A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

09 July 2011


Exxon Mobil to Face Indonesia Human Rights Claims, U.S. Appeals Court Says - Bloomberg

Mans House Trashed Mafia Style By Thugs Hired By Mortgage Company :

The Essential Rules Of Liberty

Debt Ceiling: Could Ron Paul's Plan Save Us From Disaster, twice? - The Curious Capitalist -

TSA agent Nelson Santiago-Serrano stole passenger's iPad and $50k in stolen luggage | Mail Online

YouTube - ‪070801 CPA general(Free Trade And Globalization )‏

Hemp is bursting out all over!

Activist Post: Secure Communities: Backdoor Big Brother Biometric Surveillance Operation Underway

The Jews Who Murdered Tsar Nicholas II | Real Zionist News

UN’s Expert on Palestine Publishes Anti-Semitic Cartoon, Deletes It, Denies It, Then Apologizes | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

DHS Bomb Implant Threat Debunked, New Step In Ongoing Terror Hype :

German Franken Potato Co. Wants To Set Up Shop Here | Health Freedom Alliance

Appliance disruptions feared in power grid test - CBS News

Chemtrails Hit Big Time-PYX106 in Albany, NY | PolitOccult

Helicopter is part of Department of Energy radiation study : The Issaquah Press – News, Sports, Classifieds and More in Issaquah, WA

+YouTube - ‪Gaddafi's Speech July 8 Tripoli HUGE RALLY - VOICE OVER‏

Israelis Control The Europeans Airports Boarding, Video « Kawther Salam

+Paul Drockton M.A.: Reincarnation and Past Lives Explained

YouTube - ‪3D Printer‏

University of Glasgow :: University news

YouTube - ‪Smart Meters‏

Google takes down over 11 million sites - Hurriyet Daily News

Activist Post: Syria: Lybia 2.0? It looks more likely by the day

Cut the Crap and Create Jobs | Common Dreams

US Failure In Afghanistan | Opinion Maker - School Asked My Child If I Molested Her

Energy Southern California nuke disaster - 1959

DailyTech - Mall Uses Airport Body Scanning Technology for Clothes Shopping

Obsessions & Obligations

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Ibrahim Hewitt: Israel's fifth columnists silence Sheikh Raed Salah

Pakistani generals 'helped sell nuclear secrets' | World news | The Guardian

Rupert Murdoch’s global empire | MediaFile

News of the World phone hacking: Rebekah Brooks staff to sue for unfair dismissal | Mail Online

Andy Coulson arrested over phone-hacking allegations | Media |

Phone hacking: Police probe suspected deletion of emails by NI executive | Media | The Guardian

Phone hacking: will closing News of World save Rupert Murdoch's empire? - Telegraph

Shares in Rupert Murdoch's companies tumble as investors take fright | Business | The Guardian

Greek Tragedy Goes Global

Shock US job figures threaten recovery hopes | Business |

Could Energy Resources Cause Russia to Spark a Naval War in the Caspian? | Oil

Obama offers $4trn cuts to break deficit deadlock - Americas, World - The Independent

World's largest law firms' profits rise - Telegraph

Rich People Shoplift 30% More Than Poor People? - Kramer's Forum

YouTube - ‪BREAKING: Arrested for Exposing Corruption‏

Suicide rates rise as debt and cuts take their toll - Health News, Health & Families - The Independent

Fat planet: Melting ice caused by global warming is adding to Earth's girth | Mail Online

Surgeons implant world's first stem-cell windpipe grown in a lab | Mail Online

China warns US officials not to meet Dalai Lama - Telegraph

Lord Patten tells BBC to stand up for Britain's silent majority on immigration | Mail Online

Hemp is bursting out all over! - "Council on Foreign Relations" as Secret Society

Activist Post: The 90-Day Rat Study - Monsanto, IGF-1, and FDA Denial

Activist Post: NGOs and Foundation Funding: Who watches the “watchdogs”? (Video)

Las Vegas Author Matt O'Brien Exposes Plight Of Underground Homeless

[H]ard|OCP - Big Brother May Soon Be in Your Sewers

Suicidal diplomat on roof of London embassy changed mind about killing himself - but slipped and fell to his death | Mail Online


15 Food Companies That Serve You 'Wood' - TheStreet

YouTube - ‪Secret Federal Reserve Location Revealed‏

YouTube - ‪Janice Hahn Gang Intervention Controversy Not Over‏

The US and Iraq: Don't Erase History

YouTube - ‪How to Get Started in Citizen Journalism‏

Revolutionary Politics : The Secret Debt Fix

The Daily Bell - Wishful Thinking: Why The Economist Wants Social Media to Replace Blogs

YouTube - ‪Devastating US unemployment numbers‏

Activist Post: Obama hails final shuttle flight, eyes Mars next

YouTube - ‪Phone hacking scandal is 'all about Rupert Murdoch'‏

NASA Signs Commercial Space Agreement with Sierra Nevada -- CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla., July 7, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

See How The Elite View The World In The Globalist Map Room :

+YouTube - ‪Gaddafi's Speech July 8 Tripoli HUGE RALLY‏

YouTube - ‪Police Issue Tresspass Warnings & Arrest for "Intent to Feed", Over 30 People Now Arrested‏

RightCoast: Obama issues Dream Act by executive order & Bypasses the Constitution again

Mullen: US-Iraq Talks on Continued Presence Center on Iran -- News from

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Gerald Celente: Congress is made up of soccer mommy's boys

Revolutionary Politics : "Obama Is Demonstrating More Of An Interest In Nation Building Abroad Than Rebuilding Here At Home!"

Top 10 Scariest Food Additives

Six Wars and Counting | Common Dreams



The Wizard of Oz: A Populist Parable? - $0.00 : The Barnes Review

*Full:The Wizard of Oz: A Populist Parable?


'10/+U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel


* country's net trade in goods and services)

Israel uses Facebook to blacklist, detain or deport Tel Aviv-bound travellers -

Facebook Now Helping Governments Spy On And Arrest Peaceful Activists : » ‘Secure Communities’ Revealed to be Gateway for FBI Data Gathering

Lone Star Watchdog: Obama's Stalemate on Gun Control

The Intercept: Attorney General on a razor's edge

Obama: “I’m working on gun control under the radar” | Greeley Gazette

The Untold Story of Gun Confiscation After Hurricane Katrina : Federal Jack

IRS to increase “pre-crime” enforcement : Federal Jack

One in four US hackers ‘is an FBI informer’ : Federal Jack

US government openly admits arming Mexican drug gangs with 30,000 firearms - but why?

