A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

24 August 2011

24 AUG

All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit.

» Media Openly Admits Foreign Special Forces Behind Overthrow of Gaddafi Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Big Sis Gives Green Light For Drone That Tazes Suspects From Above Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» As his numbers continue to improve, Ron Paul presents challenge to Obama, other GOP candidates Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Cops Confiscate Cameras at Ohio Congressman’s Town Hall Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Ron Paul Now Polls Almost At Dead Heat With Obama Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» NATO Gives Al-Qaeda Access to Deadly Weapons Stockpile Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Pentagon Floats Libyan WMD Threat Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Art Project Sends Big Message To Fed - Kansas City News Story - KMBC Kansas City

Order: Kill non-mainstream reporters in Libya, What U.S. is hiding - National Human Rights |

Chinese oil giant ends ops in Libya, Syria: report | The Raw Story

» Perry Zooms to Front of Pack for 2012 GOP Nomination Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Now Biden finds China one-child policy ‘repugnant’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

EIU sees at least 40% risk of eurozone breaking up - People's Daily Online

Gaddafi's Stake In UniCredit Has Helped Bolster Italian Banking System | Business | Sky News

'Libya rebels to divide in victory vacuum' — RT

» Calls for NATO Occupation of Libya Deafening Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Dollar Lays Anchor As QE3 Speculation Takes Over - TheStreet

» 10 Reasons Why Devastating U.S. Jobs Famine Will Suck Hope Out Of America Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

15-Year-Old Schoolboy On Trial After Head Teacher Tells Police About File-Sharing | TorrentFreak

» 10 Things Citizen Spies Should Report to DHS Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

BART police clamp down on second week of protest | The Raw Story

» Ron Paul: Liberty is More Important Than the Illusion of Safety Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» New York: Judge Says Warrant Required for Cell Phone Location Data Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

NYPD and CIA spy on Muslims — RT

» Scientists respond to overuse of agricultural chemicals by genetically engineering crops to produce fertilizer Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» HAARP, Hurricane Irene and the DC Earthquake …Connected? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Government Protects “the Children” From Parents and Raw Milk Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Vaccine Assault on Children by World Government Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Journalist’s Twitter Account Suspended Over Libya Coverage Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Committees of Tyranny Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Mayor Resigns After Controversial Vote To Cut Police Force | Ohio Votes 2011

» CNN’s Zakaria Promotes ‘Superior’ Parliamentary System vs. American System Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Border Sheriffs Seek Donations to Unblock Arizona Immigration Law | Fox News Latino

Police Stop Man Attempting To Ignite Fireworks From Jeep At National Mall |

Stratfor disputes OBL killing in Abbottabad | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

Bloomberg Bans Clergy From 9/11 Ceremony but Ground Zero Mosque OK - Sept. 11 - Fox Nation

» 9/11 After A Decade: Have We Learned Anything? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Post-9/11: Is US hiding too much info? - US news - Security -

» Max Keiser: Twilight Zone Economics Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» ‘Libya = Iraq 2.0, boots on ground & turbo-capitalism next’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Warning as children shun books in favour of Facebook - Telegraph

Bernanke Jackson Hole speech could rattle markets - Yahoo! Finance

Pentagon report: China closer to matching modern militaries - Washington Times

Prison » NATO Gives Al-Qaeda Access to Deadly Weapons Stockpile

Libya: Hunt for Gaddafi spreads beyond Tripoli - Telegraph

Prison » Did NATO Stage the Green Square “Celebration”?

Congressman Kucinich: NATO must account for Libyan deaths | The Raw Story

Conflict in Libya could go on for 'some time' warns William Hague | Politics |

SAS troopers help co-ordinate rebel attacks in Libya | World news | The Guardian

Prison » Syria Preparing To Resist Globalist And NATO Regime Change Plans

Gaddafi vows 'martyrdom or victory' after fleeing compound | World news |

The Scramble for Access to Libya’s Oil Wealth Begins -

Prison » Fog of War: ‘Disinfo on both sides of Libya fight’

Prison » Sweet and Lowdown: A Crude Analysis of the Libyan Liberation

Prison » 14 Conspiracy Theories That The Media Now Admits Are Conspiracy Facts

Prison » State Terror: Deadly Libya strikes ‘NATO policy, not mistake’

Prison » Paul Joseph Watson: NATO Prepares “Humanitarian” Occupation Of Libya

Prison » A (Hopefully Fake) Paul Krugman Laments The Lack Of Death And Destruction Following Today’s Earthquake

Prison » Now Biden finds China one-child policy ‘repugnant’

Perry campaign continues to disavow Perry’s 9-month-old book | The Raw Story

Facebook and Twitter to oppose calls for social media blocks during riots | Media | The Guardian

Prison » HAARP, Hurricane Irene and the DC Earthquake …Connected?

London riots were orchestrated by outsiders - Telegraph

Prison » Scientists respond to overuse of agricultural chemicals by genetically engineering crops to produce their own fertilizer

Prison » Radiation Will Pollute the Area Around Chernobyl For 5 to 10 Times Longer Than Models Predicted – Between 180 and 320 Years

Western Run Al-Qaeda Groups Engaging in Mass Murder, Looting & Humanitarian Atrocities

Rick Perry — Big Pharma president?

As Good as Gold - YouTube

The Triumph of Human Freedom - YouTube


Harvey Schlanger: "Rescuing Civilization From the Brink" 1/3 - YouTube

Harvey Schlanger: "Rescuing Civilization From the Brink" 2/3 - YouTube

Harvey Schlanger: "Rescuing Civilization From the Brink" 3/3 - YouTube


» As his numbers continue to improve, Ron Paul presents challenge to Obama, other GOP candidates Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Art Project Sends Big Message To Fed - Kansas City News Story - KMBC Kansas City

» Perry Zooms to Front of Pack for 2012 GOP Nomination Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Study shows powerful corporations really do control the world’s finances Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 10 Things Citizen Spies Should Report to DHS Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Warrantless Spying, Denied – Judge N. Garaufis Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

FBI organizes almost all terror plots in the US — RT

Fake terror, real sentence: FBI inspiration for 25 years in jail - YouTube

» 9/11 After A Decade: Have We Learned Anything? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Post-9/11: Is US hiding too much info? - US news - Security -

First Responders not welcome at 9/11 ceremony | We Are Change

The American Spectator : Professor Obama Holds Forth on the Mandate

Martin Luther King's Conservative Legacy

The Conservative Virtues of Dr. Martin Luther King

Obama's Coup Follows Path of Hitler's Enabling Law

Where Radicals Are Made | Culture Wars Right Side News

The Daily Bell - Paper Currencies Finally Redeemed for Gold

PJ Lifestyle » Dante’s IKEA

How Democrats Hurt Job Creation -

Connecting the Dots in a New World (Dis)Order

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Chris Smith on Joe Biden and China's One-Child Policy

A Huge Housing Bargain -- but Not for You - TheStreet

Martin Luther King memorial made in China - Telegraph

Gadhafi's Compound Falls -

Magnitude 7.0 - NORTHERN PERU

The Great Deception 2011 - English version (HD) - 12160

Leonor: Jounalists Freed - Rebels controlling - not much known - YouTube

"Ron Paul Picks Up Steam Despite Minimal Media Coverage" - 12160

Connect the Dots: Information Warfare 101 Preview - Guy Rodgers - YouTube

JP Morgue: A Post Mortem | Video Rebel's Blog

Welcome to the Machine A Working Man's Guide to MERS and the Shadow Banking System By: Vermont Trotter

Google Translate:Renaissance for Ron Paul

Ron Paul: Just Freeze The Budget! - Home - The Daily Bail

JP Morgan May Take Over Bank Of America - MarketWatch


Iran vs Israel: What The Media Wants You To Forget | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

