A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

07 July 2011


YouTube - ‪Another "You Lied" moment.‏

Pajamas Media » Campaign Finance Law Can’t Take a Joke

Pajamas Media » The Assault Weapons Ban: How Silly Was It? (Part One)

Pajamas Media » The Future of Obama’s Stealth Gun Control

Pajamas Media » Nice DREAM: On Immigration, Dem Promises Become Lies

Cutting Through the Matrix With Alan Watt [07/05/2011]

Wallbuilders Live [07/06/2011]

The Alex Jones Show [07/06/2011]

YouTube - ‪Bilderberg Breaker Estulin: US builds 13 secret bases for war with Russia‏



Federal Wiretaps Nearly Doubled Last Year - Andy Greenberg - The Firewall - Forbes

The Political Commentator: So you want a AAA rating for your junk bonds? Just lay a little cash on me and it's yours! (Video)

Giant hogweed that can cause BLINDNESS invades New York | Mail Online

Tribe Meets White Man for the First Time • VideoSift: Online Video *Quality Control

YouTube - ‪President Obama Executive Order 13575 Rural Councils‏

Mathematical 'proof' Obama birth certificate a forgery

Obama tries to stop execution in Texas of Mexican killer | World news | The Guardian

Obama May Break His Promise on Iraq Withdrawal - Conor Friedersdorf - Politics - The Atlantic

Canadian Muslim: White House infiltrated by Muslim Brotherhood

NASA Moon Landing 'Proof'? Where Are Rover Tracks??

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Jeff Gates: The Real Inside Job

7 reasons U.S. needs a Good Depression now Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch

US to extend her presence in Iraq - Illuminati Use Socialism to Buy Complicity

The Year The President Defied The Israeli Lobby - And Won

Activist Post: Scientists Admit Climate Cooled in the Last Decade, Cite Sulfur Pollution from China

Activist Post: 5 Facts About Fluoride to Give Your Water District

The US must end its illegal war in Libya now | Dennis Kucinich | Comment is free |

YouTube - ‪Monster 'haboob' dust storm engulfs Phoenix suburbs‏

Ron Paul vs. the FDA Raw Milk Police

Sandwich 14-day shelf life: Would you eat a two-week-old lunch? | Mail Online

News of the World phone hacking: Police review all child abduction cases | Media | The Guardian

News of the World 'spied on detective during murder inquiry' - Telegraph

News of the World: bereaved relatives of 7/7 victims 'had phones hacked' - Telegraph

News International: Hacking away at the truth | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

News of the World: Ford leads major companies in pulling advertising | Media | The Guardian

The FreedomSite Blog: CHRC: No Section 13 Complaints in 2010 ... so what do we need this law for?

Two-year-olds 'to be given compulsory education checks' - Telegraph

Drunk Puppy Buying Banned by West Village Pet Stores -

YouTube - ‪Radiation Coverups Confirmed: Los Alamos, Fort Calhoun, Fukushima, TSA‏

Rosalind Peterson -- United States New World Role: Low Level Nuclear Waste Dumping Ground

Codex Commission – Voluntary GMO Labeling Okay with WTO? | Farm Wars

YouTube - ‪4409 -- Political control Freaks take over Farmers Market‏

Russia to deploy thousands of troops to 'protect the nation's interests' in the Arctic | Mail Online

Mars Anomaly Research Home Page



*Mars Structures


NASA - LRO Sees Apollo Landing Sites

Filer's Files # 27 -2011 - Mars Structures, Water & Food,

Filer's Files #26 -2011 -- Partially Materialized "UFO"

Filer's Files #25 2011 - Dead Sea Scrolls, Stonehenge

The (very) secret history of Area 51 - Americas, World - The Independent

Coming soon: The artificially intelligent machines that will argue back | Mail Online

Britain's richest man to build giant Arctic iron ore mine | Environment | The Guardian

Processed Meats Declared Too Dangerous for Human Consumption | Natural Health

World's only remaining 'Ghost Car' headed for auction... incredible images of the Plexiglas Pontiac expected to fetch almost $500,000 | Mail Online

Ibuprofen linked to irregular heart rhythm - Telegraph

Who wants to live forever? Scientist sees ageing cured | Reuters

One in three ‘overwhelmed by technology’ - Telegraph

Black macaque takes self-portrait: Monkey borrows photographer's camera | Mail Online

$11 billion treasure revealed beneath temple in India – This Just In - Blogs

American Heritage Library

Are 29 Double-Yolked Eggs Better Than One?

Is the U.N. stealing control of our water (and Republic) right out from under us? « The PPJ Gazette

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Protectors of the Public

Remembering Thomas Jefferson - A Magnificent American

YouTube - ‪Rense & Marti Oakley - Guardianship - Theft, Looting And Murder‏

Devolving America Into Parallel Societies

RunDownVideoPlayer.swf (application/x-shockwave-flash Object)

Amazing Beauty In Nature's Water Droplets

YouTube - ‪David Letterman - Jamie Oliver's Beaver Bit‏

Health Care In Cuba And America

YouTube - ‪Confesiones de una Representante de la Industria Farmacéutica‏


Protect Your Computer and Phone from Illegal Police Searches | Electronic Frontier Foundation’s John Kurtz Jailed | Orlando Copwatch

YouTube - ‪Agenda 21 for lower living standards‏

Wallet 'obsolete in four years' - Telegraph

Greenpeace takes on Monsanto over 'pesticides arms race' - News - The Ecologist

The True Hollywood Story Of How the Left Took Over Your TV » Publications » Family Security Matters

Activist Post: 2011 Independence Day: Declare “emperor's no clothes” facts of US tyranny

YouTube - ‪BLOCKBUSTER REVELATION! - MINI Documentary - Illegal Obama "Propped Up" By Congress!‏

What is the Plain Truth about the Pledge of Allegiance? - Fox Business Video -

Thoughts on July 4th: Our Incredible Shrinking Constitution | This Can't Be Happening

15 Food Companies That Serve You 'Wood' - TheStreet

'Gender-neutral' pre-school accused of mind control - Europe, World - The Independent

Porn: Feminists claim X-rated content is as addictive as cocaine and gambling | Mail Online

CIA Instructions to Media Assets

YouTube - ‪Rense & Robert Hastings - UFOs Took Control Of Our Nukes‏

Iran smuggling weapons to U.S. enemies in Iraq and Afghanistan to destabilize the region | Mail Online

Are These GOP Candidates Running For President of the U.S.—or Israel? | Republic Broadcasting Network

Cell phones ‘don’t cause cancer’: study | The Raw Story

YouTube - ‪Catholic Investigative Agency : The Rockefeller Foundation‏

Roy Tov – Facebook and Chile: Chronicles of a CIA Dictatorship

Did FBI surveillance push Ernest Hemingway to the brink of suicide? | Mail Online

US jail inmate sues over pornography ban - Americas, World - The Independent

YouTube - ‪How your community is implementing AGENDA 21‏

Entitlement Cuts | Barack Obama | Debt Ceiling Deal | The Daily Caller

DeMint would accept 'serious disruptions' to economy in debt debate - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Prison » 16 Reasons To Feel Really Depressed About The Direction That The Economy Is Headed

Paul Drockton M.A.: Jon Huntsman's Chinese Legacy

ALIPAC - Impeach Obama OpEd Banned by The Hill Newspaper

YouTube - ‪The NWO religion is Genetic Diversity‏

The Electric Comet: The Elephant in NASA's Living Room? - Attack on Heterosexuality is Satanism

Hard times generation: Homeless kids - 60 Minutes - CBS News

Independent American Party Deserves Consideration

Independent American Party Fulfills 1844 Prophecy

Jailed for cashing Chase check at Chase bank | Seattle


The Intercept: US News Coverage Focused More on Bin Laden than Japan Earthquake, Libya Uprising, Deadly Tornadoes and Other Major Events

Vietnam Era Weapon Being Used to Clear the Amazon : TreeHugger

Chase Gets Man Thrown In Jail For Fraudulent Check. Except The Check Is Legit. - The Consumerist

Revolutionary Politics : Police Officers Arrest Woman Exposing Corruption Why Are Americans Cowards and Not Help Her?

