A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

20 August 2011

20 AUG

It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. Player


Opting Out: How Millions Of You Will Accelerate The Collapse - YouTube

Seven Building Blocks for Saving Liberty & Freedom - YouTube

You've Been Sold The Illusion Of Freedom - YouTube

Anatomy of An Obama Jobs Speech

China Threatening U.S. Space Superiority

Are the Black Flash Mob Attacks on Whites Obama's Fault? | Culture Wars Right Side News

Pajamas Media » ATF Whistleblower: Gunwalker Officials Being Shielded

Rick Perry Insensitive to Barack Obama’s Feelings! | RedState

Muslim terrorists put chokehold on food to Christians

Krishnas OK but Christians too 'religious'

Goodbye Mary Schapiro: Grassley Asks SEC To Account For Illegal Document Destruction | ZeroHedge

Is the SEC Covering Up Wall Street Crimes? | Rolling Stone Politics

The “War On Drugs” Is A $2.5 Trillion Racket: How Big Banks, Private Military Companies And The Prison Industry Cash In :

SEC Whistleblower: Feds Destroyed Evidence Of Thousands Of Wall Street’ Banksters Worst Crimes :

Visa’s “Just Wave and Go” Commercial aka The Human Cattle in a Cashless Society | Pakalert Press

Ron Radosh » Can Van Jones Create a ‘Left-Wing Tea Party’? Don’t Bet on It

Pajamas Media » The Super Committee: Personnel Is Policy

Brainwashed to believe in evolution

Activist Post: Money, Banksters and August 2011 – The Coming Silver Revolution

Wall Street firms donated $11.2 million to members of debt ‘super committee’ | The Raw Story

History of Monsanto - YouTube

Farmers speak out: GMOs are a trap that Monsanto is using to take over agriculture

Activist Post: Smart Meter Radiation And Privacy DOOM - 6 Smart Meters In A Ten Foot Radius In One Backyard! (Video)

Titanic Battle or Insider Trading? The S&P Downgrade and the Bilderbergers: All Part of the Plan?

Activist Post: Rothschild Reuters and Jerusalem Post pushing lies to justify killing of Palestinians

Paul: Limit military to national defense | Concord Monitor

OPEC States that Venezuela has World’s Largest Oil Reserves at Oil Price

Activist Post: American government Mafia actively targets the weak: terminal cancer patients, little girls and the homeless

Activist Post: Pentagon plays down comments on US role in Iraq

Activist Post: Afghanistan and Iraq withdrawal deadlines to be extended, again

Activist Post: America's tiffs with Israel are purely superficial

Activist Post: Iraq agrees to extend US military role: Panetta

Activist Post: US sets sale of offshore drilling leases in Gulf

Activist Post: Long-term Food Storage: A Primer About Oxygen Absorbers

Stunning Oath Keepers Video: Orders We Cannot Obey | Before It's News

Activist Post: US keeps Iran, Syria, Sudan, Cuba on terror blacklist

Permaculture Research Institute USA » A Refrigerator that Runs Without Electricity

Heroic young man sues TSA, airport after being illegally detained during peaceful protest of unconstitutional security protocols

Courthouse News Service:Big Tobacco Is Smoking Hot at the FDA


The Year 2012 according to the late Sai Baba - the imzaia movement


Site:the imzaia movement - (


+ Videos - the imzaia movement(



The Revitalized Eugenics Movement & the FDA’s Role | Health Freedom News

Michio Kaku Hyping Alien Invasion As Corporate Media Says Alien Threat Would Help Global Governance - YouTube

9/11: "Honest Mistake" or BBC Foreknowledge of Collapse of WTC 7? Jane Standley Breaks Her Silence

Environmentalists put Obama to test on climate over pipeline plan | McClatchy

Ozone Regulations | Local Government | EPA | The Daily Caller

Global Warming Link to Drowned Polar Bears Melts Under Searing Fed Probe - HUMAN EVENTS

Activist Post: Redacting all but your privacy – DHS Voyeurism, Backscatter Vans and Body-scanners

Bill Clinton has gone totally vegan - no meat, no dairy, no eggs or even oil | Mail Online - Chinese Suppress Acupuncture Discoveries

Why I Am Leaving Vancouver British Columbia Canada - Thanks, Fukushima Japan - YouTube

Fukushima safety fears - YouTube

Strong quake hits off NE Japan; no reported damage | World news |

Is any job worth this risk? I speak to Fukushima clear-up workers | World News Blog

Another "Baseless Rumor": Cicadas in Japan This Summer Have Been Awfully Quiet | EX-SKF

Japan using Fukushima people as human Guinnea Pigs - YouTube

APNewsBreak: Lawyers accused of scam in bank suits

Aliens may destroy humanity to protect other civilisations, say scientists | Science | The Guardian

Egypt's "Secret Minister"; Behind the Scene, Still Pulling the Strings? - YouTube

Russia 'helping' China with fighter jet technology | World news | The Guardian

Jakarta-Warning to prospective CIA agents | Opinion Maker

US streets full of formerly middle class - YouTube

Insight: The madness of Wall Street | Reuters

Death Cross rocks Wall Street | Reuters

Paul Drockton M.A.: Venezuela, Gold, Oil, and the Rothschilds

RIP - America's Anti-War Movement

CIE Project » Global Forum to Combat Antisemitism


Rense & Jonathan Emord - The Debt Deal Bubble - YouTube

Rense & Dr David Duke - Zionist Terrorism In Norway - YouTube

Rense & Dr John Coleman - Death Of America's Constitution - YouTube


The Monkey Mind and the Dog of Desire. Visible Origami

Raise a glass to the 'red wine pill' to cure everything from obesity to cancer | Mail Online - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Vitamin C curbs dementia

Half of children in Fukushima test positive for radiation - Telegraph

55 per cent rise in children having fluoride varnish treatment - Telegraph

'Maggie Goes On A Diet' book for girls as young as SIX branded 'irresponsible' | Mail Online

Monkeys separated from their mothers grow up 'suffering from stress, depression and poor social skills' | Mail Online

Hartmann - this the China Syndrome? - YouTube - Our Illuminati Reality Bubble

The “Non-GMO” Labeling Scam | Farm Wars

Peru suspends US-funded coca eradication programme | World news | The Guardian

Roy Tov – The Perfume of Poison

Carnage in Norway - Refreshing the Narrative - Salem-News.Com

Rupert Murdoch sells some of his family silver - Telegraph

U.N. Climate Models Flawed - Grossly Exaggerate Warming Effect | Population Research Institute


ALIPAC - Obama's Amnesty Orders Create American Dictatorship

Obama to deport illegals by 'priority' - Washington Times

Obama Literally Stops Enforcing The US Constitution


Immigration by the Numbers -- Off the Charts - YouTube




Poverty: Where We All Started - YouTube

Food: There's Lots Of It - YouTube

Overpopulation: The Making of a Myth - YouTube


* Who are the debt super committee members? - Aug. 11, 2011


Contribution Profile of Members of the Deficit 'Super Committee' | - Money and Politics