Guest Post: US Government Asset Seizures On The Rise | ZeroHedge

Leaked Cable: McCain Promised Qaddafi To Help Secure Military Equipment From U.S. | ThinkProgress

Don Imus to Paul Begala: Where Are The Funds for Haiti? : Federal Jack

GOP Operatives Fear Lasting Ron Paul Problem - Page 1 - Byron York - Townhall Conservative

Libya's vacuum of power - YouTube

Activist Post: Even the mainstream media is now admitting “waves of disinformation” in Libya

NATO Go Home? 'Rebels fed up with West troops, want Libya back' - YouTube

Paul Joseph Watson: NATO Hands Terrorists Who Killed U.S. Troops Control of Libya - Alex Jones Tv - YouTube

Brace For Impact!!! - YouTube

Clint Curtis blew the whistle on Republican election in Florida (and no one listened—or is listening now) (MUST-SEE) :: News From Underground

Programmer under oath admits computers rig elections - YouTube

Leonor - Libya Will Win - YouTube

Alex Jones Prank Call - YouTube

FBI and OKC clip War by Deception - YouTube

Lone wolf lunacy and “First Observers” |

Mousa Ibrahim's Speech - Midnight 23rd August - English Voice Over - YouTube

Mike Rogers Wants American Boots On The Ground In Libya “To Stop al-Qaeda From Getting WMDs”…. : Federal Jack

Feb'08/Connecting The Many Undersea Cut Cable Dots - 9 Or More?

CNN tells journalists in Libya “Don’t mention al Qaeda or you’ll get killed” : Federal Jack

FBI’s 15,000 Strong Army Of Agent Provocateurs Terrorize America To Legitimize The “Lone Wolf” Fear Tactic :

Leonor - August 23 2nd Libya Update - YouTube

Libya: NATO Psy-Op Collapses – Qaddafi Prevails Again :

Earthquake damage in Virginia (08-23-2011) - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Judge Napolitano "I Still Want Ron Paul" (For President 2012)

Obama 39%, Paul 38% - Rasmussen Reports


The Battle of Alexandria(1/5) - YouTube

The Battle of Alexandria(2/5) - YouTube

The Battle of Alexandria(3/5) - YouTube

The Battle of Alexandria(4/5) - YouTube

The Battle of Alexandria(5/5) - YouTube


Ron Paul on the Lou Dobbs Radio Show: "Fortunately MSM is not the only Game in Town" - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : Marc Faber: Where The Gold Goes, He Would Buy Stocks Before 10-Year Treasury

Revolutionary Politics : The President Wants To Make Like We're Un-American If We Don't Submit To Him Being Like A Dictator!

The Worst Nuclear Accident in US History Happened Just Outside Los Angeles - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : How Much Money Did The Federal Reserve Loan Banks During The Financial Crisis?

Attention Governor Perry: Evolution is a fact - On Faith - The Washington Post

New Study: The Media Stonewalls the "Ron Paul Revolution"

1 in 4 Hackers FBI Informants - 12160

Activist Post: The Illusion of Safety is NOT Freedom

Federal Reserve works to strip a key mortgage protection for homeowners against predatory lending - Home - The Daily Bail

Earthquake May Have Distracted From Larger Threat Of Hurricane |

Photos: New Massive Oil Slick Found At BP's Deepwater Horizon Gulf Spill Site

What If US Collapses? Soviet Collapse Lessons Every American Needs To Know

The Lockerbie Case: Megrahi was framed

Forget piracy, U.S. government is going after Bitcoin | VentureBeat

INSIDE JOB - How Wall Street Became A Criminal Enterprise And Took Over Government - Feature Film Trailer, Oscar Winner 2011 - Home - The Daily Bail

Covering Up Wall Street Crimes: Matt Taibbi Exposes How SEC Shredded Thousands of Investigations

Zero Gov - Anti-Government, Pro-Liberty » Blog Archive » Free Your Mind By Chris Dates

Activist Post: 15 simple ways to get America on the road to economic recovery

Multiple Earthquakes Felt Across United States From Colorado To Washington D.C. :

"Thomas Jefferson Lives, He's Ron Paul" - Home - The Daily Bail


*Science News: Study Shows Only 147 Entities Really Do Control The World’s Finances


*36 pg/The network of global corporate control


Financial World Dominated By A Few Deep Pockets - Science News


Gaddafi Suggests Israel Behind JFK Assassination - 12160

9/11:Israel did it - WikiSpooks

Wayfaring Traveler: Symbols of Power

BBC News - When algorithms control the world

9/11: A Conspiracy Beyond Theory | My Catbird Seat

Leaked cable: Sen. McCain promised to help Gaddafi obtain U.S. military hardware | The Raw Story

5 things the media isn’t telling you about human activity and earthquakes | The Raw Story

Far-right activist denies contact with Norway killer | The Raw Story

Ron Paul: I’d get rid of the federal income tax | Raw Replay

Woman allegedly raped in Iraq sued by defense contractor KBR | The Raw Story

NATO, Sleeper Cells Drove Rebels’ Tripoli Push

NATO Partnership in Libya Serves as Model, Panetta Says

Turning Libya Into A New Afghanistan:

Libyan Bombing Illegal Says Concerned Group

WikiLeaks: U.S. Seeks Info Through Patriot Act:

FBI Organizes Almost All Terror Plots In the US

9/11 After A Decade: Have We Learned Anything?

Animal-Human Hybrid Tests: Moral & Ethical Ramifications | American Free Press

U.S. lawmakers urge new moves against Lockerbie bomber | Reuters

Rick Perry holds the record on executions - The Washington Post

Al Sharpton Officially Named MSNBC Host Of 'PoliticsNation'

BBC News - 'Smart' CCTV could track rioters

Titanic Battle or Insider Trading? The S&P Downgrade and the Bilderbergers: All Part of the Plan?

The True Meaning of War and Peace. Barack Obama versus Martin Luther King

VIDEO: Fukushima Will Be Radiating Everyone for Centuries

Norway’s Terror as Systemic Destabilization: Breivik, the Arms-for-Drugs Milieu, and Global Shadow Elites

"KILLING THE TRUTH":: Mahdi Nazemroaya Threatened by NATO's "Pro-Democracy" Rebels.

VIDEO: Declassified: Massive Israeli Manipulation of US Media

Crash!!! Its raining drones

VIDEO: 'Western countries fighting for Libya’s oil fields like piranhas'

How to get $12 billion of gold to Venezuela | Felix Salmon

Judge says warrant required for cell phone location data

Strauss-Kahn criminal sexual assault case dropped - Yahoo! News

The Informants | Mother Jones

Video:"Boots on the Ground" in Libya?

Video:NATO Tries to Control Libyan Revolution

Video:Should Banks be a Public Utility?

Video:Why is Qatar so Active in Libya?

Video:Is NATO Intervention Illegitimate?