Secret FBI weapon-smuggling cover-up deepens probe, helps innocent targets - National Human Rights |

Lone Star Watchdog: We Now Have trickle Down Tyranny and Corruption in every Level of Goverment

Killing Old People Is Fiscally Responsible

The Intercept: Anti-Zionism growing among Jews

China's $70 Billion Fund Managers Rush to Boost Gold Investment

US and Russia stir up political tensions over Arctic | World news | The Guardian

Bachmann pledges to ban ‘all forms of pornography’ | The Raw Story

RDR: "Sadness" prevalent as America's Space Shuttle era comes to an end

Lone Star Watchdog: Buying Precious Metal Coins is the Way to Go in an Age of Uncertainty

Gold News » On Auditing the Treasury’s Gold

Ex-Israeli spymaster talks too much? |

YouTube - ‪"We Don't Know Where That 2.3 TRILLION Dollars Went!" Rep DeFazio Calls To Audit The Pentagon‏


*40 min/9/11: INTERCEPTED - Full Film Streaming - 12160

*(1:42:00)YouTube - ‪Fabled Enemies Full Length‏

NEWS » South Sudan Readies for Independence in the Face of Violence and Poverty » Students and Workers Join Forces Against Disney and UC Corporate Interests

How To Disable Facebook's New Facial Recognition Feature

*Implant Chip Controls The Brain Allowing Thoughts, Memory And Behavior To Be Transferred

Flesh Eating Cocaine Laced With Veterinary Drug Levamisole - ABC News

The Associated Press: FBI: No Oklahoma City bombing videos found

Student Challenges Laptop Seizure at Border - Bloomberg - State and local governments bleeding jobs - No More Privacy: Smart Meters Are Surveillance Devices That Monitor The Behavior In Your Home Every Single Minute Of Every Single Day

Vietnam Era Weapon Being Used to Clear the Amazon : TreeHugger - Hackers Are Everywhere. Panic!

YouTube - ‪President Obama Executive Order 13575 Rural Councils‏

Monsanto ~ Agent Orange: Background on Monsanto's Involvement

The cocktail of up to 20 chemicals in a glass of milk | Mail Online

DEADLINE LIVE EXCLUSIVE – Captured Zeta Leader: We’ve purchased weapons from the “U.S. Government itself” : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

VIPR Searches and the American Citizen: ‘Dominate. Intimidate. Control.’ | – Everything New Jersey

Many secrets behind Disneyland’s rides and attractions | Aftermath News

Latin American Herald Tribune - Mexico, U.S. Sign Cross-Border Trucking Agreement

ATF Director: Holder Obstructing ‘Fast and Furious’ Probe -

The Coming “New World Order” Revolution: How Things Will Change In The Next 20 Years – A Kondratieff Cycle Perspective -

Why Do the Police Have Tanks? The Strange and Dangerous Militarization of the US Police Force -

Guns to Mexico: Congress’ probe of U.S. government’s gun-trafficking operation to Mexico likely to widen -

HULC robotic exoskeleton undergoing biomechanical testing with the U.S. Army

Why Do the Police Have Tanks? The Strange and Dangerous Militarization of the US Police Force | World | AlterNet

A History of Government Management of UFO Perceptions through Film and Television

CIA Mind Control Techniques: MK-ULTRA Program Brainwashing Experiments 1979 Documentary (video)

Alien encounters ‘within twenty years’

Newscaster Says Republican Party is…Satanic (video)

FOX News Discusses the New World Order and the Global Elite (video)

Kurzweil: A Future of Humans Merged With Machines (video)

Who is Baphomet?

MTV’s Baphomet & All-Seeing Eye Ad (video)

Army Embeds Active-Duty PSYOPS Soldiers at Local TV Stations

Karotz: The RFID Rabbit That’ll Monitor Your Home

The News Definers: The Truth about the Council on Foreign Relations (video)

Naming Names: Your Real Government

The 25 Rules of Disinformation

10 ways ‘the police state’ tracks you

The Alex Jones Show – July 7th, 2011

View this entry »

Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – July 8th, 2011

View this entry »

YouTube - ‪7/8/11 Southern Sudan! Welcome to the world!, BODY PLEASURE AND THE ORIGINS OF VIOLENCE‏

The EyeOpener: Who Watches the Watchdogs? |

YouTube - ‪NGOs and Foundation Funding: Who watches the "watchdogs"?‏

YouTube - ‪Phone Hacking, FBI OKC CCTV, Hemingway's Hell - New World Next Week‏

YouTube - ‪The Last Word on Snake Oil‏

YouTube - ‪Whole Foods Prisoners, Greek Canary, Media Silence - New World Next Week‏

YouTube - ‪Don Harrold: Obama's plan for jobs delusional‏

YouTube - ‪Gerald Celente - Adam vs The Man RTTV - 07 July 2011‏

YouTube - ‪Celente: Congress is made up of soccer mommy's boys‏

Another U.S. War For Al-Qaeda

Murdoch on the Ropes

In Israel, a Tsunami Warning

‘God Has Created You for Heterosexuality’: Clinics Owned by Michele Bachmann’s Husband Practice Ex-Gay Therapy | The Nation

Black Communities Struggle With Mass Joblessness

Risk-Free And Above The Law: U.S. Globalizes Drone Warfare

BREAKING NEWS: Mounting Evidence that Dominique Strauss Kahn was Framed

VIDEO: Radiation Coverups Confirmed: Los Alamos, Fort Calhoun, Fukushima, TSA

The Powers of Manipulation: Islam as a Geopolitical Tool to Control the Middle East

Despite Fukushima, Russia's Nuclear Industry is Open for Business

Why QE2 Failed: The Money All Went Offshore

U.S. Wants Gaddafi Toppled By September

The Militarization of the Arctic.

