on B4U-ACT Conference

Feds to Grab Land for Homeland Security Forces | Farm Wars

USDA Signs MOU with Rockefeller’s Council on Foundations to Exploit Rural America | Food Freedom

Study shows powerful corporations really do control the world's finances

BBC News - When algorithms control the world

The Revitalized Eugenics Movement & the FDA’s Role | Health Freedom News

83 died in 1940s US STD study - World (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Disney factory faces probe into sweatshop suicide claims | World news | The Observer

HAARP, Hurricane Irene and the DC Earthquake …Connected? - Truth is Treason

EMP Attack and Solar Storms: A Guide - Truth is Treason


Our Republic - (

*Founding Documents

Our Republic - The Articles of Confederation

Our Republic - The Bill of Rights

Our Republic - The Constitution of the United States

Our Republic - The Declaration of Independence


Final battle imminent: Libya rebel military spokesman

Rebels give Kadhafi forces four days to surrender or face military action | RFI

Kenneth Melson, acting ATF chief, steps down - Jennifer Epstein -

Obama relative arrested on drunk-driving charges in Framingham - The Boston Globe

Napolitano Says She's Deporting Enough Illegal Immigrants - Washington Whispers (

China announces plans to boost secret detention powers - Yahoo! News

Sun Causes Climate Change Shock – Telegraph Blogs

Perry Vs. Gore -

Daniel Henninger: 'I Didn't Change. The World Changed' -

Russia postpones manned mission to international space station | World news | The Guardian

Black leaders turn up the heat on President Obama - Glenn Thrush and Joseph Williams -

Laura Booth Incites Muslims - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News

White House Issues Guides on Sept. 11 Observances -

ATF head removed by DoJ after 'fast and furious' controversy -

Republican Bill to Force Major Changes at the UN - Bloomberg

AFP: Iran 'discreetly aided Libyan rebels'

Carney Grilled Over Potential Hillary Primary Challenge: "You'll Have To Ask Her" | RealClearPolitics

Fixed Mortgages on the Rise

Lockerbie Bomber Allegedly Near Death Again

Chocolate Lowers Risk Of Heart Disease, Study Confirms

Body Found In Yellowstone, Rangers Blame Grizzly Attack


*The Alex Jones Show – August 29th, 2011

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – August 29th, 2011

*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – August 29, 2011

*The Alex Jones Show – Sunday Edition


David Icke 2011 - We have Reached the Point Now. - YouTube

Robin Koerner: Ron Paul Can Win



*911 Working Group of Bloomington: FOIA: 911 Commission

Dig Within | The blog of Kevin Ryan

Questions for Richard Clarke on COG, the UAE, and BCCI | Dig Within

Barack Obama Used The Black Vote Like A P.I.M.P. |

Military convoy in New York City, post Irene - YouTube

» Pentagon Beta Tests Tighter Military Control of Disaster Response Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

*3 Parts:Mike Adams: Exposes Vaccine Industry Ties to Military Involvement with IoM |

Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post ;The EyeOpener-White Gold: Heroin & the Destabilization of Afghanistan

Lorie Van Auken Interviewed by Sibel Edmonds «


*Bye-bye Gaddafi, welcome Al-Qaeda? Pepe Escobar to RT - YouTube


*Article Links:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials – August 29, 2011 |


9/11: Press for Truth/1:24:23

In Their Own Words/ 1:54:08

9/11 Blueprint for Truth (2008 Edition)/1:59:06

1:42:17/Fabled Enemies Full Length - YouTube

ZERO.Investigation.Into.911/ 1:44:54

2:09:55/Loose Change Final Cut - YouTube

2:24:19/Fall of the Republic HQ full length version - YouTube

Alex Jones' Terrorstorm: Final Cut Special Edition, Re-Mixed + Re-Mastered /2:14:28

2:14:01/Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined Full (Order it at - YouTube

114 min/The Obama Deception HQ Full length version - YouTube

2:03:55/Esoteric Agenda - FULL LENGTH MOVIE - WELCOME TO YOUR AWAKENING! - YouTube