Video:DC Earthquake interrupts Real News interview

New strike corps for China border

Redflex Reports Drop in US Traffic Camera Revenue

Google Reaches $500 Million Settlement With Government -

HHS: Children Are ‘Sexual Beings’ |

Metro Gael: From the makers of "Gaddafi is killing his own people" Doha studio presents" The Libyan Revolution"

Our Guide to the Best Coverage of Ron Paul and His Record - ProPublica

Oath Keepers Offers to Assist in Peaceful Resolution of Charles Dyer Situation

The American Spectator : Ron Paul and the Neoliberal Reeducation Campaign

The American Spectator : Ron Paul and Conservatism: An Exchange

Ron Paul Leaps Past Bachmann in Latest Poll

Could Ron Paul 2012 Pave the Way for Rand Paul 2016 or 2020? - US News and World Report

Seaside Heights (NJ) Officer Attacks Videographer - YouTube

Julian Heicklen silenced by Judge Perry's unConstitutional orders - YouTube

Lemonade Freedom on Fox & Friends 8/22/11 - Rob Fernandes & Meg McLain - YouTube

The Coin Analyst: Ten Reasons Why Gold is Not Yet a Bubble | CoinWeek

Police-Thugs with Guns - informationliberation

Liquidate Your Local Police: An Idea Whose Time Has Come - informationliberation

How Government Decides Who Is Qualified - informationliberation

Theory of Crime and Punishment - informationliberation

Making Money Is Controversial? Ron Paul's Profitable Portfolio - YouTube

Forsaking Society for the State? - informationliberation

Google settles pharmacy ad probe for $500 million - Taiwan News Online

New national debt data: It's growing about $3 million a minute, even during his vacation -


* Cryptome

* WikiLeaks


Nancy Reagan Uninjured in Fall

Paul Simon the Subject of New Documentary

'Uncle Frank' of Jimmy Kimmel Fame dies

Reporters Imprisoned in Libya Hotels, Then Freed

Gadhafi son offers to broker Libya cease-fire -

Kucinich: NATO Not Exempt From Law -- News from

Close Read: Libya: A Word About War Powers : The New Yorker

Lobbying and PR Firms Hired by TNC -- News from

In Interview, Assange Discusses Arab Spring -- News from

Sen. Graham: US Should Spend More on Foreign Aid -- News from

F.B.I. Focusing on Security Over Ordinary Crime -

Do U.S., Mexican officials favor one cartel over another? | McClatchy

DARPA Prepares for Meme War -

The Singularity's impact on Business leaders: a Scenario: how will technologically enhance Individuals collaborate with normal employees? | The Futurist | Professional Journal archives from

Your Smartphone Is An Artificial Limb | Fast Company

Behavior Control: Architecture of Modern Propaganda | Old-Thinker News

IBM unveils chips that mimic the human brain - 18 Aug 2011 - Computing News

Ron Paul: A 2012 Revolution - YouTube

Roy Tov – Zionist Libya

The Tree of Stupidity and the Fall of Empire. Smoking Mirrors

Libya: Gaddafi's son Saif al-Islam's web of connections to the rich and powerful | Mail Online

Obama's Wars On Humanity

OpEdNews - Article: Did Fracking Cause the Virginia Earthquake?

President Barack Obama's Complete List of Historic Firsts

DA Claims No Evidence Police Intentionally Killed Homeless Man | Christian Law Journal

Speed cameras 'do not cut accidents'... they create them, study finds | Mail Online

Kim Jong Il and his bullet-proof train annoy locals on rare Siberia visit - Telegraph

Coriander oil could be used to cure food poisoning and MRSA, say scientists | Mail Online

Porn blamed for 5-fold rise in genital cosmetic surgery requests by women | Mail Online

How The Jews Mock Jesus Christ | Real Zionist News

How the quake affected U.S. landmarks -

Activist Post: Libya: NATO Psy-Op Collapses - Qaddafi Prevails Again

BP’s Gusher May Be Gushing Again. If So, Can’t Be Stopped | Health Freedom Alliance - Hollywood Peddles Specific Occult Themes

Administration moves plan to ax hundreds of regs - Yahoo! News

Obamacare’s Waterloo « The PPJ Gazette

Robert Hastings • Articles -- UFOs Are Stalking and Intercepting Dummy Nuclear Warheads During Test Flights

Vladimir Putin Takes Stand Against New World Order - YouTube

Quake Rocks White House - YouTube

D.C. Police Officer: There’s Concern That Washington Monument May Be Tilting Following 5.9 Magnitude Earthquake « Fox News Insider

Earthquake rattles Colorado-New Mexico border

Earthquake Measured at 5.8 Magnitude Rattles Washington, New York - ABC News

Zionism Stinks: The official 2001 FBI docs on Urban Moving Systems and the 9-11-2001 Dancing Israelis incident

New EPA rule could lead to rolling blackouts in Texas, PUC chairwoman says | Business | ...

Halliburton exec takes a swig of fracking fluid - Business - Going Green -

Paul Drockton M.A.: Mormon Church has Huge Conflict Over Illegals

Alex Jones, Mike Adams and the 9/11 Litmus Test. Reflections in a Petri Dish

Standard & Poor's president steps down after historic US debt downgrade | Business |

Wall Street Aristocracy Got $1.2 Trillion in Fed’s Secret Loans - Bloomberg

Phone hacking: Andy Coulson's 'News International payments continued' while he worked for David Cameron - Telegraph

'Everyone thinks that their joints are safe and strong': Sick pre-9/11 advert predicts terror attack | Mail Online

Conference aims to normalize pedophilia « » Print The Daily Caller

Former WikiLeaks spokesman admits shredding 3,500 unpublished documents - Europe, World - The Independent

Protection Of Peace Keepers | Opinion Maker

Bulbs could soon be used to broadcast household broadband | Mail Online

Womb cancer linked to sugary diet: Sweet snacks increase risk by 33% | Mail Online

Higgs Boson search continues as signs of God Particle fade - Telegraph

George Will: 'You Couldn't Build the Hoover Dam Today Because' Environmentalists 'Would Stop It' |

Activist Post: Government Protects "the Children" From Parents and Raw Milk - Weather News | Video: Significant Earthquake Damage in DC Area

2 nuclear reactors taken offline after Va. quake | Associated Press | The Portland Press Herald / Maine Sunday Telegram


Live Hotel WebCams - (


Racing fan Russ Bost builds 170mph 'F1 car' out of motorbike and banger parts | Mail Online

Cooking may be 1.9m years old, say scientists | Science | The Guardian

DEBORCHGRAVE Commentary: New world disorder - Illuminati Inspect Every Hollywood Script

Utah researcher helps artist make bulletproof skin - Yahoo! News

DAY OF RAGE PLANNED FOR D.C., STATE CAPITOLS and WALL STREET SEPT 17, 2011 - United States Patriots Union

Attorney: Strauss-Kahn may take civil court action -

Secret U.S. experiments to prompt 2nd Coming?

Obama Exposed! Whitehouse Insider Reveals Race Wars Planned! | Before It's News

The Strange Noise Heard Around the World | Before It's News

Steve Jobs Resigns as CEO of Apple, Tim Cook Named as Successor

Apple’s COO Tim Cook Replaces Steve Jobs As CEO | TechCrunch

Blue For Facebook Sure Looks Like Color’s Next Hue | TechCrunch

Strange Sound Heard On Live TV Prior To Quake? | Before It's News

Dying NASA Scientist Reveals Truth | Before It's News

New Madrid Fault & Arkansas Earthquakes Spur Fears In Midwest | Before It's News

This Photo Should Stun You! | Before It's News

Perry vs. Obama: Boys Will Be Boys | Before It's News

Sexual Satisfaction Tied To Overall 'Successful Aging' As Reported By Women Age 60 To 89 | Before It's News

Coke Lets You Create Your Own Drink on Facebook (And in the Real World)

The Legacy of Col. Philip Corso – UFO and ET Technology | Before It's News

SheilaAliens: U.S. Earthquakes Were Nuke Attacks On Underground Tunnels | Before It's News

NEW MADRID @ CENTER STAGE Google Earth | Before It's News

600 Million Year Old Seismic Zone Awakening? | Before It's News

Wikileaks destroys secret information files of Bank of America

Jeb Bush Neil Cavuto “YOUR WORLD” VIDEO TEXT | Before It's News

Your World w/ Cavuto -

PointOfLaw Forum: "Politicization of Justice Department Worsens"

Why IP Addresses Alone Don't Identify Criminals | Before It's News

The Humble Libertarian: 10 Major Conservative Voices Saying Great Things About Ron Paul [Videos]

