A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

31 August 2011

31 AUG

The personal right to acquire property, which is a natural right, gives to property, when acquired, a right to protection, as a social right.


David Horowitz ; Freedom Center(

Jews disconnected from 'roots of their faith' (

WAKE UP! New World Order Facts - YouTube


50 Facts about America that should Blow your Mind « New World Order War


The 25 Illuminati Goals - YouTube


58 min/The Mark of the New World Order - YouTube

+2:03:11/United We Fall Full length version - YouTube


The Nation Obama has Created “It’s Free Swipe Yo EBT” The Video the Democrats Dont want you to see « New World Order War

Everyone Thinks Ron Paul is Right | | Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign CommitteeRon Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

Was Bill Buckley a Foreign Policy ‘Leftist?’ | | Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign CommitteeRon Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

Ron Paul | William F. Buckley | Was Bill Buckley a foreign policy leftist? | The Daily Caller

Nancy Pelosi | Class War Conspiracies | Why the Rich Don’t Want to Pay Taxes | Video |

10 Lessons From People Who Lived Through The Depression

Obama Seeks to Control Education Through Waivers - HUMAN EVENTS

Dick Cheney | In My Time | 10 Things You Didn't Know | The Daily Caller

Pajamas Media » Every Single One: The Politicized Hiring of Eric Holder’s Housing Section

» Report On Man Who Faces Life Sentence for Recording Cops Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

China's military power: Modernisation in sheep's clothing | The Economist

A Primer On “Martial Law” | Pakalert Press

Are both parties scrapping Constitution?

Obama spokesman on Hillary primary challenge: 'Ask her'

Rense & Dr John Coleman - Death Of Our Constitution

Rense & Dr Bill Deagle - Death By Smart Meter

Rense & Jonathan Emord - FDA New, Stealth Dirty Trick To Take Your Supplements

Tritium trouble? Nuke fears rise with quake, self-policing | The Hook - Charlottesville's weekly newspaper, news magazine

Monsanto: Corn crop pain - Video - Markets

Cheney: We only waterboarded two or three people | Raw Replay

Mitt Romney losing Jewish donors because they think Michele Bachmann is a Jew | Mail Online

Texans Uniting for Reform and Freedom :: TURF - Defending citizens’ concerns about Toll Roads & the Trans Texas Corridor - Perry using gas taxes to pay for security detail

NATO vows to remain in Libya — RT

Gaddafi’s disappearance may be calculated move — RT

* Government Study Proves THC from Cannabis Destroys Cancer Cells | Big Health Report

Marijuana Compound Kills Brain Tumors in Humans - YouTube

Nuclear Panel Expanding Team to Check for Quake Damage -

Ron Paul: Mission Accomplished in Libya? - YouTube

Ron Paul Will Beat Barrack Obama In 2012! - YouTube

Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post;The Greatest Plot Against the Ron Paul Camp To Date

Appeals Court: Arresting Guy For Filming Cops Was A Clear Violation Of Both 1st & 4th Amendments | Techdirt

Activist Post: 6 Strange Anomalies With The Virginia Earthquake

Monsanto Corn Under Attack by Superbug -

9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out, Trailer;, 9/11/11 Anniversary DVD - YouTube

CIA censors 9/11 book — RT

Intelligence Agencies Seek Tools To Predict Global Events - Government - Security - Informationweek


Wikileaks ¿accidentally¿ releases thousands of dangerous cables which name top secret sources | Mail Online


9/11 Pager data


Collateral Murder - Wikileaks - Iraq - YouTube

Michigan Governor Plays Fast and Loose with Democracy, Invokes Radical New Powers - Forbes

Indiana school outlaws the National Anthem — RT

Climate change deniers will be seen as racists one day, says Al Gore | Mail Online - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | Express Comment :: These green taxes are throttling the British economy

Timebomb in Euroland: The Eurozone is Heading for a Crash.

The mystery of the Double Eagle gold coins - Business - US business - Bloomberg Businessweek -


20 pg/Fishing is Dead. Long Live Fishing! A Primer on the Evolving Fisheries and Rhetoric. By Steven L. Rebuck


Gulf of Mexico Seafood Safety according to the FDA and EPA - YouTube

TSA: Man hid 7 snakes, 3 tortoises in his pants - Yahoo! News

China secretly tightens lending | The Australian

China announces plans to boost secret detention powers - Yahoo! News

Fukushima N-Plant Worker Dies of Acute Leukemia - JIJI PRESS

Megrahi conviction was a “politically motivated crusade”

'Let Megrahi die in peace' says Lockerbie victim's father - Africa, World - The Independent

PressTV - US stays silent on 64 Americans deaths

NASA: Space station may be evacuated by late Nov. | World news |

NASA mulls space station evacuation - CBS News

Warrantless surveillance memos remain under wraps | World news | - Dancing with the Stars - Dancing with the Stars 2011 Cast Announcement - Season 13

Army Ranger's widow removed from Donald Rumsfeld book signing | McClatchy

Narcotics wiretap catches voice that may be sheriff's captain's -

Modern Mythology: Vivisecting Verses - DARPA Investigates the Neurobiology of Narratives

Gonzalo Lira: Mr. Cheney’s Victory Lap

The FBI Goes Rogue | Opinion Maker

Diners at Kesgrave Hall complain at being turfed out so Prince Harry could eat undisturbed | Mail Online

Chinese general's sensitive spy talk leaked online | World news |

Anna Hazare launches new campaign to reform India - Telegraph

Fire at Dalian oil refinery raises tensions in China - Telegraph

Blair and Bush planned Iraq war without second UN vote, letter shows | Politics | The Guardian

Britain¿s new brain drain: A million of our best-qualified citizens now live abroad | Mail Online

Activist Post: People are biased against creative ideas, studies find

Poor sleep 'poses health risks' - Health News, Health & Families - The Independent

Smart Meters - A Call For Public Outrage - Society Blind to Psy War on Heterosexuals

"Connecting the dots": 911

Ron Paul: Cut Foreign Aid, Unshackle Israel, Leave Iran Alone - YouTube

Google Confirms It Aims to Own Your Online ID - BusinessWeek

Activist Post: Operation False Flag: A Modern Primer

Larry Silverstein no response to WTC 7 lies - YouTube

* Prison » Establishment Prepares 9/11 Official Story Onslaught - U.S. Bancorp sues Bank of America over bad Countrywide mortgages


Shots Fired at Congressman Gene Green’s Office

Goon Squad: You Can Feel and See the Fear

Logan Prosecutor Says They're Still Gathering Evidence - West Virginia Headline News and Talk Radio

Pressure Grows on Hillary to Challenge Sinking Obama

Activist Post: Obama hails 9/11 generation of US warriors

World News: 9/11 children’s colouring book sparks controversy over portrayal of Muslims -

The Black Panther Coloring Book

Secret Recordings of Donald Rumsfeld speaking about 9-11 - YouTube

Algeria Threatened With Al Qaeda Terror Attack Over Harboring Gaddafi Family :

A Free Thinker's Journey: More just say no to credit cards

Bailout Update - $1.5 Trillion Still Owed To Treasury, Fed - Home - The Daily Bail

Matt Taibbi On Iowa AG Tom Miller: The Best Way To Raise Massive Campaign Funds? Investigate The Banks - Home - The Daily Bail

Yemen Defense Minister Escapes Blast: Military - Defense News

Oklahoma ABLE Commission Proven To Be As Obnoxious And Superfluous As They Conduct Armed Raid On Food Vendors :

DEMOCRACY FOR SALE: Dylan Ratigan's Constitutional Amendment - Get Money Out Of Politics! - Home - The Daily Bail

State Department: Don't Invade Privacy Of Cleric On CIA Kill List |

Secret Recordings of Donald Rumsfeld speaking about 9-11 - YouTube

The FBI Goes Rogue – An Analysis by Dr. Lawrence Davidson | Intifada Palestine

25 Signs That The Financial World Is About To Hit The Big Red Panic Button

BEFORE and AFTER the rebels "liberated" Tripoli - YouTube

Paul Drockton M.A.: Sodomite Mormon Psy-op

Paul Drockton M.A.: Mormon Church Defends Sodomite Priesthood Appointment

Paul Drockton M.A.: God Targets Babylon?