The Founding Fathers Tried to Warn Us About the Threat From a Two-Party System

VIDEO: Operation Libya: Insurrection and Military Intervention

The Strange Silencing of Liberal America

Plans to Strip Mine the Moon May Soon be More Than Just Science-Fiction

Killing Old People Is Fiscally Responsible

Dissecting a global empire and the US ‘war on terror”

World Population to Hit Seven Billion by October

YouTube - ‪Would You Give Up The Internet For 1 Million Dollars?‏

72% Favor Free Market Economy Over One Managed by the Government - Rasmussen Reports™

"Belly Bombs" Terror Hype Is Easily Debunked BS - informationliberation

Sinking Entrepreneurship - informationliberation

Did The Entertainment Industry Backdoor In Forcing ISPs To Kick People Offline, While Claiming It Did Not? - informationliberation

Major US ISPs Agree To Five Strikes Plan, Rather Than Three | Techdirt

Ten Myths About Patents - informationliberation

Leave the Top 1% Alone - informationliberation

The Ghastly Truth About The Days Of Noah

John MacArthur Says America Is Under Divine Judgment, Christian News

'God the Father' banished by mainline denomination

What’s next: Harvesting body heat to generate electricity | Volumatrix Group

Unintended Consequences: 19th Century Socialism and 21st Century Transhumanism

ATF Head Names FBI, DEA In Gun-Trafficking Probe - News - POLICE Magazine

Metaphors for a Post-Federal America by Karen Kwiatkowski

Libertarian Strategy and Principle: by Anthony Gregory

Don't be Fooled by Political Posturing by Peter Schiff

Imperial Suicide by Bill Bonner

Will 2012 Be the Year That We See Mass Starvation In Africa? 12 Signs That the World Is Running Out of Food

How to Stock a Home Bar | The Art of Manliness

How Much Is Too Much? | Mark's Daily Apple

The New World Order: Why The Entire Economy Is About To Change | Before It's News

US Treasury Seizes $80 Million in Gold From Private Owner | Before It's News

Truth about Auschwitz | Before It's News

500k Govt Jobs Lost Since Obama's Inauguration | Before It's News

How Memory Can Be Preserved And Forgetting Prevented: Harvard Study Discoveries | Before It's News

Implementing The 1st Law Of Robotics In The Workplace | Before It's News

An Actionable Plan for 9/11 Truth | Before It's News


Small eruption confirmed under Iceland’s Katla volcano | Before It's News

Does China Have an Eminent Domain Over US Property? | Before It's News

US Execution of Mexican National Violates International Law UN Rights Chief | Before It's News

*Retired U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Craig Roberts -The Middle East Connection To The OKC Bombing | Before It's News

Timothy McVeigh -An Army of One | Before It's News

Race is More than Skin Color! | Before It's News

The Orwellian World of Chemtrails | Before It's News

Antimatter Tevatron mystery gains ground | Before It's News

*Worldwide Mass Animal Deaths, Maps: 2005-2011 | Alternative News Report

Recipe: Strawberry-Rhubarb Cobbler | Before It's News

Strawberries boost blood antioxidant levels and prevent chronic diseases

YouTube - ‪Shocking!! Man explains to WFTV News why he loves the Orlando Police Department - Hilarious!!‏

Hemp Farming in California Even Closer to Reality as SB 676 Moves... -- SACRAMENTO, Calif., July 7, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

Debt Ceiling: Could Ron Paul's Plan Save Us From Disaster, twice? - The Curious Capitalist -

Awakening The World ... Every Heart Makes A Difference ... And The Non-Compli-Dance - David Icke Website

Activist Post: 5 Reasons Progressives Should Join the Ron Paul Revolution

Risk-Free And Above The Law: U.S. Globalizes Drone Warfare

Liberals, Democrats More Likely to Disbelieve Bible, Says Gallup Poll

Former First Lady Betty Ford Dies at 93

Issa Says He Doesn’t Believe Holder’s Testimony Was Accurate

Gun-Running Timeline: How DOJ’s ‘Operation Fast and Furious’ Unfolded

Default? Under Obama, Tax Revenues Have Exceeded Combined Costs of Interest, Entitlements and Federal Wages

Judiciary Committee Aide: Letter to DOJ Requesting Kagan-Related Documents and Interviews ‘Not a Formal Investigation’

Flashback--Napolitano: AZ Sheriffs Need Help Because 'Border Is Lacking Operational Control'

Obama Expected to Boost ‘Gun Safety’ by Executive Order

2.4 Million Fewer Jobs Since Obama Signed Economic Stimulus

Real Unemployment Rises to 16.2% in June -- 25.3 Million People

Education Secretary Advises School Districts on Homosexual Clubs for Students

Republican Response to June Jobs Report: ‘Sadly Not a Surprise’

Obama Administration Not Enforcing Gun Laws, Rep. Issa Says

Obama Administration Takes Credit for Birth of South Sudan

Boehner: 'We Are Not Going to Raise Taxes on the American People'

Obama Expects Political Pain on All Sides in Debt Deal

Missing Dog Found 7 Years Later

Sheriff in Arizona Settles Racial Profiling Case

45th Space Wing supports successful shuttle launch

Top US Commander Accuses Pakistan Gov In Killing

UN creates new mission to assist S. Sudan

DoD Orders Halt to ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Enforcement

Obama 'Proud' to Recognize South Sudan

Drug War in Mexico Raises Human Rights Concerns

The Scientific Dictatorship, Natural Law and the Abolition of Man | Old-Thinker News

FDA unleashes end game scheme to outlaw virtually all dietary supplements formulated after 1994

Debbie Schlussel:Party Like It’s 699: Prince Says Islam is Fun, Applauds Burqas

Paul Leading In Texas Among "Highly Active" Republican Voters

Ron Paul #2 in GOP Fundraising

Questions for Ron Paul on Foreign Policy

Did the Emancipation Proclamation really free any slaves?

A Scientific Consensus: Darwinism is Dead

Obama is Wrong about Medical Marijuana as Well

The Racist Party ... It's Not Who You Think!

The Corporation & Personhood

Barack Obama Throws Class Warfare Tantrum to Get the Debt Ceiling Raised

The heartbreak of the last Space Shuttle flight

Hell Has a New Resident and Mexico Has a New Hero

Obama’s ineligibility: When government declares war on the people

Obama and Holder Show Supreme Arrogance Placing Blame on Others

Dems trying to pin British tabloid scandal on Fox News

Pressure Grows For Green Taxes To Be Axed

Why Free Market in Energy?

NAACP Decries ‘White’ CNN Prime Time Lineup

Shale Oil vs. Peak Oil

New green con: ‘Pinkwashing’

The “Regretful Obama Voter” Speaks

Campaign 2012: are we over “the black thing” yet?

