A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

29 August 2011

29 AUG

A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained in arms, is the best most natural defense of a free country.

CLASSIC: The Border’s Manager Has a High Opinion of Himself - Epic Fail Funny Videos and Funny Pictures

Gore: Global warming skeptics are this generation’s racists

10 Tax-Unfriendly States for Retirees 2011 - Kiplinger

Powell Not Sold on Obama in ‘12 - The Note

“There Are Monsters, And They Walk Among Us.” – Jesse’s CafĂ© AmĂ©ricain | Don't Tread On Me New Zeal Blog » Executive Orders: Social Justice Executive Order Just Issued New Zeal Blog » Proof of “Tea Party” Terrorism New Zeal Blog » Super Committee or “Gang of 12″ is UNCONSTITUTIONAL, PERIOD!!!! New Zeal Blog » Communist Leader: The Republicans Must be Defeated!

Why Do Millions of Kids in the U.S. Have Liver Disease?

9/11 Will Continue to Haunt the US – Until the Truth is Admitted |

Video: Tectonic Weaponry – How to make an Earthquake | Pakalert Press

Video: Predictive Programming and the Human Microchipping Agenda | Pakalert Press

Moon-Sun Alignment Increases Irene’s Destructive Power Say Scientists | Pakalert Press

Perry: Nation That Feeds The World Has People Depend On Government For Food |

Libya Truth (DnB Soundtrack) - YouTube

Leonor: Libya August 28 What NATO Wants us to Hear! - YouTube

The Jews Behind NATO’s Rape Of Libya | Real Zionist News

Activist Post: As expected, widespread racist murders in Libya at the hands of rebel forces revealed

Paul still critical of US involvement in Libya - Yahoo! News

Rep. Erik Paulsen Meets Israeli War Criminal | Mantiq al-Tayr


* Ron Paul 2012 - Ron Paul Destroys Michael Moore On Larry King - YouTube


Japan's Ministry of Environment to Allow #Radioactive Ashes to Be Buried in Regular Waste Final Disposal Sites | EX-SKF

New Data Supports Previous Fairewinds Analysis, as Contamination Spreads in Japan and Worldwide

#Radiation in Japan: Practically Any Radioactive Debris Will Be Burned and Buried | EX-SKF

How Reactor 4 at Fukushima I Nuke Plant "Exploded", According to TEPCO | EX-SKF


+ (Link Page)Social Engineering In The 20th Century - Vid


Human Resources: 1/9 'Social Engineering in the 20th Century' - YouTube

Human Resources: 2/9 'Social Engineering in the 20th Century' - YouTube

Human Resources: 3/9 'Social Engineering in the 20th Century' - YouTube

Human Resources: 4/9 'Social Engineering in the 20th Century' - YouTube

Human Resources: 5/9 'Social Engineering in the 20th Century' - YouTube

Human Resources: 6/9 'Social Engineering in the 20th Century' - YouTube

Human Resources: 7/9 'Social Engineering in the 20th Century' - YouTube

Human Resources: 8/9 'Social Engineering in the 20th Century' - YouTube

Human Resources: 9/9 'Social Engineering in the 20th Century' - YouTube


Battle for the California desert: Why is the government driving folks off their land? – Boing Boing - The Spiritual Nature of Cancer

Why people become chickenhawks - David Sirota -

Dick Cheney committing & confessing treason - YouTube

14 Conspiracy Theories That The Media Now Admits Are Conspiracy Facts -

Archaeologist: Egyptian religion forms the roots of Jewish, Christian, Islamic religious tree

'Pipeline' drug tunnel discovered in Calexico, across from Mexicali -

Philip Weiss on the Disintegration of WASP Society | The Occidental Observer - White Identity, Interests, and Culture - Americans Given Gladiators Instead of Jobs

Disney factory faces probe into sweatshop suicide claims | World news | The Observer

Where, Oh Where To Put Obama's Picture?

With Each Victory Comes Setbacks In Wiretapping War | Pixiq

Goldman Sachs targeted as 'Jaws' joins battle over banking crash | Business | The Observer - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: First Mcdonald's degrees awarded

De Menezes cop sues Met over 'cover-up' | Mail Online

Judge Wall, the secrecy rules, and another stinging attack - Telegraph

Traffic lights will turn green for Olympic chiefs as ordinary drivers are forced into bus lanes | Mail Online

Jakarta: Mossad presence laughing it up after Bali bombing | Opinion Maker

Gaddafi transition talks offer 'delusional' - Africa, World - The Independent

Activist Post: CONFIRMED: Libya War is CIA Op 30 Years in the Making

SMART GRID: How Secure Will You Be? « The PPJ Gazette

How The Patriot Act Violates Virtually The Entire Bill Of Rights

Paul Drockton M.A.: The United States is Doomed

Driving Miss Ditzy: Review of “The Help” | The Occidental Observer - White Identity, Interests, and Culture

Mea Culpa, Deus Ex Vomitus. Smoking Mirrors

*Global Governance Archive - Globalization: The Road to Global Governance

New York scraps $27m contract with Rupert Murdoch company after phone hacking | Mail Online

Jon Peters, Hollywood Producer, Ordered To Pay $3 Million In Sexual Harassment Suit

European And US Working Class Politics - Right, Left And Neutered

Muslims and Copts Host Ramadan Fast-Breaking « Kawther Salam

Rick Perry and the Jews | The Occidental Observer - White Identity, Interests, and Culture

Slave! - YouTube

+ '02/A Search for Clues In Towers' Collapse; Engineers Volunteer to Examine Steel Debris Taken to Scrapyards - New York Times

WPI - Transformations: The "Deep Mystery" of Melted Steel



Are Most Americans Debt Slaves? | The Big Picture

9-11 Research: Eyewitnesses Accounts


+ 1:02:47/College Conspiracy - YouTube

+ 1:13:43/"The End of America" Full Length HQ Film - YouTube


What They Won't Tell You about the National Debt - YouTube

Barry Ritholtz: The Effect Of Corruption On The Markets - Aug. 27 - YouTube

Fed’s Hoenig on Monetary Policy, U.S. Economy | The Big Picture

The Geopolitics of the United States, Part 1: The Inevitable Empire | The Big Picture

