A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

28 August 2011

28 AUG

Any system of religion that has anything in it that shocks the mind of a child, cannot be true.


Never Forgive, Never Forget

Gaddafi transition talks offer 'delusional' - Africa, World - The Independent

Now fears of disease rise as bodies pile up on the streets - Africa, World - The Independent


Scumbag Malaysia Recognizes Fascist Rebel Libya 'Goverment'

Activist Post: Libya: Tripoli Stands in Defiance of NATO

Activist Post: CONFIRMED: Libya War is CIA Op 30 Years in the Making

How The Patriot Act Violates Virtually The Entire Bill Of Rights

S.C. Sen. Graham: U.S. should spend more on foreign aid | McClatchy

Fed and other regulators need policing: economist - Yahoo! News

Where America's Children Are Going Hungry - DailyFinance

Secret Service Agents Seek Immunity From Suit Over Steven Howards Arrest For Confronting Dick Cheney

Air Swimmers - Awesome RC Flying Shark and Clownfish! - YouTube

SMART GRID: How Secure Will You Be? « The PPJ Gazette

Maryland nuke shut safely after transformer hit by debris | Energy & Oil | Reuters


New WikiLeaks Cables Show US Diplomats Promote Genetically Engineered Crops Worldwide | Truthout

Gold Positions Are Shifting at Central Banks - Casey Research - Lyme Disease - The Tick that Ate My Life

ZionistConspiracy:INCREDIBLE: Must Read: A Real Case Against the Jews... written in 1928 by a Jew in The Century Magazine

ZionistConspiracy:11 Occult Secrets Now In the Open

ZionistConspiracy:14 Conspiracy Theories That The Media Now Admits Are Conspiracy Facts

ZionistConspiracy:Bill Gates says vaccines can help reduce world population

ZionistConspiracy:Globalist Imperial Network

Do U.S., Mexican officials favor one cartel over another? | McClatchy

Libya 27 August Update - YouTube

Al Qaeda Commander of NATO’s Bloody Reign of Terror in Tripoli is the Monster Abdel Hakim Belhadj, aka Abdel Hakim al-Hasadi, Friend of Osama Bin Laden, former US POW, and Infamous Killer of US Soldiers in Afghanistan «

Rick Perry AGREES with Obama: Open Borders for America! - YouTube


Fukushima Like the TITANIC (Christopher Busby) p1 of 2 - YouTube

Fukushima Like the TITANIC (Christopher Busby) p2 of 2 - YouTube


Rebels settle scores in Libyan capital - Africa, World - The Independent

Rebel Assassins Terrorizing Libyans

How Bad Will It Get?

Lawrence Solomon: Science getting settled | FP Comment | Financial Post

More quantitative easing? My masters, are you mad? – Telegraph Blogs

Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke fires a warning shot at Congress - Telegraph

The Robin Hood tax: a big step for capitalism, a major stride for development | Global development |

David Kelly inquest: Doctors unleash legal challenge | Mail Online

De Menezes cop sues Met over 'cover-up' | Mail Online

King Arthur's round table may have been found by archaeologists in Scotland - Telegraph

Dog Thefts Are Way Up -- Do You Know How To Protect Your Pet? |

Escobar: Al-Qaeda asset is military commander of Tripoli — RT

Pepe Escobar: 'Libya is Iraq 2.0' — RT

Libyan Tripoli Resident - Rebel Flags Are Everywhere - YouTube

Activist Post: United States to steal at least $1 billion from the Libyan people with the help of the United Nations

Comrades to competitors: France and Italy vie for a slice of Libyan pie — RT

Al-Qa'ida book by ex-agent sets off war between FBI and CIA - Americas, World - The Independent

Robert Fisk: Prosecuting war crimes? Be sure to read the small print - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent

Obama administration backs oil pipeline from Alberta to Texas | Environment | The Guardian

US threatens aid cut over Palestinian bid for state - Middle East, World - The Independent

Follow-Up Comments On Palestinian Statehood Vote

Paul Drockton M.A.: God Targets Babylon?

Paul Drockton M.A.: The United States is Doomed

Millions of Jobless Americans Filing For Disability To Get Food, Medicine

Use Google Earth to solve The Great Global Treasure Hunt and win €50,000 prize money - Telegraph

A story missing from our media: Iceland's on-going revolution

Paul Drockton M.A.: Banksters Admit Market Collapse is Weeks Away

Slave! - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul "FEMA Creates Many Of Our Problems"

Revolutionary Politics : "When You Hear Ron Paul Say Govt Shouldn't Be In The FEMA Business What Do You Say To Ron Paul?"

Ron Paul on FOX News Sunday w/ Chris Wallace - Aug. 29th 2011 - 12160

Hurricane Irene 9/11 Race to make Ground Zero site safe as Irene threatens tenth anniversary memorial service | Mail Online

The Many Collapses of Keynesianism by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

War Games: The Key to a 9/11 USAF Stand Down

The Intercept: The West Wants to take Control of Libya's Oil Wealth

US presidential candidate: Israel... JPost - Diplomacy & Politics

The Fruits of Elite Immunity

Random Muslim Becomes Millionth ‘Al Qaeda No. 2′ After Robot Kills Him

CFAP Report: $42 Million From Seven Foundations Helped Fuel The Rise Of Islamophobia In America | Video Cafe

Can you handle the TRUTH about Libya & the UN bombing? - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Has the Fed Started QE3?

