A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

05 July 2011


CIA Exhales: 99 Out of 101 Torture Cases Dropped | Danger Room |

Activist Post: Acts of Entrapment Ruled OK in The War on Terror

US Rejects Pakistani Demand to Leave Air Base -- News from

Unique Scoop: Snake oil ? Scientific evidence for health supplements

YouTube - ‪Thorium Revolt: Mineral to replace uranium as nuclear power source?‏

The 19 Most Hated Companies In America

The Militarized Surrealism of Barack Obama by Tom Engelhardt --

Obama Loses His ‘Constitutional Law Professor Hat’ by Charles Davis --

Water wars: 21st century conflicts? - Features - Al Jazeera English

British Government Devised Propaganda Campaign To Downplay Fukushima :

VIDEO - Female Mayor Punches Sheriff In The Face In Public Dispute Over Housing Demolition - Home - The Daily Bail

College education becomes a predator’s lounge for Wall Street and the government – Since 2000 the real cost of college is up by 23 percent yet the real earnings of college graduates is down by 11 percent.

Gaddafi's son: Libya like McDonald's for NATO - fast war as fast food - 12160

Official Calls For Riverside, 12 Other Counties To Secede From California - 12160

Activist Post: How to Arrest The Economy-Strangling EPA

Lone Star Watchdog: Is Gov Rick Perry Really FED UP with Washington or Full of It?

Dispelling Libyan myths > Global > Redress Information & Analysis

How Does NSA Get Away With Running Top Secret Menwith Hill in the UK? |

Phony "Anonymous" and "Lulzsec" hacker groups were designed to promote draconian anti-internet legislation. - 12160

2011 Independence Day: Declare “emperor's no clothes” facts of US tyranny today - National Nonpartisan |

Celebrating Independence Yet Enslaved To Debt

Activist Post: 5 Outrageous Examples of FBI Intimidation and Entrapment

Activist Post: Obama DOJ Leaves Medical Marijuana Patients Sick and Suffering

YouTube - ‪Russia: No more vague resolutions allowing anyone to do anything!‏

Top 10 Things You Should Know About The Farm Bill | Environmental Working Group

YouTube - ‪TheTinyDot‏

Oklahoma City bombing case file too massive to search, FBI tells Utah judge | Deseret News

China National Petroleum Begins Work at Al-Ahdab Oil Field in Iraq -

The New World Holocaust

Revolutionary Politics : More Scare Propaganda: "While We're Having 4th Of July Barbecue These People Are Plotting To Kill Us!" Congressman Peter King

'I had to psychologically dislocate a detainee': Former CIA agent reveals 'torture' methods and secret prison in memoir | Mail Online

Govs. Rick Perry And Rick Scott Go AWOL During State Emergencies To Attend Secret Koch Event | ThinkProgress

Senators propose National Guard general given Joint Chiefs of Staff seat - National Law Enforcement |

The Anti-Empire Report Libya: Unending American hostility by William Blum

YouTube - ‪Gaza flotilla activist: Ray McGovern‏

26 Percent Of Americans Don’t Know U.S. Declared Independence From Great Britain | ThinkProgress

PressTV - Child poverty in US approaches 25%


American's Journey: Is "Constitutional Scholar" Obama really just a "Graffiti Vandal?"

Activist Post: Countdown to Invasion; Libya's Neighborhoods Prepare for NATO's Boots

The Essence Of Banking... - Home - The Daily Bail

South Park Bailout Episode - "And...It's Gone!" - Home - The Daily Bail

5th Dimension SINGS The Declaration Of Independence - Home - The Daily Bail

Revolutionary Politics : A99 #OpESR RICO Class Action Lawsuit Against the Federal Reserve

Revolutionary Politics : Brief History Of The Pledge Of Allegiance

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul: U.S. moving toward "soft fascism."

The Audacity of Hope [UPDATING] | Veterans Today

HISTORY LESSON: What became of the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence? - Home - The Daily Bail

YouTube - ‪US Healthcare unaffordable to most Americans‏

Activist Post: Australian Green Party Leader admits Global Warming is Really all about World Government

AK-47: The Ultimate Resistance Rifle » Nationalist Coalition Blog

American's Journey: Kagan: Just another lyin' sack of food for the mushroom-masses

American's Journey: Buchanan on Kagan

Activist Post: It's Official: International Criminal Court has ZERO Mandate

Activist Post: More propaganda: US claims Iran sending arms to Taliban, Iran calls it "ridiculous lies"

The Intercept: Reply to James Fetzer Over No Plane Nonsense


**Pilots For 9/11 Truth


A Free Thinker's Journey: You are an Anarchist

A Project Humanbeingsfirst Document: Palestine: Seeking The Enemy Within By Zahir Ebrahim

Leading article: Power that threatens both an industry and democracy - Leading Articles, Opinion - The Independent

Governments are the Primary Creators of Systemic Risk

Whose $100 Million ATM Receipt Is This? - The Consumerist

Flashback: Misleading Information Posted To Internet By Cadre At Army Corps Of Engineers About New Orleans Flooding :

YouTube - ‪US inches towards default deadline‏

Activist Post: CIA Coup Army Uncovered in Asia

Fed Officials Led By Greenspan Saw Housing Bubble in 2005, Didn't Alter Policy - Newly Released FOMC Minutes - Home - The Daily Bail


MIA: Missing in America

YouTube - ‪Hard times generation: homeless kids‏

Revolutionary Politics : "Nothing is less American than the Current Government" - Take Back Independence Day - Adam Kokesh

F-15 fighter jet intercepts plane near Obama's Camp David location |

This is Devon | Injunction to move by the end the of month

"Probably inevitable" a country will exit euro: Soros - Yahoo! News

Getting used to Life without Food

15 Food Companies That Serve You 'Wood' - TheStreet

The Real Cause of the U.S. Debt Crisis: Spiralling Defense Spending

How I Learned the Truth about the State - Stefano R. Mugnaini - Mises Daily

YouTube - ‪Independence Day?‏

Interview: General Hamid Gul, Former DG ISI "The war on terror is meant to destablise Pakistan" By Arif Rana

Shivering Britain: Little Ice Age could be on its way | Mail Online

Evacuation in Montana after Exxon oil pipe ruptures beneath Yellowstone River | Mail Online

Al Gore's next crusade: in your bed -

Microsoft admits Patriot Act can access EU-based cloud data | ZDNet

Lone Star Watchdog: July 4th is Not Just About a Birth of a Nation. It Is About Our Right To Secede From An Empire

Lone Star Watchdog: We Need to Follow the Example of John Hancock

ABC News Says They Made An Error Reporting Fort Calhoun Evacuation, Demands Story Be Scrubbed From Internet

YouTube - ‪Inside 9/11 - Hijacking the air defense‏

US puts a price on Lockerbie bomber | The Australian

'I had to psychologically dislocate a detainee': Former CIA agent reveals 'torture' methods and secret prison in memoir | Mail Online

YouTube - ‪Ted Gunderson Former FBI Chief - Most Terror Attacks Are Committed By Our CIA And FBI‏

A July Fourth Shame on the Founders | My Catbird Seat

Ex-Mossad Chief’s Iran Warnings May Backfire: Jeffrey Goldberg |

Monsanto accused of violating bio-safety rules |

Monsanto Under Federal Investigation For Cash Incentives Program |

Upstate store only offers items that are 100 percent USA-made -

A Declaration Of Independence From Israel | Video Rebel's Blog

Anti-Neocons • Declaration of Independence from Israel and the Neocon cabal

A July Fourth Shame on the Founders | Intifada Palestine

YouTube - ‪Alex Jones says that Hezbollah is on US-Mexico border advising Cartels‏

YouTube - ‪FBI using GPS to track activists‏

YouTube - ‪Treason by Members of the United States Congress‏

YouTube - ‪Bombed? Video of blaze as blast hits Egypt gas pipeline to Israel‏

YouTube - ‪Inside Story - Outsourcing the Gaza blockade‏

YouTube - ‪4409 -- Political control Freaks take over Farmers Market‏

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul - U.S. Heading for Soviet-Style Economic Collapse

Activist Post: US anti-piracy body targets foreign website owners for extradition

Proof that the Government is tilting at windmills - Telegraph

China’s power stations generate ‘future spike’ in global warming - Climate Change, Environment - The Independent

Germany's constitutional court weighs the legality of the bailouts – Telegraph Blogs

The Annotated Frank Rich - The President’s Failure to Demand a Reckoning From the Moneyed Interests Who Brought the Economy Down -- New York Magazine

Ken Blackwell: Time's Orwellian Story on U.S. Constitution Refuted!

