A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

06 July 2011

6 July

The American Spectator: Obama's Signature Domestic Achievement...

The Alex Jones Show [07/05/2011] | New World Order Blog

YouTube - ‪Chris Hedges Endgame Strategy‏

The American Spectator : The Great Society's Urban Failure

The American Spectator : Letting Obama Be Obama

Obama tries to stop execution in Texas of Mexican killer | World news | The Guardian

» The Elite Are Not Even Trying To Hide How Much They Hate The U.S. Constitution Anymore Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Number One? 20 Not So Good Categories That The United States Leads The World In Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

FOX News Talks About The New World Order & The Global Elite (w/ Jack Hunter)

Marxist Bomber | Department Of Justice | Marilyn Buck | The Daily Caller

**Traitors, Spies and Terrorists:America's Internal Security Crisis.

Holder Called to Resign Traitors, Spies, Terrorists Exposed | Homeland Security Right Side News

The GOP Embraces Prison Reform - The Daily Beast

Obama can't dump Biden - Yahoo! News

+YouTube - ‪Leonard Cohen - Everybody Knows‏



+Panetta's War on Reagan's Defense Policies

YouTube - ‪Interview with Kevin Innes -- Liberty Dollar "Criminal"‏

YouTube - ‪FOX News Talks About The New World Order & The Global Elite‏

Dollar Coins: Supply Without Demand


**HootSuite - Social Media Dashboard


YouTube - ‪David Letterman - Jamie Oliver's Beaver Bit‏

YouTube - ‪If I Only Had a Bank | How to Make California Prosper - California Public Bank‏

YouTube - ‪Radiation Coverups Confirmed: Los Alamos, Fort Calhoun, Fukushima, TSA‏


*Mars Anomaly Research



The Enterprise


+NASA - LRO Sees Apollo Landing Sites


YouTube - ‪"The Truth About Smart Meters"‏

YouTube - ‪Agenda 21 for lower living standards‏

+American Heritage Library:The Price They Paid

Roy Tov – Facebook and Chile: Chronicles of a CIA Dictatorship

Did FBI surveillance push Ernest Hemingway to the brink of suicide? | Mail Online

'I had to psychologically dislocate a detainee': Former CIA agent reveals 'torture' methods and secret prison in memoir | Mail Online

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Protectors of the Public

The Pioneer :: Home : >> Recipe for disaster

Black macaque takes self-portrait: Monkey borrows photographer's camera | Mail Online

One in three ‘overwhelmed by technology’ - Telegraph

Who wants to live forever? Scientist sees ageing cured | Reuters

Coming soon: The artificially intelligent machines that will argue back | Mail Online

Health Care In Cuba And America

Creepy app uses facial recognition to count women in bars | The Raw Story

Activist Post: Totalitopia: The New Man Fashioned From the Forge of Brutality

The Abortion-Vaccine-Autism Link and What to Do | Catholic Exchange

Fraternal twins with autism: Is risk in the womb? - Yahoo! News

Amazing Beauty In Nature's Water Droplets - Bankers Built Private Empires on Public Credit

YouTube - ‪4409 -- Political control Freaks take over Farmers Market‏

Codex Commission – Voluntary GMO Labeling Okay with WTO? | Farm Wars

Rosalind Peterson -- United States New World Role: Low Level Nuclear Waste Dumping Ground

Nevermind the Pi music, here's what Tau sounds like (video) -- Engadget

Activist Post: 2011 Independence Day: Declare “emperor's no clothes” facts of US tyranny

CIA Instructions to Media Assets

Porn: Feminists claim X-rated content is as addictive as cocaine and gambling | Mail Online

15 Food Companies That Serve You 'Wood' - TheStreet

YouTube - ‪Catholic Investigative Agency : The Rockefeller Foundation‏

Where is the wind? Six per cent drop in power from UK wind farms after lowest wind speeds this CENTURY | Mail Online

Wallet 'obsolete in four years' - Telegraph

YouTube - ‪Inside 9/11 - Hijacking the air defense‏

Podhoretz: Obama is worried that he will get only 1/2 the Jewish money he got in ’08

Prison » Protect IP Act Gives Government Power to Seize Websites On a Whim

Since Obama Was Elected President on November 4th, 2008, the U.S. Dollar Has Lost 48% of its Purchasing Power. Ron Paul Could Have Stopped That!

Media Already Marginalizing Ron Paul Presidential Campaign | National Inflation Association Blog

Experts: Army’s $2.7 Billion Intelligence Computer Doesn’t Work -- News from

Activist Post: 10 Essential Rules Of Liberty

Why Do the Police Have Tanks? The Strange and Dangerous Militarization of the US Police Force | World | AlterNet

Security Grifters Partner-Up on Sinister Cyber-Surveillance Project :

[redacted] news: The Backfire Effect

American's Journey: There's an AIPAC sucker born every minute in the US: YOU PAY so Israelis can play - (short vid too)

YouTube - ‪Pharma Not in Business of Health, Healing, Cures, Wellness‏

**The Afghanistan War was Planned Months Before the 9/11 Attacks

Inside Job: Seven Questions About 9/11 |

YouTube - ‪Religion‏

Not Guilty: The Casey Anthony Distraction |

Revolutionary Politics : FBI Secretly Tracked College Student Without Warrant

Revolutionary Politics : "Journalist" Blames Drug War Failure On Corrupt Mexican Police

Revolutionary Politics : Tea Party Speaker Disses Palin, Crowd Erupts!

The BRAD BLOG : Michele Bachmann, Corporate Welfare Queen, Just the Tip of the Corporate Welfare Iceberg

YouTube - ‪Reagan's Cold War Dream: Outrage over US surveillance base in UK‏

Activist Post: Hollywood's Obsolete Business Model Smearing Protectors of Internet Free Speech

Number One? 20 Not So Good Categories That The United States Leads The World In

America’s Oil Price Inflation Crisis is Yet to Come | National Inflation Association Blog

MI5 run fake Islamists declare mini Sharia state in UK

Peter Schiff: The rise of the barter economy - InvestmentNews

Outgoing U.S. ambassador: Obama planning to visit Israel - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

U.S. And Israel Were Behind Hariri Killing, But Falsely Accuse Hezbollah For The Crime |

Victims Of Illegal Aliens & TSA - Sue Individuals Not Municipalities

Activist Post: 5 Facts About Fluoride to Give Your Water District

The Intercept: US State Dept. slams Israel over human trafficking

PressTV - Concerns rising over US plans to build massive plutonium bomb factory in Los Alamos - Fox News: Homeland Security Is Big Business - The (very) secret history of Area 51

Beast Of Kandahar | Danger Room | - Hacked: Obama's campaign website - Government Dipshits Claim Terrorists Are Looking At Surgically Implanting Bombs Inside Humans - Army’s $2.7 billion cloud computing system does not work - Lawyers: Protect IP Act would align U.S. Internet policy with ‘repressive regimes’ - Who wants to live forever? Scientist sees ageing cured - One In Three People Overwhelmed By Technology - More Than 500 Million Connected TVs Worldwide By 2015: Forecast - The Knights of Malta’s pivotal role in the American Revolutionary War - Huge rare earth deposits found in Pacific: Japan experts

Jack Blood’s Deadline Live with guest Doyel Shamley – The Life and Death of William Cooper : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

War, the Sickness of Empire and Economic Genocide : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

Without Low Interest Rates, The U.S. Financial System Dies

Microsoft admits Patriot Act can access EU-based cloud data | ZDNet


The Tom Bearden Website:“Maxwell’s” vector equations taught in university are actually Heaviside’s truncated equations, and are only a simplified version of what Maxwell originally wrote.


