A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

22 August 2011

22 AUG

The two great test of character wealth and poverty.



Gaddafi one year ago was all smiles, along with Mubarak and Ben Ali [photo] - BlogPost - The Washington Post
GOP reaction | Libya | Romney | The Daily Caller
Muammar Al-gaddafi Forces Urged To Stop Fighting By Ban Ki-moon | ThirdAge
'Gaddafi's son Mohammed flees house arrest... JPost - Middle East
Obama: Gaddafi regime reaching collapse - Israel News, Ynetnews


Earth’s Oldest Fossils Hint at Similar Life on Mars - International Business Times

Astronaut Suicide Photos Inspired by Shuttle Program’s End | Raw File

Falls from windows injure 5,000 kids each year: Study - HealthPop - CBS News

Loyalists at Qaddafi compound hold off rebels - CBS News

Israel and Hamas agree uneasy ceasefire - Telegraph

Libya: Col Gaddafi could flee to Venezuela or Cuba - Telegraph

Assad should go for the sake of the Syrian people, says Nick Clegg | World news |

Reports: Prosecutors Expected To Drop Strauss-Kahn's Assault Case -

MinnPost - Huntsman on Bachmann: "We live in the real world."

Hoping to Contact Extraterrestrials? Think Again - International Business Times

Listening to the sun improves sunspot forecasts - Los Angeles Times

Temps push animal, plant species to higher elevations –

Video of the Day: Antarctic ice flows | DVICE

Previously believed loggerhead was actually a green turtle | The News Journal |

'New Vasa' shipwreck found on Baltic seabed - The Local

Icelandic Current Could Lead To Cooling Of Northern Hemisphere Climate - Irish Weather Online

BBC News - Newly sequenced DNA - how the kangaroo got its bounce

Illinois Tollway eyes mass transit options on Addams Tollway, but is that its job? - Chicago Tribune

How transparent is Emanuel's city hall? | WBEZ

South Carolina pastor Dale Richardson accused of raping women behind church - Crimesider - CBS News

Double murder suspect wore disguises, wigs to avoid capture -

Rep. Maxine Waters: Tea party can go to hell - Jennifer Epstein -

Body found at California home where man wounded policeman -

President Obama doesn't expect another recession - Los Angeles Times

Three generations of family die in car crash | Reuters

In Ohio and Wisconsin, G.O.P. Reaching Out to Angry Democrats -

Christine O'Donnell Has Been Treated Unfairly, Bill Colley Claims | On Top Magazine :: Gay & Lesbian News, Entertainment, Commentary & Travel

Panel discusses Christine O'Donnell's sexism charges against Piers Morgan - YouTube

Setting MLK's words, and likeness, in stone - CBS News

7th person dies after Ind. stage collapse - US news - Life -

New Mitt Romney Home Will be How Big? - Entertainment & Stars

Obama troops do damage control on faltering economy -

Casey Anthony Back in Florida Awaiting Fate of Probation Appeal - ABC News

Officials investigate Selfridge Air Show accident that killed stuntman | Detroit Free Press |

Todd Green Stunt at Selfridge ANG Air Show. Saturday Aug 20, 2011 - YouTube

Microsoft Wooing WebOS Developers With Free Phones And Training - The Washington Post

Skype Makes Play for Mobile Group Messaging with GroupMe Acquisition | PCWorld

BBC News - Ex-Wikileaks man 'deleted files'

Which Hulu Bidder Should You Be Rooting For?

Aruba launches new search for missing US woman - World news - Americas -

Paul Rudd says his 'Idiot Brother' character is a principled idealist -

Legendary Gets $220M Investor for China Filmmaking Venture | Reuters

Jerry Lewis Will Not Return as Muscular Dystrophy Telethon Host

Early Mortgage Delinquencies Rise to Highest in Year as U.S. Economy Slows - Bloomberg

Wall Street Aristocracy Got $1.2 Trillion From Fed - Bloomberg

Wall Street buoyed by QE3 speculation -

Rick Perry's Stem Cell Surgery Could lead to Quackery

Cause found for deadly disease

Is it too early to get the flu vaccine? – The Chart - Blogs

Human fertilization process discovered

Local News | No medical records? No problem. Got my pot card at Hempfest | Seattle Times Newspaper

Tobacco wars: Government has bigger problems | New Hampshire OPINION01

Rick Perry's Scientific Campaign Method -

Weekly Standard: Perry's Got Presidential Potential : NPR

GOP Presidential Power Rankings | United Liberty | Free Market - Individual Liberty - Limited Government

Rick Perry and the Tea Party, evolving | Washington Times Communities

Flawed GOP field thrills Democrats - Chicago Sun-Times

Perry campaign fed up with ‘Fed Up!’ - Ezra Klein - The Washington Post

Rick Perry in the Front-runner Hot Seat -- Daily Intel

Introducing ConnectBar browser toolbar!

Ron Paul, Michelle Bachmann, Rick Perry The Race 4 + Of The President… :

Spot the candidate in the GOP mainstream on evolution - Alexander Burns -

Team Obama deals the race card against Perry | Timothy P. Carney | Politics | Washington Examiner

Ron Paul's birthday 'money bomb' nets $1.6 million -

The unelectable appeal of Rick Perry -

GOP Presidential Hopeful Ron Paul to Address National Press Club, Oct. 5 - PR Newswire -

Letter: Media spin is that Ron Paul can't win; right, neither could Truman »

PressTV - US preparing for unrest, martial law: Ron Paul

Path to the nomination: Rick Santorum - Right Turn - The Washington Post

Why the American media hate and fear Ron Paul – Telegraph Blogs

Ron Paul media blackout still a media issue - Erik Wemple - The Washington Post

Paul does well in New Hampshire poll | United Liberty | Free Market - Individual Liberty - Limited Government

Why the Press Loves Jon Huntsman but Ignores Ron Paul - Conor Friedersdorf - Politics - The Atlantic

Ron Paul as an Anti-communist Cold Warrior

WSJ: Will President Barack Obama win re-election?


New Ron Paul TV Ad -- "The One Who Can Beat Obama" - YouTube


France Calls for Libya Meeting -

Hands Up, Who Wants to Lead Japan? - Japan Real Time - WSJ

Europe joins call for Gaddafi to stop fighting, step down

EU calls on Gadaffi to step down - YouTube

Mixed Chinese Reaction to VP Biden’s Visit | News | English

BBC News - In pictures: Biden in Mongolia

North Korean Leader, Russian President to Meet in Siberia | Asia | English

And now for the really hard work in Libya | The Australian

PressTV - 'Gaddafi fate lesson to regional tyrants'

Hugo Chavez Followers Shave Heads as He Vows to Survive in Televised Event | Fox News Latino

Venezuela's Chavez condemns US & European involvement in Libya - YouTube


Google among firms bidding up to $2 billion for Hulu? | The Digital Home - CNET News

Google adds weather layer to maps -

Google gets 18 key patents from $12.5 billion Motorola deal - SlashGear | cooltech | swiss army kit | A guide to Google Plus

Where Google+ Gets It REALLY Right

How Google+ Is Like Twitter—but Not in a Good Way - BusinessWeek

Google+ account verification begins, may be required for all

Google Street View To Digitize Images of Amazon Jungle - International Business Times

Google Plus Hangouts Arrive in YouTube, Cat Video Sharing Even Easier | News & Opinion |

Is Google Simply Mimicking Apple's Approach? - International Business Times

Web Buzz: Google's hotel finder helps map out your trip - Sacramento Living - Sacramento Food and Wine, Home, Health | Sacramento Bee

Can Google+ replace your company’s intranet? | VentureBeat

Security and Google Apps - storage, security, google apps, Google, Eran Feigenbaum, cloud computing - CIO


Ann Coulter "Obama's Cocaine dealer..." - YouTube

What Palin Really Did To the Oil Industry -

The Oil Drum | Keeping Michele Bachmann Honest on Gas Prices

Does Obama’s personal favorability rating matter? « Hot Air

Spitzer faces $60 million libel suit over Slate column - Yahoo! Finance

» Palin v. Obama (Faith in the American People v. Faith in Government) - Big Government

Messing With Texas -

Flaş: Kaddafi’nin ölüm görüntüsü! | JÖNTÜRK - Sine Qua Non

'Supercommittee' members get plenty of funds from lobbyists - Washington Times

Inside the Beltway - Washington Times

US Day of Rage Non-Violent Civil Disobedience Wall Street | Video |

RPT Hear Mark Levin Say Palin will Run and Tammy Bruce Say she is the Next One In

Weapons: Biggest Bunker Buster Ever Is In Production

Secret U.S. experiments to prompt 2nd Coming?