Super Committee To Tackle Debt Ceiling Problem -

‘Super committee’ Republican: Simplify taxes - MarketWatch

How about a `super committee’ that focuses on jobs? - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

Panetta Muzzles Comms With 'Super Committee'

Pushing Super Committee For More Stimulus? - Interviews - Cavuto -


Representative Jeb Hensarling (

United States Senator Patty Murray(

Congressman Chris Van Hollen(

United States Senator Jon Kyl(

John Kerry - United States Senator for Massachusetts(

Pat Toomey ;Senator for Pennsylvania(

Max Baucus ;U.S. Senator from Montana(

Rob Portman(

Congressman Xavier Becerra(

Rep. Dave Camp(

Congressman James E. Clyburn(

Congressman Fred Upton(



The 7th Billion Human On Earth - Part 1

The 7th Billion Human on Earth - Part 2

The 7th Billion Human On Earth - Part 3

The 7th Billion Human On Planet Earth - Part 4


Franklin Lamb - It is NATOs war Not the Rebels War - YouTube

Paul: Limit military to national defense | Concord Monitor

Phone Hacking: How The Scandal Unfolded - NOTW Phone Hacking *NEW* - YouTube

Phone hacking investigation detective arrested 'for leaking information to the Guardian' | Mail Online


* 2:28:00/War by Deception 2011 The shadow government and shadow economy - YouTube



Exclusive: Staging of Major Terror Attack on US Evident | Veterans Today

Ron Paul educates some liberals - YouTube

9/11 conspiracy theories: 'Iran and Saudi Arabia helped Al-Qaeda' | Mail Online

9/11: al-Qaeda didn’t act alone - Telegraph

Iran convicts US 'hikers' as spies - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Activist Post: OPEC States that Venezuela has World’s Largest Oil Reserves

Globalists Plan to Stay in Afghanistan Forever


* Audio:Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs ;Podcast Show #51 / Friday, 19. August 2011 ; Lorie Van Auken


911 Commission Clip from War by Deception - YouTube

40 Years of Fiat Currency, Is Gold as ‘Cheap’ as it was in 1971? :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

Report: Obama Admin Funded Obamacare Internet Propaganda Campaign |


Golden Retrieval: Chavez wants his billion back - YouTube

Bin Laden Meets With The CIA At An American Hospital In Dubai July 2001 - 12160

Stratfor disputes OBL killing in Abbottabad | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

Washington's Blog:D.C. is Like a Separate Country ... One Which Couldn't Care Less About The American People

The Intercept:Capitalism Is The Crisis: Radical Politics in the Age of Austerity

US Joint Forces Command: Huge U.S. Debt Could Lead to Military Impotence, Default or Revolution

9/11: "Honest Mistake" or BBC Foreknowledge of Collapse of WTC 7? Jane Standley Breaks Her Silence

Explosions before planes hit WTC 911 9/11 - YouTube

The CIA-backed coup removed the popular Iranian government of Mohammad Mosaddeq in 1953 |

Jack Cafferty: "We Need A Clean Slate In 2012, Vote Out Every Single Incumbent In Washington" - Home - The Daily Bail

File Disposal Still an Issue for S.E.C. -

Is the Fed Treasonous? |

Lone Star Watchdog: Gov. Perry is Like a Chameleon Lizard Trying to Be Ron Paul

Bluegrass Pundit: Nancy Pelosi Reported Net Worth Triples in Last Two Years

ENHANCED VERSION: News Reports WTC7 Fell Before It Happens! - YouTube

PressTV - Iraq denies extending US military stay

PressTV - Roman shipwreck found in Albania

Biotech industry at war over GMOs; millions of dollars funneled to lawmakers

Lone Star Watchdog: Ron Paul Should Stay Away From Gov. Perry's Rumors of Adultry. This Could be a Set up

Farmers speak out: GMOs are a trap that Monsanto is using to take over agriculture

GM Crops Farmer to Farmer - YouTube

Madoff Whistleblower: Big Banks Are Ripping Off Pension Funds | Daily Ticker - Yahoo! Finance

Supreme Court faces new gun control cases - 12160

CIE Project » Global Forum to Combat Antisemitism

For Supporters, Ron Paul's Message Strikes A Chord - 12160

Perry became a millionaire while holding public office through "well-timed sales in the Texas real estate market." - 12160

Lone Star Watchdog: Rick Perry Tries to Get Out of Ticket - Texas State Trooper Dashcam

Outrage! De facto amnesty for illegal aliens ordered by Obama - National Law Enforcement |

Clair E. George dies at 81; spy was pardoned for Iran-Contra lies |

Media Shifts from Ignoring to Attacking Ron Paul - YouTube

Dr. Bob Bowman & Alex Jones: DARPA's Secret Little Air Force in Space 1/2 - YouTube

Dr. Bob Bowman & Alex Jones: DARPA's Secret Little Air Force in Space 2/2 - YouTube

» Ron Paul Steers Clear Of Perry Sex Story Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Lawmaker cites media 'arrogance' for lack of coverage of Ron Paul campaign -

» Barack Obama Cannot Get Congress To Pass Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants… Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Economy: Goldman Sachs Slashes Its US GDP Forecast Again - CNBC

» Is the Rick Perry Sex Story Important? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Infowars TV Interviews Rick Perry Sex Scandal Accuser Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Donald Trump’s candidacy received three times more coverage than Ron Paul’s candidacy | The Raw Story

Biological Weapons: Bargaining With the Devil (Part Four) | Truthout

» Big Brother 2.0: 10 New Ways That The Government Will Be Spying On You And Controlling Your Behavior Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

US to build shadow web — RT

Police take first forced blood draw - Wyoming Tribune Eagle Online

» Minnesota WAC talks with Dr. Ron Paul at Iowa Straw Poll Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» FDA Approves Seattle Genetics’ Adcentris Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Scientists undo evolution to create a chicken with a maniraptora 'snout' | Mail Online

» Many GMOs are virtually unregulated due to technicalities in current federal law Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

GOP Colorado rep pushes to overturn bilingual ballot requirement | The Raw Story

First responder fights back after losing foot to 9/11 accident - Yahoo! News

» WTC Metal to be Memorialized in Colorado Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Architects & Engineers – Solving the Mystery of WTC 7 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» S&P and the Bilderbergers: All Part of the Plan? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Sarah Palin Iowa Organizer: 'She'll Run' - Washington Whispers (

» Mike Huckabee: Ron Paul Must Change Stance on Iran to be Electable Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Study: NYC drinking water deemed safe after tests detect trace amounts of pharmaceuticals - 8/19/2011 9:36:12 PM | Newser

Prison » Obamanoids Praying Establishment Pick Rick Perry Wins GOP Nomination

Obama 2012 team would prefer to run against Rick Perry | The Raw Story

Prison » Rick Perry is no Ron Paul

Prison » Dennis Kucinich: Constitutional scholar Obama ignoring the Constitution

Prison » Tensions Explode On CNBC, As Simon Hobbs Tells Cramer: “You Told People To Buy Bear Stearns!”