Revolutionary Politics : Does The Constitution Still Matter?

YouTube - ‪Unbelievable Comment by Dr. Yamashita‏

YouTube - ‪600 Peace Activists to fly to Israel, Incl Agents Provocateurs‏

YouTube - ‪Chalie Veitch, 9/11, And Fracking! Max Igan On The Bob Tuskin Radio Show 1/3‏

YouTube - ‪Chalie Veitch,9/11, And Fracking! Max Igan On The Bob Tuskin Radio Show 2/3‏

YouTube - ‪Chalie Veitch,9/11, And Fracking! Max Igan On The Bob Tuskin Radio Show 3/3‏

YouTube - ‪Google, Yahoo & Facebook Are Hiding Things From You‏

YouTube - ‪The Revolution Has Begun In Europe (Must Watch!)‏

YouTube - ‪Phoenix Dust Storm: Video of Doomsday Scenes in Arizona‏

YouTube - ‪Ayn Rand on Israel and the Middle East‏

The Fed Under Fire: The Federal Reserve Is The Black Hole In American Democracy (Phenomenal 8-Minute Short Film) - Home - The Daily Bail

Planetseeder - Broadcast your self - Hillary Clinton Admits the U.S. Government Created al-Qaeda

Firms pull News of the World ads -

DHS: Prepare For Terror Attacks With Body Cavity Bombs :

PLANET OF THE CHIMPS #2: US Claiming Bombs To Be Implanted In People To Ramp-Up Demeaning TSA Pat Downs At Airports Due To Unacceptable Complaints From The Public

PC Magazine: Are Hacker Attacks Government Operation To Push Internet Censorship Laws?

Anonymous Warns They Have The STUXNET Nuclear Power Plant Computer Virus Source Code

Our Politicians Are Selling Off Pieces Of America To Foreign Investors – And Goldman Sachs Is Helping Them Do It :

Geithner Plunders Retirement Accounts, CEO Pay Skyrockets, The Next Financial Crisis, Bid-Rigging In Foreclosure Auctions, The Mystery $100M ATM Receipt, Afghan Bank Fraud Revealed (20 LINKS) - Home - The Daily Bail

The National Debt Has Increased More Under Tim Geithner Than Under Any Treasury Secretary In U.S. History - Home - The Daily Bail

Did Justice create a false flag operation? |

The Intercept: Will Arizona Be Building New Concentration Camps?

Vatican reports budget surplus for 2010, says worldwide giving down |

A Voice In The Wilderness: You want liberty? This is what it takes…

Propaganda, The News, and What People Believe and Why | Veterans Today

Veterans Still Affected by Increasing Problems, Often Ignored : Federal Jack

Fishy Chips: Spies Want to Hack-Proof Circuits | Danger Room |

JEFF GATES: Imbedded Crises | Intifada Palestine

Activist Post: U.S. claims terrorists planned to implant bombs in passengers; will justify deep body scans - Obama: NASA needs to revamp its mission - World needs $1.9 trillion a year for green technology: UN

China says the U.S. is already defaulting on debt - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency - Landmark US-Mexico trucking agreement resolves 15-year conflict - Yet Another Example Of Human Cruelty: Kitten Tossed from Car, Rescued on Verrazano - “Officer Of The Year” Suspected Of Drug Dealing - As Plastic Reigns, the Treasury Slows Its Printing Presses - Security Tests Begin For Upcoming London 2012 Zion Olympics - Billion-pixel camera set to snap Milky Way shots - U.S. willing to leave 10,000 troops in Iraq past year's end, officials say - Senate abandons authorization of Libya conflict - Princess ‘Tried to Flee Three Times' - Huge rare earth deposits found in Pacific: Japan experts

YouTube - ‪At The Edge of a cliff‏

YouTube - ‪Paul Craig Roberts: Will Strauss-Kahn Be The Next President Of France? 1/2‏

YouTube - ‪Paul Craig Roberts: Will Strauss-Kahn Be The Next President Of France? 2/2‏

*3 Parts: Author Jan Irvin: Mind Control and The Dumbing Down of Society Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» University Offers Bachelor of Arts in Counter-terrorism Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» TSA Searches Woman’s Hair Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Brzezinski: Middle Class Unrest To Hit U.S. Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The cocktail of up to 20 chemicals in a glass of milk | Mail Online

» 16 Reasons To Feel Really Depressed About The Direction That The Economy Is Headed Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Obama Signs Deal to Allow Mexican Truckers Onto U.S. Highways Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» FDA’s scheme would destroy millions of jobs and devastate economy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Perry Breaks With a Fellow Texan: Bush Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

CPS takes custody of 6 kids living with parents in storage shed | Houston

» Outrage over US surveillance base in UK Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Cisco, China Team Up for Surveillance Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Tech Today: Cisco, China Team Up for Surveillance - Digits - WSJ

» 5 Facts About Fluoride to Give Your Water District Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Who wants to live forever? Scientist sees ageing cured | Reuters

Ron Paul vs. the FDA Raw Milk Police

Say Logan tips ignored by cops -

9/11 Zadroga Health Care Law Goes Into Effect | New York Daily News

YouTube - ‪Lyndon LaRouche: War is Globalist Favorite Tool of Choice for Poplutation Reduction 1/4‏

YouTube - ‪Lyndon LaRouche: War is Globalist Favorite Tool of Choice for Poplutation Reduction 2/4‏

YouTube - ‪Lyndon LaRouche: War is Globalist Favorite Tool of Choice for Poplutation Reduction 3/4‏

YouTube - ‪Lyndon LaRouche: War is Globalist Favorite Tool of Choice for Poplutation Reduction 4/4‏

» Anchors Cracks Up Over Man Arrested for Passing Gas Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

YouTube - ‪YouTube Caught Red Handed Censoring Alex Jones!‏

Prison » Europeans Will Face More Airport Body Scanners

We've Attacked Libya With $368 Million Worth of Bombs - Conor Friedersdorf - Politics - The Atlantic

Prison » FDA’s scheme to outlaw nearly all nutritional supplements created after 1994 would destroy millions of jobs and devastate economy

Russia's Lavrov says no end in sight to Libyan conflict | Russia | RIA Novosti

YouTube - ‪Bombing must go on?! 'Human cost too high in Libya'‏

Prison » Armed Citizens confront Nazi Checkpoint

Prison » Paul Joseph Watson: 2011 – World In Crisis

Syria: Amnesty International Says Violent Crackdown May Be Crimes Against Humanity | World News | Sky News

Prison » Monsanto’s Roundup linked to deadly diseases and birth defects, most people have no idea

**Roundup and Birth Defects

Obama under fire over detention of terror suspect on US navy ship | Law | The Guardian

Prison » Outrage as Germany ‘sells’ 200 tanks to Saudi regime

Prison » Why Do the Police Have Tanks? The Strange and Dangerous Militarization of the US Police Force

Prison » Is the Internet Re-Wiring Our Brains?

Prison » Egypt vs IMF: Time to Default?

Prison » The Coming “New World Order” Revolution: How Things Will Change In The Next 20 Years – A Kondratieff Cycle Perspective

Prison » ATF Director: Holder Obstructing ‘Fast and Furious’ Probe

Prison » Calif. Bill: Public Schools Must Teach Gay History in Social Studies

White House Mum on When Obama Learned of DOJ's Gun-Running Scheme |

The green tax con: Climate change levies are swallowed up by Treasury | Mail Online

Prison » Geocaching treasure hunt leads to UK bomb scare

Prison » Now it’s dust storms that are caused by “climate change”

The Associated Press: FBI: No Oklahoma City bombing videos found

ATF Director: Holder Obstructing ‘Fast and Furious’ Probe -

China says the U.S. is already defaulting on debt - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Pakistani Panel Bars Bin Laden Family From Leaving

Fort Hood Commander Refers Hasan to Court-Martial

Facebook Video Chat Officially Launches

Space Shuttle Launch: Final NASA Mission Set to Study Bone Loss

Hugo Chavez Leads Military Parade Following Announcement of Cancer Diagnosis

David Attenborough's Garden Skull Mystery Solved

Jamie Foxx To Star In New Quentin Tarantino Film

Hackers Are Everywhere. Panic! | John C. Dvorak |

Nation & World | Indian tribes welcome much-maligned FEMA homes | Seattle Times Newspaper » America for Sale: Is Goldman Sachs Buying Your City?