Obama’s Economists: ‘Stimulus’ Has Cost $278,000 per Job | The Weekly Standard

The Narco-Terror War - Right Web - Institute for Policy Studies

Activist Post: Wisdom from the Orient: Self-Sufficiency

Activist Post: Protect Your Computer and Phone from Illegal Police Searches


Music Rights Groups Raided By Police, Bosses Arrested For Fraud | TorrentFreak

YouTube - ‪NEW WARNING Horrific UNRELEASED Video Footage from Fukushima JAPAN‏

The Pioneer/ Recipe for disaster

Nuclear energy still won’t die Commodities Corner - MarketWatch

$11 billion treasure revealed beneath temple in India – This Just In - Blogs

SC-ordered treasure hunt puts fairy tales in shade

American Heritage Library:Our Founding Fathers - The Price They Paid

Secret Service to probe hack on Fox News Twitter -


Crisis by consensus

Imbedded crises

Induced Fraud

Inside Job



Feds buying up farmland they flooded; Soros in on it | Food Freedom

July 4th - Celebrations Cannot Hide Damaged Democracy | This Can't Be Happening

The adoration of Bibi Netanyahu - Arab News

Drawdown of American troops | Opinion Maker

UK girls at risk of mutilation abroad - Home News, UK - The Independent

Qaddafi Warns of Carrying Out Attacks in Europe -

Montana governor questions Exxon on oil's spread - Yahoo! News

Is the U.N. stealing control of our water (and Republic) right out from under us? « The PPJ Gazette

Huge rare earth deposits found in Pacific: Japan experts | Reuters

YouTube - ‪Rense & Marti Oakley - Guardianship - Theft, Looting And Murder‏


Activist Post: The Journey to Jekyll Island

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Name of the Game is Bailout

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Protectors of the Public


Activist Post: Thailand: Globalist Stooge Returns to Power - Central Bank, World Tyranny, Fixed Markets

Remembering Thomas Jefferson - A Magnificent American

Independence Day Hypocrisy

Paul Drockton M.A.: Independent American Party Fulfills 1844 Prophecy

Devolving America Into Parallel Societies

Mayors Tell Congress: Bring War Dollars Home

YouTube - ‪Breaking AMAZING News caster tells people,goverment satanists exposed,wake up,29/06/11,MP4,mp4.‏

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Assange, Žižek & Goodman Conversation July 2,


YouTube - ‪David Lynch on iPhone‏

NY motorcyclist dies on ride protesting helmet law | World news |

The Ed Miliband loop and the media reality deficit | Charlie Brooker | Comment is free | The Guardian

Alastair Campbell diaries: MI6 warned Blair over dangers of Brown rift | Politics | The Guardian

GPs pocket millions from secret taxpayer-funded scheme - Telegraph

It's a little late to be angry about Van Rompuy's palace, Mr Cameron - Telegraph

Fury at BBC for offering jobs as prizes to unemployed in 'cruel' gameshow | Mail Online

AP Exclusive: US ignores vet graves in Philippines | World news |

US anti-piracy body targets foreign website owners for extradition | Technology | The Guardian

Roy Tov – Facebook and Chile: Chronicles of a CIA Dictatorship

Did FBI surveillance push Ernest Hemingway to the brink of suicide? | Mail Online

Fox News's hacked Twitter feed declares Obama dead | News |

Mary Ann Sieghart: Where have all the europhiles gone? - Mary Ann Sieghart, Commentators - The Independent

US Working And Middle Class - Solidarity Or Competition In The Face Of Crisis?

Chinese toddler caught by passer-by after 10 storey fall | Mail Online

Britain's oldest biker still going strong at 94: Reg Scott has ridden nearly 400,000 miles | Mail Online

Why are we ashamed to celebrate Waterloo? Government refuses to mark brutal battle that allowed us to build the world's greatest empire | Mail Online


YouTube - ‪How your community is implementing AGENDA 21‏

YouTube - ‪"Agenda 21" The UN's diabolical plan for the world is explained on the "Glenn Beck Show"‏

The Great Gulf Coast Holocaust Pt 1 | Farm Wars

The Great Gulf Coast Holocaust Pt 2 | Farm Wars


YouTube - ‪Catholic Investigative Agency : The Rockefeller Foundation‏

What is the Plain Truth about the Pledge of Allegiance? - Fox Business Video -

Thoughts on July 4th: Our Incredible Shrinking Constitution | This Can't Be Happening

Adobe book editor positive: Obama certificate is phony

YouTube - ‪The Creation of the Asteroid Belt: A Remote-Viewing Study‏

YouTube - ‪Fast Effects of MASSIVE HYPERINFLATION!‏

Executive Pay at Big Companies Rose 23% Last Year -

Gold To Hit $10,000 - Silver $500 - China Invades

Pakistan: One Ball-Six Runs | Opinion Maker

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Amazing Job: London Rhymes with Palestine for OneWorld

Ending Nuclear Evil - Desmond Tutu - Project Syndicate

Third of parents believe web 'rewires' brain - News, Gadgets & Tech - The Independent

Shivering Britain: Little Ice Age could be on its way | Mail Online

Japan discovers 'rare earth' minerals used for iPads | Technology |

How first 24 hours shaped Japan's nuclear crisis - Yahoo! News

Sorry we could not find the page you were looking for.

Iran smuggling weapons to U.S. enemies in Iraq and Afghanistan to destabilize the region | Mail Online

Are These GOP Candidates Running For President of the U.S.—or Israel? | Republic Broadcasting Network

Exxon oil spill in Mont. river prompts evacuations - Yahoo! News

Cell phones ‘don’t cause cancer’: study | The Raw Story

Scientists Say California Mega-Quake Imminent -

Surprise! Iraq War Deaths Exceed Vietnam War

DSK maid turned tricks at a Manhattan DA hotel -

Paul Drockton M.A.: Independent American Party Deserves Consideration

Boeing’s Dreamliner: The Long Wait Is Almost Over - Bloomberg

Major Teachers Union Endorses Obama’s Re-election | Vision to America

Dem Chairman to Republicans: ‘Just Put Your White Hoods On Already’ | Vision to America

George Washington Saved America’s Constitution | Vision to America

Senator: Constitution Doesn’t Define Presidential Eligibility | Vision to America

Is OPEC Headed for Collapse? | Vision to America

8 Signs Your Governor Has a Koch Problem | AFL-CIO NOW BLOG

Robert Fisk: How Iran wages its own global 'war on terror' - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent

The gilded generation: What is it like to grow up as part of Russia's new power elite? - Europe, World - The Independent

Biofuels land grab in Kenya's Tana Delta fuels talk of war | Environment | The Observer

Starvation returns to the Horn of Africa - Africa, World - The Independent

Farmers enouraged to cash in on the scramble for wind - Telegraph

'Gender-neutral' pre-school accused of mind control - Europe, World - The Independent

Porn: Feminists claim X-rated content is as addictive as cocaine and gambling | Mail Online

Half a million children facing liver disease timebomb - Health News, Health & Families - The Independent

Activist Post: The U.S. Monetary System and Descent into Fascism

CIA Instructions to Media Assets

YouTube - ‪Rense & Robert Hastings - UFOs Took Control Of Our Nukes‏

Nevermind the Pi music, here's what Tau sounds like (video) -- Engadget




YouTube - ‪BLOCKBUSTER REVELATION! - MINI Documentary - Illegal Obama "Propped Up" By Congress!‏




**Earth Summit ;Agenda 21


Aspen Ideas Festival: 'Put your damn phone down' say social media gurus | World news |

Paul Drockton M.A.: The Declaration of Independence

Jon Huntsman's Chinese Legacy

YouTube - ‪Lightning hits the Willis Tower - June 30, 2011‏

Activist Post: 2011 Independence Day: Declare “emperor's no clothes” facts of US tyranny

US group 'concerned' about climate science threats - Yahoo! News - Pop Music as a Corrupting Force

Vatican Returns Profit After Three Years In Red, But Donations Down

The economic recovery turns 2: Feel better yet?

How Greed Destroys America | Consortiumnews

Pack Journalism Anti-Gaddafi Propaganda

Officials mum on Pakistani nukes for Saudis - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Princess Diana death film cover-up

Alastair Campbell: Blair was angry at Prince's interference | Politics | The Guardian

YouTube - ‪Prince talks about Chemtrails on TV‏

Police Prepare For Marijuana Decriminalization - Hartford Courant

Patrick Buchanan: The Death Of Moral Community - OpEd

U.S. Nuclear Scares and Dishonest Industry - Signs of Nuclear Crisis in America? - International Business Times


+The Family Prostitute - Page 1 - News - Los Angeles - LA Weekly

+The Family Prostitute: Portraits of Women Brand-New to the Sex Trade - Los Angeles - Slideshows




*Weekly Southern African Report*


Stench of Zion: Israel Did 9/11 - All The Proof

YouTube - ‪Inside 9/11 - Hijacking the air defense‏

Protect Your Computer and Phone from Illegal Police Searches | Electronic Frontier Foundation

The Sanitized Version of Neoconservatism | Veterans Today’s John Kurtz Jailed | Orlando Copwatch

Designer Home Or Fortress?

Tara Murray: These attacks are illegal – until Obama declares war - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent

Leading article: Power that threatens both an industry and democracy - Leading Articles, Opinion - The Independent

Rupert Murdoch: Empire of the Sun | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

News Corp/BSkyB deal underlines Murdoch's political clout | Media |

Adrian Hamilton: A promise by Murdoch is meaningless - Adrian Hamilton, Commentators - The Independent

YouTube - ‪Agenda 21 for lower living standards‏

Obama administration moves forward with unique internet ID for Americans, Commerce Department to head system up -- Engadget

Greenpeace takes on Monsanto over 'pesticides arms race' - News - The Ecologist


**Death By Caffeine;Calculator


What we are facing on planet Earth - National freethought |

Octomom: 'My children are animals and I hate my babies' says Nadya Suleman | Mail Online

Activist Post: Globalism in History: Internationalism and Her Law

Activist Post: Top Obama Advisor: Homeland is "Primary" Focus of Counterterrorism

The True Hollywood Story Of How the Left Took Over Your TV » Publications » Family Security Matters

Soon Google will know what you want before you do - Telegraph

YouTube - ‪The NWO religion is Genetic Diversity‏

Elixir of life discovered on Easter Island - Telegraph

YouTube - ‪UFO Mothership & Fleet Over London UK 24th June 2011 (Credit alymc01) [HD]‏

Huge UFO Near Nuclear Missiles Acknowledged By Technicians

The Electric Comet: The Elephant in NASA's Living Room? - Attack on Heterosexuality is Satanism

How to Record the Cops, Ct’d . . . | The Agitator

U.S. Navy Seal team who killed Bin Laden may have used night vision contact lenses | Mail Online

Is This Obama's Birth Certificate From Mombasa, Kenya?