A how-to guide for fixing America’s banks - The Washington Post

9/11 - The Toronto Hearings Sept. 11th 2011 - YouTube

What an actual American running for congress? - YouTube

Ron Paul's Long-Term Holdings Outperform The Market And Most Pros - Seeking Alpha

MEDIAROOTS – Reporting From Outside Party Lines





Bachmann says she'd consider Everglades drilling - Yahoo! News

Leonor: Libya August 28 What NATO Wants us to Hear! - YouTube

The Libyan Rebels And The Israeli Connection. - YouTube

Officials: 29 dead in suicide bomb in Iraq mosque - Yahoo! News

Libyan Rebels Rebels Won't Deport Lockerbie Bomber -

Roubini Proves He's An Idiot, Fed's Bullard Sees NO NEED For Further Easing, IMF Chief Calls For MORE Bank Bailouts, Getting A Mortgage May Never Be The Same, Gore Compares Global Warming Truth Tellers To Racists (LINKS) - Home - The Daily Bail

US blames USSR in WW2 history re-write — RT

PLANET OF THE CHIMPS #2: Obama Warns Not To Challenge Official 9/11 Story (VIDEO)

Media Manipulation: 'NATO in a hurry to wrap up war in Libya' - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul "FEMA Creates Many Of Our Problems"

Revolutionary Politics : "When You Hear Ron Paul Say Govt Shouldn't Be In The FEMA Business What Do You Say To Ron Paul?"

Ron Paul on FOX News Sunday w/ Chris Wallace - Aug. 29th 2011 - 12160

War Games: The Key to a 9/11 USAF Stand Down

The Intercept: The West Wants to take Control of Libya's Oil Wealth

What And Why In Libya

The Many Collapses of Keynesianism by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | Express Comment :: These green taxes are throttling the British economy


Global Governance Archive - Globalization: The Road to Global Governance

History of The Club of Rome

Supplanting the United States Constitution: War, National Emergency and "Continuity of Government"

FEMA: Regional Operations

NAFTA Super Corridor / NAFTA Super Highway / NASCO Trade Corridor - Society for American Sovereignty (TM) - with information on the North American Community, North American Union (NAU) and Security Prosperity Partnership (SPP), and NAFTA super corridor

Global Governance Archive - Globalism in History: Internationalism & Her Law

The Canadian National Newspaper: Ron Paul: Libya linked to One World Government

The Global Governance Deficit: The Theater of the Absurd by Jean-Pierre Lehmann - The Globalist


Ronnie Reeferseed: Austin Mayor Violates Local Citizen's 1st Amendment Rights! - Alex Jones Tv - YouTube

9/11 Heroes Not Welcome at Ground Zero - YouTube

+ Secret vaccine industry ties and military involvement with Institute of Medicine Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» First Circuit Panel Says There’s a Clear Constitutional Right To Openly Record Cops Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Dick Cheney: One Year As a Walking Zombie Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Al Gore Plays The Race Card, But He’s The Real Racist Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Libya: The Greatest Betrayal Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Hurricane Irene, Unusual Earthquakes, Unprecedented Tornadoes, Historic Flooding Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Al-Qaeda Kingpin Is New Military Commander Of Tripoli Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Obama Job Disapproval Hits New High Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Max Keiser & Alex Jones On Ron Paul, Economic Meltdown Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

What The Founding Fathers Thought About Corporations | Addicting Info

Israel "could not stop" nuclear Iran with one strike - Yahoo! News

» Anonymous Announces Wall Street Occupation Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Inconsistent Dictator Bachmann Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Hospital patients now being microchipped with “electronic tattoos” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Barack Obama's uncle has been arrested and held as illegal immigrant | The Australian

Prison » The American economy is in shambles and Bernanke has no clue what to do about it

NATO admits UK and France may have troops in Libya | World | RIA Novosti

Prison » War for Africa: ‘Libya key to new US bases, cheap labor & resources’

Prison » Israeli leaders urge Western nations to present Iran with a credible military threat

Libya: Horror of 150 bodies found on a farm thought to have been massacred by pro-Gaddafi forces | Mail Online

Prison » Playing the “Get Into Saudi Arabia Free Card

Prison » Dead Sirte: Another Murderous Twist in NATO’s Coil of Lies

Prison » Barack Obama Used The Black Vote Like A P.I.M.P.

U.S. Tactics in Libya May Be Model for Use of Force -

The mystery of the Double Eagle gold coins - Business - US business - Bloomberg Businessweek -

Prison » Anonymous to occupy Wall Street – why not #surroundthefed?

State paid sex offenders as baby sitters -

Prison » September 23: The Beginning Of The End For Merkel… And The Eurozone?

Prison » Herman Cain barely edges out Ron Paul in Georgia straw poll

Prison » Jackie O., A “Conspiracy Nut”?

Council binmen given iPads to keep track of non-recyclers - Telegraph

Prison » Federal gestapo illegally raid Gibson Guitar factories, arbitrarily confiscate millions of dollars worth of wood used to make instruments

An artist's incendiary painting is his bank statement -

Prison » The British descent into total tyranny takes another step forward

U.N. agency warns of possible bird flu resurgence - Yahoo! News

Prison » 6 Strange Anomalies With The Virginia Earthquake

Running For The White House – Is It “Governor In Chief?”

Ron Paul "FEMA Creates Many Of Our Problems" - YouTube

Hurricane Hype Over: Irene loses bite on Big Apple - YouTube

Economic Cycles Before the Fed | Thomas E Woods, Jr. - YouTube

Ron Paul: People Will Go in the Street in Response to Inflation Tax

The Grandest Deception

Video: PCR On 9/11 Anniversary – Have We Learned Anything?


** Origin of Mankind and the Races by Rich Deem



48 MIN/The Mysterious Origins of Man - -- Hare Krishna Video Sharing Community


Did Our Immune System Benefit From Neanderthal Interbreeding | Geekosystem

Neanderthals: a bit of rough | Observer editorial | Comment is free | The Observer

U.S. Constitution Day Resolution

The Undefeated - how open minded are you?

Pro Choice can mean Choosing Life

Anybody but Obama

Why you shouldn't consider a President Perry if you really care about small government!

Why the Second Amendment Matters

Early Obama Letter Confirms Inability to Write

Obama's Jewish Outreach Director and His Anti-Christian Hate Propaganda

The Ticket Obama Fears Most

Warren Buffet: Financial Savior or Angel of Doom?