**Videos @End the Lie


*Video:Banking with Hitler | End the Lie - Independent News

*Video:Behind The Big News: Propaganda and the CFR | End the Lie - Independent News

*Video:End of Liberty | End the Lie - Independent News

*Video:End of Nations | End the Lie - Independent News

*Video:Flow: For Love of Water | End the Lie - Independent News

YouTube - ‪Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura: "HAARP" (FULL LENGTH)‏

YouTube - ‪Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura: "Global Warming" (FULL LENGTH)‏

YouTube - ‪Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura: "Big Brother" (FULL LENGTH)‏

YouTube - ‪Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura - "Wall Street" (FULL LENGTH)‏

YouTube - ‪ILLUMINATI a myth? Full Documentary‏

YouTube - ‪Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined Full‏

YouTube - ‪Illuminating Secret Societies: The Mind Control Agenda (FULL LENGTH) part 1/2‏

YouTube - ‪Illuminating Secret Societies: The Mind Control Agenda‏

YouTube - ‪Police State 4: The Rise of FEMA Full Length‏

YouTube - ‪EndGame HQ full length version‏

YouTube - ‪TerrorStorm Full length version‏

YouTube - ‪Fabled Enemies Full Length‏

YouTube - ‪The 9/11 Chronicles: Part One, Truth Rising full length‏

YouTube - ‪Reflections And Warnings - An Interview With Aaron Russo {Full Film}‏

YouTube - ‪America Freedom to Fascism(Full)‏

YouTube - ‪United We Fall Full length version‏

YouTube - ‪Core Of Corruption Volume 1: In The Shadows {Full Film}‏

YouTube - ‪Fall of the Republic HQ full length version‏

YouTube - ‪Dark Secrets : Inside Bohemian Grove Full Length‏

The Corporation / 3:00:06

YouTube - ‪What in the World Are They Spraying? (Full Length)‏

YouTube - ‪Ben Livingston: The Father Of Weaponized Weather (FULL LENGTH)‏

YouTube - ‪Order Of Death-Full Length Documentary‏

YouTube - ‪Alex Jones - "Masters of Terror" HQ Full Length version!‏

YouTube - ‪American Dictators - Alex Jones‏

YouTube - ‪Alex Jones: Comprehensive Annual Financial Report: Alex Jones (full version)‏

YouTube - ‪Loose Change 2nd Edition (Full)‏

YouTube - ‪9/11 The Road to Tyranny - A Film by Alex Jones‏

YouTube - ‪Zeitgeist Producer Peter Joseph on The Alex Jones Show‏

YouTube - ‪9 11 Blueprint for Truth presented by Architect Richard Gage, AIA‏

YouTube - ‪The 911 News Special You Never Saw - 2005.(full movie)‏

YouTube - ‪9/11 Revisited: Were explosives used?‏

YouTube - ‪7/7 Ripple Effect [Full Documentary]‏

YouTube - ‪American Police State-To Protect & Serve The New World Order‏

YouTube - ‪9/11 Ripple Effect‏

YouTube - ‪Dust To Dust - The Health Effects of 9-11‏

YouTube - ‪Professor Steven Jones : 9/11 Symposium 11/03/07‏

YouTube - ‪How Did The Twin Towers Collapse? (1.5 hours)‏

YouTube - ‪9/11 Omissions and Distortions - David Ray Griffin.‏

YouTube - ‪9 11 Documentaries-David Ray Griffin - Should the truth be revealed or concealed‏

YouTube - ‪Beginners Guide to the New World Order‏

YouTube - ‪9/11 - Improbable Collapse - The Demolition of our Republic.‏

YouTube - ‪Monopoly Men (Federal Reserve Fraud) (1999).‏

YouTube - ‪Jesse Ventura: Conspiracy Theory S01E04 ▲ Big Brother‏

YouTube - ‪Global Governance The Quiet War Against American Independence‏

YouTube - ‪Behind the Green Curtain: Environmentalism vs. Property Rights‏

YouTube - ‪The U.N. Deception‏

YouTube - ‪A New Standard Of Deception‏

YouTube - ‪TRANSHUMANISM (Full): Techno-eugenics for the neo-feudal age -- Tom Horn interview, by Alex Ansary‏

YouTube - ‪The Transhuman World Revolution‏


US spends billions every year prosecuting marijuana violations while economy tanks -

U.S. Drug Policy Fails Sick Patients and Taxpayers | The Morningside Post

» NATO War Crimes: Depleted Uranium Found in Libya by Scientists Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» New Weapons in the INFOWAR! Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Russian FSB Boss: Internet a Haven for Terrorists Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Is the Internet Re-Wiring Our Brains? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» “Belly Bombs”: Government Claims Phantom Terrorists Will Surgically Implant Explosives In Humans Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Half Of World’s Refugees Are Running From U.S. Wars | War Is A Crime .org

Obama Trying to Imprison Reporter for Exposing Lies Aimed at Starting a War With Iran

Why the War Machine Keeps on Running

The Petraeus-CIA Powergrab

Papandreou Selling Off Greek Assets

Why was Salah muzzled for preaching peace in London?

The First American Dollar War Defeat

Whatever Happened to the Freedom to Fly?

FBI Secretly Tracked College Student Without Warrant

A Brilliant and Courageous Statement

Think tank: Shrink ground forces, end counterinsurgency missions for savings:

Colombia's gold rush

White House denies report claiming Geithner to resign | The Raw Story

Gov. Rick Perry Breaks With His Former Patron, George W. Bush -

Libya: Colonel Gaddafi 'willing to give up power if son Saif al-Islam can run in elections' | Mail Online

» Planned Job Cuts Increase by 12% In June, Second Sequential Increase Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» JPMorgan Chase’s Jamie Dimon as New U.S. Treasury Secretary? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Iran tests indigenous anti-ship missiles in Gulf drills | Defense | RIA Novosti

» War In Libya: NATO runs out of bombs, Germany going to supply munitions Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» ‘War is a war even if they call it a humanitarian mission’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Outrage over US surveillance base in UK Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Tech Today: Cisco, China Team Up for Surveillance - Digits - WSJ

CPS takes custody of 6 kids living with parents in storage shed | Houston

The Rutherford Institute: VIPR Searches and the American Citizen: ‘Dominate. Intimidate. Control.’

MI5 admits to wrongful surveillance of innocent people, new report says | Pinsent Masons LLP

China Coal Consumption Linked To Global Cooling

» Totalitopia: The New Man Fashioned From the Forge of Brutality Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Asia pollution blamed for halt in warming: study | Reuters

Global race on to match U.S. drone capabilities - The Washington Post

China Wants to Buy Facebook - Gordon G. Chang - New Asia - Forbes

Big Pharma's Latest Shady Ploy to Sell Depression Drugs That People May Not Need | | AlterNet

Aborted for a cleft palate: Thousands of pregnancies aborted for 'abnormalities' including 500 for Down's | Mail Online

Pediatricians balk at treating unvaccinated children -

Appeals Court Rejects Airlines' Challenge To TSA Security Fees

US anti-piracy body targets foreign website owners for extradition | Technology | The Guardian

Obama tries to stop execution in Texas of Mexican killer | World news | The Guardian

» Fake terror, real sentence: FBI inspiration for 25 years in jail Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

9/11 kin: Troopers ‘did nothing’ -

9/11 Zadroga Health Care Law Goes Into Effect | New York Daily News

YouTube - ‪Lyndon LaRouche: War is Globalist Favorite Tool of Choice for Poplutation Reduction 1/4‏

YouTube - ‪Lyndon LaRouche: War is Globalist Favorite Tool of Choice for Poplutation Reduction 2/4‏

YouTube - ‪Lyndon LaRouche: War is Globalist Favorite Tool of Choice for Poplutation Reduction 3/4‏

YouTube - ‪Lyndon LaRouche: War is Globalist Favorite Tool of Choice for Poplutation Reduction 4/4‏

Prison » Paul Joseph Watson: 2011 – World In Crisis

Prison » Relentless Drive by Globalists to Kill the Constitution

Prison » Bill Gates in global push to vaccinate every child on the planet

BBC News - Microsoft tycoon Bill Gates calls for 'vaccine equality'

U.S. links Pakistan’s ISI to journalist killing: report | The Raw Story

Russia sends 2nd expedition to support its Arctic claims | Russia | RIA Novosti

Dominique Strauss-Kahn to sue French rape accuser for slander | The Raw Story

Missing British soldier executed by Taliban was snatched and shot in head | Mail Online

Prison » Nigel Farage: The Worm has Turned

Prison » Brits VS History

The (very) secret history of Area 51 - Americas, World - The Independent

Prison » Armed Citizens confront Nazi Checkpoint

US anti-piracy body targets foreign website owners for extradition | Technology | The Guardian

YouTube - ‪Keiser Report: Waterboard Bernanke Again! (E159)‏

YouTube - ‪Austrian Economics versus Mainstream Economics | Mark Thornton‏

YouTube - ‪Gerald Celente & Max Keiser on The Edge 25 June 2011‏


Is a U.S. Default Inevitable?

