A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

21 August 2011

21 AUG

The natural liberty of man is to be free from any superior power on Earth, and not to be under the will or legislative authority of man, but only to have the law of nature for his rule.

What Tax Free For Profit US Corporation has Profits of 9940 % ++ ???? « 2012 Patriot


The Story of Obama: All in The Company (Part I) [Voltaire Network]

The Story of Obama: All in the Company (Part II) [Voltaire Network]


Iranian Commander Predicts “Military Rule” In Major US Cities | Pakalert Press

Pajamas Media » Rick Perry Is Not the ’5th Column Candidate’

Gaddafi's Speech 21 August - English Voice Over - Slightly edited - YouTube

Libya / Breaking News: 21/08/2011 - rebel advances on Tripoli a fake! Disinformation campaign, RT - YouTube

August 20 Midnight - Tripoli Update - The Word on The Street - YouTube

YouTube - We The People

The Trouble with Herman Cain - YouTube

Huge UFOs caught on Telescope - 2011 - YouTube

The Video Congress Does Not Want You To See - YouTube

Conversations with the Smart Meter Man - YouTube


The Revitalized Eugenics Movement & the FDA’s Role | Health Freedom News - Chinese Suppress Acupuncture Discoveries - Illuminati Find Poster Child for Illegals

Event Horizon Chronicle: U.S. "Feral Reserve Boink" Reels Into The Jubilee Year

Rick Perry’s Hardcore History of Investment in Porn

Presidential Hijinks 2012

Activist Post: Rothschild Reuters and Jerusalem Post pushing lies to justify killing of Palestinians

The Great Collapse Has Officially Begun

It's not phone hacking that will kill News Corp in the US | Emily Bell | Comment is free |

News of the World's hacker told to reveal names of paymasters - Crime, UK - The Independent

Facebook bullies: Photographer Jennifer McKendrick refuses to take their picture | Mail Online

What does the New Testament say about women?

The 'heart attack proof' diet? -

Environmentalists put Obama to test on climate over pipeline plan | McClatchy

9/11: "Honest Mistake" or BBC Foreknowledge of Collapse of WTC 7? Jane Standley Breaks Her Silence

911 Is Still A Cry For Help

War against or for terrorism? | Opinion Maker

Boomers Will Be Pumping Billions Into Anti-Aging Industry

Happy New Year for the White Brotherhood who form human crop circles to celebrate | Mail Online

Million drivers face losing licence under EU diabetes diktat | Mail Online

Corruption in India: 'All your life you pay for things that should be free' | World news | The Guardian

Prison population hits record high in England and Wales | Society |

Harsh sentence regime unravels as prison term is quashed on appeal - Crime, UK - The Independent

Activist Post: American government Mafia actively targets the weak: terminal cancer patients, little girls and the homeless

Investors seeing gold in farmland, infrastructure - Yahoo! News

Rense & Jonathan Emord - FDA New, Stealth Dirty Trick To Take Your Supplements - YouTube

George Carlin - The Owners of America - YouTube

American congressman: US economic... JPost - Diplomacy & Politics

Strauss-Kahn Prosecutor Seen Dropping Charges - Bloomberg

Washington's Blog:By Choosing The Big Banks Over The Little Guy, The Government Is Dooming BOTH S

Ron Paul calls out Neocons by Name and Israel's influence - YouTube

General of all American Intelligence: 911 was a fraud! - YouTube

Gingrich Calls For A Full Audit Of The Federal Reserve - Home - The Daily Bail

Call Uncle Sam - Obama's Unhelpful Advice Leads To Bureaucratic Nightmare For Farmer And Politico Reporter - Home - The Daily Bail

Long gun registration: Today the border states, tomorrow everywhere? - St. Louis gun rights |

Social Security Disability Program Pushed To Brink Of Insolvency

Activist Post: Victims of Deadly Tucson SWAT Raid Begin Legal Action

The Intercept: Tased From Above! New Robot Copter To Begin Patrolling Our Skies (video)


How did Americans get so utterly clueless about world events? (Hint: It was no accident.) | My Catbird Seat

Revolutionary Politics : The Judge: As Good as Gold

The Intercept: War Propaganda: Libya and the End of Western Illusions

"Gold Just Went Over $2000, By Tonight That'll Cheap" Rollover-1981 - YouTube

'Rebel snipers in Tripoli part of NATO plan to spark mass panic' - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : Pentagon Knowingly Sent US Troops To War With Faulty Body Armor!