Warren Buffett Shelters from Hurricane Obama

Tighten the Web on Flash Mobs

The Muslim Brotherhood, Genocide, and Obama

Increased rates of mental illness tied to climate change - no, really

And just who are the Morons?

Manipulating Money Supply Is Like Lying about Cholesterol

Abandoned by Gaddafi, Lockerbie Bomber near death in Tripoli

Should 'The Ugly' Be A Protected Class?

Turkey abandoning Assad

Gaddafi forces using human shields in Sirte

Fair Housing and Insanity

The Latest Attack on Christianity from the Statist Left

Families of 9/11 Victims Knocking on America's Door

Bernice King Says Lincoln Signed Declaration of Indpendence | Video |

Fixing Carbon Dioxide Into Rock Potential Solution to Reducing This Greenhouse Gas | Video |

Bartonsville Bridge Washed Away in Flood | Video |

Chinese General Jin Yinan Spy Talked Leaked on YouTube | Video |

Facebook ‘Racist’ Publishes Picture of Young Boy as ‘Prey’ |

Fire Outside Yosemite Causes Evacuation of 100 | Video |

Hurricane Irene Death Toll 21 As of Sunday Night | Video |

Six-Year-Old Boy Suspended for Growing Hair Long for Charity | Video |

Hurricane Looters Caught On Tape During Local News Report | Video |

Puerto Rican Senator Resigns Following iPhone Photo Scandal |

Was Obama’s Illegal Immigrant Uncle Arrested for DUI? |

Detroit Free Press Columnist Rochelle Riley: MLK Sent Hurricane Because of Violence, Racism and Porn in Our Society |

Racine Wisconsin Candy Store Owner Fights Mayor to Keep Bars on Her Shop Windows | Video |

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – The big stall

Obama, the Worrywart

America’s One Child Policy

Shine a Spotlight on the Chopper Crash

Sources of Madness—The Insane Thinkers of the Modern Age

The Obama Legacy: Debt of $50,000 per Second

The Hurricane Irene Apocalypse That Never Was

NY Times’ Keller Compares Religion to Belief in Space Aliens

Al Gore Says Climate Skeptics Are Like Racists

Hosni Mubarak’s revenge

The Five “M’s” for Picking Gold Mining Stocks

Gold Will Drop to $1390 By Year-end and $1000 by 2013! Here’s Why

The Real American Fanatics

Obama cheered by illegal alien advocates, but they want more

You Need ID in D.C. to Get Sandbags for Irene, But No ID to Vote?

Regulating us into Economic Destruction

Amnesty before Martha Vineyard’s Vacation

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Defeating the political-media complex

Vetting the candidates for the 2012 election

Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase hold $1.1 billion in Moammar Khadafy's Libyan assets -

Gaddafi's desperate bid to save regime revealed | World news | The Guardian

Bloomberg Bans Clergy From 9/11 Ceremony but Ground Zero Mosque OK - Sept. 11 - Fox Nation

My Way News - Irene forecasts on track; not up to speed on wind

Russia delays space mission after crash - Yahoo! News

EXCLUSIVE: Lady Gaga Took Male Alter-Ego To The Limit By Using Male Restrooms |

U.N. agency warns of possible bird flu resurgence - Yahoo! News

Libya: Horror of 150 bodies found on a farm thought to have been massacred by pro-Gaddafi forces | Mail Online

Tripoli psychiatric hospital overwhelmed by war fallout

Novak Djokovic's Secret: Sitting in a Pressurized Egg -

Stuart Varney on the Poor: What They Lack is the Richness of Spirit

Army Ranger's Widow Dragged Out Of Book Signing After Confronting Rumsfeld

Republicans Complain About Cuts to FEMA Hurricane Relief...You Know the Cuts They Wanted

Powell Compares Cheney's Book to 'Supermarket Tabloids'

George Will Slams Dick Cheney For Not Apologizing For Iraq

Rick Perry: Social Security Is a 'Monstrous Lie'

WikiLeaks Cable Shows John McCain Pushed to Arm Gadhafi

FEMA Almost Out Of Money Due To Multiple Disasters, While Cantor Plays Politics With Disaster Funds

Rep. Todd Akin Refuses to Meet With Constituents and Defend Vote to Eliminate Medicare

Stephen Hayes: Every Time His Job Record is Attacked, It's a Win for Rick Perry

Christie: NJ Evacuated A Million People From Beach Towns

Ron Paul Calls for Spending Cuts Before Hurricane Relief

Gov. Rick Scott, Aren't You Going To Apologize To Welfare Recipients?

Sen. Heller Pretends GOP Doesn't Want to End Medicare in Weekly Address - Asks Dems to Quit Using 'Scare Tactics'

Cicero spends $120,000 at hot dog stand linked to board member - Chicago Sun-Times

Playboy Club to reopen in Chicago -

Treasurer Caught in Home Ownership Fraud | NBC Chicago

TV chef ‘Sandwich King‘ Jeff Mauro still owns subsidized Chicago condo - Chicago Sun-Times

Chicago cops wounded, accused shooter walks -

Back to School: Eating Breakfast |

Mayor Rahm Emanuel among 10,000 racers in Chicago Triathlon - Chicago Tribune

Tony Bennett Reveals Advice He Wishes He'd Given Amy Winehouse - Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV

On the Clock Report: The 2011 MTV Video Music Awards «

Happy Birthday, Michael Jackson! - The Hollywood Gossip

NASA: International Space Station may be evacuated by late November - San Jose Mercury News

International Business News, Financial News, Market News, Politics, Forex, Commodities - International Business Times -

Astronomers discover planet made of diamond | Reuters

Scientists discover underground river below the Amazon River - SlashGear

Astronauts heading to Mars will need to grow their own eats - SlashGear

That CO2 warming the world: Lock it in a rock - Times Of India

Nuclear power plants for settlements on the Moon and Mars | ZDNet

U.N. bans Romania from trading its CO2 rights | Reuters

The Hindu : Sci-Tech : Genome sequencing of crop plants could boost global food security