Big Banks Find Cash Storing Commodities -

YouTube - ‪This is Mutiny | City Council & Chief of Police Override Mayor‏

A History of Government Management of UFO Perceptions through Film and Television

Top 10 Most Sinister PSYOPS Mission Patches

Who is Baphomet?

MTV’s Baphomet & All-Seeing Eye Ad (video)

Newscaster Says Republican Party is…Satanic (video)

Alien encounters ‘within twenty years’

FOX News Discusses the New World Order and the Global Elite (video)

Kurzweil: A Future of Humans Merged With Machines (video)

Japan’s newest popstar outed as CGI creation

Aleister Crowley: His Elite Ties and His Legacy

Origins and Techniques of Monarch Mind Control

The Mysterious Connection Between Sirius and Human History

School surveillance: how big brother spies on pupils

Liquid Medicine: Controversial Call to Add Lithium to Drinking Water for “Mental Health”

(The 25 Rules of Disinformation

+10 ways ‘the police state’ tracks you

- Naming Names : Your Real Government | The Vigilant Citizen

Major cuts to Social Security, Medicare are on the table

Jindal compares abortion-seeking women to criminals

Obama town hall ignores pot legalization questions

Prison inmates replace union workers in Racine, Wisc.

The Afghan War after bin Laden

The US Must End its Illegal War in Libya Now

Outrage as Germany 'Sells' 200 Tanks to Saudi Regime

Terror "Suspect" Secretly Held And Interrogated By US

TSA Porno Scanners – the Height of U.S. Paranoia?

TSA Abuses and Failures

The Powers of Manipulation: Islam as a Geopolitical Tool to Control the Middle East

The Strange Silencing of Liberal America

Killing Old People Is Fiscally Responsible

Risk-Free And Above The Law: U.S. Globalizes Drone Warfare

Student Learning and Teachers' Performance in America

BREAKING NEWS: Mounting Evidence that Dominique Strauss Kahn was Framed

The “War On Terror” Is A $6 Trillion Racket, Exceeding The Total Cost Of World War II

How to Save the U.S. Labor Movement

Taliban Denies Peace Talks With US

Another US War for al-Qaeda

Ron Paul on Belarus 'Democracy'

Everyone P-P-Panic! Al-Qaeda Is Sewing Bombs Into People!

Frustration With Army Has Egyptians Back on Street

Jiang Zemin Death Rumors Spark China Web Crackdown

Russia to Submit Arctic Claim to UN Next Year

Venezuelans Ponder Life Without Chavez

» Brzezinski: Middle Class Unrest To Hit U.S. Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Checklist: America meets 90% of Karl Marx's demands

Obama’s ineligibility: A Congress of cowards

Illuminati Use Socialism to Buy Complicty - David Icke Website - Illuminati Use Socialism to Buy Complicity

US farmers fear the return of the Dust Bowl - Telegraph

Obama to extend help for unemployed homeowners to 12 months -

Denver Now Has More Marijuana Dispensaries Than It Does Starbucks

Focus turns on cast of characters as Casey Anthony trial ends | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

Rhonda Hollander, Florida Traffic Magistrate, Busted For Taking Pictures Of Men In Court Bathroom

The Scientific Dictatorship, Natural Law and the Abolition of Man | Old-Thinker News

YouTube - ‪President Obama Executive Order 13575 Rural Councils‏

YouTube - ‪NGOs and Foundation Funding: Who watches the "watchdogs"?‏

Google Takes Down Over 11 Million CO.CC Sites

Activist Post: Ron Paul on Orwellian "Democratization" Statement on H.R. 515, the Belarus Democracy Reauthorization Act of 2011

Activist Post: Wisconsin Replaces Union Workers with Prison Inmates (Video)

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Kurtz Seeks Appeal on Misdemeanor Convictions | Orlando Copwatch

Ryan Tweets Challenge to Obama: Debate Me on Debt Crisis

Judiciary Committee Launches Probe of Kagan’s Involvement in Obamacare

White House Mum on When Obama Learned of DOJ's Gun-Running Scheme

Casey Anthony May Be Freed in Late July, Early August

U.S. Voices Dismay Over Report That Iranian Christian Faces ‘Convert or Die’ Choice

Hoyer: Republicans Opposed to Tax Increases in Debt Deal Are Like ‘Sunshine Patriots'

Court Orders Immediate Halt to Gay Military Ban

DOJ 'Distorted Truth and Obstructed Our Investigation' in Guns-to-Mexico Probe, Lawmakers Say

Obama Takes ATF Gun-Running Operation ‘Very Seriously,’ Spokesman Says

Ben Shapiro: Should We Abolish the Jury System?

Fort Hood Shooting Suspect Will Face Death Penalty

Veteran Duckworth to File to Run for Congress

Elizabeth Smart to Work as ABC Commentator

Missing Dog Found 7 Years Later

Vatican Opens Archives for Unprecedented Exhibit

Pakistan’s Military Attacks Terrorist Stronghold Near Afghanistan

Arizona border security to get an upgrade

Father spoke of having Obama adopted

Justice Dept. denies cover-up in gunrunning probe

‘Caylee’s Law’ would require parents to report missing children

Stalemate on Hill grants Obama free hand on Libya

Sens. Warner, Webb introduce bill to lift drilling moratorium

Pawlenty co-chairman: Bachmann will be 'very hard to beat' in Iowa

U.S., Mexico sign cross-border trucking deal, tariffs fall

Child Protective Services rules removes children from their home -- a storage shed

Dog poo from Arizona dog park will be used to fuel streetlight

Prosecutor in Casey Anthony Case Says 'Jurors Didn't See What I Saw'

Sen. Lindsey Graham pushes Boeing fight as 2012 campaign issue

Founder of Pakistan’s nuclear-bomb program says NKorea paid for access to technology

Museums offer a revealing look at underwear through the ages

Lieberman: US and Obama Must Move 'Boldly' on Debt

Kyl: GOP Agrees to Up to $200B in New Revenues

As GOP Shows Flexibility, Obama Adopts Hard Tone

Murdoch Shutting UK Tabloid in Hacking Scandal

Casey Anthony to Be Released Next Week

Obama Appoints First Open Gay to West Point Board

Family Leader Head Touts Pledge on Social Issues

Obama, First Lady, Biden Are Fundraising Goliaths

NATO Denies Trying to Aid Libyan Rebels' Advance

China State Media Dismiss Reports of Jiang's Death

Buffett: US Playing Russian Roulette With Debt Limit

4 Signs Your Heart May Be In Trouble

Fat-Cell Conversion Could Curb Diabetes

Revamp Convoluted Tax Code With Flat Tax

Obama, Turn to Bill Clinton for Answers on the Economy

Obama Blames Anemic Recovery on Republicans

Guilt of Casey Anthony Not Proven

Not Enough to Convict Casey Anthony

Obama, Lawmakers Start High Stakes Debt Talks

President Obama Hosts Twitter 'Town Hall' on Economy

The Casey Anthony Verdict: Jurors Did the Right Thing by William L. Anderson

Did The Kennedy Speech on No Secret Societies Seal His Fate? by Ben Norris

Number One? 20 Not So Good Categories That the United States Leads the World In

Restoring Liberty With Three Short Laws by Gary North

Would I Compromise to Carry a Gun Legally? I Already Do by Greg Perry

The Day QE2 Ended by Bill Bonner

How to deal with Flash Mobs | The Modern Survivalist

Three Disabling Diseases You Can Cure Without Medicine. by Dr. Cynthia Koelker -

Cutting back on salt 'dosn't make you healthier' | Mail Online

A Sea Change Coming to Wash Your Shoes Away | Mark's Daily Apple

Become a Stand-Up Guy: The History, Benefits, and Use of Standing Desks | The Art of Manliness

16 Reasons To Feel Really Depressed About The Direction That The Economy Is Headed

Brzezinski: Middle Class Unrest To Hit U.S.