Democratic National Committee's new surrogate: Jon Huntsman - Alexander Burns -

Study: Extramarital sex and divorce more common among veterans

Now Republicans Want To RAISE Taxes: May Block Payroll Tax Cut Extension That Obama Says Could Save 1 Million Jobs

Rule by decree | Power Line

Vote for smaller government in 2012 | BIZPAC Review

Wall Street execs turn back on Obama, donate to Romney -

Rick Perry and the plaintiffs' bar - Alexander Burns -

Spengler » US Economy: The Glass is Only Half-Poisoned

America’s Judeo-Christian Roots are Bigger Than Texas (Guest Voice) | The Moderate Voice

The reasons Sarah Palin wouldn’t run for president - The Fix - The Washington Post

‘She Will Run’ - Robert Costa - National Review Online

Thomas Friedman: ‘Way Too Soon to Tell if Media Blew it Vetting Obama the Candidate” | The Gateway Pundit

Don't Forget Your Godly Ancestry! | Daily Devotion

Iran begins moving uranium enrichment machines to underground bunker - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Shari'a Movement Struggles to Globalize Campaign for Islamizing Western World

The Clinton Surplus Myth - Page 1 - Craig Steiner - Townhall Finance

Al-Qaeda, Jihadis Infest the San Francisco, California-Based 'Internet Archive' Library

Gunwalker: A Fundamental Question of Rights | Wizbang

13-Year-Old Designs Efficient Solar Array Inspired By Oak Trees | LinkedIn

For Weiner Seat, G.O.P. Hopes for Upset -

Pajamas Media » Every Single One: The Politicized Hiring of Eric Holder’s Employment Section

Liberals And The Texas Unemployment Miracle |

'Machine Gun Preacher' Movie Poster Sparks Mixed Reactions, Christian News

Can anyone unite Libya if Gadhafi falls? - World news - Mideast/N. Africa -

Blacks' Dilemma With Obama - Page 1 - Star Parker - Townhall Conservative

Same-Sex Marriage Moving Toward the Mainstream - Page 1 - Michael Barone - Townhall Conservative

Study: Adolescent Males Are Good Masturbators | The Winston Review

Fossil microbes discovered in Australia could be Earth's oldest known life form | Science | The Guardian

The Hill Hexagon: Obama bus tour ridiculed on Twitter - The Hill's Twitter Room

Former mobster Henry Hill visits The Shadow Room for event - The Middletown Press : Serving Middletown, CT

Obamacare is already on its deathbed | Campaign 2012

The Goldwater Talking Point | RedState

Joe Biden says he has been able 'to literally meet every major world leader in the last 38 years' – Telegraph Blogs

Porn movie pirates, beware: You may be sued - San Jose Mercury News

Wing walker dead after fall from plane at Selfridge Air Show WITH VIDEO -

NY Attorney General Facing Intense Pressure From Obama Administration On Bank Foreclosure Fraud Deal: "Wall Street Is Our Main Street And We Have To Make Sure We Are Doing Everything We Can To SUPPORT Them" - Home - The Daily Bail

As Jews In Israel Are Murdered, As In Nazi Era, Media Turns Blind Eye To Terrorism

Over 2 years After President Obama’s Cairo Speech… | Flopping Aces

Pundit Press: "Gaddafi Death Picture" an Obvious Fake

Flash Mob Epidemic

Air Force Involved in Raid of Las Vegas Gun Store - Yahoo! News

Hillary in ’12! -

Laser Advance in Uranium Enrichment May Risk Bomb Spread -

WSJ: Will President Barack Obama win re-election?

Rick Perry Clueless On Use Of Executive Presidential Powers To Kill Obamacare - Yahoo! News

Obama has some summer fun while monitoring Libya - CenturyLink™

One in Four California Families Can’t Afford Food for Their Kids « Anti Oligarch

News from The Associated Press

Iraq Leader Says the Arab Spring Benefits Israel -

SEC Caught Destroying Records To Cover Up Wall Street Crimes! - YouTube

How Hollywood programs us to ignore the ‘men behind the curtain’ « Truth and Shadows

Homeward Bound – Water As A Weapon :

Hoax Alien Invasion Planned - Bill Cooper - 12160 New Zeal Blog » Obama’s Takeover of Rural America – Vetting Obama

Factory Farms: What You Need to Know About Minnesota's Anti-Whistleblower Bill | TakePart - Inspiration to Action

Activist Post: Many GMOs are virtually unregulated due to technicalities in current federal law

Activist Post: Everyday Clairvoyance: How your brain makes near-future predictions

Prison » Alex Jones: Monsanto is Un-American

» H.R. 645 and The FEMA Concentration Camps Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Ron Paul Addresses Plans For ‘Civil Unrest’ Detention Camps Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Prison » Ron Paul: “They’re Setting The Stage For Violence In This Country”

» Ron Paul Takes New Hampshire Young Republicans Straw Poll With 45% of Vote Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Roger’s Rules » Why Hasn’t the Economic Recovery that Obama Promised Happened?

Fluoride Can Damage Your Bones

Antibiotics to Avoid Like the Plague Due to FDA's Oversight Failure

Anti-Fluoride Efforts Buoyed By Sulfuryl Fluoride Ban

Commercial Orange Juice is Not Fresh Orange Juice

Huge UFOs caught on Telescope - 2011 - YouTube

Obama to Detroit: "You Can't Just Make Money on SUVs and Trucks"

: Doctors Join Fight Against Livestock Antibiotics

Activist Post: American government Mafia actively targets the weak: terminal cancer patients, little girls and the homeless

What does the New Testament say about women?

Libya / Breaking News: 21/08/2011 - rebel advances on Tripoli a fake! Disinformation campaign, RT - YouTube

Gaddafi's Speech 21 August - English Voice Over - Slightly edited - YouTube

Jay Rockefeller: Internet should have never existed - YouTube

The Intercept: Tased From Above! New Robot Copter To Begin Patrolling Our Skies (video)

They haven't secured anything they're just shooting - Mahdi Nazemroaya - YouTube

Mahdi Nazemroaya from Tripoli early 22 August - YouTube

Franklin Lamb Tripoli August 22 Morning update - YouTube

Mahdi Nazemroaya in Tripoli Late Morning 22 August - YouTube

Rense & Jonathan Emord - FDA New, Stealth Dirty Trick To Take Your Supplements - YouTube

Rense & Dr David Duke - Zionist Terrorism In Norway - YouTube

The Intercept: Discovery of New Ocean Current to be Blamed for Future Cooling Trend

Presidential Hijinks 2012

Rick Perry’s Hardcore History of Investment in Porn

Lottery wins come easy, if you can spot the loopholes - physics-math - 19 August 2011 - New Scientist

This isn't a carnival, it's a police state – Telegraph Blogs

The BBC steadfastly avoids the facts about the wind farm scam - Telegraph

Judges weaken rules on paedophiles - Telegraph

Princess Diana Death: French Authorities May Arrest British Police, Conspiracy Re-ignited - WideShut: Alternative News

Paul Drockton M.A.: Mormon Church and Secret Societies

Monsanto Targets Consumers | Farm Wars

Tensions rise as Latinos feel under siege in America's deep south | World news | The Observer

WILLIAM REES-MOGG: Beware the march of the cyber giants | Mail Online

OPEC States that Venezuela has World’s Largest Oil Reserves at Oil Price

Stuffed Suits - Tea Party Fraud Rick Perry is Political Herpes

American Way: Getting ugly in Texas – Karl Rove and the Democrats desperate to stop the Rick Perry posse – Telegraph Blogs

What A Week For WAR!!

