A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

08 July 2011


President Obama June Jobs Report Speech Video July 8, 2011: Statement on Unemployment | Shallow Nation

UFO may have cause power failure at Wyoming nuclear missile base say technicians | Mail Online

Hemp is bursting out all over!

Murdoch under pressure to contain phone hacking scandal within the UK | Media | The Guardian

YouTube - ‪BREAKING: Arrested for Exposing Corruption‏

How Bad Is Exxon's Montana Mess? | Common Dreams

Exxon: 40 landowners report property fouled by spill - Yahoo! News - "Council on Foreign Relations" as Secret Society

Watch the Growth of Walmart and Sam's Club Across America | FlowingData Social Network - Secret Federal Reserve Location Revealed

The “War On Terror” Is A $6 Trillion Racket, With $1 Trillion In Interest Alone, Exceeding The Total Cost Of World War II | AmpedStatus

Activist Post: NGOs and Foundation Funding: Who watches the “watchdogs”? (Video)

Activist Post: The 90-Day Rat Study - Monsanto, IGF-1, and FDA Denial

Family fights government over rare ‘Double Eagle’ gold coins | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

Las Vegas Author Matt O'Brien Exposes Plight Of Underground Homeless

UFO Researcher Claims Air Force Not Revealing Truth About Communication Outage At F.E. Warren Missile Site

Landmark US-Mexico trucking agreement resolves 15-year conflict -

Video: Fiery UFO filmed over Mexico - Telegraph

The Associated Press: FBI: No Oklahoma City bombing videos found

Obama under fire over detention of terror suspect on US navy ship | Law | The Guardian

Obama puts Social Security, Medicare cuts on the table | The Raw Story

[H]ard|OCP - Big Brother May Soon Be in Your Sewers

US will honour soldiers who take their own life in combat zones | World news |

David Cameron's foreign aid: How your money is squandered | Mail Online

ALIPAC - Utah's Fight Against Amnesty: Another David and Goliath Story

ALIPAC - US, Mexico sign cross-border trucking agreement

US and Russia stir up political tensions over Arctic | World news | The Guardian

NATO Using Nuclear Weapons In Libya

YouTube - ‪ABC Admits That WTC Steel Turned To Dust (Evidence of Exotic Weaponry?)‏

YouTube - ‪Did You See the WTC North Tower Steel Column Spire Turn to DUST on 9/11?‏

YouTube - ‪WTC 911 Blows Up TOP DOWN not a structural collapse‏


**The Journal of 9/11 Research (


Suicidal diplomat on roof of London embassy changed mind about killing himself - but slipped and fell to his death | Mail Online

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad orders end of plans to segregate sexes at universities - Telegraph

The AAAS - Climate Change Causes Blurred Vision

Egypt vs IMF - Time To default?

Lehman Brothers secretly borrowed from the Fed before collapse - Telegraph

YouTube - ‪Virgin Mary Shows Herself In Center Of Gleaming Sun In Africa !!‏

David Icke - Rise Like Lions (We are many, they are few) - David Icke Website

Steve Richards: Politicians are finally free from Murdoch's tyranny - Steve Richards, Commentators - The Independent

Matthew Norman: Now is the moment to stop Murdoch - Matthew Norman, Commentators - The Independent


Murdoch empire in crisis - Press, Media - The Independent

Phone hacking: David Cameron bows to calls for public inquiries | Media |

News of the World phone hacking: advertisers pull out - Telegraph

Video: Amazing amateur video of Arizona sandstorm - Telegraph

Spacecraft eyes raging storm, lightning on Saturn | World news |

Guangzhou South Station: something out of a zombie movie | Sovereign Man: Finance, lifestyle design, Offshore Business and Expat news

15 Food Companies That Serve You 'Wood' - TheStreet

The cocktail of up to 20 chemicals in a glass of milk | Mail Online

A cloud over our lives: Air pollution linked to learning problems and depression | Mail Online

Activist Post: 5 Facts About Fluoride to Give Your Water District

YouTube - ‪Monster 'haboob' dust storm engulfs Phoenix suburbs‏

Federal Wiretaps Nearly Doubled Last Year - Andy Greenberg - The Firewall - Forbes

Terrorists planning to blow up planes with bombs INSIDE their bodies, U.S. authorities warn | Mail Online

Giant hogweed that can cause BLINDNESS invades New York | Mail Online

Tribe Meets White Man for the First Time • VideoSift: Online Video *Quality Control

YouTube - ‪President Obama Executive Order 13575 Rural Councils‏

Canadian Muslim: White House infiltrated by Muslim Brotherhood


Video:About the OpenWatch Project @Vimeo


NASA Moon Landing 'Proof'? Where Are Rover Tracks??

Ron Paul vs. the FDA Raw Milk Police

Codex Commission – Voluntary GMO Labeling Okay with WTO? | Farm Wars

NASA - LRO Sees Apollo Landing Sites

Obama Has Finally Become Dick Cheney - Home - The Daily Bail

Health Care In Cuba And America

YouTube - ‪Confesiones de una Representante de la Industria Farmacéutica‏

The (very) secret history of Area 51 - Americas, World - The Independent

Processed Meats Declared Too Dangerous for Human Consumption | Natural Health

Coming soon: The artificially intelligent machines that will argue back | Mail Online


*OpenWatch (


Who wants to live forever? Scientist sees ageing cured | Reuters

One in three ‘overwhelmed by technology’ - Telegraph

Did FBI surveillance push Ernest Hemingway to the brink of suicide? | Mail Online

US anti-piracy body targets foreign website owners for extradition | Technology | The Guardian

YouTube - ‪How your community is implementing AGENDA 21‏ - Exposed! The Left vs. Right Political Charade

Cell phones ‘don’t cause cancer’: study | The Raw Story

YouTube - ‪Catholic Investigative Agency : The Rockefeller Foundation‏

What is the Plain Truth about the Pledge of Allegiance? - Fox Business Video -

The green tax con: Climate change levies are swallowed up by Treasury | Mail Online

Is an even bigger ash cloud set to blanket our skies? Iceland's most feared volcano 'ready to erupt' | Mail Online

Huffington Post launches in UK | UK news |

China turns against Red Cross - Telegraph

Northampton University 'fined £56k' for not displaying EU flag | Mail Online - Illuminati Use Socialism to Buy Complicity

The Year The President Defied The Israeli Lobby - And Won

Activist Post: Scientists Admit Climate Cooled in the Last Decade, Cite Sulfur Pollution from China

World's only remaining 'Ghost Car' headed for auction... incredible images of the Plexiglas Pontiac expected to fetch almost $500,000 | Mail Online

US jail inmate sues over pornography ban - Americas, World - The Independent

California set to put US gay and lesbian history on public school curriculum | World news | The Guardian

Paul Drockton M.A.:Breaking! Mitt Romney Could Lose Mormon Utah!

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Gilad Atzmon: Jewish Self-Reflection is Overdue

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Gilad Atzmon: Hasbara Psychosis

Criticize Israel and lose your career | Opinion Maker

Afghanistan: Explosive Disclosures | Opinion Maker

US: Mideast talks the way forward, not UN votes | World news |

NC State says nuclear reactor leak poses no threat |

12 And 13-Year-Old Kids Turn In Dad For Marijuana Possession Say Police

Lyme disease showing up more in Iowa -

YouTube - ‪The Planets Fucked - Its your Fault - Its Getting Worse‏


*FlowingData (


[H]ard|OCP - Visa Blocks Funds for WikiLeaks Again

APNewsBreak: Visa again blocks funds for WikiLeaks - Yahoo! News

[H]ard|OCP - Security Holes Discovered in iPhones, iPads

Security holes discovered in iPhones, iPads - Yahoo! News

Remembering Thomas Jefferson - A Magnificent American

Activist Post: The Journey to Jekyll Island

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Name of the Game is Bailout

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Protectors of the Public

+American Heritage Library:The Price They Paid;56 men who signed theDeclaration of Independence

The Jews Who Murdered Tsar Nicholas II | Real Zionist News - Fox News: Homeland Security Is Big Business - TSA Agent Caught With Passenger's iPad Down His Pants

Murdoch shuts down paper which hacked phones of war, terror victims - Indian Express

Vietnam Era Weapon Being Used to Clear the Amazon : TreeHugger - Indian tribes welcome much-maligned FEMA homes - Hackers Are Everywhere. Panic! - U.S. returns artifacts, Hussein-era objects to Iraq - U.S. says Israel’s inclusion on terrorist watch list was a mistake - Prison Inmates Replace Union Workers In Wisconsin - U.S. Internet providers agree to block subscribers accused of copyright infringement - Obama: NASA needs to revamp its mission - World needs $1.9 trillion a year for green technology: UN

End of an era: Space shuttle Atlantis launched - Florida -

NASA's last Shuttle mission: What does this mean for the future of manned flight? | TechRepublic

The Intercept: No arms for Libyan rebels?

