A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

01 July 2011


Revealed: British government's plan to play down Fukushima | Environment | The Guardian

U.S. caught China buying more debt than disclosed - Yahoo! News

Strauss-Kahn Case Seen as in Jeopardy -

Mark Halperin suspended indefinitely for insulting Obama during live TV debate | Mail Online

What we are facing on planet Earth - National freethought |

Massachusetts Case Will Set Precedent Regarding Videotaping Of Cops | Pixiq

It isn’t you causing global warming…it is COW FARTS! « The PPJ Gazette

Shock FDA vote declares Avastin, the world's best-selling cancer drug, UNSAFE | Mail Online

Octomom Nadya Suleman: I hate my babies and my older children are animals | Mail Online

YouTube - ‪Egypt Revolt 2.0? 'People outraged with military in power'‏




Israel Did 9/11 - All The Proof


Revealed: British government's plan to play down Fukushima | Environment | The Guardian

How to Arrest The Economy-Strangling EPA

ALIPAC - Americans have won big tonight against illegals in Maryland!

U.S. caught China buying more debt than disclosed - Yahoo! News

Strauss-Kahn Case Seen as in Jeopardy -

Mark Halperin suspended indefinitely for insulting Obama during live TV debate | Mail Online

What we are facing on planet Earth - National freethought |

Massachusetts Case Will Set Precedent Regarding Videotaping Of Cops | Pixiq

It isn’t you causing global warming…it is COW FARTS! « The PPJ Gazette

Amazon threatens to cut ties with 10,000 affiliates over California's new online sales tax law | Mail Online

Shock FDA vote declares Avastin, the world's best-selling cancer drug, UNSAFE | Mail Online

Octomom Nadya Suleman: I hate my babies and my older children are animals | Mail Online

Activist Post: Top Obama Advisor: Homeland is "Primary" Focus of Counterterrorism

Activist Post: Globalism in History: Internationalism and Her Law

#Fukushima I Nuke Plant: iRobot's "Warrior" to Do the Vacuum Cleaning on Reactor 3 Floor | EX-SKF

Enviro Group Calls for Daily Updates on Nebraska Nuclear Power Plant Floodings -- SACRAMENTO, Calif., June 30, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

The True Hollywood Story Of How the Left Took Over Your TV » Publications » Family Security Matters

John Pilger replies on Lannan ban of his film

The War You Don't See trailer

How The Bailout Killed Local Lending

S246N and H274Y Tamiflu Resistance Combination Concerns

Paul Drockton M.A.: Jon Huntsman's Chinese Legacy

New York Gay Marriage: Follow The (Jewish) Money | The Occidental Observer - White Identity, Interests, and Culture

Wisc. Justice Prosser urged to attend anger management: report | The Raw Story

Evacuations Still In Place, Fire Chief Says - Video - KOAT Albuquerque

YouTube - ‪Las Conchas fire, evening flames‏

Fukushima Spews, Los Alamos Burns, Vermont Rages & We Almost Lost Nebraska | Hawai`i News Daily

Contaminated Water at #Fukushima Increased to Over 120,000 Tonnes | EX-SKF

YouTube - ‪Egypt Revolt 2.0? 'People outraged with military in power'‏

Ronald Reagan On GE's Tax Avoidance In 1985: "I Didn't Realize Things Had Gotten That Far Out Of Line" - Home - The Daily Bail

VIDEO - Sarkozy Attacked By Member Of Greeting Crowd - Home - The Daily Bail

Revolutionary Politics : Rape Case Against Former IMF Head Falling Apart

Revolutionary Politics : Gerald Celente: 'IMF - International Mafia Federation'

Activist Post: Tear-Gassing Children: The Shame of Israel (Video)

YouTube - ‪Israel Slap US in the Face AGAIN! and Again.‏

Revolutionary Politics : Radioactive Isotopes Found In Children Outside Evacuation Zone In Japan

YouTube - ‪Los Alamos Land Fire on 2 sides of Lab, Chemical Area's 8 &49 Confrimed Burning

Strauss-Kahn Case Seen as in Jeopardy -

Strauss-Kahn arrives at NY court for hearing | Reuters

Dominique Strauss-Kahn Case Reportedly Near Collapse

YouTube - ‪Brother, Can You Spare A Trillion?: Government Gone Wild!‏

Activist Post: Geithner might quit after debt deal: reports

YouTube - ‪Alex Jones says that Hezbollah is on US-Mexico border advising Cartels‏


YouTube - ‪911 Half Truth Movement 10/30/10 Radio interview‏


*2:28:42/YouTube - ‪War by Deception 2011 The shadow government and shadow economy‏


Israel and the Issue of Delegitimization – An Analysis by Dr. Lawrence Davidson | Intifada Palestine

Alyona: FBI Using Warrantless GPS To Track Citizens - Home - The Daily Bail

You Want Proof That Congress Is Owned By Corporations? Check Out What They Did Right Before Going On Break - Home - The Daily Bail

Obama Has Finally Become Dick Cheney - Home - The Daily Bail

Congressman Nadler: 'President became absolute monarch' - 12160

American Indian Movement activist joins Gaza Freedom #Flotilla2 | Occupied Palestine |

Airport scanner row leaves angry doctor grounded as he claims machines may cause cancer | Mail Online

The Intercept: Bolivia renounces UN anti-drug convention over coca leaf controversy

The Intercept: June 30: Japan Impact in U.S.

Activist Post: Next US defense chief will not gut military: Pentagon

Activist Post: A World Overwhelmed by Western Hypocrisy

The Intercept: LA Times Runs Pro-Gaza-Blockade OpEd and Omits that Author Is Ret. IDF Colonel

Monsanto Under Federal Investigation For Cash Incentives Program |

Bankers Laugh As Athens Greece Burns. Wall Street Licks Their Chops As Protestors Are Beaten.

Was Israeli unit Shayetet 13 behind the sabotage of Gaza-bound flotilla ships?


*Obama for America 2012


Government Gone Wild(




*1:02:47/YouTube - ‪College Conspiracy‏


Revolutionary Politics : Yemen Government Accuses Three Of Forming A Terrorist Group & Being Spies For Israel

Revolutionary Politics : TEPCO Begins Another Round of the We're Sorry Game, Apologizes to Fukushima Mayors

Revolutionary Politics : Anti Gun Propaganda Using A Fake Terrorist By Mayor Bloomberg

+The Second Declaration of Independence of the People of the United States of America

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Dems Call for More Gun Control in Light of Operation Fast and Furious

SMALL_LowEnthu4thA.jpg (JPEG Image, 143x400 pixels)

Just 5% Of People Account For 50% Of U.S. Health Care Spending, Ron Paul Tells CNN The U.S. Should Declare BANKRUPTCY!, GOP Willing To Agree To Defense Cuts For A Debt Deal, Why The Dow Will Plunge To 7,000 (LINKS) - Home - The Daily Bail

Feds Buying Up Farmland They Flooded; Soros In On It :

Susan Lindauer: ‘Libyan Opposition Is Al-Qaeda’ :

Activist Post: France, UAE: Speed Cameras Disabled

Activist Post: US drops most CIA torture probes: Holder

PLANET OF THE CHIMPS #2: The CIA False Flag Hacker Cyber Attacks Are A New Goldmine For Michael Chertoff Who Got Rich On Naked Scanners After CIA False Flag Attacks (VIDEO)

United States Knesset Resolution 185 Reconsidered: To be or Not To Be American | Intifada Palestine

Uncle Sam Food History Exhibit Promotes Food Control :

Lone Star Watchdog: Not Letting Government Fear Mongering Rob Us of Our Common Sense.

US Must End Wars Fought to Hike Corporate Profits

Making the World Safe for Hypocrisy

4um: Geithner Oversaw Largest Debt Increase Of Any Treasury Sec. In History...

Idiocy Reigns Supreme - 12160

'War on terror' set to surpass cost of Second World War - Americas, World - The Independent

Peddling the American Dream - In The Paper - Mail & Guardian Online

Let's Torture the Truth Out of Suicide Bombers Says New CIA Chief Petraeus

Fed's Massive Stimulus Had Little Impact: Greenspan - CNBC

Jared Loughner forcible medication to continue, judge rules |

YouTube - ‪UK enters strike chaos: 750,000 public workers walk out‏


Jellyfish shut down nuclear reactors | Environment |

Alien battleship, 'Star Gate' or ICBM? Mysterious bubble-like light burst seen over Hawaii has internet sky watchers puzzled | Mail Online

The "Wandering Jews" of Israeli diplomacy | Opinion Maker

Israeli actor behind hoax video of gay activist - Telegraph

China's thirst for copper could hold key to Afghanistan's future | McClatchy

France supplying weapons to Libyan rebels - Telegraph

Cairo street clashes leave more than 1,000 injured | World news | The Guardian

US fires drone at commanders of Somalia’s Shabaab Islamist insurgency - Telegraph

Are Tony Blair and Peter Mandelson edging towards world domination? | Politics |

ALIPAC - Impeach Obama OpEd Banned by The Hill Newspaper

Meaner Tougher IMF With Lagarde

Roger Daltrey: how Labour's immigration policies 'screwed' the British working class - Telegraph

Video: China opens world's longest sea bridge - Telegraph

Soon Google will know what you want before you do - Telegraph

YouTube - ‪The NWO religion is Genetic Diversity‏

Elixir of life discovered on Easter Island - Telegraph

Online games and social media used to target junk foods at children - Telegraph

Why thin people don't drink Diet Coke – Telegraph Blogs

YouTube - ‪UFO Mothership & Fleet Over London UK 24th June 2011 (Credit alymc01) [HD]‏

The Electric Comet: The Elephant in NASA's Living Room?