Audio:The Corbett Report | Interview 366 – 9/11 author and researcher Kevin Ryan joins us to discuss the Toronto Hearings

Police Confirm Oslo Drill! - YouTube

French Doc Featuring Remember Building 7 to Air September 4 |

Why are we subverting the Constitution in the name of security? - The Washington Post

Suspected 9-11 Criminal Coconspirators |

BLU-109 2000lb "Bunker Buster" Bomb - YouTube

Joe Rogan - The American War Machine - YouTube

9-11 Plot—’Made in Israel’ :


Dawkins Destroys Perry on Evolution | AlterNet

CEO of Gibson Guitar a Republican donor; Democrat competitor uses same wood - Landmark Report

The Intercept: Extreme Prejudice - CIA Whistle Blower Susan Lindauer

Ron Paul's Speech at Virginia Tea Party Patriots Convention - 12160

F4 Phantom Jet Hits Concrete Wall at 500 MPH - YouTube

Telegraph, BBC, and Independent geography FAIL: “Row to the Pole” never made it to the “North Pole” – they are 790 miles short | Watts Up With That?

+ Mike Rivero On The Crisis Jones Report « The Crisis Jones Report

The Pentagon Renovations Completed on 9/11/2001

FEMA was in New York the Night Before 9/11

9/11 gave rise to new sacred cash cow: homeland security |

Did NORAD Send The "Suicide" Jets?

Did NORAD Send The "Suicide" Jets? Part 2

Why No Norad On 911?

Economic Stage Set To Fail By Design |

Locked Up Abroad—for the FBI | Mother Jones

Activist Post: California to make it a felony for MDs to treat cancer without chemo, radiation or surgery

U.S., Israel Monitor Syria's Suspected Cache Of Weapons Of Mass Destruction |

Johnson & Johnson sued over mouthwash cancer fears | World news | The Observer

Washington's Blog:Gandhi on ending injustice: Speak the truth because Truth is God

Kevin Barrett's radio show schedule: Two-hour special with Webster Tarpley: "46 Drills of 9/11"

Videos:9/11 Pentagon Eyewitness Accounts

The Pod People And The Plane That Crashed Into the Pentagon

Federal Reserve Admits "We Have No Gold" | Global Research TV

INSIDE JOB - Dylan Ratigan Interviews Director Charles Ferguson - How Wall Street Took Over Government - Home - The Daily Bail

Matt Taibbi - Obama Goes All Out For Dirty Banker Deal - Home - The Daily Bail

Steve Jobs Talks About Life And Death - Stanford Speech - Home - The Daily Bail

The Intercept: Attorney general to investigate NoW 9/11 phone-hacking allegations

Doctors in bid for Kelly inquest | UK news |


*1:27:00/Camp FEMA: American Lockdown - FULL MOVIE - 86 min - YouTube

*1:00:00/The Great Global Warming Swindle [Full Film] - YouTube


Are We Living In A Computer Simulation ? | USAHM Conspiracy News


The Story Of The Anunnaki People.. | USAHM Conspiracy News

Time Slips / Time Travel | USAHM Conspiracy News

10 Symbols That Rule The World | USAHM Conspiracy News


PART 1: The Journey to Jekyll Island

PART 2: The Name of the Game is Bailout

PART 3: Protectors of the Public

PART 4: Home, Sweet Loan

PART 5: Nearer to the Heart's Desire

PART 6: Building the New World Order

PART 7: The Barbaric Metal

PART 8: Fool's Gold

PART 9: The Secret Science

PART 10: The Mandrake Mechanism

Part 11: The Rothschild Formula


9/11 Heroes Not Welcome at Ground Zero - YouTube

» Libya Destined to Become Failed State in Wake of Globalist Success Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Max Keiser & Alex Jones On Ron Paul, Economic Meltdown Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» BBC Responds Over False Tripoli Footage Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» As expected, widespread racist murders in Libya at the hands of rebel forces revealed Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» A Monetary Maze From Which There Is No Easy Escape Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Afghanistan: 'Taliban Hunting Club' badges worn by UK troops banned | Mail Online


What The Founding Fathers Thought About Corporations | Addicting Info

Study shows powerful corporations really do control the world's finances


» Anonymous Announces Wall Street Occupation Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Inconsistent Dictator Bachmann « Blog

Township's New Office Plan Succumbs to Taxpayer Anger -


First Circuit Panel Says There’s a Clear Constitutional Right To Openly Record Cops. | The Agitator


+ Document:United States Court of Appeals For the First Circuit....


Libya: Gaddafi 'offers to form transitional government' - Telegraph

Prison » Ron Paul Issues Statement on Libya

Prison » Dick Cheney’s Heart of Evil, Psychopathic Political Systems, And The Correct Uses of Social Stigma

Drone Said to Kill Qaeda No. 2, Atiyah Abd al-Rahman -

Iran FM warns of vacuum in Syria if Assad regime is toppled - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Prison » Alex Jones And Ron Paul Are The Voices of Reason And Dissent Inside Babylon


**52 min/Ron Paul 2012 Infowars Special Report with Lew Rockwell 8-25-11 (Full Report) - YouTube


Prison » Ron Paul 2012 Infowars Special Report w/ Alex Jones and Lew Rockwell


Prison » Media Blackout: US in Yet Another Illegal War … in Yemen

New IMF chief says urgent action needed to protect recovery | The Raw Story

San Francisco Is Building A Net Around The Golden Gate Bridge To Stop People From Killing Themselves

(4 Parts)Prison » Bob Chapman’s Report: In An Unsustainable System, A Warning of Collapse

Prison » 9,173 Ounces Of Gold Transferred From HSBC To JP Morgan Gold Vaults Overnight

Prison » Jackie O., A “Conspiracy Nut”?