94 min/The New American Century (2009) FULL LENGTH - YouTube

146 min/9/11: Core of Corruption - In the Shadows FULL HD - YouTube


Jersey Girls Who Emerged After 9/11 Stay Activists |

C.I.A. Demands Cuts in Book About 9/11 and Terror Fight «

Three years after Lehman, a new debt crisis looms | Business | The Guardian

Central Bankers Worry Economy Still in Peril -

Libya: Rebels Claim Khamis Gaddafi, One Of Col Gaddafi's Sons, Is Killed In An Air Strike | World News | Sky News

Al-Qaeda number two killed in Pakistan: US | The Raw Story

Secret vaccine industry ties and military involvement with Institute of Medicine – Mike Adams |

The China Deception |

Leaked Rare Video Missile Hitting Pentagon on 9/11. DOWNLOAD & UPLOAD. - YouTube

+ Martial Law, FEMA Camps, Rex84, Classified Top Secret | Before It's News

Homeland Security: The Decade's Biggest Scam | Before It's News The Military's Pandora's Box. Sending Electricity Wireless. Disrupting Communications, Electronics, Triggering Earthquakes. | Before It's News

The Link Between Nutrition and Learning: 20 Critical Facts | Before It's News


Interview with Doug Woodward: Part 1 | Prophecy In The News

Interview with Doug Woodward: Part 2 | Prophecy In The News


+ China's List of 100 Songs Banned on the Internet

Google Translate:The List


A 20-rule manifesto for New No-Growth Economics - Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch

+ HOW TO Remove Yourself From Most ALL Background Check Websites | Before It's News

NYC Premiere! Explosive 9/11 Documentary | Before It's News

9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out, Trailer;, 9/11/11 Anniversary DVD - YouTube


National Geographic Interview: Bush wondered after 9/11, ‘Why didn’t we know this?’ |


**44 min/National Geographic - George W Bush: The 9/11 Interview - YouTube


Secret Recordings of Donald Rumsfeld speaking about 9-11 - YouTube


Fox Banned News 9-11 The Israeli Connection, Mossad, AIPAC, Art Students Terrorist - YouTube


Dick Cheney Gave Stand Down Orders on 9/11 - YouTube


+ 9 Celebrities With Royal Blood | Before It's News

NASA Scientist Arrested At White House | Before It's News

10 Body Parts People Have Tried to Sell on eBay | Before It's News

Greenpeace USA executive director joins hundreds arrested at the White House to protest new tar sands oil pipeline | Before It's News

Video of Chinese general’s espionage lecture leaked onto YouTube «

Are both parties scrapping Constitution?

A Conspiracy of Counterfeiters | Before It's News

Strauss-Kahn, The Symbol 555 And The Washington Monument | Before It's News

Colonel Sixx’s Sure Fire Way To Beat Rick Perry | Before It's News

Earthquakes to the core -- Researchers drill down at the epicenter

Fox News: Is Rick Perry Dumb? And Does It Matter?

Allen West (R-FL) Says the 'Arab Spring' Is Actually About Reestablishing the Caliphate

Federal Appeals Court Says Citizens Can Film Police Performing Duties

5 Reasons Mark Neumann as a Senator from WI Would be Awful

What Did We Get For A 10-Year Homeland Security Spending Spree That Cost Billions?

Constituent to Rep. Dan Lungren: 'You Use the Deficit Ceiling to Blackmail!'

Citizens United Makes for Blurry Lines for Presidential Campaigns and Super PACs

Fox News' Preemptive Strike Against Gawker

Democrats and Workers Come Out in Support of New NLRB Union Election Rules

Nat Geo Infomercial: 'Why Didn't We Know This?' Wonders George Bush After 9/11

New Pew Poll Says Americans - Even Republicans Want Obama to Fight Back More Against GOP

Bachmann: Hurricane is God's Warning About Government Spending

The Eurozone Crisis: An Easy To Understand Article

Let's Remind Virginia Voters What Voting For Cantor In 2012 Means

Mark Pearce Nominated as Chair of the National Labor Relations Board

Happy Labor Day: Republican Politicians Not Welcome at WI Labor Day Parade

Stuart Varney on the Poor: What They Lack is the Richness of Spirit

Army Ranger's Widow Dragged Out Of Book Signing After Confronting Rumsfeld

Republicans Complain About Cuts to FEMA Hurricane Relief...You Know the Cuts They Wanted