Embarrass the USDA into submission. Now why didn't I think of that? | Farm Wars - Attack on Heterosexuality is Satanism

How to Record the Cops, Ct’d . . . | The Agitator

Hard times generation: Homeless kids - 60 Minutes - CBS News - Russia to deploy 2 army brigades in Arctic

Arlington PD Testing Unmanned Aircraft | NBC Dallas-Fort Worth

Glenn Beck to move to Texas; rents $20,000-a-month house | Best Places To Live In NY - New York Daily News - Experts warn epic weather ravaging US could worsen

New San Francisco bridge built in China to be shipped to US - Telegraph - Obama Administration Fires ATF Whistleblower

Of Arms and the Law: House Minority report on Operation Gunwalker - New study is wake-up call for diet soda drinkers - Microsoft director admits EU data not exempt from Patriot Act spying

"Stolen Elections" Battle Cry of the Color Revolution -

Western Media: Iran, China, and Pakistan! Oh My! -

YouTube - ‪Becky Akers & Alex Jones: The Chronicles of TSA Crimes 1/4‏

YouTube - ‪Becky Akers & Alex Jones: The Chronicles of TSA Crimes 2/4‏

YouTube - ‪Becky Akers & Alex Jones: The Chronicles of TSA Crimes 3/4‏

YouTube - ‪Becky Akers & Alex Jones: The Chronicles of TSA Crimes 4/4‏

YouTube - ‪The Arrogance of Emperor Obama - Alex Jones Tv 1/3‏

YouTube - ‪The Arrogance of Emperor Obama - Alex Jones Tv 2/3‏

YouTube - ‪The Arrogance of Emperor Obama - Alex Jones Tv 3/3‏


In Depth Interview With Ron Paul pt.1

In Depth Interview With Ron Paul pt.2

In Depth Interview With Ron Paul pt.3

In Depth Interview With Ron Paul pt.4


** GCN News: Greece: This is What an IMF Riot Looks Like «

GCN News: The Greek Tragedy Could Engulf Many More European States «

+ GCN News: Obama on Libya: “I Don’t Even Have to Get to the Constitutional Question” «

*GCN News: Ron Paul On 2012: Establishment, Media Unable To Exclude Me This Time Around «

GCN News: Global Hypocrisy: France Arming Libyan Rebels «

GCN News: Middle East U.S. Allies Falter as Libya Readies for War «

GCN News: A World Overwhelmed By Western Hypocrisy «

GCN News: Corporate Secrecy in the Wild West «

GCN News: Hey Nero, Can I Get A Good Beat? The President Needs Background Music «

GCN News: TSA Too Busy Searching Diapers Over Checking Passports, Flight Passes «

GCN News: Mayor Bloomberg Driving Gun Sales? «

*GCN News: Ron Paul: Obama’s Libya War Power Grab Impeachable «

GCN News: Gaga For GABA: Love Nutrient For the Endocrine System «

GCN News: Sleep Better With Theanine «

GCN News: Fluoride Could Be Causing Your Heartburn «

GCN News: Los Alamos Area Ablaze: Another Nuclear Scare Too Close to Home «

GCN News: The Source of Free Government’s Success Is Not a Mystery «

**4Parts:Lyndon LaRouche: War is Globalist Favorite Tool of Choice for Poplutation Reduction Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


+GCN News: Your Edible Landscape: Pine «


*Of the Field


GCN News: Kissinger’s Marching Orders: Buy Out, Dismember, Destroy America «

GCN News: Who Cares About Your Bet If The Casino Is Demolished? «

Prison » British Government Devised Propaganda Campaign To Downplay Fukushima

Prison » Will Barack Obama Use The 14th Amendment As A Way To Get Around The Debt Ceiling?

Firefighters scramble to contain blaze near nuclear lab in New Mexico -


Hugo Chávez tells of cancer diagnosis | World news |

Prison » Launch Code for U.S. Strategic Nuclear Missiles Was Twelve Zeros Until 1977

Prison » Poisoned Riots: Cops sprayed chemicals, hard to breathe in Athens

Prison » Founders Without Whom America Would Not Exist

Prison » 10 Reasons Why Lindsay Lohan Is Right About The Federal Reserve And The Price Of Food

Prison » Are These GOP Candidates Running For President of the U.S.—or Israel?

Prison » The War Against Libya

Prison » Shell Game

Prison » The Obama Press Conference Unplugged

Prison » Texans Take On TSA Tyranny

Prison » A Huge Number Of Americans Believe The Economy Has Now Entered “Permanent Decline”

New Investment Strategy: Preparing for End Times -

Prison » Mint To Start Selling 2011 American Eagle Silver Coins At 75% Premium To Paper, As Senators Propose Eliminating Capital Gains From Precious Metal Transactions

U.S. cost of war at least $3.7 trillion and counting | The Raw Story

Minnesota government shuts down | The Raw Story

Prison » Obama Redirects From A Broke US Government By Playing The Class Warfare Card, Focuses On “Millionaires And Billionaires”

Home of suspected LulzSec member raided | The Raw Story

Prison » Top Obama Advisor: Homeland is “Primary” Focus of Counterterrorism

Prison » Britain: Council to Force Family Living On Their Own Land and Growing Their Own Food to Live in State Housing and Become Dole Recipients

Prison » Is The Mainstream Media Covering Up The Truth At Los Alamos, Ft. Calhoun And Fukushima?

Prison » Methane Contamination of Drinking Water Accompanying Gas-Well Drilling and Hydraulic Fracturing


* President Obama Executive Order 13575 Creates Rural Councils Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


**Executive Order 13575 - Wikisource


Courthouse News Service:Cops Just Love Those Tasers

» Lyndon LaRouche: War is Globalist Favorite Tool of Choice for Poplutation Reduction Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Unemployment: No Extended Benefits For People Laid Off From Now On

Fukushima spin was Orwellian | John Vidal | Comment is free |

Chavez cancer confirmation stuns Venezuela | World | RIA Novosti

AFRICOM: AF, Navy still flying Libya missions - Air Force News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Air Force Times

Meet The IMF's New Leader, Christine Lagarde : NPR

» Geithner Looks to Exit Treasury Dept. Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Activist Post: The IMF joins Bernanke in threatening US legislators

Bahrain to citizens living abroad: Spy — or else - World news - Mideast/N. Africa -

The Second Disease To Ever Be Globally Eradicated: Rinderpest | Fast Company

Action Alert: FDA Releases Draft Guidance on Nanotechnology | Welcome to the Alliance for Natural Health - USA

Google faces "wire taping" case in the U.S

Massive wildfires threaten to ignite 30000 barrels of plutonium waste at New Mexico nuclear weapons facility, EPA on radiation alert

Getting Used to Life Without Food, Part 1 | FINANCIAL SENSE

The Great Gulf Coast Holocaust Pt 1 | Farm Wars

Illegal Aliens Out of the Shadows, Welcomed at Senate Hearing - HUMAN EVENTS

Activist Post: US drops most CIA torture probes: Holder

Just Say No to School Vouchers . . . Again by Gary North

Teachers reluctant to discuss 9/11 - Telegraph

Tenth Anniversary Hearings on the Events of September 11, 2001 |

U.S. drone targets two leaders of Somali group allied with al-Qaeda - The Washington Post

U.S. Afghan Pullback Lets Taliban Open New Bases, Pakistan Military Says - Bloomberg

Drones attack two Somali militant leaders -

US extends drone strikes to Somalia | World news | The Guardian

YouTube - ‪Obama Children Sing for Change for Dear Leader‏

Obama awards Defense chief Gates Medal of Freedom | Reuters

IBM Discovers Breakthrough for Solid-State Memory | News & Opinion |

DOJ to probe deaths of 2 detainees in CIA custody - US news - Security -

The 19 Most Hated Companies In America

Why I Don't Use Facebook | John C. Dvorak |

The Murder of Sunny Sheu: Author of this blog assaulted and threatened by undercover cop.

The Daily Bell - Where Will You Go When the Sovereign Debt Volcano Blows?

Fannie Mae Silence on Taylor Bean Opened Way to $3 Billion Fraud - Bloomberg


Newscaster Says Republican Party is…Satanic (video)

Alien encounters ‘within twenty years’

FOX News Discusses the New World Order and the Global Elite (video)

Kurzweil: A Future of Humans Merged With Machines (video)

US Rejects Demands to Vacate Pakistan Drone Base

U.S. Counter-terrorism Strategy to Rely on "Surgical Strikes", Unmanned Drones

Obama's Counterterrorism is Backfiring

What America Stands for in Libya

The Business Of America Is War

Washington Okays Attack on Unarmed U.S. Ship

Senator Wants US-Israeli Op Against Flotilla

A Message for Israel and Evangelicals

Priests, Plots … and Hugo Chávez

Observations On The Day


*Demystifying 9/11: Israel and the Tactics Of Mistake


Republicans: Trillions Could Be Cut from Budget if We Eliminate Empathy


*Audio:AFP Podcast interviews the lead singer of the patriot rock band, PokerFace



Are These GOP Candidates Running For President of the U.S.—or Israel?