Over reach and control of all the wrong people

The Boy President

No Global Warming: Due to China Burning “Extra Coal”!

How Will Liberals Convince Young People To Keep Contributing?

From the Shadows: The Shadow They Called 'The Cowboy'

Pinocchio's Real Roots Mapped : Discovery News

Phantoms and Monsters: Paranormal, UFOs, Cryptids and Unexplained Phenomena

'Ghost Mushrooms' Rediscovered in Brazil | Glow-in-the-Dark Mushrooms | LiveScience

Boo! Army Laser Cannon Won’t Be Ready Until 2017 | Danger Room |

Believers In Mysterious Planet Nibiru Await Earth's End | 2012 Apocalypse and the Rogue Planet Nibiru | Doomsday Myths Debunked |

Cryptid Or Not? You Be The Judge.

Casey Anthony case: Did a psychic predict where Caylee would be found? -

Review: How to Live Forever Probes Aging Science, New Age Hokum | Underwire |

The Bizarre Case of the Kera UFO Encounters | Mysterious Universe

Isn't it Finally Time for Trial by Public Opinion?

The Jurors' New Clothes

Defending Discrimination

Obama's Plan for $10 Gas

Obama Plays Pandora with Drones

Minority Feelings and Violent Facts

A Commander in Chief in Need of Serious Self-Reflection

Coal industry braces for massive layoffs

Obama Adoption Memo Smells of Collusion

Obama Administration's missile defense proposal 'simply not credible'

The Audacity of Dopes love 'Guns, Guns, Guns!'

What was the point of the president's Rose Garden speech?

Liberal Dems digging in their heels: No entitlement cuts

Did Obama Administration Pressure Teachers Into Cheating?

The Insidious Kumbaya on American College Campuses

California's Newest Job-Killer

A Rogue Warrior's Strategy for Conservatives

The Good News: Rubio's Eligible

John Huntsman: Wasting Conservatives' Time

Grand Theft Alito

Videogame Victory: How SCOTUS Saved Us from Part-Time Parenthood

ObamaCare and the King's Royal Deer

Why We Have Enemies

Video Justice: Car Czar Forced to Answer a Tough Series of Questions About the Beck-Exposed Video of His Mao Love | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Bill Maher: Voting for Republicans as Stupid as Voting Not Guilty for Casey Anthony | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Nanny-State Madness: Woman Faces Jail Over Veggie Garden | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

One Week After Leaving Fox News, Beck Re-Runs Still Winning Time Slot | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Texas Woman Says She Was Fired Because of Her Gray Hair | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Double Amputee Veteran Thrown From Roller Coaster, Dies | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Is Muslim ‘Zakat’ Charity Actually a Front for Jihad? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Police Fire Tear Gas, Arrest 1,667 in Malaysia Protest | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Teen Arrested After Purposely Ramming Car Into Trash Cans — and Posting Video on Facebook | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Warning – Graphic Images: Khmer Rouge Trial Ensues Decades Later…Justice Subverted? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Patti LaBelle Crew: Two Members Finally Charged With Assaulting West Point Cadet | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Celebration: South Sudan Splits From the North, Becomes Independent Nation | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Did the Attorney General Mislead Congress on Operation ‘Fast and Furious’? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Florida D.A. Fired for Talking About Constitution Settles Case | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

White Supremacist David Duke Calls Jews ‘Extremists,‘ Says Israel is ’Terrorist State’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Former First Lady Betty Ford Has Died at Age 93 | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Ron Paul: Dump TSA, Privatize Airport Security | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Why Are Bizarre Masked ‘Beings’ Staging Marches & Handing Out Black Globes Across America? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Atheist Filmmaker Hopes New Hollywood Movie Will Inspire Non-Believers | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Rubio Takes on Obama, Dems: ‘We Don’t Need New Taxes, We Need New Taxpayers’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Egyptian Leader Threatens Jews, Christians…All of Humanity: ‘Whole World Belongs to Us’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Update: Michigan Man Who Went on Killing Spree Shoots Himself | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Man Thrown in Jail for Trying to…Deposit a Check? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

GOP: Weak Jobs Report Means No Tax Hikes

Buchanan to GOP: Ignore Hysteria, Be Firm on Taxes

Murdoch: Closing Paper a 'Collective Decision'

Panetta: Defeat of Al-Qaida 'Within Reach'

No Free Pass for Medicare Recipients in Debt Talks

GOP's Sen. Toomey Gives Obama Debt-Limit Fits

Obama: Political Sacrifices Needed for Debt Deal

Poll: Americans Don't Want Debt Ceiling Raised

Gallup: Cain Gets Big Boost in Name Recognition

Key Moments in the Life of Betty Ford

Jobs Figure Devastating for Obama

Ex-Mayor Nagin Paints Himself as Hero in Memoir

Huckabee Stays Neutral, Despite Daughter's Post

Bair Joining Pew Charitable Trusts

Justice Department, SEC Go Easy on Banks

5 Healthy, Refreshing Summer Drinks

Liberals Wrong to Pin Fascism on Conservatives

Radicals Targeting US Military Installations

CFL Bulbs Inefficient, Job Killing

Senate Democrats draft debt-reduction plan - The Washington Post

Has Nancy Pelosi Been Marginalized in the Debt Debate? | Swampland

Google Chairman Eric Schmidt to Testify in Senate on Antitrust -

Top Obama adviser says unemployment won't be key in 2012 -

RealClearPolitics - An Establishment in Panic

Perry calling Iowa activists as potential donors convene - Jonathan Martin and Maggie Haberman -

Consumers borrowed more for 8th month in May - Yahoo! Finance

Rangers express remorse for death of fan who fell at Rangers Ballpark | News

Internet providers to act against online pirates | Reuters

News from The Associated Press

Kate's 'Marilyn moment' in Calgary | Canada | News | Toronto Sun

Brazil Magnet Boy: Paulo David Amorim Attracts Attention Because Metal Objects 'Stick To His Body' | World News | Sky News

YouTube - ‪Brazil Magnet Boy Paulo David Amorim Attracts Attention Because Metal Objects 'Stick To His Body'‏

Over 1,400 arrested, tear gas fired in Malaysia protest | Reuters

Iran says fires missiles to Indian Ocean for first time | Reuters

Dallas TNT | Inside TV |

James Murdoch could face criminal charges on both sides of the Atlantic | Media | The Guardian