Alex Takes A Call on The Coming Race Wars in Ameirca - Alex Jones Tv - YouTube

Alex Jones's Father Joins in The UFO Discussion and Tells some Tales of His Own Encounters - YouTube

(3 Parts) Infowars Special Report: Al-Qaeda Takes Libya with Alex Jones and Pepe Escobar Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

* New footage: Rescue team searches NYC subway after 9/11 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Osama bin Laden raid: last minute intelligence check raised doubts - Telegraph

» “Ron Paul No One Takes You Seriously” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Rick Perry’s camp defends 1993 HillaryCare praise

+Perry Letter to Hillary

One in four Democrats wants to dump Obama | Campaign 2012

» 25 Signs That The Financial World Is About To Hit The Big Red Panic Button Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

How al-Qaeda got to rule in Tripoli By Pepe Escobar

» LA Artist Faces Police Questioning for Painting Banks in Flames Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» New technology: ‘Bulletproof’ skin from spider-goats Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Genetic Armageddon: Humanity's Greatest Threat - YouTube

US Court Documents Claim Sinaloa “Cartel” Is Protected by US Government | the narcosphere

Sinaloa Cartel Becomes King of Mexico Meth Production

» Deus Ex: The Eyeborg Documentary Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Eyeborg Project - Team Eyeborg goes to Hacking at Random 2009

» Black Caucus Incites Race War Against Tea Party Americans Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Establishment Prepares 9/11 Official Story Onslaught Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Mexico to give HPV vaccine to all girls from 2012 | The Raw Story - International News, Photos, Videos, Graphics, World

Dangerous Cybercrime Treaty Pushes Surveillance and Secrecy Worldwide | Electronic Frontier Foundation

» Why is this “Unsafe” Food Banned When It’s 35,000 Times SAFER Than Others? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Raw Milk is Safe According to US Government Data

» US Energy Department panel endorses shale fracking Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Suspected North Korean cyber attack on a bank raises fears for S. Korea, allies - The Washington Post

Sun Causes Climate Change Shock – Telegraph Blogs

» Advancing U.S.-Canada Economic, Energy and Security Integration Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Ken Melson, acting ATF chief, steps down - Jennifer Epstein and Josh Gerstein -

Resignations Begin Over ATF Gun Running Program Fast And Furious - YouTube

» All charges dropped against Detroit mom who refuses to medicate child Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» First Circuit Panel Says There’s a Clear Constitutional Right To Openly Record Cops Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Al-Qaeda and NATO’s Islamic Extremists Taking Over Libya

One in seven believe American Government staged the 9/11 attacks in conspiracy | Mail Online

9/11 gave rise to new sacred cash cow: homeland security -

» Rick Perry refuses to answer the Bilderberg question (or any questions) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Fed’s Bullard sees no need for easing - The Fed - MarketWatch

Tim Calls in Who Worked at Area 52 and Saw Gov. Made UFO's Flying Doing Incredible Things - YouTube

Alex Jones & Lew Rockwell

*52 min/Ron Paul 2012 Infowars Special Report with Lew Rockwell 8-25-11 (Full Report) - YouTube


+ Anderson Cooper, Ron Paul Spar About FEMA (VIDEO)

Why Gaddafi got a red card By Pepe Escobar

Ron Paul, Master Investor - Seeking Alpha

Prison » Silver Ready to Breakout – Technicals and Fundamentals Suggest $50/oz in Early Autumn

Infowars Special Report 1/3: Al Qaeda Takes Libya with Alex Jones and Pepe Escobar - YouTube

Infowars Special Report 2/3: Al Qaeda Takes Libya with Alex Jones and Pepe Escobar - YouTube

Infowars Special Report 3/3: Building 7 an Inside Job - YouTube

Gibson CEO: US Government Attacked Us 1/2 - YouTube

Gibson CEO: US Government Attacked Us 2/2 - YouTube

Alex Takes Calls on The Latest Corruption Coming From Washington D.C. 1/2 - YouTube

Alex Takes Calls on The Latest Corruption Coming From Washington D.C. 2/2 - YouTube

Prison » ‘Rebels, NATO want Gaddafi at large – only reason to stick together’

Israel sees Palestinian statehood bid a ‘greater threat’ than Hamas | The Raw Story

Tripoli blast kills Libyan fighters - Africa - Al Jazeera English

Al-Qaeda and NATO’s Islamic Extremists Taking Over Libya

WikiLeaks says website was target of cyb... JPost - International

Bullying Law Puts New Jersey Schools on Spot -

Prison » Eric Schmidt Admits Google+ Is a Giant Advertising Database

Better ads in Gmail - YouTube

Google CEO Eric Schmidt on privacy - YouTube

Ron Paul Interview On The Kudlow Report 08/30/11 - YouTube

"Ron Paul No One Takes You Seriously" - YouTube

Still Waiting For 9/11 Justice - YouTube

"Know This! There Is No More Fraudulent Image In Our Politics Than Rudy Giuliani Hero Of 9/11" - YouTube

Ron Paul: Obama’s Misadventures – Libya to Be Occupied, Syria Next? «

Next Stop For NATO Regime Change: Syria

The Grandest Deception

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Pediatricians Refuse to Treat Children Who Aren’t Vaccinated «

Pediatricians refuse patients who aren't vaccinated - Orange County Register

Rick Perry — Big Pharma president?

(2 Parts)Video: PCR On 9/11 Anniversary – Have We Learned Anything?

RCFP: Filming police in public is protected by the First Amendment

RCFP: Court rules White House visitor logs subject to FOIA

China Shutters 6,600 Websites for Manipulating Information Online -

Libya Rebels Give Ultimatum To Qaddafi Loyalists

Libya: ‘Atrocious’ abuses by Qadhafi forces

Yemenis Calling for President's Ouster

Former US VP Cheney Defends Iraq War, Waterboarding

Melissa Harris-Perry: ‘Rick Perry wants to get all up in your uterus and take a picture’ | Raw Replay

Wilkerson: We talked about Cheney’s people like the ‘Nazis’ | Raw Replay

Ron Paul: Some federal disaster response is okay | Raw Replay

Lawrence O’Donnell: Nothing more fraudulent than Giuliani as ‘hero of 9/11′ | Raw Replay

Perry slams Texas court for rule against abortion law | The Raw Story

WikiLeaks says hit with cyberattack | The Raw Story

Former Bush official promises to testify if someone will ‘Pinochet’ Cheney | Raw Replay

Fox Business host accuses Bill Nye of ‘confusing viewers’ with science | Raw Replay

Ex-Bush Official "I am Willing to Testify"Against Cheney

MI5 Told Blair Iraq Was No Threat To UK

Wikileaks : US Cables Reveal Execution of Iraqi Family

Rise of Another CIA Yes Man

The Last Whistleblower

Barack’s Betrayals Offer Lessons We Can’t Deny

The Great Health Care Takeaway

Cheney on 'Today': Believes Iraq War Did Not Hurt U.S. Reputation:

Afghan Taliban victory predicted in letter:

Pakistan: It was NATO’s raid not Afghans

African Union Accuse Libyan Rebels of Killing Blacks Indiscriminately

Hariri Bombing Indictment Based on Flawed Premise:

U.S. Pays Russia $7.2 billion for Separating Uranium from Warheads

U.S. Wasted $1 For Every $6 Spent In Iraq And Afghanistan

US agency challenges Bank of America settlement:

U.S. Elites Begin To Confront The Paper Dollar:

Gaddafi's son 'ready to surrender' - Africa - Al Jazeera English

A report card on post-Sept. 11 reforms - Checkpoint Washington - The Washington Post