Justice Dept. to Widen 2 C.I.A. Inquiries -

PayPal Predicts The End of the Wallet By 2015

Sonic, Burger King, other fast-food chains selling alcohol -

Bilderberg 2011: The Rockefeller World Order and the "High Priests of Globalization"

Empire or Republic. How the Empire Destroys its Own People

Food and The American Diet

Punishing Pakistan and Challenging China

South Africa’ s Youth Face a Grim Future

Treatments for Radiation Poisoning

VIDEO: The End of the American Dream?

Making the World Safe for Hypocrisy

US Must End Wars Fought to Hike Corporate Profits

Money and Intervention in Venezuela. Wikileaks: US Embassy Requests Funding for Anti-Chavez Groups

The Shadow Internet

The Technological Revolution: The best of times, the worst of times

French Court Dismisses Montsanto Financial Claims. GM crop saboteurs go free in France

Fire Closes in on Plutonium at Los Alamos National Laboratory

Was it a Setup? Strauss-Kahn Case Seen as in Jeopardy: Hotel Maid Lied to Prosecutors

YouTube - ‪SWAT Team Honored For Raiding Wrong House?‏

Cops: Man who found $17K didn't tell the truth -

When Should You Shoot A Cop | Cop Block

The Drug War's Einsatzgruppen - informationliberation

Creating the Anthrax Crisis His Career Needed - informationliberation

The Ethics of the Police - informationliberation

Why the Left Fears Libertarianism - informationliberation



NEWS Science | Cold Fusion - For Real? Science | Black Holes and Galaxies Grew Up Together in Early Universe

The Great Misdiagnosis | Gold Newswire

YouTube - ‪Economic Armageddon and You‏

Oath Keepers » Blog Archive » An Empire Strikes Home _ Part One

Oath Keepers » Blog Archive » An Empire Strikes Home _ Part Two Environment | Part 1: Dragonfly Drones, Oltissis and Ethos Environment | Part 2: Dragonfly Drones, Oltissis and Ethos

The Red Devil Planet Revisited - StumbleUpon

Smart Meters: Privacy Issues, Radiation, Electronic Pollution, And More :

Avalanches or is the Mount Rainer volcano waking up? | The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond

Islam's Useful Idiots » Publications » Family Security Matters

THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD « U.S. Counterterrorism Advisory Team

- 7 Old School Ways to Relish Summer by Mark Sisson

+13 Natural Remedies For Radiation Exposure | Natural Health & Organic Living Blog

Is Free-Market Anarchism Unworkable? Not in America’s Roofing Industry by Mark R. Crovelli

The Tenth and the TSA by Becky Akers

Why Greece Should Default and Go Broke With Dignity by Bill Bonner

The Coming Destruction of U.S. Pensions by Mac Slavo

Health – My View by Margaret Durst

Be Clutch, Don’t Choke: How to Thrive in High Pressure Situations (Part I) | The Art of Manliness

YouTube - ‪Shadow Behind the Throne: A Brief Overview of the New World Order‏


**Citing Evidence They Call 'Contradictory' to Kagan's Confirmation Testimony, 49 Lawmakers Call for Judiciary Committee Investigation


2011 On Pace to Match Deadliest Year in Afghanistan for U.S. Troops

Debt Increased More Under Geithner Than Under Any Treasury Secretary in U.S. History

- Obama Raffle Video Not Legal, Election Law Experts Say

Gallup: Obama's Approval Hits All-Time Low Among Poor, Is Highest Among Rich

Former Army Prosecutor: Some Prisoners ‘Asked to Stay in Gitmo’ Rather than Go Home

Congress Must Shift Climate Battle From Cap-and-Trade to EPA Agenda, Says Inhofe

Hatch: Obama Caters to ‘Special Interest Groups that Live Off the Federal Government’

No Joke, Says Stephen Colbert: 'I Am a SuperPAC'

Investigators Question Credibility of Hotel Maid Who Accused IMF Chief

Lebanon’s Hezbollah-Backed PM Gives No Sign He Plans to Arrest Hariri Murder Suspects


*Portrait Gallery Opens Exhibit on President Ronald Reagan


The National Portrait Gallery(

Ron Reagan

**One Life: Ronald Reagan | National Portrait Gallery

Google:Art Project

**Art Project;Powered by Google


Obama for Corporate Jet Tax Break Before He Was Against It

Ending Corporate Jet Tax Breaks Will Kill Jobs, Aviation Industry Says

Pat Buchanan: The Death of Moral Community

U.S. Designates Israel as Country That Tends ‘To Promote, Produce, or Protect’ Terrorists; Also Calls Israel Anti-Terror Partner

(?)Durbin: Maybe Illegal Alien Will Become President Someday

Oregon Man Stung by Scorpion on Commercial Flight

Man Who Exposed Flaw in Airport Security Had 10 Expired Boarding Passes

Planned Parenthood Denied Kansas Abortion License

Mortgage Exec Gets 30 Years for $3 Billion Fraud

Dozens of U.S. Cities Line Up to Contest 2010 Census

Homosexuals to Sue New Jersey, Seeking Same Sex Marriage

Animal Welfare Group Pressing Grocers to Stop Buying Pork from Iowa Pig Farm

Special Operations Forces Under Stress, Commander Says

Jihadist Web Forum Knocked Off Internet

Al-Qaida May Be Buying Libyan War Weapons, Spain Says

NATO Kills Terrorist Tied to Kabul Hotel Attack

Elizabeth Taylor Collection Taking 3-Month Tour Before Sale

GE Extends Olympic Sponsorship Through 2020

Panetta Sworn in as Obama's Second Pentagon Chief


McCotter Rocks(

Rep. Thaddeus McCotter - 11th District of Michigan(


Michigan Congressman Joins Republican Race for President

Politics-State | McCotter launching presidential campaign Saturday | The Detroit News

McCotter's White House bid about seizing freedom - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election - - 8 Things You Should Know About Thaddeus McCotter - Monday, June 27, 2011


Bachmann Says Miscarriage Shaped Family Priorities

Senators Concerned by Photo ID Requirement to Vote

Senate Votes to Require Fewer Confirmations

-Republicans request inquiry into Justice Kagan's role in defending Obamacare

Judge upholds 'threatened species' status of polar bears

Five-Year-Old Shoots 4-year-old at Maryland playground

Treasury Secretary Geithner considering leaving post after debt talks

Geithner: I will be at Treasury for 'the forseeable future'

Calif. bill would mandate history lessons about gays and transgender Americans

Judge Denies Boeing's Motion to Dismiss Labor Complaint

Republican senator suggests Obama take a valium to calm down

Justice Department to investigate deaths of two detainees in CIA custody

Media Matters 'War' on Fox News Brings New Scrutiny on Tax-Exempt Status

Bill Clinton says Dems need to 'stand up' to Republicans in debt-ceiling talks

White House rejects McConnell invitation for Obama to meet GOP

Lawmaker Wants Veterans Cemetery Investigated Over Anti-Christian Rules

Texas troopers recommended felony charges against Colorado senator in fatal crash

Rep. Peter King 'gravely concerned' by Nigerian-American stowaway


Full Speed Ahead for Panetta-Led Pentagon

US Expands Its Drone War Into Somalia

CIA Exhales: 99 Out of 101 Torture Cases Dropped

US Still Flying Strike Missions Against Libya

US Rejects Pakistani Demand to Leave Air Base

Mullen Frets al-Qaeda Presence in Yemen

Shi'ite Militias Step Up Iraq Attacks on US Troops

US Recognizes Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood

The Militarized Surrealism of Barack Obama

Obama Loses His 'Constitutional Law Professor Hat'

US Senate Confirms Petraeus as CIA Chief

Peres: Iran Overstating Its Military Capabilities

'We Recognize Israel, They Should Recognize Palestine'

Brazil, Japan Say 100 Support UN Reforms That Would Expand the Security Council

Strauss-Kahn Was Among Most Powerful Men in Finance, Political World

Chinese Leader Says Corruption Threatens Rule

Gadhafi Role Blocking African Union Resolution on Libya

Princess Diana at 50: Imagining What Might Have Been

Strauss-Kahn Released Without Bail

Hundreds of Protesters Converge on Cairo's Main Square

Obama, Democrats Weigh Temporary Debt Limit Increase

American High Schoolers Stressed Over Tests

Forest Sustainability Group Considers Loosening Membership Restrictions

Philippines Takes Friendly But Firm Stance in China Standoff

Underwater Robots Compete in NASA Astronaut Training Tank

Study: Chimps Used in Medical Research Show Signs of Post-Traumatic Stress

DeMint to Obama: We'd Lift Debt Ceiling If . . .

Rasmussen: Half Believe US Glory Days Are Over

Cuba Details Law on Sale of Homes, Cars

New Pentagon Chief Facing Mountain of Problems

Birth Certificate Author Corsi, Publisher Sue Esquire

Obama Picks Fight on Taxes

Rubio Answers Constituents in Online Addresses

Schiff: We're in Depression, so Ditch Dollar, Buy Gold

Greenspan: Fed's Tactics Haven't Helped Economy

Bill Clinton: Tap Existing Resources to Create Jobs

6 New Reasons You Need Vitamin D

Where Are America's Dirtiest Beaches?