Fish-catching trick may be spreading among dolphins | Sci-tech | DAWN.COM

From the Shadows: Black-Eyed Kid Encounter in Ireland

Will the Space Station be Abandoned? : Discovery News

Leonardo Mural in Florence May Be Revealed -

Meteorite in Peru leaves forest fires in its wake in Cusco | Mail Online

How Apple–and Steve Jobs–Reshaped the PC - Slideshow from

Technolog - Next on Facebook chopping block: Deals

Masked Anonymous Protesters Aid Time Warner’s Profits -

This Is What Happens When You Daisy-Chain 200,000 Hard Drives

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn Capture Adult Audience: Pew Report - Web Services Web 20 and SOA - News & Reviews -

Gadgetbox - New TomTom GPS automatically tweets where you're going

Chocolate Good for the Heart

UN warns of bird flu resurgence - Telegraph

BBC News - Vitamin A pills 'could save thousands of children'

Your Career: Healthcare options dwindling - money -

What FDA inspectors found at 6 Iowa egg farms | The Des Moines Register |

The Associated Press: FEMA sends Joplin money to East Coast after Irene

Bank of America Sells Stake in China Construction Bank -

Gas prices continue to fall, dropping 3 cents in a week - Boston Business Journal

3 Stocks Buffett Won't Buy at Any Price - TheStreet

UPDATE: China Eastern Profit Up 26% On Higher Passenger Volumes -

AFP: Cisco buys collaboration software firm Versly

Irene cleanup begins as Vermont reels from 'epic' flooding -

"Irene NYC" shows New York City in the storm - The Feed - CBS News

VPR News: Emergency Officials Concerned About State Office Complexes

Michele Bachmann ties God to quake, hurricane. Was she kidding? -

Obama Taps Krueger as Top Economist -

Six years after Katrina, praise for Irene response -

Why Rick Perry is not George W. Bush - The Washington Post

Rain from Irene pushes Conn. rivers to flood stage - Houston Chronicle

Powell: Cheney's Book Is Full of 'Cheap Shots' - Yochi J. Dreazen - Politics - The Atlantic

Army Captain Found Dead After Allegedly Killing Four During Hurricane Irene | TPMMuckraker

Authorities Search For Missing Ohio Woman, 24 |

House GOP to focus on repealing regulations as part of its fall jobs agenda - The Washington Post

Rick Perry says Social Security is a "Ponzi scheme" and a "monstrous lie" - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

The Clicker - Did Casey Anthony's parents reveal new info to Dr. Phil?

The Associated Press: AP EXCLUSIVE: Afghans scuttle US-Taliban talks

Families stranded in New York mountains after Irene destroys bridges -

Social media fuels college megaparty in Colorado |


+ Food Safety Tips Following Flooding or Power Loss - Lawrenceville, NJ Patch


Libyan rebels mass for assault on Sirte - Africa - Al Jazeera English

Iraqis Hold Funerals for Suicide Bomb Victims | News | English

Drone Said to Kill Qaeda No. 2, Atiyah Abd al-Rahman -

Good Reads: A roundup of Lockerbie, Boko Haram, and Monterrey - West Africa: A New Phase for Boko Haram As UN Deplores Attacks in Abuja

Middle East allies call for Syrian government to reform -

Japan's Noda: Low-Key on Domestic Issues, Controversial Abroad - Rwanda: Gaddafi Will Become a Footnote in History

Anti-Corruption Movement in India Seen As New Political Force | News | English

Arab, EU diplomats to discuss Palestinian approach to UN

Deputy chief of Maoists sworn in as Nepal's new PM - San Antonio Express-News

The Associated Press: Gov't official: Landslides kill 29 in east Uganda

Notting Hill carnival attracts hundreds of thousands onto streets | Culture | The Guardian

Barak: Gaza groups planning new major terror attack on Israel - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Turkish military: Up to 160 Kurdish rebels killed - CBS News

Indian Kashmir Declares Amnesty for More Than 1,100 | Asia | English

The Associated Press: Pakistan's Karachi faces tension after resignation

Gabrielle Giffords case defendant must take meds

Chávez Goes Into 3rd Round of Treatment for Cancer -

Euro bail-out in doubt as 'hysteria' sweeps Germany - Telegraph

Dead Sirte: Another Murderous Twist in NATO’s Coil of Lies -

The Fruits of Elite Immunity: Exonerating Bush Era War Criminals -

China’s plan for secret detentions alarms rights activists | StratRisks

9/11 gave rise to new sacred cash cow: Homeland Security -

Banned: ‘Taliban Hunting Club’ badges worn by UK troops in Afghanistan -

Afghanistan: 'Taliban Hunting Club' badges worn by UK troops banned | Mail Online

Electronic Skin Tattoo with RFID Technology to Facilitate Monitoring

Visa’s “Just Wave and Go” Commercial aka The Human Cattle in a Cashless Society

Battle for the California Desert: Why is the Government Driving Folks off Their Land? - YouTube

The Slow Disappearance of the American Working Man

Scared Mexicans try under-the-skin tracking devices - The Washington Post

Pentagon pays $720M in late fees for storage containers –

Rights Group: Evidence Emerges of Revenge Killings Across Tripoli -- News from

Dying Lockerbie Bomber Will Not Be Extradited, Rebels Say -- News from

US: Al-Qaeda on the Verge of Defeat -- News from

25 years later, how ‘Top Gun’ made America love war - The Washington Post

Battered state vows to solve Mexican security woes - Yahoo! News

The NYT Applauds Obama Doctrine, Regurgitates Propaganda « Blog

The Maintainence Costs of Gitmo « Blog

NWO Overman is the Eupraxsophy of Transhumanism

When Computers Get Brains | Innovations

Armageddon OT Background to the Battle for the Cosmic Mountain 3 — Logos Apologia

Next stop, Alpha Centauri|Sunday Life|

Synthetic self-assembling collagen for tissue engineering

Video: Dramatic CNN news reporter Rob Marciano exaggerates Irene as people are just walking by - informationliberation

Perfect Storm of Hype: Politicians, the media and the Hurricane Irene apocalypse that never was – Telegraph Blogs

Bachmann: Hurricane is God’s warning about government spending | Raw Replay

Huntsman, Fox host battle on climate change | Raw Replay

Wisconsin union council bans Republicans from Labor Day parade | The Raw Story

Hurricane Irene rocks upstate New York | Raw Replay

Obama: Flooding from hurricane could get worse | Raw Replay

Irene moves to Canada, US damage estimated at $7bln | The Raw Story

Caught on tape: Vermont bridge collapses during flood | Raw Replay

‘Smelly’ sea water inundates Coney Island | The Raw Story

Hurricane Irene covers reporter completely in sea foam | Raw Replay


Chile Protest Photos

14 Of The Biggest Mass Layoffs In 2011

New WikiLeaks Cables Show US Diplomats Promote Genetically Engineered Crops Worldwide | Truthout