Photographer behind 9/11 "Falling Man" retraces steps, recalls "unknown soldier" - Yahoo! News

Petraeus Leaving Army After 37 Years to Head CIA - TIME

ATF head Kenneth Melson reassigned amid gun-trafficking probe - The Washington Post

Why Obama administration's Fast and Furious troubles may not be over -

Texas Sonogram Law: Judge Strikes Down Key Provisions Of Abortion Bill

Is Drug Testing Welfare Applicants Unconstitutional? - TIME

Easy Living in Australia: The Most Livable Cities in the World - TIME NewsFeed

Killer pleads guilty to 1978 murder of five teenagers in 'cold-case' victory | Mail Online

Houston Mom Got Daughter Abortion To Hide Rape, Officials Say

Grandmother Porn Lawsuit Dropped

Namibia: A Security threat called AFRICOM

Archeological Looting in Libya

BREAKING NEWS: CIA Recruits 1,500 Jihadists in Afghanistan to Fight in Libya

Libyan membership in the Arab League

First Federal Reserve Audit Reveals Trillions in Secret Bailouts

The Crime of the Patriot Act, 9/11 and a Whistleblower’s Truth

VIDEO: Identity Problem in Libya?

George W. Bush: Canada Must Bar Entry or Arrest and Ensure Prosecution for Torture

Libya: The Greatest Betrayal: Handing Libya over to Al Qaeda

VIDEO: 9/11: The Myth and The Reality

Photo gallery: NATO bombs bring democracy to Europe, Asia and Africa

New Report Identifies Organisational Nexus of Islamophobia

Welcome to Colonialism 2.0

* Michael Allison Faces 75 Years In Illinois Prison for recording police WTWO! - YouTube

Valley Hearing For Recording Police Case -

Battle for the California Desert: Why is the Government Driving Folks off Their Land? - YouTube

'Unschooling' Gaining Popularity, Allows Children Alternative Learning Tools - Robot Mimic Gives A Speech

Synthetic Life Could Help Colonize Mars, Biologist Says | Synthetic Life & Human Spaceflight | Mars Exploration & Mars Settlement |

Posthuman: Exploring the Obsolescence of the Corporeal Body in Contemporary Art - Student Pulse

BBC News - New body 'liquefaction' unit unveiled in Florida funeral home

AllGov - News - Chemicals Used in BP Oil Spill Cleanup Suspected of Being Cancerous

AllGov - News - Lawsuit Accuses Kellogg of Faking “All Natural” Products

AllGov - News - Pentagon Pays $720 Million for Storage Containers…in Late Fees

The 10 States With the Worst Economies In America | Economy | AlterNet

5 Absurd Rick Perry Claims That Show His Tea-Party Infused Aversion to Reality | | AlterNet

UN Envoy: Libyan Council Rejects Military ‘Observers’ -- News from

What Libya’s Collapse May Look Like -- News from

Military Trials on the Rise After Mubarak by Cam McGrath --

Obama Cheers ‘Successes’ of a Decade of War -- News from

US, Australia Plotted to Oust IAEA Chief, Cables Reveal -- News from

Lynn Stuter -- Obama's flaunting of rule of law – Adam and Eve: Clarifying Again What Is at Stake

'Exterminate Christians, close pyramids, Sphinx'

Dave Daubenmire -- The Seed of the Serpent

» DHS “Cyber Security” Propaganda for College Students Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

BBC News - When algorithms control the world

Chuck Baldwin Live | Fighting for Constitutional Government in America

IBM Partners With Portland To Play SimCity For Real | Fast Company

The Singularity's impact on Business leaders: a Scenario: how will technologically enhance Individuals collaborate with normal employees? | The Futurist | Professional Journal archives from

'Lens' Wind Turbines Magnify Power : Discovery News

New Wind Turbine Design Can Triple Energy Production! - YouTube

Guatemalans infected with syphilis by US researchers -- GlobalPost » Columbia University Brain Imaging Center Routinely Injected Mental Patients with Drugs that Contained Potentially Dangerous Impurities

Scientists sequence Black Death bacteria DNA, admit they were wrong

Google Explores +1 Button To Influence Search Results | TekGoblin

Attack of the Monsanto Superinsects | Mother Jones » Seasonic Fanless Power Supplies

America’s Secret Libya War: U.S. Spent $1 Billion on Covert Ops Helping NATO - The Daily Beast

Electronic Skin Tattoo with RFID Technology to Facilitate Monitoring

New Ad Campaign Wants You to Really Focus on Masonic Symbolism

Video:Research Shows Rich Getting Richer Makes Poor Poorer

Video:Digital Divide in Philadelphia


** De-Classified Document Admits Lee Harvey Oswald Was CIA :


Big Brother Giveth…and Big Brother Taketh! :

A Monetary Maze From Which There Is No Easy Escape :

Jeb Bush being urged to run for president by father, brother - YouTube

Bloomberg Stands By Decision To Leave Out Clergy At 9/11 Ceremony |

» Mexicans Stage Drug Raids Inside the U.S. Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

10 Reasons to Become Self-Sufficient and 10 Steps to Help You Get There - Truth is Treason

FBI on Heightened Alert for 9/11 Anniversary

US Military Deaths in Afghanistan at 1,640

Cheney Tells Rush: Interrogations ‘Essential’

FEMA's Fugate: Aid Not Hampered by Money

Clinton, Bush Fund Gives $1.4M to Haiti Projects

9/11 Panel Co-Chair Notes ‘Glaring Gaps’ in Security

Obama to Push for Transportation Spending

Gadhafi War Crimes in Misrata Widespread: Report

Cheney: I Was Opposed to GM, Chrysler Bailouts

Spices Give Healthy Kick to Fatty Meals

New Obama Adviser Krueger Favors Value-Added Tax

US Needs Amendment to Cap Campaign Cash

Shariah Law a Real Danger to the US

Audio:David Bernstein Talks About Rehabilitating Lochner | RedState

The Arrogant Left Hates Rural, Conservative America. | RedState

Ezra Klein vs. the Dictionary | RedState

Obama NLRB’s War on Workers and Job Creators Continues | RedState

ABC receives complaints about Chaz Bono's addition to 'DWTS' - MSN TV News

BREAKING! Federal Judge Rules in Obama SSN CASE! Says It doesn't matter if Prez broke law! - YouTube

Judge rules on Obama's Social Security number

Taitz Dealt Another Blow in Bid Against Obama as Case Is Thrown Out - Rancho Santa Margarita, CA Patch

Secrecy characterizes case against ex-CIA officer

Sarkozy denies claims of illegal campaign cash

Hollywood's summer story: more dollars, fewer fans

Police arrest 15 at Playland in dispute over Muslim headwear | The Journal News | |

Driver allegedly involved in drug deal smashes into County Jail -

Dominique Strauss-Kahn 'mentally ill' - Telegraph

Obama Calls For Extension Of Gas Tax To Fund Highway Construction, Repair |

Solyndra to Declare Bankruptcy | NBC Bay Area

Admiral Defends Use of Navy Seals Unit in Fatal Raid -

Biden calls for new clean energy policy for US - Yahoo! News

Archaeologists uncover amphitheatre used to train gladiators near Vienna | Science | The Guardian

Fla. Health Officials Report Swine Flu Death - News Story - WFTV Orlando

Glendale family arrested in alleged shoplifting incident at Sears -

'Sleeping gas' thieves target super-rich at Italian billionaires' resort | World news | The Guardian

Why we're right to trust our gut instincts: Scientists discover first decision IS the right one | Mail Online

Labor leaders must pay for parade if GOP banned, mayor says | Reuters

Obama's uncle called a fugitive from deportation since 1992 - The Boston Globe

AFP: NASA fears leaving space station unmanned

Judge rules on Obama's Social Security number

Informants and phone taps seen key in hunt for Gaddafi | Reuters

Fueling the Brain With a Milkshake -

No Gadhafi to Celebrate Anniversary of His Coup

Japan's Neighbors Give Cautious Welcome to New PM

Nigeria Links Al-Qaida to UN Headquarters Bombing

China Moves Toward Permanent Space Presence

Will Obama Be First Post-WW-II Prez to Never See Any Quarter With 4% Economic Growth?