Prison » Ron Paul: People Will Hit The Streets Over Inflation Nightmare

Prison » Institute of Medicine adverse reactions report admits MMR vaccines cause measles, seizures, anaphylaxis and other health problems

Prison » The British descent into total tyranny takes another step forward

Ron Paul on Fox Business 8/25/11 - YouTube

"Political Elites Like Dick Cheney Can Commit Crimes & Not Be Prosecuted Because Of Obama!" - YouTube

Tarpley: Al-Qaeda pirates to grip Mediterranean if rebels take over - YouTube

As expected, widespread racist murders in Libya at the hands of rebel forces revealed -

Minority Report facial recognition advertising has arrived -

Pre-War Propaganda?: Syria ‘on radar’ as WMD source | StratRisks

"Act now" to save global recovery, IMF chief urges - Yahoo! News


* WALL STREET AND THE RISE OF HITLER: Stan Monteith interviews Anthony Sutton / 53:33


Wall Street & the rise of Hitler -


Lovely County Citizen: Local News: Smart Meters -- they know when you've been sleeping (08/25/11)

Dance Club Drug Ecstasy Developed to Cure Cancer

Floodwaters surge as Tropical Storm Irene lashes Northeast -

Russia, Venezuela Seek to Establish a Global Financial Institution

Special Operations Clear Paths For Rebel Forces Attack On Sirte

10 Myths About Libya? Rejoinder

NATO Destroys Yet Another Country

NATO Nations Set to Reap Spoils of Libya War

What Really Happened in the Bin Laden Raid?

President Narcissus and the faux "Debt Crisis"

'The Banks Have Hi-jacked The Govt'

American Decline: Causes and Consequences

Rise Up and Defeat the Corporatocracy

9/11 After A Decade: Have We Learned Anything?

The Libyan Soldier: The True Heroes of NATO’s War

WikiLeaks cables expose Washington’s close ties to Gaddafi

Libya’s forced collapse: What does it portend for Africa?

US Munitions Training: Iraqi Children Suffering from Radiation Sickness.

Gibson Guitar Corp. Responds to Federal Raid - YouTube

Gibson Guitars raid "madness" 24th August 2011 - YouTube

'Clearing the Smoke': The Benefits, Limits of Medical Marijuana - YouTube

Obama invokes Sept 11 attacks in call for service - Yahoo! News

Tectonic Weaponry : How to make an Earthquake - YouTube

Activist Post: Wireless Data From Every Light Bulb (Video)

Activist Post: PBS: Cannabis is Effective at Treating Multiple Conditions (Video)

Ron Paul Issues Statement on Libya | | Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign CommitteeRon Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

Activist Post: 6 Strange Anomalies With The Virginia Earthquake

Fresh oil slicks forming over Deepwater Horizon spill site | Raw Replay

Activist Post: Obama, Merkel agree on need to spur growth

Activist Post: The British descent into total tyranny takes another step forward

Activist Post: As expected, widespread racist murders in Libya at the hands of rebel forces revealed

Pentagon Quake Nightmare: Fukushima on the Mississippi | Danger Room |

Sky News: UN may send police force

Video:How Dangerous is This Moment?

Video:Activists Plan Oct 6th Occupation in DC

New Ad Campaign Wants You to Really Focus on Masonic Symbolism

Electronic Skin Tattoo with RFID Technology to Facilitate Monitoring

Visa’s “Just Wave and Go” Commercial aka The Human Cattle in a Cashless Society

Syria Rejects Arab League Call for End to 'Bloodshed'

Pakistan Court Orders Seizure of Musharraf's Property

Yemen Navy Stops Suicide Attack Off Abyan Coast

Economic Storm Continues: Bernanke Says ‘Recovery Even Weaker Than We Had Thought’

ExxonMobil Sues Obama Administration for Canceling Deepwater Well Worth ‘Billions of Barrels of Oil’

Minister: Obama's $50,000-a-Week Vacation a 'Disgrace' in Light of Economy

Population Expert Briefed Biden on China’s Inhumane One-Child Policy

AFL-CIO Seeks to Boost Clout with Super PAC

Reporter Gives Update Covered In Sea Foam

Owner put naked yogurt-store employee inside box, D.A. says -

Perry Bills Feds $349M For Incarcerating Illegals |

Adult children’s ‘bad mothering’ lawsuit dismissed | The Salt Lake Tribune

Google Brings Ultra-Fast Internet To Homes Near Stanford « CBS San Francisco

Irene Pulls Punch in NYC, but Still Kills 15, Causes Billions in Damage Along Path

