A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

19 August 2011

19 AUG

Pajamas Media » Muslim Brotherhood Fronts Fail to Capture Muslim-American Loyalty

Pajamas Media » Gunwalker: President Obama’s Un-Plausible Deniability

Pajamas Media » The Super Committee: Personnel Is Policy

Bachmann plays up immigration, hits Warren Buffett | AP Texas News | - Houston Chronicle

Half of men know Miss Right after one date...but women need at least six | Mail Online

The Food Stamp Party is Stimulating Poverty | RedState

Nullify the Fed! And Much More. – Tenth Amendment Center

Operation Fast and Furious grows more outrageous | Examiner Editorial | Opinion | Washington Examiner

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Jon Stewart Hammers Ed Schultz’s Race-Baiting Deceptive Edit

Dark Side Of Reality Television Spotlighted As Networks Struggle With Growing Number Of Cast Suicides |

Rasmussen Poll: Only 20% Support Libya Military Action

GOP Candidates Must Declare Opposition to Sharia - HUMAN EVENTS

Obama blames ATM’s for poor economy AGAIN – Glenn Beck

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : 'Low-Tax Obamanomics'

Activist Post: Manufacturing opposition: how America supports our so-called enemies – part one


Fukushima radiation alarms doctors - Features - Al Jazeera English - Our Illuminati Reality Bubble

10 Reasons Why Rick Perry and Michelle Bachmann Suck « The PPJ Gazette

The “Non-GMO” Labeling Scam | Farm Wars

Obama to deport illegals by 'priority' - Washington Times


IBM pursues chips that behave like brains - Yahoo! News

Activist Post: Are You Prepared? Take the Preparedness Test

Spacecraft Sees Solar Storm Engulf Earth - NASA Science

Ron Paul Vs ...Tea-o-cons or Obama - YouTube

"Ron Paul Is Getting A Tremendous Amount Of Coverage For Someone That's Never Going To Be President" - YouTube

Thermal imaging can give away your ATM pin number in 10 seconds | Technology News Blog - Yahoo! News

Activist Post: Philadelphia Public-Safety Expo Features Drone Surveillance Tech

Big Brother 2.0: 10 New Ways That The Government Will Be Spying On You And Controlling Your Behavior

1 in 10 US kids has ADHD, study finds - TODAY Health -

Hiroshima to Fukushima, Finishing the Job | Veterans Today

Rick Perry - Extremist White America's Evangelical Hope

In China, reporters covering Biden get the heave-ho -

Rick Perry appalls Republican top brass with new attack on the Fed - Americas, World - The Independent

'Mossad plotted to harm Egyptian fertility' - Israel News, Ynetnews

The Daily Bell - Chavez Launches War Against US Dollar

Venezuela Plans Funds Transfer -

Chavez to nationalize Venezuelan gold industry | Reuters

Standard & Poor's mortgage ratings investigated by US | Business |

Chinese hand out economics lesson to visiting Joe Biden: 'Stop flooding your system with cheap credit' | Mail Online

Paul Drockton M.A.: Mormon Cyanide Murder and the Mormon Church

New patent granted to Bayer breaks the law | Farm Wars

California - The Titanic Of immigration

2012 The TRUTH You're NOT being TOLD The clock runs out Sep 25th 2011 - YouTube

Fresh links between murdered investigator and NOTW - Crime, UK - The Independent

A life unravelled … whistleblower who incurred wrath of the Murdoch empire | Media | The Guardian

Phone hacking scandal: Former News of the World US editor James Desborough arrested | Mail Online

Chancellor was targeted by News of the World's hacker, says dominatrix - Crime, UK - The Independent

England riots: Why did youngsters who lack for nothing join the anarchy? - Telegraph

LocalSin: The sleazy iPhone app that can find you a one-night stand | Mail Online

The march of China's new middle class - Telegraph

South Gloucestershire social workers hand back a child they falsely claim was abused | Mail Online

Chinese commandos in campaign against Xinjiang's Islamist 'rebels' - Asia, World - The Independent

Anna Hazare: A new 'Gandhi’ shakes India - Telegraph

IBM 'Synapse' Chips Mimic Human Brain (VIDEO)

Foreign Students in Work Visa Program Stage Walkout at Plant -

High-pitched sound used to silence Dortmund fans -

Dag Hammarskjöld: evidence suggests UN chief's plane was shot down | World news | The Guardian

Pakistan: Tribal Leaders Being Pushed | Opinion Maker

WHO Testing New Seasonal H3N2 Vaccine Target

WHO Testing New Pandemic H1N1 Vaccine Target

Can a change in solar activity increase the risk of radiation risk to air passengers? | Mail Online

Infection surge raises doubts over Gates' plan to beat malaria - Health News, Health & Families - The Independent

Rise in cases of malaria in Africa linked to insecticide-treated bed nets - Telegraph

Sniffer dogs 'reliable' at detecting early lung cancer - Telegraph

3 die of rare brain infection from amoeba in water - Yahoo! News

Internet billionaire donates $1.25 million to create libertarian islands | Best Places To Live In NY - New York Daily News

Offering Funds, U.S. Agency Dreams of Sending Humans to Stars -

I Don't Care How Good The Food Is...

In-Flight Film "Explains" Mysteries of Female Pleasure - International Business Times

Libya - Psy-Ops And War Games

First Read - Questions raised about Bachmann's campaign style

Gallup poll: Obama's rating on economy hits new low - politics - White House -

Nikola Aleksic about GMO and Chemtrails - english subtitles.flv - YouTube

Adventures in Autism: Revisiting James Murdoch, Brian Deer, The Sunday Times, GlaxoSmithKline and the Attack on Andrew Wakefield

Conservative Muslims and Christians in Vienna Strengthen Relations « Kawther Salam

Obama Ag Secretary Vilsack: Food Stamps Are A Stimulus | RealClearPolitics

Texas Appeals Court: Motorists Have No Right To Potentially Exculpatory Dashcam Footage | The Agitator


9/11, Psychological Warfare & the American Narrative: Part I

9/11, Psychological Warfare & the American Narrative: Part II


The 7th Billion Human On Earth - Part 1

The 7th Billion Human on Earth - Part 2

The 7th Billion Human On Earth - Part 3


Pike Supporter Asks Him To Stop Hitting Duke


1newsjunkie: Ron Paul Interview With Cnn's Wolf Blitzer 08\18\ 2011

Is the Fed Treasonous? by Thomas DiLorenzo

Flash Mob Epidemic

Down The Rabbit Hole w/ Popeye (08-17-2011) The Government's Fake Alien Invasion - YouTube

Down The Rabbit Hole w/ Popeye (08-17-2011) The Government's Fake Alien Invasion - YouTube

60 Minutes - Fukushima Now Radiating Everyone: 'Unspeakable' Reality 'Will Impact All Of Humanity'

Ron Paul: If My Views Prevailed the Establishment Would Suffer - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : "Dept Of Homeland Security Attempt To Induce A Permanent State Of Fear & Paranoia!"

Ron Paul "Just Think Of All Those Troops Spending All That Money Back At Home!" - YouTube

Sanctions could 'tip the balance of power' in Syria - YouTube


Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7 - - YouTube


9/11 Truth: What Happened to Building 7 - YouTube


9/11 Truth 10th Anniversary Campaign Begins :


History is about to repeat itself - YouTube

AIPACking For Israel - YouTube

Franklin Lamb - Tripoli Cannot be Conquered - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : In 2005 Bush Administration Uploaded Instructions On How To Build A Nuclear Bomb IN ARABIC!

Revolutionary Politics : Dennis Kucinich "This Administration Headed By Constitutional Scholar Is Ignoring The Constitution!"

Rick Perry’s Bad Medicine – Patriot Update

Ron Paul Vs. Mitt Romney: "Corporations Are Not People" - Home - The Daily Bail


Washington's Blog:Corruption At The Top Leads To Lawlessness By The People

Framed? Police Raid Offices And Seize Documents Of Lawyers Suing Banks For Mortgage Fraud

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Dennis Kucinich "This Administration Headed By Constitutional Scholar Is Ignoring The Constitution!"


