A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

11 July 2011

Weekend Review:


Alex Jones - 2011-Jul-10, Sunday


Bill Cunningham 7/10/11 HR 1

Bill Cunningham 7/10/11 HR 2

Bill Cunningham 7/10/11 HR 3


Soldiers watch over levees -

The latest on flooding: July 11 - - Attack on Heterosexuality is Satanism - "Vagina Monologues" - Porn Play Debased Women - Woody Allen - Moralist or Idolater? - Is Porn Killing Sex in Japan? - Playboy and the (Homo) Sexual Revolution

Multi-Billion-Dollar Terrorists ...And The Disappearing Middle Class

Activist Post: 5 Reasons Progressives Should Join the Ron Paul Revolution

Smart meters: Avoid implied consent to this surveillance device « The PPJ Gazette

Activist Post: Globalist Sedition takes to Malaysian Streets

No further damage after earthquake hits Japan - Asia, World - The Independent

YouTube - ‪Franklin Lamb in Tripoli - Libyans ask "Why Now?"‏

Mystery over Tony Blair’s millions for charity - Telegraph

First trucks, now trains: how EU rules kill off our industries - Telegraph

Source of terror threat is in UK Government, says a police Principal Intelligence Analyst - TERROR ON THE TUBE

Video: Iran claims long-range missile test - Telegraph

News of the World: Tony Blair 'tried' to hush up phone hacking scandal | Mail Online

'Former News of the World journalists' silenced on Twitter - Telegraph

Over more than three decades, no one dared question the perversion of politics by and for Rupert Murdoch | Henry Porter | Comment is free | The Observer

Rebekah Brooks' Sun and News of the World would run fictional stories, insider claims | Mail Online

Rebekah Brooks: News of the World staff take a parting shot in crossword | Mail Online

Montauk Project: New Film Takes On Allegations Of Mind Control, Time Travel And Alien Encounters At Military Base

Official Website of The Montauk Chronicles: Coming Summer 2011

Paul Drockton M.A.: Reincarnation and Past Lives Explained

Paul Drockton M.A.: Helter Skelter and Rosemary's Baby

Roman-era shipwreck reveals ancient medical secrets - Telegraph

YouTube - ‪Organic Spies Find Lies‏

UFO Cover-up

ZCSPOS | Mantiq al-Tayr

YouTube - ‪Radioactive Container Truck Spewing Gamma Rays Into Traffic on I-270 in Saint Louis, Missouri‏


YouTube - ‪Caught in the act - why citizens MUST retain the right to film police & government officials‏

The True Patriot Movement Is No 'Movement' At All

Greg Evensen -- Darkness Descends: The Light of Truth Will Shine on

Pentagon Outsourcing is a Major Problem | Economy In Crisis

Student Challenges Laptop Seizure at Border - Bloomberg

Survival Alone Is Not Life

YouTube - ‪Janice Hahn Gang Intervention Controversy Not Over‏

Appeals Court Rejects More Media Consolidation



Secret world of Disneyland revealed | The Australian

NASA Signs Commercial Space Agreement with Sierra Nevada -- CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla., July 7, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

Defaulting rescued Argentina. It could work for Athens too | Business | The Observer

Middle classes are Britain's new homeless: State safety nets are gone - Home News, UK - The Independent

The Great Unravelling

They Are Throwing It In Our Faces

Panetta: U.S. "within reach" of defeating al Qaeda - World Watch - CBS News

America's 'detainee 001' – the persecution of John Walker Lindh | World news | The Observer

Business group: Public companies shouldn’t have to compare CEO and worker pay - The Washington Post

Italy's elite are dismayed by vanishing beaches | World news | The Observer

The Phoenix dust storm shows that, whatever the weather, it's always 'climate change' - Telegraph

Iceland Declares Independence from International Banks | NetRight Daily

15 Food Companies that Serve You ‘Wood’ | Food Freedom - Atheists Plan Assault on American Psyche

Institute for Responsible Technology -

15 years of GM Soybeans in Argentina | MO*

Institute for Responsible Technology -

Peru approves 10 year ban on GM crops

Of the 1%, by the 1%, for the 1% | Society | Vanity Fair

Colorado day-care center proposal: Dolls must represent at least three different races - Denver News - The Latest Word

Teenage girls' junk food diet leaves them starved of vitamins | Mail Online

Taking America Back One State At A Time

The Super Power under Siege | Opinion Maker

Pakistani Politicians | Opinion Maker

France is Now First Nation to Ban ‘Fracking’ – climate change and environmental news

Lagarde issues stark warning on US debt default - Yahoo! News

New Hampshire Judge Caught On Video Ordering False Arrest | Pixiq

Muslim women to be forced to remove veils for Australian police or risk a prison sentence | Mail Online

Pamplona's charging bulls injure ten in half-mile dash to ring | Mail Online

Harm from Fukushima Radiation: A Matter Of Perspective - Jeff McMahon - The Ingenuity of the Commons - Forbes

U.S. official: Obama won’t cut military aid to Israel

Wait, Did the USDA Just Deregulate All New Genetically Modified Crops? | Mother Jones - Jacob Schiff Ordered Czar Nicholas II's Murder

YouTube - ‪070801 CPA general‏

Free Trade And Globalization

Iran accused of arming anti-US militias in Iraq - Telegraph

PressTV - Syrians call for expulsion of US envoy

Egyptians Again Rally For Change

Friday prayers in Egypt erupt into angry protest at military rulers | World news | The Guardian

News of the World phone hacking scandal hits No. 10 - Telegraph

The game has changed. The emperor has lost his clothes | Polly Toynbee | Comment is free | The Guardian

Phone hacking: worst is yet to come, Rebekah Brooks tells News of the World staff - Telegraph

Plans to ban 'perp walk' following Dominique Strauss-Kahn affair - Telegraph

Excess level of radioactive cesium found in meat of Fukushima cow+

The Essential Rules Of Liberty

Debt Ceiling: Could Ron Paul's Plan Save Us From Disaster, twice? - The Curious Capitalist -

The Jews Who Murdered Tsar Nicholas II | Real Zionist News

Hemp is bursting out all over!

Activist Post: Secure Communities: Backdoor Big Brother Biometric Surveillance Operation Underway

DHS Bomb Implant Threat Debunked, New Step In Ongoing Terror Hype :

Law Enforcement: Corruption & Abuse "US police as dangerous as criminals"

A Bishop, a Pope, and a Sheeple | Veterans Today - Were Illuminati Jews Responsible for Holocaust?

Energy Southern California nuke disaster - 1959

10 homemade weed killers - MSN Real Estate

YouTube - ‪Economic Collapse a Mathematical Certainty - Top 5 Places Where Not To Be‏


+Weekly Southern African Report



Revolutionary Politics : Bernie Sanders "Unfettered Free Trade Has Failed The American Worker! It Needs To Be Revisited"

The Truth is a Valuable Commodity | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

YouTube - ‪9/11: as it happened on the ground‏

YouTube - ‪POLICE STATE 2011: Lindsey Graham Advocates Killing The First Amendment‏

2-minute video: State-owned banks end Wall St. fraud with competent citizenry - National Nonpartisan |

YouTube - ‪Ron Paul - Monetary Policy Subcommittee - 06/23/11‏

YouTube - ‪Tungstengold Tungsten Gold Wolframgold Wolfram Bars‏

YouTube - ‪Fort Knox and the gold bars filled with tungsten (Michael Rivero Show)‏

DEADLINE LIVE EXCLUSIVE – Captured Zeta Leader: We’ve purchased weapons from the “U.S. Government itself” : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

The Intercept: IMF Chief Lagarde: Can’t Imagine U.S. Defaulting, Calls on US to Raise Borrowing Limit

Revolutionary Politics : Peter Schiff - Jobs, Jobs, Jobs (9-Jul-11)

Revolutionary Politics : Gary Johnson Refuses To Sign Vow To Eliminate Porn & Gay Marriage & Abortion

Revolutionary Politics : Montana Governor Tell Citizens Not To Trust Exxon & To Take Their Own Soil Samples!