Humans become 'pets' in rise of the machines: Apple co-founder

Bulb ban's dark consequences--Deroy Murdock -

The 5 Most Horrifying Things Corporations Are Taking Over |

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul "Now We Live Off Our Military Power"

7 Questions about 9-11

Elaborate 9-11 Mythology Outlined in Video | Veterans Today

Homeland Security Working Hard To Make Sure No One Wants To Use .com Or .net Domains : Federal Jack

DHS Bomb Implant Threat Debunked, New Step In Ongoing Terror Hype :

UN reveals its master plan for destruction of global economy – Telegraph Blogs

Refreshing News: A List of People Who Need to Stop Writing Software

YouTube - ‪The Black Block Infiltrated On Canadian TV "POLICE BUSTED"‏

YouTube - ‪How Fluoride Causes Hypothyroidism‏

Google shuts down millions of websites : Federal Jack

Revolutionary Politics : "There's A Cultural Thing Going At ATF They Don't Seem To Be Accountable" (Just Like ALL Cops)

Washington's Blog:The Founding Fathers Tried to Warn Us About the Threat From a Two-Party System

Ron Paul: Audit The Gold At Fort Knox! (Monetary Policy Subcommittee: Video - 6/23/11) - Home - The Daily Bail

Food prices head back towards record highs | Business | The Guardian

Activist Post: 7 Reasons Food Shortages Will Become a Global Crisis

Activist Post: 5 Simple Ways To Prepare For The Coming Food Crisis

Jim Marrs On Donald Rumsfeld and “What is Building 7?” |

YouTube - ‪And... history repeats itself‏

YouTube - ‪Armed Americans Confront Police Checkpoint in California July 5, 2011‏

Has 3D film lost its lustre? Just 38% watch Pirates Of The Caribbean wth specs on | Mail Online

Revolutionary Politics : "Israel's Right To Exist Should Be Guaranteed!" Congressman Dan Burton

Anne Frank a ‘fake,’ says ‘liberal’ Egypti... JPost - Middle East

China Raises Rates to Counter Inflation - Bloomberg

Obama Signs Deal to Allow Mexican Truckers Onto U.S. Highways :

Bloomberg Investigates Former NY Fed Chairman Stephen Friedman Over Controversial Purchases Of Goldman Shares - Home - The Daily Bail

Rise of the machines: U.S. Army testing real life 'Iron Man' exoskeleton that gives soldiers super - 12160

Frank Rich Blasts Obama For Letting Wall Street Off the Hook | Rolling Stone Politics | Taibblog | Matt Taibbi on Politics and the Economy

The Intercept: Risk-Free And Above The Law: U.S. Globalizes Drone Warfare

Activist Post: US government openly admits arming Mexican drug gangs with 30,000 firearms - but why?

The Clear Case for Obama’s Impeachment : Federal Jack

Mans House Trashed Mafia Style By Thugs Hired By Mortgage Company :

Major Spy Scandal Suppressed: Murdoch’s “Hackers” National Security Threat | My Catbird Seat

On Flotillas and the Law – An Analysis by Dr. Lawrence Davidson | Intifada Palestine




flashback:YouTube - ‪Obama To End The War‏

Prison » U.S. Wants Gaddafi Toppled By September

Prison » ‘NATO kills 10 civilians for every troop targeted, destroys children’s facilities’

Prison » Ron Paul Attacks “Regime Change” Bill

Issa Says He Doesn’t Believe Holder’s Testimony Was Accurate |

Prison » Man Arrested for Filming Police from His Own Yard

Prison » US government openly admits arming Mexican drug gangs with 30,000 firearms – but why?

- PR & the Marketing of an Epidemic - House of Numbers -

- Prof. Luc Montagnier's Extended House of Numbers Interview with Director Brent Leung -

- Opening 10-minutes of House of Numbers, the award winning documentary -

Prison » Sweden Is Planning To Teach Every Schoolchild Chinese In The Next 10 Years

Prison » Egyptians train for one million man march in Tahrir Square

Prison » Celente: Congress is made up of soccer mommy’s boys

Prison » No More Privacy: Smart Meters Are Surveillance Devices That Monitor The Behavior In Your Home Every Single Minute Of Every Single Day

YouTube - ‪Is the Internet Re-wiring Our Brains?‏

YouTube - ‪FDA Set To Ban Thousands of Whole Foods‏

Prison » Radiation levels and locations to be mapped in Puget Sound by helicopter

YouTube - ‪Jesse Trentadue on The Alex Jones Show"The OKC Cover Up"1/4‏

YouTube - ‪Jesse Trentadue on The Alex Jones Show"The OKC Cover Up"2/4‏

YouTube - ‪Jesse Trentadue on The Alex Jones Show"The OKC Cover Up"3/4‏

YouTube - ‪Jesse Trentadue on The Alex Jones Show"The OKC Cover Up"4/4‏

» FBI Claims Oklahoma City Bombing Tapes Missing Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

**3 Parts/Mike Adams & Alex Jones: The FDA’s End Game Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Van Rompuy, NATO Boss to Meet with Libyan al-Qaeda Rebels Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

VIPR Searches and the American Citizen: ‘Dominate. Intimidate. Control.’ | – Everything New Jersey

» Will 2012 Be The Year That We See Mass Starvation In Africa? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» North Korea’s Socialist Famines Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Copwatch Activist Found Not Guilty Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Scientific Dictatorship, Natural Law and the Abolition of Man Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» A web of possibilities: Utah researcher uses goats to make one of the strongest known substances Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Plans to strip mine the moon may soon be more than just science-fiction - News - The Ecologist

» KFC and PepsiCo donate to diabetes research for soda purchase Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Restoring Liberty With Three Short Laws by Gary North

Say Logan tips ignored by cops -

» The “War On Terror” Is A $6 Trillion Racket, Exceeding The Total Cost Of World War II Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Anti-Terror Sensor That Scans Crowds for Bombers Tested in U.K. -

Activist Post: Somali's secret detention legal: White House

YouTube - ‪Lyndon LaRouche: War is Globalist Favorite Tool of Choice for Poplutation Reduction 1/4‏

YouTube - ‪Lyndon LaRouche: War is Globalist Favorite Tool of Choice for Poplutation Reduction 2/4‏

YouTube - ‪Lyndon LaRouche: War is Globalist Favorite Tool of Choice for Poplutation Reduction 3/4‏

YouTube - ‪Lyndon LaRouche: War is Globalist Favorite Tool of Choice for Poplutation Reduction 4/4‏

» Sundance Channel Covers Secret Societies Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» “Belly Bombs” Terror Hype Is Easily Debunked Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Gov. Rick Perry Breaks With His Former Patron, George W. Bush -

» The Scientific Dictatorship, Natural Law and the Abolition of Man Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

A web of possibilities: Utah researcher uses goats to make one of the strongest known substances | Deseret News


The Psychology of Bond Investors

16 Reasons To Feel Really Depressed About The Direction That The Economy Is Headed

Brzezinski: Middle Class Unrest To Hit U.S.