Prison » DHS Snitch Video Is Throwback To East German Stasi

U.S. Scrambling to Ease Shortage of Vital Medicine -

Prison » New York Cops Prepare For Civil Unrest

Prison » If You See Something, Say Something

DeFazio says Obama lacks will to fight, may lose Oregon | Portland

Prison » From The Shadows of The Psyop State: The Terror of Secret Services in Russia, America And The World

Prison » Did Chavez Just Spark the Gold Powder Keg?

Prison » Chavez Gold Action Leads to Backwardation, Short Squeeze and ‘Havoc’ Concerns

The Real Reason the SEC Has Been Shredding Documents For Decades

Putin Slams American ‘Parasite’ While Russia Increases Treasuries 1,600% - Bloomberg

**Film Site Page**



*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – August 19th, 2011

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – August 19th, 2011


Bank of America Will Help Rick Perry Out - YouTube

Is the Rick Perry Sex Story Important? - YouTube

Infowars TV Interviews Rick Perry Sex Scandal Accuser 1/2 - YouTube

Infowars TV Interviews Rick Perry Sex Scandal Accuser 2/2 - YouTube

8/19/11 Full show -- Obama, Marijuana,Monsanto, Snooki, Congress, Ron Paul, Rick Perry, Alex Jones - YouTube

Ron Paul: A New Hope - YouTube

*4 Parts/Max Igan in Conversation with Dean Clifford |

Unthinkable Times: Syrian Military Intervention on the Table - YouTube

"ZBV" - Z Backscatter Van - YouTube

Ron Paul: Bring the Troops Home NOW! - YouTube

8/18/11 Full show -- Obama 2012, Governor Gary Johnson, UK Riots, Police State, Marijuana - YouTube

The Stream - A new history of censorship in the West? - John Perry Barlow - YouTube

Perry mostly absent from 2007 emails discussing HPV vaccine law | The Raw Story

» Republican Voters Are Losing Their Appetite For War Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Air Force Cites New Testament, Ex-Nazi, to Train Officers on Ethics of Launching Nuclear Weapons | Truthout

Army to develop next-generation combat vehicle | The Raw Story

More than 150 people caught after rioting swept across UK ¿were foreign nationals and will be deported¿ | Mail Online

Press release: Idaho Supreme Court rules private attorneys no longer allowed, 8/18/2011 | Free Edgar Steele

MOODY'S ANALYST BREAKS SILENCE: Says Ratings Agency Rotten To Core With Conflicts

EPIC - DHS Refuses to Disclose Details of Mobile Body Scanner Technology

Exclusive: Goldman Sachs VP Changed His Name, Now Advances Goldman Lobbying Interests As Top Staffer To Darrell Issa | ThinkProgress

Revealed: Fake Facebook Identity Used By Military Contractors Plotting To Hack Progressive Organizations | ThinkProgress

*Article Links:

*Article Links:Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials – August 19, 2011


*3 Parts/ Retired NYPD Officer Frank Serpico: American Drug War is A Lie, Just Like 9/11 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Taliban launches bomb and gun attack on British Council's Kabul compound | World news | The Guardian

Taliban bomb British Council compound in Kabul - video | World news |

Why Rick Perry Won't Unite the Republican Party - Conor Friedersdorf - Politics - The Atlantic

Reports: CIA Working with Mexican Drug Cartels

'Fast and Furious' weapons found at more violent crime scenes - Washington Times

Why Rick Perry Won't Unite the Republican Party - Conor Friedersdorf - Politics - The Atlantic

New Smithsonian "Race" Exhibit Smears Columbus, Thomas Jefferson

Some Unintended Consequences of Raising CAFÉ Again

West To CAIR Florida: "NUTS!"

An "Extreme Makeover" for U.S. Education — Can We? Should We?

Special Interest Groups Give Congressional Democrats $15M in 2011

Napolitano: Dream Act Is Now De Facto Law

Obama Administration Subsidizes Solar Energy Via Loans to India

Kissinger Sings Convergence Theme With China's "Red Song" Choir

Closing the Gold Window: Remembering the Nixon Lie 40 Years Ago

'Fast and Furious' weapons found at more violent crime scenes - Washington Times

Prison » Do You Realize That The Government Is Still Paying Banks Not To Lend…?

Prison » “Economic Government” Would Integrate Europe To A Degree Not Seen Since The Roman Empire

Child poverty: 1 in 5 American children now living in poverty | Mail Online

IBM unveils chips that mimic the human brain - 18 Aug 2011 - Computing News

Lessons from the U.S.S.R. coup attempt - The Washington Post

Remembering the Overthrow of Gorbachev, 20 Years Later - YouTube

Scotland government defends early release of Lockerbie bomber - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Turkey strikes Kurd rebels in Iraq for third night | Reuters

Murdoch phone hacking | Detective arrested over

BBC News - Somalia famine: Turkish PM Erdogan visits Mogadishu

North Korean leader Kim Jong Il arrives in Russia - The Washington Post

Protest against the Pope's visit to Madrid

Pakistan mosque bombing: one of country's worst attacks -

Video: Violence continues in Syria despite Assad saying crackdown was over - Telegraph

Norway massacre survivor returns to island | Reuters

Libyan Rebels Seize Zawiya, Claim Full Control of Brega | News | English

West Memphis Three now must learn how to live as free men -

Obama summer reading list has drama, crime, epics |

Mourning a murdered mother | Daily Record |

Aide: Giffords now knows who died in shooting | Deseret News

Jon Huntsman assails Rick Perry - Alexander Burns -

Obama Adviser Looking To Run In U.S. Senate Race |

Is Christine O'Donnell planning another run for office? -

Baby Dropped Off On Doorstep In Shoebox In New York |

2 women, 2 kids killed in Pittsburgh flash floods |

Rove: Palin will run | Byron York | Politics | Washington Examiner

Immigration Activists Call For End Of Secure Communities Program

Man arrested in deaths of wife, 3 kids - TODAY News -

Prayer Vigil Held In Ohio For Missing 22-Year-O - Flash Player Installation

Why unions are livid about L.A.'s new teacher-evaluation experiment -

The Associated Press: 2012 contender Bachmann seeks to broaden appeal

Prosecutors in Roger Clemens perjury case argue for a new trial -

Analysis: Rahm Emanuel’s first 100 days - Chicago Sun-Times

Suburban woman accused of bomb threat at Willis Tower - Chicago Tribune

Guess Where Coca-Cola Is Investing $4 Billion - Forbes

Aliens May Strike Humans To Save The Galaxy: Study - International Business Times

BBC News - Map tracks Antarctica on the move

New Video Tracks Solar Explosions From Sun To Earth - Irish Weather Online

BBC News - Newly sequenced DNA - how the kangaroo got its bounce

Climate change: Species climbing higher and migrating north, study says -

Cosmic Log - SpaceX looks for an extra base

Trying To Unravel The Mysteries Of Arctic Warming : NPR

Research explores potential outcomes of contact with aliens | Reuters

Coffee stain rings: So here's what causes them - Technology & science -

What Would You Ask an Astronaut? - Cupertino, CA Patch

The Escapist : News : NASA Joins The Rap Game

NOAA rescuers free whale calf from fishing line: Marine Wildlife | Alaska news at