Obama's 'Birth Certificate'

DEMYSTIFYING 9/11 | Opinion Maker

Top 10 UFO incidents in the UK - Telegraph

Inside the Fed’s Vault: $1 Billion Worth of Unused Coins | Moneyland |


Delenda Est Cabal - Part 1 - An Open Letter To Poppy Bush

Delenda Est Cabal ­ Part 2

Delenda Est Cabal ­ Part 3: Dismantle HAARP Immediately!

Delenda Est Cabal ­ Part 4: Why Marry Latvia?

Delenda Est Cabal! Part 5: Yippee, A Cancer Cure!

Delenda Est Cabal! Part 6: We Once Were The Cops


*NWO Watch(/


US spends billions every year prosecuting marijuana violations while economy tanks -

Security Grifters Partner-Up on Sinister Cyber-Surveillance Project -

Number One? 20 Not So Good Categories That The United States Leads The World In -

George Will: The Constitution is an ‘anti-evolutionary device’ | Raw Replay

More propaganda: US claims Iran sending arms to Taliban, Iran calls it "ridiculous lies" -

16 Reasons Why The United States Can No Longer Afford To Be The Police Of The World -

YouTube - ‪Tesco: Homeplus Subway Virtual Store (Movie)‏

Samsung Windfall: All of South Korea's Textbooks to Go Digital by 2015 - Technology Review

New study is wake-up call for diet soda drinkers - HealthPop - CBS News

Microsoft admits Patriot Act can access EU-based cloud data | ZDNet

Ruptured Pipeline Spills Oil Into Yellowstone River -

Prince Albert of Monaco marries Charle Wittstock

Top 10 Most Sinister PSYOPS Mission Patches

Who is Baphomet?

Newscaster Says Republican Party is…Satanic (video)

Alien encounters ‘within twenty years’

FOX News Discusses the New World Order and the Global Elite (video)

Kurzweil: A Future of Humans Merged With Machines (video)

Aleister Crowley: His Elite Ties and His Legacy

Origins and Techniques of Monarch Mind Control

+4 Part:A Look At Reality – Max Igan

Audio:The Boiling Frogs Presents Russ Baker |

9/11 Lawsuits Seek Answers Through Litigation |

In The Infowar The Mainstream Media Is A Paper Tiger |

Channelling George Washington: The Revolution That Changed the World |

The Fed Rearranges the Deck Chairs on the Titanic Economy – Bob Chapman |

*3 Part:Bob Chapman & Alex Jones: The Command Destruction Economy |

Why Tyrants and Criminals hate the Republic! – Alex Jones |

Rand Paul promises to filibuster everything over debt ceiling | Raw Replay

“Conspiracies” Are Common Everyday Events – Paul Craig Roberts |

*2 Part:Webster Tarpley from Tripoli: Million Man March Dares Obama, NATO to Invade |

YouTube - ‪Gerald Celente: 'IMF - International Mafia Federation'‏

Was it a Political Conspiracy? Prosecutors Back Off From Their ‘Iron-Clad’ Case Against Strauss-Kahn |

Kissinger’s Marching Orders: Buy Out, Dismember, Destroy America |

Why doesn’t John Adams have a memorial in Washington? - The Washington Post

US Healthcare unaffordable to most Americans |

Syria: Man Films Himself Being Shot by Sniper

Some Killers Are More Equal Than Others

Ralph Nader Is Tired of Running for President

A Plan for Putting the GOP on TV News

NATO Is An Outlaw, The ICC Is Its Accomplice

14 Propaganda Techniques Fox "News" Uses to Brainwash Americans


The Super Rich Sabotage the Arab Revolutions

Wall Street, BP, Bio-ethanol and the Death of Millions

‘Food Terrorism’ Next Door to the Magic Kingdom

In War of Egos, It’s One Hacker vs. Another -

Mexican rescuers search Gulf of California for 7 missing US tourists whose boat capsized - The Washington Post

Who wants to live forever? Scientist sees aging cured | Reuters

As shuttle era ends, questions loom for shrinking astronaut corps - The Washington Post

MLK Jr. memorial confronts controversy -

YouTube - ‪Update: Obama Birth Certificate Forged - Absolute Proof Presented Here! 04/30/11‏

Obama Birth Certificate, Image, Howard Coble, Congress, Judiciary Committee, Image Phony? | ~II~ THE WATCHTOWERS ~II~

Despite 'Drawdown,' US Eyes Afghan 'Mini-Surge'

Newest War Hawk Excuse: Drones Are Police Action, Not War

Mental Problems of US Soldiers' Kids Tied to Wars

YouTube - ‪Agenda 21 For Dummies‏

An Empire Strikes Home – Part 1

An Empire Strikes Home – Part 2 - Central Bank, World Tyranny, Fixed Markets

Totalitopia: The New Man Fashioned From The Forge of Brutality |

THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD « U.S. Counterterrorism Advisory Team

Smart Meters: Privacy Issues, Radiation, Electronic Pollution, And More :

Dr. Dennis Cuddy -- The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood

There is No First Amendment Without a Second Amendment » Publications » Family Security Matters

2nd time! Official presidential seal rejects Obama


Bilderberg 2011: The Rockefeller World Order and the “High Priests of Globalization” | Old-Thinker News


**Act of 1871


YouTube - ‪Shadow Behind the Throne: A Brief Overview of the New World Order‏

Hackers Are Everywhere. Panic! | John C. Dvorak |

YouTube - ‪Activist Post: The Week In Alternative News (July 4th 2011)‏ - Exposed! The Left vs. Right Political Charade

Hackers Break Into Fox News Account, Tweet Fake Obama Shooting News


Activist Post: Debt-damned Economics: learn monetary reform or kiss your assets goodbye. 1 of 2

Activist Post: Debt-damned Economics: learn monetary reform or kiss your assets goodbye. 2 of 2


Activist Post: Why Doctors Can’t Acknowledge, Treat, or Cure Chronic Lyme

Activist Post: Wisdom from the Orient: Self-Sufficiency

Reflections On The 4th Of July

Activist Post: Totalitopia: The New Man Fashioned From the Forge of Brutality

U.S. Envoy Blames Iran Following Deadly Month for U.S. Forces in Iraq

McCain: 'I Hope We Can We Move Forward With' Long-Term U.S. Military Presence in Afghanistan

Citing Evidence They Call 'Contradictory' to Kagan's Confirmation Testimony, 49 Lawmakers Call for Judiciary Committee Investigation

Pat Buchanan: Is a U.S. Default Inevitable?

Gallup: Obama's Approval Hits All-Time Low Among Poor, Is Highest Among Rich

Congress Must Shift Climate Battle From Cap-and-Trade to EPA Agenda, Says Inhofe

Al-Qaida May Be Buying Libyan War Weapons, Spain Says

Jihadist Web Forum Knocked Off Internet

Man Who Exposed Flaw in Airport Security Had 10 Expired Boarding Passes

Dozens of U.S. Cities Line Up to Contest 2010 Census

Family of slain border agent: Prosecute gun runners, not ATF officials

Bill Clinton calls for corporate tax cut

White House Debates Car Mileage Standards With Automakers

Cut, Cap and Balance Pledge Gains Traction

With Republican majority, House loses its resolve for symbolic legislation

The Rev. Robert Schuller Reportedly Ousted from Crystal Cathedral Ministries

'Harry Potter's' Daniel Radcliffe admits past drinking problem

White House's New Anti-Terror Strategy: Kill the Suspects?

Mexico’s top Zetas boss arrested in killing of U.S. agent

Romney sticks to recession criticism of Obama

No surprise: National Education Association backs Barack Obama

Convenience-store crime-fighting solution near

American food celebrated in National Archives exhibit

Bill to help poor with utilities heads to governor

Grassley: 'Very High Up' DOJ Officials in on ATF Gun Sting

DeMint: Tea Party Revolutionizing GOP, America

Cartel Chief Wanted in US Agent Death Arrested

Obama Losing Canada's Oil to China

Statue of Ronald Reagan Unveiled in London

Ex-IMF Chief's Sex Charges to Be Dropped

CIA Analyst Force Behind bin Laden Capture

Strauss-Kahn Faces New Sexual Assault Complaint

Tonelson: Obama Manufacturing Plan Won't Work

Summer Heat Can Kill. Know These Warning Signs

More Generic Drugs Available for Pets

How Would Reagan Deal With This Economy?