The Arab Democracy Deficit No One Is Talking About

Labor Dept. Signs 'Partnerships' with Foreign Gov’s to Protect Illegal Workers in U.S.

2 Resignations over Operation Fast and Furious

With Megrahi ‘Near Death,’ Will Lockerbie Secrets Ever Be Revealed?

Under Obama, FEMA’s Disaster-Aid Account Is Running Short

Iran Says it Won't Stop Enriching Uranium

Bachmann Says She'd Consider Everglades Drilling

Daryl Hannah Arrested in White House Oil Protest

Judge Strikes Down Key Parts of Texas Sonogram Law

Daryl Hannah arrested at protest | Environment | The Guardian

Good News For Consumers: DOJ Files Against ATT, T-Mobile Merger, Plus Class Action Against Comcast Can Proceed

The Slow Suffocation of Women's Health Rights

Florida Pastor: Put All Atheists on a List So We Can Avoid 'Feeding Satan'

Christine O'Donnell's Very Bad Week

CWA Takes on Rep. John Mica In Advance of Next FAA Shutdown

GOP Field Offers the Ultimate Faith-Based Initiative

Lawrence Wilkerson Promises to Testify if Someone Will 'Pinochet' Cheney

Longer Skirts and No Coffeemakers: How Gov. Scott Walker Wants WI School Boards to Save Money

Bill O'Reilly Allegedly Harasses His Estranged Wife's Boyfriend

Fox Business Host Accuses Bill Nye of 'Confusing Viewers' with Science

The Case for Separation of Church and Weather

There's Nothing Independent Or Nonpartisan About Americans Elect

Fox News: Is Rick Perry Dumb? And Does It Matter?

Allen West (R-FL) Says the 'Arab Spring' Is Actually About Reestablishing the Caliphate

Federal Appeals Court Says Citizens Can Film Police Performing Duties

5 Reasons Mark Neumann as a Senator from WI Would be Awful

What Did We Get For A 10-Year Homeland Security Spending Spree That Cost Billions?

HURRICANE ERIN: The Category 3 Hurricane That Should Have Prevented 9/11 From Happening - YouTube

Activist Post: The Crime of the Patriot Act, 9/11 and a Whistleblower’s Truth

The Matternet: A Flying Autonomous Delivery System For The Developing World | Fast Company

"Poverty Is the Problem" With our Public Schools, Not Teachers' Unions | | AlterNet

Living Nightmare: How SDG&E Smart Meter Led to Headaches, Hearing Loss - La Mesa, CA Patch

Activist Post: US names new ATF chief after Mexican arms scandal

30 Signs That America Has Become A Horrible Place For Children

BE YOUR OWN LEADER: Advancing U.S.-Canada Economic, Energy and Security Integration

Activist Post: Electricity as the universal basis for a new money system

Tritium trouble? Nuke fears rise with quake, self-policing | The Hook - Charlottesville's weekly newspaper, news magazine

Fix the Banks! | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Activist Post: Energy Therapy Greatly Improves Quality of Life

Legal Obedience by Walter E. Williams

What's the Argument for Democracy? by David Gordon

Cursed Be Unconditional Obedience by Laurence M. Vance

A Conspiracy of Counterfeiters by Patrick J. Buchanan

Hide Your Liberty Dollars, Secret Service Is Coming To Confiscate! by Mac Slavo

No 'Right to Silence' To Avoid Disclosing Information About Offshore Accounts by Mark Nestmann

The Ripple Effect: Water Shortages Likely In Most Populated Cities | Ready Nutrition

AUDIO:Lew Rockwell

*Audio:Lew Rockwell&Donald W. Miller, Jr. MD; Government Is Sending Us to Early Graves


Eleven Eleven Eleven | Before It's News

Scientists' Hole In Time Could Doom Universe | Before It's News

Breaking Anonymous Hacks NATO - YouTube

BANNED Pres. Bush Interview.flv - - online file sharing and storage - download

Area 52 Worker Reveals All - Alex Jones | Before It's News

My Way News - Security on rise nationwide for 9/11 anniversary

9/11/11 - 7 Reasons To Brace For Impact | Before It's News

Smart Grid: GE Smart Grid Technologies Take Utility Metering to the Tap in Germany

Smart Meters By Mandate: 96.3 Million European Households Should Have Them By 2014 | Before It's News

“Never-Wrong Pundit” Picks Obama to Win in 2012; First Time for Everything?

Why Does That Martian Crater Have A Hole? | Before It's News

Tiny Implantable Oxygen Generators Boost Effectiveness Of Anticancer Treatment | Before It's News

Has Comet Elenin Split In Two Or Disintegrated? | Before It's News

2012 Mayan Prophecy and the Shift of the Ages | Am@zing Nieuws Blog

Food Addicts: When food is like heroin, only worse- it’s everywhere. | Before It's News

Are you a food addict? Take our online test Pictures - CBS News

Wireless Smart Grid | Before It's News

Black Caucus Incites Race War Against Tea Party Americans | Before It's News

The Rogue CIA

The FBI Goes Rogue | Before It's News

Obama Manipulated Google Searches to Promote ObamaCare | Before It's News

Facebook Pays $40G To Hackers In New 'Bug Bounty' Scheme |

The Obama Administration: Coddling Illegals | Before It's News

Space Settlements built by Robotic Devices | Before It's News

There is Something Special About Orion (m42) | Before It's News

The Bomb That Might Blow A Hole In Bank Of America | Before It's News

Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan (w)as Propaganda Created by the Mainstream Media (a la Murdoch) to Build Support for "Charlie Wilson's War." | Before It's News

Deficiencies – Get Rid of Yours and Be Healthy! by Margaret Durst

BBC News - Profile: Khamis Gaddafi

Gaddafi likely hiding in Libyan desert: Italian FM

The Top Ten Myths in the War Against Libya » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

BBC News - Is overthrow of Gaddafi a new type of intervention?

The hunt for Gaddafi: Where can a dictator seek refuge? | Features & Opinion | RIA Novosti

As Gaddafi falls, the bells toll for Assad - The Drum Opinion (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Libyans celebrate holiday without Gadhafi, but crisis looms -

Syrian Forces Turn Focus to Activists -

Car Bomb Kills 10 After Eid Prayers in Pakistan | Asia | English

BBC News - Palestinian territories profile - Overview

Nigerians capture UN bombing suspects | The Australian

Libya's new rulers set out steps to elections | Reuters

EU Expected to Lift Libya Oil Sanctions | News | English

ANC youth firebrand threatens Jacob Zuma rule | The Australian

BBC News - China jails two more Tibetan monks over fire death

AFP: Don't test us, Israel army chief warns Gaza militants

AFP: Yemen's Saleh says 'corrupt' exploiting protests

Kosovan Albanian admits killing two US airmen in Frankfurt terror attack | World news | The Guardian

Irene Could Be One of 10 Costliest Disasters in U.S. History - National - The Atlantic Wire

Christie, Napolitano to tour flooded New Jersey area | Reuters

Obama jobs speech to Congress on Sept. 7

Palin still on for Iowa, organizers say - Molly Ball -

Sept. 11 Anniversary Report Card: Not a Lot of A's - ABC News

Man Who Threw Son Overboard Ship: 'We Were Having Fun'