PressTV - BBC admits role in 1953 Iranian coup

Exclusive: Staging of Major Terror Attack on US Evident | My Catbird Seat

yupfarming: A Global Corporate Youth Brigade: Using Social Networks for Evil

Conservatives suggest Syria next steps | The Cable

Matt Taibbi: The Real Housewives Of Wall Street: How Morgan Stanley Wives Christy Mack & Susan Karches Ripped Off Taxpayers In Geithner-Bernanke Bailout Scheme - Home - The Daily Bail

The Bankrupt Century, or How We Were Sold in Slavery to the Banks « 99 Percent Space

Revolting Munchkins Will Not Be Tolerated « 99 Percent Space

Libya / Breaking News: 21/08/2011 - rebel advances on Tripoli a fake! Disinformation campaign, RT - YouTube

Breaking: Ron Paul On FEMA Camps! - YouTube

Ron Paul 'They're Setting The Stage For Violence In This Country' - YouTube

Flash Mob Epidemic

Less Educated Americans Turning Their Backs on Religion

Will Obama Pull the Plug on NATO’S ’Imminent Liberation of Tripoli’? | Intifada Palestine

Audio:The Bob Tuskin Radio Show » Blog Archive » Kelleigh Nelson On The Council For National Policy

Monsanto and the mortal danger to traditional agriculture | Featured |

Peter Schiff: 'No Ceiling for Gold-Prices' [RT] - YouTube

1933/The Pittsburgh Press - Google News Archive Search

MIT researchers are printing solar cells on sheets of paper – Computer Chips & Hardware Technology |

Hoax Alien Invasion Planned - Bill Cooper - 12160

Washington's Blog:Photos: Oil At BP's Deepwater Horizon Gulf Spill Site

Ron Paul Wins NH Straw Poll - Hampton-North Hampton, NH Patch

McLaughlin Group Video: Is Ron Paul's Revolution Now At Hand? - 12160

Paul: Limit military to national defense | Concord Monitor

Audio:Michael Collins Piper challenges Alex Jones: Start telling the truth or resign as ‘leader’ of truth movement « Under The Radar Media

Ron Paul Vs. Mitt Romney: "Corporations Are Not People" - Home - The Daily Bail

Hugo Chavez Nationalizes Venezuelan Gold Industry, Demands 211 Tons Be Returned From Abroad - JPMorgan, Bank Of England & ETFs Scramble For Physical Metal - Home - The Daily Bail


+Act of 1871+

Corp. U.S. - the Columbia Organic Act of 1871

Act of 1871 - Inventing the Illegal U.S. Corporation, page 1

Congressman Says Fast & Furious Was Administration Conspiracy To Regulate Gun Owners - 12160

Flash Mob Racism | FrontPage Magazine


Activist Post: The Journey to Jekyll Island

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Name of the Game is Bailout

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Protectors of the Public

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Home, Sweet Loan

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Nearer to the Heart's Desire

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Building the New World Order

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Barbaric Metal

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Fool's Gold

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Secret Science

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Mandrake Mechanism and Debt Cancellation


» Cyber Attack Doesn’t Stop Ron Paul Money Bomb from Raising $1.68 Million Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Is the “Imminent Liberation of Libya” Propaganda? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Will Obama Pull the Plug on Libya to Score Reelection? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Ron Paul Takes New Hampshire Young Republicans Straw Poll With 45% of Vote Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Intrade Now Pricing Greater Than 50% Chance Obama Will Not Be Reelected Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Understand History To Understand The Current Markets Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Rebels Defeated in Misurata. Reports of Rebel Advances on Tripoli are Unsubstantiated Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Bachmann worked for the IRS because "the first rule of war is 'know your enemy'" - YouTube

Activist Post: Biden tells China: US will never default on debt

U.S. Mideast policy in a single phrase - Glenn Greenwald -

Woman, 70, faces losing her home for paying the mortgage too early | Mail Online

U.S. orders $40 million worth of chicken to help industry - Aug. 16, 2011

» DHS Snitch Video Is Throwback To East German Stasi Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Big Brother 2.0: 10 New Ways That The Government Will Be Spying On You And Controlling Your Behavior Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Obama admin’s love affair with GMOs is selling America down the river Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» USDA Signs MOU with Rockefeller’s Council of Foundations to Exploit Rural America Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Barack Obama Cannot Get Congress To Pass Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Architects and engineers challenge official story of WTC 7 collapse Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

3 PART/ Max Keiser: Gold is Not Just a Hedge Against Inflation, It’s a Substitute Currency Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Is the Rick Perry Sex Story Important? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Middle class annihilation one penny at a time – 64 percent of Americans do not have adequate savings for an unexpected $1,000 expense. The crushing blow to income and household wealth.