Communist Countries Pay Less Taxes Than Obama Proposes

Civil Unions Discriminate Against Committed Couples

Obama Should Have Apologized for Economic Mess in Address

Obama Mandate Could Provide Amnesty for Many Illegals

Job-Killing FUTA Tax Finally Killed

Founding Fathers Not Fans of Paper Money

Gay Marriage II. Another PSYOP in the Making? :

Libyan Gov Has Been Holding Talks With Opposition

Libyan Rebels Keeping Track of Who's Helping Now

UN War Crimes Court Expels Mladic

China, Japan Trade Words Over Disputed Islands


*1:14:48/YouTube - ‪DEBTOCRACY (FULL - ENG Subs)‏


Dr. Joseph Salerno Explains Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Money (But Were Afraid to Ask) by Anthony Wile

How Pat Robertson Ignored My Advice, Jerry Falwell Took It and Pulled in Billions, and I Made Zilch by Gary North

July 4th is a Scam Altucher Confidential

The Petraeus-CIA Powergrab by Jack D. Douglas

Is a U.S. Default Inevitable? by Patrick J. Buchanan

Get your hands on the government’s playbook | Sovereign Man: Finance, lifestyle design, Offshore Business and Expat news

Top 10 Products for the Beginning Prepper | The Survival Mom

'Gold to Go' vending machine opens in Westfield shopping centre | Mail Online

Reducing – Try This Approach to Summer Dieting! by Margaret Durst

Why Legalize Now? by Mark Thornton

Blagojevich Convicted, But Was He Really Guilty? - Harvey Silverglate - Injustice Department - Forbes

Grilling the Perfect Steak | The Art of Manliness

You Ask – We Answer – Where is the best place in the world to live? - EFAM | Escape From America Magazine | EFAM | Escape From America Magazine

Flush These 'Dementia Markers' Out of Your Bloodstream by Joseph Mercola

Journalism as a Weapon of War in Libya

YouTube - ‪The End of the American Dream?‏


*The Fourth World War 1:16:07







+Truth Is Finally Exposed | Before It's News

Elenin 'Observed' an 'Astronomical' Number of Times by NASA; Why Such Interest for a 'Normal' Comet? | Before It's News

YouTube - ‪David Icke - (911 was an inside job)‏


Bionic Vision Sunglasses For Aging Eyes: Prosthetic Interactive Display for Augmented Sight Unveiled at Royal Society | Before It's News

Couples Report Gender Differences In Relationship, Sexual Satisfaction Over Time | Before It's News

2,000-Year-Old Priestly Burial Box Is Real, Archaeologists Say -

Will Toronto 9/11 Hearings ignore Pentagon to avoid ‘controversy’? | Before It's News

Bush's Brother Owned WTC Security Company - Electricity Shut Off To Towers | Before It's News

Ed Asner TV Ad Promotes AE911Truth | Before It's News

Twin Towers: What Happened to Thousands of Acres of Heavy Building Materials? Some Early Answers Without the BS that followed. | Before It's News

100 Reasons Why 9-11 Was An Inside Job | Before It's News

Inside 9/11: Hijacking the Air Defense | Before It's News

List of Israeli Agents on 9/11 | Before It's News

The Syrian Opposition: Who Are They? | Before It's News

Our Biggest Enemy Is Not China, Russia, Or Iran | Before It's News

Serious Security Threat: China Sells Fake Microchips to U.S. Navy | Before It's News

Mushrooms The Size Of Footballs Found In China | Before It's News

AP Enterprise: The man who hunted Osama bin Laden - Yahoo! News

Gabrielle Giffords Shocking Past Exposed! | Before It's News

TSA's Linda Napolitano Caught Lying About the Security of the New Airport X-ray Machines - by the Writers of the Study She Cites! | Before It's News

Antarctica Mysteries ... what have they been hiding? | Before It's News

Biological Chemicals Dumped On You! | Before It's News

Ret’d. CIA Official Alleges Bush White House Used Agency to “Get” Cole | Before It's News




G. U. T. | Before It's News

Is Obama eligibility denialism a conspiracy theory? | Before It's News

George Soros’ Money Could Tip Elections in All 50 States

Is Anthony Weiner’s Wife a Spy?

Investigate Elena Kagan’s ObamaCare Lies, 49 Congressmen Demand

President Obama Announces Intent to Nominate Matthew Olsen as Director of the National Counterterrorism Center | Before It's News

Rod Blagojevich and the Audacity of Hope---Words and Deeds | Before It's News


*Obama Conspiracy Theories


How Do You Know Who to Trust? | Before It's News

No God But Allah Appearing on U.S. Dollar Bills, Ken and Brenda Battle Jordan | Before It's News

Congress Knew Obama Was Ineligible…six Years Before He Was Elected! | Before It's News

Natural Born Citizen For Dummies!...a Must See And Listen! | Before It's News

Adobe Expert Mara Zebest & Dr. Jerome Corsi; Obama's Forged Birth Certificate Explained; Did "Darrell" Create the Document? | Before It's News

YouTube - ‪"A Time for Choosing" by Ronald Reagan‏


*America: Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version 1:51:16


+Masonic Foundations of the U.S.+

- - The Knights of Malta’s pivotal role in the American Revolutionary War - Russia gains edge in space race as US shuttle bows out - Hackers claim Apple security breach - 'Billions worth' of treasure found in Indian temple - China opens world's longest sea bridge - Ancient Egypt treasure gate unearthed in Luxor

DSK maid turned tricks at a Manhattan DA hotel -

Absent fathers who won¿t pay child support face losing their driving licences | Mail Online


YouTube - ‪Make Mine Freedom (1948)‏

SITES - MoneyLine

Federal Election Commission


[redacted] news: A LIST OF AGENTS OF ISRAEL ON 9/11

Are Tony Blair and Peter Mandelson edging towards world domination? | Politics |

A Voice In The Wilderness: 9/11 And The Length of a Meme

Ron Paul: Audit The Gold At Fort Knox! (Monetary Policy Subcommittee: Video - 6/23/11) - Home - The Daily Bail

YouTube - ‪WTF Charlie Veitch???‏

YouTube - ‪'Obama dead, killed by 2 gunshots': FOX News hacked Twitter‏

YouTube - ‪Fake terror, real sentence: FBI inspiration for 25 years in jail‏

Islamophobia on the rise in USA > Americas > Redress Information & Analysis


*International Modern Media Institute

» Nigel Farage: The Worm has Turned Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Elite Are Not Even Trying To Hide How Much They Hate The U.S. Constitution Anymore Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Number One? 20 Not So Good Categories That The United States Leads The World In Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Bill Gates in global push to vaccinate every child on the planet Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Qaddafi Seeks Security Guarantees to Relinquish Rule, Russian Envoy Says - Bloomberg

» JPMorgan Chase’s Jamie Dimon as New U.S. Treasury Secretary? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Kim Jong-il's half-brother under house arrest because of resemblance to Kim Il-sung - Telegraph


» President Obama Executive Order 13575 Creates Rural Councils Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Executive Order 13575 - Wikisource

**Executive Order 13575—Establishment of the White House Rural Council June 9, 2011


» Smart Meters: We can monitor everything you do in your home (Video) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Ernest Hemingway 'driven to suicide over FBI surveillance' - Telegraph


*52 min/YouTube - ‪The Science of Spying 1965‏


Global race on to match U.S. drone capabilities - The Washington Post

China Wants to Buy Facebook - Gordon G. Chang - New Asia - Forbes

The Second Disease To Ever Be Globally Eradicated: Rinderpest | Fast Company

» FDA Releases Draft Guidance on Nanotechnology Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Texas Governor Wages Own Battle Along Border : NPR

La Rouche

YouTube - ‪Lyndon LaRouche: War is Globalist Favorite Tool of Choice for Poplutation Reduction 1/4‏

YouTube - ‪Lyndon LaRouche: War is Globalist Favorite Tool of Choice for Poplutation Reduction 2/4‏

YouTube - ‪Lyndon LaRouche: War is Globalist Favorite Tool of Choice for Poplutation Reduction 3/4‏

YouTube - ‪Lyndon LaRouche: War is Globalist Favorite Tool of Choice for Poplutation Reduction 4/4‏


YouTube - ‪Media Attacks America on Independence Day!‏

YouTube - ‪Why Tyrants and Criminals hate the Republic!‏

Uncle Sam Food History Exhibit Promotes Food Control | Food Freedom

Sally Kohn: We Shouldn't be Negotiating With Ideological Terrorists on Debt Ceiling

Who Paid For Michele Bachmann's SC Town Hall -- 1200 Miles From Her District?

MSNBC’s Bigotry Problem – Pat Buchanan – Flares Up Again

The Pledge of (GOP) Allegiance

President Obama's Address to the Nation on the Debt Ceiling

Wikileaks To File E.U. Complaint Against Visa And Mastercard

The Answer To Rhee-Form: Reform

Speaking Of Independence, Haitian Farmers March To Support Their Own Agriculture -- Not Multinational Corporations

How Grover Norquist Hypnotized The GOP Into Refusing To Raise Taxes

Fox Continues to Attack Media Matters for Their Tax-Exempt Status

American Productivity At Record Levels -- With Income And Wages In The Basement

Cornyn: Constitutional argument raising for debt ceiling is 'crazy talk'

Liz Trotta: Bachmann and Palin Both Took the Same American History Class at ‘Fleabag U’

Chris Matthews Show Panel on How New Media Have Affected Modern Politics

Minnesota GOP Thugs Shut Down Government Over More Than Taxes

Bill Kristol Hits Republicans Again for Saying We Need to Lower the Corporate Tax Rate

Framing the Debate: This Week Paints Constitutional Debate As Pro-Life

Rand Paul's Twisted American Dream

Chris Stirewalt's Idea of Negotiations is President Obama Giving Republicans Everything They Want

Historical Blindness and Partisan Apathy: George Will Accuses Obama Of Unprecedented Overreach

Rand Paul promises to filibuster everything over debt ceiling

GOP Challenger in Wisconsin Recall Has A Long Legal History

Fareed Zakaria to CNN: Stop Trying To Lure Fox News Viewers

Tim Geithner Possibly Leaving, But Why I'm Still Not Laughing

Sacred Cows

Moral of The Story: When You Always Put Your Own Interests First, It Can Work Against Your Interests

NJ Gov. Chris Christie called a 'Bully' and a 'Punk' by Senate President Sweeney for Line Item Veto

Fox News Twitter Account Hacked; Announces Obama Assassination

Howard Kurtz: Morning Joe 'the most substantive show on cable news'

Redistricting, Up Close and Personal

Boston S-Comm Ensnares DREAMer, Lizandra DeMoura, in Deportation Proceedings

Colorado police consider beating of gay soldiers a possible hate crime

Oh, those annoying peasants: Montanans outraged by Exxon/Mobil's tepid response to Yellowstone River oil spill

Olbermann gives dramatic reading of Palin emails as poetry

Emergency Homeowners Loan Program To Disperse $1B To Help Save Homes

ACLU and Elon James White call out the Lost War on Drugs

John McCain: Americans 'Don't Want Compromise'

If You Really Want To Fix Medicare, Help These Dems Repeal The Sweetheart Deal With Big Pharma: Medicare Part D

Fred Thompson - "At the proverbial crossroads."