Mexican National Inmate on Death Row Creates International Stir -

A Rush To Judgement In The Anthony And Strauss-Kahn Cases?

Protect IP Act Gives Government Power to Seize Websites On a Whim

Money Sorcery: Bankers vs. Freedom

Your Edible Landscape: Preparing Wild Food For Your Table

NATO War Crimes: Depleted Uranium Found in Libya by Scientists

YouTube - ‪Feds'Deconfliction.wmv‏

Seeking Protection From West Nile Virus

YouTube - ‪Is the Internet Re-wiring Our Brains?‏

Russian FSB Boss: Internet a Haven for Terrorists


Gold Nanoparticles Bring Scientists Closer To A Treatment For Cancer | Before It's News

15 Tips To Prevent Diabetes | Before It's News

New Force Driving Earth's Tectonic Plates: 'Hot Spots' Of Plume From Deep Earth Could Propel Plate Motions Around Globe Discover Scripps Researchers | Before It's News

+3 Major Reasons To Use Facebook For Blog Promotion | Before It's News - Illuminati Use Socialism to Buy Complicity

9/11: As It Happened On The Ground | Before It's News

Barack Hussein Obama Has Not Produced Anything But a Forged Document| The Post & Email

5 Reasons China's Bubble Will Burst | Before It's News

Small Scale Wind Power Getting More Airplay | Before It's News

Gabrielle Giffords Shocking Past Exposed! | Before It's News

KNOW YOUR ENEMY - And His Plan. | Before It's News

Is Comet Elenin an incoming spacecraft heralding a New Age? - Honolulu exopolitics |

UN Warns of "A Major Planetary Catastrophe" | Before It's News

'Creepy Secrets' Of Disneyland Revealed | Before It's News

FBI Official to Federal Judge: OKC Bombing Videotapes Might Have Been Misfiled, Impossible to Know Where | Before It's News

Suicide Comet Heading Straight For The Sun ? ... | Before It's News

Bin Laden 'Traitors' Arrested as Spies in Pakistan | Gather

Biological Chemicals Dumped On You! | Before It's News

Large Scale Construction In Antarctic | Before It's News

Avoiding the blogger's fatigue through simple changes | Before It's News

Bernie Sanders: Americans Think it's Insane to do Deficit Reduction on the Backs of the Working Class and Poor

Kathy Griffin to Michele Bachmann: Were You Born A Bigot Or Did You Grow Into It?

Taking a Side

Rupert Murdoch's News Corp: Stories You Won't Hear On Fox News

Everything I Know About the Founding Fathers I Learned from Republicans

Paul Ryan's response to David Brooks is gibberish to all but Randian ears

To no one's surprise, Exxon/Mobil was lying about the severity of the Yellowstone River oil spill

Calls Grow for Investigation into Murdoch's News of the World Phone-Hacking

Oh Yes, Dems Do Plan To Make The Grand Bargain On Social Security Cuts

The Audacity of Hypocrisy

Republicans Fail the Reagan Litmus Test

Atlanta test scores scandal, Beverly Hall, and Michelle Rhee

Dash cam video shows DUI arrest of Ohio Republican lawmaker

Rupertgate - The Smoking Phone.

Frank Schaeffer: Bachmann's Christianity Radical Even for Evangelicals

Paul Ryan thinks voters will go for his Medicare-killing budget plan if it's just sold right

David Cay Johnston: Republicans Might be Willing to Tank the Economy to Make a Political Point

'News of The World' is Closing Down: The Fall of Rupertgate UPDATED

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – July 6th, 2011

The Alex Jones Show – July 6th, 2011

The Alex Jones Show – July 5th, 2011

YouTube - ‪7/5/11 Independence Day Adventures, Photography is a Crime Now!‏

YouTube - ‪7/6/11 A Quagmire we can believe in, China's Spring and the 1st Great War of the 21st Century‏

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – July 5th, 2011

Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – July 6th, 2011

Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – July 5th, 2011

*4 Part/Max Igan – ECETI Interview – July 5th, 2011 |

*3 Part/Max Igan on the Bob Tuskin Show – July 4th, 2011 |

YouTube - ‪Airline Security Risk, Debris to Hit U.S., Ron Paul in 2012‏

YouTube - ‪ACTION ALERT: MSNBC Excludes Ron Paul‏

YouTube - ‪Secret Federal Reserve Location Revealed‏

YouTube - ‪BREAKING: Arrested for Exposing Corruption‏

YouTube - ‪Obama Birth Billboard, Protect IP Act, FDA Executing Codex?‏

YouTube - ‪ELECTION 2012: On the Trail with Gary Johnson‏

YouTube - ‪Fox News Cyberattack, Body Scanner Cancer, Minnesota Shutdown‏

U.S. links Pakistan’s ISI to journalist killing: report | The Raw Story

YouTube - ‪'War is a war even if they call it a humanitarian mission'‏

Justice Department Obstructing 'Fast and Furious' Gun Probe, ATF Director Says

Ron Paul vs. the FDA Raw Milk Police

Looking at Ken Lay and the Lack of Financial Crisis Cases -

Wrights joins call to end to U.S. militarism

The Corporation & Personhood

The Racist Party ... It's Not Who You Think!

Debbie Schlussel:Faouzi Ayoub: Hezbollah Muslim Terrorist Caught in Israel Bombing; Then Feds Let Him Work @ Dearbornistan Mkt

Debbie Schlussel:BEST. SPORTS. STORY. EVER: Men Invade Women’s Poker Tournament

Debbie Schlussel:Sean Hannity: “I’m Looking for the Real Killers,” Not Casey Anthony

Debbie Schlussel:HILARIOUS Video: What The Hell Happened to the History Channel?

Debbie Schlussel:A Jury of Morons: O.J. Simpson Jury Finds Its White Counterpart

Debbie Schlussel:Keep Women Out of the Navy SEALs!: TV Show Pimps Us on SEAL Feminism

YouTube - ‪Raw Video: Fireworks at Mt. Rushmore‏

Citizen U.S.A. The Reality

Political Bumper Stickers: Be Kind To Your Vehicle’s Backside

China’s Second Great Leap Forward

United in Hate vs. United We Stand

Does History Repeat Itself?

Inhofe: Obama EPA’s Transport Rule Latest Impediment to Job Growth

The Obama Legacy

Twitter Townhall: Another Case of Obama’s ‘For Thee But Not For Me’ Events

Obama and his aides on top of the world - American workers in the toilet

Obama’s Legacy

We are the Promised Land of Christianity

The Tipping Point: Embracing the Muslim Brotherhood

A New Declaration of Independence for a New Revolution

E-Verify and the Emerging Surveillance State

Campaign 2012: Are We Over 'The Black Thing' Yet?

The Bitter Fruit of Caylee's Death

Obama's Underhanded Budget Endgame

Moderates? We Don't Need No Stinking Moderates!

Lynching Palin, Cain, West, and Bachmann

Western Intelligence: Iran Helping Gaddafi in Confrontation with NATO

BATF Head Melson Implicates DOJ In Surprise July 4th Testimony

The Animal Rights Extremists Nearing Victory in California

A Democrat's 'Two Minutes Hate'?

Kyle says GOP senate caved on tax increases

After The Palestinians Declare Statehood

Fareed Zakaria Offers Advice, Consent to Obama

Smartest president ever gets lost in the weeds

Will Obama invoke the 14th amendment on debt limit?

Who's Responsible for the Government Schools Cheating Scandals?

Worse than any czar, Warren building independent fiefdom at CFPB

Tax increases or massive defense cuts?