Muslim head scarves spark amusement park brawl -

Dozens of homes destroyed by wildfires in Texas, Oklahoma -

Jon Huntsman's jobs plan: lower taxes, simplify code -

Still packing a punch, Dick Cheney tells his story –

Rep. Allen West considers quitting CBC - Reid J. Epstein -

Perry Less Likely Than Romney to Beat Obama in 2012, Poll Shows - Bloomberg

ATF Director Reassigned; U.S. Attorney Out Amid 'Fast And Furious' Uproar |

Arizona man impaled through skull with pruning shears | Reuters

Jailed polygamist leader's condition upgraded to serious | Reuters

BBC News - Petraeus retires from US military ahead of CIA post

Man finds bag filled with $150,000 in his garden in McHenry County - Chicago Sun-Times

Hazmat Emergency At Scott Air Force Base -

NASA’s Juno spacecraft bound for Jupiter snaps rare picture of Earth and moon - The Washington Post

Desert RATS tests asteroid exploration tech - Technology & science - Space - -

Space Station Crew Closely Watching Russian Rocket Crash Investigation | Russian Rocket Launches & International Space Station Crew | Human Spaceflight & Rocket Failures |

Russian Rocket Crash May Leave Space Station Unmanned Until Oct. - International Business Times

Yes, There's A Link Between Hurricane Irene And Global Warming - Forbes

The Math Gender Gap: Nurture Trumps Nature – TIME Healthland

Watch This: The Most Realistic Simulation of Spiral Galaxy Formation to Date | 80beats | Discover Magazine

Doomsday apparently postponed - Oroville Mercury Register

Bill Nye ’77: Engineer, Comedian and Cornellian | The Cornell Daily Sun

Sunscreen pill could be available within five years, scientists say | Environment |

No, a new study does not show cosmic-rays are connected to global warming | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine

Mount Etna In Sicily Puts On Natural Fireworks Show - Irish Weather Online

Mobile Laser Lab Creates Water Droplets in Moist Air | Wired Science |

Biodiversity: Do lynx need wolves? « Summit County Citizens Voice

Mental illness rise linked to climate

Big Brother Watching Iran's Google Users? : Discovery News

Jobs takes a bite out of Apple - Tufts Daily - Tufts University

Why Google+ will never back down on real names - CNN

Google restores offline abilities for Gmail, Docs | Webware - CNET

CEOs Get Paid Extra to Stiff the Taxman - Outrage - TheStreet

Subprime Mortgage Bonds Get AAA Rating S&P Denied to U.S. - Businessweek

Guatemala Syphilis Experiments Shock, But U.S. Drug Trials Still Exploit the Third World - ABC News

Porn filmmaking shut down after performer tests HIV positive -

Killer "Black Death" bacteria most likley extinct | AHN

Daley officials’ unused vacation costs taxpayers $9.5M - Chicago Sun-Times

State Rep. Deborah Mell has legal gay marriage in Iowa - Chicago Sun-Times

Rahm adds lobbyist details to - Lynn Sweet

Entertainment - Google News

Lockerbie Bomber's Letters Discovered in Tripoli

Gabrielle Giffords Continues Her Recovery

Matthew Fox Arrested for Assaulting Female Bus Driver

Nancy Grace Guest Shot Dead by Her Child's Father

Brad Pitt Rescues Extra on Set

*The Alex Jones Show – August 30th, 2011

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – August 30th, 2011

*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – August 30th, 2011

Ron Paul Interview On CNN AC 360, 08/30/11 - YouTube

Kucinich: Obama’s job czar expert at creating foreign jobs |

(3 Parts)Mike Adams: Exposes Vaccine Industry Ties to Military Involvement with IoM |

(3 Parts)Infowars Special Report – Al Qaeda Takes Libya with Alex Jones and Pepe Escobar |

** Martial Law, Economic Meltdown & Executive Orders |

Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post;BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials – August 30, 2011

Is Voter Fraud Real, and What can be done to Stop It.

Sarah and Tea Party, should they go it alone?

Progressives & libertarians

U.S. Constitution Day Resolution

Debbie Schlussel:After Schlussel Report, Homeland Security Official Cancels $225K Motivational Speaker/Picnic Event

Debbie Schlussel:VIDEO: Hannibal Qaddafi’s Maid Details Torture (But New Regime is No Better)

Debbie Schlussel:Pew Report: 1/3 of US Muslims Support Al Qaeda, Suicide Bombs; 25% Came to US Under Bush, Obama

Debbie Schlussel:Amusliment Park: How Long ‘Til the CAIR Lawsuit Over Playland Muslims? 2 Cops Injured by “Religion of Peace”

The Only Thing Keeping Obama in Office

A Violent Racist Game Claims More Victims

Romney Plans to Scare Seniors

A Warmer Planet Is a More Peaceful Planet

Obama Ignores Israel's Daily Hurricanes

Chilling Free Speech in the Great White North

Infant mortality figures for US are misleading

Fast and Furious cover-up shifts into second gear

CA bill would require parents pay workers comp to babysitters

Warren Buffett's IRS problems

Riot at amusement park over 'no hijab' rule

Perry's Social Security truth-tellling more than libs can bear

Obama's new egghead

The Real Obstacles to Peace

Families of 9/11 Victims Knocking on America's Door

Syria: Where is the Outrage?

A Conservative's Practical Guide to Challenging Libertarianism

The Latest Attack on Christianity from the Statist Left

Fair Housing and Insanity

The Muslim Brotherhood, Genocide, and Obama

Tighten the Web on Flash Mobs

Warren Buffett Shelters from Hurricane Obama

Warren Buffet: Financial Savior or Angel of Doom?

The Ticket Obama Fears Most

Obama's Jewish Outreach Director and His Anti-Christian Hate Propaganda

Early Obama Letter Confirms Inability to Write

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Obama’s race war begins

My Solution: How to Restore Freedom of Association and End Government Tyranny

ALERT: Congressional Black Caucus ObamaThugs Calls for Race War to keep Obama in power

Obama foreign policy financing the extermination of all blacks in Tripoli?

The President’s Enumerated Powers, Rulemaking by Executive Agencies, & Executive Orders

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – The big stall

UK Govt Destroying Countryside In ‘Get Rich Quick’ Solar Plan

Personal Prison Prepared for Forced Abortion Opponent Chen

Destroying America’s Moral Fiber

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Defeating the political-media complex

The European Union: Going the Way of the Titanic?

Regulating us into Economic Destruction

Green Keynesianism

Holder plays ‘shell game’ at justice, Should resign instead, Says CCRKBA

Warren Buffet; Tax Shirker and Hypocrite

Democrats and Liberals Keep Calling the Kettle Black

Eventually America’s elected representatives will halt the false momentum created by leftist judges

Agenda 21, Sustainable Living, Mass Transit and the Nanny State

The American Resistance

Bizarre fish evolved for the oceans — but lives on land

‘Eyeborg’ man films vision of future (w/ video)

Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: We've All Gone Saucer-Happy!

BBC News - New body 'liquefaction' unit unveiled in Florida funeral home

US man impaled through eye with pruning shears - Telegraph

Weird, Birdlike Mystery Drone Crashes in Pakistan | Danger Room |

Atmospheric Forces Conspire to Make 2011 a Wild Year | Extreme Weather 2011 | Atmosphere & Climate Change | LiveScience

BBC News - LHC results put supersymmetry theory 'on the spot'

Why not eat insects? I’ll give you a couple of reasons | Creatology, Scientific American Blog Network

Marcel Dicke: Why not eat insects? | Video on

U.S. and Iraq talking but no F-16 deal yet

Suspicious package found at Illinois air base

Obama: Failing to extend highway bill inexcusable

Rebuilding after Irene? Watch for contractor scams

CDC: Half of Americans have a sugary drink daily

Man nabbed at U.S. airport with snakes in his pants

Austria pulls out of 'anti-Israel' Durban III conference

Slovakia: Being strategic about preserving heritage

'PA will receive funds on time not a minute before'

Libyan rebels set steps to elections within 18 months

Study: Sexual satisfaction tied to 'successful aging'

US government 'trying to halt AT&T's T-Mobile takeover'

Teacher moonlighting as a stripper defends both his jobs

Cable claims coalition unity over banking reforms

Giant pipe and balloon to pump water into the sky in climate experiment

General tours Egypt border as high alert maintained

Petition launches to free Alan Gross from Cuba

‘The Debt’ Review: Helen Mirren Stars In Complex, Captivating Thriller

‘The Help’ Review: Oscar Worthy, Best of the Year, Fair and Balanced

School Choice and the Children of Obama

Daryl Hannah Arrested in White House Protest

Ed O’Neill’s Walk of Fame Star in Front of Shoe Store

Ousted Disney Head Dick Cook Looking For Funding For Family Movie Studio | /Film

Alec Baldwin on choosing love over politics - CLICK -

Paul Dano to Play Karl Rove -- AKA Turd Blossom -- in 'College Republicans' | The Wrap Deal Central

Audio:David Bernstein Talks About Rehabilitating Lochner

Women to Obama: We’re Just Not that Into You

Update: Milwaukee Thug ID’ed as Former Teachers Union and SEIU Organizer!