Obama is Wrong about Medical Marijuana as Well

Freedom and Responsibility

Reviving the Spirit of '76

A Scientific Consensus: Darwinism is Dead

Did the Emancipation Proclamation really free any slaves?

Debbie Schlussel:Keep Women Out of the Navy SEALs!: TV Show Pimps Us on SEAL Feminism

Debbie Schlussel:235 Years of Freedom & Independence: Happy Birthday, America!

Debbie Schlussel:Israel’s Raid on Entebbe, Thirty-Five Years Ago Today

The Failure of Education 'Reform'

Suckered into Social Security

Presidential Elections: An End Run Around the Constitution?

In Government, First, Do No Harm!

Why RINOs But Not DINOs?

Deflating the Higher Education Bubble

A Dangerous Game Changer

A Right to Kill

TSA: A Portrait in Islamization

The Church Devalued and Demeaned

Jewish University Presidents Who Abandon Jews

Does Science Refute God?

The Real Threat of the Debt Ceiling

Obama Wussed Out

Obama's Final Solution

The Community Organizer Who Would be King

The Cornerstone of Liberty

On the Left, Founders Ill-Remembered

American Amnesia

The Man Who Would Be King

Obama and the Second American Revolution

Obama's Inalienables

Meet Your 'Choice Architect'

Learning From the Worst Presidents

The Education of a Compassionate Conservative

DC Schools 'Cheating' Scandal Heats Up

A National Security Apparatus in Decline

The 'Ayn Rand vs. Jesus Christ' Campaign

'Dreamers' and the Illegal Nightmare

Noam Chomsky Gets Half a Clue

Ominous worldwide decline in manufacturing

Sen. Mike Lee, another GOP Idealist Against the Ideologues?

Lennon's freedom

Hail Caesar (Rodney)! An American Hero

Captain of 'Audacity of Hope' Arrested

The Improbable DREAM Act

Israel in a second Obama term?

Are dogs self aware?

The Obama Doctrine: Feckless or Logically Coherent?

Laws are for the little people, not President Obama

Mark Halperin and the Selling Out of the Leftist Media

The 'Arab Spring' explains itself further

'Rabid dogs' at the EPA

Obama's secret plan to spin his Libyan misadventure

An inconvenient Justice

Let's Celebrate Substance

U.S. Fearful of Pakistan?

Business as usual in Chicago

Arabs and Israelis: What Comes Next, I Said

Wind Farm Madness

A reminder from Solzhenitsyn

A Lot More Rhetoric than Change

Independence Day in Chicago and in the rest of America

ObamaCare: The Antithesis of the Founders' vision

Hugo Chavez's get-well messages

Obama's 4th of July gift

Christina Romer: Good Democrat, Bad Economist

The Deportation Busing Argument

Blowing Smoke with Moneyspeak

Hugo Chavez returns home amid reports of 'botched' surgery in Cuba

Thaddeus McCotter explains 'how to speak Democrat'

Oops! A slight problem with Obama's plan

A lost era loses its last human thread

Flourishing Cuban Black Market Raises Questions

Rand Paul to Filibuster a Debt Limit Deal?

Palestine vs. Israel: Pinning the 'Apartheid' Label on the Right Donkey

The Case of the Missing U.S. Ambassador

Another liberal pundit opens his eyes

Senator: Constitution doesn't define presidential eligibility

WND RADIO WND Exclusive The Declaration of Independence;Greg Corombos reads document declaring freedom from British rule


Esquire: Corsi 'execrable piece of s---'

'Damage will be determined by the jury'

'The news media appears not to have asked a single question'

Eligibility takes center stage at National Press Club

Computer expert calls Obama document 'obvious fake'

Adobe book editor positive: Obama certificate is phony

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?


Arianna's AOL urges men to 'masturbate'

Sheriffs asked to arrest airport security agents

NYT: Health care cuts proposed in deficit negotiations - politics - The New York Times -

Public doesn't have place at table in debt talks - Washington Times

Mexico's top Zetas boss arrested in killing of U.S. agent - Washington Times

The nation's birth certificate

Bolton: I'll announce campaign decision by Labor Day

Barack Obama to ask New York governor Andrew Cuomo to be his 2012 running mate for vice president: sources -

GOP Rivals Meet Up on the Campaign Trail -

Savage predicted IMF-chief case would unravel

What did Congress know about 'natural-born citizen'?

Statements suggest doubt about Obama growing

Bogus Obama document 'bigger than Watergate'


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Feds recommend ex-cons for hard-to-fill jobs - Washington Times

Obama’s Economists: ‘Stimulus’ Has Cost $278,000 per Job | The Weekly Standard

New York: Behind the Scenes 1939 guide to being a young lady in Manhattan discovered | Mail Online

Independence Day July 4: Top 10 facts we bet you don’t know - International Business Times

News from The Associated Press

STEIN: Jose Antonio Vargas: Poster child for why E-Verify must be mandatory - Washington Times

Lovers' suitcase escape bid foiled at Mexican prison - World news - Americas -

America's Lost Boys: Why ARE so many young men failing to grow up? | Mail Online

BBC News - Jewish bodies found in medieval well in Norwich

Christine Lagarde: Secret life of new IMF boss | Mail Online

Pot drivers: Stoned drivers are uncharted territory -

Billionaire George Soros Trying To Stack the Courts, Critics Say -

Christine Lagarde under investigation over role in payments to Bernard Tapie | World news | The Guardian

Michelle Obama¿s ¿goodwill tour¿ of Africa cost taxpayers up to $800,000 | Mail Online

'Egyptian curricula states Jews, Christian... JPost - Middle East

‘Whites Are Liars’ — Audacity of Racism: Obama’s 20-Year Mentor Rev. Wright Tells Church Youth All Whites Are Liars…Over and Over in a Long Sound Bite | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Forget the Elected House & Senate…Dream Act Kids Aren’t Going to Take Their Bulls**t : Classy Congressman Says Young Illegal Aliens Demand Obama Decree Amnesty — No Bulls**t | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

SCOTUS to Hear Case on FBI GPS Car Tracking Without Warrant | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Offensive Bumper Sticker? Say Hello to a $50 Fi - Flash Player Installation

Preserving the Declaration of Independence, A History | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Slideshow: Immigrants Helped Define Independence Day a Century Ago | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

‘Interdependence’? Think Progress Exploits Declaration of Independence, Says GOP Has ‘Abandoned’ Abraham Lincoln’s Values | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Richard Branson’s Commercial Spaceship Set to Launch Passengers into Outer-Space | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Can Gingrich Save His Campaign by Emphasizing…Alzheimers? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

America is Racist & Hostile: Desperate New Black Panther Leader Goes Off on Russia Today About What a Fear Mongering, White Supremacist, False Prophet Glenn Beck Will Be Without Fox and Then Begs Him For a Debate | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Meet the Man Who Bought a Rare Copy of the Declaration of Independence at a Flea Market | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Obama’s 2012 Campaign Merry-Go-Round: Andrew Cuomo to Replace Joe Biden, Biden to Replace Hillary Clinton? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Chicago: Father Wrestles Child Molester to Save 2-Year-Old Son | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Unbelieveable? Squirrel Survives 100+ MPH Lamborghini Encounter | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Juan Williams Slams Media Matters: ‘Trying to Ruin People’s Lives…Because They Disagree With Their Politics’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Writer Stages Her Own Rape…to ‘Ease’ Her PTSD | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

‘Security Risk’: Woman Allegedly Kicked Off Flight After Photographing ‘Rude’ Employee | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Listen to Limbaugh’s Rousing July 4 Speech to Joplin, MO Residents | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

'Awesome' Facebook launch next week

Snoratorium: Tom Cruise's sound-proofed refuge gives Kate Holmes good night's sleep | Mail Online

Emma Watson goes all grown-up in glossy magazine shoot for Harper's Bazaar | Mail Online

Let's hope he doesn't blow it: Samsam Bubbleman breaks another world record for the most bubbles in a bubble | Mail Online

Mind-reading scientists predict what a person is going to do before they do it | Mail Online

John Lennon, Darwin Doubter - Evolution News & Views

Man 'locates' Nazi treasure: News24: World: News

Overdue Charles Darwin book returned to library 122 years late - Telegraph

Titanic captain Edward Smith's bathtub: Pictures surface for 1st time | Mail Online

Founders vs. NBC, New York atheists, Part 1

Founders vs. NBC, New York atheists, Part 2

10 theories on why MSM won't touch eligibility

Why is Obama still 'doing' bin Laden?

Will Republicans prove they're unneeded?