Too Hot for Holder

Democrats Unveil the Weapon of the Future

ICE Memo Reveals new Obama Administration Plan to Incentivize Illegal Immigrants

Obama's Class Warfare Harms America

Birther Card: Coulter's Turn

In a Death Penalty Case, Texas Battles Mexico, Washington (and the World)

The Af-Pak Theatre

Noam Chomsky Gets Half a Clue

'Dreamers' and the Illegal Nightmare

A National Security Apparatus in Decline

Top US Space Expert Issues Catastrophic Warning On Comet Elenin

Casey Anthony Child Murder Verdict Proves American Insanity

Hawaiian Star Gate Opens After ‘Black Knight’ Satellite Activated

Video - Pentagon Eugenics Alter DNA breed out Religious impulses via FunVax Vaccinations and amp Aerosol Spraying

The CHANGE Your Founders Believed In - Part I

The CHANGE Your Founders Believed In - Part II

Nation & World | U.S. funds south's army in Sudan amid fears of atrocities | Seattle Times Newspaper

Landmark US-Mexico trucking agreement resolves 15-year conflict -

Groundhog Day: An Oil Giant Spins a Spill - Ecocentric -

America Set to Suffer Continued Flooding Through Summer – climate change and environmental news

U.S. Fort Calhoun nuclear plant flooded

Russia accuses Nato of 'expanding' UN Libya resolution - Africa, World - The Independent

Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Prepper Dad? Even Robert Kiyosaki Is Warning That an Economic Collapse Is Coming


7-Jul-11 World View

6-Jul-11 World View


**'9/11: In Plane Sight' - Director's Cut of Documentary Film


Update: Casey Anthony Will Be Freed From Prison Next Wednesday | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Wild New Video: Youths Fire on Dallas Reporter, Police Using Fireworks | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Casey Anthony Sentenced to 4 Years, But Could Go Free in a Month | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Fox Head Murdoch Shutting Down UK‘s ’News of the World’ Tabloid Amid Phone Hacking Scandal | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Need to Save Money on Your Grocery Bill? How About ‘Extreme Couponing?’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Debt Ceiling: Cato Institute Says $2 Trillion in ‘Cuts’ Will Increase Spending by $1.8 Trillion | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

UN’s Expert on Palestine Publishes Anti-Semitic Cartoon, Deletes It, Denies It, Then Apologizes | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Update: Homeland Security Dept. Now Claims Israel Was Erroneously Included on Terror List | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Bill Clinton Compares Proposed GOP Voting Laws to Racist Jim Crow Measures | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Did Nation of Islam Help Cover Up Murder of ‘Notorious’ Rapper? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Could an American Pub Hold the Secret to Catching a Picasso Thief? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Dick Morris: Obama Is Losing Jewish Voters, ‘Too Biased Against Israel’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Report: Kidnap Victim Elizabeth Smart to Report on Missing Persons Cases for ABC | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Fake Claim: Huge California Gold Nugget Turns Out to Actually Be From Australia | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Casey Anthony Jurors ‘Sick to Stomach’ Over Verdict | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Newly Released Audio of Southwest Airlines Pilot: ‘We’ve Lost the Cabin’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Update: Atheists Threaten to Sue Over ‘Seven in Heaven’ Street Sign Honoring 9/11 Heros | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Food Companies, GOP Fear ‘Extraordinary Pressure From the Federal Gov’t’ Over Junk Food Guidelines | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Geraldo Slams HLN’s Nancy Grace…but Grace Posts Record Ratings | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Is A Russian-Trained, Chinese Sculptor The Best Choice To Create The MLK Jr. Memorial? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Food Companies, GOP Fear ‘Extraordinary Pressure From the Federal Gov’t’ Over Junk Food Guidelines | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Flash in the Pan? Keith Olbermann’s Ratings Drop 30% by Second Week! | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

GOP Leaders Blast Obama for Bringing Somali Terrorist to Civilian Court | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Update: Can Australian Police Look Under Muslim Veil? New Law Says Yes | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Obama’s White House Staffers Salary Freeze Lie | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

BBC to Air ‘Life of Muhammad’ Doc, Iran Responds Saying ‘Enemy’ Trying to ‘Ruin Muslims’ Sanctity’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Twitter Town Hall: Obama Calls Boehner‘s Tweeted Question ’Slightly Skewed’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Stunning Time-Lapse Video of Australian Night Sky | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Canned: CNN Cancels Eliot Spitzer’s Show, Announces Lineup Changes | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

flashback:Dalai Lama Trots Past White House Trash -

US lawmakers to rally behind Dalai Lama - Yahoo! Singapore Finance

Casey Anthony sentencing: Casey Anthony leaving jail July 13 -

Local Woman Envisions Mobile Breastfeeding Truc - Flash Player Installation

Girl ends life to donate eyes to dad - Times Of India

Picasso Thief Suspect Arrested | NBC Bay Area

Astronomers Observe Colossal Saturn Storm « CBS - Flash Player Installation

Prince William and Kate Middleton Visit California -

Griz sow kills man in Yellowstone Park | Great Falls Tribune |

Thieves Steal Hundreds Of Gallons Of Gas From U - Flash Player Installation

Thieves In Chatham Targeting Air Conditioners « - Flash Player Installation

Landmark US-Mexico trucking agreement resolves 15-year conflict -

Judiciary Committee Launches Probe of Kagan’s Involvement in Obamacare |

White House seeks delay of Mexican man's execution | huntsville, mexican, seeks - Brownsville Herald

UK police warn lawyer in Princess Diana death inquest his voicemails may have been hacked - Yahoo! News

Obama's Mission to Mars... Or Something Short of It -

Eric Holder must explain 'Fast & Furious'--Michael Walsh -

Justice Department Obstructing 'Fast and Furious' Gun Probe, ATF Director Says -

EDITORIAL: Obama plays hide the Somali - Washington Times

Shuttle's end hits Houston in ego more than wallet - Florida Wires -

The American Spectator : Bob Gates' Legacy

ACORN Funding | Taxpayer Cash | Barack Obama | The Daily Caller

U.S., Mexico sign trucking agreements - World Report - World -

Opinion: Putting reelection ahead of nation’s woes - Frank Donatelli -

Terrorism suspect: Terrorism suspect Ahmed Abdulkadir Warsame held in secret detention -

Sen. McConnell criticizes handling of Somali terrorism case -

Fort Hood suspect will face death penalty - Washington Times

Flynn calls looting, beatings in Riverwest barbaric - JSOnline

'Terrified': To Catch a Predator host who was 'caught cheating on his wife sent explicit photos to his mistress' | Mail Online

Mexican National Inmate on Death Row Creates International Stir -

Inside Fights | Brock Lesnar Humiliation Makes Case for Boxing

» Our president in his early daze

Obama calls debt talks ‘constructive,’ invites parties to reconvene Sunday - The Washington Post

10 Top Google+ Users Weigh In on the Web's Newest Social Network

Judge won't delay accused underwear bomber trial | Reuters

Obama’s political machine meddles with GOP race, attacking Romney and others - The Washington Post

Debt Talks Turn to Social Security Cuts - Bloomberg

Morning Jay: Why Won't the GOP Agree to a Tax Increase? | The Weekly Standard

Klavan On The Culture » The Real Flame-Throwers

The Twitter Zone -

Defense spending: The Army's next big fight will be protecting its budget from Leon Panetta and the pols. - By Fred Kaplan - Slate Magazine

Is Russian 'Reset' Worth Kicking Allies To Curb? -

Is the Justice Department covering up 'Fast and Furious'? | Examiner Editorial | Opinion | Washington Examiner

Romney's Right: It Is Worse Now -

The Star’s editorial | Close tax loopholes and raise the debt ceiling -

Doyle McManus: President Obama's team sees clear path to victory -

‘Alibi Obama’ is ripe for takedown -

Taxes and Billionaires -

Columnists | Obama's debt plan fails the truth test | The Detroit News

RealClearPolitics - Tea Partiers Are Making Debt Deal Complicated

Liberal Fears Threaten Justice Ginsburg’s Job: Stephen L. Carter - Bloomberg

There has been no global warming since 1998 – Telegraph Blogs

Alan M. Dershowitz: Casey Anthony—The System Worked -

Eliot Spitzer CNN Show 'In the Arena' Canceled: Former Governor’s Swan Song - The Daily Beast

The Impact of Clean Energy Innovation

America's Energy Security Options

Smart Grid: Is natural gas an enemy to the smart grid?