Obama NLRB’s War on Workers and Job Creators Continues: Unloads a ‘barrage of bureaucratic activism’

Gov. Rick Perry Has Spurs that ‘Jingle Jangle Jingle’

Big Labor vs. Taxpayers

Obama NLRB Eliminates Secret Ballot Elections-Making Card Check Forced Unionism a Reality

Patent Reform Act Threatens ‘Engine’ of Prosperity

Obama Administration: Lost in Space

For Business, It’s 1920 All Over Again

Gov. Gary Johnson: Cut Spending by 43%-and Cut Social Issues From GOP Agenda

Obama’s HUD Violated ACORN Funding Ban

Audio:Faith Centered Universities and their Evolving Role in Higher Education

Radical Activists Preparing for Massive Demonstrations at Chicago NATO & G-8 Summit

Biden calls for new clean energy policy for US

Obama looks to spur private sector hiring

NYT: MSNBC “a Nonstop Lecture on Liberal Values”

NewsBusted: Is Congress to Blame for Obama’s Poll Numbers?

The New York Times: Circling the Drain

Sharpton’s Debut: The Reviews Are In and It’s Not Pretty

NAB Issues Statement Praising Hurricane Coverage

Wonkette Is Still Online?

Meet Mark Ames, the ‘eXile’ Who Created the (False) Koch Brothers Conspiracy Theory

Politico’s ‘Is Rick Perry Dumb?’ Hit Piece Is Just a Taste of What’s Coming in 2012

NBC's Lauer to Cheney: You're the 'Most Divisive Political Figure in This Country in a Century' |

Petraeus leaving Army after 37 years to head CIA

US Iraq pull-out 'to proceed as scheduled': Maliki

A New Tax For Germany: Will The Sex Tax Machine For Prostitutes Solve European Budget Woes?

Survey: 7 Of 10 American Muslims Happy With Obama; Also Satisfied With Life In America

Navy SEALs Buying Cameras For Dogs

Michele Bachmann Rocks Florida

Here Come The ‘Red’ Angels? Chinese Air Force Establishes Air Demonstration Team

Libyan Weapons Are Disappearing

Perry: American Commanders Must Lead US Forces

Leaked Docs: UN Wants Troops In Libya

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » ‘Davi Sings Sinatra’ Arrives October 24

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Morning Call Sheet: ‘Bond 23,’ Vudu, ‘Green Lantern’ Helen Mirren, and 18 Things You Didn’t Know About ‘Firefly’

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Morning Call Sheet: ‘Blues Brothers’ Go ‘Glee,’ Another ‘Another Thin Man,’ Box Office Attendance Down, and More Amityville

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » HomeVideodrome: Coen Brothers, Christmas Nightmare, Madea, More…


+31-Aug-11 World View+

+30-Aug-11 World View+


Ai Weiwei on Beijing's Nightmare City - The Daily Beast

For development, China moves millions | GlobalPost

Commentary: Russia's Toxic Deep State | The National Interest

The Black Hole of 9/11 - By David J. Rothkopf | Foreign Policy Essay

Hudson Institute > Telling World's Bankers How It Really Is

RealClearWorld - Getting Serious About Food Security

Shades of Versailles

Terra Incognita: Not your father’... JPost - Opinion - Columnists

US can learn from China's finances - The China Post

The Long War's Long Tail - By J.M. Berger | Foreign Policy

Kremlin's Fear of China Drives Its Foreign Policy | Opinion | The Moscow Times

Removing Melson Will Not Fix the ATF | Cato @ Liberty

11 Proposals Obama Could Make in His Big Jobs Speech - Catherine Hollander - Politics - The Atlantic

Bloomberg: Obama jobs plan will feature same gimmicks we’ve already seen « Hot Air

Fewer Physicians Performing Abortions - By Michael New - The Corner - National Review Online

Psychic Detectives Have a Perfect Record - Miller-McCune

BBC News - Bird flu fear as mutant strain hits China and Vietnam

“Jurassic Mother” Is Our Earliest-Known Mammal Ancestor | 80beats | Discover Magazine

Aztec Maps Put Cortés to Shame - ScienceNOW

All in the head: Why the return trip always seems shorter –

Happy Words Trump Negativity in the English Language | Wired Science |

Do no harm | COSMOS magazine

Blog: Should 'The Ugly' Be A Protected Class?

Philosophy rules - - National Science Foundation (NSF) News - Are New England's Iconic Maples at Risk? - US National Science Foundation (NSF)

Suicide methods differ between men and women | Science Codex

Graphene’s shining light could lead to super-fast internet (The University of Manchester)

Microscope on the go: Cheap, portable, dual-mode microscope uses holograms, not lenses

How often do hurricanes and earthquakes come in pairs? - By Brian Palmer - Slate Magazine

Quantum Dot Thermometers Take the Temperature of Individual Living Cells | Popular Science

Human Brains Are Primally Wired to Notice Animals | Wired Science |

Linked solar eruptions explained : Nature News

'Suitcase' Nuclear Reactors to Power Mars Colonies : Discovery News

Why Summer Vacations (and the Internet) Make You More Productive - Derek Thompson - Business - The Atlantic

Germs, Not Nazis, Get Blame for Bodies Found in Mass Grave | Forensic Analysis & History | LiveScience

The Fingerprints of 2000-01 Are All Over the Crisis - Forbes

RealClearMarkets - Does the Fed Need to Ease Even More?

Tax Me More, Europe’s Wealthy Say -

What Would Paul Krugman Do? | Foreign Policy Journal

Bond Yields Have Gone as Low as They're Going to Go -

5 reasons gold is headed for $3,000 - 1 - investing strategy - MSN Money

How to Deflate a Gold Bubble (That Might Not Even Exist) -

Will Bernanke Satisfy Market's Expectation for Fed Easing? - CNBC

Is Another Bank Bailout Brewing? - Fundmastery Blog - MarketWatch

Tea Party cools as Keynes makes a comeback | The Great Debate

Yes, We Can Do Stimulus Without Adding Debt. Here’s How. | The New Republic

John Steele Gordon: A Short Primer on the National Debt -

Review & Outlook: St. Augustine at the Fed -

The Fed’s Rescue Missed Main Street -

Give Karl Marx a Chance to Save the World Economy: George Magnus - Bloomberg

Does America Need Manufacturing? -

Conquering Fear Through Options -

Green Scissors 2011: Cutting Wasteful Energy Subsidies

Grid 2050: West Coast's Transition to Clear Energy

Syrian Oil & Gas Industries Analysis

Keystone XL Pipeline's Final Enviro Impact Statement

Vindicating Capitalism: The Real History of the Standard Oil Company (Part I: The Fallacious Textbook Story) — MasterResource

XL headache: despite protests, president must consider U.S. energy needs - Houston Chronicle

Biden: Bad Economy Right Time to Invest in Clean Energy - Coral Davenport -

Bill Chameides: Oil From the Gulf of Mexico

Coal Shortages Speed Up China’s Clean Power Plans | CleanTechnica

Norway's oil finds shield it from economic gloom - Yahoo! News

Profits Before Environment -

The Republican jobs plan: stop environmental regulations - PostPartisan - The Washington Post