Taliban launches bomb and gun attack on British Council's Kabul compound | World news | The Guardian

Prison » Intrade Now Pricing Greater Than 50% Chance Obama Will Not Be Reelected; And Observations On The Political Costs Of War

Prison » Understand History To Understand The Current Markets

Prison » Ron Paul Addresses Plans For ‘Civil Unrest’ Detention Camps

Prison » Alex Jones: Monsanto is Un-American

2 Videos:Prison » Infowars TV Interviews Rick Perry Sex Scandal Accuser

Prison » Rick Perry is no Ron Paul

Prison » From The Shadows of The Psyop State: The Terror of Secret Services in Russia, America And The World

Prison » D.C. is Like a Separate Country … One Which Couldn’t Care Less About The American People

Prison » Ron Paul Steers Clear Of Perry Sex Story

Prison » Facebook sorry for deleting Obama criticism

China: Radioactive contamination spreads far beyond Japan's claims in Pacific waters - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun

Police Raid Gun and Safe Store

RIC airport protester, federal officials present arguments in lawsuit | Richmond Times-Dispatch

Protest against TSA at airport in Richmond, Virginia - YouTube

Prison » Heroic young man sues TSA, airport after being illegally detained during peaceful protest of unconstitutional security protocols

9/11 conspiracy theories: 'Iran and Saudi Arabia helped Al-Qaeda' | Mail Online

Occupy Wall Street. "A worldwide shift in revolutionary tactics"


* 1:29:00/An Islamic History of Europe (full documentary; produced by BBC) - YouTube

*Documentary – “Why we fight?” /1:38:41

* 2:03:00/What A Way To Go: Life at the end of Empire (must see) - YouTube


New EPA rule could lead to rolling blackouts in Texas, PUC chairwoman says | Business | ...

U.S. Scrambling to Ease Shortage of Vital Medicine -

Gary Johnson "We're Talking About Doing Away With the IRS, Income Tax, Social Security Withholding" - YouTube

"Dept Of Homeland Security Attempt To Induce A Permanent State Of Fear & Paranoia!" - YouTube

Putin Denounces American Parasite While Russia Increases Treasuries 1,600% - Bloomberg

The Real Reason the SEC Has Been Shredding Documents For Decades «

America’s Cultural Catastrophe: Suffer the Children «

Fractional Reserve Banking and America's Standard of Living

London Riot Controversy - A Preview for Us?

Rick Perry, Conservative or Democrat in Republican Clothing

Rime of the Ancient Democrat

Obama boxes himself in on jobs

Behind the green curtain

The real political spectrum

Republican Delusion is Obama's All-Too-Secret Weapon

Martial Virtues and the Survival of Civilizations

Why Not a Real Party Platform?

Lies Lead to Murder: The New York Times and the Crown Heights Riots

Obama in trouble in Pennsylvania

Rove says Palin will run

Israel's Great Divide

The Superiority of School Vouchers Demonstrated

Is Obama close to a 'Killer Rabbit' moment?

'Useless expenditure' of a bankrupt country

Obama blames congress for nation's jobs woes

Subsidizing Sex

The 'Selfish' Rich

Obama and the Class Envy Card

The End of Obama's Middle East Pipe Dream

The Link Between Cigarettes and Income Taxes

'New Hickory': Governor Rick Perry's Jacksonian Posture

Castro Regime Opens Nightclub in Washington D.C.

Media Matters vs. the Gateway Pundit on Obama as MLK

Who Pays for the European Union?

The Christian Foundation of Modern Science

The New and Improved American Dream as Envisioned by UN Agenda 21

Stop Political Campaign Contributions - What a Great Idea

Surfing the Tsunami

Black America’s Gains and Losses

Sharpton’s Awkward Dead Air Segment

Iraqi drug gang smashed by cops in California

EPA About to Fulfill Obama Promise to ‘Bankrupt’ Coal?

Obama Counting on “Gaddafi” Bounce?

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – And defend ourselves

The 75th Anniversary of the Moscow Show Trials

Obamas Travel Like South American Dictators

A New Media Slant Detector

Are the black flash mob attacks on whites Obama’s fault?

Nero in the White House

Court: Obama White House MUST Make Visitor Logs Public (Who Yelled About Bush’s ‘Secrets

A Vegan Manifesto Wearing a Weight-Loss Halo


* Countdown until Obama leaves office(


EPIC - DHS Refuses to Disclose Details of Mobile Body Scanner Technology

Exclusive: Goldman Sachs VP Changed His Name, Now Advances Goldman Lobbying Interests As Top Staffer To Darrell Issa | ThinkProgress

Revealed: Fake Facebook Identity Used By Military Contractors Plotting To Hack Progressive Organizations | ThinkProgress

McCain: Palin will be a ‘formidable’ candidate | Raw Replay

Maxine Waters: ‘The Tea party can go straight to hell!’ | Raw Replay

Charles Koch responds to Warren Buffett: My investments more beneficial to society than taxes | The Raw Story

Huntsman on GOP’s anti-science stances: ‘We have a huge problem’ | Raw Replay

Former Obama aide rips Rove’s lecture on ‘good governance’ | Raw Replay

Frank Luntz: ‘No room’ for Palin in GOP field | Raw Replay

McCain: Gaddafi only has ‘hours if not days’ left | Raw Replay

Earth’s oldest fossils boost hopes for life on Mars | The Raw Story

Obama accuses Republicans of blocking job creation | The Raw Story

Conscription For Rioting Youth?: David Cameron aims to extend national citizen service scheme in aftermath of riots -