Matthew Fox detained after altercation with female bus driver -

'Austin Powers' actor convicted of torture - Entertainment - Celebrities -

Cartoonists plan Sept. 11 anniversary tribute

MTV VMAs 2011: Lady Gaga is accused of copying Annie Lennox's gender bender routine from 1984 | Mail Online

Lady Gaga does not want to be prez - CLICK -

Guest commentary: How Obama lost his presidency in August 2009

Obama taps labor economist for top White House job

Most American Muslims are satisfied Obama backers | Reuters

Warrantless surveillance memos remain under wraps

Strauss-Kahn returns to IMF, gets warm applause | Reuters

Chris Matthews Smells Racism in Declining Number of Whites Supporting Obama |

We Need Better Pants

In The Islamic World Nature Fills A Vacuum With Islam

Audio:Luke Bencie: Industrial Espionage A Growing Threat

Canadian Spends Horrific Three Years In Mexican Jail; Was Standing Next To Drug Cartel Figure At A Hot Dog Stand

Assessing Qaddafi

France: US To Blame For Euro Financial Troubles

CAIR And Publisher Debate Comic Book

Nope. Abbas Has No Plans to Recognize Israel

Marines Ban Audible Farting In Afghanistan To Avoid Offending The Locals

Report From Afghanistan: The Shameful Practice Of ‘Dancing Boys’; U.S. Company Purchased Young Boys?

Jerusalem Post Writer Fired for Justifying Palestinian Terror

The Art, Science, and Carpentry of Explosives

9/11 Conspirator Reportedly Living In Pakistan

Secret Video Of Chinese General Discussing High Ranking Spies Is Leaked

Will Congressman Eliot Ness Please Stand Up?

Americans Demand To Know The Truth About The Death Of Fatima Abdallah

2 resignations over Operation Fast and Furious

Obama salutes veterans for 'extraordinary burden'

Exclusive: Bank of America kept AIG legal threat under wraps

Warren Jeffs sedated, responsive, should recover

Obama hails 9/11 generation of US warriors

Airlifts take food, water to cut-off Vt. towns

'Holocaust Museum gains access to Vatican archive'

California mosques organize prayer for 'Irvine 11'

Chair dedicated to Palestinian UN bid set for world tour

Libya interim rulers set Saturday ultimatum for Sirte

Hamas journal: Mashaal to visit Cairo for Schalit talks

Vilnai: 10-man terror cell planning attack from Sinai

To fast or not to fast: Id confusion in Indonesia

Iran invites Libyan NTC head to Teheran

At least four protesters dead in latest Syrian violence

Ashton demands immediate end to Syrian violence

+30-Aug-11 World View +

Meet Mark Ames, the ‘eXile’ Who Created the (False) Koch Brothers Conspiracy Theory

Politico’s ‘Is Rick Perry Dumb?’ Hit Piece Is Just a Taste of What’s Coming in 2012

Jerusalem Post Writer Fired for Justifying Palestinian Terror

NewsBusted: Did a Flash Mob Ruin Our Economy?

NBC News’ Sharpton: Maddow and Matthews Aren’t Journalists

Obama’s Illegal Alien Uncle Busted for Drunk Driving, Hits Police Car, Media Silent

NewsBusted: Who’s the Least-Trusted Celebrity in America?

Obama’s HUD Violated ACORN Funding Ban

Audio:Faith Centered Universities and their Evolving Role in Higher Education

Lefty Mass Town To Teacher’s Union-’Get Real’

Radical Activists Preparing for Massive Demonstrations at Chicago NATO & G-8 Summit

Liberal Media Cookbook: Twisting Legislators into Lunatics

Call for Tips: Name That Milwaukee Union Thug

Meet Mark Ames, the ‘eXile’ Who Created the (False) Koch Brothers Conspiracy Theory

Is the DOJ Partnering with Scandal-Plagued Project Vote? Freedom, Science Fiction and the Singularity-A Conversation with Author Vernor Vinge

Perry Doesn’t Sound like a TV News Anchor. Man, He Must Be Dumb.