Obama makes Anthony Weiner look truthful

Pandering to deadly-disease spreaders

Turkey to double size of its army

Are liberalism and the Bible compatible?

When talking points trump reality

Court wraps video games in 1st Amendment

14 Propaganda Techniques Fox 'News' Uses to Brainwash Americans | News & Politics | AlterNet

9/11 is now a joke

Obama Reaches Out to the Muslim Brotherhood | FrontPage Magazine

Matthew Scheurich shot with bow and arrow in PNG

Chandler father accused of burning son for touching Bible

Stephen Lee Davies, accused of rape, walks free after a jury accepted he was suffering from 'sexomnia' | Mail Online

Ramazan Acar jailed for life over murder of daughter Yazmina |

Sebastian husband accused of making up robbery story to avoid wife’s wrath »

'It's the most evil thing I've done' |

Judge orders man held over girl's 1957 disappearance | Reuters

Breast milk sprayer fired from teaching job | The Columbus Dispatch

Woman charged with sex with a minor allegedly pulls gun on sister - Las Cruces Sun-News - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Girl sprinter, 10, catches thieves

Chinese toddler caught by passer-by after 10 storey fall | Mail Online

Unwashed hands put doctors in legal peril

Men better at watching, hearing

TV adverts for commercial abortion clinics given go ahead - Telegraph

Elderly Woman's Cane Helped Catch Robbery Suspects, Police Say - News Story - WPXI Pittsburgh

Ex-prof fired for porn files suit - San Antonio Express-News

Blasbichlers Twentyone / Blasbichler + The University of Innsbruck | ArchDaily

Sweets are 'good for children and may stop them from getting fat in later life' | Mail Online

Snacking, not portion size, largely driving U.S. overeating

Church services need to be shorter, says bishop - Telegraph

Who wants to live forever? Scientist sees aging cured - Yahoo! News

Pleistocene Fossils Unearthed at a Breakneck Pace in Colorado -

British banking consultant turns South African witch doctor - Telegraph

Short Sharp Science: Belly button biomes begin to blossom

Storm Warnings: Extreme Weather Is a Product of Climate Change: Scientific American

BBC News - Antimatter Tevatron mystery gains ground

UFO contact at ECETI Ranch confirmed in new video - Vancouver ufo |

Man Struck By Lightning For Sixth Time - Greenville News Story - WYFF Greenville

AP Exclusive: Woman claims miracle by WWII-era pope; backed by connected nun amid doubts

From the Shadows: Encounter with a Mara

A tumor that could provide the key to making zombies

Famous black hole divulges its vital statistics - space - 02 July 2011 - New Scientist

The man will come to the mountain: Cyber suit that boosts wearer's strength by up to ten times will carry disabled father of two to new heights | Mail Online

Cosmic Log - A step closer to explaining our existence

Inverness Courier | News | Loch Ness Monster sighting reported by locals

Why social pressure causes people to form false memories | Mail Online

BBC News - Tibetan singing bowls give up their chaotic secrets

Airplanes found to trigger rain, snow - CBS News

Fore! Errant Golf Shot to the Head Saves Man's Life -

Ex-astronaut tries to sell camera from moon - Technology & science - Space -

World's most expensive razor | Orange UK

American Constitution faces 'progressive' threat

Arianna's AOL urges men to 'masturbate'

Obama adviser speaks alongside defender of WTC bombers

Adobe expert doubts Obama birth certificate

'Rathergate' expert on birth certificate: 'Highly suspicious'

Adobe book editor positive: Obama certificate is phony

Support traditional marriage? 'You're dead'

Statements suggest doubt about Obama growing

New reasons to question Obama's birth certificate

4 curious errors in Obama's 'Dreams'

'Shariah' should equal 'pariah'

Confusion reigns supreme

The nation's birth certificate

Independence – do we still want it?

Media whores and revolution

White House takes aim at rural America

When habitual sins creep back in

Occupied Nation

Bachmann's right about minimum wage

Federal duplicity blocks immigration reform

*JULY 3rd,4th,5th

American Minute for July 5th

American Minute for July 4th

American Minute for July 3rd

Today in History: July 3

Today in History: July 4

Today in History: July 5

July 5th This Day in History

July 4th This Day in History

July 3rd This Day in History

This Day in History for 5th July

This Day in History for 4th July

This Day in History for 3rd July

July 5 Events in History

July 4 Events in History

July 3 Events in History

Today in History: July 5

Today in History: July 4

Today in History: July 3

July 5th in History

July 4th in History

July 3rd in History


Today in History for July 5th‏

Today in History for July 4th

Today in History for July 3rd


Verdict reached in Casey Anthony Trial

What Bill Clinton thinks of GOP 2012ers - Mike Allen -

Sexual Assault: If She’s Conservative, It’s Funny!

Take Warning From Left’s ‘New Tone’

Media Matters’ Spin Machine Breaks

Coming This Summer: Keith Olbermann, the Lost Months

Think the Press is Free? Think Again.

NewsBusted: Has Obama Let Down Blacks and Hispanics?

Stengel-gate Premieres on Fox and Friends (And Other Updates on This Journalistic Scandal)

Sound Bite For the Day: Under Pressure

Mark Halperin’s Kinsleyesque Gaffe Lands Him An Indefinite Suspension

Is Obama Losing His Base?

Independence Day

Uh oh, 4th of July Parades Create Republicans

Eric Boehlert; Propaganda Minister For a Jew-Bashing Machine

Why Did Media Ignore Obama’s Lincoln Railroad Gaffe?

Gaffetastic: Media That Slammed Bachmann Butchers Own Caption

Fox Twitter Account Hacked on Independence Day

Oh No: “Good Morning America” Attempts a Viral Video

Why This American Zionist Is Optimistic About The Future

The South Rises Again….In Germany? Civil War Reenactments Popular With Germans

Tunisia, Epicenter of the ‘Arab Spring’, Rejects ‘Any Form of Normalization With the Zionist State’

Israel and Palestine: Has The World Gone Crazy Or Is It Just Me?

The Taliban Plan for Afghanistan: It’s Takeover

From Cuba to China, People Worry About Demise Of Venezuela’s Chavez

Egyptian Screenwriter Wahid Hamed Attacks The Muslim Brotherhood

4th Of July Parades In Middle America

4th of July: Freedom In Enid, Oklahoma

A Grateful Cuban Refugee Says Thanks To America

The Spirit Of American Freedom: Let Us Remember Greatness

Independence Is Fought For And Won, Over And Over

Why Do Liberals Hate The 4th Of July?

Liberals Need To Remember: Patriotism Gives Us Our All-Volunteer Force

America’s Promise: It Takes The Best of Us To Keep It

Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death

Divided We Celebrate

Too Late To Apologize: A Declaration

Independence Day At Gettysburg…What Does It All Mean?

Independence Day, 2021

YouTube - ‪The Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson‏

John Adams and Thomas Jefferson; A Friendship Renewed – Lessons For A Divided Nation

A Disgrace: We Can No Longer Pray For Heroes At The Veterans National Cemetery?!

Middle East Studies In Upheaval

Last Vietnam-Era Draftee Retiring From The Army

A Brief History of Disneyland, An American Classic

America, the Melting Pot: Jewish-Catholic Short Film to Cleanse the Palate

The Woodstock Reincarnation

Partisan Heartbreaker Tom the Petty

Colbert’s Dubious Win

Shriver Files Papers to Divorce Schwarzenegger

YouTube - ‪Arnold Pumping Iron funny clip‏

YouTube - ‪A USA Military History (Tchaikovsky 1812 Overture)‏


5-Jul-11 World View

4-Jul-11 World View

3-Jul-11 World View


The Hollywood Revolt, Part 1: Ben Shapiro’s Explosive Primetime Propaganda Exposes Leftist Anti-Intellectualism

The Hollywood Revolt, Part 2: Roger L. Simon Turning Right and Breaking the Silence

IAF bombs Global Jihad cell preparing Gaza rocket launch

Syria forces kill 6 people in 2nd day of Hama clashes

Australia's New South Wales police allowed to demand burqa removal

Egyptian seeds most likely source of deadly E. coli

New kids superheroes are all about saving the environment

Charlie Sheen to get roasted on Comedy Central

Court halts medication of suspect in Giffords case

Ford UK to pull ads from UK tabloid over hacking

French writer files complaint against Strauss-Kahn

Dalai Lama to meet with top US lawmakers this week

Lawsuit says GM failed to fix thousands of Impalas

Oil climbs to around $97 per barrel

House panel to take up 3 trade agreements

Fla. Dems struggle to capitalize on Latino surge

DSK accuser sues NY Post for "prostitute" report

GOP uses budget, other tools to sap financial law

Time’s Orwellian Story on U.S. Constitution Refuted by Real Resurgence

ACORN’s Cultish Leader Wade Rathke Doesn’t Seem to Realize He is the Disaster that Hit Springfield, Mass.

Three Things You Can Do for Liberty

Pro-Life Group Thrown Out of Illinois July 4th Parade By Jaycees

What Has Happened to Liberals In the Past 50 Years?

The Declaration of Independence

Ronald Reagan: What July Fourth Means to Me

Beware Today’s Fourth of July Parade: It Will Make You a Republican!