Militarisation of Latin America: The Islamo-Bolivarian threat | StratRisks

'There is No Way for Them to be Tampered With': Mississippi Election Clerk Gets Approval to Remove Paper Trail Printers from Diebold Touch-Screens -

Stray cat 'army' battles west China rodent plague -

Synthetic Life Could Help Colonize Mars, Biologist Says | StratRisks

U.S. Agency Wants to Pay You for a Plan to Send People to the Stars -

MOODY'S ANALYST BREAKS SILENCE: Says Ratings Agency Rotten To Core With Conflicts

New evidence emerges of oil being produced near former Deepwater Horizon site - Tallahassee Environmental News |

USDA Signs MOU with Rockefeller’s Council on Foundations to Exploit Rural America | Food Freedom

China’s Underground Great Wall | Flashpoints

US troops may stay in Afghanistan until 2024 - Telegraph

Obama Bans War Criminals, Except Our Own

Lemmingly, We Roll Along

The System is Ready to Blow

Guard-Dogs for the Banks

Woman's Yard Sale to Pay Medical Bills Gets Shut Down

Assad set to speak on Syrian TV - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Real Domestic Terror | American Free Press

Groundwork Laid for Controlled Third Party | American Free Press

Job Czar Funnels Jobs to China | American Free Press

Animal-Human Hybrid Tests: Moral & Ethical Ramifications | American Free Press

Laser Advance in Uranium Enrichment May Risk Bomb Spread -

Titanic Battle or Insider Trading? The S&P Downgrade and the Bilderbergers: All Part of the Plan?

One in Four California Families Can't Afford Food for Their Kids

Former head of Israel’s National Security Council (NSC): "Israel Prepares for War with Egypt in Sinai Desert"

US Joint Forces Command: Huge U.S. Debt Could Lead to Military Impotence, Default or Revolution

The Root Causes of the Global Financial Crisis

Radiofrequency Radiation: The Invisible Hazards of “Smart” Meters

The Shamans Among Us: A World in Perpetual Conflict

War Propaganda: Libya and the End of Western Illusions

Various Facets of The Social Crisis in America

Confronting the Military-Industrial-Complex: The MIC at 50

Journalists who engage in war propaganda must be held accountable

'Mostly Harmless' Gestures Can Pave the Way for War

A Prime Aim of the Growing Surveillance State

Rick Perry Says 'Thoughtful Discussion' Needed on Withdrawing From Iraq, Afghanistan

Nine Stripped of Afghan Parliament Seats

Arbiters Change Outcome of 9 Afghan Elections

US Hikers' Lawyer, Families Still Hope Iran Will Show Leniency

Rewinding Evolution: Scientists alter chicken DNA to create embryo with ‘alligator-like’ snout |

Two Targets, One Bullet: How the Ultimate Sniper Rifle Was Made | Danger Room |

Running Robot Breaks Speed Records (Now All It Needs Is a Head) | Danger Room |

Is CERN Close to the "Page One" Story of the Century? --Discovering the Source of the Universe's Mass

Spectacular Hercules statue found in Jezreel Valley - Israel Travel, Ynetnews

Vatican Joins NASA And Govt For The Big Event Soon To Be Announced To The World! | Before It's News

+Sheriff Arpaio interview about Birthers and Obama FULL TRANSCRIPT | Before It's News

The ADL and Sharia Law | Before It's News

The Type Of Food That Will Slow Nearly Every Inflammatory Disease... | Before It's News

Discover How To Make Solar Panels Yourself | Before It's News

How To Build Solar Panels And Use Green Energy At Home For Huge Savings | Before It's News

Learn How To Make Solar Panels Be Earth Friendly | Before It's News

Discover How To Make Solar Panels At Home | Before It's News

Discover How To Make Solar Panels Be Earth Friendly | Before It's News

Genius 13-Year-Old Has a Solar Power Breakthrough

Congressman Dennis Kucinich speaks at Seattle Hempfest | NORML Blog, Marijuana Law Reform

Is it Possible Obama Won’t Seek Reelection in 2012?

Plant and Animal Species fleeing to Pole's Cooler Temperature | Before It's News

Supermax prisons: 21st century asylums | Before It's News

Overruled: Government Invasion of your Parental Rights (Official HD Trailer) - YouTube

Big Pharma—Define 'Better' - YouTube

Facebook's spam program catches innocent users

German privacy watchdog declares Facebook's "like" button illegal | Germany | Deutsche Welle | 20.08.2011

Warren Buffett’s Taxing the Rich Won't Solve Deficit, Says Tax Foundation

Taxpayer Funded Apps Help Make You A Neanderthal

Obama Administration Grants De Facto Amnesty to Many Illegal Immigrants

Justice Dept. Vague on When Holder First Learned About Operation Fast and Furious

White House Orders Agencies to Cut Their Budgets

ACLU Hails 'Landmark' Ruling Against U.S. by Int’l Human Rights Body

U.S. Looking to Expand Canola Crop As Demand Grows

Back-to-School Shopping: Higher Prices for Flimsy Clothing

Lone Wolf False Flag or Real Mumbai-Style Active Shooters?