Successful Launch for Bulava Missile: Russia - Defense News

ICE Screws Up, Seizes Tor Exit Node; Vows Not to Learn From Its Mistake | Techdirt


Happy Labor Day: Republican Politicians Not Welcome at WI Labor Day Parade

10 Reasons to Become Self-Sufficient and 10 Steps to Help You Get There

Martial Law, Economic Meltdown & Executive Orders - Truth is Treason

Surviving Financial Collapse and the Reversion to the Local - Truth is Treason

Video:Secret Exemptions Allowed Speculators to Distort Futures Markets

Video:Katrina Victims Still Seek Justice


+ The Week In Alternative News 8-28-2011 - YouTube


Radiation Above Chernobyl Evacuation Limits Found In Tokyo - YouTube

Activist Post: Israeli leaders urge Western nations to present Iran with a credible military threat

Ron Paul on Fox News Sunday - YouTube

BusinessDay - Libyan bombing illegal says concerned group

Thieves Steal 175,000 Feet Of Copper Wire From Overhead Lights On I-95

Female Trafficking Soars in Iraq - IPS

Activist Post: NWO Overman and Transhumanism

What Is Libertarianism? by David Gordon

Can Ron Paul Win?: Lew Rockwell talks with Alex Jones

34 Pieces of Evidence That Prove That the Middle Class in America Is Rapidly Shrinking

Tomorrow the World by Bob Bauman

Obama's Race-Based Spoils System by Patrick J. Buchanan

Defeating the Tyranny of the ‘Conventional Wisdom’ by Justin Raimondo --

You Know Harry by Joseph Sobran

Libya’s New Generals: Conflicting Loyalties

Pepe Escobar: Al-Qaeda asset leading rebels in Tripoli

Who Funds Muslim-baiting In The US?

Russia, Venezuela Seek to Establish a Global Financial Institution

Attention Governor Perry: Evolution is a Fact

Islamic militants among prisoners freed from Libyan jail:

Gideon Levy: Why the Egyptians hate Israel

State Department: Don't Invade Privacy of Cleric on CIA Kill List:

Syrian Forces Kill 6 in Raids

US Officials Confident Al-Qaida's No. 2 Killed in Pakistan

Anti-Corruption Movement in India Seen As New Political Force

A Monetary Maze From Which There Is No Easy Escape :

History Channel Mega Disasters: Hurricane Irene Predictive Programming? :

** De-Classified Document Admits Lee Harvey Oswald Was CIA :

NYPD confirms CIA officer works at department

Obama says will unveil jobs plan next week - Yahoo! News

AFP First National Newspaper to Talk Honestly About 9-11 | American Free Press

Shanksville Resident Speaks Out About 9-11 | American Free Press

How Much Gold Was Under WTC Complex? | American Free Press

WTC ‘Jumpers’ Phenomenon | American Free Press

DEA Backs Drug Kingpins | American Free Press

Job Czar Funnels Jobs to China | American Free Press

Animal-Human Hybrid Tests: Moral & Ethical Ramifications | American Free Press

BBC News - Eight children hurt in China school attack

Army Captain suspected of killing four people is found shot dead | Mail Online

David Horowitz: Obama 'Systematically Destroying Our Liberties'

Pollsters: History Suggests Obama Can't Win in 2012

Sen. Barrasso Slams Obama's End-Around Regs

Zuckerman: Obama 'Unable to Get A Firm Grip' on Economy

Andrew Young Speaks Out on Obama

Reps. Rogers, Emerson, Aderholt: FEMA Funds Dwindling

Ron Paul Rips Fed, US Libyan Intervention

UN Concerned about Iraq Strength Before US Exit

Krugman: Bernanke Turning Timid On Us

Perry Needs More Than Faith to Beat Obama

Buchanan: Obama Imposing Workplace Racial Spoils System

Perry's Campaign Team Sets Him Apart

Hurricane Hysteria Benefits Politicians

Israel Holds Trump Card Over Egypt

Negative View of Federal Government Hits New High in Gallup Poll

Romney: Obama A DDD Presidency For Debt, Downgrade, Delay

Romney Wants Lockerbie Bomber Extradited to Face Justice by U.S.

Economic Storm Continues: Bernanke Says ‘Recovery Even Weaker Than We Had Thought’

ExxonMobil Sues Gov't for Canceling Deepwater Well Worth ‘Billions of Barrels’

With Megrahi ‘Near Death,’ Will Lockerbie Secrets Ever Be Revealed?

Safety of UN Nigeria Headquarters Questioned After Deadly Islamic Terror Attack

Obama Naming New Economic Adviser

AFL-CIO Seeks to Boost Clout with Super PAC

Judge Mulls Unsealing Videos of Gay Marriage Trial

China State News Agency Blasts U.S. Defense Report for 'Scaremongering'

Palestinians Prepare Symbolic Chair in Advance of U.N. Bid

* Whistleblower Releases Video Of Missile Hitting Pentagon On 9/11 | Before It's News

Leaked Rare Video Missile Hitting Pentagon on 9/11. DOWNLOAD & UPLOAD. - YouTube

Seventeen Lost Pyramids Are Among The Buildings Identified In A New Satellite Survey Of Egypt. | Before It's News

How Illegals Are Helping To Destroy The Economy | Before It's News

Giant Underground River 4km Beneath The Amazon; Hidden Rio Hamza Discovered | Before It's News

Martian & Lunar Nuclear Power Plants For Settlements | Before It's News

Anger Is Toxic For Heart Along With Other Negative Emotions Say Researchers | Before It's News

A National Stockholm Syndrome where Cultural Prisoners Are Willing to Abandon Critical Thinking and the Scientific Method in Order to Survive. | Before It's News

Proof of Lies by George W. Bush in National Geographic Interview on 9/11 | Before It's News

The Google Sky Blank Spot -- A Complete Guide to the Cover-up & Conspiracy Theory | Before It's News

Scarborough Takes on Colin Powell: Going on 'Face the Nation' to Defend Himself Means Cheney Was Right About Heads Exploding | Before It's News

