A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

02 July 2011


YouTube - ‪Agenda 21: Deliberate Flooding of America's Heartland by Army Corp of Engineers - Alex Jones Tv 1/2‏

YouTube - ‪Agenda 21: Deliberate Flooding of America's Heartland by Army Corp of Engineers - Alex Jones Tv 2/2‏


YouTube - ‪Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura FEMA CAMP , POLICE STATE, PART 1 of 3‏

YouTube - ‪Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura FEMA CAMP, POLICE STATE, PART 2of3 ‏

YouTube - ‪Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura FEMA CAMP, POLICE STATE, PART 3 of 3‏


YouTube - ‪Preview of Today's Alex Jones Show: Mike Gravel, Webster Tarpley, Bob Chapman & Agenda 21‏


» Gaddafi Threatens Retaliation in Europe Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» A Terror Attack This Weekend? FBI Gearing Up For Possible July Fourth Incident Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Celebrating Independence Yet Enslaved To Debt Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 16 Reasons Why The United States Can No Longer Afford To Be The Police Of The World Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Was it a Political Conspiracy? Prosecutors Back Off From Their ‘Iron-Clad’ Case Against Strauss-Kahn Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Webster Tarpley from Tripoli: Million Man March Dares Obama, NATO to Invade Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Media Matters: Is Glenn Beck the next Alex Jones? - Erik Wemple - The Washington Post

» An Actionable Plan for 9/11 Truth and Justice Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Dominque Strauss-Kahn's accuser was hotel hooker, insiders say - News Article: Petraeus Confirmed as CIA Director

SHTF Plan - When the Shit Hits The Fan, Don't Say We Didn't Warn You.

Activist Post: US Fed's QE2 stimulus ends with a fizzle

US STOCKS-Wall Street rises for 5th straight day | Reuters

Geithner Said to Consider Leaving Treasury After Debt Debate - Bloomberg

A Huge Number Of Americans Believe The Economy Has Now Entered "Permanent Decline"

Kim Jong-il's half-brother under house arrest because of resemblance to Kim Il-sung - Telegraph

Bahrain to citizens living abroad: Spy — or else - World news - Mideast/N. Africa -

» President Obama Executive Order 13575 Creates Rural Councils Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» How to Arrest The Economy-Strangling EPA Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Japanese scientists develop robotic exoskeleton | The Raw Story

Google faces "wire taping" case in the U.S

Massive wildfires threaten to ignite 30000 barrels of plutonium waste at New Mexico nuclear weapons facility, EPA on radiation alert

Schools | State to fight ruling against ban on race in college admissions | The Detroit News

» The Tenth and the TSA Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The American Spectator : Declaration of Admiration

Activist Post: US drops most CIA torture probes: Holder

U.S. military says Iran behind rising deaths - The Washington Post

U.S. drone targets two leaders of Somali group allied with al-Qaeda - The Washington Post


YouTube - ‪Lyndon LaRouche: War is Globalist Favorite Tool of Choice for Poplutation Reduction 1/4‏

YouTube - ‪Lyndon LaRouche: War is Globalist Favorite Tool of Choice for Poplutation Reduction 2/4‏

YouTube - ‪Lyndon LaRouche: War is Globalist Favorite Tool of Choice for Poplutation Reduction 3/4‏

YouTube - ‪Lyndon LaRouche: War is Globalist Favorite Tool of Choice for Poplutation Reduction 4/4‏


» Ed Asner TV Ad Promotes AE911Truth Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Teachers reluctant to discuss 9/11 - Telegraph

» Tenth Anniversary Hearings on the Events of September 11, 2001 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

BBC News - India: Rajasthan in 'cars for sterilisation' drive

This is Devon | Injunction to move by the end the of month

Action Alert: FDA Releases Draft Guidance on Nanotechnology | Welcome to the Alliance for Natural Health - USA

The Second Disease To Ever Be Globally Eradicated: Rinderpest | Fast Company

» 5 Outrageous Examples of FBI Intimidation and Entrapment Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Arlington PD Testing Unmanned Aircraft | NBC Dallas-Fort Worth

» Washington Okays Attack on Unarmed U.S. Ship Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Iraq Cracks Down on Iran-Backed Shiite Militias -

AFRICOM: AF, Navy still flying Libya missions - Air Force News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Air Force Times

Ukraine MPs to back privatization of Europe-bound gas pipes | World | RIA Novosti

Fukushima spin was Orwellian | John Vidal | Comment is free |


*YouTube - ‪NWO Media Gasping For Air: Alex Jones' Talkers Keynote Speech 1/2‏

*YouTube - ‪NWO Media Gasping For Air: Alex Jones' Talkers Keynote Speech 2/2‏


Ron Paul raises $4.5+ million | The State Column

Dominique Strauss-Kahn trial reaction: French backers want ex-IMF chief to resume presidential run

Russia to create Arctic troops - defense minister | Defense | RIA Novosti

Prison » Launch Code for U.S. Strategic Nuclear Missiles Was Twelve Zeros Until 1977

Prison » Record 44.7 Million People Celebrate Geithner’s Departure And The End Of QE2 Through Foodstamps

Prison » Debt Increased More Under Geithner Than Under Any Treasury Secretary in U.S. History

Prison » MORE CONFIRMATION: The World Economy Is Rolling Over

Prison » While Criminal US Bankers Receive Golden Parachutes, Barbarian Afghanistan Has Just Arrested Executives Of Failed Kabul Bank

Prison » It’s Official: China Is The “Mystery” Daily Buyer Of Billions Of Euros


Uncle Sam Food History Exhibit Promotes Food Control | Food Freedom

Obama's day: Looking to a holiday weekend - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Prison » Gerald Celente: ‘IMF – International Mafia Federation’

Prison » The Obama Press Conference Unplugged

Prison » Gaddafi’s son: Libya like McDonald’s for NATO – fast war as fast food

Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Prepper Dad? Even Robert Kiyosaki Is Warning That an Economic Collapse Is Coming

Let's hear it for Arizona's role in enforcement |

Official Calls For Riverside, 12 Other Counties - Flash Player Installation

Oklahoma City bombing case file too massive to search, FBI tells Utah judge | Deseret News

Bayer compensates US farmers in GM rice complaint | Environment & Development | Deutsche Welle | 02.07.2011

US Still Flying ‘Hundreds’ of Strike Missions Against Libya -- News from

Death toll spikes for Iraqis and U.S. troops -

China National Petroleum Begins Work at Al-Ahdab Oil Field in Iraq - - Lawmakers to introduce bill to legalize marijuana - Cyber attacks outpace global response, U.S. warns - Russia to deploy 2 army brigades in Arctic

YouTube - ‪HUGE PRO GADDAFI RALLY in Tripoli - Raw Footage‏

YouTube - ‪End The Fed Flash Mob June 2011 NYC‏

Ron Paul: Audit The Gold At Fort Knox! (Monetary Policy Subcommittee: Video - 6/23/11) - Home - The Daily Bail

Fannie Silence Creates $3B Fraud, Zombie Notes NEVER Die, GSEs Dump Inventory, Trump Schools BofA, Flipping 300 Homes For $3M Profit, MASSIVE Mortgage Fraud In MASS, NY AG Wants To Stop Deal With Banks (Links) - Home - The Daily Bail

YouTube - ‪Huge rockfall on Mount Rainier‏

Obama Administration Overrides 2009 Ogden Memo, Declares Open Season on Pot Shops in States Where Medical Marijuana Is Legal - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

The 19 Most Hated Companies In America

YouTube - ‪Thorium Revolt: Mineral to replace uranium as nuclear power source?‏

Revolutionary Politics : Empty SEC Offices Costing Taxpayers Over Half A Billion Dollars

Obama Loses His ‘Constitutional Law Professor Hat’ by Charles Davis --

Activist Post: The Economist Issues Warning

The Militarized Surrealism of Barack Obama by Tom Engelhardt --

Lone Star Watchdog: Is Gov Rick Perry Really FED UP with Washington or Full of It?