London riots were orchestrated by outsiders - Telegraph

Another Israeli False Flag?

Antibacterial agent triclosan under investigation for its safety

We Have Not Seen The Last of The Genetically Modified Salmon | Farm Wars - Gold - A Contrarian View

Social Security disability on verge of insolvency - Yahoo! News

Activist Post: The growing rift between Israel and Egypt: espionage, murder and a possible covert war on Egyptian fertility

Rick Perry comes under fire for investment in America's largest pornography distributor | Mail Online

Michele Bachmann Says She Worked at IRS to Infiltrate the Agency

NATO Slaughter in Tripoli: Operation Siren Signals Assault by Rebels’ Al Qaeda Death Squads « - Illuminati Find Poster Child for Illegals

The Trouble with Herman Cain - YouTube


Syria Under Fire: Zionist Destabilization Hits Critical Mass – Part 1

Syria Under Fire Part-2

Syria Under Fire Part-3


The Intercept: NATO SLAUGHTER IN TRIPOLI: "Operation Mermaid Dawn" Signals Assault by Rebels' Al Qaeda Death Squads

9/11:Israel did it - WikiSpooks


9-11 Attacks: The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9-11



Tracking the Flow of Money | Crack Two

Matt Taibbi On Iowa AG Tom Miller: The Best Way To Raise Massive Campaign Funds? Investigate The Banks - Home - The Daily Bail

Mahdi Nazemroaya in Tripoli Afternoon 22 August - YouTube

NATO SLAUGHTER IN TRIPOLI: "Operation Mermaid Dawn" Signals Assault by Rebels' Al Qaeda Death Squads - 12160

Make No Mistake: NATO committed War Crimes in Libya - YouTube

NATO Loots Libyan Gold As Tripoli Falls - 12160

Activist Post: Globalist Richard Haas Calls for NATO Occupation of Libya

**Corbett: Where Were They On 9/11? - 12160

NATO Wants Bloodbath in Tripoli Journalist Threatened & Shot At RT 21.08.2011 - YouTube

GOP may OK tax increase that Obama hopes to block |

Unveiling The Illusion Of Democratic Freedom Our Dicatorship Maintians

McCain: Gadhafi Will Be Gone In a 'Matter of Hours'

Rick Perry accused of hypocrisy as he comes under fire for investment in America's largest pornography distributor - 12160

Obama Era FBI Rendition Program that Detains Americans in Foreign Countries Revealed - 12160

America IS A Police State - The Handling Of Deadly Police Brutality Cases Proves It

Colombia Spent U.S. Anti-Drug Aid Hiding Political Ties to Drug Trade - The CIA and embassy officials deny any knowledge or involvement - 12160

Feinstein: “Service members continue to receive drug linked to permanent brain damage” - 12160

Activist Post: Academics who lend their names to Big Pharma ghostwriting schemes should be charged with fraud, say university professors

The FBI vs. by Justin Raimondo --

Activist Post: Liberty for the Ron Paul Generation

Panoptic Existentialism – No Thanks; Resistance 101 | Eccentric Intelligence Agency

Midnight August 21 Carnage in Tripoli - The Word on The Street - YouTube

Journalist And Prominent Activist Franklin Lamb Shot In Libya :

Gaddafi Reportedly Flees as Cellphone Rebellion Spreads Across Tripoli (Updated)

Will Obama Pull the Plug on NATO’S ’Imminent Liberation of Tripoli’?

Libya: Libyan Rebels Are CIA Funded, al Qaeda Connected Murderers :

Afghanistan And Iraq Troop Withdrawal Deadlines To Be Extended, Again, Possibly Until 2024

FRAUD: Federal Reserve Is Selling Put Options On Treasury Bonds To Drive Down Yields - YouTube

Neighbors of Easton: Analyst Blows Whistle on Moody's Rating System

Head of Libyan Security Services calls out NATO for supporting al Qaeda -

Social Security disability on verge of insolvency - KCTV5 - Kansas City News, Weather and Sports

Son of Muammar Gadhafi Reportedly Shot Dead During Live Interview With Al-Jazeera

Ghosts of Abu Ghraib (2007) - YouTube


China Says US On Way To Default While Implying America Is Falsifying Its Accounting

Libya / Breaking News: 21/08/2011 - rebel advances on Tripoli a fake! Disinformation campaign, RT - YouTube

Sherrie Questioning All: War against Venezuela? Chavez will be testing the gold for tungsten and being fake, before bringing it to his country. RT Video

RISE, Against the Barbaric-Crimes of Israel - YouTube

What Has An Affect Through Me Has An Affect On Me | Video Rebel's Blog

Courthouse News Service: CIA Disputes Secrecy Oaths in Drug Experimentation Case

Working-Class Americans Retreating from Church | Religion & Class | Religion Gap | LiveScience

Getting Off The Globalist Chess Board: Safe Haven Relocation

Activist Post: Bloomberg reveals massive corruption in the private Federal Reserve

9/11/11 - 7 Reasons To Brace For Impact | Before It's News

Investors seeing gold in farmland, infrastructure - Yahoo! News

Activist Post: US aid implicated in illegal activity in Colombia: report

Children defy police in Washington, purchase lemonade at Capitol - YouTube

What QE3 Will Look Like

As Good as Gold - YouTube

Ron Paul on FOX News 08/19/11 - YouTube

Toppling Tripoli: 'Gaddafi plans massive counter-attack' - YouTube

Alex Jones: Monsanto is Un-American - YouTube


* (Videos) FEMA Camps in America: Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition «


The Battle For Libya Is Almost Over… As Is The Battle For Its 144 Tons Of Gold «

Genesis Communications Network GCN News The Real Reason the SEC Has Been Shredding Documents For Decades «

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Pay Your Carbon Taxes To Al Gore Or Space Aliens Will Attack «

Wall Street Aristocracy Got $1.2 Trillion From Fed - Bloomberg

Putin Denounces American Parasite While Russia Increases Treasuries 1,600% - Bloomberg

69% Say It’s Likely Scientists Have Falsified Global Warming Research - Rasmussen Reports™

Max Keiser: Gold is Not Just a Hedge Against Inflation, It's a Substitute Currency! 1/3 - YouTube

Max Keiser: Gold is Not Just a Hedge Against Inflation, It's a Substitute Currency! 2/3 - YouTube

Max Keiser: Gold is Not Just a Hedge Against Inflation, It's a Substitute Currency! 3/3 - YouTube

Prison » NATO Hands Terrorists Who Killed U.S. Troops Control of Libya

Gaddafi defiant as tanks defend compound - but where is leader? |

Prison » Head of Libyan Security Services calls out NATO for supporting al Qaeda

Prison » NATO SLAUGHTER IN TRIPOLI: “Operation Mermaid Dawn” Signals Assault by Rebels’ Al Qaeda Death Squads

Prison » Ron Paul: Liberty is More Important Than the Illusion of Safety

Prison » ‘Libya likely to become next Iraq’

Libya: 'We'll give Gaddafi safe passage...if he steps down' say rebels | Mail Online

Prison » 30 Questions That Children Should Be Asking Their Parents About The U.S. Economy

Prison » Is Alex Jones for real?

Prison » Is the Rick Perry Sex Story Important?