Listening to the sun improves sunspot forecasts -

Spacecraft Sees Solar Storm Engulf Earth - YouTube

Lady Gaga's Meat Dress: Peek Behind The Scenes At Last Year's VMAs - Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV

Charlie Sheen Rewards Brooke Mueller with Mexican Vacation - The Hollywood Gossip

Movie Review: Conan the Barbarian Is Super Cheesy Fun, but Doesn't Know It - E! Online

The Story Of The West Memphis Three Will Be A Movie | Ology

Ashton Kutcher Could Face F.T.C. Investigation - The Hollywood Reporter

London Scientists Learn How “Sticky” Egg Catches Sperm | SmartAboutHealth.Net

Ecstasy found to have cancer-fighting powers |

Food Stamps Can Be Used for Soda in New York City, Say Officials | ThirdAge

Google Plus Starts Verifying 'Celebrity' Accounts | News & Opinion |

3 Security Lessons From BART's Anonymous Breach -- InformationWeek3 Security Lessons From BART's Anonymous Breach - security Blog

YouTube-Google+ Feature Lets Users Have Video-watching Party | PCWorld

Obama and the Class Envy Card

The End of Obama's Middle East Pipe Dream


The Link Between Cigarettes and Income Taxes

'New Hickory': Governor Rick Perry's Jacksonian Posture

Perry Will Win Big

Smearing Perry on Jihad

Castro Regime Opens Nightclub in Washington D.C.

Media Matters vs. the Gateway Pundit on Obama as MLK

Riots and Civil Society

All the Wrong Things


USEPA: Hell-Bent on Over-Control


US Environmental Protection Agency(


Who Pays for the European Union?


Bailing on the USS Obama

Obama bests Bush in finger pointing: Google

Obama's de facto amnesty for illegals

Education Reformers Face Off In Martha's Vineyard

Obama 2012; The 2011 bus tour 'Live'

Assad to world community: Try and stop me


Catholic Charities in IL loses foster care contracts


Catholic Charities USA(


Detained American hikers in Iran get 8 years for spying

Will NATO-backed Libyan rebels launch a bloodbath in Tripoli?

Has the Double-Dip Recession Arrived?

Did Kerry's Swift Boat Hatchet Man Fake His Own Silver Star?

The Anti-American President

Progressive POTUS Desperate For Another Vacation

Pundits Peddle Civility Sophistry

Portrait Of The President As A Young Man

Obama: The Affirmative Action President

The Era of Confronting Obama at Public Events

Are the Black Flash Mob Attacks on Whites Obama's Fault?

Time to Leave the 'No Child' Law Behind

London Riot Controversy - A Preview for Us?

Congress shall make no law ...

Rick Perry, Conservative or Democrat in Republican Clothing

Sex Education in Preschool

Stop Political Campaign Contributions - What a Great Idea

Beware The Mexican Strawberries?

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – And defend ourselves

The irksome hitch in Rick Perry’s ‘git-a-long’

Air-pollution scare debunked

EPA’s Lisa Jackson misinforms (lies to?) Politico on farm dust

The 75th Anniversary of the Moscow Show Trials

Nero in the White House

‘Flash Mob” Reporting Exposes Dangerous Racial Bias in Liberal Media

PETA: Porno-mongers for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

Obama, the Duke of Babylon & the Christian Origins of Marxism

Megan Stewart's rare reaction to static electricity means she could die if she brushes her hair | Mail Online

Cosmic Log - What if E.T. thinks we're evil?

Moon may be younger than thought, study says -

Diamond particles discovered in candlelight - Telegraph

Ancient Roman Jar Riddled with Mystery | Roman Britain Artifacts & Museum of Ontario Archaeology | Archaeological Digs | LiveScience

Offering Funds, U.S. Agency Dreams of Sending Humans to Stars -

Air Force Eyes Micromachine Bugs That Can Spy : NPR

Debbie Schlussel:Book: Coco Chanel Was a Jew-Hating Nazi Spy

Cain: My business experience 'is much more extensive' than Romney's

Krauthammer on Obama's 'Hope & Change': 'Where the hell has he been the last two-and-a-half years?'

Huntsman continues attacks on Perry over global warming, evolution, Bernanke comments

Gutfeld: Garofalo prepping for a role as 'bitter, lonely, narrow-minded idiot'

Obama summer reading list has drama, passion and intrigue

Barbour supporters begin movement toward Perry

Warren Buffett can give more money to the government if he wants to

Man goes in for a circumcision, comes out minus his penis

A Super Congress requires super transparency | The Daily Caller

“Obamanomics:” Stimulating Unemployment, Inflation and Despair | The Daily Caller

Obamanomics on the Defensive | The Daily Caller

Worried NY Dems slam GOP Turner in voter mailings -

On vacation, Obama drops by Vineyard bookstore -

The History of Martha's Vineyard by Henry Franklin Norton, 1923

Rep. McCaul Tops List Of 50 Richest Members Of Congress |

Woman disables anti-Islam websites - Arab News

Iran Seizes 6,500 Bibles to Stop 'Deceiving' Christian Missionaries

South Carolina Dares Feds To Deny Medicaid Coverage To Male Breast Cancer Patient |

10-Year-Old Model's Mom Defends Racy Vogue Pictures of Daughter - ABC News

My Way News - APNewsBreak: 15 arrested in prescription drug case

Baby Mammoth Remains Found In Russia

Robin Quivers "Almost Killed" In Hit And Run

Nuclear Terrorist Attacks on 9-11-11 ? | USAHM Conspiracy News

The Story Of Your Enslavement | USAHM Conspiracy News

Are We Living In A Computer Simulation ? | USAHM Conspiracy News

Concentration Camp Plans For U.S. Citizens | USAHM Conspiracy News

Multiple Military Train Convoys Across the U.S | USAHM Conspiracy News

10 Symbols That Rule The World | USAHM Conspiracy News

Obama Signs ‘Dream Act’ Through Executive Order | Video |

Report: Bachmann Campaign Staffer was Imprisoned on Terror Charges in Uganda in 2006 |

Watch Syrian Soldiers Beat Detainee, Make Him Shout ‘Allah…Syria and Bashar Only’ | Video |

Norway Utoya Island Massacre Survivors Return to Scene of Death | Video |

Arne Duncan Rick Perry Texas School System |

Archbishop: MSNBC, CNN, New York Times Newsweek ‘Not Trustworthy’ When it Comes to Religion |

‘Ron Paul Punk Rock Anthem’ | Humboldt Lagoon! | Erik LaVergne | Video |

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg Says Best Way to Create Jobs in U.S. is to Allow More Immigration | Video |

Chris Matthews Grills Reince Priebus: Obama ‘Walked into Hell’ Evolution | Video |