The six-year-old boy targeted for a pat-down by TSA TWICE | Mail Online

New British Medical Journal Report Questions Legitimacy of H1N1 Pandemic | Charlotte News | Weather | Carolina Panthers | Bobcats | FOX Charlotte | Top Stories

It's time for the citizenry of this country to Stand Up, Stand Strong, and Stand United! Whether through treason, impeachment, or the voting booth, ridding our country of Obama is no longer a matter of choice, but survival--- | Before It's News

Holder Lied: DOJ News Release Shows Obama Admin Approved ATF Mexico Weapons Smuggling - In The Aggregate – Arizona's political blogs

Study Finds Many Alleged Sexual Assaults at VA Medical Facilities Not Reported : Federal Jack

Bachmann’s Aide Hides $10M Secret - 12160

What exactly does the anti-Boycott bill say? | Joseph Dana

YouTube - ‪Fukushima immune? China bets on 'safer nuclear fuel'‏

The Intercept: Robert Fisk on why he left Murdoch’s Times (blind Zionism is the crime)

Multi-Billion-Dollar Terrorists and the Disappearing Middle Class | Intifada Palestine

YouTube - ‪'Obama defaulted on US Constitution'‏

YouTube - ‪Evidence Big Pharma Owns The U.S. Government.flv‏

DeMint Is ‘Willing’ To Cause ‘Serious Disruptions’ To U.S. Economy Over Debt Ceiling | ThinkProgress

DEA: Pot has no accepted medical use - Times Union

Apple 'to release a cheap and high-end iPhone to blow away competition' | Mail Online

Lone Star Watchdog: Gov Perry is a Good Speaker,But a Weak Leader. Equals a true Politician,Not a Statesmen

Dual Citizenship -- Should we be worried?

Lone Star Watchdog: No Surrender,Not Retreat,Boehner Needs to Go if he Cannot Say No to More Debt.

News International phone hacking memos passed to police | Media |

Activist Post: Lagarde (IMF) issues stark warning on US debt default

Activist Post: US holding back Pakistan military aid: Obama aide

YouTube - ‪Money and inflation‏


YouTube - ‪Lt. Col. Bo Gritz claims CIA drug dealing, July 1988‏

Mercury vapor released from broken compact fluorescent light bulbs can exceed safe exposure levels for humans, study finds

News of the World phone hacking: James Murdoch 'could face prosecution' in US | Mail Online

DHS Bomb Implant Threat Debunked, New Step In Ongoing Terror Hype :

The Eight Outrageous Costs Of The War On Terror - 24/7 Wall St.

Power bills to soar by 30% in 'green’ reforms - Telegraph

Activist Post: U.S. decrees that marijuana has no accepted medical use

Revolutionary Politics : Aaron Russo: The Republic vs. Democracy


*1:41:00/YouTube - ‪The Clinton Chronicles (Full Version)‏


The Crimes of Mena


*3:08:30/YouTube - ‪War by Deception Director's Cut (911 and Israel)‏


Holder Lied: DOJ News Release Shows Obama Admin Approved ATF Mexico Weapons Smuggling - Salem-News.Com

Videos: Federal Criminal News Alert | Video Rebel's Blog

Activist Post: Former CIA Director: Build a New Internet to Improve Cybersecurity

The Worlds Largest Human Experiment: GMOs, Roundup And The Monsanto Monstrosity :


*1:39:09/YouTube - ‪The Assassination Of RFK‏

*1:02:00/YouTube - ‪Welcome To Terrorland - 9/11, Mohamed Atta and the Venice Flying Circus‏


*U.S. National Debt Clock


Activist Post: Uncle Sam: The Godfather Of Terrorism And Taxable Vices

How To I.D. Genetically Modified Food at the Supermarket |

How Seawater Can Power the World - - Iran accused of arming anti-US militias in Iraq - International Monetary Fund agrees to give Greece $4.2 billion - No More Privacy: Smart Meters Are Surveillance Devices That Monitor The Behavior In Your Home Every Single Minute Of Every Single Day

The Associated Press: FBI: No Oklahoma City bombing videos found - Bachmann pledges to ban ‘all forms of pornography’

Mounting Public Debt. The Looting of Federal Pensions, Social Security and Medicare -

Green power push 'will double energy bills in five years' | Mail Online

Geithner: “[For A Lot of People] It’s Going to Feel Very Hard, Harder than Anything They’ve Experienced in Their Lifetime Now, For a Long Time to Come” -

Clean Tech Sector Heading for a Major Crash -

ATF’s Fast and Furious Seems Colored With Shades of Iran/Contra Scandal | the narcosphere

“Let’s Arm The Mexican Drug Cartels With Thousands Of Guns And Continue To Leave The Border Completely Wide Open” -

Blackwater’s New Director: Bill Clinton’s Lawyer | Danger Room |

Mayor Claims Quartzsite, Arizona Under Martial Law After State Of Emergency Declared During Secret Meeting -

As Government Nears Accord With Banks, Questions Swirl Over Scope Of Investigation

President Prepares to Unveil New Gun Safety Rules

There’s No Recovery Because the Government Made it Official Policy Not to Prosecute Fraud -

72% Favor Free Market Economy Over One Managed by the Government - Rasmussen Reports™

Make Your Own Chocolates At Home With 3D Chocolate Printer (video) | Singularity Hub

“Black propaganda” helps to keep Area 51 secrets -

Harm from Fukushima Radiation: A Matter Of Perspective - Jeff McMahon - The Ingenuity of the Commons - Forbes

Geo-engineering: green versus greed in the race to cool the planet | Environment | The Observer

Activist Post: Agenda 21 in New York State - Home Rule and Article X

Owensboro Police Officers receive new body came

U.S. Is Deferring Millions in Pakistani Military Aid -

» The Militarization of the Arctic Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Geithner: Americans will face hard times for a long time to come Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Watching A Flatlining Economy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

EU President Calls Emergency Meeting On Italy, As Brand New Game Of Chicken Emerges In Europe

» Yet Another Reason Not to Enlist Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Wanted: For Crimes Against Humanity Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Rep. Ron Paul Targets TSA Groping, Immunity

Clean Tech Sector Heading for a Major Crash | Oil

Man Climbs Over New U.S./Mexico Border Fence; KFOX14 Has Pictures - News Story - KFOX El Paso

Ranchers support improving Border Patrol access to federal lands - Views From Baja Arizona

Panetta echoes Bush comments, linking Iraq invasion to war on al-Qaeda - The Washington Post

9/11 widows shun spotlight as 10th anniversary of attacks approaches | World news | The Observer

» Ron Paul: 9/11 Was Caused By Government Banning Guns on Planes Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 25 Reasons To Buy Gold And Dump Dollars Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» ‘Anonymous’ Launches Operation Bohemian Grove July 13 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Of Course Unemployment Is Rising … Gov’t Policy Is GUARANTEEING It Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Protests spread in Egypt as discontent with military rule grows | World news | The Guardian

» TSA Lied to Lawmakers: Still Conducting Pat Downs on Children Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

ATF’s Fast and Furious Seems Colored With Shades of Iran/Contra Scandal | the narcosphere

Gearing up at the Bohemian Grove |

Up to 15 years needed to fix Greece: German president | Reuters

Japan nuclear reactors must pass tsunami test before reopening | World news |

Prison » Ron Paul: We Need Free Competition in Currencies

Prison » Large Banks Responsible for Mortgage Disaster Might Be Able to Buy Immunity for $30 Billion

Prison » Bob Chapman & Alex Jones: No More American Blood Spilled for Global Empire!

Prison » Brzezinski: Middle Class Unrest To Hit U.S.

IMF chief calls on US to raise borrowing limit - CNBC

U.S. Must Borrow Another $5,240 Per Household Just to Fund Gov't at Current Level Through Sept. 30 |

Prison » Fluoride consumption leads to brain damage, says study

New Study: Fluoride Can Damage the Brain - Avoid Use in Children -- NEW YORK, June 21, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --


**The Alex Jones Show Online**


Don’t be Fooled by Political Posturing

Will 2012 Be The Year That We See Mass Starvation In Africa?