Bright Galaxy Sheds Light on Early Universe

Communist Countries Pay Less Taxes Than Obama Proposes

Kissinger Ducks Serious China Topic

How Many GOP Candidates Have Military Experience?

Bachmann Is the Left's Worst Nightmare

*Army Corps Of Engineers Intentional Flooding Of America’s Heartland! – This Is Selective Bankruptcy! :

Uncle Sam Food History Exhibit Promotes Food Control :

Radiation in Our Food -

Jewish Bureau Of Al Qaeda Adam “Pearlman” Gadahn Used To Push Gun Control Measures :

Radiation Cruelty in Hospitals :

Statement of the Attorney General Regarding Investigation into the Interrogation of Certain Detainees

Haqqani Network Leader Dies in Airstrike

Britain Sends Body Armor to Libyan Rebels

Nigerian Capital Under Limited Curfew Following Bombings

On Discovering Life § SEEDMAGAZINE.COM

Buddhism and the Brain § SEEDMAGAZINE.COM

On Governing by Design § SEEDMAGAZINE.COM

Public Presence & Social Science § SEEDMAGAZINE.COM

FDA now admits breast implants only last 10 years and have to be removed in all women

NPR violates FCC rules, promotes interests of its sponsorship donor Monsanto

Eating blueberries helps build strong bones, suggests study

GM marijuana booms in South America, growers reap ten times market value

Feds raid Amish farm for the crime of selling raw milk

Super-efficient, low-cost inkjet system to revolutionize solar energy technology

Coconut sugar quickly replacing agave nectar as natural sweetener of choice

Are you eating pesticides? Canola oil, soybean oil used as key ingredients in pesticide products

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – June 30th, 2011

*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – June 30th, 2011

YouTube - ‪Ed Asner TV Ad Promotes AE911Truth - Help Us Put This Ad on the Air in New York!‏

*The Alex Jones Show – June 29th, 2011

*The Alex Jones Show – June 30th, 2011

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – June 29th, 2011

*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – June 29th, 2011

SPECIAL REPORT: Political Organized Crime : Federal Jack

YouTube - ‪Gerald Celente RT TV - 30 June 2011‏

Founders Without Whom America Would Not Exist – Chuck Baldwin |

What Will Fracking Do to Your Food Supply? | Before It's News

Getting Used To Life Without Food

Collapse Barter Items And Trade Skills | Before It's News

YouTube - ‪6/29/11 Lessons from LulzSec, Why just Blago?, NATO's Incompetence VS White House Lies‏

DC Metro: Redefining crappy service, Obama's a DICK! Obama still getting troops killed in Iraq, UK winning the race to the bottom — RT

YouTube - ‪Chemtrails are REAL - Mainstream Radio Show Covers Geo Engineering Of Our Skies!‏

» Napolitano, Europeans Warn al-Qaeda May Get Libyan Weapons Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

TSA Plans Screening Americans in their Homes

Hacker Data Release Reveals Feds Domestic Spy Program Has Grown Far Beyond Our Wildest Nightmares

Staying Human - Al Jazeera World - Al Jazeera English

The New Era of “All Natural” False Flag Disasters |

YouTube - ‪Vaccines & Liberty: Let Freedom Ring, July 1, 2011‏

YouTube - ‪ACLU & Elon James White: Just Say NO to the War On Drugs‏

Uncle Sam Food History Exhibit Promotes Food Control | Food Freedom

Activist Post: Acts of Entrapment Ruled OK in The War on Terror

Activist Post: The Perfect (Radiation) Storm is Brewing

Activist Post: Arrived: DOJ Memo On Medical Marijuana

Austerity Plans a Necessity Berlusconi Says

Amanda Knox Case Gets Supporting Testimony

Christina Aguilera Signs on for Second Season of 'The Voice'

'Toy Story 4' Will Happen, Says Tom Hanks

New Species Invasion Threatening British Waters

First lady describes toll of job on husband

Doubts in Strauss-Kahn case rock French politics - Yahoo! News

Strauss-Kahn Prosecution Said to Be Near Collapse -

Kahn charges on brink of collapse - sources | Business |

Dominique Strauss-Kahn trial reaction: French backers want ex-IMF chief to resume presidential run

Treasury confirms deadline for raising debt limit - Sacramento Business, Housing Market News | Sacramento Bee

Weapons linked to controversial ATF strategy found in Valley crimes

Danish committee approves government’s controversial border control plans - The Washington Post

Judge: Google Can Be Sued for Wiretapping in Street View Debacle | Threat Level |

Villaraigosa Ignores Outcry, Will Build 6-Foot - Flash Player Installation

100,000 terminally ill 'do not get proper palliative care' - Telegraph

Giant statue of Jesus Christ unveiled in Peru - Telegraph

Older interns signal gloomy labor market | Reuters

First female IMF chief receives praise from former hometown of Chicago

AFRICOM: AF, Navy still flying Libya missions - Air Force News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Air Force Times

Obama raises more than $1.2 million in Philadelphia - 44 - The Washington Post

Obama takes a break at Camp David -

Italian police arrest Corleone mafia boss - FRANCE 24

Nearsightedness linked to serious eye disease | Reuters

FTC reviewing Twitter-reports | Reuters

Van Jones in an exclusive C&L interview: How to reclaim the American Dream, despite the right's lies and smears

'Mine's Bigger.' Sen. Kent Conrad Brags That Senate Budget Cuts Even More Money Than Asked - $4T

So Who's the Real D*&K?

WI Supreme Court Justice Prosser Grabs Fox Reporter's Microphone

Jimmy Kimmel unveils 'Michele Bachmann's story of America'

Paranoid Glenn Beck Cries About How Mean New Yorkers Are To Him And His Family

Banks Run Roughshod Again

Mark Halperin suspended after calling Obama a 'dick' on live TV

Michele Bachmann's husband calls gays 'barbaric"

Wisconsin Deja Vu: PA Republicans Ram Through Draconian Budget, 'Unprecedented' Power Grab. Voters, Wake Up!

The Truth About Rick Perry and Jobs

Coburn Turns to Myth-Making on the Debt

I'm legitimately freaked out right now

Fox & Friends Whines About Media Matters and "Your Tax Dollars"

Scott Brown axes Red Sox fundraising baseball card

Republicans Are Intentionally Sabotaging the Economy

Glenn Beck's last Fox show: Our long national nightmare is finally over

He keeps drawing me back in

Earth's Core: A Moon-Sized Crystal Ball | Before It's News

Shocking Video--4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse | Before It's News

The New Era of "All Natural" False Flag Disasters | Before It's News


Govt Forces Family Living Off-Grid, Growing Own Food On Own Land to Return to Society’s Rat Race or Face Penalty | Before It's News

4 Methods for Off the Grid Food Production and Self-Sufficiency - Truth is Treason

The New Homesteaders: Off the Grid and Self-Reliant - Truth is Treason


Former Astronaut Says Aliens Are Here | Before It's News

Elenin Begins "Very Quick Move" Towards Earth July 1 | Before It's News

Americans Still Favor Ideals of the Declaration of Independence | Before It's News

Quantum Graininess, Can You Handle It? | Before It's News

+Beetroot Juice: Surprising Legal Stimulant at Tour de France | Before It's News

Rich Dad Poor Dad-Collapse Coming, Watch The F--- Out. | Before It's News


+Inside 9/11: Hijacking the Air Defense | Before It's News

+The 9/11 Documentary You Can't Debunk | Before It's News

*List of Israeli Agents on 9/11 | Before It's News

+Demystifying 9/11: Israel and the Tactics of Mistake | Before It's News

Building 7 - The Smoking Gun of 9/11 | Before It's News


+Most Wanted State Terrorists List | Before It's News


"Something Catastrophic is Brewing in the USA" | Before It's News

Scientists Hope To Get Glimpse Of Adolescent Universe From Revolutionary Instrument-On-A-Chip | Before It's News

Government Sues Apollo Astronaut Over Moon Camera | Before It's News

Bogus Obama document 'bigger than Watergate'

Kerchner: Bogus Obama Birth Certificate Bigger than Watergate; Not Just a Crime of Some Plumbers Breaking Into an Opponent's Office | Before It's News

Presidential Proclamation--40th Anniversary of the 26th Amendment | Before It's News

Remarks by the First Lady at DNC event in Burlington, Vermont -- Echo Lake Acquarium and Science Center | Before It's News

Remarks by the President at a DNC Event in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania | Before It's News

Remarks by the First Lady at DNC event in Burlington, Vermont -- Sheraton Burlington | Before It's News

Startling evidence that document was created in Adobe Photoshop | Before It's News

Ruling Class Tyranny | Before It's News

Obama's Press Conference | Before It's News

City Appears in AIR - Time Vortex in CHINA | Before It's News

It's Called Lying!... | Before It's News

When It Comes To The Eligibility Issue...every Single One Of Them Is Part Of The Conspiracy To Cover-up For The Usurper!... | Before It's News

'Lost Civilization' Appears Above Chinese River -

The Archons - Alien Invaders From Space | Before It's News

City Appears in AIR - Time Vortex in CHINA | Before It's News

New state laws ready to reshape Hoosier life | The Indianapolis Star |

How to Create a Canine Time Bomb | Before It's News

Vegan Recipe - Shiitake & Soba Noodle Bowl | Before It's News

Invisible Art Gallery | Before It's News

Home remedy to cure Jaundice | Before It's News

Terrorism: A Transnational Global Conspiracy of Liars and Memes We've Seen Through - The Terrorists Have Not Won. | Before It's News

The Daily Bell - The Length of a Meme

Washington's Favorite Terrorists | Before It's News

+Does Your Small Business Need Cash Flow? Try This… | Before It's News

Getting Paid to Write – It’s More Than Just Writing | Before It's News

DSK - The Downfall of A Reformer

Did the Emancipation Proclamation really free any slaves?