Design Flaw Fueled Nuclear Disaster |

The Intercept: Representative Giffords' Staff Pushes Austerity Measures, Moves to Suppress Constituents' Single Payer Healthcare Message

Max Keiser: On PIMCO's El-Erian Warning Of Financial Repression In The United States (Savers Vs. Speculators) - Home - The Daily Bail

Activist Post: Activist Convicted of Resisting Arrest Without Violence

Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post | Home of the Irate Minority

College education becomes a predator’s lounge for Wall Street and the government – Since 2000 the real cost of college is up by 23 percent yet the real earnings of college graduates is down by 11 percent.

T-Minus Two Months Until The $500 Billion Rolling Debt Ticking Timebomb Goes Off | zero hedge

PressTV - Quick News: Los Angeles homeless veteran capital of the U.S.

Anti-Gaddafi "Rebels" are now joining Gaddafi

Water wars: 21st century conflicts? - Features - Al Jazeera English

Phony "Anonymous" and "Lulzsec" hacker groups were designed to promote draconian anti-internet legislation. - 12160

McKinney: Rebels Committing Atrocities in Libya - 12160

Iceland Is Free! "Declares Independence from International Banks" - When Will We Have the Guts to Follow Suit? Greece is Surely Next in Line - ed. | Before It's News

How Does NSA Get Away With Running Top Secret Menwith Hill in the UK? |

Washington Okays Attack on Unarmed US Ship by Stephen Zunes --

2011 Independence Day: Declare “emperor's no clothes” facts of US tyranny today - National Nonpartisan |


+Thomas Jefferson Quotes+


Radioactive Waste Dumped in Open Pits Outside Los Alamos National Lab → Washington's Blog

Activist Post: The Perfect (Radiation) Storm is Brewing

YouTube - ‪Inside 9/11 - Hijacking the air defense‏

Explosives Used to Breach Levee, Investigation

YouTube - ‪Mitchio Kaku: Fort Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant - "Fukushima In Slow Motion"‏

Nuke query: What if dam breaks? -

Levee Intentionally Breached Along Missouri River - Omaha News Story - KETV Omaha

Los Alamos wildfire: Residents flee as firefighters battle blaze near nuclear complex | Mail Online

The hoax video blog and the plot to smear a Gaza aid mission - Middle East, World - The Independent

Robert Fisk: UN blames Hezbollah for Hariri bomb murder - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent

Robert Fisk: First the Syrians, then the Iranians, then the Libyans were the expedient culprits -

YouTube - ‪Sarkozy Attacked In Brax, Southwest France‏

First female IMF chief receives praise from former hometown of Chicago

Will Barack Obama Use The 14th Amendment As A Way To Get Around The Debt Ceiling?

Energy drinks: Woman hospitalised with hepatitis after drinking 10 a day | Mail Online


**Calculator:Death by Caffeine


Massachusetts Case Will Set Precedent Regarding Videotaping Of Cops | Pixiq


Obama considers Internet ID for Americans in bid to boost web security | Mail Online


U.S. Nuclear Scares and Dishonest Industry - Signs of Nuclear Crisis in America? - International Business Times

Protect Your Computer and Phone from Illegal Police Searches | Electronic Frontier Foundation - Zionism's Historic Partnership with Anti-Semites

The New Era of “All Natural” False Flag Disasters | Pakalert Press

The Sanitized Version of Neoconservatism | Veterans Today’s John Kurtz Jailed | Orlando Copwatch

Europa & Palestine News « Kawther Salam

Monkey multiple sclerosis discovered in Oregon suggests virus may cause human disease |

Designer Home Or Fortress?

UK government and nuclear industry email correspondence after the Fukushima accident | Environment |

Doubts in Strauss-Kahn case rock French politics | World news |

Strauss-Kahn Prosecution Said to Be Near Collapse -

Lies, Damn Lies And 'Safe' Nuclear Power

U.S. Must Learn From Japan Nuclear Crisis - Energy Intelligence (

Tara Murray: These attacks are illegal – until Obama declares war - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent

Clinton outlines road ahead for Arab democracy | World news |

Hillary Clinton announces Brotherhood talks - Americas, World - The Independent

Can China's style of rule continue in an age of citizen uprisings and social networking? - Asia, World - The Independent

News Corp/BSkyB deal underlines Murdoch's political clout | Media |

Leading article: Power that threatens both an industry and democracy - Leading Articles, Opinion - The Independent

Rupert Murdoch: Empire of the Sun | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

Adrian Hamilton: A promise by Murdoch is meaningless - Adrian Hamilton, Commentators - The Independent

Wallet 'obsolete in four years' - Telegraph

YouTube - ‪Agenda 21 for lower living standards‏

YouTube - ‪"The Truth About Smart Meters"‏

YouTube - ‪Wikileaks Mastercard Advert‏

SWAT Team in Washington acquires heavily armored vehicle | Homeland Security News Wire

Greenpeace takes on Monsanto over 'pesticides arms race' - News - The Ecologist

How aircraft make rain (and snow): Planes influence local weather when they take off and land | Mail Online

ALIPAC - Americans have won big tonight against illegals in Maryland!

U.S. caught China buying more debt than disclosed - Yahoo! News

What we are facing on planet Earth - National freethought |

Paul Drockton M.A.: Jon Huntsman's Chinese Legacy

Activist Post: Top Obama Advisor: Homeland is "Primary" Focus of Counterterrorism

It isn’t you causing global warming…it is COW FARTS! « The PPJ Gazette

Shock FDA vote declares Avastin, the world's best-selling cancer drug, UNSAFE | Mail Online

Octomom: 'My children are animals and I hate my babies' says Nadya Suleman | Mail Online

Activist Post: Globalism in History: Internationalism and Her Law

The True Hollywood Story Of How the Left Took Over Your TV » Publications » Family Security Matters

Mormon Leaders Accused of Billion Dollar Gold Theft

Jon Huntsman's Illuminati Ways

Attack on Heterosexuality is Satanism


Delenda Est Cabal - Part 1 - An Open Letter To Poppy Bush

Delenda Est Cabal ­ Part 2

Delenda Est Cabal ­ Part 3: Dismantle HAARP Immediately!

Delenda Est Cabal ­ Part 4: Why Marry Latvia?

Delenda Est Cabal! Part 5: Yippee, A Cancer Cure!