Mossad Link To 1st WTC Bombing Raises Eyebrows

The 9/11 WTC Collapses - An Audio-Video Analysis

The 9/11 WTC Collapses:
Questions the Media Won't Address

9/11 News Videos Reporting WTC Explosions



Enough With the Scare Tactics, Secretary Panetta |

Michele Bachmann says the Soviet Union is a threat to America — RT

Selling The Wars - Image Is Everything When You're Marketing A $3 Trillion War Machine - Home - The Daily Bail

President Obama heads to Martha's Vineyard for a can’t-win vacation -

Pen stroke of genius: The street artists who make us laugh by poking fun at the signs that litter our lives | Mail Online

Sherrie Questioning All: The "Elite" 12 Unconstitutional "Super Congress" have already been Bought and Sold have gotten 64.5 Million from Wall Street and Special Interest Groups -

Original Investigation: Who–and What–Are Behind the “Official History” of the Bin Laden Raid? - WhoWhatWhy | WhoWhatWhy

Nuclear Terrorist Attacks on 9-11-11 ? | USAHM Conspiracy News

The Story Of Your Enslavement | USAHM Conspiracy News

Are We Living In A Computer Simulation ? | USAHM Conspiracy News

Concentration Camp Plans For U.S. Citizens | USAHM Conspiracy News

666 things you didn’t know about London. | USAHM Conspiracy News

10 Symbols That Rule The World | USAHM Conspiracy News

Inception: A True Story About Dreams? | USAHM Conspiracy News

Titanic Battle or Insider Trading? The S&P Downgrade and the Bilderbergers: All Part of the Plan? -

The Real Reason the SEC Has Been Shredding Documents For Decades -

Putin Calls U.S. ‘Parasite’ as Russia Gorges on Its Debt - Bloomberg

Biological Weapons: Bargaining With the Devil (Part Four) | Truthout

Wall Street firms donated $11.2 million to members of debt ‘super committee’ | The Raw Story

Selling The Wars - Image Is Everything When You're Marketing A $3 Trillion War Machine -

Aliens may destroy humanity to protect other civilisations, say scientists | Science | The Guardian

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: SEC Destroys 9,000 Fraud Files Involving Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, Morgan Stanley, Lehman


*End Corruption in Illinois Government;Better Government Association(End Corruption in Illinois Government)



The Burzynski Cancer Cure | USAHM Conspiracy News


EPIC - DHS Refuses to Disclose Details of Mobile Body Scanner Technology

Exclusive: Goldman Sachs VP Changed His Name, Now Advances Goldman Lobbying Interests As Top Staffer To Darrell Issa | ThinkProgress

Revealed: Fake Facebook Identity Used By Military Contractors Plotting To Hack Progressive Organizations | ThinkProgress

Press release: Idaho Supreme Court rules private attorneys no longer allowed, 8/18/2011 | Free Edgar Steele

Americans' Satisfaction With National Conditions Dips to 11%

BP probes Gulf sheen, denies being source - CBS News

Wall Street firms donated $11.2 million to members of debt ‘super committee’ | The Raw Story

Gifts given to Perry include thousands of dollars of cowboy boots: report | The Raw Story

Perry ignores public data to insist stimulus did not create jobs | The Raw Story

Former Reagan aide: ‘Rick Perry is an idiot’ | Raw Replay

Stewart rips Fox News over ‘class warfare’ hysteria | Raw Replay

O’Donnell: CNN interview was ‘borderline sexual harassment’ | Raw Replay

Bachmann: Americans fear ‘the rise of the Soviet Union’ | Raw Replay

Feingold says he won’t run for office in 2012 | The Raw Story

Obama 2012 team would prefer to run against Rick Perry | The Raw Story

Perry dismisses evolution as ‘a theory that’s out there’ | Raw Replay

Donald Trump’s candidacy received three times more coverage than Ron Paul’s candidacy | The Raw Story

Chinese PM states confidence in U.S. economy | The Raw Story

World Bank Calls On Ghana To Check Population Growth | StratRisks

Woman’s yard sale to pay medical bills gets shut down | News | Salem News

U.S. Government Loaning $500M for Solar Power Projects—In India | / Economic Affairs / Van Rompuy tipped to chair new 'economic government'

Drones Direct Hit Upon Rule of Law

Shadow Warriors: Movin’ On Up

War Criminal Calls For More Prisons

Notes on the Social Crisis in America


The Drop Off - If You See Something, Say Something PSA - 30 second - YouTube

The Drop Off - If You See Something, Say Something


*1:40:00/Capitalism Is The Crisis (Full Movie) - YouTube


Titanic Battle or Insider Trading? The S&P Downgrade and the Bilderbergers: All Part of the Plan?

Kosovo: Agim Ceku, the War Criminal Not Wanted by Canada

Iran's Nuclear Program and the UN Security Council's Sanctions Regime

VIDEO: Death Squads in Syria Part of Intelligence Operation

9/11: "Honest Mistake" or BBC Foreknowledge of Collapse of WTC 7? Jane Standley Breaks Her Silence

More Lies. More Censorship. More Wars.

Nuclear Power Plant: Radioactive Tritium Contamination in Vermont

Ricky the Rent Boy - informationliberation

Are You Authorized to Defend Yourself? - informationliberation

But America IS A Police State - informationliberation

News 'Journalists' Shill for the State - informationliberation

What Is Unseen about FDR's New Deal - informationliberation

Big Brother 2.0: 10 New Ways That The Government Will Be Spying On You And Controlling Your Behavior - informationliberation

Taxed Into Oblivion - informationliberation

Michele Bachmann vs. Rick Perry: Who's the Bigger Right-Wing Extremist? | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet

How Conservative Christian CPCs Are Plotting to Lure Women With the Promise of Free Medical Services | Gender | AlterNet

The Shocking Pattern of Obama Repeating Some of the Worst of George W. Bush | | AlterNet

How Tofurky and Fake Bacon Actually Glorify Meat-Eating | | AlterNet

Why Civilian Control of the US Military Is Deeply Threatened | World | AlterNet

How Obama's Support For Job-Killing Trade Deals Could Cost Him The Presidency | | AlterNet

Why the Mainstream Media Are Clueless About the Religious Right | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet

The American Conservative » Kagan: Stop Preemptive Superpower Suicide

Andrew Jackson’s Actions Model Anti-Speech, Perpetual War Legislation - Indian Country Today Media

The American Spectator : Neoconservatism Interrupted

Peru suspends US-funded coca eradication programme | World news | The Guardian

Witnesses claim cover-up in UN chief's death

Nancy Dunn: Saving the Satanist

‘Devil worshippers’ attack church -

Rewinding Evolution: Scientists alter chicken DNA to create embryo with ‘alligator-like’ snout |

Tiny Pocketbots Prepped for Combat | Danger Room |

Two Targets, One Bullet: How the Ultimate Sniper Rifle Was Made | Danger Room |

Chavez Emptying Bank of England Vault as Venezuela Brings Back Gold Hoard - Bloomberg - The world's premier mining and mining investment website Remarkable times for gold make Chavez policy path of wisdom! - FAST NEWS | Mineweb

White House orders agencies to cut their budgets - Yahoo! News

Woman's yard sale to pay medical bills gets shut down - YouTube

Ron Paul and the Self-Hating ‘Libertarians’ by Walter Block

Planet of the Taxpayers by Jeffrey A. Tucker

FDR and Obama: Separated at Birth by Dom Armentano

Governments Agree: You Will Have No Electronic Privacy by Mark Nestmann

Why modern democracy is for idiots | Sovereign Man: Finance, lifestyle design, Offshore Business and Expat news

Big Brother 2.0: 10 New Ways That the Government Will Be Spying on You and Controlling Your Behavior

Are Oats Healthy? | Mark's Daily Apple

Bombs Target Gadhafi's Main Compound in Libyan Capital | North Africa | English

Suicide Bomber Targets Mosque in Northwestern Pakistan

Obama's Approval Has Dropped 36 Points Among Hispanics, Says Gallup

Obama Administration Grants De Facto Amnesty to Many Illegal Immigrants |

Justice Dept. Vague on When Holder First Learned About Operation Fast and Furious