Questions for Ron Paul on Foreign Policy

The Fiscal Dance of Death

Michele and Sarah: The Woman Warriors of the Right

Is Another Ballot Heist Coming?

The Need For A Militant Conservative Movement

Organic Food Deaths in Europe Could Have Been Prevented

Posterity Denied: The Hijacking of the Barnes Foundation

Wisconsin union reforms an early success

Obama continues his war on cheap American energy

A god or a flake?

A Dangerous Point of View...Indeed

Palestinian Prisoners Plan Hunger Strike

Obama says no to meet with McConnell, GOP senators

Exposing demonizers of shale gas

America's Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb

Our partners in peace, the Muslim Brotherhood?

Rick Perry calls out Eric Holder on Gaza Flotilla

The media think they get a veto

The Mendacity of Barack Obama

The Obamayyad of Barry Hussein

How Race Gets Rubbed Out of the Story

Ten Lessons From Federal Spending

American Leftism: An Infantile Disorder

Are Mormons Second-class Citizens?

The Arizona Fires and the Border

A Nutshell History of Climate-Change Hysteria

Is Obama Making His Next Career Move?

The Un-American American President

Iraq and the Misnamed 'Arab Spring'

Robert Gates' Disastrous Tenure at DoD

Debbie Schlussel:Olajide Oluwaseun Noibi: Hey, Another Would Be Nigerian Islamic Terrorist . . . w/ U-Michigan ID!

Debbie Schlussel:Obama’s Ass-Kissing of Muslim World Really Worked! Ditto for Bush Pushing Out Musharraf: Pakistan Kicks US Off Air Base

Debbie Schlussel:DISGUSTING: Obama Recognizes Muslim Brotherhood – Parent of Al-Qaeda, HAMAS

Debbie Schlussel:Frickin’ INSANE: FBI Worked w/ Westboro Baptist Church Nuts

Debbie Schlussel:Israel SHOULD Be On ICE Terrorist Screening List: Conservative Media Lie About Illegal Alien Checks

Debbie Schlussel:Told Ya!: DSK Muslim Rape Accuser Did Immigration Fraud, $100K Money Laundering for Drug Dealer Lover; Case Crumbles

Update: ATF‘s ’Project Gunrunner’ Weapons Turning Up in Arizona Crimes | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Huntsman Confirms Support for Embryonic Stem Cell Research, Refuses to Sign Pro-Life Pledge | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

‘Major Announcement’: GOP Rep. Thaddeus McCotter to Launch Bid for Presidency | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

‘Morning Joe’ – A Day After Mark Halperin’s Insult, Show Replays Mitt Romney Incest Joke | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

See The Incredibly Awkward ‘Robot’ Interview With the British Labour Leader | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Weightlifting Federation Amends Dress Code, Allows ‘Unitards’ to Benefit Muslim Woman | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Judge Frees Former IMF Head Strauss-Kahn | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

AP Sources: Alleged Victim Lied in Case Against Former IMF Head Strauss-Kahn | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Read the Viral, Angry E-Mail One Mother Sent to Her Daughter-in-Law Over Manners | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Do July 4 Parades Really Indoctrinate Children, Boost Election Day Turnout for the GOP? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Atheists to Fly July 4 Airplane Banners in 27 States: ‘God-LESS America,‘ ’Atheism is Patriotic’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

‘The Five’: Fox Announces New Show to Fill Glenn Beck Time Slot | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

‘Goodnight, America’: Glenn Beck Hosts Final Show on Fox News | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Elixir of life discovered on Easter Island - Telegraph

Alien battleship, 'Star Gate' or ICBM? Mysterious bubble-like light burst seen over Hawaii has internet sky watchers puzzled | Mail Online

Flying Rainmakers: Airplanes Alter Weather By Punching Holes in Cloud | Cloud Seeding & Weather | LiveScience

Researchers can predict future actions from human brain activity

BBC News - German police vulture scheme fails to take off

The Autistic Hacker - IEEE Spectrum

Is Drug Resistance in Humans Coming From Chickens? | Wired Science | Environment | ASCII Code in Italian Crop Formation

German Lab Generates the Strongest Magnetic Field Ever Created | Popular Science

Brilliant, but Distant: Most Far-Flung Known Quasar Offers Glimpse into Early Universe: Scientific American

Since When are July 4th Parades Right Wing

Obama’s ineligibility: It is time to create a genuine opposition

The Need for Public Ownership of the Carbon “Idea”

The Question Is Often Asked, What Would I Do If I Were President?

It Is Time for a Birther Summit

Part time profs now want in on unionization

Unmasking the ‘international community’

Unchecked Executive Power

Obama’s proposed regulatory reforms are too few and too flimsy to spur economic recovery

Liberal Celebrities Are Also Jet Owners

Flat-taxes are working around the globe. America needs them to beat back China’s challenge

The Ratification Debate Part One

The REAL ID “Kill-Shot”…Fired from Oklahoma

Lamar Smith’s E-Verify Bill Must Be Amended

Obama will Resign and for Good Reason

Agenda 21 and Obama’s Rural Council?

Congress agrees that Obama is above the law

Obama’s ineligibility: Congress says al-Qaida terrorist can be President

Eviscerating Christianity: On Hell and Exclusivity of Christ

The Epicenter of Anti-Semitism

EPA regulations — our economy’s golden goose?

Carbon ‘markets’ aren’t

Shale Oil May Mirror the Shale Gas Boom

Latest research: No, the Reef isn’t being killed by warming

Judge frees former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn on his own recognizance as DA's sexual assault case against him weakens -

Long Island pharmacy massacre: Accused killer David Laffer fired on victims at 'point blank' range

Fars News Agency :: Cleric Stresses Spread of Islamic Revolution to US, Europe

Dennis Kucinich | Syria | Video | The Daily Caller - Nerves Show on Team Obama - Thursday, June 30, 2011

Justice Department Launches Criminal Probe Into Deaths During CIA Interrogations -

U.S. Designates Israel as Country That Tends ‘To Promote, Produce, or Protect’ Terrorists; Also Calls Israel Anti-Terror Partner |

Media Matters 'War' on Fox News Brings New Scrutiny on Tax-Exempt Status -

Barnabas Aid - hope and relief for the Persecuted Church | Persecuted Christians : Brothers crucified by Ouattara forces in Ivory Coast

Fail-Safe Plan Could Stop U.S. Default Disaster: Jonathan Alter - Bloomberg

RealClearPolitics - Corporate Jets and Tax Breaks

Timothy F. Geithner Remaining Treasury Secretary for Now -

RealClearPolitics - At Closed Pa. Factory, Romney Assails Obama's Policy "Failure"

PRUDEN: No panic yet, but real fear - Washington Times

Obama Pleases Liberals With Bid to Hike Hedge Fund Tax - The Daily Beast

RealClearMarkets - Obama's Carefully Burnished Economic Ignorance

RealClearPolitics - Against the Clock in Afghanistan

Donald Rumsfeld: The Peril of Deep Defense Cuts - - Defining Down War - Friday, July 1, 2011

Pascoe: Reagan to McCain — You’re Wrong About Libya : Roll Call Opinion

Fall of the House of Busch - BusinessWeek

Thank God for Rupert Murdoch | Kelvin MacKenzie | Comment is free | The Guardian

Review & Outlook: The Jobless Summer -

Editorial: Rick Perry looks poised to run | perry, states, texas - Opinion - The Orange County Register


**Transcripts:30th/Farewell Ceremony for Secretary Gates

29th/President Obama's Press Conference

Sens. Menendez and Barrasso Debate the Debt Ceiling

Interview with Senator Kent Conrad

Interview with Presidential Candidate Ron Paul

Guests: Sen. Sherrod Brown and Rep. Ed Markey

28th/Obama's Remarks on Manufacturing Policy

Interview with Speaker of the House John Boehner

Interview with Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich

Interview with Senator John McCain

Analysts on the Recent Supreme Court Term

Panel on Media Matters' Tax Exempt Status


*2011 Global Carbon Market Survey

Statement to the IAEA Conference on Nuclear Safety

Web Chat: The Concealed Costs of Energy - Up Front Blog - Brookings Institution

RealClearPolitics - Natural Gas "Bubble" Report: Market Tinkering or Shoddy Reporting?