Delenda Est Cabal! Part 6: We Once Were The Cops


Why I do What I Do – And why The 4th of July Has No Meaning Anymore : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

Zombie Americans have forgotten why 4th of July is a holiday!!! : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

Newscaster Says Republican Party is…Satanic (video)

Alien encounters ‘within twenty years’

FOX News Discusses the New World Order and the Global Elite (video)

Kurzweil: A Future of Humans Merged With Machines (video)

Top 10 Most Sinister PSYOPS Mission Patches

Aleister Crowley: His Elite Ties and His Legacy

Origins and Techniques of Monarch Mind Control

The Mysterious Connection Between Sirius and Human History

Strauss-Kahn spends first full day free of house arrest

WikiLeaks prepares to sue Visa and MasterCard

Stewart on Halperin's 'dick' remark: 'Greatest'

Keith: Beck was a failed doomsday prophet

Gingrich tries to hire fictional TV character

Three students die after school hypnosis

Beck suddenly claims he hates Republicans

So long, Glenn Beck: Watch the former Fox host’s craziest moments

PressTV - Greece seizes Gaza-bound US boat

Qaddafi Did NOT Threatens Attacks on Europe

Libya Can Sting Europe Like 'Swarm of Bees': Kadhafi

Libya: Unending American Hostility

Libya's Neighbors Prepare for NATO's Boots

The US Policy of Assassination

The Good, the Confused, and the Hopeless

Graveyard of Empires

Torture Crimes Officially, Permanently Shielded

The Invasion of Australia – Official, At Last

Plan to Spoon-Feed Greece to Death

The U.S. Economy Remains Mired In A Long-term Slump

Free Speech – At a Price

Prosecutors Back Off From Their ‘Iron-Clad’ Case Against Strauss-Kahn

U.N. Report Shreds Military’s Claim of Afghanistan Progress

US rejects Pakistan's demand to vacate Shamsi air base used for drone attacks: Report:

Despite Pakistani Denials, U.S. Keeps Drone Operations Inside Country:

If Pakistan Denies U.S. Its Drone Bases, There’s a Backup Plan Next Door

Somalia: US took bodies of militants after strike

Russia says NATO breaches UN resolution on Libya

Africa will not execute Gaddafi warrant: African Union summit:

United States puts Israel on its terror watch list:

The FBI's synagogue bomb plot:

Just Say NO to the War On Drugs

The Maid’s Prison Connection:


Are These GOP Candidates Running For President of the U.S.—or Israel?

Iran Funnels New Weapons -

Feds won't give assurance on medical pot -

Illinois' death row officially shuts down -

Bilderberg 2011: The Rockefeller World Order and the "High Priests of Globalization"

Economic Crisis and “Social Explosion”

Strauss-Kahn Affair: Unanswered Questions. Who was Pulling the Strings behind the Scenes

The Powers of Manipulation: Islam as a Geopolitical Tool to Control the Middle East

The Dominique Strauss-Kahn Affair: Was it a Conspiracy?

America: An Empire in Decline

Was it a Political Conspiracy? Prosecutors Back Off From Their ‘Iron-Clad’ Case Against Strauss-Kahn

VIDEO: The End of the American Dream?

Treatments for Radiation Poisoning

How the Bailout Killed Local Lending

Food and The American Diet

How Blessed Is the State That Thus Destroyeth the Car - informationliberation

This is Devon | Injunction to move by the end the of month

Why Legalize Now? - informationliberation

How Mathematics Can Make Smart People Dumb - informationliberation

The Tenth and the TSA - informationliberation

TSA Abuses: Seeing the Forest and the Trees - informationliberation

Hornberger's Blog - Opposite Forms of Freedom on the Fourth

Domestic Terrorism and the Lulz - informationliberation

What Are We "Investing" In? - informationliberation

Why the Left Fears Libertarianism - informationliberation

More US Deaths Raise Questions About Strategy

Bin Laden Document Trove Reveals Strain on al-Qaeda



NEWS Science | Cold Fusion - For Real?

YouTube - ‪Economic Armageddon and You‏


Oath Keepers » Blog Archive » An Empire Strikes Home _ Part One

Oath Keepers » Blog Archive » An Empire Strikes Home _ Part Two


THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD « U.S. Counterterrorism Advisory Team

Maria Shriver Files For Divorce From Arnold Schwarzenegger

Affirmative Action Ban In Michigan Overturned

Timothy Geithner May be Replaced by Treasury Secretary

Bowles Rules Self Out of Treasury Role - TheStreet

YouTube - ‪Geithner going? Not yet‏

*Citing Evidence They Call 'Contradictory' to Kagan's Confirmation Testimony, 49 Lawmakers Call for Judiciary Committee Investigation

Obama Raffle Video Not Legal, Election Law Experts Say

FTC Defends Proposed Child-Food Marketing Rules Critics Say Could Kill 'Tony the Tiger'

McCain: 'I Hope We Can We Move Forward With' Long-Term U.S. Military Presence in Afghanistan

Obama's Omission: Libya Not A State Sponsor Of Terrorism

Hatch: Obama Caters to ‘Special Interest Groups that Live Off the Federal Government’

Investigators Question Credibility of Hotel Maid Who Accused IMF Chief

*Portrait Gallery Opens Exhibit on President Ronald Reagan

Clinton Lectures Nations on Transition to Democracy

Obama's Record Fundraising Comes Under Legal Scrutiny

GOP Rep. Ron Paul's Campaign Raises $4.5M

Venezuela Govt, Army: Chavez Is Still in Charge

Analysis: Cancer May Curb Chavez's Role

Herman Cain Revs up Mainstream Conservatives

6 New Reasons You Need Vitamin D

Uncle Sam Food History Exhibit Promotes Food Control :

Radiation in Our Food -

How Bankers Own the Earth And Then Some… :

SecDef Panetta Message to the Department of Defense

Panetta Pledges 'No Hollow Force' on His Watch

Petraeus Confirmed as CIA Director

Combined Security Force Kills Several Insurgents

Army/Boeing unveils new defensive vehicle

DOD Information Technology Exchange Program Pilot

*Statement of the Attorney General Regarding Investigation into the Interrogation of Certain Detainees

Urgent: Johnson & Johnson recall of more than 60,000 bottles of contaminated Tylenol

Weather experts: California mega-quake could be at the door

Living in the country really is healthier than city life

Whistleblower claims White House used CIA to perform hit jobs against political dissidents

How To Take Down A Giant (Opinion)

NPR violates FCC rules, promotes interests of its sponsorship donor Monsanto

Hexane may be lurking in the soy protein found in popular food bars

BPA plastics chemical found to feminize males


Part I: Understand Your Metabolic Type

Part II: Understand Your Metabolic Type


Activist Post: 2011 Independence Day: Declare “emperor's no clothes” facts of US tyranny

Obama DOJ Leaves Medical Marijuana Patients Sick and Suffering » Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union

5 Outrageous Examples of FBI Intimidation and Entrapment | | AlterNet

YouTube - ‪The End of the American Dream?‏

Top 10 Things You Should Know About The Farm Bill | Environmental Working Group

Activist Post: Lyme Cover Up Rages On

Communist Countries Pay Less Taxes Than Obama Proposes

Kissinger Ducks Serious China Topic

How Many GOP Candidates Have Military Experience?

Flush These 'Dementia Markers' Out of Your Bloodstream by Joseph Mercola

Grilling the Perfect Steak | The Art of Manliness

You Ask – We Answer – Where is the best place in the world to live? - EFAM | Escape From America Magazine | EFAM | Escape From America Magazine

Conversations With a Clover…. by Eric Peters

Why Legalize Now? by Mark Thornton

**Blagojevich Convicted, But Was He Really Guilty? - Harvey Silverglate - Injustice Department - Forbes

News Analysis - For Illinois, Blagojevich Is Only the Latest to Fall -

How many years he gets may determine the prison where Blagojevich will serve his time - Chicago Sun-Times

Elenin Begins "Very Quick Move" Towards Earth July 1 | Before It's News

Shocking Video--4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse | Before It's News

14-Year Old Drives Car 1,980 Miles On One Gallon of Gas : Discovery News

+Discovery News - Future Transportation : Video

U.S. Financial System – a Shell Game, a Confidence Trick, a Ponzi Scheme – Which Will Eventually Collapse!