Earthquakes, Earthquakes! And Drilling? | Before It's News

It's Amazing How Much Panic One Honest Person Can Spread Among a Multitude of Hypocrites | Colonel6's Blog

6 Ways to Embrace Mother Nature | Before It's News

Audio:The Government Gang;Mark Carbonaro talks to Lew Rockwell

Jesse Ventura: Democracy Rocks by Marshall Ward

How to Be a Human Altucher Confidential

Return of the Beetle – Mark I by Eric Peters

The Illusion of Safety by Ron Paul

Legal Obedience by Walter E. Williams

We Do NOT Have a Federal Government by Paul Rosenberg

The Pentagon’s Fake Jihadists by Tom Engelhardt

Are You Ready Series: 72 Hour Kits | Ready Nutrition

BBC News - Impacts 'more likely' to have spread life from Earth

Drug Traffickers Worship "Holy Death" Saint To Keep The Law Away | Fox News Latino

Scorpion-shaped UFO seen in the skies over Los Cristianos, Spain [photos] - National unexplained phenomena |


New Report: Aliens Will Fix Global Warming… Or Kill Us | Study Says ET Might Detect Earth's Atmospheric Changes | Extraterrestrial Life & Greenhouse Gas Emissions | LiveScience

It's alive! Space station's humanoid robot awake - Yahoo! News

Galaxies are running out of gas: study

BBC News - Scottish prehistoric mummies made from jigsaw of body parts

Synthetic Life Could Help Colonize Mars, Biologist Says | Synthetic Life & Human Spaceflight | Mars Exploration & Mars Settlement | LiveScience

Do You Suffer From Decision Fatigue? -

America is Under Attack

The Usurper in Chief and Kingfish Liar Again Misleads Public

Are Green Jobs Pipe Dreams?

The Great Renewable Energy Scam Continues

An Earthquake Comes to Washington

The Qaddafi and Assad Summer

The Hideous MLK Memorial

Can A Country With No Borders Be Called A Country?

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America–Perp walk Obama out of the White House

New norm in Obama regime: Graduates who can’t read

The New and Improved American Dream as Envisioned by UN Agenda 21


Climate prostitutes, charlatans and comedians

Qadaffi’s End? And What Will Replace Him?

EPA – one of Obama’s deadly weapons of destruction

Another “You Lied” moment from Obama on energy

Black Tea Party Leader Demands Apology from Maxine Waters

Exclusive! Proof of Tea Party Terrorism!!

Communist-Created Statue to Honor King

Dictator-in-Chief Obama and US Congress Collaborating to Destroy USA?

The Five Stages of (Progressive) Grief

Johns Hopkins Hospital Supports Pedophilia?

When you have nothing... they can't take it!

Decriminalizing drugs will save lives and money

Sustainable Eating - Good for Your Health, the Environment & Your Wallet

Keynesian Solutions - After Total Failure - Try, Try Again

A Modest Proposal for Reforming the Jury Trial System

Why Obama Can't Lead

The Obama Bubble

Audacity As A War-Fighting Ideology

Kevorkian Economics

The Income Gap Con Game

Coin of the Realm of Madness

The FDA's Hazardous Plan to Regulate Mobile Medical Apps

Keep government out of the way of job producers

77% of Democrats (and Ron Paul) Voted Against Rules Of Engagement That Protect Our Troops

Obama's Big Labor Albatross

Why Obama won't be challenged in his own party

Momentum seen for UN sanctions against Syria

Nuke experts warn of dirty bomb material in Libya

The 'Green Jobs' chimera

Gaddafi pledges 'martyrdom or victory'

Krugman bemoans lost economic boost from too mild earthquake (update: it was identity theft)

Obama administration tries to climb down from Biden's 'one child policy' gaffe

Obama Baits the Dependency Trap

How Nixon Created Obama

Obama's Real Energy Policy

That Federal Bank Bailout in 2008 Was Bigger Than We Knew. A Lot Bigger

Politicians' Sex Drives Trump High Level Government Crime

Lies, Compromise, and Reptiles

Remember 'No New Taxes'?

Living in a One-Party Machine

Debbie Schlussel:VIDEO of the Day: Confronting Jew-Hating Palestinian Protesters @ Harvard

Debbie Schlussel:Get Rich Quick Publick Skoolz Scheme: They Paid the Superintendent WHAT?! to Quit?

Debbie Schlussel:Shocker: After Dumbassed Israeli Apology to Egypt, Turns Out Eilat Terrorists Are Egyptian

Debbie Schlussel:MLK Statue or Not, Last Night I Was the Victim of Race-Card Playing Liars

Debbie Schlussel:Anti-Israel Israeli Author (& Race) on Obama’s Vacay Reading List

Debbie Schlussel:Mystery: 2 Men Burned w/ Explosives in Their Truck, Lied to Police; Names Not Released

Debbie Schlussel:Dumbed Down “History”: They Gave “Historical Monument” Status to WHAT?!

Nuclear experts warn of Libya dirty bomb material | Reuters

Steffen Schmidt: Some Dems think the unthinkable: Not Obama | The Des Moines Register |

Magnitude 5.8 Earthquake Hits Virginia, Sends Shockwaves Throughout East Coast |

Fuel Fix » USGS boosts Marcellus gas estimates

Chinese propaganda video accidentally reveals cyberattacks on U.S. | DVICE

Libyan Draft Constitution: Sharia is 'Principal Source' of Laws

Dad: Mother never accepted baby’s condition | baby - News - The Orange County Register

Man claiming $750K lottery ticket faces deportation - US news - Crime & courts -

Heart Attack Kills Philly Cheesesteak Stand Owner - ABC News

Jihadist Cleric Calls Joining U.K Riots a Religious Duty for Muslims |

Cheney Kept Secret Resignation Letter |

Tony Perkins Says Evangelicals Could Support Any of The Leading Republicans For President | Video |

Technology Harvests More Energy From Walking Than Other Devices |

Advocate Rocky Twyman Says Earthquake a Warning From God |

Israel Allows Google Street View With Stipulations |

Obama U.S. Debt Outpaces Bush Debt in Less Than Half the Time |

Italian Journalists Captured in Libya |

Jeb Bush Supports Higher Taxes in Debt Deal Compromise | Video |

Have Race Relations Improved in America Under Obama? |

How Does Hamas Manipulate Casualty Numbers? |

Russian Cargo Ship Headed to International Space Station Crashes Into Siberia After Launch | Video |

Hero! Florida Sen. Marco Rubio Saves a Falling former first lady Nancy Reagan | Video |

Underground Catholic Priests, Others Detained by Chinese Authorities |

Throwable Robot Technology Improves for Military and First Responder Purposes | Video |

Iran Shows U.N. Inspector Advanced Nuclear Equipment |

Can Bullets Fired Into the Air Kill You? |

Earthquake Hit While Commercial Being Filmed | Video |

Department of Energy Used Stimulus Funds For ‘Climate Change’ Research in Maldives, India and Australia? |

Gadhafi Issues Statement | Video |

Virginia Earthquake Felt from Canada to Georgia |

Libyan Rebel Steals Hat, Gold Scepter from Gaddafi’s Bedroom! | Gadhafi | Video |

National Cathedral Damaged in Earthquake |

East Coast Earthquake Interrupts DSK Presser in New York | Video |

CNN’s Gay Porn Citizen Reporter Fired From Teaching Job | Video |

Nuclear Reactors in Virginia Taken Offline Due to Earlier Quake |

School Reading List Featured Books on Lesbian Sex, Gay Orgy |

Terror Suspect Plotted to Poison Spanish Water Supply |

Biden Spokesperson Backtracks on Statement Regarding China’s One-Child Policy |

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Seismologist: Virginia has seen quakes before;'On the East Coast the rock allows energy to travel further'

WND RADIO WND Exclusive University of Virginia expert: Quake 'deafening';'That was the longest 35 seconds I can ever remember'

Flashback:Discrimination case over restaurant sign dropped

Remembering Joey Vento - Common Sense - Your World with Cavuto -


* Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


News column: Obama a 'living and breathing nightmare'

Abracadabra! 'Obama's alias' vanishing quickly from Web

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Romney will skip forum organized by DeMint - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Perry signs Susan B. Anthony pro-life pledge - Washington Times

Jeb Bush warns 2012ers on hitting Obama - Dan Hirschhorn -

Attention Governor Perry: Evolution is a fact - On Faith - The Washington Post

Logic of 'life-without-oxygen' cells challenged

Muslims see 'foreign law' bill as attack on Shariah - Washington Times

Woman arrested on child sex charge | JCFLORIDAN

Is this how president spent millions to sell Obamacare?