Obama’s War on the Secret Ballot

The Left and General Motors-Building on Failure

Immigration Reform Yielding Results in Alabama

Obama Supports VAT Sympathizer for Top Job at Council of Economic Advisers

Audio:Obama’s Next Economic Advisor is a Labor Economist and Proponent of Big Government Solutions

Why Does GOP State Official Dan Rutherford Want to Emasculate the Illinois GOP?

Fueling Family Feuds

HomeVideodrome: Coen Brothers, Christmas Nightmare, Madea, More…

‘One Nation Under God: A Book for Little Patriots’ Review: Clever, Safe Children’s Book

The End Game of New World Order Chess

Trailer Talk: ‘The Hunger Games’

Desperate to Save Her Fledgling Network, Oprah Turns to … Rosie O’Donnell

Lady Gaga Takes Male Alter-Ego To Extreme, Uses Men’s Room

Zoe Saldana: Racists Enjoy Seeing America Struggle

* The Top 10 Apocalypse Movies

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Morning Call Sheet: Video Music Awards, Irene, More ‘Scarface’ and Why ‘Crystal Skull’ Sucked So Hard

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Morning Call Sheet: ‘Bond 23,’ Vudu, ‘Green Lantern’ Helen Mirren, and 18 Things You Didn’t Know About ‘Firefly’


**NEWS VIDEOS:NBC News Gets Last Word After Dick Cheney Interview: ‘Torture Is a Crime’

Disgraced ‘Wonkette’ Busted Putting Racist Words in Bachmann’s Mouth

29th/WI Unions Try to Ban GOP from Labor Day Parade; Mayor Says Pound Sand

Streaker Goes ‘Full Monty’ During Live Irene Report

Huntsman Spars with Fox & Friends Hosts Over Global Warming

Malkin Skewers Media for Questioning Perry’s Smarts

Major Garrett Lays into Al Gore and Global Warming Hysterics

Flooded House Goes Up in Flames

Lockerbie Bomber Near Death

Gaga Goes as Guy at MTV Video Music Awards

Obama’s Jobs Plan Revealed: New Spending on Roads and Bridges

MLK’s Daughter: ‘Lincoln Remembered for Signing Declaration of Independence’

George Will: ‘Alibi Ike’ Obama Blames Everyone But James Madison for Economic Problems

28th/Man Swims Down Street in Queens

Reporter Covered In Sea Foam

Irene Takes Manhattan

Obama Kicks-Off 9/11 Remembrances with Call to Community Service

More Gore: Global Warming Skeptics this Generation’s Racists

Obama Takes Charge at Hurricane Command Center Hours Before Irene Downgraded to Trop Storm

Liberal Comedienne: ‘Conservative White Republicans’ Will Accept Only One Black Golfer – Tiger Woods

Gore: Scientists Wouldn’t Lie About Global Warming for Money, Skeptics Would

27th/Ron Paul: No Fed Response Needed for Hurricane Relief

Irene’s Outer Bands Hit NC Coast

Ray ‘School Bus’ Nagin: CBS Hurricane Expert

26th/Obama on Irene: ‘Prepare for the Worst’

Gibson Guitar CEO on Obama DOJ Raids: ‘We’re Being Persecuted’

Bloomberg: Mandatory Evacuation for Some Areas

Schultz: ‘Pretty Boy’ Rubio Will Be ‘Ugly’ to Senior Citizens

Crowder Presents: Go Green Now!!


Hurricane Irene Pictures: Storm Lashes U.S. East Coast

Cryptomundo » Hurricanes, Cryptozoology, and Weird Animal News

From the Shadows: Black-Eyed Kid Encounter in Ireland

Will the Space Station be Abandoned? : Discovery News

Leonardo Mural in Florence May Be Revealed -

TV crew comes to Carlton County looking for Bigfoot | Duluth News Tribune | Duluth, Minnesota

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Rep. Jones: Hurricane repairs will be slow;Suggests dropping work in Afghanistan to pay for domestic needs

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Minor attracted persons' just euphemism for pedophilia;FRC spokesman: 'It's shocking there are professionals who want to accept this'

A Free Press for a Free People

'Exterminate Christians, close pyramids, Sphinx'

Rush: Why isn't Obama's uncle invited to White House?