Statue of Ronald Reagan Unveiled in London

This July Fourth, Remember to Stand for Something

Houston National Cemetery’s Declaration of Independence

An ‘Urgent’ White House Budget Deal Will Be a Trojan Horse

Palin/Perry 2012: For 16 Years of Conservative Bliss

General Motors – The Government’s Warped Definition of ‘Success’

AUDIO:Ken Cuccinelli Talks About Challenging Obamacare and the EPA

Teamsters’ Push For Shorter Hours May Leave Drivers Very Short On Pay

Taking the pursuit out of the "pursuit of happiness" -

What’s Happening to the US Economy? - Martin Feldstein - Project Syndicate

The American Debate: The tough slog toward Election Day -

The president's horrifying mistake - Opinion -

Strauss-Kahn's accuser discredited: A victory for corroboration and justice. - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine

Paul Revere, Sarah Palin, Betsy Ross, Samuel Adams, Founding Fathers facts: 10 things you might not know about the founding fathers -

The spirit of July the Fourth - Editorials -

Attorney General Eric Holder wasted a two-year investigation on CIA misdeeds that never happened

RealClearPolitics - What Our Declaration Really Said

Lincoln & the Declaration--Rich Lowry -

Corporate Cash Con -

The lasting lessons of independence -

Assassination is a two-edged sword - The Washington Post

George Washington saved America's Constitution - The Globe and Mail

Editorial: Reaffirming our independence - Orange County Register

On the Fourth, a declaration we still must live up to - The Washington Post

BBC News - Global warming lull down to China's coal growth

Green means going nuclear - Opinion - Editorial - General - The Canberra Times

Bundling the Sun -

Clean-tech incubator gets down and dirty | Green Tech - CNET News

The Greatest Threat to the Global Economy | Columns | by the Philadelphia Church of God

The 1973 Arab oil embargo: Why we have a Strategic Petroleum Reserve in the first place | Washington Times Communities

Argentina Has High Hopes for Shale Oil Discovery -

WORLD Magazine | The many Mitts | Jamie Dean | Jul 16, 11

The Birth of Glenn Beck's Nation | Religion Dispatches

My Take: Church is world’s most powerful weapon against AIDS – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Science is the only road to truth? Don't be absurd | Comment is free |

Rich text editor, comment, press ALT 0 for help.

America’s Atheocracy | First Things

Greek crisis spurs research reforms : Nature News

Evolution illuminates summer fireflies -

Perfluorochemicals Linked With Impulsivity | Latest News | Chemical & Engineering News

The true purpose of a drug trial is not always obvious | Ben Goldacre | Comment is free | The Guardian

Observations: What's in Your Wiener? Hot Dog Ingredients Explained

UC Irvine Release: Body’s natural marijuana-like chemicals make fatty foods hard to resist :: UC Irvine TODAY

Rose-colored beer goggles: Social benefits of heavy drinking outweigh harms | Science Codex

Couples report gender differences in relationship, sexual satisfaction over time

Let’s Not Linger in Afghanistan -

Asia Times Online :: Taliban sing a false note

Ronald Reagan was no hawk – and certainly no neocon | Mehdi Hasan | Comment is free | The Guardian

Generations of Pork: How Greece's Political Elite Ruined the Country - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Bank of Moscow exposes Russian regulatory void | Reuters Breakingviews

It's time for a new African Union – Global Public Square - Blogs

Germany's constitutional court weighs the legality of the bailouts – Telegraph Blogs

Not So Fast on Strauss-Kahn - By Victor Davis Hanson - The Corner - National Review Online

Should China be “Contained”? - Joseph S. Nye - Project Syndicate

China’s Ticking Debt Bomb | The Diplomat

U.S. foreign policy: In praise of nation-building -

Il dit, elle dit: Who's the victim in the Strauss-Kahn case? - The Globe and Mail

Pakistan’s Spies Tied to Slaying of a Journalist -

RealClearWorld - The Third Way for Middle East Peace


RealClearWorld - Russia's Evolving Leadership

The Dangerous Afghan Drawdown | The Diplomat

Independence Day blues? Americans sense a decline and look inward. -

Islamization A Catch-22 For Pakistani Military - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty © 2011

Mary Ann Sieghart: Where have all the europhiles gone? - Mary Ann Sieghart, Commentators - The Independent

China Wants to Buy Facebook - Gordon G. Chang - New Asia - Forbes

Asia Sentinel - The US Surge in Afghanistan Recedes

How Taiwan Can Upstage China | The Diplomat

What Hugo Chavez’s Illness Means For Venezuela’s Future | The New Republic

Commentary: Deals with the Devil: Thorny Diplomacy in Sudan | The National Interest

War Powers Act: The Founding Fathers could have predicted Obama's Libya war maneuver -

Rex Murphy: Have we wasted the last 10 years in Afghanistan? – The Long Road


**Politics Video:NBC's Chuck Todd: Obama "Guilted" Senate Back In Session

Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty Of First-Degree Murder

McConnell Invites Obama For A Second Time To Discuss Debt Crisis

Harry Reid Moves Forward With "Shared Sacrifice" Bill

Campaign Web Ad: Pawlenty "Did Not Cave To Unions"

4th/Krauthammer: "Middle-Aged May Never Get Employed Again"

Obama To Troops: "America Is Proud Of You"

76-Year-Old Army Medic On Fourth Tour In War Zones

President Reagan's Address To The Nation On Independence Day 1986

July 4th Coney Island Hot Dog Eating Contest

Condi Rice Speaks At Unveiling Of Reagan Statue In London

3rd/Biden To Union: If "You Guys Vote Republican ... You're On Your Own Jack!"

Sen. Lieberman: "Day Of Reckoning Is Coming" For Iran

McCain: Americans "Don't Want Compromise" On Debt Fight

"Reliable Sources" On Mark Halperin's "Dick" Comment

Sen. Graham: Obama "May Have Undercut The Momentum" In Afghanistan

Gov. Kasich: "And If I Paid A Political Price, So What?"

Coulter: Media Matters Quotes Me More Accurately Than Kurtz

Cornyn: Obama Bypassing Congress On Debt Limit Is "Crazy Talk"

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On 2012, Economy And Unions

"This Week" Roundtable: Battle For The Constitution

2nd/Bill Whittle On Hollywood's Self-Loathing Of America

Dan Rather On GOP Encouraging Destruction Of The Government

Andrew Klavan: Why Do Blacks Vote For Democrats?

Obama Weekly: "We Can Live Within Our Means While Still Investing In Our Future"

Sen. Coats Gives GOP Weekly: Balance Budget Amendment Must Pass

Strauss-Kahn Freed As Case Stumbles

Chavez Says He's Fighting Cancer After Surgery

Who Is Thaddeus McCotter?

1st/Dem Congressman To Obama: Use The "Bully Pulpit"

Harry Reid: Return To "Type Of Fiscal Discipline" Under The Democrats

Rubio: Obama Using Language Of "Leader Of A Third-World Country"

MSNBC Guest: Republicans Acting Like "Ideological Terrorists"

"Red Eye" Takes On Scarborough/Halperin "Dick" Flap Nanny Of The Month: The War On Lemonade Stands

NRSC Ad: Actions Speak Louder Than Words, Mr. President

Dem Ad: Has Romney Not Heard Of "The Google"?

Gary Sinise, A True American Patriot

Eugene Robinson: Cutting Taxes Will Make Economy Worse

Rove On White House Engaging With Muslim Brotherhood


RealClearPolitics - Politics Versus Reality

RealClearPolitics - GOP's Outrageous Demands

Column: Obama's Reagan parallels are falling away -

One race, two starting points - The Washington Post

RealClearPolitics - Devoted Volunteers Build Foundation for Palin in Iowa

Obama can't dump Biden - The Week

Politicians Lag U.S. Voters on Same-Sex Marriage: Albert Hunt - Bloomberg

Gay marriage across the land: not so fast -

The Annotated Frank Rich - The President’s Failure to Demand a Reckoning From the Moneyed Interests Who Brought the Economy Down -- New York Magazine

Stephens: The DSK Lesson -

Dominique Strauss-Kahn Rape Case: No Reason for U.S. to Apologize - The Daily Beast

The CIA’s exoneration and Holder’s reckoning - The Washington Post

RealClearPolitics - The Man Who Hunted Osama bin Laden

RealClearPolitics - Gross Media Ignorance About the Founders

More Folly in the Debt Limit Talks -

Medicare: Fix It Now, Fix It Later - The Editors - National Review Online

What to do with terror suspects? - The Washington Post

Remembering Ronald Reagan - Telegraph

Time for U.S. manufacturers to declare independence -- from government | Timothy P. Carney | Politics | Washington Examiner

Clinton Plays Handicapper in Chief - Ronald Brownstein -

RealClearPolitics - Unhappy Birthday

What Michele Bachmann and Her Teapot 'Patriots' Do Not Know About America | The Nation

RealClearPolitics - Replacing Property as a Source of Wealth Creation

Dems dig in: GOP trying to sabotage economy on purpose - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

Rove to GOP Candidates: Don’t Get into the Mud with Obama « Commentary Magazine


When will you lose your Internet Freedom « New World Order War

Iceland Considers Making Cigarettes Prescription-Only | NWOTruth


+New World Order Video Page

NWO Intel Briefing:

NWO Observer :


*(2:27:46)YouTube - ‪Core Of Corruption Volume 1: In The Shadows {Full Film}‏


Georgia Guidestones

The 15 Most Powerful Members Of 'Skull And Bones'

Hacked data reveals US Marines contract killers, hunting migrants on the border

China's monopoly over rare-earth metals could be challenged by the discovery of massive deposits of these hi-tech minerals in mud on the Pacific floor


**An answer to the Declaration of the American Congress


Video: Annunaki illuminati New World Order NWO Agenda Truth Facts and Help is on the Way « New World Order War




(2:21:30)YouTube - ‪The Mena Connection Exposing the CIA, Bush, Clinton & Iran-Contra (Full Length)‏