Money Sorcery: Bankers vs. Freedom

Your Edible Landscape: Preparing Wild Food For Your Table

Your Edible Landscape: Pine

Your Edible Landscape: Dandelions

Your Edible Landscape: A Wild Salad Recipe

Yesterday’s Liberals

Respect For the Constitution is Fundamental to a Constitutional Republic

University Offers Bachelor of Arts in Counter-terrorism

FDA’s Scheme to Outlaw Nearly All Nutritional Supplements Created After 1994 Would Destroy Millions of Jobs and Devastate Economy «

Gaga For GABA: Love Nutrient For the Endocrine System

Iron: The Fundamental Element

Good Cholesterol, Bad Cholesterol: No Such Thing

Big Food Propaganda Machine Labeling the Health-Conscious As Mentally Ill

Ben’s Favorite Vitamin: Cyanocobalamin

Ben’s Favorite Vitamin’s Big Sister

Brainwashing 101: What You Need to Know

Video Games Turning Kids Into Criminals

Is the Internet Re-Wiring Our Brains?

Russian FSB Boss: Internet a Haven for Terrorists

Dangerous 10-Foot Megaweed Invades New York | Beware Giant Hogweed! Poisonous Megaflora Spreads Across Northeast | Life's Little Mysteries

YouTube - ‪Nuclear Ginza Japan's secret at-risk labor force 1/2‏

YouTube - ‪Nuclear Ginza Japan's secret at-risk labor force 2/2‏

Exclusive: Treasury secretly weighs options to avert default | Reuters

A History of Government Management of UFO Perceptions through Film and Television

Who is Baphomet?

MTV’s Baphomet & All-Seeing Eye Ad (video)

Newscaster Says Republican Party is…Satanic (video)

Alien encounters ‘within twenty years’

FOX News Discusses the New World Order and the Global Elite (video)

Kurzweil: A Future of Humans Merged With Machines (video)

Japan’s newest popstar outed as CGI creation

School surveillance: how big brother spies on pupils

Liquid Medicine: Controversial Call to Add Lithium to Drinking Water for “Mental Health”


+The 25 Rules of Disinformation

+10 ways ‘the police state’ tracks you


New Film Shows Diana “Very Much Alive” After Car Crash

Karotz: The RFID Rabbit That’ll Monitor Your Home

The News Definers: The Truth about the Council on Foreign Relations (video)

+Naming Names: Your Real Government


FBI — The Vault:(


The Alex Jones Show – July 7th, 2011

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – July 7th, 2011

Alan Watt “Cutting Through The Matrix

The Alex Jones Show – July 6th, 2011

The Alex Jones Show – July 5th, 2011

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – July 6th, 2011

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – July 5th, 2011

Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – July 6th, 2011

Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – July 5th, 2011


Audio:CounterSpin – Noam Chomsky on Arab Spring, Monica Novoa on Drop the I Word |

YouTube - ‪7/7/11 Media Feeding Frenzy on Murdoch, Zbignew: "This is not a just society." MSNBC VS Reality‏

YouTube - ‪Gerald Celente - Adam vs The Man RTTV - 07 July 2011‏

*3 Parts:Mike Adams & Alex Jones: The FDA’s End Game |

*4 Parts:Max Igan – ECETI Interview – July 5th, 2011 |

» Obama Follows Bilderberg Consensus In Abandoning Iraq Withdrawal Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Libya and War Powers

YouTube - ‪Keiser Report: Europe's Neo Feudalism (E162)‏

Bradley Manning, American Hero

The Strange Silencing of Liberal America

If American Exceptionalism Were a Reality

Prison Inmates Do Jobs Previously Done By Union Workers

Brzezinski Warns Inequality Could Lead to Unrest

Why Do the Police Have Tanks?

Murdoch Becomes Dangerous for Cameron as Phone-Hacking Scandal Escalates - Bloomberg

Bair's Legacy: An FDIC With Teeth -

The Militarization of the Arctic.

Interviews from Libya: What is Happening on the Ground

VIDEO: Operation Libya: Insurrection and Military Intervention

Plans to Strip Mine the Moon May Soon be More Than Just Science-Fiction

Killing Old People Is Fiscally Responsible

World Bank Told to Stop Lending to Land Grabbers - Like Calyx Agro

Famine Threat In The Horn Of Africa

YouTube - ‪Man jailed for cashing Chase check at Chase Bank‏

AllGov - News - Obama and Holder Drop 99 of 101 CIA Torture Cases

Extradition For Pirates? Seized Domain Admins Call It Quits | TorrentFreak

The Conspiracy - informationliberation

Coming Soon to an Airport Near You - informationliberation

Casey Anthony and American "Justice" - informationliberation

Final Roll Call for Lee-Nadler-Jones Amendment to End Combat in Afghanistan

US, Iraq Negotiating Possible Post-2011 US Force: Mullen

FDA's scheme to outlaw nearly all nutritional supplements created after 1994 would destroy millions of jobs and devastate economy

Unintended Consequences: 19th Century Socialism and 21st Century Transhumanism

25 Reasons To Buy Gold and Dump Dollars | Don't Tread On Me

ATF Head Names FBI, DEA In Gun-Trafficking Probe - News - POLICE Magazine

'Nazi' police 'kidnap' woman at town hall

Obama To Unveil Gun Control Reforms In Near Future

Yahoo condemned over plans to snoop on emails on behalf of advertisers | Mail Online

John MacArthur Says America Is Under Divine Judgment, Christian News

'God the Father' banished by mainline denomination

What’s next: Harvesting body heat to generate electricity | Volumatrix Group

Obama’s ineligibility: A Congress of cowards

YouTube - ‪Shadow Behind the Throne: A Brief Overview of the New World Order‏

The Scientific Dictatorship, Natural Law and the Abolition of Man | Old-Thinker News

YouTube - ‪Keiser Report: Europe's Neo Feudalism (E162)‏

Boiling frog alert: Congress wants automatic wage deductions to pay down the debt | Sovereign Man: Finance, lifestyle design, Offshore Business and Expat news

Internet providers to act against online pirates | Reuters

Gun-Running Timeline: How DOJ’s ‘Operation Fast and Furious’ Unfolded

Obama Administration Not Enforcing Gun Laws, Rep. Issa Says

Obama Expected to Boost ‘Gun Safety’ by Executive Order

Republican Response to June Jobs Report: ‘Sadly Not a Surprise’

21 GOP Senators Back Bill to Raise Debt Limit--But Only in Exchange For Balanced Budget Amendment

NASA's Last Space Shuttle Blasts Into History

Boehner: 'We Are Not Going to Raise Taxes on the American People'

Boehner: Personal and Corporate ‘Comprehensive Tax Reform’ Under Discussion

Education Secretary Advises School Districts on Homosexual Clubs for Students

Obama Administration Takes Credit for Birth of South Sudan

Brent Bozell: The ‘Innocence Snuff Film’

Pat Buchanan: An Establishment in Panic

Judiciary Committee Launches Probe of Kagan’s Involvement in Obamacare

Obama: Uncertainty Over Debt Limit Restrains Hiring

Doctored TV Images of Boston Fireworks Draw Flak

Rangers Fan Dies After Reaching for Baseball

Amnesty International Says Syrian Crackdown May Be War Crime

Texas Executes Mexican Citizen Despite White House Plea

Michigan Ex-Con Shoots Himself After Killing 7 People

Warren Buffett Predicts Job Growth When Housing Rebounds

NJ Judge: Use of GPS to track a cheating spouse not an invasion of privacy

Top Obama adviser says Americans' votes won't be influenced by unemployment rate

UCLA hospitals to pay $865,500 for breaches of celebrities' privacy

Inquiry of weapons smuggling to expand

District may provide handgun transfers, allowing residents to buy guns

Fueled by verdict anger, push for 'Caylee's Law' starts in Pa., N.J.

Phone-hacking scandal is biggest PR disaster of Murdoch’s career

Obama Administration Eases Foreclosure Rules for Unemployed

Six Months After Tucson Shooting, White House Readies Gun Control Stance

McCain mocks Senate work schedule

Though fatter, Colorado residents are slimmest in U.S.