MakerBot Sends Steven Colbert’s Head to Space | Video |

Obamas Take Separate Jets on Martha’s Vineyard Vacation | Video |

US Day of Rage Non-Violent Civil Disobedience Wall Street | Video |

West Memphis Three Convicted of Slaying Cub Scouts Go Free | Video |

Baby Woolly Mammoth Found by Russian Reindeer Herder |

Report: Obama Admin Funded Obamacare Internet Propaganda Campaign |

Regulators Close Three More Banks, Total Now 68 for 2011 |

Fla. Teacher Jerry Buell Suspended for Posting Anti-Gay Marriage Views on Facebook | Video |

Planned Parenthood to Stop Abortions in Three Arizona Cities |

Frank Schaeffer Says Bachmann Wants Iranian-Like Theocracy | Video |

CBN Reports on Christian Missionary Kids’ Sexual & Physical Abuse | Video |

Would you Let Your Child Hold a Machine Gun? |

New Mexico Hero Antonio Diaz Chacon Who Saved Girl Says He’s An Illegal |

Egypt Mossad Spy Shampoo Infertility Reproduction Women |

Scientists Are Testing Methods to Deflect the Apophis Asteroid | Video |

Is NASA Affiliated With a Study That Says Aliens Could Invade to Save Earth From Global Warming? |

Pope Benedict XVI Calls for More Ethical Economic Policies | Video |

Company Raises Awareness About Cellphone Charging Station Security at DefCon |

Is the American Tea Party a Christian Movement? |

Ron Paul Responds to Robert Morrow’s Rick Perry Sex Advertisement | Video |

IBM Completes Computer Chips That Are Modeled on the Human Brain |

Jihadist Calls for Bombing U.S. Military Funerals |

Obama Stops Automatic Deportation of Illegal Aliens |

Nancy Pelosi Faces Angry Protests Over Debt Ceiling Vote | Video |

US Pumps $418 Million Into 37 Community Banks

Terminal cancer patient holds yard sale to help pay medical bills, government shuts it down -

Chavez Emptying Bank of England Vault as Venezuela Brings Back Gold Hoard - Bloomberg

A prime aim of the growing Surveillance State -

Biological Weapons: Bargaining With the Devil (Part Four) | Truthout

Chris Christie: ‘Climate change is real’ | The Raw Story

Stewart rips Fox News over ‘class warfare’ hysteria | Raw Replay

Bachmann ex: I had to memorize Bible verses

Sheriff Joe vows to probe Obama birth cert.

Israels Changed Agenda?

AIPAC Pays For 81 US Lawmakers Vacation In Israel

Iran Sanctions: Much Ado About Nothing

The Forbidden Truth Is An Insurrection in Britain

Real Domestic Terror | American Free Press

Groundwork Laid for Controlled Third Party | American Free Press

Job Czar Funnels Jobs to China | American Free Press

Animal-Human Hybrid Tests: Moral & Ethical Ramifications | American Free Press

BBC News - Google begins Amazon river Street View project

Is This Razor Worth $100,000? - Scene Asia - WSJ

Donation Scandal Hits Romney Campaign | American Free Press

Globalist Insider Is Appointed a Member of Super Congress | American Free Press

DEA Backs Drug Kingpins | American Free Press

CGS : California court deems DNA collection from arrestees unconstitutional

5 things you probably didn’t know could be hacked | Technology News Blog - Yahoo! News

Netanyahu: Gaza Strikes ‘Only the Beginning’ of Retaliation -- News from

US Officials Warn of Gadhafi ‘Last Stand’ in Tripoli -- News from

Militarizing the Market: The Pentagon’s Newest War Front -- News from

Anonymous Hackers Release FBI Contractor's Drone Data - International Business Times

Biotech Terrorist Monsanto Continues to Seize More Control Over Food and Destroy Farmers - Truth is Treason

A Look at the Past: All Fiat Currencies Collapse and Fail - Truth is Treason

‘Devil worshippers’ attack church -

Nancy Dunn: Saving the Satanist

Two Targets, One Bullet: How the Ultimate Sniper Rifle Was Made | Danger Room |

Warren Buffett’s Taxing the Rich Won't Solve Deficit, Says Tax Foundation

Taxpayer Funded Apps Help Make You A Neanderthal

Obama's Approval Has Dropped 36 Points Among Hispanics, Says Gallup

Obama Administration Grants De Facto Amnesty to Many Illegal Immigrants

Justice Dept. Vague on When Holder First Learned About Operation Fast and Furious

The View From Martha's Vineyard

Gallup: Only 29 Percent Approve of How Obama's Handling Creating Jobs

U.S. Government Loaning $500M for Solar Power Projects—In India

Blue Dogs Shrink: Coalition of ‘Moderate’ Democrats Loses More Members

Back-to-School Shopping: Higher Prices for Flimsy Clothing


VIDEO:Is Capitalism Doomed?

VIDEO:10 Lobbyists per Member of Congress Fighting Effective Finance Regulations


Thoroughly modern Marx Pt.1

Thoroughly modern Marx Pt. 2

Thoroughly modern Marx Pt. 3


Financial Meltdown: The Case Against the Ratings Agencies

The Root Causes of the Global Financial Crisis

War Propaganda: Libya and the End of Western Illusions

Radiofrequency Radiation: The Invisible Hazards of “Smart” Meters

The Shamans Among Us: A World in Perpetual Conflict

Iran's Nuclear Program and the UN Security Council's Sanctions Regime

VIDEO: Death Squads in Syria Part of Intelligence Operation

The Size Of The U.S. Public Debt: Are The Rating Agencies Fools or Knaves?

A Radical New Definition of Addiction Creates a Big Storm | Drugs | AlterNet

Are These TV Programs Really Destroying Society? Five Vilified Shows Critics Have Got Wrong | | AlterNet

How the Organ Transplant System Is Stacked Against the Most Needy, and Why You Should Be a Donor | Personal Health | AlterNet

Thousands of Trapped Migrants Desperate to Leave Tripoli

Obama Appeals to Congress to Put Country First

Al Cardenas: Obama Will Be Defeated in 2012

Rangel Says Obama Has Not Restored Hope

Brewer: Obama Has a Jobs Plan - For Illegals

Obama Says Congress Holding Back Recovery

Ex-CIA Officer: Leak of bin Laden Op Details 'Abhorrent'

Liberals Complain About Obama

Grassley: Holder Thwarts ATF Sting Inquiry

Gingrich: Obama Fantasizes of “Bureaucratic Socialism”

Cain: ‘I’d Be Dead’ Under Obamacare

Gallup: Latino Approval of Obama Plunges to 49%

Strauss-Kahn DA Seen as Dropping Charges

Girl's Photo Solves One Arlington Cemetery Mystery

Perry's Twitter Traffic Twice Bachmann's

Trump Aide: Country Needs Third Party President

FDA Questions Safety of Widely Used Hand Soap Chemical

Low Testosterone Does Not Shorten Life

Party Drug Ecstasy Could Treat Cancer

Roubini, Marx, and Keynes by Gary North

How to Decorate a Man Room | The Art of Manliness

If You Cannot Evacuate, by B.A.F. -

Amy Winehouse and 27 Club

Electronic Skin Tattoo with RFID Technology to Facilitate Monitoring

Visa’s “Just Wave and Go” Commercial aka The Human Cattle in a Cashless Society

9/11, False Flag State Terrorism, The Transnational Shadow Government, And The Apocalypse To Come :