Pro-market Perry Vaults Over Romney in GOP Race

Obama Courts Hispanics Through Amnesty

$7B Projected Irene Losses Less Than Feared

IMF's Lagarde: Global Economy in Perilous Phase

Nielsen Poll: Climate Worry Still Dropping in US

Six Years After Katrina, Lower 9th Ward Still Bleak

Ron Paul Rips Fed, US Libyan Intervention

Gingrich's American Solutions Shuts Down

Campaigns Find That Some Truths Are Inconvenient

More Younger Workers Bowing Out of Job Search

Dr. Brownstein: Detox Your Body Using Antioxidants

Obama Opens the Door to Amnesty

Evangelicals Impact on 2012 Election

Obama Is the Job Wrecker in Chief

Washington Quake Was Nuclear Explosion! | Before It's News

Tectonic Weaponry : How To Make An Earthquake | Before It's News


**181 pgs/The Emperor Wears No Clothes

E Books

Hacking for Dummies

Anarchist Cook Book

Outline of the U.S. Economy

The Secret History of America: The Greatest Conspiracy On Earth

The New World Order- H G Wells


The Great American Marijuana Conspiracy: Will the War on Drugs Ever End? | Before It's News

The Secret Space Program - Red Ice TV Episode 5 | Before It's News

Find Out The Secret To How To Make Solar Panels At Home | Before It's News

Whitleblower Releases Video Of Missile Hitting Pentagon On 9/11 | Before It's News

9/11 Called "Patriot Day" by Treasonous Dogs of Perpetual War | Before It's News

America's CIA Pursues Censorship On 9/11 And Alleged Terror Flight | Before It's News

Veterans For Peace Reveal 9/11 Crimes at Florida Free Speech Forum | Before It's News

CIA Forces FBI Agent to Redact Sections of Book about 9/11 Probe

IKEA founder 'was Nazi recruiter' - Telegraph


Banned Bush Interview - Revealing | Before It's News


BANNED Pres. Bush Interview.flv - - online file sharing and storage - download


Michael Moore Attempts A Citizen's Arrest on AIG Execs... | Before It's News

This Tyrant in the White House needs to be in chains. | Before It's News

The Camel's Nose Is Officially In The Tent In Michigan!... | Before It's News

Btw...have You Noticed?...colin Powell Is Mia... | Before It's News

Muslim Brotherhood penetrates Obama administration, FBI special agent John Guandolo, Muslim reformer Tarek Fatah confirms | Before It's News

Is The CIA Discouraging UFO Disclosure?

Astrophoto: Moon Optical Illusion by Lupuvictor | Before It's News

What’s The Anole Genome Good For?


+The Corporations Funding the Annual Meeting of the Powerful Right-Wing Front Group ALEC | Before It's News




Corporate Media Hints At Military Plans To Take On The American People During Domestic Civil Unrest | Before It's News




Corn conspiracy | Before It's News

Geoengineering Technique Exposed! 2-Stage Aerosol Spraying [Chemtrail Time Lapse Video] | Before It's News


Shocked Speechless over this reveleation of "In God We Trust" truth | Before It's News


Apollyon Rising 2012: The Lost Symbol Found and the Final Mystery of the Great Seal Revealed - YouTube


Obama’s deportation changes equates to green light for illegal immigration - Spokane Immigration |

ALIPAC - IL - Sheriff Arpaio, enforcer of immigration laws, met by friends & foes

Study: Jogging Beats Weight Lifting for Losing Belly Fat | Before It's News

ELECTION 2012: Why I support Ron Paul


Webster Tarpley(P1)Elite's Global Extermination Plan - YouTube

Webster Tarpley(P2)Elite's Global Extermination Plan - YouTube

Webster Tarpley(P3)Elite's Global Extermination Plan - YouTube


*North American Union News Archive « Nwsarchive’s Weblog


*Whole Truth Coalition » Truth E-Books


Why the Second Amendment Matters

Sources of Madness—The Insane Thinkers of the Modern Age

Shine a Spotlight on the Chopper Crash

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Defeating the political-media complex

The Real American Fanatics

Your Savings and Investments Will Be in Dire Jeopardy Going Into 2012 Unless…

A Creative Call To Action: My Wake Up Call Motivational Alarm Clock Messages

Spreading “Big Oil subsidy” disinformation

Post Qaddafi: Insurgency and Jihad versus Democracy

House Republicans Seek To Remove U.S. Funding For UN Climate Efforts

Obama Dirty Tricks Operative Buffy Wicks to Run Campaign Unit Named After ACORN Voter Fraud Factory

Moderation is Totalitarianism

Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase hold $1.1 billion in Moammar Khadafy's Libyan assets -

Egypt’s Brotherhood declares war on the bi... JPost - Middle East

Has Homeland Security spending paid off since Sept. 11? -

Buffett anything but an everyman investor -

Al Gore Compares Climate Change To Civil Rights Fight |

Gore: Eat less meat to fight warming - Robin Bravender -

Bloomberg Bans Clergy From 9/11 Ceremony but Ground Zero Mosque OK - Sept. 11 - Fox Nation

China expanding its nuclear stockpile - Washington Times

Shocking new photo of frail Steve Jobs -

Will the Democrats Trump Trumka

Fair Housing and Insanity

The Latest Attack on Christianity from the Statist Left

A Conservative's Practical Guide to Challenging Libertarianism

Syria: Where is the Outrage?

Families of 9/11 Victims Knocking on America's Door

Gaddafi spotted in Zimbabwe as Libyans pick up the pieces

Al-Qaeda's #2 killed in Pakistan according to US official

Anti-poverty program in Illinois used sex offenders to baby sit kids

Good news, bad news about Libyan weapons

Is Syria at a tipping point?