Prison » Ron Paul Steers Clear Of Perry Sex Story

Prison » Chinese Think Tank Implies America May Be Falsifying Its Accounting, Says US On Way To Default

Prison » ROVE: Sarah Palin’s Probably Running, Will Have To Announce Next Week

Prison » CNN’s Zakaria Promotes ‘Superior’ Parliamentary System vs. American System

Prison » EPA Says That Freezing People In The Dark Is Good For Their Health

Prison » WikiLeaks’ Bank Of America Bombshell May Have Been Destroyed

Warning as children shun books in favour of Facebook - Telegraph

Martin Luther King memorial made in China - Telegraph

Prison » Irene: Caribbean, U.S. Threat

Oldest known fossils prove life began more than 3.4bn years ago - Science, News - The Independent

Prison » Texas authorities actively hid evidence of radiation in drinking water

Prison » New Reality For Many Baby Boomers Will Be To Work As Wage Slaves Until They Drop Dead

U.S. orders $40 million worth of chicken to help industry - Aug. 16, 2011

Charles Koch responds to Warren Buffett: My investments more beneficial to society than taxes | The Raw Story

Surprise: Kucinich appears in Seattle to rally marijuana activists | Raw Replay

Trump on Libya: ‘Why won’t we take over the oil?’ | Raw Replay

Obama: Gaddafi’s regime has reached an end | The Raw Story

Former Obama aide rips Rove’s lecture on ‘good governance’ | Raw Replay

Bachmann worked for the IRS because "the first rule of war is 'know your enemy'" - YouTube

Activist Post: Biden tells China: US will never default on debt

Woman, 70, faces losing her home for paying the mortgage too early | Mail Online

Another view: Steer clear of cars that spy -

Obama administration takes tough stance on banks - Glenn Greenwald -

Donations pour in to help woman with bone cancer | Community Spirit | Salem News

» DHS Snitch Video Is Throwback To East German Stasi Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Obama admin’s love affair with GMOs is selling America down the river Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» USDA Signs MOU with Rockefeller’s Council of Foundations to Exploit Rural America Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» America’s war against social media Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Snookie Runs For Congress Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

U.S. intervention in Mexico will make things worse -

» Barack Obama Cannot Get Congress To Pass Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

GOP Colorado rep pushes to overturn bilingual ballot requirement | The Raw Story

Stratfor disputes OBL killing in Abbottabad | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

Taliban launches bomb and gun attack on British Council's Kabul compound | World news | The Guardian

First responders decry exclusion from 9/11 ceremony - CNN

» Architects and engineers challenge official story of WTC 7 collapse Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» We Are Change Iowa confronts Newt Gingrich Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Matt Taibbi On The SEC Covering Up Wall Street Crimes Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Middle class annihilation one penny at a time – 64 percent of Americans do not have adequate savings for an unexpected $1,000 expense. The crushing blow to income and household wealth.

» Obama Hits Struggling Americans With Energy Rate Hikes Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Big Brother 2.0: 10 New Ways That The Government Will Be Spying On You And Controlling Your Behavior Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

US to build shadow web - YouTube

US to build shadow web — RT

» Many GMOs are virtually unregulated due to technicalities in current federal law Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

2 Videos: Infowars TV Interviews Rick Perry Sex Scandal Accuser Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Why Do Banks Make So Much Money? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

IBM unveils chips that mimic the human brain - 18 Aug 2011 - Computing News

PC inventor says that its time has passed - It's going the way of the typewriter | TechEye

BBC News - Animal's genetic code redesigned

» The Weaponization of Sound (Video) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

US gives millions to the Taliban — RT

» Building 7 Was An Inside Job Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Prison » 9/11, False Flag State Terrorism, The Transnational Shadow Government, And The Apocalypse To Come

Prison » Taxed Into Oblivion

Prison » Dennis Kucinich: Constitutional scholar Obama ignoring the Constitution

Prison » Do You Realize That The Government Is Still Paying Banks Not To Lend…?

Prison » 20 Signs That The World Could Be Headed For An Economic Apocalypse In 2012

Prison » “Economic Government” Would Integrate Europe To A Degree Not Seen Since The Roman Empire

Prison » Deepak Chopra “The Wonder of You”

30 Questions That Children Should Be Asking Their Parents About The U.S. Economy -

Terror Wins: King of Norway calls for “Police in the streets, Controls, Exercises” -

DailyTech - Spider Silk Used to Make "Bulletproof" Human Skin

“Monetizing” Electoral Politics: TV Networks Are Out To Sell, Not Tell -

BBC admits role in 1953 Iranian coup -

New Leaks Reveal Insider Tips on S&P's U.S. Credit Downgrade to Killer-Drone Firm -

Middle East Online::Battle for Tripoli: Libya rebels fire first salvos:.

New data spill shows risk of online health records - Yahoo! News

Islam takes root in land of mini-bikinis and Carnival

foreign-homebuyers-american-dream-fortune: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

Ron Paul’s Website Hacked During Birthday Money Bomb » Caffeinated Thoughts


* 34 min/Ron Paul - The Revolution & The Anti-War Movement (EVERYONE SHOULD SEE THIS) - YouTube


Attorney Rejects Request To Inform On His Muslim Clients

ICC: Gaddafi's son Saif arrested in Libya

Animal-Human Hybrid Tests: Moral & Ethical Ramifications | American Free Press

Titanic Battle or Insider Trading? The S&P Downgrade and the Bilderbergers: All Part of the Plan?

“Monetizing” Electoral Politics: TV Networks Are Out To Sell, Not Tell

Moody's Analyst Breaks Silence: "Ratings Agency Rotten To Core With Conflicts"

Confronting the Military-Industrial-Complex: The MIC at 50

Getting Away with Torture: Obama Bans War Criminals, Except Our Own

Can Labor Confront Obama Over Jobs?

The Root Causes of the Global Financial Crisis

Reconciliation talks: US duped by fake interlocutor in talks, says Taliban

VIDEO: NATO's Psychological Warfare

Guess Where Coca-Cola Is Investing $4 Billion - Yahoo! News

Keynes and Space Aliens - informationliberation

Pay Your Carbon Taxes To Al Gore Or Space Aliens Will Attack - informationliberation

Conservatives "hate government"? Then why do they support endless wars, CIA prisons, the military industrial complex, the war on drugs & more? - informationliberation

Congress may legalize online gambling -

Rebels in Central Tripoli: Regime Seen on the Brink of Collapse -- News from

Barak: Enemies Will Be ‘Decapitated’ -- News from

Assad Warns Against Attack on Syria -- News from

Former Assange Aide Destroyed Mass of Unpublished Leaks -- News from

Taking the Justice Out of the Justice System by Tom Engelhardt --

Chinook crash highlights rise in spec ops raids - Army News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Army Times

The Arab American News - Prominent attorney who refused to betray Arab and Muslim clients speaks on civil liberties, life on terror watch list

For Washington base, end of gay ban 'not a lot of change' | McClatchy

Scared Mexicans try under-the-skin tracking devices - The Washington Post

CTV Ottawa- Canadian military developing stealth snowmobile - CTV News

Things That Make You Go Hmmm.... Such As A Venezuelan Dictator Bringing Down The Global Gold Cartel | ZeroHedge

Mayan Secrets to Be Revealed by Mexican Government in '2012' Doc | Reuters

Secret U.S. experiments to prompt 2nd Coming?