World's First 'Thinking' Prosthetic Leg That Follows The Motions Of The Body | Before It's News

Power Knee: World's first 'thinking' prosthetic leg that follows the motions of the body | Mail Online

Mind-Controlled Machines | Before It's News

Earth's Shifting Gravity Measured In Time, A World First: New Potsdam Gravity Potato Reveals Anomalies Measured by Satellite | Before It's News

Agenda 21: Conspiracy Theory or Real Threat? - Rachel Alexander - Townhall Conservative

Alien Base Discovered On Mars! Close Up and Clear As The Hand On Your Face, UFO Sighting News. | Before It's News

Video: MINI Documentary - Illegal Obama "Propped Up" By Congress! | Before It's News

Glenn Beck leaves Fox with soul, Fox deal with devil?, Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Tala, Beck: traded my soul before I will not trade it again | Before It's News

The Electric Motorcycle | Before It's News

Gabrielle Giffords Shocking Past Exposed! | Before It's News

+WEEKLY ADDRESS: Cutting the Deficit and Creating Jobs | Before It's News

Is Anthony Weiner’s Wife a Spy? | Floyd Reports

Social Security Admin. Files Motion for Summary Judgment in Obama Social Security Number Suit: Atty. Taitz Requests Meet & Confer | Before It's News

Clinical Surveillance Software Gains Modular EHR Certification | Before It's News

Government set up task force and 'war room' to deal with WikiLeaks release of U.S. cables, documents show

"Don't Ask" Voter ID Policy could save state Millions by not giving Free Cards to those who are Eligible. | Before It's News

David Icke and Others on Chemtrails | Before It's News

Princess Diana Death Film Cover-Up | Before It's News

Tattoo Parlor Sting in Venice - Page 1 - News - Los Angeles - LA Weekly

NWO - Plan to divide and rule India | Before It's News

A patriotic agenda: Make elected officials report income - Chicago Sun-Times

Justice Ginsburg not leaving court 'anytime soon'

WLS 890AM:Cities on high alert as July Fourth nears: 'Threat is very real'

Citing Evidence They Call 'Contradictory' to Kagan's Confirmation Testimony, 49 Lawmakers Call for Judiciary Committee Investigation |

Alleged prophet held in Saudi - Emirates 24/7

Thieves Destroy ACs at Animal Shelter | NBC Chicago

Authorities offer $500 for tips in heist of dozens of hydrants | The Desert Sun |

Casey Anthony trial: Matthew Bartlett jailed for 6 days for middle finger gestures | Mail Online

Strauss-Kahn Accuser’s Call Alarmed Prosecutors - CNBC

One Revelation After Another Undercut Strauss-Kahn Accuser’s Credibility -

Dominique Strauss-Kahn trial reaction: French backers want ex-IMF chief to resume presidential run

Kahn charges on brink of collapse - sources | Business |

Dominique Strauss-Kahn: French talk of a comeback for Dominique Strauss-Kahn -

Dominque Strauss-Kahn's accuser was hotel hooker, insiders say -

Google hiring 12 lobbying firms as FTC readies antitrust probe - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

Message to US agents: 'We'll chop your heads off' - CBS News

U.N. asks Texas to commute Mexican's death sentence | Reuters

Wildfires and Drought Halt July 4 Fireworks Across the South -

Joe Biden visits Las Vegas looking for Teamster support - Friday, July 1, 2011 | 2:08 p.m. - Las Vegas Sun

President Obama Again Criticizes Trips to Las Vegas

On Obama's visit, presidential seal blew off his limo on I-76; it later was recovered | Philadelphia Daily News | 07/02/2011

Analysis: Geithner may want to go; will Obama let him? | Reuters

Schools | State to fight ruling against ban on race in college admissions | The Detroit News

Halt to Deportation of Citizen's Same-Sex Partner Draws Fire -

Police Perusal Of Pistol-Packing Perp's Perforated Penis Pix Permitted | The Smoking Gun

The Pledge of (GOP) Allegiance

MSNBC’s Bigotry Problem – Pat Buchanan – Flares Up Again

Who Paid For Michele Bachmann's SC Town Hall -- 1200 Miles From Her District?

Sally Kohn: We Shouldn't be Negotiating With Ideological Terrorists on Debt Ceiling

Beck on Republicans: 'I hate them'

Disparity Between Crack and Cocaine Users Lessened, 12K May Get Sentences Reduced

Debt Ceiling Hostage Freed By 14th Amendment?

750K UK Union Members Hit The Streets Over Pension Changes

Pat Buchanan Defends Tax Cuts for Private Jets and Pretends Poor People Don't Pay Any Taxes

Bye Bye Beck: Whew! Fox's worst is gone, but it's still Fox

It's Right to be Wrong in the Punditocracy

Minnesota's Government Shuts Down After GOP Refuses To Agree to Revenue Increases

Van Jones in an exclusive C&L interview: How to reclaim the American Dream, despite the right's lies and smears

Can DSK Still Be French President? | Story | POWERWALL

Obama, GOP lob rhetorical fireworks over budget and debt -

Obama, Clinton, Gadhafi: War of words - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Lack of Hype Generates Hype for Google+ - International Business Times

Syrian President Fires Governor in Charge of Wayward City of Hama -

Casey Anthony Trial Update: Closing arguments to start Sunday - Crimesider - CBS News

Illinois death row inmates moved to regular jail cells | Reuters

In 2012 GOP race, where are the governors? - The Washington Post

Herman Cain Raised Nearly $2.5 Million in Second Quarter - The Note

Money markets smell Greek blood

8 Surprising Space Shuttle Facts -

Anonymous takes another shot at Arizona police - Computerworld

Texting May Help Smokers Quit the Habit | SmartAboutHealth.Net

Study Shows CT Scans Saves Lives Of Cancer Patients | SmartAboutHealth.Net

Mother-in-law's email about future bride's uncouth behaviour goes viral - Telegraph

Arizona shooting suspect appeals ruling on forced medication -

Medical marijuana: Justice Department won't allow commercial marijuana cultivation -

Choosing a Sunscreen: Some Tips from an Expert – TIME Healthland

Sprouts tied to 5-state Salmonella outbreak recalled | Reuters

Dirty Beach Water? Blame The Dogs - Waterford, CT Patch

Why guzzling a diet drink can make you fatter - they can trigger the appetite | Mail Online

Blackouts linked to future drinking injuries in college students -

Tobey Maguire: I Did NOT Play Illegal Poker |

Kucher claims win in Village Voice feud -

Safety Tips for Firework Users - Bloomingdale, FL Patch

Glenn Beck's Really Had It With New York -- Daily Intel

Seattle man accused in 1957 slaying due in court today -

Northwest Herald | Pick is Illinois GOP budget director

End Ed Burke’s grand entrance - Chicago Sun-Times

Taking flight over the Fox Valley in rare Zeppelin - Beacon News

Debbie Schlussel:Told Ya!: DSK Muslim Rape Accuser Did Immigration Fraud, $100K Money Laundering for Drug Dealer Lover; Case Crumbles

DSK - The Downfall of A Reformer

Did the Emancipation Proclamation really free any slaves?

Questions for Ron Paul on Foreign Policy

Obama’s ineligibility: A vast conspiracy against America

Was Lockerbie Key Evidence Antedated?

Blacks in New York Grow Sick of Being Used as Liberal Pawns

Since When are July 4th Parades Right Wing

Obama’s ineligibility: It is time to create a genuine opposition


The Need for Public Ownership of the Carbon “Idea”

Inhofe Leads Effort to Oppose EPA and Army Corps’ Guidance Document

It Is Time for a Birther Summit

What’s legal in court is often a crime

Capitalism versus “Greenism”


*Audio Download : Senator Tom Coburn’s Plan to Save Medicare


Deflating the Higher Education Bubble

Tech at Night: FTC joins the FCC in overreaches with Twitter, Anonymous hackery lives on, Al Qaeda reels | RedState

Governor Doofus Shuts Down Minnesota

Why RINOs But Not DINOs?