Syrian Leader to Appear on National Television, Crackdown Continues

Video:Dubious Evidence Israeli Bus Attackers Based in Gaza

Obama Briefed on Libya Fighting

If Libyan Rebels Win, Can They Rule?

Schumer: Deactivating Cellphones Can Deter Theft

FDA Questions Safety of Widely Used Hand Soap Chemical

Huntsman Trust Science on Global Warming

Perry, Romney Differ Sharply on Climate Change

Santorum: Avoid Candidate Like McCain in 2012

McDonnell: Obama Has Done Nothing for Economy

Cummings: Blacks 'Totally Frustrated' With Obama

Rove: Obama in 'Deep Trouble,' No Harry Truman

Axelrod: Obama's Jobs Plan Will Have New Ideas

Obama: I Can Do Business With Boehner, GOP

Huntsman: My GOP Rivals On the 'Fringes'

Brewer: Obama Has a Jobs Plan - For Illegals

Is NATO Membership Worth the Cost?

Marijuana May Ward Off Dementia: Cannabinoids Protect Brain From Aging Processes Say German Researchers :

9/11, False Flag State Terrorism, The Transnational Shadow Government, And The Apocalypse To Come :

Author Details Pentagon’s Fake al-Qaeda :

Electronic Skin Tattoo with RFID Technology to Facilitate Monitoring

Visa’s “Just Wave and Go” Commercial aka The Human Cattle in a Cashless Society


**Think Tanks Directory - Harvard Kennedy School Library

FPRI Security and International Affairs( Think Tank Directory | FPRI Think Tank Directory

Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program(

Global Think Tank Directory @ Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program / International Relations Program, University of Pennsylvania


Contacting the Congress:(


Nov.2-'08/Audio: Obama Tells SF Chronicle He Will Bankrupt Coal Industry |

5 things you probably didn’t know could be hacked | Technology News Blog - Yahoo! News

IBM unveils chips that mimic the human brain - 18 Aug 2011 - Computing News

Jon Huntsman Advocates Pulling Out of Afghanistan

Bill Burton Rips Karl Rove's Lecture on 'Good Governance'

Bernie Sanders: Obama Should Create A Program To Put Millions Back To Work and Challenge GOP To Support It

GOP Taps Nation's Second Most Unpopular Governor, John Kasich for Weekly Address

Organizer of Perry's Prayer Event Pushing For 5 Million Conservative Christian Voter Registrations

Sen. Bernie Sanders Leaks Oil Trading Data: Americans Have A Right To Know Who Drove Up Gas Prices

Christine O'Donnell Accuses Piers Morgan of 'Borderline Sexual Harassment'

Former Goldman Employee Who Works For Issa Says He Changed His Name To Honor His Grandfather. Really?

GOP Rep. Hultgren Mocked at Town Hall for Supporting a Bill That Would Ask the Rich to Pay More Taxes Voluntarily

Former Moody's Staffer Blows The Whistle: We Were Pressured To Give Glowing Ratings To Derivatives

The Daily Show: World of Class Warfare

Blue America Proudly Welcomes Senator Bernie Sanders For a Live Chat

Florida's Welfare Drug Testing Costs More Than It Saves

Haley Barbour Calls Rick Perry's Conservative Critics Part of The 'Liberal Media League' Out To Get Christians

Keith Olbermann Makes Coburn Worst Person for Talk of Bringing a Gun to the Senate Floor - Says He Should Resign

Bank of America To Rick Perry: 'We Will Help You Out'

Audio:Open Thread with The Professional Left Weekly Podcast: The Last Premarital Podcast | Video Cafe

How to Make Online Classes Work With Your Brand | Before It's News

Libya rebels push towards capital to aid revolt | Reuters

Getting ready for a wave of coal-plant shutdowns - Ezra Klein - The Washington Post

Citing a Lack of Usage, Costco Removes E.V. Chargers -

Pope tells 1.5 million youngsters to spread gospel | Reuters

Worried NY Dems slam GOP Turner in voter mailings -

My Way News - Social Security disability on verge of insolvency

Rep. McCaul Tops List Of 50 Richest Members Of Congress |

Unthinkable Times: Syrian Military Intervention on the Table - YouTube

From The Shadows of The Psyop State: The Terror of Secret Services in Russia, America And The World |

Atlantic City NJ : Meet Verizon's Newest Security Force: Blackwater

iRobot 110 FirstLook - YouTube

Alex Jones: Monsanto is Un-American - YouTube

Audio:Daniel Larison « Antiwar Radio with Scott Horton and Charles Goyette

(Videos)The Excavator: Egyptian Protesters Removing Israel´s Flag in Cairo

The Excavator: Breaking: Ron Paul On FEMA Camps!