'Step away from the pliers'

Congressman won't say Obama's eligibility is settled

ABC News deliberately misquotes me

New Christchurch cathedral to be built out of cardboard - Telegraph

Artist Alexa Meade paints directly onto human models to make them look like canvases | Mail Online

White House pays Google to push Obamacare

Commercial Space Station to be Ready For Guests by 2016

Life on Mars? Fossil find shows it's possible | Reuters

Hamas-linked group eats up your taxes

Obama and the Muslim question

Earthquakes and hurricanes, oh my

The beginning of the end of the welfare state

Barry's vacay

Liberty lost

Al 'Mussolini' Gore meets Sun Tzu

Bachmann's Balkans

The case for blackmail and child labor

Dim Bulbs in Congress - OtherWords

Maxine Waters' 'advice' for tea party

Ron Radosh » Power Flows from the Barrel of a Sculptor’s Chisel

Big Banks: Under-Capitalized, Overexposed, Opaque | The Big Picture

Perry Zooms to Front of Pack for 2012 GOP Nomination

AFL-CIO's Trumka Outlines New Strategy

HURT: Tossing aside 'hope' and 'change' - Washington Times

What if Obama isn't so smart? | Noemie Emery | Columnists | Washington Examiner

The Constitutional Populist Realignment Of 2012 - Forbes

Obama’s Got Plenty Of Options To Right The Economy—He’s Just Got To Fight For Them | The New Republic

RealClearPolitics - "Science" When It Suits Them

The wrong budget analogy -

Obama set to beat Bush debt-aggregation record … « Hot Air

George Jonas: Could Libya’s next rulers be worse than Gaddafi? | Full Comment | National Post

Editorial: It Really Was The Spending, Stupid -

Common sense on immigration - Editorials -

Foreign policy: intervention after Libya | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

National debt has increased $4 trillion under Obama - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Rick Perry: Governor for Sale | The Nation

Oil Sands Anxiety Is Overblown | The Energy Collective

Bradley: Obama administration plays political theater with oil | Editorials & Opinions | Fort...

Oil Reserves Sidestep U.S. Vessels -

The answer to Obama's jobs problem - Fortune Tech

How Can Washington Green America's Economy? - Energy & Environment Experts

Commercial exploitation of Greenland and the Arctic region… Denmark says, “We are not nervous” | gCaptain

--Donald Boudreaux -

The Intermittency of Fossil Fuels | American Wind Energy Association

Tug Of War Continues In Oil Markets

Greens: Protests are stern warning to Obama - Bob King and Talia Buford -

Political Campaign Fixates on Climate Science | EnergyBiz

WOLF: Energy Obamanomics: No green jobs and plenty of red ink - Washington Times

Russia and Latin America - Deja Vu all Over Again at Oil Price

Fusion power: is it getting any closer? | Environment | The Guardian

Homesteading Quantified: How Much Land You Need To Go Off The Grid

The Great Green Dilemma: How To Fail | Via Meadia

Obama's "Green Jobs" Pipe Dream

NYT green-jobs story ignores ‘explosive growth’ | Grist

President Obama’s Regulatory Bait-and-Switch

The GOP's Tax Position Is Anti-Growth - Derek Thompson - Business - The Atlantic

Conservatives Spin Biden's Comments On China's One Child Policy | TPMDC

The Sources of Poverty - By David French - The Corner - National Review Online

RealClearReligion - Do Irreligious Realize They're Intolerant?

CNN on porn: Smart people vs. Bible folks » GetReligion

Thinktanks must drop this cold war approach to Islamism | David Miller | Comment is free |

John Shook, Ph.D.: Secularists Celebrate Dr. King Too

On the Fragility of Islam

American Politics More Religious Than American Voters

Biden to China: "Not Second-Guessing" One-Child Policy |

As King Memorial Opens, Christian Leaders Recall His 'Dream', Christian News

Higgs boson may be a mirage, scientists hint | World | Reuters

Associated Baptist Press - Opinion: When theology and reality don't meet

Greg Carey: Matthew 16:21-28: Jesus Has No Part-Time Disciples

A founding father of American Islam struggles to put raids behind him - The Washington Post

'Ramadan effect' may be aiding Libyan rebels' cause – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Most Beautiful National Parks Seen From Space | Wired Science |

U.S. East Coast earthquake explained | COSMOS magazine

Bacterium offers way to control dengue fever : Nature News

Should Science Funding Be Racially Gerrymandered? - Forbes

Are we watching NASA Astrophysics commit suicide? : Starts With A Bang

The Astronomist: A Cubic Millimeter of Your Brain

7 Things McDonald’s Knows About Your Brain | Psychology Today

Bad News For Anti-Science Hippies - Food Prices Lead To Riots

A Sleep Battle of the Sexes -

Does Religion Influence Epidemics? - ScienceNOW

Fukushima and the Doomsday Clock | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Los Alamos Achieves World-Record Pulsed Magnetic Field

Controlling magnetism with electric fields

Human gait could soon power portable electronics (Aug. 23, 2011)

String theorists suggest space wormholes possible

Wormholes Possible? Yes, And Using String Theory, I Am Also The Pope

How to Eat the Earth : Starts With A Bang

An eBay for science : Nature News

Cause of ALS is found, Northwestern team says -

Attack of the Robobees! A Mechanical Bee Tests Its Wings - Rebecca J. Rosen - Technology - The Atlantic

'Shrimp On A Treadmill' And The Politics Of 'Silly' Science Studies : NPR

Behind The World Health Organization's "Cancerous" Pronouncement On Cell Phones - Forbes

Opinion: Reducing Foodborne Illness | The Scientist

Immune System Protects Female Bedbugs From Traumatic Sex - ScienceNOW

None More Black: Astronomers Discover a Very Dark Planet - TIME

India’s Arab Spring Opportunity | The Diplomat

Foreign-Policy Failure | The National Interest

Qaddafi's Fall Rivets Yemen - By Tom Finn | Foreign Policy

Opinion: The Fall of Moammar Qaddafi Should Serve as a Lesson for Latin American Dictators | Fox News Latino

Libyan rats lead where Syrian germs would follow | The Australian

DSK Legal Saga Ends To No Satisfaction - Global Spin -

Rebel Discovers Qaddafi Passport, Real Spelling of Leader's Name - Max Fisher - International - The Atlantic

The crisis in Libya: Once it's over in Libya, will it be over? | The Economist

Libya’s Rebels Unhappy with Russia and China « Commentary Magazine

Iraq Adopts Iran's Backing of Assad | The Iran Primer

Libya: UK's job is done, we must not send a single British soldier into this mayhem | Mail Online

Libya's problems are far from over -

President Obama’s Libya Triumph: A Great Foreign-Policy Presidency - The Daily Beast