Respect For the Constitution is Fundamental to a Constitutional Republic


Naturally End the Medical Industrial Complex


Growing Industrial Hemp in Ontario

Hemp: A New Crop with New Uses for North America

YouTube - ‪Whose Oil and Who Can You Trust? - Rick Simpson‏

*Video Library « Phoenix Tears

Herb Society - Herbal First Aid - The Gardener

Hemp fuel: Hemp fuels- Environmentally friendly fuel sources

Hemp Biofuels Could Smoke The Competition |


Herb Society - Herbs In Medicine(

Myles O'



Prince Albert of Monaco marries Charle Wittstock

Who is Baphomet?

Newscaster Says Republican Party is…Satanic (video)

Alien encounters ‘within twenty years’

FOX News Discusses the New World Order and the Global Elite (video)

Kurzweil: A Future of Humans Merged With Machines (video)

MTV’s Baphomet & All-Seeing Eye Ad (video)

School surveillance: how big brother spies on pupils

Liquid Medicine: Controversial Call to Add Lithium to Drinking Water for “Mental Health”

New Film Shows Diana “Very Much Alive” After Car Crash

YouTube - ‪'War is a war even if they call it a humanitarian mission'‏

Our Politicians Are Selling Off Pieces Of America To Foreign Investors – And Goldman Sachs Is Helping Them Do It |

Paul Joseph Watson: 2011 – World In Crisis |

Will Strauss-Kahn Be The Next President Of France? – Paul Craig Roberts |

YouTube - ‪USWGO Jim Tucker Interview July 2nd 2011 by Brian Hill‏

Why Tyrants and Criminals hate the Republic! – Alex Jones |

George Will: The Constitution is an ‘anti-evolutionary device’ | Raw Replay

Ron Paul Goes After The TSA |

*4 PARTS:A Look At Reality – Max Igan |

*3Parts::Max Igan on the Bob Tuskin Show – July 4th, 2011 |

5 Facts About Fluoride to Give Your Water District |

*Audio: AFP Podcast interviews Medea Benjamin, a passenger on The Audacity of Hope...

Firearms Bureau Finds Itself in a Rough Patch -

Web retailers end some California relationships -

The Powers of Manipulation: Islam as a Geopolitical Tool to Control the Middle East

How to Save the U.S. Labor Movement

Report: Ground Invasion of Libya Within Two Weeks

Obama Administration Shuts Down Investigations Into Bush-era Torture

PASOK: Pan Hellenic Socialist Kleptocrats

VIDEO: G20 Toronto: 1 Year Later

VIDEO: Radiation Coverups Confirmed: Los Alamos, Fort Calhoun, Fukushima, TSA

Security Grifters Partner-Up on Sinister Cyber-Surveillance Project

4th of July: Is the United States a Representative Democracy or a Mirage Democracy?

Getting used to Life without Food

Russia Today: A new kind of Media? A Projection of Russian Foreign Policy

No Solution to the Global Credit Crisis

The Foundations of Social Engineering

VIDEO: The New Food Wars: Globalization, GMOs and Biofuels


Overthrown, The Death of America/ ch1-12

Overthrown, The Death of America ch 13-23

Overthrown, The Death of America /bk2 ;ch 1-12

Overthrown, The Death of America /bk2 ; ch 13-23

Overthrown, The Death of America /bk3 ; 1-12

Overthrown, The Death of America /bk3 ; ch 13-23


YouTube - ‪Economic Collapse a Mathematical Certainty - Top 5 Places Where Not To Be‏

More Moon Evidence-5

The Big Wobble: Astonishing! NASA caught once again messing around with pictures from the Moon

YouTube - ‪Agenda 21 For Dummies‏

Dr. Dennis Cuddy -- The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood

Totalitopia: The New Man Fashioned From The Forge of Brutality |

The Essential Rules Of Liberty

Debt Ceiling News vs Casey Anthony News | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Video: Colossal dust storm engulfs Phoenix suburbs - Telegraph

EPA Gives Millions in Handouts to China and Russia » Publications » Family Security Matters

Obama Campaign Website Hacked, Or Who Needs Marx When You Have "Commy [sic] Obama" | zero hedge

Couple found dead in Branson pool were Mizzou researchers

'Gender-neutral' pre-school accused of mind control - Europe, World - The Independent

YouTube - ‪'Whites Are Liars' Obama's 20 year Mentor Rev. Wright Tells Church Youth All Whites Are Liars‏

White Supremacists Running for Political Office in 2012 in Growing Numbers - The Daily Beast

DOJ whistleblower testifies | Obama Administration

Senator: Constitution doesn't define presidential eligibility

Obama may be in deep trouble… Chief Justice John Roberts, U.S. Supreme Court | Red White Blue News

American Judeo-Christian Values and the Declaration of Independence » Publications » Family Security Matters

YouTube - ‪4409 -- Political control Freaks take over Farmers Market‏

30 min/YouTube - ‪Innovations in Technology | Jeffrey A. Tucker‏

YouTube - ‪Charlie Veitch: A Rebuttal‏

YouTube - ‪The Unseen War on American Farms‏

YouTube - ‪Bachmann fails Econ 101‏

YouTube - ‪Next Generation Transition(R) Unveiled‏

Yemen: 40 Militants Killed in Two Days of Strikes

22 Killed in al-Qaeda Attack on Mauritania Base

Is a Broader Peace Movement Finally Here?

The Folly of Nation-Building

Iraq: Provincial Council Accuses US Forces of Blackmail

Weapons Prove Iranian Role in Iraq, US Claims

Britain's Afghanistan Pullout 'On Track' for 2014 Deadline

Drug War Bodies Expose Flaws in Mexican Forensics

Italian Police Raid Notorious Hackers Group: Report

On the Impossibility of Limited Government and the Prospects for a Second American Revolution - Hans-Hermann Hoppe - Mises Daily

Mp3:The Impossibility of Limited Government: The Prospects for a Second American Revolution

Governments are the Primary Creators of Systemic Risk -

How Blessed Is the State That Thus Destroyeth the Car - informationliberation

North Korea's Socialist Famines - informationliberation

VIPR Searches and the American Citizen: 'Dominate. Intimidate. Control.' - informationliberation

Rights or Privileges? - informationliberation

TSA Abuses and Failures - informationliberation

'Pirate' Admins Sweat As ICE Reveal Extradition Criteria - informationliberation

Obama Calls Absence of Tax Increases 'Spending In the Tax Code' |

Rebels Plan for Post-Gadhafi Libya

Audio:Real Freedom and Ron Paul;Butler Shaffer on the difference between freedom and liberty, and how to be free regardless of the state.

- TSA Abuses and Failures by Ron Paul

Becoming a Man of the World: How to Learn Another Language | The Art of Manliness

Five Things You Should Never Tell a Car Salesman by Eric Peters

What About the 'Real' Left? by Anthony Gregory

War Fever Subsides in Washington by Andrew Bacevich

Defending the Stereotype by Stephen Mauzy

Let’s put a full stop to the Oxford comma – Telegraph Blogs


*The 25 Rules of Disinformation | The Vigilant Citizen

*10 ways 'the police state' tracks you | The Vigilant Citizen

- Naming Names: Your Real Government | The Vigilant Citizen


New industrial revolution needed to avert ‘planetary catastrophe’ – UN report

Nibiru? "Massive Object Near The Sun" | Before It's News

The Event and Comet Elenin - Honolulu exopolitics |

Is Comet Elenin an incoming spacecraft heralding a New Age? - Honolulu exopolitics |

Freemasonry - The Ultimate Gang | Before It's News

Body's Own Marijuana-Like Chemicals Make Fatty Foods Hard To Resist | Before It's News

Troopers arrest man after finding human-sized marijuana plants - 14 WFIE, Evansville, Henderson, Owensboro

EU Follows Obama into the Brotherhood Abyss | FrontPage Magazine

Muslim Brotherhood: We must implement Sharia in stages


A Dollar Development Few See Coming -

Scientists Say: Selective Memory Exists | Before It's News

EYE 21: Blind See Acoustic Images Produced by Electronic Eyes in Sunglasses, Helps The Blind To Move Independently | Before It's News

This Vitamin Protects Brain Against Stroke In 3 Ways | Before It's News

Obama Wants to Cut God Out of Government | Before It's News

Simple Survival Gear Mods - Sticks for Survival - The Stealth Survival Stick | Before It's News

Form Of Natural Vitamin E May Reduce Stroke Damage | Before It's News



Obama’s ineligibility: A Congress of cowards

Obama Wants to Cut God Out of Government | Floyd Reports

Enlarged applications of Ann Dunham’s SS-5, showing non-existent revision date and a clear sign of forgery | Before It's News

Enlarged: pdf/ Ann Dunham

Obama’s Mama Had a Fraudulent Social Security Number Too!