First North Carolina redistricting map! | RedState

In Government, First, Do No Harm!

Presidential Elections: An End Run Around the Constitution?

Suckered into Social Security

Republican Freshmen Say ‘No’ to Obama’s Recess Appointments | RedState

The Failure of Education 'Reform'

Laws are for the little people, not President Obama

Hail Caesar (Rodney)! An American Hero

How bad is Hugo Chavez's cancer? Very bad, say physicians

Lennon's freedom

Obama’s “Leadership” | RedState

Sen. Mike Lee, another GOP Idealist Against the Ideologues?

Greeks bearing real gifts

Harvey Milk, the New Gay MLK?

Ominous worldwide decline in manufacturing

Is the Sun Taking a Holiday?

The Third World Oscar Mayer Wiener | RedState

Excitement accompanies news Thaddeus McCotter will run for president

The Fiscal Dance of Death

Michele and Sarah: The Woman Warriors of the Right

Is Another Ballot Heist Coming?

The Need For A Militant Conservative Movement

Organic Food Deaths in Europe Could Have Been Prevented

Posterity Denied: The Hijacking of the Barnes Foundation

Best Workforces Are In Right-To-Work States, Survey Finds | RedState

The Delusion of Indispensability | RedState

Zynga’s Facebook Reliance Spooks Some Investors - Bloomberg

PRECIOUS METALS: Gold Hits 6-Week Low As Refuge Demand Slips -

Ex-BP chief was pressed over inquiry's scope | Business | - Houston Chronicle

Where Is Hulu Going? (AAPL, CMCSA, DIS, GOOG, MSFT, NWS, YHOO)

OMFG: Google wants to buy Hulu after all (sorry, Yahoo) | VentureBeat

Corn collapse won’t save shoppers - Chicago Sun-Times

New FAA rules to combat controller fatigue -

UPDATE 1-Russia says resumes power exports to Belarus | Reuters

Go Daddy sold in a deal valued at $2.25 billion -

U.S. sends special envoy ahead of Sudan split -

Jordan King Shuffles Cabinet as Protests Grow -

Pakistan mounts search for Swiss hostages: official | | DAWN.COM

Al-Qaida facing financial crunch and manpower shortage: Report - The Times of India

U.S. shifts to closer contact with Egypt Islamists | Reuters

Chavez Says Cancer to ‘Strengthen’ Him - Bloomberg

Afghanistan civilian deaths: Buried bombs kill 30 Afghan civilians in a 48-hour span - Morocco: Opposition Calls New Protest After Referendum Landslide

Hezbollah's military commander indicted by UN tribunal - Threat Matrix

Bahrain Opens Reconciliation Talks With Opposition | News | English

Libyan Rebels Accept African Peace Plan - Bloomberg

The Associated Press: Yemen officers arrested for betraying president

Video: Japan's Post-Fukushima Nuclear Protest Music - Max Fisher - International - The Atlantic

YouTube - ‪Nuclear Safe? 3 Mile Island, Fukushima, Chernobyl just 'bumps along the way'‏

Obama White House Aides Salaries: At Least 21 Make $172,200 | Story | POWERWALL

Post-9/11, a security blanket for a wounded nation -

From the comments: Readers split on ruling against affirmative action ban |

Man Gets $1.4 Million After Wrongly Convicted of Killing Grandmother and Kids -

In time for Election 2012, a Stephen Colbert super PAC. What is that? -

Obama nominates antiterror center chief - The Boston Globe

Obama Nominates Counterterrorism Center Director -

Dignity Is at Heart of Our Declaration of Independence -

Guitar-Playing Congressman to Enter GOP Presidential Field -

Wildfires and Belt-Tightening Lead to Fewer Fireworks This July Fourth - TIME NewsFeed

Energy Concerns Could Make Panetta First Green DOD Chief -

YouTube - ‪Raw Video: Panetta Takes Over at Pentagon‏

+Ron Paul Book's Juiciest Red Meat | Story | POWERWALL

Obama’s Mao-Loving Manufacturing Czar Makes $163K | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Dominique Strauss-Kahn Accuser: Prostitute? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Obama: ‘Nothing Can Be Off-Limits’ in Budget | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

911 Call Released in Deadly Car Crash Involving Colo. State Sen. | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

New Yorkers Ask How Gay Marriage Will Affect Benefits | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Union Politics Spoil July Fourth Float Commemorating Fallen 9/11 Firefighters | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Former Army Lawyer: Some Prisoners Prefer GITMO Living Over Going Home | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Did You Catch Keith Olbermann‘s Farewell to Glenn Beck’s Fox News Show? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Man Who Stabbed, Raped Lesbian Couple Claims ‘I Was Told By My God…to Attack My Enemies’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Southern Baptists Back a ‘Clean’ Version of the DREAM Act | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Swiss Political Party Ad Features Jewish Doll With an Arrow in Its Head | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Teens Burn Cross Outside Black Church, May Face Hate Crimes Charges | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Top Pakistani College Hosts Contest to Praise bin Laden | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Did Chris Matthews Really Compare Kansas’ Abortion Regulations to Racist Jim Crow Efforts? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Basketball Star Lebron James Dunks Over Little Kid, Sends Him Flying to the Ground | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Gasp: 1 in 4 Americans Don’t Know Which Country America Declared its Independence From | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Move Over Watson: There‘s a New ’Sensing’ Robot in Town | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

GOP Rep. Joe Walsh Compares Obama to ‘10-Year-Old‘ Who’s ‘In Over His Head’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Update: ATF‘s ’Project Gunrunner’ Weapons Turning Up in Arizona Crimes | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Man Rigs Van to Steal Nearly 400 Gallons of Gas | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

A Militant Gadhafi Threatens to Target European ‘Homes, Offices, Families’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Huntsman Confirms Support for Embryonic Stem Cell Research, Refuses to Sign Pro-Life Pledge | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

‘Major Announcement’: GOP Rep. Thaddeus McCotter to Launch Bid for Presidency | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

See The Incredibly Awkward ‘Robot’ Interview With the British Labour Leader | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Sex Advice Columnist Dan Savage: Monogamy ‘Destroys More Lives Than it Saves’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Weightlifting Federation Amends Dress Code, Allows ‘Unitards’ to Benefit Muslim Woman | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

National Enquirer Releases Alleged Video of Cheating ‘To Catch a Predator’ Host Chris Hansen | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Read the Viral, Angry E-Mail One Mother Sent to Her Daughter-in-Law Over Manners | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

**Watch Fireworks Explode at 2000 Frames Per Second | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Obama’s ineligibility: Proof that Congress is lying




Herman Cain Blasts Obama: He‘s Not ’A Strong Black Man’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Do July 4 Parades Really Indoctrinate Children, Boost Election Day Turnout for the GOP? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Atheists to Fly July 4 Airplane Banners in 27 States: ‘God-LESS America,‘ ’Atheism is Patriotic’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

France Reports First E. Coli Death


** FLASHBACK: Savage — the day of the arrest — on how the IMF chief was set up

* SAVAGE: From the Dreyfus affair to the Strauss-Kahn affair


**DA Cyrus Vance Jr.'s letter on Strauss-Kahn


Hotel maid's lies jeopardize ex-IMF chief Strauss-Kahn's case - Washington Times

Dominque Strauss-Kahn's accuser was hotel hooker, insiders say -

One Revelation After Another Undercut Strauss-Kahn Accuser’s Credibility -


Christine Lagarde under investigation over role in payments to Bernard Tapie | World news | The Guardian