Obama's New Fuel Economy Standards Will Increase Cost of a Car More Than $11,000

Vilsack Again: Food Stamps Helped 'Job Growth' Over Last 17 Months

ACLU Hails 'Landmark' Ruling Against U.S. by Int’l Human Rights Body

Federal Subsidies to Solar Up 626%, Subsidies to Wind Up 946%

New Noah's Ark in Kentucky Aims to Prove Truth of Bible Story

Norway Killer Is Denied Permission to Wear Tuxedo to His Court Hearing

Pope Laments 'Amnesia' About God During Spain Trip

Back-to-School Shopping: Higher Prices for Flimsy Clothing

U.S. Looking to Expand Canola Crop As Demand Grows

5 things you probably didn’t know could be hacked | Technology News Blog - Yahoo! News

Stunning Oath Keepers Video: Orders We Cannot Obey | Before It's News

Permaculture - A Quiet Revolution :: An Interview with Bill Mollison

SilverDoctors: Hugo Chavez Demands 99 Tons of Venezuelan Gold Returned From the Bank of England/ JP Morgue

Everyday Clairvoyance: How your brain makes near-future predictions | Newsroom | Washington University in St. Louis

DHS Promotes Paranoia, Recruits Citizen Spies with New TV Commercial - YouTube

Activist Post: What the Pharmaceutical Industry Does NOT Want You to Know About Healing

Activist Post: War On Terror’s New Targets: Veterans, Tea Partiers, Anti-Fed Activists (Video)

Activist Post: US keeps Iran, Syria, Sudan, Cuba on terror blacklist

Permaculture Research Institute USA » A Refrigerator that Runs Without Electricity

Activist Post: Redacting all but your privacy – DHS Voyeurism, Backscatter Vans and Body-scanners

Activist Post: England: even when not resulting in disorder, four years in jail for using Facebook to “incite disorder”

Four years in prison for Facebook message - YouTube

Lone Wolf False Flag or Real Mumbai-Style Active Shooters? - Truth is Treason

A Look at the Past: All Fiat Currencies Collapse and Fail - Truth is Treason

How the Two-Party Oligarchy Uses the Democrat Vs Republican Charade to Loot the Country - Truth is Treason

Starbucks CEO Tells Fellow Business Leaders to Boycott Campaign Donations - Truth is Treason

Global Elites, the CIA Handlers and the Rise of Controlled Social Media - Truth is Treason

Video: Is Capitalism Doomed?

Video: 10 Lobbyists per Member of Congress Fighting Effective Finance Regulations

* Video Series:

Thoroughly modern Marx Pt.1

Thoroughly modern Marx Pt. 2

Thoroughly modern Marx Pt. 3


Dr. Bob Bowman & Alex Jones: DARPA's Secret Little Air Force in Space 1/2 - YouTube

Dr. Bob Bowman & Alex Jones: DARPA's Secret Little Air Force in Space 2/2 - YouTube


Obama to deport illegals by 'priority' - Washington Times

Prison » Burning up food prices: More corn going to ethanol production now than food production

Prison » Bachmann claims she worked for the IRS to ‘know’ her ‘enemy’

Prison » War On Terror’s New Targets: Veterans, Tea Partiers, Anti-Fed Activists

Prison » Is Obama About to Commit America To War With Syria?

Prison » Big Sis Continues To Hide Details On Mobile Body Scanners

Prison » Pay Your Carbon Taxes To Al Gore Or Space Aliens Will Attack

Prison » Obamanoids Praying Establishment Pick Rick Perry Wins GOP Nomination

Prison » Bank of America’s Dead Drop To Rick Perry: “We Will Help You Out”

Prison » Did Chavez Just Spark the Gold Powder Keg?

Prison » NWO Target: White America

Prison » Alex Jones: London riots a pretext for Internet crackdown

Prison » Media Plays Race Card Against Ron Paul

Prison » Chavez Gold Action Leads to Backwardation, Short Squeeze and ‘Havoc’ Concerns

Prison » Tensions Explode On CNBC, As Simon Hobbs Tells Cramer: “You Told People To Buy Bear Stearns!”

Obama 2012 team would prefer to run against Rick Perry | The Raw Story

Prison » The Real Reason the SEC Has Been Shredding Documents For Decades

Justice Dept. Vague on When Holder First Learned About Operation Fast and Furious |

Prison » Redacting all but your privacy – DHS Voyeurism, Backscatter Vans and Body-scanners

Prison » 9/11, False Flag State Terrorism, The Transnational Shadow Government, And The Apocalypse To Come

Prison » Visual Rituals: Television As The Greatest Myth-Making Force in Human History

Prison » 1776 Worldwide!

Prison » The Loss of Momentum in the Markets All Too Apparent Now

Prison » Lew Rockwell: Death of the Dollar

10 years after 9/11, did bin Laden or America win? | Inquirer Global Nation

Prison » ‘Birther’ Air Force Sergeant Getting Discharged

Prison » Deepak Chopra “The Wonder of You”

Obama granting indefinite reprieve to thousands of immigrants facing deportation

Gun Owners Targeted in New FBI 'Terrorism' Handout

Survey: Employers shift rising health costs to their workers

Planned Parenthood to End Abortion Services in Three Arizona Cities

Republican supercommittee member vows no cuts to entitlement benefits

Designer's social media campaign asks, "What Do You Stand For”

Coburn: 'It's a Good Thing I Can't Pack a Gun on the Senate Floor'

Rick Perry: Evolution is 'theory' with 'gaps'

White House Moves Ahead With Deportation Rules Congress Rejected

Dems cheer Obama’s more lenient rules on illegal immigrants

Gingrich says his campaign is 'like watching Wal-Mart grow'

Biomedical funding has racial gap

Republican State Senator Looks Into Potential Run for Rep. Giffords' Congressional Seat

Burger King freshens fast-food image, dethrones its King

Russian Cosmonaut Popovich: ETs Warn Cataclysms Will Unify Human Consciousness | Before It's News

Top 5 Precious Metals Mutual Funds - Best of Funds | Before It's News

Pre-Ice Age Complex Found Off Bahamas Coast | Before It's News

Obama's Treaty By Executive Order | Before It's News

OBAMA - The Anti-American President | Before It's News

Obama's Amnesty Orders Create American Dictatorship | Before It's News

New World Money Order$ 14: JFK's head wounds changed, 2 coffins, Ramps vrs. Lifts to Move JFK's | Before It's News

How Phases Of The Moon Affect Plants | Before It's News

In a prison without bars? | Before It's News

FBI: Purchase of Preparedness Items are Potential Indicators of Terrorist Activities | Before It's News

Herman Cain Says Obama’s Impeachment Would be “A Great Thing” | Floyd Reports

Cognitive Computer Chips Reach Prototype Stage | Before It's News

Buzz Kill: Marijuana Genome Sequenced For Health, Not Highs : Shots - Health Blog : NPR

Ron Paul: Perry Makes Me Look Moderate

Perry: Bernanke Close to 'Treasonous' Fed Move

Bush Aides Blast Perry for Criticism of Bernanke

Perry: Fed Must Show Nothing Is 'Improper'

Perry’s Red-Hot Bernanke Slam

Democratic Rep McGovern Knocks Obama Vacation

Doctors Question Perry's Stem Cell Back Treatment

Gingrich: Obama Won't Shun 'Bureaucratic Socialism'

Trump: US China Negotiators a 'Bunch of Clowns'

O'Donnell: No Hard Feelings for CNN's Morgan

Jon Huntsman Turns to Twitter to Criticize Perry

Chinese Try to Downplay Wealth But Sell Luxury

Obama Orders More Diversity in Govt. Workforce

Trump Plans Scripted TV Drama

Professors Bemoan New Education Guidelines

Trump Aide: Country Needs Third Party President

Other Candidates Echo Paul's Anti-Fed Campaign

8 Home Remedies That Really Work

New Anti-Aging Drug Offers Hope for Much-Longer Lives

Expert: Rural US Websites Easy Target for Hackers

Anti-US Countries Should Not Receive Aid

Is NATO Membership Worth the Cost?