Mathematical proof Obama birth certificate a forgery, Software engineer analysis, Stanley Ann Dunham Obama signature | Before It's News

Gabrielle Giffords Shocking Past Exposed! | Before It's News

+You’re So Wrong! Food Myths and Misconceptions | Before It's News

YouTube - ‪Truckers Report Moving Military Equipment Across U.S, FEMA Involved! Alert To All Truckers!‏

Racism at the Root of the Black/White Jobs Gap | Black Agenda Report

July 6 News: Agent Orange Being Used to Clear the Amazon; EU Votes Against Reducing Carbon Emissions by 30% | Before It's News

Top 10 Weather Photos This Year | Before It's News

Invisible Art Gallery | Before It's News


**Top Censored Stories | Project Censored


Unanswered Questions of 9/11: 911 Prewarnings, Building 7 Collapse, Flight 77 and the Pentagon, Israeli Involvement, United Airlines Put-options, War games, Atta and the $100,000, 9/11 Terrorists Still Alive | Project Censored


Activist Post: The 90-Day Rat Study - Monsanto, IGF-1, and FDA Denial

Activist Post: Hemp and Peace, Freedom and Democracy

Activist Post: Connecticut: Marijuana Decriminalization Measure Is Now Law

Ron Paul vs. the FDA Raw Milk Police

Activist Post: 10 Essential Rules Of Liberty

FDA unleashes end game scheme to outlaw virtually all dietary supplements formulated after 1994

Democrats Plan End Run to Win Debt Ceiling Battle

Laura Ingraham: GOP Must Be 'Firm' on Debt Ceiling

Democrats Offer Healthcare Cuts in Debt Talks

Republicans Tweak Obama on Twitter

Jeb Bush: NEA Losing Battle Over Bad Teachers

Democrats Plan End Run to Win Debt Battle

Rasmussen: NRA More Popular Than NEA

GOP Candidate McCotter: China Is Threat to US

Nancy Reagan's 'Arc of Grace' on 90th Birthday

Huckabee’s Daughter Joins Pawlenty Campaign

Cain Denies His Campaign Is in Disarray

Bush Team Warns Perry About Criticism

The CIA Officer Who Got Osama Bin Laden

FBI: No Oklahoma City Bombing Videos Found

Palin, Perry: 2012 Hopefuls Make Fast Friends

Beat Inflammation at Every Meal

Medicare Abandoned by Obama and Both Parties

Obama Tax Hikes Will Kill Jobs

Newt's Healthcare Ideas Worth Considering

Success Doesn't Require a College Degree

GOP Gov. Tom Corbett Gives Unions a Sweetheart Deal

Obama Backing Off Global Warming Agenda

+Selling on the Right Side of the Brain? |

What Successful Internet Marketers Know (But You Don’t?) | Before It's News

FLASHBACK:Obama May Break His Promise on Iraq Withdrawal - Conor Friedersdorf - Politics - The Atlantic

Iraq U.S. troops: U.S. willing to leave 10,000 troops in Iraq past year's end, officials say -

YouTube - ‪Phoenix Dust Storm: Video of Doomsday Scenes in Arizona‏

Dust storm hits Phoenix, limiting visibility

Juror: Casey Anthony verdict was the right one - US news - Crime & courts -

Casey Anthony not guilty: Evidence against her was strong, but jury wanted more

Casey Anthony Acquittal Leaves Big Question:... | Gather

Casey Anthony verdict: Not-guilty mother to make a fortune from media interviews | Mail Online

Casey Anthony Trial: Marcia Clark Says the Verdict Was Worse Than the O.J. Simpson Case - The Daily Beast

Smoke screener - Critic cuts through haze on Denver’s medical marijuana beat/WWW.THEDAILY.COM

News of the World phone hacking: Police review all child abduction cases | Media | The Guardian

David Cameron backs calls for inqury into 'disgusting' allegations of phone hacking at News of The World - Telegraph

Gov. Rick Perry Breaks With His Former Patron, George W. Bush -

Texas showdown? Rick Perry rhetoric angers Bush allies - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Jilted husband built electric chair in garage in attempt to kill wife - Telegraph

Woman Showers On NYC Subway Train [VIDEO] - WPIX

Darbe Pitofsky Says Sanitation Worker Chased, T - Flash Player Installation

Layer 8: Billion-pixel camera set to snap Milky Way shots

US and Russia stir up political tensions over Arctic | World news | The Guardian

At N.H. town hall, Romney says Obama has made economy worse - The Washington Post

President Obama to recognize military suicides with condolence letters - Jennifer Epstein -

Mexican Lawmakers: U.S. Officials Who Approved Gun-Running Should Be Tried in Mexico

Terry Jeffrey: Scalia's Stupid Decision

YouTube - ‪Obama Takes ATF Gun-Running Operation 'Very Seriously,' Spokesman Says‏

Obama’s State Dept. Nominee: North Korea's Kim Jong-il ‘Smart, Capable,’ ‘Not a Lunatic’

Gallup: In No Month of Obama Presidency Has Majority Believed Economy Improving

Obama Takes ATF Gun-Running Operation ‘Very Seriously,’ Spokesman Says

Gallup: Blacks Most Religious Group in U.S.

Shock and Outrage Greet Casey Anthony’s Not Guilty Verdict

Sen. Durbin Mum on How Many Illegal Aliens Invited to Congressional Hearing

India's Health Minister Calls Homosexuality a Western ‘Disease’

U.S. Envoy Blames Iran Following Deadly Month for U.S. Forces in Iraq

Obama Holds ‘Twitter’ Town Hall Today

Fort Hood Shooting Suspect Will Face Death Penalty |

U.S. official who authorized gunrunning probe should be tried in Mexico, Mexican lawmakers say

Obama admin. requests stay of execution for Mexican national on Texas death row

Arizona launching website to raise cash for border fence

Questions of blame remain in ATF gun-trafficking investigation

How the Casey Anthony case came apart

Health care 'repeal and replace' plans grind to a halt

Medicare and Medicaid chief in race against time

E.P.A. Chief Stands Firm as Tough Rules Loom

Shot Gabrielle Giffords aide returns to work

Afghan pullout seen as too much, too soon

Verizon Wireless doing away with unlimited data plans

Medical marijuana moves ahead in D.C. as feds reconsider enforcement

Andrew Cuomo: I won't replace Joe Biden

Herman Cain loses key Iowa tea party backer

Storms may wash out last space shuttle launch Fri.

Olbermann gives dramatic reading of Palin emails as poetry

Emergency Homeowners Loan Program To Disperse $1B To Help Save Homes

ACLU and Elon James White call out the Lost War on Drugs

John McCain: Americans 'Don't Want Compromise'

If You Really Want To Fix Medicare, Help These Dems Repeal The Sweetheart Deal With Big Pharma: Medicare Part D

Santorum accuses Obama of creating 'only 240 million jobs'

The big right-wing lies: We're going broke, and spending is out of control

Someone Needs to Tell Fox's Mike Emanuel What the Definition of 'Class Warfare' Is

You know you've lost when David Brooks calls the GOP "Not Normal"

Goldwater Rule? What Goldwater Rule? Fox News "Analyzes" Media Matters' David Brock

Tea Party Already Looking To Purge Their New Congress Members For Having The Audacity To Compromise

Administration Offers 'Tens of Billions' in Medicare, Medicaid Cuts in Exchange for Tax Increases

White supremacist David Duke moves toward presidential run

Gaxiola found guilty of all counts in Flores family murders

Bernie Sanders: Americans Think it's Insane to do Deficit Reduction on the Backs of the Working Class and Poor

Kathy Griffin to Michele Bachmann: Were You Born A Bigot Or Did You Grow Into It?