**NEWS VIDEOS:Not Guilty!

Juan Williams: Media Matters ‘Trying to Ruin People’s Lives’

Rush Rocks Joplin, MO with Independence Day Speech

Obama Thanks Troops at Party on South Lawn

Bachmann: Obama Thinks ‘Tea Party Is Made Up of Toothless Hillbillies Coming Down Out of the Hills’

Dana Perino on Obama’s Press Conference Tone: ‘Peeved’ Label Hard to Shake

Troops Sing National Anthem

Jury Begins Deliberating in Casey Anthony Trial

Seagull Steals Camera, Gives Birds’ Eye View of Cannes

Strauss-Kahn Faces New Sexual Assault Complaint

DC Caps Independence Day With Fireworks

Appearing Thin and Weakened, Chavez Speaks to Supporters in Caracas

ABC’s ‘This Week’: Founding Fathers Were ‘Guys Who Didn’t Give Women the Vote and Let Slavery Stand’

George Will Brilliantly Traps Liberal Panelists with ObamaCare Constitutional Challenge

4TH/Independence: All-Star ‘America the Beautiful’

Independence: Hollywood Actors Read Declaration Aloud in Stirring Performance

Independence: ‘Sit Down John’ 1776

Independence: Ronald Reagan ‘A Time for Choosing’

Independence: Understanding the Declaration

Independence: Schoolhouse Rock ‘Fireworks’

Independence: HBO’s ‘John Adams’, The Declaration

3RD/Quebec Separatists Protest as William and Kate Visit

Whittle: Hollywood’s Hatred of American Culture

McCotter Rocks Presidential Field

Officer Investigated for Warning Father About Dangerous Part of Town

2ND/Breitbart Defends Bachmann Against Liberal Media Attacks

Fareed Zakariah: CNN Can’t Really Compete with Fox

Flashback: Code Pink’s Medea Benjamin Protests Israeli Cosmetics Company While Wearing Bikini

1ST/Caught on Video: Woman Mayor Pummels Sheriff in Face

Chavez Confirms Cancer Rumors

Aaron Carter Claims Michael Jackson Offered Him Cocaine


The Primacy of Consciousness - Peter Russell 1:09:06


YouTube - ‪Keiser Report: Waterboard Bernanke Again! (E159)‏

YouTube - ‪Austrian Economics versus Mainstream Economics | Mark Thornton‏

YouTube - ‪Gerald Celente & Max Keiser on The Edge 25 June 2011‏



*Founders Without Whom America Would Not Exist


GCN News/ Lyndon LaRouche: War is Globalist Favorite Tool of Choice for Poplutation Reduction «

GCN News /Natural ED Treatment «

GCN News/ TSA Violates Its Own Policy To Stem Tide Of Pat Down Abuse Footage «

GCN News /Relentless Drive by Globalists to Kill the Constitution «


+Casey Anthony found not guilty of murder of daughter | Reuters

Casey Anthony found not guilty; Twitter erupts in outrage -

YouTube - ‪Anthony's Attorney: No Winners in This Case‏

Dear Hollywood: Do Not Reward Casey Anthony by Paying Her for Her Story | Strollerderby


Failed rescue: 'We tried to get a lifesaver to him, but he was already under' -

Richard Halpern, managed building of Sears Tower, dead at 78 - Chicago Sun-Times

50% drop in arrests at Taste of Chicago, but attendance drops, too - Chicago Sun-Times

Replacements anniversary; 20 years since Replacements broke up -

Did Cicero Town President Larry Dominick slur Hispanics? - Chicago Sun-Times

Burke wants Chicago to start planning for 175th birthday - Chicago Sun-Times

Six dead, 28 wounded in holiday weekend violence - Chicago Sun-Times

Black, white and green: Get some gardening tips along with books at your library -


Hot Dog Eating Contest Gives Nathan's Huge Exposure - CNBC

Google shuts down Realtime Search as Twitter deal expires - Jul. 5, 2011

Wendy's restaurants sells Arby's chain, changes name -

IMF Says Lagarde’s Annual Salary Is $467,940 Net - The Washington Post

AFP: China's export restrictions on raw materials illegal: WTO

Bombings kill 35 north of Baghdad - World Wires -

NATO rifts strain Libya campaign - The Washington Post

Britain Shocked by Hacking Into Slain Girl's Phone - ABC News

Chavez hails Venezuela's 200th 'birthday' - Americas - Al Jazeera English

What does your blood type say about you? | World news | The Guardian

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood: Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood showing cracks in its solidarity -

Mitch McConnell re-invites Obama to meet with Senate Republicans -

Technolog from - Got questions for Obama? Tweet 'em now

Lauren Spierer Search: Indiana Body Not Missing College Student - ABC News

Pro-Romney 'super PAC' reports $12-million haul -

Herman Cain loses key Iowa tea party backer - Juana Summers -

Police: Pa. gunman was charged in theft at home -

Texas showdown? Rick Perry rhetoric angers Bush allies - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

'Trusted Traveler' Program May Shorten Airport Security Wait Times -

Ex-Boyfriend Charged With Murder of Teenage Girlfriend -

Gingrich’s comeback centered on volunteers and frugality | Iowa Caucuses

Facebook, Google, and the war to lock you in • The Register

Report: Google to rebrand Picasa, Blogger - Faster Forward - The Washington Post

Google, Among Others, Considering Bid for Hulu -

Caylee Anthony Murder Trial Verdict - Defense Attorney Takes Credit :

The Clicker - Sheen roast to air the same night 'Men' returns

AFP: US artist Cy Twombly dies in Rome: French gallery

Stung by Amnesty International - Joshua Foust - International - The Atlantic

Watch a Montage of Awful TV and Film Bosses Being Awful -- Vulture

Lady Gaga Feels ‘So Connected To Madonna’ | Access Hollywood - Celebrity News, Photos & Videos

Autism: Study downplays role of genetics in autism -

Medical News: New Game Plan Stops Yo-Yo Dieting - in Primary Care, Diet & Nutrition from MedPage Today

Late-talking children grow up to be fine, says study - HealthPop - CBS News

Appeals Court Rules No Forced Meds For Loughner -

Who wants to live forever? Scientist sees aging cured | Reuters

Why Can’t We Can’t Stop Snacking? Maybe Because of Pot-Like Chemicals | Discoblog | Discover Magazine


TOP 100 LISTS - (


The White House E-Mail Cover-up | Before It's News

YouTube - ‪Herman Cain and the Federal Reserve‏

Body's Own Marijuana-Like Chemicals Make Fatty Foods Hard To Resist | Before It's News

Caylee Anthony Offered As Blood Sacrifice In Satanic Ritual Of Freemasonry? | Before It's News


**Mara Zebest Adobe Analysis: Obama Long-Form Birth Certificate Report; Final Draft


*'04/Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate


The Brown Berets Speak On Immigration Reform | ATLAH Media Network

How to Solve Illegal Immigration | ATLAH Media Network

The Un-American American President | ATLAH Media Network

Natural Born Citizen For Dummies | ATLAH Media Network

Is Increased Immigration Good for America? By Michael Master | ATLAH Media Network

Agenda 21 and Obama’s Rural Council?

Obama Creates White House Rural Council | Judicial Watch

DEMYSTIFYING 9/11 | Opinion Maker

U.S. Navy Seal team who killed Bin Laden may have used night vision contact lenses | Mail Online

Wallet 'obsolete in four years' - Telegraph

Activist Post: 2011 Independence Day: Declare “emperor's no clothes” facts of US tyranny

Activist Post: The U.S. Monetary System and Descent into Fascism

Health Care In Cuba And America

Group Of Chinese Migrants Discovered Near Haulo - Flash Player Installation

YouTube - ‪Confesiones de una Representante de la Industria Farmacéutica‏

[redacted] news: Alex Jones - EXPOSED

You Want Proof That Congress Is Owned By Corporations? Check Out What They Did Right Before Going On Break - Home - The Daily Bail

Revolutionary Politics : Rick Santelli to Liesman- How Long Can Anybody Borrow 42 Cents of Every Dollar They Spend




News Release: A Final Long Report - Obama's Certificate of Live Birth - 6/13/2011

The New World Order

YouTube - ‪Prodigy- Black Devil (Obama)‏


*42 min/YouTube - ‪Past Present and Future Part A (1986 Australia) at‏


**From Psyop to Mindwar by Michael Aquino


*List of countries of the World

*False Religions EXPOSED!


Live Free Or Die Radio - Friday, July, 01, 2011

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero2

July 1, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report – 1 July 2011

Alex Jones - 2011-Jul-05, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2011-Jul-04, Monday

Alex Jones - 2011-Jul-03, Sunday

07/04 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show 07/04/2011

The Michael Savage Show 07/01/2011

Jesse Lee Peterson Show 7/01 1

Jesse Lee Peterson Show 7/01 2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show 7/01 3

Jesse Lee Peterson Show 7/04 1

Jesse Lee Peterson Show 7/04 3

Jesse Lee Peterson Show 7/04 2

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show 7/02 1

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show 7/02 2

Redding News Reveiw 7/01 1

Redding News Reveiw 7/01 2

Redding News Reveiw 7/01 3

Redding News Reveiw 7/03 1

Redding News Reveiw 7/03 2

Redding News Reveiw 7/03 3

Redding News Reveiw 7/04 1

Redding News Reveiw 7/04 2

Redding News Reveiw 7/04 3

Bill Cunningham 7/3/11 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 7/3/11 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 7/3/11 Hour 3

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