Author Details Pentagon’s Fake al-Qaeda :

DHS Now Profiling Your Average All-American Neighbors As Terrorists :

Hugo Chavez Outmaneuvers The NWO By Securing Gold Sector :

Florida's Welfare Drug Testing Costs More Than It Saves

Haley Barbour Calls Rick Perry's Conservative Critics Part of The 'Liberal Media League' Out To Get Christians

Keith Olbermann Makes Coburn Worst Person for Talk of Bringing a Gun to the Senate Floor - Says He Should Resign

Bank of America To Rick Perry: 'We Will Help You Out'

Sen. Coburn's Odd Pro-Dust Bowl Spending Cut Idea

Sheriff Joe Arpaio Probing Obama Birth Certificate 'Evidence'

Taibbi: The SEC Has Been Destroying Investigation Records For Two Decades - Even Though They're Supposed To Be Archived

Dean Baker On Super Committee Dems: 'If They'd Bothered To Do Their Damn Jobs,' We Wouldn't Be In This Mess

Daniel Webster (R-FL) Admits To Distributing Watch List, Is Unapologetic

Bachmann on Why She Worked for the IRS: 'First Rule of War is Know Your Enemy'

Supercommittee Member Fred Upton (R-MI) Opposes Cuts to Current Social Security Benefits, Raising Retirement Age Beyond 67

Maxine Waters: Allen West Sent His Unemployed Brother to Me for Help at Our Jobs Fair

Rick Perlstein to Obama: Let People Know the Democratic Party is on Their Side

Bruce Bartlett: Rick Perry is an idiot

Now That He's Losing, Kasich (Kinda) Supports Compromise

AUDIO:Bachmann: Americans Fear 'the Rise of the Soviet Union'

Goldman Sachs VP Changes His Name, Goes To Work For Issa Protecting...Goldman Sachs!

What if it's All Been a Big, Fat Lie?

Microbial Life On Mars: Could Saltwater Make It Possible? | Before It's News

Big Brother 2.0: 10 New Ways That The Government Will Be Spying On You And Controlling Your Behavior | Before It's News

Rapid Rise In Hookah Use Among California Youth Alarms UCSD Researchers | Before It's News

Vatican Invites Muslims And Christians To Unite Against Secularization And For Human Rights And Dignity | Before It's News

Eyes on the Pentagon: new Toronto event independent of 9/11 hearings | Before It's News

From The Shadows of The Psyop State: The Terror of Secret Services in Russia, America And The World | Before It's News

How To Build Solar Panels And Save Money For Low Cost | Before It's News

New sex education textbook is condemned as pornography | Before It's News

Tea Partier To Sharpton: I Couldn't Listen to Any More of Your Insanity Without My Earpiece Falling Out | Before It's News

Account of Forced ‘Smart’ Meter Installation in Santa Cruz County | Before It's News


+WEEKLY ADDRESS: Getting America Back to Work | Before It's News




China's Military Growth Threatens World Security

Stop 'Government Is Broken' Rhetoric

Paul Ryan for President? Not So Fast

Is NATO Membership Worth the Cost?


'Supercommittee' Violates Constitution


Iowa Passion - YouTube

25 JULY/Obama: 'I need a dance partner' on immigration reform -

US to review deportations, focus on criminals

Gov't Paying Farmers, Ranchers $112M to Protect Bird Too Numerous to be Threatened |

Obama accuses Congress of holding back U.S. recovery | Reuters

Mike Broomhead - Fox News Radio 550 KFYI

Utilities warn of higher rates because of pollution rules - JSOnline

U.S. July Consumer Price Index Report (Text) - Bloomberg

Getting ready for a wave of coal-plant shutdowns - Ezra Klein - The Washington Post

Introducing … ‘Movie Critic Assassins’

Trailer Talk: ‘In Time’ — Visionary Director Meets Intriguing Premise Meets… Class Warfare?

Janeane Garofalo Upholds the Racist Traditions of the Democratic Party!

Trailer Talk: ‘Warrior’ — ‘Fight for Country’

Filmmaker Ken Burns to Call for National Dialogue on Civility at National Press Club, Oct. 3

Jolie Meets Croatian President Over Land Mine Crisis

Do Layoffs Mean the WI Teachers Union Is on the Financial Ropes?

Union Ain’t Wanted: The UAW’s Bad Week…

When an American Company Redomiciles to the Cayman Islands, What Lesson Should We Learn?

Bummer Summer: Left Now Complaining about Obama

CARTOON/Obama Nation: He Really Cares

WaPo Gets its Pinocchio on for Dishonest ‘Warming’ Attack on Perry

Tea Party Economics: Distributism

Google Juggernaut Rolls On

White House releases picture of Obama being briefed at Martha’s Vineyard - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

John Edwards replaces legal team in campaign violations case | Reuters


Another Al-Jazeera Journalist Suspected of Terror Ties

Reuters shocked that Republicans are opposed to job-killing EPA

Tea Partiers, Doing the Job the Media Refuses To Do

NewsBusted: How Will Obama Try To Destroy Romney?

SMACK DOWN: Laura Ingraham Makes Charlie Rangel Look Feeble

Sound Bite for the Day: Sharpton Silence

Politico Stands Behind Its “Biden Terrorist” Story

Embattled NBC News Star Sharpton Backs Out of Panel on Crown Heights Riots

Sharpton's dead air segment - On Media -, the Dallas, Texas news blog and Dallas, Texas information source for the DFW Metroplex. - DALLAS BLOG - Al Sharpton Blunders often on MSNBC


2010 Country Reports On Terrorism Released




Ballistic Missile Threat: MIddle East Countries In Turmoil Have Thousands Of Missiles

Army Special Ops Wants Faster Helos

Welcome Home, Soldier

Is China’s One Child Policy Affecting Military Readiness?

Russian First Lady Invited To Be Chairman Of First National Congress….Of Blondes

Revamping The Military Retirement System: A High-Stakes Jenga Game

20 Years Ago Today: The Coup That Failed

Report: Islam Has Overtaken Catholicism In France

Israel-Gaza attacks stoke tension with Cairo | Reuters

Flash flood kills at least 3 in Pittsburgh, fourth body found

DNC raises $6.7 million in July

Verizon workers going back to work, without deal

Germany rebuffs renewed euro bond debate

Descendants maintain Confederate graves, memory in Virginia

Chicago youth center offers refuge from violence

Barak: Israel regrets the deaths of Egyptian policemen

Battle outside Libyan capital, fighting spills to Tunisia

IDF strikes tunnels, rocket launching cells in Gaza

'Egyptian official denies ambassador to TA was recalled'

Lieberman blames the PA for Eilat terrorist attacks

The Next De Gaulle

Israel apologises for death of Egyptian soldiers

Iran jails American hikers Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal for eight years

Red Arrows jet crashes after Bournemouth air show

Iron Dome intercepts rocket fired from Gaza at Ashkelon

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Florida's next Marco Rubio?;GOP's Hasner touts conservative credentials in fight to unseat Sen. Bill Nelson

WND RADIO WND Exclusive John Bolton talks Syria, Israel with WND;'Overthrowing the Assad regime should have been U.S. policy for years'

End the Fed – bring back gold

Let's buy Fox News

Concerned about Bachmann's headaches?