Geoengineering Technique Exposed! 2-Stage Aerosol Spraying [Chemtrail Time Lapse Video] | Before It's News

+ Readout of the President's Visit to FEMA | Before It's News

9/11/11 – 7 Reasons To Brace For Impact | Before It's News

3 part video/Lost Book of Enoch: 'Watchers' and Giants 1/3 | Before It's News

Things To Do Differently In The Garden Next Year | Before It's News

100 Greatest Discoveries: Astronomy | Documentary Heaven | Watch Free Documentaries Online

100 Greatest Discoveries: Medicine | Documentary Heaven | Watch Free Documentaries Online

Music Around the World | Arts Entertainment | Epoch Times

Assassin of Swedish Foreign Minister Gives First Media Interview | World | Epoch Times

The "Liberation" of Libya: NATO Special Forces and Al Qaeda Join Hands

One Year After the G20 Protests: Challenging the Power of Capital. What Forms of Mass Action?

Welcome to Colonialism 2.0

The Libyan Soldier: The True Heroes of NATO’s War

US Munitions Training: Iraqi Children Suffering from Radiation Sickness.

Ron Paul on Libya: We May Have Helped Radical Jihadists

VIDEO: Petroleo: The Oil War Agenda in a Minute


* 1:25:00/The Road To Guantanamo FULL MOVIE - YouTube


Breivik: The Belarusan Candidate! « The Passionate Attachment

Who Wants this American Dead? | Criminal State


Criminal State - Part 1 of 3: A Closer Look at Israel's Role in Terrorism - YouTube

Criminal State - Part 2 of 3: A Closer Look at Israel's Role in Terrorism - YouTube

Criminal State - Part 3 of 3: A Closer Look at Israel's Role in Terrorism - YouTube


*The Alex Jones Show – Sunday Edition



MTV VMAs 2011: Katy Perry, Adele, Lady Gaga Win Big

Highest Divorce Rates by State: The South Reigns Supreme

Depleted Uranium Weapon Use Persists, Despite Deadly Side Effects | Truthout

How The Patriot Act Violates Virtually The Entire Bill Of Rights |

A Monetary Maze From Which There Is No Easy Escape – Bob Chapman |

On the Edge: Max Keiser talks with Alex Jones About the Presidential Election |

The Truth About Truthers |

+ NWO Plans Exposed By Insider In 1969 |

The Many Collapses of Keynesianism – Lew Rockwell |

An End to Gaddafi’s Tyranny: The Liberation of the Hated Abu Salim Prison | Andy Worthington

The Story Of The Anunnaki People..

The Story Of Your Enslavement

Are We Living In A Computer Simulation ?

Time Slips / Time Travel

10 Symbols That Rule The World

666 things you didn’t know about London.

Answering Jonathan Alter’s Challenge « Commentary Magazine

Can the Fed increase inflation? - Ezra Klein - The Washington Post

The GOP’s Mythical Jobs Agenda | ThinkProgress

The NY Times/Bill Keller Irreligious Litmus Test | Strange Herring

Michele Bachmann and Dominionism Paranoia

Rampant Denial About the Threat Posed By Christian Dominionists, Perry and Bachmann | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet

Explosive new book details war on unborn baby girls :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

A True Insider at 'Book of Mormon' -

Ministry Matters™ | Articles | 5 Places to 'Find' a Sermon

Why study the bible?

MSU develops hand-held unit to detect cancer in poorer countries | MSU News | Michigan State University

Irene Weakened More Than Most Hurricanes -

Living to 100 and Beyond -

Vitamin pills can lead you to take health risks | Ben Goldacre | Comment is free | The Guardian

The New Atlantis » The Near Miracle of Male Infertility Treatment

Pistachio nuts could provide caffeine free alternative to coffee - Telegraph

Rhino Horn Poachers Hit World Museums | Collectors Weekly

A new way to detect secret nuclear tests: GPS | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

How Cold Is a Y Dwarf Star? Even You Are Warmer: Scientific American

BBC News - LHC results put supersymmetry theory 'on the spot'

RealClearScience - Don't Waste Money on SAT, ACT Prep Courses

DARPA Brings 'James Bond' Ingenuity to Life - Blog

Filling the pantry for the first voyages to the Red Planet

Peculiar pair of galaxies nicknamed 'The Eyes'

UZH Mediadesk - First glimpse into birth of the Milky Way

Green Scissors 2011: Cutting Wasteful Energy Subsidies

Syrian Oil & Gas Industries Analysis

Cleaning America’s Dirtiest Coal Company - BusinessWeek

Review & Outlook: An EPA Moratorium -

Say yes to Canadian oil sands - The Washington Post

Environmentalists Are Angry Over the Proposed Keystone XL Oil Sands Pipeline - Ecocentric -

Political Will Prevents the Dawning of the Long-Predicted Solar Age | The Energy Collective

Are U.S. nuclear power plants ready for earthquakes?

It is time for a a new order in the Sinai - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

The case for Israeli intervention in ... JPost - Opinion - Op-Eds

Rebels must first eliminate Gaddafi | The Australian

Is Libya policy cornerstone of an Obama Doctrine? –

Asia Sentinel - Leadership with Chinese Characteristics

The Hindu : Opinion / Op-Ed : China's steady progress in space

Of delusions and narratives | Opinion | DAWN.COM

Still a Risk: The Arab Spring May Go Horribly Wrong in Libya - The Daily Beast

Mr. Kim goes to Russia | The Japan Times Online

John Steele Gordon: A Short Primer on the National Debt -

The Fed’s Rescue Missed Main Street -

Give Karl Marx a Chance to Save the World Economy: George Magnus - Bloomberg

Does America Need Manufacturing? -

Warren Buffett and Other Anti-Rich Capitalists - Forbes

Bernanke Talks Nice But Leaves Weak-Dollar Policy Intact |

A Serious Situation in Jackson Hole « Investing Caffeine

Japan: yen to accentuate the positive

PC market: a price battleground

Lockerbie bomber found dying in Libya

Catholic clergy 'abused children for decades in County Donegal'

Obama picks Alan Krueger to chair economic council

Gaddafi still a threat, say opponents

Tsanani to remain in detention pending urgent report

'Syrian forces surround town after soldiers defect'