Has Peak Oil Come To The Non-Opec World? Maybe. - Forbes

Exxon Wins Prized Access to Arctic With Russia Deal -

Is China's nuclear power risky? -

Tajikistan - The Future is Hydroelectricity - or Perhaps Not at Oil Price

God and the Detectives | Books and Culture

Young Mormon men outrage church leaders by waiting waiting longer to marry | Mail Online

Preparing clergy for war: army chaplains train by the hundred for the combat zone – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Stuck Between 2 Sides of Islam -

Fringe ‘Catholics’ in the news, again » GetReligion

Work and Natural Rights

Presidential Candidates | Religion | Why presidential candidates' faith matters | The Daily Caller

RealClearReligion - Death of the Richest Man in Dallas

Ministry Matters™ | Articles | God's Mandate for Multicultural Ministry

Remembering 9 11 | Blogs |

Chaplain Explains Why Some Turned to Atheism in the Aftermath of 9/11, Christian News

Can Theology Evolve? - Forbes

Rick Perry and religion: Does the Texas governor believe his idiotic God talk, or is he just pandering for votes? - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine

Hurricane Irene and the benefits of Big Government - The Washington Post

America’s Secret Libya War: U.S. Spent $1 Billion on Covert Ops Helping NATO - The Daily Beast

RealClearPolitics - On Sexual Harassment and Title IX

Re: The Anti-Science Smear - By Jonah Goldberg - The Corner - National Review Online

RealClearPolitics - An Unusual Economy?

Manufacturing a Recovery -

In New Memoir, Dick Cheney Tries to Rewrite History | Swampland

Daniel Henninger: 'I Didn't Change. The World Changed' -

The Real Meaning of 9/11 - Jeffrey Goldberg - National - The Atlantic

The New Resentment of the Poor -

Watching A Green Fiction Unravel -

Editorial: Serious questions remain in ATF firearms probe - The Denver Post

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Economic-Policy Last Chance

Obama's "bratty, tantrum-prone child" strategy - War Room -

Morning Jay: Obama has Failed by His Own Standards | The Weekly Standard

President Obama and the Bush blame game - The Fix - The Washington Post

Rick Perry Is A Lot Closer To The 2012 GOP Presidential Nomination Than You Think

RealClearPolitics - Perry, by the Book

The GOP's storm recovery ploy: Hurricane relief aid shouldn't hinge on spending cuts

'Green jobs' promise something for nothing | David Freddoso | Columnists | Washington Examiner

WikiLeaks’s Harmful New Dump Increases Risk to U.S. Information Sources - The Daily Beast

Mary Kissel: Justice's New War Against Lenders -


**Transcripts:Obama's Speech to the American Legion

29th/Interview with Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin

Rep. Candice Miller on Fed. Flood Insurance

Interview with Senator Bernie Sanders

Roundtable on the 2012 Primary Calendar

Analysts Debate Keystone Pipeline Report

28th/Guests: FEMA Director Fugate and Gov. Christie

Guests: Fugate, McDonnell, Christie and O'Malley

Interview with Former Secretary of State Powell


**World Video:What Role Is Al-Qaeda Playing In Libya?

Raising Taxes On Germany's rich

Rights Group Alleges Deadly Torture In Syria Jails

European Union Clampdown On Syria?

Iran And Russia Miss Another Bushehr Deadline

'Covert Intervention' Strategy In Libya

India Inflation To Hit 10% This Year

Romney Swipes Obama, 'I Won't Apologize For America'

ExxonMobil, Rosneft Ink Oil Deal

Assad's Prayers Amid The Violence

Uruguay And Argentina Get Train Link

U.S. Says Violence In Iraq Will Be Contained

Rebel Leader: 50,000 Killed In Libya Fighting

Gaddafi Loyalists In Sirte Told To Surrender Or Die

30th/Thailand's Battle Of Election Colors

Undisciplined Support For Malema

Gaddafi-Irene To Impact Oil Prices?

Libya's Warring Sides Engaged In 'Discussions'

India Needs Reforms To Boost Growth

Philippines Seeks More China Trade

Etna Eruption Levels Increasing

Raw Video: Rebels Capture Gaddafi Loyalists

Arrests Over Mexico Casino Arson

Rebels Say Gaddafi's Son Dead.

Putin Rides With Russian Bikers

Gaddafi's Lavish Lifestyle Exposed

Youth In Libya Look Beyond Gaddafi

Syrian Army Defections Reported On The Rise

**Markets Video: Politicians Are a Big Risk to Economy

30th/ Can Alan Krueger Fix the Economy?

UBS's Harris on U.S. Economy, Stimulus

Riding the Rally: Oil, Currencies & Markets

Washington Gets a Second Chance

Mortgage Refinancing Could Jumpstart Economy

**30th/Politics Video:Obama: Election A Referendum On "Vision Of America"

Daniels: Restructured Tax System, Not Higher Taxes Will Bring More Revenue

Fineman: Obama Needs A Jobs Speech That Sounds Like An "Exciting Adventure"

Rick Perry: Reagan Was Called Dumb, Obama's Policies Are "Dumb"

Issa: Most Info On "Fast And Furious" Coming From 3rd Parties

Moulitsas, Olbermann Agree: 9/11 A "Political Opportunity" For GOP

Obama Salutes Veterans: Calls For More Hiring Of 9/11 Generation

O'Donnell: GOP Has Unhinged Itself From Reality On The Economy

Eugene Robinson On Obama Job Plan: This Is The Time To "Go Big"

Malkin: Perry Is Dumb "Compared To What?"

Rush Limbaugh Interviews Dick Cheney

O'Reilly: "This Country Will Be In Big Trouble" If A Major Disaster Hits

Krauthammer On Primary Calendar Moves: "This Is Insurrection"

Rendell: Media "At Fault" With Their Hurricane Coverage

29th/Rick Perry Warns Against Foreign Policy Of "Military Adventurism"

Politico's Vogel: Question Of Perry's Intellect "Isn't Going Away"

Inhofe Backs Perry

Romney: Obama A DDD Presidency For Debt, Downgrade & Delay

Carney Grilled Over Potential Hillary Primary Challenge: "You'll Have To Ask Her"

Goolsbee On Economy: It's "Taking Some Time" To Grow

Rush: Politico Attack On Perry Same Thing Media Tried With Reagan

Limbaugh: Cost Of Irene "Pales In Comparison" To Hurricane Obama

Wealth Manager: QE2 Shows Monetary Policy Can Only Do So Much

Pat Buchanan: Bush "Broke The United States As A Superpower"

Anita Dunn: GOP Has Not Received "Message" To Compromise

Huntsman: Climate Change Has Established Scientists Associated With It

Cheney Still Strongly Supports Waterboarding: "No Apologies"

Scarborough: Media Silent About Obama Launching Undeclared Wars


Aren't you proud of the veep?

Are both parties scrapping Constitution?

Can Obama be defeated in 2012?

The nightmare world of 'trans-humanism'

Foreign mercenaries led Libya's 'popular uprising'?

Judge rules on Obama's Social Security number

'Exterminate Christians, close pyramids, Sphinx'

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Politics of Obamacare waivers;GOP still trying to get answers about how HHS makes decisions

Obama hands over list of big-ticket regulations to Boehner, House GOP - The Hill's On The Money

World's top 10 safest airlines named | Air Transport Rating Agency

Melbourne judged world's most liveable city

Pensioner Lifts Car Off Man at Mapua Leisure Park |

Sky News: Tupac's ashes smoked by his band

Austin Powers Actor Convicted of Torture in Horrific Christmas Eve Rape—21 Years After Heinous Crime - E! Online - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | Showbiz :: Fonda slams marriage rumours

Peaches Geldof: Why was I allowed to have tattoos aged 14? - Telegraph

Wilde becomes Hollywood's new 'It Girl'

Simon Cowell Wants To Be Cryogenically Frozen: Who Is The Weirdest Celeb? |

Carrie Fisher loses 50lbs in nine months but what has she done to her face? | Mail Online

Satellite Photos Take You Inside Gadhafi’s Compound | Danger Room |

Simon and Pippa Lansdell threatened with £5k fine because son 'plays too loudly' | Mail Online

Naked eye: hidden cameras more common than you think?