Obama's illegal alien uncle has Social Security ID

Obama relative arrested on drunk-driving charges in Framingham - The Boston Globe

Onyango Obama Booking Report |

Mugshot: Obama's Uncle Omar in jail - Washington Times

Gunwalker scandal: ATF director out of top job - CBS News Investigates - CBS News

Scandal-linked operative doing Obama vote work

White House Issues Guides on Sept. 11 Observances -

Underpublicized threat deep in White House

Most U.S. Muslims feel targeted by terror policies - Washington Times

ACLU battles schools over gay websites - Washington Times

One in four Democrats wants to dump Obama | Campaign 2012

Obama spokesman on Hillary primary challenge: 'Ask her'

Mitt Romney facing fund-raising challenge from Jewish donors who mistakenly think Bachmann is Jewish -

Three minutes, two teleprompters | Campaign 2012

FEC Drafts Opinions for Guyana-Born Man About Presidential Run : Roll Call Politics

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Johnson & Johnson sued over mouthwash cancer fears | World news | The Observer

Skin implant that gives a three month tan developed by scientists | Mail Online - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Solved...mystery of why so many people over-eat

Chinese woman who has kept mentally ill son on a chain for 20 years appeals for help looking after him when she dies | Mail Online

Digitizing every book ever published. That's the bold goal of one local company. What's even more amazing, they're providing access to those books, to everyone, for free. - KTXL

PayPal founder Peter Thiel funding a plan to build new societies in international waters | Space, Military and Medicine |

Egypt’s Brotherhood declares war on the bi... JPost - Middle East

Oklahoma mother of 11 is off to Harvard... 30 years after she dropped out of university | Mail Online

Peaches Geldof: Why was I allowed to have tattoos aged 14? - Telegraph

Carrie Fisher loses 50lbs in nine months but what has she done to her face? | Mail Online

Satellite Photos Take You Inside Gadhafi’s Compound | Danger Room |


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Who are the real religious bigots?

Kudos to Perry and Paul

Blackdom infighting just an act?

The most loathsome lie about Israel

Baltimore conference: Normalize pedophilia

America's European economy

FOCUS: Treat Ron Paul With Extreme Caution

A singular solution to many problems

Losing Malmo - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online

Green Scissors 2011: Cutting Wasteful Energy Subsidies

Keith Brooks: Green Jobs Are Under Attack

Promise of Jobs from Solar, Wind Power a Hard Sell in the Desert - Coral Davenport -

That CO2 Warming the World: Lock It in a Rock - ABC News

The real science trashers -

Everything you’ve heard about the tar sands and energy security is wrong | Grist

Who will prevail in U.S.-style pipeline politics? | The Oil and the Glory

A pedal car’s power - All Opinions Are Local - The Washington Post

RealClearPolitics - Our Interests to Intervene

America’s Secret Libya War: U.S. Spent $1 Billion on Covert Ops Helping NATO - The Daily Beast

The Hindu : Opinion / Op-Ed : Inside Syria's failed rebellion

How to Play North Korea Long Game | The Diplomat

Commentary: Why We Need Taiwan | The National Interest

If we have the courage, more tyrants like Gaddafi will fall - Telegraph

Chaplain Explains Why Some Turned to Atheism in the Aftermath of 9/11, Christian News

Can Theology Evolve? - Forbes

Remembering 9/11, prayers not included |

Age of Unreason

Creationism Wins Votes - For Both Parties

How often do hurricanes and earthquakes come in pairs? - By Brian Palmer - Slate Magazine

Bacterial Genome Sequencing Offers Latest Tool Against Diseases -

Black Death Pathogen Extinct? | The Scientist

Health: Will You Get Better Hospital Care on Weekdays? - TIME

Quantum Dot Thermometers Take the Temperature of Individual Living Cells | Popular Science