Obama Solves the Illegal Immigration Problem

Do we really need a National Weather Service?

Unemployment up, crime down

Multitasking? NHS nurses wear 'Do Not Disturb' uniforms

Michelle Blames it on the Kids

Can Rick Perry Survive the Smear Merchants?

Were Those Really the Days?

Two Great Minds on World Peace

A Unified Theory of Obama

New Yorkers come out to inspect aftermath of Irene

Hundreds gather at Gaza border for Schalit's birthday

Barak to Ashton: Palestinian UN bid counterproductive

Young doctors vow to resign despite IMA, Treasury deal

Ken Loach: 'the ruling class are cracking the whip'

Libya threatens to become terrorist arms depot

Iranian FM warns NATO against intervening in Syria

Polar bear attack survivor: 'I thought I was going to die'

Mofaz accuses coalition of 'silencing' report on UN bid

US budget: forecast's tax take flaw

Karachi gang war prompts intervention by Pakistan Rangers

Iranian sentenced to death for killing nuclear scientist

After 4 weeks of losses, stocks rise. Can it last?

TV crew anxious to keep building Delaware soup kitchen

Some flights resume in East, rail service halted

Fallen trees from Hurricane Irene kill four in Virginia

Millions wait for power to come back after Irene

Irene takes out some East Coast cellphone service

Close calls as New York floods rush in

Rick Perry pledges to support traditional marriage

UN concerned about Iraq strength before US exit

Long Island pounded by Irene but residents feel lucky

New York-bound storm draws out media's big guns

Thousands pay tribute to dead from Pukkelpop rock fest

NYC mayor: Evacuees can soon return home

New York lifts evacuation, but subways still down

Irene damages some beaches, spares others along coast

Al-Qaeda branch says responsible for Algeria bombing

Minnesota Father Steven Alexander CrossLeaves Son Behind in Foreclosed Home |

Puerto Rican Lawmaker Roberto Arango Nude Photos on Gay Site Grindr: I’m Documenting My Weight Loss |

New Jersey Braces For Irene | Video |

Australian Boy Survives Being Hit By Train | Video |

Obama Meets With FEMA | Video |

Cheney Book: Bush Personally Authorized a Leak About Iraq Strategy |

Old Guard at Tomb of the Unknown Soldier During Hurricane Irene |

Illegal Police Citations Cost Florida Millions In Taxpayer Dollars | Video |

Chinese Home-Made Helicopter Gunship | Video |

Hurricane Irene’s Death Toll Stands at 8 | Sunday Morning |

Double-Amputee ‘Blade Runner’ Oscar Pistorius Reaches World 400 Semifinals | Video |

Colin Powell on Cheney’s Book: He‘s Taking ’Cheap Shots’ | Video |

Md. Teen Arrested as ‘Jihad Jane’ Co-Conspirator Allegedly Planned Columbine-Style Attack |

Detroit Free Press Columnist Rochelle Riley: MLK Sent Hurricane Because of Violence, Racism and Porn in Our Society |

Irene Aftermath Not as Bad as Predicted |

FloridaAG Overlooking Political Corruption, Fraud at State University System?

Government Environmental Assessment: Where Integrity Is Not an Issue

DOJ Raids Gibson Guitars over Alleged Environmental Infractions, but Mum’s Still the Word on ‘Fast and Furious’

California Liberals Move to Block Referendum Nixing ‘Amazon Tax’

No Class: Vandals, Union Protesters Disrupt Successful Choice School

The Obama ‘Axis of Evil’

30 Things You Must Do BEFORE a Hurricane: Come On Irene!

The Steve Jobs/Martin Luther King Jr. Connection

Poll: GOP voters feeling better about prez choices

NewsBusted: Who’s the Least-Trusted Celebrity in America?

65% of online adults use social networking sites | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project

CBS’ Norah O’Donnell: Dan Rather Was One of ‘The Very Best Journalists in American History’

Cartoon:UI: Record of Accomplishment

NewsBusted: What is Obama’s New Jobs Plan?

While In Congress “Morning” Joe Scarborough Introduced Resolution Condemning MSNBC Colleague Al Sharpton

Wall Street to AOL: Please Sell Yourself for Parts - Forbes

Bloomberg Stands By Decision To Leave Out Clergy At 9/11 Ceremony |

Post-Qaddafi Libya: The Triumph of the ‘Bulgarian Nurses Affair’ Cabal

Islam Cleric To Rulers: Change Or Face Gaddafi’s Fate

Popeye Knew The Libyan Rebels

Goethe Voted ‘Greatest German’

Military Widows Find Strength In Alaska Retreat

Is Ron Paul A Useful Idiot?

The Coming Financial Crisis In….Saudi Arabia?