China's Military Growth Threatens World Security

'Supercommittee' Violates Constitution

Framed? Police Raid Offices And Seize Documents Of Lawyers Suing Banks For Mortgage Fraud :

9/11, False Flag State Terrorism, The Transnational Shadow Government, And The Apocalypse To Come :

Author Details Pentagon’s Fake al-Qaeda :

DHS Now Profiling Your Average All-American Neighbors As Terrorists :

Wikipedia’s Cover-Up – An Assault On Geoengineering Facts :

Amy Winehouse and 27 Club

Electronic Skin Tattoo with RFID Technology to Facilitate Monitoring

Visa’s “Just Wave and Go” Commercial aka The Human Cattle in a Cashless Society

Governance, Development Efforts Continue in Afghanistan

DEA Backs Drug Kingpins | American Free Press

Rick Perry: GOP’s Savior? | American Free Press

Donation Scandal Hits Romney Campaign | American Free Press

Mainstream Censors Radiation Threat | American Free Press

Real Domestic Terror | American Free Press

Groundwork Laid for Controlled Third Party | American Free Press

Job Czar Funnels Jobs to China | American Free Press

U.$. $tate$ Hide Billion$ In $ecret $lu$h Fund$ | American Free Press

Animal-Human Hybrid Tests: Moral & Ethical Ramifications | American Free Press

Fewer Youths to Be Deported in New Policy -

BBC News - US military develops 'bigger bang' explosive material

Army defends body armor after report - The Washington Post

Is the SEC Covering Up Wall Street Crimes? | Rolling Stone Politics

'Flash mobs' pose challenge to police tactics -

Texas Wages War on Feral Hogs With the Latest in Weaponry -

Now That He's Losing, Kasich (Kinda) Supports Compromise

Bachmann: Americans Fear 'the Rise of the Soviet Union'

Goldman Sachs VP Changes His Name, Goes To Work For Issa Protecting...Goldman Sachs!

PBS' Making Sen$e: 'Land of the Free, Home of the Poor'

Allen West Calls Himself 'the Modern-Day Harriet Tubman'

The New GOP: The Party of Ted Nugent

Rick Perry on Evolution: 'It's a Theory That's Out There'

Rep. Tim Griffin Intimidation Watch List's Likely Origin is Rep. Daniel Webster's Office

In '06 Bachmann Staffer Was Arrested in Uganda on Terrorism Charges

It’s Just a Good Thing I Can’t Pack a Gun on the Senate Floor, Says Sen. Coburn - Then Attacks Medicare: UPDATED

Fox & Friends Urges Lieberman to Endorse Perry

All You Need to Know About John Boehner Summed Up in One Tweet

Consumer Rights Advocate Elizabeth Warren Explores Race for Mass Senate

Frank Schaeffer Denounces Michele Bachmann and Calls Her Christian Reconstructionist Politics 'Anti-American'

In 2006 Debate Rick Perry Attacked Kinky Friedman Over Rhetoric, Saying 'Words Do Matter'

Feds bust Iraqi-Mexican drug operation in Calif.

New Flood of Illegal Immigrants Predicted---from China - News Radio 1200 WOAI San Antonio Texas

Crown Heights Panel Scrapped After Sharpton Backs Out –

Gary Giordano Tried to Redeem Insurance Policy on Robyn Gardner - ABC News

Man in Prison for 25 Years May be Innocent - News Radio 1200 WOAI San Antonio Texas

Holy Death Sect Draws Followers in Violent Mexican Border City | Fox News Latino

China May Stop Buying Treasurys as Growth Slows: Roach - CNBC

Chavez Emptying Bank of England Vault as Venezuela Brings Back Gold Hoard - Bloomberg

Business & Technology | Homeowners race to refinance as mortgage rates plunge | Seattle Times Newspaper

Air Force sergeant AWOL over 'forged' Obama document

Staff sergeant leaving military after questioning Obama

Anti-war coffee shop targeting U.S. military

'Fast and Furious' a prelude to gun registration?

Rally around Bachmann

Audio:'The machine needs fresh meat'

The view from Martha's Vineyard

Media top-dogs kick underdog Ron Paul

Does the GOP also practice moral relativism?

About Obama's 'missing girlfriends'

CNN's Zakaria: Scrap U.S. Constitution

Afghans using U.S. outpost for target practice

Who is the tea party?

Autocrats gotta know their limitations, too

Why anti-journalists savaged Tim Adams

Why Is Sean Hannity So Mad You're Having Sex? 5 Ways Conservatives Attack Sexual Freedom | Sex & Relationships | AlterNet

Articles: Obama: The Affirmative Action President

Nazis were not evil, they were 'social climbers', claims leading German historian | Mail Online

Black Death study lets rats off the hook | World news | The Guardian

Ministry aims to prove Noah's Ark was real - Story - World - 3 News

Gateway To Old City of Jerusalem Regains 'Crown' : Discovery News

Spectacular Hercules statue found in Jezreel Valley - Israel Travel, Ynetnews

Egyptian antiquities suffering due to turmoil at the top | Al-Masry Al-Youm: Today's News from Egypt

Biblical Story of Moses Adapted into Facebook - Jewish World - News - Israel National News

UFO Spotted Over Chinese Airport |

Google takes on Amazon as Street View cameras head down mighty river | Mail Online

Half of men know Miss Right after one date...but women need at least six | Mail Online


** Mel Waters and the Devil’s Holes | Mysterious Universe


*2 :26:45 / ART BELL Legends-"MEL'S HOLE"-Mel Waters - YouTube


+Mel's Hole Information_


*The Continuing Saga of Mel's Hole(


'09/Falling into Mel's Hole


+ Mel's Hole - The SCP Foundation(


Moon may be younger than thought, study says -

Brain-Eating Amoeba Thrives in Warm, Fresh Water : Discovery News

Diamond particles discovered in candlelight - Telegraph

Ancient Roman Jar Riddled with Mystery | Roman Britain Artifacts & Museum of Ontario Archaeology | Archaeological Digs | LiveScience

Offering Funds, U.S. Agency Dreams of Sending Humans to Stars -

Air Force Eyes Micromachine Bugs That Can Spy : NPR

Skeptiko – Science at the Tipping Point » Blog Archive » 145. Stanley Krippner Lends Scientific Weight to Paranormal Dreams

Bulletproof human skin made from spider silk and goat milk developed by scientists | Mail Online

Cow gets head stuck in ladder | Orange UK

Enough with 'Obama is a socialist' already?


* Article Links: Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Arizona sheriff promises Obama-eligibility probe

Rush Limbaugh: Where are Obama's former girlfriends?

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Brainwashed to believe in evolution

How To Use Google Adwords to Grow Your Online Business | Before It's News

US to review deportations, focus on criminals

Arizona sheriff promises Obama-eligibility probe

In China, Biden pulls punches, not punch lines | Reuters

Russian Reindeer Herder Discovers Baby Mammoth in Arctic | NBC New York

Crooks Rob Man of $2 Million in Jewelry | NBC Los Angeles

Russell Armstrong of 'Real Housewives' feared season 2 | Inside TV |

AFP: Obama vacation opens with security briefing

Michelle Obama takes separate government jet to get a few hours of extra vacation time in Martha's Vineyard before President arrives (as he uses TWO helicopters and Air Force One for 500 mile journey) | Mail Online

The view from Martha's Vineyard

Thousands Show at Job Fair as Jobless Rate Rises - ABC News

Vietnam on alert as common virus kills 81 children

FBI: 2 Pa. men harassed Palin family, legal team -

Arne Duncan Says Perry’s Schools Left Behind - Bloomberg

Have you ever had sex with Rick Perry — the wishful ad, ad hominem - ComPost - The Washington Post

Are the Media Ignoring Ron Paul? | Project for Excellence in Journalism (PEJ)

Why is CBS News Selling Barack Obama Merchandise in its Online Store? |

Putin Calls U.S. ‘Parasite’ as Russia Gorges on Its Debt - Bloomberg

Zogby: Voters Might be Tuning Obama Out - Washington Whispers (

Flash Mob Robberies Continue | NBC Washington

Students show up at Naperville North ‘possibly under the influence’ - Naperville Sun

School District Offering Drug Testing Kits To P - Flash Player Installation

Scientists undo evolution to create a chicken with a maniraptora 'snout' | Mail Online