Taking a Side

Rupert Murdoch's News Corp: Stories You Won't Hear On Fox News

Everything I Know About the Founding Fathers I Learned from Republicans

Monkey steals camera to snap himself - Telegraph

Seattle History: The UFO sightings near Seattle | Seattle's Big Blog -

Giant Hogweed spreads through New York and causes blindness and third-degree burns -

What's Really Behind Paranormal Experiences (Hint: It's Not Ghosts) | Richard Wiseman's "Paranormality" | Skepticism & Debunking | LiveScience

Town Pond Turns Fluorescent Green - East Hampton, NY Patch

Who wants to live forever? Scientist sees aging cured - Yahoo! News

Pleistocene Fossils Unearthed at a Breakneck Pace in Colorado -

British banking consultant turns South African witch doctor - Telegraph

Short Sharp Science: Belly button biomes begin to blossom

Storm Warnings: Extreme Weather Is a Product of Climate Change: Scientific American

Ron Paul #2 in GOP Fundraising

Wrights joins call to end to U.S. militarism

The Corporation & Personhood

The Racist Party ... It's Not Who You Think!

Fred Thompson - "At the proverbial crossroads."

Obama is Wrong about Medical Marijuana as Well

Freedom and Responsibility

The Cornerstone of Liberty

Obama and the Second American Revolution

Obama's Inalienables

Learning From the Worst Presidents

A National Security Apparatus in Decline

'Dreamers' and the Illegal Nightmare

The 'Ayn Rand vs. Jesus Christ' Campaign

Noam Chomsky Gets Half a Clue

Krugman's Con

Obama rejects short term debt deal

Romney raises $18 million in 2nd quarter

Assad still engaged in bloody crackdown; Libyan rebels going nowhere

New study shows lowering salt intake doesn't help

Islamintern Denounces Islamo-realistic Free Speech in Holland

Casey Anthony: Must Everything Be About Race?

Democrats Unveil the Weapon of the Future

ICE Memo Reveals new Obama Administration Plan to Incentivize Illegal Immigrants

Obama's Class Warfare Harms America

Birther Card: Coulter's Turn

In a Death Penalty Case, Texas Battles Mexico, Washington (and the World)

Democrats Heading for the Cliff

The Af-Pak Theatre

United in Hate vs. United We Stand

Obama using your private emails to get re-elected

The Debt Ceiling Fiction

Obama and his aides on top of the world - American workers in the toilet

The Last Refuge of Liberty

Obama’s ineligibility: The gauntlet has been thrown down; the battle forced upon us

Dreamers And Doers

Islam’s Non-Existent Contribution to America

Obama’s ineligibility: A vast conspiracy against America

Fox News inspired scientist to study why global warming has stopped!

State Dept. Official Hails Che Guevara as Symbol of Freedom

Is Your Teflon Cookware Causing Flu Symptoms?

Weeds: If You Can’t Beat Them, Eat Them

A New Declaration of Independence for a New Revolution

E-Verify and the Emerging Surveillance State

Obama’s ineligibility: Congress says al-Qaida terrorist can be President

Obama will Resign and for Good Reason

Agenda 21 and Obama’s Rural Council?

Egyptian Party Leader Claims Holocaust is ‘a Lie,’ 9/11 Was ‘Made in the U.S.A.’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

S.E. Cupp Blasts Manhattan District Attorney Vance: ‘High-Minded Activism’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

US Warns Terrorists May Try to Surgically Implant Bombs in Humans | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Fox Feud? Geraldo Hits Back at Goldberg: ‘Ideological’ & ‘Opinion Meister’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

The HULC! Catch a Glimpse of the New ‘Exoskeleton’ That Could Revolutionize the Battlefield | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Bernie Goldberg to O’Reilly: Geraldo Wouldn‘t Defend Anthony Verdict if Victim Was ’Hispanic Immigrant’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Has Godlessness Truly ‘Doomed’ Great Britain? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Newsweek Editor Tina Brown Calls GOP ‘Suicide Bombers’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Bachmann Bites Back: They Want You to Think Tea Party Is ‘Toothless Hillbillies’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

California Bill That Mandates Public Schools Teach Gay History Goes to Governor | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Casey Anthony Lawyer Caught on Camera Flipping Off the Media | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Pregnant Inmate Awaiting Trial Denied Furlough to Have an Abortion | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Obama Campaign Website ‘Hacked’: ‘Commy Obama’ Invites Supporters to ‘Anti-Government’ Events | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

‘Captain America’ Movie Will Keep Name Around the World Except in These Countries… | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Florida Democrats Struggle to Connect with Hispanic Voters | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

It‘s Called ’Haboob’: ‘Howling Winds’ Drive Massive Dust Storm Across Phoenix | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Chris Matthews on GOP: Scary ‘Wahhabis of American Government’ (VIDEO) | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

In Unprecedented Exhibit, Vatican Set to Display 100 Top-Secret Archival Documents | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Arab Emirates: Women on Facebook Blackmailed for Money, Sexual Favors for Breaking Sharia Law | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Illinois Redraws Electoral Map To Suit Democrats | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

UPDATE: NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo Denies Rumors He‘ll Be Obama’s 2012 Running Mate | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Move Over Bravo: Internet Evangelist to Release ‘Real Housewives of the Bible’ DVD Series | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Gallup: Never in Obama’s Presidency Has Majority Believed Economy Improving | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Mexican Military Planting Drugs on Americans? The Case of Shohn Huckabee | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

CBS Talk Show Host Julie Chen Breaks Down Over Casey Anthony Verdict | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Breakthrough for the Blind: Scientists Develop Vest That Can ‘See’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Crystal Cathedral Founder Rev. Robert Schuller Controversially Ousted From Church Board | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

‘Media Assassination’: Anthony Defense Team Delivers Wild Presser | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

‘Security Risk’: Woman Allegedly Kicked Off Flight After Photographing ‘Rude’ Employee | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Juan Williams Slams Media Matters: ‘Trying to Ruin People’s Lives…Because They Disagree With Their Politics’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Obama Recruits Former Goldman CEO and Ex-NJ Gov Corzine to Win Back Wall Street | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

YouTube - ‪David Duke for President? -- It's up to You!‏ - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Go Dutch to expel idle migrants

Opinion: Putting reelection ahead of nation’s woes - Frank Donatelli -

There has been no global warming since 1998 – Telegraph Blogs

Terrorism suspect: Terrorism suspect Ahmed Abdulkadir Warsame held in secret detention -

Sen. McConnell criticizes handling of Somali terrorism case -

UK Girls At Risk of Mutilation Abroad

Lakeview stabbing caught on video | Residents concerned about recent violence |

Men accused of gang-raping girl, 11, due in court - US news - Crime & courts -

Chief calls looting, beatings in Riverwest barbaric - JSOnline

Sex workers say they will die to save brothels - World news - Asia-Pacific -

Girls as young as ONE 'forced to have sex change operations in India' | Mail Online

BBC News - Jewish bodies found in medieval well in Norwich

Jo Snow Syrups specializes in shaved ice, all-natural, homemade syrups |

In new job with Chicago Crime Commission, former Chicago Police Department Superindentent Jody Weis still fighting 'gangs, guns and drugs' |

AFP: Somali's secret detention legal: White House

What the Bush Aides Who Bash Perry Are Really Saying - Conor Friedersdorf - Politics - The Atlantic

Landmark Gay History Bill Goes To Governor - The Central Coast News Story - KSBW The Central Coast

Whitey Bulger heads to court for arraignment | Reuters

Implanted bombs: TSA warns of possible terrorist threat of bombs implanted in people -

178 Atlanta Public School Teachers Busted for Cheating | Death and Taxes

Sen. Jim DeMint: I’m “disappointed” in Michele Bachmann | The State Column

Casey Anthony Prosecutor and Juror Agree on Reason for Acquittal - ABC News

YouTube - ‪Casey Anthony's shocking not guilty verdict‏

Verizon To End Unlimited Data Plans By July 7 [UPDATE]

The Transition Becomes First Flying Car Allowed on the Road - AOL Travel News

DNA of Naked Mole Rat Could Hold Secrets to Cancer, Aging - International Business Times