Jordanians pay price as Syria roils

Top 10 Things Obama Should Have Done Differently | The Daily Caller

Obama’s Enablers | The Weekly Standard

John Steele Gordon: A Short Primer on the National Debt -

Yes, We Can Do Stimulus Without Adding Debt. Here’s How. | The New Republic

Frank Rich- Ten Years After September 11 -- The 9/11 Decade -- New York Magazine

Republicans Against Science -

The hope and change hangover | Hugh Hewitt | Columnists | Washington Examiner

Dick Cheney Defends his Legacy in New Book 'In My Time' - The Daily Beast

Rick Perry has distanced himself from George W. Bush’s brand of conservatism - The Washington Post

RealClearPolitics - Obama and His Rivals Duck the Entitlement Crisis

What Not to Do in a Debt Crisis : The New Yorker

Edward R. Muller and Larry Zimpleman: An Entrepreneurial Fix for the U.S. Economy -

The politics of Sharpton’s new gig - Chicago Sun-Times

National Labor Relations Board oversteps role with new rule - Opinion -

Obama’s immigration policy points in the right direction - The Boston Globe

Review & Outlook: An EPA Moratorium -

RealClearPolitics - Battlegrounds of Resentment

All Together Now -

Ron Paul: "Let The People Who Have Lived Beyond Their Means Go Bankrupt. Let The Liquidation Occur" | RealClearPolitics

Why Does GOP State Official Dan Rutherford Want to Emasculate the Illinois GOP?

Fueling Family Feuds

How to Answer the Jesus Questions

+Cheat Sheet: The Monday Morning Round-Up

Obama Smarts vs. American Common Sense

Cartoon:Cat Chow.

Cartoon:Obama Nation: Vacation Plans

FloridaAG Overlooking Political Corruption, Fraud at State University System?

Government Environmental Assessment: Where Integrity Is Not an Issue

Obama Job Plan: Regulate America to Oblivion.

DOJ Raids Gibson Guitars over Alleged Environmental Infractions, but Mum’s Still the Word on ‘Fast and Furious’

California Liberals Move to Block Referendum Nixing ‘Amazon Tax’

No Class: Vandals, Union Protesters Disrupt Successful Choice School

The Obama ‘Axis of Evil’

Bernanke speech weighs on dollar in thin trading

Ohio judge sets new trial in 1967 killing

Hurricane Irene leads to at least 32 deaths

Autopsy confirms grizzly killed Yellowstone hiker

Convicted polygamist leader hospitalized in Texas

NASA: Space station may be evacuated by late Nov.

Obama rounds out econ team ahead of jobs speech

Crews rush to restore power after Irene slams East

Vt. battles floods in Irene's aftermath

Perry stresses preparedness, aiming to win in speech to veterans

Exclusive: Finland wants Luxembourg agency to hold Greek assets

Stock markets rise on US data, Fed comments

Nearly 5.5 million East Coast customers without power

U.S. to shed light on Guatemala syphilis experiment

Western Union bundles online, mobile business into new unit

Secret Video Of Chinese General Discussing High Ranking Spies Is Leaked

Will Congressman Eliot Ness Please Stand Up?

Americans Demand To Know The Truth About The Death Of Fatima Abdallah

Colin Powell Fires Back At Cheney: ‘Supermarket Tabloid’

Post Qaddafi: Insurgency And Jihad Against Democracy

Some 9/11 Families Unhappy With Ground Zero Memorial

Post-Qaddafi Libya: The Triumph of the ‘Bulgarian Nurses Affair’ Cabal

Islam Cleric To Rulers: Change Or Face Gaddafi’s Fate

Popeye Knew The Libyan Rebels

Libya: Horror of 150 bodies found on a farm thought to have been massacred by pro-Gaddafi forces | Mail Online

NewsBusted: Did a Flash Mob Ruin Our Economy?

NBC News’ Sharpton: Maddow and Matthews Aren’t Journalists

Obama’s Illegal Alien Uncle Busted for Drunk Driving, Hits Police Car, Media Silent

NewsBusted: Who’s the Least-Trusted Celebrity in America?

CBS’ Norah O’Donnell: Dan Rather Was One of ‘The Very Best Journalists in American History’

Google TV Launching In Europe Early 2012: Transcript Of Eric Schmidt’s UK Lecture –

Google Brings Ultra-Fast Internet To Homes Near - Flash Player Installation

Zoe Saldana: Racists Enjoy Seeing America Struggle


*The Top 10 Apocalypse Movies


New Scandal at DoJ as Illegal Guitars End Up In Hands of Mexican Drug Lords

Little Green Tyrannists Run Amok in Hollywood

‘Red State’ Review: Kevin Smith’s Statement of Irrelevance

‘The Help’ Review: One Great Film

Report: Gibson Competitor is Dem Donor; Uses Same Wood, Experienced No Federal Raids

‘Colombiana’ Review: Zoe Saldana Steals the Show as a Vengeful Assassin

‘Columbiana’ Review: Bold, Undiluted Trash

MTV Video Music Awards: How the 2011 Show Missed the Mark (Opinion) - The Hollywood Reporter

Kerr Launches Anti-suicide Campaign

WaPo: Arne Duncan Offered to Meet Matt Damon at the Airport Before Protest |

Where The Tax Credits For Film Are In America These Days > Hope for Film

MPAA’s ‘Fact Sheet’ Reveals Devastating Effects of Piracy | TorrentFreak

Amazing Grace History/"Amazing Grace" By Wintley Phipps - YouTube

Warrior wasp discovered in the jungle with jaws longer than its front legs | Mail Online

A mystery will be cracked open this week when a secret sealed safe will be broken open at Bill's Lake Tahoe Casino, formerly owned by Harrah's. - KTXL

Another politician is accused of sending lewd topless photos online | Mail Online

Image searches 'poisoned' by cybercriminals - tech - 26 August 2011 - New Scientist

PayPal founder Peter Thiel funding a plan to build new societies in international waters | Space, Military and Medicine |

Generation Y drivers taking unsafe risks to cut costs |

Obama Clock App Rank Graphs --

Guitar Frets: Environmental Enforcement Leaves Musicians in Fear | Postmodern Times -

Surprise! Look who ranks as most influential anchor

District backs off secret sex surveys for students

Planned Parenthood says abortion center is 'office'

Foreign mercenaries led Libya's 'popular uprising'?