New York's Governor Looks to Lift Ban on Fracking - Ecocentric -

RealClearMarkets - Exposing the Demonizers of Shale Gas

Red Lights Ahead for Green Projects | EnergyBiz

Sustainable Energy Choices for the 21st Century | The Energy Collective

If U.S. Says No To Canadian Oil Sands Pipeline, China Will Say Yes - Energy Source - How we power the world - Forbes

Asia Times Online :: Quantitative greasing

DOE Explores a New Frontier In Quest for Cheaper Solar Panels | SolveClimate News

Biomass is the new coal | Grist

Cumberland Advisors - Leen's Lodge, FDIC, The Fed

RealClearMarkets - Moving Beyond the Unwisdom Of "Too Big To Fail"

RealClearMarkets - 6 Tools Left in Bernanke's Toolbox as QE2 Ends

The Wageless, Profitable Recovery -

Fed Scorecard: Five Ways QE2 Worked—And Where It Failed - CNBC

Stimulus to Nowhere - Reason Magazine

RealClearMarkets - Reuters - Markets - Jun 30, 2011 - Analysis: Weak economy may force second bailout of Ireland

Shilling: China Heading for a Hard Landing, Pt. 4 - Bloomberg

Why Smaller Stocks Are Still Worth a Look -

Harvard biz school's extreme makeover - Fortune Management

Underemployment Tougher on Highly Educated Americans

Calafia Beach Pundit: The failure of Keynesian pump-priming

Is the Chinese Economy's Debt Problem As Bad As Greece's? - The Curious Capitalist -

Global Warming And Global Food Security - Patrick Michaels - Climate of Fear - Forbes

To the Limit -

Link U.S. Payroll Tax Holiday to Unemployment Rate: Peter Orszag - Bloomberg

The IMF has turned into Obama's poodle - Telegraph

Fall of the House of Busch - BusinessWeek

Get ready for a July rally - 1 - how to invest - MSN Money

Close the tax loophole for online retailers - The Washington Post

Searching In Vain For An Anti-Trust Case Against Google - Adam Thierer - Technologies of Freedom - Forbes

Fire the Fed, Let OPEC Run U.S. Economic Policy: Caroline Baum - Bloomberg

A Return To Basics: What Is Stable Money? -

Poland ready and eager for challenge at helm of EU - The Irish Times - Fri, Jul 01, 2011

U.S. Seen as Among the Greatest Nations, But Not Superior to All Others - Pew Research Center

Growing Shadows in an Unsettled Iraq - Council on Foreign Relations

China: Dark times for lawyers as repression intensifies | Amnesty International

Happy birthday China - The National

Russia’s stage-managed politics - The Washington Post

Greece's agony: What have we become? | The Economist

Debt Woes: Could America Go the Way of Greece? - TIME

RealClearWorld - U.S.'s Challenge in South China Sea

What a Long, Strange March It's Been - By Jeffrey Wasserstrom | Foreign Policy

How to get Pakistan to break with Islamic militants - The Washington Post

Tehran tests Saudis' nerve on nuclear weapons | The Australian

RealClearWorld - The Rest Won't Overcome the West

Do the maths: victory cannot be bought in Afghanistan - The National

Will the meek inherit Russia? – Global Public Square - Blogs

Rethinking the Reset | Opinion | The Moscow Times

China's Communist Party at 90 -

Commentary: Top 3 Reasons Assad is Here to Stay | The National Interest

Trita Parsi: Washington's Favorite Terrorists

A need to be fighting fit - Times Of India

The King’s Speech | The Weekly Standard

RealClearWorld - Reuters - World - Jun 30, 2011 - Analysis: A "Thaksinomics" renaissance in Thailand

Asia Times Online :: Damascus vibrations ripple in Baghdad

EU must bite the Euro bullet on kicking the can | The Australian

'Shariah' should equal 'pariah'

Confusion reigns supreme

Look where 'Audacity of Hope' is stirring things up now

Bogus Obama document 'bigger than Watergate'

Civil servants banned from saying this word

Challenge to Obamacare heads to Supreme Court

Obama 'defiance' of Constitution earns impeachment call

Senator joins chorus claiming Obama eligible

WND sues Esquire for faked report

Feinstein defines 'natural-born citizen'

Nuke Plant Inspections Find Flaws in Disaster Readiness - ProPublica

Legal But Deadly — The American Magazine

Can Cigarette Butts Be Recycled? - Miller-McCune

Planes punch holes in clouds, making it snow | COSMOS magazine

Truth or dare: How to spot a liar - life - 30 June 2011 - New Scientist

Infographic: LinkedIn Finds Men Best at Leveraging Social Networks - Nicholas Jackson - Technology - The Atlantic

Adoptions And Offspring Swapping Stun Kangaroo Researchers | Current Affairs - ISNS

Why David Barash Is a Good Darwinian - Brainstorm - The Chronicle of Higher Education

Bend it like Beckham – but not on Mars | Education | The Guardian

Cosmic Pluralism: How Christianity briefly conquered the solar system

UCSB Press Release: "‘Zombie' Stars Key to Measuring Dark Energy "

NASA - Scientists Hope to Get Glimpse of Adolescent Universe from Revolutionary Instrument-on-a-Chip

MicroRNAs in the songbird brain respond to new songs | News Bureau | University of Illinois

:: SCRIPPS OCEANOGRAPHY NEWS : : Scripps Study Finds Plastic in Nine Percent of 'Garbage Patch' Fishes ::

The space shuttle: Into the sunset | The Economist

Are We Prepared for a Catastrophic Solar Storm? | Popular Science

Static Electricity Isn't What You Were Taught! : Starts With A Bang

Algorithm Tells You How Hard A Design Will Be To Make | Co.Design

Observations: Will Convicted Sex Murderer Amanda Knox Benefit from the CSI Effect?

Pictures: Six New Natural Landmarks Named

Pruney fingers grip better : Nature News

New Drug Hope for 'Aging' Kids - ScienceNOW

Is drug resistance in humans coming from chickens?

Fossils reveal rapid evolution in ancient eyes | COSMOS magazine

Complex Islamic response to evolution emerges from study - SciDev.Net

Climate Science Disclosures - Freedom Of Information Or Chilling Effect?

Is Pi 'Wrong'? | Mathematicians Want to Say Goodbye to Pi | Calculus, Geometry & Math of Circles | Life's Little Mysteries

Atheists to Fly July 4 Airplane Banners in 27 States: ‘God-LESS America,‘ ’Atheism is Patriotic’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Herman Cain Blasts Obama: He‘s Not ’A Strong Black Man’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Gov’t Announces New Way to Protect Spotted Owls: Kill Their Competition | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Congressman on Stopping Illegal Aliens: ‘Anything Short of Shooting Them’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

NYC Residents Fighting Construction of Alleged Muslim Brotherhood-Associated Mosque | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Can Jesus Christ Really Be Seen on a North Carolina Telephone Pole? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

'Slash And Burn': Chuck Schumer Accuses Republicans Of Sabotaging The Economy To Hurt Obama

The President’s Peculiar Press Conference - By Yuval Levin - The Corner - National Review Online

In New Era, Bad Habits Are Holding Back Bold Ideas: Ezra Klein - Bloomberg

RealClearPolitics - A Giant Stimulus to Nowhere

Rep. Allen West: First Principles For National Security | RealClearPolitics

Are We Winning in Afghanistan? - Newsweek Blog : Hugh Hewitt : Suspended? Really?

Axelrod: What Halperin said was `stupid and tasteless,’ but ultimately a `mistake’ - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

Police: Texas man dumps 4-year-old son by highway - Toshiba

San Jose: Man dies six years after beating; police treating case as homicide - San Jose Mercury News

Woman charged for preacher kiss at gay pride event - Toshiba

Love Academy Tries to Fix French Sex Legacy - Bloomberg

Debt Increased More Under Geithner Than Under Any Treasury Secretary in U.S. History |

Let's hear it for prejudice

Confusion reigns supreme

Sacrificing kids to PC pietism

Gender madness

Let's talk Churchill, Lennon and China

Russia and the U.S.: The irony of convergence?

What if Obama had said this instead?

The unethical Clarence Thomas

Eric Holder: unfit for his office, Congress needs to review the record

OpEdNews - Article: Tales Of A Female Nothing! Dear GOP God, It's Me, Jillian...

I'll take stupid any day

Articles: The Obamayyad of Barry Hussein


*A conspiracy of silence(Podcast length: 28:14)


An Israeli algorithm sheds light on the Bible - Toshiba

Animal rights activists request permission to decorate bin Laden compound - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Carolyn Bourne: Mother-in-law from hell sends email to bride-to-be Heidi Withers | Mail Online

Google to go way of Ma Bell?

2,000-year-old ossuary authentic, say researchers

Silence lifted: The untold stories of rape during the Holocaust -

Long necked and with 'spiritual' eyes: Experts uncover stunning 1,400 year old fresco of St Paul in Roman catacomb | Mail Online

Video: James Bond jetpack - Lee County man dies after accidentally shooting himself


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


WND sues Esquire for faked report

Birthers Sue Esquire Over Parody, Seeking More than $200 Million - Jeff Bercovici - Mixed Media - Forbes

Senator joins chorus claiming Obama eligible

Feinstein defines 'natural-born citizen'

Adobe book editor positive: Obama certificate is phony

Obama_LFBC_Report_final_draft.pdf (application/pdf Object)

Barack Obama's Birth Certificate: Digital Document Authentication | Decoded Science

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Bogus Obama document 'bigger than Watergate'

Eligibility takes center stage at National Press Club

Computer expert calls Obama document 'obvious fake'

Esquire: Corsi 'execrable piece of s---'

'Damage will be determined by the jury'

'The news media appears not to have asked a single question'


Newspeople actively campaign for Obama?