Phone hacking: Police probe suspected deletion of emails by NI executive | Media | The Guardian

News of the World closing: Rebekah Brooks tells staff the worst is yet to come | Mail Online

Pressure Mounts on Cameron as Coulson Is Held in Tabloid Scandal -

Police raid Daily Star as hacking probe widens - International Business Times

Colorado day-care center proposal: Dolls must represent at least three different races - Denver News - The Latest Word

Putin sent to Russia by God: Kremlin aide - Yahoo! News

Fox News takes on Media Matters - Keach Hagey -

Anemic job growth numbers threaten President Obama's 2012 run

Atlantis Blasts Off on Final Flight for Space Shuttle Program -

Dominique Strauss-Kahn entered hotel with 'girlfriend' hours before alleged sex attack on maid: sources -

Mexican National Shouts 'Viva Mexico!' as He's Executed in Texas -

43 weapons in Phoenix traffic stop linked to ATF strategy

Islamic terrorists spend less than three years in UK prison: Survey

Iran threatens BBC over Muslim prophet Muhammad documentary | Mail Online

Car insurance: Insurance cheaters call their luxury cars farm vehicles -

Investigation into APS cheating finds unethical behavior across every level |

Teenage girls' junk food diet leading to health problems later in life - Telegraph

Reputed Armenian mob boss faces 3-plus years in prison, deportation in plea deal with feds -

Sean Penn holed up in a Beverly Hills hotel with new girlfriend Stacey Koplin -

Medical marijuana: U.S. rules that marijuana has no accepted medical use -

Pressure mounts on UK regulator in Murdoch-BSkyB deal

Atlantis crew inspects 'thermal protection system'

Cholera surges in Haiti's Central Plateau

UK tabloid writes own obit amid hacking scandal

South Sudan celebrates birth with raising of flag

German chancellor to visit Africa next week

Murdoch heads to Britain as News of the World closes

Obama asks lawmakers to make political sacrifices

Georgian news photographers 'spied for Russia'

Special wake-up for Atlantis from shuttle workers

Erekat: PA Washington talks didn't produce any results

'If Hamas takes Schalit out of Gaza, he could be freed'

Murdoch flies in to tackle crisis

Capital punishment in Iran on the rise, rights groups say

China inflation hits three-year high

The Screenwriter’s Friendly Internet Forum (and Lessons Therefrom)

Non-Controversy of the Day: ‘Horrible Boss’ Jennifer Aniston Says ‘Faggot’ in New Film

Toto: Woody Allen’s ‘Midnight in Paris’ Flatters France, Batters U.S.

Trailer Talk: Is ‘Iron Lady’ a Hit Job on Conservative Women ?

Industry Group Passes Resolution Against Political Discrimination

Cartoon:Obama Nation: The Response

Why the ‘Tweeter in Chief’ Shouldn’t Jab Technology

Bacon, Duct Tape, and the Free Market

Former First Lady Betty Ford Dies at 93

More Political Decision-Making at Justice?

The ‘Regretful Obama Voter’ Speaks

Climate Change Hoaxers Add to the Official ‘Stupid Things Used to Fear Monger About Global Warming’ List

Stengel-gate Spreads: Why Was Richard Stengel Presented as an Expert on the Constitution on NPR?

Obama Political Advisor: Unemployment Isn’t that Important to Voters

Next in War Against Liberalism? Ending the Public Sector, Inc. Racket

Desperate, Devious and Dangerous: The Left’s 14th Amendment Ploy

Audio:More than 14 Million Americans Still Unemployed

Indoctrination Fridays: What Would The Black Panthers Do?

It’s a Veritable Intercontinental FAILroad

Cartoon:UI: Zealots

Obama and Liberal Media Describe Republicans: Murderous Authoritarian Goosestepping Terrorist Lemmings with a Gun to the Head of American People

The Cult of Irony and the Washington Post

Shhh! St. Louis Post Dispatch Doesn’t Want You to Know Suspected Bomber Is a Top Missouri Democrat

NAACP to CNN: You’re Racist!

‘Desire To Shed Blood, Smash Skulls In Name of Allah Is An Honor’

Rival Hegemons in Syria

Audio:Senator Mark Kirk on Missile Defense

Libyan Housewives Training To Defend Gaddafi

Islamists Declare War On Military Recruiting In The US

Cutting Off Funding For Military Operations In Libya

World Food Prices, Euro Bond Yields And Xenophobia Increase, Leading To A World Heart Attack

Operation Fast and Furious: We The People Are Furious So Let’s Get Eric Holder Out Of Office Fast

George McGovern Snubbed By ‘Old Friend’ Fidel Castro

Lights Out For the UK? The Blunder of Relying On Wind Power

Iran Tests Stealth-Capable Missiles

New era of 'Dallas' headed to TNT next summer

Jerry Springer: No $1 million Casey Anthony offer

Taming the Fans of O.A.R., Phish, the Grateful Dead and Dave Matthews Band -

Search for a Democrat to run for Anthony Weiner's seat in Congress down to two front-runners -

Big Peace | Big Peace | Page 2

Navy to Cut Jobs Amid Recession-Driven Sailor Surplus -

9-Jul-11 World View

8-Jul-11 World View

The Hollywood Revolt, Part 1: Ben Shapiro’s Explosive Primetime Propaganda Exposes Leftist Anti-Intellectualism

The Hollywood Revolt, Part 2: Roger L. Simon Turning Right and Breaking the Silence

The Hollywood Revolt, Part 3: Boomer David Mamet Discovers The Secret Knowledge

The Hollywood Revolt, Part 4: Andrew Breitbart Unleashes His Righteous Gen-X Indignation

The Hollywood Revolt, Part 5: The Greatest Walt Disney, The Millennial Mark Zuckerberg, and the Collapse of the Left

The US formally recognizes South Sudan, world’s newest nation - The Washington Post

Casey Anthony verdict could haunt jurors -

Obama urges parties to find common ground in debt debate [Video] -

China Inflation Over 6% Poses Growth Risk for Wen - Bloomberg

With shuttles shelved, science education faces new challenge - Post-Tribune

Ford wins a rare corporate foothold on Google+ | Deep Tech - CNET News

CDC Confirms E. Coli O104:H4 Death in Arizona

AFP: Prominent Argentine singer shot dead in Guatemala

Lab-made organ implanted for first time -

Study Finds Benefits in Health Insurance for the Poor -

Crackdown on medical marijuana ahead? - War Room -

Health care jobs set to grow amid hiring slowdown - Jul. 8, 2011

BBC News - Researchers take US temperature via Twitter

Greece Approved for EU3.2 Bln IMF Loan Payment - Bloomberg

Disappointing US payroll figures halt rally -

Zynga’s PrivacyVille — It’s Not Fun, But It Gets The Job Done - Kashmir Hill - The Not-So Private Parts - Forbes