Jews, blacks, the poor – we're all in the same boat

A great big bull's-eye on my butt

Blacks' Obama dilemma

Pillaging the dictionary

Progressives' gross hypocrisy

Oppose God and pay the price

"This is Getting Exciting": Bill McKibben on the Eve of the Environmental Movement's Biggest Civil Disobedience Action—Ever

Media top-dogs kick underdog Ron Paul

Lock People Up? Not in Britain! by Steven Malanga - City Journal


*Article Links: Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Joplin building back in wake of tornado » Local News » The Joplin Globe, Joplin, MO

Seattle: The nation’s most promiscuous city? | Seattle's Big Blog -

Biggie's murder no longer a mystery? FBI reveals details in rapper Notorious B.I.G.'s unsolved death - New York Daily News

Finding happiness without money - The Local

Finnish ferry ran aground while the captain was stuck in the loo | Mail Online

Getting ready for a wave of coal-plant shutdowns - Ezra Klein - The Washington Post

Study: Ron Paul’s news coverage lags - On Media -

Concerned about Bachmann's headaches?


*18th/Transcripts:Interview with Presidential Candidate Ron Paul

Roundtable on Obama's Vacation Time

Vice President Biden's Remarks with Chairman Wu

17th/Obama's Townhall Meeting in Alpha, Illinois

Analysts Discuss Obama's Midwest Bus Tour

Interview with Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker

Roundtable on the Changing 2012 GOP Field


Fuel Fix » America’s Resource Renaissance

Social media: Don't shoot the messaging service - SciDev.Net

Narcissism May Benefit the Young : Discovery News

Billboard Houses Bats and Translates Their Speech, Tells Us What's Up : TreeHugger

Helping Older Cheetahs Become Moms | Surprising Science

Global Population Hits 7 Billion People | How Do You Count 7 Billion People? | UN World Population Estimates | Life's Little Mysteries

We are satisfied… so why the high suicide rates? | Griffin’s Gadgets

The TV That Watches You - Technology Review – Wearable cameras film actors move in the wild

Football analysis leads to advance in artificial intelligence | News & Research Communications | Oregon State University

Number of Green Jobs Fails to Live Up to Promises -

The Tech of TV News Might Make It Easier for Pundits to Lie - Alexis Madrigal - Technology - The Atlantic

English: The Inescapable Language — The American Magazine

What Dark Matter's Alternatives Must Do : Starts With A Bang

This massive engineering project may be our best chance at colonizing space

To Save the Galaxy, Destroy Humanity : Discovery News

Going to the Doctor Like Visiting the Auto Mechanic? - Blog

Cosmic Log - Europe and Russia aim for Mars

In The Arctic Race, The U.S. Lags Behind : NPR

Europeans Fall in Love More Quickly Than Americans, Study Finds | Love, American-Style & European Relationships | LiveScience

Diamond particles discovered in candlelight - Telegraph

The Seeker: Fasts lead Mormons to admire Ramadan tradition

The pope draws 1.5 million young people to Madrid – but that's not news? | Andrew Brown | Comment is free |

Baptist Press - FIRST-PERSON: When saving a life, don't fret the ACLU - News with a Christian Perspective

Princeton Review ranks most and least religious schools – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Mormonism and Natural Law

Immortality and Hay Fever | Religion and Other Curiosities

RELEVANT Magazine - Is Modest Really Hottest?

Islamism and Western Art » Main Feature » Jewish Ideas Daily

Why the 9/11 Cross Should Offend All of Us | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

Frank Schaeffer, Son of Evangelical Royalty, Turns His Back, and Tells the Tale -

Dave Ramsey Goes Beyond Credit Card Shredding | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

The deviance of twisting religion into politics - Catholic America - The Washington Post

Bloomberg's 9/11 Ceremony Plans Criticized by State Governors, Christian News

Jackson Doughart: Is the abortion debate really about religion? | Holy Post | National Post

In Defense of Second-Rate Parenting | First Things

China's Military Growth and Taiwan's Countermeasures

Inside Iran's Uranium Bomb

Obama looks set to live in some interesting times | The Australian

EU Debt Crisis: What Europe Can Learn From America - The Daily Beast

Five Things Obama Can (and Should) Do To Topple Assad | The New Republic

America's limited leverage in Syria - The Week

Gerry Hassan: We can't turn Left if we want humanity to progress - The Scotsman

WPR Article | The Realist Prism: Despite Austerity, U.S. Military Restraint Is Unlikely

20 Years After The Big Breakup, Does The 'Former Soviet Union' Still Exist? - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty © 2011

The markets fear a fresh disaster - Telegraph

The Mystery of Mikhail: Gorbachev's Ambiguous Legacy - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Humanitarian intervention: Why is NATO bombing Libya but not Syria? - By Fred Kaplan - Slate Magazine

Rebel Rivalries in Libya | Foreign Affairs

Can Russian Plan Kick-Start Stalled Nuclear Talks With Iran? - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty © 2011

Editor's Notes: The September sho... JPost - Opinion - Columnists

Short Sharp Science: British used bioweapon in US war of independence

New Civil War-Era Artifacts Found at Camp Lawton | WSAV TV

'New Vasa' shipwreck found on Baltic seabed - The Local

Archaeology: Children found sacrificed in pre-Incan ritual - Story - Environment/Sci - 3 News

Skin cream possibly gave Egyptian queen cancer 3,500 years ago - The Local

Nazis were not evil, they were 'social climbers', claims leading German historian | Mail Online

Happy New Year for the White Brotherhood who form human crop circles to celebrate | Mail Online

Aliens vs. humans: Eco-friendly extraterrestrials could wipe out planet Earth to protect other civilisations | Mail Online

100-Pound Rodent Spotted in California : Discovery News

The Local - Nestle offers ice-cream treat for lactose-intolerant dogs

Study finds sniffer dogs can smell ou... JPost - Health & Science

Biblical Story of Moses Adapted into Facebook - Jewish World - News - Israel National News

5 things you probably didn’t know could be hacked | Technology News Blog - Yahoo! News

The Republicans’ new voodoo economics - The Washington Post

The Real Junk Behind Government Defaults - Forbes

Life After Debt - By James Macdonald | Foreign Policy

The Intelligent Investor: A Portrait of the Angry Investor -

The Hidden Dangers In Safe Havens -

Recovery could be one of longest, most difficult in U.S. history, economists say - The Washington Post

Feeding The Masses On Unicorn Ribs | Via Meadia

RealClearMarkets - Destroying the Dollar For Something Logically Impossible

RealClearMarkets - Politicizing the Fed? Blame Nixon, Not Perry

Stephen Moore: Why Americans Hate Economics -

RealClearMarkets - Reuters - Markets - Aug 19, 2011 - Insight: The madness of Wall Street