The Psychology of Bond Investors

16 Reasons To Feel Really Depressed About The Direction That The Economy Is Headed

NASA Sputters Backwards

Yesterday’s Liberals

Vitamin E Is Misunderstood

University Offers Bachelor of Arts in Counter-terrorism

Brainwashing 101: What You Need to Know

NO ONE TO VOTE FOR: 'Principal Intelligence Officer' For South Yorkshire Police Says 9/11 and 7/7 'Inside Jobs'.

Japan Earthquake Breeds Tiny Tsunamis

YouTube - ‪Automatic Chicken Breast Deboning Robot #DigInfo‏

Video: Automatic Butcherbot Debones 1,500 Whole Chickens Per Hour | Popular Science

YouTube - ‪Automatic Ham Boning Robot - Mayekawa HAMDAS-R : DigInfo‏

A History of Government Management of UFO Perceptions through Film and Television

Anonymous Calls For Occupation of Bohemian Grove Entrance (video)

CIA Mind Control Techniques: MK-ULTRA Program Brainwashing Experiments 1979 Documentary (video)

Alien encounters ‘within twenty years’

Who is Baphomet?

Bachmann mistakenly signed pledge calling slavery better for blacks

Can Murdoch save the Sky Broadcasting buyout?

Pentagon center for brain injuries failing vets: GAO

McConnell: Removing Obama ‘most important’

DEA refuses to reclassify marijuana

Restaurant bans children younger than 6

Sanders: Obama Proposal Would Impoverish 250,000

The Evils of Unregulated Capitalism

Banking Has Become Our State Religion

Anti-Zionism Growing Among Jews

Trent Archie, Convicted Murderer, Escapes From Texas Jail (VIDEO)

Risk-Free And Above The Law: U.S. Globalizes Drone Warfare

World Population to Hit Seven Billion by October

VIDEO: Drone Wars: US Ramping Up Unmanned Air Strikes and Domestic Surveillance

The Illegal State Murder of Humberto Leal Garcia

Of Course Unemployment Is Rising ... Government Policy Is GUARANTEEING It

VIDEO: West Funnels Illegal Weapons Into Libya

Mounting Public Debt. The Looting of Federal Pensions, Social Security and Medicare

YouTube - ‪What Are We Capable Of - THIS IS ANONYMOUS!‏

Protesters in Syria Attack US Embassy

Gauging the Mood of Congress on Military Spending

What's Wrong With Killer Drones?

A New Cold War: U.S.-China Battle for Hegemony

Major grocer getting rid of self-checkout lanes - Business - Consumer news - Retail -

US Suspends $800 Million in Military Aid to Pakistan

Panetta Vows to Continue Fighting Taliban, al-Qaida

Mullen Lauds Progress in U.S.-China Partnership

What An American Bank Run Would Look Like | zero hedge

The disappearing black middle class - Chicago Sun-Times

Obama cuts $800million in Pakistan aid | Mail Online

Geithner on TV – “Keynesian economics has failed” | zero hedge

Mount Etna eruption closes airports and 'knocks clocks 15 minutes fast' | Mail Online

New Force Powering Earth's Tectonic Plates Discovered

Inuit People Observe Changes in Weather, Sun, and Star Patterns -- Earth Changes --

Is Comet Elenin an incoming spacecraft heralding a New Age? - Honolulu exopolitics |

Greg Evensen -- Tactical, Practical and Ultimately Inevitable

'State of emergency' in 'Nazi'-cop town?

Law Enforcement: Corruption & Abuse "US police as dangerous as criminals"

In Israel, diggers unearth the Bible's bad guys - Yahoo! News

Catholic Show Exposes Rockefeller Assault on Church, Life

The Tea Party's Stubborn Stance on Debt Crisis

'Human Rights Activists' Ignore Israel Under Siege

What Congress Could Learn From 'Curb Your Enthusiasm'

Radical Group Seeks Islamic World Order

Hugh Grant Slams News of the World

500,000 Texans Now Have Concealed Handgun Licenses

Voicemail Spying Shows Network Weak Spots

Nuts Trump Carbs for Diabetes Control

Vitamin D May Help Pancreas Function

5 Summer Skin Soothers

Falling Demand for Temp Workers Ominous For Job Market

Weak Jobs Data Seen Throwing Economy Into Vicious Cycle

Obama, Democrats Skirt Issue on Tax Hikes

9/11 Group Wants Ground Zero Fire Case Reopened

Swatch From Moon-Bound Flag Goes to Auction

Obama: Both Sides Must Compromise or No Deal

Gingrich: 'This is the Obama Depression’

Geithner Says Hard Times to Continue for Many

McConnell: Obama Should Be a One-Termer

DeMint: White House Is ‘Gaming’ Republicans

Rep. Price: Obama Debt Solution 'Smoke and Mirrors'

Beck to Knesset: 'Your People Are My People'

Professor: US Did Default in 1979

Obama Pushes for GOP's Own Detailed Debt Plan

Bachmann Had 'Devastating' Miscarriage

Angry Tea Party Stirring up GOP Revolt

Pawlenty: Bachmann Political Record 'Non-Existent'

Default? Under Obama, Tax Revenues Have Exceeded Combined Costs of Interest, Entitlements and Federal Wages

2.4 Million Fewer Americans Working Now Than When Obama Signed Economic Stimulus

Liberals, Democrats More Likely to Disbelieve Bible, Says Gallup Poll

Issa Says He Doesn’t Believe Holder’s Testimony Was Accurate

Gun-Running Timeline: How DOJ’s ‘Operation Fast and Furious’ Unfolded

Judiciary Committee Aide: Letter to DOJ Requesting Kagan-Related Documents and Interviews ‘Not a Formal Investigation’

Jaycee Dugard Tells How She Survived Years of Captivity

Even Babies Should Exercise, British Gov’t Says

New Federal Oolicy Aims to Expand U.S. Fish Farming

Stun Gun Found on Jet After Arrival in N.J.

Tough New Sex Trafficking Law Takes Effect in Georgia

7th-grader wins first U.S. Spanish spelling bee

300-pound black bear attacks Florida bicyclist

Scare tactics: Social Security benefits at risk, Geithner warns

Mayor threatens to quit Secure Communities immigration program

Palin: 'There needs to be a larger field' for 2012

2012 Hopeful Ron Paul Predicts America's Bankruptcy

Education Department 'Concerned' About Wave of Cheating Probes, Allegations

Democrats split on Obamacare's Independent Payment Advisory Board

House Republicans balk at Defense cuts

Medicare anti-fraud system launched

Sheriff Joe Arpaio introducing 'Vamos Jose' underwear for inmates

'Lack of education fuels HIV epidemic in South'


*1:28:00/YouTube - ‪Occupation 101 (Full_Documentary)‏


YouTube - ‪GOA's Larry Pratt: Time to Close Down The ATF!‏


YouTube - ‪CPS Stealing Kids is Big Business for The Vampiric Establishment - Alex Jones Tv 1/2‏

YouTube - ‪CPS Stealing Kids is Big Business for The Vampiric Establishment - Alex Jones Tv 2/2‏


+38 min./YouTube - ‪Mark Dice on Love Lust Secret Societies‏


» Panetta Announces U.S. Plan to Attack Iraqi Shi’ite Militias Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Gold Set to Rise as Italy Falls Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Agenda 21 in New York State — Home Rule and Article X Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Record one in six Americans now on food stamps as depression escalates Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Record 44.7 Million People Celebrate Geithner's Departure And The End Of QE2 Through Foodstamps | zero hedge

Unemployment down slightly this week -

Protests spread in Egypt as discontent with military rule grows | World news | The Guardian

» Mounting Evidence that Dominique Strauss Kahn was Framed Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Bob Chapman & Alex Jones: No More American Blood Spilled for Global Empire! Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Above The Law: U.S. Globalizes Drone Warfare Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

In Robotics, Human-Style Perception and Motion Are Elusive -

25 Reasons To Buy Gold And Dump Dollars

» World Bank Told to Stop Lending to Land Grabbers – Like Calyx Agro Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

One in three ‘overwhelmed by technology’ - Telegraph

*Liberty, Economics, and Raw Milk: Ron Paul talks to Joseph Mercola

Binge-drinking: Why having 1 more drink seems like a good idea | Mail Online

Generations of Pork: How Greece's Political Elite Ruined the Country - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Catholic Show Exposes Rockefeller Assault on Church, Life

Security Grifters Partner-Up on Sinister Cyber-Surveillance Project by Tom Burghardt

The Business of America Is War by Stephen Lendman

Ron Holland on the Inevitability of Societal Chaos, How the Elites Will Try to Maintain Control – and How You Can Protect Your Wealth From Confiscation by Anthony Wile

Consent of the Governed? | The Beacon

'For the Good of the Party' by William Norman Grigg

Beware Unhampered Capitalism by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

Washington Post 1983 – Planet X Discovered :

Activist Post: Obama presses Saleh on Yemen power transfer

Activist Post: Panetta makes 9/11 gaffe in Iraq

Activist Post: Solar System Weather Report: Super Storm on Saturn -- Connected to Elenin?