Why Assad Need Not Fear Qaddafi’s Fate - Council on Foreign Relations

Taiwan arms deal serves as litmus test of U.S. resolve | The Japan Times Online

What Russian Empire? -

Don't Call It a Comeback - By Kurt Volker | Foreign Policy

Asia Times Online :: Chinese prudence vs US recklessness

Japan’s political revolving door threatens country’s future - The Globe and Mail

A Future for DSK? French Socialists Wary of Strauss-Kahn's Return - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Over to the Libyans - The Editors - National Review Online

Syria opposition must learn from Libya's council - The National

Dominique Strauss-Kahn: left without honour | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

RealClearWorld - India Must Arrest Corruption, Not Protesters

W Gets A Third Term In The Middle East | Via Meadia

Commentary: Assad Knows What He's Doing | The National Interest

Libya: Tripoli falling is the moment Islamic extremists have prayed for | Mail Online

The Outsourcing Bogeyman - Jagdish Bhagwati - Project Syndicate

Is Pakistan ungovernable? | Opinion | DAWN.COM

America is GE’s tax haven | David Cay Johnston

Market may be expecting too much from Bernanke - The Buzz - Aug. 24, 2011

Beware the Bond Bubble. Again -

Why China’s Debt Problems Are Worse Than America’s - The Daily Beast

Obama's Deal for the Bankers: Amnesty for the Indefensible | The Nation

Kill Business Profit Tax; Dock Investors Instead: Jonathan Berk - Bloomberg

Ernest Christian and Gary Robbins: A Value-Added Tax Fuels Big Government -

Fed's Faulty Policies Will Create Inflation, Not Jobs -

Asia Times Online :: THE BEAR'S LAIR: Aliens to Keynes' rescue

Martha's Vineyard Feels Obama Effect: The Ticker - Bloomberg

Why McDonald's wins in any economy - Fortune Management

China’s New Currency Policy - Martin Feldstein - Project Syndicate

Nancy Folbre: A Sales Tax on Wall Street Transactions -

Conservatives Denounce Sharia Law in Libyan Constitution, OK With It In Iraq Though

What Are You Reading? Is it the Same as Obama?

Our Little Friend From Goldman Sachs Scheduled Elizabeth Warren's Oversight Committee Testimony

NOM Speaker Blames East Coast Earthquake on Gays

Tell Our Elected Officials: We're All Connected, Start Acting Like It

NRA Telemarketers Hawking Scary Conspiracies, Membership

Why Raising The Retirement Age is a Horrible Idea

Feingold's Progressives United To Push Dems To Walk Away From Bad Super Committee Deal

Farm Workers Begin 13-day, 200-mile March to Convince Gov. Jerry Brown To Do the Right Thing

Generation Opportunity is a Right Wing Front Group

Michelle Rhee Still Dodging the Elephant in The Room: Widespread Cheating On Her Watch

Army of Grannies Shame Rep. Chip Cravaack (R-MN) Into Finally Holding Town Hall in Duluth

Virginia Nuclear Plant Had Quake Sensors Removed Due to Budget Cuts

What Just Happened in Libya

Goldman Sachs CEO Hires High-Profile Criminal Lawyer...Shares Drop Sharply

Oklahoma Setting Record High Temps While Oklahoma Senator Denies Climate Change

Former Editor Says Murdoch Personally Gave Order to Have Someone Followed

Rebels Breach Walls of Gaddafi Compound

5.9 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Washington DC Area

Audio:Rick Santorum on Maxine Waters: 'She Is Vile'

Gov. Rick Snyder (R-MI) Being Sued Over Assault on Collective Bargaining

Ben Stein Destroys Bill O'Reilly's Idea Taxing The Rich Hurts The Economy

GOP Decries Class Warfare on the Tragically Rich

Nebraska Grandmother Arrested In Continuing Tar Sands Protest at White House

Too much stress and adrenaline from being put under pressure 'turns your hair grey' | Mail Online

First new skin cancer treatment since 1970s goes on sale - Telegraph

Cyclist makes 'miraculous' recovery - Telegraph

Disappearing words: wittol, drysalter, and alienism - Telegraph

The Story Flamingos Don’t Want You to Read -

Two charged with starting largest ever Arizona wildfire | Reuters

Democrats’ cameras seized by police at Chabot Town Hall meeting | Politics Extra

Suspect Arrested In Rape At South Shore Train S - Flash Player Installation

Survey Says: NYC Restaurant Patrons May Think I - Flash Player Installation

Dog eats $10K worth of diamonds - WSMV Channel - Flash Player Installation

Grizzly shooter garners support - Coeur d'Alene Press: Local News

Greenwich Asks TV Show To Stop Taping In Town « - Flash Player Installation

Price on Gaddafi's head as fighting goes on | Reuters

My Way News - Libya's deadliest weapons not yet corralled

Terry Jeffrey: Biden's Obsequious Bow to Beijing |

Pentagon report: China closer to matching modern militaries - Washington Times

Bill Clinton declares vegan victory -

Cheney: My book will have ‘heads exploding’ in D.C. - books -

Cathedral damage means King ceremony to relocate -

Michelle Obama accused of spending $10m in public money on vacations | Mail Online

President Obama Hobnobs With Friends on Martha's Vineyard - ABC News

Few say race relations have improved under Obama | Campaign 2012

The Hill Hexagon: Obama bus tour ridiculed on Twitter - The Hill's Twitter Room

Man Charged With Stealing Swimming Pool For Scr - Flash Player Installation

2 Parts/Gerald Celente on the Alex Jones Show – August 22nd, 2011 |

Rick Perry disavows 9-month-old book ‘Fed Up!’ | The Raw Story

As his numbers continue to improve, Ron Paul presents challenge to Obama, other GOP candidates

Wall Street Money to Flow to Romney, Perry | ipollnews

‘School Is A Prison!’ – Dr Peter Gray Interviewed on Freedomain Radio |


FBI spies on website that report on 911 and Israel - YouTube

8/22/11 Full show -- Libya Collapsing, Happy Birthday Ron Paul, Children in Revolt - YouTube

8/23/11 Full show -- East Coast Quake, Net Neutrality, Media Blackout on Ron Paul - YouTube

The American president and freedom for Jonathan Pollard

Security cabinet mulls response to PA UN state bid

Iron Dome intercepts Gaza rocket fired at Beersheba

Washington Watch: Didn't Obama say he'd leave Iraq?

'N. Korea supplied Iran with nuclear computer software'

Rattling the cage: Earthquake weather

End the charade in talks on global trade

Britain should bite the bullet and back a eurobond

Excuse me waiter, there's a shark in my soup

Rothschild Boulevard: Road to a better Israel

J'lem: Peace Now tells Glenn Beck 'Go Home!'

Syrian forces kill 1 during raid on eastern towns

Witness: In Libya, echoes of Baghdad's Firdos Square

‘Fright Night’ Review: Creepy Fun

Does Morgan Freeman Really Want This President ‘Pissed Off’?

Comic Aims to Correct the 9/11 ‘Big Lie’?

Alec Baldwin: ‘Do You Think Bin Laden Was Behind 9/11?’

Todd and Sarah Palin Are My Heroes

‘Attack the Block’ Review: Refreshing, Original War of the Worlds

The Death of Coherent Action Scenes

'Expendables' sequel to be China co-production -

Toxicology leaves Winehouse death riddle unsolved | Reuters

CBS TV Studios Receive Letter Containing White Powder - The Hollywood Reporter

Cartoon:Janeane Garofalo Is a Doll

Whole Foods Co-Founder Defends the Morality of Capitalism in New Book

Update on SEIU’s “Contract Campaign Manual”: Exploring the Roots of Corporate Campaigns

Google Caught with Hand in Cookie Jar

Gallup: Perry Surges to Double-digit Lead for GOP Nomination

No More Secrecy in Debt Fight

What Not To Wear: Tax Hikes Clash with Employment Growth

Audio:Why We’re Still Losing the War on Terror

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Social Media Politics

Is Obama Really Going to Propose another Keynesian Stimulus?