The Excavator: Matt Taibbi On The SEC Covering Up Wall Street Crimes

Nasa craft tracks space storm from the sun until it engulfs Earth for the first time | Mail Online

Can life evolve from a different chemical code? - Technology & science - Space - -

BBC News - Map tracks Antarctica on the move

Girl, 15, is youngest to receive bionic fingers - Telegraph

Comet Elenin Won't Kill Us, Says NASA : Discovery News

Cosmic Log - What if E.T. thinks we're evil?

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Why Al Gore's all the rage;Leighton Steward: Actual data prove climate alarmists full of hot air

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Florida's next Marco Rubio?;GOP's Hasner touts conservative credentials in fight to unseat Sen. Bill Nelson

WND RADIO WND Exclusive John Bolton talks Syria, Israel with WND'Overthrowing the Assad regime should have been U.S. policy for years'

Private eye rescues kids in night-time missions

The Local - Judges begin probe into IMF chief Lagarde

Arizona sheriff promises Obama-eligibility probe

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Rick Perry: Illegal Immigrants Who Serve In The Military Deserve Citzenship | TPMDC

Seven ways Rick Perry wants to change the Constitution | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Jon Huntsman Comes Out Swinging - Political Punch

Update: Qaddafi Is Defiant As 'Zero Hour' Begins in Libya - Global - The Atlantic Wire

Thousands of Sunflowers Planted in Fukushima to Combat Radiation in Full Bloom (PHOTOS)

Gov Scott to push for Fla immigration law in 2012

Life on Mars? Fossil find shows it's possible | Reuters

Jerry Lewis: Saving lives through MDA was honor - Yahoo! News

Jane Fonda tells how she boosts her sex life with testosterone - Telegraph

Internet tries to kill Jackie Chan again, martial arts star wins by KO |

F.T.C. Says It Will Not Investigate Ashton Kutcher -

Teens faked hold-ups to post to YouTube, say police | Information, Gadgets, Mobile Phones News & Reviews |

Diner kicked out of restaurant by at-home manager after tweeting that her waiter was a 'twerp' | Mail Online

The white stuff? Milk is better at quenching children's first than water | Mail Online

Atheist Richard Dawkins blasts Catholic Church

Adapting a Ramadan tradition to an all-American one -


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Rick Perry, Annotated | The Weekly Standard

American Way: Getting ugly in Texas – Karl Rove and the Democrats desperate to stop the Rick Perry posse – Telegraph Blogs

Of Dystopias and Alphas -

What kind of president would Rick Perry be? | Ana Marie Cox | Comment is free |

What Would Hillary Clinton Have Done? -

Next President Must Live Like Coolidge, Not Obama -

Politico Stands Behind Its “Biden Terrorist” Story - Big Journalism

RealClearPolitics - An Uncertain Arab Transition

America can’t afford complacency on China | Ian Bremmer

Weaker Productivity Is a Worrying Sign -

Mitt Romney, Dark Prince of Oligarchy, Battles the Demons of Democracy | The Nation

Chevy Volt: Flagship Model Of The Government-Industrial Complex - Forbes

Lawsuit reform could be big in 2012 | Examiner Editorial | Opinion | Washington Examiner

Obama, Congress should use balanced approach to help create jobs

Barack Obama: He's come undone - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Editorial: The latest hurdle for school choice - The Denver Post

Who can unite Libya if Gaddafi falls? | Reuters

Canada News: Details begin to emerge of Nunavut plane crash victims -

David Cameron and Tony Blair clash over cause of riots | UK news | The Guardian

7 teens charged with mob action in Chinatown robbery, attack -

No bond for Oak Lawn bank robber who fled to roof - Chicago Sun-Times

Chicago mayor supports controversial casino authorization bill - Arizona News from USA Today

Analysis: Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s first 100 days in office - Chicago Sun-Times

Dominique Strauss-Kahn Accuser Nafissatou Diallo to Meet With Prosecutors - ABC News

Jon Huntsman vs. Rick Perry: Shoot-out at the GOP corral -

Obama Hits Beach, Golf Course After Libya Briefing - ABC News

Teen In Alleged Hit-And-Run Hate Crime Isolated From Other Prisoners

Ex-Giffords challenger puts '12 campaign on hiatus

8 charged in alleged $40 million fortune-telling scam - TODAY News -

‘Pure Politics’ Threatens Economic Progress, Obama Strategist Axelrod Says - Bloomberg

Obama Administration Can Improve Immigration Policy in Many Ways - Stuart Anderson - tk - Forbes