US, Chinese Military Chiefs Discuss Disputes

+Police Intelligence Analyst: 7/7 was Inside Job

Demonstrators storm U.S. embassy in Damascus - The Washington Post

Bodies pulled from sunken Russian ship - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Pakistani military spokesman vows continued collaboration with U.S. -

Cyprus Military Chiefs Quit Over Blast at Arms Depot -

AFP: Rebels face stiff resistance on road to Tripoli

Israel expels 39 pro-Palestinian activists over weekend, holds 81 more in jail - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

At Least 65 Are Killed in Two Indian Train Crashes; Rescuers Search Wrecks - Bloomberg

Top Chinese general takes aim at U.S. military policy -

Bosnia marks massacre anniversary with mass burial -

Former British PM alleges reporters hacked his personal information -

Bangladesh schoolboys die in truck accident - Telegraph

Japan mourns victims, still battling quake-triggered nuke crisis

End of of Harry Potter 'awful' says Prince Charles - Telegraph

U.K. Lowers Terror Threat Level to ‘Substantial’ From ‘Severe’ - Bloomberg

576,000 without power from fast-moving storms -

Smartphone thefts boost CTA robbery rate, Chicago police say -

Emanuel to cut city credit cards from 500+ to 30 -

New CPS leadership likes its schools run by outside group | WBEZ

Proposed Emmett Till museum lost in Burr Oak scandal - Chicago Sun-Times

For Quinn, casino expansion like a house of cards

Five dead, 19 wounded in weekend violence - Chicago Sun-Times

Chicago’s new slogan hardly inspiring - Chicago Sun-Times

Dave Matthews Band Caravan: Chicago's answer to Burning Man | WBEZ

Secondhand Smoke May Boost Risk of Learning Problems, ADHD Secondhand Smoke May Boost Risk of Learning Problems, ADHD

A deadly new reason to avoid deer ticks -

Higher Folic Acid Levels in Teens Tied to Academic Success - US News and World Report

Men Who Cuddle More are Happier | Psych Central News

Obama presses ahead with debt talks, warns against stopgap solution - The Washington Post

Jaycee Lee Dugard describes how she survived Garrido torture - Crimesider - CBS News

Michelle Obama to attend former first lady Betty Ford’s California funeral - The Washington Post

Scorcher: Record Heat Wave Hits 15 U.S. States - TIME NewsFeed

Seven family members die in Alabama plane crash | Reuters

Pawlenty Is Right: Bachmann Has Accomplished Very Little - Conor Friedersdorf - Politics - The Atlantic

Mitt Romney’s religion appeals to Jews | Deseret News

Sarah Palin Plots Her Next Move - Newsweek

The Associated Press: Judge finds Indiana teen guilty in school shooting

Casey Anthony guilty say 2 out of 3 Americans, says poll - Crimesider - CBS News

Michele Bachmann, family breakdown and the benefits (or not) of slavery - International Business Times

Court rules Illinois public works plan is legal -

Close encounter with grizzly at Yellowstone | KMVT | Twin Falls, ID News, Weather and Sports | Idaho News, Weather and Sports | Regional

Amtrak train hits truck in Maine; both catch fire - Santa Cruz Sentinel

DeMint Plans Forum With GOP Hopefuls - Washington Wire - WSJ

Free Slurpee day at 7-Eleven

Google to Open Research University in Germany -

Groupon To Track User Locations

AFP: Kenya urged to open new refugee camp

The Associated Press: Oil drops below $95 per barrel

Google: Changes coming to Google+ this week - Computerworld

Google eBooks and Iriver launch Story HD e-reader | Crave - CNET

Parasites May Have Given Birth to Sex -

Dealing with Invasive Species by Eating Them - Technorati Lifestyle

First ever photo of fish using tools

Cell phones, devices biggest driving distractions | Reuters

AntiSec Hits FBI Contractor in Political Move - Mobiledia

Ex-Motorhead guitarist 'Wurzel' Burston dies at 61 - JSOnline

Comic-Con 2011: 'The Walking Dead's' Robert Kirkman (Q&A) - Hollywood Reporter

Obama vs. Obama | The Weekly Standard

News International papers targeted Gordon Brown | Media |

Obama: Time to "eat our peas" and pass debt deal - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

SPIN METER: Obama, Dems skirt issue on tax hikes -

Review & Outlook: Taxes Upon Taxes Upon . . . -

Debt talks to resume after testy 75-minute session - Carrie Budoff Brown and David Rogers -

The Glum and the Restless - Jim Tankersley -

Former White House Staffer Fights Obama Obesity Efforts - -

Break-in At Ed Sullivan Theater Where David Let - Flash Player Installation

NASA tracking space debris in space station's path - Yahoo! News

Kate Middleton and Prince William given star-spangled send off as they fly home | Mail Online

IMF chief calls on US to raise borrowing limit - CNBC

'Metal coffin': 128 dead as Russia boat sinks - World news - Europe - Russia -

Mother: Teenage Girl Mob Attacked My Family « C - Flash Player Installation

China says US is spending too much on its military amid its financial woes - The Washington Post

Scientists find first superbug strain of gonorrhea | Reuters

Prince Charles and Camilla warned over phone hacking | Media |

Hacking exclusive: Queen's police sold her details to News of the World | News

Phone hacking: 9/11 victims 'may have had mobiles tapped by News of the World reporters' -

+Silver Shield: See How The Elite View The World In The Globalist Map Room :

The Worlds Largest Human Experiment: GMOs, Roundup And The Monsanto Monstrosity :

Federal Government Reaffirms ‘Flat Earth’ Position Regarding Medical Cannabis :

Why Do the Police Have Tanks? The Strange and Dangerous Militarization of the US Police Force | World | AlterNet

Living in and Through The Poison Century :

Pawlenty attacks Bachmann's 'nonexistent' congressional accomplishments

What Does The UK News of The World Scandal Mean For Rupert Murdoch In The US?

Dean Baker Reminds The Media: There Was No Report From The Deficit Commission

Katrina Vanden Heuvel: Real Crisis is Not Deficit and Debt, it's Jobs

Sharron Angle and Sean Hannity have a big bowl of sour grapes over her 2010 election loss to Harry Reid

How Retirees Should Adapt: Buy An Audi Instead Of A Benz

Cavuto Fill-In Brings on Corsi Co-Author to Attack Obama on Job Growth

Citizens, Arise! No One Is Watching, So We Have To Do It Ourselves

Audio:Open Thread with The Professional Left Weekly Podcast: Are we too hard on Republicans? Don't ask David Brooks.

No Dice On Grand Bargain. Boehner Counts The Votes For Tax Increases And Comes Up Short. Stay Tuned!

Fox News Watch Panel Frets Over Suspension of 'Brilliant Reporter' Mark Halperin at MSNBC

BP Says They Shouldn't Have To Pay Any More Claims For Future Losses

Tony Hayward can't remember who died on Deepwater Horizon

Republicans committing fraud by refusing to raise the debt limit

Destructive For The Country? Sure...But Profitable For Cantor

McConnell: Stopping Obama's re-election still 'single most important' goal

Kent Conrad Drops Senate Dems' Budget On The Table: Will Anyone Pay Attention?