Pakistan slams U.S. allegation that it sanctioned the killing of a journalist

House Republicans evaluate the FDA harshly

Boca Raton police officer suspended for having porn on work computer

I.R.S. Drops Audits of Political Donors

Pakistani Scientist: DPRK Paid for Nuclear Technology

President Calls for Balanced Defense Spending Cuts

Netherlands Sends Reduced Afghanistan Mission

US: South Sudan Separation a 'Fragile Moment'

South Sudan needs strong partnerships

Debt Ceiling Charade a Move to the Right

Former Cameron Aide Arrested in British Hacking Scandal

Jobs Report Disaster For Obama — Boehner Labels Stimulus 'Misguided'

Bipartisan Oppostion to Social Sec. Cuts

GOP Presidential Candidates Rip Obama on Jobs

US Adds Only 18,000 Jobs in Blow to Recovery

Huckabee Stays Neutral, Despite Daughter's Post

As Ex-spokesman Arrested, Cameron Vows Press Shake-up

Hacking Scandal Tests Murdoch's Political Skills

Murdoch Journalists Stunned by Paper's Closure

5 Healthy, Refreshing Summer Drinks

Liberals Wrong to Pin Fascism on Conservatives

History Books Get Gay Makeover

Piracy Spurs Armed Guards on Indian Ships

Radicals Targeting US Military Installations

CFL Bulbs Inefficient, Job Killing

10 Diet and Exercise Myths That Won't Go Away by Joseph Mercola

Leave the Top 1% Alone by Anthony Gregory

When America Went Crazy by Eric Peters

Confronted and Owned: Anti-Marijuana Zealot Bill Bennett by Paul Armentano

Rupert Murdoch's Failing Attempts to Control the Internet Reformation by Anthony Wile

Mounting Evidence that Dominique Strauss Kahn Was Framed by Michel Chossudovsky

Republicans Fail the Reagan Litmus Test

Rupertgate - The Smoking Phone.

Frank Schaeffer: Bachmann's Christianity Radical Even for Evangelicals

Piers Morgan, the Prince of Rupertgate

Paul Ryan thinks voters will go for his Medicare-killing budget plan if it's just sold right

David Cay Johnston: Republicans Might be Willing to Tank the Economy to Make a Political Point

'News of The World' is Closing Down: The Fall of Rupertgate UPDATED

Ohio's New Voter Suppression Tactics

Oh, Quit Whining, Heritage Foundation

Rep. Paul Broun compares Progressives to Al-Qaeda

Man loses his job after Chase bank has him arrested for cashing their own check

New jobs plan: Give rich people everything they want and pray they don't go Galt

Debt Ceiling News: Pelosi, Democrats, broad array of groups object to including Social Security-Medicare cuts in talks

Inhofe insists he's the victim after nearly killing airport workers

Compton B-Ball Player Wins $40K, Gives It Away To Other Contestants

Just how is it that Republicans get to lecture Democrats about ballooning federal deficits?

British Labour Party's Leader Demands Inquiry into Murdoch Phone Hacking

We're NOT living longer

Texas Executes Mexican National After Supreme Court Declines Action

Progressives Are Holding All The Cards On Social Security Deal. Will They Blink?

Does Wall Street Win?

Michael Wolff: Murdoch papers could have hacked U.S. phones

flashback:RealClearPolitics - Video - Pelosi: Health Reform Will Create 400,000 Jobs "Almost Immediately"

*Remarks by the President on the Monthly Jobs Report | The White House

Top Obama adviser says unemployment won't be key in 2012 -

AFP: Would-be Obama rivals slam him over poor jobs news

The Arms Race-Israel News - Haaretz Israeli News source.

Mullen Accuses Tehran of Arming Iraq Militias -

China warns U.S. officials not to meet Dalai Lama | Reuters

Banana at Large After Attacking Gorilla in Strongsville - WJW

BBC News - Secret agents raid Apple store webcam 'artist'

Local Woman Envisions Mobile Breastfeeding Truc - Flash Player Installation

Kate Middleton and Prince William: How Hollywood's rich are spending vast sums on access | Mail Online

Notorious New Mexico Nipple Ripper Pleads Guilty To Attack On Daughter-In-Law | The Smoking Gun

Mayor to Officiate Gay Wedding | NBC New York

New win a baby game draws fire | Reuters

Does Michelle Obama Know About This? | The Agitator

CBS broadcasts altered views of Boston’s Fourth of July fireworks - The Boston Globe

Ninety Percent of Obama Travel at Least Partly Politics | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

MinnPost - GOP says Dayton's 'essential staff' includes chef and housekeeper

RealClearPolitics - An Establishment in Panic

Phone hacking: Police probe suspected deletion of emails by NI executive | Media | The Guardian

Ex-News of the World royal reporter arrested | Reuters

Tests will confirm whether cat died from heroin overdose; Woman arrested - KDVR

Fan Falls From Outfield Seats To His Death At R - Flash Player Installation

Tragedy at the Ballpark | NBC Dallas-Fort Worth

Man dies after falling out of stands at Rangers game - Big League Stew - MLB Blog - Yahoo! Sports


Does FEMA Ad Contain Hidden Meaning? | Before It's News

The New World Order: Why The Entire Economy Is About To Change | Before It's News


+Dual Citizenship -- Loyal to Whom? | Before It's News

*F.B.I. To Jesse Trentadue: Oklahoma City Bombing Tapes Missing | Before It's News

Anglican 1000 Replanting Biblical Anglicanism in North America | Before It's News

Hawk or Dove? Children's Personalities Linked To Their Chemical Response To Stress | Before It's News


**9/11 - It Wasn't Muslims | Before It's News

YouTube - ‪It Wasn't Muslims‏


Rediscover 9/11(


Fusion Energy Without Radioactivity: Laser Ignition Of Solid Hydrogen–Boron (11) Fuel | Before It's News

“The Man of the Future”: Truths, Rumors, and the Perils of China-Watching | Before It's News

Gabrielle Giffords Shocking Past Exposed! | Before It's News

Google Said To Be Rebranding Picasa and Blogger For G + | Before It's News

*The Daily Blender: WATCH: All 134 NASA Space Launches In 134 Seconds (VIDEO)

*Retired U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Craig Roberts -The Middle East Connection To The OKC Bombing | Before It's News


* Green Home Building Guidelines *


Who Are the Real Terrorists, the FBI or the Hutaree? | Before It's News

Large Scale Construction In Antarctic | Before It's News

Antimatter Tevatron mystery gains ground | Before It's News

+Home remedies using Turmeric | Before It's News

Unemployment rose to 9.2 percent as hiring stalls

Leasing Scandal | Securities and Exchange Commission | $550 Million | The Daily Caller

ACORN Funding | Taxpayer Cash | Barack Obama | The Daily Caller

U.N. Eyes Playground for Site of Second Expensive NYC High-Rise -

Voter ID Laws | Democrats | Opposition | The Daily Caller

5 Financial Moves to Make at Fifty - Liz Davidson - Financial Finesse - Forbes

+11 Emergency Foods That Can Last A Lifetime | Before It's News

US Navy Seal Team Six | Before It's News

Video: Up Close and Personal - Japan Tsunami | Before It's News

Looking for Motivation? Watch This “Be Great, Powerful Beyond Measure” | Before It's News

YouTube - ‪President Barack Obama speech on jobs report today‏

YouTube - ‪White House Forum on Accountability in Federal Contracting‏

YouTube - ‪7/7/11: White House Press Briefing‏

“Liar and a Slut” | ATLAH Media Network

Dr. Manning Probes the Issue of Aztlan and La Raza | ATLAH Media Network

Obama Causes Welfare Chaos In Detroit | ATLAH Media Network

'1 in 20 women' hit by early menopause: Doctors baffled at rising numbers of under-40s affected | Mail Online

Microsoft Software Patent Allows Government To Spy On All Personal Digital Communications

Coronation Street: Wall-to-wall gays, transsexuals, transvestites and lesbians | Mail Online

Smart Grid: The Implementation of Technocracy? New Zeal Blog » Communists to Back Obama and Democrats in 2012

Does it matter which party wins? » peoplesworld

CPC - The Population Investigation Committee: its history and influence over the last 75 years

1.3million driven off the road as cost of petrol passes £1,700 a year | Mail Online

Obama's Plan for $10 Gas

Obama Plays Pandora with Drones

Minority Feelings and Violent Facts

A Commander in Chief in Need of Serious Self-Reflection

Dumping Biden for Cuomo?