Can Obama be defeated in 2012?

The nightmare world of 'trans-humanism'

Carrie Fisher loses 50lbs in nine months but what has she done to her face? | Mail Online

The Tech That Took Out Gadhafi | Danger Room |

Player startled by snake in helmet

Piglets crave milk from canine mom – Animal Crazy – Orlando Sentinel

Study shows elephants capable of insight

Ancient walls and echoes of bat... JPost - Travel - Around Israel

White House pays Google to push Obamacare

A singular solution to many problems

Why the surprise about push for 'pedophile rights'?

U.S. must stand with Israel

Cue the storm – errr, earthquake

States must fight Obama amnesty decree

The Arab Awakening | The Nation

School choice in Colorado - The Washington Post

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Freedom is inscribed on our hearts';Christine O'Donnell: Individual citizens must push to return America to greatness

Underpublicized threat deep in White House

Gaunt and frail, cancer battle takes its toll on Steve Jobs in first picture since he left Apple | Mail Online

Perfect Storm of Hype: Politicians, the media and the Hurricane Irene apocalypse that never was – Telegraph Blogs

US presidential candidate: Israel... JPost - Diplomacy & Politics

Rick Santorum: Ron Paul's views reveal a 'disconnect from reality' - Dan Hirschhorn -

District backs off secret sex surveys for students

FEC Drafts Opinions for Guyana-Born Man About Presidential Run : Roll Call Politics

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Morning Call Sheet: Video Music Awards, Irene, More ‘Scarface’ and Why ‘Crystal Skull’ Sucked So Hard


Anti-birther bragged of ties to Lakin's commander

Air Force vet dedicates future to exposing Obama

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?


** Article Links: Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

*29 Aug

American Minute for August 29th

August 29th in History

August 29 Events in History

August 29th This Day in History

This Day in History for 29th August

Today in History: August 29

Today in History: August 29

Today in History for August 29th - YouTube


29-Aug-11 World View

28-Aug-11 World View

27-Aug-11 World View

*News Videos

**World Video:The European Storm

Sadistic Brutality In Libya

British Defense Minister Discusses Libya

Dissent In Libya Against NTC Nominations

U.S. Involvement In Libya

What's Next For Libya?

Palestinian Injures Eight In Tel Aviv

Euro Struggling To Make New Gains

Al-Qaeda's No. 2 Reported Killed In Pakistan

American Released In Libya

Chemical Mixture Helps ID Mexico Murder Victims

Japan Chooses Next Prime Minister

Libya After Gaddafi

The Toll Of The Battle For Tripoli


**Markets Video:Corrupt Oil Speculators Must Be Stopped

East Coast Oil Refineries Mostly Unaffected by Storm

Here's How The Economy Can Grow


**Politics Video:Wealth Manager: QE2 Shows Monetary Policy Can Only Do So Much

Ron Paul: "Let The People Who Have Lived Beyond Their Means Go Bankrupt. Let The Liquidation Occur" | RealClearPolitics

Pat Buchanan: Bush "Broke The United States As A Superpower"

Limbaugh: Cost Of Irene "Pales In Comparison" To Hurricane Obama

Anita Dunn: GOP Has Not Received "Message" To Compromise

Cheney Still Strongly Supports Waterboarding: "No Apologies"

Huntsman: Climate Change Has Established Scientists Associated With It

Goolsbee On Economy: It's "Taking Some Time" To Grow

Scarborough: Media Silent About Obama Launching Undeclared Wars

28th/George Will On Hurricane Hype: Media Created "Synthetic Hysteria"

CBS's O'Donnell: Obama Displayed Engagement To Irene Relief

Obama On Irene: "This Is Not Over"

"Meet The Press" Roundtable On Irene, 2012 And Cheney

Colin Powell Responds To Cheney's Book: "Cheap Shots"

Gov. O'Malley: "This Is A Much Better FEMA Than The Olden Days"

"This Week" Roundtable On The Politics Of Storms

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Perry Surging Past Romney

Gore Likens Global Warming Skeptics To Segregationists In Civil Rights Era


**NEWS VIDEOS: Obama’s Jobs Plan Revealed: New Spending on Roads and Bridges

Lockerbie Bomber Near Death

MLK’s Daughter: ‘Lincoln Remembered for Signing Declaration of Independence’

George Will: ‘Alibi Ike’ Obama Blames Everyone But James Madison for Economic Problems

MLK’s Daughter: ‘Lincoln Remembered for Signing Declaration of Independence’

Flooded House Goes Up in Flames

Streaker Goes ‘Full Monty’ During Live Irene Report

Gaga Goes as Guy at MTV Video Music Awards

George Will: ‘Alibi Ike’ Obama Blames Everyone But James Madison for Economic Problems

28th/Man Swims Down Street in Queens

Reporter Covered In Sea Foam

Irene Takes Manhattan

Obama Kicks-Off 9/11 Remembrances with Call to Community Service

More Gore: Global Warming Skeptics this Generation’s Racists

Obama Takes Charge at Hurricane Command Center Hours Before Irene Downgraded to Trop Storm

Gore: Scientists Wouldn’t Lie About Global Warming for Money, Skeptics Would

Liberal Comedienne: ‘Conservative White Republicans’ Will Accept Only One Black Golfer – Tiger Woods

27th/Ron Paul: No Fed Response Needed for Hurricane Relief

Irene’s Outer Bands Hit NC Coast

Ray ‘School Bus’ Nagin: CBS Hurricane Expert

26th/Obama on Irene: ‘Prepare for the Worst’

Gibson Guitar CEO on Obama DOJ Raids: ‘We’re Being Persecuted’

Bloomberg: Mandatory Evacuation for Some Areas

Schultz: ‘Pretty Boy’ Rubio Will Be ‘Ugly’ to Senior Citizens

NBC News Provides Prime Time Platform for Calling Cheney ‘Criminal’

Obama Pal Buffett Pumps $5 Billion into B of A

O’Donnell: ‘Witch’ Ad Biggest Mistake; I Shouldn’t Have Listened to Experts

Former Obama Econ Advisor Flounders Under Hannity’s Fire

Crowder Presents: Go Green Now!!

Nobel Laureate Sees 50% Chance of Global Slump

Alex Jones - 2011-Aug-28, Sunday

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