House to Investigate Pipeline Safety After Leak - Bloomberg

EPA’s Cap-and-Trade for State Pollution Risks Court Challenge - Bloomberg

Snowe, DeMint: All 47 GOP Senators Support a Balanced Budget Amendment, Christian News

Anniston Star - A film worth seeing Tell full story of oil spill

AP-MI--Betty Ford-Michigan-Facilities,128 -

Grand Rapids Shooting: The Negotiator | News | Grand Rapids North News

New crime-fighting tool: Body cameras - TODAY News -

Obama's father spoke of adoption. Which presidents actually were? -

The Associated Press: Scars deep as NC nursing home shooting trial nears


Pentagon suspends DADT in wake of court ruling - Army News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Army Times

Chapman commentary: Defense cuts, hype and reality -

Palin complains of losing confidants in 2006 email | Reuters

Leila Levinson: The Military Suicides the President Didn't Mention

Casey Anthony to Mom: Turn on Me, I'll Turn You Away |

Dominique Strauss-Kahn: Will ex-IMF chief stand trial for Tristane Banon 'rape' | Mail Online

A $22 Billion Question for India - What to Do With a Treasure? -

BBC News - East Africa drought: Somalis engulf Ethiopian town

Iraq to decide extension of U.S. troops presence in two weeks

Malaysia Clamps Down on Unrest -

Syrian forces 'ordered to shoot to kill' - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Fifty-three feared dead in Congo air crash -airline | Reuters

BBC News - Libya: Rebels continue to push west from Misrata

Egypt protesters threaten escalation, hunger strikes - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

BBC News - Pakistan troops take control of Karachi after violence

Hollywood "star-struck" over William, Kate - CBS News

BBC News - Georgia photojournalists charged with spying for Russia

Dave Matthews Band Caravan: biggest South Side event since ‘33 - Chicago Sun-Times

Chicago animal rights group using secret farm videos to pressure retailers - Chicago Sun-Times

Seattle man says he didn't murder a 7-year-old Sycamore girl in 1957 -

Chicago can look to San Francisco for universal transit card model -

Obama taps Chicago designer Terry Guen to Historic Preservation panel - Lynn Sweet

Atlantis Shuttles Samsung Smartphones Into Space -- InformationWeekAtlantis Shuttles Samsung Smartphones Into Space - government Blog

Hackers expose flaw in Apple iPad, iPhone software | Reuters

Why Your Business Should Worry About the ISP Copyright Fight | PCWorld Business Center

Why Google And Android Must Deal With The Mobile Protection Racket | paidContent

Missing Supernova Dust Mystery Solved | Supernovas & Stellar Explosions |

TechSpot's Smartphone Buying Guide: Q3 2011 - TechSpot News

Up to 25% of Accidents Are Associated With Gadgets

Next iPhone: 25 million by year's end, WSJ says | The Digital Home - CNET News

Google+ Sparks Social Networking Wars - International Business Times

Google's Schmidt Caves, Will Testify at Antitrust Hearing | News & Opinion | Movies - [TV] Oprah Winfrey Rumored as Possible Host of Next Year’s Oscars

Octomom in Plane Fight with 'Third Rock From the Sun' Star Kristen Johnston |

Larry Hagman to reprise J.R. role -

Heritage spokesman: Gun plot thickens;Von Spakovsky says Melson links DEA, FBI to 'Operation Gunrunner'


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


WND RADIO WND Exclusive Debt ceiling fight intensifies ;John Gizzi of Human Events says nothing's clear

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Minnesota lawmaker says 29% budget hike just too much;House speaker says government 'wants' won't be met

White House funneling tax money to radicals?

Obama stimulus funded 'guns-to-drug-lords' plan

West calls for Eric Holder's removal

WorldNetDaily Commentary

Chicago attack on guns delayed by judges

Dems' 'fundraiser' may have side effects

Subpoena targets '1961 typewritten birth certificate'

Senator to watch FEC 'enforce' eligibility

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Taliban: U.S. wants permanent Afghan presence

Obama assassination plot: James Vernon McVay charged with Maybelle Schein's murder | Mail Online

Congress votes in favor of PA aid suspension - Israel News, Ynetnews

Job Growth Falters, Clouding Hope for Recovery -

Another scandal that could take Obama down

Border Patrol agents prosecuted to appease Mexico

From black to white: The government stinks!

Welfare as God intended

A few rich libertarians help undermine freedom

Ann Coulter on (liberal) mob psychology

What could be bad about 'sustainability'?

Whittaker Chambers, Alger Hiss, and Panettagate

Jewish Indy - World Net Daily needs our help!

Anti-Shariah heroes help me fight Muslim Mafia

Rick Perry’s Shameless Ways | The Progressive

Five Uncomfortable Facts About the Wonderful, Horrible Debt-Limit Debate - Reason Magazine


Congresswoman: 'Citizen' same as 'natural born citizen'

Taxpayers told debt boosted by $1 trillion

Obama adviser speaks alongside defender of WTC bombers

Anti-Shariah heroes help me fight Muslim Mafia

The birth certificate challenge

**Texas – Man executed despite Obama request… This Story Links To Bill Ayers… | The Last Refuge

In U.S., 3 in 10 Say They Take the Bible Literally

Don't be conned: Smart meters are stupid idea

Scientists drag light by slowing it to speed of sound

Water Caught at 7000 FPS Is Mesmerizing

Scientists discover the point of sex - Telegraph

Want a baby? Then brush your teeth - Telegraph

1879 London murder mystery solved - Yahoo! News

Miracle claimed for WWII-era pope - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews

UFO may have cause power failure at Wyoming nuclear missile base say technicians | Mail Online

*9 July

American Minute for July 9th

Today in History: July 9

July 9 Events in History

This Day in History for 9th July

July 9th This Day in History

July 9th in History

Today in History: July 9

YouTube - ‪Today in History for July 15th‏


Sex Slavery OK in Islam, Says Female Kuwaiti Politician [PHOTO] [VIDEO] - International Business Times

Former model Yana Lapikova has Vladimir Putin in her sights | The Australian

Surgeons implant world's first stem-cell windpipe grown in a lab | Mail Online

Prophet threatens to kill himself if Konadu loses -

Aid Flotilla Debate: What the Gaza Strip Really Needs - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

DE BORCHGRAVE: Down goes the US-Pakistan alliance - Washington Times

Greek to Me - Vernon Vogelsong - The American Interest Magazine

BBC News - Hollywood's role in South Sudan's independence

Bolton: Blame U.S. Policy for Libya’s Muddle - Bloomberg

Asia Sentinel - South China Sea: A Commons for China Only?