When the Doctor Goes Home: The Coming Indifference of American Medicine

Obama's Animus Toward Israel and Jews

Obama Adoption Memo Smells of Collusion

The friends of Michelle O

Salmon: Government will breach debt ceiling even if no deal is reached

Gaza Flotilla Foiled: Pro-Palestinians Attempt 'Flightilla'

Did Obama's father want to give him up for adoption?

Obamanomics and the commodities redistribution boom

Janet Napolitano's former chief-of-staff one of many at center of Fast and Furious scandal

Campaign 2012: Are We Over 'The Black Thing' Yet?

The Bitter Fruit of Caylee's Death

Obama's Underhanded Budget Endgame

Moderates? We Don't Need No Stinking Moderates!

Lynching Palin, Cain, West, and Bachmann

Western Intelligence: Iran Helping Gaddafi in Confrontation with NATO

BATF Head Melson Implicates DOJ In Surprise July 4th Testimony

Paul Leading In Texas Among "Highly Active" Republican Voters

Barack Obama Throws Class Warfare Tantrum to Get the Debt Ceiling Raised

Republicans have five aces...

Ron Paul #2 in GOP Fundraising

Wrights joins call to end to U.S. militarism

The Corporation & Personhood

The Racist Party ... It's Not Who You Think!

Fred Thompson - "At the proverbial crossroads."

Obama is Wrong about Medical Marijuana as Well

Debbie Schlussel:HILARIOUS Video: What The Hell Happened to the History Channel?

Debbie Schlussel:Sean Hannity: “I’m Looking for the Real Killers,” Not Casey Anthony

Debbie Schlussel:Faouzi Ayoub: Hezbollah Muslim Terrorist Caught in Israel Bombing; Then Feds Let Him Work @ Dearbornistan Mkt

Debbie Schlussel:What’s the FBI Hiding? Agency Claims it “Lost” Videotape of OK City Bombing

Debbie Schlussel:Pro-Illegal Alien / Pan-Muslim SPLC Targets Schlussel; How You Can Help

Debbie Schlussel:Party Like It’s 699: Prince Says Islam is Fun, Applauds Burqas

Obama’s ineligibility: When government declares war on the people

Obama and Holder Show Supreme Arrogance Placing Blame on Others

Dems trying to pin British tabloid scandal on Fox News

Fast and Furious Scandal: What Did Obama Know, and When Did He Know It?

Casey To Get Paid; Who’s Next?

Citizen U.S.A. The Reality

Justice Has Finally Been Served: Humberto Leal Garcia Is Dead

The Boy President

Over reach and control of all the wrong people

Barack Obama Throws Class Warfare Tantrum to Get the Debt Ceiling Raised

Obama using your private emails to get re-elected

Obama’s ineligibility: The gauntlet has been thrown down; the battle forced upon us

VIPR Searches and the American Citizen: ‘Dominate. Intimidate. Control.’

Obama Pal and Terrorist Dohrn Linked to Mexican Killer Case

Obama Pal and Terrorist Dohrn Linked to Mexican Killer Case

Obama’s Legacy

The Left is Seldom Right

The White House Rural Council

Obama’s ineligibility: Congress says al-Qaida terrorist can be President

Agenda 21 and Obama’s Rural Council?

Man Thrown in Jail for Trying to…Deposit a Check? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Rubio Takes on Obama, Dems: ‘We Don’t Need New Taxes, We Need New Taxpayers’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze


**20 minYouTube - ‪Senators Rubio and Ayotte on Jobs and the Debt‏


Finding Goliath? Archaeologists Uncover Details About the Bible‘s ’Bad Guy’ Philistines | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

YouTube - ‪Casey Anthony release date changed to Sunday, July 17‏

Update: After Another Recalculation, Casey Anthony to Be Released on July 17 | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

White House Plans to Release New Gun Safety Measures ‘in the Near Future’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

America Will Be Drowned in Blood…Obama Only Shoots Black or Brown People: New Black Panthers Leader, Farrakhan, Nation of Islam & Cynthia McKinney Call Libya a Race War | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Bachmann Responds to Pawlenty Aide‘s ’Sex Appeal’ Comment | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Rep. Ryan Challenges Obama to Debt Debate: Throws Down the Gauntlet Via Twitter | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Nancy Pelosi Says House Dems Won’t Support Obama on Proposed Debt-Limit Entitlement Cuts | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

In Address, Obama Says Debt Limit Uncertainty Keeping Businesses From Hiring | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

NASA Space Shuttle Atlantis Embarks on Final Historical Mission | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Detroit Police Car Crashes and Bursts into Flames, Brave Citizens Rescue Cop | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Unemployment Rate Rises to 9.2 Percent, Hiring Comes to Near Standstill | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Chris Matthews: Pelosi Was ‘Strongest House Speaker’ in 50 Years | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

No Job? Obama Now Says You May Not Have to Pay Your Mortgage for a Full Year | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Prayers Are Uttered in Outer Space, Too | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Security Shake-Up: Pentagon’s Second-Ranking Official Announces Resignation | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Experts Say Gov’t-Mandated Calorie Counts Don’t Change Eating Habits | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Can Comcast Create a Ghost Internet Account for You and Then Demand You Pay? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Car Czar: ‘I Did it All for the Unions’? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Go Behind the Scenes of a Massive Human Trafficking Raid | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Going Green: Jewish Organization Remodels its Offices to Combat…U.S. Foreign Oil Dependence? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Ex-hedge fund manager settles trading violation

Weak employment report lifts Treasury prices

Following bailout, Moody's downgrades Russia's No. 2 bank

News Corp stock plunges on hacking fallout

'Air Flotilla' lands, activists taken for questioning

Indians argue over fate of $20bn treasure

Echo of Reagan warning could rouse bond vigilantes

Tony Blair: New Labour died when I handed over to Gordon Brown

6 Israeli activists arrested at airport; planes diverted

Third teenager arrested over murder of 16-year-old schoolboy

Willie Nelson's marijuana plea bargain rejected - CBS News

Industry Group Passes Resolution Against Political Discrimination

Exclusive: ‘The Undefeated’ Trailer – Daughter. Wife. Mother. Warrior.

Breitbart to Appear in Sorkin’s HBO Pilot; MSNBC Nixes Matthews’s Cameo

Casey Anthony: The Burden of Proof in a ‘Law and Order’ World

Kim Kardashian Tweets Wrong Dates for L.A. Highway Closure to Eight Million Followers, But I Blame the Mayor

Man Recites Bill Pullman’s Speech from ‘Independence Day’ All Over New York City

Texas executes Mexican after court stay rejected

Audio:More than 14 Million Americans Still Unemployed

Indoctrination Fridays: What Would The Black Panthers Do? D.C. Taxi Heist – How a New Law Would Screw Drivers and Riders

Rep. Billy Long Votes to Fund Pigford, Then Cites Need to ‘Slow Out-of-Control Government Spending’

Recovery Bummer: Hiring Stalls, Unemployment Up to 9.2%

Sen. Murray’s DSCC Pressuring Koch Bros. For Cash?

Eric Holder Feigns Ignorance of Operation ‘Fast and Furious’ Now, But He Bragged of Overseeing Its Implementation in 2009

Washington’s Never-Ending Scam of Fake Spending Cuts

NEW TONE…Top Democrat Indicted For St. Louis BOMBING

ACORN Sings While America Burns

Don’t Let Politicians Rush Through Another Bad Deal

Politics 101: Don’t Sic the Lawyers on the Media. Local TV Station Report Is a Devastating Blow to CA Democrat

Google’s Grand Data Heist?