Audio:Fouad Ajami: Rebellions Of Shame

Jesse and Gadhafi

Maxine Waters Apologizes-To Fidel Castro

US And Terrorists In Race To Find Libya’s Surface To Air Missiles

Little Green Tyrannists Run Amok in Hollywood

‘Red State’ Review: Kevin Smith’s Statement of Irrelevance

The ‘Amazing Grace’ of Wintley Phipps

‘The Help’ Review: One Great Film

Report: Gibson Competitor is Dem Donor; Uses Same Wood, Experienced No Federal Raids

‘Colombiana’ Review: Zoe Saldana Steals the Show as a Vengeful Assassin

‘Columbiana’ Review: Bold, Undiluted Trash

Brad Pitt saves zombie crush girl | The Sun |Home Scotland|Scottish News


28-Aug-11 World View

27-Aug-11 World View

26-Aug-11 World View


'Mini-Stagflation' to Present Big Headache for Bernanke - CNBC

Ben Bernanke realised printing yet more money would look desperate - Telegraph

Dissecting Why the Fed Does What It Does -

Qaddafi’s fall could be economic boon for Europe - Matthew Lynn's London Eye - MarketWatch

From Immortality To "E-Mortality" - Forbes

Next wave of patent rulings could ease tech wars | Reuters Breakingviews

Libya: Nato must learn from its success - Telegraph

Hikers’ sentence in Iran is a miscarriage of justice - The Washington Post

The Dangers Lurking in the Arab Spring -

The reason why the Egyptians hate us - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Hosni Mubarak's revenge - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews

Libya Intervention Proves Obama Administration and NATO Right - The Daily Beast

George Jonas: Libya’s rebels seem like an unruly mob – and they might be | Full Comment | National Post

THE DAILY STAR :: Opinion :: Commentary :: Iraq goes the way of its Gulf neighbors

Cult Shadow Still Looms Over Japan | The Diplomat

The DPJ face of Obama perplexes Japanese voters | The Japan Times Online

BERMAN: IMF betrays West with mullahs' malarky - Washington Times

Gridlock on the road to September - JPost - Opinion - Op-Eds

Anti-corruption protests in India: No modern-day Mahatma | The Economist

What would a dictator-free world look like? Actually, not so free. - The Washington Post

When will the Obama administration sell GM? - The Washington Post

Editorial: Steve Jobs could see what others couldn’t - Orange County Register

King Memorial celebrates a leader, not just a symbol - The Boston Globe

All Together Now -

RealClearPolitics - Battlegrounds of Resentment

Tea Party Rage Dies After 2010 Victory - The Daily Beast

Cyrus Vance Jr.'s High Marks in the Strauss-Kahn Case -

The Fed’s Rescue Missed Main Street -

The Desperation-of-Deprivation Myth - Mark Steyn - National Review Online

Did We Drop the Ball on Unemployment? -

Doyle McManus: Rick Perry's presidential campaign splash -

Darth Vader Vents -

President Obama needs a bold jobs plan

Columnists | Obama can't get grip on economy | The Detroit News

Dissecting Why the Fed Does What It Does -

Census Data Shows People are Moving From Blue to Red States - The Daily Beast

Holman Jenkins: The Amazing Steve Jobs Story -

Gaddafi offers to negotiate with Libya rebels over transfer of power | World news | The Guardian

Retreating Gaddafi forces killed detainees, say survivors - The Times of India

Evidence emerges of Gaddafi's bloody revenge in final hours of war | World news | The Guardian

African Union rattled by Colonel Gaddafi's collapse in Libya | Herald Sun

Gaddafi's female bodyguards claim they were raped: report - GlobalPost

Has Gaddafi crossed over to Algeria? - The Times of India

Gaddafi had sought pardon for killers of Mujib: Hasina - The Times of India

Mutassim Gaddafi's girlfriend tells of the final days of Libyan regime - Telegraph

Report: Gadhafi planned to proclaim himself king if Libya rebels defeated - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Muammar Gaddafi Hid Billions of Dollars, but No One Can Find It - The Daily Beast

Libyan rebels close in on Gaddafi's hometown - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Runoff likely as Democratic Party votes for sixth Japanese PM in five years | World news | The Guardian

AFP: Palestinians see progress in EU stance on UN bid

Zulfiqar Mirza quits, opens fire at MQM, Malik

Militants from Afghanistan attack Pakistani posts | Reuters

AFP: Senior Iraqi Kurd calls on rebels to lay down arms

Lawyers For Dominique Strauss-Kahn Hint At Legal Action Against Hotel Maid |

Activists meet in Chicago over G8 and NATO summits -

Food truck program aids needy families - Herald News

Missing 12-year-old boy from Cicero has been found -

Chicago gang rivals band together to control neighborhood drug trade - Chicago Sun-Times

South Side girl has been missing since leaving for school Friday -

3rd UPDATE: Power Outages Multiply As Irene Pummels Northeast Region -

Obama to double down on jobs message | Brian Hughes | Politics | Washington Examiner

Huntsman: I Can 'Put the Numbers Together to Actually Win in 2012' | PBS NewsHour | Aug. 25, 2011 | PBS

Colin Powell: Cheney takes 'cheap shots' in new book - The Washington Post

Virginia soldier at large in Philly area after 4 deaths | Reno Gazette-Journal |

Lead Prosecutor In Casey Anthony Trial To Publish Book |

Tea, Green Parties Don’t Mix - Napa, CA Patch

Buffett's Capital Never Comes Cheaply As BofA Knows - Forbes

China’s oil groups ready for more deals -

Madoff whistleblower: Here's the next big fraud –

Feud Alert! Adam Levine to MTV: "F--k You" - E! Online

MTV's Video Music Awards surprise revealed - Entertainment - Music - Music - Tom Jones Releases Statement Denying Heart Problems

Snoop Dogg Accepts Icon Award at BMI Awards - The Boombox

Steve Jobs and the Rewards of Risk-Taking -

DOJ pharmacy investigation undermines Google credibility

Facebook ending Deals product after four-month test | Reuters - Carats in the Milky Way – Discovery of the Diamond Planet