BBC News - Bed bugs protect their sperm from bacteria

Human Brains Are Primally Wired to Notice Animals | Wired Science |

Piece of crust stolen from Texas found in Antarctica

How Smooth is the Universe? : Starts With A Bang

It's Not the 'What' That Matters, It's the 'How' - Blog

Virus Attacks Childhood Cancers | News Room

Scientists man bioterror front lines post-9/11 - Technology & science - Security -

Mind-Altering Bugs - ScienceNOW

Evolutionary theory can make street life better - life - 29 August 2011 - New Scientist

Why Do Hurricanes Have Eyes? | Hurricane Eyes Explained | Life's Little Mysteries

Astronauts May Evacuate Space Station in November, NASA Says | International Space Station & Soyuz Rocket Crash Investigation | Human Spaceflight & Rocket Launches |

mental_floss Blog » 22 Fascinating and Bizarre Classes Offered This Semester

The Market Is Priced For Pessimism

Virginia house painter fights to keep business as recession becomes a way of life - The Washington Post

Krueger's Keynesian Leftovers -

One Way To Speed The Recovery? Help Households, Not Banks. | The New Republic

Refinancing Mortgages Won’t Fix Housing Market: Edward Glaeser - Bloomberg

10 Best-Performing S&P 500 Stocks of 2011 - TheStreet

Ten reasons for investors to look on bright side - Portfolio Insights by Brett Arends - MarketWatch

Job Offers Increased for Class of 2011 - BusinessWeek

RealClearMarkets - It's Time For Plan B From the IMF

Telling World's Bankers How It Really Is -

RealClearMarkets - Chairman Bernanke Predictably Passes the Buck

U.S. Elites Begin To Confront The Paper Dollar - Forbes

How Debt Shrinks the Economy - CNBC

Top Banks Confront Leaner Future by Cutting Jobs -

Trying to Hit a Moving Target - TheStreet

How to Know When the Stock Market’s Hit Bottom | Moneyland |

Beat high-frequency trading machines by not playing their game | Reuters Money

The Return of Alan Krueger | Mother Jones

Warren Buffett on Taxing the Wealthy More Heavily—Posner - The Becker-Posner Blog

The Real Meaning of 9/11 - Jeffrey Goldberg - National - The Atlantic

RealClearPolitics - On Hearing the Real Dr. King

RealClearPolitics - Say "Yes" to Oil Sands

Is Libya policy cornerstone of an Obama Doctrine? –

Taking the Alter Challenge on Obama’s Record - By Jim Geraghty - The Campaign Spot - National Review Online

Is China's economic miracle built on sand or cement? – Telegraph Blogs

NATO’s Teachable Moment -

Obamanomics stays on path to failure with Krueger | Examiner Editorial | Opinion | Washington Examiner

RealClearPolitics - Post-Irene, Obama Returns to Job Creation Challenge

RealClearPolitics - An Unusual Economy?

In New Memoir, Dick Cheney Tries to Rewrite History | Swampland

Daniel Henninger: 'I Didn't Change. The World Changed' -


**Markets Video:Can Alan Krueger Fix the Economy?

Real Clear Markets - Video - UBS's Harris on U.S. Economy, Stimulus

29th/Here's How The Economy Can Grow

Ben Bernanke Tries to Put Out Fear Fires

East Coast Oil Refineries Mostly Unaffected by Storm

Corrupt Oil Speculators Must Be Stopped


**World Video:Thailand's Battle Of Election Colors

Undisciplined Support For Malema

Gaddafi-Irene To Impact Oil Prices?

Libya's Warring Sides Engaged In 'Discussions'

India Needs Reforms To Boost Growth

Philippines Seeks More China Trade

Etna Eruption Levels Increasing

Raw Video: Rebels Capture Gaddafi Loyalists

Arrests Over Mexico Casino Arson

Rebels Say Gaddafi's Son Dead.

Putin Rides With Russian Bikers

Gaddafi's Lavish Lifestyle Exposed

Youth In Libya Look Beyond Gaddafi

Syrian Army Defections Reported On The Rise

29th/The European Storm

Sadistic Brutality In Libya

British Defense Minister Discusses Libya

Dissent In Libya Against NTC Nominations

U.S. Involvement In Libya

What's Next For Libya?