Microsoft to Partner With China’s Leading Search Engine -

GM Weighs In on New Ethanol Blend - Washington Wire - WSJ

Facebook Launches Skype-Powered Video Chat & More [LIVE VIDEO]

Space Shuttle Launch: Tributes and Thunderstorms - ABC News

YouTube - ‪NASA's Final Four‏

Libyan Rebels Seize Village Near Tripoli | News | English

Syria human rights: Human-rights groups urge action on Syria -

The Associated Press: Venezuelans ponder life without Chavez

The Associated Press: Bosnians heading toward Srebrenica for anniversary

130-year-old UK murder case finally closed - World news - Europe -

UPDATE 2-Strauss-Kahn team meets prosecutors as case falters | Reuters

BBC News - Firm welcomes E. coli seeds ban

200 Illegal Migrants Die in Red Sea Boat Fire - International Business Times

Iran opposition head rejects US plan for Ira... JPost - Headlines

Egyptians smash buildings over policemen release | World | Reuters

Pakistani Panel Bars Bin Laden Family From Leaving Country | South Asia | English

Did the Red Cross say there's no humanitarian crisis in Gaza? -

Twitter town hall allows Obama to bypass press - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

11-yr-old Ind. boy accused of murdering brother, could be tried in adult court - Crimesider - CBS News

Geithner can go or stay ... the damage is done Darrell Delamaide's Political Capital - MarketWatch

Rupert Murdoch backs Rebekah Brooks over phone-hacking allegations | Media |

U.S. Signs Mexico Pact to Resolve 15-Year Cross-Border Trucking Dispute - Bloomberg

Autos Insider | Obama to name Ohio mayor to head auto communities office | The Detroit News

Web retailers end some California relationships -

FDIC delays action on big bank ‘living wills’ - MarketWatch

Oil Fluctuates as China Raises Interest Rates, Gold Advances - Businessweek

Exxon claimed failed Mont. pipe 12 ft. under river -

Lagarde admits some trepidation in taking IMF post - MarketWatch

YouTube - ‪IMF's Lagarde Promises to Continue DSK's Reforms‏

Does Botox Help Neck Pain? -

Medicaid payments go under the knife -

Medical News: Medicare Unveils Plan to Cut Doctor Pay by 30% - in Public Health & Policy, Medicare from MedPage Today

Sector Snap: Health IT developers -

Massage may ease chronic back pain short-term | Reuters

You’ve Lost Weight. Now How Do You Keep It Off? – TIME Healthland

For the love of fat: Why we crave chips and fries - Health - Diet and nutrition -

'Harry Potter' fans already lining up in London - Entertainment - Movies -

Sarah Jessica Parker, Angelina Jolie Highest Paid U.S. Actresses - ABC News

Report: Sheen's Roast Burns Brooke Mueller's Rump | Extra

Everyone's Mad at Johnny Depp for Making Money - Entertainment - The Atlantic Wire

Comic-Con 2011 | NBC San Diego

Technolog from - Music streaming service Spotify is coming to US

The Scoop - Use of gay slur jibes with Jennifer Aniston's 'Horrible' character

Casey Anthony Verdict Ignites Heated Debate |




Create Your Own Q-and-A Answerbase Community : Wholesale News : Wholesalers, Manufacturers , Retailers and Dropshippers


How a Google+ gap keeps me on Facebook | Deep Tech - CNET News

Google's ITA-based Flight Search Could Launch Soon - Search Engine Watch (#SEW)

1 Billion People Use Google in 1 Month | Web Translations

Google Realtime Search: Exit Twitter, enter Google+ | ZDNet

Google+ Privacy: 5 Settings You Need to Know


8 tips for better Web searches -

Commentary: Strategies to get high rankings on web searches - Business -

Study Looks at Searcher Verbosity, Ask "Wins" - Search Engine Watch (#SEW)

White supremacist David Duke 'to join race for Republican nomination' | Mail Online

New CNN News Chief Takes Stock : NPR

UK companies pull ads from scandal-rocked tabloid

Lagarde, taking over IMF, vows to diversify board

Spacecraft eyes raging storm, lightning on Saturn

Claudia Schiffer aims to create lasting fashion brand

Strauss-Kahn lawyers to meet prosecutors

Livni, Elkin refuse to advocate Schalit release deal

Inflation fears spark rate rise in China

Libya rebels seize village from pro-Gaddafi forces

Rare Earth Minerals, Japan, and National Security Implications

Terrorists May Put Bomb Implants Inside Humans

Is Obama Stacking The West Point Board With Activists?

America: The Land Without Justice

A SEALs Letter Home

Mosques Recruiting 8 And 10 Year Olds As Suicide Bombers

EU Bailout Plan For Greece Collapses, As Fraud And Extortion Continue

Here Comes The Terminator? US Military Now Testing HULC System

Audio:Congressman Louie Gohmert: How to Lose a Country

Why Doesn’t The United Kingdom Own Argentina?

Iranian Supreme Leader: Arab Spring Means More Islamist Governments

15 Year Old Suicide Bomber’s Bomb: ‘We Wanted Him To Finish His Exams First, Then Go’

Why This American Zionist Is Optimistic About The Future

Last Vietnam-Era Draftee Retiring From The Army

Middle East Studies In Upheaval

A Disgrace: We Can No Longer Pray For Heroes At The Veterans National Cemetery?!

CNN Cancels Eliot Spitzer’s “In the Arena”

Media Matters’ David Brock Looking for a Cheerleader Says Psychiatrist

Why Gallup’s Analysis of Jewish Voters Obama Approval is Dishonest

David Brooks Writes the Mother of All Nonsense

Sound Bite For the Day: “They’re Trying to Ruin People’s Lives”

Politico’s Interesting Way of Reporting Fox Hack

Oh No: “Good Morning America” Attempts a Viral Video

‘Amazon’ Tax: California Budget Gimmickry Fail

A $79,819 Grant to ACORN Offshoot in Apparent Violation of ACORN Funding Ban

Audio:The Devilish Details of a Debt Ceiling Deal

New Questions Arise Over Who Paid Wisconsin Dem Senators’ Expenses

Washington Post: ‘Misinformation and Outright Lies About Climate Change’

The Oil Blundercrats: President Obama and the IEA

Chris Christie-Loathing New Jersey Education Association’s Tax Lien Troubles

Court Set to Stop Net Neutrality?

The Compensation Monster Devouring Cities

The Killing of Allen Kephart: How the Police Lost the Trust of a Law-and-Order Town

Review: British Comics Coogan and Brydon Take Viewers on a ‘Trip’ Worth Taking

Jackie Mason: Obama One of Three Worst Presidents in History

World Prefers ‘Captain America’ to ‘First Avenger’

Comedy Central to Roast Charlie Sheen… On Night Ashton Kutcher Debuts on ‘Two And A Half Men’

The Hollywood Revolt, Part 1: Ben Shapiro’s Explosive Primetime Propaganda Exposes Leftist Anti-Intellectualism

The Hollywood Revolt, Part 2: Roger L. Simon Turning Right and Breaking the Silence

The Hollywood Revolt, Part 3: Boomer David Mamet Discovers The Secret Knowledge


6-Jul-11 World View

5-Jul-11 World View

4-Jul-11 World View


The Impact of Clean Energy Innovation

Fighting for Innovation: How DoD Can Advance Clean Energy Technology... And Why It Has To

Calls Grow for Spent Nuclear Fuel to Be Stored More Securely -

Small Scale: The Future of Nuclear? | tblakeslee

Save the Carbon – Curt Stager “Deep Future” | Atomic Insights

Economy Keeps Global Warming on Back Burner for 2012 - US News and World Report

Mitchell J. Rabin: Is the Natural Gas Industry Fracking Itself?