Chris Matthews Asks if Michele Bachmann is in Tune With the Republican Base

Dr. Mila Means Is Still Trying To Establish Abortion Clinic In Wichita Despite Threats

Huckabee Likens Obama Economic Policies To Dropping "A Lit Match" Into "A Can Of Gasoline"

Bill Daley to Business: Quit Whining and Step UP

Rep. Becerra: Social Security Should Not Be On the Table for Debt Ceiling Increase

DeMint: Geithner 'playing Chicken Little' on the debt ceiling

Villagers on This Week: 'Everyone Knows' Social Security and Medicare Has To Be On The Table

YouTube - ‪Inuit People On Sun Wrong ,Stars Wrong , Earth Tilting On Axis‏

Claim: ELEnin is an Extinction Level Event | NEWSBAD.COM

A Lost World? Atlantis-Like Landscape Discovered Icelandic Mantle Plume & North Atlantic Ocea | LiveScience

Military Hush-Up: Incoming Space Rocks Now Classified | Before It's News

A Fusion Reactor On the Moon? | Before It's News

One of the Most Inexcusable Vaccine Revelations of All... | Before It's News

Nutrition: “'A Ticking Timebomb': Teenage Girls' Junk Food Diet” | Before It's News

10 Ways to Dig Yourself Out of Credit Card Debt | Before It's News

Tax The Rich. Problem Solved | Before It's News

'News Of The World' Hacked 9/11 Victims? | Before It's News

9/11: There's a Million Reasons Why It Can't Be True | Before It's News

Police Intelligence Analyst Tells 9/11, 7/7 Truth | Before It's News

It May Cost 25 Dollars To Visit Ground Zero 9/11 Memorial | Before It's News

David Icke on the 9/11 Mega Ritual | Before It's News

New Issue of Communicating Astronomy With the Public Journal Is Now Out! | Before It's News

Natural Born Citizen - A Place to Ask Questions and Get the Right Answers: Obama Cannot Be A “Natural Born Citizen" Under Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. 162 (1875)

Gabrielle Giffords Shocking Past Exposed! | Before It's News

UFO Bill Nye "Science Guy" - Debunked And Exposed | Before It's News

How Hot Did Earth Get In he Past? | Before It's News

The Alex Jones Show – Sunday Edition – July 10th, 2011

Drone Wars: US Ramping Up Unmanned Air Strikes and Domestic Surveillance – James Corbett |

It’s not all white: The cocktail of up to 20 chemicals in a glass of milk |

The Essential Rules Of Liberty |

YouTube - ‪Jobs, Jobs, Jobs‏

Book: Julian Assange Held Back Wikileaks About U.S., Israel |

20 Really Bad Ideas That Are Almost Too Stupid To Believe |

Peter Mandelson parties with super-rich Nat Rothschild in Montenegro | Mail Online

Bob Chapman & Alex Jones: No More American Blood Spilled for Global Empire! |

Ron Paul : Now We Live Off Our Military Power |

Five disturbing things about the Interpol filter | Delimiter

5 Reasons Progressives Should Join the Ron Paul Revolution |

Rep. Ron Paul: House Republicans would be “foolish” to accept debt limit deal | The State Column

Holder Lied: DOJ News Release Shows Obama Admin Approved ATF Mexico Weapons Smuggling - Salem-News.Com

YouTube - ‪7/8/11 Southern Sudan! Welcome to the world!, BODY PLEASURE AND THE ORIGINS OF VIOLENCE‏



+Radiation 6-10-11 |


YouTube - ‪The Secret Debt Fix‏

YouTube - ‪Ron Paul - The Way We Should Do Airport Security‏

YouTube - ‪Tom Mullen: Disband the Army‏

YouTube - ‪14th Amendment: A Pass to Raise the Debt Ceiling?‏.

YouTube - ‪Bob Chapman & Alex Jones: No More American Blood Spilled for Global Empire!‏

Debbie Schlussel:Israel, Release List of HAMAS Flightilla Activists Now!

Debbie Schlussel:COOLEST. CAR. EVER.: Ghost Car Up for Auction

Debbie Schlussel:Tragic: Say a Prayer for American Hero James Hackemer, RIP

America, What has happened to us?

Should The Fed Burn A Pile Of Treasury Securities?

Something happened on the way to the circus

Paul Leading In Texas Among "Highly Active" Republican Voters

He rescued us?

Assad holds 'dialogue:' Tanks rumble into Homs

June was deadliest month for US in Iraq in 3 years

Chicago's long, hot summer of gun violence

Fewer voters think Obama is more liberal than they are

McConnell refuses to see opposition to raising debt ceiling

What does 'strategically defeating Al Qaeda' really mean?

The Silence of the Fawns

Can we afford to pour more money down the Palestinian drain?

A guide to the CA-36 special election Tuesday

Webb telescope may be axed

Barack's 'Laugh Factory' Revue

Sidestepping a Stock Market Crash

Dems send out crazed stalkers to shadow GOP candidates

Obama administration approves sale of tanks to Egypt

Assad angry over US envoy visit to Hama

Tyrannus Obama Rex

No New Tax Cuts

Conservative Heretics

Our Retreat from Prosperity

Social Justice: Obama and the Left's Not-So-Hidden Agenda

The Real Cost of Solar Energy

A World Food Crisis?

Progressive Unemployment

America's Floating Jews

Israel is Sitting Pretty

Stupid Choices Equal Bankruptcy (Usually)

Is The Fate of the Infidels Tied to the Buddhas?

Keeping Up With Van Jones

The Green Nazi Deep Ecology of Martin Heidegger

How to Restore America's Manufacturing Innovation

Israel's Human Chameleon Strikes Again

Radicalizing Home-Grown Muslims

Political Islam: Caesar and God as One

Identity politics: The Denial of American Exceptionalism

Sholem Aleichem: Laughing In The Darkness

Problems with Modern Liberty of Speech

Isn't it Finally Time for Trial by Public Opinion?

Light bulbs hot topic in Congress amid debt crisis, economic misery - Winnipeg Free Press

Direct from the White House: Marxism 101

Obama’s Watergate

Who Controls the Price of Oil?

A Disparity in Power is Not a Disparity in Morals

Obama’s Petulant, Passive Aggressive Leadership Reveals a Fixed Adolescent Mindset

Scary American Stats

The Wind Farm Backlash

Panetta’s Iraq visit reveals his lack of knowledge

Obama Orders Launched Fast and Furious

Obama’s Economic Alchemy

Completely Expectable ‘Unexpectedness’

The Insidious Kumbaya on American College Campuses

China’s ghost Cities

Carbon Tax Mark 4? A Stealthy Cancer

Dictators Mock Obama’s Ignorance


Why Free Market in Energy?

The Greens Just Love Us to Death

Copper Thefts Costing Churches Tens of Millions in Losses

Obama plans may gut U.S. national security

Review & Outlook: Taxes Upon Taxes Upon . . . -

» AUDIO: Savage on Obama and space

Atlantis Blasts Off on Final Flight for Space Shuttle Program -

U.S. chaplains vetted by Muslim who condemns Jewish 'trickery'

Cornell Belcher, an Obama pollster, will act as CNN contributor; critics fear conflict of interest

Inquiry of weapons smuggling to expand - Washington Times

Cryptomundo » An Editorial: What Impact Will Finding Bigfoot Have?

Ky. Professor Gets Grant to Search for 'Lost City' | | Lexington, Kentucky

Strange Speeches « Beachcombing's Bizarre History Blog

Lair of the Beasts: Monsters of Wisconsin -

Mount Etna eruption closes airports and 'knocks clocks 15 minutes fast' | Mail Online

Homo Floresiensis and Orang Pendek related? | Flores Man, Sumatra Ape

Video: World's steepest roller-coaster opens in Japan - Telegraph

Oddest Day Of Year Is July 9, 2011: 7/9/11

Short Sharp Science: Bots battle for football World Cup

The Gralien Report » Fowl Language: Do Some Birds have Comprehensive Communication?