HEARD ON THE STREET: America's Newfound Energy -

The Tyee – Shale Gas Gives No Emissions Edge over Coal

Natural Gas Taking America's Electric Power Sector by Storm | Nathanael Baker

The three fundamentalisms of the American right - War Room -

"Pacem in Terris": The Church Is Neither Republican Nor Democrat

Eunomia » Mormonism and 2012

Mexican priest dies after being caught in cartel-military crossfire | The Christian Century

Hugo Chávez keeps the faith | Hugh O'Shaughnessy | Comment is free |

What is Aggadah, and How to Read It » Main Feature » Jewish Ideas Daily

The gospel of radical submission | Joel J. Miller

A Premature Spring

Martin Wolf - Moment of Truth for the Euro Zone - CNBC

Lebanon news - NOW Lebanon -Isolationist America? Not quite

Opinion: Keeping up with Mideast changes - Barbara Slavin -

Kidnap Capital - By Elizabeth Dickinson | Foreign Policy

A Historical Perspective on Defense Budgets

Stop searching for an Obama Doctrine - The Washington Post

Assimilation’s Failure, Terrorism’s Rise -

LEE: China's exports don't fuel boom - Washington Times

RealClearWorld - Top 5 Pro-Russia Countries - Sphere of Influence

The Hindu : Opinion / Lead : America's secret romance with Islamism

New Statesman - Leader: For too long, public figures have lived in fear of Murdoch

Candour at last - The Times of India

gulfnews : Taliban must be included in Afghan politics

Economy, Tom Petruno: Economy muddles along — and that might have to be enough for now -

RealClearMarkets - Lies, Damned Lies and Job Statistics

The next, worse financial crisis Brett Arends' ROI - MarketWatch

Our view: Ignore whining of 'too big to fail' bankers -

RealClearMarkets - No Regulation Without Representation

Big Business Leaves a Deficit Plan to the Politicians -

These industries are dead; who wins? - This is Insane! - MarketWatch

All…Platforms…Die Leigh Drogen

The 5 Questions I Want Obama to Answer - Derek Thompson - Business - The Atlantic

What will replace the dollar as global currency? Matthew Lynn's London Eye - MarketWatch

The coming economic catastrophe: Why do we still listen to free-market ideologues? - By Joseph E. Stiglitz - Slate Magazine

Can A Virulent Strain Of Keynesianism Actually Be Cured? - Louis Woodhill - Unconventional Logic - Forbes

How Calvin Coolidge Saved the Income Tax: Echoes - Bloomberg

For Small Businesses, 'Stimulus' Is A Joke -

The Tea Party and Goldman Sachs: A Love Story | The Nation

RealClearMarkets - How to Create Jobs Without Spending a Dime

[Folder Name]

Researchers: Bananas too inbred to fight disease - Science Fair: Science and Space News -

How Science Fell Short in Anthony Case : Discovery News

Scientists unearth fossil of SUV-sized wombat -

BBC News - New solution can help 'permanently get rid of germs'

The Cola Test | Conservation Magazine

Woman Boss May Lower Men’s Pay, Prestige - Miller-McCune

Beauty is in the brain of the beholder | Not Exactly Rocket Science | Discover Magazine

Simple minds: How animals think - life - 06 July 2011 - New Scientist

Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia Go To College | Fast Company

You are what you tweet: Tracking public health trends by Twitter : Johns Hopkins University – The Gazette

Mushroom lights up the night in Brazil | Science Codex

Discovering the bigger picture in chromosomes: Research team finds similarities in genomes across multiple species; platypus still out of place

ESA - Space Science - Eye of Gaia: billion-pixel camera to map Milky Way

BBC Nature - Male black widow spiders sniff out cannibal females

Star Caught Eating Another Star, X-Ray Flare Shows

Evolutionary conundrum of the day: Single-celled organisms kill themselves » Scienceline

Matt J. Rossano: Are Infinities More Scientific Than God?

Which Animals Are Ticklish? | The Tickle Responses: Gargalesis and Knismesis | Ticklishness In Sharks, Apes and Rats | Life's Little Mysteries

Pain molecule find could take the sting out of sunburn - health - 06 July 2011 - New Scientist

Going Up? : Starts With A Bang

NASA's Shuttle Program Cost $209 Billion — Was it Worth It? | NASA & Space Shuttle Program | Mars & Space Exploration |

Cosmic Log - Microbe could make biofuels hot

Adventures in scientific nuclear diplomacy | Print Edition - Physics Today

Searching For Fractals May Help Cancer Cell Testing | Research - ISNS

The bare-faced truth about big fat liars - Science, News - The Independent

Genetic Modification Fixes Inbred Bananas - Blog

Oral Arguments Ordered on Whether Loughner Can Be Forcibly Medicate -

Stem cell research and use in veterinary medicine

Autism Linked to SSRI Antidepressant Use | ThirdAge

'Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows, Part 2': Early Reviews Are In! - MTV Movie News| MTV

The Clicker - Clicky bits: Sheen hopes CBS feels the heat on roast night

'Captain America' overseas | Inside Movies |

Phone hacking scandal closes News of the World - The Washington Post

Civilization World Beta Now Open to All Facebook Users | News & Opinion |

Google+ invites re-open to double user base - Computerworld

Spacecraft eyes raging storm, lightning on Saturn | KEPR CBS 19 - News, Weather and Sports - Pasco, WA | - Pasco, Washington | Technology

MediaPost Publications Google+ Profiles For Businesses Coming Soon 07/07/2011

‘Hot Spots’ Of Plume Driving Earth’s Plate Tectonics - Irish Weather Online

News of the World closes: News of the World shuts down amid hacking scandal -

Yellowstone grizzly attack: Why did it happen? -

Buffett Blasts Washington for 'Silly' Game of 'Russian Roulette' - CNBC

E.P.A. Sets New Standards for Coal-Burning Plants -

Man Fights U.S. Treasury over $80 Million in Rare Coins | Moneyland |

Oil stays above $98 after inventory data Futures Movers - MarketWatch

Local News | State fruit growers pleased by agreement with Mexico | Seattle Times Newspaper

Obama admits misstep on housing, extends help to jobless homeowners - The Washington Post

South Sudan Puts on Dress Rehearsal for Independence | News | English

Muslim Brotherhood to join Tahrir Square demonstration | World news |

Creative Chinese skirt censors to search for Uncle Jiang | Reuters

Georgian photojournalists arrested for spying | Reuters

Redirect Notice

Civilian casualties alleged in Afghanistan - The Washington Post

Canada heads for Afghan exit - Hindustan Times

Thailand’s First Female PM Prepares to Take Office | Asia | English

Lateline - 07/07/2011: Belarus KGB arrests protestors for clapping

Taliban Blamed in Deadly Attacks on Afghan Border Police -

Russia Bans Vegetables Seeds From Egypt Over E. Coli Fears | Europe | English

Another one bites the dust - Hindustan Times

7.6-magnitude earthquake hits off New Zealand's Kermadec Islands; tsunami warning issued

Charges filed in 1993 slaying of Glenview teen -

Quinn inks measure beefing up county control over boards and commissions - Courier News

Whittaker Chambers, Communism, And Islam

Military Cemetery Dug Up In Russia To Build Playground

Why We Have Enemies

Qaddafi Arrest Warrants Issued – Who’s Unhappy?

Denmark’s Border Controls Called A ‘European Crisis’

Jihad In Sudan Redux

Kincaid Conference: Traitors, Spies and Terrorists; Eric Holder Resign NOW!