The Electromagnetic Bomb - a Weapon of Electrical Mass Destruction

Rewinding Evolution: Scientists alter chicken DNA to create embryo with ‘alligator-like’ snout |

Aliens may destroy humanity to protect other civilisations, say scientists | Science | The Guardian

Christianity and War by Laurence M. Vance

Vivat Latinitas! On my summer vacation, I spoke a dead language. - By Ted Scheinman - Slate Magazine

Jesse Ventura: Democracy Rocks | Back Page Magazine

A prime aim of the growing Surveillance State - Glenn Greenwald -

Student debt is a good reason to avoid university | Money | The Guardian

The 12 Scariest TSA Stories of All Time

Teaching Kids How to Survive in the Forest by Tess Pennington

Flash Mob Epidemic

Mediterranean diet 'lengthens life by up to FIFTEEN years', researchers claim | Mail Online

Social Security disability on verge of insolvency - Yahoo! News

Study shows powerful corporations really do control the world's finances

Monsanto and the mortal danger to traditional agriculture | Featured |

MOODY'S ANALYST BREAKS SILENCE: Says Ratings Agency Rotten To Core With Conflicts

Smart Meter Slavery

Marijuana May Ward Off Dementia: Cannabinoids Protect Brain From Aging Processes Say German Researchers | Before It's News

Christian Dominionism: Bachmann and Perry Aren't Out for World Domination - The Daily Beast

Central Banks Still Have Much Ammunition | Before It's News

DNC’s New Spokesman: Jon Huntsman


* Dr. Jerome Corsi: Full Obama Eligibility Presentation; Surprise Tea Party Patriots Event | Before It's News


Dr. Corsi: Full Obama Eligibility Presentation; Surprise Tea Party Patriots - YouTube


Elusive God Particle Running Out Of Places To Hide, If It Exists, Say CERN Scientists | Before It's News

Are GM Foods Safe? Listen To Disinterested Scientists, Not Those With Vested Interests | Before It's News

Vitamin Water Exposed | Before It's News

10 Terribly False Claims Made by Some Supplements | Before It's News

Why Stress Causes DNA Damage | Before It's News

The Type Of Food That Will Slow Nearly Every Inflammatory Disease... | Before It's News

Cannabis Science Signs Exclusive And Non-Exclusive Agreement With Prescription Vending Machines To Distribute Its Patented Marijuana Dispensing Machines Worldwide | Before It's News

Russian Firm Plans to Build First Space Hotel | Before It's News

9/11 Benjamin Netanyahu - A Wake Up Call From Hell | Before It's News

Update from former Air Force staff sergeant Daryn Moran: Obama's days as our dictator are numbered | Before It's News

Does Toppling Qaddafi Make U.S. Involvement in Libya Legal? | Before It's News

Was plane carrying UN Secretary General shot down in 1961? | Before It's News

Clair George, Spymaster Convicted in Iran-Contra Affair, Dies at 81 -


* 7 pg/Washington's New World Order Weapons Have the Ability to Trigger Climate Change


Secret U.S. experiments to prompt 2nd Coming? 'It's the destruction of humanity and introduction of 'its' and 'things' that will make war against God' Read more: Secret U.S. experiments to prompt 2nd Coming? | Before It's News


ALIPAC - Backdoor Amnesty - Abusing the Constitution and Presidential Authority

ALIPAC - City Council Challenges Obama Administration on Deportations

ALIPAC - Which elites Support or Oppose Dictator Obama's Amnesty?


Mexico investigates alleged selling of girls -

Psychopaths - A Solution? -- Society's Child --

8/21/2011 Project Camelot video -- title : "Dutchsinse Learn About Him | Before It's News

A Little Known Fact About the 9/11 Planes | Before It's News

Wayne Allyn Root's Blog - The Real Obama Economic Plan: Overwhelming the System to Destroy Capitalism and Freedom.

Wayne Allyn Root's Blog - Rules for Radicals: Obama’s New Plan to Destroy America

Wayne Allyn Root's Blog - The Marxist in the Mirror:

Gaddafi Gone, Assad Next? - LFTC - Letter From The Capitol

Behavior Control: Architecture of Modern Propaganda | Old-Thinker News

FLASHBACK: Obama promised to bankrupt coal in 2008 | Old-Thinker News

Report: 'Surprising' Anger at Obama in Heavily Dem Congressional District

Hugo Chavez Rails Against NATO Mission in Libya

Biden to Chinese Premier: ‘We Appreciate Your Investment in U.S. Treasuries’

Justice Dept. Vague on When Holder First Learned About Operation Fast and Furious

Perry, an Obamacare Opponent, Prefers A State-Level Approach

Survey: Salaried Workers Can Expect Another Year of Small Raises

Back-to-School Shopping: Higher Prices for Flimsy Clothing

Organizer of Perry's Prayer Event Pushing For 5 Million Conservative Christian Voter Registrations

GOP Taps Nation's Second Most Unpopular Governor, John Kasich for Weekly Address

Bernie Sanders: Obama Should Create A Program To Put Millions Back To Work and Challenge GOP To Support It

Bill Burton Rips Karl Rove's Lecture on 'Good Governance'

Jon Huntsman Advocates Pulling Out of Afghanistan

Frank Luntz: Chris Christie Is a 'Blue-Collar Republican'

Huntsman: 'The Minute The Republican Party Becomes The Anti-Science Party, We Have A Huge Problem'

BREAKING: Tripoli Is Falling To Rebels As Gadhafi's Son Is Reported Arrested

David Axelrod Dodges Michael Moore's Question About Liberal Disappointment

Kristol and Hayes Agree it Would be Good for GOP Presidential Candidates to Run on 'Entitlement Reform'

More Than 70 Arrested At White House Tar Sands Protest

Libyan Regime Near Collapse As Rebels Take Over City of Tripoli

+ 50-State Blog Round-up

Harold Ford Jr: Wall Street and Main Street Are the Same

NYT: Obama Administration Pressuring NY AG To Accept Bank Settlement Instead Of Prosecuting


Video:Making Money out of Market Crash

Video: Libyan Rebels Enter Tripoli


New Ad Campaign Wants You to Really Focus on Masonic Symbolism

Electronic Skin Tattoo with RFID Technology to Facilitate Monitoring

Visa’s “Just Wave and Go” Commercial aka The Human Cattle in a Cashless Society

Libyan Opposition Chief Discusses Post-Gadhafi Future

South African Government Denies Sending Planes for Gadhafi

Obama: Time for Gadhafi to Relinquish Power

UN to Examine Violence in Syria

Mixed Chinese Reaction to VP Biden’s Visit

Starbucks CEO Tells Fellow Business Leaders to Boycott Campaign Donations

Hugo Chavez Demands Venezuelan Gold be Returned from Bank of England, JP Morgan

Obama Institutes Executive Amnesty – Suspends Deportations

Pakistan Gives China Access to US Stealth Chopper that Crashed – Hayden’s Note

McCain, Graham Praise Gadhafi's Fall, Slam Obama's Handling of Uprising

Oil Prices Should Fall on Gadhafi Overthrow

If Libyan Rebels Win, Can They Rule?

Corporation Push for Breaks, Then Outsource Jobs

Study: College Graduation Failure Can Cost Plenty

Kerry: Supercommittee Will Test My Skills

US Diplomat: Gadhafi's Whereabouts Not Yet Known

Chinese Paper: Euro Crisis Like 'Black Death'

Facebook's Spam Program Catches Activists

Right Truth: How long will it be until “Mr. Obama” claims his props?