UPDATE: Movie Star Mila Kunis Accepts Marine’s YouTube Invitation to Military Ball | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Traumatized Van Jones Says Glenn Beck Is a Big Bully Liar Who Wants to Stop People From Standing Up for America | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Bachmann Campaign Responds to Slavery Reference in Controversial Marriage Pact | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Watch a Man Shoot Himself in the Leg During Fake Duel With a Silhouette | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Sneak Peek: Greta Talks to Jury Foreman From Casey Anthony Trial | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Judge Says Ex-Fireman Can‘t Sue to Prevent Construction of ’Ground Zero Mosque’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Pawlenty: Bachmann Has a ‘Nonexistent’ Record of Accomplishment in Congress | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Cops: Bassist for Noted Rock Band Made Bomb Threat in Walgreens Robbery…Right Before Big Show | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

‘Conjoined’ Baby Birds Separated, ‘Grew’ Together | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

16-Pound JaMichael Brown Could Be the Biggest B - Flash Player Installation

Conservative GOP Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum ‘Taken Aback’ By ‘The Marriage Vow’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Woman Accuses TSA of Racism, Says They Searched Her Hair Because it was ‘Poofy’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

US Troop Deaths in Afghanistan Under Obama Surpass 1,000: Two-Thirds of US Casualties in War | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Following Media Criticism, TOMS Shoes Founder Apologizes for Speaking at Focus on the Family Event | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

It‘s Not Often That an Inmate’s Jail Escape Is Caught on Video | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Update: Is New Australian Face Veil Traffic Law a Sign of Anti-Muslim Bias? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Pakistani Islamic Party Leader Says Women Should Not Report Rape Unless Able to Produce Four Witnesses | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Are Dems, Libs Really Less Likely to Believe in the Christian Bible? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Among Social Networks Facebook Remains #1, But LinkedIn Bumps MySpace for #2 | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

National Park Warns: Don’t Pee Near Trails…Because of the Killer Goats | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Video Justice: Car Czar Forced to Answer a Tough Series of Questions About the Beck-Exposed Video of His Mao Love | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Bill Maher: Voting for Republicans as Stupid as Voting Not Guilty for Casey Anthony | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Nanny-State Madness: Woman Faces Jail Over Veggie Garden | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Weird Things Happen at Walmart: ‘Retail’s Version of Reality T.V.’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

First QR Code Tattoo: Bar Code on Man’s Chest Activates Advertising Animation | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

US Order To Shutdown Millions Of Christian Websites Shocks World


*47 MIN/YouTube - ‪The mysterious origin of man‏


Video - Pentagon Eugenics Alter DNA breed out Religious impulses via FunVax Vaccinations and amp Aerosol Spraying


Jury selection slow in Clemens trial

APNewsBreak: No appeal in Smart kidnapping case

Rep. Frank backs higher Fannie, Freddie loan limits

Judge finds Indiana teen guilty in school shooting

Knesset debates, will vote on 'Boycott Bill'

Israel deports 23 'Flightilla' activists to Europe

Syrian crowds attack US embassy, ambassador's residence

Netanyahu: We are ready to renew negotiations tomorrow

Assad loyalists storm US, French embassies in Syria

Panetta calls on Iraq for troops decision

Sectarian polarisation threatens Arab spring

French and US embassies in Syria attacked

Saudi maids become battleground

David Letterman's Late Show Home Attacked! - E! Online

‘The Undefeated’ Opens Friday: Impact Felt Already

Good News: Roseanne Back on Television with New Lifetime Reality Show

The Morning Call Sheet: July 11th, 2011

Coulter Rules ‘Real Time’; Why Doesn’t She Have Her Own Show?

Where Have The Theater Ushers Gone?

Hollywood Royalty Meets Real British Royalty

Not So Hollywood Wedding Night: Ava Gardner and Mickey Rooney

Report: Oprah Winfrey a Top Choice to Host Oscars

The Screenwriter’s Friendly Internet Forum (and Lessons Therefrom)

Non-Controversy of the Day: ‘Horrible Boss’ Jennifer Aniston Says ‘Faggot’ in New Film

Toto: Woody Allen’s ‘Midnight in Paris’ Flatters France, Batters U.S.

Black economic gains reversed in Great Recession

Video: Female MPs Brawl In Afghan Parliament

Petraeus Watch

Syrian Protesters Raise Flag Above US Embassy in Demascus

Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Cleric: ‘The Whole World Belongs to Us’

Flotilla-O-Rama: The Sequel

Iran And Turkey Struggle Over Future Of Syria

Rehab For Terrorists?

Vladimir Putin Remix

Forgetting The Gun – U.S. Commitment To A Free South Sudan

Carebecue Season In Oslo

‘There Are Only Muslims And Communists’

The Desert Highway: A Glimpse Into The Mid East Mind

Panetta: Defeat Of Al Qaeda Within Reach

‘Freedom Flotilla’ Organizer: Jews Are ‘Pigs’

Economists In Shock At Seminal Jobs Report For June

House Hearing: Hizballah Threat Looms In US

Islam ‘Was The First Organized Socialist Movement In The World’

London Is A Shariah-Controlled Zone

Justice Kagan Embraces Sharia Law That Would Kill Her

Sandbagging a Guest with False Information is Wrong in Any Language

Stengel-gate/National Constitution Center Update: We Got Mail!

Media Matters Declared War, Let’s Give Them One

New Soros Project Aims to Follow GOP with Videographers

Libs Outraged Over Paul Ryan’s $350 Bottle of Wine, Silent When Nancy Pelosi Drowned $101,000 of Booze On “Pelosi One”

Sound Bite For the Day: Local Reporter Mocks Romney’s Mormonism

Salon Fakes Palin, Bachmann Quotes Blaming Obama for Casey Anthony Verdict

Ben Franklin Delighted: A Crash Course in Digital Self-Publishing

It’s a Veritable Intercontinental FAILroad

AUDIO:Debt Crises Abroad and at Home

Stengel-gate Update: The American Constitution Society Embarrasses Itself For Richard Stengel

Chicagoans Overwhelmingly Vote to Ban Palin, Beck & Coulter Books at Book Fair in Obama’s Home Town

What Recession? Obama, Democrats Push for Tax Hikes

Default Is the Enemy of the Social Welfare State

Nearly 2 Years After Beating-Kenneth Gladney Case Goes to Trial Today

Forget the ‘Fairness’ Doctrine – Net Neutrality is the Future of Censorship

A Tale of Two Prosecutors

Bringing ‘American Exceptionalism’ to Life

Madness! Republicans Support Pigford Fraud from Fear of ‘Additional Litigation’

Cartoon:Transformers and White Russians.

In NLRB Hearing, Congressional Dems Ignore Worker; Reminisce of 1935

In Face of Democrat Demands for Tax Hikes, Boehner Seeks Smaller Deal on Debt Ceiling

Are the Feds (or the Fed) Really That Clueless?

Stengel-gate/National Constitution Center Update: We Got Mail!

Reverend Rangel Does the Lord’s Work

Obamacare vs. Medical Privacy Rights: Guess Which Side DOJ Is On?

‘Gun Against the Head’ Civil Discourse

Olsen, Hopper Recall Efforts Boosted by Non-Wisconsin Elements

Cartoon:Obama Nation: The Response

Why the ‘Tweeter in Chief’ Shouldn’t Jab Technology

Bacon, Duct Tape, and the Free Market

Chuck Todd: Limbaugh Couldn't Win GOP Nomination - Doubtful Palin Could Either |


11-Jul-11 World View

10-Jul-11 World View

9-Jul-11 World View


Boehner says debt talks scaled back over tax rift | Reuters

Did the stimulus bill fail? Not really, but that may not matter anymore. - By David Weigel - Slate Magazine

Short-termism and the risk of another financial crisis - The Washington Post

Warren Buffett’s Worst Investment - By Kevin D. Williamson - The Corner - National Review Online

Michele Bachmann Signs Porn Pledge: Who Will Sign Next? - The Daily Beast

Ask a Bad Question, You’ll Get a Bad Answer : Roll Call Opinion

Now is Perry's moment: The jobs report has made the Texas Governor the new anti-Obama - ConservativeHome's The Republican

Ax Head Start: Ending Programs That Don't Yield Results - TIME

Too Many Public Works Built on Rosy Scenarios: Virginia Postrel - Bloomberg

DONATELLI: Federal budget can be balanced with spending cuts - Washington Times

On the West's Moral Panic Over 'Multiculturalism' | The Nation

Why Tim Geithner’s Replacement Might Be Obama's Most Important Appointment -- New York Magazine

RealClearPolitics - Where Are the Jobs?