In 2 Days National Unions Dump More than a Million Dollars into Wisconsin for 9 Legislative Races

Congress Urges Review of Kagan Obamacare Role

Should Convicted Politicians Keep Their Tax-Payer Funded Government Pension?

Lights Out For the UK? The Blunder of Relying On Wind Power

Iran Tests Stealth-Capable Missiles

Texas, Illegal Aliens, And The Flotilla

Audio:Roger Noriega: Hezbollah in Latin America

Saudi Columnist: Women In Arab World Are ‘Slaves’

What If They Gave A Flotilla And No One Came?

Palestinian Compromise: What’s Mine Is Mine, What’s Yours Is Negotiable

Meltdown In US-Pakistan Relations Forces Afghan War Changes

TSA: New Intelligence Or Propaganda?

New Hit by the Audacity of Dopes: “Guns Guns Guns…”

Whittaker Chambers, Communism, And Islam

Military Cemetery Dug Up In Russia To Build Playground

Why We Have Enemies

Shhh! St. Louis Post Dispatch Doesn’t Want You to Know Suspected Bomber Is a Top Missouri Democrat

Stengel-gate Spreads: Why Was Richard Stengel Presented as an Expert on the Constitution on NPR?

NAACP to CNN: You’re Racist!

Spotlight on Obama’s Alleged Fundraising Illegality

News of the World Shutting Down Amid Hacking Sandal

Stengel-gate Update: Letter to David Eisner, Head of the National Constitution Center

David Axelrod: Lincoln Built an “Intercontinental Railroad”

Newsweek : White House Intimidation of NBC ‘Reprehensible’

One-third of news links on blogs last week were about Bachmann | Poynter.

Nancy Grace Fires Back At Her Critics - 2011-07-07 21:47:11 | Broadcasting & Cable

YouTube - ‪The mysterious origin of man‏

Top US Space Expert Issues Catastrophic Warning On Comet Elenin

Video - Pentagon Eugenics Alter DNA breed out Religious impulses via FunVax Vaccinations and amp Aerosol Spraying

Obama aide: Gun legislation in 'near future' - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency » ‘Secure Communities’ Revealed to be Gateway for FBI Data Gathering

Ex-C.I.A. Chief Says U.S. Should Create A New Internet To Avoid Cyber Attacks


*List of countries by energy consumption per capita - Wikipedia


8-Jul-11 World View

7-Jul-11 World View

6-Jul-11 World View

5-Jul-11 World View

4-Jul-11 World View


Is Cursive Dead? Indiana Schools Dump Handwriting for Typing Skills | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Going Green: Jewish Organization Remodels its Offices to Combat…U.S. Foreign Oil Dependence? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Marion Barry Threatens D.C. Taxi Drivers With Job-Killing Regulation | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Did North Korea Pay Pakistani Military Officials for Nuclear Weapons Technology? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Lib Author: Christians Like Bachmann ‘Hate’ the U.S., ‘Love a Fictional, Christian America’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Fox Head Murdoch Shutting Down UK‘s ’News of the World’ Tabloid Amid Phone Hacking Scandal | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Judiciary Committee Probes Justice Kagan‘s Role in Obamacare at GOP’s Request | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Nicaragua Jails American Without Trial: Incompetence or Conspiracy? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

UN’s Expert on Palestine Publishes Anti-Semitic Cartoon, Deletes It, Denies It, Then Apologizes | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Update: Homeland Security Dept. Now Claims Israel Was Erroneously Included on Terror List | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

The Hollywood Revolt, Part 1: Ben Shapiro’s Explosive Primetime Propaganda Exposes Leftist Anti-Intellectualism

The Hollywood Revolt, Part 2: Roger L. Simon Turning Right and Breaking the Silence

The Hollywood Revolt, Part 3: Boomer David Mamet Discovers The Secret Knowledge

The Hollywood Revolt, Part 4: Andrew Breitbart Unleashes His Righteous Gen-X Indignation

The Hollywood Revolt, Part 5: The Greatest Walt Disney, The Millennial Mark Zuckerberg, and the Collapse of the Left

Big Dupes At Big Peace: Our Communist Founding Fathers-Part One

YouTube - ‪Dueling Banjos Deliverance‏


** Documentary Film/'9/11: In Plane Sight' - Director's Cut


The birth certificate challenge

Anti-Shariah heroes help me fight Muslim Mafia

Vice President Marco Rubio?

Flight fright! Look what radicals are planning now

Taxpayers told debt boosted by $1 trillion

Subpoena targets '1961 typewritten birth certificate'

Senator to watch FEC 'enforce' eligibility

Chicago attack on guns delayed by judges

Congresswoman: 'Citizen' same as 'natural born citizen'

Believers In Mysterious Planet Nibiru Await Earth's End | 2012 Apocalypse and the Rogue Planet Nibiru | Doomsday Myths Debunked |

Cryptid Or Not? You Be The Judge.

The Bizarre Case of the Kera UFO Encounters | Mysterious Universe

Casey Anthony case: Did a psychic predict where Caylee would be found? -

Review: How to Live Forever Probes Aging Science, New Age Hokum | Underwire |

Giant Spy Blimp Battle Could Decide Surveillance’s Future | Danger Room |

Giant wombat skeleton found in Australia: Prehistoric Diprotodon was 14 foot | Mail Online

Tech tools tackle Biblical scholarship -

Snakes Force Family From Home, Into Bankruptcy « CBS Denver

Incisor raiding: Viking marauders had patterns filed into their teeth | Science |

Osama Bin Laden dead: Is THIS the CIA operative who killed Al Qaeda's chief? | Mail Online

US: Israel included in terror watch list by mistake - Israel News, Ynetnews

Saturn's landscape blot is actually a thunderstorm that stretches for 10,600 miles | Mail Online

The Arms Race-Israel News - Haaretz Israeli News source.

Memoir details Jaycee Dugard's long kidnap ordeal - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

Elizabeth Smart to work as ABC commentator |

California PTA Moms Accused of Collecting $14 Million in Alleged Ponzi Scheme - ABC News

1879 London murder mystery solved - Yahoo! News

Miracle claimed for WWII-era pope - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews

Kansan: 466-pound halibut put up a fight | Wichita Eagle

Joshua Baker, 5, dies before doctor brings him back to life with bare hand heart massage | Mail Online

The bare-faced truth about big fat liars - Science, News - The Independent

Space shuttle: An open letter to President Obama | Science |

House Panel Proposes Killing NASA's Webb Space Telescope -

What's the Most Dangerous Country? | Surprising Science

BBC News - Dorset pliosaur: ‘Most fearsome predator’ unveiled

Robots: Zoobotics | The Economist

Color Bias: Do Light-Skinned Blacks Get Shorter Sentences?