Stagflation signs surface in bonds, stocks, gold -- The Buzz - Aug. 18, 2011

Remaking Government in a Wiki Age -

Green jobs? There’s just no market | Questions and Observations

Getting ready for a wave of coal-plant shutdowns - Ezra Klein - The Washington Post

Obama Runs Down Wrong Road on Immigration

Charles Krauthammer reveals the fraudulence of conservative outrage - The Plum Line - The Washington Post


**The Week in Pictures: August 14 - 20**


After a two-year rebound, recession risks rise -

It’s all breaking bad for Obama - The Globe and Mail

Perry Jolts GOP Field, Changes Outlook For Romney And Bachmann |

RealClearPolitics - The Deflationary M2 Explosion

Questioning the Dogma of Lower Taxes on Capital Gains -

Obama’s In Good Company: All Presidents End Up Unpopular | The New Republic

Obama Skips a Jobs Opportunity and Goes on Vacation - Mary Kate Cary (

Perry's Pitfalls

The Texas Miracle Is No Myth - John R. Lott Jr. - National Review Online

Karl Rove Created Rick Perry -- Now Can He Stop Him?

James Pethokoukis | Analysis & Opinion |

Obama in the Valley -

RealClearPolitics - What Next for ObamaCare?

Robert Reich: Stock Tip: Be Worried. Workers Are Consumers.

The administration gets its priorities right on deportation - The Washington Post

Green Jobs, Red Faces -

Bad luck? Bad faith? - The Washington Post

Change for the Worse -

Size, Speed, And Smarts: Three Essential Ingredients Of A New Jobs Program. | The New Republic

Column: Bus Tour Obama flattens Denver Obama -

The President's Island Retreat -

Memo to the GOP: Independent Voters Are Required to Win the General Election - Charlie Cook -

Why Bam’s doomed -

Krauthammer Is Making It Too Easy | The New Republic

Perry: I love my country more than I care about Obama’s feelings « Hot Air

Wrong Track

*20 Aug

American Minute for August 20th

This Day in History for 20th August

Today in History: August 20

August 20th This Day in History

August 20th in History

Today in History: August 20

August 20 Events in History

Today in History for August 20th - YouTube


**Politics Video:Obama Weekly: Confident Congress Will Put Country Before Party

Gov. Kasich To Obama In GOP Weekly: Show Some Leadership

Krauthammer: Obama Complaining Instead Of Leading

Bloomberg: Open Borders Immigration "Single Biggest" Way To Create Jobs

Karl Rove: No Rivalry Between Bush Team And Perry Team

Robert Reich: Fear Of Double-Dip Causing Market Volatility

"Special Report" On Backdoor Amnesty For Illegal Immigration?

Hayes: Republican Field Is Open House For Megalomaniacs, Celebrities

19th/Flash Mob Robberies Continue In D.C. Area

Flash Mob Robbery In Montgomery County, MD

Coburn: Obama's "Intent Is To Create Dependency Because It Worked So Well For Him"

MSNBC Uses Allen West's Brother In Attack Against GOP Congressman

Ron Paul: My Monetary Message Is Resonating With People

Barbour: Perry Is Going To Be "Nitpicked By The Liberal Media"

E.J. Dionne: GOP Will Be Responsible For Next Bank Bailout

RNC Chair Priebus: Obama Vacation Shows He Is "Tone Deaf"

Bachmann: Obama Acting Like A "Dictator"

"Daily Show" Host Jon Stewart Uses Class Warfare

New Sarah Palin Web Ad "Iowa Passion" Highlights State Visit

Dem Rep: Obama Will Have "Very Tough Time" Winning Re-Election

Elizabeth Warren Explores U.S. Senate Run

WaPo's Cillizza: Obama Vacation Okay Because Palin Quit Her Job

Economist Jeffrey Sachs Hits Obama: "There's Never Been A Plan"

Gov. Haley: "Too Soon" To Pick A GOP Favorite

Krauthammer: Problem With Obama's Vacation Is "The Choice Of Place"

Ingraham To Rangel: "Is Liberalism Working For The Black Community?"

Klein: White House Has To Start Using "Leverage"

Mark Levin: "I Believe Sarah Palin Will Run For President"

Reich: Obama Needs To Propose A "Bold" Jobs Package


**NEWS VIDEOS:Fox News Catches Obama Golfing Despite Camera Ban

Tea Partier Tells Sharpton ‘I Don’t Think I Could Listen to Any More of Your Insanity Without My Earpiece Falling Out’

19th/Dr. Alfonzo Rachel Tries to Help Janeane Garofalo

Herman Cain Says He’d ‘Be Dead’ Under ‘Obamacare’

Matthews on the Attack with RNC Chair Priebus

Our Special Tribute to NBC News and Al Sharpton

Striking IBEW Workers Protest at Verizon Exec’s Home; ‘We’re Here to Fight!’

Patronizing Rangel to Ingraham: ‘Just a Pretty Girl’

Paul Ryan Strongly Considering Presidential Run

Coulter Slams Media for Never Vetting Obama

18th/Perry: Evolution Is ‘Theory’ with ‘Gaps’

Sharpton’s TelePrompter Challenge Continues

Sharpton’s Greatest 20 Seconds of Television, Ever

Obama: ‘I Don’t Think We are in Danger of Another Recession’

Obama Approval Rating on Economy: 26%

Pelosi Heckled at Town Hall; ‘Sell Out!’

Garofalo: Cain Running to Deflect GOP’s Inherent Racism

Sen Lautenberg: ‘We Got to Eliminate the Rich’

Cornyn Lukewarm on Perry, Hot on Ryan

Threat to Letterman on Muslim Forum

SEIU Mob Attacks Shopping Mall Security Guards

NBC News’ Matthews: Perry Would Have Opposed School Integration

17th/Jon Stewart Hammers Ed Schultz for Race-Baiting Deceptive Edit

Ron Paul: Perry Makes Me Look Moderate

Rush: Obama Owns Two Car Companies, Goes to Canada to Buy Buses

NBC News Lets Sharpton’s False Racism Implication Against Perry Stand

Lefty Actress Aisha Tyler: Time for Rush to ‘Catch on Fire’

Al Sharpton’s Amazing, Long, Non-Question Question

Obama Screws Up Name of Company Hosting Town Hall

Perry: Global Warming Scientists Skewed Data for Money

Victim of Union Thug Intimidation Speaks Out

Ohio Business Owner Shot For Being Non-Union

Obama Blames ATMs, Internet for High Unemployment


Aug. 19, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

Paul Drockton Show

Paul Drockton Show 2

Alex Jones - 2011-Aug-19, Friday

Jesse Peterson Radio Show

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 8-19-11

Redding News Review 08-19-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 08-19-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 08-19-11 Hr 3

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-19-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-19-11 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-20-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-20-11 Hr 2

The Manning Report – 19 August 2011

08/19 The Mark Levin Show

Live Free Or Die Radio - Friday, August, 19, 2011

The Michael Savage Show 08/19/2011

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