The Fatalist Temptation -

The Sugar Daddy Has Run Out of Sugar; Now We Need New Leaders | Facebook

Doyle McManus: The United States' strategy in Syria is a delicate dance -

Erotic Vagrancy, Anyone? -

Southwest Airlines Spirit Magazine / 40 Lessons to Learn from Southwest

President Obama is not providing the leadership needed to repair America's flailing economy

Editorials | Editorial: Get to work creating jobs | The Detroit News

Jim Crow? Not even close | New Hampshire OPINION01

The Unemployed Somehow Became Invisible -

Deficit Negotiators Hit Reset -

No, We Can’t? Or Won’t? -

James Pethokoukis | Analysis & Opinion |

Republican's False Narrative as Party Wanting to Balance U.S. Debt - The Daily Beast

The Demagogic Style - National Review Online

Michele Bachmann: While you weren't looking, she's taken over the GOP lead in Iowa -

RealClearPolitics - Pawlenty Aims for Surge in Critical Month Ahead

Sarah Palin Plots Her Next Move - Newsweek

High Court May Wade Into Election-Year Politics: Albert Hunt - Bloomberg

CURL: Mr. President, do the math: $250,000 per year isn't rich - Washington Times

The Panetta Doctrine: Declare Victory, Don’t Go Home | Danger Room |

Libya: A campaign built on sand - Telegraph

RealClearWorld: World News, Analysis & Commentary

Smart fracking - The Boston Globe

How Seawater Can Power the World -

Review & Outlook: Taxes Upon Taxes Upon . . . -

An Aggressive Ruling on Clean Air -

National Labor Relations Board: Putting 'labor' back in NLRB -

Obamanomics drives Americans out of the work force | Examiner Editorial | Opinion | Washington Examiner

The Great Green Tech Transformation

Robert Bryce: From Kyoto to Copenhagen to... Hanoi? The Looming Failure of Yet Another Climate Change Meeting

An Aggressive Ruling on Clean Air -

Solar Industry Provoking Green Backlash? | The Energy Collective

Geo-engineering: green versus greed in the race to cool the planet | Environment | The Observer

Regulation an acceptable cost for frackers | Petroleum Economist

Word Choice Matters for Energy Policy -

Lights out for GOP energy agenda? - Darren Samuelsohn -

Let There Be Lights -

OPINION: BULB Act is dim-witted -

The Yellowstone Oil Spill May Be More Difficult to Clean Up Than the BP Gulf Spill - Ecocentric -

It's Time to End the War on Salt: Scientific American

Jon Entine: BPA Dilemma: NRDC Vs. California Vs. Science

E. coli: A Risk for 3 More Years From Who Knows Where | Wired Science |

Injecting Stem Cells into the Heart Could Stop Chronic Chest Pain - Technology Review

Regenerative medicine's promising future -

Diver Snaps First Photo of Fish Using Tools - ScienceNOW

Pinocchio's Real Roots Mapped : Discovery News

BBC News - Australia plans to impose carbon tax on worst polluters

Neptune's first orbit: a turning point in astronomy | Science | The Observer

Monarchs, Redux | Conservation Magazine

End of Shuttle Program Only a Temporary Setback - Blog

Scientists discover first gonorrhea strain resistant to all available antibiotics

Jewel beetles, obtained from local people, turn out to be four species unknown to science

U of T researchers build an antenna for light | Science Codex

Climate change reducing ocean's carbon dioxide uptake (July 10, 2011)

Lie to Me: How We've Become a Culture Afraid of Facing the Truth

Taking away Rupert Murdoch’s papal knighthood would be unpleasantly self-righteous. We’re supposed not to avoid sinners |

General Synod: saved by an archbishop on fire | Rosie Harper | Comment is free |

The Surge in Sexuality Debates | Politics | Christianity Today

Mark Osler: Prayer Breakfast Heresies

Catholic in the Bible Belt | The Daily Caller

Pakistan's patchy fight against Islamist violence sows confusion | Reuters

Rabbi Adam Jacobs: The Cult of Coincidence

"The Ledge" Director Matthew Chapman Calls On Atheists; Is He Preaching To The Choir? | Fast Company

Top Kremlin aide says Putin is God's gift to Russia | Reuters

Imaginary Vampires, Imagined Jews » Main Feature » Jewish Ideas Daily

Mormon president debate getting as absurd as gay marriage tiff | The Political Surf

Pod people: Trinitarian editing 2.0 » GetReligion

A Personal Guide to Fighting Poverty | The French Revolution

Richard Dawkins: Skeptic of women? - Sex News, Sex Talk -

Is Sex Just Like Race? « Public Discourse

Assuming the goodness of God | Joel J. Miller

What’s In a Name? | Crisis Magazine

Iran's nuclear threat is escalating | William Hague | Comment is free |

Ferguson: The Global Temper Tantrum - Newsweek

Bad Borders, Good Neighbors -

Brazil: A Sign of Serious Economic Imbalance - TIME

[Viewpoint] Watch for a provocation - INSIDE Korea JoongAng Daily


Full: A new state of affairs as UN nears a vote on Palestine - The National

Israel has no reason to beg for reconciliation with Turkey - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

The Hindu : Opinion / Lead : When the neighbour's house catches fire

Just another British tabloid scandal - The Washington Post

Wen Jiabao vs Aung San Suu Kyi | The Diplomat

Mary Ann Sieghart: Power has shifted back to the people - Mary Ann Sieghart, Commentators - The Independent

THE DAILY STAR :: Opinion :: Editorial :: Wealth and unity

Give Canada’s visiting brains a boost - The Globe and Mail

RealClearWorld - Poland to the Rescue

Assessing Risks to Stability in Sub-Saharan Africa | Center for Strategic and International Studies

Preludes to the Russian presidential race | Aspenia online

A Sino-Persian Grab for the Indian Ocean? (SWJ Blog)

Gen. Tso’s Default Chicken -

Phone hacking: British politics has been corrupted by a cosy camaraderie - Telegraph

Doyle McManus: The United States' strategy in Syria is a delicate dance -

Robert Herbold: China vs. America: Which Is the Developing Country? -

Agony and Ivory | Culture | Vanity Fair

Chinese leadership: The challenge in 2012 | East Asia Forum

Trade deals are no deal for US -

A tale of two defaults

Future of the Marine Corps: Looking Beyond Afghanistan | Atlantic Council

Resurgent Fine Gael in pole position for presidential prize - The Irish Times - Sat, Jul 09, 2011


**World Video:Challenges for European Defense Budgets

U.S. Curbs Aid to Pakistan

Al-Qaeda on the Run?

New Defense Secretary Leon Panetta Visits Afghanistan

Rights Groups Say U.S. Not Doing Enough in Syria

U.S. Admiral Visits Beijing To Improve Ties

China's Economy Continues To Slow

Repairing For Battle In Libya.