Christine Lagarde: Secret life of new IMF boss | Mail Online


The Tipping Point: Embracing the Muslim Brotherhood

Court Strikes Down Michigan Ban on Race in College Admissions -

Fars News Agency :: Cleric Stresses Spread of Islamic Revolution to US, Europe

America’s peevish president - Right Turn - The Washington Post

Nigerian stowaway had at least 10 boarding passes, none in his name, officials say -

U.N. Report Shreds Military’s Claim of Afghanistan Progress | Danger Room |

House panel probe urged of Kagan health care role - Washington Times

U.S. petition website helps Saudi women hit the highways - Washington Times

NASA Sues Astronaut For Selling Camera - The Daily Beast

NASA Accuses Astronaut of Swiping Moon Camera, Sues to Get It Back

Will Google+ Be As Creepy As Facebook? - International Business Times

Why I'm Rooting For Google+

Judge: Google 'Street View' Case Dismissal Denied - International Business Times

Google’s Gmail new anti-phishing feature may attract more users - International Business Times

NASA chief: Shuttle's end won't stop U.S. space work | Top Story | - Houston Chronicle

Try Chromebooks for Free During Your Summer Travels | PCWorld

Facebook Will Launch In-Browser Video Chat Next Week In Partnership With Skype

Jupiter, Mars and the Moon will all be visited soon - TIME

+10 amazing photos: NASA, Michael Phelps, the lunar eclipse and more [Pictures]

Magnificent Moon mountain sunrise caught on camera • The Register


YouTube - ‪In Depth Interview With Ron Paul pt.1‏

YouTube - ‪In Depth Interview With Ron Paul pt.2‏

YouTube - ‪In Depth Interview With Ron Paul pt.3‏

YouTube - ‪In Depth Interview With Ron Paul pt.4‏


*Founders Without Whom America Would Not Exist

What’s Happened To Freedom On This 4th Of July?

Corporate Secrecy in the Wild West

An Actionable Plan for 9/11 Truth and Justice

Former Senator Mike Gravel Calls for Independent 9/11 Investigation and Prosecution of President Bush and Vice President Cheney

*The Source of Free Government’s Success Is Not a Mystery

La Rouche

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Lyndon LaRouche: War is Globalist Favorite Tool of Choice for Poplutation Reduction «


YouTube - ‪Lyndon LaRouche: War is Globalist Favorite Tool of Choice for Poplutation Reduction 1/4‏

YouTube - ‪Lyndon LaRouche: War is Globalist Favorite Tool of Choice for Poplutation Reduction 2/4‏

YouTube - ‪Lyndon LaRouche: War is Globalist Favorite Tool of Choice for Poplutation Reduction 3/4‏

YouTube - ‪Lyndon LaRouche: War is Globalist Favorite Tool of Choice for Poplutation Reduction 4/4‏


» Celebrating Independence Yet Enslaved To Debt Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Prison » People Rise Up Against The TSA

Prison » Gerald Celente: ‘IMF – International Mafia Federation’

Prison » Bob Chapman & Alex Jones: The Command Destruction Economy

Prison » Walk of shame: DSK vs MSM

YouTube - ‪1Million+ Libyan Civilians Protest Against NATO And Its Rebels Attacks In Libya 01 07 11 1 flv‏

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – July 1st, 2011

*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – July 1st, 2011

The Tentacles of Megas: Reaching from the Government to the Emasculated Watchdogs |

YouTube - ‪7/1/11 GMO = Super Pot!, Big fake boobs too good to be true‏

+4 Parts:A Look At Reality – Max Igan |

Kissinger’s Marching Orders: Buy Out, Dismember, Destroy America |

Media Matters: Is Glenn Beck the next Alex Jones? - Erik Wemple - The Washington Post

Ron Paul raises $4.5+ million | The State Column

Staying Human - Al Jazeera World - Al Jazeera English

SWAT Team in Washington acquires heavily armored vehicle | Homeland Security News Wire


+Radiation News 7-1-11 |

+Radiation News 6-30-11 |


Will Rick Perry run for president? - The Washington Post

Mark Halperin's Misguided "Dick" Slur Against Obama - The Daily Beast

Campaigner-in-Chief Scolds Congress for Work Ethic -

RealClearPolitics - Wal-Mart Case Revives a Longstanding Debate

This Astounding Enterprise — The American Magazine

Does the US military have a clear purpose? -

Smells Like School Spirit -

Obama's labor union problem - Jun. 30, 2011

GOP Is Party of Debt and Deficits - The Daily Beast

mitt romney, economy, worse -

Mickey Mouse runs afoul of the Islamists in Egypt: But in a democracy, Sharia has no place

Hawkishness and neoconservatism are not the same thing | Philip Klein | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

Jon Stewart can't move past flawed Fox Interview -

Marriage wisdom gathered over 50 years - The Washington Post

Editorial: Rick Perry looks poised to run - Orange County Register

Will Crisis-Ridden Europe Find Its Own Alexander Hamilton?: View - Bloomberg

Fail-Safe Plan Could Stop U.S. Default Disaster: Jonathan Alter - Bloomberg

RealClearPolitics - Corporate Jets and Tax Breaks

RealClearPolitics - At Closed Pa. Factory, Romney Assails Obama's Policy "Failure"

RealClearMarkets - Obama's Carefully Burnished Economic Ignorance

Defining Down War - Michael Hirsh -


2011 Global Carbon Market Survey

Adapting for a Green Economy

2030 Energy Outlook

-RealClearPolitics - Natural Gas "Bubble" Report: Market Tinkering or Shoddy Reporting?

RealClearMarkets - Exposing the Demonizers of Shale Gas

Red Lights Ahead for Green Projects | EnergyBiz

Sustainable Energy Choices for the 21st Century | The Energy Collective

Asia Times Online :: Quantitative greasing

DOE Explores a New Frontier In Quest for Cheaper Solar Panels | SolveClimate News

Biomass is the new coal | Grist

How Secretary Gates prevented a war with Iran

RealClearPolitics - Against the Clock in Afghanistan

Day of the Dead - TIME

What's on the Libyan rebels' shopping list? - By Robert Zeliger | FP Passport

Can a military coup restore democracy? -

Redeeming Russia, RealClearWorld - The Compass Blog

U.S. Expands Its Drone War Into Somalia -

Rice: Reagan's vision of liberty still guides us today -

South China Sea: making sense of nonsense | The Japan Times Online

RealClearWorld - Recognizing Reality in the Middle East

RealClearWorld - Uncertainty Shadows Latest Thai Election

The ghost of Thomas Malthus hovers over unsustainable global population increases | The Australian

Bibi the Third’s failed premiership - JPost - Magazine - Opinion

China’s coming era of slower growth: Are western economies prepared? | Blogotariat

Dominique Strauss-Kahn: The human stain | Editorial | World news | The Guardian

The Pentagon After Mr. Gates -

Growing Shadows in an Unsettled Iraq - Council on Foreign Relations

U.S. Seen as Among the Greatest Nations, But Not Superior to All Others - Pew Research Center

Why we should all believe in American exceptionalism

Occupied Nation

Independence – do we still want it?