Right Truth: The Good Fight - Why Conservatives Must Take Back America

The Vatic Project: Pure fiction: Bigelow’s new bin Laden chase film will reinforce 9/11 myths

The Vatic Project: A Little Known Fact About the 9/11 Planes


A journalist's guide to 'Project Gunwalker'-Part One - National gun rights |

A Journalist's Guide to 'Project Gunwalker'-Part Two - National gun rights |

A Journalist's Guide to 'Project Gunwalker'-Part Three - National gun rights |


America IS A Police State – The Handling Of Deadly Police Brutality Cases Proves It :

Egypt’s Venom Toward Israel | FrontPage Magazine

John Esposito’s Deceptions on “Islamophobia” | FrontPage Magazine

Islamists’ New Terror Front in Egypt | FrontPage Magazine

Syria and Obama’s ‘Lead from Behind’ Doctrine | FrontPage Magazine

The American Spectator : The Search for a Consensus Conservative

The American Spectator : Barry's Failing Blame Game

The American Spectator : He Could Always Admit He Was Wrong

The American Spectator : Putting America Back to Work -- the Republican Way

Mark Steyn: Empathy thrown under Obama’s bus - Orange County Register

First Look at the Obama-Osama Movie Poster! | Right Wing News

Time Mag Movie Review: G.W.Bush and Rick Perry Just Like Blood Thirsty Conan The Barbarian | Right Wing News

Tea Partier Pushes Back at Sharpton’s Obnoxious Interview

10 Creepiest Dolls Ever -




Chicago Sinkhole Swallows Man and his SUV

How Not To Demolish A Power Plant

Two 500LB JDAMS Dropped On Taliban IN AFGHANISTAN (Now You See Them, Now You Don’t)

David Axelrod Previews The Presidential Campaign-Republicans Putting Party In Front of Country

Top 10 Mysterious Unexplained Phenomena

Important Legal Question How Tiny Can A G-String Bikini Be Before It Becomes Illegal? (Thankfully These Hot Girls Volunteered to Provide Demonstration)


Discovery Institute - Article Database - Should Christians be Socialists?

Discovery Institute - Bioethics - Articles/News - The Trouble with Transhumanism

Discovery Institute - Article Database - The Failure of Liberal Bioethics

faith + evolution - Do the Laws of Physics Make God Unnecessary?

Hayek's Ghost Haunts the World - Jeffrey A. Tucker - Mises Daily

Air Force recovers stolen materials from Friday's raid -

My Way News - US Diplomat: Gadhafi's whereabouts not yet known

Iran moves centrifuges to underground site - Israel News, Ynetnews

Russia in talks to build more nuclear plants in Iran: report

Volkswagen to Present One-Seat Electric Concept Car on Sept. 8

Remarks by Vice President Biden on U.S.-China Relations | IIP Digital

6 Parts:FEMA Camps in America: Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition

Ron Paul 2012 - YouTube


Gerald Celente on Coast To Coast AM 19 August 2011 - YouTube


Coast To Coast AM - 20.8.2011 - 1/4 - Police Interrogation - YouTube

Coast To Coast AM - 20.8.2011 - 2/4 - Police Interrogation - YouTube

Coast To Coast AM - 20.8.2011 - 3/4 - Police Interrogation - YouTube


Coast To Coast AM - 20.8.2011 - 4/4 - Police Interrogation - YouTube

Atlantic City NJ : Meet Verizon's Newest Security Force: Blackwater

Activist Post: Redacting all but your privacy – DHS Voyeurism, Backscatter Vans and Body-scanners

Chinese Think Tank Implies America May Be Falsifying Its Accounting, Says US On Way To Default | ZeroHedge

New Reality For Many Baby Boomers Will Be To Work As Wage Slaves Until They Drop Dead |

Iowa straw poll: Rick Perry is no Ron Paul -

From The Shadows of The Psyop State: The Terror of Secret Services in Russia, America And The World |

Companies are hiring — just not hiring you - Business - US business - Bloomberg Businessweek

Multiple crises hitting U.N. next month

Live blog: Intense fighting near Gadhafi stronghold – This Just In - Blogs

WND RADIO WND Exclusive John Bolton talks Syria, Israel with WND;'Overthrowing the Assad regime should have been U.S. policy for years'


* Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Secret U.S. experiments to prompt 2nd Coming?

Tea-party letter asks Sheriff Joe to probe Obama's eligibility

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

9/11 conspiracy theories: 'Iran and Saudi Arabia helped Al-Qaeda' | Mail Online

Obama says will be judged in 2012 over economy | Reuters

Republicans may never get 2012 dream candidate - Yahoo! News

Rick Perry: Illegal Immigrants Who Serve In The Military Deserve Citzenship | TPMDC

Seven ways Rick Perry wants to change the Constitution | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Syria mobilizing troops for conflict with U.S., NATO

Strange political bedfellows

The Drop Off - If You See Something, Say Something PSA - 30 second - YouTube

Disney Exec Says They—and You--Don't Care About Story | NBC Miami

Friends revulsion at film that portrays Lady Thatcher as 'granny going mad' | Mail Online

Road to apocalypse is paved with good intentions

Record breaker takes 65 bites from three juggling apples in hilarious video | Mail Online

Archaeology: Children found sacrificed in pre-Incan ritual - Story - Environment/Sci - 3 News

Short Sharp Science: British used bioweapon in US war of independence

New Civil War-Era Artifacts Found at Camp Lawton | WSAV TV

'New Vasa' shipwreck found on Baltic seabed - The Local

Aliens vs. humans: Eco-friendly extraterrestrials could wipe out planet Earth to protect other civilisations | Mail Online

Audio Pages:

Why Israel must go to war in Gaza « Klein Online

Is this where Soros-funded military doctrine to be deployed next? « Klein Online

U.S. prisons incubation cells for jihadists? « Klein Online

UK-style riots coming to America? « Klein Online

Erasing facts, history at Temple Mount « Klein Online


Obama smuggling guns and registering yours

Mr. President, you're fired!

Tea party as the new 'kulaks'

The summer of our discontent

Slick is on the road again

Hot-sheet news

Blacks' Obama dilemma

7 lessons on turning 60

Bill Boyarsky: Killer in Chief - Bill Boyarsky's Columns - Truthdig

Politico Stands Behind Its “Biden Terrorist” Story - Big Journalism

Pop singer Charles Haddon 'killed himself over injured fan' |

Teens faked hold-ups to post to YouTube, say police | Information, Gadgets, Mobile Phones News & Reviews |

Tory councillor Bob Frost suspended for racist Facebook 'jungle bunnies' riots remarks | Mail Online

Melbourne's Sunshine Hospital tells John Berry he's pregnant |

Lawmakers Call for Probe of Medical Devices After Researcher Hacks Insulin Pump | Threat Level |

Pope says priests must live saintly lives | World | Reuters

Atheist Richard Dawkins blasts Catholic Church

Adapting a Ramadan tradition to an all-American one -

Savage and the fall of the U.K.

Libya Revolution Puts Obama Administration On Alert For Pitfalls Of Transition |

Judge says rule of law applies to White House, too

Video: UK riots: new CCTV footage shows shots being fired at police in Birmingham - Telegraph

Rep. McCaul Tops List Of 50 Richest Members Of Congress |

Bizarre plans by allies to turn Hitler into a woman revealed in new book - Wales News - News - WalesOnline Video Player

Our Universe May Be a 'Multiverse,' Scientists Say | Multiverse & Multiple Universes Test | Theory of Eternal Inflation | LiveScience

R.I.P. Budd Hopkins June 15, 1931 – August 21, 2011 | Paranormal Utopia

Synthetic Life Could Help Colonize Mars, Biologist Says | Synthetic Life & Human Spaceflight | Mars Exploration & Mars Settlement | LiveScience

Giant Lobster is Latest Freak Show at Coney Island

Do You Suffer From Decision Fatigue? -

Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: Transition: Bob Girard - Arcturus Books

Can life evolve from a different chemical code? - Technology & science - Space - -

BBC News - Map tracks Antarctica on the move

Gallery - The life hereafter: Funeral technology old and new - Image 1 - New Scientist

Girl, 15, is youngest to receive bionic fingers - Telegraph

A Modest Proposal for Reforming the Jury Trial System

Ron Paul is Right about Iran

Fractional Reserve Banking and America's Standard of Living

Agenda 21, Population control and rationing in the shire

The Christian Foundation of Modern Science

The New and Improved American Dream as Envisioned by UN Agenda 21

Stop Political Campaign Contributions - What a Great Idea

Black America’s Gains and Losses

Plug Pulled on Video Games in Jail

CUBA: Inhumane acts committed by paramilitary forces against Ladies in White, worsen

Axelrod Admits That Obama’s Jobs Plan Will Rely on Old Ideas

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – And defend ourselves

La Raza Unida leader sentenced to life in prison for racketeering

EPA About to Fulfill Obama Promise to ‘Bankrupt’ Coal?