Pastors: Fire VA cemetery chief who banned 'God bless'

Obama 'defiance' of Constitution earns impeachment call

Gallup: Obama's Approval Hits All-Time Low Among Poor, Is Highest Among Rich |

Fact or fiction: Your cell phone can hurt you

Look where 'Audacity of Hope' is stirring things up now

'Hamas leader is brain behind Dutch flot... JPost - International

Judge: 'Muslim Mafia' can proceed with suit

U.S. churches in danger (

Debt-Ceiling Deal Must Come by Mid-July to Avert Default, Officials Say - Bloomberg

Challenge to Obamacare heads to Supreme Court

Rush Limbaugh: U.S. has no chance with Obama

Israel Warns Assad He Is on Death List If He Attacks: Report - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

Former Lebanon PM Hariri: Hezbollah indictments a 'historic moment' - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

The Local - Stricter rules for euthanasia rejected

All Gay All the Time, Christian News

Bristol Palin’s New Book Reveals Heterosexual Agenda | Religion Dispatches

Obama’s Obsession with Sexual Orientation

Confessional culture | The Spectator

Israeli ambassador backpedals on wartime pope comments | National Catholic Reporter

Hong Kong cardinal joins protest for religious freedom in China | The Christian Century

The American Conservative » Happiness Implosion

Jesus Christ, Extraterrestrial?

Joseph Smith is no longer alone in the world | Eye of Faith

Leith Anderson Retiring: Tim Pawlenty's Pastor Steps Down From Minnesota Megachurch

Charisms Don’t Make You a Saint | Crisis Magazine

Hukkat: Moses' Mistake » Sabbath and Holidays » Jewish Ideas Daily

Bill Maher | religion | The religious fanaticism of Bill Maher | The Daily Caller

FBI, Westboro Baptist Church members participate in training sessions -

Religion: U.S. evangelicals see secularism as a threat :: The Republic

An Evangelical Guide to the GOP Primary

Top Evangelical, Catholic, and Mainline Bodies Issue Evangelism Rules | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

Can Unitarian Universalists Make It Another 50 Years?

Polygamy was no Mormon harem, but it tore at marriages and hearts | The Political Surf

The pope tweets – and not just about eggs benedict for breakfast | Alan Wilson | Comment is free |

The Pro-Life Attitude toward Unplanned Pregnancy | Crisis Magazine

The Soul

Muslim Mickey Mouse Tweet by Christian Billionaire Sparks Controversy | Politics | Religion Dispatches

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints remind its leadership to steer clear of politics – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Where real influence lies | Joel J. Miller

Priests, plots … and Hugo Chávez | Hugh O'Shaughnessy | Comment is free |

New Statesman - The Joy of Secularism: 11 Essays for How We Live Now

Baptist Press - FIRST-PERSON: Watching Muslims profess Christ -- in the face of persecution - News with a Christian Perspective

Danes restrict use of death penalty drug

Charter bus overturns on Texas road, injuring 21

Animated Martha Stewart reaches out to kid crafters

Senate approves Treasury security, TARP nominees

US boat in Gaza flotilla: Greek authorities stop boat

US manufacturing growth speeds up

Clinton praises tribunal for issuing Hariri indictments

Noam Schalit: Gov't hasn't pressured Hamas in 5 years

Syria: 3 killed in army attack as thousands take to streets

US Treasuries end quarter on sour note after jump in yields

Flotilla activist: Ships will sail to Gaza next week

How I Wound Up on The Black List

Again? Tracy Morgan Under Fire for ‘Retarded’ Jokes

Why I Went West as a Young Man and Why I’ll Stay ‘Til I Grow Old

Colbert: ‘I Am a SuperPAC’

Daily Gut: On Tolerance

Why The Left’s Global Warming Agenda Is Flat Out Wrong

In Which I Say Goodbye to Los Angeles and Tell Paul Haggis to Go to Hell

‘Girl with Green Eyes’: 47 Years Later

Tales from the Silverdocs Documentary Film Festival

Repeal the War Power Usurpation

Mr. President, For the Sake of the Economy and Our Constitution: Resign!

The ‘Tax Expenditure’ Con Job

Despite Congressional Ban, Obama’s HUD Is Still Funneling Tax Dollars To ACORN

Indoctrination Fridays: Teacher’s Lesson Compares Gov. Scott Walker to White Segregationist

Vermont Set to Hike Cigarette Tax as New Hampshire CUTS It Q&A with Farmageddon’s Director Kristin Canty

Obama Intentionally Targeting Job-Creating Schools

Obama Is ‘Amused’ – America, Not So Much

CARTOON:Obama Nation: Talking Point

NY Post : Huma Abedin Taking Time Off from Weiner, Job

Minnesotan Governor Mark Dayton Refuses to Call Special Session 2 Days Before Government Shutdown

Inner City Parents Protest Teachers’ Union, NAACP Over Charter School Lawsuit

Audio:Sarah Palin, the Quotable Rogue

Obama Hypocrisy on Campaign Finance

Sexual Assault: If She’s Conservative, It’s Funny!

NBC’s Bias in Bachmann Medicaid Story

White House Calls MSNBC, Complains About Halperin Remark

CNN’s Kiran Chetry’s Odd Interview with Michele Bachmann

Reversing the Downward Trend of National Security Journalism

Double Standard: F-Bomb MSNBC’s O’Donnell Show, No Suspension

CARTOON:UI: Informing the Public

MSNBC’s Mark Halperin: Obama Was ‘Kind of a Dick’ at Press Conference

Lessons in Media Bias for Jon Stewart

MMfA Soros Bloggers Suddenly Interested in Intellectual Property Rights

Unmasking the “International Community”

Study: 4th of July Parades Turn You Into A Republican?!

Audio:Senator Rick Santorum: The Gathering Storm

Shale Oil Can Create An American Energy BOOM, If Obama Will Let It

Obama Administration Is Lying About Our Role In Libya

New York Times Still Misrepresenting Gaza Flotilla Story

PBS ‘Frontline’ Attacks For-Profit Universities Jeopardizing Veteran Advancements

Shaykh Salih al-Fawzan: Any Muslim Who Refuses to Pray Is an Infidel, and Must Be Killed

Churchill: Generals Aren’t Always Right

Marines Get New Infantry Automatic Rifle: Lose Firepower, Gain Accuracy

Rep. Kucinich Praises Syrian Dictator on Syrian Television

Terrorist Bombing Of Kabul Hotel Shows Power Of Haqqani Network

Iran: Israel Is Within Range Of Our Missiles

Shaykh Muhammad Hassan: Islam Prefers a Strong, Immoral Warrior

Nuclear Iran: Our Greatest Failure?

Islamist Government of Sudan Signs a ‘Framework Agreement’…While Still Committed To Genocide

Harry Potter's Emma Watson Would 'Go Mad' in Los Angeles :

Maguire denies knowingly playing illegal poker - Entertainment - Celebrities -

Digital Life - Kutcher vs. Voice in Twitter sex slave fight!

Donald Trump jabs back at Seth Meyers, calls comedian 'a third-rate talent who performed poorly'

Obama criticizes tone of early 2012 campaigning | Reuters

Rubio Blasts Obama: ‘Left-Wing Strong Man’ - By Robert Costa - The Corner - National Review Online

Feds won't give assurance on medical pot

Amazon to California: Read My Lips, No Online Sales Tax -

Fox replaces Beck with roundtable - On Media -

White House Spokesman Knocks Press For Distorted Coverage Of Health Care Law

+Week in Review+

1-Jul-11 World View

30-Jun-11 World View

29-Jun-11 World View

28-Jun-11 World View

27-Jun-11 World View

26-Jun-11 World View

25-Jun-11 World View

24-Jun-11 World View

*1 July

American Minute for July 1st

July 1st This Day in History

July 1st in History

Today in History: July 1

Today in History: July 1

This Day in History for 1st July

July 1 Events in History

YouTube - ‪Today in History for July 1st‏


Scientists favor dividing Great Lakes, Mississippi - Herald News

Chicago woman accused of donning nun outfit in bank takeover, robbery -

‘Car surfer’ in critical condition after falling from roof of car - Chicago Sun-Times

Chicago Multi-Cultural Dance Center |

Ald. Burke could give up bodyguards, or have them yanked - Chicago Sun-Times

Kass: The Rahmfather better send Daley and Burke to drivers ed -

CPS considering collecting more property taxes - Chicago Tribune

Indefinite recess called in Casey Anthony trial -

Romney Backers Tout Fund-Raising -

Face the Nation this week: What's wrong with DC? - CBS News

Why Mark Halperin Is a D--k | Story | POWERWALL

Four dead in police-involved shooting in Miami-Dade - Breaking News - News Article: First Lady Salutes Troops, Families in Vermont

Michigan's Thad McCotter to join GOP presidential field -

One dead, four wounded in Camden shooting |

Newt Gingrich Inc. staffers reveal more on Tiffany relationship - Maggie Haberman -

Texas bus accident sends all passengers to the hospital -

Court Rules Fate of Yucca Rests With Regulators -

New York City Plans Campaign to Woo Gay Weddings - Businessweek

Who should get screened for lung cancer? | Reuters

Study: Texting may help smokers quit faster -

Top Democrats reject new plan to cut Medicare spending - The Washington Post

Rep. John B. Larson: Five Things to Know About the GOP Plan for Medicare

Judge blocks key medical marijuana reforms - Hungry Horse News:

DOJ memo: RI dispensaries could face prosecution -

The Associated Press: Officials in NY as 9/11 health law takes effect

Is Mark Zuckerberg in Your Google+ Circle? | News & Opinion |

Gmail gets a Google+-like makeover - Computerworld

NASA Plots Post-Shuttle Program, Eyes Job Cuts - Midmarket - News & Reviews -

Gadgetbox - Adobe offers 'switch' program for unhappy Final Cut Pro X users

Facebook Confirms Launch Event; Will It Be 'Awesome'? | News & Opinion |

Facebook Promises 'Awesome' Product News Next Week | PCWorld

Judge to Google: sniffing even open WiFi networks may be wiretapping

News Corp executives glad to see the back of MySpace

'FarmVille' maker Zynga files for $1 billion IPO -

Anyone want a Google+ invite? Sorry ... - CNN

YouTube - ‪First Look at Google's Facebook killer, Google+‏

Google in preliminary talks to buy online video site Hulu -

Will Bank of America execs get to keep their bonuses? - Fortune Management

PRECIOUS METALS: Falling Refuge Demand Pushes Gold Below $1,500 -

Corn Extends Selloff on Strong Planting Report -

US Stocks Rise Sharply In Broad Rally Before Holiday Weekend -

Consumer Confidential: A brewski for Burger King; economic gloom is growing -

Google leads tech stocks up; Kodak falls Tech Stocks - MarketWatch

YouTube - ‪Strauss-Kahn Attorneys: He Will Be Exonerated‏

To Celebrate Communism in China, a Party as Disciplined as the Party -

Nasrallah to speak Saturday on Hariri indictment -

UPDATE: Poland To Push For Expansion During EU Presidency -

BBC News - Clinton: 'The Syrian government is running out of time'

Moroccans Vote on Constitutional Changes -

The Associated Press: African Union tries to reach consensus on Libya

German farm in E.coli probe grew Egyptian seeds | World | Reuters

Revealed: British government's plan to play down Fukushima | Environment | The Guardian

Japan Disaster Causes Energy Crunch - TIME

Arab governments are failing on human trafficking | Brian Whitaker | Comment is free |

Suspended jail term for Sarkozy attacker | Herald Sun

U.S. shifts to closer contact with Egypt Islamists | Reuters

Reader comment: Chinese bridge shows U.S. needs to invest in technology again |

Sudan after Comprehensive Peace Agreement | Africa | English

Silvio Berlusconi may be 74 but he is as robust as a 60 year old - Telegraph

Chávez Could Remain Outside Venezuela for Months, Vice President Says -


Thailand braces for hotly contested election [VIDEO] -

Gadhafi's Son Denies Ordering Libyan Troops to Kill Civilians | North Africa | English

YouTube - ‪Gaddafi's son: Libya like McDonald's for NATO - fast war as fast food‏


The Manning Report – 30 June 2011

The Manning Report – 29 June 2011

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero2

Live Free Or Die Radio - Thursday, June, 30, 2011

Alex Jones - 2011-Jun-30, Thursday

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 6-30-11

The Michael Savage Show 06/30/2011

June 30, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

06/30 The Mark Levin Show

Redding News Reveiw

Redding News Reveiw2

Redding News Reveiw3

Jesse Lee Peterson Show

Jesse Lee Peterson Show 2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show 3


Kenyan-Born Obama all set for US Senate 2004 Chicago Paper | ATLAH Media Network

**Archives:Sunday, June 27, 2004 Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate


**NEWS VIDEOS:NBC News Hosts Admit Pressure to Book More Pro-Obama Flacks

Growing Chorus to Revoke Media Matters’ Tax-Exempt Status

China’s Communists Celebrate 90th Anniversary of Party

Trailer: Crowder Uncovers Olbermann’s Lost Months

NewsBusted: Ron Paul & Barney Frank Share a Toke?

Lightning Hits Chicago’s Willis Tower

Strauss-Kahn Released; Case Disintegrates

30TH/CNN Anchor Refuses to Ask Bachmann Substantive Question

Rush: MSNBC’s Response Would Have Been Different If Halperin Had Defamed Bush

Calif Legislature Debates Law Mandating Schools Teach Gay History

Obama Rejects GOP Budget Talk Invitation; ‘Not a Conversation Worth Having’

White House Called MSNBC About Halperin’s Comments

Sarkozy Assaulted While Greeting Voters

Double Standard: F-Bomb Dropped on MSNBC’s O’Donnell Show, No Suspension

Kucinich Coddles Syrian Dictator Assad

Sen. Coburn: Obama’s Rhetoric ‘Dividing People and Class Warfare’

Begala: Federal Budget Over Last Two Years Not Related to Debt Situation

Inner City Parents Protest Teachers’ Union, NAACP Over Charter School Lawsuit

MSNBC’s Mark Halperin: Obama was ‘Kind of a Dick’ at Press Conference

Judge: Prison Can Forcibly Medicate Loughner

MSNBC’s Martin Bashir: Mitch McConnell ‘Suffering Some Kind of Mild Dementia’

NBC News Mentions Jet Tax Loophole Twice, Ignores It Was Part of Obama’s Stimulus

Police: Dead Body in Public Pool For Two Days While People Continue Swimming

29TH/Obama: ‘Fuss’ from Congress Over Libya Just ‘Politics’

Stage Right Show – Guests: Adam Baldwin & Ken Klukowski

Stage Right Show – Keith Olbermann Calls Michele Bachmann a Pig, and Lies About It!

Palin: Hollywood Celeb Critics ‘Full of Hate’

Palin on ‘The Undefeated’: Movie Shows How Media Tries to Destroy Person’s Reputation

Pledge: Sign The Petition

Levin Breaks Down Obama’s Press Conference

Lila Rose Discusses Latest Planned Parenthood Investigation with Ingraham on O’Reilly

Casey Anthony’s Father Breaks Down on the Stand

Protester: Obama is Royalty, Alien from Outer Space

Dream Act Supporters Storm RNC Offices

Live Action Investigative Report: Planned Parenthood’s Medicaid Misinformation In Indiana

28TH/New Solar Plane Can Fly Day or Night

Syrian Troops Beat Protesters as Crackdown Continues

Greece in Turmoil as Rioting Continues

Economic Freedom and Quality of Life

**Markets Video-Three Reasons Regulation Is Killing Business

Maestro: Fed's Massive Stimulus Had Little Impact

Is the U.S. Tax Code Unfair to Rich People?

Markets In-Depth: 2nd-Half Outlook

Cramer: It's All About the Debt Ceiling

30TH/The Billion-Dollar Hedge Fund Woman

One-on-One with Peter Thiel

Drilling Company Fears 5-Inch Lizard

Euro Needs a New Story

Real Estate Won't Sink China, Says Author

**World Video:The Future of War

90 Years Of Communism In China

Belarusian 'Slent Rally' Protesters Rounded Up

Hezbollah Indicted Over Hariri Killing

Obama Awards Gates Medal Of Freedom

30TH/The Arab Uprisings: Initial Observations

Raw Video: Man Yanks Sarkozy

China Film Industry 'Held Back By Piracy'

Hostages Free After 547 Days In Afghanistan

China Opens Massive Bridge

**Politics Video:Harry Reid: Return To "Type Of Fiscal Discipline" Under The Democrats Nanny Of The Month: The War On Lemonade Stands

Dem Congressman To Obama: Use The "Bully Pulpit"

NRSC Ad: Actions Speak Louder Than Words, Mr. President

Rubio: Obama Using Language Of "Leader Of A Third-World Country"

Gary Sinise, A True American Patriot

Eugene Robinson: Cutting Taxes Will Make Economy Worse

Rove On White House Engaging With Muslim Brotherhood

30TH/Obama: Opponents "Won't Have A Plan But They're Going To Attack"

Obama Admits: "We've Spent A Lot Of Money That We Don't Have"

Obama Met By Throngs Of Protestors Outside Philly Fundraiser

Optimistic Obama: "I Got Five-And-A-Half Years More To Go"

Matthews: Hey, What's Wrong With The Media Liking McCain?

Mark Levin To Tom Friedman: "You Piece Of ..."

Gov. Chris Christie: Jet Talk Is Just A "Mask" To Raise Taxes

Media Matters' Boehlert: FOX News Was A Nixonian Plan

Glenn Beck To Be Replaced By "The Five" On FOX News

Glenn Beck Signs Off From FOX News: I Am Leaving With My Soul

Limbaugh: MSNBC's Response Different If Halperin Defamed George W. Bush

Thune: Best Way To Get Ahold Of Obama "Is To Set Up A Tee Time"

Cain: "Building This Campaign Team Like Building A Business"

Obama Snubs McConnell: "Not A Conversation Worth Having"

Greenspan: "QE3 Would Continue Erosion Of The Dollar"

Halperin: Obama Was A "Dick" Yesterday

Romney Ad From Allentown, PA: Obama Isn't Working

Alter: "We're Talking About Some Of The Wealthiest Americans"

Coulter Slams Sexist Media For Trying To Start Bachmann, Palin Fight

Fineman: Obama Was The Adult In The Room

Krauthammer: War Is Not About Vindicating A President's Prior Words

Cornyn: Obama Should Be "Ashamed" For Diminishing Presidency

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