Palestinian Injures Eight In Tel Aviv

Euro Struggling To Make New Gains

Al-Qaeda's No. 2 Reported Killed In Pakistan

American Released In Libya

Chemical Mixture Helps ID Mexico Murder Victims

Japan Chooses Next Prime Minister

Libya After Gaddafi

The Toll Of The Battle For Tripoli


**Politics Video:Malkin: Perry Is Dumb "Compared To What?"

O'Donnell: GOP Has Unhinged Itself From Reality On The Economy

Krauthammer On Primary Calendar Moves: "This Is Insurrection"

Rendell: Media "At Fault" With Their Hurricane Coverage

O'Reilly: "This Country Will Be In Big Trouble" If A Major Disaster Hits

29th/Inhofe Backs Perry, Becomes First Senator To Endorse A Candidate

Politico's Vogel: Question Of Perry's Intellect "Isn't Going Away"

Limbaugh: Cost Of Irene "Pales In Comparison" To Hurricane Obama

Rick Perry Warns Against Foreign Policy Of "Military Adventurism"

Goolsbee On Economy: It's "Taking Some Time" To Grow

Romney: Obama A DDD Presidency For Debt, Downgrade & Delay

Rush: Politico Attack On Perry Same Thing Media Tried With Reagan

Pat Buchanan: Bush "Broke The United States As A Superpower"

Wealth Manager: QE2 Shows Monetary Policy Can Only Do So Much

Anita Dunn: GOP Has Not Received "Message" To Compromise

Huntsman: Climate Change Has Established Scientists Associated With It

Scarborough: Media Silent About Obama Launching Undeclared Wars

Cheney Still Strongly Supports Waterboarding: "No Apologies"


**28th/Transcripts :Guests: FEMA Director Fugate and Gov. Christie

Guests: Fugate, McDonnell, Christie and O'Malley

Interview with Former Secretary of State Powell

26th/Bernanke's Economic Outlook Speech at Jackson Hole

Interview with DHS Secretary Napolitano

Shields and Brooks on the Week in Politics

Roundtable on Senator Rubio's Future

25th/Panel on the Latest Polling in the GOP Race

Interview with 2012 Candidate Jon Huntsman

Jon Huntsman on His Campaign's Chances

24th/Roundtable on the Pentagon's China Concerns

Defense Department Briefing on China

Interview with Senator Joe Lieberman

Analysts on Obama's Judicial Nominations

Interview with Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich

23rd/House Intel Chairman Mike Rogers on Libya

Reporters on the Fighting in Tripoli

Roundtable on the Future of Libya

Interview with Representative Edward Markey

Secretary Panetta at the Naval Post-Grad School

22nd/Senator John McCain on the Fighting in Libya

Representative Dutch Ruppersberger on Libya

Reporter Discusses the Latest News in Libya

Panel on the Politics of Blaming the Tea Party

Biden's Remarks with the Prime Minister of Mongolia

21st/Interview with Presidential Candidate Jon Huntsman

Interview with Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum

Interview with Senator John McCain

Guests: Cummings, O'Malley, McDonnell & Axelrod

Guests: Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels, Robert Gibbs

19th/Marcus and Gerson on the Week in Politics

Interview with Arizona Governor Jan Brewer

*30 Aug

American Minute for August 30th

This Day in History for 30th August

August 30th This Day in History

Today in History: August 30

August 30 Events in History

Today in History: August 30

August 30th in History

Today in History for August 30th - YouTube


Aug. 29, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Live Free Or Die Radio - Friday, August, 26, 2011

The Manning Report – 29 August 2011

The Michael Savage Show 08/29/2011

08/29 The Mark Levin Show

2011-08-29. Jesse Peterson Radio Show

2011-08-30 Jesse Peterson Radio Show

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 8-29-11

Alex Jones - 2011-Aug-29, Monday

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

Paul Drockton Show

Paul Drockton Show 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-29-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-29-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 08-29-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 08-29-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 08-29-11 Hr 3

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