Communist China: Hapless to harmful

Aren't you proud of the veep?

My 'insinuated' prejudice?

Father and son jihadists

Good Muslims: Do something!

The only boycott of Israel that makes sense

Rumsfeld to be held accountable for torture?

The left's many gods

How 'good' intentions harm black workers

Congressional Black Caucus Declares ‘War’ on Tea Party | Calls for Civil Unrest in Their Neighborhoods and Homes | Video |

The most loathsome lie about Israel

Articles: Bill Keller, Red Pope of American Media

Andre Carson: Tea party wants blacks 'hanging on a tree' - Jake Sherman -

Marking 9/11: Obama Aides Defend ‘Talking Points’ |

The entitlement tsunami is here | Campaign 2012

PICKET: Did president's uncle benefit from 1980's Dukakis fake ID policy for illegals? - Washington Times

Laura Booth Incites Muslims - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News

ATF Director Reassigned; U.S. Attorney Out Amid 'Fast And Furious' Uproar |

Romney, Dems Look To Weaponize Bachmann |

Obama's proposed regs would cost billions annually - Washington Times

President Obama has Tour Buses Flown to Stump Speeches | RedState

New Blue Nightmare: Clarence Thomas and the Amendment of Doom | Via Meadia

Principal assaulted at school |

Teens Target Cyclists In ‘Knockout’ Game « CBS St. Louis

Libya: Father slit throats of girls raped by Gaddafi's men | Mail Online

Case of judge & fury -

Embezzled Virginia funds funneled to Nigeria - Washington Times

Jerry Lewis: MIA at this year's MDA Telethon | Deseret News

Editorial: Serious questions remain in ATF firearms probe - The Denver Post

Viewers Angry Over Chaz Bono’s Inclusion on Dancing With the Stars | Video |

Video of Amusement Park Fight Over Hijabs | Video |

Democratic Rep. Andre Carson’s Camp Defends Tea Party Race Remarks |

Allen West Considers Quitting Congressional Black Caucus | Video |

Daryl Hannah Arrested at White House | Sean Hannity | Video |

Egyptian Official Calls for Worldwide Sharia |

August Blooper Compilation | Video |

Woman Buys Block of Wood Thinking It’s An iPad |

Hawaii’s Restrictive Guns Laws Challenged in Court |

Government Panel Uncovers $60 Billion of Waste and Fraud in Iraq and Afghanistan |

Father Slits Daughters Throats in Honor Killing After Raped by Ghaddafi Forces |

Olbermann Markos Moulitsas: Republicans 3,000 Deaths on 9/11 as ‘Political Opportunity’ | Video |

9/11 Coloring Book Offensive to Muslim-Americans |

Wild Scene Erupts at Playland: Police Arrest 15 in Dispute Over Muslim Hijab |

MSNBC Commentator Says Obama Validates Cheney | Video |

Carol Swain‘s ’Be the People’ Tackles Faith in America | Video |

27 Percent of Democrats Want New Candidate in 2012; Could it Be Hillary Clinton | Video |

Is the Death Penalty Christian? |

Mark Levin Calls Chris Christie a Slob With a Big Ego |

Update: Warren Buffett’s Company Owes Nearly $1 Billion in Taxes |

Watch These Kids Dragging Themselves Alongside a Train | Video |

Calif. Councilman Gunned Down After Finding Secret Opium Farm |

World’s First Inflatable Wetsuit Created | Video |

Man Punches Police, Steals Car and Crashes During High Speed Chase | Video |

Global Warming Activist James Hansen Arrested Outside White House | Video |

Moneytalks: Head of IMF Calls for More Bailouts and Government Intervention |

Russian ‘Anarchists’ Face Prison for STD Ad Mocking Putin, Medvedev | Video |

After Israel Deploys Warships to Red Sea, Iran Sends Warship of Its Own |

DOJ Shakeup: ATF Chief Reportedly Connected to ‘Fast and Furious’ Resigns |

Santa Monica Plane Crash Rescue Video | Video |

The Big Layoff: Struggling Financial Giant Fires Thousands of Employees |

Hacking Voicemail Like News of the World — No Password Required | Video |

Congressional Black Caucus Declares ‘War’ on Tea Party | Calls for Civil Unrest in Their Neighborhoods and Homes | Video |

Radicals Plan Egypt-Style Occupation of Freedom Plaza in Washington, DC | David Swanson | Video |

White House Issues 9/11 Guidelines to Government Leaders |

Google Plus Wants Your Real Name for Identity Purposes |

Pew Research Center Interviews Muslim Americans on Life in U.S. |

North Carolina TV Station WRAL Pranked by Howard Stern Caller on Live TV | Video |

Nancy Pelosi | Class War Conspiracies | Why the Rich Don’t Want to Pay Taxes | Video |

Anarchist Protest Warns Class Warfar is Coming | Video |

Obama Uncle Had Valid Social Security Number and License |

Chilling Footage: Rebels Shoot and Capture Gaddafi Loyalists | Video |

Does New Diet Book Maggie Goes on a Diet Aimed at Children Go Too Far? | Video |

Wonkette Edits Bachmann Video to Make Her Look Racist | Video |

New Jersey National Guard Trucks Stall in Flooded Street | Video |

Selfless Rabbi Electrocuted While Saving 8-Year-Old Boy During Hurricane Irene |

Turkish Military Strikes Kill Up to 160 Kurdish Guerrillas |

Above Average Births in North Carolinian Town During Hurrinane | Video |

Casey Anthony’s Parents Set to Speak Out on Dr. Phil | Video |

30-Year-Old Teaching Methods Debunked. You’re Not the Learner You Thought You Were |

Private Plane Crashes on German Street |

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Ex-Justice lawyer: 'Obama doesn't believe in rule of law';Holder reassigns ATF director who cooperated with gun-smuggling probe

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Rush: Why isn't Obama's uncle invited to White House?

Packie owner praises Prez’s troubled uncle -

PICKET: Did president's uncle benefit from 1980's Dukakis fake ID policy for illegals? - Washington Times

Obama relative arrested on drunk-driving charges in Framingham - The Boston Globe

Onyango Obama Booking Report |

Underpublicized threat deep in White House

Weapons scandal takes down 2 executives

White House Issues Guides on Sept. 11 Observances -

Marking 9/11: Obama Aides Defend ‘Talking Points’ |

Obama spokesman on Hillary primary challenge: 'Ask her'

Carney Grilled Over Potential Hillary Primary Challenge: "You'll Have To Ask Her" | RealClearPolitics

Rick Perry panic fires up the left - Ben Smith and Maggie Haberman -

Obama Appears on Radio Show, Blames Bush, Tells Audience to 'Mobilize' - President Obama - Fox Nation


* Article Links: Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

31 Aug

American Minute for August 31st

August 31st in History

Today in History: August 31

This Day in History for 31st August

August 31 Events in History

Today in History: August 31

August 31st This Day in History

Today in History for August 31st - YouTube


The Kevin Trudeau Show: 8-30-11

The Michael Savage Show 08/30/2011

Alex Jones - 2011-Aug-30, Tuesday

2011-08-30 Jesse Peterson Radio Show

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-30-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-30-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 08-30-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 08-30-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 08-30-11 Hr 3

Live Free Or Die Radio - Friday, August, 26, 2011

Paul Drockton Show

Paul Drockton Show 2

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

Aug. 30, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

08/30 The Mark Levin Show

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