My heroes the Marines

My exchange with Forbes media columnist

Media whores and revolution

Federal duplicity blocks immigration reform

Letter to Generation X

Bachmann's right about minimum wage

White House takes aim at rural America

When habitual sins creep back in

To the Limit -

Let's hear it for prejudice

Union curbs rescue a Wisconsin school district | Byron York | Politics | Washington Examiner

How Kissinger whitewashes Red China

“Completely Wasteful”: Steven Rattner Slams Govt. Support for Corn Ethanol - Yahoo! Finance

+Ron Paul’s Surprisingly Lucid Solution To The Debt Ceiling Impasse | The New Republic

Dominique Strauss-Kahn and your money Brett Arends' ROI - MarketWatch

Economy, Tom Petruno: Economy muddles along — and that might have to be enough for now -

Why Housing Is Guaranteed to Recover (KBH, NVR, PHM)

Who's afraid of the debt? Everyone except Wall Street -

The financial costs of American freedom- MSN Money

100 great things about America - Fortune Features

The unpredictable forces behind oil prices - The Washington Post

What's a Crisis and What Isn't -

Review & Outlook: The Jobless Summer -

Ghosts Around Every Corner -

How Investors Can Profit Off Aging Baby Boomers

5 big market events that shouldn't surprise investors (but will) - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

Lawrence Solomon: Liberate U.S. oil | FP Comment | Financial Post

Is Pi 'Wrong'? | Mathematicians Want to Say Goodbye to Pi | Calculus, Geometry & Math of Circles | Life's Little Mysteries

The scientific flash behind the fireworks - Technology & science - Science -

How Do Fireworks Make Shapes? | Stars, Hearts, Smiley Faces and More: Patterned Shell Pyrotechnics | Life's Little Mysteries

Clocking Neptune's spin by tracking atmospheric features

BBC News - Antimatter Tevatron mystery gains ground

Study challenges physics beyond Einstein | COSMOS magazine

Magnetic Nanoparticles Fry Tumors - ScienceNOW

Electronic Skin Gives Robots a Sense of Touch : Discovery News

Why E-Waste Should Be Kept, Recycled in U.S. - Miller-McCune

Family ties doubted in Stone Age farmers - life - 01 July 2011 - New Scientist

Let the Death Panel Accusations Fly! | Work In Progress

UCSB Press Release: "‘Zombie' Stars Key to Measuring Dark Energy "

NASA - Scientists Hope to Get Glimpse of Adolescent Universe from Revolutionary Instrument-on-a-Chip

MicroRNAs in the songbird brain respond to new songs | News Bureau | University of Illinois

Legal But Deadly — The American Magazine

Can Cigarette Butts Be Recycled? - Miller-McCune

Planes punch holes in clouds, making it snow | COSMOS magazine

Truth or dare: How to spot a liar - life - 30 June 2011 - New Scientist

Infographic: LinkedIn Finds Men Best at Leveraging Social Networks - Nicholas Jackson - Technology - The Atlantic

Why David Barash Is a Good Darwinian - Brainstorm - The Chronicle of Higher Education

Cosmic Pluralism: How Christianity briefly conquered the solar system

Is This a Reefer Which I See Before Me?: Scientist Wants to Dig Up Shakespeare to Prove Pot Use -

You Are What You Think You Eat

What's wrong with eating dog meat? – Global Public Square - Blogs

BBC News - Tibetan singing bowls give up their chaotic secrets

Special Software Sheds Light on Who Really Wrote the Bible -

Why social pressure causes people to form false memories | Mail Online

Airplanes found to trigger rain, snow - CBS News

Ex-astronaut tries to sell camera from moon - Technology & science - Space -

Fore! Errant Golf Shot to the Head Saves Man's Life -

Alien battleship, 'Star Gate' or ICBM? Mysterious bubble-like light burst seen over Hawaii has internet sky watchers puzzled | Mail Online

World's most expensive razor | Orange UK

Flying Rainmakers: Airplanes Alter Weather By Punching Holes in Cloud | Cloud Seeding & Weather | LiveScience

Researchers can predict future actions from human brain activity

Elixir of life discovered on Easter Island - Telegraph

Bible Belt lawsuit pits atheist against sheriff | Reuters

Immigration scandal as Saddam Hussein's torture doctor is allowed to work in British hospitals | Mail Online

Child killer Richard Bible executed | Mail Online

Nearsightedness linked to serious eye disease | Reuters

Arrest made in unsolved 1957 murder of little girl - CBS News | Community | Blog Archive | Lesbian pastor begins suspension

‘Some Will Call Me a Torturer’: CIA Man Reveals Secret Jail | Danger Room |

Titanic captain Edward Smith's bathtub: Pictures surface for 1st time | Mail Online

Silence lifted: The untold stories of rape during the Holocaust -

A Incredible Rare Look At Life In North Korea

Fact or fiction: Your cell phone can hurt you

Scientists 'mend broken hearts' - Telegraph

Google to go way of Ma Bell?

Serpent Sensation: Name Contest Held for Two-Headed Snake - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Hollywood's golden movie company finally has a flat

'Is there an arrow in my face?' Er... yes! Boy, 17, lucky to be alive after crossbow fires bolt into his face in freak accident | Mail Online

Animal rights activists request permission to decorate bin Laden compound - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Support traditional marriage? 'You're dead'

Statements suggest doubt about Obama growing

What did Congress know about 'natural-born citizen'?

Bogus Obama document 'bigger than Watergate'

My exchange with Forbes media columnist

Confusion reigns supreme

'Shariah' should equal 'pariah'


Why China’s Heading for a Hard Landing, Part 1: A. Gary Shilling - Bloomberg

Why China’s Heading for a Hard Landing, Part 2: A. Gary Shilling - Bloomberg

Why China’s Heading for a Hard Landing, Part 3: A. Gary Shilling - Bloomberg

Shilling: China Heading for a Hard Landing, Pt. 4 - Bloomberg

Why China’s Heading for a Hard Landing, Part 5: A. Gary Shilling - Bloomberg


RealClearReligion - Liberty's Blessings & the Curse of Self-Government

Atheists flying ad campaign meets strong resistance – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs | Community | Blog Archive | Life, liberty, and other forgotten things

Christian Liberty, Secular Nation

Islam Will Find Its Own Way to Freedom « Public Discourse

Refocusing on the Family | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

RealClearReligion - Eucharist Has Always Been Divisive

RELEVANT Magazine - Is Your Church Too Cool?

All Gay All the Time, Christian News

Bristol Palin’s New Book Reveals Heterosexual Agenda | Religion Dispatches

Obama’s Obsession with Sexual Orientation

Confessional culture | The Spectator

Israeli ambassador backpedals on wartime pope comments | National Catholic Reporter

The American Conservative » Happiness Implosion

Jesus Christ, Extraterrestrial?

Joseph Smith is no longer alone in the world | Eye of Faith

The American Spectator : 50 Years of To Kill a Mockingbird

Joshua Stanton: Proposed Circumcision Ban is Bad for Religion and Medicine

Waiting on the New Evangelization | Crisis Magazine

Catholic Church must influence marriage debate - Guest Voices - The Washington Post

CAIR faces tax troubles » GetReligion


Eligibility takes center stage at National Press Club

Computer expert calls Obama document 'obvious fake'

Esquire: Corsi 'execrable piece of s---'

'Damage will be determined by the jury'

'The news media appears not to have asked a single question'


Minnesota Dem gov fights GOP's 'no new tax' stance

New VW plant on UAW radar as friendly target

Thousands rally against Ga. immigration law

Police: Train ticket helps crack 1957 Ill. killing

US millions fund SSudan army; worries over abuses

New York DA suffers new setback with Strauss-Kahn

Afghan attacks kill 18, family on board a van

Texas warns against travel to Mexican border town

Some worry about nuclear plant evacuation plans

Bass fishing, popular on Arkansas River, hurt by high water

High water puts damper on recreation in Rocky mountains

Albert, Charlene wed in Monaco religious ceremony

Plumbing the conscience of the Unabomber's brother

'Maid in Strauss-Kahn case was working as prostitute'

Gaddafi threatens Europe, Clinton calls for him to quit

Iran: US claims of weapons smuggling are 'ridiculous lies'

Monaco prepares for its own royal wedding

Buried bombs take increasingly deadly toll on Afghan civilians

Foreign Ministry denies Irish claim of flotilla sabotage

Syrian president sacks Hama governor after 200,000 protest

Colbert’s Dubious Win

Shriver Files Papers to Divorce Schwarzenegger

Big Hollywood Interview: Director/Producer Jonathan Flora on ‘Lt. Dan Band: For the Common Good’

Aaron Carter Claims Michael Jackson Offered Him Cocaine

How I Wound Up on The Black List

Obama Forming an ‘I Really Love Israel’ PR Squad To Try and Rescue Jewish Vote

Minnesota Heads Into An Unnecessary Shutdown

Teachers Union Prez Heads to Egypt: Should Obama Be Worried?