Building Bigger, Better Wind Turbines - Technology Review

Is SolarReserve Worth Its Salt? | The Energy Collective

No need for ‘compromise’ in trimming ethanol subsidies - The Washington Post

A closer look at Siemens’ green cities rankings | Grist

Orszag: Why We Care About Price of Water in China - Bloomberg

Pleistocene Fossils Unearthed at a Breakneck Pace in Colorado -

(Cellular) Death by Chocolate - ScienceNOW

Social contagions debunked: Reports of infectious obesity and divorce were grossly overstated. - By Dave Johns - Slate Magazine

What Distinguishes Humans from Other Animals? | The Four Distinguishing Factors of the Human Intellect | Evolution of Cognition | Life's Little Mysteries

The universe probably isn't a giant hologram after all

Science is the only road to truth? Don't be absurd | Comment is free |

Observations: What's in Your Wiener? Hot Dog Ingredients Explained

Army program works to make soldiers fit in body and mind - The Washington Post

New research shows that we control our forgetfulness - Lund University

University of Liverpool - University News - Scientists sequence DNA of cancer-resistant rodent « « News

How hot did Earth get in the past?

NASA's Shuttle Program Cost $209 Billion — Was it Worth It? | NASA & Space Shuttle Program | Mars & Space Exploration |

Going Up? : Starts With A Bang

Cosmic Log - Microbe could make biofuels hot

Adventures in scientific nuclear diplomacy | Print Edition - Physics Today

Searching For Fractals May Help Cancer Cell Testing | Research - ISNS

The bare-faced truth about big fat liars - Science, News - The Independent

Researchers: Bananas too inbred to fight disease - Science Fair: Science and Space News -

Genetic Modification Fixes Inbred Bananas - Blog

RealClearPolitics - Opinion, News, Analysis, Videos and Polls

RealClearWorld: World News, Analysis & Commentary

RealClearMarkets: Market-Related News, Analysis & Commentary

Ayn Rand Led Me to Christ | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

Getting Birthright Wrong » Main Feature » Jewish Ideas Daily

God's wife, the mysterious mother of Mormons | Tresa Edmunds | Comment is free |

Q&A: 'Inside Scientology' Author Details Church's Decline - TIME

Rick Warren Delivers Battle Plan for 'The Invisible War', Christian News

Godlessness has doomed Britain - JPost - Opinion - Columnists

Matt J. Rossano: Are Infinities More Scientific Than God?

Q&A: Francis Chan on Rob Bell and Hell | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

Catholic social teaching vs the cult of individualism | National Catholic Reporter

WORLD Magazine | Stand against Rand | Marvin Olasky | Jul 16, 11

Christian Hipsters and Economics | @ActonInstitute PowerBlog

Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman aim to seize America's 'Mormon moment' | World news | The Guardian

Behind the Scenes, Christian Right Leaders Rally Behind Rick Perry | Swampland

Those other kind of lies » GetReligion

The Sleeping Giant(s) in Your Church, Christian News

Lessons of an Influence-Seeker | First Things

Janet Reitman's 'Inside Scientology' is well-researched and compelling -

United Church of Christ goes 'Father'-free in 'updated' bylaws - Faith & Reason

Polls Not Reflective of Readiness for Mormon President | Religion Dispatches

God is coming, will fix America — Bachmann | Strange Bedfellows — Politics News -

Todd Green, Ph.D.: Does Islam Really Need a Martin Luther?

NZ no international backwater |

Russian pro-lifers to launch women's health clinics that don't provide abortions | The Christian Century

The Birth of Glenn Beck's Nation | Religion Dispatches

WORLD Magazine | The many Mitts | Jamie Dean | Jul 16, 11

'God the Father' banished by mainline denomination


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Signs of a failing nation

Obama adviser speaks alongside defender of WTC bombers

Dutch on multiculturalism: Enough!

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Side with people on debt ceiling;Rep. Price: GOP won't agree to tax hikes, rejects short-term deal

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'The leader needs to lead';Rep. Johanns rips Obama for treating debt debate like campaign

WND RADIO WND Exclusive The Declaration of Independence;Greg Corombos reads document declaring freedom from British rule

Mathematical 'proof' Obama birth certificate a forgery

Vice President Marco Rubio?

Senator: Constitution doesn't define presidential eligibility

What did Congress know about 'natural-born citizen'?

Adobe book editor positive: Obama certificate is phony

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Health care reform 'repeal and replace' plans grind to a halt - Jennifer Haberkorn -

Ron Paul plan puts TSA 'gropers' under the law

Nancy Grace | Casey Anthony | Devil Dancing | RealClearPolitics

Egypt party leader: Holocaust is 'a lie' - Washington Times

Muslim kingdom alarmed over al-Qaida infiltration

Terrorism suspect: Terrorism suspect Ahmed Abdulkadir Warsame held in secret detention -

Gov't to consider adding Sunday as day of rest - Israel News, Ynetnews

Tennessee strengthens offensive bumper sticker law

Arianna's AOL urges men to 'masturbate'

NYT: Health care cuts proposed in deficit negotiations - politics - The New York Times -

NC abortion protester ordered to stay away from Charlotte doctor after stalking conviction - The Washington Post

Ocean floor muddies China's grip on '21st-century gold' - Yahoo! News

Losing shuttle program to hurt Space Coast far worse than Palm Beach County

With the Shuttle Program Ending, Fears of Decline at NASA -

Vice President Marco Rubio?

Why is Obama still 'doing' bin Laden?

The nation's birth certificate

Congresswoman: 'Citizen' same as 'natural born citizen'

Man-made climate change evidence 'hidden' by sulphur emissions - Telegraph

Royal visit: Prince William has celebrity plastic surgeon at ready for polo injury [Updated] -

MySpace founder ‘choked’ when Facebook realised his vision - Telegraph

Wild Facebook parties could be banned in Germany - Telegraph

Cross torn from 'gay-dar' billboard - national |

California calls on citizen to redraw political lines | Reuters

Wyeth touch puts site in pantheon -

NY landlords demand dog DNA to discourage fouling - Telegraph


Vice President Marco Rubio?

For The Record

Will Obama honor brave forgotten heroes?

An unholy war in Texas

Gays and grays

The college scam

Don't know much about history

Stengel at the bat: Media ignorance

Debating Taboos | Common Dreams

Obama makes Anthony Weiner look truthful

Is it time for America to adopt a flat tax? | tax, flat, government - Opinion - The Orange County Register

World's narrowest house is just 60 inches wide in Warsaw | Mail Online

Exploding apartment block

Plans for quirky ping-pong hotel in China |

The hotel room of the future |

Emma Watson goes all grown-up in glossy magazine shoot for Harper's Bazaar | Mail Online

Huili County Government officials star in world's worst Photoshopped picture | Information, Gadgets, Mobile Phones News & Reviews |


*Transcripts:4th/Obama's Remarks Marking Independence Day

Panel Debates Solutions for the Economy

Analyst on the 2012 GOP Fundraising

3rd/Guests: Sens. Cornyn, Graham and Lieberman

Interview with Senator John McCain

Interview with National Security Advisor Tom Donilon

Guest: Govs. Patrick, Kasich and Walker (PDF)

1st/Interview with Presidential Candidate Michele Bachmann

Guest: Representative Steve Israel

Panel on the Chances of a Debt Ceiling Deal

Shields and Gerson on the Week in Politics

30th/Farewell Ceremony for Secretary Gates

Interview with White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley

Interview with Senator Dick Durbin

Interview with 2012 Candidate Herman Cain

Interview with Former President Bill Clinton

29th/President Obama's Press Conference

Sens. Menendez and Barrasso Debate the Debt Ceiling

Interview with Senator Kent Conrad

Interview with Presidential Candidate Ron Paul

Guests: Sen. Sherrod Brown and Rep. Ed Markey

Panel Grades Obama on Conflicts Abroad

28th/Obama's Remarks on Manufacturing Policy

Interview with Speaker of the House John Boehner

Interview with Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich

Interview with Senator John McCain

Analysts on the Recent Supreme Court Term

Panel on Media Matters' Tax Exempt Status

27th/Interview with Presidential Candidate Michele Bachmann

Interview with 2012 Candidate Newt Gingrich

Panel on Bachmann's 2012 Announcement

Analysts Discuss Bachmann's Entry into the 2012 Race

26th/Guests: Sen. DeMint and Reps. Pelosi and Rogers

Guests: Senators Reed & Webb, Gov. Christie

Interview with 2012 Candidate Michele Bachmann

*6 July

American Minute for July 6th

July 6 Events in History

July 6th in History

This Day in History for 6th July

July 6th This Day in History

Today in History: July 6

YouTube - ‪Today in History for July 6th‏


**Markets Video:Grim, Grimey Days Ahead for Wall Street?

How to Invest like the Super-Rich

DoubleLine's Gundlach on 'Schizophrenic' Trading

Twitter Valued at as Much as $7 Billion

Is $150 Oil on the Way?