Audio:Mark Helprin: Fighting America’s Enemies

‘Blasphemy, Blasphemy Mucho’*—Islamintern Denounces Islamo-realistic Free Speech in Holland

Syrian Army Surrounds Fourth Largest City

Rare Earth Minerals, Japan, and National Security Implications

Terrorists May Put Bomb Implants Inside Humans

Senate deal would axe $6 billion ethanol tax credit

U.S. ambassador in Hama to support Syria protesters

Obama expects "bottom lines" on debt limit on Sunday

Obama calls meeting with leaders 'constructive'

Park rangers: No search for bear that mauled hiker

Senators propose immediate end to ethanol credit

Rights of Somali suspect may pose issue: U.S. judge

200 News of the World employees to be laid off

Violence in Pakistan's Karachi kill nearly 50

MKs leave NATO seminar during Iranian's speech

PM commends Bulgarian history in bid for diplomatic support

Man accused of killing Ashton Kutcher's former girlfriend faces charges in Chicago

Obama seeks broad deal on entitlements, tax code in debt talks

Breitbart to Appear in Sorkin’s HBO Pilot; MSNBC Nixes Matthews’s Cameo

Casey Anthony: The Burden of Proof in a ‘Law and Order’ World

Kim Kardashian Tweets Wrong Dates for L.A. Highway Closure to Eight Million Followers, But I Blame the Mayor

Man Recites Bill Pullman’s Speech from ‘Inedependence Day’ All Over New York City

*Yawn*: Conan Tweets Palin-and-Bachmann-Are-Dumb Joke

Letterman Jokes About Bachmann’s ‘Ass’

Review: British Comics Coogan and Brydon Take Viewers on a ‘Trip’ Worth Taking

Jackie Mason: Obama One of Three Worst Presidents in History

In defense of HBO's "unnecessary" nudity - Game of Thrones -

The Summer the Audience Hated Everything |

US music sales rise for first time since 2004

Should Convicted Politicians Keep Their Tax-Payer Funded Government Pension?

*Audio:The Bluegrass State’s Battle with Medicaid Costs

Nobel Prize Winner Rejects Big Government Socialism

Republican Senators Introduce Bill for Healthcare Freedom for Seniors

Introducing Stengel-gate: I Write a Letter to David Eisner, President and Chief Executive Officer of the National Constitution Center

Fast and Furious: ATF Head Melson Implicates DOJ In Surprise July 4th Testimony

Why the Budgetary Game Is a Big Taxpayer Scam

Which Was Worse: Watergate or Operation ‘Fast and Furious’?

Report: DNC Courts Gore to Challenge Obama

Utility Acknowledges Millions in Ratepayer Charges to Pay for Green Gestures

I’m Willing to Go Along with President Obama’s ‘Balanced Approach’ to Deficit Reduction, but Only if We Use Honest Math

Gary Sinise Says 9/11 Inspired Him to Support America’s Military

Constitutional Conservatism Is Ready for Prime Time

‘Amazon’ Tax: California Budget Gimmickry Fail

A $79,819 Grant to ACORN Offshoot in Apparent Violation of ACORN Funding Ban

Audio:The Devilish Details of a Debt Ceiling Deal

New Questions Arise Over Who Paid Wisconsin Dem Senators’ Expenses

Washington Post: ‘Misinformation and Outright Lies About Climate Change’

The Oil Blundercrats: President Obama and the IEA

Obama Administration Issues $79,819 Grant to ACORN Offshoot in Apparent Violation of ACORN Funding Ban | Judicial Watch

News of the World Shutting Down Amid Hacking Sandal

Stengel-gate Update: Letter to David Eisner, Head of the National Constitution Center

David Axelrod: Lincoln Built an “Intercontinental Railroad”

Newsweek : White House Intimidation of NBC ‘Reprehensible’

Retraction Request: Reuters Erroneously Reports GOP Tax Hike Deal

Reuters Fabricates GOP Compromise on Tax Hikes

Liberal Media Renders Bachmann’s Virtue Moot

Sound Bite For the Day: “Suicide Bombers,” “Wahhabis of American Government”

CNN Cancels Eliot Spitzer’s “In the Arena”

Media Matters’ David Brock Looking for a Cheerleader Says Psychiatrist

Why Gallup’s Analysis of Jewish Voters Obama Approval is Dishonest

David Brooks Writes the Mother of All Nonsense

Sound Bite For the Day: “They’re Trying to Ruin People’s Lives”

In Twitter Town Hall, Obama Tweets His Way into 2012 - Ethan Klapper -

The Hollywood Revolt, Part 1: Ben Shapiro’s Explosive Primetime Propaganda Exposes Leftist Anti-Intellectualism

The Hollywood Revolt, Part 2: Roger L. Simon Turning Right and Breaking the Silence

The Hollywood Revolt, Part 3: Boomer David Mamet Discovers The Secret Knowledge

The Hollywood Revolt, Part 4: Andrew Breitbart Unleashes His Righteous Gen-X Indignation

He's baaack! Van Jones getting cozy with Pelosi, House Dems

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Obama's 'fruitless' debt meeting;Rep. Black: Prez must 'face reality' that GOP won't allow tax increases


*ARTICLE LINKS: Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


WND RADIO WND Exclusive Bureaucratic amnesty for illegals ;Sen. Vitter: Memo from ICE promotes ideas of failed DREAM Act

'Nazi' police 'kidnap' woman at town hall

Checklist: America meets 90% of Karl Marx's demands

Look who's doing Libyan rebels' bidding in Washington

Obama adviser speaks alongside defender of WTC bombers

Former impeachment manager James Rogan on Fox Business

Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms Chief Ken Melson Comes Clean on ATF Gun Investigation - ABC News

Judiciary Committee Launches Probe of Kagan’s Involvement in Obamacare |

Glenn Beck and Knesset Member to Ascend Temple Mount - Inside Israel - Israel News - Israel National News

Outrageous Egyptian Leader Claims Holocaust 'a Lie' - International Business Times

Congresswoman: 'Citizen' same as 'natural born citizen'

Mathematical 'proof' Obama birth certificate a forgery

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Father spoke of having Obama adopted - The Boston Globe

Nation & World | Illegal entries from Mexico slow to trickle | Seattle Times Newspaper

Bachmann surges far ahead of Republican contenders

Congresswoman: 'Citizen' same as 'natural born citizen'

The birth certificate challenge

Vice President Marco Rubio?

Why is Obama still 'doing' bin Laden?

The nation's birth certificate

The bare-faced truth about big fat liars - Science, News - The Independent

Joshua Baker, 5, dies before doctor brings him back to life with bare hand heart massage | Mail Online

Pictures: Human Sacrifice Found in Maya City Sinkhole

How Kissinger whitewashes Red China

Time mag: We don't need no stinkin' Constitution

The birth certificate challenge

BHO Sr.'s revealing birth-date switch

Capitalism: The purest form of freedom

Deadly anarchy on the 'Freedom Flotilla'

I'm shocked! NEA endorses Obama

Empowering a new generation of racists

'The Aviator' backstory

Casey Anthony: Single mom of the year!

Casey Anthony: Soulless killer

OpEdNews - Article: Will Casey Anthony Acquittal Lead to Attack On the Right to A Jury Trial

An unholy war in Texas

'We're defaulting all the time' - Opinion -

Suicide in Japan on the rise after Fukushima disaster

Rhonda Hollander: Accused of taking pictures of man in bathroom -

The Body Odd - Too shy to go? Bathroom stage fright a real condition

Casey Anthony trial verdict: Jurors felt 'sick to their stomachs' as accused was cleared | Mail Online

Satanic killer who drank victim's blood to be freed | News

Teen faces prison after sex doll prank goes awry - WSMV Channel 4 - Nashville, TN News, Weather and Sports

Flying car Terrafugia Transition declared road legal | Mail Online

No Jets, No Problem: Completely New Kind of Aircraft Debuts -

Thinking inside the box: Young inventor creates world first CARDBOARD vacuum cleaner using recycled packaging | Mail Online

‘Brain dead’ Quebec woman wakes up after family refuses organ donation |

The man leading the fight against anti-girl abortions - life - 06 July 2011 - New Scientist

Giant Spy Blimp Battle Could Decide Surveillance’s Future | Danger Room |

Giant wombat skeleton found in Australia: Prehistoric Diprotodon was 14 foot | Mail Online

Tech tools tackle Biblical scholarship -

Snakes Force Family From Home, Into Bankruptcy - Flash Player Installation

Incisor raiding: Viking marauders had patterns filed into their teeth | Science |

Monkey steals camera to snap himself - Telegraph

Giant Hogweed spreads through New York and causes blindness and third-degree burns -