Union Astroturf Pretends Like Tea Partiers to Attack GOP

Moderates or conservatives…who can save America?

Food stamps to save the economy

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Perp walk Obama out of the White Hous

‘Prez Valerie Jarrett’ takes Barry for a ride in the countryside

Time for an American Spring

New norm in Obama regime: Graduates who can’t read

The Politics of Envy

The Navy Seals Assassination – Obama Collusion

Three Questions About Obama

Bonny Prince Barry?

Liberal 'Compromise'

Pets, People, and Civilization

Iran cuts Hamas funding for not supporting Assad

1,369 US Troops Have Died Under Obama. For What?

Social Security Disability fund is nearly broke

Living in a One-Party Machine

Princeton's Unobservable Assets

Roman Sandals in Hospital Halls

Has Progressivism Ruined Environmental Science?

Chastened Wall Street executives donate to Romney this time

The President Who Cried 'Recovery'

Pataki mulls presidential run

Rime of the Ancient Democrat

Republican Delusion is Obama's All-Too-Secret Weapon

Martial Virtues and the Survival of Civilizations

Why Not a Real Party Platform?

The Superiority of School Vouchers Demonstrated

A Word Of Advice Before You Go On A Killing Spree

The 'Selfish' Rich

Subsidizing Sex

Obama and the Class Envy Card

The End of Obama's Middle East Pipe Dream

Media Matters vs. the Gateway Pundit on Obama as MLK

Five Reasons it is Premature to Declare Mission Accomplished for Obama's Libya Strategy | Shadow Government

The Libya War argument - Glenn Greenwald -

Was Texas jobs expansion due to government growth? « Hot Air

Low Wages in Texas -

A Fifth Keynesian ‘Stimulus’?

Daily Kos: Republicans already resisting Obama jobs plan

The growth of the regulatory state | Questions and Observations

Central Banks, Euro Bonds, and QEIII

Relax, central banks can still save us - Telegraph

Companies Are Spending on Dividends if Not Jobs -

Green Jobs, Red Faces -

With His Approval Rating In Mind, Obama Should Stay On Vacation - Forbes

3 smart ways to lower market risk - 1 - investing strategy - MSN Money

Mysterious ‘high-freq’ traders in background of market tumbles -

Jackson Hole Preview: The Difference is Why | The Reformed Broker

The Americas, Not the Middle East, Will Be the World Capital of Energy - By Amy Myers Jaffe | Foreign Policy

Works and Days » Atlas Is Sorta Shrugging

The real grand bargain, coming undone - The Washington Post

Obama Economic Strategy Targets Jobs & Growth, but Aims at 2012 Reelection - The Daily Beast

RealClearReligion - On the Unseriousness of Human Affairs | A new wave of bigotry?

Perry Gives Huntsman Best Week of His Campaign | Religion Dispatches

Does the Tea Party Have a Religion Problem? | First Things

The New Atlantis » GPS and the End of the Road

The Seeker: Who should the non-religious vote for in 2012?

Rising Tensions in South China Sea

What will Free Libya look like? - Telegraph

After Gaddafi, let's hope for the best in Libya | Brian Whitaker | Comment is free |

Al Qaeda’s Newest Front in Sinai Could Deepen Arab-Israeli Conflict - The Daily Beast

Asia Sentinel - Biden's China Visit: Supplicant to Beijing?

Don’t invade Gaza Strip - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews

Despite victory, Argentine leader faces hard choices - Andres Oppenheimer -

THE DAILY STAR :: Opinion :: Editorial :: The Libya lesson

EPA's Coal Power Regs: Is a "Train Wreck" Coming?

The Oil and Gas of Southern Alaska

Tar Sands and the Carbon Numbers -

In their own words: The Republican presidential field on climate change - The Hill's E2-Wire

Robert Bryce: Obama's Biofuels Insanity

Climate Footprint of Marcellus Shale Gas Could Be Less Than That of Coal: Scientific American

Drilling for oil in Arctic Ocean is fraught with danger -

Will falling oil and gas prices help or hurt the economy? - Aug. 19, 2011

Is Canadian Oil Bound for China Via Pipeline to Texas?

Earth Ejecta Could Have Seeded Life on Europa - Technology Review

BBC News - Newly sequenced DNA - how the kangaroo got its bounce

The Messenger Matters: Tweaking Design to Minimize Byline Bias - Walter Frick - Technology - The Atlantic

Getting kids on the right track with early science education

Netherlands mountain no longer a joke, booster says - Yahoo!

Shakespeare's 'Tempest' meant to be a musical, researcher says

How to make phosphorus using pee

Sea Otters: Cute Critters, Big Effects - Blog

Higgs boson signals fade at Large Hadron Collider | Science |

Geological Team Lays Claim to Oldest Known Fossils -

Did quake or tsunami cause Fukushima meltdown? - tech - 19 August 2011 - New Scientist

Less-educated Americans turning their backs on religion

New job trends reproducing old forms of gender inequality


At last, a reason why stress causes DNA damage | Science Codex

Asia Times Online : The rise and rise of Iran's Guards By Mahan Abedin

RealClearWorld - Time for Assad to Go

Will Assad Bow to Allied Pressure? - Council on Foreign Relations

EU leaders need to go against the grain with debt crisis - The Globe and Mail

Candidly Speaking: Tough decision... JPost - Opinion - Columnists

Apple core of capitalism | The Japan Times Online

RealClearPolitics - Obama Needs a Big Economic Plan

Obama: Circling back to the iceberg - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Five Ways Rick Perry’s Entrance Is Jolting the Republican Race -- New York Magazine

Flawed GOP field thrills Democrats - Chicago Sun-Times

Hillary in ’12! -

Obama showing blacks how Big Government failed them | Star Parker | Columnists | Washington Examiner

RealClearPolitics - Al Gore Goes on a Tirade

RealClearPolitics - Will Underdogs Rise in New Mexico Senate Race?

For Weiner Seat, G.O.P. Hopes for Upset -

Oracle of Omaha educates elephants: Warren Buffett wants to pay more in taxes

Harvey Golub: My Response To Buffett And Obama -

A post-Gaddafi Libya - Telegraph

Here comes more failed stimulus spending | Examiner Editorial | Opinion | Washington Examiner

Speed up redistricting - Editorials -

Of Dystopias and Alphas -

What Would Hillary Clinton Have Done? -

Economist Sachs Hits Obama: "There's Never Been A Plan" | RealClearPolitics

Feeding The Masses On Unicorn Ribs | Via Meadia

Gibbs: Obama Worried About Americans' Jobs, Not His | RealClearPolitics

Call The Department of Agriculture - By Jonah Goldberg - The Corner - National Review Online

Rick Perry's more Texan than George W. Bush: And that's why he's a 2012 force to be reckoned with

Daily Kos: Rick Perry's book not intended to reflect Rick Perry's views

Daily Kos: Rep. Lamar Smith cancels 'jobs agenda' to instead 'embarrass the president'

Daily Kos: McCain and Graham wonder what took Obama so damn long to oust Qaddafi

Daily Kos: Republicans already resisting Obama jobs plan

Daily Kos: Republicans want to raise your taxes

Rove Ignores GOP's Motivation For Obama To Be A One-Term President | Media Matters for America

Groupon's Mason to tie the knot right after planned IPO

International allies on Libya to meet Thursday: Clinton

Spitzer faces $60 million libel suit over Slate column

Analysis: Google/Motorola could be peak of patent price spike

Man charged with murder of Boy Scouts assistant

Feds probe wing walker death at Michigan air show

Ford, Toyota to join hands on hybrid trucks

Museum tells story of Japanese-American detainees

'Just as Iran threatens us, so too it threatens US'