Why Is Obama’s State Department Uneasy About Democracy? - Richard Miniter - National Security - Forbes

How Russia Can Copy China's Success | Opinion | The Moscow Times

A Sino-Persian Grab for the Indian Ocean? (SWJ Blog)

75% See Vital U.S. Interests As Only Reason For Committing Military Forces to Overseas Action - Rasmussen Reports™

A new face at the IMF | The Japan Times Online

China's Bumpy Road Ahead -

The new global middle fights for its corner - The Globe and Mail

Iran Is at War with Us - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online

Asia Times Online :: China puts a hand on North Korean wheel

As Unemployment Spikes, Obama's Got a Bigger Problem Than the Debt Ceiling | The Nation

Michele Bachmann for President: How Her Personal Life Inspires Her Political Agenda - The Daily Beast

Fred Barnes: Sorting the Real From the Phony Spending Cut Options -

Big Science, Big Government - Patrick Michaels - Climate of Fear - Forbes

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Obamanomics Continues to Damage the Economy

Space shuttle: An open letter to President Obama | Science |

Shuttle Launch: Following Last Atlantis Mission, Russia’s Space Program Endures - The Daily Beast

RealClearPolitics - The Cautionary Tale of Dominique Strauss-Kahn

TYRRELL: The Gipper and the 'special relationship' - Washington Times

Pawlenty Campaign Puts Hopes on Iowa -

In Shift, Prosecutors Are Lenient as Companies Break the Law -

Sen. Rubio: We Don't Need New Taxes, We Need New Taxpayers | RealClearPolitics

A Lost Decade - Ronald Brownstein -

RealClearPolitics - Making a Progressive Case

What Obama Wants -

The Elmendorf Rule - The Washington Post

America's labour market: Jobless agonistes | The Economist

Sentimental journey - Editorials -

Lessons from the private sector could help public officials cope with downsizing. -

Worries Grow Over U.S. Jobs -

A Jobs Report That Defies Description « Commentary Magazine

Murdoch’s Fatal Flaw -

It's time to re-aim our pitchforks | federal, news, gun - Opinion - The Orange County Register

How a one-term president is made - 2012 Elections -

The Rethinking Man’s Candidate | The Weekly Standard

Obama calls for a 'balanced approach,' sacrifices in debt deal - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

GHEI: The unstimulated economy - Washington Times

Low Interest Rates And High Unemployment Suggest We Need To Focus On Stimulus, Not Deficit Reduction. Precisely The Opposite Is Happening. | The New Republic

Beyond The Big City Blues | Via Meadia

Media Strategy: Getting the Free Press to Teach Civics - TIME

The Weekend Interview: The Story of Dick Cheney's Heart -


**The Week in Pictures: July 3 - 9 **


Robert Herbold: China vs. America: Which Is the Developing Country? -

How Washington Is Killing Jobs - Rick Newman (

Asia Times Online :: Asian news and current affairs

10 Reasons I'm Cancelling My Credit Cards -

How the bubble destroyed the middle class Rex Nutting - MarketWatch

What To Do About Those Lousy Payroll Numbers? Grow! - James K. Glassman - Ideas in Action - Forbes

High Unemployment is a Price Our President is Willing to Pay | The Weekly Standard

Has the U.S. Turned Against Consumers? - BusinessWeek

QE2 helped the rich and screwed the poor. - By Bethany McLean - Slate Magazine

Uncle Sam’s choke-hold on innovation - The Washington Post

Tech Bubble: Why Silicon Valley’s Current Boom Isn’t At All Like 1999 | The New Republic

5 cities where home prices will rise this year Amy Hoak's Home Economics - MarketWatch

Brazil: A Sign of Serious Economic Imbalance - TIME

Webb Space Telescope - Why Congress May Be Right To Kill It

Let The Arguments Fly: Study Shows Women More Likely To Cause Traffic Accidents

The effects of churnalism on health care news & the public | PLoS Blogs Network

9 Hottest Places on Earth | El Azizia Libya, Death Valley | Hottest U.S. Temperature Recorded | Our Amazing Planet

Renewable Energy Production Surpasses Nuclear in U.S. - Erica Gies - Green, Like Money - Forbes

Soft-drink cans beat the diffraction limit : Nature News

Breeding A Better Bee | Research - ISNS

Scent-Gland Bacteria Help Hyenas Identify Friends, Strangers, and Pregnant Females | Discoblog | Discover Magazine

Reports Detail A Massive Case Of Fraud | Latest News | Chemical & Engineering News

Air Power: New Device Captures Ambient Electromagnetic Energy to Drive Small Electronic Devices « Georgia Tech Research News

Public Relations - Wayne State University researcher argues that sex reduces genetic variation

House Panel Proposes Killing NASA's Webb Space Telescope -

BBC News - Dorset pliosaur: ‘Most fearsome predator’ unveiled

Robots: Zoobotics | The Economist

The bizarre mathematical conundrum of Ulam's Spiral

Even When Pure, Water Is Blue

Is this where the matter in the Universe comes from?! : Starts With A Bang

Health risks: Scared to death | Ethical Corporation

'Language Protein' May Help Build Brain Circuits - ScienceNOW

Did Colossal WWII Bombing Raids Alter Weather? | Research - ISNS

- The Impact of Clean Energy Innovation

The Coming Cleantech Crash | The Energy Collective

How the Exxon Oil Leak Could Affect the Proposed Keystone XL Pipeline for Oil Sands - Ecocentric -

Water Shortages to Hit Green Energy, Shale | EnergyBiz

Power Plant Emission Rules Toughened by E.P.A. -

New Coal Regs Make Economic Sense - Technology Review

Separating truth from myth on the light-bulbs debate -

David Edison Sloane: What Thomas Edison Would Do

As Vatican readies to recognise South Sudan, a look back at tense 1993 papal visit | FaithWorld