Brakeless driver imitates Fred Flintstone, strikes vehicles in Roseville VIDEO -

Firefighters Checked For Plague, Truck Fumigate - Flash Player Installation

Susanne Eman's bid to be world's fattest woman: 52st mother of 2 is 'supersizing' | Mail Online

Fewer Youths to Be Deported in New Policy -

+ A Closer Look at Non-Profit News Sites | Project for Excellence in Journalism

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'You'll lose thousands of jobs';Rep. Cole says Obama's 'balanced approach' will cripple small businesses

Glenn Beck slams Boehner for disallowing congressmen to attend Israel event | The Right Scoop

Krishnas OK but Christians too 'religious'

12 steps for surviving coming economic chaos

How to Hijack an Airplane in 3 Seconds - Abraham Tekippe - National - The Atlantic

Computer lab's Chinese-made parts raise spy concerns - Washington Times

Coburn sour on economy | Tulsa World

Rep. Ron Paul supporter takes out ad calling for women who 'had sex with Rick Perry'

Weapons sent 'walking' by feds linked to more violence

Qaddafi Terminally Ill – or Just Eccentric - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News

Afghanistan Independence Anniversary Marred by Suicide Attacks

Bashar Al-Assad Won't Step Down, Russia Says


+The Alex Jones Show – August 18th, 2011

+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – August 18th, 2011


2 Parts:Activist Ray McGovern: The Pentagon & Israel’s Islamic Terrorism Propaganda Game is Crumbling |

8/18/11 Full show -- Obama 2012, Governor Gary Johnson, UK Riots, Police State, Marijuana - YouTube


**Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs :BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials-August 18, 2011


Ron Paul: Bring the Troops Home NOW! - YouTube

The Stream - A new history of censorship in the West? - John Perry Barlow - YouTube

» Republican Voters Are Losing Their Appetite For War Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Pew Research Evidence Corporate Media Connived to Ignore Ron Paul Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Corporate Media - CNN - Candy Crowley Lies About Ron Paul Polls And Electability Exposed

» Attacks in Israel as Palestinian Statehood Gains Momentum Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Proof we can go dumber than Palin "I can see the USSR" - YouTube

Ron Paul, the ONLY Legitimate Candidate... - YouTube

Shady Christian Fundamentalist And CIA Asset Running Bachmann’s “Faith Outreach” Efforts? |

Incarceration For Profit Is Happening Nationwide! Judge Gets 28 Years For Taking Bribes From Prisons - YouTube


Masterseek Business Directory(


Did Kerry's Swift Boat Hatchet Man Fake His Own Silver Star?

Political Parisitology

The Anti-American President

Progressive POTUS Desperate For Another Vacation

Pundits Peddle Civility Sophistry

Portrait Of The President As A Young Man

It's the Spending, Stupid

Is Gaddafi on his way out?

Obama's media pals launch the anti-Darrell Issa crusade

Don't Dial DOJ for Voter Fraud Protection

Warming advocates finally use the 'Alien Invasion' excuse

AP crams three misleading assertions about global warming into a single paragraph

Charles Rangel, R.I.P.

Strange headline: Feds Bust Iraqi-Mexican Drug Ring

Why is MLK Memorial Made in China?

Obama's Parallel Universe

Are you calling me a Marxist?

An Answer for Congresswoman Waters

Bloomberg/Soros Millions for Futile Social Engineering

Media Stifling Racial Violence Coverage

Time to Leave the 'No Child' Law Behind

Are the Black Flash Mob Attacks on Whites Obama's Fault?

The Era of Confronting Obama at Public Events

Debbie Schlussel:English Language Exclusive: US Tax $s Pay for Ramadan Farmers Mkt in LEBANON!

Debbie Schlussel:VIDEO: Hmmm . . . Wonder Why He Cheated, Divorced Her

Debbie Schlussel:Told Ya: Thank Obama For Today’s Pali Attacks on Israel – 7 Dead 33 Wounded

London Riot Controversy - A Preview for Us?

Congress shall make no law ...

Rick Perry, Conservative or Democrat in Republican Clothing

Sex Education in Preschool

Sesame Street's Bert and Ernie told to get married |

Marvel Comics reveal new Spider Man is black and could be gay in the future | Mail Online

American Apparel CEO launches a 'Teenagers do it better' T-shirt hot on the heels of a string of sexual harassment claims | Mail Online

'Paedophilia is Hollywood's biggest problem,' alleges former child star Corey Feldman | Mail Online

Conference aims to normalize pedophilia

Soya Keaveney: Modelling in her underwear at 12 and pregnant at 15 | Mail Online

NAFTA Trucking Program Raises Safety Concerns | Economy In Crisis

Disastrous Developments Still Coming from NAFTA | Economy In Crisis

Policy Failures Led to Our Crisis | Economy In Crisis

More Disastrous Free Trade Pacts Await | Economy In Crisis


North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)


WTO | GATT and the Goods Council

World Trade Organization


SPECIAL REPORT: More Than 1000 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims - Challenge UN IPCC & Gore | Climate Depot

Unethical scientific experiments: going to extremes - Telegraph

Historians say Michael Gove risks turning history lessons into propaganda classes | Politics | The Guardian

SMART METERS: No Federal Mandate « The PPJ Gazette

Fluoride Linked to Lower IQ and Neurological Impairment

Gunmen enter Israel from Sinai, kill 8 - Washington Times

Return of the Cossacks Photos | Return of the Cossacks Pictures - Yahoo! News

Asian gang crackdown yields weapons, luxury watches, cash, drugs -

U.S. Government Loaning $500M for Solar Power Projects—In India |

ACLU Hails 'Landmark' Ruling Against U.S. by Int’l Human Rights Body |

New Flood of Illegal Immigrants Predicted---from China - News Radio 1200 WOAI San Antonio Texas


* Kinsey's Paedophiles /45:24

+17 Part Video: Kinsey Syndrome

The Kinsey Syndrome 1/17 - YouTube

The Kinsey Syndrome 2/17 - YouTube

The Kinsey Syndrome 3/17 - YouTube

The Kinsey Syndrome 4/17 - YouTube

The Kinsey Syndrome 5/17 - YouTube

The Kinsey Syndrome 6/17 - YouTube

The Kinsey Syndrome 7/17 - YouTube

The Kinsey Syndrome 8/17 - YouTube

The Kinsey Syndrome 9/17 - YouTube

The Kinsey Syndrome 10/17 - YouTube

The Kinsey Syndrome 11/17 - YouTube

The Kinsey Syndrome 12/17 - YouTube

The Kinsey Syndrome 13/17 - YouTube

The Kinsey Syndrome 14/17 - YouTube

The Kinsey Syndrome 15/17 - YouTube

The Kinsey Syndrome 16/17 - YouTube

The Kinsey Syndrome 17/17 - YouTube


Artwork downtown to honor Freemasons - Naperville Sun

Rough start to school year for suburban County Club Hills student left on school bus |

Elmwood Park’s ‘Sandwich King’ lands Food Network show - Chicago Sun-Times

Invariably Laughable: Conan the Barbarian: Culture/Entertainment: SFAppeal

Taylor Armstrong Beaten, Camille Grammer Threatened |

Would Lady Gaga Ever Want To Be President? - Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV

Stephen Colbert Hurls Poop-Pun Onslaught at 'Rival' Anderson Cooper | Reuters

New 'Blade Runner' flick on its way -

Google's Biggest CSR Opportunity Yet | Reuters

Cadillac's huge-tastic convertible - 21st century land yacht (1) - CNNMoney

Sexting, Retweet and Cyberbullying Added to Dictionary

Anonymous Hackers Release FBI Contractor's Drone Data - International Business Times

Solar storms: Two breakthroughs could lead to better warnings -

DARPA offering $500,000 grant in November to fund Starship research

That Orange Goo? Rust Fungus : Discovery News

Global Warming Could Prompt Alien Attack: NASA - International Business Times

That Old Moon May be Younger Than we Thought - International Business Times

Giant Lobster on Exhibit in Coney Island : Discovery News

Nigeria launches two satellites -

Private Space Taxis Race to the Launch Pad -

Will We Be Able to Deflect an Earthbound Asteroid? | Near-Earth Asteroid Deflection: Political Issues May Impact Planetary Defense |