The Associated Press: 2012 contender Bachmann seeks to broaden appeal

Obama's 127 Fundraising Events Top Bush and Clinton - President Obama - Fox Nation

Poll: MLK's dream realized, but a gulf between races remains -

A look at Social Security's disability program - CNBC

Dozens more arrested in oil pipeline protest - CBS News

Advanced Russian fighter aborts takeoff -

Where Google+ Gets It REALLY Right

Google Plus Hangouts Arrive in YouTube, Cat Video Sharing Even Easier | News & Opinion |

Next Pixar flicks to probe dinosaurs, brains -

A first look at Roman Polanski's 'Carnage' -

CBS News legend Lane Venardos dies - CBS News

Aliens May Strike Humans To Save The Galaxy: Study - International Business Times

NASA Tracks Solar Explosions From The Sun To Earth - Irish Weather Online

Sunspot prediction method improved: News24: Sci-Tech: News

Private Space Taxis Race to the Launch Pad -

Russian firm reveals plans for luxury space hotel

Rick Perry's Stem Cell Surgery Could lead to Quackery

BBC News - Cell recycling system 'damaged in nerve disease'

Blacks less likely than whites to get NIH grants, study finds - The Washington Post

Does banning use of food stamps for soda reduce obesity? - Ezra Klein - The Washington Post

Health Officials Recommend New Flu Shots This Year | SmartAboutHealth.Net

Marijuana DNA Sequenced by Startup in Search for Medical Uses - Bloomberg

Hempfest In Seattle Attracts Over 150,000 | ThirdAge

Ecstasy 'could be used in cancer treatment' - Telegraph

The 'heart attack proof' diet? -

The Lost Lessons of Freedom - By Nina L. Khrushcheva | Foreign Policy

Democracy in Libya | The Weekly Standard

Ankara should confront Tehran

A call for change in Syria that the Arab world can lead - The National

Asia Times Online - The rise and rise of Iran's Guards


**Politics Video:Gibbs: Obama Worried About Americans' Jobs, Not His

Huntsman Takes On Republican Rivals

Gillespie: Obama In Over His Head

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On GOP Presidential Field

David Axelrod On Obama's Plan For The Economy

Gov. Daniels On GOP Presidential Field

"This Week" Roundtable On The Battle Over Jobs

"Meet The Press" Panel On 2012 GOP Race And Economy

RCP's Alexis Simendinger On "Washington Week"

20th/Obama Weekly: Confident Congress Will Put Country Before Party

Gov. Kasich To Obama In GOP Weekly: Show Some Leadership

Bloomberg: Open Borders Immigration "Single Biggest" Way To Create Jobs

Krauthammer: Obama Complaining Instead Of Leading

Karl Rove: No Rivalry Between Bush Team And Perry Team

"Special Report" On Backdoor Amnesty For Illegal Immigration?

Robert Reich: Fear Of Double-Dip Causing Market Volatility

Hayes: Republican Field Is Open House For Megalomaniacs, Celebrities

*21 Aug

American Minute for August 21st:

August 21st This Day in History

Today in History: August 21

This Day in History for 21st August

August 21st in History

August 21 Events in History

Today in History: August 21

Today in History for August 21st - YouTube


The English-Speaking Cyrano: Mark Steyn

BigDawg Patriots Send Message To White House: ‘Get Off the Stage’

Introducing … ‘Movie Critic Assassins’

The U.S. military's Hollywood connection -

Sisters making films: The Ephrons, the Todds and others -

PETA To Launch Porn Site |

Despite Will of Voters, Missouri Lawmakers Move to Implement ObamaCare Exchanges

A Palin Announcement on September 3rd Looks More Likely

UPDATE: Houston National Cemetery Censorship

When Personally Forced to Choose, Socialism Sucks.

Rove: Palin Will Run

Obama Vacay: In Your Facemanship

Breaking: Verizon Strikers Head Back to Work Without New Agreement

Obama Faces Worst-Case Scenario for 2012

Fareed Zakaria Pines for Parliamentary Government

Union Astroturf Tries to Undercut Tea Party with Comparison

Sound Bite for the Day: Through Everybody’s Side Empty Bench

Marines In Afghanistan Using Shaving Cream To Save Lives

Libya: Rebels Move Into Tripoli

NASA Gives New Meaning To Little ‘Green’ Men

The Legacy of Margaret Thatcher with Charles Moore

The Mideast: Safe For Democracy?