Google Deadpools Slide Social Software Unit - Search Engines - News & Reviews -

Apple Hacker Extraordinaire Comex Takes An Internship At Apple - Forbes

Surgeon General: Hair Products Risk Health | The State Column

BBC News - Vitamin A pills 'could save thousands of children'

BBC News - Mosquitoes 'disappearing' in some parts of Africa

Chavez Begins Third Round of Cancer Treatment | Fox News Latino

Fond memories of Walter Reed | Democrat and Chronicle |

Social Networking Tied to Teen Drug, Alcohol Use

Seasonal flu vaccine now available | Oskaloosa News

Global climate worry up slightly since 2009 - poll | Reuters

‘Aquatic Fleas’ To the Rescue of World’s Amphibians - International Business Times

Spaceflight Now | Space Station Mission Report | Space station could be abandoned in November

Underground river 'Rio Hamza' discovered 4km beneath the Amazon | Environment |

Study: Sex with Neanderthals likely strengthened human immune system

Star explodes in the Pinwheel Galaxy, may be bright enough for binoculars -

How Much Life Does Earth Host?: Scientific American Podcast

NASA hopes for payoff from probes to the moon

World's Most Accurate Clock Belongs to Britain - International Business Times

Travel Deal: Visit the Arctic region, North Pole | Detroit Free Press |

Meteorite in Peru leaves forest fires in its wake in Cusco | Mail Online

TV crew comes to Carlton County looking for Bigfoot | Duluth News Tribune | Duluth, Minnesota

BBC News - Subterranean Amazon river 'is not a river'

New power wave heads out to sea - environment - 26 August 2011 - New Scientist

'God Particle' May Be A Mirage, Scientists Hint |

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Freedom is inscribed on our hearts';Christine O'Donnell: Individual citizens must push to return America to greatness

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Whoa! Congressman wants 'back-door amnesty' stopped ;'What they're trying to do is do administratively what they have not through legislation'


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Air Force vet dedicates future to exposing Obama

Anti-birther bragged of ties to Lakin's commander


Humble soldier saves 4, gets rare medal for heroism - Good News -

FEC Drafts Opinions for Guyana-Born Man About Presidential Run : Roll Call Politics

Rick Santorum: Ron Paul's views reveal a 'disconnect from reality' - Dan Hirschhorn -

Nation & World | Mexican leader says U.S. shares blame for casino attack that killed 52 | Seattle Times Newspaper

Shurtleff, evangelicals praise Obama deportation policy, blast tea party | Deseret News

Husband sues hospital over ¿do not resuscitate¿ notes placed on wife without her consent | Mail Online

Abbas: We won't recognize Israel as Jewish state - Israel News, Ynetnews

Libya: Horror of 150 bodies found on a farm thought to have been massacred by pro-Gaddafi forces | Mail Online

Underpublicized threat deep in White House

Warrior wasp discovered in the jungle with jaws longer than its front legs | Mail Online

A mystery will be cracked open this week when a secret sealed safe will be broken open at Bill's Lake Tahoe Casino, formerly owned by Harrah's. - KTXL

Abortion Typically Doesn't Harm Mental Health: Study

Scientists debunk decades-old theories on losing weight - Health News, Health & Families - The Independent

Image searches 'poisoned' by cybercriminals - tech - 26 August 2011 - New Scientist

PayPal founder Peter Thiel funding a plan to build new societies in international waters | Space, Military and Medicine |

Guitar Frets: Environmental Enforcement Leaves Musicians in Fear | Postmodern Times -

U2 | Bob Geldoff | Adam Ant | Live Aid a mistake

Simon Cowell Wants To Be Cryogenically Frozen: Who Is The Weirdest Celeb? | - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | Day & Night :: Simon Cowell’s plans in cold storage

Carrie Fisher loses 50lbs in nine months but what has she done to her face? | Mail Online

Katy Perry slammed over Israel support - Israel Culture, Ynetnews - Local news: Rick Steves donating $1 million in ‘Bush tax cuts’ to Edmonds arts center

+Satellite Photos Take You Inside Gadhafi’s Compound | Danger Room |

The Tech That Took Out Gadhafi | Danger Room |

Five Foot Long Skull Found in Lake - WABI TV5

Jaw-droppingly gorgeous video captures the Milky Way as Earth spins | Technology News Blog - Yahoo! News

The states must fight Obama's amnesty decree

Darwin's legal legacy: Justice O.W. Holmes

Stephen Moore: Obamanonics vs. Reaganomics -

The truth about Libyan 'rebels'

The Islamic Supremacist Propaganda Machine Cranks Out Another “Islamophobia” Report | FrontPage Magazine

District backs off secret sex surveys for students

Planned Parenthood says abortion center is 'office'

Foreign mercenaries led Libya's 'popular uprising'?

Can Obama be defeated in 2012?