Google Street View approved in Israel

'Libyan rebel council chairman: Gaddafi location unknown'

Video: New gov't website eternalizes survivors' stories

Russia hopes Libya power shift to end bloodshed

Pop-up cinemas: top 10 tips for creating your own

Dominique Strauss-Kahn set for return to French politics

Analysis: Gaddafi collapse will embolden Arab rebels

Oil spill investigation begins as Shell plugs North Sea leak

Peres visits Ashkelon 'to salute the residents' under fire

'PRC announces it will adhere to a Gaza cease-fire'

Wall Street buoyed by QE3 speculation

Rich families face US tax disclosure

Peeing On a Plane: Gerard Depardieu Isn’t a Pig, He’s a Freedom Fighter

Andy Dick Launches Anti-Semitic Rant Against Howard Stern: ‘Money-Grubbing Jew’

‘Tree of Life’: In Which I Agree and Sympathize With Sean Penn

Politics Really is Downstream from Culture

The English-Speaking Cyrano: Mark Steyn

Bruce Willis Officially Cast in ‘G.I. Joe 2: Retaliation’ [Update] | /Film

Actor Rob Lowe "Lends a Hand" to Habitat for Humanity to Launch the Valspar Hands for Habitat Program

The Front Row: Sean Penn vs. Terrence Malick : The New Yorker

Sound Bite for the Day: Howard Kurtz Falsely Claims that Ed Schultz Apologized for Perry Smear

Maxine Waters: Tea Party Go to Hell!

AP, NPR Launch Absurd Attack on Republicans Over Payroll Tax

Cartoon:ObamaNation: He Really Cares

Fareed Zakaria Pines for Parliamentary Government

Union Astroturf Tries to Undercut Tea Party with Comparison

Politico Behaves Unprofessionally - FishbowlDC

The Future of Public Television : CJR

Court Slaps Down Secrecy, Rules White House Visitor Logs Subject to FOIA

Audio:How Long Until the Next Recession?

‘No Points for You’ Say Dick Durbin and Barney Frank

Trial Lawyers Prep for War on Perry

General Motors Again Ripping Off Americans: Warranties Edition

Andrew Breitbart: The Education ‘Status Quo is Deplorable’

What do Tech Investors Want?

Despite Will of Voters, Missouri Lawmakers Move to Implement ObamaCare Exchanges

A Palin Announcement on September 3rd Looks More Likely

Obama admits economic message unsatisfactory

The Imperial Presidency - Mark Steyn - National Review Online

CAIR Disappointed with Rick Perry, and That’s a Good Thing

Libya’s August: Al Qaeda and Hezbollah Win

Priceless: Muslim Merchant Challenges Obnoxious Brit Anti-Israeli Activist

Al-Qaeda’s First Successful Attack Against Israel

Exactly Who Are The Libyan Rebels?

What Happens After Gaddafi? US Peacekeepers In Libya?!

Mohamed Gaddafi Surrenders; Listen To This Interview And See Why

Libya: Rebels Take Control Of Tripoli’s Green Square

Left-Wing Media Bias in Norway

Re-Analyzing the ‘World Saving’ Arab Spring…That Wasn’t!

Islam And Democracy: Trials Of A Thousand Years With Fouad Ajami And Charles Hill

Marines In Afghanistan Using Shaving Cream To Save Lives

Libyan rebels: Unit protecting Gadhafi surrenders

*22 Aug

American Minute for August 22nd

August 22nd This Day in History

Today in History: August 22

August 22 Events in History

Today in History: August 22

August 22nd in History

This Day in History for 22nd August

Today in History for August 22nd - YouTube


Qaddafi’s Fall: No, Obama Was Not Right - By Elliott Abrams - The Corner - National Review Online

‘She Will Run’ - Robert Costa - National Review Online

Paul Ryan’s Secret Weapon - Mona Charen - National Review Online

Romney vs. Perry - Elise Jordan - National Review Online

The Texas Miracle Is No Myth - John R. Lott Jr. - National Review Online

Must-See TV: Laura Ingraham vs. Charlie Rangel - By Greg Pollowitz - Media Blog - National Review Online


22-Aug-11 World View

21-Aug-11 World View

20-Aug-11 World View


**Markets Video - Why Investors Are Mad as Hell


**World Video:'Tribal Warfare' Fears In Tripoli

Raw Video: Rebels Seizing Control In Tripoli

U.S. - China Relations

P.J. Crowley Warns Of 'Chaos' In Libya

NTC Leader Calls For Restraint And Compassion

Resurrecting Libya's Oil Industry

Is Violence Coming In Libya?

Oil Prices Fall As Rebels Enter Tripoli

Libya Rebels In Tripoli, Gaddafi Defenses Fall

UK PM: Gaddafi Regime 'In Full Retreat'

McCain On Gaddafi's Last Stand

Seven Wounded In Baghdad Bomb

Gaza Militants Agree To Cease-fire

NATO Calls For Calm


**Politics Video:RCP's Tom Bevan And Texas Monthly's Paul Burka Discuss Rick Perry

Tea Party Group Releases Ad Promoting Palin Iowa Speech

Rep. Waters: "The Tea Party Can Go Straight To Hell"

21st/Huntsman Takes On Republican Rivals

Gillespie: Obama In Over His Head

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On GOP Presidential Field

David Axelrod On Obama's Plan For The Economy

Gov. Daniels On GOP Presidential Field

"This Week" Roundtable On The Battle Over Jobs

"Meet The Press" Panel On 2012 GOP Race And Economy

RCP's Alexis Simendinger On "Washington Week"


**NEWS VIDEOS:Obama: Libya Slipping From Grasp of Tyrant

Muslim Merchant Challenges Obnoxious Brit Anti-Israeli Activist

Rebels Seize Control in Tripoli

Kurtz Falsely Claims Schultz Apologized for Perry Racism Smear

Analyst: Libyan Rebels’ Win ‘Relief’ to Oil Market

Fans Brawl at Ravens – Chiefs Game

Oklahoma Tops AP Preseason Top 25

Wing Walker Dies During Stunt

George Will Smacks Down Keynesian Call for ‘Hoover Dam Moment’

21st/Maxine Waters: ‘Tea Party Can Go Straight To Hell’

NYT Columnist Friedman Calls for Third Party

FootBRAWL: 2 Shot, 1 Beaten at Raiders/49ers Game

Axelrod: Congress Putting Party Ahead of Country

Gibbs: Congress Should Put Country Ahead of Party

Obama: Congress Putting Party Before Country

20th/CNN’s Zakaria Promotes ‘Superior’ Parliamentary System vs. American System

Man Wins Handgun Lawsuit Against Chicago

Brakeless Driver Pulls a ‘Fred Flintstone’; Stops Truck with Feet

Iran Sentences 2 American Hikers to 8 Years in Jail

Tea Partier Pushes Back at Sharpton’s Obnoxious Interview

Fox News Catches Obama Golfing Despite Camera Ban

19th/Matthews on the Attack with RNC Chair Priebus

Paul Ryan Strongly Considering Presidential Run

Dr. Alfonzo Rachel Tries to Help Janeane Garofalo

Herman Cain Says He’d ‘Be Dead’ Under ‘Obamacare’

Our Special Tribute to NBC News and Al Sharpton

Striking IBEW Workers Protest at Verizon Exec’s Home; ‘We’re Here to Fight!’

Coulter Slams Media for Never Vetting Obama

18th/Threat to Letterman on Muslim Forum

Obama: ‘I Don’t Think We are in Danger of Another Recession’

Sharpton’s TelePrompter Challenge Continues

Garofalo: Cain Running to Deflect GOP’s Inherent Racism

Perry: Evolution Is ‘Theory’ with ‘Gaps’

17th/Obama Blames ATMs, Internet for High Unemployment

Jon Stewart Hammers Ed Schultz for Race-Baiting Deceptive Edit

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