Audio:Col. Ed Walby: The Future of Air Superiority

Iran Sentences 2 American Hikers to 8 Years in Jail

The Mission Continues for the Armed Forces Museum

Why We Don’t Have Drug Cartels In the US….Yet

Audio:Ambassador John Bolton: Sabotaging Article 1, Section 8 Of The Constitution


2010 Country Reports On Terrorism Released


**2010 Country Reports on Terrorism

Assad warns action against Syria would backfire

Jerry Lewis not reinstated as telethon host, spokeswoman says

NJ community grieves after 4 teens killed in crash

Coast Guard struggling to update its aging fleet

GOP may OK tax increase that Obama hopes to block

2 shot in SF parking lot after Raiders-49ers game

Invasive 'burning bush' getting genetic makeover

Obama briefed on latest developments in Libya

'Flagman' becomes instant hero at Egypt protest

Syria's Assad says regime is not in danger

Hamas official: Gaza militants agree to cease-fire

Libyan rebels push to outskirts of capital Tripoli

Lawyer: Strauss-Kahn accuser 'depressed'

Hamas would agree to immediate ceasefire with Israel

'Iran cuts funding for Hamas due to Syria unrest'

Police raise terror alert in Jerusalem after attack threat

Police raise terror alert in Jerusalem

Libyan rebels move on Tripoli as Kadafi forces fight to hang on

Junk bonds: Milken people

US hikers jailed in Iran for spying to appeal against sentence

Red Arrows crash: thousands pay tribute to dead pilot

Norway's prime minister tells country to 'guard freedom' at memorial service

Analysis: Google+ gives Facebook a run for its money

Afghanistan election panel expels nine from parliament

Jordan warns: Escalation in Gaza threatens entire region


+21-Aug-11 World View +


**NEWS VIDEOS:Obama: Congress Putting Party Before Country

Axelrod: Congress Putting Party Ahead of Country

Gibbs: Congress Should Put Country Ahead of Party

FootBRAWL: 2 Shot, 1 Beaten at Raiders/49ers Game

20th/Man Wins Handgun Lawsuit Against Chicago

CNN’s Zakaria Promotes ‘Superior’ Parliamentary System vs. American System

Brakeless Driver Pulls a ‘Fred Flintstone’; Stops Truck with Feet

Iran Sentences 2 American Hikers to 8 Years in Jail

Tea Partier Pushes Back at Sharpton’s Obnoxious Interview

Fox News Catches Obama Golfing Despite Camera Ban

19th/Matthews on the Attack with RNC Chair Priebus

Paul Ryan Strongly Considering Presidential Run

Dr. Alfonzo Rachel Tries to Help Janeane Garofalo

Herman Cain Says He’d ‘Be Dead’ Under ‘Obamacare’

Striking IBEW Workers Protest at Verizon Exec’s Home; ‘We’re Here to Fight!’

Coulter Slams Media for Never Vetting Obama

Patronizing Rangel to Ingraham: ‘Just a Pretty Girl’

Our Special Tribute to NBC News and Al Sharpton

18th/Sharpton’s TelePrompter Challenge Continues

Sharpton’s Greatest 20 Seconds of Television, Ever

Perry: Evolution Is ‘Theory’ with ‘Gaps’

Obama: ‘I Don’t Think We are in Danger of Another Recession’

Obama Approval Rating on Economy: 26%

Pelosi Heckled at Town Hall; ‘Sell Out!’

Garofalo: Cain Running to Deflect GOP’s Inherent Racism

Sen Lautenberg: ‘We Got to Eliminate the Rich’

Cornyn Lukewarm on Perry, Hot on Ryan

Threat to Letterman on Muslim Forum

SEIU Mob Attacks Shopping Mall Security Guards

17th/Victim of Union Thug Intimidation Speaks Out

Ohio Business Owner Shot For Being Non-Union

Obama Blames ATMs, Internet for High Unemployment

Jon Stewart Hammers Ed Schultz for Race-Baiting Deceptive Edit

+Internet Radio Shows

Dead Doctors Don't Lie 08-19-11

The Easy Organic Gardener 08-21-11

Herb Talk 08-20-11

Home Talk 08-20-11 Hr 1

Home Talk 08-20-11 Hr 2

Home Talk 08-20-11 Hr 3

Home Improvement USA 08-21-11 Hr 1

Home Improvement USA 08-21-11 Hr 2

Korelin Economics Report 08-20-11 Hr 1

Korelin Economics Report 08-20-11 Hr 2

The Magic Garden 08-20-11 Hr 1

The Magic Garden 08-20-11 Hr 2

Nutrimedical Report 08-19-11 Hr 1

Nutrimedical Report 08-19-11 Hr 2

Nutrimedical Report 08-19-11 Hr 3

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 08-21-11 Hr 1

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 08-21-11 Hr 2

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 08-21-11 Hr 3

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 08-21-11 Hr 4

Radio Liberty 08-19-11 Hr 1

Radio Liberty 08-19-11 Hr 2

The Secret Truth 08-20-11 Hr 1

The Secret Truth 08-20-11 Hr 2

World Crisis Radio 08-20-11 Hr 1

World Crisis Radio 08-20-11 Hr 2

You The Owner's Manual 08-20-11 Hr 1

You The Owner's Manual 08-20-11 Hr 2

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