Even When Pure, Water Is Blue

The bizarre mathematical conundrum of Ulam's Spiral

Is this where the matter in the Universe comes from?! : Starts With A Bang

Air Power: New Device Captures Ambient Electromagnetic Energy to Drive Small Electronic Devices « Georgia Tech Research News

Discovery of natural antibody brings a universal flu vaccine a step closer | Science Codex

Public Relations - Wayne State University researcher argues that sex reduces genetic variation

Hypoallergenic dogs don't have lower household allergen levels than other dogs, study finds

BBC News - New solution can help 'permanently get rid of germs'

The Cola Test | Conservation Magazine

Beauty is in the brain of the beholder | Not Exactly Rocket Science | Discover Magazine

Simple minds: How animals think - life - 06 July 2011 - New Scientist

Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia Go To College | Fast Company

There Are a Lot of Reasons to Smile - Blog

E. Coli Veggie Screening Program Under Attack | Wired Science |

Healthy eating: The Difference Engine: Hold the carcinogens | The Economist

Pigeons Remember That You Hate Them, Will Probably Plot Revenge Later - TIME NewsFeed

Sex evolved to prevent parasite infections, say scientists

Solar Cells that See Red - Technology Review

Technology and Inequality - Kenneth Rogoff - Project Syndicate

Five myths about the debt ceiling - The Washington Post

King Obama: Are We In Danger Of An Imperial Presidency? - Jerry Bowyer - The Great Relearning - Forbes

RealClearMarkets - The Arrogant Conceit of Modern Planners

4 hurdles the market must clear before moving up Howard Gold's No-Nonsense Investing - MarketWatch

The College Scam -

iowahawk: Questions, So Many Questions

Calafia Beach Pundit: Money supply growth alert

What will replace the dollar as global currency? Matthew Lynn's London Eye - MarketWatch

The Tea Party and Goldman Sachs: A Love Story | The Nation

Simon Johnson: Will the United States Default? -

How nations go bankrupt, one sliver at a time | Gregg Easterbrook

How to Profit From Drug Stocks -

3 high-cost tech stocks worth every penny Jeff Reeves - MarketWatch

Are Emotions Ruining Your Investment Returns? - DailyFinance

Techno-farming: The New Economic Growth Industry

Colleen Carroll Campbell: Lessons from New York

Danielle Tumminio: Harry Potter And Christian Theology

The Ledge equals God for Dummies | Reuters

Kosher Rules - by Lauren Comiteau > Tablet Magazine - A New Read on Jewish Life

Institute on Religion & Democracy (IRD) - BPFNA: Boot Camp of Pacifists

Separation Of Church And State Limits Neither Churches Nor States - Bill Flax - The Courage To Do Nothing - Forbes

Tricia Erickson: 'An indoctrinated Mormon should never be elected as President' – In the Arena - Blogs

Every Child Should Know Their Name | Dropout Nation: Coverage of the Reform of American Public Education Edited by RiShawn Biddle

Ministry Matters™ | Blog | The Church is Dying

The three fundamentalisms of the American right - War Room -

"Pacem in Terris": The Church Is Neither Republican Nor Democrat

Eunomia » Mormonism and 2012

Economics Is Not Moral Theology | Crisis Magazine

Associated Baptist Press - Opinion: Separating church and schools

Retaining America’s Spiritual Grandeur | Eye of Faith

What is Aggadah, and How to Read It » Main Feature » Jewish Ideas Daily

Assimilation’s Failure, Terrorism’s Rise -

The surprising history of prayer in space – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

The Value of Crazy-Making Dialogue | Religion Dispatches

+The Impact of Clean Energy Innovation

+Draft Plan to Study the Impact of Fracking on Water Resources

+America's Energy Security Options

+How DoD Can Advance Clean Energy... And Why It Must

The Coming Cleantech Crash | The Energy Collective

Power Plant Emission Rules Toughened by E.P.A. -

Water Shortages to Hit Green Energy, Shale | EnergyBiz

How the Exxon Oil Leak Could Affect the Proposed Keystone XL Pipeline for Oil Sands - Ecocentric -

New Coal Regs Make Economic Sense - Technology Review

Separating truth from myth on the light-bulbs debate -

David Edison Sloane: What Thomas Edison Would Do

Smart Grid: Is natural gas an enemy to the smart grid?

HEARD ON THE STREET: America's Newfound Energy -

The Tyee – Shale Gas Gives No Emissions Edge over Coal

Natural Gas Taking America's Electric Power Sector by Storm | Nathanael Baker

Jon Rynn: A Fracking Mess – Natural Gas is Not the Fuel of the Future « naked capitalism

What America Doesn't Know About Gas Prices | The Energy Collective

Calls Grow for Spent Nuclear Fuel to Be Stored More Securely -

Clean, Safe Nuclear: Why We Don't Have It...Yet | tblakeslee

“Green Nukes” – Important climate change mitigation tools | Atomic Insights

Mitchell J. Rabin: Is the Natural Gas Industry Fracking Itself?

Building Bigger, Better Wind Turbines - Technology Review

Is SolarReserve Worth Its Salt? | The Energy Collective

No need for ‘compromise’ in trimming ethanol subsidies - The Washington Post

A closer look at Siemens’ green cities rankings | Grist

Why We Care About the Price of Water in China: Peter Orszag - Bloomberg

The myth of American isolationists - The Week

What China Can Learn from Thailand | The Diplomat

Mary Dejevsky: Condemning Murdoch is too easy - Mary Dejevsky, Commentators - The Independent

No guarantees for Japan after 2012 | The Japan Times Online

Shuttle Launch: Following Last Atlantis Mission, Russia’s Space Program Endures - The Daily Beast

RealClearWorld - A Stunning Reduction in Global Poverty Goes Unnoticed

The Hindu : Opinion / Op-Ed : Afghanistan and Pakistan: perspectives from Russia

The News of the World: Put out of its misery | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

A long overdue, but bittersweet end to NASA’s shuttle program - The Boston Globe

Britain's phone-hacking scandal: Street of shame | The Economist

75% See Vital U.S. Interests As Only Reason For Committing Military Forces to Overseas Action - Rasmussen Reports™

Stop searching for an Obama Doctrine - The Washington Post

RealClearWorld - Top 5 Pro-Russia Countries - Sphere of Influence

Commentary: China to Trounce U.S. in Next Decade | The National Interest

US decline is the world's the greatest threat | The Australian

The cost of Palestinian unilateralism - By Michael Singh | Shadow Government

Why Corporate Governance is So Important to China - Eric Jackson - Tech and China - Forbes

Obama overcomes inability to read

Obama gobbles up Turki's crude talk

Anti-Shariah heroes help me fight Muslim Mafia

Jesus is alive and well in Washington, D.C.

Obama Sr. 'adoption' memo raises questions

No vampires allowed

Fascism is not conservatism

Free Elizabeth Warren!

Bradley Manning, American Hero | Common Dreams

Empowering a new generation of racists

Why the Budgetary Game Is a Big Taxpayer Scam - By Larry Kudlow - Kudlow’s Money Politics - National Review Online

+CIA: U.S. finances at bottom of planet

YouTube - ‪Latma presents: The Audacity of Dopes Band brings you "Guns, Guns, Guns!"‏

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Heritage spokesman: Gun plot thickens:Von Spakovsky says Melson links DEA, FBI to 'Operation Gunrunner'

West calls for Eric Holder's removal

Rutgers told to crack down on anti-Semitic threats

Israel bars 300 activists from flying to Israel - Israel News, Ynetnews


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Subpoena targets '1961 typewritten birth certificate'

Senator to watch FEC 'enforce' eligibility

Congresswoman: 'Citizen' same as 'natural born citizen'

Mathematical 'proof' Obama birth certificate a forgery

Birther issue resurfaces, but now Democrats are the ones raising it - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Father spoke of having Obama adopted -

Obama Sr. 'adoption' memo raises questions


WND RADIO WND Exclusive Congressman says only supermajority should raise taxes;Rep. Buchanan plan would limit expenses to 18% of GDP

Social Security Cuts Weighed by Lawmakers Under Change in Inflation Gauge - Bloomberg

Debt Talks: The Grand Bargain - The Note

GOP Congressman: | RealClearPolitics

Aides' $37.1 million off-limits to questions

He's baaack! Van Jones getting cozy with Pelosi, House Dems

White House funneling tax money to radicals?

Surgically implanted bombs: The terrorist strategy to evade airport scanners. - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine

The Elmendorf Rule - The Washington Post

What Obama Wants -

RealClearPolitics - Making a Progressive Case

A Lost Decade - Ronald Brownstein -

Sen. Rubio: We Don't Need New Taxes, We Need New Taxpayers | RealClearPolitics

In Shift, Prosecutors Are Lenient as Companies Break the Law -

RealClearPolitics - Could Rick Perry Surprise in New Hampshire?