The nightmare world of 'trans-humanism'


*28th/Politics Video:Ron Paul: "Let The People Who Have Lived Beyond Their Means Go Bankrupt. Let The Liquidation Occur"

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Perry Surging Past Romney

Gov. O'Malley: "This Is A Much Better FEMA Than The Olden Days"

George Will On Hurricane Hype: Media Created "Synthetic Hysteria"

Colin Powell Responds To Cheney's Book: "Cheap Shots"

"This Week" Roundtable On The Politics Of Storms

Gore Likens Global Warming Skeptics To Segregationists In Civil Rights Era

27th/Obama Invokes 9/11 In Call To Volunteer Service To Country

Heller Gives GOP Weekly: Obama's "Economic Recovery Has Failed Miserably"

Krauthammer: Rubio "Prohibitively Favorite" For VP On Ticket

AFL-CIO's Trumka: "We Don't Have A Short-Term Deficit Crisis"

Richard Wolffe: Gloves Are Off With Republican 2012 Candidates

Sen. Sanders: Tax More To Make Social Security Solvent For 75 Years


**NEWS vIDEOS:Gore: Scientists Wouldn’t Lie About Global Warming for Money, Skeptics Would

Irene Takes Manhattan

More Gore: Global Warming Skeptics this Generation’s Racists

Obama Takes Charge at Hurricane Command Center Hours Before Irene Downgraded to Trop Storm

Man Swims Down Street in Queens

Obama Kicks-Off 9/11 Remembrances with Call to Community Service

Reporter Covered In Sea Foam

Liberal Comedienne: ‘Conservative White Republicans’ Will Accept Only One Black Golfer – Tiger Woods

27th/Ron Paul: No Fed Response Needed for Hurricane Relief

Ray ‘School Bus’ Nagin: CBS Hurricane Expert

Irene’s Outer Bands Hit NC Coast

26th/Obama on Irene: ‘Prepare for the Worst’

Gibson Guitar CEO on Obama DOJ Raids: ‘We’re Being Persecuted’

Bloomberg: Mandatory Evacuation for Some Areas

Schultz: ‘Pretty Boy’ Rubio Will Be ‘Ugly’ to Senior Citizens

NBC News Provides Prime Time Platform for Calling Cheney ‘Criminal’

Obama Pal Buffett Pumps $5 Billion into B of A

O’Donnell: ‘Witch’ Ad Biggest Mistake; I Shouldn’t Have Listened to Experts

Former Obama Econ Advisor Flounders Under Hannity’s Fire

Crowder Presents: Go Green Now!!

Nobel Laureate Sees 50% Chance of Global Slump

Bodies of pro-Gadhafi Fighters Litter Tripoli

Libya Rebels Transfer Leadership to Tripoli

Psychiatrists Advocate Change to Pedophilia Definition

NBC News’ Ron Reagan on Cheney: ‘He’s a War Criminal’

25th/Perry on Washington DC: ‘It’s a Seedy Place’

More than Three Dozen Protesters Arrested in San Francisco After Causing Chaos for Commuters

Romney Shows Fire at Rowdy Town Hall

Reactions to Jobs’ Resignation As Apple CEO

Dennis Miller: ‘I’d Rather Have Obama on Vacation than Perpetually Out to Lunch

24th/Max Blumenthal ‘Educates’ Lebanon TV Viewers on Herman Cain

*28 Aug

William J Federer's American Minute for August 28th

August 28th in History

August 28 Events in History

This Day in History for 28th August

Today in History: August 28

Today in History: August 28

August 28th This Day in History

Today in History for August 28th - YouTube

Internet Talk Shows

Dead Doctors Don't Lie 08-26-11

The Doc Love Show 08-27-11

The Easy Organic Gardener 08-28-11

Herb Talk 08-27-11

Home Talk 08-27-11 Hr 1

Home Talk 08-27-11 Hr 2

Home Talk 08-27-11 Hr 3

Korelin Economics Report 08-27-11 Hr 1

Korelin Economics Report 08-27-11 Hr 2

The Magic Garden 08-27-11 Hr 1

The Magic Garden 08-27-11 Hr 2

Nutrimedical Report 08-26-11 Hr 1

Nutrimedical Report 08-26-11 Hr 2

Nutrimedical Report 08-26-11 Hr 3

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 08-28-11 Hr 1

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 08-28-11 Hr 2

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 08-28-11 Hr 3

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 08-28-11 Hr 4

You The Owner's Manual 08-27-11 Hr 1

You The Owner's Manual 08-27-11 Hr 2

Webster Tarpley

World Crisis Radio 08-27-11 Hr 1

World Crisis Radio 08-27-11 Hr 2


Rep. Todd Akin Refuses to Meet With Constituents and Defend Vote to Eliminate Medicare

Stephen Hayes: Every Time His Job Record is Attacked, It's a Win for Rick Perry

Christie: NJ Evacuated A Million People From Beach Towns

Ron Paul Calls for Spending Cuts Before Hurricane Relief

Gov. Rick Scott, Aren't You Going To Apologize To Welfare Recipients?

Sen. Heller Pretends GOP Doesn't Want to End Medicare in Weekly Address - Asks Dems to Quit Using 'Scare Tactics'

Audio:Open Thread with The Professional Left Weekly Podcast: What does the Right have that we don't? A Rookie Bench.

Bachmann Bizarro Minute: Health Care Law Is A Death Knell For Conservatism

Rubberstamp? State Department Report on Keystone XL Pipeline Says 'No Significant Impact' On Natural Resources

Gov. Perry Bills Feds For Housing Undocumented Immigrants

Ron Paul Thinks Hurricane Aid Is Wasteful, Touts Return To 1900

'Christian Warrior' Charged with Firebombing Oregon Mosque

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