The Latest Obama Administration Fake Budget Cut ‘Proposal’

ACORN, Eh? Canadian Branch of Infamous Group Shakes Down Money Mart, Western Union

The Alarming Significance of Culture

Shocking Video: Tea Party Terrorist Training Camp in Waco, TX

No Spark: The Unanswered Questions of the Chevy Volt

It’s Wrong to Steal…Even When the Government Does It Using Asset Forfeiture

Administration Environmental Policy Out in the Ozone

California Admits to Almost $1 Trillion in Unfunded Pension Obligations

Audio:The Fight for the GOP Presidential Nomination

Maxine Waters Wants the Tea Party to Go to Hell Because We Are Winning

Levi Johnston is 'too busy' with upcoming book tour to run for mayor of Wasilla, Alaska: lawyer

Max Blumenthal, Hezbollah’s Hanoi Jane

Media Matters Refuses to Cover Soros Scandal

Three Stories the Media Would Rather Forget About

Sound Bite for the Day: Reading … the … Teleprompter

Mother Jones: Worse to “Snitch” Than Make Bombs

It’s Official: Sharpton Lands Prime Time Show

NewsBusted: When Will Warren Buffett’s Check Arrive?

Cartoon:These Are the Times

China Cracks Down On Internet Content

China’s New APC: Suppressing Rioters–In Style

Audio:Sen. Joe Lieberman: Growth In Rest

Iran Unveils New Cruise Missile

Edvard Munch in the Marijuana Patch

Solar Manufacturers Closing Shop In US, Production Moving Overseas

Al Qaida Trying To Co-Opt Syrian Revolution

Video: Inside Gaddafi’s Compound

Libya: Dictator Down, Islam Rising

Stop The Euro Bailouts! Here Comes The German ‘Beer Party’

Audio:Richard Holm: My Life in the CIA

The Future of Unmanned Flight

Syrian President Assad To President Obama: Your Words Are Worthless

The Greatest Assets in America: Air Force Security Forces March To Ground Zero

The Dead Villain Test: Separating Cause From Effect In The Islamic World

Ground Zero Mosque Using 9/11 Anniversary For Fundraiser

Where Is Gaddafi? He’s Probably Hiding In His ‘Great Man Made River’ Tunnel System

White House: No evidence Gadhafi has left Libya

Bloomberg Bans Clergy From 9/11 Ceremony but Ground Zero Mosque OK - Sept. 11 - Fox Nation

Apple says Steve Jobs resigning as CEO

Iraqi-Americans receive threats after drug arrests

Former Michael Jackson manager dead at 63

Payless owner to shutter 475 stores, sell itself

New York man admits dealing drugs out of ice cream truck

SF transit board developing cellphone policy

Wave of 40,000 tweets followed East Coast earthquake

Kentucky jury rules for doctor in penis amputation lawsuit

AG will investigate phone hacking report

Wal-Mart ends deal to install wine machines in Pa.

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Morning Call Sheet: Buh-Bye Netflix, Profit-Whore Lucas, and The Worst Movie Accents Ever


+24-Aug-11 World View+


We, The Human Robots: Something Wicked this Way Comes - Chapter 4

Transhumanism: Yearning to transcend biology - Editorials & Commentary - International Herald Tribune - The New York Times

We, The Human Robots: Big Brother 2.0: 10 New Ways That The Government Will Be Spying On You And Controlling Your Behavior

FBI wants businesses watching for customers paying with cash

We, The Human Robots: Proof of Our Robotic Transformation

We, The Human Robots: Spider, Goat, Worm and Human DNA Mixed to create Super-Human Skin

Inception: A True Story About Dreams? | USAHM Conspiracy News

The Story Of The Anunnaki People.. | USAHM Conspiracy News

The Story Of Your Enslavement | USAHM Conspiracy News

Time Slips / Time Travel | USAHM Conspiracy News

10 Symbols That Rule The World | USAHM Conspiracy News

Mich. appeals court: Sale of medical marijuana through dispensaries is illegal - The Washington Post

Libya's hospitals flooded with war victims -

Peru Hit by Magnitude-7.0 Earthquake, U.S. Agency Says - Bloomberg

US: North Korean Nuclear Concessions Welcome, But Insufficient | Asia | English

Doyle McManus: Will Libya help Obama's reelection chances? -

Venezuelan Embassy looted in Libya: Hugo Chavez - The Times of India

Qaddafi Leaves Behind Little to Guide Libya -

Libya: four Italian journalists kidnapped - Telegraph

Libyan Uprising Boosts Morale in Mideast | Middle East | English

Hot Sauce Mom was on a mission - Anchorage Press: News

US Introduces UN Resolution to Release $1.5B in Libyan Assets | News | English

US senators stress complex nature of Pakistan ties | Newspaper | DAWN.COM

Douglas Druick named director of Art Institute of Chicago -

Humans may not be main climate change source: Romney | Reuters

After Strauss-Kahn Case, Fears That Victims Won’t Speak Up -

Attorney General To Investigate Whether 9/11 Families Were Hacked -

Budget deficit super-committee will launch website for public input -

Quinn 'disappointed' Madigan attended Boehner fundraiser -

The Associated Press: Bus driver critically injured in NJ highway crash

Apple Has Deep Bench -

Experts Positive on Facebook's New Privacy Controls | PCWorld Business Center

Lift, from Obvious Corp., a social network for 'human potential' -

Technolog - Microsoft previews smarter file copying for Windows 8

Facebook may raise risk of teen substance abuse

Use Ticketmaster, Sit Next To Your Facebook Friends | Ology

Just What Did Google Buy? -

FCC Asks AT&T for More Data on How T-Mobile Bid Boosts Broadband - Bloomberg

Tim Cook replacing Steve Jobs as Apple CEO not unexpected -

Taking Emotion Out of the Gold Trade - TheStreet

Amy Winehouse foundation: Mitch Winehouse forced to return donations | Music |

PopStar | Music News | MTV Video Music Awards: Memorable Acts, Stats, and Spats

Amy Winehouse: Back to Black Britain's Biggest Seller of the Century! - E! Online

BBC - Newsbeat - Michael Jackson gig organiser defends Cardiff tribute

Aruba Releases Last Known Photos Of Missing Maryland Woman |

Back in the bikini? Carrie Fisher loses 50 pounds -

Dino-era Mammal the "Jurassic Mother" of Us All?

Russian Rocket Fails in Launch and Crashes -

Can Animals Sense Earthquakes? | Video - ABC News

86 Percent of Earth's Species Still Unknown?

NASA Satellite Finds Coldest, Darkest Stars Yet | Wired Science |

Climate-Change Scientist Cleared in Closing of U.S. Data-Altering Inquiry - Bloomberg

AFP: NASA boosts Webb telescope cost to $8.7 billion

Robonaut 2: Helper, job stealer ... or Cylon? -

Ancient Hinduism enlightens modern notions of evolution - On Faith - The Washington Post

AFP: Caught in the act: Black hole rips apart a star

NASA Gets Into Sci-Fi Literature Game | Underwire |

Analysis: NASA's cost estimates for heavy-lift rockets questionable | FLORIDA TODAY |

NASA is using lasers to broadcast from space in HD

Iran: Mossad had role in Massoud Ali Mohammadi assassination -

Plans for Monk Seal Recovery | Molokai Dispatch

*24 Aug

American Minute for August 24th

This Day in History for 24th August

Today in History: August 24

August 24th in History

August 24th This Day in History

Today in History: August 24

August 24 Events in History

Today in History for August 24th - YouTube


**Markets Video:Kass: Everyone Is Too Bearish

23rd/Newmark: Don't Be Afraid, Fear Overdone

Real Clear Markets - Video - Roach: Consumer Debt Forgiveness May Be Needed


**World Video:The Vice President In Sendai Japan

The Significance Of Taking Tripoli

What's Ahead For Libya's Political Future?