Tagged Norfolk cuckoos reach Africa - Environment - Eastern Daily Press

Jodie Foster Supports Alien Life Search | Care2 Healthy Living

Physicists Discover How To Suppress The Coffee-Ring Effect (Video)

U.S. Plans First Sale of Offshore Oil Leases Since Gulf Disaster -

Courthouse News Service:Big Tobacco Is Smoking Hot at the FDA

6th death from Ind. fair accident -

Bill Clinton boots burgers, says he's now vegan - HealthPop - CBS News

Doctors Question Perry's Stem Cell Back Treatment - ABC News

CDC urging all Americans to get flu shots

Amoeba caused Henrico boy's fatal infection | Richmond Times-Dispatch

Ecstasy could help treat cancer | TG Daily

Lung Cancer Can Be Detected By Sniffer Dogs

Most Doctors Will Face Malpractice Suit During Careers, Study Finds |

Book About Dieting Teen Targets Kids 6-12 - ABC News

GEN | News Highlights: Medicinal Genomics Sequences the Genome of Cannabis Sativa and Cannabis Indica

'West Memphis Three' Will Be Freed After 18 Years; DNA Evidence Feeds Doubts - ABC News

Reporter's notebook: When presidents go on "vacation," controversy follows - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Bluewater Productions to publish Bachmann, Romney and Perry comic books -

Some see Obama illegal-immigration review as amnesty -

FBI to probe Mississippi hit-and-run killing | Reuters

Husband arrested in E. Boston woman’s slaying in N.J. from Metro Desk

Elizabeth Warren Mulls U.S. Senate Run - TheStreet

Is Christine O'Donnell planning another run for office? -

2 Fort Bragg soldiers charged in teenager's death -

Body Armor Works, Army Official Says | Executive Gov

Sarah Palin's extended tease: Has style trumped substance?

Months of Unrest Led to US Call for Assad to Resign | Middle East | English

CTV Edmonton - Fatal attack on British compound in Afghan capital - CTV News

Chinese, Biden Express Confidence in Treasuries - Bloomberg

Norwegian Court Extends Isolation Of Confessed Killer Of 77 |

Indian Anti-Corruption Activist Promises 'Revolution' | Asia | English

Papal visit to Spain: the rise of Spanish secularism - Telegraph

Mulcaire, News Corp. Phone Hacker, Ordered by London Judge to Name Names - Bloomberg

Attention, California girls: Prince Harry’s on his way - TODAY People - The Royals -

US Day of Rage Non-Violent Civil Disobedience Wall Street | Video |

Jihadist Calls for Bombing U.S. Military Funerals |

Rep. Joe Walsh Explains Ethics Committee Reconsidering Israel Event | Video |

Paula Deen Reponds to Anthony Bourdain | Video |

NJ Bridal Store Refuses to Let Lesbian Alix Genter Buy a Wedding Dress |

Stages Collapse at Belgium’s Pukkelpop Music Festival | Video |

Would you Let Your Child Hold a Machine Gun? |

Charlie Rangel Calls Laura Ingraham ‘Justa a Pretty Girl’ & Apologizes | Video |

Taliban Attack British Council in Kabul | Video |

U.S. Military May Change Pension System | Video |

Egypt Mossad Spy Shampoo Infertility Reproduction Women |

White House Asks Federal Agencies to Cut Budgets |

Vilsack: Food Stamps Helped ‘Job Growth’ Over Last 17 Months | Video |

Adam Darski of Behemoth Cleared of Charges After Ripping Bible on State | Video |

Michigan Man Hits 4 People After Using Feet to Stop Car | Video |

Is the American Tea Party a Christian Movement? |

IBM Completes Computer Chips That Are Modeled on the Human Brain |

Egyptian Children Participate in Mock Mubarak Puppet Trial | Video |

Scientists Have Less Children Than They Want |

Obama Stops Automatic Deportation of Illegal Aliens |

Why is CBS News Selling Barack Obama Merchandise in its Online Store? |

Nancy Pelosi Faces Angry Protests Over Debt Ceiling Vote | Video |

Woman’s Garage Sales to Pay for Cancer Treatment Shut Down by City | Video |

Father and Son Survive Being Thrown From Truck During Crash | Video |

61-Year Old Lifeguard Roy Lester Sues State After Being Fired for Refusing to Wear Speedo |

Survey Stereotypes Android and iPhone Users |

Millions in Yen Recovered and Returned to Owners After Earthquake |

GOP‘s Allen West Says He’s the Modern Day Harriet Tubman | Video |

O’Donnell Explains Why She Walked Off CNN Set | Video |

Janeane Garofalo Wonders if Herman Cain Paid to Run by Racists | Video |

Awesome Video: Meet Otis the Skydiving Super Pug |

National Geographic’s Pint-Sized Preachers | Video |

Bad luck? Bad faith? - The Washington Post

Is Obama finally fighting to create jobs? - U.S. Economy -

Terry McAuliffe On Jobs: "We Need Action" | RealClearPolitics

Heather Taylor-Miesle: Rick Perry: Just Another Climate Denier

Joe Biden update: His GOP 'terrorists' quote reaffirmed -

Stephen Moore: Why Americans Hate Economics -

Morning Jay: Leave Ike Out of It! | The Weekly Standard

Why Arne Duncan Shouldn't Really Be Dissing Texas Schools - TIME

RealClearPolitics - Where's the Syria Plan?

Barack Obama's Martha's Vineyard vacation looks like an act of presidential hara-kiri – Telegraph Blogs

Size, Speed, And Smarts: Three Essential Ingredients Of A New Jobs Program. | The New Republic

Why Rick Perry is a strong candidate -

Rick Perry: Outflanking George W. Bush on the Far Right - The Daily Beast

Change for the Worse -

Obama's Job No. 1: Create jobs -

'Billion-Ton' Update: Bioenergy Growth Opportunities

America's Energy Choices

Carl Pope: Rays of Sunshine (and Gigawatts) in Asia

Why Michele Bachman's $2 Gas Promise is a Bad Thing - International Business Times

Solar Energy: Tough Love in the EU — MasterResource

Saudi Arabia’s Nuclear Energy Ambitions | The Energy Collective

Biomass key for low-carbon energy, spurs food prices | Climate Spectator

How Can Washington Green America's Economy? | The Energy Collective

How Can Washington Green America's Economy? - Energy & Environment Experts

Huntsman on evolution, warming: 'Call me crazy' - Darren Samuelsohn -

PopSci's 25 Most Awesome College Labs 2011 | Popular Science

Number of Green Jobs Fails to Live Up to Promises -

The Tech of TV News Might Make It Easier for Pundits to Lie - Alexis Madrigal - Technology - The Atlantic

Get Ready for the Democratization of Destruction - By Andrew Krepinevich | Foreign Policy

English: The Inescapable Language — The American Magazine

Controversy - Minorities Less Likely To Get NIH Grants?

French Airport Tests 'Virtual' Hologram Boarding Agents |

BBC News - Sun storms 'could be more disruptive within decades'

What Dark Matter's Alternatives Must Do : Starts With A Bang

This massive engineering project may be our best chance at colonizing space

To Save the Galaxy, Destroy Humanity : Discovery News

Going to the Doctor Like Visiting the Auto Mechanic? - Blog

Football analysis leads to advance in artificial intelligence | News & Research Communications | Oregon State University

Penn Molecular Scientists Develop Color-Changing Stress Sensor | Penn News

NASA - Honeycomb Carbon Crystals Possibly Detected in Space

Scientists reverse evolution with snouted chicken - Telegraph

BBC News - IBM produces first 'brain chips'

Pheromones, body care products, and sexual attraction: Don't believe the hype. - By Randi Hutter Epstein - Slate Magazine

Black applicants less likely to win NIH grants : Nature News

Paul Meier - Statistician who saved millions of lives - Web Exclusive Article - Significance Magazine

Failed Hypersonic Plane Flight: Risk is Part of the Game - Blog

Joseph Siev: Reconstructing A Fractured Zionism

Jon Huntsman: The Outsider - Magazine - Vogue

Religion News: Exploring Mormonism and the U.S. presidency - Greenfield, MO - Greenfield Vedette