FBI Official to Federal Judge: OKC Bombing Videotapes ‘Might Have Been Misfiled, Impossible to Know Where’

The War on Lemonade Stands! Nanny of the Month (June 2011)

AUDIO:Senator Tom Coburn’s Plan to Save Medicare

Teachers Balk at Concessions, Want Businesses to Donate $94m to Save Jobs

Repeal the War Power Usurpation

Mr. President, For the Sake of the Economy and Our Constitution: Resign!

The ‘Tax Expenditure’ Con Job

Coming This Summer: Keith Olbermann, the Lost Months

Media Matters’ Spin Machine Breaks

Take Warning From Left’s ‘New Tone’

Michele Bachmann: The Hated Jew

Sexual Assault: If She’s Conservative, It’s Funny!

NBC’s Bias in Bachmann Medicaid Story

White House Calls MSNBC, Complains About Halperin Remark

CNN’s Kiran Chetry’s Odd Interview with Michele Bachmann

Reversing the Downward Trend of National Security Journalism

June Was Deadliest Month for U.S. Troops in Iraq in 3 Years: Michelle Obama Didn’t Know U.S. Troops Were Still in Iraq

Gaddafi Threatens Europe

The Tipping Point: Embracing the Muslim Brotherhood

UK To Follow Greece? Three-Quarter Of A Million Protest Cuts

Flotilla Means More Violence

Thailand’s Yingluck Promises To Use ‘Femininity’ To Resolve Disputes

Our Dangerous Commander-in-Chief

Muslim Brotherhood Giddy At Prospect of Clinton Pledge to “Remove Any Misunderstandings and Bridge Gaps”

Unmasking the “International Community”

Study: 4th of July Parades Turn You Into A Republican?!

Audio:Senator Rick Santorum: The Gathering Storm

Shale Oil Can Create An American Energy BOOM, If Obama Will Let It

Willie Nelson pot plea still not hashed out | Reuters

Filmmaker Hopes for 'Atheist Brokeback Mountain' |

Passing major debt deal by Aug. 2 seems doubtful

Administration calls for halt to Texas execution

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Obama Gives New Grant to ACORN; Did He Violate Federal Law?

Obama raises more than $1.2 million in Philadelphia - 44 - The Washington Post

NBC Wonders: Can America 'Afford Not to' Spend Billions on High-Speed Rail? |

RICK SANCHEZ, Jon Stewart vs. Fox News


2-Jul-11 World View

1-Jul-11 World View


The Failure of Al Gore: Part One | Via Meadia

The Failure of Al Gore: Part Deux | Via Meadia

The Failure of Al Gore Part Three: Singing the Climate Blues | Via Meadia

+Savage predicted IMF-chief case would unravel


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


What did Congress know about 'natural-born citizen'?

Feinstein defines 'natural-born citizen'

Statements suggest doubt about Obama growing

Bogus Obama document 'bigger than Watergate'

Adobe book editor positive: Obama certificate is phony

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?


**This Week in Pictures: June 26 - July 2


CAIR stonewalls after IRS revokes status

Who Is The Muslim Brotherhood? - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

Thailand car bomb: Car blown sky high as bomb disposal officer investigates in Narathiwat | Mail Online

Fox News to Replace Beck With 'The Five' -

‘Gender madness’: Swedish pre-school bans ‘him’ and ‘her’ |

Michigan Congressman Thad McCotter Set to Launch Presidential Campaign Saturday - ABC News

*2 July

American Minute for July 2nd

Today in History: July 2

July 2nd in History

Today in History: July 2

This Day in History for 2nd July

July 2 Events in History

July 2nd This Day in History

YouTube - ‪Today in History for July 2nd‏

**NEWS VIDEOS Nanny Of The Month: The War On Lemonade Stands

MSNBC Guest: Republicans Acting Like "Ideological Terrorists"

"Red Eye" Takes On Scarborough/Halperin "Dick" Flap

Dem Ad: Has Romney Not Heard Of "The Google"?

Dem Congressman To Obama: Use The "Bully Pulpit"

NRSC Ad: Actions Speak Louder Than Words, Mr. President

Rubio: Obama Using Language Of "Leader Of A Third-World Country"

Gary Sinise, A True American Patriot

Eugene Robinson: Cutting Taxes Will Make Economy Worse

Rove On White House Engaging With Muslim Brotherhood


**NEWS VIDEOS:Obama: ‘Gov’t Has to Start Living Within its Means’

Klavan: Why Do Black People Vote for Democrats?

Rush Limbaugh: You Can’t Call Obama ‘Dick’ on MSNBC But You Can Call Conservatives ‘Racist, Sexist, Bigot Homophobes’

Ingraham: Sinise, True American Patriot

Romney Ad: Obama Isn’t Working

1ST/Obama Re-Visits Community Organizer Roots

Aaron Carter Claims Michael Jackson Offered Him Cocaine

Caught on Video: Woman Mayor Pummels Sheriff in Face

Chavez Confirms Cancer Rumors

MSNBC’s Matthews: Bill Clinton is Like Jesus

Huntsman Says ‘No’ to Pro-Life Pledge, ‘Yes’ to Embryonic Stem Cell Research

NewsBusted: Ron Paul & Barney Frank Share a Toke?

NBC News Hosts Admit Pressure to Book More Pro-Obama Flacks

Growing Chorus to Revoke Media Matters’ Tax-Exempt Status

Lightning Hits Chicago’s Willis Tower

China’s Communists Celebrate 90th Anniversary of Party

Trailer: Crowder Uncovers Olbermann’s Lost Months

Strauss-Kahn Released; Case Disintegrates

30TH/CNN Anchor Refuses to Ask Bachmann Substantive Question

Rush: MSNBC’s Response Would Have Been Different If Halperin Had Defamed Bush

Calif Legislature Debates Law Mandating Schools Teach Gay History

Obama Rejects GOP Budget Talk Invitation; ‘Not a Conversation Worth Having’

White House Called MSNBC About Halperin’s Comments

Sarkozy Assaulted While Greeting Voters

Double Standard: F-Bomb Dropped on MSNBC’s O’Donnell Show, No Suspension

Kucinich Coddles Syrian Dictator Assad

Sen. Coburn: Obama’s Rhetoric ‘Dividing People and Class Warfare’

Begala: Federal Budget Over Last Two Years Not Related to Debt Situation

Inner City Parents Protest Teachers’ Union, NAACP Over Charter School Lawsuit

Judge: Prison Can Forcibly Medicate Loughner

29th/Obama: ‘Fuss’ from Congress Over Libya Just ‘Politics’

Live Action Investigative Report: Planned Parenthood’s Medicaid Misinformation In Indiana

Casey Anthony’s Father Breaks Down on the Stand

Stage Right Show – Keith Olbermann Calls Michele Bachmann a Pig, and Lies About It!

Stage Right Show – Guests: Adam Baldwin & Ken Klukowski

Pledge: Sign The Petition

28th/New Solar Plane Can Fly Day or Night

Economic Freedom and Quality of Life

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