Horn Of Africa Region Close To Famine, UN Says

Syria Opens 'National Dialogue'

Raw Video: Russian Ferry Sinks, 101 Missing

Patriotism: Good or Bad

An Insider's View on China and Its Impact on the World

China's Risk of a Hard Landing


**Politics Video:Obama Warns Best-Selling Authors: You're Not "Off The Hook"

Boehner: "There Were No Tax Increases Ever On The Table"

Obama On Deficit Talks: Time To "Pull Off The Band-Aid, Eat Our Peas"

Obama Would Rather Be Talking About NFL Lockout Over Debt Crisis

Obama: "I Have Bent Over Backwards To Work With Republicans"

Watch Live: Obama Holds Press Conference On Debt-Ceiling Talks

Sen. DeMint: Obama Purposely Creating "Panic" Over Debt Ceiling

Obama To GOP: "American Democracy Works When We Listen To Each Other"

Obama: Spending Cuts Will Mean Increased Revenue

Buchanan: You Don't Raise Taxes On Private Sector In Bad Economy

Sen. Durbin: No Deal Means Public Outrage Will "Fall On Our Shoulders"

10th/Bill Daley Predicts No Default; Says Obama "Fighting" For "Shared Pain"

Dem Congressman: GOP Committing "Extortion" In Deficit Talks

George Will: "American People Are Suffering Apocalypse Fatigue"

"This Week" Roundtable On The Debt Divide

Nina Totenberg Warns Of Government "Intertwined" With Press

"Meet The Press" Roundtable On Debt Talks & 2012

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Debt Fight, Today's Meeting

Pawlenty Slams Bachmann: "Her Record Of Accomplishment Is Non-Existent"

Charlie Rangel: How Would Jesus Handle The Debt Crisis?

Geithner: "Going To Be A Very Long Time" Until People Feel The Recovery

McConnell: "Nobody Is Talking About Not Raising The Debt Ceiling"

Sen. Sessions: Dem Tax Demands Are Killing The Debt Deal

IMF's Lagarde: "Can't Imagine For A Second" That US Would Default

9th/Maher: I'm "Equating The Casey Anthony Verdict With Republican Thinking"

Rep. McCotter: "We Are Moving Toward An Age Of Self-Government"

Rep. McMorris Gives GOP Weekly Response: "Where Are The Jobs?"

Obama: Congress Must Work Together And Solve Deficit Crisis

Ron Paul: America On The Road To Serfdom

Krauthammer: David Brooks "Is Not A Conservative"


**NEWS VIDEOS:Indignant Obama Lectures GOP: ‘Pull Off the Band-Aid’, Time to ‘Eat Our Peas’

Key Witness Testifies Rachel Corrie’s Death Was Accidental

Rove: Obama Advisor Plouffe an ‘Obnoxious Little Guy’

John Fund: ACORN Still Receiving Federal Money

Kitten Attacks Two Very Scary Apples

Female MPs Brawl in Afghan Parliament

Eleanor Clift: Fannie and Freddie Didn’t Cause Mortgage Collapse – It Was Bush and Wall Street

Bill Maher Equates Casey Anthony Verdict with Voting Republican

In Defiance of Law, Islamic Schools Keep Veil in French Classrooms

A-Rod to Have Knee Surgery Monday

White House Meeting Ends With Little Progress

10TH/Oba-Malaise: Geithner Confirms Hard Times for ‘Long Time to Come’

Hollywood Meets British Royalty

Rupert Murdoch: Paper ‘Let Down’ Readers

Last Shuttle Docking at Space Station

Iraq Veteran Amputee Thrown From NY Roller Coaster, Dies

Bob Woodward: World Doesn’t See America As ‘The Grown-up Nation’

Coulter to Nation Magazine’s Chris Hayes: Your Gov’t Worker Mom ‘Is A Drain On Society’

George Will: Obama and Dems Have Kicked the Deficit Can So Much It’s ‘Can Abuse’

9TH/Britain’s Royal Newlyweds in Los Angeles

Obama Refers to Tax Increases as Cutting ‘Spending in the Tax Code”

GOP Weekly Address: ‘Where Are the Jobs?’

South Sudan Proclaims Independence

8TH/Former First Lady Betty Ford Dies at 93

Krauthammer: David Brooks is NOT a Conservative

GOP Presidential Hopefuls Pounce on Obama’s ‘Indifference’ Toward Job Numbers

Pawlenty: Obama Like ‘Manure Spreader in a Wind Storm’

Diane Sawyer Claims Neutrality: ‘People Will Know What the Truth Is’

NJ Senate Leader Nearly Struck by Lightning While Slamming Gov Christie

Octomom’s Kids Run Amok on Today Show Set

Pro-Life Activist Attacked Outside Clinic; Suspect Named

7TH/Running of the Bulls

Rick Perry is running

Another scandal that could take Obama down

Anti-Shariah heroes help me fight Muslim Mafia

The birth certificate challenge

Al-Qaida scoffs at Panetta

Did ATF train corrupt Mexican police?

Is this why White House funded 'guns-to-drug-lords' scheme?

Thousands back Tulsa officer ordered to Muslim worship

U.S. chaplains vetted by Muslim who condemns Jewish 'trickery'

Subpoena targets '1961 typewritten birth certificate'

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Debt ceiling fight intensifies;John Gizzi of Human Events says nothing's clear


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Is this why White House funded 'guns-to-drug-lords' scheme?

Cornell Belcher, an Obama pollster, will act as CNN contributor; critics fear conflict of interest

Phone hacking: 9/11 victims 'may have had mobiles tapped by News of the World reporters' -

U.S. chaplains vetted by Muslim who condemns Jewish 'trickery'

Obscure clause may help US avert default - Yahoo! News

Constitutional Nonsense on Debt - John Berlau - National Review Online

Bill Clinton is right!

Report: Children of Foreign Diplomats Enjoy U.S. 'Super Citizen' Status -

Dems' 'fundraiser' may have side effects

OfficialWire: Book Review: Where's The Birth Certificate?

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Kiss of colour: Young Houston artist Natalie Irish paints with her LIPS | Mail Online

The Clicker - 'Worst Driver' contestant runs over show's host

Meet the luckiest squirrel to ever run across a race track - The Feed - CBS News

Nasa's space shuttle Atlantis lands at International Space Station | Mail Online

Smithsonian unearths Scopes trial scientist images - Science Fair: Science and Space News -

Water Caught at 7000 FPS Is Mesmerizing

Scientists drag light by slowing it to speed of sound

Scientists discover the point of sex - Telegraph

Axeing paper may not stop wider brand damage for Murdoch | Reuters

Give me liberty or give me debt

Rick Perry is running

Now is Perry's moment: The jobs report has made the Texas Governor the new anti-Obama - ConservativeHome's The Republican

A blinding room of white powder

The rise of the East

Obama Sr. bio reworks nativity fraud

Another scandal that could take Obama down

Murder, kill, execute, die

Economic vision, Part 3: A fairer tax

Introducing the world's newest country

Some dismal science

The Worst Time to Slow the Economy -

Groundhog Day In July - HUMAN EVENTS

Video: South Koreans search for meaning of life in a coffin - Telegraph

Australian children are being terrified by climate change lessons |

Happiness study bursts cul-de-sac bubble |

Short-sighted twice as likely to go blind |

Why a glass of red wine could win the battle of the bulge | Mail Online

Ibuprofen linked to irregular heart rhythm - Telegraph

Teenage girls' junk food diet leading to health problems later in life - Telegraph

ONS: gay 'divorces' up by 44 per cent - Telegraph

Reporter Mac McClelland Stages Her Own Rape to Cure Her Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - ABC News

Brothers, government tangle over Korean War records | Nation | News from Fort Worth, Dal...

California stem cell agency: As other agencies cut, California's stem cell agency raises top salaries -

Car insurance: Insurance cheaters call their luxury cars farm vehicles -

Dominique Strauss-Kahn entered hotel with 'girlfriend' hours before alleged sex attack on maid: sources -

Chicago-To-Germany Flight Diverted Because Of U - Flash Player Installation

Police: Man killed with one punch at Las Vegas casino

Parish man, protesting motorcycle helmet laws, dies from head injury, troopers say |

Army vet amputee thrown from roller coaster, killed -

Sex Slavery OK in Islam, Says Female Kuwaiti Politician [PHOTO] [VIDEO] - International Business Times

Roman-era shipwreck reveals ancient medical secrets - Telegraph

UFO believer tries to spread the word -

*10&11 July

American Minute for July 10th

American Minute for July 11th

July 10 Events in History

July 11 Events in History

This Day in History for 10th July

This Day in History for 11th July

Today in History: July 10

Today in History: July 11

July 10th in History

July 11th in History

Today in History: July 10

Today in History: July 11

What Happened on July 10th This Day in History

What Happened on July 11th This Day in History

YouTube - ‪Today in History for July 10th‏

YouTube - ‪Today in History for July 11th‏

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