‘Dominionism’ beliefs among conservative Christians overblown - The Washington Post

Why the 9/11 Cross Should Offend All of Us | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

Why No One Talks About Black-Jewish Relations –

Arab Spring raises hopes of rebirth for Mideast science, Muslim scientists say | FaithWorld

GEORGE WEIGEL: Martyrdom in Pakistan


Trusting God with the Ones You Love | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

Paralysis, Polarization, Politics, and Empire | First Things

WORLD Magazine | Thousands left behind | Marvin Olasky | Aug 27, 11

Christian music festival may have sung its last tune – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

The God Factor: A soundtrack for your inner Dude

RealClearMarkets: Market-Related News, Analysis & Commentary

China’s $3.2 Trillion Headache - Yao Yang - Project Syndicate

Young Westerners — Deprived or Decadent or What? - Victor Davis Hanson - National Review Online

Commentary: The Inside Story of America's Favorite Terrorist Group | The National Interest

Mainland China's Military Development and Taiwan's Countermeasures - Brookings Institution

The Nonproliferation Policy Education Center | NPEC

U.S. and allies turn up heat on Bashar al-Assad - The Washington Post

Crushing dissent in Cuba - The Boston Globe

It's the middle class, stupid - The Times of India

Russia’s glorious revolution lives on - The Washington Post

The Mystery of Mikhail: Gorbachev's Ambiguous Legacy - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

US voters are not mad. Our stereotype of them is patronising and wrong | Martin Kettle | Comment is free | The Guardian

In The Arctic Race, The U.S. Lags Behind : NPR

Ottawa must pay to be player up north

Arkansas judge accepts plea deal, frees Memphis 3

"Sword of Damocles" hangs over deficit panel

Babysitter sentenced to life in prison for killing 7-year-old

Husband, woman charged in murder of wife in NJ

Italy's Enel wins wind farm projects in Brazil

UN calls for tougher poaching sentences

How Skippy got his hop: kangaroo genome is sequenced

15 rockets fired from Gaza into Israel in 24 hour period

'Gaza-based PRC denies responsibility for Eilat attack'

Riots: Mother jailed for handling looted shorts freed on appeal

IAF planes strike in Gaza after rockets slam South

Windfarms prevent detection of secret nuclear weapon tests, says MoD

Lebanon tribunal orders probe of 3 more attacks

Bankers buying shares

Pakistan mosque bomb kills at least 40

Activists: Syrian forces fire at anti-Assad protesters

This Week in History: Gaza Disengagement begins

Revamping The Military Retirement System: A High-Stakes Jenga Game

20 Years Ago Today: The Coup That Failed

Report: Islam Has Overtaken Catholicism In France

Goodwill Games? Basketbrawl Between China and Georgetown U

China-U.S. basketball friendly erupts into brawl | Reuters

Arab Spring Or Anarchy? Terror En Route To Vacation In Israel

China Turns Soviet Aircraft Carrier Into Luxury Hotel

US army to develop next-generation combat vehicle

Audio: Jim Hanson: Armchair Quarterbacking

Palestinian ‘Martyr’: I Don’t Want Four Wives; I Want 70 Wives!

Al Qaida Attack In Israel! Seven Dead, Terrorists Infiltrated From EGYPT

Oh No, Not Again! ‘Smart Power’ Is Back

Battlefield Forensics

US Army May Give Robots Their Own Base; Allow Them To Roam Freely!

The Life of Wylie: Canine Cruelty By Our ‘Afghan Allies’

Jihadists Threaten To ‘Cut The Tongue’ Of David Letterman

U.S. Army: Our Body Armor Is Compromised

Sound Bite for the Day: Sharpton Silence

Politico Stands Behind Its “Biden Terrorist” Story

Embattled NBC News Star Sharpton Backs Out of Panel on Crown Heights Riots

Sound Bite for the Day: The Reverend Long Non-Question

An American World Service?

The New Punk Rock with Dana Loesch

New York Times Columnist Attacks Perry With Twitter, Gives Biden/ Demos A Pass

Google Juggernaut Rolls On

Big Labor Bet Big, Lost Big in Wisconsin

Audio: Crisis in Europe and Shifts in the PC Market

NASA: Boldly Going Toward Irrelevancy

‘If You are a White, Middle-Aged American Male, You Might be a Terrorist!’

Indoctrination Fridays: ‘Global Warming’ Activist Teacher Takes Her Agenda to ‘Truck Country’

Connecticut Governor: Now That We’ve Changed the Rules, We’re the Example for ‘Respectful’ Relationship with Unions

Market Melt: The Deflationary M2 Explosion

Radley Balko joins #FOIAchat this Friday!

‘Wel-Fair’: Taxpayers Pay $1.4 million to Subsidize the Wyoming State Fair

The Case For Recall Reform In Wisconsin

Virtue vs. Profit: The War on Cancer

A Textbook Case of Government Waste and Stupidity

Audio: Adam Hasner on Florida and the Fed Under Fire

Political Realities Are a Bit Hard for Rep. Maxine Waters to Accept

Spare Us the Lecture, Mr. President

Conservative-Empowering Playlist ‘High Fidelity’ Rob Would Be Proud Of

Hollywood’s Broke: AMC Network In No-Win Situation

‘Fright Night’ Review: Leaves You Thirsty for More

‘Real Housewives of Beverly Hills’ and Suicide By Celeb-Reality Expectations

Jihadists Threaten To ‘Cut The Tongue’ Of David Letterman

Gene Simmons: Obama ‘Unqualified,’ Gov. Rick Perry Will Win in 2012

Morning Call Sheet: No Plastic Surgery For You, Smell-O-Vision, and Tom Hanks Offers Refunds

Janeane Garofalo’s ‘Racist Dogwhistle’ Tells Us Herman Cain Doesn’t Have a Mind of His Own

Janeane Garofalo Is A Racist » American Glob

In Which Big Hollywood Helps Harvey Weinstein Pay More Taxes…

Time Film Critic Corliss Works Anti-Bush, Anti-Perry Snark Into Review of 'Conan the Barbarian' Remake |

Gerard Depardieu 'Sorry' for Peeing in Plane Cabin - The Hollywood Reporter

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Morning Call Sheet: Good and Bad Scott Brothers, ‘This is Jim Rockford,’ and T.G.I.F.


19-Aug-11 World View

18-Aug-11 World View

17-Aug-11 World View

16-Aug-11 World View

15-Aug-11 World View

14-Aug-11 World View

13-Aug-11 World View


**NEWS VIDEOS:Coulter Slams Media for Never Vetting Obama

Striking IBEW Workers Protest at Verizon Exec’s Home; ‘We’re Here to Fight!’

Patronizing Rangel to Ingraham: ‘Just a Pretty Girl’

18th/Sharpton’s Greatest 20 Seconds of Television, Ever

Sharpton’s TelePrompter Challenge Continues

Perry: Evolution Is ‘Theory’ with ‘Gaps’

Obama: ‘I Don’t Think We are in Danger of Another Recession’

Pelosi Heckled at Town Hall; ‘Sell Out!’

Sen Lautenberg: ‘We Got to Eliminate the Rich’

Obama Approval Rating on Economy: 26%

Garofalo: Cain Running to Deflect GOP’s Inherent Racism

Cornyn Lukewarm on Perry, Hot on Ryan

Threat to Letterman on Muslim Forum

SEIU Mob Attacks Shopping Mall Security Guards

NBC News’ Matthews: Perry Would Have Opposed School Integration

17th/Jon Stewart Hammers Ed Schultz for Race-Baiting Deceptive Edit

Ron Paul: Perry Makes Me Look Moderate

Rush: Obama Owns Two Car Companies, Goes to Canada to Buy Buses

NBC News Lets Sharpton’s False Racism Implication Against Perry Stand

Lefty Actress Aisha Tyler: Time for Rush to ‘Catch on Fire’

Al Sharpton’s Amazing, Long, Non-Question Question

Obama Screws Up Name of Company Hosting Town Hall

Victim of Union Thug Intimidation Speaks Out

Perry: Global Warming Scientists Skewed Data for Money

Obama’s Ride: ‘Battle Bus from Mordor’

Christine O’Donnell Sues Soros Funded Group

Obama Blames ATMs, Internet for High Unemployment

Ohio Business Owner Shot For Being Non-Union

Rove: Don’t Lecture Us About Rhetoric, Mr. President

15th/Cuba’s First Ever Gay/Transgendered Wedding Celebrated

Obama on Obamacare: ‘Should Be Upheld Without a Problem’

Bomb Squad Called to Boehner’s Office

**World Video:U.S. Dysfunction Signals Weakness

Putin 'Castrated' Russian Politics

Clinton: It's Time For Assad To Get Out Of The Way

Economy Key Point For Biden In China

U.S. Uncertainty Hits Indian Firms

Libyan Rebels Take Key Oil Refinery

Arson Attacks Baffle German Police

Anti Pope Protesters Clash With Police In Madrid.