Raw Video: Rebels Storm Gaddafi's Compound

Who Are The Rebels In Libya?

Raw Video: Journalists Still Trapped In Tripoli

Iranian Admits To Killing Scientist

Japanese Town Declares 'Decontamination Month'

Five Die In Mexico Shootout

Kim Jong-il Meets With Medvedev

Gaddafi Repeats 'Oust Rebels' Call

Anthony H. Cordesman On Libya

'My Middle East'

Gaddafi Spokesman: Tripoli Withdrawal Was 'Tactical'

23rd/President Obama On Libya

How Vulnerable Is Libya?

Rep. Mike Rogers On What's Next For Libya

Libya In Presidential Politics

McCain On Post-Gaddafi Libya

Euro Debts Cause Chinese Concern

Eurozone Activity Shrank In August

Thousands March For Education In Chile

Prosecutors Ask Judge To Drop Strauss-Kahn Charges

Syrian Government Kills 3

Koreas Quarrel Over Resort

Gaddafi's Son Appears

The Rebellion In Libya At The Tipping Point

NTC President Responds To Saif Al-Islam's 'Escape'


**Politics Video:Rubio: "Conservatism Is About Empowering People To Catch Up"

Flashback: Obama: Adding $4 Trillion To Debt Is Unpatriotic

Romney Calls Healthcare Plan "Still An Experiment"

Rendell Uses Earthquake To Push For Rebuilding Infrastructure

Rubio Catches Nancy Reagan After Slip

Police Seize Cameras At Republican Congressman's Town Hall

Krauthammer Rips Biden's One-Child Policy Comments

Maddow: Romney Fired American Workers

O'Reilly: "GE Is Helping The Chinese Compete Against America"

Schultz Hits Bachmann: "Can-Do Attitude" Isn't Enough To Lower Gas Prices

23rd/Schultz: Republicans Already Hammering Obama's Plan

Huntsman: Obama "Has Failed Us"

Rep. Allen West: Obama Is "Shredding" The Constitution

Sen. Marco Rubio: We Are Facing A Day Of Reckoning

More Than 45 Million Americans Collected Food Stamps In 2011

Mark Levin Slams Dem Rep. Over "Racism" Unemployment Charge

Jeb Bush: "I'm Not Running"

CNN Reports: Some Stones Loose At Washington Monument After Quake

Obama Captured Playing Golf At Time Of Earthquake

Dem Congresswoman: "The Real Enemy Is The Tea Party"

5.8 Magnitude Quake Hits VA; Felt Along East Coast

Huntsman Supports Increasing Taxes, Reforming Tax Code

Earthquake Disrupts Dominique Strauss-Kahn News Briefing In NYC

Dem Gov To Congress: Cut Own Budget Before Asking Americans To Cut

Dean: No One Has A Successful "Foreign Policy Record" Like Obama

Politico's Ken Vogel: Paul Ryan Had No Path To Nomination

Dem Congresswoman Blames Black Unemployment On "Racism"

Actor Cross To Olbermann: TV "Gets Rid" Of Elderly "Not Contributing Anything"

Herman Cain: "I'm A Threat To Their Beloved Barack Obama"

Krauthammer: Insulting Tea Party Won't Work In The General Election

Eugene Robinson: GOP "A Bunch Of Patriotic Anarchists"

Dean: No "Thinking People In GOP ... Huntsman Is The Real Deal"

MSNBC's Ed Praises Huntsman For Taking On "Craziness" In GOP

Steele: Perry "Flat-Footed" On Social Security

O'Reilly: Best If Obama Stays On Vacation, "Out Of Economic Matters"

Ezra Klein: Republicans Admit Tax Cuts "Cost Money"


*Transcripts :23rd/House Intel Chairman Mike Rogers on Libya

Reporters on the Fighting in Tripoli

Roundtable on the Future of Libya

Interview with Representative Edward Markey

Secretary Panetta at the Naval Post-Grad School

22nd/Senator John McCain on the Fighting in Libya

Representative Dutch Ruppersberger on Libya

Reporter Discusses the Latest News in Libya

Panel on the Politics of Blaming the Tea Party

Biden's Remarks with the Prime Minister of Mongolia

21st/Interview with Presidential Candidate Jon Huntsman

Interview with Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum

Interview with Senator John McCain

Guests: Cummings, O'Malley, McDonnell & Axelrod

Guests: Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels, Robert Gibbs


**News Videos:Biden’s Remarkable, Incoherent, 68-Word Sentence

Left Exploits Earthquake, Call for More Infrastructure Spending

Krauthammer Nails Biden on China One Child Policy

Rising Star Rubio Impresses at Reagan Library

Max Blumenthal ‘Educates’ Lebanon TV Viewers on Herman Cain

Andrea Mitchell: ‘Title IX Was So Important When I Was Growing Up’; She was 25 When Enacted

Flashback: Obama Calls Bush ‘Unpatriotic’ for Adding to National Debt

Tennessee Basketball Legend Summitt Has Early Onset Dementia

Quake Forces Rare Senate Session Outside Chamber

NBC News’ Chris Jansing Flat-Out Lies About Rick Perry

Maddow and Letterman Mock McCain for Meeting Gaddafi in 2009, Ignore Obama Meeting Him Month Prior

West: Obama Shredding Constitution

Nice Save, Marco

23rd/NBC News’ Al Sharpton: Ready for Prime Time

Dem Rep: ‘The Real Enemy Is the Tea Party’

Sharpton Announces Permanent Gig at MSNBC

Obama Takes Quake Calls While on Golf Course

DC Quake Caught on Video

GOP Rep Hammers Biden for Excusing China’s One Child Policy

CNN’s Piers Morgan Shows Contempt for Tea Party ‘Intransigence’ and ‘Bigotry’

Cain Responds to Garofalo

Martha’s Vineyard Residents to Obama: ‘Go Home’

9/11 Families Protest Ground Zero Mosque

Gadhafi’s Son Roams Free in Tripoli

Strauss-Kahn Lawyers Say Rape Charges to be Dropped

Dem Rep Cites ‘Racism’ as Top Reason for Black Unemployment

Stanford Professor Proves Big Labor Is Reason that Billions Fail to Fix Education

Joe Biden ‘Fully Understands, Not Second Guessing’ China One Child Policy

22nd/Obama: ‘Rule Is Over’ for Libya’s Gaddafi

Gaddafi’s Son Captured Live on Television

NBC News’ Reagan Jr Compares Global Warming Skepticism with Believing Moon Made of Cheese

Analyst: Libyan Rebels’ Win ‘Relief’ to Oil Market


The Manning Report – 24 August 2011

Redding News Review 08-23-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 08-23-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 08-23-11 Hr 3

Redding News Review 08-24-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 08-24-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 08-24-11 Hr 3

Aug. 23, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Live Free Or Die Radio - Tuesday, August, 23, 2011

Alex Jones - 2011-Aug-23, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2011-Aug-24, Wednesday

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 8-24-11

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 8-23-11

The Manning Report – 23 August 2011

2011-08-24.Jesse Peterson Radio Show

2011-08-23nJesse Peterson Radio Show

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-23-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-23-11 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-24-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-24-11 Hr 2

08/23 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show 08/23/2011

Paul Drockton Show

Paul Drockton Show 2

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

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