Strassel: Beyond Minnesota Nice -

Pawlenty Campaign Puts Hopes on Iowa -

Climate Change: Still Worse Than You Think | Mother Jones

TYRRELL: The Gipper and the 'special relationship' - Washington Times

RealClearPolitics - The Cautionary Tale of Dominique Strauss-Kahn

Negotiating the Debt Ceiling on a Knife’s Edge -

Doyle McManus: President Obama's team sees clear path to victory -

‘Alibi Obama’ is ripe for takedown -

Columnists | Obama's debt plan fails the truth test | The Detroit News

Tax hikes won't balance the budget, but spending cuts will | Philip Klein | Columnists | Washington Examiner

RealClearPolitics - Tea Partiers Are Making Debt Deal Complicated

RealClearPolitics - Romney Might Be Right, But He Looks Confused

Liberal Fears Threaten a Justice’s Job: Stephen L. Carter - Bloomberg

Stop searching for an Obama Doctrine - The Washington Post

RealClearPolitics - Illiberal Immigration

What will replace the dollar as global currency? Matthew Lynn's London Eye - MarketWatch

Assimilation’s Failure, Terrorism’s Rise -

RealClearPolitics - Why the Budgetary Game Is a Big Taxpayer Scam

Littwin: The crazies are coming - The Denver Post

Larry J. Sabato's Crystal Ball » WHAT’S THE MAGIC NUMBER?

Tina Brown: GOP | RealClearPolitics

The American Spectator : Obamacare Tragedy Primed To Further Explode the Deficit

Do we really have a revenue problem? « Hot Air

Give NASA a real job to do: Kevin O'Brien |


**World Video:Paris Investigators Open DSK Rape Probe

Can the U.S. Learn From Greece?

Drawdown in the Middle East

More Money for Libya?

View From Taiz, Yemen

Yemeni Analyst Discuss Yemeni President Speech

Bullish on China Economy

Palestinian Authority Battle Debt

Trouble at the Israeli Border

Thousands Join Running Of The Bulls

News Of The World Shutting Down Amid Scandal

Malaysia's Industrialization Threatens Rainforests

Christine Lagarde on the IMF

Cameron on News of the World

7th/Enabling U.S. Investment and Trade

China: Jiang Zemin's Death 'Pure Rumor'

Raw Video: Anti-Gaddafi Rally in Libya

Euro Zone Debt Solutions Not 'Sane'

The CSTO and Russian Strategy

How Pakistan Fell Out of Love With Its Army

Interview with Rob Wainwright of Europol

IMF's Lagarde Promises To Continue DSK's Reforms

Counterterrorism Strategy Released

Defense Department: Readiness Challenges

Portugal Downgrade Ups Eurozone Fears

Pyeongchang Awarded 2018 Winter Olympics

Chile Students Vent Their Anger

Raw Video: Deadly Flooding In China

**Markets Video:Poor Jobs Report Clouds Recovery Outlook

7th/Recession Not Over for Small Business

Roubini: 'Perfect Storm' Coming for Global Economy

Buffett Blasts DC's 'Silly' Game of 'Russian Roulette'

Forget Earnings. Show Me the Jobs!

Worst Recovery Since Great Depression?

Obama Discusses Debt Ceiling at Twitter Town Hall

**Politics Video:Pelosi: Obama Gave "Clear Understanding" Of What Dem Bargaining Terms Will Be

Trailer For Sarah Palin Film "The Undefeated"

Bachmann Laughs Off Comment Made About Her "Sex Appeal"

Obama On Debt Talks: "I'm Ready To Roll Up My Sleeves"

Obama On New Unemployment Numbers: "We Can Make Things Better"

Bachmann: Obama's Policies "Have Clearly Failed The American People"

Chuck Todd: Lowering Tax Rates Would "Appease Republicans"

Boehner: "Stop Washington From Spending Money That It Does Not Have"

Katrina Vanden Heuvel: GOP Willing To Tank Economy To Get Rid Of Obama

Krauthammer: Bachmann's Debt Limit Views Will Help In Primaries, Not In General

Maddow: Nothing More Fundamental To Dems Than Medicare And SS

Ed To Obama: The American People Are On Your Side, Dude

7th/Howard Dean Reveals Medicaid Is "Not Just For Poor People"

GOP Senator Blasts Secret Bipartisan Debt Talks: "Disgusting"

Sen. Hatch: The Dangers Of Tax Hikes For Deficit Reduction

Obama: Our Staffs Will Work During The Weekend On Debt Deal

Carney On Debt Talks: No "Specific Dollar Target; Bigness Is Our Target"

Rep. Keith Ellison: Social Security Not Contributing To Deficit

Bill Clinton Likens Proposed Voting Laws In Florida, NH To Jim Crow

Schumer: Using 14th Amendment To Raise Debt Limit Should Be "Explored"

Pawlenty: I've "Been In More Fights" Than All Candidates Combined

GOP Congressman: "Impeachable Offense" If Obama Bypasses Congress On Debt Ceiling

MSNBC's Ed: Republicans On A Mission To "Murder The American Dream"

Bachmann's First Ad: "I Will Not Vote To Increase The Debt Ceiling"

Schumer On Debt Talks: Higher "Revenues" Should Be "Half The Deal"

Rep. Joe Walsh On Obama: "The Man's Got No Shame"

Buchanan: Obama Committing "Extortion" With GOP Over Taxes

DeMint Would Accept "Serious Disruptions" In Economy Over Raising Debt Ceiling

Ezra Klein: Without Stimulus, Bailout We Would Have 17% Unemployment

*NEWS VIDEOS:Rubio: ‘We Don’t Need New Taxes, We Need New Taxpayers’

Thousands Press for Further Reform in Egypt

Barbara Walters Grills Bristol Palin on Losing Her Virginity

Pro-Life Activist Attacked Outside Clinic; Suspect Named

Bachmann Laughs Off Pawlenty Aide’s ‘Sex Appeal’ Comment

Woman Accused of Killing Cat by Blowing Heroin Smoke in its Face

Military Suicides Now Recognized With Condolence Letters

End of the World: Murdoch Axes Scandal-Hit Tabloid

Shock Video: Texas Rangers Fan Dies After Trying to Catch Ball

Four Injured in Opening Pamplona Bull-Run

‘Harry Potter’ Stars Attend London Premiere

Spitzer’s Final CNN Show Features Dig at Cable News, Tea Party Insults and Liberal Pabulum

NJ Man Arrested in Stolen Picasso Drawing; Artwork Recovered

Autoworker Testifies on Union Election Intimidation and Harassment

GOP Rep: Impeachment Likely if Obama Usurps Congress on Debt Limit

7TH/EXCLUSIVE: ‘The Undefeated’ Trailer

Rick Santelli Attacks Gov’t Spending in Latest Battle Cry

Casey Anthony Juror: Death Penalty Kept Us From Convicting

Democratic Congressional Candidate Janice Hahn Connected to LA Gang Criminals

GOP Congressman on Obama: ‘The Man’s Got No Shame’

Devastating Video: ‘The Obama Legacy’

Casey Anthony Gets 4 Years for Lying; Could Be Out in Weeks

Running of the Bulls

South Korea Will Host 2018 Winter Olymics

Jackie Mason: Obama One of Three Worst Presidents in History

Teacher Quitting Union Over Support for Obama

ATF Director: Holder Obstructing ‘Fast and Furious’ Probe

Violent Rhetoric: Obama Says GOP Putting ‘Gun Against Heads of American People’

6TH/Massive Dust Storm Envelops Phoenix

5TH/George Will Brilliantly Traps Liberal Panelists with ObamaCare Constitutional Challenge

*8 July

American Minute for July 8th

July 8th This Day in History

July 8th in History

Today in History: July 8

July 8 Events in History

Today in History: July 8

This Day in History for 8th July

YouTube - ‪Today in History for July 8th‏


What Really Happened With Michael Rivero1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero2

July 7, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report – 7 July 2011

The Michael Savage Show 07/07/2011

07/07 The Mark Levin Show

Live Free Or Die Radio - Wednesday, July, 06, 2011

Alex Jones - 2011-Jul-07, Thursday

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 7-7-11

Jesse Lee Peterson Show1

Jesse Lee Peterson Show2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show3

Redding News Reveiw1

Redding News Reveiw2

Redding News Reveiw3

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