At Least 10 Dead Near British Compound In Kabul

Raw Video: Pakistan Mosque Blast Kills 40

9/11 Perspectives: Pursuing A Global Response To Terrorism

U.S. Political Dysfunction Taking A Toll On Foreign Policy

What's Behind Deadly Attacks In Southern Israel?

Syrian Ambassador Interview Part 1

Syrian Ambassador Interview Part 2

18th/Chinese Perceptions Of U.S. Power

Raw Video: Biden Arrives In China

Is It Worth Its Weight In Gold?

Taking Steps To Tackle Euro Turmoil

Life In Tripoli As Rebels Close In

UK Men Get Four Years For Facebook Riot Messages

9 Dead As Assad Says Military Ops Over In Syria

20 Dead In Afghan Roadside Blast

20 Years Since Yeltsin Defied Coup In Russia

Multiple Dead, Hurt In Israel Bus Attacks

Ronald Bruder: Stabilizing The Middle East

Doron Avital On A Two-State Solution

Eurozone Has Deep Concerns About Contagion From U.S.

Turkish-Iranian Coordination On Syria And The Saudi Arabian Factor

** Markets Video - PIMCO's Gross: Recession Is Inevitable

18th/ Will Obama's New Plan Be More of the Same?

Kudlow to Goolsbee: What's Your Man Gonna Do?

**Politics Video:Ingraham To Rangel: "Is Liberalism Working For The Black Community?"

Flash Mob Robberies Continue In D.C. Area

Flash Mob Robbery In Montgomery County, MD

Dem Senator: "We Got To Eliminate The Rich"

WaPo's Cillizza: Obama Vacation Okay Because Palin Quit Her Job

Dem Rep: Obama Will Have "Very Tough Time" Winning Re-Election

Economist Jeffrey Sachs Hits Obama: "There's Never Been A Plan"

Krauthammer: Problem With Obama's Vacation Is "The Choice Of Place"

Klein: White House Has To Start Using "Leverage"

Gov. Haley: "Too Soon" To Pick A GOP Favorite

Reich: Obama Needs To Propose A "Bold" Jobs Package

18th/Obama Leaves For 10-Day Summer Vacation In Martha's Vineyard

Gingrich: Obama Won't Give Up Fantasy Of Bureaucratic Socialism And Class Warfare

Palin: "Government Can't Make You Happy, Healthy, Wealthy And Wise"

Eugene Robinson: Absolutely Legitimate For Obama To Take A Vacation

Niger Innis On Obamanomics And The Black Community

Rep. Ed Markey: "Environmental Regulations Create More Jobs"

Charlie Rangel Gets Sexist During Interview With Laura Ingraham

Matthews: "Dem Party Is A Centrist Party ... Not A Hard Socialist Party"

Howard Dean: "We Have A Crisis Of Confidence"

Rick Perry Heckled Outside New Hampshire Cafe

Steve Forbes: America Will Turn Around

Jon Stewart On Ed Schultz's "Black Cloud" Racist Lie About Perry

Nancy Pelosi Heckled At Town Hall Over Debt Bill: "Sell-Out"

Palin: Obama "Tone Deaf" Going On Vacation At This Time

Art Laffer: Government Spending Is Taxation

Gov. Daniels Considering Support For Paul Ryan Presidential Run

Texas GOP Senator Would Like To See Paul Ryan Run For President

Garofalo: Herman Cain "Being Paid To Run," Has Stockholm Syndrome

Rep. Maxine Waters: Black Unemployment At "Depression Levels"

Krauthammer: Romney's Strategy Is "Smart"

Maddow: Success Of WI Recalls Has Ohio GOP Rethinking Plans

Trump: "Our President Is Grossly Incompetent"

Matthews: Tea Party "Churchy, Not Particularly Fond Of Minorities"


*17th/Transcripts: Obama's Townhall Meeting in Alpha, Illinois

Analysts Discuss Obama's Midwest Bus Tour

Interview with Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker

Roundtable on the Changing 2012 GOP Field

16th/ Interview with President Obama

Interview with Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum

Obama's Remarks at the Rural Economic Forum

Analyst Discusses the Latest Iraq Violence

Secretaries Clinton & Panetta at the NDU

15th/Obama's Townhall Meeting in Decorah, Iowa

Interview with Presidential Candidate Ron Paul

How Heated Will the GOP Race Get?

Interview with Representative James Clyburn

Interview with Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack

14th/Guests: Michele Bachmann and Tim Pawlenty

Guests: Bachmann, Cain and King

Guests: Bachmann and Wasserman Schultz

Guests: 2012 Candidate Bachmann and Gov. Branstad

Interview with 2012 Candidate Michele Bachmann

12th/Interview with Presidential Candidate Jon Huntsman

Interview with DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Panel on the GOP Debate in Iowa

Shields and Lowry on the GOP in Iowa

11th/The 2012 GOP Presidential Debate at Iowa State University

Obama's Remarks on Government and the Economy

Interview with Presidential Candidate Tim Pawlenty

Interview with Obama Advisor David Axelrod

Analysts on the Deficit Super Committee

10th/Interview with Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney

Representative Peter King on Sony's Bin Laden Movie

Interview with Representative Jim Jordan

Interview with Representative Allen West

Wisconsin Reporter Discusses the Recalls

9th/Analysts Discuss the Federal Reserve's Statement

Interview with Senator Rand Paul

Panel on the 2012 GOP Race in Iowa

8th/Obama's Remarks on the Economy

Interview with Senator Jim DeMint

Krugman, Rogoff & Belton on the Economy

Panel on the Latest in Afghanistan

7th/Guests: Senators Kerry and McCain

Guests: Represenative Ryan and Tim Pawlenty

Guests: Senator Graham and David Axelrod

Guests: Senator Sessions and Governor O'Malley


* Official Frank Serpico Blog(

*19 Aug

American Minute for August 19th

August 19 Events in History

Today in History: August 19

August 19th in History

This Day in History for 19th August

Today in History: August 19

August 19th This Day in History

Today in History for August 19th - YouTube


Keiser Report: Crimogenic UK (E174) - YouTube

Gary Johnson "We're Talking About Doing Away With the IRS, Income Tax, Social Security Withholding" - YouTube

"Dept Of Homeland Security Attempt To Induce A Permanent State Of Fear & Paranoia!" - YouTube

Court Rules Police Misconduct Records Must Be Made Public! - YouTube

America’s Cultural Catastrophe: Suffer the Children

“Economic Government” Would Integrate Europe To A Degree Not Seen Since The Roman Empire

SETI Institute set to re-open

Activist Glenn Spencer: ATF Promotes It's Own Involved in 'Fast & Furious' Scandal - YouTube

A Twilight of Evil - Alex Jones Tv - YouTube

2 Videos: Dr. Bob Bowman & Alex Jones: DARPA’s Secret Little Air Force in Space Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Obamanoids Praying Establishment Pick Rick Perry Wins GOP Nomination Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Obama 2012 team would prefer to run against Rick Perry | The Raw Story

Biological Weapons: Bargaining With the Devil (Part Four) | Truthout

» Chavez Gold Action Leads to Backwardation, Short Squeeze and ‘Havoc’ Concerns Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Lew Rockwell: Nixon ‘Unleashed’ the Fed, Initiated Death of the Dollar Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Big Brother 2.0: 10 New Ways That The Government Will Be Spying On You And Controlling Your Behavior Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

US to build shadow web — RT

US to build shadow web - YouTube


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