Some of the Best Christians are Former Communists « Monday Morning Music Ministry by Rick Marschall

Rabbi Hartman’s heartfelt answer to the heartless rabbis | Gil Troy — Zionism and Israel

Baptist Press - FIRST-PERSON: The census & the future of the Great Commission - News with a Christian Perspective

The last son of Joseph Smith understood the power of doubt | The Political Surf

Adultery Nation

Danielle Tumminio: Harry Potter And Christian Theology

The Ledge equals God for Dummies | Reuters

Separation Of Church And State Limits Neither Churches Nor States - Bill Flax - The Courage To Do Nothing - Forbes

Her.meneutics: Bachmann, Palin, and the Trouble with 'Evangelical Feminism'

GEORGE WEIGEL: Moral revolutions in America

Undocumented Jews Suffer in Society's Shadows –

Texas Executes Mexican National After Supreme Court Declines Action

Progressives Are Holding All The Cards On Social Security Deal. Will They Blink?

Does Wall Street Win?

Michael Wolff: Murdoch papers could have hacked U.S. phones

Bernie Sanders: If White House Thinks Senate Will Pass Social Security Cuts, Think Again

Turnaround is Fair Play - Ezra Klein Creates New Twitter Hashtag to Ask Questions of John Boehner

The wait is over! Palin's 'Undefeated' movie trailer: Pure essence of propaganda

Study: New Healthcare Law Won't Stop Medical Bankruptcies

Orrin Hatch Insists the Poor Need to do More to Shrink Our Debt

Some Days I Hate Politics

Pew Analysis Finds Despite Recovery, Women Are Losing Jobs While Men Are Finding Them

Chuck Grassley: Constitution May Trump Debt Ceiling on Default Impasse

Rupertgate Recap - Killing The Patient To Make Him Look Better.

'Torchwood' begins anew on Starz in the USA: 'Miracle Day'

Rachel Maddow: During Real Jobs Crisis, Our Two Political Parties are Discussing How to Make it Worse

Breaking: Senate President Russell Pearce Recalled In Arizona, Must Run For Re-Election Or Resign.

Republicans committing fraud by refusing to raise the debt limit

Tony Hayward can't remember who died on Deepwater Horizon


**Politics Video:Obama: Congress Must Work Together And Solve Deficit Crisis

Maher: I'm "Equating The Casey Anthony Verdict With Republican Thinking"

Rep. McMorris Gives GOP Weekly Response: "Where Are The Jobs?"

8th/WH's Carney: "Most People Do Not ... Analyze GDP And Unemployment Numbers"

Bachmann: Obama's Policies "Have Clearly Failed The American People"

Trailer For Sarah Palin Film "The Undefeated"

Pelosi: Obama Gave "Clear Understanding" Of What Dem Bargaining Terms Will Be

Romney Ad: The Audacity Of Indifference

Bachmann Laughs Off Comment Made About Her "Sex Appeal"

Maddow: Nothing More Fundamental To Dems Than Medicare And SS

Ed To Obama: The American People Are On Your Side, Dude

Chuck Todd: Lowering Tax Rates Would "Appease Republicans"

Obama On New Unemployment Numbers: "We Can Make Things Better"

Boehner: "Stop Washington From Spending Money That It Does Not Have"

Katrina Vanden Heuvel: GOP Willing To Tank Economy To Get Rid Of Obama

Obama On Debt Talks: "I'm Ready To Roll Up My Sleeves"

Krauthammer: Bachmann's Debt Limit Views Will Help In Primaries, Not In General

**NEWS VIDEOS:Obama Refers to Tax Increases as Cutting ‘Spending in the Tax Code”

GOP Weekly Address: ‘Where Are the Jobs?’

South Sudan Proclaims Independence

Britain’s Royal Newlyweds in Los Angeles

8TH/Former First Lady Betty Ford Dies at 93

Krauthammer: David Brooks is NOT a Conservative

GOP Presidential Hopefuls Pounce on Obama’s ‘Indifference’ Toward Job Numbers

Diane Sawyer Claims Neutrality: ‘People Will Know What the Truth Is’

Former Dem Operative Indicted for Bombing

Pawlenty: Obama Like ‘Manure Spreader in a Wind Storm’

NJ Senate Leader Nearly Struck by Lightning While Slamming Gov Christie

Pelosi Blames GOP Leadership for Lack of ‘Celebratory Bill Signings at White House’

Syrian Protesters Swarm American Diplomat’s SUV

Octomom’s Kids Run Amok on Today Show Set

Unemployment Hits 9.2%; Obama Blames… Everyone Else

Obama and Liberal Media Describe Republicans: Murderous Authoritarian Goosestepping Terrorist Lemmings with a Gun to the Head of American People

Appeals Court Hands NFL Team Owners Key Victory

Rubio: ‘We Don’t Need New Taxes, We Need New Taxpayers’

Thousands Press for Further Reform in Egypt

Woman Accused of Killing Cat by Blowing Heroin Smoke in its Face

Barbara Walters Grills Bristol Palin on Losing Her Virginity

Military Suicides Now Recognized With Condolence Letters

End of the World: Murdoch Axes Scandal-Hit Tabloid

Bachmann Laughs Off Pawlenty Aide’s ‘Sex Appeal’ Comment

Pro-Life Activist Attacked Outside Clinic; Suspect Named

Four Injured in Opening Pamplona Bull-Run

NJ Man Arrested in Stolen Picasso Drawing; Artwork Recovered

Autoworker Testifies on Union Election Intimidation and Harassment

‘Harry Potter’ Stars Attend London Premiere

7TH/Casey Anthony Juror: Death Penalty Kept Us From Convicting

Democratic Congressional Candidate Janice Hahn Connected to LA Gang Criminals

Rick Santelli Attacks Gov’t Spending in Latest Battle Cry

Running of the Bulls


The Manning Report – 8 July 2011

July 8, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2011-Jul-08, Friday

The Michael Savage Show 07/08/2011

07/08 The Mark Levin Show

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 7-8-11

Live Free Or Die Radio - Friday, July, 08, 2011

Redding News Reveiw1

Redding News Reveiw2

Redding News Reveiw3

Jesse Lee Peterson Show

Jesse Lee Peterson Show2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show3

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show1

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show2

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