5th/Green City Index Dubs San Francisco "Greenest"

Duke CEO: The Future of U.S. Energy

Jobs, Banks Keeping Recovery in the Tank

Don't Lend To Uncle Sam?

Should D.C. Paychecks be Cut?

U.S. In Same Boat as Greece?


**World Video:Nuclear Weapons in a Changing World

Afghan Troop Pullout: Too Soon?

German Expert Favors Professional Army

Al-Qaeda Gaining in Yemen

'Lifetime of Pain' for Eurozone?

Denmark's New Customs Plans Criticized

Newspaper Hacking Row Escalates

Prisoner Attempts Suitcase Escape In Mexico

Why MPs Talk Circuses And Prisoner Votes

Security Concerns At South Sudan Border

Ending Impunity for Pakistan's Security Forces

U.S. Not Central to Chinese Foreign Policy

Syria Accused of Crimes Against Humanity

5th/Raw Video: Syrian Forces Crackdown on Protesters

Lingering Concerns Remain Over Euro

Dominique Strauss-Kahn: Politics in His Future?

Exiting Gen. Petraeus Confident In Afghan Forces

Egypt-Israel Pipeline Explosion

Mladic Ejected From Hague Court After Disruption

Africa Hit By Worst Drought In 60 Years

Chavez Vows To Beat Cancer

Palestine's UN Gamble

China Sees India as a Long-term Challenge

Arab Spring Will Not Affect China in Any Way

Pakistan Must Repeal Blasphemy Law

The U.S. and the World Economy

Thailand Set for Coalition and First Woman PM


**Politics Video:Pat Buchanan: Overextended U.S. Empire Is Coming Down

Zbigniew Brzezinski: The Rich Essentially "Pocket" Their Own Money

Rush: If Anthony's Baby Was Killed In The Womb, Media Wouldn't Care

Tina Brown: GOP Are "Suicide Bombers" In Debt Ceiling Negotiations

Casey Anthony's Attorney Gives Media The Middle Finger

DeMint "Disappointed" Bachmann Has Not Signed "Cut, Cap, Balance" Pledge

Nancy Grace: "Did I Feel Like I Lost? Oh, Goodness No"

RNC Ad: "Don't Let Obama Drive Us To Disaster"

Brit Hume Commentary: Obama In "Full Political Retreat"

Joan Walsh: "Don't Put Me On The Far-Left Because I'm Not"

Bill O'Reilly: "Vile" Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty

Ed Schultz: MN Conservatives Just Don't Want To Raise Taxes

5th/MSNBC's Chris Matthews: Stop "Dicking Around" With The Debt

Obama On Debt Talks: "Leave Political Rhetoric At The Door"

Carney: Americans Want Something That "Spreads The Sacrifice And Spreads The Prosperity"

Levin: Impeach Obama If He Ignores Congress, Funds Libyan Operation

Obama: Some Want To "Kick The Can Down The Road" On Debt

Bachmann: Obama Thinks "Tea Party Made Up Of Toothless Hillbillies"

Harry Reid Moves Forward With "Shared Sacrifice" Legislation

"Can I Say This On Air?": MSNBC's Schultz Quotes Man Calling Christie A "Bastard"

McConnell Invites Obama For A Second Time To Discuss Debt Crisis

Anthony Defense Team Slams Media: "Now You Have Learned A Lesson"

Chris Matthews: Republicans Committing Economic "Terrorism"

Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty Of First-Degree Murder

Rush Limbaugh Speaks In Joplin, Mo., On July 4

NBC's Chuck Todd: Obama "Guilted" Senate Back In Session

Van Jones: "Somebody Has Our Money"

Iowa Campaign Ad: Pawlenty "Did Not Cave To Unions"

4th/Krauthammer: "Middle-Aged May Never Get Employed Again"

Obama To Troops: "America Is Proud Of You"

76-Year-Old Army Medic On Fourth Tour In War Zones

President Reagan's Address To The Nation On Independence Day 1986

July 4th Coney Island Hot Dog Eating Contest

Condi Rice Speaks At Unveiling Of Reagan Statue In London

3rd/Biden To Union: If "You Guys Vote Republican ... You're On Your Own Jack!"

Sen. Lieberman: "Day Of Reckoning Is Coming" For Iran

McCain: Americans "Don't Want Compromise" On Debt Fight

"Reliable Sources" On Mark Halperin's "Dick" Comment

Sen. Graham: Obama "May Have Undercut The Momentum" In Afghanistan

Gov. Kasich: "And If I Paid A Political Price, So What?"

Coulter: Media Matters Quotes Me More Accurately Than Kurtz

Cornyn: Obama Bypassing Congress On Debt Limit Is "Crazy Talk"

"This Week" Roundtable: Battle For The Constitution

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On 2012, Economy And Unions

2nd/Bill Whittle On Hollywood's Self-Loathing Of America

Dan Rather On GOP Encouraging Destruction Of The Government

Andrew Klavan: Why Do Blacks Vote For Democrats?

Obama Weekly: "We Can Live Within Our Means While Still Investing In Our Future"

Sen. Coats Gives GOP Weekly: Balance Budget Amendment Must Pass

Strauss-Kahn Freed As Case Stumbles

Chavez Says He's Fighting Cancer After Surgery

Who Is Thaddeus McCotter?


**News Videos:WH Spokesman: Americans Want Something that ‘Spreads the Sacrifice and Spreads the Prosperity’

Tina Brown: GOP ‘Suicide Bombers’

British Labour Leader Endlessly Repeats Same Talking Point in Embarrassing and Hilarious Interview

Bernie Goldberg: Casey Anthony Jury a Bunch of Idiots

Nadal to Face Death Penalty

Canada Bugs Out of Afghanistan After 9 Years at War

Massive Dust Storm Envelops Phoenix

Roger Clemens Perjury Trial to Begin Wednesday

5TH/Media Matters’ David Brock’s Questionable Credibility

Letterman Jokes About Bachmann’s Make-Up and ‘Ass’

Dershowitz: Casey Anthony Doesn’t Pass Smell Test; ‘All The Indicia Of A Guilty Person’

Matthews: GOP Effort to Lower Spending and Keep Debt Ceiling in Place is ‘Terrorism’

‘Wahhabis of American Gov’t': MSNBC’s Matthews Likens GOP to Muslim Extremists

CBS Anchor Breaks Down in Tears While Reading Casey Anthony Verdict

Van Jones: ‘America Is Not Broke… We Were Robbed, and Somebody’s Got Our Money!’

Casey Anthony Lawyer Lashes Out at ‘Media Assassins’ and ‘Incompetent Talking Heads’

Anthony Defense Lawyer Grandstands on Death Penalty in Triumphant Press Conference

Not Guilty!

Seagull Steals Camera, Gives Birds’ Eye View of Cannes

Bachmann: Obama Thinks ‘Tea Party Is Made Up of Toothless Hillbillies Coming Down Out of the Hills’

Juan Williams: Media Matters ‘Trying to Ruin People’s Lives’

Rush Rocks Joplin, MO with Independence Day Speech

Dana Perino on Obama’s Press Conference Tone: ‘Peeved’ Label Hard to Shake

Troops Sing National Anthem

Jury Begins Deliberating in Casey Anthony Trial

Strauss-Kahn Faces New Sexual Assault Complaint

Obama Thanks Troops at Party on South Lawn

DC Caps Independence Day With Fireworks

Appearing Thin and Weakened, Chavez Speaks to Supporters in Caracas

George Will Brilliantly Traps Liberal Panelists with ObamaCare Constitutional Challenge

4TH/Independence: All-Star ‘America the Beautiful’

4TH/Independence: Hollywood Actors Read Declaration Aloud in Stirring Performance


Redding News Reveiw1

Redding News Reveiw2

Redding News Reveiw3

Jesse Lee Peterson Show1

Jesse Lee Peterson Show2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show3

July 5, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Live Free Or Die Radio - Tuesday, July, 05, 2011

The Manning Report – 5 July 2011

Alex Jones - 2011-Jul-05, Tuesday

07/05 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show 07/05/2011

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero2

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