What's Really Behind Paranormal Experiences (Hint: It's Not Ghosts) | Richard Wiseman's "Paranormality" | Skepticism & Debunking | LiveScience

Town Pond Turns Fluorescent Green - East Hampton, NY Patch

Seattle History: The UFO sightings near Seattle | Seattle's Big Blog -

*7 July

American Minute for July 7th

Today in History: July 7

July 7th in History

This Day in History for 7th July

Today in History: July 7

July 7th This Day in History

July 7 Events in History

YouTube - ‪Today in History for July 7th‏


**Transcripts:5th/Obama's Remarks on Deficit Reduction

Interview with Senator John Cornyn

Guest: Senator Claire McCaskill

Interview wth Representative James Clyburn

Roundtable on the ATF Scandal

Interview with Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer


**Politics Video:Obama: Our Staffs Will Work During The Weekend On Debt Deal

Rep. Keith Ellison: Social Security Not Contributing To Deficit

Bill Clinton Likens Proposed Voting Laws In Florida, NH To Jim Crow

MSNBC's Ed: Republicans On A Mission To "Murder The American Dream"

GOP Congressman: "Impeachable Offense" If Obama Bypasses Congress On Debt Ceiling

Bachmann's First Ad: "I Will Not Vote To Increase The Debt Ceiling"

DeMint Would Accept "Serious Disruptions" In Economy Over Raising Debt Ceiling

Ezra Klein: Without Stimulus, Bailout We Would Have 17% Unemployment

Rep. Joe Walsh On Obama: "The Man's Got No Shame"

Buchanan: Obama Committing "Extortion" With GOP Over Taxes

Schumer On Debt Talks: Higher "Revenues" Should Be "Half The Deal"

6th/Iowa Democratic Party Ad: Minnesota's "Hard Truths" For Pawlenty

RNC's Reince Priebus: Obama's Policies "Driving Us Over The Cliff"

Joan Walsh: "A Lot Is Not Known" About Bachmann's Foster Children

Chris Matthews: Republicans Are "Playing Terrorist" With Debt Ceiling

White House: No "Plan B" On Getting Debt Ceiling Raised

Obama Acknowledges Welfare Programs Encourage Dependency

Obama Refers To The Internet As "The Internets"

Obama: Boehner's "Where Are The Jobs?" Question Was "Skewed"

Obama: Debt Ceiling Fight Should Not Be A "Gun Used At The Heads Of The American People To Extract Tax Breaks For Corporate Jet Owners"

Obama: Welfare "Not The Big Driver Of Our Deficit Or Our Debt"

Obama Defends High Salaries At White House: I Froze Them

Rush: If Anthony's Baby Was Killed In The Womb, Media Wouldn't Care

Tina Brown: GOP Are "Suicide Bombers" In Debt Ceiling Negotiations

Pat Buchanan: Overextended U.S. Empire Is Coming Down

RNC Ad: "Don't Let Obama Drive Us To Disaster"

Zbigniew Brzezinski: The Rich Essentially "Pocket" Their Own Money

Brit Hume Commentary: Obama In "Full Political Retreat"

Nancy Grace: "Did I Feel Like I Lost? Oh, Goodness No"

Casey Anthony's Attorney Gives Media The Middle Finger

DeMint "Disappointed" Bachmann Has Not Signed "Cut, Cap, Balance" Pledge

Ed Schultz: MN Conservatives Just Don't Want To Raise Taxes

Bill O'Reilly: "Vile" Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty

Joan Walsh: "Don't Put Me On The Far-Left Because I'm Not"

**World Video:Enabling U.S. Investment and Trade

China: Jiang Zemin's Death 'Pure Rumor'

Raw Video: Anti-Gaddafi Rally in Libya

Euro Zone Debt Solutions Not 'Sane'

The CSTO and Russian Strategy

How Pakistan Fell Out of Love With Its Army

Interview with Rob Wainwright of Europol

IMF's Lagarde Promises To Continue DSK's Reforms

Counterterrorism Strategy Released

Defense Department: Readiness Challenges

Portugal Downgrade Ups Eurozone Fears

Pyeongchang Awarded 2018 Winter Olympics

Chile Students Vent Their Anger

Raw Video: Deadly Flooding In China

6th/Nuclear Weapons in a Changing World

Afghan Troop Pullout: Too Soon?

German Expert Favors Professional Army

Al-Qaeda Gaining in Yemen

'Lifetime of Pain' for Eurozone?

Denmark's New Customs Plans Criticized

Newspaper Hacking Row Escalates

Prisoner Attempts Suitcase Escape In Mexico

Why MPs Talk Circuses And Prisoner Votes

Security Concerns At South Sudan Border

Ending Impunity for Pakistan's Security Forces

U.S. Not Central to Chinese Foreign Policy

Syria Accused of Crimes Against Humanity

**Markets Video:Roubini: 'Perfect Storm' Coming for Global Economy

Recession Not Over for Small Business

Buffett Blasts DC's 'Silly' Game of 'Russian Roulette'

Worst Recovery Since Great Depression?

Forget Earnings. Show Me the Jobs!

Obama Discusses Debt Ceiling at Twitter Town Hall

6th/DoubleLine's Gundlach on 'Schizophrenic' Trading

Grim, Grimey Days Ahead for Wall Street?

Twitter Valued at as Much as $7 Billion

How to Invest like the Super-Rich

Is $150 Oil on the Way?

**NEWS VIDEOS:Devastating Video: ‘The Obama Legacy’

Democratic Congressional Candidate Janice Hahn Connected to LA Gang Criminals

GOP Congressman on Obama: ‘The Man’s Got No Shame’

Violent Rhetoric: Obama Says GOP Putting ‘Gun Against Heads of American People’

Jackie Mason: Obama One of Three Worst Presidents in History

Casey Anthony Gets 4 Years for Lying; Could Be Out in Weeks

Running of the Bulls

South Korea Will Host 2018 Winter Olymics

Teacher Quitting Union Over Support for Obama

ATF Director: Holder Obstructing ‘Fast and Furious’ Probe

6TH/Reuters Wrong: Sen Kyl Did Not Agree to $200 Billion in Tax Increases

Christie: ‘The Money They Said Was in Couch Cushions Wasn’t Really There’

Caught on Video: Out of Control Teens in Convenience Store Attack

Man Recites Bill Pullman’s Speech from ‘Independence Day’ All Over New York City

Atlanta Teachers Cheated on Standardized Tests to Meet Federal Targets

Firefighters Use Leaf Blower To Save Kitten Stuck In Pipe

Flash-Mob Victim Recalls Beating: ‘Oh, White Girl Bleeds a Lot’

Obama: Raising Taxes Creates Jobs

Rush: If Casey Anthony’s Baby Was Killed in the Womb, the Media Wouldn’t Care

Nadal to Face Death Penalty

Tina Brown: GOP ‘Suicide Bombers’

Canada Bugs Out of Afghanistan After 9 Years at War

British Labour Leader Endlessly Repeats Same Talking Point in Embarrassing and Hilarious Interview

Massive Dust Storm Envelops Phoenix

Roger Clemens Perjury Trial to Begin Wednesday

WH Spokesman: Americans Want Something that ‘Spreads the Sacrifice and Spreads the Prosperity’

Bernie Goldberg: Casey Anthony Jury a Bunch of Idiots

5TH/Letterman Jokes About Bachmann’s Make-Up and ‘Ass’

Dershowitz: Casey Anthony Doesn’t Pass Smell Test; ‘All The Indicia Of A Guilty Person’

Troops Sing National Anthem

Strauss-Kahn Faces New Sexual Assault Complaint

George Will Brilliantly Traps Liberal Panelists with ObamaCare Constitutional Challenge

Matthews: GOP Effort to Lower Spending and Keep Debt Ceiling in Place is ‘Terrorism’


Alex Jones - 2011-Jul-06, Wednesday

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 7-6-11

Live Free Or Die Radio - Wednesday, July, 06, 2011

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero2

07/06 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show 07/06/2011

July 6, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Redding News Reveiw1

Redding News Reveiw2

Redding News Reveiw3

Jesse Lee Peterson Show1

Jesse Lee Peterson Show2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show3

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